Cardo Systems SC01 Bluetooth Headset User Manual Part 2
Cardo Systems, Inc. Bluetooth Headset Part 2
- 1. User manual Part 1
- 2. User manual Part 2
User manual Part 2
6.0. Handling Calls NOTE. Certs/n advanted features of the scaIa-SOO'" are only accessible to phones equipped With the hands-free profile Please check if your phone supports both the headset arid the handyfree profl/E 6.| initiating Calls using your phone's keypad . Dial the desired phone number . Press ”iaik" or ”Send” on your phone to dial the numoer NOTE: Same- phones do not transfer the cal/ automatically to the headset when initiating the call by the phone's keypad lri this case press bnefly CTRL or use the phone 's keypad to transfer the call to the headset Besides me! and error attempts, you may Wish to vrsrt our weosrte to l‘lrid out how oeo to configure your particularphone (www.cardowireless.(om) stz Voice Dialing To use voice activation (if available), you must first assign voice tags to the desired names listed as your contacts in your mobile phone (if you are not tanniliar With this procedure, please refer to the manual of your mobile phone) TL) improve voice tag mmgriitiun, use the headset to record voice tags on your phone til avaiiataiel. while your phone is ON out no call is in progress, press priefiy the CTRL outton, followed by a sound Novv pronounce the name of the party you vvish to tail and wait for feedback from the phone, The type of feedback depends on your phone more: After activating the VoiceDio/ing command, you may always cancel the command by simply tapping CTRL once 6.3 Answering Calls: when you hear the ring tone either on the headset or on the phone, tap URL on your headsel once NOTE: with some mobile phone models the connection might be slightly delayed ln such case, not severa/ seconds after pressing CTRL until you hear a sound on the headset Pressing CTRL again too soon, rnight disconnect the call 5.4 Terminating Calls To terminate a call, press briefly the cm button, followed by a sound to confirm the termination Wait at least three seconds before pressing the CTRL button again to place a new call Alternatively, you may terminate a call by uSlng the END key oi your mobile phone Being so, vvili automatically terminate the audio connection. If the other party terminates the call, no further action on your part is required 6.5 Volume Control in addition to using the volume control of your mobile phone, there are two ways you may adiust the volume on your headset 1 To nuclease or decrease the volume gradually Briefly turn the Multi-function Wheel (MFW) to the up or down directions, indicated by the icon. For each adjusting step, you vviii hear a beep until you have reached the maximum or minimum volume . To increase or decrease the volume rapidly Move and hold the MFW to the up or down directions respectively Ycu Wl|| hear beeping as the volume increases or decreases until you have reached the maximum or minimum volume scala'SDD manuallii 6.6 Mute Function whrle s (err is rh progress, press orrerly the center square or the MFW (HG. z) to turn oh the mtcrcnhone and activate mute ro turn the mtcrophone peek on, tap the MFVV huttorr agam more: whrre oh more, you can hear the other sroe but the orher Srds can’t hear you 5.7 Transferring calls between headset and phone FROM HEADSET TO PHONE. Whrte e (alt rs rn progress on your headset, press and hoto (TRL ror 3 seconds to transfer the colt to the phone (HG, r) FROM PHONE T0 HEADSET: whrle e eett rs trr progress on your phone, press Juzt hrrefly the URL button to transter the call to the headset (FIG. 1) 6.8 RediaI: Whtte not on a (all, press and hotd CTRL (or three seconds to redlal the last number (HG W 6.9 Call Reject: whrte no earl rs in progress and you hear the hog tone, press and hold CTRL for three semnds to retect the (ah and stop the rrngrng (HG 1) Center swareo! Ft; t FM; 2 Mm 12 t seeteesno mehuet 7.0 Understanding the Light Indicators (LEDs) and Sound LED Status Status Tllple bme fins“ HeadceK ls lumed clll lrlplc red flush Huudscl ls lumud ulr squle lam flash (wary s snmnds Hnadsnt ls on standby Bellhle mlle, flash (‘uNy a snmrlds Headscl ls ON er‘ (an ls hml‘g llllllallld m ln progress Ranld red—blue allemanng flash Headset ls lrl PAlRIer mode sll a rod Hash wary z smlrlus Huudacl ls all slallulllldrlll mum ls law Duuhh: md flash cvnry s Sntands Hnadsmt ls UN and clthcr lnlllallllg a all lsr a m" ls ln progress and battery ls low sleady rfid Headsel ls charqlnq Steady red turned off Headsel mlgmg ls (umple‘ed Audio Feedback Status ascerdlng (one Headsel ls turned on descerdlnq mm: Headset ls lllnea DH Low bat heep Headsel ls an slandb) and banely ls law Huddsm ls DN 4m L‘Hhcr llllllllllllg l m” or ll elm ls lrl progress and mm ls low Luw he“ bu scalaesuc manuamz Kala-500W 8. FAQS What ts the cardo scalAVSDO'" headset? The scale—500 u wrreless headset ls a comfortable, sryllsh and easy to use accessory to a Eluetoorh mobile phone or smarrsPDA that enables you to hear and speak thhuut holdrng your moblle phone near to yourear Do l need an Adapter tr | already have a Bluetooth enabled (ell phone’ No Vour sealaesoot cammumtdtes wrth yrrtualhy eyery Bluemoth phone HOW does the scalas500'“ headset work? Once the scaIaVSUU ls ”palreu'” to your Bluetooth enabled mcblle phone, the two devices cammunlcare wuelessly using Blue-tooth V technology If l want to keep my non-Bluetoolh mobile phone, can I stlll use the scale-500“ with my mublle phone? You can hold on to your nonsET moblle phone and stlll efl/Oy the henelrts ol the headset, tlyou use the stale—5m Bluetuorh Adapter (purchased separately) The er Adapter plugs dtrectly tnto the headset yack of most nansfiluetocm phones thereby enabllng the phone to (omrrlurllrale wrrelessy wrth yourheadset, Is tt posslble to pan my Bluetooth phone wlth more than one headset? Yes, but not srnrultanepusly Once your scala- 500“ headset ls patted to one phone or ET Adapter, these two devlces rernatn speclflcally connected llyou wrsh your headset to be pared to another phone, you need to pertorrn palrlng hetween the scald—500 headset and that phone Only then thl your headset communlcate wtth that partrcu/ar mob/ls phone labial-3500 manual ls the battery remcvable7 The battery rs not removable and you should never try to open the headset, Let only Authonzed Servlce tented matntatn or sen/lie your devlce Please refer to our weostte tor lrlslrucllorrs when your battery has reached the end otrts useful ltte, what u! have trouble hearing the other party? Try to tncrease yolurne by lurnlrlg the MFW accordlrlgly You may also wrsn to trypushrng the speaker sttghtty deeper tnto yottr ear— canal Do | need to tum my headset off or leave tt on when tt I5 recharging? Elther way ls flne when Iturn on my cell phone, do lneed to pan or Ilnk my cellphone and headset agaln7 Once your moblle phone and headset are parred, you wtll not have to patr lt agaln, unless an unforeseen error has ocrurred. Generally, you Wl/l only need to rrnplernent the srrnple steps ofreconnetttng your phone and headset each rlrne either or burn are turned off or have moved more than apprcxlmalely so leet (70 meters) apart lrorn each other Please refer to sect/on 5,3 for funher detail: W|II other Eluetonth phones interfere Wlth my scalaesoo v headset? Can they eavesdrop? No Once you are palred, your ldenttty ts known only to the moblle phone you use and no other Eluetooth phone can hear your audro stgrlals (an the headset cause interference with my carradwo? No, the Bluerooth standard does not rmer/ere erv rar radrus Can Wl-Fl or other 2.4 MHZ transmrssrons m the vitmity interfere wwh the gala—500W We have not enmumered such events, but m genera/ lnte/ference may occur Wrth any Bluezoom headset, mc/umng me wale—5m» Can I Wear the scale—500” in the rain7 Keep r‘n mmd mar scale—500" rs not Wars/proof wm scalaescov work with more than one swuemom phone? Yes, your “3/3600“ headset can be parred me several Bluetoorh phones, but you can only work Wm one at a tune whar rf \ need more hewrfl Please access our webs/re at www cardowr’re/ scalaesuc manuam 5 Scale 500 9. Limited warranty Youl scala-soom headset is covered With a One-Vear timited product warranty lrorn the date or original purchase Please retain the retail sales receipt and your registration data lor proolol purchase. What this limited warranty covers and for how long (side Systems, lnc. (the “Company” or ”Cardc”) Warrants the scale-500” headset and charger against defects in material and worxmanship under normal use and service for a period or one (l) year from date of purchase (proof or purchase and registration mqulmd) The Company at its sole discretion, Will at no charge either repair, replace or relund the purchase price of the product to the original purchaser during the warranty period, provided the product has not been damaged or tampered With and has been returned in accordance vylth the terms of this walrantyto an authorized Company Repair Center Repalr. at the Company's option, may include the replacement of parts, boards or batteries With lunctlonally equivalent reconditioned or new parts Warranty Conditions This express limited warranty is extended by Carda systems, lnc. solely to the original purchaser and is not assignable or transferable to others This is the complete warranty for your scalacSUO‘” headset and chalgcr The Company assumes no obligation or liability for additions or modifications to this warranty unless made in writing and signed by an officer or the Company Batteries are warranted only it the battery capacity lalls below 70nd of rated capacity or it the battery develops leaxage Thts warranty becomes void il l6l scalacSOO manual a Any of the seals on the case or battery are broken or device or battery show signs or tampering, b The battery is used in equipment other than the equipment for which it was lntellded The Company disclaims all responsibility for any squlpmerll not furnished by (side Systems lnc , Whlch I5 attached (0 or used in C0fl"€(ll0fl wlth [he scalacSDO‘ headset Funhelmore, the Company is not responsible for any damage to any part at the scalacSOO“ headset resulting from the use or anclllavy equipment not iumlshed by the Company for use with the Ploduct what this warranty does not cover l Detects or damage resulting from the use of this product in other than its normal and customary manner 2 Defects or damage from misuse, accident or neglect. 3 Delecls caused by improper operation, maintenance, installation, adlustmem or modification of any kind. 4 Products opened, disassembled or repaired by ncncauthcllzed parties 5 Detects or damage due to exposure to excessive temperatures, adverse weather conditions, external impacts or spills of solid or liquid substances, iiicl. rain 5 All plastic surfaces and all other externally exposed pans that are scratched or damaged after purchase Warranty Service To receive warranty service, your product must be registered. Fax the attached regtstratron card to the numbers listed on the card, send it by certified mail or register online at http //www cardewrelesscpnt/regrstra tlon.php For services, please present the product, along wrth your regrstratton number, blll or sale (recerpt) at any authdnzed Servlce Center or at the store from whtch you have purchased the product Returns to the Company pursuant to the ltrnlted warranty can only be accepted wtth a Return Authcnzatlon number obtalned from Cardo's customer Servlie department General Provisions Thts warranty rs glven tn lreu or all other express or lmplled warrantres, lrlclttdlng wrthout lrmrtatron, rmplred warrantres ol merchantahlllty and fitness fol a pavtlctllar purpose Cardo‘s oolrgattons under thrs sectron are Irmrted lo the duratron of thrs lrmrted warranty, 3. Certatn Ilmlted-Ilte components that are subrect to normal wear and tear, such as eyeglass clrps, ear loops, decorallve rrrnshes, baltelles, panels, cradles, sleeves, neckbands or other accessortes, are exempt from any warranty b. Cardo Is not llable for any incidental or consequentlal damages artsth from the use or mrsuse nl any or the Company's products c. The user should never attempt to perform servlce, adjustments or lepalrs ol the Product by mm/hersell Dolrlg so wull vold all warrantres Durlng the term or the warranty, all products must be returned to the polnt or purchase or the autrronzed seryrce center for all necessary work d. The Company rs ndt responsttale for any loss or damage rncurred durlng shlpplmg All repatr workorl scale—SOD“ products by partres not expllcltly authonzed by the Company Wlll udrd any and all warrantres e. The lnlarmatlcn ln (hIS Manual IS fumtshed stnctly lor llllormatlonel purposes and rs subject to change wtthout notlce, Caldc assumes no llablllly or respensrbrlrty for any scala 500” errors or lnacculacles that may appear rn thts Manual or the Qulck Gurde more: took for appropnale drsplays to yen/y that you are belng seryrced by an Aurhorlzed (ardd Dealer drSeryrce Center Cardo Systems, lnc retarns the nght to amend and change rts products, manuals and 5pecrficatlan5 at any xrme wrtnout nozrce scalaeslm manuall’l7 10. Troubleshooting Problem Palrlrlg larls Action: l Delete scale-500" from your parred deytce lrst rrr your phDrlC hf rt is Irstod) 2 Turn off the mublle phone and headset 3 Take out the pottery ol the phone and put ll back 4 Repeat the parrrng process as shown rn Sedlofl 5 2 Problem Can’t answer phone calls or perform yorce dralrng Action (Assuming your rnobrle phone supports Voice Dlalrng) l Make sure your headset rs turned ON and rn standby mode whrlethe blue lroht rndrcator flashes slowly 2 Verrty that the Bluetooth fundron on your phone is set to ON 3 Verrly that the scala—SOO" ls the correctly parred headset to your mohrle phone (refer to the phone manual) 4 Llnk the headset to the phone as descrlbed above 5 check “Delrnrtlons” or "Settrngs" on your mobrle phone 5 Perlorm the parting process and check agalrt problem battery does not provide at least [lye hours or talk trme Action t Make sure your headset rs lolly charged Chavglng time is up to 3 hours for an empty battery when fully charged and charger rs connected to headset, the red llghl rndrcator lel sealacsoo manual turns of! 2 when not weerlng the headset, make sure the CTRL button Is not pressed more: Vau may have compromrsed the ballerres' capacrty it you drd not fully charge rt prror to who! use, Problem Red LED does not lrght steady when charger rs connected Action l Make sure the DC lack rs trrmly plugged rn z Drsconnect the DC lack, wait a few seconds and plug rt back rn 3 When the headset rs fully charged, the red lrght turns off Problem Bad sound oualrty Action l Possibly caused by nearby rnrerterence z lt you hate a GSM phone and your headset rs to close to the phone, lnterference may occur 3 Headset and rnobrle phone are more than 30 ft, (leml apart or thereare mayor obstacles between headset and mobile phone le 9 concrete walls or stmrlar) Problem Sound deterrorates when the phone is rn my back pocket Action Some moorle phones entrt Weaker sluetooth srgnals than others, resultrng in reduced sound oualrty, especrally when the phone rs close to your body Suggestlon. Place the phone rnto your breast pocket or at least rnto a from putkel on the same side you wear your headset Tech Specs and Regulations 11. Technical Specification Technology Maximum power Maximum link distance Typical talk time Typical standby timc Typical charging time Power Source Weight Apprevais wind blocking NOTE: Design and specifications are sup/act to time is sub/ect to the amount or’ ta/k—time used 12. FCC notice This equipment complies vvith Part i 5 or the FCC Rules Operation is subiect to the relievvtng two conditions ii > this device may not cause hatmlul interference, and 12) this device must accept any interference received, including intertetence that may cause undesired operation Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible tot compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment Use only approved batteries and chargers This equipment has been tested and round to comply vvith Part i 5 of the FCC rules These limits are designed to provrde reasonable proleclion against harmlul tnlerlereitce tn a residential installation This equipment generates and can radiate radio frequency energy, and it not installed and used in accordance Wllh the lnslructlofls, may cause harmful interference to radio Compliant vvith Bluclocth” var i i / i z z 5 dbrn 30 leet or to meters up to 9 hours up to one week Between 2 and 3 hours Rechargeable Lithium Polymer battery 58 oz or is 5 9 (Without earrioop or glass- (lip) rcc Part i 5‘ (E, Biuetootri'” Up to 16krn/h (10milesrh> change without notice Vol/r rated standbys communications However, there ls no guarantee that interference Will not occur in a particular installation Your scale—500” headset IS designed to operale at the maximum strength allowed py the FCC This means that your headset and or pase unit can communicate only over a certain distance Sub|ecl on the iomllon 07 [he (eli phone, base unit and headset, your vehicle, the consttuction and layout or your home or office Weather conditions can also attect periormance. CAUTION RlSK OF EXPLOSlON lF BATTERY ls REPLACED EV AN lNCORRECT TYPE DlSPOSE OF USED BATTERIES ACCORDING To THE leTRuCrlONS scaiacSDfl manualite ALERTE Rlsque d‘exploslon sr la batterre est remplace'e par un model qul he eenyient pas. ll taut traiter tes hattenes usees selon Ies lnstrucltons. NorE: ans eourpment has been tested and found to comply wrtn the lrmrts for a Class 5 drgr’tal deyrce, pursuant to part ls or the FCC Rules, These lrmrts are desrgned to prayrde reasonable protectron agarnst harmful lnter‘ference ln s resldentlal lnsra/larlon Thls equr‘pnrent generates, uses and can radr‘ote radro rheouency energy and, rrnot rnstalled and used er accordance- Wlth the lnstructlans, may cause harmful rnterrerence to radro cemmunlcatl'ans Hewever, there /5 no guarantee that lnterfererrce wrll not occur rn a partrcular rnstallatron lr thrs equrpment does cause harmful lnterterence m radra or televlsl'on receptlnn, whl'ch can be derermmed by turnrno the etrulprnent errand on, the user rs encouraged to try to correct the rnterrerence by one or more or the rollowrng measures- - Reorl'ent or relocate the reeeryr‘no antenna - lncrease the separatlon between equlprnenr and recelver - Connect the equlpment ltho an outlet on a clrcult dl'fferent from that to Whlrh the recelver 15 connected ' Consult the dad/er ordrT expellence-d fddlD/ TV technreran for help 13. European CE Notice Certrlrcatron and Safety Approvals/ General |nformanon, Regulattons and Notrces Thrs product rs CE malkcd accordlng to the prayrsrans or the R a we Drrectrye (QQ/S/EC). Hereby Cardo Systems, the declares that thrs product rs in compliance wrth the essentral Zol scalarsoo manual requirements and other relevant prorrsrons or Drrectrye T999/5/Ec Please note that thrs product uses radro frequency bands not harmenrzeo wrthrn the European Unlon ("EU”) Wrthrrr the Eu thrs product rs lnterlded to be used ln Austrra, Belglum, Denmark, leaer, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, ltaly, Luxembcurg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spam, Sweden, The Urrrted Krngoom and wrthrn EFTA rn leeland, Norway and Switzerland Users are not permitted 10 make changes or modrty the deyrce rn any way changes or modrheatrons not expressly approved by Cardo wrll rrprd the users authorrty to operate the eourpment 14. Contact Information Cardc Systems, lnc , loo ngh Tower Blvd , Prttstrurgh, PA 15205 (USA) North Amerlca Call loll—(reel 800 488—0363 or A12 788—4533, Fax: 412 788—0270 European Contact: cardo Systems Europe, T hohenlindenerstr, Mun-ch El 577 (Germany) Phone. rag 89 450 36—81 9 Fax +49 89 404817 15. Service North Amerrca: (all tollrllee l 800 4880353 or4lz 7884533 Europe' Call +A9 39 450 353W 5erytce rs proyrded under lrmrted warranty Cardu Systems, lnc wrll only accept deyrces returned rn complrance wrth our Warranty Proyrsrons and suhmrtted wrth a Return Authorrzatron Number rssued by a Cardo authorrzed serurce department The company retarns the rrght to return all shrprnerrts not rrr complrante wrth our Warranty Proyrsrorrs, 16. Patent, Copyright, Trademark Informatiun U 5. and Worldwlde Patent Pending, 3372004 Cavdo Systems lM Assnmblcd m China aluetooth' rs a trademark owned by Blueluclh ' SIG, Inc.v Kala-500 “, Versacltp “ and WindGuard ‘ am each a trademark owned by Cardu Systems, ine AH nqhts reserved by cardo Systems, in( (side reserves ah nghts and explicitly prohrotts any eooyrng, drsserninatron, or other eommeretai use ol the text and/or rmages or any part thereof contained in this manual, wrth the exceptton of end-users of the scala- 500 headsm for (hair own pnrsunal usc, ml authorized resellevs and olyournaltsts covering thts product for nredta purposes 17. State Law Rights Some states do not allow the Exclusion or llmllaliO" of incldenlal or (onsequevmal damages or ltmttattons on how lung an rrnphed warranty lasts Thcrclurc depending on where you use the Headset, (ertaln ot the above hmrtattons or exdusrons may not apply to you This warranty gtyes you spectre legal nghts and you may be entitied to other rights, which vary from state to state 18. Definitions ET Bluntauth LED Light lndtcamr on the headset CTRL Control Button on the headset Multl-Fundion Wheel on the headset MFW Need more help? Please visit our website at www.cardowire|ess.:om seaiaesnu manualm
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