Casio Communication CP-750 900 MHz 40 Channel Analog Cordless Telephone User Manual cp750

Casio Communication Inc. 900 MHz 40 Channel Analog Cordless Telephone cp750


User Manual

12312111BA wall mount bracket is included and can be installed if needed. Tightlycoil the telephone cord around the four guides on the inside of the wallmounting bracket. Pull the telephone cord through the center opening onthe wall mounting bracket. Refer to the drawing. The handset can becharged face out or face down, even when wall mounted.INITIAL SETUPWALL/DESK USEThis switch tells the CP-750 to dial out with either touchtone or pulse signals to match the service youhave with your local telephone company. The CP-750 is shipped with the TONE/PULSE SWITCH inthe TONE position. If you do not have touchtone service, set the switch to pulse on the back of thecharging cradle.TONE = for Touchtone systemsPULSE = for Rotary dialing or Pulse systemsTONE/PULSE SWITCHPULSE   TONEThe CP-750 is shipped with the base and handset RINGER ON/OFF SWITCHES in the ON position.  Youcan independently set the ringers of the CP-750 to ON or OFF.RINGER ON/OFFCNOTE:■If the handset is in “Standby Mode” but not in thecharging cradle, the display will go blank after a shorttime to conserve battery power.HANDSET / TELEPHONE OPERATIONSTANDBY MODEThe CP-750 is in “Standby” mode wheneverit is idle, waiting for a call. If the handset isin the charging cradle, the display will eitherbe blankORIf you have new caller ID entries fromrecent unanswered calls, it will show the“NEW CALLERS” message with thenumber of new callers at the lower farright of the display screen. PressCALLER ID to view the names andnumbers of “New Callers”.12Pick up the handset and press TALK.  Thefollowing display will be briefly shown. Thisdisplay indicates that the handset is estab-lishing contact with the charging cradle.TO PLACE A CALLA dial tone will be established. (In thisexample, CH03 is the current channelnumber of 40 available channels in yourarea.) Wait for dial tone and dial the phonenumber. The number will appear in thedisplay as you dial.NOTE:■The LINE IN-USE INDICATOR on the charging cradlelights solid to show the handset is in use.1To hang up, press TALK or return thehandset to the charging cradle.TO END A CALLNOTE:■When you return the handset to the charging cradle,you are hanging up the phone and returning toStandby Mode. The CP-750 is now ready to receive acall and the CHARGING INDICATOR lights solid toshow that the battery is charging.1Press TALK twice (“off” and “on.”) Waitfor dial tone and dial the correct number.IF YOU MISDIALEDA NUMBER1212TO RECEIVE A CALLWhen the phone rings, pick up the cordlesshandset and press TALK. You will brieflysee the “SCANNING CHANNELS” display,followed by the “VOLUME” display. Speakto the caller.To hang up, press TALK on the handset orreturn the handset to the charging cradle.HANDSET VOLUME CONTROLWhenever the CP-750 is in “Talk” mode, thehandset volume will be displayed.Press the DOWN or UP ARROW KEYto adjust the volume.When TALK is pressed, the handsetvolume returns to the volume level at whichyou programmed it (see PROGRAMMINGTHE CP-750, “Default Volume”).When the CP-750 detects a modem in use on theline to which it is connected, the ModemMonitorTM feature prevents the CP-750 fromgoing off-hook.  When you attempt to make a callon the CP-750 and a modem is connected, youwill hear the modem data through the handset.The data you hear is protected from interruption.The MODEM MONITORTM INDICATOR on the basewill flash slowly and when you attempt to go off-hook the handset will display:MODEM MONITORTMNOTE:■If you wish to override Modem MonitorTM afterpressing TALK you can do so by pressing 9. (Youmay also need to manually deactivate the modemactivity at your computer or fax machine.)About 10 seconds after you enter “Talk” mode, aCall Timer will appear on the display. The timerwill automatically be reset whenever you place anew call.NOTES:■The length of time shown on the display is intendedonly to be an estimate duration of a phone call.CASIO PHONEMATE makes no guarantees regardingthe accuracy of this timer.■The Call Timer will not be disrupted if HOLD ispressed. The Hold timer (5 minute count down timer)will display and the Call Timer will continue, hiddenfrom view, during any Hold mode.CALL TIMER1Press the RIGHT ARROW (CHANNEL)KEY to view the approximate length of thelast call after you have hung up the phone.LAST CALL TIME DISPLAYAfter TALK is pressed, the CP-750 selectsthe best of 40 available channels in yourarea. If you hear noise or interference whileusing the CP-750, press CHANNEL on thehandset to change channels.CHANGING CHANNELSMANUALLY1If you subscribe to a call waiting serviceand you receive another call while using thephone, press FLASH to answer thesecond call. To return to the first call, pressFLASH again.FLASH/CALL WAITINGFLASH may also be used on a business phonesystem (CENTREX, PBX) for transferring calls.12Press HOLD to place a call on hold. TheTALK INDICATOR will flash slowly.You may place a call on hold while using thecordless handset.HOLDNOTE:■You can place a call on hold for up to 5 minutes.During HOLD, do not return the handset to thecharging cradle. Doing so will disconnect the caller.To continue your phone conversation,press TALK,  HOLD, or pick up anextension phone connected to the sameline. When the extension phone is pickedup, the CP-750 automatically disconnectsitself from the line. Extension phone pick-up during HS Hold mode will discontinuethe Hold mode, connect the call to the newextension phone, and cause the CP-750 togo idle after a 10 -second display time out.NOTE:■The Call Timer will not be disrupted if HOLD ispressed. The Hold timer (5 minute count down timer)will display and the Call Timer will continue, hiddenfrom view, during any Hold mode.12Send-Key Dialing is extremely reliable becauseyou can see the number you have entered beforeactually dialing it.DIALING A NUMBER USINGTHE SEND KEY(DISPLAY & DIAL)Make sure the CP-750 is in “StandbyMode”. Without pressing the TALK button,enter the number you wish to dial.  If youmake a mistake, use DELETE to makechanges. The last digit entered will bedeleted. Each time DELETE is pressed, thepreviously entered digit will be erased.After you have correctly entered the entirenumber you wish to dial, press SEND. TheCP-750 will dial the number.1The CP-750 remembers the last number youdialed. The redial memory will hold up to 32digits. Every time you dial a new telephonenumber, the redial memory is updated with thatnew number.REDIALPress TALK and wait for a dial tone.2Press REDIAL.1If you receive a busy signal after placing a calland you wish to try again immediately, there is noneed to hang up the phone.REDIAL WHEN BUSYPress REDIAL while hearing a busy signaland the CP-750 will automatically hang up,reconnect, and dial the number again.1Display Redialing allows you to view the contentsof the redial memory before dialing.  This isuseful if you aren’t sure what number was lastdialed on the CP-750.DISPLAY REDIALINGMake sure the unit is in “Standby” mode.Press REDIAL. You will be able to viewthe last 15 digits of the last number dialed.2Press SEND to dial.1The CP-750 cordless handset operates like anyother cordless handset. You can use it in theyard, at the pool, at the mailbox, or any placewithin the operating range of the charging cradle.If you move out of the charging cradle’s operatingrange, you may hear a triple beep warning toneand/or static interference. Move closer to thecharging cradle to deactivate the alarm andprevent disconnec-tion. If you remain out ofrange for too long, the CP-750 will disconnectfrom the line.If the handset loses its security code, you willalso hear an alarm tone. To reset this securitycode, place the handset in the charging cradle fora few seconds. Pick up the handset and try yourcall again.Interference from other appliances may alsocause the alarm to sound. To preventinterference, move the charging cradle toanother location and raise its antenna.Press PAGE on the charging cradle. Thebase unit will issue beeps to confirm thatthe paging signal to the HS has beenenabled. You will hear the handset ring.PAGING THE HANDSET FROMTHE CHARGING CRADLE2To cancel the page, either press PAGEagain or TALK twice on the handset orplace the handset in the charging cradle.NOTE:■After seven rings the page will stop.1You can check the power level of the battery toavoid battery depletion.BATTERY CONDITIONPress BATTERY when the handset is outof the charging cradle. The followingdisplay will appear when the battery is fullycharged:As the battery discharges, the stack symbols willdisappear, starting from the right.  When thebattery is low, the display will look like:2Press BATTERY again or wait a fewseconds to leave battery condition mode.NOTE:■Charge the battery for 12-15 hours before using.■If BATTERY is pressed while the handset is in thecradle, "CHARGING" will appear in the LCD.LOW BATTERY INDICATORThe CP-750 will automatically detect a lowbattery.  If this happens, you will hear a doublebeep, and the “LOW BATTERY” display willappear.If the Low Battery indicator appears while you aretalking on the CP-750, you may only have a fewminutes left before the battery dischargescompletely, in which case you will bedisconnected. To prevent this, simply pick up anextension phone and place the CP-750 back inthe charger. Place the handset in the charger for12 - 15 hours to recharge the battery.NOTE:■The battery can be recharged many times, but if youget a low battery indication even after 12-15 hours ofcharging, you should replace the battery pack. Seethe Accessories order form to purchase a batterypack.OUT OF RANGE ALARM31If you choose to take the second call, pressFLASH to answer it.You must subscribe to a Caller ID service(available from most local telephone companies)in order to receive Caller ID information. MostCaller ID services offer the following two options:1.Standard Caller ID with name and numberThe name, phone number and local time (ifavailable) of the incoming call are receivedafter your phone rings.2.Call Waiting Caller ID with name and numberThe name, phone number and local time (ifavailable) of the incoming call are receivedafter your phone rings.  If you are on the phoneand receive another call, you will hear a tone,telling you there is a call waiting. The CallWaiting Caller ID information will appear on thedisplay.CALLER ID SERVICE OPTIONSWhen you receive a call, the CP-750 will receivethe Caller ID information from your phonecompany within the first two rings. Caller IDinformation will display even if the ringer is set tooff.When all of the data is received, you will hear alow-high confirmation tone and the Caller IDinformation will appear on the display:ANSWERINGCALLER ID CALLSOnce you hear the confirmation tone, youcan press TALK  to answer the call andautomatically retain all the Caller IDinformation received.NOTE:■If you press TALK before you hear the Caller IDconfirmation tone, the Caller ID information for thatcall will be lost.ANSWERING CALL WAITINGCALLER ID CALLSIf you subscribe to a Call Waiting Caller ID servicewith your telephone company, the CP-750 canreceive a Caller ID call while you are on the linewith another party.If a second call comes while you are on thephone, your CP-750 will beep.You can now view the LCD screen to see thename and number of the incoming caller.You can decide whether to answer thesecond call or ignore it and continue withthe first call.4You may continue to press FLASH toswitch between the two calling partiesindefinitely.The CP-750 automatically saves up to 50 CallerID entries. Any Caller ID information (name,phone number, date, time) that is transmitted willbe stored for your reference or use in theautodialer and redial memory.All Caller ID names and numbers are stored inreverse order of receipt (last call is displayed ashighest memory number.)  If the memorybecomes full, the newest entries will be savedand the oldest ones will be erased.SAVING CALLER IDINFORMATIONIf Caller ID calls are not answered, the CP-750will automatically store the Caller ID informationinto memory.If the handset is in the charger, “NEW CALLERS”will appear on the display. This message will stayon the screen and go away after you review thestored Caller ID information.The NEW CALLS count in the LCD indicates allCPID records not yet viewed. The NEW CALLSINDICATOR on the base will flash slowly until youhave reviewed all your stored Caller ID records.NOTE:■If the handset is out of the cradle, the LCD screen willonly say <NEW CALLERS> for 5 seconds and then goblank.  It will say <NEW CALLERS> again if put backinto the charging cradle.RECEIVING CALLER IDINFORMATION IF CALLIS NOT ANSWEREDIf you received calls while you were away fromyour CP-750, you can retrieve the stored CallerID entries from memory. CPID records can alsobe viewed and scrolled while off-hook (while youare on an active call).211REVIEWING STOREDCALLER ID INFORMATIONPress CALLER ID.  The entry for themost recently received call will bedisplayed.The name will be displayed on the top line, thenumber on the second line, and the time and dateof that call will be displayed on the third line of thedisplay (all information is displayed at once). Theword NEW indicates that this is a new caller IDrecord.  The word NEW will be displayed for eachrecord that is being viewed for the first time.  Thetwo digit number (example "22") in the lower rightcorner of the display indicates that N Johnson isyour most recent caller and it is your twenty-second call. This helps you keep track of howmany entries are currently stored in your CP-750.2Use the DOWN or UP ARROW KEY tosee the other entries. DOWN scrollsthrough older records and UP scrolls theopposite direction.“BLOCKED” AND“UNAVAILABLE” MESSAGESIf a caller chooses to partially or completely“block” Caller ID information, a message willappear on the display indicating that the nameand/or phone number has been blocked. If, forThe CP-750 allows you to place calls usingstored Caller ID information.Press CALLER ID. (You may press TALKfirst if you wish. Caller ID can be dialedfrom off hook mode or on hook mode).Locate the desired numbers by scrollingthrough saved Caller ID information usingthe DOWN or UP ARROW KEY.(Holding down the DOWN or UP ARROWKEYS will automatically fast scroll throughCaller ID records).3Press SEND.4If your area code is set to 000 in the CP-750the LCD will display the first of the threedifferent dialing options. Press the UP orDOWN ARROW KEY to view the rest ofthe dialing options. Select one of the threedialing options and press SEND again.5The CP-750 will automatically establish adial tone and place the call.NOTES:■If you have programmed your local area code intothe CP-750 before using this feature then the CP-750will not prompt you for different dialing options. See“Programming the CP-750” for more information.■If no button is pressed for 30 seconds duringviewing of Caller ID information the LCD will time-outto a blank display.A globe icon in LCD indicates a Caller IDtelephone number record which may result in atoll charge if dialed out.NOTE:■CASIO PHONEMATE makes no guarantees regardingthe accuracy of this toll call indicator.TOLL CALL INDICATORSpecific Caller ID entries may be deleted.DELETING INDIVIDUALCALLER ID ENTRIES123Press CALLER ID.Press the DOWN or UP ARROW KEYto locate the entry you wish to delete.Press and release DELETE. You will heara double beep and the “Delete ?” messagewill appear.4Press DELETE again within 5 seconds toconfirm. The entry will then be deleted.12Press CALLER ID.DELETING ALL CALLER IDINFORMATIONPress and hold DELETE until you see the“Delete All ?” message appear on thedisplay.3Press DELETE again within 5 seconds toconfirm. All Caller ID entries will then bedeleted.If you do not subscribe to a Caller ID service, youcan still benefit from most of the CP-750’sadvanced features. However, you should beaware of the following:1. Pressing CALLER ID  will simply display the“NO CALLS” message2. The Call Waiting Caller ID and Outside Lineprogram options will have no effect.NOTE:■Certain sounds and voice pitches may occasionallycause the CP-750 to incorrectly “think” that the localphone company is sending Call Waiting Caller IDinformation. Although no Caller ID data will show upon the display, the CP-750 may mute the phone linefor a second or so. To prevent this annoyance,simply make sure that the Call Waiting Caller IDprogram option is set to “OFF”.USING THE CORDLESS PHONEWITHOUT CALLER IDSCANNINGCHANNELS... VOLUMECH03MODEM IN USEBATTERYBATTERYSMITH JAN1 310 555 12341/22 09:01AM     10NEWDIALING STORED CALLER IDNUMBERS111You may store up to 20 of your most frequentlydialed names and numbers into the autodialmemory.  Autodial names can be up to 16characters long, and the accompanying phonenumbers can be up to 24 digits each.STORING NAMES ANDNUMBERS IN AUTODIALPress PROGRAM.2Press  AUTODIAL.3Press the LEFT or RIGHT ARROWKEY to locate a memory location.4Enter a telephone number on the keypad.5Press the UP ARROW KEY to movethe cursor to the name field.6Enter the name using the keypad.Pressing a key once displays the firstupper case letter on that key. Pressing itrepeatedly will cycle through all of theupper and lower case characters on thatkey. Stop when the desired characterappears in the display. The "1" keyprovides unique characters and icons.7Press the RIGHT ARROW KEY tomove the cursor one space to the right.8Press AUTODIAL again when you finishto save the new entry. Nothing will bestored until the AUTODIAL key is pressed.9Press PROGRAM to exit the mode.1When you are programming numbers into theautodialer, the HOLD (PAUSE) key can be used toinsert a two-second “pause” (wait period)between digits.For example, if you need to dial a “9” in order toobtain an outside line, you can use the PAUSEkey to insert a two second pause for the seconddial tone.PROGRAMMING PAUSES INAUTODIALJust press “9 “, PAUSE/HOLD, andthen the number you wish to program.1Press AUTODIAL.  (You may pressTALK first if you wish.  Autodial can bedialed from off hook mode or on hookmode). If phone numbers are programmedinto the autodial memory, the firstprogrammed number will appear in thedisplay.USING AUTODIAL2Press the DOWN or UP ARROW KEYto select an autodial number.3When you locate the number, pressSEND to dial it.  The CP-750 willautomatically dial the number on thedisplay.NOTE:■If no button is pressed for 30 seconds duringviewing of autodial records the LCD will time-out to ablank display.Press PROGRAM.A FASTER WAY TO USE THEAUTODIALERIf you know the autodial number (01 - 20) of thename and number that you wish to call, you canenter it directly.For example, if you know that the nameand number of the person you are callingare stored in autodial 06 just pressAUTODIAL, “6 “, SEND.  The CP-750will then establish a dial tone and dial thenumber.EDITING AUTODIAL ENTRIES2Press the UP ARROW KEY three timesor the DOWN ARROW KEY five times(or just press AUTODIAL).3Press the LEFT or RIGHT ARROWKEY to locate the number you wish toedit.4Press the UP ARROW KEY. The entirephone number will flash. When the entirephone number is flashing, entering anumber on the keypad will erase thepreviously stored phone number from thedisplay and replace it.5If you only wish to change a few digits,press the LEFT ARROW KEY to activatethe cursor, and then use the RIGHT orLEFT ARROW, DELETE, andNUMBER keys to make changes.6Press the UP ARROW KEY. The entirename will now flash. As in the previous step,entering a number key (for a characterentry) at this point will erase the flashingname from the display and replace it.7If you only wish to change a few letters,press the RIGHT ARROW KEY toactivate the cursor, and then use theRIGHT or LEFT ARROW, DELETE, andNUMBER keys to make changes.8Press AUTODIAL once the correctinformation is entered and your changeswill be saved.9Press PROGRAM to exit theprogramming mode.1To erase numbers in autodial, pressAUTODIAL. ERASING AUTODIAL NAMESAND NUMBERS2Press the DOWN or UP ARROW KEYto find the autodial name and number youwish to erase.3Press and release DELETE. "DELETE ?"will appear in the display.4Press DELETE again within 5 seconds toconfirm. The entry will then be deleted.123ERASING ALL AUTODIALNAMES AND NUMBERSIf you wish to delete all Autodial namesand numbers, press AUTODIAL.Press and hold DELETE until "DELETEALL?" appears in the display.Press DELETE again within 5 seconds toconfirm. All autodialer entries will then bedeleted.1234This feature allows you to transfer a phonenumber from Caller ID memory directly into theAutodial Memory. This saves you time andeliminates the chance of entering an incorrectphone number into memory. You can even editthe name and number before you complete thetransfer.TRANSFER CALLER ID TOAUTODIAL MEMORYPress PROGRAM.  The “PROGRAMMODE” display will flash on the screen.Press AUTODIAL.  You will see 01flashing in the lower right-hand corner ofthe display.  (The rest of the display mayor may not be blank, depending on thecurrent contents of location #1).NOTE:■If you make a mistake or change your mind at anytime during this procedure, simply press PROGRAMagain to quit.Use the LEFT or RIGHT ARROW KEYto select the autodial location where youwish to transfer the Caller ID number.(Again, the rest of the display may or maynot be blank. If it is not blank, thecontents of this location will be writtenover once you complete the transfer.)Press CALLER ID.  The most recentlyreceived Caller ID entry will appear in thedisplay.567Use the DOWN or UP ARROW KEY toselect the Caller ID entry you wish to save.You can either save the entry exactly as itappears, or you can edit the name and/ornumber.  To save the entry without anyediting, just press AUTODIAL.  To editthe entry, press the UP ARROW KEYand proceed as described in the "TO EDITAUTODIAL ENTRIES" section.When you are finished, pressPROGRAM to exit “Program” mode.TRANSFER REDIAL NUMBERTO AUTODIAL MEMORYThis feature allows you to transfer a phonenumber from the Redial Memory directly into theAutodial Memory. If you wish, you can add aname before you complete the transfer.Follow steps 1-3 under "TRANSFERCALLER ID TO AUTODIAL MEMORY".Press REDIAL.  The contents of theRedial Memory will appear in the display.Follow steps 6-7 under "TRANSFERCALLER ID TO AUTODIAL MEMORY" to editand save your autodial entry.123PROGRAMMING OPTIONS1. Ringer Tone2. Default Volume Setting3. Autodialer (see section )4. Local Area Code Setting5. Outside Line6. Call Waiting Caller ID7. On-Screen HelpNOTE:■If no button is pressed for 30 seconds duringprogramming functions the LCD will time-out to ablank display.PROGRAM OPTION 1:RINGER TONEYou can select one of 4 ringer tones for theCP-750.Press PROGRAM.Press the UP ARROW KEY once.  Thewords “RINGER TONE” and its currentsetting (1-4) will be displayed.Press the LEFT or RIGHT ARROWKEYS to select a ringer tone.  The CP-750will ring once to confirm the tone you haveselected.4Press PROGRAM again to finish.1234Every time the TALK  key is pressed, the handsetwill start out with the factory set default volumesetting or the volume level you program here.PROGRAM OPTION 2:DEFAULT VOLUME SETTINGPress PROGRAM.Press the UP ARROW KEY twice.  The“DEFAULT VOLUME” display will appear.Use the LEFT or RIGHT ARROW KEYto adjust the default handset volume level.Press PROGRAM again to finish.NOTE:■The display illustrations in the remainder of thissection are presented with the assumption that yourCaller ID service provides both name and number. Ifyou have a number-only service, the name will beblank.any other reason, the name and/or numberinformation is currently not available from yourlocal phone company, an “Unavailable” messagewill appear on the display. The time and dateinformation for the call will still be recorded intothe CP-750’s memory.FPROGRAMMING THE CP-7501234The CP-750 can make returning phone callseasier for users who reside in a 7-digit dialingarea by automatically dialing stored Caller IDnumbers. In order for this feature to workcorrectly, it is necessary to program your localarea code into the unit.PROGRAM OPTION 4:LOCAL AREA CODE SETTINGPress PROGRAM.Press the UP ARROW KEY four times.The “Area Code” program display willappear. (000 is the factory default setting).Use the keypad to enter the three digits ofyour local area code.Press PROGRAM again to finish.If you have the 10 or 11 digit dialing system inyour area, leave the area code setting at 000. TheCP-750 will prompt you to choose between 7, 10,or 11-digit dialing each time you make a caller IDcall.1234If your telephone system requires that you enteran extra digit in order to obtain an outside line,the CP-750 can dial this digit for you automa-tically whenever you dial a stored Caller IDnumber. This may be useful if you use yourCP-750 at a business that uses a PBX telephonesystem.PROGRAM OPTION 5:OUTSIDE LINEPress PROGRAM.Press the UP ARROW KEY five times.The “Outside Line” display will appear.Use the LEFT or RIGHT ARROW KEYto select a digit.Press PROGRAM again to finish.The Call Waiting Caller ID option is factory presetto “ON.”  If you do not subscribe to Call WaitingCaller ID, you should set this option to “OFF.”1234PROGRAM OPTION 6:CALL WAITING CALLER IDPress PROGRAM.Press the UP ARROW KEY six times.The “Call Waiting Caller ID” Option displaywill appear.Use the LEFT or RIGHT ARROW KEYto turn this option ON or OFF.Press PROGRAM again to finish.1234Two modes of on-screen help are available whileyou program the CP-750.  These are:1. Automatic HelpA help message will automatically scrollacross the screen whenever you wait 15seconds without pressing a key. If you do notwish to wait 15 seconds, you can always seethe help message immediately by pressing theSEND key.2. “SEND key” HelpThe help messages (with the exception of theinitial message) will not appear unless youpress the SEND key.NOTE:■In either mode, you can stop the help message at anytime by pressing any key.PROGRAM OPTION 7:ON-SCREEN HELPTO CHANGE THE HELPOPTIONPress PROGRAM.Press the UP ARROW KEY seventimes. The “Help” display will appear.Use the LEFT or RIGHT ARROW KEYto switch between the two help modes.Press PROGRAM again to finish.DCALL WAITING & CALLER ID EAUTODIAL
1PLUG the CP-750’s telephone cordinto a telephone wall jack. PLUGthe other end of the cord into theback of the base unit.ADDITIONAL INFOTROUBLESHOOTING REFERENCIA RÀPIDA¡IMPORTANTE! CARGUE COMPLETAMENTE LA PILA DEL AURICULARDE 12 A 15 HORAS ANTES DE USAR EL TELEFONOEl desempeño de la pila es determinado por la duración del primer ciclo de carga. Si ustedse precipita a usar su teléfono antes de que la pila haya cargado completamente, ustedreducirá el tiempo efectivo de uso por carga de su teléfono.Instale la pila y conecte el teléfono como se muestra, luego coloque el auricular en la basepara cargar, con las teclas de números hacia abajo. El INDICADOR DE CARGA (CHARGEINDICATOR) en la base se encenderá. Deje el auricular en la base de 12 a 15 horas.FCC REQUIREMENTSUSER INSTRUCTIONS1. This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules. On the bottom of this equipment is a labelthat contains, among other information, the FCC registration number and Ringer EquivalenceNumber (REN) for this equipment. If requested, provide this information to your telephonecompany.2. The REN is useful to determine the quantity of devices you may connect to your telephone line andstill have all of those devices ring when your number is called. In most, but not all areas, the sum ofthe RENs of all devices should not exceed five (5.0). To be certain of the number of devices youmay connect to your line, as determined by the REN, you should call your local telephone companyto determine the maximum REN for your calling area.3. If your answering machine causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company maydiscontinue your service temporarily. If possible, they will notify you in advance. But if advancenotice is not practical, you will be notified as soon as possible. You will be advised of your right tofile a complaint with the FCC.4. Your telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or proceduresthat could affect the proper operation of your equipment. If they do, you will be given advancenotice so as to give you an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted service.5. If there is a problem with this unit, the telephone company may ask you to disconnect thisequipment from the network until the problem has been corrected or you are sure that theequipment is not malfunctioning.6. Repairs can only be made by the manufacturer or an authorized service agency. Unauthorizedrepairs void registration and warranty. Contact seller or manufacturer for details of permissibleuser-performed routine repairs, and where and how to have other than routine repairs made.7. This equipment may not be used on coin service provided by the telephone company. Connection toparty lines is subject to state tariffs. (Contact your state public utility commission or corporationcommission for information.)Jack: RJ11   Ringer Equivalence: See bottom/underside of the CP-750 base unit.CASIO PHONEMATE, Inc. 20665 Manhattan Place, Torrance, CA 90501NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, maycause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interferencewill not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:●Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.●Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.●Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected.●Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Any changes made by the user not approved by CASIO PHONEMATE can void the user’s authority tooperate the equipment. This product is hearing aid compatible.KIMPORTANT CORDLESSTELEPHONE INFORMATIONINTERFERENCE INFORMATIONNotice: This cordless telephone uses radio communications between the handset and the base unit,and may not ensure privacy of communication. Other devices including other cordless telephonesmay interfere with the operation of this cordless telephone or cause noise during operation. Cordlesstelephone equipment generates and receives radio waves and, if not installed and used properly, may pickup interference.To prevent interference:Avoid locations such as heating appliances, electrical equipment (e.g., fluorescent lamp, TV, radio,refrigerator, computer), places subject to direct sunlight, excessive dust, moisture, vibration, etc.Locate the base unit in a high place in the house (such as the second floor) in order to receive themost effective communication range. Fully extend the base unit antenna. Telephones must not causeinterference to any licensed radio service.WARNINGTo prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the set to rain or moisture.To avoid electrical shock, do not open the cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.CAUTION1. Use batteries only intended for recharging. Use only the following battery pack:Nickel-Cadmium Rechargeable, 3.6 volts, 600 mAh.2. Do not dispose of the battery in a fire. The cell may explode. Check with local codes for specialdisposal instructions.3. Do not open or mutilate the battery Released electrolyte is corrosive and may cause damage to theeyes or skin. It may be toxic if swallowed.4. Exercise care when handling the battery in order not toshort the battery with conducting materials such asrings, bracelets, and keys. The battery or conductormay overheat and cause burns.CHARGE  THE HANDSET BATTERYBEFORE USING THE CORDLESS TELEPHONEThe battery loses its charge during shipping and storage. Be sure to charge the battery before you use theCP-750 cordless telephone. Place the handset in the base unit. The CHARGING INDICATOR on the base willlight. Leave the handset in the base unit for 12-15 hours.DIGITAL SECURITY CODEThe Digital Security Coding System automatically resets a new personal security code, to one of over64,000 combinations, every time you return the CP-750 handset to the base unit. (Whenever the handsetis returned to the base unit, you will hear a beep.)  The security code prevents unauthorized use of yourtelephone line, false rings and false dialing.WARRANTYTo order accessories, simply cut out this order form, fill in the appropriate information and send it withpayment (check, money order or credit card information) to: CASIO PHONEMATE Parts Department,8805 Kelso Drive, Baltimore, MD 21221 or Call: 1-800-322-9995 for credit card orders.Description Part No. Price Qty. TotalLightning Arrestor - Helps protect telephone devices from damagecaused by lightning-strikes to the telephone line. 2700140 $19.95Recommended for areas prone to electrical storms.Rechargeable Battery Pack - For Model CP-750 3201010 $15.00AC Adapter - For Model CP-750 (specify black or white) 1601081 $13.50   (white)Modular Duplex T-Adapter - Converts a single modular telephone 2700156 $5.95jack to a double jack.Modular Two Line T-Adapter - Splits one RJ14 two line jack into 2700135 $5.95two RJ11 single line jacks.Headset (over ear) 8000688 $19.95Headset (over head) 8000689 $19.95Belt Clip (white) 2401734 $4.95Belt Clip (black) 2401735 $4.95SubtotalCA & MD residents add applicable sales taxAll orders add shipping and handling $3.50TotalPlease charge my credit card.VISA MasterCardEnclosed is my check/money order for the total amount.Card No. Expiration DateName ______________________________________________________________________________Street Address _______________________________________________________________________City _________________________________________ State __________ Zip Code _______________Signature ___________________________________________ Telephone_______________________We do not accept C.O.D. orders. Allow 15 working days for delivery. Prices subject to change without notice. Returnssubject to 20% restocking charge upon approval.IMPORTANT! SALES SLIP OR EVIDENCE OF PURCHASE DATE REQUIREDThis limited warranty gives you specific legal rights; you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.The limited warranty is extended only to the original consumer of a CASIO PHONEMATE product and is valid onlywith respect to consumers within the United States of America and Canada. Should this product prove defective byreason of improper workmanship or material during the period of one (1) year from the date of original purchase,CASIO PHONEMATE will repair or, at its option, replace the product without charge for parts or labor. If CASIOPHONEMATE elects to replace the product, such replacement may be accomplished with a factory-reconditionedunit.This limited warranty does not apply: (a) to any product damaged by accident, misuse, improper line voltage,lightning, fire, water, or other acts of nature, (b) if the product is altered or repaired by anyone other than CASIOPHONEMATE, INC. or one of its authorized warranty stations or  (c) if the FCC-approved connector plugs areremoved. This limited warranty does not cover broken or marred cabinets.Except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, all implied warranties made by CASIO PHONEMATE in connectionwith this product are limited in duration to a period of one (1) year from the date of original purchase, and nowarranties, whether expressed or implied, shall apply to this product after said period.Should this product prove defective in workmanship or material, the consumer’s sole remedies shall be such repairor replacement as is herein-above provided. Under no circumstances shall CASIO PHONEMATE be liable for anyloss or damage, direct, consequential, or incidental arising out of the use of or inability to use this product.Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation ofincidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusion may not apply to you.In order to obtain warranty service, you must provide evidence of purchase date. For your convenience, keep thedealer’s dated bill of sale or delivery ticket as evidence of the purchase date.Before returning or exchanging your product, call CASIO PHONEMATE ’s Helpline at (310) 320-9810.MACCESSORIES NIMPORTANTSAFETY INSTRUCTIONSINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS1. Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.2. Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed for wet locations.3. Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line has been disconnected atthe network interface.4. Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.SAFETY PRECAUTIONSWhen using your telephone equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk offire, electric shock and injury to persons, including the following:1. Read and understand all instructions.2. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product.3. Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Usea damp cloth for cleaning.4. Do not use this product near water; for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, ina wet basement, or near a swimming pool.5. Do not place this product on an unstable cart, stand, or table. The product may fall, causing serious damageto the product.6. Slots and openings in the cabinet and the back or bottom are provided for ventilation, to protect it fromoverheating, these openings must not be blocked or covered. The openings should never be blocked byplacing the product on the bed, sofa, rug, or other similar surface. This product should never be placed nearor over a radiator or heat register. This product should not be placed in an enclosed environment unlessproper ventilation is provided.7. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not locate this product where the cord will be abusedby animals or persons walking on it.8. Do not overload wall outlets and extension cords as this can result in the risk of fire or electric shock.9. Never push objects of any kind into this product through cabinet slots as they may touch dangerous voltagepoints or short out parts that could result in a risk of fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind onthe product.10.To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not disassemble this product, but take it to a qualified servicepersonwhen service or repair work is required. Opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerousvoltages or other risks. Incorrect re-assembly can cause electric shock when the appliance is subsequentlyused.11.Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under thefollowing conditions:A. When the power supply cord or plug is damaged or frayed.B. If liquid has been spilled into the product.C. If the product has been exposed to rain or water.D. If the product does not operate normally by following the operating instructions. Adjust only thosecontrols, that are covered by the operating instructions because improper adjustment of other controlsmay result in damage and will often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore theproduct to normal operation.E. If the product has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged.F. If the product exhibits a distinct change in performance.12.Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical storm. There may be a remote riskof electric shock from lightning.13.Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak while near the leak.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSHCASIO PHONEMATE’s memory backup systemmaintains up to 20 autodial names and numbersand stored Caller ID information (up to 50records) indefinitely until you erase them. Thisnon-volatile memory does not require batterypower.GIJIMPORTANT FEATURESCaller IDIf you subscribe to a Caller Identification Service (available from most local telephone companies), theCP-750 can display the name and phone number of incoming calls.  With the Caller ID feature, you cansee who is calling before you answer a call.Call Waiting Caller IDIf you subscribe to a Call Waiting Caller ID service from your local telephone company, the CP-750 candisplay the name and number of an incoming call while you are already talking to another party on thecordless handset.  NOTE: You must order the complete package that is known as “CALL WAITING/CALLER ID” from your local telephone company. If you simply order the two services of CALL WAITINGand CALLER ID you may not receive Call Waiting Caller ID service.Caller ID MemoryThe CP-750 automatically stores the Caller ID names and numbers of the last 50 calls you havereceived.Modem MonitorTM Connection ProtectionModem MonitorTM protects modem and fax connections when a call attempt is made from any phonethat includes the Modem MonitorTM feature. It distinguishes between data and standard voicecommunication and allows for normal telephone operation.Supertwist Nematic (STN) LCDAdvanced LCD technology in your CP-750 provides clear, multi-angle viewing of caller’s name andphone number if you subscribe to Caller ID service from your local telephone company.Autodial Memory BackupCASIO PHONEMATE’s memory backup system maintains up to 20 autodial names and numbersindefinitely until you erase them. This non-volatile memory does not require battery power.Charging The BatteryCharge the battery for 12-15 hours before using the cordless handset for the first time. The handset isalways charging while it is in the charging cradle and cannot be overcharged.To charge the battery, first check the AC Adapter to see that it is connected correctly. Then, place thehandset in the charging cradle. The CHARGING INDICATOR on the charging cradle lights solid toindicate that the CP-750 is charging.Local Area Code SettingIf you are planning to use the Caller ID features on the CP-750 and you reside in a 7-digit dialing area,you may want to program your local area code into the handset’s memory after you have charged thebattery for the first time. The CP-750 uses this information to automatically dial stored Caller IDnumbers correctly from a 7-digit dialing area. If you have 10 or 11 digit dialing in your area, leave thearea code setting at 000. The CP-750 will prompt you to choose between 7, 10, or 11 digit dialing eachtime you make a caller ID call.Headset Jack / Belt Clip IncludedThe CP-750 handset has a 2.5mm jack for attachment of a headset (headset not included).  The belt clipsnaps into to the back of the handset.The HANDSET CHARGING INDICATOR lightssolid when the handset is placed in the charger.Place the handset in the charger for12-15 hours before the first use or when thebattery begins to run low.HANDSET CHARGINGINDICATORThe LINE-IN-USE INDICATOR (located on thecharging cradle) will light solid whenever theCP-750 is in “TALK” mode, whenever any otherextension telephone on the same line is beingused, or whenever the telephone cord is notproperly plugged into the wall jack or telephone.LINE-IN-USE INDICATORMOVING THE CP-750Unplug the CP-750 from the wall outlet if youwish to move the unit. Place the handset in thecharging cradle after relocating the CP-750. Thiswill reset the CP-750’s security code. All autodial,Caller ID and redial numbers will be saved.POWER FAILURE/NON-VOLATILE MEMORYTwo-line installations may require a two-lineT-adapter for the CP-750 to operate correctly.The T-adapter allows you to connect yourmachine to Line 1 or Line 2. The CP-750 will onlyanswer one line. (See Accessories Order Form.)TWO-LINE INSTALLATIONInstallations with more than two lines, such asbusiness PBX or Key Systems, may require aseparate RJ11 jack for answering machines.Please contact your telephone equipmentprovider for additional information. (SeeAccessories Order Form.)MULTI-LINE INSTALLATIONCAUTION: Disconnect the CP-750 from thepower outlet before cleaning.Use a damp cloth or moist sponge only to clean:1. The antenna.2. The plastic cabinet of the handset andcharging cradle.3. The battery charging contacts on the handset.A mild soap, like dishwashing detergent, willhelp remove grease or oil. Do not spray cleanersdirectly onto the unit. Cleaners should only beused on the plastic surfaces. Thoroughly dry allparts of the handset and charging cradle beforere-using.CLEANING THE CP-750THIS UNIT IS SHIPPED WITH THE HANDSETBATTERY PACK INSTALLED.If it becomes necessary to replace the batterypack:1. Press down on the battery compartmentcover and slide it toward the bottom of thehandset.2. Install the new battery pack with the red wireon the right side of the black wire (seedrawing.)HANDSET BATTERYINSTALLATION3. Replace the battery cover by sliding it up fromthe bottom.4. Place the handset in the charger cradle andcharge the battery pack for 12-15 hours.WARNING: Use only NiCd RechargeableBattery Pack (3.6 volts 600 mAh.)Handset battery life:  6.6 hours talk time, 7 daysstandby time.“Blocked” and “Unavailable” Messages.If a caller chooses to partially or completely “block”Caller ID information, a message will appear on thedisplay indicating that the name and/or phone numberhas been blocked. If, for any other reason, the nameand/or number information is currently not availablefrom your local phone company, an “Unavailable”message will appear on the display. The time and dateinformation for the call will be recorded into theCP-750’s memory.Local Area Code SettingIf you live in a 7 digit dialing area and you programyour local area code into the unit, the CP-750 canmake returning phone calls easier by automaticallydialing stored Caller ID numbers. If you live in a 10or 11 digit dialing area, leave this setting at 000.Call Waiting Caller ID does not work1. You must subscribe to the combined packageservice Call Waiting Caller ID from your localtelephone company to use this feature. Simplysubscribing to Call Waiting and Caller ID may notbe sufficient to receive incoming Caller IDinformation while you are on the line.2. Turn the CP-750’s Call Waiting Caller ID option on.LINE IN USE INDICATOR lights yet the handset orextension phone are not in use.The telephone cord is not properly plugged in. Connectone end of the telephone cord to the wall jack andconnect the other end of the telephone line cord to theback of the CP-750.No sound from the handset.Check the VOLUME CONTROL. It may have beenprogrammed to a low level.No Dial Tone is heard when calling out.1. Was the battery pack charged for at least 12-15hours? Does “Low Battery” appear on the display?2. Check the AC adaptor and telephone cordconnection at the charging cradle and wall outlet.3. Check the connection of the battery pack.The handset does not ring.1. Check the ringer switch on the side of the handsetand make sure it is not set to “OFF”.2. Check AC adaptor and telephone cord connectionat the charging cradle and wall outlet.3. Was the battery pack charged for at least 12-15hours? Does “Low Battery” appear on the display?Unless you live close to a CASIO PHONEMATE ServiceCenter, you may need to mail your telephone andcharging cradle to CASIO PHONEMATE for repair. Youshould:1. Package the unit in its original box or acomparable protective package.2. Include a clear and specific written explanation ofthe problem.3. Include your name, address, and phone number.4. Provide a legible photocopy of the dated storereceipt for warranty purposes.LO234CONNECT the AC Adapter Plug into the ACAdapter Outlet on the back of the CP-750 chargingcradle. LOOP the cord through the AC AdapterCord Holder to prevent accidental disconnection.PLUG the AC Adapter into anelectrical wall outlet. Place thehandset (with battery packinstalled) in the cradle.It may be necessary to set theTONE/PULSE SWITCH.5Raise the charging cradleantenna for clear reception.INSTALLATIONCP-750 EASY TO USE OWNER'S GUIDE900 MHz CORDLESS PHONE WITHCALL WAITING CALLER IDAOpen for easyoperating guide!FACTORY SERVICE CENTERSCASIO PHONEMATE, INC.Attn: Customer Service20665 Manhattan PlaceTorrance, CA 90501(310) 328-6453CASIO PHONEMATE, INC.Attn: Customer Service8805 Kelso DriveBaltimore, MD 21221(410) 391-0974Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.CASIO PHONEMATE, INC.20665 Manhattan Place, Torrance CA  90501Internet web site address: http://www.CASIOPHONEMATE.comM1S1 3/99Printed in ChinaShould you have additional questions,please call the CASIO PHONEMATE Helpline at(310) 320-9810 (from 8:00 am. to 4:00 p.m. PacificStandard Time) for assistance.“Line Error” MessageThe “Line Error” message may occasionally appeardue to electrical static on the telephone line. This isnormal. However, if you consistently see thismessage when you should be receiving Caller ID data(i.e. between the first and second rings), you mayhave a problem with your phone line. Contact yourlocal telephone company.You hear continuous short beeps instead of a dialtone when using the cordless handset.The beep tones are a warning alarm to let you know:1. That the handset is out of communication rangewith the charger cradle. Move the handset closerto your charger cradle.2. That the charger cradle had some problem like apower failure. Return the handset to the chargercradle for 5 seconds and make sure all cords areconnected correctly.Interference Noise is heard.1. The handset is too far from the charger cradle.2. The cordless handset is picking up interferencefrom one of several sources: electrical appliancessuch as radio, TV, fluorescent lights, etc. Movethe charger cradle to reduce interference.3. Press CHANNEL to select another channel.4. Raise the charging cradle antenna.No Page Tone is heard at the Handset.1. Check the AC ADAPTER and telephone cordconnection.2. You may have had a power failure. Return thehandset to the charger cradle for 5 seconds toreset the Digital Security Code.A beep is heard each time the handset is returnedto the charger cradle.This is normal operation. The handset is updating thesecurity code.After several attempts the CP-750 will not operateproperly.Unplug the AC ADAPTER PLUG from the back of theCP-750 for 10 seconds. Remove the battery from thehandset. Plug the AC ADAPTER back into thecharging cradle and re-insert the battery in thehandset. Return the handset to the charger cradle for10 seconds.If these actions do not remedy the problem, call theCASIO PHONEMATE Helpline. The Helpline staff canoften resolve problems or recommend service whenneeded.123ENCHUFE el cordón de su CP-750 enun enchufe para teléfono en la pared.ENCHUFE el otro extremo del cordóntelefónico en la parte posterior de launidad base.INSTALACIÓNCONECTE el enchufe del adaptador deCA en la entrada de tomacorriente paraadaptador de CA que hay en la parte deatrás de la base para carga de su CP-750.ENGANCHE el cordón en el sujetador decordón para evitar una desconexiónaccidental.ENCHUFE el adaptador de CA en untomacorriente eléctrico de pared.Coloque el auricular (con su paquete depilas ya instalado) en la unidad base paracarga.4Puede que se necesite ajustar elinterruptor selector para modo deoperación TONOS o de PULSOS.5Saque y extienda completamente laantena en la base para carga para lograrla mejor recepción.USO EN PARED OESCRITORIOSe incluye un soporte para empotrado en paredsi se desease. Enrolle en forma apretada elcordón telefónico al rededor de las cuatro guíasen la parte interior del soporte para empotrado.Haga pasar el cordón telefónico a través delorificio en el centro del soporte. Vea el dibujo. Elauricular puede ser cargado en la posiciónmirando hacia afuera o boca abajo, aún si se haempotrado en la pared.INTERRUPTOR SELECTORTONOS/PULSOSEste interruptor le indica a su CP-750 que lamarcación de números es a través de tonos opor pulsos de acuerdo al tipo e servicios quetenga de su compañía de servicios telefónicos.Su CP-750 es empacado con el interruptorTONE/PULSE (Tonos/Pulsos) en la posiciónpara operación por tonos “TONE.” Si usted notuviera servicio telefónico por tonos, cambie elinterruptor a la posición PULSE (Pulsos) en laparte posterior de la base para carga.TONE = para servicio telefónico por tonosPULSE = para servicio telefónico por pulsosSu CP-750 es empacado con los interruptorespara el timbre en la base y el auricular en laposición encendido (ON). A su gusto, ustedpuede tener apagados o encendidos los timbresde su CP-750.TIMBRE ENCENDIDO/APAGADO “ON/OFF”

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