Carrier 38YXA030 SERIES330 User Manual HEAT PUMP Manuals And Guides L0411019
CARRIER Air conditioner/heat pump(outside unit) Manual L0411019 CARRIER Air conditioner/heat pump(outside unit) Owner's Manual, CARRIER Air conditioner/heat pump(outside unit) installation guides
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38YXA Deluxe 13 SEER Split-System Heat Pump with Puron® Refrigerant HEATING & COOUNG Visit www.carrier.cmn Installation and Start-Up Instructions NOTE: Read installation. This symbol the _ entire instruction indicates a change SAFETY Improper or installation, use can conditions which starting the since the last issue. alteration, explosion, may before CONSIDERATIONS adjustment, cause manual fire, cause service, electrical death, maintenance, shock, personal injury, or other or property damage. Consult a qualified installer, service agency, or your distributor or branch for information or assistance. The qualified installer when or agency modifying packaged Follow must use _actory-authorized this product. with all safety codes. gloves. Have extinguisher fire and follow and attached Electrical Wear Use available. all warnings (NEC) Recognize safety information. When you see this symbol manuals, the signal protective for brazing Read these clothing, operations. instructions thor- included in literature codes and National requirements. A98516 words for personal DANGER, injury. 3. Run WARNING, and CAU- TION. These words are used with the safety-alert symbol. DANGER identifies the most serious hazards which will result in severe personal could injury result identify injury or death. in personal unsafe suggestions WARNING injury practices or product will result signifies or death. which and property which Fig. 1--Model This is the safety-alert symbol Z_ • on the unit and in instructions or be alert to the potential Understand glasses, cloth local building for special instructions installing. or cautions to the unit. Consult Code when safety quenching kits or accessories to the individual the kits or accessories and work oughly Refer would result damage. hazards CAUTION in enhanced to 6. Avoid reliability, installing, or servicing be in the OFF than with a suitable cause personal 1 disconnect injury system, switch. warning label. main position. Lock Electrical elec- wall studs, 8. Ensure There out and tag shock that rounds systems. operate Be certain at higher that service Some R-22 service equipment with your distributor. INSTALLATION NOTE: In some gas pulsations i. Locate from capacity pressures sound that vapor than standard equipment is rated When R-22 indoor Check in the living area has been traced installation may disturb to of equipment. patios, decks, etc. where unit customer. and liquid tube diameters hanger Catalog No unit to absorb the wall, seal opening caulk. (See Fig. 2.) pipes, duct work, floor from joists in direct and studs with a contact are appropriate to 533-80082 Printed in U.S.A. with tubing. accessory charge box cover and/or system which charge Always liquid-line or designs 38YXA-4SI proper Charge liquid-line install sleeves with unit section the operation, located check on control of this instruction. factory-supplied If replacing for appropriate Pg 1 unit, OD for all long line. from your without notice indoor for operation size is 3/8-in. filter drier. Data Digest filter driers and by 15 ft of field-supplied information including pump refer to Product For charging IMPORTANT: metal to _actory-approved in the Check applications are 1 in. wide (See Fig. 2.) by using refrigerant tubing. using Maxinmm (bi-flow) sur- of insulation. unit is connected IMPORTANT: and completely insulation. fi:om insulation to shape refrigerant Form straps of tubing straps or factory or change at any time, specifications is pliable unit of same size when connected replacement reserves the right to discontinue, PC 101 tubing comes use hanger unit contains residential of unit. Manufacturer and with water insulation to shape outdoor outdoor for Puron. may not be acceptable. unit away from windows, operation 2. Ensure improper avoiding tube. bent to conform RECOMMENDATIONS cases noise by and walls. refrigerant necessary, conform 10. Isolate systems structure silicon-based contact floors, tubing vapor 9. When can or death. ?':I["I211i_']'_ Puron possible (See Fig. 2.) modifying, must as tubes through rigid wire or strap which switch be more switch refrigerant or other pliable 7. Do not suspend trical disconnect between direct tubing joists, ¥!I W/_'I ;t_'!I_[_ may slack 5. When passing personal or operation. Before some as directly and bends. vibration. with RTV is used to highlight installation, 4. Leave tubes tunas which is used in minor NOTE refrigerant unnecessary 38YXA distributor Puron heat the filter drier, part number. Obtain or branch. and without incurring obligations. 2-03 Replaces: 38YXA-3Sl 3/8-1N NOTE: Avoid contact between tubing and structure DIA TIEDOWN KNOCKOUTS IN BASEPAN (2) PLACES OUTDOORWALL-X INDOORWALb7 r.o ,oT E ! A ON___ t. VAPOR TUBE SULATI THROUGH THE WALL HANGER STRAP-(AROUND VAPOR _,,/_ X _ -i] JOIST _ VIEW FROM 3/16" TOP INSULATION A97548 Dimensions (In.) TUBE_, MINIMUM MOUNTING PAD DIMENSIONS UNIT VAPOR TUBE SIZE Support Feet Snow Stand A B 024-060 26 X 32 31 X 35 4 9-3/4 h 1"MIN. ----II_ TIEDOWN KNOCKOUT LOCATIONS L LIQUID TUBE Fig. 3--Mounting Unit to Pad SUSPENSION ¥.'_1 [,"_&lji_0]2] A94028 Fig. 2--Connecting Do not allow POE lubricant Tubing Installation materiah INSTALLATION IMPORTANT: Specifications construction market erant tubing sets, metering literature. There Guideline and Service Conditioners required retrofit. Step can this device, changes for in residential unit, indoor Roof mounted units wind baffles. Consult for Residential using Puron specific Equipment the Application Split-System Refiigerant applications and Air Manual Pumps Remove INSPECT EQUIPMENT with shipping is damaged carton taking company for R-22 compressor or incomplete. Locate unit rating information Check rating to be sure unit matches on a Solid, If conditions or local codes down should bolts provided be needed Level reqnire used and plate On rooftop applications, a load-bearing Arrange and minimize goveruing mount rooftop on unit corner install Mounting to winds the with roofing types Refrigerant must above Application Split-System be level manufacturer of synthetic 5 mph may require Guideline and Air Conditioners for wind baffle to within Service and Heat construction. _+ 2 ° (_+ 3/8 in.ift) per specifications. 3--Clearance service Requirements allow sufficient space for airflow clearance, piping, and service. Allow 30-in. clearance to end of unit and 48 in. above unit. For proper fastened through patteru airflow, a 6-in. of vibration applications. to building. snow, or ice from roof or eaves locate at least cannot fall on unit. On rooftop surface. applications, 4_Operating unit 6 in. above roof Ambient to pact, tie The minimum and the maximum outdoor operating ambient in cooling mode is 125°F. The maximum outdoor operating ambient in heating mode is 66°F. in Fig. 3 or frame. to adequately so water, directly knockouts hole location. on level platform Position Step Pad the unit be attached members unit. job specifications. wall and isolate unit and tubing supporting transmission if shipment to properly base pan size and knockout unit above structure. care not to damage in unit base pan. Refer to unit mounting to determine Puron Unit When installing, wiring, refrigerant prior to installation It contains Step 2--Install certain clearance on 1 side of unit and 12 in. on all remaining sides must be maintained. Maintain a distance of 24 in. between units. panel. plate using NOTE: and Job Site exposed for Residential to obtain UNIT to final location. to come into contact deteriorate new and filter drier listed in presale Consult unit, Step 1--Check File claim codes unit refrig- be no deviation. Manual may roofing. the outdoor and Heat Pumps unit UNPACK Move unit. for require POE Place outdoor Step 5--Elevate operating Consult mode is 55°F, ¥.'_1 [R'_IYi[°]TI unit local in cooling Unit set fi'om support ambient Accumulation equipment Elevate of unit per local clearance above drainage of unit. installed. Use freezing structions water and ice in base pan may cause damage. climate estimated Fig. 4 shows accessory temperatures packaged and code requirements snowfall snow unit stand are encountered. with accessories. level with and accessory in areas Refer to provide ensure where adequate support feet prolonged to Installation In- FAN COILS If indoor unit hard shutoff (tan coil) comes TXV specifically factory equipped designed with tbr Puron, a bi-flow no TXV change is required. If TXV installation is required, refer to TXV Instructions for details on TXV installation. Step 7--Check Check Defrost defi'ost securely and feeder Thermostat thennostat attached. to ensure There tube going kit Installation it is properly is a liquid header into outdoor located and with a brass distributor coil. At the end of 1 of the feeder tubes, there is a 3/8-in. OD stub tube approximately 3 in. long. (See Fig. 7.) The defrost themmstat should be located on stub liquid header, Step Liquid-Line 8--In Solenoid A98533 Fig. 4_Accessory tube. Note that there is only 1 stub tube used with and on most units it is the bottom circuit. Support Feet For refiigerant greater Step 6--Check Indoor Expansion Device Long-Line Valve piping and outdoor proper operate with unit with operation hard with Puron. evaporator and shutoff reliability, TXV units must be designed to specifically Do not use an R-22 coils having capillary If required unit is greater TXV. Do not install tube metering devices flow i. an'ow pointing toward included with accessory IMPORTANT: Flow arrow Step 9--Make is required, remove existing coi!. Refer to Fig. 5 and 6 and install for Puron) as follows: suction tube adapter. Install 2. Install liquid 3. Connect and install and LSV kit designed for Puron Heat 2 ft of outdoor unit with unit. Follow the Installation kit. must point toward outdoor unit. Piping Connections flare-to-sweat external Accu-RaterJ_ from TXV kit (specifically adapter. equalizer tube to fitting on suction tube of suction tube ¥:I [R_lii_0T/1 adapter. 4. Position adapter. 5. Insulate 6. Leak of Guideline Air Conditioners Guideline, outdoor indoor all requirements in the Application Application lengths between COILS If TXV installation designed section by Long-Line Instructions For TXV kit part number and charging instructions, refer to TXV label in outdoor unit. indoor Guideline equivalent than _+20 fi, follow Part No. KHALS0401LLS specifically Pump. LSV should be installed within or pistons. FURNACE with difference Service Manual for Residential Split-System Heat Pumps Using Puron Refrigerant. r:ll[R_ri_,]3 installed Install an'angements than 50 fl and.or when elevation the Long-Line For Applications, (LSV) sensing Secure bulb using on horizontal supplied bulb after installation. check portion Do not hardware. (See Fig. 6.) leave system minimum required extremely susceptible ends of tubing open to atmosphere lbr installation. sealed to moisture during any longer POE oil in compressor absolution. Always than is keep installation. all connections. SENSING BULB EQUALIZER THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVE 7/8 IN. OD & SMALLER LARGER THAN A91277 Fig. 5--Typical 7/8 IN. OD A81032 TXV Installation Fig. 6--Positioning 3 of Sensing Bulb FEEDER TUBE Outdoor units may be connected to indoor section tubing package or field-supplied rel}igerant size and condition. For tubing requirements TUBE tial capacity and performance recommendations Manual in the for Residential Pumps Using Puron 1 for field tubing losses can Application using accessory grade tubing of con'ect beyond 50 ft, substanoccur. Follow Guideline Split-System and Air Conditioners Refi'igerant to minimize diameters. Refer losses. to Table the Service and Heat Refer to Table 2 for accessory requirements. Refrigerant microns robes OUTDOOR DEFROST THERMOSTAT INDOOR These A97517 Fig. 7--Defrost Thermostat UNIT outdoor indoor rise at service longer tubing valve. is buried, provide approved Do NOT bury ref_cigerant tubing lengths to unit or service 3. Locate valves observe the liqnid following: • Use outdoor • Wrap material. service shield. valves with wet Table 1--Refrigerant UNIT SIZE cloth or use a heat sink evacuated TO FACTORY-APPROVED evaluated and listed with specific perfomlance. indoor coils which holding outdoor are not factory size with matching piston number bag taped to unit containing teflon service washer valve. adapter adapter from bag and install on open end of robe from bag and connect threaded nut to Tighten nut finger tight and then with i/2 tum (15 ft-lb). DO NOT OVER- TUBE DIAMETER (ALTERNATE) TUBE DIAMETER Vapor 5/8 Liquid 3/8 Vapor 5/8 Vapor 3/4 030 3/8 3/4 3/8 3/4 5/8, 7/8 036 3/8 3/4 3/8 3/4 5/8, 7/8 042, 048 060 3/8 3/8 7/8 7/8 3/8 3/8 7/8 1- 1/8 3/4 7/8 NOTES: 1 Tube diameters are for lengths up to 50 ft For tubing lengths greater than 50 ft horizontal and/or 20 ft vertical differential, consult the Application Manual for Residential Split-System Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps Using Puron Refrigerant 2 Refrigerant tubes and indoor coils must be evacuated to 500 microns to minimize contamination and moisture in the system. 3 If required by local codes, Pressure Guard TM kit is available See Product Data Digest for part numbers. Crankcase Compressor Puron Heater Start Assist--Capacitor Low-Ambient Pressure and Relay Switch Wind Baffle Support Puron Hard Shutoff Puron Liquid-Line Solenoid TXV Valve for Heating * For tubing line sets between 50 and 175 ft, refer to the Application Puron Refrigerant t Required for all applications. REQUIRED FOR LONG-LINE APPLICATIONS* (OVER 50 FT) Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No See Low-Ambient Feet Guideline and Service Usage REQUIRED FOR LOW-AMBIENT APPLICATIONS (BELOW 55°F) Yes Freeze Thermostat robe. (See Fig. 8.) Liquid 3/8 Evaporator liquid listed on unit 024 ACCESSORY in Liquid and Vapor Tube Diameters (in.) DIAMETER Table 2--Accessory to 500 in the system. TUBE retainer liqnid service valve. wrench an additional TIGHTEN! Connections and Recommended CONNECTION apply piston plastic 5. Remove a brazing be plate. 4. Remove damage nmst and moisture units. ADAPTER rating [,.]_LW_i[.]]] system Do not to these 2. Check than 36 in. To prevent units are carefully i. Remove plastic service valve. a 6 in. vertical coil CONNECTED coils for proper INSTALL If ANY refi'igerant indoor contamination UNIT IMPORTANT: Location and to minimize Instructions No Recommended No Yest Yesl- No See Long-Line Application Guideline Guideline and Service Manual for Residential SpIit-System Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps using REFRIGERANT TUBING AND FILTER DRIER LEAK Leak r:l ["IAlii_']'_ Connect Use vapor tubing Connect refi'igerant adapter to fittings liqnid tubing grade tubing. tube on liquid on outdoor unit vapor to filter &ier (See Table Connect service test all joints EVACUATE Installation of filter drier in liquid line is required. valve. CHECKING in indoor, outdoor, REFRIGERANT and refi'igerant TUBING tubing. AND INDOOR COIL service 1 and Fig. 9.) other end of filter drier to valve. pump. SOT as a vacuulIl SWEAT/FLARE ADAPTER Refrigerant tubes recommended and indoor deep vacuum triple evacuation method below is fbllowed. SEAL coil must method may be evacuated of 500 microns. be used if the procedure IMPORTANT: Never open system under vacuum without first breaking it open with nitrogen. Deep Vacuum using the The alternate outlined to atmosphere Method The deep vacuum method requires a vacuum pump capable pulling a vacuum of 500 microns and a vacuum gage capable PISTON accurately PISTON method BOD_ measuring and liquid Triple LIQUID SERVICE water. pump method capable and system i. Service Valve with Sweat Adapter Tube Pump system continue 2. Close SWEAT CONNECTION service 4. Close wrapped Wrap in a heat-sinking service sinking non-silver (materials while brazing, valves material. bearing which material and filter Braze brazing melt below such drier connections service must be a wet cloth either material. Do 800°F). Consult not silver use local or heatbearing soft 5. Repeat to 28 in. of mercury solder code require- FINAL and outdoor not rubbing attention secure UID-LINE FILTER-DRIER to and allow pump to and regulator pump. to system and open is 2 psig. to stand for 1 hr. During will be able to difff_se throughout the moisture. this procedure minimal IMPORTANT: lllents. Refer 15 minutes. valve and allow system TUBING vacuum water. and shut off vacuum cylinder pressure absorbing contain or vacuum is free of air to 28 in. of mercury any liquid for an additional valves service system deep only be used when down not contain this time, &y nitrogen as a wet cloth. with using valves down a nitrogen until system To avoid valve damage The a system is as follows: operating 3. Connect should of pumping does Fig. 11 and proceed Fig. 8--Liquid depth. Method evacuation is only vacuum A01214 vacuum way of assuring (See Fig. i0.) Evacuation The triple VALVE this is the most positive of of as indicated amounts in Fig. 11. System of contaminants will then and water vapor. CHECK Check to be certain unit has not shifted against to feeder each factory during other tubes, making tubing shipment. or any on both indoor Ensure sheet metal. tubes Pay are close sure wire ties on feeder tubes are and tight. 50OO 4500 SERVICE VALVE 4000 LEAKIN SYSTEM 3500 3000 2500 _2000 VACUUM TIGHT TOO WET 1500 1000 TIGHT DRY SYSTEM 5OO 0 A01215 Fig. g--Filter Drier with Sweat Adapter Liquid Tube 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MINUTES A95424 Tube and Fig. 10--Deep Vacuum Graph DISCONNECT PER N. E. C. AND/OR LOCAL CODES IEVACUATE ] CONTACTOR IBREAKVACUUMWITH DRYNITROGENI FIELD POWER 1 C>° C> WIRING C>oO IEVAOUATEI FIELD GROUND IBREAKVACUUMWITH DRYNITROGENI © WIRING GROUND LUG J A91056 Fig. 12--Line IEVAOUATEI CHECK FOR TIGHT, DRY SYSTEM (IF IT HOLDS DEEP VACUUM) I CONNECT CONTROL Route control 24v connect I leads Installation I CHARGE SYSTEMI A95425 Fig. 11--Triple wires Step lO--Make wiring incoming Electrical Connections must power Use furnace former complies and electrical and voltage on unit codes, rating plate. improper voltage. protection device. with local and national Contact to system local See unit rating is within power plate fire, safety, limits company shown accessory FINAL for recommended circuit NOTE: Operation of unit on improper line voltage constitutes abuse and could affect unit reliability. See unit rating plate. Do not may fluctuate above or below limits. NOTE: unit. Use NOTE: Install NEC where voltage power wire branch only circuit to handle unit starting fi'om and readily between accessible disconnect disconnect current. switch of adequate Locate disconnect fi'om unit, per Section GROUND Remove access fi'om disconnect control box. AND POWER through power wiring occur. conduit Connect safety. Connect be separated from or accessory trans- accessories may exceed Determine total transformer the miniload- or split the load with an 11--Compressor When equipped greater outdoor wires and into unit factory to OFF units. Refer Puron Step 12--Install furnish power Split-System to etc. to heater power electrical in long-line greater applications Guideline to (tubing indoor and Air Conditioners a to heater disconnect than 8 ft) between to the Application for Residential sheet metal, unit. To furnish and close is required connections wire routing Heater heater, starting than 50 ft or elevation Check with tubing, with a crankcase heater and field wire properly. Crankcase of 24 hr before Using wiring and Service and Heat Refrigerant. Electrical Accessories Refer to the individual instructions packaged with kits or accessories when installing. The ground when GROUND ground wire minimum. capacity are not in contact A crankcase of NEC. Extend hole provided Step 13--Start-Up may consist installed wire power AND POWER to ground wiring or unbroken electrical fault of electrical in accordance electrical codes. Failure to follow this warning electric shock, fire, or death. CONNECT 24-v are secured Step Pumps The unit cabinet must have an uninterrupted ground to minimize personal i111ury if an should wires per sight F:I _ll:_ metal color-coded as required. Check only, set thermostat outdoor unit. size within 440-14 to unit wiring. wire. If as measured CHECK and WIRES panel to gain access 24-vi40-va the transfomler WIRING IMPORTANT: Manual ROUTE unit, 1 and must requirement. transformer minimum copper 100 ft from fan coil transformer, power, to ensure terminations install unit in system combinations. minimum) to correct ensure permissible (:lass Use of available ing and increase Be sure field wiring be NEC and leads. transformer, mum 40-va unit (35°(: use No. 16 AWG &op. grommet 13.) See Thermostat specific than wires, wiring Fig. insulated voltage for control NOTE: more voltage excessive control (See for wiring color-coded, is located along the control All through wiring. Instructions to avoid Evacuation Method WIRING to control Use No. 18 AWG thermostat Power Connections wire with or To prevent existing • Do not overcharge WIRES connection to contactor compressor in control as shown box in Fig. damage or personal i111ury, observe the following: can result in an for 12. system with refrigerant. • Do not operate unit in a vacuum • Do not disable low-pressure In scroll compressor applications: • Dome may be hot. temperatures or at negative switch. pressure. TYPICAL FAN COIL HP THERMOSTAT HEAT PUMP m 24 VAC HOT 24 VAC COM HEAT D STAGE 2 E_" COOL/HEAT STAGE 1 INDOOR FAN F_ RVS COOLING _- EMERGENCY HEAT * IF AVAILABLE A02325 --_ Fig. 13--Generic Wiring Diagram (See Thermostat Installation Instructions for wiring specific unit combinations.) LEGEND 24-V FACTORY WIRING 24-V FIELD WIRING _0 FIELD SPLICE CONNECTION OUTDOOR THERMOSTAT EMERGENCY HEAT RELAY SUPPLEMENTAL HEAT RELAY SEQUENCE NOTE: OF OPERATION Defi'ost out timer which With power energized. control board is equipped may be initiated supplied upon to indoor with a 5-minute an interruption and outdoor units, lock- of power. transformer is Cooling Back seating valves. selwice valves are not equipped Fully back seat (counter removing clockwise) On a call for cooling, with Schrader R-G. Circuit valve stem before position. gage port cap. r+'1[_']71 Federal regulations atmosphere. require Recover that you do not vent refrigerant during system repair or final to unit i. Fully 2. Unit to properly back seat (open) is shipped caps installed. refrigerant with wrench metal. on starting When thermostat with valve Replace wrench valve and vapor stem(s) If indoor stem caps after seated). Replace an additional body seated system valves. (closed) and is opened caps finger-tight 1/12 turn. Use flats to prevent electrical is below disconnects thermostat indoor or AUTO mode, system at desired ambient 5. Set room thermostat to energize distortion to and a backup of sheet as desired. refrigerant or COOL Operate charge. Be sure set point and fan control unit motor R-Y, and it to cooling starting outdoor indoor fan unit blower on high speed. contacts R-Y open, de-energizing Compressor unit is equipped runs an additional and motors should with a time-delay 90 sec to increase relay system the stop. circuit, efficiency. thermostat snakes circuits R-Y Circuit contactor, starting outdoor tim motor R-Y energizes compressor. Circuit blower motor Should temperature through for to ON 15 minutes. When R-G energizes on high of electric outdoor relay, and starting to fall, R-W2 is made Circuit heat. If outdoor temperature satisfied, contactor and sequencer. all fan off delays. continue thermostat. thermostat is blower room on an additional thermostat indoor and R-G. speed. in the dwelling second-stage close to bring temperature. to HEAT relay. contactor, R-G energizes blower is satisfied, R-O, switching On a call for heating, setting system. temperature. energizes circuits valve, Heating service front indoor snakes reversing circuit. and blower supplemental 4. Set room Check start up the system: liquid flow (back tighten 3. Close relay, the blower these steps R-Y and compressor NOTE: disposal. Follow Circuit motor contactor thermostat R-O energizes (field-installed R-W2 option), bank of supplemental its contacts All heaters energizes falls below open, and motors contacts electric heat. de-energizing should stop after o 1'o --o-- 70 cc--_ ----- 1 -< o x1 __ (_ _ --c)-- N o_ o_ r _,,__<:z>i _ __ -CC)-- CES0130076-00 Quiet " Shift Speedup Pins © --CC)- Defrost interval DIP switches A99442 Fig. 14_Defrost Quiet Shift Quiet Shift is a field-selectable position), which will defrost eliminate mode occasional (factory noise set to OFF that could be heard at the start of defrost cycle and restarting of heating cycle. It is selected by placing DIP switch 3 (on defrost board) in ON position. When Quiet Shift switch is placed in ON position, and a defrost is initiated, the following sequence of operation will occur. Reversing valve turn will energize, back compressor on to complete conclusion of defrost 40 seconds, before del,rost. reversing will turn off for another will At the start of heating valve will de-energize, 30 seconds, starting turn off for 30 seconds, compressor operation). On return to heating operation, compressor will again turn off for an additional 30 seconds and the fan for 40 seconds. mode. When the Quiet second cycle i. Turn off power 2. Disconnect 4. After The defrost between is a time/temperature del`rost cycles (DIP control switch which includes a 1 and 2 on the board) of 30, 60, 90, or 120 minutes (_actory set at 90 minutes). To initiate a forced delrost, two options the status of the def,rost thermostat. If defrost thermostat is closed, by placing a flat head screw releasing, to observe Shift switch second intervals previously. position, during When a normal Quiet defrost Shift and complete for 5 seconds cycle. When will be turned this complete on Unit reopens at approximately defrost switch 5. Turn off power cycle and the Quiet in ON position, compressor the off period length of defrost followed by mode, point in liquid on line temperature of defrost del`rost 80°F cycle thermostat (ap- until del`rost coil temperature thermostat at liquid line or time. to outdoor board Step 14--Check UNIT cycle, and reconnect after above _an motor forced defrost lead to charge in cycle. Factory charge default cooling mode, OFF will be observed. (actual length When Quiet Shift switch is is 1 minute 30 seconds Charge CHARGE as explained in heating erant will be observed frost to accnmulate off for two 30 is in factory defi'ost Quiet Shift position). closing remain of defrost a short defrost cycle will remainder With the selected allowing 30°F). NOTI=: If defrost thermostat is in open position, and speedup pins are shorted (with a flat head screw &iver) for 5 seconds and released, upon mode, board pins (J1) must be shorted in between compressor depending weather, grounding. in heating below OF2 on control speedup &iver a complete is selected, are available drop in wanner lead from OF2 on control to prevent a few minutes proximately time period only a brief 30 unit. fan motor 3. Restart unit in heating outdoor coil. should control to outdoor outdoor (See Fig. 14). Tape Defrost field-selectable Shift is in OFF position, will be observed. If it is desirable to observe a complete defrost the thermostat must be closed as follows. after compressor and the fan will turn off for in the heating Control is dependent (30 seconds of defrost with is shown mode, unit into upright liquid suction that position. flow. charge metering line. allows Check Check Puron refrigerant rel,rigerant cylinder To check Chart units device in manifold Some liqnid plate. Only Procedure. refer to Heating operating, commercial-type dip robe on unit rating refer to Cooling To check Procedure. with liquid hose. Charge cylinders to flow label for correct charge using a refrig- may contain from cylinder position a in to allow COOLING ONLY PROCEDURE NOTE: If subcooling charge must be weighed ozift of 3/8-in. Table 3--Required charging liquid conditions in accordance line above are not favorable, with unit rating plate or below _+0.6 15 ft respectively. EXAMPLE: To calculate additional charge required for a 25-ft line set: 25 ft - 15 ft 10 ft X 0.6 ozift 6 oz of additional Units with cooling TXV require installed subcooling i. mode charge charging with the method. Operate unit a mininmm of I0 minutes before checking charge. 2. Measure liquid service gage to service 3. Measure valve pressure unit liquid to Heat line temperature Pump for required 5. Refer intersects 6. To obtain required line pressure, higher lower. system measured subcooling operation Charging during heating label on whether a correct and air temperature charge charge. pressures are charge mode, stable. refrigerant If in doubt, When charging is ozift of 3/8-in. liquid necessary in accordance line above additional 25 ft - 15 ft Step 15--Final Securely fasten 2. Tighten 3. Leave all panels service User's and periodic 4. Fill out file. leaving maintenance Dealer areas, such as coastal 56 58 237 75 7O 65 60 244 77 72 67 62 251 258 79 8! 74 76 69 7! 64 66 265 82 77 72 67 272 279 84 86 79 8! 74 76 69 7! 285 88 83 78 73 293 89 84 79 74 300 307 9! 93 86 88 8! 83 76 78 IO0 95 9O 85 349 102 97 92 87 chart 355 363 103 105 98 100 93 95 88 9O system 370 106 101 96 91 indoor and outdoor system 377 384 107 109 102 104 97 99 92 94 to adjust 391 110 105 IO0 95 398 112 107 102 97 405 412 113 114 108 109 103 104 98 99 419 115 110 105 IO0 425 117 112 107 102 433 440 118 119 113 114 108 109 103 104 447 120 115 110 105 454 122 117 !12 107 451 458 123 124 118 119 !13 114 108 109 475 125 120 !15 !10 482 489 126 127 121 122 !16 117 111 !12 495 129 124 !19 !14 503 510 130 131 125 126 !20 !21 115 !16 517 132 127 122 !17 524 133 128 !23 118 in manual. 531 538 134 135 129 130 !24 125 !19 !20 in customer 545 136 131 !26 !21 552 137 132 !27 !22 559 565 138 139 133 134 128 !29 !23 !24 573 140 135 !30 125 580 141 136 131 !26 587 594 142 143 137 138 !32 !33 !27 128 501 144 139 !34 !29 508 145 140 !35 !30 refer to the Heat unit. This between on chart, charge only when and weigh heating in season, _+0.6 15 ft respectively. charge be sure to do the following: Explain past ringer system Checklist and place applications. 6! 63 342 charge depending 66 68 82 84 outlined may vary 7! 73 8! tight. operation high performance and to minimize possible equipperiodic maintenance nmst be performed on this of maintenance 54 223 230 87 89 equipment. Frequency 52 59 92 94 CARE AND MAINTENANCE For continuing ment failure, 57 64 97 99 requirements Installation 62 69 328 335 for a 25-ft line set: owner. 67 215 is and covers. with 209 if temperature valve stem caps to 1i12-tum Manual 48 50 79 6 oz of additional job, 53 55 86 Checks Before 58 6O 84 during required i0 ft X 0.6 ozift IMPORTANT: i. charge 63 65 9! EXAMPLE: To calculate 46 195 202 89 with unit rating plate or below 43 5! 96 charge. must be weighed 48 56 94 Do not use chart remove 53 6! 321 exists refrigerant 58 188 314 do not match check 181 5 56 SUBCOOLING TEMPERATURE (°F) 10 15 20 51 46 41 is outdoor entering may not be correct. In heating liquid (°F) REQUIRED temperature line cycle, relationship and temperature refrigerant NOTE: valve pressure. at a specific if liquid pressure refrigerant subcooling PROCEDURE Instructions If pressure on outdoor required temperature operating correct where liquid service indicates NOTE: label line near temperature. the point CHART an accurate to liquid Instructions add refrigerant CHECK To check units. attaching than indicated or reclaim refrigerant Allow a tolerance of_+ 3°F. HEATING Pmnp Charging 3. Find by thermometer subcooling to Table temperature an accurate port. thermistor type or electronic outdoor coil. 4. Refer by attaching Liquid-Line Temperature LIQUID PRESSURE AT SERVICE VALVE (PSIG) 174 upon geographic PURON(_QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE Puron refiigerant operates at 50-70 percent higher pressures than R-22. Be sure that servicing equipment and replacement components are designed to operate with Puron. Puron refrigerant cylinders are rose colored. Recovery cylinder sel-vice pressure rating must be 400 psig, DOT 4BA400 or DOT BW400. Puron systems should be charged with liquid refrigerant. Use a commercial type metering device in the manifold hose. Manifold sets should be 750 psig high side and 200 psig low side with 520 psig low-side retard. Use hoses with 750 psig service pressure rating. Leak detectors should be designed to detect HFC refiigerant. Puron, as with other HFCs, is only compatible with POE oils. Vacuum pumps will not remove moisture from oil. Do not use liquid-line filter driers with rated working pressures less than 600 psig. Do not install a suction-line filter drier in liquid line. POE oils absorb moisture rapidly. Do not expose oil to atmosphere. POE oils may cause damage to certain plastics and roofing materials. Wrap all filter driers and sel-vice vanes with wet cloth when brazing. A liquid-line tilter drier is required on every unit. Do not use an R-22 TXV. If indoor unit is equipped with an R-22 TXV, it must be changed to an Puron TXV. Never open system to atmosphere while it is under a vacuum. When system must be opened for sel-vice, break vacuum with dry nitrogen prior to opening to atmosphere. Always replace filter drier after opening system for sel-vice. Do not vent Puron into the atmosphere. Do not use capillary tube coils. Obsel-ve all warnings, cautions, and bold text. 10 11 SERVICE TRAINING Packaged Service Training programs are an excellent way to increase your knowledge of the equipment discussed in this manual, including: • Unit Familiarization • Maintenance • Installation Overview • Operating Sequence A large selection of product, theory, and skills programs is available, using popular video-based formats and materials. All include video and/or slides, plus companion book. Classroom Service Training plus "hands-on" the products in our labs can mean increased confidence that really pays dividends in faster troubleshooting, fewer callbacks. Course descriptions and schedules are in our catalog. CALL FOR FREE CATALOG 1-800-644-5544 [ ] Packaged Service Training [ ] Classroom Service Training A94328 Copyright 2003 CARRIER Manufacturer Book_ 1_ 4 Tab 15al 5a Corp. • 7310 W. Morris St • indianapolis, reserves the right to discontinue, PC 101 Catalog No 533-80082 IN 46231 38yxa4si or change at any time, specifications Printed in U.S.A. Form or designs 38YXA-4SI without notice Pg 12 and without 2-03 incurring obligations. Replaces: 38YXA-3SI
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