Casi Rusco 97X 97X Proximity Readers User Manual Installation guide

Casi Rusco 97X Proximity Readers Installation guide

Installation guide

Part Number: 460157001LJanuary 2002Model 94x, 97xProximity ReaderInstallation GuideCASIRUSCO791 Park of Commerce BoulevardBoca Raton, Florida 33487(561) 998-6100CASI-RUSCO...Security Solutions for the 21st Century
This publication may contain examples of data reports used in dailybusiness operations. Examples include fictitious names ofindividuals and companies for illustration only; any similarity tonames and addresses of actual business enterprises and persons isentirely coincidental.This document is distributed on an as is basis, without warrantyeither expressed or implied. Successful implementation dependssolely upon the customer’s ability to integrate each product into thetotal inventory of “in-house” products. While each offering has beenreviewed for its compatibility and maintainability, no assurance ofsuccessful installation can be given.The customer accepts full maintenance responsibility. (A full scopeof software and hardware maintenance contracts are available to thecustomer.)Copyright 1993, 1994, 1997-2002 CASI-RUSCOAll Rights ReservedPrinted in the USAProxLite is a trademark of CASI-RUSCO.WARNING: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment, thisproduct may cause radio interference; in which case, the user may berequired to take adequate measures.
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader iIntroduction................................................................................................. 1Product Features......................................................................................... 2Switch Settings............................................................................................ 3Selecting Reader Power Level.....................................................3Selecting Operating Mode...........................................................7Selecting Beeper Sound Level .....................................................7Connecting the Reader .............................................................................. 8CE/FCC Compliancy ...................................................................8Pinouts..........................................................................................10Wiring Diagrams.........................................................................10Mounting the Reader............................................................................... 17Testing the Reader.................................................................................... 28Troubleshooting Guide............................................................................ 29All Installations ...........................................................................29Unsupervised Modes Only........................................................31Supervised Modes Only.............................................................31Technical Specifications........................................................................... 34Functional Specifications......................................................................... 36Contents
ii Model 94x, 97x Proximity ReaderFiguresFigure 1: Model 94x/97x Reader, J1 Connector and DIP SwitchLocations.........................................................................4Figure 2: Typical Installation Using Shielded Cable/Drain Wire .... 8Figure 3: Wiring Diagram, Model 94x/97x SupervisedF/2F Mode.....................................................................11Figure 4: Wiring Diagram, Model 94x/97x UnsupervisedF/2F Mode.....................................................................13Figure 5: Wiring Diagram, Model 94x/97x Unsupervised WiegandMode ........................................................................... 15Figure 6: Recommended Additional Mounting Instructionsfor External Tamper Switch Activation ..........................19Figure 7: Model 940 Reader - Gang Box Mounting..................... 20Figure 8: Model 940 Reader - Direct Wall Mounting ................... 21Figure 9: Model 941 Reader - Gang Box Mounting..................... 22Figure 10: Model 941 Reader - Direct Wall Mounting ................... 23Figure 11: Model 970/972 Reader - Gang Box Mounting.............. 24Figure 12: Model 970/972 Reader - Direct Wall Mounting ............ 25Figure 13: Model 971/973 Reader - Gang Box Mounting.............. 26Figure 14: Model 971/973 Reader - Direct Wall Mounting ............ 27Figure 15: Badge to Reader Presentation..................................... 36
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader 1IntroductionThis manual is an installation guide for the CASI-RUSCO Models940, 941, 970, 971, 972, and 973 Proximity Perfect Readers.Throughout this guide, the abbreviation 94x represents ReaderModels 940 and 941. The abbreviation 97x represents Reader Models970, 971, 972, and 973.The 94x and 97x Readers while similar in functionality offer a varietyof features making them suitable for different applications. The 94xand 97x Readers are designed to mount on standard U.S. gang boxes.The 94x Readers are single-gang box size. The 97x Readers are sizedfor larger dual gang box installation, offer greater badge read range,and a keypad option.Models 940 and 970 give the greatest all-around badge read range fortheir respective sizes, making them ideal for most installations.Models 941 and 971 are tuned for installation on metal mountingplates. The standard metal mounting plate shields the reader fromthe effects of a metal wall, which would otherwise dramaticallyreduce the read range. The optional back-to-back metal mountingplate shields the reader from the effects of a metal wall and makes thereader unidirectional; ideal for direct back-to-back readerinstallations.Models 972 and 973 are dual gang size readers, identical to the 970and 971 respectively, except for their built-in twelve-position keypad.This feature makes these readers ideal for installations requiringkeypad PIN entry in addition to a valid badge read.
2 Model 94x, 97x Proximity ReaderProduct FeaturesThe CASI-RUSCO Model 94x/97x Proximity Perfect Reader offers:• State-of-the-art architecture.• The ability to read all Proximity Perfect, ProxLiteTM,andEntréebadges and key tags.• Proximity Perfect badge read ranges up to 10 inches (254 mm) for970 Readers and up to 8 inches (203 mm) for 940 Readers (SeeTable 2 “Read Range by Model Number,” on page 5).• Field changeable DIP switches allow all 94x and 97x Readers tooperate in one of four distinct operating modes: Wiegand, F/2F,Supervised, and Silent Supervised. Silent Supervised mode isideal for installations where no audible or visual indication ofcommunication loss with the microcontroller is desired at thereader.In the unsupervised modes, the reader communicates with themicrocontroller over a unidirectional Wiegand or F/2F data linkthat carries Proximity Perfect badge data only.In the supervised modes, the reader communicates with themicrocontroller over a bidirectional F/2F data link, that carriesthe following:Proximity Perfect badge dataSupervision messagesExit request and door switch statusMicrocontroller acknowledgments and commands• Intelligent bidirectional communication between the reader andmicrocontroller, which can be accomplished up to 5,500 feet.• Weather-resistant housing for outdoor use.• Standard 12V operation.• A clear, logical user interface with three LEDs and a beeper.• Rugged molded ABS construction with integral backplate.• Built-in tamper alarm also detects removal from wall.• External tamper alarm option.• Tactile keypad (Models 972 and 973 only) for PersonalIdentification Number (PIN) input.• Switch selectable beeper enable/disable and volume control.• UL verified for indoor use only.
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader 3Switch SettingsTwo banks of four DIP switches located on the back of the reader areused to select the reader power level, operating mode, and beepersound level.CAUTION: Power should be removed from the reader while switchsettings are changed.Selecting Reader Power LevelThe reader’s power requirement is selected using four DIP switches.The optimum power level will vary with each installation. Higherpower levels give improved read range for Proximity Perfect badges,while lower power levels allow greater cabling distance between thereader and the microcontroller. A detailed explanation is providedbelow. The figure on the next page shows the location of the DIPswitches. The tables that follow the figure give the switch settingsalong with the read ranges and cable distances.Explanation of Read Range/Cable Distance/Power Level:Maximum badge read range is determined by the distance at whichthe field transmitted by the reader is just strong enough to wake up thebadge. Therefore, the higher the reader’s transmission power, thegreater the badge read range will be. The trade-off for increased readrange is a decrease in the maximum cabling distance between thereader and the microcontroller. The trade-off between read range andcabling distance is common to all proximity badge readers. Thepower selection switches on the 94x/97x readers allow the optimumpower setting to be selected to suit individual installations.
4 Model 94x, 97x Proximity ReaderFor example: On the high power setting, giving the greatest badgeread range, the reader typically requires 200mA of supply currentfrom the microcontroller. If there is 1,000 feet of 22-AWG cablebetween the reader and the microcontroller, the total reader powerand power return path is 2,000 feet. Since 22-AWG cable has a typicalresistance of 16 ohms per 1,000 feet, the total resistance in the reader’spower and power return wire is 32 ohms. By Ohms Law (V=IR), itfollows that the total voltage dropped in the reader power and powerreturn wires will be 6.4V (6.4V = 200mA x 32 Ohms). Therefore, thereader supply voltage will drop from 12V at the microcontroller to5.6V (12V - 6.4V) at the reader. Such a supply voltage is too low forthe reader to function reliably.If the low power setting is selected, the badge read range is reduced.However, the reader now typically requires only 75mA of supplycurrent; therefore, the voltage drop in the power and power returnwires is much less. In this case, the reader supply voltage will only bereduced to 9.6V; high enough for reliable operation.FIGURE 1: Model 94x/97x Reader, J1 Connector andDIP Switch Locations
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader 5CAUTION: Power should be removed from the reader while switchsettings are changed.The table below shows the switch settings for each of the three powerlevels.The table below gives the read ranges for each of the readers based = inchesmm = millimetersTABLE 1: Power Level Switch SettingsPowerLevel Switch 1 Switch 2 Switch 3 Switch 4LOW OFF ON ON OFFMEDIUM ON OFF OFF ONHIGH ON ON ON ONTABLE 2: Read Range by Model NumberPowerLevel 970 & 972 971 & 973 940 941LOW 7 in178 mm5in127 mm5in127 mm4in102 mmMEDIUM 9 in229 mm6in152 mm7in178 mm5in127 mmHIGH 10 in254 mm7in178 mm8in203 mm6in152 mm
6 Model 94x, 97x Proximity ReaderThe table below gives the maximum cabling distances between thereader and the microcontroller for each of the three power levels.NOTES:1. Reader supply voltage measured at microcontroller: 13.6V isnominal when line powered, 12V is nominal when battery powered.2. Not recommended for 12V, battery-backed installations.3. All cable distances are typical maximums.4. Readers powered by a local 12VDC power supply will have amaximum cable distance of 5,500 feet (1676 m) of 22-AWGtelephone wire for all power level settings.TABLE 3: Cable DistancesPowerLevel13.6 Volts (see Note 1)18 AWG 22 AWG12Volts(seeNote1)18 AWG 22 AWGLOW 5500 ft1676 m2000 ft610 m3500 ft1067 m1500 ft457 mMEDIUM 2200 ft671 m900 ft274 m1100 ft335 m450 ft137 mHIGH 600 ft183 m250 ft76 mSee Note 2 See Note 2
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader 7Selecting Operating ModeThe table below shows the DIP switch settings for each of the fouroperating modes.NOTES:1. In the Wiegand operating mode, 2801, 2804, and 3201 ProximityPerfect badge data is sent using 2801, 2804, and 3201 Wiegandformat, respectively. Proximity Perfect badge data encoded usingthe 40-bit format and ProxLite badge data is sent using 40-bitWiegand format. Keyboard information is sent using 8-bit Wiegandformat.2. In operating modes other than Wiegand, Proximity Perfect badgedata is sent using a 10-digit F/2F format. Badge data for ProximityPerfect badges encoded using the 40-bit format are sent using a13-digit F/2F format. All ProxLite badge data is sent using a 12-digitF/2F format.Selecting Beeper Sound LevelThe table below shows the DIP switch settings for the three beepersound levels.TABLE 4: Operating Mode DIP Switch SettingsOperating Mode Switch 5 Switch 6Wiegand1OFF OFFF/2F2ON OFFSupervised F/2F2OFF ONSilent supervised F/2F2ON ONTABLE 5: Beeper Sound Level DIP Switch SettingsBeeper Sound Level Switch 7 Switch 8Normal ON ONLow ON OFFOff OFF ON
8 Model 94x, 97x Proximity ReaderConnecting the ReaderCE/FCC CompliancyNOTE: As of January 1, 1996, all new European installations MUST beCE compliant.To make the Model 94x/97x Reader installation CE and FCCcompliant, the following condition must be met:• The cable connecting the model 94x/97x Reader to theMicro/5 must have its shield grounded at the Micro/5according to Figure 2.FIGURE 2: Typical Installation Using Shielded Cable/Drain WireOutside Micro/5 Enclosure
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader 9Manufacturers Declarationof Conformity(Subject to the conditions on page 8)Manufacturer’sName: CASI-RUSCOManufacturer’sAddress:791 Park of Commerce BoulevardBoca Raton, FL USA 33487EU Representative: Interlogix Europe & AfricaExcelsiorlaan 28B- 1930 ZaventumBelgiumProductIdentification:Product: Proximity ReaderModel Number: Model 94x/97xBrand: CASI-RUSCOMeans of Conformity: • Hereby, CASI-RUSCO, declares that thisequipment is in compliance with the essentialrequirements and other relevant provisions ofDirective 1999/5/EC.• Hierbij verklaart CASI-RUSCO dat het apparoatin overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisenen de andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn1999/5/EG.• Par la présente CASI-RUSCO déclare quel'appareil est conforme aux exigencesessentielles et aux autres dispositionspertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE.• Hiermit erklärt CASI-RUSCO, dass sich dieseauspüstung in Übereinstimmung mit dengrundlegenden Anforderungen und denanderen relevanten Vorschriften der Richtlinie1999/5/EG befindet". (BMWi)Notices: Approved for use in the following countries:ABDKFINISIRLGRDINLFCZHLUNPLPESCHGB
10 Model 94x, 97x Proximity ReaderPinoutsThe table below shows the pinouts for connecting the reader to themicrocontroller. Connector J1, pin 1 is to the right as you view theconnector from behind the reader. See Figure 1, “Model 94x/97xReader, J1 Connector and DIP Switch Locations,” on page 4.Wiring DiagramsSee the wiring diagrams that follow for details on connecting thereader to the microcontroller based on the mode of the reader.TABLE 6: PinoutsConnectorJ1 Pin # Signal Pigtail WireColor1+12VDC Red2Ground Black3 Red LED External Drive Blue4 Green LED External Drive Brown5 Yellow LED External Drive Orange6 Reader Data 0 Green7 Reader Data 1 White8 Beeper External Drive Violet9 Keying Pin10 Door DI (Door Contact Switch) Yellow11 Exit DI (Exit Request Button) Gray
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader 11FIGURE 3: Wiring Diagram, Model 94x/97xSupervised F/2F Mode
12 Model 94x, 97x Proximity ReaderNOTES (Unless otherwise specified):1. For Micro/2/4/5 only: a 470 ohm, 1/2W, pull-up resistor is required between +12VDC and READER DATA 1. The pull-upresistor should be installed at the microcontroller’s terminal block. Resistors are supplied with the reader.2. Shielded cable is recommended in electrically noisy environments.3. If using shielded cable, connect all shields together at the micro end. Connect to ground stud in the lower left cornerof Micro/2/4/5 cabinets using 14-AWG wire. No shield connections at the reader.4. If using a local power supply, do not connect +12V line from the microcontroller to the reader. However, the negativeside of the power supply must be connected to the micro (pin 2 on the reader port). Keep the wiring from powersupply to reader less than 50 feet.5. Switching the external indicator drives to GND activates the indicator. High impedance or +12V deactivatesindicators. These drives may also be connected to user supplied, external indicating circuitry.6. Refer to the appropriate system manual to determine whether this connection is required for door switch operation.7. Blocking diodes may be 1N4148 or similar, supplied by the installer and located in a secured area.8. Protection diodes may be 1N4002, 1N4003, or 1N4004 (installer supplied) for the door strike assembly.9. Fuse, power supply, door strike, and relay are provided by the installer.10. If the door contact switch is not used, link reader pin 10 to pin 2.
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader 13FIGURE 4: Wiring Diagram, Model 94x/97xUnsupervised F/2F Mode
14 Model 94x, 97x Proximity ReaderNOTES (Unless otherwise specified):1. For Micro/2/4/5 only: a 470 ohm, 1/2W, pull-up resistor is required between +12VDC and READER DATA 1. The pull-upresistor should be installed at the microcontroller’s terminal block. Resistors are supplied with the reader.2. Shielded cable is recommended in electrically noisy environments.3. If using shielded cable, connect all shields together at the micro end. Connect to ground stud in the lower left cornerof Micro/2/4/5 cabinets using 14-AWG wire. No shield connections at the reader.4. If using a local power supply, do not connect +12V line from the microcontroller to the reader. However, the negativeside of the power supply must be connected to the micro (pin 2 on the reader port). Keep the wiring from powersupply to reader less than 50 feet.5. Switching the external indicator drives to GND activates the indicator. High impedance or +12V deactivatesindicators. These drives may also be connected to user supplied, external indicator driving circuitry.6. Refer to the appropriate system manual for specific wiring details.7. Blocking diodes may be 1N4148 or similar, supplied by the installer, and located in a secured area.8. Protection diodes may be 1N4002, 1N4003, or 1N4004 (installer supplied) for the door strike assembly.9. Fuse, power supply, door strike, and relay are provided by the installer.
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader 15FIGURE 5: Wiring Diagram, Model 94x/97xUnsupervised Wiegand Mode
16 Model 94x, 97x Proximity ReaderNOTES (Unless otherwise specified):1. For Micro/2/4/5 only: two 470 ohm, 1/2W, pull-up resistors are required; one between +12VDC and READER DATA 1,the other between +12VDC and READER DATA 0. The pull-up resistors should be installed at the microcontroller’sterminal block. Resistors are supplied with the reader.2. Shielded cable is required. Belden 8725 wire is recommended. Do not pair DATA 1 and DATA 0.3. If using shielded cable, connect all shields together at the micro end. Connect to ground stud in the lower left cornerof Micro/2/4/5 cabinets using 14-AWG wire. No shield connections at the reader.4. If using a local power supply, do not connect +12V line from the microcontroller to the reader. However, the negativeside of the power supply must be connected to the micro (pin 2 on the reader port). Keep the wiring from powersupply to reader less than 50 feet.5. Switching the external indicator drives to GND activates the indicator. High impedance or +12V deactivatesindicators. These drives may also be connected to user supplied, external indicator driving circuitry.6. Refer to the appropriate system manual for specific wiring details.7. Blocking diodes may be 1N4148 or similar, supplied by the installer, and located in a secured area.8. Protection diodes may be 1N4002, 1N4003, or 1N4004 (installer supplied) for the door strike assembly.9. Fuse, power supply, door strike, and relay are provided by the installer.
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader 17Mounting the ReaderThe reader comes with a backplate suitable for mounting directlyonto standard U.S. electrical gang boxes (Model 94x onto single-gangbox and Model 97x onto dual-gang box). The reader may also bemounted directly onto a hollow wall.Back-to-Back Readers: Models 941, 971 and 973 Readers aresuitable for back-to-back installation (to provide in/out accesscontrol). Using the standard metal mounting plates, the two readersshould be mounted with their centers offset by at least 10 inches toprovide interference-free operation. Using the optional back-to-backmetal mounting plates allows the two readers to be mounted directlyopposite each other on a 4-inch thick wall.Important:• Readers should not be mounted within three feet of a computerterminal. Some terminals radiate electrical noise that may reducethe effective maximum read range.• Never mount Models 940, 970 or 972 on or near metal. Metaleffects the tuning of the reader and may severely degrade itsperformance, decreasing read range and increasing current draw.• Models 941, 971 and 973 are factory tuned to work with a metalbackandmustbemountedwiththemetalmountingplatetooperate correctly.• A gasket is supplied with the reader to form a weather-resistantseal between the mounting surface and the inside of the readerfor outdoor installations. The gasket should be located on theinside surface of the reader’s plastic backplate. For outdoorinstallations, where the reader is mounted in direct exposure toweather, a bead of silicone caulking should be applied betweenthe reader and the wall to prevent water from entering the backof the reader.External Tamper Feature: The Model 94x/97x Readers are alsoequipped with an external tamper feature. This feature can beactivated by removing the key on the backplate prior to mounting.Model 94x Only: Apply the mounting method as shown in Figure 6,to mounting instructions in Figure 7, Figure 8, Figure 9, andFigure 10, if you are using the external tamper feature.NOTE: In order for this feature to work properly, the reader mountingsurface must be flush with the backplate.
18 Model 94x, 97x Proximity ReaderThe figures listed below begin on the next page. Refer to theappropriatefigureforthetypeofreaderyouaremounting.Figure 6, “Recommended Additional Mounting Instructions forExternal Tamper Switch Activation,” on page 19.Figure 7, “Model 940 Reader - Gang Box Mounting,” on page 20.Figure 8, “Model 940 Reader - Direct Wall Mounting,” on page 21.Figure 9, “Model 941 Reader - Gang Box Mounting,” on page 22.Figure 10, “Model 941 Reader - Direct Wall Mounting,” on page 23.Figure 11, “Model 970/972 Reader - Gang Box Mounting,” onpage 24.Figure 12, “Model 970/972 Reader - Direct Wall Mounting,” onpage 25.Figure 13, “Model 971/973 Reader - Gang Box Mounting,” onpage 26.Figure 14, “Model 971/973 Reader - Direct Wall Mounting,” onpage 27.
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader 19FIGURE 6: Recommended Additional Mounting Instructionsfor External Tamper Switch Activation
20 Model 94x, 97x Proximity ReaderFIGURE 7: Model 940 Reader - Gang Box Mounting
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader 21FIGURE 8: Model 940 Reader - Direct Wall Mounting
22 Model 94x, 97x Proximity ReaderFIGURE 9: Model 941 Reader - Gang Box Mounting
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader 23FIGURE 10: Model 941 Reader - Direct Wall Mounting
24 Model 94x, 97x Proximity ReaderFIGURE 11: Model 970/972 Reader - Gang Box Mounting
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader 25FIGURE 12: Model 970/972 Reader - Direct Wall Mounting
26 Model 94x, 97x Proximity ReaderFIGURE 13: Model 971/973 Reader - Gang Box Mounting
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader 27FIGURE 14: Model 971/973 Reader - Direct Wall Mounting
28 Model 94x, 97x Proximity ReaderTesting the ReaderFollow the steps below to verify that the reader is working correctly.1. Check all cabling and electrical connections from the reader tothe microcontroller. Refer to the wiring diagrams on page 11,page 13, and page 15.2. Verify that the microcontroller is properly configured. Refer tothe appropriate CASI-RUSCO microcontroller manual.3. Verify that the reader switches are properly set for the powersetting, cabling type, distance, and desired mode of operation.See “Switch Settings” on page 3.4. Apply power to the reader and verify that the yellow LED is on.You may want to use a multimeter to test the voltage at thereader’s pigtail connector J1, using ground (pin 2) as a reference.The power pin (pin 1), data lines (pins 6 and 7) and door DO(pin 4) should all read approximately 12V.5. Check that the proper version of firmware is installed in themicrocontroller. Refer to the appropriate microcontroller manual.6. Close the tamper switch by joining the reader and backplate.NOTE: If external tamper is activated, make sure the readerbackplate mounting surface is flush with backplate. When all wiresare connected to the reader, ensure that the supervision functionis operating properly (if a supervised mode is selected), byverifying that the reader is not sounding a short triple beep every30 seconds, and the red LED is not flashing slowly (every 2seconds). If such an alarm is present, refer to the troubleshootingguide at the end of this manual. NOTE: In silent supervised mode,no indication of loss of supervision is provided, except badges willnot be read.7. Select a known good Proximity Perfect or ProxLite test badge. Besure the badge is properly entered in the host system, and themicro badge data format matches the reader. If the reader is usedwith a keypad (Models 972 and 973 only), assign a proper PIN.8. Check that the door is secure. Present the badge to the reader.Observe that the reader beeps briefly and the yellow LEDblinks off.
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader 299. If the reader is used with a keypad (Models 972 and 973 only),enter a PIN. Refer to the host manual for instructions on enteringthe PIN. Observe that the green LED turns on indicating a validaccess has been granted by the host.10. Open the door. This verifies that the door strike operatescorrectly.Troubleshooting GuideIf the operation of a component is in doubt, substitute a known goodcomponent and retry the system. Always verify wiring againstwiring diagrams before powering up the system.The troubleshooting guide is divided into three sections. The firstsection is applicable to all installations, the second section providesadditional diagnosis for unsupervised readers, and the last sectionprovides additional diagnosis for supervised readers.All InstallationsAll LEDs are on and the beeper is on (if enabled): Usually, anindication that the reader’s voltage is too low. This may be caused ifthe wrong reader voltage is selected at the microcontroller or thecabel is too long between the reader and the microcontroller.1. Measure the reader supply voltage at the microcontroller. Itshould read between 12 and 15VDC. If the voltage is correct,continue to step 2 below. If the voltage is incorrect, refer to theappropriate microcontroller manual and correct the voltage.2. Set the reader to low power mode if the cable distance is too long(See Table 1 “Power Level Switch Settings,” on page 5). This maycorrect the problem.3. If the problem is still present, while in low power mode, measurethe voltage between J1 pin 1 (power) and J1 pin 2 (ground). Thisvoltage should be greater than 8VDC and less than or equal to thereader supply voltage. If the voltage is too low, correct thewiring. If the voltage is correct, replace the reader.None of the LEDs are on: Check that the beeper is enabled (SeeTable 5 “Beeper Sound Level DIP Switch Settings,” on page 7), thenpresent a known good Proximity Perfect or ProxLite test badge to thereader while listening for the beeper.
30 Model 94x, 97x Proximity ReaderIf the beeper sounds, the reader is faulty and should be replaced. Ifthe beeper does not sound, check the power connections to the readerand check the reader supply voltage at connector J1 pin 1.The green LED is always on: The green LED indicates that the doorstrike is open. It is controlled by the input on connector J1 pin 4.1. Disconnect the wire on J1 pin 4. If the green LED stays on, thereader is faulty and should be replaced. If the green LED goes offthen the problem is most likely not in the reader.2. Reconnect the wire on J1 pin 4 and measure the voltage at J1pin4.LowvoltageturnsonthegreenLED.Ifthevoltageislow,check to see if the host system is turning on the door strike.The beeper doesn’t sound and the yellow LED doesn’t blink whena badge is presented to the reader OR the badge read range is verypoor: When the beeper sounds and the yellow LED blinks off, itindicates that a badge has been read and its data sent to themicrocontroller.NOTE: The beeper will not sound if it has been disabled. (See Table 5“Beeper Sound Level DIP Switch Settings,” on page 7.)1. Models 941, 971 and 973: Check that the metal backplate isinstalled correctly. See the appropriate installation drawing inthis manual for details.Allothermodels:Besuretheyarenotmountedonornearametalwallorlargemetalobject.2. Check that the reader is not mounted within 3 feet (1 meter) of acomputer terminal or within 10 inches (250 mm) of anotherProximity Perfect reader. The only exception to this 10-inch(250 mm) limit is for 941, 971, and 973 Readers installed on theoptional, back-to-back, metal mounting plates.3. Present a Proximity Perfect test badge (known to be working) tothe reader. If the beeper and yellow LED still fail to indicate avalid badge read and send, replace the reader with a reader thatyou know is working correctly. If this corrects the problem, theoriginal reader is faulty and should be replaced. If this does notcorrect the problem, the badge is probably defective.ThedoordoesnotopenandthegreenLEDdoesnotturnonwhenabadge is presented:1. Verify that the badge and reader are properly entered into thesystem.
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader 312. Verify that the door strike and the green LED are wired correctly.Since the green LED and the door strike are separate indicators,this problem is not an indication of a defective reader.The green LED does not turn on, but the door strike unlocks the doorwhen a valid badge is presented:1. Verify that the door DO is wired correctly. Refer to theappropriate wiring diagram.2. DisconnectthewirefromJ1pin4(greenLED)andconnectJ1pin 4 to J1 pin 2 (ground). If the green LED is now on, the readeris good and the connection to the reader is defective. If the greenLED does not turn on, replace the reader.Green LED turns on but the door does not open: Verify correct doorstrike wiring and operation. The reader is functioning properly.The beeper is always on and/or the yellow LED is off: The yellowLED blinks off and the beeper sounds while a key is pressed (Models972 and 973 only), as long as the reader DIP switches are not set todisable the beeper.Unsupervised Modes OnlyThe reader sounds a short triple beep every 30 seconds and the redLED flashes quickly (every 400 ms): Indicates a tamper violation.Verify that the reader housing is properly secured to the backplate. Ifan external tamper is used, review the appropriate recommendedmounting instructions. If the reader is secure and mounted properly,then the reader is faulty and should be replaced.Supervised Modes OnlyReader sounds a short triple beep every 30 seconds and the red LEDflashes slowly (every 2 seconds): The reader has lost communicationwith the microcontroller.1. Check the reader to microcontroller wiring. Refer to theappropriate installation drawing. Verify that the AUX DO isjumpered to the READER DATA 1 on the microcontroller.2. Verify that the correct pull-up resistor is installed on themicrocontroller. See Figure 3, “Wiring Diagram, Model 94x/97xSupervised F/2F Mode,” on page 11.
32 Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader3. Verify that the microcontroller has the correct firmware for asupervised reader. Refer to the manual that came with yourmicrocontroller for instructions.4. Try the reader on a different reader input of the microcontroller.If this corrects the problem, then the microcontroller is probablycausing the problem.5. Replace the reader with one you know is working correctly. Ifthis corrects the problem, then the reader is probably faulty andshould be replaced.6. If none of the above steps have identified the problem, there maybe a significant noise source present in the installation that isinterfering with the reader-to-microcontroller communications. Ifthisisthecase,useshieldedwireforreader-to-microcontrollerconnections.The beeper sounds and the yellow LED blinks off more than oncewhen a valid badge is presented: The beeper sounds and the yellowLED blinks off every time badge data is sent to the microcontroller.When a badge is presented to the reader, data is transmitted from thebadge to the reader. The reader interprets and checks the datareceived to make sure it has not been corrupted. The reader thensends the data to the microcontroller and waits approximately 1/3 ofa second for the microcontroller to acknowledge receipt. If noacknowledge is received during this time, the reader resends the datacausing the beeper to sound again and the LED to blink off. After thethird unacknowledged attempt, the reader stops trying and indicatesa communications error. This feature is useful in troubleshootingmarginal installations where a high level of electrical noise may causethe reader to make multiple attempts at communications.1. If multiple beeps occur regularly, refer to the installationdrawings to verify that the correct pull-up resistor has beenadded to the microcontroller.2. Replace the reader with one you know is working correctly. Ifthis solves the problem, the original reader is probably faulty andshould be replaced. If the problem persists, use shielded cablebetween the microcontroller and the reader.The reader sounds a short triple beep every 30 seconds and the redLED flashes quickly (every 400 ms): Indicates a tamper violation.Verify that the reader housing is properly secured to the backplate. Ifan external tamper is used, review the appropriate recommendedmounting instructions. If the reader is secure and mounted properly,
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader 33then the reader is faulty and should be replaced.The beeper and/or red LED are always on: The microcontroller maycommand the reader to turn on the red LED and the beeper as long asthe reader DIP switches are not set to disable the beeper. If the doorstatusswitchinputatJ1pin10isnottiedtoground,thereaderinformsthesystemthatthedoorisopen.Thesystemmaythenactivate the alarm at the reader. If this is not the problem, then thesystem software probably told the reader to activate its alarm. Refertotheappropriatesystemmanualforconditionsthatcausethesoftware to activate the alarm. If it appears that no such systemcommand is active, replace the reader with one you know workscorrectly.Ifthissolvestheproblem,theoriginalreaderisfaultyandshould be replaced.The green LED flashes quickly (every 400 ms): This indicates thatthe microcontroller has requested a PIN entry on a Model 972 or 973Reader with a keypad. For all other models, check the readerconfiguration on your system to be sure a keypad reader was notselected.
34 Model 94x, 97x Proximity ReaderTechnical SpecificationsOperating Temperature Range:-35°Cto+66°C (-31°Fto151° F)Humidity Range: 0% to 95%Index of Protection: IP55Physical Dimensions:Models 94x - 4.75 in (H) x 2.90 in (W) x 0.90 in (D)121mm(H)x74mm(W)x23mm(D)Models 97x - 4.75 in (H) x 5.500 in (W) x 0.90 in (D)121 mm (H) x 140 mm (W) x 23 mm (D)Parts List:• Model 940 Reader (single-gang) gray• Model 940 Reader (single-gang) black• Model 941 Reader (single-gang metal mount) gray• Model 941 Reader (single-gang metal-mount) black• Model 970 Reader (dual-gang) gray• Model 970 Reader (dual-gang) black• Model 971 Reader (dual-gang metal-mount) gray• Model 971 Reader (dual-gang metal-mount) black• Model 972 Reader (dual-gang with keypad) gray• Model 972 Reader (dual-gang with keypad) black• Model 973 Reader (dual-gang metal mount w/keypad) gray• Model 973 Reader (dual-gang metal mount w/keypad) black• Optional Tamper Key Tool• 94x Plastic Backplate (gray)• 94x Plastic Backplate (black)• 97x Plastic Backplate (gray)• 97x Plastic Backplate (black)• Standard 941 Metal Mounting Plate (gray)• Standard 941 Metal Mounting Plate (black)• Standard 971/973 Metal Mounting Plate (gray)• Standard 971/973 Metal Mounting Plate (black)
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader 35• OptionalBack-to-Back941MetalMountingPlate(gray)• Optional Back-to-Back 971/973 Metal Mounting Plate (black)• 94x Weather-resistant Gasket• 97x Weather-resistant Gasket•ReaderCableRefer to CASI-RUSCO Product Catalog for part numbers andordering information.Maximum Reader Range: Determined by the reader’s power levelsetting. See Table 2 “Read Range by Model Number,” on page 5.Maximum Cabling Distance: The maximum cable distancebetween the reader and the microcontroller is influenced by anumber of factors including wire gauge and reader power levelsetting. See Table 3 “Cable Distances,” on page 6.NOTE: The reader will work well with unshielded cable in mostenvironments. No company, including CASI-RUSCO, can guarantee thatdata will be reliably transmitted over long distances on unshieldedcable in every installation.Power Supply: Nominal 12VDC, 75mA, 150mA or 200mAdependent on the power setting selected. See Table 1 “Power LevelSwitch Settings,” on page 5.Color: Light gray and blackPinouts: The reader is supplied with a ten-wire cable. On one end isa keyed connector that mates with the J1 connector on the back of thereader. The other ends are stripped ready for connection to the fieldwiring using a terminal block or in-line splice connectors.
36 Model 94x, 97x Proximity ReaderFunctional SpecificationsProduct Operation: The reader transmits a wake-up field extendingall around the reader (the 941 and 971 generate virtually no backfield). When a badge is presented, energy from the field powers theelectronics inside the badge allowing it to transmit its unique data tothe reader. The reader receives, interprets, and checks the data,sending only uncorrupted badge data to the microcontroller. Due tothe nature of the wake-up field, the maximum read range will berealized only if the badge is presented to the reader on an imaginarysemi-circle centered on the reader, as shown below.FIGURE 15: Badge to Reader PresentationWhile the reader will read and send another badge’s dataimmediately, the risk of multiple badge reads is reduced by a
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader 37two-second same-badge-send delay.In the supervised modes, the reader also monitors and reports thestatus of a normally closed door contact switch and a normally openexit request push button.Application:Intended for areas requiring a moderately high level ofsecurity for controlled access.Compatibility: Interfaces to all CASI-RUSCO systems.Reader Technology Types: CASI-RUSCO Proximity PerfectRead/Write technology and CASI-RUSCO ProxLite Read Onlytechnology.Badge Formats: CASI-RUSCO Proximity Perfect badges encodedwith 2801, 2804, 3201, or 40-bit data formats; or CASI-RUSCOProxLite and Entrée badges and key tags.•Mounting: The reader can be mounted directly onto a standardU.S. electrical gang box (Model 94x onto single-gang box, 97xonto dual-gang box). The reader can also be mounted directlyonto a hollow wall. A sealing gasket is provided for weather-resistant outdoor installations. For outdoor installations, wherethe reader is mounted in direct exposure to weather, a bead ofsilicone caulking should be applied between the reader and thewall to prevent water from entering the back of the reader. See“Mounting the Reader” on page 17 for additional details.Indicators: Red, yellow, and green LEDs, and a beeper areincorporated into the reader.•Red LED: Turns on continuously to indicate a tamper in theWiegand and F/2F modes. In the supervised modes, the red LEDflashes quickly (every 400 ms) to indicate a tamper condition.If communications with the microcontroller are lost while in thesupervised modes, the red LED flashes slowly (every 2 seconds).In both supervised modes, the red LED may also be turned onand off by the microcontroller to indicate an alarm state. Consultthe appropriate system manual for details on this operation.•Yellow LED: Normally on when power is applied to the reader.Blinks off briefly to indicate that a badge has been read and sentto the microcontroller. Blinks off briefly to indicate that akeypress has been read and sent to the microcontroller (Models972 and 973 only).•Green LED: Indicates that the microcontroller has activated thedoor strike. In the unsupervised mode, the green LED flashes
38 Model 94x, 97x Proximity Readerquickly (every 400 ms) to indicate that the microcontroller hasrequested a PIN entry.•Beeper: The beeper sounds briefly to indicate that a valid badgehas been read and sent to the microcontroller. The beeper soundscontinuously while a key is pressed (Models 972 and 973 only). Ashort triple beep sounds every 30 seconds to indicate a readertamper. In the normal supervised modes, a short triple beepevery 30 seconds indicates a disruption in communications withthe microcontroller.In both supervised modes, the beeper may be sounded by themicrocontroller to indicate an alarm state. Consult theappropriate system manual for details on this operation.An external device can be connected to all LEDs and the beeper atconnector J1. In this case, the LEDs and beeper can be driven bythereaderortheexternaldevice.DrivingtheappropriateJ1pinto a low voltage activates the indicator. This low voltage can besensed by the external device even when the indicator is drivenby the reader.Supervised F/2F Mode Operation: In the supervised modes, thereader sends badge data or reader status data to the microcontrollerapproximately once every second and waits for an acknowledgmentfrom the microcontroller. The reader continues sending the dataevery second until an acknowledgment is received. If anacknowledgement is not received after the third attempt, the readerstops reading badges, the red LED starts flashing slowly (every 2seconds), and a short triple beep sounds every 30 seconds, unlesssilent supervised mode is selected. Once the reader receives anacknowledgment, it begins reading badges again, the beeper stopssounding and the red LED stops flashing.Badge Read Operation:Each time the reader sends badge data, theyellow LED blinks off briefly and the beeper sounds. On systems setup for PIN entry, the green LED flashes to indicate that keypad datais expected.Keypad Operation (Models 972/973 only): The reader sendseach new keypress to the microcontroller and blinks the yellow LEDoff. The beeper sounds while a key is pressed. In unsupervised F/2Fmode, the keypad has no function.Reader Tamper Operation: The 94x/97x Readers incorporate aninternal and external tamper. If the reader is separated from thebackplate, or the reader and backplate are removed from the walltogether, then the reader functions are disabled and a tampercondition is indicated by a triple beep every 30 seconds. In the
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader 39Wiegand and F/2F modes, the red LED stays on continuously duringa tamper condition (this can be sensed by a low voltage on connectorJ1 pin 3). In both supervised modes, the red LED flashes quickly(every 400 ms) and all communications with the microcontroller aresuspended, taking the reader offline.Door Contact and Exit Request Inputs: The 94x/97x Readershave a normally closed door contact switch input and a normallyopen exit request switch input. In the supervised modes, the state ofboth switch inputs is periodically reported to the microcontroller, butchanges to switch inputs are reported immediately. In the Wiegandand F/2F modes, these switch inputs have no function.
40 Model 94x, 97x Proximity ReaderNOTES
Model 94x, 97x Proximity Reader 41NOTES
42 Model 94x, 97x Proximity ReaderNOTES

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