Casio Computer ITG500B Handheld Terminal User Manual 05

Casio Computer Co Ltd Handheld Terminal 05

05 User Manual

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Document Description05 User Manual
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Date Submitted2018-03-05 00:00:00
Date Available2018-03-05 00:00:00
Creation Date2018-02-09 10:01:12
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Document Lastmod2018-02-13 17:00:24
Document Title05 User Manual

Handheld Terminal
User's Guide
0 (0 @;1~0
Be sure to read "Safety
Precautions" Inside this
guide before trying to use
your Handheld Terminal.
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• 0
0 Bluetooth'
• BLUETOOTJlls a registered trademark owned by Bluet.ooth STG, Tnc. and licensed to
• Microsofl and Windows arc either registered tr-ddemarks or trademarks .of Microsofl
COI}lOmtionln the United Stutes and/or other countries.
• "FcliCu" is a contactless IC card technology developed by SONY Corporation and a
registered tmdemark of SONY Corporation.
Tnformatlon in this document is subject to change without advance notice. CASIO Computer Co.,
Ltd. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the content~ or use of this manual
nnd spcci1lcally disclaims ony expres~ or implied wan·auties .ofmerchuntuhility or fitness for any
particular purpose.
Safety Precautions .........................................................................................E-3
Operating Precautions ...................................................................................E-8
Regulatory lnformation ..................................................................................E-9
About the WaterprOOflng/Dustproofing,,.,,._..,,nuouuouono.-ooooooo••••••••••••--•••••·E-13
ltnport.a nt ................. ........................................................._................................... E-14
After Service ...................................................................................................... E-14
Accessories and Options.......................................... .................................... E-15
General GUide u . o·o,u •·oo·o·ooo'noooo ooo ooooooooooooE•16
Loading and Removing the Battery Pack................................................... E-19
Loading .............................................................................................................. E-20
Removing ........................................................................................................... E-20
Charging the Battery Pack ..........................................................................E-22
USB Cradic/Ethernet Cmd lc/ Bat1c1y Charger ............................... ll-22
Dual Battery Charger ......................................................................................... E-22
Handling the Hand Belt ................................................................................E-23
To remove the hand beh ..................................................................................... E-23
To attach the hand belt ....................................................................................... E-23
Handling the Stylus ......................................................................................E-24
Placing the stylus in the holder .......................................................................... E-24
Connecting tt1e Stylus Strlng ......................................................................... E-25
Attaching the Neck Strap............................................................................. E-27
To attach the neck stntp...................................................................................... E-27
Configuring Handheld Terminal Settings ................................................... E-28
Calibrating Touch Screen AI ignment ................................................................. E-28
Adjusting Display Hrighlncss ............................................................................ l:'.-29
Display Amo Dimmer ........................................................................................ E-29
Using the Laser Scanner (Laser Models) ................................................... E-30
Using the C-MOS Imager (Imager Models) ................................................ E-31
Adjusting the Laser Light Emission Width ................................................. E-32
HandJJng the NFC ............-.............................................................................E.. 34
Perfom ling Communications ...................................................................... E-35
Bluetoolli" Communication ............................................................................... E-35
GSM/W-CDMA Communication ......................................................................I'.-36
GPS .................................................................................................................... E-36
Handling microSD Cards ..............................................................................e..37
Installing .............................................................................................................. R-37
Removing ............................................................................................................. E-37
H andling rnicroSIM Cards ............................................................................ E..38
In~tal ling ..............................................................................................................E-38
Rcmovi ng ...........................................................................................................E-39
Using the microSD Hard Cover {IT·G500-GC21E only) ..............................E-40
Attaching the microSD Hnrd Cover to the I landheld Terminal... ...................... F\-40
Resetting the Handheld Terminai ................................................................ E-41
Performing a Full Reset (Iuitiali7.ation) ............................................................ I:l-4 I
Warning Label ............................................................................................... E..43
IT· G500 Specifications ................................................................................ E·44
Using the USB Cradle (HA·P6010), Ethernet Cradle (HA·P6210),
Cradle-type Battery Charger (HA-P30CHG) ............................................... E-53
General Guide .................................................................................................... E!-53
Connecting tbe Cradle Power Supply ................................................................ E-55
Ethernet Cradle Specifications (IIA-l'62TO)...................................................... E-57
USO Cradle Specifications (HA-P6010) ............................................................ E-SR
Cradle-type Battery Charger Specifications (HA-P30CII.
• Never modi f)', shat·ply bend, twist, or pull on the power cord.
• Never use a detergent to cleun AC udaptor and its power cuhle, tlspcciully ou the
plug and the jack.
• Do not usc an/\C adn/>tor with a bent connector.
• Do not twist or wrcne 1 the connector.
• When using the battety chargers and U1c cradles, be sure to usc the rcspcct'ivc
AC adaptors.
Lh Caution
• Never pull on the power cord when unplugging it. Always hold the plug when
unplugging it from the wall outlet
• Never touch the plug while your hands arc wet
• De Slll'C to unplug the power cord fromlhc wall outlet before cleaning the
battery chargers and the cradles.
• Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet whenever leaving the hnttery
chargers and the cradles ltnattcodcd for a long period.
• The housing of the AC adaptor can become warut during normal use.
• Allcast once a year, unplug the AC adaptor from the wall outlet and clean any
dust that builds up between the pi'Ongs of the plug.
Dust built up between the prongs can lead to the danger of fire.
• Check that the connector is properly oriented and then push it straight in (do not
insert upside down).
• Do not allow fluids or foreign objecL~ to get into the AC adaptor.
• Choose a location where the power coni is readily accessible nnd can be easily
plugged in and unplugged.
• When using the AC adaptor, always use n power outlet with the S(>Ccified power
supply and voltage, and ensure that the power plug is inse11ed into the socket
fully and securely.
Backup of All Important Data
• Nore that CASIO COIIl(lUter Co., Ltd. shall not he held liable to you or any tbird
party for any dama11cs or loss caused hy deletion or cOITUption of clata due to
use ofU1e l:landheld Terminal, malfunction or •·epair of the Hrmdhcld Terminal
or its peripherals, or due to the batteries going dead.
• The Handheld Terminal employs elecb·onic memory to store data, which means
that memory contents cun be com1ptcd or deleted if power is intCI1'llptcd due
to the batteries going dead or incorrect battery replacement p•·ocedures. Data
cannot be recovered once it is lost or corrupted. l:le sure to make backup of
all important data. One way to do this is to usc the separately •old crudlcs to
transfer data to a computer.
Use Casio genuine battery pack only
• We recommend the use ofCasio genuine battery packs with Casio devices.
Casio genuine battery packs are tested for quality and safety for the safe usc of
the product they ure installed. We cannot be held liable for accidents or damages
cmt~ed by counterfeit Cnsio battery packs or battery packs other than Casio
genuine batte•y packs. When buying a hattery pack, pay due attention to huy a
Casio genuine battery pack.
Operating Precautions
Your Handheld Terminal and its options are precision. Improper operation or rough
handling can cause problems with data storage and other problems. Note and observe
the followitig precautions to ensure proper opcmtion.
• Do not continue using the bntlery once it is exhausted.
Doing so could result in data loss or comtption. When the battety is exhausted,
replace it immediately.
• Stop or avoid using fhc Handheld Terminal and its options in ru·cas nnd
conditions subject to the following.
-Large amounts of static electricity
- Exb·eme heat or cold or humidity
- Sudden temperatnre change
-Large amount of dust
- After large amount of rain or water falls ou the Handheld Terminal
- Pressing the screen or keys with excessive force when using in the rain
• Do not use volatile chcmlcul substances such as thinnc•·s, hcn:tcnc or toiletries to
clean the Handh eld Termhutl.
When the Handheld Tcrminnl is dirty, wipe it clean with a soft, dry cloth. Rubbing
with excessive force could scmtch the display.
• The J>Ower-SUJlllly te1·minals nnd Data Commu nication terminals should be
cleaned f•·om lime to time using nu implement such as a dry cotton bud.
Soilit1g on the tem1inals may cause cotmcction defectS.
• Take cnt'e when nsiug chcmiculs.
Applying thinners, gasoline, kerostJne, ~olvents or oils, or substances such as cleaners,
adhesives, paints, medications or toiletries that contain those materiuls, to the plastic
case or cover may cause discoloration or other damage.
• D('ad Pixels
The LCD panel employed in this product uses high precision and substantial number
of components which commonly cause a small number of the pixels not to light or
to remain lit all the time. This is due to the characteristics of LCD panel yield in over 99.99% and permissible.
• 802.1laln Restrictions
- This product is for indoor lL~e only when using channels 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60,
or 64 (5 150-5350 Mll7.).
-To ensure compliance with local regulations, be sure to select the country in wh ich
the access point is installed.
• Lltblum-lon Battery PAck
Each lithium-ion battery pack has Its life. TI1e Lifo spanlleavlly depends ou how tbe ballery
pack is cluugcd or stored which may et1use detedornlion of the ball cry pack to shorten the
life span if it is handled improperly. Note the tips below to make the battery pnck lnst long.
- Be sure to charge the battery paok before using it if the baltcry pack is used for tho
fu-st time or if it hns not been used for a long period of time. When ehnt-giug tl1e
battery pack, continue charging until the charge LED ligl1t8 green (fully chOI"ged).
- I f the battery pack is repeatedly charged, the life span becomes short. To uvoid the
repetition of charging tho battery puck, be sure 1t~at the remaining capacity is low
before you start charging.
- Be sure to charge the battery pack in recommended temperature range. The
temperatme range is dependant on device you use to charge including battery
chargers and tablets. Refer to tho respective user guides. Charging the battery pack
in a temperature outside of the recommended range causes deterioration.
- When \tsed 111 low tempemtures, tho b111tcry pack has a reduced Cllpnclty and will
supply power for shorter time. The life spnn of the battel}' pack is nlso shortened.
- Charging the battery pack while the battery pack itself is freeze Including inside
causes deterioration. Be sure to resume an ordinary room temperature 011 tho battery
,pack and then leave it unattended for opproximntely one hour before cllnrglng.
- After charging the battery pack, if lite performance oftbc battery pnck does not sbow
any recovery, it is a sign ol ending the li fe. Replace it with n new battery pack.
- Avoid the battery pack with n full_of tbe capacity to store f?r.a long pe:io~ of lime. lf
you need to store 11for !I long penod, bo sure that tbe remammg onpac1ty IS 30 to 50
percent n11d to store in n modem to low temperal\1re. This cnn reduce deterioration.
- The battery pack grndunlly deteriorates over time. In particular, storing (or using}
the fully charged battery pack at high temperatures tends to tlccelerate battery pack
• Weld Lines
There are seam-like markings in some locations on the Handheld Temlinal. 111esc nrc
referred to as "weld lines" in the plastic forming process n11d are not crocks or scratches.
Weld line.~ do not interfere in any way witb tbc operation oftbe Hnndheld Tem1innl.
Regulatory Information
Optloos ofiT-GSOO
6-2, Hon-mnchi 1-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tok.yo 151-8543, Jupan
Responsible within the European Union:
Caslo Europe GmbH
Casio-Platz l , 22848 Norderstedt, Gennany
Please keep nU lnfonnation for futuro reference.
The declaration of conformity may be consulted at
Products are for distribution within all member states of the EU.
Options ofiT-0500 are RA-P60IO, IIA-P6210, HA-P30CHO, HA-D32DCHG, EIA-D20BAT-A,
HA-021 LBAT-A, DT-380USB-A, AD-S42120C.N5, AD-S I5050B-N5,rutd AC-CORD-EU.
For Europe, models are IT-0500-C 168, n :.osOO-OC26E, IT-0500- I SE, IT-0500-2SE,
l'f-GSOO-C26E, IT-GSOO-GC 16E, IT-OS00-0 l5B, IT-GSOO-OC21E, n:.osoO-GC211!rS1:
IT-G500-GC26E-TR, IT-GSOO-OC16J!...TR, JT-0500-0ISE-TR, IT-GSOO-C21E,
IT-0500-CI6E-B, IT-0500-0C26B-B, IT-0500-C26E-B, 1T-G500-0C16E-B,
n :.osoO-GlSI!rB, 1T-0500-0C2 1.E-B, l'f-0500-GC2LE-ST-B, n :.osoO-OC26E-TR-B,
IT-0500-0CJ 6E-TR-B, and 1T-0500-C21 E-B.
Maximum radio output power
• IEEE802.lla/b/g/n: 2.40Hz band:;; 20dBm; 5GHz band ~ 14dBm.
• Oluetooth: 2.40Hz ~ 5.80dBm.
• GSM: 850/900MHz ~ JJdllm; 1800/1900MHz s JOdBru.
• WCDMA: 900/2JOOMHz ~24dBrn.
• NFC: 13.553MHz to 13.567MHz band:;; -8.5dB!tAfm at IOm.
Hereby, CASIO COMPUTER CO., J~ m. declares that tbe radio equipment type IT-0500 is
in compliance witb Directive 20 14/53/EU.
The USA and Canada
U.S.A. (not applicable to other lli'CliS).
This cquipmentJJas been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to t>rovide
rea~onable protection against hannful interference in a 1·esidential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not in~talled
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause hannful interference to rndio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. lf this equipment docs cause hlnmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be detcnnined by tuming U1c equipment off and on, the user
is encouraged to try to correct the interference hy one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• increase the separation between the equ ipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit diJTorent from that to which the
receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an expel'ienccd radiofrV technician for help.
Chauges or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the tL~er's authority to operate the equipment
Proper connectors must be used for connection to host computer and/or peripherals in order
to mecl FCC emission limits.
Cn ution Eltposure to nullo ft·equency rnd latio n
To comply with FCC/IC Rl7 exposure compliance requirements, this device must not be
co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or trunsmittcr except in
accordance with the FCC multi-transmitter product procedure.<; or as described iuthe filing.
J)cclanlllou of Confonnily
I'J'-G500-C21F.-l/S, IT-G500-C21E-US-R. H A-PI\010, HA-P6210
Model Number:
Trade Name:
Responsible pa1ty: Industrial Handheld Division
Casio America, Tnc.
570 Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Dover, New Jersey 07RO I, USA
Telephone number: 973-361-5400
This device complies with P:u11 5 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: ( 1) This device muy nol cnusc harmful interference, und (2) this device must
nccept any interference received, Including interference tliat may cnuse undesired operation.
This model is available in the USA and Canada only.
For Usc.-s in Canada
These Class U digital apparatuses comply with Canadian TCES-3(8)/NMB-J(B).
Cct nppareil numerique de Ia classes .0 est coufom1ea Ia nonne TCES-3(8)/NMtl-J(R) du
This device complies with Tndustry Canada's licence-exempt RSSs.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(I) These devices may not cause interference, and
(2) These devices must accept any interference, including interference that may cause
undesired operation of this device.
Lc present appareil est conforme aux CNR d'ludustrie Canada applicahlcs nux appareils
radio exempts de licence.
L'exploitution est autorisee aux deux conditions suivantes :
(I) l'appareilne doil pas produirc de brouillage;
(2) l'ttlilisatew· de l'apparcil cloit accepter tout brouillagc radioelectrique subi,memc si lc
bt·oui Llagc est susceptible d 'en (;umpromctlrc lc fonctionnement.
• Users should also be advised that 5,150-5,350 MHz band is restricted to indoor operation
only. High-power radars arc allocated us primary users (i.e. priority users) of the hands
5,250-5,350 MUz and 5,650-5,850 MHz and that these radars could cause interference
and/or damage to LE-LAN devices.
• Lcs utilisateurs devraienl aussi ctrc avises que
La bande 5,150-5,350 MHz est restreinte aune uti lisation a l'interieur seufement. De
plus, les utilisateurs de radars de haute puis~auce sout dcsignes utilisuteurs principaux (c.a-d.,qu'ils onl la priorite) pour les bnndcs 5,250-5,350 MHz et 5,650-5,850 Mllz et que
ccs radars pourraient causer du brouitlagc ct/o11des dommages aux clispositifs LAN-EL.
Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna
of a type and maximmn (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by lnd11Stry Canada.
To reduce potential radio interrcrcnce to other users, the antenna type and its gain should
be so chosen that the equivalcut isotropically radiated power (c.i.r.p.) is not more than that
necessary ror successful communication.
Conronncmcnt a Ia reglementation d'lndustric Canada, le present emcttcur radio pcut
fonctiouncr avec une untenne d'un type ct d'un gain maximal (on infcricur) approuve
pour l'emetteur par Tndustric Canada. Dans le but de rcduirc les risques de brouillagc
rudioelectrique a l'ilttcntion des 1111tres ulilisuteurs, il faut choisi r le type d'antcnnc ct son
gain de sortc que Ia puissunce isoh·o,~c rayonncc equivalente (p.i.r.e.) nc dcpassc pas
l'intensitc ucccssaire a l'etablissemcut d'unc communication satisfaisantc.
Tito ovoilable scientific evidence does not show that any health problems ore nssoeioted
with using low power wireless devices. TI1ere Is uo proof, however, that these low JIOWer
wireless devices are absolutely snfo. Low power Wireless devices emit low levels of mdio
ftcqucucy energy (RF) in the mict·owove rnngo whllc being used. Wherens high levels of
RF cnn produce health effects (by heating tissue), exposure of low-level RP lhnt does not
JlrOduce heating effects enuses no known adverse health effects. Mnuy studies of low-level
RP exposures have not found any biological effects. Some studies have suggested thnt5omc
biological offecls mighl occur, but such findings hnvc not been continued by ndditlonal
IT-GSOO-C2 LB-US has been tested und found to comply with FCCIIC mdiulion exposure
limits set forth for an uncontrolled cnviromuculand meets lbeFCC rndio frcquctlcy (RI')
13.xposure Guidelines and RSS- 102 of the IC mdio frequency (RF) Exposure rules.
Lcs eonnaissances scicntifiques don! nons disposons n'ont mis en evidence llucun prolll~me
de sonlt associt a !'usage des npparcils sons Jllll faihle puissance. Nous nc sommcs
cepcndont pas en mesure de prouver quo ccs npparcits sans fil il f.1ible puissance sont
entiereruent SWlS danger. Lcs npJiarciJS MOOS flJ a foible puissance ClllCI!CnlllliO tlnergie
fl'~quence rndioelectrique (RF) trcs foible dnns le spectre des micro-ondcs lorsqu'lls sont
ulillscs. Ators qu'unc dose clcvco do RF pcul uvoir des cffcts sur Ia sonle (en chuuJ'runt les
tissus), !'exposition ude foibles RJI qui no produiscnt pus de chalem· n•n pns do mnuvals
ot'fcts conn us sur Ia sante. De nombrcuRes 6tudcs ont et6 mcnees sur lcs expositions nux
RP foibles et n'out do!couvert nuoun offcl biologlcJue. Certaines etudes on! sugg6r6 qu'll
pouvuil y a voir certains effets biologiques, nulis ces r(!sul!ats n'onl pns cto confinu~ par des
recherches supplcmenta.irc.q.
11~GSOO-C2LB-US a etc teste et jugl! eonfonne nux limitcs d'cKposition nux rnyonnements
t!nonOO!:s pour un environncmcnlnon eonlrlllt! el respecte los regles les rndiOI!Iectriquos (RF)
de Ia FCC !ignes directrices d'exposition ct d'CXJIOSition aux ~uences mdiOI!lcetriques (RF)
CNR- 102 de l'IC.
• l'l'·G500-C2JR-US-n is the same product function as IT-G500-C21 E-US.
IT-G500-C2Jt-US-B is in confnrms with FCC, and not received TC ceni(icntiou.
About the Waterprooflng/Dustproofing
The n:osoo Series models ore waterproof nnd dustproof.
• Waterproofing: Performnnco complies with the IPX7 level set out in tho me slondards
(waterproof for 30 minutes nt a depth of I meter in still tap water nt nonnnllempcmture).
• Ouslproofing: Performance complies with the IP6X level set out in tho ffiC standards.
LP (lntemalionol Protection) is tho alandard for splash- nod dus t-proofing fur e leclrieol
produciS set out in the lntcmolional lllcc:trotechnical Commission (IEC) o1Rndftrd 60$29.
The watCI'- and dust-11rooHng performance of tllis llroduct is based on CASIO testing
11roccdu res. Note also that this pcrformnuce nJlplies to the pmtluct nt the time of
shipment (delivery to the custon1 cr) nud Is not guaranteed Inclusive of the environment
In which the product is used. The wal'l'nuty does not apply to nny sltnntlon where the
product is hmuerscd during use, and as with any other electrical product,g•·cat care
should be taken wh en using this product in the rain 01' similar situation.
• Precautions When Using th is Product
-Check that there is no dust, sand or other foreign matter on the battery pack cover,
microSD card slot cover t)r microUSB port/earphone-microphone jack cover, or
on the respective contact surfaces. If any soiling is found, wipe it off with a clean,
son, dry cloth. Even very small amounts of soiling trapped on the contact surfaces
(a single hair or grai n of sand, etc.) can cause water to leak into the device.
- Check that the waterproof seals on the buttery pack cover and microSD card slot
cover are free li·om cracks nnd other damage.
- Close the battery pack cover lock switch finnly until the switch is in the locked position.
-Avoid opening and closing the buttery pack cover or microSD card slot cover in locations
near wafer or exposed to sea breezes, and do not open or close them with wet hands.
-Do not drop this product or leave it in locations exposed to temperatures outside
the specified range. n oing so could impair its water- or dust-proofing.
• Othc•· Precautions
-The accessories for this product (battery pack, etc.) and optional products are not
water- or dust-proof.
-Subjecting this product 10 a severe impact could render it no longer water- or dust-proof.
- If any water leaks into the product as a result of carelessness or inattention during
product handling, CASIO cannot be held liable for compensation for any damage
to internal components (battery, recording media, etc.) or for the costs of recorded
content or the recording the1·cot:
- CASIO COMPUTER CO., I :m. accepts no other linbility whatsoever for any
accident that occurs due to water leakage.
• This guide does not include any infonnation about programming und download procedure.~.
Sec the applkable separate documentation for infonuation about the procedures.
After Service
• Should this product ever mul runction, contact your original retailer providing information
about the product name, the dote you pwdmscd it, and details about the problem.
Accessories and Options
Handheld Terminal
IT·G500 Series
Accessories----- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - . . .
Please check the Items in the box before using the Handheld Terminal
for the first time.
• Neck Strop
• Hand belt (Installed In the Handheld Terminal)
• Stylus
• Stylus String
• Large-capacity Battery Pack Cover
• User's Guido
• microSD Hard Cover (IT·G500·GC21E only)
• Y-type screw (IT·0500·GC21 E only)
Options-- - - -- -- -- - - -- -- - ----._
lid Q I!AllllEI
.nnn~~~~ '
• USB Cradle HA·P6010
• Ethernet Cradle HA-P6210
• Cradle-type Battery Charger HA-P30CHG
• Dual Battery Charger HA-D32DCHG
• microUSB Coble (Handheld t.ermlnal-computer connection)
• USB Cable (Cradle-computer connection) OT-380USB·A
• AC Adaptor for Ethernet Cradle/Dual Battery Charger
• AC Adaptor for USB Cradle/Cradle-type Battery Charger
Battery Pack HA-020BAT· A
Large-capacity Battery Pack HA-021 LBAT-A
Flat battery cover (for battery pack (HA-D20BAT-A))
Screen Protect Sheet HA-P90PS5
• Power Cord
• Protector (for IT-0500-C16E/GC16E/1 5E/G15E/10C-CN)
• Protector (for IT-G500-C26E/GC26EI25E/GC21 EIC21 E/C21 E-US/
C21C-CN) HA-P92BP5
• Car Adaptor HA-P37CAC
General Guide
Handheld Terminal (IT-G500)
IT·G500·GCi 6E
IT·G500-GC21 E
IT-G500-C21 E·US
IT-G500·1 OC·CN
t~t1Atl ~~ ¢5?1 ~
(iD ~
IT·G500-C21 C-CN
2 3
. - - -I'H- 5
Battery Compartm ent
*The illustmtion shnws the 1'1~0500-CI6E.
Receiver* I
.Indicator I
Indicator 2
Center Trigger Key
Function Keys
Power Key
Enter Key
Mode Key
10 FnKey
Microphone* 1
Numeric Keys
Cursor Key
16 Barcode Reader
17 NFC Reader *2
18 micro USB Port
19 Headset .Tack
20 L Trigger Key
Outputs voice sound.
Orungc: Charging
Green: Charging complete
Red: Battery pack error or the sutTOunding temperature is out of
the charging temperature range.
Flashes blue when operating via Hluetooth or orange when
operating via W-LAN, GPS or W-WAN. Lights red when there
is a bar code scunning en·or and lights green when a bar code
scans successfully.
Lights red when the alann function is activated.
Flashes magenta when the IT-G500 is connected to a PC by
the USB, connected to a USB device, or mounted on the LAN
The screen displays texts, operations, indicators and ~o forth. In
ndditlon, operations can be performed and data can be input on
the screen using stylus.
Used to perform bnr code reading. Cnn be nssigncd an Arbiti'!II'Y
Used when starting a pre-registered application.
Tums the power on and oiT.
Press when finishing entering numerical values or when moving
to the next step.
The key switches the chamcter input mode, either chamcters in
lowercase leiter or characters in uppercase lcllcr.
Used to make various settings in combination with the timclion
keys or numeric keys or when starting a pre-registered
Used to clear one letter to the left of the cur~ or,
Used fo1· audio input (including voice).
Generates audio and buzzer tones.
Used to enter numeric values and decimal points.
Perform the same functions as the up and down urrow keys on a
PC keyboard.
Laser light or LED light is emilled from this window lhal reads
bur codes.
Holding a eontactless IC card up to this reader allows data to be
read fi·om and written to the card.
For connecting to micro USB cable (HA-N8 1US.OC).
Used to connect an earphone-microphone headset.
Used to perform bar code reading.
microSD Card Slot
R Trigger Key
Camern Len$ "'2
Haud Delt Mount
Hand Belt
Battery Pack Cover
Lock Switches
28 Cmdle Mount Holes
microSD card slot.
Used to perform bar code reading.
Take.~ photos.
Used for taking photos.
Used to attach the hand belt.
It is used to hold the terminal or to cany it.
Used to lock the battery cover and to release.
These holes hold the tenninal seating in the optionnl cradle or
in the cradle-type battery charger.
29 Uattery Jlack Cover Used to cover the battery compartment that holds the battery
pack inside.
Used to 1Htach neck strap and hand belt.
30 Strap Holes
31 Stylus
It is used to operate the terminal or to input datu.
32 Reset Switch
Used to reset the Hundheld Terminal.
33 microSTM Card
mieroSlM card slot. Remove the battery pack to load und
Slot (for lT-G500unload microSIM card.
34 Power
Used for USB conununicatiou or to supply power to the
tenninal and to charge the battery pack via either Cradle or
Battery Charger.
+I. Excluding the IT-G500-15E/25E/C21C-CN/I OC-CN.
*2. Excluding the TT-G500-15J1125Il/0 15Fll OC-CN.
Loading and Removing the Battery Pack
Your Handheld Terminal uses two types of battery: a battery pack and a memory
backup battery.
The battery pack is used Lo power normal operations and to store data, while the
memory backup battety provide~ the power required to maintain memory contents
when the battery pack power is unable to supply power for some reason.
You can choose either batlery pack (HA-D20.13AT-A) or large-capacity battery pack
(HA-D21LBAT-A) for operatin~ power.
The backup baltery is installed mside of the Handheld Terminal.
This guide uses the following t erms t o refer t o the batteries.
Rechargeable batteryJmck (HA-D20BAT-A or IIA-021 LOA1~A) for
nonnal operntions nn data storage
Backup Battery: Built-in baucry for memory backup
When the battery pack power goes low, immediately charge it or replace it with a
charged battery pack.
You can use the Dual Battery Chmger, the Cradle-type Battery Charger, the USB
Cradle, or the Etlternel Cmdlc to charge a battery pack installed in the terminal. See the
relevant sections in this guide for the respective options about h(lW to usc.
Battety Pack:
Always keep backup of all Important datal
• The battery pack )Jowers normal OJleratlon and also provides powe1· requ h·ed to
maintain memot·y contents, whtle the baclwp haUet•y provides bnclacl< is removed.
• 1t takes 4 days with the main battery (Jack installed in the termin al for the
baclwp battery to be charged fully.
I. Tum the Handheld Terminal over.
You can load and remove the battery
pack with the hand belt.still attached.
2. Thm the battery pack cover lock
switches to the ''FREE" position and
remove the ballery cover.
3. Load the battery pack. Note the battery
polarity(+/-). Take care ulso to load the
battery pack so that the removal tape
extends above the battety.
4. Fit the bottom edge of the battcty puck
cover into the groove in the Handheld
Terminal. ([I])
5. Rctum the battery pack cover to its
original position as shown in the
illustmtion. @)
Move the lock switches for the battery
pack cover back to the "LOCK" position.
When loading the high-capacity battery
pack, be sure to usc the high-capacity
batttll)' pack cover.
This precaution also applies when using
the optional flat battery cover.
1. Make sure that the Handheld 'l'enninal is turned ofi
If the power is on, press the power key to tum it off.
2. Tum the battery pack cover lock
.-- -- - - - - - - -- ---,
switches on the back of the Handheld
Tenuinal to the ''FREE" position and
remove the battery pack cover.
3. Remove U1e battery pack by pulling
up the removal tape as shown iu the
• When removb1g the battery t>aclt, malUII the t·emoval tape straight up and remove
the battery pack. Removing with excessive force can damage the hauery pack.
• Jf you try to attach the battery pack cover starting with the top edge, you will
not be abl e to secu rely close the cover.
Charging the Battery Pack
Battery pack installed in the terminal can be charged using either cradle or ballery
charger. Battery charge condition can be monitored with Indicator I on the terminal.
Multiple battery packs can also be chnrgcd simultaneously using Dual Battery Charger.
USB Cradle/Ethernet Cradle/Cradle-type Battery Charger
AC adaptor AD-S42120C for
\ ® Ethernet Cradle
AC adaptor AD-S15050B
for USB Cradle/Cradle-type
Battery Ch;araer
St atus of Indicator 1 on IT-G500:
Orange: Charging
Standby due Lo battery pack error or the sunounding temperature is out of the
charging temperature nmgo
(charging begins when the temperature is within the chnrging temperature range)
Green: Charging complete
• Take care not to trap objects such as the neck strap in the ca·adlc.
• The d ata communication terminal should be cleaned from time to time using au
imp lement such a$ a dt-y cotton bud.
Soiling or dust buildup could en use cotmcction problems.
Dual Battery Charger
Taking care that the ballery pack is oriented correctly, insert it into the Dual flullery Charger.
This causes the Charge Indicator LED to light in red, indicating that chftl'ging ha~ started.
You can connect up to three Dual Battery Chargers.
St atus of Charge Indicator LED
Not charging
Red Flashing: Battery pack problem
Charging complete
Green Flashing: Standby due to the smrounding temperature hcirtg beyond the
specified temperature range (Approximately 0°- 40°C) (chargi ng
resumes when the temperature reaches the runge.)
Handling the Hand Belt
The hand belt is attached to the !landheld Tem1inal. Remove the hand bell when it is
not needed.
To remove the hand belt
I . /l.s shown in the illustration, hold down
the raised section on the Handheld
Terminal as you pull off the hand belt
2. Peel off the hook and loop fastener and
pull the hand bell back through the slot
at the bottom of the battery pack cover.
To attach the hand belt
I. Feed the end of the hand belt through
the slot at the bottom of the bal1e1y pack
cover, fold it back and secure it at a
suitable length using the hook and loop
2.As shown in the illustration, align the
hand bell buckle with the attachment
position on the Handheld Tem1inal and
press the buckle into place.
Cht!ck that the buckle is fitted securely.
Holding the Handheld Terminal as
shown in the figure will make it easier to
Handling the Stylus
When you arc not using the stylus, place it in the stylus holder as dc~eribcd below.
Placing the stylus in the holder
I.As shown in the illustration, place
the stylus in the holder with the tip
2. Slip the stylus clip into the upper holder
as shown in the illustration.
• Faili ng to place the stylus in th e ~tylus holder correctly could t•esult In unfot·csccn
inju•·y due to the lip n ot being secured .
It could al.s o •·csullln the IT-GSOO not b clug correctly instnllcll In d evices such as
the cradle and p•·cvcnt succcssl'nl communication m· charging.
• When you are uot using the stylus, a lways place It In the stylus holder.
Connecting the Stylus String
The string can be connected to stylus and hand beltto prevent loss of stylus or
misplacing. Follow the instruction below to connect it to stylus and hand belt.
l. Tluead one end of the string through the slit on stylus as shown in the illustration.
2. Thread the other end oft he string through the loop as shown in the illustration, und
then pull the other end to tighten.
3. Unhook one end of Ute hand belt from IT-G-500 if it is attached, and then Utread the
hand belt through the loop of the string as shown in the illustration.
For unhooking the hund belt from the terminal, refer to "To remove the hand belt" on
page 23.
4.J .look the end of the hand belt to the terminal. Refer to "To nuach the hand belt" on
page 23.
5. Slip the styILL~ pen lip through the lower
holder ([I]) and then slide the stylus clip
lh rough the upper holder (12]).
Attaching the Neck Strap
The neck strap can be used to prevent the Handheld Terminal from full when carrying
it arowtd. Since there are two strap holes where the neck strap cun he nunchcd, usc
the hole that affords the eMe of use. Attach tile neck strap according to the procedure
described below.
To attach the neck strap
I. Pass the thin cord of the neck strap through the strap hole on the back of the
Handheld Terminal.
2. Pass the other end oft he strap (the patt you put around your neck) through the loop
forined by the thin cord.
Do not swing the H andheld Terminal around holding the necl< strap.
Configuring Handheld Terminal Settings
Calibrating Touch Screen Alignment
Whenever the response of the touch screen is poor, or operation being executed docs
not match with the location you nrc tapping on the touch screen, please recalibrate the
alignment of the touch screen using the following method.
• Press the "Fn" key and then press the "4" key after confirming that "F" is displayed
ilt the lower right comer of the screen. The following screen is displayed.
• You can also display this screen by navigating as follows:
WEC7: Start --. Settings - Control Panel --. Stylus--. Calibration -+ Recalibratc
WEH6.5: Start .... Settings_, System_, Screen-+ Align Screen
.......__. ... . .
align screen
... •····- ......
.. t .
.......... ...
~'.'!':'. "'t~·,
U'$n tJ o1 !;E','lll~., I.tV tl•it t,1lUt)l fu u'l'f "'"'I
rt<'-1filt System -+ Backlight.
Using the Laser Scanner (Laser Models)
I. A n~r tuming on the power, position the Iuser ~canner close to a bar code nnd then
press the trigger key.
2. Tite laser emits light and scans the bar code. If scanning is completed normally,
Indicator 2 displays a green light.
• lfyou are unable to- scan fl bor code, ll·y changing the angle 1\1 which Che scanner
Is held or distance ft·om the scnnnet· to the bar code, and then Cry scnnulng
• This Ha ndheld Termlnnlls capable of sconnlng b nr codes at n dista nce of
about 46~550 rum. Furthcrmoa·c, Chc dl stauce at which sca nning Is possible may
vary according to the bar code symbology.
Using the C-MOS Imager (Imager Models)
I, Turn on the Handheld Term inn I, position Its C-MOS Imager reader port n~ar the bar
code or 20 code, and then press the trigger key.
2. The Handheld Terminal reads the code by emitting laser and red lights.
Indicator 2 (read opemlion indicator lamp) lights in green when the reading is
Rar code and stacked 2D code Rending Guide
When you press the trigger key, LEOs iu the Handheld Terminal emit laser and red
lights. Align the laser frame with the center of the har code or 20 code you are trying
to read. Take particular care nliguir'g the light when there arc other bar codes nearby.
When reading a bar code in large size, adjust the position of the Handheld Terminal
so that the entire code is enclosed within the laser frame. For small size, move the
Handheld Terminal closer to it.
• If you have 1>roblem not properly r·eading a code, change the angle and/or th e
distance between the code nnd tile llandhc.ld Tca·mlnnl and try rendin g It Rgnln.
• A bar codo can be r·cad from n distance of SOmm to 400mm, nnd a stnclJ!Unnccs, audio-visual eq uipm ent, OA equilJtllcnt,
and digital COI"tllcss telephones, facsimile machines, etc.). Tal Vcr.2.012.1,
communication may not be possible depending on the surrounding radio wave
GSM/W- CDMA Communication
To usc the GSMIW-CDMA functions, you must receive setvice fi·om n wireless sctvice
provider. Available GSM/W-CDMA functions may be dependent on the service provider
to which you connect. Please consult yow· sctvicc provider for details about network
When you usc the Handheld Tenninul for the first time or after an extended (x:tiod of no
Ul>e, it may take a long time before the Handheld Terminal determines its positioning. In
such a case, operate the GPS mode where there arc no obstacles in the surrounding.~ and
wait for at least 15 minutes or longer.
The GPS module integrated inthc JJaudheld Tenninal uses signals emitted by the
satellites operated by the government of the United Sates. TI1e accuracy of positioning
information you obtain on the Handheld "terminal may be allected by the condition of
these satellites.
The GPS module may not be nhle to receive the signals in locations such as inside
a building or in a tunnel. If you are installing the device in your car, dctcnninc the
installation locat.ion after making sure that it can receive the signals.
Handling microSD Cards
This Handheld Tem1inal supports microSD cards.
Use the procedure helow to install a mlcroSD curd.
I. Open the microSD card slot cover ([]) und push the card all the way into the slot,
cnsLU'ing that the front of the microSD card is facing the front of the Handheld
Terminal ((g)).
2. Close the microSD card slot cover.
I. Open the microSD card slot cover.
2. Pull the microSD card out and close the microSD card slot cover.
• A ml ci'OSD card must be inserted with the top and bottom prop erly nllgncd
a nd In the pro)Jer direction. Attempt in inserting it with an cxccs~lvc force in
Incorrect orientation cnn t•lsl( dnmnge to the comtcct·o•·s nnd slot.
• Never turn off the power ot· remove a microSD card from the slot while the card
is being accessed. Doing so can damuge the microSD card or data In the CIU'd,
• Do not drop the card ot·Jose ft.
Handling microSIM Cards
The Handheld Terminal suppo1ts microS 1M card.
The employment of microSTM card slot is dependent on model. See page 18 for the
models with microSTM card slot integrated.
The microSTM card slot is located in the side of the bauery pack compartment, so you
must remove the battery pack when installing or removing a microSJM card.
Refer to pages 19 to 21 for infom1ation on "Loading and Removing the BaHcry Pack".
Install (or remove) a microSTM card according to the procedure described below.
I. Make sure that the power on the tenninal has been switched ofT. If the power is still
on, press the power key to switch off the power.
2. Remove the battery pack.
3.Pullthe plnstic holder outwards and then upward.~ to open it, as shown in the figure.
4. Push the microS 1M card gently into the entrance to the card slot, as shown in the
When doing this, take care not to insert the microS1M card betw~en the card slot and
the plMtie bolder by mistake.
5. Close U1c plastic holder and push it into place, as shown in the flgure.
6. Load lhc battcty pack.
l. Make sure that the power on the terminal has been switched off. If the power is stil l
on, press the power key to switch off.
2. Remove the battery pack.
3. Pull the plastic holder outwards and then upwards to open it, as showu in the figure.
4. Pull out the microSIM card, as shown in the figure.
5. Close the plastic holder and push it iuto place.
6. Load the battery pack.
• When installing a microSIM cnrd, check the orientation of the cnrd ensure
that you Insta ll it con ectly. Uslug excessive force when installing 01' removing a
microS~f ca1·d could damage the COI'd,
• Toucltiug the contacts when Installing a microSJM cnrcl could result In damage
to the caJ·d due to so111ng or au elect rostatic charge.
• The batter y tJnck will not be able to be properly installed If the mlcroSIM card
Is not properly installed. Reinstall the microSlM cat·d properly if this h appens.
• Since data •·ccorded In the ll andhcld Tcrmlnol may be lost If the buUcry pack
is removed fo•· more than 4 minutes, complete the installation (ot· removing) of
mlcroSIM card within 4 minutes.
Using the microSD Hard Cover (IT-G500-GC21 E only)
Usc the procedure below to attach the "microSD Hard Cover''.
Attaching the microSD Hard Cover to the Handheld Terminal
1. Loosen the screw for the microSD t:ard cover supplied with the Hnndhcld Terminal
und remove the cover.
2./\ttach the microSD Hard Cover by
sliding it onto the Handheld Terminal.
3. Use your linger to push the cover in so that it fits tightly against the waterproof seals,
checking that it sits flush with the Handheld Terminal body.
4. Fix U1e microSD Hard Cover in place
using the screw provided.
• Faili ng to attach the mlcroSD Hnrd Cover correctly could result In wntc1·
• When attachi ng the microSD lla•·d Cove•; check that the watcrJII'oof seals arc
free ft·om nny cr acking, spli tting or other damage.
Resetting the Handheld Terminal
Resetting the tem1inal is the same as resetting a PC. Perfom1ing a reset causes aU
un~aved RAM data to be lost tbnt nre in mid-course of inputting and editing, but data
and sellings that arc already stored in the Flash ROM should be unaffected.
Perform a reset to restore n(wmnl operation whenever the Handheld Tenninnl operates
abuounnlly due to misoperation or some other reason.
Usc n stylus to press the reset switch on the back of tbe 1T-G500.
This starts the reset operation.
• Do not use a toothpick or Jlencil or other sharp
object whose tip may break off the reset switch.
Performing a Full Reset (Initialization)
Performing a fuU reset deletes all data and resets various settings to their defaults.
*Data stored in the Flashdisk folder remain unuffected.
Perform a fuU reset whenever nny one of the following coJH.Iilions exists.
• When you want to delete installed progrnms und sellings, and resume the ten11lnnl to
the initial condition.
• When you arc no longer uble to usc the Handheld Tenninal hccausc youlorgot your
• When U1e Hand.ltcld Terminal does not operate normally due to 11 memory problclll.
Performing a fuU reset resets :til data to thei r defaults except s tored In the
Flash disk folder. If posslhlc, h nckup data of the tct·minal to a PC or to the
Fl nshdisf{ folder. The t•csct procedure and display message nppearecl on
performing the reset is according to the model you operate.
I. Hold down Fn key and CLR key while pushing down the reset switcb for about 3
seconds with the lip of a stylus until the m~uge shown below nppcars on the display.
• To cancel the full reset operation, press L Trigger key on the scan engine integrated
models or L EtHer key on the non-scan engine integrated models.
··: .~ : ·
··· · ·
The followi!lg operation
inJUalaes the Root Oisk.
Pr~ the {R Tr~gg~r f..:er./ to proceed
or the{L Ttigga.r key] to cancel.
Message appeared on the non-scan engine Integrated models.
f=ujjRe.set War!J/iJg
The fot'owing opet'dfion
imtiakzes the Root lxr.k
P;·ess the {R Ttigger h'VI to JHoceed
or the.{l Trigger key)to cancel,
R lllgger key (For
scan engine
Integrated modols)
R Enter key (For
non...scan onglne
lntogratod rnodels)
2. Press R Trigger key on the scan engine integrated models orR Enter key on tbe nonscan engine integrated models. This causes the message shown below to ap(>ear.
• To cancel the full reset operation, press L Trigger key on the scan engiltc integrated
models or L Enter key on the non-scan engine integrated models.
Message appeared on the scan onglne Integrated models.
Full Reset W"ming
!he fol!oiVing operation d~ietes all data
storedin the Root Oisk
PrMS the {R Trigg& key) to proteed
or the [L Tf/gg&' kcvJ to crmcel.
MesMge appeared on the non-scan engine Integrated models.
Full Reset w·amliJg
The following operation deletes all data
stored in the Root Oisk
Press the {R Ttigge.t /..e1) to proceed
or the {L Ttfgget I.evi to cancel
R Trigger koy (For
scan ongine
lntogratod models)
R Enter key (For
non·scan engine
Integrated models)
3. Press R Trigger key orR Enter key again to perform the full reset.
• The full reset starts and all datu in the memory are erased, and the statt-up screen
JJata stored in the Plashdisk folder remain unallcctcd.
Warning Label
• Never look directly into the laser light.
!).. • These products scnnusing laser light. Never look directly into the laser light
~ or shine the laser light into the eyes.
GC26 E/GC21EIC21E/25E
• 1:2014
lilt ·
~o ~J
I 0~ ~-
:=- 0 K&f:J'9S1 I
• This label is a warning and ca utionlahcl for Class 2 laser )troduets tha t comply
wilh IEC60825-1:2014.
• Although Class 2 IHsct· light Is only emitted momcnta l'ily, never lool< directly into
the beam light.
• The lasct· light emitted by this lusct· scunnet· has a maximum output of less than
I mW and a wavelength of 650 nm.
• Use of controls or adj ustments or performan ce of p roccdu t·cs other th an those
specified herei n mny t•cs ult In hazardous 1·adiation exposure.
IT-GSOO Specifications
mict·o SD
micro US B
micro SIM
Headset Jack
Memory Bnclmp
Battery Life
ARM Cortex-A9 1.5GH7.
Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5 Classic
RAM:512MB FROM:4GB (user area : Appro~timntcly 3GB)
4.3inches 480 (horlzoutal) x 800 (verticul) WVGA
Approx. 5,000,000 pixels
Voice sound input
For Public line end VoiP
IEBB 802.1lalb/g/n
Specification Ver.2.0 + t:::DR
Suppot1ed Card~ : ISO 1443 TypcA,
ISOI443 TypcB, JSOI5693, l'elica
Compatible with SDHC Memory Card
micro USB A-B connector
CTIA standard
Power Source : J IA~D20BAT-A
HA-02 1LL'lA'I~A
Rechargeable Lithium Battery (Built-in)
HA-D20BAT-A: Approx II hours
HA-D211.BAT-A : Approx 20 hours
Drop DuraiJUity
Dust and Wnter
Splash Pr·oof
- 20°C-sooc
Appt'OXimatcly 74(W) x I75(0) x 22(H)mm
(fhc heigh I does not include the protruding pmis)
Available uccording to software ~etting.
micro USB
Headset J ack
Memory Bockur)
ARM Cortcx-A9 I.50Hz
Windows Embedded
Comnact 7
RAM:5 12MB FROM:4GD (11ser area: Approximately 3GB) FROM:4Gil (user area:
A]lproximately 3GB)
4.3lnches 480 (horizontal) x 800 (ve•1ical) WVGA
Approx. 5 000 000 nixcls
Voice ~ound innut
For Public line and Voll'
IEEE 802. II alb/g/n
Specification Ver.2.0 + EDR
Ver.2.l + EDR
UMTS/W-CDMA:JGPP rcleasc99
I ISDPA:3(WI' releaseS
3GPI' release99
12 channels nnd receiver Ll 1575.42 MHz, CIA code
Supported Cards: IS014443 TypeA IS014443 TypeR 15015693 Felica
Compatible with SDHC Memory Card
micro USB A-B connector
Support for ISO 7816 IC Card standard
3V: I.8V SIM cards
CTIA standard
Power Source: HA-D20BAT-A
Rechargeable Lithium natterv (Built-in)
Windows Embedded I landheld 6.5 Professional
I HA-D20BAT·A : ApproxDC3.0A
I I hours
HA-021 LBAT-A: Approx 20 hour,;
Onttcry Life
W-WAN Waiting
HA-D2013A'l~A : Approx 115 hours
HA·D21LBAT·A: Approx 230 hours
W-WAN continuous communication
HA-020DAT-A : Approx 150 minutes
I IA· D21LBAT·A: Approx 300 minutes
Dt'Of) Dut·ability
Dust and Watc•·
Splnsh l'roof
-20•G-506 C
I0% - 90%RII
Approximately 74(W) x 175(0) x 22(H)nm•
(The hcinht does not include the protmding parts)
AllllroxinJately 270n
Available uccordinll. to sol\warc setting.
ARM Cortex-A9 !.50Hz
Windows J:lmbedded Compact 7
RAM : I Gl:l rROM:4GB (user area : Approximately JOB)
4.3lnchcs 480 (horizontal) x 800 (vertical) WVGA
La sea·
Atmrox. 5,000,000 uixcls
Voice sound Input
For Public line and Voll'
IEEE 802.1lalb/wn
Soeciflcation Ver.2.1 + EDR
Sca nner*!
Cnm em
IJiuctoot h*J
micro SD
mlcrQ USB
micro S IM
Jlcadsct J ack
ltcq ulrcmeuts
Memo1·y llackup
Onttc•·y Life
Operat ing
Dror1 Dul'Hhilitv
Dust and Watl!l'
St>lnsh l'roof
Vibrat or
SUJlported Cards: ISOJ443 TypoA,
1501443 TvneD IS015693, Felica
Compntiblc with SDHC Memory Card
micro USB A-B connector
Support for ISO 78 I 6 IC Card standurd
3V 1.8V SIM cards
CTIA standard
Power Source : HA-0201lA1~A
Rccha~cablc Lithiwn Battery (Buill-in)
HA-D20BAT: Approx II hours
HA-021 LBAT : Approx 20 hours
- 2o••c
l0%~90%R II
Approximately 74(W) x 175(0) x 22(ll)mm
(The height does not include the protruding p111ts)
Approximately 245g
Available according to software selling.
Scrmner Specifications
Laser emit angle
Wave Length
Optical Output
No. of scanning
Redirected downward at 25 degree
645nm to 664nm
< lmW
I 00 20 per second
0.127mm (minimum) or grater
0.45 (minimum) or grater
Readable distance
Approximately 46nun to 550nun
Readable width
- at SSOnun depth
Daylight for scanning 50,000 Lux or less
(JAN 13)/Codahar (NW-7)/Codc39
Tntcrlcavcd2of5 (ITF)/MST/
Code l 28 (EAN128)flATAIC1S I
DatallarOmnidirectional (RSS-14)/GS I
Readable bar code
DatnDarLimited (RSS Limitcd)/GS I
OataBar Stacked (RSS-14
Stacked)IGS I DataBar Expanded
Stacked (RSS Expanded Stacked)lOS I
DntaBnr Tmncated)
CMOS Imager, 832 x 640, monochrome
Laser 650nm, <.I m W
Aimer method
Redirected downward at 25 degree
Laser emit angle
ID: 0.1 27mm
Stacked 20 : 0. 1/illmm
Mutrix 20: 0.191tnm
0.45 (minimum) or greater
I D : Awroximately 50nun to 400mm
Stacked 20 : Approximately 50mm to
Readable distance
Matrix 20 :Approximately 70mm to
Max. 43mm (at 50nun depth)
Readable width
Max. 276mm (at 400mm depth)
5.0 inches
Focal distance
Daylight for scanning 50,000 Lux or less
Readable IIJ
Readable Stacked 20
Readable Matrix 20
(JAN 13)/Codabar (NW-7)/Code39
lnt~rleavcd2of5 (ITF)/MSI/ISHT/
Code93/Codcl28 (OS I-128(EAN 128)/
OS I OatnHarOuruidircctional
(RSS- 14)/0S I DataBarLimitcd (RSS
Limitcd)/GS I Data Bar Expanded
(RSS Expanded)/Code32/0S I DataBar
Truncated(RSS-14 Truncated
PDF41 7/Micro PDP/Composite/
Coda block FIGS I DataBar Stacked
Omnidirectional (RSS-14 Stacked
Omnidirectionai)IGSJ DataBar
Fixpnnded Stacked (RSS Tixpanded
Stacked)/GS I DataBar Stacked (RSS-14
Code,Mi cro QR,
IEEE 802. I I alb/gin
Spread Spectrum
802.11 a/gin:
OPDM (Ol'lhogonal FrequencyDivision
DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread
1!02.11alg/n DID, GID
WLAN Specifications
Radio type
Modulation type
Emission Designation
802.11b: GlD
Baud rate
Number of channel
Channel spacing
Channel band width
Other feature
WPA encrypted
Autborizc method
11!1313802.11n/n W52:36/40/44f41 IEE13802.11 aln 5.1 S to 5.35Gllz (W52, W53) 5.47to 5.725GIIz (W56) 5.735 to 5.835GHz (W58) lflEE802. 11b 2.400 to 2.497GHz IEEE80.2. 11 gin 2.400 to 2.4835GHz 802.lln/g: 54Mbps (maximum) 802.11b: 11Mbps (maximum) 802.11 n : 65Mbps (maximum) 802.11 blg/u : 50m (indoor), 150m (outdoor) (II n is 2.4Gt-lz range) 802.11 a/n : 30m (indoor), 150m (ollldoor) (II n is 50Hz r.mgc) 802.1 la/u: W52:4,W53:4,W56: II ( li n is 5GHz range),W58:5 802. 11b/gfn: 13 (llu is 2.4GH7. range) 802.11 n/n : 20M Hz (lin is 50Hz range) 802.11 bfg/n : 5Mliz (II n is 2.4GHz runge) 802.11 alh/g/n : 20MHz Roaming among Access-Points WEP (64fl28bit), WPA, WI'A2 Remark The available charmets diller according to country. Vary depending on the enviromucnt condition TKII',AES PSK, EAI'-TLS, PEAP-MSCIIAI'-V2 E- 49 *3 Bluctooth Specifications n luetooth Item Radio type Modulation Specification Spread Spectrum Frequency Hopping Spread Spcch1llll Remarl( ("HISS") GFSK(IMbpS), TI/4-dqpsk (2Mbps), 8-DPSK (3Mbps) Emission Desig11ation PI D, GlD Frequency range 2.4000 to 2.4835GHz Modulation type depending on the environment conditions v~ry Communication range Number of channels Channel spacing Chanucl band width Output power E-50 Approx. 5m 79 IMHz IMHz Max. 5.80d13m. •4,5 W CDMNGSM S)pec1"fi"ICar1ons Item W-CDMA Standard Couununication featw·es Data transfer Modulation type Frequency range No. of channels GSM Channel spacing Channel band width Standard Communic.~tion features Data transfer Modulation type Frequency range Number of channel Channel spacing Channel band width S)Jeclllcation UMTS/W-CDMA: 3GPP rclcasc99 HSDPA : 30PP releaseS Voice, Packet data Remarl< IT-0500-GC21 E: Packet data only Downlink: 14.4Mbps Uplink : 5. 76Mbps UMTSIHSDPAIIISUPA •Bond I Uplink: 1920 to 1980MH2 Downlink : 2110 to 2170MHz •Bnnd Vill II plink: 880 to 915M117. Downlink : 925 to 960?\ffiz Band I: 277 Band VIII: 152 200kH:t 3.84MIIz 30PP rclcase99 Voice, Packet data IT-G500-GC21 E: Packet data only Downlink : 236.8kbps Uplink : 236.8kbrs GSM/GPRS/EDGE •GSM850 Uplink: 824 to 849MHz Downlink : R69 to 894MHz •EOSM900 Uplink: 880 to 915M I17. Downlink: 925 to 960MII7. •DCS1800 Uplink: 1710 to 1785MHz Downlink: 1805 to 1880MHz •I'CSI900 Uplink: 1850 to 1910MHz Downlink: 1930 to 1990MHz GSMR50: 124 EGSM900 : 174 DCSJ800: 374 I'CS 1900 : 299 200kHz 200kllz E-51 *6 GPS S)pCCI'fi callOUS Item OPS General specification Positioning system Protocol Sensitivity Spccificnllou 12 cluumcls and receiver,Ll 1575.42 MH:.:, CIA code Stnndalone-GPS (S-GPS) NMEA-0183 Acquisition sensitivity: -145 dBm Trucking sensitivity : - 155 dBm n cmal'l< Spec.ification 13.56MHz±7kH:l Magnetic loop antenna Mngnctic field strength output I .5Aim over ISO 14443 Type A : 106kbps ISO 14443 Type B : I06kbps Pclica: 212kbps, 424kbps ISO 15693 : 1.65kbps ASK I0%, I00% modulation ISOJ44431)1pe A/13, Felica: Omm (Couwct with case) Rcmnt•k *7 NI'C S;nect'fi catJOns Item Carrier frequency NI'C Antenna Field work Bit rate Modulation Modulation rate Read range ISO 15693 : Onuu (Contact with cnse) to 60mm (max)+ Compatible with IS010373-6 •Reference val ue becuuse different with tag antenna dc~ign Read area 20mm x 20mm Dependent <>n sutat1 card •R Above time periods are based on the ratio of cyclic operation of"Standby: Calculation: Scanning: WLAN" at 20:1: I: I, and under the conditions; E-52 Using the USB Cradle (HA-P6010), Ethernet Cradle (HA-P6210), Cradle-type Battery Charger (HA-P30CHG) The optionally available Cradle makes it possible to tmnsmit system data and lile data between the Handheld Tem1inal and a PC via a USD or LAN connection {download or upload). You cnn nlso use the Cradle to charge the buttery pack installed in 1he Handheld Terminnl. General Guide Front Top ,... 12 .-... fa 13 Left Right Back (HA·P6010) Back (HA·P6210) -I Back (HA·P30CHG) - --\ 4 3 E-53 I USJJ Client Po1i USB Host Pott LAN Connection Status LED LAN Communication Status LED LAN Port 10 11 12 13 AC Adaptor Jack Selector Switch (Ethemet Cradle only) Power Switch (Ethcruct Cradle, USD Cradle only) Power Contacts Data Co1mnunication Terminal (l:ithemet Crad lc, USB Cradle only) Terminal Detect Switch Mount Hooks Power Indicator LED E-54 This port is tJsed to transmit data and files (download, upload) by connecting the cradle to a PC using u USB cable (DT· 380USB-A ). Tho dedicated driver must be insta tied in the PC before connecting the cradle to the PC. This port is used to corutect n con·esponding USJ:l peripheral device. This LED shows the stan•s of the LAN connection. OIT: LAN cable not connected correctly. Lit green: LAN cable connected correctly. Thi!l LED shows the LAN operation status. on: No communication. Blinking !,'l'een: Communication in progress. This port is used for connecting the cradle to a PC or hub via a LAN cable so that data and files can be transmitted (uploaded or downloaded). The special d.rivcr software rnust be installed in the IT-0500. Connect the AC adaptor here. This switch is used to switch between a USB connection and a LAN connection. Tums the power on and off. Power is supplied to the TT-G500 via these contacts. Used for data conununications. This switch detects when the TT-G500 is seated correctly on tl1e cradle. Use thc.~c hooks to lock the 1T-G500 into the cradle. This LED indicates the power status and the mounting status of the IT-0500. Oft': Power off Green: Power on, IT-GSOO mounted correctly Red: Power on, l'I~G500 not mounted Connecting the Cradle Power Supply Use the dedicated AC adapter (sold separately) as the power supply for the USB cradle, Ethcmet cradle and cradle-type battery charger. Power for the IT-0500 is supplied from the connected devices. The Ethernet cradle is used as an example in this description. I.Piug theAC adaptor into the 1\C adaptor jack on the back of the Ethemet Cradle. 2. After connecting the power cable to the AC adaptor, plug the other end of it into an electrical outlet. 3. Use the selector switch on the len side of the Ethemet Cradle to select the port to be used. Set the switch to the "LAN" positiw1 when using the LAN port on the cradle. Set the switch to the "B" position when using the unit as a USH client, or set it to the "A" position when using the unit as a USB host. E-55 4. Before using the cradle p011s, remove the caps from the ports. When using a LAN, connect one end of the LAN cable to the LAN port and the other end to the PC or hub. When using n USB connection, connect one end of the USJ3 cub ic (DT-380USB-A) to the USB pott and the other end to the PC. The USB host p011 is used for connecting the cradle with other USB peripheral device. PC or hub 5. Turn on the power switch on Ihe right side of the Ethemet Crndlc. The power LED on tlte front of the Etl1ernel Cradle lights red. 6. Align the contacts on the bollom of the lT-0 500 with the power contacts of the Ethernet Cradle when inserting the unit. The power LED on the fl·ont of the Ethernet Cradle will light green if the Handheld Terminal has been properly mounted. E-56 Important! • Always malacls during conununlcatlou with a LAN, USB client or USll host, us this can cause comm unication to be lntetTupted. • Wltcn loading the n~GSOO, fit II sccu•·ely In place and check Hu1t the green power Indicator LED on the front of the Cmdle is lit. The J'I~GSOO must b e Inserted COI'I'eclly to drnw power nod communicate successfully. • Always ca11 ports that nrc not being used. Using the Cradle while the ports arc uncapped can cause dnmagc. • Do not pick up the IT·GSOO while It Is mounted In the Cradle. J>olng so may result in the C radle h clng nccldeutally dropped, causing injury or damage. • 1r the Cradle \\ill not be used ror au extended period, set the power switch to OFF. • Place the Cradle ot· cradle-type battery charget· on a Oat, level surface and take can when placing the JT-GSOO In or removing it from the cradle. • The mlcmUSB port on th e llundheld Terminal camJot be used while the te.r mlnal ls set In the Cradle. Ethernet Cradle Specifications (HA-P6210) 1. LAN Speclficatlons Communications protocol: IUJ:!J:o: &02.3 Media type: I Dbase-T/1 OObase-TX auto-switched 2. usn Protocol: Tmnsmission Rate: 3. Charging Charging Method: Charge Period: USB Vcr2.0 Full speed 12Mbps (max.) Constant current/voltage (the charging circuit is built in IT-GSOO) Approximately 4 hours {ballcr:y pack) Approximately 7 hours (largc·capacity battery pack) 4. Power Supply Power Source: Consumption Current: Output to Handheld Tenuinal: USB Host Output: AC ndnptor (A D-S42 I20C) 12V DC approximately 3.0A SV DC: 3.0A (mux.) SV OC 0.5A (max.) E-57 5. AC Adaptot· Model: Input: Output: 6. Dimension s nnd Weight Dimensions: Weight: 7. O(Jet·atlng Envh-onmcnt Temperature: Humidity; AD-S42120C lOOV to 240V AC 50/60Hz 1.2A 12V DC3.5A Approximntely II O(W) x 111(0) x 103(H) UU!l Approximately 325g o•c to 4o•c {32•F to 104°F) 10% to 90% Rll (non-condensation) USB Cradle Specifications (HA- P6010) 1. USB Protocol: Transfer Rate: 2. Charging Charging Method: Charge Period: 3. Powct· Supply Power Source: Consumption Current: Output to Handheld Terminal: USB Host Output: 4. AC Adn11tnr Model: Input: Output; 5. J)imeuslous nnd Weight Dimensions: Weight: 6. Opuatlng F.nvironment 'lempernturc: llumidity; E-58 USB Ver2.0 Pull speed 12Mbps (max.) Constant eurrcnt/voitagc Approximntcly 4 hours (battery pack) Approximately 7 hours (large-capacity battery pack) AC adaptor (A 0-S 15050B) 12V DC approximately 3.0A 5V DC 3.0A (max.) SV DC 3.0A (max.) AD-S 15050Fl I OOV to 240V AC 50/60.117. 1.2A 12V DC3.5A Approximately IIO(W) x III (D) x 103(11) mm Approximately 305g o•c to 40°C (32°F to I04°1') I0% to 90% lUi (non-condensation) Cradle-type Battery Charger Specifications (HA- P30CHG) 1. Charging StlecUications Charging Method: Charge Period: Constant current/voltage (the charging circuit is built in JT-G500) Approximately 4 hours (battery pack) Approxirnatcly 7 honrs (large-capacity battery pack) 2. Power Supply Power Source: AC adaptor (AD-S 1505011) SV DC3.0A Output to Handheld Terminal: 5V DC 3.0A (mox.) 3. AC Adaptor AD-SISOSOB Model: 1OOV to 240V AC 50/60H7. 0.4A Input: Output: 5VDC 3.0A 4. Dim ensions nnd Weight Appmximatcly II O(W) x Il l (D) x 103(11) mm Dimensions: App•·oximutely 285g Weight: S. OpcrRtlng Environment o•c to 4o•c (32"f' to 104°F) Temperature: Humidity: 10% to 90% Rll (non-condensation) Consumption Cmrcnt: E-59 Using the Dual Battery Charger (HA-D32DCHG) The optionally available dual battcty charger (HA-D32DCHG) can be tL~ed to si.mullaneously charge two batt~ty packs. General Guide Top Left Bottom Right Bundled I t e m s - - - - -Connection Bracket 2 screws E-60 --... 1 Charge Indicator Lamp This lamp indicates the charge status of the baHcty paek(s). Off: Not charging Red: Charging Red Flashing: Danery pack problem Green Flashing: Standby Green: Charging complete AC Adaptor .Jack This is used to supply power by connecting thcAC adaptor (sold separately). Dual Battery Use this port to connect multiple Dual Batlcry Chargers to each Charger Connection other. Po11 Connection Bracket The connection bracket allaches here when you connect multiple Attacluucm Holes Dual Battery Chargers to each other. Important! • Allowing the power contacts become wet can cnuse an electric shock ot•fiJ·e. In addition, If the contacts become soiled, contact may be lmp11lred resulting in poor cha rgi ng. For reasons of safety and maintaining ch arging battery J>Bci<(S) in optimum condition, clc~tn the 110wer contacts by wiping with a dry cloth or cotton swab after disconnecting the AC ~tdaptor. • Although th e h nttet·y may become wunn dm·iog cb:ll'gi ng, th is Is normal and does not Indicate a malfunction. • Do not place objects su ch ns a cover over the bnttcry charger while chargin g. • Do not remove the battery pack or disconnect the AC adaptor dtwlng charging. • Repeated " Mountb1g and Hcmovlng'' of battery pacl< In excess of times may cause the quality detcrio•·allon of the battery pack. • Ench DunI Uuttcry Charger comes with one eotmection b1·acket. • Since only one c01rnection bntclack, nomlallcmperature) When charging two battery packs: Approx. 3.5 hours (2 standard battery packs, normal temperature) Approx. 7 hours (2 large-capacity baue~y packs, nonnal tempemturc) AD-S42120C Approximately 450mA AD-S42120C I OOV to 240V AC 50/60Hz 1,2A 12V DC:I.SA Approximntely 450mA Output: Consumption Cun·ent: 5. Opernll ng F:nvh'Onmcnt: Temperature: Approximately o•c to 40°C (32"F to I 04°F) Humidity: 30% to ROOAo RH (non-condensation) 6. Dimensions mad Weight: Approximately II 0(\V) x 104(0) x 46(11) mm Dimensions: Weight: Approximately 195g E-64 Using the microUSB Connecting to a Computer You can use the microUSU cable (11A-N81 USB C) to connect the Ilandheld Terminal to a computer for USU datil communication. This also allows you to charge the battcty pack installed in the IT-0.500 using power supplied from the computer. mlcroUSB cable Important! The micro USB port on the li andhcld Tet·mlnal cannot be used while the ter minal i s set In a cradle. • Always ensut·e that the CIIJIIS titled onto any unused port. Using the Uandhcld Terminal with a p ort un covered could cause amalfuuction. • The power supplied via the USH cable Is limited to 500 rnA, so In some situations the battery pacl< may not h e chn•·ged and the level of charge mny l'nll when the Handheld Tenninnlls switched on, depending on how the tennlnnlls used. E-65 Using Rechargeable Battery Packs HA-D21LTIAT-A HA-D20HA'l~A YOUI' Handheld Tet1ninal supports usc of two battery pack types, one at a lime, of different capacity. You can select the one that beBt suits your needs in terms of operating time, the type of options you need to use, etc. When using the large-capacity baUery pack, you need to usc the special large-capacity battcty pack cover that comes with the terminal. Important! • Store a battery J>acl< in its spcc.inl soft case whenever you are not using it • If the battery pack has been left over unused for a long period of time, the capacity remained decreases clue to spontnneons discharge or chemical decomposition by the battery pad< itself. If the battery pack fails to hold its operating duration aftet· it has been fully charged, replace it with a new one. The battery pack may reach the end of its service life. Battery Pack Specifications Model: HA-D20BAT-A Rated Ca}lacity: 1850mAh (6.84 Wh) lhtcd Voltage: 3.7V Oimcn~ions: Approximately 52.5(W) x 40(D) x 13.5(H) nun Weight: Approximately 46g Bundled Item: Son case Large-capacity Battery Pack Specifications Moclcl: HA-D21LBAT-A Rated Capacity: 3700mAh Rated Voltage: 3.7V Dimensions: Approximately 52.5(W) x 40(0) x 25(H) nun Weight: Approximately 86g Bundled Item: Soft cnse E-66 Using the Protector (HA·P91 BPS, HA-P92BP5) Usc the procedure below when fitting or removing the optional protector (HA-P91 BPS or IIA-P92BP5) on the llandheld Terminal. Fitting the protector onto the Handheld Terminal I . When fitting the protector, tum it to the side as shown in the illustration. Removing the protector from the Handheld Terminal I. To remove the protector, turn il to the side as shown in the illustration. Important! • Falling to follow the above procedure when fitting Ol' removing the protector ou the Hnudheld Terminal cottld result In clefonnntiou of the protector. • ReJleatcd fitting and removing will cause protector deformation. Leave the pa·otcctoa· ln place as much as possible. • Applying thinners, gasoline, kerosene, solvents or oils,.or substances such as cleaners, adheSives, paints, medications or toiletries that contain thO$C materlalsf to the pt•otcctoa· may cause
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