Casio Watch 5052 Users Manual QW 3311

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Operation Guide 3311 50521MO0806-EAGetting AcquaintedCongratulations upon your selection of this CASIO watch. To get the most out of yourpurchase, be sure to carefully read this manual and keep it on hand for later referencewhen necessary.•••••This watch does not have a time zone that corresponds to the GreenwichMean Time differential of –3.5 hours. Because of this, the radio-controlledtimekeeping and World Time functions will not display the correct time forNewfoundland, Canada.Keep the watch exposed to bright lightThe electricity generated by the solar cell of the watch isstored by a built-in battery. Leaving or using the watchwhere it is not exposed to light causes the battery to rundown. Make sure the watch is exposed to light as much aspossible.•When you are not wearing the watch on your wrist,position the face so it is pointed at a source of bright light.•You should try to keep the watch outside of your sleeveas much as possible. Charging is reduced significantly ifthe face is only partially covered.lllllllllllBright LightSolar cell•The watch continues to operate, even when it is not exposed to light. Leaving thewatch in the dark can cause the battery to run down, which will result in some watchfunctions to be disabled. If the battery goes dead, you will have to re-configure watchsettings after recharging. To ensure normal watch operation, be sure to keep itexposed to light as much as possible.All functionsenabledLEVEL 1LEVEL 2LEVEL 3LEVEL 4ChargeRechargeable batteryBright LightElectrical energySolar cell(Converts light to electrical power.)LEVEL 1LEVEL 2LEVEL 3LEVEL 4Some or allfunctionsdisabledDis-chargeBattery charges in the light. Battery discharges in the dark.•The actual level at which some functions are disabled depends on the watch model.•Frequent display illumination can run down the battery quickly and require charging.The following guidelines give an idea of the charging time required to recover from asingle illumination operation.Approximately 5 minutes exposure to bright sunlight coming in through a windowApproximately 50 minutes exposure to indoor fluorescent lighting•Be sure to read “Power Supply” for important information you need to knowwhen exposing the watch to bright light.If the digital display of the watch is blank...If the Power Saving indicator (PS) is flashing on the display,it means that the display is blank because the watch’sPower Saving function has turned it off to conserve power.Power Saving automatically turns off the display andenters a sleep state whenever your watch is left for acertain period in an area where it is dark. If the watch iskept in the dark for a longer period, the analog hands willalso stop moving after a few days.•The initial factory default setting is Power Saving on.•The watch will recover from the sleep state if you move itto a well-lit area or if you press any button.•See “Power Saving Function” for more information.About This Manual•The operational procedures for Modules 3311 and 5052are identical. All of the illustrations in this manual showModule 3311.•Button operations are indicated using the letters shownin the illustration.•Each section of this manual provides you with theinformation you need to perform operations in eachmode. Further details and technical information can befound in the “Reference” section.Module 3311Module 5052General Guide•Press C to change from mode to mode.•In any mode, press B to illuminate the display.▲▲▲Battery Level IndicatorAlarm ModeStopwatch Mode▲Timekeeping ModePress C.▲▲World Time  ModeHand Setting ModeorRadio-controlled Atomic TimekeepingThis watch receives a time calibration signal and updatesits time setting accordingly. The time calibration signalincludes both Standard Time and Daylight Saving Time(summer time) data.•This watch is designed to pick up the time calibrationsignal transmitted in the United States (Fort Collins,Colorado) and the time calibration signals transmitted inJapan.•The U.S. time calibration signal can be picked up by thewatch while in North America.**The term “North America” in this manual refers to thearea that consists of Canada, the continental UnitedStates, and Mexico.DayDay of weekMinute handHour handSecond handCurrent Time SettingThis watch automatically adjusts its time setting in accordance with a time calibrationsignal. You can also perform a manual procedure to set the time and date, whennecessary.•The first thing you should do after purchasing this watch is to set your Home City,which is the city where you will normally use the watch. For more information, see“To set your Home City” below.•When using the watch outside the ranges of the U.S. and Japanese time signaltransmitters, you have to adjust the current time setting manually as required. See“Timekeeping” for more information about manual time setting.•The analog time of this watch is synchronized with the digital time. Because of this,the analog time setting is automatically adjusted whenever you change the digitalsetting. See “Analog Timekeeping” for more information.To set your Home City1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A until thetransmitter indicator (US) starts to flash, whichindicates the setting screen.•The second hand will move at high speed to the 12o’clock position, where it will stop.2. Press C once so the city code is flashing on the display.3. Use D (east) and B (west) to scroll through the citycodes until the one you want to use as your Home Cityis displayed.llllllllllllllllllTransmitter indicatorTYO: All cities in JapanSEL: SeoulHKG: Hong Kong•Note that this watch does not have a city code that corresponds to Newfoundland.4. Press A twice to exit the setting screen.•The first press of A displays the 12/24-hour setting screen. Pressing A again exitsthe setting screen.•The second hand will advance at high speed to the correct position in accordancewith seconds count of the digital time, and resume normal movement from there.•Normally, your watch should show the correct time as soon as you select your HomeCity Code. If it does not, it should adjust automatically after the next auto receive (inthe middle of the night). You can also perform manual receive or you can set the timemanually.•If you are in an area that does not use Daylight Saving Time (summer time), turn offthe DST setting.To display the digital time and last signal screen•In the Timekeeping Mode, press A to cycle through the digital time screens asshown below.•In the Timekeeping Mode, press D to display the last signal screen. The last signalscreen shows the date and time of the last successful time calibration signalreception.Last Signal ScreenReception datePress A.▲▲Receiving indicatorA2 secondsAPress D.Hour : MinutesPM indicatorDate Screen Receiving Indicatorand Seconds CountCurrent Time Screen▲▲SecondsReception Time2 seconds2 seconds▲DayDay of weekHNL: HonoluluANC: AnchorageLAX: Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Seattle, Vancouver, TijuanaDEN: Denver, El Paso, Edmonton, CuliacanCHI: Chicago, Houston, Dallas/Fort Worth, New Orleans, Winnipeg, Mexico CityNYC: New York, Detroit, Miami, Boston, Montreal
Operation Guide 3311 50522Time Calibration Signal ReceptionThere are two different methods you can use to receive the time calibration signal:auto receive and manual receive.•Auto ReceiveWith auto receive, the watch automatically picks up the time calibration signal fivetimes a day at 0:00 a.m., 1:00 a.m., 2:00 a.m., 3:00 a.m., and 4:00 a.m. For moreinformation, see “About Auto Receive”.•Manual ReceiveManual receive lets you start time calibration signal reception with the press of abutton. For more information, see “To perform manual receive”.Important!•When getting ready to receive the time calibration signal, position the watch asshown in the nearby illustration, with its 12 o’clock side facing towards a window.This watch is designed to receive a time calibration signal late at night. Because ofthis, you should place the watch near a window as shown in the illustration when youtake it off at night. Make sure there are no metal objects nearby.Resin Band Metal Band•Make sure the watch is facing the right way.•Proper signal reception can be difficult or even impossible under the conditions listedbelow.•Signal reception is normally better at night than during the day.•Time calibration signal reception takes from two to seven minutes. Take care thatyou do not perform any button operations or move the watch during this time.Inside oramongbuildingsInside avehicleNearhouseholdappliances,officeequipment,or a mobilephoneNear aconstructionsite, airport, orother sourcesof electricalnoiseNear high-tensionpower linesAmong orbehindmountains•When within range of the applicable transmitter, this watch can receive either theU.S. (Fort Collins, Colorado) or Japanese (Fukushima or Fukuoka/Saga) timecalibration signal. The signal the watch will attempt to pick up depends on its currentHome City code setting as shown below.Home City CodeHNL*, ANC*, LAX, DEN,CHI, NYCTYO**, SEL*, HKG*Frequency60kHz40kHz60kHzTransmitterFort Collins, ColoradoFukushimaFukuoka/Saga*The areas covered by the SEL, HKG, HNL, and ANC city codesare quite far from the time calibration signal transmitters, and socertain conditions may cause problems with signal reception.**With TYO, you can specify either 40kHz or 60kHz.•Under good reception conditions, signal reception is possible within a radius ofabout 2,000 miles (3,000 kilometers) from the Fort Collins transmitter.•At distances further than about 600 miles (1,000 kilometers) from the Fort Collinstransmitter, signal reception may not be possible during certain times of year ortimes of day. Radio interferance may also cause problems with reception.•At distances further than about 500 kilometers from the Fukushima and Fukuoka/Saga transmitter, signal reception may not be possible during certain times of yearor times of day. Radio interferance may also cause problems with reception.1,000kilometers1,000kilometersFukuoka/Saga500kilometersFukushima500kilometers2,000 milesFort Collins600 miles•Even when the watch is within the reception range of the transmitter, signalreception will be impossible if the signal is blocked by mountains or other geologicalformations between the watch and signal source.•Signal reception is affected by weather, atmospheric conditions, and seasonal changes.•See the information under “Signal Reception Troubleshooting” if you experienceproblems with time calibration signal reception.About Auto ReceiveWhen auto receive is turned on, the watch automatically starts to receive the timecalibration signal when the time in the Timekeeping Mode reaches 0:00 a.m., 1:00a.m., 2:00 a.m., 3:00 a.m., and 4:00 a.m. each day (calibration times). The watch willalso perform an additional auto receive at 5:00 a.m. if none of the regularly scheduledauto receive are successful.Note•Auto receive is performed only if the watch is in the Timekeeping Mode or WorldTime Mode when one of the calibration times is reached. It is not performed if acalibration time is reached while an alarm is sounding, or while you are configuringsettings (while settings are flashing on the display).•When a reception starts, the second hand will move at high speed to the 12 o’clockposition where it will stop until the reception is complete.•Auto receipt of the calibration signal is designed to be performed early in themorning, while you sleep (provided that the Timekeeping Mode time is set correctly).Before going to bed for the night, remove the watch from your wrist, and put it in alocation where it can easily receive the signal.•When auto receive is turned on, the watch receives the calibration signal for two toseven minutes everyday when the time in the Timekeeping Mode reaches each ofthe five calibration times. Do not perform any button operation within seven minutesbefore or after any of the five calibration times. Doing so can interfere with correctcalibration.•Remember that reception of the calibration signal depends on the time kept in thedigital display. The reception will be performed whenever the display shows one ofthe five calibration times, regardless of whether or not the displayed time is actuallythe correct time.•When two, three, four, or five receptions are successful, the watch uses the data ofthe last reception for calibration. When only one reception is successful, the watchuses the data of the successful reception.About the Receiving IndicatorThe receiving indicator shows the strength of the calibration signal being received. Forbest reception, be sure to keep the watch in a location where signal strength isstrongest.•Even in an area where signal strength is strong, it takes about 10 seconds for signalreception to stabilize enough for the receiving indicator to indicate signal strength.•Use the receiving indicator as a guide for checking signal strength and for finding thebest location for the watch during signal reception.llllllllllllllllllllReceiving indicatorWeak Strong(Level 1) (Level 4)•The Level 4 receiving indicator appears on the Timekeeping Mode’s ReceivingIndicator and Seconds Count screen only.The Level 4 receiving indicator is not displayed if signal reception was unsuccessfulor after manual adjustment of the current time setting.•The Level 4 receiving indicator indicates that at least one of the five calibrationsignal reception was successful. Note, however, that the Level 4 receiving indicatoris cleared from the display at 3:00 a.m. each day.To perform manual receive1. Place the watch on a stable surface so its top (12o’clock side) is facing towards a window.2. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down D for about twoseconds until the watch beeps.3. Release D and RC flashes to indicate that signalreception has started.•When a reception starts, the second hand will move athigh speed to the 12 o’clock position where it will stopuntil the reception is complete.llllllllllllllllllllReceiving indicator•Time calibration signal reception normally takes from two to seven minutes. InJapan, however, reception can take up to 14 minutes. Take care that you do notperform any button operations or move the watch during this time.•After signal reception is complete, the display of the watch changes to the last signalscreen.Note•To interrupt a reception and return to the Timekeeping Mode, press D.•If the reception is unsuccessful, the message ERR appears on the display for aboutone or two minutes. After that, the watch returns to the Timekeeping Mode.•You can also change from the last signal or ERR screen to the normal timekeepingscreen by pressing D.To turn auto receive on and off1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A until thetransmitter indicator starts to flash, which indicates thesetting screen.•The second hand will move at high speed to the 12o’clock position, where it will stop.2. Press C three times to move the flashing to the autoreceive on/off setting.3. Press D to toggle auto receive on (ON) and off (OF).•If the current Home City setting is a city code thatdoes not support auto receive, “--” appears inplace of the on/off indicator. This means you cannotturn auto receive on or off.4. Press A twice to exit the setting screen.•The second hand will advance at high speed to the correct position in accordancewith the digital time seconds count, and resume normal movement from there.•For information about city codes that support signal reception, see “To set yourHome City”.llllllllllllllllllllOn/off statusSignal Reception TroubleshootingCheck the following points whenever you experience problems with signal reception.ProblemCannot performmanual receive.Auto receive isturned on, butthe Level 4receivingindicator doesnot appear onthe TimekeepingMode display.Time setting isincorrectfollowing signalreception.Probable Cause•The watch is not in the TimekeepingMode.•Your current Home City is not one of thefollowing city codes: HNL, ANC,LAX, DEN, CHI, NYC, HKG,SEL, or TYO.•You changed the time setting manually.•The watch was not in the Timekeepingor World Time Mode, or you wereperforming some button operationduring the auto receive.•Even if reception is successful, theLevel 4 receiving indicator disappearsevery day at 3 a.m.•Time data (hour, minutes, seconds) onlywas received during the last reception.The Level 4 receiving indicator appearsonly when time data and date data(year, month, day) are both received.•If the time is one hour off, the DSTsetting may be incorrect.•The Home City code setting is notcorrect for the area where you are usingthe watch.What you should do•Enter the Timekeeping Modeand try again.•Select HNL, ANC, LAX,DEN, CHI,  NYC, HKG,SEL, or TYO as your HomeCity.•Perform manual receive orwait until the next autoreceive is performed.•Check to make sure the watchis in a location where it canreceive the signal.•Change the DST setting toAuto DST.•Select the correct Home Citycode.•For further information, see “Important!” under “Time Calibration Signal Reception”and “Radio-controlled Atomic Timekeeping Precautions”.

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