Casio Fx CG50_fx CG50 AU_fx CG20_fx CG20 CG10 CG50AU_Soft_v311 CG50AU Soft V311 EN

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User Manual: Casio fx-CG50AU_Soft_v311 fx-CG50 AU | Calculators | Manuals | CASIO

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fx-CG50 AU
fx-CG20 (Updated to OS 3.11)
fx-CG20 AU (Updated to OS 3.11)
fx-CG10 (Updated to OS 3.11)
Software Version 3.11
User’s Guide

CASIO Worldwide Education Website
Manuals are available in multi languages at

• The contents of this user’s guide are subject to change without notice.
• No part of this user’s guide may be reproduced in any form without the express written
consent of the manufacturer.
• Be sure to keep all user documentation handy for future reference.

Getting Acquainted — Read This First!
Chapter 1 Basic Operation

Keys .............................................................................................................................. 1-1
Display .......................................................................................................................... 1-3
Inputting and Editing Calculations ................................................................................. 1-7
Using the Math Input/Output Mode ............................................................................. 1-15
Option (OPTN) Menu .................................................................................................. 1-30
Variable Data (VARS) Menu ....................................................................................... 1-31
Program (PRGM) Menu ............................................................................................. 1-34
Using the Setup Screen .............................................................................................. 1-35
Using Screen Capture ................................................................................................. 1-39
When you keep having problems… ........................................................................... 1-40

Chapter 2 Manual Calculations

Basic Calculations ......................................................................................................... 2-1
Special Functions .......................................................................................................... 2-7
Specifying the Angle Unit and Display Format ............................................................ 2-12
Function Calculations .................................................................................................. 2-14
Numerical Calculations ............................................................................................... 2-25
Complex Number Calculations.................................................................................... 2-35
Binary, Octal, Decimal, and Hexadecimal Calculations with Integers ......................... 2-39
Matrix Calculations ...................................................................................................... 2-42
Vector Calculations ..................................................................................................... 2-59
Metric Conversion Calculations................................................................................... 2-64

Chapter 3 List Function

Inputting and Editing a List ............................................................................................ 3-1
Manipulating List Data................................................................................................... 3-7
Arithmetic Calculations Using Lists ............................................................................. 3-13
Switching between List Files ....................................................................................... 3-17
Using CSV Files .......................................................................................................... 3-18

Chapter 4 Equation Calculations
1. Simultaneous Linear Equations .................................................................................... 4-1
2. High-order Equations from 2nd to 6th Degree .............................................................. 4-3
3. Solve Calculations......................................................................................................... 4-4

Chapter 5 Graphing

Sample Graphs ............................................................................................................. 5-1
Controlling What Appears on a Graph Screen .............................................................. 5-5
Drawing a Graph ......................................................................................................... 5-13
Saving and Recalling Graph Screen Contents............................................................ 5-20
Drawing Two Graphs on the Same Screen................................................................. 5-23
Manual Graphing......................................................................................................... 5-25
Using Tables ............................................................................................................... 5-32
Modifying a Graph ....................................................................................................... 5-38
Dynamic Graphing ...................................................................................................... 5-42
Graphing a Recursion Formula ................................................................................... 5-45
Graphing a Conic Section ........................................................................................... 5-50

12. Drawing Dots, Lines, and Text on the Graph Screen (Sketch) ................................... 5-52
13. Function Analysis ........................................................................................................ 5-54

Chapter 6 Statistical Graphs and Calculations

Before Performing Statistical Calculations .................................................................... 6-1
Calculating and Graphing Single-Variable Statistical Data ........................................... 6-8
Calculating and Graphing Paired-Variable Statistical Data (Curve Fitting) ................. 6-15
Performing Statistical Calculations.............................................................................. 6-23
Tests ........................................................................................................................... 6-33
Confidence Interval ..................................................................................................... 6-47
Distribution .................................................................................................................. 6-50
Input and Output Terms of Tests, Confidence Interval, and Distribution .................... 6-66
Statistic Formula ......................................................................................................... 6-69

Chapter 7 Financial Calculation

Before Performing Financial Calculations ..................................................................... 7-1
Simple Interest .............................................................................................................. 7-3
Compound Interest........................................................................................................ 7-4
Cash Flow (Investment Appraisal) ................................................................................ 7-7
Amortization .................................................................................................................. 7-9
Interest Rate Conversion ............................................................................................ 7-12
Cost, Selling Price, Margin .......................................................................................... 7-13
Day/Date Calculations................................................................................................. 7-14
Depreciation ................................................................................................................ 7-15
Bond Calculations ....................................................................................................... 7-17
Financial Calculations Using Functions ...................................................................... 7-20

Chapter 8 Programming

Basic Programming Steps............................................................................................. 8-1
Program Mode Function Keys...................................................................................... 8-2
Editing Program Contents ............................................................................................. 8-4
File Management .......................................................................................................... 8-6
Command Reference .................................................................................................. 8-11
Using Calculator Functions in Programs ..................................................................... 8-28
Program Mode Command List ................................................................................... 8-52
CASIO Scientific Function Calculator
Special Commands ⇔ Text Conversion Table .......................................................... 8-60
9. Program Library .......................................................................................................... 8-67

Chapter 9 Spreadsheet

Spreadsheet Basics and the Function Menu ................................................................ 9-1
Basic Spreadsheet Operations ..................................................................................... 9-3
Using Special Spreadsheet Mode Commands .......................................................... 9-19
Conditional Formatting ................................................................................................ 9-21
Drawing Statistical Graphs, and Performing Statistical and Regression
Calculations................................................................................................................. 9-27
6. Spreadsheet Mode Memory....................................................................................... 9-34

Chapter 10 eActivity

eActivity Overview ....................................................................................................... 10-1
eActivity Function Menus ............................................................................................ 10-2
eActivity File Operations ............................................................................................. 10-4
Inputting and Editing Data ........................................................................................... 10-6

Chapter 11 Memory Manager
1. Using the Memory Manager ........................................................................................ 11-1

Chapter 12 System Manager
1. Using the System Manager ......................................................................................... 12-1
2. System Settings .......................................................................................................... 12-1

Chapter 13 Data Communication
1. Performing Data Communication between
the Calculator and a Personal Computer .................................................................... 13-3
2. Performing Data Communication between Two Calculators..................................... 13-10
3. Connecting the Calculator to a Projector .................................................................. 13-16

Chapter 14 Geometry

Geometry Mode Overview ......................................................................................... 14-1
Drawing and Editing Objects ..................................................................................... 14-11
Controlling the Appearance of the Geometry Window .............................................. 14-33
Using Text and Labels in a Screen Image ................................................................ 14-37
Using the Measurement Box ..................................................................................... 14-41
Working with Animations ........................................................................................... 14-56

Chapter 15 Picture Plot

Picture Plot Function Menus ....................................................................................... 15-3
Managing Picture Plot Files ........................................................................................ 15-5
Using the Plot Function ............................................................................................... 15-7
Using the Plot List ..................................................................................................... 15-13
Common Functions with the Graph Mode ................................................................ 15-18

Chapter 16 3D Graph Function

Example of Drawing in the 3D Graph Mode ............................................................... 16-2
3D View Window ......................................................................................................... 16-4
3D Graph Function List ............................................................................................... 16-6
3D Graph Function Selection Screen.......................................................................... 16-8
3D Graph Screen ...................................................................................................... 16-14

1. Error Message Table ....................................................................................................α-1
2. Input Ranges ..............................................................................................................α-14

Examination Mode ....................................................................................... β-1
E-CON4 Application

E-CON4 Mode Overview............................................................................................... ε-1
Sampling Screen ........................................................................................................... ε-3
Auto Sensor Detection (CLAB Only) ............................................................................. ε-9
Selecting a Sensor ...................................................................................................... ε-10
Configuring the Sampling Setup ................................................................................. ε-12
Performing Auto Sensor Calibration and Zero Adjustment ......................................... ε-20
Using a Custom Probe ................................................................................................ ε-23
Using Setup Memory................................................................................................... ε-25
Starting a Sampling Operation .................................................................................... ε-28
Using Sample Data Memory ....................................................................................... ε-33
Using the Graph Analysis Tools to Graph Data .......................................................... ε-35
Graph Analysis Tool Graph Screen Operations .......................................................... ε-39
Calling E-CON4 Functions from an eActivity .............................................................. ε-51

Getting Acquainted — Read This First!
k About this User’s Guide
u Attention fx-CG10, fx-CG20, fx-CG20 AU Users
This manual explains how to use the fx-CG50. There are some differences in the marking of
some fx-CG50 keys and the keys of the fx-CG10, fx-CG20, and fx-CG20 AU. The table below
shows the differences in key markings.

fx-CG10/fx-CG20/fx-CG20 AU







u Math natural input and display
Under its initial default settings, the calculator is set up to use the “Math input/output mode”,
which enables natural input and display of math expressions. This means you can input
fractions, square roots, derivatives, and other expressions just as they are written. In the
“Math input/output mode”, most calculation results also are displayed using natural display.
You also can select a “Linear input/output mode” if you like, for input and display of
calculation expressions in a single line.
The examples shown in this User’s Guide are mainly presented using the Math input/output
mode. “” will be indicated for examples that use the Linear input/
output mode.
• For information about switching between the Math input/output mode and Linear input/
output mode, see the explanation of the “Input/Output” mode setting under “Using the Setup
Screen” (page 1-35).
• For information about input and display using the Math input/output mode, see “Using the
Math Input/Output Mode” (page 1-15).

u !x(')
The above indicates you should press ! and then x, which will input a ' symbol. All
multiple-key input operations are indicated like this. Key cap markings are shown, followed by
the input character or command in parentheses.

u m Equation
This indicates you should first press m, use the cursor keys (f, c, d, e) to select
the Equation mode, and then press w. Operations you need to perform to enter a mode
from the Main Menu are indicated like this.

u Function Keys and Menus
• Many of the operations performed by this calculator can be executed by pressing function
keys 1 through 6. The operation assigned to each function key changes according to
the mode the calculator is in, and current operation assignments are indicated by function
menus that appear at the bottom of the display.



• This User’s Guide shows the current operation assigned to a function key in parentheses
following the key cap for that key. 1(Comp), for example, indicates that pressing 1
selects {Comp}, which is also indicated in the function menu.
• When (g) is indicated in the function menu for key 6, it means that pressing 6 displays
the next page or previous page of menu options.

u Menu Titles
• Menu titles in this User’s Guide include the key operation required to display the menu
being explained. The key operation for a menu that is displayed by pressing K and then
{LIST} would be shown as: [OPTN]-[LIST].
• 6(g) key operations to change to another menu page are not shown in menu title key

u Command List
The Program Mode Command List (page 8-52) provides a graphic flowchart of the various
function key menus and shows how to maneuver to the menu of commands you need.
Example: The following operation displays Xfct: [VARS]-[FACTOR]-[Xfct]

k Display Brightness Adjustment
Adjust the brightness whenever objects on the display appear dim or difficult to see.
1. Use the cursor keys (f, c, d, e) to select the System icon and press w, then
press 1(DISPLAY) to display the brightness adjustment screen.

2. Adjust the brightness.
• The e cursor key makes display brightness lighter.
• The d cursor key makes display brightness darker.
• 1(INITIAL) returns display brightness to its initial default.
3. To exit display brightness adjustment, press m.


Chapter 1 Basic Operation
1. Keys


k Key Table





















































k Key Markings
Many of the calculator’s keys are used to perform more than one function. The functions
marked on the keyboard are color coded to help you find the one you need quickly and easily.


Key Operation










The following describes the color coding used for key markings.


Key Operation


Press ! and then the key to perform the marked function.


Press a and then the key to perform the marked function.

Alpha Lock
Normally, once you press a and then a key to input an alphabetic character, the keyboard
reverts to its primary functions immediately.
If you press ! and then a, the keyboard locks in alpha input until you press a again.


2. Display
k Selecting Icons
This section describes how to select an icon in the Main Menu to enter the mode you want.

u To select an icon
1. Press m to display the Main Menu.
2. Use the cursor keys (d, e, f, c) to move the
highlighting to the icon you want.

Currently selected icon

3. Press w to display the initial screen of the mode whose icon you selected.
• You can also enter a mode without highlighting an icon in the Main Menu by inputting the
number or letter marked in the upper right corner of the icon.
The following explains the meaning of each icon.

Mode Name



Use this mode for arithmetic calculations, function calculations,
binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal calculations, matrix
calculations, and vector calculations.


Use this mode to perform single-variable (standard deviation)
and paired-variable (regression) statistical calculations, to
perform tests, to analyze data and to draw statistical graphs.


eActivity lets you input text, math expressions, and other data
in a notebook-like interface. Use this mode when you want to
store text or formulas, or built-in application data in a file.


Use this mode to perform spreadsheet calculations. Each file
contains a 26-column × 999-line spreadsheet. In addition to
the calculator’s built-in commands and Spreadsheet mode
commands, you can also perform statistical calculations and
graph statistical data using the same procedures that you use
in the Statistics mode.


Use this mode to store graph functions and to draw graphs
using the functions.

Dyna Graph

Use this mode to store graph functions and to draw multiple
versions of a graph by changing the values assigned to the
variables in a function.

(Dynamic Graph)



Mode Name



Use this mode to store functions, to generate a numeric table
of different solutions as the values assigned to variables in a
function change, and to draw graphs.


Use this mode to store recursion formulas, to generate a
numeric table of different solutions as the values assigned to
variables in a function change, and to draw graphs.

Conic Graphs

Use this mode to draw graphs of conic sections.


Use this mode to solve linear equations with two through six
unknowns, and high-order equations from 2nd to 6th degree.


Use this mode to store programs in the program area and to
run programs.


Use this mode to perform financial calculations and to draw
cash flow and other types of graphs.


Use this mode to control the optionally available Data Logger.


Use this mode to transfer memory contents or back-up data to
another unit or PC.


Use this mode to manage data stored in memory.


Use this mode to initialize memory, adjust display brightness,
and to make other system settings.


Use this mode to draw and analyze geometric objects.

Picture Plot*

Use this mode to plot points (that represent coordinates) on the
screen and to perform various types of analysis based on the
plotted data (coordinate values).

3D Graph

Use this mode to draw a 3-dimensional graph.


This icon appears when the “Metric Conversion” add-in
application is installed. It is not a function mode icon. When
“Metric Conversion” is installed, this icon is displayed on the
CONVERT menu, which is part of the option (OPTN) menu.
For more information about the option (OPTN) menu, see page
1-30. For information about using the CONVERT menu, see
“Metric Conversion Calculations” (page 2-64).

* fx-CG50 AU/fx-CG20 AU Users: Install the Picture Plot add-in application.


k About the Function Menu
Use the function keys (1 to 6) to access the menus and commands in the menu bar
along the bottom of the display screen. You can tell whether a menu bar item is a menu or a
command by its appearance.

k Status Bar
The status bar is an area that displays messages and the current status of the calculator. It is
always displayed at the top of the screen.

• Icons are used to indicate the information described below.
This icon:

Indicates this:
The current battery level. The icons indicated (from left to right): Level 3,
Level 2, Level 1, Dead. See “Low Battery Message” (page 1-41) for more
If the Level 1 icon ( ) appears, immediately replace the batteries. For
details about battery replacement, see the separate “Hardware User’s
Calculation in progress.
! key was pressed and the calculator is standing by for the next key
a key was pressed and the calculator is standing by for the next key
operation. The
icon indicates the lower-case input mode (eActivity
and Program modes only).
Alpha Lock (page 1-2) is in effect.
!i(CLIP) was pressed and the calculator is standing by for range
specification (page 1-11).
Setup “Input/Output” setting.
Setup “Angle” setting.
Setup “Display” setting.
Setup “Frac Result” setting.
Setup “Complex Mode” setting.

• For details about the Setup screen, see “Using the Setup Screen” (page 1-35).
• For information about other icons and messages that are specific to each application, see
the chapters that cover each application.


k About Display Screens
This calculator uses two types of display screens: a text screen and a graph screen. The
text screen can show 21 columns and 8 lines of characters, with the bottom line used for the
function key menu. The graph screen uses an area that measures 384 (W) × 216 (H) dots.
Text Screen

Graph Screen

k Normal Display
The calculator normally displays values up to 10 digits long. Values that exceed this limit are
automatically converted to and displayed in exponential format.

u How to interpret exponential format
This means that you should move the decimal point in 1.2 twelve places to the right, because
the exponent is positive. This results in the value 1,200,000,000,000.

This means that you should move the decimal point in 1.2 three places to the left, because the
exponent is negative. This results in the value 0.0012.
You can specify one of two different ranges for automatic changeover to normal display.
Norm 1 ................... 10–2 (0.01) > |x|, |x| > 1010
Norm 2 ................... 10–9 (0.000000001) > |x|, |x| > 1010
All of the examples in this manual show calculation results using Norm 1.
See page 2-13 for details on switching between Norm 1 and Norm 2.

Exponential notation is expressed as “×1012”. However, exponential notation can also be
expressed as “E12” when space is limited, as in a spreadsheet.


k Special Display Formats
This calculator uses special display formats to indicate fractions, hexadecimal values, and
degrees/minutes/seconds values.
u Fractions
.................... Indicates: 456


u Hexadecimal Values
.................... Indicates: 0ABCDEF1(16), which equals
u Degrees/Minutes/Seconds
.................... Indicates: 12° 34’ 56.78”

• In addition to the above, this calculator also uses other indicators or symbols, which are
described in each applicable section of this manual as they come up.

3. Inputting and Editing Calculations
k Inputting Calculations
When you are ready to input a calculation, first press A to clear the display. Next, input your
calculation formulas exactly as they are written, from left to right, and press w to obtain the

2 + 3 – 4 + 10 =

k Editing Calculations
Use the d and e keys to move the cursor to the position you want to change, and then
perform one of the operations described below. After you edit the calculation, you can execute
it by pressing w. Or you can use e to move to the end of the calculation and input more.
• You can select either insert or overwrite for input*1. With overwrite, text you input replaces
the text at the current cursor location. You can toggle between insert and overwrite by
performing the operation: !D(INS). The cursor appears as “ ” for insert and as “ ” for
*1 Insert and overwrite switching is possible only when the Linear input/output mode (page
1-35) is selected.


u To change a step

To change cos60 to sin60

u To delete a step

To change 369 × × 2 to 369 × 2

In the insert mode, the D key operates as a backspace key.

u To insert a step

To change 2.362 to sin2.362

k Parentheses Colors during Calculation Formula Input
Parentheses are color coded during input and editing of calculation formulas in order to make
it easier to confirm the proper relationship between opening and closing parentheses.
The following rules are applied when assigning parentheses colors.
• When there are nested parentheses, colors are assigned in sequence from the outermost
parentheses inward. Colors are assigned in the following sequence: blue, red, green,
magenta, black. When there are more than five nesting levels, the color sequence is
repeated starting from blue again.


• Inputting a closing parenthesis assigns it the same color as the corresponding opening

• The parentheses of parenthetical expressions that are of the same level are the same color.

Executing a calculation causes the color of all parentheses to become black.

k Using Replay Memory
The last calculation performed is always stored into replay memory. You can recall the
contents of the replay memory by pressing d or e.
If you press e, the calculation appears with the cursor at the beginning. Pressing d causes
the calculation to appear with the cursor at the end. You can make changes in the calculation
as you wish and then execute it again.
• Replay memory is enabled in the Linear input/output mode only. In the Math input/output
mode, the history function is used in place of replay memory. For details, see “History
Function” (page 1-24).
Example 1

To perform the following two calculations
4.12 × 6.4 = 26.368
4.12 × 7.1 = 29.252


After you press A, you can press f or c to recall previous calculations, in sequence from
the newest to the oldest (Multi-Replay Function). Once you recall a calculation, you can use
e and d to move the cursor around the calculation and make changes in it to create a new
Example 2
f (One calculation back)
f (Two calculations back)
• A calculation remains stored in replay memory until you perform another calculation.
• The contents of replay memory are not cleared when you press the A key, so you can
recall a calculation and execute it even after pressing the A key.

k Making Corrections in the Original Calculation

14 ÷ 0 × 2.3 entered by mistake for 14 ÷ 10 × 2.3

Press J.
Cursor is positioned automatically at the
location of the cause of the error.

Make necessary changes.
Execute again.


k Using the Clipboard for Copy and Paste
You can copy (or cut) a function, command, or other input to the clipboard, and then paste the
clipboard contents at another location.

In the Math input/output mode, the copy (or cut) range you can specify is limited by the range
of movement of the cursor. In the case of parentheses, you can select any range within a
parenthetical expression or you can select the entire parenthetical expression.

u To specify the copy range
1. Move the cursor ( ) to the beginning or end of the range of text you want to copy and then
press !i(CLIP).
• This will cause

to appear in the status bar.

2. Use the cursor keys to move the cursor and highlight the range of text you want to copy.

3. Press 1(COPY) to copy the highlighted text to the clipboard, and exit the copy range
specification mode.

The selected characters are not
changed when you copy them.

To cancel text highlighting without performing a copy operation, press J.

u To cut the text
1. Move the cursor ( ) to the beginning or end of the range of text you want to cut and then
press !i(CLIP).
• This will cause

to appear in the status bar.

2. Use the cursor keys to move the cursor and highlight the range of text you want to cut.

3. Press 2(CUT) to cut the highlighted text to the clipboard.

Cutting causes the original
characters to be deleted.


u Pasting Text
Move the cursor to the location where you want to paste the text, and then press
!j(PASTE). The contents of the clipboard are pasted at the cursor position.

k Catalog Function
The Catalog is a list of all the commands available on this calculator. You can input a
command by displaying the catalog screen and then selecting the desired command.
• Commands are divided into categories.
• Selecting the “1:ALL” category option displays all commands in alphabetical order.

u Selecting a Command in a Category
Commands are divided into categories. Except for the “1:ALL” category and certain
commands, most commands are displayed as text that indicates their functions. This method
is convenient when you do not know the name of the command you want to input.
1. Press !e(CATALOG) to display the catalog screen.
• The command list that was displayed the last time you used the catalog screen will appear
2. Press 6(CAT) to display the category list.

3. Use f and c to select a category. (Do not select “1:ALL” here.)
• This displays a list of the commands contained in the selected category.
• If you select “2:Calculation” or “3:Statistics”, a sub-category selection screen will appear.
Use f and c to select a sub-category.
4. Use f and c to move the highlighting to the command you want to input and then press
1(INPUT) or w.

• You can scroll between screens by pressing !f or !c.



To input the “FMax(” command, which determines a maximum value


To close the catalog screen, press J or !J(QUIT).

u Searching for a Command
This method is helpful when you know the name of the command you want to input.
1. Press !e(CATALOG) to display the catalog screen.
2. Press 6(CAT) to display the category list.
3. Move the highlighting to “1:ALL” and then press 1(EXE) or w.
• This displays a list all the commands.

4. Input some of the letters in the command name.
• You can input up to eight letters.
• With each letter you input, the highlighting will move to the first command name that
5. After the command you want is highlighted, press 1(INPUT) or w.



To input the command “FMax(”


u Using the Command History
The calculator maintains a history of the last six commands you input.
1. Display one of the command lists.
2. Press 5(HISTORY).
• This displays the command history.

3. Use f and c to move the highlighting to the command you want to input and then press
1(INPUT) or w.

u QR Code Function
• You can use the QR Code function to access the online manual that covers commands.
Note that the online manual does not include all commands. Note that the QR Code function
cannot be used on the history screen.
• A QR Code* is displayed on the calculator screen. Use a smart device to read the QR Code
and display the online manual.
* QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED in Japan and in
other countries.

• The operations in this section assume that the smart device being used has a QR Code
reader installed, and it can connect to the Internet.


1. Select a command that is included in the online manual.
• This causes 2(QR) to appear in the function menu.

2. Press 2(QR).
• This displays a QR Code.

3. Use your smart device to read the displayed QR Code.
• This will display the online manual on your smart device.
• For information about how to read a QR Code, refer to the user documentation of your
smart device and the QR Code reader you are using.
• If you are having trouble reading the QR Code, use d and e to adjust display
4. Press J to close the QR Code screen.
• To exit the Catalog function, press A or !J.

4. Using the Math Input/Output Mode
Selecting “Math” for the “Input/Output” mode setting on the Setup screen (page 1-35) turns on
the Math input/output mode, which allows natural input and display of certain functions, just as
they appear in your textbook.
• The operations in this section all are performed in the Math input/output mode. The initial
default setting for this calculator is the Math input/output mode. If you have changed to the
Linear input/output mode, switch back to the Math input/output mode before performing the
operations in this section. See “Using the Setup Screen” (page 1-35) for information about
how to switch modes.
• In the Math input/output mode, all input is insert mode (not overwrite mode) input. Note that
the !D(INS) operation (page 1-7) you use in the Linear input/output mode to switch to
insert mode input performs a completely different function in the Math input/output mode. For
more information, see “Using Values and Expressions as Arguments” (page 1-20).
• Unless specifically stated otherwise, all operations in this section are performed in the
Run-Matrix mode.


k Input Operations in the Math Input/Output Mode
u Math Input/Output Mode Functions and Symbols
The functions and symbols listed below can be used for natural input in the Math input/output
mode. The “Bytes” column shows the number of bytes of memory that are used up by input in
the Math input/output mode.

Key Operation


Fraction (Improper)



Mixed Fraction*1









Negative Power (Reciprocal)

!)(x –1)





Cube Root



Power Root










(Input from MATH menu*2)


Abs (Absolute Value)

(Input from MATH menu*2)


First Derivative

(Input from MATH menu*2)


Second Derivative

(Input from MATH menu*2)



(Input from MATH menu*2)


Σ Calculation*



(Input from MATH menu* )


Matrix, Vector

(Input from MATH menu*2)



( and )


Braces (Used during list input.)

!*( { ) and !/( } )


Brackets (Used during matrix/vector

!+( [ ) and !-( ] )


*1 Mixed fraction is supported in the Math input/output mode only.
*2 For information about function input from the MATH function menu, see “Using the MATH
Menu” described below.
*3 Tolerance cannot be specified in the Math input/output mode. If you want to specify
tolerance, use the Linear input/output mode.
*4 For Σ calculation in the Math input/output mode, the pitch is always 1. If you want to specify
a different pitch, use the Linear input/output mode.
*5 This is the number of bytes for a 2 × 2 matrix.


u Using the MATH Menu
In the Run-Matrix mode, pressing 4(MATH) displays the MATH menu.
You can use this menu for natural input of matrices, derivatives, integrals, etc.
• {MAT/VCT} ... displays the MAT/VCT submenu, for natural input of matrices/vectors
• {2×2} ... inputs a 2 × 2 matrix
• {3×3} ... inputs a 3 × 3 matrix
• {m×n} ... inputs a matrix/vector with m lines and n columns (up to 6 × 6)
• {2×1} ... inputs a 2 × 1 vector
• {3×1} ... inputs a 3 × 1 vector
• {1×2} ... inputs a 1 × 2 vector
• {1×3} ... inputs a 1 × 3 vector
• {logab} ... starts natural input of logarithm logab
• {Abs} ... starts natural input of absolute value |X|

d f(x)
d2 f(x)x = a
• {d /dx } ... starts natural input of second derivative 2
• {∫dx} … starts natural input of integral a f(x)dx
• {d/dx} ... starts natural input of first derivative


• {Σ(} … starts natural input of Σ calculation

Σ f(x)


u Math Input/Output Mode Input Examples
This section provides a number of different examples showing how the MATH function menu
and other keys can be used during Math input/output mode natural input. Be sure to pay
attention to the input cursor position as you input values and data.
Example 1

To input 23 + 1


Example 2


To input 1+











Example 3

To input 1+


x + 1dx







Example 4

To input 2 ×









u When the calculation does not fit within the display window
Arrows appear at the left, right, top, or bottom edge of the
display to let you know when there is more of the
calculation off the screen in the corresponding direction.
When you see an arrow, you can use the cursor keys to
scroll the screen contents and view the part you want.


u Math Input/Output Mode Input Restrictions
Certain types of expressions can cause the vertical width of a calculation formula to be greater
than one display line. The maximum allowable vertical width of a calculation formula is about
two display screens. You cannot input any expression that exceeds this limitation.

u Using Values and Expressions as Arguments
A value or an expression that you have already input can be used as the argument of a
function. After you have input “(2+3)”, for example, you can make it the argument of ',
resulting in (2+3).
1. Move the cursor so it is located directly to the left of the part of the expression that you want
to become the argument of the function you will insert.

2. Press !D(INS).
• This changes the cursor to an insert cursor ( ).

3. Press !x(') to insert the ' function.
• This inserts the ' function and makes the parenthetical expression its argument.

As shown above, the value or expression to the right of the cursor after !D(INS) are
pressed becomes the argument of the function that is specified next. The range encompassed
as the argument is everything up to the first open parenthesis to the right, if there is one, or
everything up to the first function to the right (sin(30), log2(4), etc.).


This capability can be used with the following functions.

Key Operation

Improper Fraction






Cube Root


Power Root








Absolute Value


First Derivative


Second Derivative




Σ Calculation

2(Σ( )


Expression After

• In the Linear input/output mode, pressing !D(INS) will change to the insert mode. See
page 1-7 for more information.

u Editing Calculations in the Math Input/Output Mode
The procedures for editing calculations in the Math input/output mode are basically the same
as those for the Linear input/output mode. For more information, see “Editing Calculations”
(page 1-7).
Note however, that the following points are different between the Math input/output mode and
the Linear input/output mode.
• Overwrite mode input that is available in the Linear input/output mode is not supported by
the Math input/output mode. In the Math input/output mode, input is always inserted at the
current cursor location.
• In the Math input/output mode, pressing the D key always performs a backspace operation.


• Note the following cursor operations you can use while inputting a calculation with Math
input/output mode.
To do this:
Move the cursor from the end of the calculation to the beginning
Move the cursor from the beginning of the calculation to the end

Press this key:

k Using Undoing and Redoing Operations
You can use the following procedures during calculation expression input in the Math input/
output mode (up until you press the w key) to undo the last key operation and to redo the
key operation you have just undone.
- To undo the last key operation, press: aD(UNDO).
- To redo a key operation you have just undone, press: aD(UNDO) again.
• You also can use UNDO to cancel an A key operation. After pressing A to clear an
expression you have input, pressing aD(UNDO) will restore what was on the display
before you pressed A.
• You also can use UNDO to cancel a cursor key operation. If you press e during input and
then press aD(UNDO), the cursor will return to where it was before you pressed e.
• The UNDO operation is disabled while the keyboard is alpha-locked. Pressing
aD(UNDO) while the keyboard is alpha-locked will perform the same delete operation
as the D key alone.



k Math Input/Output Mode Calculation Result Display
Fractions, matrices, vectors, and lists produced by Math input/output mode calculations are
displayed in natural format, just as they appear in your textbook.

Sample Calculation Result Displays
• Fractions are displayed either as improper fractions or mixed fractions, depending on the
“Frac Result” setting on the Setup screen. For details, see “Using the Setup Screen” (page
• Matrices are displayed in natural format, up to 6 × 6. A matrix that has more than six rows or
columns will be displayed on a MatAns screen, which is the same screen used in the Linear
input/output mode.
• Vectors are displayed in natural format up to 1 × 6, or 6 × 1. A vector that has more than six
rows or columns will be displayed on a VctAns screen, which is the same screen used in the
Linear input/output mode.
• Lists are displayed in natural format for up to 20 elements. A list that has more than 20
elements will be displayed on a ListAns screen, which is the same screen used in the Linear
input/output mode.
• Arrows appear at the left, right, top, or bottom edge of the display to let you know when there
is more data off the screen in the corresponding direction.

You can use the cursor keys to scroll the screen and view the data you want.
• Pressing 2(DELETE)1(DEL-LINE) while a calculation result is selected will delete both
the result and the calculation that produced it.
• The multiplication sign cannot be omitted immediately before an improper fraction or mixed
fraction. Be sure to always input a multiplication sign in this case.
Example: 2× 5
• A M, x, or !)(x–1) key operation cannot be followed immediately by another M,
x, or !)(x–1) key operation. In this case, use parentheses to keep the key operations
Example: (32)–1



k History Function
The history function maintains a history of calculation expressions and results in the Math
input/output mode. Up to 30 sets of calculation expressions and results are maintained.

You can also edit the calculation expressions that are maintained by the history function and
recalculate. This will recalculate all of the expressions starting from the edited expression.

To change “1+2” to “1+3” and recalculate

Perform the following operation following the sample shown above.

• You can get a rough idea of how many entries (calculation expressions and results) are
contained in history by checking the length of the scroll bar. A shorter bar indicates a greater
number of entries.

• The value stored in the answer memory is always dependent on the result produced by
the last calculation performed. If history contents include operations that use the answer
memory, editing a calculation may affect the answer memory value used in subsequent
- If you have a series of calculations that use the answer memory to include the result of the
previous calculation in the next calculation, editing a calculation will affect the results of all
the other calculations that come after it.
- When the first calculation of the history includes the answer memory contents, the answer
memory value is “0” because there is no calculation before the first one in history.


k Calculation Operations in the Math Input/Output Mode
This section introduces Math input/output mode calculation examples.
• For details about calculation operations, see “Chapter 2 Manual Calculations”.

u Performing Function Calculations Using Math Input/Output Mode


6 = 3
4 × 5 10


cos π = 1 (Angle: Rad)


log28 = 3

A4(MATH)2(logab) 2e8w


A!M(x') 7e123w

( )

123 = 1.988647795

2 + 3 × 3 64 − 4 = 10

= 0.1249387366

A2+3*!M(x') 3e64e-4w

2 + 3 1 = 73
4 20


1.5 + 2.3i = 3 + 23 i
2 10


d 3
dx ( x + 4x + x − 6 ) x = 3 = 52


∫ 2x

A4(MATH)6(g)1(∫dx) 2vx+3v+4e1





∑ (k


+ 3 x + 4 dx = 404


− 3k + 5 = 55



k Performing Matrix/Vector Calculations Using Math Input/Output Mode
u To specify the dimensions (size) of a matrix/vector
1. In the Run-Matrix mode, press !m(SET UP)1(Math)J.
2. Press 4(MATH) to display the MATH menu.
3. Press 1(MAT/VCT) to display the following menu.
• {2×2} … inputs a 2 × 2 matrix
• {3×3} … inputs a 3 × 3 matrix
• {m×n} … inputs an m-row × n-column matrix or vector (up to 6 × 6)
• {2×1} ... inputs a 2 × 1 vector
• {3×1} ... inputs a 3 × 1 vector
• {1×2} ... inputs a 1 × 2 vector
• {1×3} ... inputs a 1 × 3 vector

To create a 2-row × 3-column matrix

Specify the number of rows.
Specify the number of columns.


u To input cell values

To perform the calculation shown below

The following operation is a continuation of the example calculation on the previous page.

u To assign a matrix created using Math input/output mode to a specified
matrix memory

To assign the calculation result to Mat J

• Pressing the D key while the cursor is located at the top (upper left) of the matrix will delete
the entire matrix.



k Using Graph Modes and the Equation Mode in the Math Input/Output
Using the Math input/output mode with any of the modes below lets you input numeric
expressions just as they are written in your textbook and view calculation results in natural
display format.
Modes that support input of expressions as they are written in textbooks:
Run-Matrix, eActivity, Graph, Dyna Graph, Table, Recursion, Equation (SOLVER)
Modes that support natural display format:
Run-Matrix, eActivity, Equation
The following explanations show Math input/output mode operations in the Graph,
Dyna Graph, Table, Recursion and Equation modes, and natural calculation result display in
the Equation mode.
• See the sections that cover each calculation for details about its operation.
• See “Input Operations in the Math Input/Output Mode” (page 1-16) and “Calculation
Operations in the Math Input/Output Mode” (page 1-25) for details about Math input/output
mode input operations and calculation result displays in the Run-Matrix mode.
• eActivity mode input operations and result displays are the same as those in the
Run-Matrix mode. For information about eActivity mode operations, see “Chapter 10

u Math Input/Output Mode Input in the Graph Mode
You can use the Math input/output mode for graph expression input in the Graph,
Dyna Graph, Table, and Recursion modes.
Example 1

In the Graph mode, input the function y = 2 − 2 −1 and then graph it.
' '
Make sure that initial default settings are configured on the View Window.


Example 2


x 1
In the Graph mode, input the function y =
x 2− 1 x −1 dx and then
0 4
graph it.
Make sure that initial default settings are configured on the View Window.


• Math Input/Output Mode Input and Result Display in the Equation Mode
You can use the Math input/output mode in the Equation mode for input and display as shown
• In the case of simultaneous equations (1(SIMUL)) and high-order equations (2(POLY)),
solutions are output in natural display format (fractions, ', π are displayed in natural format)
whenever possible.
• In the case of Solver (3(SOLVER)), you can use Math input/output mode natural input.

To solve the quadratic equation x2 + 3x + 5 = 0 in the Equation mode
mEquation!m(SET UP)
cccc(Complex Mode)


5. Option (OPTN) Menu
The option menu gives you access to scientific functions and features that are not marked on
the calculator’s keyboard. The contents of the option menu differ according to the mode you
are in when you press the K key.
• The option menu does not appear if you press K while binary, octal, decimal, or
hexadecimal is set as the default number system.
• For details about the commands included on the option (OPTN) menu, see the “K key”
item in the “Program Mode Command List” (page 8-52).
• The meanings of the option menu items are described in the sections that cover each mode.
The following list shows the option menu that is displayed when the Run-Matrix or Program
mode is selected.
• {LIST} ... {list function menu}
• {MAT/VCT} ... {matrix/vector operation menu}
• {COMPLEX} ... {complex number calculation menu}
• {CALC} ... {functional analysis menu}
• {STAT} ... {menu for paired-variable statistical estimated value, distribution, standard
deviation, variance, and test functions}
• {CONVERT} ... {metric conversion menu}*
• {HYPERBL} ... {hyperbolic calculation menu}
• {PROB} ... {probability/distribution calculation menu}
• {NUMERIC} ... {numeric calculation menu}
• {ANGLE} ... {menu for angle/coordinate conversion, sexagesimal input/conversion}
• {ENG-SYM} ... {engineering symbol menu}
• {PICTURE} ... {graph save/recall menu}
• {FUNCMEM} ... {function memory menu}
• {LOGIC} ... {logic operator menu}
• {CAPTURE} ... {screen capture menu}
• {FINANCE} ... {financial calculation menu}
• The PICTURE, FUNCMEM and CAPTURE items are not displayed when “Math” is selected
for the “Input/Output” mode setting on the Setup screen.
* Metric conversion commands are supported only when the Metric Conversion add-in
application is installed.


6. Variable Data (VARS) Menu
To recall variable data, press J to display the variable data menu.
• Note that the EQUATION and FINANCE items appear for function keys (3 and 4) only
when you access the variable data menu from the Run-Matrix or Program mode.
• The variable data menu does not appear if you press J while binary, octal, decimal, or
hexadecimal is set as the default number system.
• For details about the commands included on the variable data (VARS) menu, see the “J
key” item in the “Program Mode Command List” (page 8-52).

u V-WIN — Recalling V-Window values
• {X}/{Y}/{T,} ... {x-axis menu}/{y-axis menu}/{T, menu}
• {R-X}/{R-Y}/{R-T,} ... {x-axis menu}/{y-axis menu}/{T, menu} for right side of Dual
• {min}/{max}/{scale}/{dot}/{pitch} ... {minimum value}/{maximum value}/{scale}/{dot
*1 The dot value indicates the display range (Xmax value – Xmin value) divided by the
screen dot pitch. The dot value is normally calculated automatically from the
minimum and maximum values. Changing the dot value causes the maximum to be
calculated automatically.

u FACTOR — Recalling zoom factors
• {Xfct}/{Yfct} ... {x-axis factor}/{y-axis factor}
u STAT — Recalling statistical data
• {X} … {single-variable, paired-variable x-data}
• {n}/{x̄}/{Σx}/{Σx2}/{x}/{sx}/{minX}/{maxX} ... {number of data}/{mean}/{sum}/{sum
of squares}/{population standard deviation}/{sample standard deviation}/{minimum
value}/{maximum value}
• {Y} ... {paired-variable y-data}
• {}/{Σy}/{Σy2}/{Σxy}/{y}/{sy}/{minY}/{maxY} ... {mean}/{sum}/{sum of squares}/{sum
of products of x-data and y-data}/{population standard deviation}/{sample standard
deviation}/{minimum value}/{maximum value}
• {GRAPH} ... {graph data menu}
• {a}/{b}/{c}/{d}/{e} ... regression coefficient and polynomial coefficients
• {r}/{r2} ... {correlation coefficient}/{coefficient of determination}
• {MSe} ... {mean square error}
• {Q1}/{Q3} ... {first quartile}/{third quartile}
• {Med}/{Mod} ... {median}/{mode} of input data
• {Start}/{Pitch} ... histogram {start division}/{pitch}


• {PTS} ... {summary point data menu}
• {x1}/{y1}/{x2}/{y2}/{x3}/{y3} ... coordinates of summary points
• {INPUT} ... {statistical calculation input values}
• {n}/{x̄}/{sx}/{n1}/{n2}/{x̄1}/{x̄2}/{sx1}/{sx2}/{sp} ... {size of sample}/{mean of sample}/
{sample standard deviation}/{size of sample 1}/{size of sample 2}/{mean of sample 1}/
{mean of sample 2}/{standard deviation of sample 1}/{standard deviation of sample 2}/
{standard deviation of sample p}
• {RESULT} ... {statistical calculation output values}
• {TEST} ... {test calculation results}
• {p}/{z}/{t}/{Chi}/{F}/{ p̂}/{ p̂1}/{ p̂2}/{df}/{se}/{r}/{r 2}/{pa}/{Fa}/{Adf}/{SSa}/{MSa}/{pb}/{Fb}/
... {p-value}/{z score}/{t score}/{χ2 value}/{F value}/{estimated sample proportion}/
{estimated proportion of sample 1}/{estimated proportion of sample 2}/{degrees of
freedom}/{standard error}/{correlation coefficient}/{coefficient of determination}/
{factor A p-value}/{factor A F value}/{factor A degrees of freedom}/{factor A sum of
squares}/{factor A mean squares}/{factor B p-value}/{factor B F value}/{factor B
degrees of freedom}/{factor B sum of squares}/{factor B mean squares}/{factor AB
p-value}/{factor AB F value}/{factor AB degrees of freedom}/{factor AB sum of
squares}/{factor AB mean squares}/{error degrees of freedom}/{error sum of
squares}/{error mean squares}
• {INTR} ... {confidence interval calculation results}
• {Lower}/{Upper}/{ p̂}/{ p̂1}/{ p̂2}/{df} ... {confidence interval lower limit}/{confidence
interval upper limit}/{estimated sample proportion}/{estimated proportion of
sample 1}/{estimated proportion of sample 2}/{degrees of freedom}
• {DIST} ... {distribution calculation results}
• {p}/{xInv}/{x1InvN}/{x2InvN}/{zLow}/{zUp}/{tLow}/{tUp} ... {probability distribution
or cumulative distribution calculation result (p-value)}/{inverse Student-t, χ2, F,
binomial, Poisson, geometric or hypergeometric cumulative distribution calculation
result}/{inverse normal cumulative distribution upper limit (right edge) or lower limit
(left edge)}/{inverse normal cumulative distribution upper limit (right edge)}/{normal
cumulative distribution lower limit (left edge)}/{normal cumulative distribution upper
limit (right edge)}/{Student-t cumulative distribution lower limit (left edge)}/{Student-t
cumulative distribution upper limit (right edge)}

u GRAPH — Recalling graph functions
• {Y}/{r} ... {rectangular coordinate function (Y=f(x) type)}/{polar coordinate function}
• {Xt}/{Yt} ... parametric graph function {Xt}/{Yt}
• {X} ... {rectangular coordinate function (X=f(y) type)}
• Press these keys before inputting a value to specify a memory area.

u DYNA — Recalling dynamic graph setup data
• {Start}/{End}/{Pitch} ... {coefficient range start value}/{coefficient range end value}/
{coefficient value increment}


u TABLE — Recalling table setup and content data
• {Start}/{End}/{Pitch} ... {table range start value}/{table range end value}/{table value
• {Result*1} ... {matrix of table contents}
*1 The Result item appears only when the TABLE menu is displayed in the Run-Matrix and
Program modes.

u RECURSION — Recalling recursion formula*1, table range, and table content
• {FORMULA} ... {recursion formula data menu}
• {an}/{an+1}/{an+2}/{bn}/{bn+1}/{bn+2}/{cn}/{cn+1}/{cn+2} ... {an}/{an+1}/{an+2}/{bn}/{bn+1}/{bn+2}/{cn}/
{cn+1}/{cn+2} expressions
• {RANGE} ... {table range data menu}
• {Start}/{End} ... table range {start value}/{end value}
• {a0}/{a1}/{a2}/{b0}/{b1}/{b2}/{c0}/{c1}/{c2} ... {a0}/{a1}/{a2}/{b0}/{b1}/{b2}/{c0}/{c1}/{c2} value
• {anStart}/{bnStart}/{cnStart} ... origin of {an}/{bn}/{cn} recursion formula convergence/
divergence graph (WEB graph)
• {Result*2} ... {matrix of table contents*3}
*1 An error occurs when there is no function or recursion formula numeric table in memory.
*2 “Result” is available only in the Run-Matrix and Program modes.
*3 Table contents are stored automatically in Matrix Answer Memory (MatAns).

u EQUATION — Recalling equation coefficients and solutions*1 *2
• {SimRes}/{SimCoef} ... matrix of {solutions*3}/{coefficients} for linear equations with two
through six unknowns*4
• {PlyRes}/{PlyCoef} ... matrix of {solution}/{coefficients} for high-order equations from 2nd
to 6th degree
*1 Coefficients and solutions are stored automatically in Matrix Answer Memory (MatAns).
*2 The following conditions cause an error.
- When there are no coefficients input for the equation
- When there are no solutions obtained for the equation

* When the “Infinitely Many Solutions” or “No Solution” message is displayed, the
calculation result is Rref (reduced row echelon form).
*4 Coefficient and solution memory data for a linear equation cannot be recalled at the same

u FINANCE — Recalling financial calculation data
• {n}/{I%}/{PV}/{PMT}/{FV} ... {payment periods (installments)}/{annual interest rate}/
{present value}/{payment}/{future value}
• {P/Y}/{C/Y} ... {installment periods per year}/{compounding periods per year}

u Str — Str command
• {Str} ... {string memory}


7. Program (PRGM) Menu
To display the program (PRGM) menu, first enter the Run-Matrix or Program mode from the
Main Menu and then press !J(PRGM). The following are the selections available in the
program (PRGM) menu.
• The program (PRGM) menu items are not displayed when “Math” is selected for the “Input/
Output” mode setting on the Setup screen.
• {COMMAND} .....{program command menu}
• {CONTROL} ......{program control command menu}
• {JUMP} ...............{jump command menu}
• {?} ......................{input command}
• {^} ....................{output command}
• {CLEAR} ............{clear command menu}
• {DISPLAY} ........{display command menu}
• {RELATNL} .......{conditional jump relational operator menu}
• {I/O} ...................{I/O control/transfer command menu}
• {:} .......................{multi-statement command}
• {STR} .................{string command}
The following function key menu appears if you press !J(PRGM) in the Run-Matrix
mode or the Program mode while binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal is set as the default
number system.
• {Prog} .................{program recall}
• {JUMP}/{?}/{^}/{RELATNL}/{:}
The functions assigned to the function keys are the same as those in the Comp mode.
For details on the commands that are available in the various menus you can access from the
program menu, see “Chapter 8 Programming”.


8. Using the Setup Screen
The mode’s Setup screen shows the current status of mode settings and lets you make any
changes you want. The following procedure shows how to change a setup.

u To change a mode setup
1. Select the icon you want and press w to enter a mode and display its initial screen. Here
we will enter the Run-Matrix mode.
2. Press !m(SET UP) to display the mode’s Setup
• This Setup screen is just one possible example. Actual
Setup screen contents will differ according to the mode
you are in and that mode’s current settings.

3. Use the f and c cursor keys to move the highlighting to the item whose setting you
want to change.
4. Press the function key (1 to 6) that is marked with the setting you want to make.
5. After you are finished making any changes you want, press J to exit the Setup screen.

k Setup Screen Function Key Menus
This section details the settings you can make using the function keys in the Setup screen.
indicates default setting.
• The setting of each item with a frame around it is indicated by an icon in the status bar.

u Input/Output (input/output mode)
• {Math}/{Line} ... {Math}/{Linear} input/output mode

u Mode (calculation/binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal mode)
• {Comp} ... {arithmetic calculation mode}
• {Dec}/{Hex}/{Bin}/{Oct} ... {decimal}/{hexadecimal}/{binary}/{octal}

u Frac Result (fraction result display format)
• {d/c}/{ab/c} ... {improper}/{mixed} fraction


u Func Type (graph function type)
Pressing one of the following function keys also switches the function of the v key.
• {Y=}/{r=}/{Parm}/{X=} ... {rectangular coordinate (Y= f (x) type)}/{polar coordinate}/
{parametric}/{rectangular coordinate (X= f (y) type)} graph
• {Y>}/{Y<}/{Yt}/{Ys} ... {y>f(x)}/{y}/{X<}/{Xt}/{Xs} ... {x>f(y)}/{x

*1 Final closed parentheses (immediately before operation of the w key) may be omitted, no
matter how many are required.

k Number of Decimal Places, Number of Significant Digits, Normal
Display Range
[SET UP]- [Display] -[Fix] / [Sci] / [Norm]
• Even after you specify the number of decimal places or the number of significant digits,
internal calculations are still performed using a 15-digit mantissa, and displayed values are
stored with a 10-digit mantissa. Use Rnd of the Numeric Calculation Menu (NUMERIC) (page
2-14) to round the displayed value off to the number of decimal place and significant digit
• Number of decimal place (Fix) and significant digit (Sci) settings normally remain in effect
until you change them or until you change the normal display range (Norm) setting.



Example 1

100 ÷ 6 = 16.66666666...





4 decimal places

!m(SET UP) ff


5 significant digits

!m(SET UP) ff


Cancels specification

!m(SET UP) ff


*1 Displayed values are rounded off to the place you specify.
Example 2

200 ÷ 7 × 14 = 400



3 decimal places




!m(SET UP) ff



Calculation continues using
display capacity of 10 digits

Ans × I

• If the same calculation is performed using the specified number of digits:


The value stored internally is
rounded off to the number of
decimal places specified on
the Setup screen.


Ans × I



You can also specify the
number of decimal places for
rounding of internal values
for a specific calculation.
(Example: To specify
rounding to two decimal


Ans × I

• You cannot use a first derivative, second derivative, integration, Σ, maximum/minimum value,
Solve, RndFix or logab calculation expression inside of a RndFix calculation term.


k Calculation Priority Sequence
This calculator employs true algebraic logic to calculate the parts of a formula in the following
1 Type A functions
• Coordinate transformation Pol (x, y), Rec (r, θ)
• Functions that include parentheses (such as derivatives, integrations, Σ, etc.)
d/dx, d2/dx2, ∫dx, Σ, Solve, SolveN, FMin, FMax, List→Mat, Fill, Seq, SortA, SortD, Min,
Max, Median, Mean, Augment, Mat→List, DotP, CrossP, Angle, UnitV, Norm, P(, Q(, R(,
t(, RndFix, logab
• Composite functions*1, List, Mat, Vct, fn, Yn, rn, Xtn, Ytn, Xn
2 Type B functions
With these functions, the value is entered and then the function key is pressed.
x2, x–1, x!, ° ’ ”, ENG symbols, angle unit °, r, g
3 Power/root ^(xy), x'
4 Fractions a b/c
5 Implied multiplication format in front of π, memory name, or variable name.
2π, 5A, Xmin, F Start, etc.
6 Type C functions
With these functions, the function key is pressed and then the value is entered.
', 3', log, ln, ex, 10x, sin, cos, tan, sin–1, cos–1, tan–1, sinh, cosh, tanh, sinh–1, cosh–1,
tanh–1, (–), d, h, b, o, Neg, Not, Det, Trn, Dim, Identity, Ref, Rref, Sum, Prod, Cuml,
Percent, ΔList, Abs, Int, Frac, Intg, Arg, Conjg, ReP, ImP
7 Implied multiplication format in front of Type A functions, Type C functions, and parenthesis.
3, A log2, etc.
8 Permutation, combination, complex number operator in polar form nPr, nCr, ∠
9 Metric conversion commands*2
0 ×, ÷, Int÷, Rmdr
! +, –
@ Relational operators =, ≠, >, <, ≥, ≤
# And (logical operator), and (bitwise operator)
$ Or, Xor (logical operator), or, xor, xnor (bitwise operator)
*1 You can combine the contents of multiple function memory (fn) locations or graph memory
(Yn, rn, Xtn, Ytn, Xn) locations into composite functions. Specifying fn1(fn2), for example,
results in the composite function fn1°fn2 (see page 5-14). A composite function can consist
of up to five functions.
*2 Metric conversion commands are supported only when the Metric Conversion add-in application
is installed.



2 + 3 × (log sin2π2 + 6.8) = 22.07101691 (angle unit = Rad)


• When functions with the same priority are used in series, execution is performed from right to

exln 120 → ex{ln( 120)}
Otherwise, execution is from left to right.
• Compound functions are executed from right to left.
• Anything contained within parentheses receives highest priority.

k Calculation Result Irrational Number Display
You can configure the calculator to display calculation results in irrational number format
(including ' or π) by selecting “Math” for the “Input/Output” mode setting on the Setup

8 = 3'

(Input/Output: Math)


u Calculation Result Display Range with '
Display of a calculation result in ' format is supported for result with ' in up to two terms.
Calculation results in ' format take one of the following forms.

b ± d'
± a'
b, ± d ± a'
b, ± a'


• The following are the ranges for each of the coefficients (a, b, c, d, e, f) can be displayed in
the ' calculation result format.
1 < a < 100, 1 < b < 1000, 1 < c < 100
0 < d < 100, 0 < e < 1000, 1 < f < 100
• In the cases shown below, a calculation result may be able to be displayed in ' format
even if their coefficients (a, c, d) are outside the above ranges.
A ' format calculation result uses a common denominator.

b + d´'
b + d'
e → a´'

* c´ is the least common multiple of c and f.


Since the calculation result uses a common denominator, calculation result still may
be displayed using the ' format even when coefficients (a´, c´, d´) are outside the
corresponding range of coefficients (a, c, d).

3 + 11'
3 '
2 10'
11 10

Calculation Examples
This calculation:

Produces this type of display:

2 × (3 – 2'
5) = 6 – 4'

' format

2 × 3 = 148.492424 (= 105 '

Decimal format

= 8.485281374*1
23 × (5 – 2'
3) = 35.32566285 (= 115 – 46'

Decimal format

3 + 3'

' format

6 = 5.595754113*2

Decimal format

*1 Decimal format because values are outside of range.
*2 Decimal format because calculation result has three terms.
• The calculation result is displayed using decimal format even if an intermediate result goes
greater than two terms.
Example: (1 + '
3) (1 – '

(= – 4 – 2'

= –8.898979486
• If the calculation formula has a ' term and a term that cannot be displayed as a fraction,
the calculation result will be displayed in decimal format.
Example: log3 + '
2 = 1.891334817

u Calculation Result Display Range with π
A calculation results is displayed using π format in the following cases.
• When the calculation result can be displayed in the form nπ

n is an integer up to |106|.

π or
However, {number of a digits + number of b digits + number of c digits} must be 8 or less
when the above a or
is reduced.*1*2 Also, the maximum number of allowable c digits is

• When the calculation result can be displayed in the form a


*1 When c < b, the number of a, b, and c digits are counted when the fraction is converted
from an improper fraction ( b ) to a mixed fraction (a




* When “Manual” is specified for the Setup screen “Simplify” setting, the calculation result
may be displayed in decimal format, even if these conditions are met.


Calculation Examples
This calculation:

Produces this type of display:

78π × 2 = 156π

π format

123456π × 9 = 3490636.164 (= 11111104 π)*3

Decimal format


π = 105

π format

π = 6.533503684


π *4

Decimal format

*3 Decimal format because calculation result integer part is |106| or greater.
*4 Decimal format because number of denominator digits is four or greater for the a

π form.

k Multiplication Operations without a Multiplication Sign
You can omit the multiplication sign (×) in any of the following operations.
• Before Type A functions (1 on page 2-3) and Type C functions (6 on page 2-3), except for
negative signs
Example 1

3, 2Pol(5, 12), etc.
2sin30, 10log1.2, 2'

• Before constants, variable names, memory names
Example 2

2π, 2AB, 3Ans, 3Y1, etc.

• Before an open parenthesis
Example 3

3(5 + 6), (A + 1)(B – 1), etc.

If you execute a calculation that includes both division and multiplication operations in which
a multiplication sign has been omitted, parentheses will be inserted automatically as shown in
the examples below.
• When a multiplication sign is omitted immediately before an open parenthesis or after a
closed parenthesis.
Example 1

6 ÷ 2(1 + 2) →

6 ÷ (2(1 + 2))

6 ÷ A(1 + 2) →

6 ÷ (A(1 + 2))

1 ÷ (2 + 3)sin30 →

1 ÷ ((2 + 3)sin30)

• When a multiplication sign is omitted immediately before a variable, a constant, etc.
Example 2

6 ÷ 2π →
2 ÷ 2'
2 →
4π ÷ 2π

6 ÷ (2π)
2 ÷ (2'

→ 4π ÷ (2π)


If you execute a calculation in which a multiplication sign has been omitted immediately before
a fraction (including mixed fractions), parentheses will be inserted automatically as shown in
the examples below.
): 2


(2 ×


(sin 2 ×


→ 2
sin 2


( 13 )

sin 2

( 45 )

k Overflow and Errors
Exceeding a specified input or calculation range, or attempting an illegal input causes an error
message to appear on the display. Further operation of the calculator is impossible while an
error message is displayed. For details, see the “Error Message Table” on page α-1.
• Most of the calculator’s keys are inoperative while an error message is displayed. Press J
to clear the error and return to normal operation.

k Memory Capacity
Each time you press a key, either one byte or two bytes is used. Some of the functions that
require one byte are: b, c, d, sin, cos, tan, log, ln, ', and π.
Some of the functions that take up two bytes are d/dx(, Mat, Vct, Xmin, If, For, Return,
DrawGraph, SortA(, PxIOn, Sum, and an+1.
• The required number of bytes to input functions and commands is different in the Linear
input/output mode and the Math input/output mode. For details about the number of bytes
required for each function in the Math input/output mode, see page 1-16.

2. Special Functions
k Calculations Using Variables





193.2 ÷ 23 = 8.4



193.2 ÷ 28 = 6.9



k Memory
u Variables (Alpha Memory)
This calculator comes with 28 variables as standard. You can use variables to store values
you want to use inside of calculations. Variables are identified by single-letter names, which
are made up of the 26 letters of the alphabet, plus r and θ. The maximum size of values that
you can assign to variables is 15 digits for the mantissa and 2 digits for the exponent.
• Variable contents are retained even when you turn power off.

u To assign a value to a variable
[value] a [variable name] w
Example 1

To assign 123 to variable A

Example 2

To add 456 to variable A and store the result in variable B

• You can input an X variable by pressing a+(X) or v. Pressing a+(X) will input X,
while pressing v will input x. Values assigned to X and x are stored in the same memory
Example 3

Assign 10 to x and then assign 5 to X. Next, check what is assigned to


u To assign the same value to more than one variable
[value]a [first variable name] ~ [last variable name]w
• You cannot use “r” or “θ ” as a variable name.

To assign a value of 10 to variables A through F

u String Memory
You can store up to 20 strings (named Str 1 to Str 20) in string memory. Stored strings can be
output to the display or used inside functions and commands that support the use of strings as
For details about string operations, see “Strings” (page 8-25).



To assign string “ABC” to Str 1 and then output Str 1 to the display
!m(SET UP)2(Line)J
A!a( A -LOCK)5(”)v(A)
l(B)I(C)5(”)a(Releases Alpha Lock.)


String is displayed justified left.
• Perform the above operation in the Linear input/output mode. It cannot be performed in the
Math input/output mode.

u Function Memory


Function memory is convenient for temporary storage of often-used expressions. For longer
term storage, we recommend that you use the Graph mode for expressions and the Program
mode for programs.
• {STORE}/{RECALL}/{fn}/{SEE} ... {function store}/{function recall}/{function area
specification as a variable name inside an expression}/{function list}

u To store a function

To store the function (A+B) (A–B) as function memory number 1
!m(SET UP)2(Line)J

• If the function memory number to which you store a function already contains a function, the
previous function is replaced with the new one.
• You can also use a to store a function in function
memory in a program. In this case, you must enclose the
function inside of double quotation marks.


u To recall a function

To recall the contents of function memory number 1

• The recalled function appears at the current location of the cursor on the display.

u To recall a function as a variable

To recall the contents of function memory number 1 as a variable

u To display a list of available functions

u To delete a function

To delete the contents of function memory number 1

• Executing the store operation while the display is blank deletes the function in the function
memory you specify.


k Answer Function
The Answer Function automatically stores the last result you calculated by pressing w
(unless the w key operation results in an error). The result is stored in the answer memory.
• The largest value that the answer memory can hold is 15 digits for the mantissa and 2 digits
for the exponent.
• Answer memory contents are not cleared when you press the A key or when you switch
power off.

u To use the contents of the answer memory in a calculation

123 + 456 = 579
789 – 579 = 210

• Performing an operation that assigns a value to an Alpha memory (such as
faal(B)w), answer memory contents are updated in the Math input/output mode
but not in the Linear input/output mode.

k Performing Continuous Calculations
Answer memory also lets you use the result of one calculation as one of the arguments in the
next calculation.


Continuous calculations can also be used with Type B functions (x2, x–1, x!, on page 2-3), +, –,
^(xy), x', ° ’ ”, etc.


3. Specifying the Angle Unit and Display Format
Before performing a calculation, you should use the Setup screen to specify the angle unit and
display format.

k Setting the Angle Unit

[SET UP]- [Angle]

1. On the Setup screen, highlight “Angle”.
2. Press the function key for the angle unit you want to specify, then press J.
• {Deg}/{Rad}/{Gra} ... {degrees}/{radians}/{grads}
• The relationship between degrees, grads, and radians is shown below.
360° = 2π radians = 400 grads
90° = π/2 radians = 100 grads

k Setting the Display Format

[SET UP]- [Display]

1. On the Setup screen, highlight “Display”.
2. Press the function key for the item you want to set, then press J.
• {Fix}/{Sci}/{Norm}/{Eng} ... {fixed number of decimal places specification}/
{number of significant digits specification}/{normal display}/{Engineering mode}

u To specify the number of decimal places (Fix)

To specify two decimal places
Press the number key that corresponds to the number of decimal places you want to specify
(n = 0 to 9).

• Displayed values are rounded off to the number of decimal places you specify.


u To specify the number of significant digits (Sci)

To specify three significant digits
Press the number key that corresponds to the number of significant digits you want to specify
(n = 0 to 9). Specifying 0 makes the number of significant digits 10.

• Displayed values are rounded off to the number of significant digits you specify.

u To specify the normal display (Norm 1/Norm 2)
Press 3(Norm) to switch between Norm 1 and Norm 2.
Norm 1: 10–2 (0.01) > |x|, |x| >1010
Norm 2: 10–9 (0.000000001) > |x|, |x| >1010

u To specify the engineering notation display (Eng mode)
Press 4(Eng) to switch between engineering notation and standard notation. The indicator
“/E” is on the display while engineering notation is in effect.
You can use the following symbols to convert values to engineering notation, such as 2,000
(= 2 × 103) → 2k.
E (Exa)

× 1018

m (milli)

× 10–3

P (Peta)

× 1015

μ (micro)

× 10–6

T (Tera)

× 1012

n (nano)

× 10–9

G (Giga)

× 109

p (pico)

× 10–12

M (Mega)

× 106

f (femto)

× 10–15

k (kilo)

× 103

• The engineering symbol that makes the mantissa a value from 1 to 1000 is automatically
selected by the calculator when engineering notation is in effect.


4. Function Calculations
k Function Menus
This calculator includes five function menus that give you access to scientific functions not
printed on the key panel.
• The contents of the function menu differ according to the mode you entered from the Main
Menu before you pressed the K key. The following examples show function menus that
appear in the Run-Matrix or Program mode.

u Hyperbolic Calculations (HYPERBL)


• {sinh}/{cosh}/{tanh} ... hyperbolic {sine}/{cosine}/{tangent}
• {sinh–1}/{cosh–1}/{tanh–1} ... inverse hyperbolic {sine}/{cosine}/{tangent}

u Probability/Distribution Calculations (PROB)


• {x!} ... press after inputting a value to obtain the factorial of the value
• {nPr}/{nCr} ... {permutation}/{combination}
• {RAND} ... {random number generation}
• {Ran#}/{Int}/{Norm}/{Bin}/{List}/{Samp} ... {random number generation (0 to 1)}/{random
integer generation}/{random number generation in accordance with normal distribution
based on mean  and standard deviation }/{random number generation in accordance
with binomial distribution based on number of trials n and probability p}/{random number
generation (0 to 1) and storage of result in ListAns}/{random extraction of list data
elements and storage of result in ListAns}
• {P(}/{Q(}/{R(} ... normal probability {P(t)}/{Q(t)}/{R(t)}
• {t(} ... {value of normalized variate t(x)}

u Numeric Calculations (NUMERIC)


• {Abs} ... select this item and input a value to obtain the absolute value of the value
• {Int}/{Frac} ... select the item and input a value to extract the {integer}/{fraction} part.
• {Rnd} ... rounds off the value used for internal calculations to 10 significant digits (to match
the value in the answer memory), or to the number of decimal places (Fix) and number
of significant digits (Sci) specified by you
• {Intg} ... select this item and input a value to obtain the largest integer that is not greater
than the value
• {RndFix} ... rounds off the value used for internal calculations to specified digits (0 to 9) (see
page 2-2)
• {GCD} ... {greatest common divisor for two values}
• {LCM} ... {least common multiple for two values}
• {MOD} ... {remainder of division (remainder output when n is divided by m)}
• {MOD_Exp} ... {remainder when division is performed on a power value (remainder output
when n is raised to p power and then divided by m)}


u Angle Units, Coordinate Conversion, Sexagesimal Operations (ANGLE)
• {°}/{r}/{g} ... {degrees}/{radians}/{grads} for a specific input value
• {° ’ ”} ... specifies degrees (hours), minutes, seconds when inputting a degrees/minutes/
seconds value
• {° ’ ”} ... converts decimal value to degrees/minutes/seconds value
• The {° ’ ”} menu operation is available only when there is a calculation result on the display.
• {Pol(}/{Rec(} ... {rectangular-to-polar}/{polar-to-rectangular} coordinate conversion
• {'DMS} ... converts decimal value to sexagesimal value

u Engineering Symbol (ENG-SYM)


• {m}/{}/{n}/{p}/{f} ... {milli (10–3)}/{micro (10–6)}/{nano (10–9)}/{pico (10–12)}/{femto (10–15)}
• {k}/{M}/{G}/{T}/{P}/{E} ... {kilo (103)}/{mega (106)}/{giga (109)}/{tera (1012)}/{peta (1015)}/
{exa (1018)}
• {ENG}/{ENG} ... shifts the decimal place of the displayed value three digits to the {left}/{right}
and {decreases}/{increases} the exponent by three.
When you are using engineering notation, the engineering symbol is also changed
• The {ENG} and {ENG} menu operations are available only when there is a calculation
result on the display.

k Angle Units
• Be sure to specify Comp for Mode in the Setup screen.


To convert 4.25 rad to degrees:

!m(SET UP)cccccc1(Deg)J

47.3° + 82.5rad = 4774.20181°


2°20´30˝ + 39´30˝ = 3°00´00˝

2K6(g)5(ANGLE)4(° ’ ”) 204(° ’ ”) 30
4(° ’ ”)+04(° ’ ”)394(° ’ ”) 304(° ’ ”)w
5(° ’ ”)

2.255° = 2°15´18˝



k Trigonometric and Inverse Trigonometric Functions
• Be sure to set the angle unit before performing trigonometric function and inverse
trigonometric function calculations.
radians = 100 grads)
• Be sure to specify Comp for Mode in the Setup screen.
(90° =



cos ( π rad) =

!m(SET UP)cccccc2(Rad)J


2 • sin 45° × cos 65° = 0.5976724775

!m(SET UP)cccccc1(Deg)J

sin–10.5 = 30°
(x when sinx = 0.5)

!s(sin–1) 0.5*2w

*1 * can be omitted.
*2 Input of leading zero is not necessary.

k Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
• Be sure to specify Comp for Mode in the Setup screen.


log 1.23 (log101.23) = 0.08990511144 l1.23w
log28 = 3

4(MATH)2(logab) 2e8w

K4(CALC)6(g)4(logab) 2,8)w

101.23 = 16.98243652
(To obtain the antilogarithm of
common logarithm 1.23)

!l(10x) 1.23w

e4.5 = 90.0171313

!I(ex) 4.5w

(To obtain the antilogarithm of
natural logarithm 4.5)
(–3)4 = (–3) × (–3) × (–3) × (–3) = 81


123 (= 123 ) = 1.988647795

!M(x') 7e123w


• The Linear input/output mode and Math input/output mode produce different results when
two or more powers are input in series, like: 2 M 3 M 2.
Linear input/output mode: 2^3^2 = 64


Math input/output mode: 23 = 512

This is because the Math input/output mode internally treats the above input as: 2^(3^(2)).


k Hyperbolic and Inverse Hyperbolic Functions
• Be sure to specify Comp for Mode in the Setup screen.
sinh 3.6 = 18.28545536

= 0.7953654612

K6(g)2(HYPERBL)1(sinh) 3.6w


k Other Functions
• Be sure to specify Comp for Mode in the Setup screen.


2 +'
5 = 3.65028154

!x(') 2e+!x(') 5wf

!x(') 2+!x(')5w

(–3)2 = (–3) × (–3) = 9


–––––– = 12
–– – ––


8! (= 1 × 2 × 3 × .... × 8) = 40320



!((3') 36*42*49w


36 × 42 × 49 = 42

What is the absolute value of the
common logarithm of 3 ?
| log 4 | = 0.1249387366



What is the integer part of – 3.5?


What is the decimal part of – 3.5?
– 0.5


What is the nearest integer not
exceeding – 3.5?



k Random Number Generation (RAND)
u Random Number Generation (0 to 1) (Ran#, RanList#)
Ran# and RanList# generate 10 digit random numbers randomly or sequentially from 0 to 1.
Ran# returns a single random number, while RanList# returns multiple random numbers in list
form. The following shows the syntaxes of Ran# and RanList#.
Ran# [a]


1 < n < 999

• Omitting a value for n returns a generated random number as-is. Specifying a value for n
returns the specified number of random values in list form.


RanNorm# (8, 68)
(Randomly produces a body length value
obtained in accordance with the normal
distribution of a group of infants less than
one year old with a mean body length of
68cm and standard deviation of 8.)


RanNorm# (8, 68, 5)
(Randomly produces the body lengths of five
infants in the above example, and displays
them in a list.)


u Random Number Generation in Accordance with Binomial Distribution
This function generates random integers in accordance with binomial distribution based on
values specified for the number of trials n and probability p.
RanBin# (n, p [,m])

1 < n < 100000

1 < m < 999


= 3.65 (Conversion to decimal)*1
––––– + ––––– = 6.066202547 × 10–4 *2



–– × 0.5 = 0.25*3



*1 Fractions can be converted to decimal values and vice versa.
*2 When the total number of characters, including integer, numerator, denominator and delimiter
marks exceeds 10, the fraction is automatically displayed in decimal format.
*3 Calculations containing both fractions and decimals are calculated in decimal format.
• Pressing the !f(<) key toggles the display fraction between mixed fraction and
improper fraction format.

k Engineering Notation Calculations
Input engineering symbols using the engineering notation menu.
• Be sure to specify Comp for Mode in the Setup screen.


999k (kilo) + 25k (kilo)
= 1.024M (mega)

!m(SET UP)ff4(Eng)J999K6(g)6(g)

9 ÷ 10 = 0.9 = 900m (milli)
= 0.9


= 0.0009k (kilo)
= 0.9
= 900m


*1 Converts the displayed value to the next higher engineering unit, by shifting the decimal
point three places to the right.
*2 Converts the displayed value to the next lower engineering unit, by shifting the decimal point
three places to the left.


k Logical Operators (AND, OR, NOT, XOR)


The logical operator menu provides a selection of logical operators.
• {And}/{Or}/{Not}/{Xor} ... {logical AND}/{logical OR}/{logical NOT}/{logical XOR}
• Be sure to specify Comp for Mode in the Setup screen.

What is the logical AND of A and B when A = 3 and B = 2?
A AND B = 1




u About Logical Operations
• A logical operation always produces either 0 or 1 as its result.
• The following table shows all of possible results that can be produced by AND, OR and XOR
Value or Expression A

Value or Expression B
























• The following table shows the results produced by the NOT operation.
Value or Expression A







5. Numerical Calculations
The following explains the numerical calculation operations included in the function menu
displayed when K4(CALC) is pressed. The following calculations can be performed.
• {Int÷}/{Rmdr}/{Simp} ... {quotient}/{remainder}/{simplification}
• {Solve}/{d/dx}/{d2/dx2}/{∫dx}/{SolveN} ... {equality solution}/{first derivative}/{second
derivative}/{integration}/{f(x) function solution}
• {FMin}/{FMax}/{Σ(}/{logab} ... {minimum value}/{maximum value}/{summation}/{logarithm

k Quotient of Integer ÷ Integer


The “Int÷” function can be used to determine the quotient when one integer is divided by
another integer.

To calculate the quotient of 107 ÷ 7

k Remainder of Integer ÷ Integer


The “Rmdr” function can be used to determine the remainder when one integer is divided by
another integer.

To calculate the remainder of 107 ÷ 7


k Simplification


The “'Simp” function can be used to simplify fractions manually. The following operations can
be used to perform simplification when an unsimplified calculation result is on the display.
• {Simp} w ... This function automatically simplifies the displayed calculation result using the
smallest prime number available. The prime number used and the simplified result are
shown on the display.
• {Simp} n w ... This function performs simplification according to the specified divisor n.
Under initial default settings, this calculator automatically simplifies fraction calculation results
before displaying them. Before performing the following examples, use the Setup screen to
change the “Simplify” setting from “Auto” to “Manual” (page 1-38).
• When “a+bi” or “r∠θ” is specified for the Setup screen “Complex Mode” setting, fraction
calculation results always are simplified before being displayed, even if the “Simplify” setting
is “Manual”.
• If you want to simplify fractions manually (Simplify: Manual), make sure that the “Real” is
selected for the “Complex Mode” setting.
Example 1

To simplify


60 20



The “F=” value is the divisor.


Example 2

To simplify

specifying a divisor of 9



• An error occurs if simplification cannot be performed using the specified divisor.
• Executing 'Simp while a value that cannot be simplified is displayed will return the original
value, without displaying “F=”.

k Solve Calculations


The following is the syntax for using the Solve function in a program.
Solve( f(x), n, a, b)

(a: lower limit, b: upper limit, n: initial estimated value)

There are two different input methods that can be used for Solve calculations: direct
assignment and variable table input.
With the direct assignment method, you assign values directly to variables. This type of input
is identical to that used with the Solve command used in the Program mode.
Variable table input is used with the Solve function in the Equation mode. This input method
is recommended for most normal Solve function input.
An error (Time Out) occurs when there is no convergence of the solution.
For information about Solve calculations, see page 4-4.
• You cannot use a second derivative, Σ, maximum/minimum value or Solve calculation
expression inside of any of the above functions.
• Pressing A during calculation of Solve (while the cursor is not shown on the display)
interrupts the calculation.

k Solving an f(x) Function


You can use SolveN to solve an f(x) function using numerical analysis. The following is the
input syntax.
SolveN (left side [=right side] [,variable] [, lower limit, upper limit])
• The right side, variable, lower limit and upper limit all can be omitted.
• “left side[=right side]” is the expression to be solved. Supported variables are A through Z, r,
and θ. When the right side is omitted, solution is perform using right side = 0.
• The variable specifies the variable within the expression to be solved for (A through Z, r, θ).
Omitting a variable specification cause X to be used as the variable.


• The lower limit and upper limit specify the range of the solution. You can input a value or an
expression as the range.
• The following functions cannot be used within any of the arguments.
Solve(, d2/dx2(, FMin(, FMax(, Σ(
Up to 10 calculation results can be displayed simultaneously in ListAns format.
• The message “No Solution” is displayed if no solution exists.
• The message “More solutions may exist.” is displayed when there may be solutions other
than those displayed by SolveN.

To solve x2 – 5x – 6 = 0


k First Derivative Calculations


To perform first derivative calculations, first display the function analysis menu, and then input
the values using the syntax below.

K4(CALC)2(d/dx) f(x)ea
4(MATH)4(d/dx) f(x)ea

K4(CALC)2(d/dx) f(x),a)

a is the point for which you want to determine the first derivative.
d/dx ( f (x), a) ⇒

d f (a)

The derivative is defined as:
f (a + Ax) – f (a)
f ' (a) = lim –––––––––––––


In this definition, infinitesimal is replaced by a sufficiently small Ax, with the value in the
neighborhood of f' (a) calculated as:

f (a + Ax) – f (a)
f ' (a)  –––––––––––––

To determine the derivative at x = 3 for the function y = x3 + 4x2 + x – 6

Input the function f(x).
Input point x = a for which you want to determine the derivative.

Using First Derivative Calculation in a Graph Function
• You can omit input of the value a in the syntax on page 2-28 by using the following format
for the first derivative graph: Y2 = d/dx (Y1). In this case, the value of the X variable is used
instead of the value a.
First Derivative Calculation Precautions
• In the function f(x), only X can be used as a variable in expressions. Other variables
(A through Z excluding X, r, ) are treated as constants, and the value currently assigned to
that variable is applied during the calculation.
• Pressing A during calculation of a first derivative (while the cursor is not shown on the
display) interrupts the calculation.
• Inaccurate results and errors can be caused by the following:
- discontinuous points in x values
- extreme changes in x values
- inclusion of the local maximum point and local minimum point in x values
- inclusion of the inflection point in x values
- inclusion of undifferentiable points in x values
- first derivative calculation results approaching zero
• Always use radians (Rad mode) as the angle unit when performing trigonometric first
• You cannot use a first derivative, second derivative, integration, Σ, maximum/minimum value,
Solve or RndFix calculation expression inside a first derivative calculation term.


k Second Derivative Calculations


After displaying the function analysis menu, you can input second derivatives using the
following syntax.

K4(CALC)3(d2/dx2) f(x)ea
4(MATH)5(d2/dx2) f(x)ea

K4(CALC)3(d2/dx2) f(x),a)

a is the point for which you want to determine the second derivative.
d 2 ( f (x), a)
⇒ –––2 f (a)

Second derivative calculations produce an approximate derivative value using the following
second derivative formula, which is based on Newton’s polynomial interpretation.

f ''(a) =

2 f(a + 3h) – 27 f(a + 2h) + 270 f(a + h) – 490 f(a) + 270 f(a – h) – 27 f(a –2h) + 2 f(a – 3h)

In this expression, values for “sufficiently small increments of h” are used to obtain a value that
approximates f"(a).

To determine the second derivative at x = 3 for the function

y = x3 + 4x2 + x – 6
Input the function f(x).
Input 3 as point a, which is the derivative point.

Using Second Derivative Calculation in a Graph Function
You can omit input of the value a in the syntax above by using the following format for the
second derivative graph: Y2 = d2/dx2 (Y1). In this case, the value of the X variable is used
instead of the value a.
Second Derivative Calculation Precautions
The precautions that apply for first derivative also apply when using a second derivative
calculation (see page 2-29).



k Integration Calculations

To perform integration calculations, first display the function analysis menu and then input the
values using the syntax below.

K4(CALC)4(∫dx) f(x)e a f b
4(MATH)6(g)1(∫dx) f(x)e a f b

K4(CALC)4(∫dx) f(x) , a , b , tol )
(a: lower limit, b: upper limit, tol: tolerance)

∫( f(x), a, b, tol) ⇒ ∫a f(x)dx

Area of




f(x)dx is calculated

As shown in the illustration above, integration calculations are performed by calculating
integral values from a through b for the function y = f (x) where a < x < b, and f (x) > 0. This in
effect calculates the surface area of the shaded area in the illustration.
Example 1

To perform the integration calculation for the function shown below,
with a tolerance of “tol” = 1 × 10–4



(2x2 + 3x + 4) dx

• Math input/output mode

• Linear input/output mode
Input the function f (x).
Input the lower limit, upper limit, and the tolerance value.


Example 2

When the angle unit setting is degrees, trigonometric function
integration calculation is performed using radians (Angle unit = Deg)

Examples Calculation Result Display
Note the following points to ensure correct integration values.
(1) When cyclical functions for integration values become positive or negative for different
divisions, perform the calculation for single cycles, or divide between negative and positive,
and then add the results together.

part (S )
Negative part (S )




f(x)dx =



f(x)dx +

Positive part (S)




Negative part (S)

(2) When minute fluctuations in integration divisions produce large fluctuations in integration
values, calculate the integration divisions separately (divide the large fluctuation areas into
smaller divisions), and then add the results together.




f(x)dx =





f(x)dx +






f(x)dx +.....+






• Pressing A during calculation of an integral (while the cursor is not shown on the display)
interrupts the calculation.
• Always use radians (Rad mode) as the angle unit when performing trigonometric
• An error (Time Out) occurs whenever no solution that satisfies the tolerance value can be


Integration Calculation Precautions
• In the function f(x), only X can be used as a variable in expressions. Other variables (A
through Z excluding X, r, ) are treated as constants, and the value currently assigned to
that variable is applied during the calculation.
• Input of “tol” and closing parenthesis can be omitted. If you omit “tol,” the calculator
automatically uses a default value of 1 × 10–5.
• Integration calculations can take a long time to complete.
• You cannot use a first derivative, second derivative, integration, Σ, maximum/minimum value,
Solve or RndFix calculation expression inside of an integration calculation term.
• In the Math input/output mode, the tolerance value is fixed at 1 × 10–5 and cannot be changed.

k Σ Calculations


To perform Σ calculations, first display the function analysis menu, and then input the values
using the syntax below.

K4(CALC)6(g)3(Σ( ) ak e k e α e β
4(MATH)6(g)2(Σ( ) ak e k e α e β

K4(CALC)6(g)3(Σ( ) ak , k , α , β , n )


(a k, k, α, β, n) =


Σ a =a



+ aα +1 +........+ aβ

(n: distance between partitions)

To calculate the following:

Σ (k


– 3k + 5)


Use n = 1 as the distance between partitions.
AK4(CALC)6(g)3(Σ( )a,(K)

Σ Calculation Precautions
• The value of the specified variable changes during a Σ calculation. Be sure to keep separate
written records of the specified variable values you might need later before you perform the
• You can use only one variable in the function for input sequence ak.


• Input integers only for the initial term (α) of sequence ak and last term (β) of sequence ak.
• Input of n and the closing parentheses can be omitted. If you omit n, the calculator
automatically uses n = 1.
• Make sure that the value used as the final term β is greater than the value used as the initial
term α. Otherwise, an error will occur.
• To interrupt an ongoing Σ calculation (indicated when the cursor is not on the display), press
the A key.
• You cannot use a first derivative, second derivative, integration, Σ, maximum/minimum value,
Solve or RndFix calculation expression inside of a Σ calculation term.
• In the Math input/output mode, the distance between partitions (n) is fixed at 1 and cannot be

k Maximum/Minimum Value Calculations


After displaying the function analysis menu, you can input maximum/minimum calculations
using the formats below, and solve for the maximum and minimum of a function within interval
a < x < b.

u Minimum Value
K4(CALC)6(g)1(FMin) f (x) , a , b , n )
(a: start point of interval, b: end point of interval, n: precision (n = 1 to 9))

u Maximum Value
K4(CALC)6(g)2(FMax) f (x), a , b , n )
(a: start point of interval, b: end point of interval, n: precision (n = 1 to 9))

To determine the minimum value for the interval defined by start
point a = 0 and end point b = 3, with a precision of n = 6 for the function
y = x2 – 4x + 9

Input f (x).
Input the interval a = 0, b = 3.
Input the precision n = 6.

• In the function f (x), only X can be used as a variable in expressions. Other variables (A
through Z excluding X, r, ) are treated as constants, and the value currently assigned to
that variable is applied during the calculation.


• Input of n and the closing parenthesis can be omitted.
• Discontinuous points or sections with drastic fluctuation can adversely affect precision or
even cause an error.
• Inputting a larger value for n increases the precision of the calculation, but it also increases
the amount of time required to perform the calculation.
• The value you input for the end point of the interval (b) must be greater than the value you
input for the start point (a). Otherwise an error occurs.
• You can interrupt an ongoing maximum/minimum calculation by pressing the A key.
• You can input an integer in the range of 1 to 9 for the value of n. Using any value outside this
range causes an error.
• You cannot use a first derivative, second derivative, integration, Σ, maximum/minimum value,
Solve or RndFix calculation expression inside of a maximum/minimum calculation term.

6. Complex Number Calculations
You can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, parentheses calculations,
function calculations, and memory calculations with complex numbers just as you do with the
manual calculations described on pages 2-1 to 2-17.
• The input/output range of complex numbers is normally 10 digits for the mantissa and two
digits for the exponent.
• The following functions can be used with complex numbers.
', x 2, x –1, ^(x y), 3', x', ln, log, logab, 10x, e x, Int, Frac, Rnd, Intg, RndFix(, Fix, Sci, ENG,
ENG, ° ’ ”, ° ’ ”, a b/c, d /c
You can select the complex number calculation mode by changing the Complex Mode item on
the Setup screen to one of the following settings.
• {Real} ... Calculation in the real number range only*1
• {a+bi} ... Performs complex number calculation and displays results in rectangular form
• {r∠} ... Performs complex number calculation and displays results in polar form*2
*1 When there is an imaginary number in the argument, however, complex number calculation
is performed and the result is displayed using rectangular form.
ln 2i

= 0.6931471806 + 1.570796327i

ln 2i + ln (– 2) = (Non-Real ERROR)
* The display range of  depends on the angle unit set for the Angle item on the Setup

• Deg ... –180 <  < 180
• Rad ... – π <  < π
• Gra ... –200 <  < 200


Press K3(COMPLEX) to display the complex calculation number menu, which contains
the following items.
• {i} ... {imaginary unit i input}
• {Abs}/{Arg} ... obtains {absolute value}/{argument}
• {Conjg} ... {obtains conjugate}
• {ReP}/{ImP} ... {real}/{imaginary} part extraction
• {'r∠}/{'a+bi} ... converts the result to {polar}/{rectangular} form
• You can also use !a(i) in place of K3(COMPLEX)1(i).
• Solutions obtained by the Real, a+bi and r∠ modes are different for power root (x')
calculations when x < 0 and y = m/n when n is an odd number.
Example: 3x' (– 8) = – 2 (Real)
= 1 + 1.732050808i (a +b i)
= 2∠60 (r ∠ , Deg mode)
• To input the “ ∠ ” operator into the polar coordinate expression (r ∠ ), press !v(∠).

k Arithmetic Operations


Arithmetic operations are the same as those you use for manual calculations. You can even
use parentheses and memory.

(1 + 2i) + (2 + 3i)

k Reciprocals, Square Roots, and Squares

(3 + i)


k Complex Number Format Using Polar Form

2∠30 × 3∠45 = 6∠75
!m(SET UP)cccccc

k Absolute Value and Argument


The unit regards a complex number in the form a + bi as a coordinate on a Gaussian plane,
and calculates absolute value⎮Z ⎮and argument (arg).

To calculate absolute value (r) and argument () for the complex
number 3 + 4i, with the angle unit set for degrees
Imaginary axis

Real axis
(Calculation of absolute value)
(Calculation of argument)
• The result of the argument calculation differs in accordance with the current angle unit
setting (degrees, radians, grads).


k Conjugate Complex Numbers


A complex number of the form a + bi becomes a conjugate complex number of the form

a – bi.

To calculate the conjugate complex number for the complex number
2 + 4i

k Extraction of Real and Imaginary Parts


Use the following procedure to extract the real part a and the imaginary part b from a complex
number of the form a + bi.

To extract the real and imaginary parts of the complex number 2 + 5i
(Real part extraction)
(Imaginary part extraction)

k Polar and Rectangular Form Transformation


Use the following procedure to transform a complex number displayed in rectangular form to
polar form, and vice versa.

To transform the rectangular form of complex number 1 + '
3 i to its
polar form
!m(SET UP)cccccc


7. Binary, Octal, Decimal, and Hexadecimal
Calculations with Integers
You can use the Run-Matrix mode and binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal settings to
perform calculations that involve binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal values. You can also
convert between number systems and perform bitwise operations.
• You cannot use scientific functions in binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal calculations.
• You can use only integers in binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal calculations, which
means that fractional values are not allowed. If you input a value that includes a decimal part,
the calculator automatically cuts off the decimal part.
• If you attempt to enter a value that is invalid for the number system (binary, octal, decimal,
hexadecimal) you are using, the calculator displays an error message. The following shows
the numerals that can be used in each number system.
Binary: 0, 1
Octal: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Decimal: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Hexadecimal: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F
• Negative binary, octal, and hexadecimal values are produced using the two’s complement of
the original value.
• The following are the display capacities for each of the number systems.
Number System





Display Capacity

16 digits

11 digits

10 digits

8 digits

• The alphabetic characters used in the hexadecimal number appear differently on the display
to distinguish them from text characters.
Normal Text













Hexadecimal Values

• The following are the calculation ranges for each of the number systems.
Binary Values
Positive: 0 < x < 111111111111111
Negative: 1000000000000000 < x < 1111111111111111
Octal Values
Positive: 0 < x < 17777777777
Negative: 20000000000 < x < 37777777777
Decimal Values
Positive: 0 < x < 2147483647
Negative: –2147483648 < x < –1
Hexadecimal Values
Positive: 0 < x < 7FFFFFFF
Negative: 80000000 < x < FFFFFFFF

k Selecting a Number System
You can specify decimal, hexadecimal, binary, or octal as the default number system using the
Setup screen.

u To perform a binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal calculation
[SET UP]-[Mode]-[Dec]/[Hex]/[Bin]/[Oct]
1. In the Main Menu, select Run-Matrix.
2. Press !m(SET UP). Move the highlighting to “Mode”, and then specify the default
number system by pressing 2(Dec), 3(Hex), 4(Bin), or 5(Oct) for the Mode setting.
3. Press J to change to the screen for calculation input. This causes a function menu with
the following items to appear.
• {d~o}/{LOGIC}/{DISPLAY} ... {number system specification}/{bitwise operation}/
{decimal/hexadecimal/binary/octal conversion} menu

u To specify a number system for an input value
You can specify a number system for each individual value you input. Press 1(d~o) to display
a menu of number system symbols. Press the function key that corresponds to the symbol you
want to select and then input the value.
• {d}/{h}/{b}/{o} ... {decimal}/{hexadecimal}/{binary}/{octal}

u To input values of mixed number systems

To input 12310, when the default number system is hexadecimal
!m(SET UP)
Move the highlighting to “Mode”, and then
press 3(Hex)J.

k Negative Values and Bitwise Operations
Press 2(LOGIC) to display a menu of negation and bitwise operators.
• {Neg} ... {negation}*1
• {Not}/{and}/{or}/{xor}/{xnor} ... {NOT}*2/{AND}/{OR}/{XOR}/{XNOR}*3
*1 two’s complement
*2 one’s complement (bitwise complement)
*3 bitwise AND, bitwise OR, bitwise XOR, bitwise XNOR


u Negative Values

To determine the negative of 1100102
!m(SET UP)
Move the highlighting to “Mode”, and then
press 4(Bin)J.

• Negative binary, octal, and hexadecimal values are produced by taking the binary two’s
complement and then returning the result to the original number base. With the decimal
number base, negative values are displayed with a minus sign.

u Bitwise Operations

To input and execute “12016 and AD16”
!m(SET UP)
Move the highlighting to “Mode”, and then
press 3(Hex)J.

k Number System Transformation
Press 3(DISPLAY) to display a menu of number system transformation functions.
• {'Dec}/{'Hex}/{'Bin}/{'Oct} ... transformation of displayed value to its {decimal}/
{hexadecimal}/{binary}/{octal} equivalent

u To convert a displayed value from one number system to another

To convert 2210 (default number system) to its binary or octal value
Move the highlighting to “Mode”, and then
press 2(Dec)J.


8. Matrix Calculations
From the Main Menu, enter the Run-Matrix mode, and press 3('MAT/VCT) to perform
Matrix calculations.
26 matrix memories (Mat A through Mat Z) plus a Matrix Answer Memory (MatAns), make it
possible to perform the following matrix operations.
• Addition, subtraction, multiplication
• Scalar multiplication calculations
• Determinant calculations
• Matrix transposition
• Matrix inversion
• Matrix squaring
• Raising a matrix to a specific power
• Absolute value, integer part extraction, fractional part extraction, maximum integer
• Inputting complex numbers in matrix elements and using complex number related functions
• Matrix modification using matrix commands
The maximum number of rows that can be specified for a matrix is 999, and the maximum
number of columns is 999.

• You can input either an upper-case X (a+(X)) or lower-case x (v) for matrix memory
“Mat X”. Both “Mat X” and “Mat x” refer to the same memory area.
About Matrix Answer Memory (MatAns)
The calculator automatically stores matrix calculation results in Matrix Answer Memory. Note
the following points about Matrix Answer Memory.
• Whenever you perform a matrix calculation, the current Matrix Answer Memory contents are
replaced by the new result. The previous contents are deleted and cannot be recovered.
• Inputting values into a matrix does not affect Matrix Answer Memory contents.
• When a matrix calculation result is m (rows) × 1 (column) or 1 (row) × n (columns), the
calculation result is also stored in Vector Answer Memory (VctAns).

k Inputting and Editing Matrices
Pressing 3('MAT/VCT) displays the Matrix Editor screen. Use the Matrix Editor to input and
edit matrices.

m × n … m (row) × n (column) matrix
None… no matrix preset


• {DELETE}/{DEL-ALL} ... deletes {a specific matrix}/{all matrices}
• {DIM} ... specifies the matrix dimensions (number of cells)
• {CSV} ... stores a matrix as a CSV file and imports the contents of CSV file into one of the
matrix memories (Mat A through Mat Z, and MatAns) (page 2-48)
• {M⇔V} ... displays the Vector Editor screen (page 2-60)

u Creating a Matrix
To create a matrix, you must first define its dimensions (size) in the Matrix Editor. Then you
can input values into the matrix.

u To specify the dimensions (size) of a matrix

To create a 2-row × 3-column matrix in the area named Mat B

Highlight Mat B.
3(DIM) (This step can be omitted.)
Specify the number of rows.
Specify the number of columns.

• All of the cells of a new matrix contain the value 0.
• Changing the dimensions of a matrix deletes its current contents.
• If “Memory ERROR” remains next to the matrix area name after you input the dimensions, it
means there is not enough free memory to create the matrix you want.

u To input cell values

To input the following data into Matrix B:
1 2 3
4 5 6

The following operation is a continuation of the example calculation on the previous page.
(Data is input into the highlighted cell. Each
time you press w, the highlighting moves
to the next cell to the right.)


• Displayed cell values show positive integers up to six digits, and negative integers up to five
digits (one digit used for the negative sign). Exponential values are shown with up to two
digits for the exponent. Fractional values are not displayed.

u Deleting Matrices
You can delete either a specific matrix or all matrices in memory.

u To delete a specific matrix
1. While the Matrix Editor is on the display, use f and c to highlight the matrix you want to
2. Press 1(DELETE).
3. Press 1(Yes) to delete the matrix or 6(No) to abort the operation without deleting

u To delete all matrices
1. While the Matrix Editor is on the display, press 2(DEL-ALL).
2. Press 1(Yes) to delete all matrices in memory or 6(No) to abort the operation without
deleting anything.

k Matrix Cell Operations
Use the following procedure to prepare a matrix for cell operations.
1. While the Matrix Editor is on the display, use f and c to highlight the name of the matrix
you want to use.
You can jump to a specific matrix by inputting the letter that corresponds to the matrix name.
Inputting ai(N), for example, jumps to Mat N.
Pressing !-(Ans) jumps to the matrix current memory.
2. Press w and the function menu with the following items appears.
• {ROW-OP} ... {row operation menu}
• {ROW}
• {DELETE}/{INSERT}/{ADD} ... row {delete}/{insert}/{add}
• {DELETE}/{INSERT}/{ADD} ... column {delete}/{insert}/{add}
• {EDIT} ... {cell editing screen}
All of the following examples use Matrix A.


u Row Calculations
The following menu appears whenever you press 1(ROW-OP) while a recalled matrix is on
the display.
• {SWAP} ... {row swap}
• { Row} ... {product of specified row and scalar}
• { Row+} ... {addition of one row and the product of a specified row with a scalar}
• {Row+} ... {addition of specified row to another row}

u To swap two rows

To swap rows two and three of the following matrix:
All of the operation examples are performed using the following matrix.
Matrix A =







Input the number of the rows you want to swap.

u To calculate the scalar multiplication of a row

To calculate the product of row 2 and the scalar 4
1(ROW-OP)2( Row)

Input multiplier value.*
Specify row number.
* A complex number also can be input as multiplier value (k).


u To calculate the scalar multiplication of a row and add the result to another

To calculate the product of row 2 and the scalar 4, then add the result to
row 3
1(ROW-OP)3( Row+)

Input multiplier value.*
Specify number of row whose product should be calculated.
Specify number of row where result should be added.
* A complex number also can be input as multiplier value (k).

u To add two rows together

To add row 2 to row 3

Specify number of row to be added.
Specify number of row to be added to.

u Row Operations
• {DELETE} ... {delete row}
• {INSERT} ... {insert row}
• {ADD} ... {add row}

u To delete a row

To delete row 2



u To insert a row

To insert a new row between rows one and two

u To add a row

To add a new row below row 3

u Column Operations
• {DELETE} ... {delete column}
• {INSERT} ... {insert column}
• {ADD} ... {add column}

u To delete a column

To delete column 2


k Transferring Data between Matrices and CSV Files
You can import the contents of a CSV file stored with this calculator or transferred from a
computer into one of the matrix memories (Mat A through Mat Z, and MatAns). You also can
save the contents of one of the matrix memories (Mat A through Mat Z, and MatAns) as a CSV

u To import the contents of a CSV file to a matrix memory
1. Prepare the CSV file you want to import.
• See “Import CSV File Requirements” (page 3-18).
2. While the Matrix Editor is on the display, use f and c to highlight the name of the matrix
to which you want to import the CSV file contents.
• If the matrix you select already contains data, performing the following steps will overwrite
its current contents with the newly imported CSV file data.
3. Press 4(CSV)1(LOAD).
4. On the select file dialog box that appears, use f and c to move the highlighting to the
file you want to import and then press w.
• This imports the contents of the CSV file you specified to the matrix memory.

Attempting to import the following types of CSV files will result in an error.
• A CSV file that includes data that cannot be converted. In this case, an error message will
appear showing the location in the CSV file (Example: row 2, column 3) where the data that
cannot be converted is located.
• A CSV file with more than 999 columns or 999 rows. In this case, an “Invalid Data Size” error
will occur.

u To save matrix contents as a CSV file
1. While the Matrix Editor is on the display, use f and c to highlight the name of the matrix
whose contents you want to save as a CSV file.
2. Press 4(CSV)2(SAVE • AS).
• This displays a folder selection screen.
3. Select the folder where you want to save the CSV file.
• To store the CSV file in the root directory, highlight “ROOT”.
• To store the CSV file in a folder, use f and c to move the highlighting to the desired
folder and then press 1(OPEN).
4. Press 1(SAVE • AS).
5. Input up to eight characters for the file name and then press w.


• When saving matrix data to a CSV file, some data is converted as described below.
- Complex number data: Only the real number part is extracted.
- Fraction data: Converted to calculation line format (Example: 2{3{4 → =2+3/4)
- ' and π data: Converted to a decimal value (Example: '
3 → 1.732050808)

u To specify the CSV file delimiter symbol and decimal point
While the Matrix Editor is on the display, press 4(CSV)3(SET) to display the CSV format
setting screen. Next, perform the procedure from step 3 under “Specifying the CSV File
Delimiter Symbol and Decimal Point” (page 3-20).

k Modifying Matrices Using Matrix Commands


u To display the matrix commands
1. From the Main Menu, enter the Run-Matrix mode.
2. Press K to display the option menu.
3. Press 2(MAT/VCT) to display the matrix command menu.
The following describes only the matrix command menu items that are used for creating
matrices and inputting matrix data.
• {Mat} ... {Mat command (matrix specification)}
• {Mat→Lst} ... {Mat→List command (assign contents of selected column to a list)}
• {Augment} ... {Augment command (link two matrices)}
• {Identity} ... {Identity command (identity matrix input)}
• {Dim} ... {Dim command (dimension check)}
• {Fill(} ... {Fill command (identical cell values)}
• You can also use !c(Mat) in place of K2(MAT/VCT)1(Mat).


u Matrix Data Input Format


The following shows the format you should use when inputting data to create a matrix using
the Mat command.
a11 a12 ... a1n


a22 ... a2n



am2 ... amn

= [ [a11, a12, ..., a1n] [a21, a22, ..., a2n] .... [am1, am2, ..., amn] ]

→ Mat [letter A through Z]

To input the following data as Matrix A:

1 3 5
2 4 6

!+( [ )!+( [ )b,d,f
!-( ] )!+( [ )c,e,g
!-( ] )!-( ] )aK2(MAT/VCT)

• The maximum value of both m and n is 999.
• An error occurs if memory becomes full as you are inputting data.
• You can also use the above format inside a program that inputs matrix data.

u To input an identity matrix


Use the Identity command to create an identity matrix.

To create a 3 × 3 identity matrix as Matrix A
Number of rows/columns


u To check the dimensions of a matrix


Use the Dim command to check the dimensions of an existing matrix.
Example 1

To check the dimensions of Matrix A

The display shows that Matrix A consists of two rows and three columns.
Since the result of the Dim command is list type data, it is stored in ListAns Memory.
You can also use {Dim} to specify the dimensions of the matrix.
Example 2

To specify dimensions of 2 rows and 3 columns for Matrix B
!*(  )c,d!/(  )a

• The “Dim” command can be used to check and configure vector dimension settings.

u Modifying Matrices Using Matrix Commands
You can also use matrix commands to assign values to and recall values from an existing
matrix, to fill in all cells of an existing matrix with the same value, to combine two matrices into
a single matrix, and to assign the contents of a matrix column to a list.

u To assign values to and recall values from an existing matrix
Use the following format with the Mat command to specify a cell for value assignment and
Mat X [m, n]
X = matrix name (A through Z, or Ans)

m = row number
n = column number


Example 1

To assign 10 to the cell at row 1, column 2 of the following matrix:
1 2
Matrix A =





av(A)!+(  )b,c
!-(  )w
• The “Vct” command can be used to assign values to existing vectors.
Example 2

Multiply the value in the cell at row 2, column 2 of the above matrix by 5
av(A)!+(  )c,c
!-(  )*fw

• The “Vct” command can be used to recall values from existing vectors.

u To fill a matrix with identical values and to combine two matrices into a
single matrix
Use the Fill( command to fill all the cells of an existing matrix with an identical value and the
Augment command to combine two existing matrices into a single matrix.
Example 1

To fill all of the cells of Matrix A with the value 3
K2(MAT/VCT)6(g)3(Fill( )

• The “Fill” command can be used to write the same value into all vector elements.
Example 2

To combine the following two matrices:
Matrix A =
Matrix B =

• The two matrices you combine must have the same number of rows. An error occurs if you
try to combine two matrices that have different number of rows.
• You can use Matrix Answer Memory to assign the results of the above matrix input and edit
operations to a matrix variable. To do so, use the following syntax.
Augment (Mat α, Mat β) → Mat γ
In the above, α, β, and γ are any variable names A through Z.
The above does not affect the contents of Matrix Answer Memory.
• The “Augment” command can be used to merge two vectors into a single matrix.


u To assign the contents of a matrix column to a list


Use the following format with the Mat→List command to specify a column and a list.
Mat→List (Mat X, m) → List n
X = matrix name (A through Z)

m = column number
n = list number

To assign the contents of column 2 of the following matrix to list 1:

Matrix A =








k Matrix Calculations


Use the matrix command menu to perform matrix calculation operations.

u To display the matrix commands
1. From the Main Menu, enter the Run-Matrix mode.
2. Press K to display the option menu.
3. Press 2(MAT/VCT) to display the matrix command menu.
The following describes only the matrix commands that are used for matrix arithmetic
• {Mat} ... {Mat command (matrix specification)}
• {Det} ... {Det command (determinant command)}
• {Trn} ... {Trn command (transpose matrix command)}
• {Identity} ... {Identity command (identity matrix input)}
• {Ref} ... {Ref command (row echelon form command)}
• {Rref} ... {Rref command (reduced row echelon form command)}
All of the following examples assume that matrix data is already stored in memory.


u Matrix Arithmetic Operations
Example 1


To add the following two matrices (Matrix A + Matrix B):
Matrix A =





Matrix B =





Example 2

To multiply the two matrices in Example 1 (Matrix A × Matrix B)

• The two matrices must have the same dimensions in order to be added or subtracted. An
error occurs if you try to add or subtract matrices of different dimensions.
• For multiplication (Matrix 1 × Matrix 2), the number of columns in Matrix 1 must match the
number of rows in Matrix 2. Otherwise, an error occurs.

u Determinant

Obtain the determinant for the following matrix:
1 2 3
Matrix A =




−1 −2


• Determinants can be obtained only for square matrices (same number of rows and columns).
Trying to obtain a determinant for a matrix that is not square produces an error.
• The determinant of a 2 × 2 matrix is calculated as shown below.
|A| =

a11 a12
a21 a22

= a11a22 – a12a21

• The determinant of a 3 × 3 matrix is calculated as shown below.
|A| =

a11 a12 a13
a21 a22 a23
a31 a32 a33

= a11a22a33 + a12a23a31 + a13a21a32 – a11a23a32 – a12a21a33 – a13a22a31


u Matrix Transposition


A matrix is transposed when its rows become columns and its columns become rows.

To transpose the following matrix:

Matrix A =







• The “Trn” command can be used with a vector as well. It converts a 1-row × n-column vector
to an n-row × 1-column vector, or an m-row × 1-column vector to a 1-row × m-column vector.

u Row Echelon Form


This command uses the Gaussian elimination algorithm to find the row echelon form of a

To find the row echelon form of the following matrix:
Matrix A =









u Reduced Row Echelon Form


This command finds the reduced row echelon form of a matrix.

To find the reduced row echelon form of the following matrix:

Matrix A =














• The row echelon form and reduced row echelon form operation may not produce accurate
results due to dropped digits.

u Matrix Inversion


To invert the following matrix:
Matrix A =






• Only square matrices (same number of rows and columns) can be inverted. Trying to invert a
matrix that is not square produces an error.
• A matrix with a determinant of zero cannot be inverted. Trying to invert a matrix with
determinant of zero produces an error.
• Calculation precision is affected for matrices whose determinant is near zero.
• A matrix being inverted must satisfy the conditions shown below.
A A–1 = A–1 A = E =

1 0
0 1

The following shows the formula used to invert Matrix A into inverse matrix A–1.

a b
c d


ad – bc

d –b
–c a

Note that ad – bc ≠ 0.


u Squaring a Matrix


To square the following matrix:
Matrix A =






u Raising a Matrix to a Power


To raise the following matrix to the third power:
Matrix A =





• For matrix power calculations, calculation is possible up to a power of 32766.

u Determining the Absolute Value, Integer Part, Fraction Part, and Maximum
Integer of a Matrix

To determine the absolute value of the following matrix:
Matrix A =





• The “Abs” command can be used to obtain the absolute value of a vector element.


u Complex Number Calculations with a Matrix

To determine the absolute value of a matrix with the following complex
number elements:
–1 + i

Matrix D =


–2 + 2i


• The following complex number functions are supported in matrices and vectors.
i, Abs, Arg, Conjg, ReP, ImP

Matrix Calculation Precautions
• Determinants and inverse matrices are subject to error due to dropped digits.
• Matrix operations are performed individually on each cell, so calculations may require
considerable time to complete.
• The calculation precision of displayed results for matrix calculations is ±1 at the least
significant digit.
• If a matrix calculation result is too large to fit into Matrix Answer Memory, an error occurs.
• You can use the following operation to transfer Matrix Answer Memory contents to another
MatAns → Mat α
In the above, α is any variable name A through Z. The above does not affect the contents of
Matrix Answer Memory.


9. Vector Calculations
To perform vector calculations, use the Main Menu to enter the Run-Matrix mode, and then
press 3('MAT/VCT)6(M⇔V).
A vector is defined as a matrix that is either of the two following forms: m (rows) × 1 (column)
or 1 (row) × n (columns).
The maximum allowable value that can be specified for both m and n is 999.
You can use the 26 vector memories (Vct A through Vct Z) plus a Vector Answer Memory
(VctAns) to perform the vector calculations listed below.
• Addition, subtraction, multiplication
• Scalar multiple calculations
• Dot product calculations
• Cross product calculations
• Determination of the vector norm (size)
• Determination of the angle formed by two vectors
• Determination of the unit vector

• You can input either an upper-case X (a+(X)) or lower-case x (v) for vector memory
“Vct X”. Both “Vct X” and “Vct x” refer to the same memory area.
About Vector Answer Memory (VctAns)
The calculator automatically stores vector calculation results in Vector Answer Memory. Note
the following precautions about Vector Answer Memory.
• Whenever you perform a vector calculation, the current Vector Answer Memory contents are
replaced by the new result. The previous contents are deleted and cannot be recovered.
• Inputting values into a vector does not affect Vector Answer Memory contents.
• Vector calculation results are also stored in Matrix Answer Memory (MatAns).


k Inputting and Editing a Vector
Pressing 3('MAT/VCT)6(M⇔V) displays the Vector Editor screen. Use the Vector Editor
to input and edit vectors.

m × n ... m (row) × n (column) vector
None ... no vector preset
• {DELETE}/{DEL-ALL} ... deletes {a specific vector}/{all vectors}
• {DIM} ... specifies the vector dimensions (m rows × 1 column or 1 row × n columns)
• {M⇔V} ... displays the Matrix Editor screen (page 2-42)
Vector input and editing, and vector cell (element) operations are the same as matrix
calculation operations. For more information, see “Inputting and Editing Matrices” (page 2-42)
and “Matrix Cell Operations” (page 2-44). Note, however, that vector calculations differ from
matrix calculations as described below.
• On the vector memory element input screen, there is no 1(ROW-OP) in the function menu.
• For vector editing, the dimension always limited to m rows × 1 column or 1 row × n columns.

k Vector Calculations


Use the vector command menu to perform vector calculations.

u To display vector commands
1. From the Main Menu, enter the Run-Matrix mode.
2. Press K to display the option menu.
3. Press 2(MAT/VCT)6(g)6(g) to display the vector command menu.
• {Vct} ... {Vct command (vector specification)}
• {DotP(} ... {DotP command (dot product command)}
• {CrossP(} ... {CrossP command (cross product command)}
• {Angle(} ... {Angle command (calculate the angle formed by two vectors)}
• {UnitV(} ... {UnitV command (calculate the unit vector)}
• {Norm(} ... {Norm command (calculate the vector norm (size))}

Vector Calculation Precautions
• When calculating a dot product, cross product, and angle formed by two vectors, the
dimensions of the two vectors must be the same. Also, a cross product’s dimensions must
be 1 × 2, 1 × 3, 2 × 1, or 3 × 1.
• Vector calculations are performed independently for each element, so it may take some time
before calculations results are displayed.


• The calculation precision of displayed results for vector calculations is ±1 at the least
significant digit.
• If a vector calculation result is too large to fit into Vector Answer Memory, an error occurs.
• You can use the following operation to transfer Vector Answer Memory contents to another
VctAns → Vct 
In the above,  is any variable name A through Z. The above does not affect the contents of
Vector Answer Memory.
• Vector memory and matrix memory are compatible with each other, so vector memory
contents can be assigned to matrix memory, if you want.
Vct  → Mat 
In the above,  and  are any variable names A through Z.

u Vector Data Input Format


The following shows the format you should use when inputting data to create a vector using
the Vct command.



→ Vct [A to Z]

[a11 a12 ... a1n] → Vct [A to Z]


To input the following data to Vct A: [ 1 2 3 ]
!+( [ )!+( [ )b,c,d
!-( ] )!-( ] )a

• The maximum value of both m and n is 999.
• An error occurs if memory becomes full as you are inputting data.
• You can also use the above format inside a program that inputs vector data.
All of the following examples assume that vector data is already stored in memory.


u Vector Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication
Example 1


To determine the sum of the two vectors shown below (Vct A + Vct B):
Vct A = [ 1 2 ]

Vct B = [ 3 4 ]

Example 2

To determine the product of the two vectors shown below (Vct A × Vct B):
Vct A = [ 1 2 ] Vct B =

Example 3

To determine the product of the matrix and vector shown below (Mat A ×
Vct B):
1 2
Mat A =
Vct B =
2 1

• When performing addition or subtraction of two vectors, they both must have the same
• When multiplying Vct A (1 × n) and Vct B (m × 1), n and m must be the same.

u Dot Product

To determine the dot product of the two vectors below
Vct A = [ 1 2 ]

Vct B = [ 3 4 ]

2(DotP( )1(Vct)av(A),


u Cross Product


To determine the cross product of the two vectors below
Vct A = [ 1 2 ]

Vct B = [ 3 4 ]

3(CrossP( )1(Vct)av(A),

u Angle Formed by Two Vectors


To determine the angle formed by two vectors
Vct A = [ 1 2 ]

Vct B = [ 3 4 ]

4(Angle( )1(Vct)av(A),

u Unit Vector

Determine the unit vector of the vector below
Vct A = [ 5 5 ]
5(UnitV( )1(Vct)av(A))w

u Vector Norm (Size)


To determine the vector norm (size)
Vct A = [ 1 3 ]
1(Norm( )6(g)6(g)6(g)

• You can use the “Norm” command to calculate the norm of a matrix.


10. Metric Conversion Calculations
You can convert values from one unit of measurement to another. Measurement units are
classified according to the following 11 categories. The indicators in the “Display Name”
column show the text that appears in the calculator’s function menu.

Metric conversion commands are supported only when the Metric Conversion add-in
application is installed.

Display Name


Display Name


Display Name
























You can convert from any unit in a category to any other unit in the same category.
• Attempting to convert from a unit in one category (such as “AREA”) to a unit in another
category (such as “TIME”) results in a Conversion ERROR.
• See the “Unit Conversion Command List” (page 2-66) for information about the units
included in each category.


k Performing a Unit Conversion Calculation


Input the value you are converting from and the conversion commands using the syntax shown
below to perform a unit conversion calculation.
{value converting from}{conversion command 1} ' {conversion command 2}
• Use {conversion command 1} to specify the unit being converted from and {conversion
command 2} to specify the unit being converted to.
• ' is a command that links the two conversion commands. This command is always available
at 1(') of the Conversion menu.
• Real numbers or a list that contains real number elements only can be used as the value
being converted from. When values being converted from are input into a list (or when list
memory is specified), conversion calculation is performed for each element in the list and
calculation results are returned in list format (ListAns screen).
• A complex number cannot be used as a value to be converted from. An error occurs if even
a single element of a list being used as the value being converted from contains a complex
Example 1

To convert 50cm to inches

Example 2

To convert {175, 162} square meters to hectares


k Unit Conversion Command List
Display Name


Display Name





cubic centimeter











cubic meter




cubic inch




cubic foot




astronomical unit


light year




1/1000 inch


























nautical mile



n mile









fluid ounce (U.S.)




UK gallon


square centimeter


square meter




square kilometer


square inch




square foot




square yard


sidereal year




tropical year


square mile















degrees Celsius






Kilo Pascal


degrees Fahrenheit


millimeter of water


degrees Rankine


millimeter of Mercury


meter per second




kilometer per hour


inch of water




inch of Mercury


foot per second


pound per square


mile per hour

Display Name


atomic mass unit



kilogram force per
square centimeter
electron Volt





metric ton


calorie (15°C)


avoirdupois ounce




pound mass




kilocalorie (15°C)




liter atmosphere



ton, short (2000lbm)


ton, long (2240lbm)














kilowatt hour


pound of force




ton of force


British thermal unit







kilogram of force






Display Name




kilogram force meter
calorie per second
foot-pound per
British thermal unit
per minute

Source: NIST Special Publication 811 (2008)


Chapter 3 List Function
A list is a storage place for multiple data items.
This calculator lets you store up to 26 lists in a single file, and you can store up to six files in
memory. Stored lists can be used in arithmetic and statistical calculations, and for graphing.
Element number
List 1


Display range


List 2

List 3







List 4

List 5





List 26

List name
Sub name



1. Inputting and Editing a List
When you enter the Statistics mode, the “List Editor” will appear first. You can use the List
Editor to input data into a list and to perform a variety of other list data operations.

u To input values one-by-one
Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the list
name, sub name or cell you want to select. Note that c
does not move the highlighting to a cell that does not
contain a value.

The screen automatically scrolls when the highlighting is located at either edge of the screen.
The following example is performed starting with the highlighting located at Cell 1 of List 1.
1. Input a value and press w to store it in the list.
• The highlighting automatically moves down to the next
cell for input.



2. Input the value 4 in the second cell, and then input the
result of 2 + 3 in the next cell.

• You can also input the result of an expression or a complex number into a cell.
• You can input values up to 999 cells in a single list.

u To batch input a series of values
1. Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to another
2. Press !*( { ), and then input the values you want,
pressing , between each one. Press !/( } ) after
inputting the final value.
!*( { )g,h,i!/( } )
3. Press w to store all of the values in your list.

• Remember that a comma separates values, so you should not input a comma after the final
value of the set you are inputting.
Right: {34, 53, 78}
Wrong: {34, 53, 78,}
You can also use list names inside of a mathematical expression to input values into another
cell. The following example shows how to add the values in each row in List 1 and List 2, and
input the result into List 3.
1. Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the name
of the list where you want the calculation results to be


2. Press K and input the expression.

• You can also use !b(List) in place of K1(LIST)1(List).

k Editing List Values
u To change a cell value
Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the cell whose value you want to change. Input
the new value and press w to replace the old data with the new one.

u To edit the contents of a cell
1. Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the cell whose contents you want to edit.
2. Press 6(g)2(EDIT).
3. Make any changes in the data you want.

u To delete a cell
1. Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the cell you want to delete.
2. Press 6(g)3(DELETE) to delete the selected cell and cause everything below it to be
shifted up.
• The cell delete operation does not affect cells in other lists. If the data in the list whose cell
you delete is somehow related to the data in neighboring lists, deleting a cell can cause
related values to become misaligned.

u To delete all cells in a list
Use the following procedure to delete all the data in a list.
1. Use the cursor key to move the highlighting to any cell of the list whose data you want to
2. Pressing 6(g)4(DEL-ALL) causes a confirmation message to appear.
3. Press 1(Yes) to delete all the cells in the selected list or 6(No) to abort the delete
operation without deleting anything.


u To insert a new cell
1. Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the location where you want to insert the
new cell.
2. Press 6(g)5(INSERT) to insert a new cell, which contains a value of 0, causing
everything below it to be shifted down.
• The cell insert operation does not affect cells in other lists. If the data in the list where you
insert a cell is somehow related to the data in neighboring lists, inserting a cell can cause
related values to become misaligned.

k Naming a List
You can assign List 1 through List 26 “sub names” of up to eight bytes each.

u To name a list
1. On the Setup screen, highlight “Sub Name” and then press 1(On)J.
2. Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the SUB cell of the list you want to name.

3. Type in the name and then press w.
• To type in a name using alpha characters, press !a to enter the ALPHA-LOCK
Example: YEAR


• The following operation displays a sub name in the Run-Matrix mode.
!m(SET UP)2(Line)J
!b(List) n!+( [ )a!-( ] )w
(n = list number from 1 to 26)

• Though you can input up to 8 bytes for the sub name, only the characters that can fit within
the List Editor cell will be displayed.
• The List Editor SUB cell is not displayed when “Off” is selected for “Sub Name” on the Setup

k Changing the Data Color
You can change the color of data input into an individual cell or for all of the data input in a
particular list.

u To change the data color in a specific cell
1. Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the cell
whose character color you want to change.
• Be sure to select a cell that already contains input
data. You will not be able to perform the next step if you
select a cell that does not contain any input data.

2. Press !f(FORMAT) to display the color selection
dialog box.

3. Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the
desired color and then press w.
• You also can select an option by pressing the number
key that corresponds to the number to the left of the
desired option.


u To change the color of all the data in a particular list
1. Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the
list name of the list whose character color you want to
• Be sure to select a list that already contains input data.
You will not be able to perform the next step if you
select a list that does not contain any input data.
2. Press !f(FORMAT) to display the color selection dialog box.
3. Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the
desired color and then press w.
• Changing the character color affects only cells that
already contain input data. After performing this
operation, any data input into any cell that did not
previously contain data will be the default color (black).
Note that this operation does not change the color of
the sub name.

k Sorting List Values
You can sort lists into either ascending or descending order. The highlighting can be located in
any cell of the list.

u To sort a single list
Ascending order
1. While the lists are on the screen, press 6(g)1(TOOL)1(SORTASC).
2. The prompt “How Many Lists?:” appears to ask how many lists you want to sort. Here we will
input 1 to indicate we want to sort only one list.
3. In response to the “Select List List No:” prompt, input the number of the list you want to sort.
Descending order
Use the same procedure as that for the ascending order sort. The only difference is that you
should press 2(SORTDES) in place of 1(SORTASC).


u To sort multiple lists
You can link multiple lists together for a sort so that all of their cells are rearranged in
accordance with the sorting of a base list. The base list is sorted into either ascending
order or descending order, while the cells of the linked lists are arranged so that the relative
relationship of all the rows is maintained.
Ascending order
1. While the lists are on the screen, press 6(g)1(TOOL)1(SORTASC).
2. The prompt “How Many Lists?:” appears to ask how many lists you want to sort. Here we will
sort one base list linked to one other list, so we should input 2.
3. In response to the “Select Base List List No:” prompt, input the number of the list you want
to sort into ascending order. Here we will specify List 1.
4. In response to the “Select Second List List No:” prompt, input the number of the list you
want to link to the base list. Here we will specify List 2.
Descending order
Use the same procedure as that for the ascending order sort. The only difference is that you
should press 2(SORTDES) in place of 1(SORTASC).
• You can specify a value from 1 to 6 as the number of lists for sorting.
• If you specify a list more than once for a single sort operation, an error occurs.
An error also occurs if lists specified for sorting do not have the same number of values

2. Manipulating List Data
List data can be used in arithmetic and function calculations. In addition, various list data
manipulation functions make manipulation of list data quick and easy.
You can use list data manipulation functions in the Run-Matrix, Statistics, Table, Equation
and Program modes.


k Accessing the List Data Manipulation Function Menu
All of the following examples are performed after entering the Run-Matrix mode.
Press K and then 1(LIST) to display the list data manipulation menu, which contains the
following items.
• {List}/{Lst→Mat}/{Dim}/{Fill(}/{Seq}/{Min}/{Max}/{Mean}/{Med}/{Augment}/{Sum}/{Prod}/
Note that all closing parentheses at the end of the following operations can be omitted.

u To transfer list contents to Matrix Answer Memory


K1(LIST)2(Lst→Mat)1(List)  ,1(List)  ...
,1(List)  )w
• You can skip input 1(List) in the part of the above operation.
• All the lists must contain the same number of data items. If they don’t, an error occurs.
Example: List → Mat (1, 2)w

To transfer the contents of List 1 (2, 3, 6, 5, 4) to column 1, and the
contents of List 2 (11, 12, 13, 14, 15) to column 2 of Matrix Answer

u To count the number of data items in a list


K1(LIST)3(Dim)1(List)  w
• The number of cells a list contains is its “dimension.”

To count the number of values in List 1 (36, 16, 58, 46, 56)


u To create a list by specifying the number of data items


Use the following procedure to specify the number of data in the assignment statement and
create a list.
 aK1(LIST)3(Dim)1(List)  w (n = 1 - 999)

To create five data items (each of which contains 0) in List 1

You can view the newly created list by entering the
Statistics mode.

u To replace all data items with the same value


K1(LIST)4(Fill( )  ,1(List)  )w

To replace all data items in List 1 with the number 3
AK1(LIST)4(Fill( )

The following shows the new contents of List 1.

u To generate a sequence of numbers


K1(LIST)5(Seq)  ,  ,  , 
,  )w
• The result of this operation is stored in ListAns Memory.

To input the number sequence 12, 62, 112, into a list, using the function
f(x) = X2. Use a starting value of 1, an ending value of 11, and an
increment of 5.

Specifying an ending value of 12, 13, 14, or 15 produces the same result as shown above
since they are less than the value produced by the next increment (16).


u To find the minimum value in a list


K1(LIST)6(g)1(Min)6(g)6(g)1(List)  )w

To find the minimum value in List 1 (36, 16, 58, 46, 56)

u To find which of two lists contains the greatest value


K1(LIST)6(g)2(Max)6(g)6(g)1(List)  ,1(List)
• The two lists must contain the same number of data items. If they don’t, an error occurs.
• The result of this operation is stored in ListAns Memory.

To find whether List 1 (75, 16, 98, 46, 56) or List 2 (35, 59, 58, 72, 67)
contains the greatest value

u To calculate the mean of data items


K1(LIST)6(g)3(Mean)6(g)6(g)1(List)  )w

To calculate the mean of data items in List 1 (36, 16, 58, 46, 56)

u To calculate the median of data items of specified frequency
This procedure uses two lists: one that contains values and one that indicates the frequency
(number of occurrences) of each value. The frequency of the data in Cell 1 of the first list is
indicated by the value in Cell 1 of the second list, etc.
• The two lists must contain the same number of data items. If they don’t, an error occurs.
K1(LIST)6(g)4(Med)6(g)6(g)1(List)  ,1(List)



To calculate the median of values in List 1 (36, 16, 58, 46, 56), whose
frequency is indicated by List 2 (75, 89, 98, 72, 67)

u To combine lists


• You can combine two different lists into a single list. The result of a list combination operation
is stored in ListAns memory.
K1(LIST)6(g)5(Augment)6(g)6(g)1(List)  ,1(List)

To combine the List 1 (–3, –2) and List 2 (1, 9, 10)

u To calculate the sum of data items in a list


K1(LIST)6(g)6(g)1(Sum)6(g)1(List)  w

To calculate the sum of data items in List 1 (36, 16, 58, 46, 56)

u To calculate the product of values in a list


K1(LIST)6(g)6(g)2(Prod)6(g)1(List)  w

To calculate the product of values in List 1 (2, 3, 6, 5, 4)


u To calculate the cumulative frequency of each data item [OPTN]-[LIST]-[Cuml]
K1(LIST)6(g)6(g)3(Cuml)6(g)1(List)  w
• The result of this operation is stored in ListAns Memory.

To calculate the cumulative frequency of each data item in List 1
(2, 3, 6, 5, 4)

1 2+3=
2 2+3+6=
3 2+3+6+5=
4 2+3+6+5+4=
1 2

u To calculate the percentage represented by each data item




K1(LIST)6(g)6(g)4(%)6(g)1(List)  w
• The above operation calculates what percentage of the list total is represented by each data
• The result of this operation is stored in ListAns Memory.

To calculate the percentage represented by each data item in List 1
(2, 3, 6, 5, 4)
1 2/(2+3+6+5+4) × 100 =
2 3/(2+3+6+5+4) × 100 =
3 6/(2+3+6+5+4) × 100 =
4 5/(2+3+6+5+4) × 100 =
5 4/(2+3+6+5+4) × 100 =







u To calculate the differences between neighboring data inside a list


K1(LIST)6(g)6(g)5(ΔList)  w
• The result of this operation is stored in ListAns Memory.

To calculate the difference between the data items in List 1 (1, 3, 8, 5, 4)
1 2 3


• You can specify the storage location in list memory for a calculation result produced by a list
calculation whose result is stored in ListAns memory. For example, specifying “ΔList 1 → List
2” will store the result of ΔList 1 in List 2.
• The number of cells in the new ΔList is one less than the number of cells in the original list.
• An error occurs if you execute ΔList for a list that has no data or only one data item.

3. Arithmetic Calculations Using Lists
You can perform arithmetic calculations using two lists or one list and a numeric value.

Numeric Value


ListAns Memory
Numeric Value


Calculation results are stored in
ListAns Memory.

k Error Messages
• A calculation involving two lists performs the operation between corresponding cells.
Because of this, an error occurs if the two lists do not have the same number of values
(which means they have different “dimensions”).
• An error occurs whenever an operation involving any two cells generates a mathematical


k Inputting a List into a Calculation
There are three methods you can use to input a list into a calculation.
• Specification of the list number of a list created with List Editor.
• Specification of the sub name of a list created with List Editor.
• Direct input of a list of values.

u To specify the list number of a list created with List Editor
1. In the Run-Matrix mode, perform the following key operation.
• Enter the “List” command.
2. Enter the list number (integer from 1 to 26) you want to specify.

u To specify the sub name of a list created with List Editor
1. In the Run-Matrix mode, perform the following key operation.
• Enter the “List” command.
2. Enter the sub name of the list you want to specify, enclosed in double quotes (” ”).
Example: ”QTY”

u To directly input a list of values
You can also directly input a list of values using {, }, and ,.

To input the list: 56, 82, 64
!*( { )fg,ic,
ge!/( } )


u To assign the contents of one list to another list
Use a to assign the contents of one list to another list.

To assign the contents of List 3 (41, 65, 22) to List 1

In place of 1(LIST)1(List)d operation in the above procedure, you could input
!*( { )eb,gf,cc!/( } ).

u To recall the value in a specific list cell
You can recall the value in a specific list cell and use it in a calculation. Specify the cell number
by enclosing it inside square brackets.

To calculate the sine of the value stored in Cell 3 of List 2
sK1(LIST)1(List)c!+( [ )d!-( ] )w

u To input a value into a specific list cell
You can input a value into a specific list cell inside a list. When you do, the value that was
previously stored in the cell is replaced with the new value you input.

To input the value 25 into Cell 2 of List 3
cfaK1(LIST)1(List)d!+( [ )c!-( ] )w

k Recalling List Contents

To recall the contents of List 1

• The above operation displays the contents of the list you specify and also stores them in
ListAns Memory. You can then use the ListAns Memory contents in a calculation.

u To use list contents in ListAns Memory in a calculation

To multiply the list contents in ListAns Memory by 36

• The operation K1(LIST)1(List)!-(Ans) recalls ListAns Memory contents.
• This operation replaces current ListAns Memory contents with the result of the above


k Graphing a Function Using a List
When using the graphing functions of this calculator, you can input a function such as Y1 =
List 1X. If List 1 contains the values 1, 2, 3, this function will produce three graphs: Y = X,
Y = 2X, Y = 3X.
There are certain limitations on using lists with graphing functions.

k Inputting Scientific Calculations into a List
You can use the numeric table generation functions in the Table mode to input values that
result from certain scientific function calculations into a list. To do this, first generate a table
and then use the list copy function to copy the values from the table to the list.

To use the Table mode to create a number table for the formula (Y1 =
x2 –1), and then copy the table to List 1 in the Statistics mode

1. In the Table mode, input the formula Y1 = x2 –1.
2. Create the number table.

3. Use e to move the highlighting to the Y1 column.
4. Press K1(LISTMEM).

5. Press bw.
6. Enter the Statistics mode to confirm that Table mode column Y1 has been copied to List 1.


k Performing Scientific Function Calculations Using a List
Lists can be used just as numeric values are in scientific function calculations. When the
calculation produces a list as a result, the list is stored in ListAns Memory.

To use List 3 (41, 65, 22) to perform sin (List 3)
Use radians as the angle unit.

4. Switching between List Files
You can store up to 26 lists (List 1 to List 26) in each file (File 1 to File 6). A simple operation
lets you switch between list files.

u To switch between list files
1. From the Main Menu, enter the Statistics mode.
Press !m(SET UP) to display the Statistics mode Setup screen.
2. Use c to highlight “List File”.

3. Press 1(FILE) and then input the number of the list file you want to use.

To select File 3

All subsequent list operations are applied to the lists contained in the file you select (List File 3
in the above example).


5. Using CSV Files
You can import the contents of a CSV file stored with this calculator or transferred from a
computer into the List Editor. You also can save the contents of all the list data in the List Editor
as a CSV file. These operations are performed using the CSV function menu, which appears
when you press 6(g)6(g)1(CSV) while the List Editor is on the display.

k Import CSV File Requirements
A CSV file that has been output from the List Editor, Matrix Editor (page 2-42), or Spreadsheet
(page 9-4), or a CSV file transferred from a computer to storage memory can be used for
import. The following types of CSV files are supported for import.
• A CSV file that uses the comma ( , ) or semi-colon ( ; ) as its delimiter, and the period ( . ) or
comma ( , ) as its decimal point. A CSV file that uses the tab as its delimiter is not supported.
• CR, LF and CRLF are supported for the line break code.
• When importing a CSV file to the calculator, if the data in Line 1 of each column of the file
(or Line 1 of Column 1 of the file) contains double quotation marks ( " ) or a single quotation
mark ( ' ), Line 1 of all of the columns of the CSV file will be ignored, and data will be input
starting from Line 2.
For information about transferring files from a computer to the calculator, see “Chapter 13 Data

k Transferring Data between Lists and CSV Files
u To import the contents of a CSV file to the List Editor
1. Prepare the CSV file you want to import.
• See “Import CSV File Requirements” described above.
2. While the List Editor is on the display, press 6(g)6(g)1(CSV) to display the CSV
function menu.
3. What you should do next depends on the type of CSV file import operation you want to
To overwrite the entire contents
of the List Editor:

To start import from a specific row:
Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the
row from which you want to start importing data and
then press 1(LOAD)1(LIST).


Press 1(LOAD)2(FILE).

4. On the select file dialog box that appears, use f and c to move the highlighting to the
file you want to import and then press w.
• This imports the contents of the CSV file you specified to the List Editor.
• If you pressed 1(LOAD)1(LIST) in step 3, import starts from the row where the
highlighted cell is located, overwriting List Editor rows only with the same number of rows
contained in the CSV file.
List Editor Original Content
List 1

List 2

List 3

List 4

List 5






















Import CSV File Data









List Editor Content following Import
List 1

List 2

List 3

List 4

List 5


















Attempting to import the following types of CSV files will result in an error.
• A CSV file that includes data that cannot be converted. In this case, an error message will
appear showing the location in the CSV file (Example: row 2, column 3) where the data that
cannot be converted is located.
• A CSV file with more than 26 columns or 999 rows. In this case, an “Invalid Data Size” error
will occur.


u To save the contents of all the list data in the List Editor as a single CSV file
1. While the List Editor is on the display, press 6(g)6(g)1(CSV) to display the CSV
function menu.
2. Press 2(SAVE • AS).
• This displays a folder selection screen.
3. Select the folder where you want to save the CSV file.
• To store the CSV file in the root directory, highlight “ROOT”.
• To store the CSV file in a folder, use f and c to move the highlighting to the desired
folder and then press 1(OPEN).
4. Press 1(SAVE • AS).
5. Input up to eight characters for the file name and then press w.

• The sub name line of the List Editor is not saved in the CSV file.
• When saving list data to a CSV file, some data is converted as described below.
- Complex number data: Only the real number part is extracted.
- Fraction data: Converted to calculation line format (Example: 2{3{4 → =2+3/4)
- ' and π data: Converted to a decimal value (Example: '
3 → 1.732050808)

k Specifying the CSV File Delimiter Symbol and Decimal Point
When importing a CSV file that has been transferred from a computer to the calculator, specify
the delimiter symbol and decimal point in accordance with the settings you specified on the
application when outputting the CSV file. The comma ( , ) or semi-colon ( ; ) can be specified
for the delimiter, while the period ( . ) or comma ( , ) can be specified as the decimal point.

u To specify the CSV file delimiter symbol and decimal point
1. While the List Editor is on the display, press 6(g)6(g)1(CSV) to display the CSV
function menu.
2. Press 3(SET).
• This displays the CSV format setting screen.
3. Use the f and c keys to move the highlighting to “CSV Separator” and then press
1( , ) or 2( ; ).
4. Use the f and c keys to move the highlighting to “CSV Decimal Symbol” and then press
1( . ) or 2( , ).
• If you specified 1( , ) in step 3, you will not be able to specify 2( , ) here.
5. After the setting is the way you want, press J.


Chapter 4 Equation Calculations
From the Main Menu, enter the Equation mode.
• {SIMUL} ... {linear equation with 2 to 6 unknowns}
• {POLY} ... {degree 2 to 6 equation}
• {SOLVER} ... {Solve calculation}

1. Simultaneous Linear Equations
You can solve simultaneous linear equations with two to six unknowns.
• Simultaneous Linear Equation with Two Unknowns:

a1x + b1y = c1
a2x + b2y = c2
• Simultaneous Linear Equation with Three Unknowns:


a1x + b1y + c1z = d1
a2x + b2y + c2z = d2
a3x + b3y + c3z = d3
1. From the Main Menu, enter the Equation mode.
2. Select the SIMUL (Simultaneous) mode, and specify the number of unknowns (variables).
You can specify from 2 to 6 unknowns.
3. Sequentially input the coefficients.
• The cell that is currently selected for input is highlighted. Each time you input a coefficient,
the highlighting shifts in the sequence:

a1 → b1 → c1 → … an → bn → cn (n = 2 to 6)
• You can also input fractions and values assigned to variables as coefficients.
• You can cancel the value you are inputting for the current coefficient by pressing J at
any time before you press w to store the coefficient value. This returns to the coefficient
to what it was before you input anything. You can then input another value if you want.
• To change the value of a coefficient that you already stored by pressing w, move the
cursor to the coefficient you want to edit. Next, input the value you want to change to.
• Pressing 3(CLEAR) clears all coefficients to zero.
4. Solve the equations.




To solve the following simultaneous linear equations for x, y, and z
4x + y – 2z = – 1
x + 6y + 3z = 1
– 5x + 4y + z = – 7

1 m Equation
2 1(SIMUL)
3 ewbw-cw-bw
4 1(SOLVE)

• Internal calculations are performed using a 15-digit mantissa, but results are displayed using
a 10-digit mantissa and a 2-digit exponent.
• Simultaneous linear equations are solved by inverting the matrix containing the coefficients
of the equations. For example, the following shows the solution (x, y, z) of a simultaneous
linear equation with three unknowns.
a1 b1 c1 –1 d1
= a2 b2 c2
a3 b3 c3
Because of this, precision is reduced as the value of the determinant approaches zero. Also,
simultaneous equations with three or more unknowns may take a very long time to solve.
• The message “No Solution” appears if there is no solution. The message “Ma ERROR”
appears if a solution could not be found.
• The message “Infinitely Many Solutions” appears along with the formula if there are an
infinite number of solutions.

• After calculation is complete, you can press 1(REPEAT), change coefficient values, and
then re-calculate.


2. High-order Equations from 2nd to 6th Degree
Your calculator can be used to solve high-order equations from 2nd to 6th degree.
• Quadratic Equation: ax2 + bx + c = 0 (a  0)
• Cubic Equation:

• Quartic Equation:

ax3 + bx2 + cx + d = 0 (a  0)
ax4 + bx3 + cx2 + dx + e = 0 (a  0)

1. From the Main Menu, enter the Equation mode.
2. Select the POLY (Polynomial) mode, and specify the degree of the equation.
You can specify a degree 2 to 6.
3. Sequentially input the coefficients.
• The cell that is currently selected for input is highlighted. Each time you input a coefficient,
the highlighting shifts in the sequence:

• You can also input fractions and values assigned to variables as coefficients.
• You can cancel the value you are inputting for the current coefficient by pressing J at
any time before you press w to store the coefficient value. This returns to the coefficient
to what it was before you input anything. You can then input another value if you want.
• To change the value of a coefficient that you already stored by pressing w, move the
cursor to the coefficient you want to edit. Next, input the value you want to change to.
• Pressing 3(CLEAR) clears all coefficients to zero.
4. Solve the equations.

To solve the cubic equation (Angle unit = Rad)
x3 – 2x2 – x + 2 = 0

1 m Equation
2 2(POLY)
3 bw-cw-bwcw
4 1(SOLVE)
Multiple Solutions (Example: x3 + 3x2 + 3x + 1 = 0)


Complex Number Solution (Example: x3 + 2x2 + 3x + 2 = 0)
Complex Mode: Real (page 1-36)

Complex Mode: a + bi

Complex Mode: r∠θ

• Internal calculations are performed using a 15-digit mantissa, but results are displayed
using a 10-digit mantissa and a 2-digit exponent.
• It may take considerable time for the calculation result of a high-order equation of 3rd degree
or higher to appear on the display.
• An error occurs if the calculator is unable to find a solution.
• High-order equation calculations may not produce accurate results when the equation has
multiple solutions.
• After calculation is complete, you can press 1(REPEAT), change coefficient values, and
then re-calculate.

3. Solve Calculations
The Solve calculation mode lets you determine the value of any variable in a formula without
having to solve the equation.

• You can input either an upper-case X (a+(X)) or lower-case x (v) for variable X.
Both “X” and “x” refer to the same variable.
1. From the Main Menu, enter the Equation mode.
2. Select the SOLVER mode, and input the equation as it is written.
• If you do not input an equals sign, the calculator assumes that the expression is to the left
of the equals sign, and there is a zero to the right.
• An error occurs if you input more than one equals sign.


3. In the table of variables that appears on the display, input values for each variable.
• You can also specify values for Upper and Lower to define the upper and lower limits of
the range of solutions.
• An error occurs if the solution falls outside the range you specify.
4. Select the variable for which you want to solve to obtain the solution.
“Lft” and “Rgt” indicate the left and right sides that are calculated using the solution.*1
*1 Solutions are approximated using Newton’s method. Lft and Rgt values are displayed for
confirmation, because Newton’s method may produce results that are the real solution.
The closer the difference between the Lft and Rgt values is to zero, the lower degree of
error in the result.

An object thrown into the air at initial velocity V takes time T to reach
height H. Use the following formula to solve for initial velocity V when
H = 14 (meters), T = 2 (seconds) and gravitational acceleration is G =
9.8 (m/s2).
H = VT – 1/2 GT2

1 m Equation
3 bew(H = 14)
aw(V = 0)
cw(T = 2)
j.iw(G = 9.8)
4 Press fff to highlight V = 0, and then press

• The message “Retry” appears on the display when the calculator judges that convergence is
not sufficient for the displayed results.
• A Solve operation will produce a single solution. Use POLY when you want to obtain multiple
solutions for a high-order equation (such as ax2 + bx + c = 0).


Chapter 5 Graphing
Select the icon in the Main Menu that suits the type of graph you want to draw or the type of table
you want to generate.
• Graph … General function graphing
• Run-Matrix … Manual graphing (pages 5-25 to 5-31)
• Table … Number table generation (pages 5-32 to 5-37)
• Dyna Graph … Dynamic graphing (pages 5-42 to 5-45)
• Recursion … Recursion graphing or number table generation (pages 5-45 to 5-50)
• Conic Graphs … Conic section graphing (pages 5-50 and 5-51)

1. Sample Graphs


k Graph Relation List Screen and Graph Color
A graph relation list screen (table relation list screen) like the one shown below appears first
whenever you enter the Graph, Dyna Graph, or Table mode. You can use this screen to
register functions to be used for drawing graphs and creating number tables.

(Example: Graph mode)
Each line of the graph relation list screen is preset with a color, which represents the line color
used when each function is graphed. When you draw a graph, it is drawn using the same color
as the line where its function is registered.


Graph relation list screen

Graph screen


In the case of the Table mode, a number table is created in the same color as the line where
its function is registered.


Table relation list screen

Table screen

You can change the color used to draw the graph and the number table character color. For
details, see “Changing Graph Properties” (page 5-15).

k How to draw a simple graph (1)
To draw a graph, simply input the applicable function.
1. From the Main Menu, enter the Graph mode.
2. Input the function you want to graph.
Here you would use the V-Window to specify the range and other parameters of the graph.
See page 5-5.
3. Draw the graph.

To graph y = 3x2

1 m Graph
2 dvxw
3 6(DRAW) (or w)

• Press A to return to the screen in step 2 (graph relation list). After drawing a graph, you
can toggle between the graph relation list and graph screen by pressing !6(G⇔T).


k How to draw a simple graph (2)
You can store up to 20 functions in memory and then select the one you want for graphing.
1. From the Main Menu, enter the Graph mode.
2. Specify the function type and input the function whose graph you want to draw.
You can use the Graph mode to draw a graph for the following types of expressions:
rectangular coordinate expression (Y=f(x)), polar coordinate expression, parametric
function, rectangular coordinate expression (X=f(y)), inequality.
3(TYPE)1(Y=) ... rectangular coordinates (Y=f(x) type)
2(r=) ... polar coordinates
3(Param) ... parametric function
4(X=) ... rectangular coordinates (X=f(y) type)
5(CONVERT)1('Y=) to 5('Y≤)
6(g)1('X=) to 5('X≤) ... changes the function type
6(g)1(Y>) to 4(Y≤) .... Y inequality on left side
6(g)6(g)1(X>) to 4(X≤) .... X inequality on left side
Repeat this step as many times as required to input all of the functions you want.
Next you should specify which of the functions among those that are stored in memory you
want to graph (see page 5-13).
3. Draw the graph.
• You can use the function menu that appears when you press 4(TOOL)1(STYLE) in
step 2 of the above procedure to select one of the following line styles for each graph.

) ... Normal (initial default)


) … Thick (twice the thickness of Normal)


) … Broken (thick broken)


) … Dot (dotted)


) … Thin (one third the thickness of Normal)

• When simultaneously graphing multiple inequalities, you can use the “Ineq Type” setting
on the Setup screen to specify either of two fill ranges.
1(Intsect) ... Fills areas only where the conditions of
all of the graphed inequalities are satisfied.


2(Union) .... Fills all areas where the conditions of the
graphed inequalities are satisfied.
This is the initial default.

• Pressing !f(FORMAT) while the graph relation list screen or graph screen displays
a dialog box that you can use to change the graph line style and graph line color. For
details, see “Changing Graph Properties” (page 5-15).
Example 1

Input the functions shown below and draw their graphs.
Y1 = 2x2 – 3, r2 = 3sin2θ

1 m Graph
2 3(TYPE)1(Y=)cvx-dw
3 6(DRAW)

Example 2

To graph a trigonometric function using radians when the angle unit
setting is degrees (Angle unit = Deg)
Y1=sin xr

1 m Graph
2 svK6(g)5(ANGLE)2(r)w
3 6(DRAW)


2. Controlling What Appears on a Graph Screen
k V-Window (View Window) Settings
Use the View Window to specify the range of the x- and y-axes, and to set the spacing
between the increments on each axis. You should always set the V-Window parameters you
want to use before graphing.

u To configure V-Window settings
1. From the Main Menu, enter the Graph mode.
2. Press !3(V-WIN) to display the V-Window setting screen.
Rectangular coordinate parameter
Xmin/Xmax … Minimum/maximum x-axis value
Xscale … Spacing of x-axis increments
Xdot … Value that corresponds to one x-axis dot
Ymin/Ymax … Minimum/maximum y-axis value
Yscale … Spacing of y-axis increments
Polar coordinate parameter
Tθ min/Tθ max ... Minimum/maximum T, θ values
Tθ ptch ... T, θ pitch

3. Press c to move the highlighting and input an appropriate value for each parameter,
pressing w after each.
• {INITIAL}/{TRIG}/{STANDRD} … V-Window {initial settings}/{initial settings using specified
angle unit}/{standard settings}
• {V-MEM}
• {STORE}/{RECALL} … V-Window setting {store}/{recall}
• {Y-BASE}/{X-BASE} … {fix y-axis setting and change x-axis setting}/{fix x-axis setting
and change y-axis setting} so y-axis and x-axis scales are displayed as a 1-to-1
• {BGV-WIN} … Overwrites current V-Window settings with the V-Window settings saved
in the background image file. This menu item appears only while a graph background
image is open.
4. After settings are the way you want them, press J or !J(QUIT) to exit the VWindow setting screen.
• Pressing w without inputting anything while


is on the display exits the V-Window setting

u V-Window Setting Precautions
• Inputting zero for Tθ ptch causes an error.
• Any illegal input (out of range value, negative sign without a value, etc.) causes an error.
• When Tθ max is less than Tθ min, Tθ ptch becomes negative.
• You can input expressions (such as 2π) as V-Window parameters.
• When the V-Window setting produces an axis that does not fit on the display, the scale of
the axis is indicated on the edge of the display closest to the origin.
• Changing the V-Window settings clears the graph currently on the display and replaces it
with the new axes only.
• Changing the Xmin or Xmax value causes the Xdot value to be adjusted automatically.
Changing the Xdot value causes the Xmax value to be adjusted automatically.
• A polar coordinate (r =) or parametric graph will appear coarse if the settings you make in
the V-Window cause the Tθ ptch value to be too large, relative to the differential between
the Tθ min and Tθ max settings. If the settings you make cause the Tθ ptch value to be
too small relative to the differential between the Tθ min and Tθ max settings, on the other
hand, the graph will take a very long time to draw.
• The following is the input range for V-Window parameters.
–9.999999999 × 1097 to 9.999999999 × 1097

k V-Window Memory
You can store up to six sets of V-Window settings in V-Window memory for recall when you
need them.

u To store V-Window settings
1. From the Main Menu, enter the Graph mode.
2. Press !3(V-WIN) to display the V-Window setting screen, and input the values you
3. Press 4(V-MEM)1(STORE) to display the pop-up window.
4. Press a number key to specify the V-Window memory where you want to save the settings,
and then press w. Pressing bw stores the settings in V-Window Memory 1 (V-Win1).


u To recall V-Window memory settings
1. From the Main Menu, enter the Graph mode.
2. Press !3(V-WIN) to display the V-Window setting screen.
3. Press 4(V-MEM)2(RECALL) to display the pop-up window.
4. Press a number key to specify the V-Window memory number for the settings you want to
recall, and then press w. Pressing bw recalls the settings in V-Window Memory 1

k Specifying the Graph Range
You can define a range (start point, end point) for a function before graphing it.
1. From the Main Menu, enter the Graph mode.
2. Configure V-Window settings.
3. Specify the function type and input the function. The following is the syntax for function
Function ,!+( [ ) Start Point , End Point !-( ] )
4. Draw the graph.

Graph y = x2 + 3x – 2 within the range – 2 < x < 4.
Use the following V-Window settings.
Xmin = –3,

Xmax = 5,

Xscale = 1

Ymin = –10,

Ymax = 30,

Yscale = 5

1 m Graph
2 !3(V-WIN)-dwfwbwc
3 3(TYPE)1(Y=)vx+dv-c,
!+( [ )-c,e!-( ] )w
4 6(DRAW)
• You can specify a range when graphing rectangular expressions, polar expressions,
parametric functions, and inequalities.


k Zoom
This function lets you enlarge and reduce the graph on the screen.
1. Draw the graph.
2. Specify the zoom type.
!2(ZOOM)1(BOX) ... Box zoom
Draw a box around a display area, and that area is enlarged to
fill the entire screen.
2(FACTOR) ... Factor zoom
Specifies the x-axis and y-axis zoom factors for factor zoom.
3(IN)/4(OUT) ... Factor zoom
The graph is enlarged or reduced in accordance with the factor
you specify, centered on the current pointer location.
5(AUTO) ... Auto zoom
V-Window y-axis settings are automatically adjusted so the
graph fills the screen along the y-axis.
6(g)1(ORIGINAL) ... Original size
Returns the graph to its original size following a zoom operation.
6(g)2(SQUARE) ... Graph correction
V-Window x-axis values are corrected so they are identical to
the y-axis values.
6(g)3(ROUND) ... Coordinate rounding
Rounds the coordinate values at the current pointer location.
6(g)4(INTEGER) ... Integer
Each dot is given a width of 1, which makes coordinate values
6(g)5(PREVIOUS) ... Previous
V-Window parameters are returned to what they were prior to
the last zoom operation.
Box zoom range specification
3. Use the cursor keys to move the pointer ( ) in the center of the screen to the location
where you want one corner of the box to be, and then press w.
4. Use the cursor keys to move the pointer. This causes a box to appear on the screen. Move
the cursor until the area you want to enlarge is enclosed in the box, and then press w to
enlarge it.



Graph y = (x + 5)(x + 4)(x + 3), and then perform a box zoom.
Use the following V-Window settings.
Xmin = –8,

Xmax = 8,

Xscale = 2

Ymin = –4,

Ymax = 2,

Yscale = 1

1 m Graph
3(TYPE)1(Y=) (v+f)(v+e)
2 !2(ZOOM)1(BOX)
3 d~dw
4 d~d,f~fw

• You must specify two different points for box zoom, and the two points cannot be on a
straight line vertically or horizontally from each other.

k Zoom In/Zoom Out Using Key Operations
You can use the + and - keys while the graph screen is on the display to zoom in and out
on the center of the graph screen. The zoom operations are performed in accordance with the
factor value specified with!2(ZOOM)2(FACTOR).

k Using Pan to Shift the Graph Screen
You can use pan to grab a location on the graph screen and drag the screen image up, down,
left, and right. The pan operation can be used in the Graph, Conic Graphs, Table, and
Recursion modes. Note, however, that it cannot be used while the “Dual Screen” setting on
the Setup screen is “G+G” or “GtoT”.


u To pan the screen
1. While the graph screen is on the display, press K2(PAN).
• This enters the Pan mode and displays a pointer ( ) in the center of the screen.
2. Move the pointer to the location on the screen you want to grab and then press w.
• This causes the pointer to change from



3. Use the cursor keys to shift the screen in the direction you want. When you are finished
shifting the screen, press w.
• Pressing w executes the graph drawing operation and changes the shape of the pointer

to .

• In the Pan mode, each press of w toggles the shape of the pointer between and .
While the pointer is on the display, you can use the cursor keys to move it to another
pointer is on the display will
location on the screen. Pressing the cursor keys while the
shift (pan) the screen contents.
4. To exit the Pan mode, press J.

k Displaying a Graph Background Image
You can configure the calculator so a particular image is always displayed as the graph
background image. Use the “Background” setting on the Setup screen to specify the
background image. The following describes the types of files that can be used as the
background image.
• A file saved using the procedure under “Saving Graph Screen Contents as an Image (g3p
File)” (page 5-21)
• A file described under “Managing Picture Plot Files” (page 15-5)

u To select the graph background image
1. From the Main Menu, enter the Graph mode.
2. Press !m(SET UP) to display the Setup screen.
3. Use f and c to move the highlighting to “Background” and then press 2(PICT n),
3(OPEN), or 1(None).
• If you do not want to display a background image on the graph screen, press 1(None)
and then advance to step 6.
• To display a list of g3p files stored in the PICT folder in storage memory, press
2(PICT n).
• To display a list of g3p files stored in the PICT folder in the storage memory root directory,
press 3(OPEN). In this case, use f and c if required to move the highlighting to the
folder that contains the image you want to use and then press 1(OPEN).
4. Use f and c to move the highlighting to the file you want to use and then press


5. When the “V-Window values for specified background will be loaded. OK?” confirmation
dialog box appears, press 1(Yes) to apply the V-Window settings saved with the g3p file
or 6(No) to retain the current V-Window settings.
• Pressing 1(Yes) overwrites all V-Window setting values except Tmin, Tmax, and
Tptch with the values stored with the g3p file.
6. To exit the Setup screen, press J.

u To overwrite current V-Window settings with the settings saved with the
background image
1. In the Graph mode, press !3(V-WIN) to display the V-Window screen.
2. Press 6(BGV-WIN).
• This will overwrite all V-Window setting values except Tmin, Tmax, and Tptch with the
values stored with the background file.
3. To exit the V-Window screen, press J.

u To update the background image V-Window settings with current V-Window
1. While the graph screen is on the display, press K4(BGV-WIN).
2. Press 1(SAVE).
• This will cause the “OK to refresh background V-Window?” confirmation message to
3. Press 1(Yes) to update the V-Window settings of the background file, or 6(No) to cancel

u To save the background image to a file with current V-Window settings
1. While the graph screen is on the display, press K4(BGV-WIN).
2. Press2(SAVE • AS).
• This will cause the message “OK to refresh background V-Window?” to appear. To clear
this message and cancel this operation, press 6(No).
3. Press 1(Yes).
4. Specify the folder you want.
• Highlight ROOT to save the file to the root directory.
• To save the file in a specific folder, use f and c to move the highlighting to the desired
folder and then press 1(OPEN).
5. Press 1(SAVE • AS).


6. On the File Name dialog box that appears, enter a name up to eight characters long and
then press w.
• This saves the background image under the name you specify. It also changes the image
specified for the “Background” item on the Setup screen to the newly saved background

k Adjusting the Lightness (Fade I/O) of the Background Image
You can adjust the lightness of the graph screen background image specified by the
“Background” setting on the Setup screen within a range of 0% (as-is) to 100% (all white).
A higher setting value makes the image lighter, and a setting of 100% displays an all white


You can use this setting to adjust the background image to a level that makes the graph easier
to see.
• Note that the lightness setting can be adjusted only when the background image is a 16-bit
image data.
• After you adjust the lightness level, the setting is stored with the background image.

u To adjust the lightness (Fade I/O) of the background image
1. While the graph screen is on the display, press K3(FadeI/O). If you are in the Dyna
Graph mode, press K1(FadeI/O).
• This causes a slider for adjusting image lightness to appear on the display.
2. Use d and e to adjust the lightness value.
• Each press of d or e changes the setting value in steps of 5%.
• You can also input values directly, if you want. To specify a lightness value of 20%, for
example, press caw.
3. After the setting is the way you want, press J.


3. Drawing a Graph
You can store up to 20 functions in memory. Functions in memory can be edited, recalled, and

k Specifying the Graph Type
Before you can store a graph function in memory, you must first specify its graph type.
1. While the graph relation list is on the display, press 3(TYPE) to display the graph type
menu, which contains the following items.
• {Y=}/{r=}/{Param}/{X=} ... {rectangular coordinate (Y=f(x) type)}/{polar coordinate}/
{parametric}/{rectangular coordinate (X=f(y) type)} graph
• {Y>}/{Y<}/{Y≥}/{Y≤} ... {Y>f (x)}/{Y}/{X<}/{X≥}/{X≤} ... {X>f(y)}/{X}/{'Y<}/{'Y≥}/{'Y≤}/{'X=}/{'X>}/{'X<}/{'X≥}/{'X≤}
... {changes the function type of the selected expression}
2. Press the function key that corresponds to the graph type you want to specify.

k Storing Graph Functions
u To store a rectangular coordinate function (Y=)

To store the following expression in memory area Y1: y = 2x2 – 5
3(TYPE)1(Y=) (Specifies rectangular coordinate expression.)
cvx-f(Inputs expression.)
w (Stores expression.)

• A function cannot be stored into a memory area that already contains a function of a different
type from the one you are trying to store. Select a memory area that contains a function that
is the same type as the one you are storing, or delete the function in the memory area to
which you are trying to store.


u To store a parametric function

To store the following expressions in memory areas Xt3 and Yt3:
x = 3 sinT
y = 3 cosT
3(TYPE)3(Param) (Specifies parametric expression.)
dsvw(Inputs and stores x expression.)
dcvw(Inputs and stores y expression.)

u To create a composite function

To use relations in Y1 and Y2 to create composite functions for Y3
and Y4
Y1 = (x + 1), Y2 = x2 + 3
Assign Y1°Y2 to Y3, and Y2°Y1 to Y4.
(Y1°Y2 = ((x2 + 3) +1) = (x2 + 4) Y2°Y1 = ( (x + 1))2 + 3 = x + 4 (x > −1))
Input relations into Y3 and Y4.

• A composite function can consist of up to five functions.


u To assign values to the coefficients and variables of a graph function

To assign the values −1, 0, and 1 to variable A in Y = AX2−1, and draw a
graph for each value

The above screens are produced using the Trace function.
See “Function Analysis” (page 5-54) for more information.

k Changing Graph Properties
u To change graph properties from the graph relation list screen
1. On the graph relation list screen, use f and c to highlight the relation whose graph
properties you want to change.
2. Press !f(FORMAT) to display the format dialog box.


3. Use f and c to move the highlighting to “Line Style”
and then press w.

4. On the list of line styles that appears, use f and c to move the highlighting to the
desired style and then press w.
• You also can select an option by pressing the number key that corresponds to the number
to the left of the desired option.
5. Use f and c to move the highlighting to “Line Color”
and then press w.

6. On the list of colors that appears, use f and c to move the highlighting to the desired
color and then press w.
• You also can select an option by pressing the number key that corresponds to the number
to the left of the desired option.
7. After the setting is the way you want, press J.

u To change graph properties from the graph screen
1. While the graph screen is on the display, press !f(FORMAT).
• If there are multiple graphs on the graph screen, one of them will start flashing. The
flashing graph is the one that is currently selected.
• If there are multiple graphs on the graph screen, perform step 2, below. If there is only one
graph on the screen, skip step 2 and go directly to step 3.
2. Use f and c to move the flashing to the graph whose properties you want to change
and then press w.
3. Use the format dialog box that appears to configure the Line Style and Line Color as you like.
• For the remainder of this procedure, perform the steps from step 3 under “To change
graph properties from the graph relation list screen”.
• Pressing J will redraw a graph in accordance with your changes.


u To change the line style of a graph function
1. On the graph relation list screen, use f and c to highlight the relation whose line style
you want to change.
2. Press 4(TOOL)1(STYLE).
3. Select the line style.

To change the line style of y = 2x2 – 3, which is stored in area Y1, to

) (Selects “Broken”.)

k Editing and Deleting Functions
u To edit a function in memory

To change the expression in memory area Y1 from y = 2x2 – 5 to
y = 2 x2 – 3
e (Displays cursor.)
eeeeeDd(Changes contents.)
w(Stores new graph function.)

u To change the type of a function *1
1. While the graph relation list is on the display, press f or c to move the highlighting to
the area that contains the function whose type you want to change.
2. Press 3(TYPE)5(CONVERT).
3. Select the function type you want to change to.

To change the function in memory area Y1 from y = 2x2 – 3 to
y < 2 x2 – 3
3(TYPE)5(CONVERT)3('Y<) (Changes the function type to “Y<”.)

*1 The function type can be changed for rectangular coordinate functions and inequalities only.


u To delete a function
1. While the graph relation list is on the display, press f or c to move the highlighting to
the area that contains the function you want to delete.
2. Press 2(DELETE) or D.
3. Press 1(Yes) to delete the function or 6(No) to abort the procedure without deleting
• Using the above procedure to delete one line of a parametric function (such as Xt2) also
will delete the applicable paired line (Yt2, in the case of Xt2).

k Selecting Functions for Graphing
u To specify the draw/non-draw status of a graph
1. On the graph relation list, use f and c to highlight the relation you do not want to graph.
2. Press 1(SELECT).
• Each press of 1(SELECT) toggles graphing on and off.
3. Press 6(DRAW).

To select the following functions for drawing:
Y1 = 2x2 – 5, r2 = 5 sin3θ
Use the following V-Window settings.
Xmin = –5,

Xmax = 5,

Xscale = 1

Ymin = –5,

Ymax = 5,

Yscale = 1

Tθ min = 0,

Tθ max = π ,

Tθ ptch = 2π / 60

cf (Select a memory area that contains a
function for which you want to specify non-draw.)
1(SELECT) (Specifies non-draw.)
6(DRAW) or w (Draws the graphs.)

k Displaying and Hiding Graph Axes and Label on the Graph Screen
You can use the Setup screen settings to alter the appearance of the graph screen as shown
• Grid: On (Axes: On, Label: Off)
This setting causes dots to appear at the grid intersects on
the display.
Changing the V-Window Xscale or Yscale settings to 0
while “On” is specified for the Grid setting will cause the
dots to disappear from the display.


• Grid: Line (Axes: On, Label: Off)
This setting causes scale lines to be displayed for the xaxis and y-axis.
Changing the V-Window Xscale setting to 0 while “Line”
is specified for the Grid setting will cause the vertical lines
to disappear from the display. Changing the V-Window
Yscale setting to 0 will cause the horizontal lines to
• Axes: Off (Label: Off, Grid: Off)
This setting clears the axis lines from the display.

• Axes: Scale (Label: Off, Grid: Off)
This setting causes scale lines to be displayed for the xaxis and y-axis.

• Label: On (Axes: On, Grid: Off)
This setting display x-axis, y-axis, and origin (O) labels.

• Even if the Grid setting is “On” or “Line”, grid lines will not be displayed if the V-Window
settings are configured in a way that the grids are too close to each other.

k Graph Memory
Graph memory lets you store up to 20 sets of graph function data and recall it later when you
need it.
A single save operation saves the following data in graph memory.
• All graph functions in the currently displayed graph relation list (up to 20)
• Graph types
• Function graph line style and color information
• Draw/non-draw status
• V-Window settings (1 set)


u To store graph functions in graph memory
1. Press 4(TOOL)2(GPH-MEM)1(STORE) to display the pop-up window.
2. Press a number key to specify the graph memory where you want to save the graph
function, and then press w. Pressing bw stores the graph function to Graph Memory 1
• There are 20 graph memories numbered G-Mem1 to G-Mem20.
• Storing a function in a memory area that already contains a function replaces the existing
function with the new one.
• If the data exceeds the calculator’s remaining memory capacity, an error occurs.

u To recall a graph function
1. Press 4(TOOL)2(GPH-MEM)2(RECALL) to display the pop-up window.
2. Press a number key to specify the graph memory for the function you want to recall, and
then press w. Pressing bw recalls the graph function in Graph Memory 1 (G-Mem1).
• Recalling data from graph memory causes any data currently on the graph relation list to
be deleted.

4. Saving and Recalling Graph Screen Contents
You can save the contents of the graph screen to a file. The format of the file is g3p, which
is a proprietary format unique to this calculator. Performing the save operation in this section
saves the following information.
• A bitmap image of the graph
• A bitmap image of the graph background (including axes, grid, axes labels, background
- The background image includes the lightness setting, so it is saved as it appears on the
graph screen.
- The function menu and status bar are not included in the background image.
• V-Window settings (excluding Tmin, Tmax, Tptch values)
Saved images can be recalled to a graph screen and overlaid onto another graph, or recalled
from and used in another application.


k Saving Graph Screen Contents as an Image (g3p File)
There are two methods that can be used to save a g3p file.
• Saving to Picture Memory
This method lets you assign a number from 1 to 20 to an image when you save it. It stores
the image in the storage memory’s PICT folder as a file with a name from Pict01.g3p through
• Saving under an Assigned Name
This method saves the image in the folder you want in storage memory. You can assign a
file name up to eight characters long.

• A dual graph screen or any other type of graph that uses a split screen cannot be saved in
picture memory.

u To save a graph screen image to Picture Memory
1. While the graph screen is on the display, press K1(PICTURE)1(STORE)1(1-20).
2. On the Store In Picture Memory screen that appears, enter a value from 1 to 20 and then
press w.
• There are 20 picture memories numbered Pict 1 to Pict 20.
• Storing an image in a memory area that already contains an image replaces the existing
image with the new one.

u To store a graph screen image under a file name
1. While the graph screen is on the display, press K1(PICTURE)1(STORE)
2(SAVE • AS).
• This displays a folder selection screen.
2. Select the folder where you want to save the image.
• To store the image in the root directory, highlight


• To store the image in a folder, use f and c to move the highlighting to the desired
folder and then press 1(OPEN).


3. Press 1(SAVE • AS).
4. On the File Name dialog box that appears, enter a name up to eight characters long and
then press w.

k Recalling an Image (g3p File) to a Graph Screen
There are two methods that can be used to recall an image (g3p file) to a graph screen.
• Recalling an image from picture memory (Pict01.g3p to Pict20.g3p)
• Recalling an image from a folder in storage memory

• Recalling an image causes it to be placed immediately behind the graph (above the current
background image) on the graph screen.
• To clear a recalled image, display the graph screen and then press !4(SKETCH)

u To recall an image stored in Picture Memory
1. While the graph screen is on the display, press K1(PICTURE)2(RECALL)1(1-20).
2. On the Recall From Picture Memory screen that appears, enter a value from 1 to 20 and
then press w.

u To recall a g3p file stored in Storage Memory
1. While the graph screen is on the display, press K1(PICTURE)2(RECALL)
• Use f and c if required to move the highlighting to the folder that contains the image
file you want to recall and then press 1(OPEN).
2. Use f and c to move the highlighting to the file you want to recall and then press


5. Drawing Two Graphs on the Same Screen
k Copying the Graph to the Sub-screen
Dual Graph lets you split the screen into two parts. Then you can graph two different functions
in each for comparison, or draw a normal size graph on one side and its enlarged version on
the other side. This makes Dual Graph a powerful graph analysis tool.
With Dual Graph, the left side of the screen is called the “main screen”, while the right side is
called the “sub-screen”.
u Main Screen
The graph in the main screen is actually drawn from a function.
u Sub-screen
The graph on the sub-screen is produced by copying or zooming the main screen graph.
You can even make different V-Window settings for the sub-screen and main screen.

u To copy the graph to the sub-screen
1. From the Main Menu, enter the Graph mode.
2. On the Setup screen, select “G + G” for “Dual Screen”.
3. Configure V-Window settings for the main screen.
Press 6(RIGHT) to display the sub-graph settings screen. Pressing 6(LEFT) returns to
the main screen setting screen.
4. Store the function, and draw the graph in the main screen.
5. Perform the Dual Graph operation you want.
K1(COPY) ... Duplicates the main screen graph in the sub-screen
K2(SWAP) ... Swaps the main screen contents and sub-screen contents
• Indicators appear to the right of the formulas in the graph relation list to tell where graphs are
drawn with Dual Graph.
Indicates sub-screen graph (on right side of display)
Indicates graph drawn on both sides of display

Performing a draw operation with the function marked “ R ” in the above example screen
causes the graph to be drawn on the right side on the display. The function marked “ B ” is
drawn on both sides of the graph.


Pressing 1(SELECT) while one of the functions marked “ R ” or “ B ” is highlighted would
causes its “ R ” or “ B ” indicator to be cleared. A function without an indicator is drawn as
the main screen graph (on the left side of the display).
• The graph properties operation can be performed only for the graph that is on the left side
of the Dual Graph graph screen.
• If you change the graph properties of an expression marked with “ B ” on the graph
relation list screen and then draw the graph, the changes will be applied to both graphs.
• You cannot change the graph properties of an expression marked with “ R ” on the graph
relation list screen.
• For details about how to change graph properties, see “Changing Graph Properties” (page

Graph y = x(x + 1)(x – 1) in the main screen and sub-screen.
Use the following V-Window settings.
(Main Screen) Xmin = –2,

Xmax = 2,

Xscale = 0.5

Ymin = –2,

Ymax = 2,

Yscale = 1

Xmin = –4,

Xmax = 4,

Xscale = 1

Ymin = –3,

Ymax = 3,

Yscale = 1


1 m Graph
2 !m(SET UP)cccc1(G + G)J
3 !3(V-WIN) -cwcwa.fwc
6(RIGHT) -ewewbwc
4 3(TYPE)1(Y=)v(v+b)(
5 K1(COPY)
• Pressing A while a graph is on the display will return to the screen in step 4.


6. Manual Graphing
k Graphing in the Run-Matrix Mode
While the Linear input/output mode is selected, commands can be input directly in the RunMatrix mode to draw a graph.
You can select a function type for graphing by pressing !4(SKETCH)5(GRAPH) and
then selecting one of the function types shown below.
• {Y=}/{r=}/{Param}/{X=}/{G ·  dx} ... {rectangular coordinate}/{polar coordinate}/{parametric
function}/{X=f(y) rectangular coordinate}/{integration} graphing
• {Y>}/{Y<}/{Y≥}/{Y≤} ... Inequality {Y>f(x)}/{Y}/{X<}/{X≥}/{X≤} ... Inequality {X>f(y)}/{X
, Vertical Horizontal • Graph Memory StoGMEM ... number: 1 to 20 RclGMEM ... number: 1 to 20 8-33 k Using Background Picture in a Program You can change the “Background” setting on the Setup screen from a program. • Syntax when a background image is displayed BG-Pict [,a] ... area: 1 to 20 BG-Pict "folder name\file name" [,a] Appending “a” at the end loads V-Window values (that are saved with the image data) when the background image is displayed. • Syntax when a background image is not displayed (or hidden) BG-None k Using Dynamic Graph Functions in a Program Using Dynamic Graph functions in a program makes it possible to perform repeated Dynamic Graph operations. Use the syntax like that shown in the example below when performing a Dynamic Graph draw operation inside a program. • Dynamic Graph range • Dynamic Graph formula input Y = Type_ ... Specifies graph type. 1 → D Start_ "AX2 − 3" → Y1*1_ 5 → D End_ 1 → D pitch_ • Specifying the Dynamic Graph Variable • Graph draw operation DrawDyna D Var A_ *1 Input this Y1 with J4(GRAPH)1(Y)b (displayed as occur if you input “Y” with the calculator keys. ). A Syntax ERROR will k Using Table & Graph Functions in a Program Table & Graph functions in a program can generate numeric tables and perform graphing operations. The following shows various types of syntax you need to use when programming with Table & Graph functions. • Table range setting • Graph draw operation 1 → F Start_ Connect type: DrawFTG-Con 5 → F End_ Plot type: DrawFTG-Plt 1 → F pitch_ • Numeric table generation DispF-Tbl • Number Table and Graph Creation Conditions VarList ... Number table/graph creation using the specified list (number: 1 to 26). VarRange ... Number table/graph creation using the table range. 8-34 k Using Recursion Table & Graph Functions in a Program Incorporating Recursion Table & Graph functions in a program lets you generate numeric tables and perform graphing operations. The following shows various types of syntax you need to use when programming with Recursion Table & Graph functions. • Recursion formula input an+1 Type_ .... Specifies recursion type. "3an + 2" → an+1_ "4bn + 6" → bn+1_ • Table range setting • Numeric table generation 1 → R Start_ DispR-Tbl 5 → R End_ • Graph draw operation 1 → a0_ Connect type: DrawR-Con, DrawRΣ-Con 2 → b0_ Plot type: DrawR-Plt, DrawRΣ-Plt 1 → an Start_ • Statistical convergence/divergence graph (WEB graph) DrawWeb an+1, 10 3 → bn Start_ k Configuring Residual Calculation Settings in a Program You can configure residual calculation settings in a program and store residual values in a specified list. Use a syntax like the ones shown in the examples below. • To specify a storage list and execute residual calculation Resid-List ... number: 1 to 26 • To skip residual calculation execution Resid-None k Specifying a List File for Use in a Program You can specify a list file to be used when executing a list operation in a program. Display formats are as shown in the example below. File ... number: 1 to 6 8-35 k Using List Sort Functions in a Program These functions let you sort data in lists into ascending or descending order. • Ascending order SortA (List 1, List 2, List 3) Lists to be sorted (up to six can be specified) • Descending order SortD (List 1, List 2, List 3) Lists to be sorted (up to six can be specified) k Using Statistical Calculations and Graphs in a Program Including statistical calculations and graphing operations in a program lets you calculate and graph statistical data. u To set conditions and draw a statistical graph Following a StatGraph command (“S-Gph1”, “S-Gph2”, or “S-Gph3”), you must specify the following graph conditions: • Graph draw/non-draw status (DrawOn/DrawOff) • Graph Type • x-axis data location (list name) • y-axis data location (list name) • Frequency data location (1 or list name) • Mark Type (Cross, Dot, Square) • ColorLink setting (X&Y, OnlyX, OnlyY, On, Off, X&Freq) • Graph Color setting (one of the seven colors* or ColorAuto) When “Pie” is specified for the Graph Type: • Display setting (% or Data) • Percent data storage list specification (None or list name) When “Pie” or “Hist” is specified for the Graph Type: • Area color setting (one of the seven colors* or ColorAuto) • Paint style setting (ColorNormal, ColorLighter) • Border color setting (one of the seven colors* or ColorClr) 8-36 When “MedBox” is specified for the Graph Type: • Outliers On/Off setting • Box color setting (one of the seven colors*) • Whisker color setting (one of the seven colors*) • Outliers color setting (one of the seven colors*) • Box inside color setting (one of the seven colors* or ColorAuto) • Box inside paint setting (ColorNormal, ColorLighter) When “Bar” is specified for the Graph Type: • First bar graph data (list name) • Second and third bar graph data (list name) • Bar graph orientation (Length or Horizontal) • Area color settings for each data (one of the seven colors* or ColorAuto) • Paint style settings for each data (ColorNormal, ColorLighter) • Border color settings for each data (one of the seven colors* or ColorClr) * Black, Blue, Red, Magenta, Green, Cyan, Yellow The graph conditions that are required depends on the graph type. See “General Graph Settings” (page 6-2). • The following is a typical graph condition specification for a scatter diagram or xyLine graph. S-Gph1 DrawOn, Scatter, List 1, List 2, 1, Square, ColorLinkOff, ColorAuto In the case of an xy line graph, replace “Scatter” in the above specification with “xyLine”. • The following is a typical graph condition specification for a normal probability plot. S-Gph1 DrawOn, NPPlot, List 1, Square, ColorLinkOff, Blue • The following is a typical graph condition specification for a histogram. S-Gph1 DrawOn, Hist, List 1, List 2, ColorLinkOff, Blue ColorLighter • The following is a typical graph condition specification for a broken graph. S-Gph1 DrawOn, Broken, List 1, List 2, ColorLinkOff, Blue • The following is a typical graph condition specification for a normal distribution graph. S-Gph1 DrawOn, N-Dist, List 1, List 2, Blue • The following is a typical graph condition specification for a med-box graph. S-Gph1 DrawOn, MedBox, List 1, 1, 1, Yellow, Green, Blue, Red Outliers On/Off (1: On, 0: Off) Outliers color Box color Whisker color Box inside color 8-37 • The following is a typical graph condition specification for a regression graph. S-Gph1 DrawOn, Linear, List 1, List 2, List 3, Blue The same format can be used for the following types of graphs, by simply replacing “Linear” in the above specification with the applicable graph type. Linear Regression .......... Linear Logarithmic Regression ...... Log Med-Med......................... Med-Med Exponential Regression ...... Exp(a·eˆbx) Exp(a·bˆx) Quadratic Regression .... Quad Cubic Regression .......... Cubic Power Regression ............... Power Quartic Regression ........ Quart • The following is a typical graph condition specification for a sinusoidal regression graph. S-Gph1 DrawOn, Sinusoidal, List 1, List 2, Blue • The following is a typical graph condition specification for a logistic regression graph. S-Gph1 DrawOn, Logistic, List 1, List 2, Blue • The following is a typical graph condition specification for a pie chart. S-Gph1 DrawOn, Pie, List 1, %, None, ColorLinkOff, ColorAuto ColorLighter, ColorClr • The following is a typical graph condition specification for a bar graph. S-Gph1 DrawOn, Bar, List 1, None, None, StickLength, ColorLinkOff, Blue ColorLighter, Black, Red ColorLighter, Black, Green ColorLighter, Black To draw a statistical graph, insert the “DrawStat” command following the graph condition specification line. ClrGraph _ S-Wind Auto _ {1, 2, 3} → List 1 _ {1, 2, 3} → List 2 _ S-Gph1 DrawOn, Scatter, List 1, List 2, 1, Square, ColorLinkOff, ColorAuto _ DrawStat 8-38 k Using Distribution Graphs in a Program Special commands are used to draw distribution graphs in a program. • To draw a normal cumulative distribution graph DrawDistNorm , [,σ, ] Population mean*1 Population standard deviation*1 Data upper limit Data lower limit *1 This can be omitted. Omitting these items performs the calculation using  = 1 and  = 0. p= 1 2πσ ∫ Upper – e (x – μμ)2 2σ 2 dx ZLow = Lower Lower – μ σ ZUp = Upper – μ σ • Executing DrawDistNorm performs the above calculation in accordance with the specified conditions and draws the graph. At this time the ZLow < x < ZUp region on the graph is filled in. • At the same time, the p, ZLow, and ZUp calculation result values are assigned respectively to variables p, ZLow, and ZUp, and p is assigned to Ans. • To draw a Student- t cumulative distribution graph DrawDistT , , Degree of freedom Data upper limit Data lower limit p= ∫ Upper Lower df + 1 Γ 2 df Γ 2 – df + 1 2 2 1+ x df dx × π × df tLow = Lower tUp = Upper • Executing DrawDistT performs the above calculation in accordance with the specified conditions and draws the graph. At this time the Lower < x < Upper region on the graph is filled in. • At the same time, the p calculation result value and the Lower and Upper input values are assigned respectively to variables p, tLow, and tUp, and p is assigned to Ans. 8-39 • To draw a 2 cumulative distribution graph DrawDistChi , , Degree of freedom Data upper limit Data lower limit p= ∫ Upper Lower df 1 df Γ 2 × 1 2 2 df × x 2 –1 × e – x 2 dx • Executing DrawDistChi performs the above calculation in accordance with the specified conditions and draws the graph. At this time the Lower < x < Upper region on the graph is filled in. • At the same time, calculation result is assigned to variables p and Ans. • To draw an F cumulative distribution graph DrawDistF , , , Degrees of freedom of denominator Degrees of freedom of numerator Data upper limit Data lower limit p= ∫ Upper Lower ndf + ddf 2 ndf × ndf × ddf ddf Γ Γ 2 2 Γ ndf 2 ndf × x 2 –1 ndf × x × 1+ ddf – ndf + ddf 2 dx • Executing DrawDistF performs the above calculation in accordance with the specified conditions and draws the graph. At this time the Lower < x < Upper region on the graph is filled in. • At the same time, calculation result p is assigned to variables p and Ans. 8-40 k Performing Statistical Calculations in a Program • Single-variable statistical calculation 1-Variable List1, List 2 Frequency data (Frequency) x-axis data (XList) • Paired-variable statistical calculation 2-Variable List 1, List 2, List 3 Frequency data (Frequency) y-axis data (YList) x-axis data (XList) • Regression statistical calculation LinearReg(ax+b) List 1, List 2, List 3 Calculation type* Frequency data (Frequency) y-axis data (YList) x-axis data (XList) * Any one of the following can be specified as the calculation type. LinearReg(ax+b) ......linear regression (ax+b type) LinearReg(a+bx) ......linear regression (a+bx type) Med-MedLine ..........Med-Med calculation QuadReg .................quadratic regression CubicReg .................cubic regression QuartReg .................quartic regression LogReg ...................logarithmic regression ExpReg(a·eˆbx)........exponential regression (a·ebx type) ExpReg(a·bˆx)..........exponential regression (a·bx type) PowerReg ...............power regression • Sinusoidal regression statistical calculation SinReg List 1, List 2 y-axis data (YList) x-axis data (XList) 8-41 • Logistic regression statistical calculation LogisticReg List 1, List 2 y-axis data (YList) x-axis data (XList) k Performing Distribution Calculations in a Program • The following values are substituted whenever any of the arguments enclosed in brackets ([ ]) are omitted. σ=1, =0, tail=L (Left) • For the calculation formula of each probability density function, see “Statistic Formula” (page 6-69). • Normal Distribution NormPD(: Returns the normal probability density (p value) for the specified data. Syntax: NormPD(x[, σ, )] • A single value or a list can be specified for x. Calculation result p is assigned to variables p and Ans (ListAns when x is a list). NormCD(: Returns the normal cumulative distribution (p value) for the specified data. Syntax: NormCD(Lower, Upper[, σ, )] • Single values or lists can be specified for Lower and Upper. Calculation results p, ZLow, and ZUp are assigned respectively to variables p, ZLow, and ZUp. Calculation result p also is assigned to Ans (ListAns when Lower and Upper are lists). InvNormCD(: Returns the inverse normal cumulative distribution (lower and/or upper value(s)) for the specified p value. Syntax: InvNormCD(["L(or –1) or R(or 1) or C(or 0)", ]p[,σ, ]) tail (Left, Right, Central) • A single value or a list can be specified for p. Calculation results are output in accordance with the tail setting as described below. tail = Left The Upper value is assigned to variables x1InvN and Ans (ListAns when p is a list). tail = Right The Lower value is assigned to variables x1InvN and Ans (ListAns when p is a list). tail = Central The Lower and Upper values are assigned respectively to variables x1InvN and x2InvN. Lower only is assigned to Ans (ListAns when p is a list). 8-42 • Student- t Distribution tPD(: Returns the Student-t probability density (p value) for the specified data. Syntax: tPD(x, df [)] • A single value or a list can be specified for x. Calculation result p is assigned to variables p and Ans (ListAns when x is a list). tCD(: Returns the Student-t cumulative distribution (p value) for the specified data. Syntax: tCD(Lower,Upper,df [)] • Single values or lists can be specified for Lower and Upper. Calculation results p, tLow, and tUp are assigned respectively to variables p, tLow, and tUp. Calculation result p also is assigned to Ans (ListAns when Lower and Upper are lists). InvTCD(: Returns the inverse Student-t cumulative distribution (Lower value) for the specified p value. Syntax: InvTCD(p,df [)] • A single value or a list can be specified for p. The Lower value is assigned to the xInv and Ans variables (ListAns when p is a list). • 2 Distribution ChiPD(: Returns the 2 probability density (p value) for the specified data. Syntax: ChiPD(x,df [)] • A single value or a list can be specified for x. Calculation result p is assigned to variables p and Ans (ListAns when x is a list). ChiCD(: Returns the 2 cumulative distribution (p value) for the specified data. Syntax: ChiCD(Lower,Upper,df [)] • Single values or lists can be specified for Lower and Upper. Calculation result p is assigned to variables p and Ans (ListAns when Lower and Upper are lists). InvChiCD(: Returns the inverse 2 cumulative distribution (Lower value) for the specified p value. Syntax: InvChiCD(p,df [)] • A single value or a list can be specified for p. The Lower value is assigned to the xInv and Ans variables (ListAns when p is a list). 8-43 • F Distribution FPD(: Returns the F probability density (p value) for the specified data. Syntax: FPD(x,ndf,ddf [)] • A single value or a list can be specified for x. Calculation result p is assigned to variables p and Ans (ListAns when x is a list). FCD(: Returns the F cumulative distribution (p value) for the specified data. Syntax: FCD(Lower,Upper,ndf,ddf [)] • Single values or lists can be specified for Lower and Upper. Calculation result p is assigned to variables p and Ans (ListAns when Lower and Upper are lists). InvFCD(: Returns the inverse F cumulative distribution (Lower value) for the specified data. Syntax: InvFCD(p,ndf,ddf [)] • A single value or a list can be specified for p. The Lower value is assigned to the xInv and Ans variables (ListAns when p is a list). • Binomial Distribution BinomialPD(: Returns the binomial probability (p value) for the specified data. Syntax: BinomialPD([x,]n,P[)] • A single value or a list can be specified for x. Calculation result p is assigned to variables p and Ans (ListAns when x is a list). BinomialCD(: Returns the binomial cumulative distribution (p value) for the specified data. Syntax: BinomialCD([[Lower,] Upper,]n,P[)] • Single values or lists can be specified for Lower and Upper. Calculation result p is assigned to variables p and Ans (or ListAns). InvBinomialCD(: Returns the inverse binomial cumulative distribution for the specified data. Syntax: InvBinomialCD(p,n,P[)] • A single value or a list can be specified for p. The calculation result X value is assigned to the xInv and Ans variables (ListAns when p is a list). 8-44 • Poisson Distribution PoissonPD(: Returns the Poisson probability (p value) for the specified data. Syntax: PoissonPD(x, [)] • A single value or a list can be specified for x. Calculation result p is assigned to variables p and Ans (ListAns when x is a list). PoissonCD(: Returns the Poisson cumulative distribution (p value) for the specified data. Syntax: PoissonCD([Lower,] Upper, [)] • Single values or lists can be specified for Lower and Upper. Calculation result p is assigned to variables p and Ans (or ListAns). InvPoissonCD(: Returns the inverse Poisson cumulative distribution for the specified data. Syntax: InvPoissonCD(p, [)] • A single value or a list can be specified for p. The calculation result X value is assigned to the xInv and Ans variables (ListAns when p is a list). • Geometric Distribution GeoPD(: Returns the geometric probability (p value) for the specified data. Syntax: GeoPD(x, P[)] • A single value or a list can be specified for x. Calculation result p is assigned to variables p and Ans (ListAns when x is a list). GeoCD(: Returns the geometric cumulative distribution (p value) for the specified data. Syntax: GeoCD([Lower,] Upper,P[)] • Single values or lists can be specified for Lower and Upper. Calculation result p is assigned to variables p and Ans (or ListAns). InvGeoCD(: Returns the inverse geometric cumulative distribution for the specified data. Syntax: InvGeoCD(p,P[)] • A single value or a list can be specified for p. The calculation result is assigned to the xInv and Ans variables (ListAns when p is a list). 8-45 • Hypergeometric Distribution HypergeoPD(: Returns the hypergeometric probability (p value) for the specified data. Syntax: HypergeoPD(x, n, M, N[)] • A single value or a list can be specified for x. Calculation result p is assigned to variables p and Ans (ListAns when x is a list). HypergeoCD(: Returns the hypergeometric cumulative distribution (p value) for the specified data. Syntax: HypergeoCD([Lower,] Upper, n, M, N[)] • Single values or lists can be specified for Lower and Upper. Calculation result p is assigned to variables p and Ans (or ListAns). InvHypergeoCD(: Returns the inverse hypergeometric cumulative distribution for the specified data. Syntax: InvHypergeoCD(p, n, M, N[)] • A single value or a list can be specified for p. The calculation result X value is assigned to the xInv and Ans variables (ListAns when p is a list). k Using the TEST Command to Execute a Command in a Program • The following are the specifications ranges for the “ condition” argument of the command. “<” or –1 when  < 0 “≠” or 0 when  ≠ 0 “>” or 1 when  > 0 The above also apply for the “ρ condition” and “&ρ condition” specification methods. • For explanations of arguments, see “Tests” (page 6-33) and “Input and Output Terms of Tests, Confidence Interval, and Distribution” (page 6-66). • For the calculation formula of each command, see “Statistic Formula” (page 6-69). • Z Test OneSampleZTest: Executes 1-sample Z-test calculation. Syntax: OneSampleZTest " condition", 0, σ, o, n Output Values: z, p, o, n are assigned respectively to variables z, p, o, n and to ListAns elements 1 through 4. Syntax: OneSampleZTest " condition", 0, σ, List[, Freq] Output Values: z, p, o, sx, n are assigned respectively to variables z, p, o, sx, n and to ListAns elements 1 through 5. 8-46 TwoSampleZTest: Executes 2-sample Z-test calculation. Syntax: TwoSampleZTest "1 condition", σ1, σ2, o1, n1, o2, n2 Output Values: z, p, o1, o2, n1, n2 are assigned respectively to variables z, p, o1, o2, n1, n2 and to ListAns elements 1 through 6. Syntax: TwoSampleZTest "1 condition", σ1, σ2, List1, List2[, Freq1 [, Freq2]] Output Values: z, p, o1, o2, sx1, sx2, n1, n2 are assigned respectively to variables z, p, o1, o2, sx1, sx2, n1, n2 and to ListAns elements 1 through 8. OnePropZTest: Executes 1-proportion Z-test calculation. Syntax: OnePropZTest "p condition", p0, x, n Output Values: z, p, p̂, n are assigned respectively to variables z, p, p̂, n and to ListAns elements 1 through 4. TwoPropZTest: Executes 2-proportion Z-test calculation. Syntax: TwoPropZTest "p1 condition", x1, n1, x2, n2 Output Values: z, p, p̂ 1, p̂ 2, p̂, n1, n2 are assigned respectively to variables z, p, p̂ 1, p̂ 2, p̂, n1, n2 and to ListAns elements 1 through 7. • t Test OneSampleTTest: Executes 1-sample t-test calculation. Syntax: OneSampleTTest " condition", 0, o, sx, n OneSampleTTest " condition", 0, List[, Freq] Output Values: t, p, o, sx, n are assigned respectively to the variables with the same names and to ListAns elements 1 through 5. TwoSampleTTest: Executes 2-sample t-test calculation. Syntax: TwoSampleTTest "1 condition", o1, sx1, n1, o2, sx2, n2[,Pooled condition] TwoSampleTTest "1 condition", List1, List2, [, Freq1[, Freq2[, Pooled condition ]]] Output Values: When Pooled condition = 0, t, p, df, o1, o2, sx1, sx2, n1, n2 are assigned respectively to the variables with the same names and to ListAns elements 1 through 9. When Pooled condition = 1, t, p, df, o1, o2, sx1, sx2, sp, n1, n2 are assigned respectively to the variables with the same names and to ListAns elements 1 through 10. Note: Specify 0 when you want to turn off the Pooled condition and 1 when you want to turn it on. Omitting the input is treated as Pooled condition off. LinRegTTest: Executes linear regression t-test calculation. Syntax: LinRegTTest "&ρ condition", XList, YList[, Freq] Output Values: t, p, df, a, b, s, r, r2 are assigned respectively to the variables with the same names and to ListAns elements 1 through 8. 8-47 • 2 Test ChiGOFTest: Executes a chi-square goodness of fit test. Syntax: ChiGOFTest List 1, List 2, df, List 3 (List 1 is the Observed list, List 2 is the Expected list, and List 3 is the CNTRB list.) Output Values: 2, p, df are assigned respectively to the variables with the same names and to ListAns elements 1 through 3. The CNTRB list is stored in List 3. ChiTest: Executes a chi-square test. Syntax: ChiTest MatA, MatB (MatA is the Observed matrix and MatB is the Expected matrix.) Output Values: 2, p, df are assigned respectively to the variables with the same names and to ListAns elements 1 through 3. The Expected matrix is assigned to MatB. • F Test TwoSampleFTest: Executes 2-sample F-test calculation. Syntax: TwoSampleFTest "σ1 condition", sx1, n1, sx2, n2 Output Values: F, p, sx1, sx2, n1, n2 are assigned respectively to the variables with the same names and to ListAns elements 1 through 6. Syntax: TwoSampleFTest "σ1 condition", List1, List2, [, Freq1 [, Freq2]] Output Values: F, p, o1, o2, sx1, sx2, n1, n2 are assigned respectively to the variables with the same names and to ListAns elements 1 through 8. • ANOVA OneWayANOVA: Executes one-factor ANOVA analysis of variance. Syntax: OneWayANOVA List1, List2 (List1 is Factor list (A) and List2 is the Dependent list.) Output Values: Adf, Ass, Ams, AF, Ap, ERRdf, ERRss, ERRms are assigned respectively to variables Adf, SSa, MSa, Fa, pa, Edf, SSe, MSe. Also, output values are assigned to MatAns as shown below. MatAns = Adf Ass Ams ERRdf ERRss ERRms AF Ap 0 0 TwoWayANOVA: Executes two-factor ANOVA analysis of variance. Syntax: TwoWayANOVA List1, List2, List3 (List1 is Factor list (A), List2 is Factor list (B), and List3 is the Dependent list.) 8-48 Output Values: Adf, Ass, Ams, AF, Ap, Bdf, Bss, Bms, BF, Bp, ABdf, ABss, ABms, ABF, ABp, ERRdf, ERRss, ERRms are assigned respectively to variables Adf, SSa, MSa, Fa, pa, Bdf, SSb, MSb, Fb, pb, ABdf, SSab, MSab, Fab, pab, Edf, SSe, MSe. Also, output values are assigned to MatAns as shown below. MatAns = Adf Ass Ams AF Ap Bdf Bss Bms BF Bp ABdf ABss ABms ABF ABp ERRdf ERRss ERRms 0 0 k Performing Financial Calculations in a Program • Setup Commands • Date Mode Setting for Financial Calculations DateMode365 ....... 365 days DateMode360 ....... 360 days • Payment Period Setting PmtBgn................. Start of period PmtEnd................. End of period • Bond Calculation Payment Periods PeriodsAnnual ...... Annual PeriodsSemi ......... Semiannual • Financial Calculation Commands For the meaning of each argument, see “Chapter 7 Financial Calculation”. • Simple Interest Smpl_SI: Returns the interest based on simple interest calculation. Syntax: Smpl_SI(n, I%, PV) Smpl_SFV: Returns the total of principal and interest based on simple interest calculation. Syntax: Smpl_SFV(n, I%, PV) 8-49 • Compound Interest Note: • P/Y and C/Y can be omitted for all compound interest calculations. When they are omitted, calculations are performed using P/Y=12 and C/Y=12. • If you perform a calculation that uses a compound interest function (Cmpd_n(, Cmpd_I%(, Cmpd_PV(, Cmpd_PMT(, Cmpd_FV(), the argument(s) you input and the calculation results will be saved to the applicable variables (n, I%, PV, etc.). If you perform a calculation that uses any other type of financial calculation function, the argument and calculation results are not assigned to variables. Cmpd_n: Returns the number of compound periods. Syntax: Cmpd_n(I%, PV, PMT, FV, P/Y, C/Y) Cmpd_I%: Returns the annual interest. Syntax: Cmpd_I%(n, PV, PMT, FV, P/Y, C/Y) Cmpd_PV: Returns the present value (loan amount for installment payments, principal for savings). Syntax: Cmpd_PV(n, I%, PMT, FV, P/Y, C/Y) Cmpd_PMT: Returns equal input/output values (payment amounts for installment payments, deposit amounts for savings) for a fixed period. Syntax: Cmpd_PMT(n, I%, PV, FV, P/Y, C/Y) Cmpd_FV: Returns the final input/output amount or total principal and interest. Syntax: Cmpd_FV(n, I%, PV, PMT, P/Y, C/Y) • Cash Flow (Investment Appraisal) Cash_NPV: Returns the net present value. Syntax: Cash_NPV(I%, Csh) Cash_IRR: Returns the internal rate of return. Syntax: Cash_IRR(Csh) Cash_PBP: Returns the payback period. Syntax: Cash_PBP(I%, Csh) Cash_NFV: Returns the net future value. Syntax: Cash_NFV(I%, Csh) • Amortization Amt_BAL: Returns the remaining principal balance following payment PM2. Syntax: Amt_BAL(PM1, PM2, I%, PV, PMT, P/Y, C/Y) Amt_INT: Returns the interest paid for payment PM1. Syntax: Amt_INT(PM1, PM2, I%, PV, PMT, P/Y, C/Y) Amt_PRN: Returns the principal and interest paid for payment PM1. Syntax: Amt_PRN(PM1, PM2, I%, PV, PMT, P/Y, C/Y) 8-50 Amt_ΣINT: Returns the total principal and interest paid from payment PM1 to PM2. Syntax: Amt_ΣINT(PM1, PM2, I%, PV, PMT, P/Y, C/Y) Amt_ΣPRN: Returns the total principal paid from payment PM1 to PM2. Syntax: Amt_ΣPRN(PM1, PM2, I%, PV, PMT, P/Y, C/Y) • Interest Rate Conversion Cnvt_EFF: Returns the interest rate converted from the nominal interest rate to the effective interest rate. Syntax: Cnvt_EFF(n, I%) Cnvt_APR: Returns the interest rate converted from the effective interest rate to the nominal interest rate. Syntax: Cnvt_APR(n, I%) • Cost, Selling Price, Margin Calculations Cost: Returns the cost based on a specified selling price and margin. Syntax: Cost(Sell, Margin) Sell: Returns the selling price based on a specified cost and margin. Syntax: Sell(Cost, Margin) Margin: Returns the margin based on a specified cost and selling price. Syntax: Margin(Cost, Sell) • Day/Date Calculations Days_Prd: Returns the number of days from a specified d1 to specified d2. Syntax: Days_Prd(MM1, DD1, YYYY1, MM2, DD2, YYYY2) • Bond Calculations Bond_PRC: Returns in list form bond prices based on specified conditions. Syntax: Bond_PRC(MM1, DD1, YYYY1, MM2, DD2, YYYY2, RDV, CPN, YLD) = {PRC, INT, CST} Bond_YLD: Returns the yield based on specified conditions. Syntax: Bond_YLD(MM1, DD1, YYYY1, MM2, DD2, YYYY2, RDV, CPN, PRC) 8-51 7. Program Mode Command List RUN Program 4(MENU) key Level 1 STAT Level 2 DRAW GRAPH List TYPE DIST CALC MAT LIST GRAPH Swap Row Row+ Row+ SortA SortD SEL TYPE Level 3 Command On DrawOn Off DrawOff S-Gph1 S-Gph1_ S-Gph2 S-Gph2_ S-Gph3 S-Gph3_ Scatter Scatter xyLine xyLine Hist Hist Box MedBox Bar Bar N-Dist N-Dist Broken Broken X Linear Med Med-Med X2 Quad X3 Cubic X4 Quart Log Log *1 (see page 8-58) Power Power Sin Sinusoidal NPPlot NPPlot Logistic Logistic Pie Pie List_ *2 (see page 8-58) DrawN DrawDistNorm_ DrawT DrawDistT_ DrawC DrawDistChi_ DrawF DrawDistF_ 1-VAR 1-Variable_ 2-VAR 2-Variable_ *3 (see page 8-58) Med Med-MedLine_ X2 QuadReg_ X3 CubicReg_ X4 QuartReg_ Log LogReg_ *4 (see page 8-58) Power PowerReg_ Sin SinReg_ Logistic LogisticReg_ Swap_ `Row_ `Row+_ Row+_ SortA( SortD( On G_SelOn_ Off G_SelOff_ Y= Y=Type r= r=Type Param ParamType X= X=Type STYLE Y> Y< Y≥ Y≤ X> X< X≥ X≤ — — ····· ······ — GPH-MEM DYNA TABLE GRHCLR On Off Var TYPE GRHCLR On Off TYPE STYLE Store Recall Y= r= Param Y= r= Param — — ····· ······ — RECURSION GRHCLR SEL+S On Off — — ····· ······ — TYPE n.a n.. 8-52 an a n+1 a n+2 n an a n+1 a n+2 bn b n+1 b n+2 cn c n+1 c n+2 Σa n Σa n+1 Y>Type YType X < ≥ ≤ Locate Getkey Send Receive S38k R38k Open Close Join Len Cmp Src Left Right Mid E→S Exp Upr Lwr Inverse Shift Rotate DispF-Tbl DrawFTG-Con DrawFTG-Plt DispR-Tbl PlotPhase DrawWeb_ DrawR-Con DrawR Σ -Con DrawR-Plt DrawR Σ-Plt = ≠ > < ≥ ≤ Locate_ Getkey Send( Receive( Send38k_ Receive38k_ OpenComport38k CloseComport38k : StrJoin( StrLen( StrCmp( StrSrc( StrLeft( StrRight( StrMid( Exp'Str( Exp( StrUpr( StrLwr( StrInv( StrShift( StrRotate( !m(SET UP) key Level 1 ANGLE COORD GRID AXES LABEL DISPLAY 8-56 Level 2 Deg Rad Gra On Off On Off Line On Off Scale On Off Fix Sci Norm Level 3 Command Deg Rad Gra CoordOn CoordOff GridOn GridOff GridLine AxesOn AxesOff AxesScale LabelOn LabelOff Fix_ Sci_ Norm_ ENG SKT/LIN On Off Eng — — ····· ······ — DRAW DERIV BACK FUNC SIMUL SGV-WIN LIST LOCUS TBL-VAR ΣDISP RESID COMPLEX FRAC Y=SPEED DATE PMT PERIODS INEQ SIMP Q1Q3 Connect Plot On Off None Pict OPEN On Off On Off Auto Manual File On Off Range List On Off None List Real a+bi r∠θ d/c ab/c Norm High 365 360 Begin End Annual Semi Intsect Union Auto Manual Std OnData P/L-CLR EngOn EngOff Eng S-L-Normal S-L-Thick S-L-Broken S-L-Dot S-L-Thin G-Connect G-Plot DerivOn DerivOff BG-None BG-Pict_ *8 (see page 8-59) FuncOn FuncOff SimulOn SimulOff S-WindAuto S-WindMan File_ LocusOn LocusOff VarRange VarList_ Σ dispOn ΣdispOff Resid-None Resid-List_ Real a+bi r∠θ d/c ab/c Y=DrawSpeedNorm Y=DrawSpeedHigh DateMode365 DateMode360 PmtBgn PmtEnd PeriodsAnnual PeriodsSemi IneqTypeIntsect IneqTypeUnion SimplfyAuto SimplfyMan Q1Q3TypeStd Q1Q3TypeOnData Plot/Line-Color_ SKETCH PLOT LINE Circle Vertical Horz Text PIXEL Test STYLE V-WIN Level 2 Factor Auto V-Win Store Recall Level 3 On Off Pxlchg — — ····· ······ Cls Tangent_ Normal_ Inverse_ Graph_Y= Graph_r= Graph(X,Y)=( Graph_X= Graph_ ∫ Graph_Y> Graph_Y< Graph_Y≥ Graph_Y≤ Graph_X> Graph_X< Graph_X≥ Graph_X≤≤ Plot_ PlotOn_ PlotOff_ PlotChg_ Line F-Line_ Circle_ Vertical_ Horizontal_ Text_ PxlOn_ PxlOff_ PxlChg_ PxlTest( SketchNormal_ SketchThick_ SketchBroken_ SketchDot_ SketchThin_ !f(FORMAT) key Level 1 1:Color Command ! key Level 1 Y= r= Param x=c G·∫ dX Y> Y< Y≥ Y≤ X> X< X≥ X≤ Plot PlotOn PlotOff PlotChg Line F-Line — 2:Paint Command ZOOM Cls Tangent Norm Inverse GRAPH Command Factor_ ZoomAuto ViewWindow_ StoV-Win_ RclV-Win_ 8-57 Level 2 1:Black 2:Blue 3:Red 4:Magenta 5:Green 6:Cyan 7:Yellow 9:Auto A:Clear 1:Normal 2:Lighter Level 3 Command Black_ Blue_ Red_ Magenta_ Green_ Cyan_ Yellow_ ColorAuto_ ColorClr_ ColorNormal_ ColorLighter_ BASE Program Level 3 4(MENU) key Level 1 d~o LOGIC DISPLAY Level 2 Level 3 Command d h b o Neg_ Not_ and or xor xnor 'Dec 'Hex 'Bin 'Oct d h b o Neg Not and or xor xnor 'Dec 'Hex 'Bin 'Oct !J(PRGM) key Level 1 Prog JUMP Level 2 Level 3 Exp *2 MARK STICK %DATA None COLOR LINK *3 X *4 EXP *5 NORM Command Prog_ Lbl_ Goto_ ⇒ Isz_ Dsz_ Menu_ ? ^ = ≠ > < ≥ ≤ : Lbl Goto ⇒ Isz Dsz Menu ? ^ RELATNL *1 = ≠ > < ≥ ≤ : t CHI F BINOMIAL POISSON GEO !m(SET UP) key Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 HYPRGEO Command Dec Hex Bin Oct Dec Hex Bin Oct *6 Z t !f(FORMAT) key Level 1 1:Black 2:Blue 3:Red 4:Magenta 5:Green 6:Cyan 7:Yellow Level 2 Level 3 CHI Command Black_ Blue_ Red_ Magenta_ Green_ Cyan_ Yellow_ F ANOVA 8-58 Level 4 aebx abx   Length Horz % Data BothXY X&Freq OnlyX OnlyY On Off ax+b a+bx aebx abx Npd Ncd InvN tpd tcd Invt Cpd Ccd InvC Fpd Fcd InvF Bpd Bcd InvB Ppd Pcd InvP Gpd Gcd InvG Hpd Hcd InvH 1-Sample 2-Sample 1-Prop 2-Prop 1-Sample 2-Sample REG GOF 2WAY 1WAYANO 2WAYANO Command Exp(ae^bx) Exp(ab^x) Square Cross Dot StickLength StickHoriz % Data None ColorLinkX&Y ColorLinkX&Freq ColorLinkOnlyX ColorLinkOnlyY ColorLinkOn ColorLinkOff LinearReg(ax+b) LinearReg(a+bx) Exp(a•e^bx) Exp(a•b^x) NormPD( NormCD( InvNormCD( tPD( tCD( InvTCD( ChiPD( ChiCD( InvChiCD( FPD( FCD( InvFCD( BinomialPD( BinomialCD( InvBinomialCD( PoissonPD( PoissonCD( InvPoissonCD( GeoPD( GeoCD( InvGeoCD( HypergeoPD( HypergeoCD( InvHyperGeoCD( OneSampleZTest_ TwoSampleZTest_ OnePropZTest_ TwoPropZTest_ OneSampleTTest_ TwoSampleTTest_ LinRegTTest_ ChiGOFTest_ ChiTest_ TwoSampleFTest_ OneWayANOVA_ TwoWayANOVA_ *7 Metric conversion commands (commands included in K6(g)1(CONVERT)) are supported only when the Metric Conversion add-in application is installed. 8 * Selecting “OPEN” displays a dialog box for specifying an image file. The storage memory location (folder name and file name) of the specified image will be input. For example: "Pict\Pict01.g3p". Level 3 *9 TEST INTR DIST Level 4 Command p z t Chi F p̂ p̂ 1 p̂ 2 p z t 2 df se r r2 pa Fa Adf SSa MSa pb Fb Bdf SSb MSb pab Fab ABdf SSab MSab Edf SSe MSe Lower Upper p̂ p̂ 1 p̂ 2 df se r r2 pa Fa Adf SSa MSa pb Fb Bdf SSb MSb pab Fab ABdf SSab MSab Edf SSe MSe Lower Upper p̂ p̂ 1 p̂ 2 df p xInv x1InvN x2InvN zLow zUp tLow tUp df p xInv x1InvN x2InvN zLow zUp tLow tUp F p̂ p̂ 1 p̂ 2 8-59 8. CASIO Scientific Function Calculator Special Commands ⇔ Text Conversion Table The table below shows the special text strings that correspond to commands when converting between programs and text files. For details about the operations for converting between programs and text files, see “Converting Programs and Text Files” (page 8-7). Important! • Converting a program that contains the types of commands described below to a text file will cause the commands to be converted to text strings with underbar (_) characters appended at the beginning and end, as shown in the table below. - A command enclosed in quotation marks (" ") - A command in a comment line, which is a line that begins with a single quotation mark (') Note that non-command alpha-numeric characters in a program that are enclosed in quotation marks (" ") or are in a comment line are output to the text file as-is. Example: In the program: "" "Theta"*1 "Tmax"*2 "TThetamax"*1 "or"*3 "or"*1 In the text file (after conversion): ˝ _Theta_ ˝ ˝ Theta ˝ ˝ _TThetamax_ ˝ ˝ TThetamax ˝ ˝ _or_ ˝ ˝ or ˝ *1 Non-command alpha-numeric characters *2 V-Window Tmax command *3 Logical operator or Converting from a text file to a program converts the special character strings back to their corresponding commands, shown above. • When converting a program that contains special characters input using 6(CHAR) when editing the program on the calculator, the special characters will be converted to character string codes as shown below. Example: In the program: λ ® 1  ` ⇔ In the text file (after conversion): #E54A #E5A5 #E5F0 #E641 #E69C #E6D6 These codes are not included in the tables on the pages 8-61 through 8-66. 8-60 * “®” in the following tables indicates a space. Command Text Command Text Command Text f femto 7 7 m m p pico 8 8 n n n nano 9 9 o o μ micro : : p p m milli ; ; q q k kilo < < r r M Mega = = s s G Giga > > t t T Tera ? ? u u P Peta @ @ v v E Exa A A w w ^ Disps B B x x ↵ (CR) C C y y -> D D z z ×10 Exp E E { { E ExpE F F | | ≤ <= G G } } ≠ <> H H ~ ˜ ≥ >= I I Pol( Pol( ⇒ => J J sin® sin® f1 f1 K K cos® cos® f2 f2 L L tan® tan® f3 f3 M M h &h f4 f4 N N ln® ln® f5 f5 O O ' Sqrt f6 f6 P P - (-) a &HA Q Q P nPr b &HB R R + + c &HC S S xnor xnor d &HD T T 2 ^<2> e &HE U U ® dms &HF V V ∫( Integral( ® W W Mod Mod ! Char! X X Σx2 Sigmax^2 " ˝ Y Y x X # # Z Z sin−1® sin^-1® $ $ [ [ cos−1® cos^-1® % \ ¥ tan−1® tan^-1® & & ] ] d &d ' ’ ^ ^^ log® log® ( ( _ _ ' Cbrt ` → f ® % 3 ) ) ' Abs® Abs® € €€ a a c nCr + ++ b b − − c xor xor −1 ^<-1> deg , , c - Char- d d . . e e ° / // f f Med Med 0 0 g g Σx Sigmax 1 1 h h Rec( Rec( 2 2 i i sinh® sinh® 3 3 j j cosh® cosh® 4 4 k k tanh® tanh® 5 5 l l o &o 6 6 8-61 Command Text e^ Command e^ Text Command Intg® Intg® Text Det® Det® Int® Int® ∑xy Sigmaxy Arg® Arg® Not® Not® Plot® Plot® Conjg® Conjg® ^ ^ Line Line ReP® ReP® × € Lbl® Lbl® ImP® ImP® or or Fix® Fix® d/dx( d/dx( ! ! Sci® Sci® d /dx ( d^2/dx^2( r rad Dsz® Dsz® Solve( Solve( minY minY Isz® Isz® Σ( Sigma( minX minX Factor® Factor® FMin( FMin( n Statn ViewWindow® ViewWindow® FMax( FMax( sinh−1® sinh^−1® Goto® Goto® Seq( Seq( cosh ® cosh^−1® Prog® Prog® Min( Min( tanh−1® tanh^−1® Graph®Y= Graph®Y= Mean( Mean( b &b Graph® Graph®Integral Median( Median( Graph®Y> SolveN( SolveN( −1 2 2 10 (10) Graph®Y> Frac® Frac® Graph®Y< Graph®Y< Red® Red® Neg® Neg® Graph®Y≥ Graph®Y>= Blue® Blue® ' Xrt Graph®Y≤ Graph®Y<= Green® Green® ÷ / Graph®r= Graph®r= MOD( MOD( and and Graph(X,Y)=( Graph(X,Y)=( MOD_Exp( MOD_Exp( { frac , Para, GCD( GCD( g gra P( ProbP( LCM( LCM( maxY maxY Q( ProbQ( StdDev( StdDev( maxX maxX R( ProbR( Variance( Variance( ∑y2 Sigmay2 t( Probt( Mat® Mat® Ans Ans Xmin Xmin Trn® Trn® Ran#® Ran# Xmax Xmax €Row® €Row® x̄ x-bar Xscl Xscl €Row+® €Row+® x ȳ y-bar Ymin Ymin Row+® Row+® σx sigmax Ymax Ymax Swap® Swap® sx Sx Yscl Yscl Dim® Dim® σx sigmay Tmin TThetamin Fill( Fill( sy Sy Tmax TThetamax Identity® Identity® a Regression_a Tptch TThetaptch Augment( Augment( b Regression_b Xfct Xfct List→Mat( List->Mat( r ^ x Regression_r Yfct Yfct Mat→List( Mat->List( Sum® ^ y D®Start Sum® y-hat r  x-hat D®Start D®End D®End Prod® Prod® D®pitch D®pitch Percent® Percent® Theta RightXmin RightXmin Cuml® Cuml® ∑y Sigmay RightXmax RightXmax i Imaginary π pi RightXscl RightXscl List® List® Cls Cls RightYmin RightYmin ΔList® Dlist® Rnd Rnd RightYmax RightYmax ∞ Infinity Dec &D RightYscl RightYscl ∠ Angle Hex &H RightTmin RightTThetamin Ref® Ref® Bin &B RightTmax RightTThetamax Rref® Rref® Oct &O RightTThetaptch ' Conv p RightTptch @D8 StdDev_σ( StdDev_sigma( Sim®Coef Sim®Coef Norm® Norm® Variance_σ2( Variance_sigma^2( Ply®Coef Ply®Coef Deg Deg c Regression_c Sim®Result Sim®Result Rad Rad d Regression_d Ply®Result Ply®Result Gra Gra e Regression_e n Financial®n Eng Eng Max( Max( I% Financial®I% 8-62 Command Text Command Command Text r Graphr Not® ®Not® Xt GraphXt ®Xor® ®Xor® Yt GraphYt Σan+ Sigmaan+1 X GraphX List2 Σbn+ 1 Sigmabn+1 SSb SSb List3 Σcn+1 Sigmacn+1 SSab SSab List4 List4 Σan+2 Sigmaan+2 MSb MSb List5 List5 Σbn+ Sigmabn+2 MSab MSab List6 List6 Σcn+ Sigmacn+2 [ns] [ns] Financial®PV PMT Financial®PMT FV Financial®FV List1 List1 List2 List3 ®Or® Text ®Or® PV 1 2 2 Q1 Q1 ®Int÷® ®Int/® [s] [micros] Q3 Q3 ®Rmdr® ®Rmdr® [ms] [ms] x1 x1 Fa Fa [s] [s] y1 y1 n1 n1 [min] [min] x2 x2 n2 n2 [h] [h] y2 y2 x̄1 x-bar1 [day] [day] x3 x3 x̄2 x-bar2 [week] [week] y3 y3 sx1 sx1 [yr] [yr] Vct® Vct® sx2 sx2 [s-yr] [s-yr] logab( logab( sp Sxp [t-yr] [t-yr] RndFix( RndFix( p̂ p-hat [®C] [Centigrade] RanInt#( RanInt#( p̂1 p-hat1 [K] [Kel] ® RanList#( RanList#( p̂2 p-hat2 [ F] [Fahrenheit] RanBin#( RanBin#( Lower Lower [®R] [Rankine] RanNorm#( RanNorm#( Upper Upper [u] [u] RanSamp#( RanSamp#( P/Y P/Year [g] [g] Σan Sigmaan C/Y C/Year [kg] [kg] Σbn Sigmabn Fb Fb [lb] [lb] Σcn Sigmacn F F-Value [oz] [oz] Getkey Getkey z z-Value [slug] [slug] F®Result F®Result p p-Value [ton(short)] [ton(short)] F®Start F®Start t t-Value [ton(long)] [ton(long)] F®End F®End se se [mton] [mton] χ 2 [l-atm] F®pitch F®pitch x^2 [l-atm] R®Result R®Result r2 r^2 [ft·lbf] [ftlbf] R®Start R®Start Adf Adf [calIT] [calIT] R®End R®End Edf Edf [calth] [calth] H®Start H®Start df df [Btu] [Btu] [kWh] [kgfm] H®pitch H®pitch SSa SSa [kW·h] 'Simp® >Simp MSa MSa [kgf·m] an an® SSe [Pa] [Pa] [kPa] [kPa] SSe 1 an+ an+1 MSe MSe an+2 an+2 Fab Fab [bar] [bar] n Subscriptn Bdf Bdf [mmH2O] [mmH2O] a0 a0 ABdf ABdf [mmHg] [mmHg] 1 a1 pa pa [inH2O] [inH2O] a2 a2 pb [inHg] [inHg] [lbf/in^2] [kgf/cm^2] a pb bn bn® pab pab [lbf/in2] bn+1 bn+1 CellSum( CellSum( [kgf/cm2] bn+2 bn+2 CellProd( [atm] [atm] [dyne] [dyne] CellProd( 0 b b0 CellMin( CellMin( b1 b1 CellMax( CellMax( [N] [New] CellMean( [kgf] [kgf] [lbf] b2 b2 CellMean( anStart anStart CellMedian( CellMedian( [lbf] bnStart bnStart CellIf( CellIf( [tonf] [tonf] ®And® ®And® GraphY [fm] [fm] Y 8-63 Command Text Command [mm] [mm] [cm] [m] Text Command Text [cal15] [cal15] Logistic Logistic [cm] [kcal15] [kcal15] LogisticReg® LogisticReg® [m] [kcalth] [kcalth] Pie Pie [km] [km] [kcalIT] [kcalIT] Bar Bar [Mil] [Mil] If® If® DotG® DotG [in] [in] Then® Then® 1-Variable® 1-Variable® [ft] [ft] Else® Else® 2-Variable® 2-Variable® [yd] [yd] IfEnd IfEnd [fath] [fath] For® For® [rd] [rd] ®To® ®To® QuadReg® QuadReg® [mile] [mile] ®Step® ®Step® CubicReg® CubicReg® [n®mile] [n_mile] Next Next QuartReg® QuartReg® [acre] [acre] While® While® LogReg® LogReg® [ha] [ha] WhileEnd WhileEnd ExpReg(a·e^bx)® ExpReg(ae^bx)® [cm2] [cm^2] Do Do PowerReg® PowerReg® [m2] [m^2] LpWhile® LpWhile® S-Gph1® S-Gph1® [km2] [km^2] Return Return S-Gph2® S-Gph2® [in2] [in^2] Break Break S-Gph3® S-Gph3® [ft2] [ft^2] Stop Stop Square Square [yd2] [yd^2] Locate® Locate® Cross Cross [mile2] [mile^2] Send( Send( Dot Dot [m/s] [m/s] Receive( Receive( Scatter Scatter [km/h] [km/h] OpenComport38k OpenComport38k xyLine xyLine [ft/s] [ft/s] CloseComport38k CloseComport38k Hist Hist [mile/h] [mile/h] Send38k® Send38k® MedBox MedBox [knot] [knot] Recieve38k® Recieve38k® N-Dist N-Dist [mL] [mL] ClrText ClrText Broken Broken [L] [Lit] ClrGraph ClrGraph Linear Linear [tsp] [tsp] ClrList® ClrList Med-Med Med-Med [cm3] [cm^3] LinearReg(a+bx)® LinearReg(a+bx)® Quad Quad [m3] [m^3] S-L-Normal S-L-Normal Cubic Cubic [tbsp] [tbsp] S-L-Thick S-L-Thick Quart Quart [in3] [in^3] S-L-Broken S-L-Broken Log Log [ft3] [ft^3] S-L-Dot S-L-Dot Exp(a·e^bx) Exp(ae^bx) [fl_oz(UK)] [fl_oz(UK)] DrawGraph DrawGraph Power Power [fl_oz(US)] [fl_oz(US)] PlotPhase® PlotPhase® ExpReg(a·b^x)® ExpReg(ab^x)® [cup] [cup] DrawDyna DrawDyna S-WindAuto S-WindAuto [pt] [pt] DrawStat DrawStat S-WindMan S-WindMan [qt] [qt] DrawFTG-Con DrawFTG-Con Graph®X= Graph®X= [gal(US)] [gal(US)] DrawFTG-Plt DrawFTG-Plt Y=Type Y=Type [gal(UK)] [gal(UK)] DrawR-Con DrawR-Con r=Type r=Type [m] [microm] DrawR-Plt DrawR-Plt ParamType ParamType [mg] [mg] DrawRΣ-Con DrawRSigma-Con X=Type X=Type [A] [Ang] DrawRΣ-Plt DrawRSigma-Plt X>Type X>Type [AU] [AstU] DrawWeb® DrawWeb® XType Y>Type [pc] [pc] ThickG® ThickG® Y=Type [calth/s] [calth/s] DispF-Tbl DispF-Tbl YsType Y<=Type [hp] [hp] DispR-Tbl DispR-Tbl XtType X>=Type [Btu/min] [Btu/min] SimplifyAuto SimplifyAuto XsType X<=Type [W] [Wat] SimplifyMan SimplifyMan G-Connect G-Connect [eV] [eV] NPPlot NPPlot G-Plot G-Plot [erg] [erg] Sinusoidal Sinusoidal Resid-None Resid-None [J] [Jou] SinReg® SinReg® Resid-List® Resid-List® 8-64 LinearReg(ax+b)® LinearReg(ax+b)® Med-MedLine® Med-MedLine® Command Command Text Text Command Text BG-None BG-None File6 File6 BG-Pict® BG-Pict® Y=DrawSpeedNorm Y=DrawSpeedNorm ClrMat® ClrMat® GridOff GridOff Y=DrawSpeedHigh Y=DrawSpeedHigh ZoomAuto ZoomAuto GridLine GridLine FuncOn FuncOn Xdot Xdot GridOn GridOn SimulOn SimulOn RightXdot R-Xdot Exp(a·b^x) Exp(a^bx) AxesOn AxesOn DrawDistNorm® DrawDistNorm® CoordOn DrawDistT® DrawDistT® LabelOn DrawDistChi® DrawDistChi® DrawDistF® DrawDistF® D®Var® D®Var® CoordOn Q1Q3TypeStd Q1Q3TypeStd LabelOn VarRange VarList® VarList® VarRange DerivOn DerivOn Q1Q3TypeOnData Q1Q3TypeOnData LocusOn LocusOn None None SketchNormal® SketchNormal® ΣdispOn SigmadispOn StickLength StickLength SketchThick® SketchThick® G®SelOn® G®SelOn® StickHoriz StickHoriz SketchBroken® SketchBroken® T®SelOn® T®SelOn® IneqTypeUnion IneqTypeUnion SketchDot® SketchDot® D®SelOn® D®SelOn® Graph®X> Graph®X> anType anType R®SelOn® R®SelOn® Graph®X< Graph®X< an+1Type an+1Type DrawOn DrawOn Graph®X≥ Graph®X>= an+2Type an+2Type ab/c ab/c Graph®X≤ Graph®X<= StoPict® StoPict® d/c d/c StrJoin( StrJoin( RclPict® RclPict® FuncOff FuncOff StrLen( StrLen( StoGMEM® StoGMEM® SimulOff SimulOff StrCmp( StrCmp( RclGMEM® RclGMEM® AxesOff AxesOff StrSrc( StrSrc( StoV-Win® StoV-Win® CoordOff CoordOff StrLeft( StrLeft( RclV-Win® RclV-Win® LabelOff LabelOff StrRight( StrRight( DerivOff % Display% DerivOff StrMid( StrMid( Data DisplayData LocusOff LocusOff Exp'Str( Exp>Str( Menu® Menu® ΣdispOff SigmadispOff Exp( Exp( RclCapt® RclCapt G®SelOff® G®SelOff® StrUpr( StrUpr( Tangent® Tangent® T®SelOff® T®SelOff® StrLwr( StrLwr( Normal® D®SelOff® D®SelOff® StrInv( StrInv( Normal® Inverse® Inverse® R®SelOff® R®SelOff® StrShift( StrShift( Vertical® Vertical® DrawOff DrawOff StrRotate( StrRotate( Horizontal® Horizontal® 'Dec >&D ClrVct® ClrVct® Text® Text® 'Hex >&H Str® Str® Circle® Circle® 'Bin >&B CrossP( CrossP( F-Line® F-Line® 'Oct >&O DotP( DotP( PlotOn® PlotOn® 'DMS >DMS Norm( Norm( PlotOff® PlotOff® 'a+bi >a+bi UnitV( UnitV( Angle( PlotChg® PlotChg® 'r∠ >re^Theta Angle( PxlOn® PxlOn® Real Real ColorAuto® ColorAuto® PxlOff® PxlOff® a+bi a+bi ColorLighter® ColorLighter® r∠ re^Theta ColorLinkX&Y ColorLinkX&Y ColorLinkOnlyX PxlChg® PxlChg® PxlTest( PxlTest( EngOn EngOn ColorLinkOnlyX SortA( SortA( EngOff EngOff ColorLinkOnlyY ColorLinkOnlyY SortD( SortD( Sel®a0 Sel®a0 ColorLinkOn ColorLinkOn VarList1 VarList1 Sel®a1 Sel®a1 VarList2 VarList2 cn cn® VarList3 VarList3 cn+1 cn+1 VarList4 VarList4 cn+2 cn+2 ColorLinkOff ColorLinkOff ColorNormal® ColorNormal® ERROR ERROR BLANK BLANK ColorClr® ColorLinkX&Freq VarList5 VarList5 c0 c0 ColorClr® VarList6 VarList6 c1 c1 ColorLinkX&Freq File1 File1 c2 NormPD( NormPD( NormCD( InvNormCD( c2 File2 File2 cnStart CnStart NormCD( File3 File3 IneqTypeIntsect IneqTypeIntsect InvNormCD( File4 File4 fn tPD( tPD( tCD( tCD( File5 File5 fn File® 8-65 File® Command Text Command Text InvTCD( Days_Prd( Days_Prd( ChiPD( ChiPD( OneSampleZTest® OneSampleZTest® ChiCD( ChiCD( TwoSampleZTest® TwoSampleZTest® InvChiCD( InvChiCD( OnePropZTest® OnePropZTest® FPD( FPD( TwoPropZTest® TwoPropZTest® FCD( FCD( OneSampleTTest® OneSampleTTest® InvFCD( InvFCD( TwoSampleTTest® TwoSampleTTest® BinomialPD( BinomialPD( LinRegTTest® LinRegTTest® BinomialCD( BinomialCD( ChiGOFTest® ChiGOFTest® InvBinomialCD( InvBinomialCD( ChiTest® ChiTest® PoissonPD( PoissonPD( TwoSampleFTest® TwoSampleFTest® InvTCD( PoissonCD( PoissonCD( OneWayANOVA® OneWayANOVA® InvPoissonCD( InvPoissonCD( TwoWayANOVA® TwoWayANOVA® GeoPD( GeoPD( x1InvN x1InvN GeoCD( GeoCD( x2InvN x2InvN InvGeoCD( InvGeoCD( xInv xInv HypergeoPD( HypergeoPD( SketchThin® SketchThin® HypergeoCD( HypergeoCD( S-L-Thin S-L-Thin InvHypergeoCD( InvHypergeoCD( ThinG® ThinG® SetG-Color® SetG-Color® zLow zLow Plot/Line-Color® Plot/Line-Color® zUp zUp AxesScale AxesScale tLow tLow Black® Black® tUp tUp Magenta® Magenta® Cyan® Cyan® Yellow® Yellow® Smpl_SI( Smpl_SI( Smpl_SFV( Smpl_SFV( On Version OS 1.01, following commands are converted as follows. Command Text Cmpd_n( Cmpd_n( Cmpd_I%( Cmpd_I%( 2 ^2 Cmpd_PV( Cmpd_PV( –1 ^-1 Cmpd_PMT( Cmpd_PMT( an an Cmpd_FV( Cmpd_FV( Cash_NPV( Cash_NPV( Cash_IRR( Cash_IRR( Cash_PBP( Cash_PBP( Cash_NFV( Cash_NFV( Amt_BAL( Amt_BAL( Amt_INT( Amt_INT( Amt_PRN( Amt_PRN( Amt_ΣINT( Amt_SigmaINT( Amt_ΣPRN( Amt_SigmaPRN( ! !! bn bn [K] [K] [N] [N] [L] [L] [A] [A] [AU] [AU] [W] [W] [J] [J] cn cn E ^E Cnvt_EFF( Cnvt_EFF( - -- Cnvt_APR( Cnvt_APR( r Gamma Cost( Cost( Sell( Sell( Margin( Margin( PmtEnd PmtEnd PmtBgn PmtBgn Bond_PRC( Bond_PRC( Bond_YLD( Bond_YLD( DateMode365 DateMode365 DateMode360 DateMode360 PeriodsAnnual PeriodsAnnual PeriodsSemi PeriodsSemi 8-66 9. Program Library • Be sure to check how many bytes of unused memory are remaining before attempting to perform any programming. Program Name Prime Factorization Description This program accepts input of natural number A, and divides it by B (2, 3, 5, 7....) to find the prime factors of A. • If a division operation does not produce a remainder, the result of the operation is assigned to A. • The above procedure is repeated until B > A. Purpose This program continually divides a natural number by factors until all its prime factors are produced. Example 462 = 2 × 3 × 7 × 11 egcw w ww w 8-67 Program Name Ellipse Description This program displays a number table of the following values based on input of the foci of an ellipse, the sum of the distance between the loci and foci, and the pitch (step size) of X. Y1: Coordinate values of upper half of ellipse Y2: Coordinate values of lower half of ellipse Y3: Distances between right focus and loci Y4: Distances between left focus and loci Y5: Sum of Y3 and Y4 Next, the program plots the foci and values in Y1 and Y2. Purpose This program shows that the sums of the distances between the loci and two foci of an ellipse are equal. dw baw bw w 8-68 Chapter 9 Spreadsheet The Spreadsheet application provides you with powerful, take-along-anywhere spreadsheet capabilities. All of the operations in this section are performed in the Spreadsheet mode. Note A Memory ERROR may occur during a Spreadsheet mode operation if main memory capacity is low. If this happens, delete some input data or Memory mode data in order to increase available free space. 1. Spreadsheet Basics and the Function Menu Selecting Spreadsheet on the Main Menu will display a spreadsheet screen. Entering the Spreadsheet mode automatically creates a new spreadsheet file named “SHEET”. The spreadsheet screen shows a number of cells (squares) and the data contained in each cell. File name Shows as many characters as possible of the file name. Row numbers (1 to 999) Edit box Shows the contents of the cell where the cell cursor is currently located. When multiple cells are selected, the edit box indicates the selected cell range. Column letters (A to Z) Cell cursor Function menu You can enter the following types of data into a cell. Constants A constant is something whose value is fixed as soon as you finalize its input. A constant can be either a numeric value, or a calculation formula (such as 7+3, sin30, A1×2, etc.) that does not have an equal sign (=) in front of it. Text A character string that starts with a quote mark (") is treated as text. Formula A formula that starts out with an equal sign (=), such as =A1×2, is executed as it is written. Note that complex numbers are not supported in the Spreadsheet mode. Spreadsheet Mode Restrictions The maximum file size that can be handled by the Spreadsheet mode is 30KB. Note, however, that the actual maximum file size depends on the type of data input into the spreadsheet and condition formatting settings. Also note that the maximum file size changes in accordance with the amount of main memory available. 9-1 9 Restrictions on the Use of Spreadsheet Strips in the eActivity Mode Main Memory data storage capacity is approximately 60KB. Approximately half of that (a little less than 30KB) is the maximum amount of data storage available in the eActivity mode. Approximately half of the eActivity mode storage memory (a little less than 15KB) is the maximum allowable Spreadsheet file size in the eActivity mode. Because of this, inserting a Spreadsheet strip into an eActivity and performing a spreadsheet operation can cause limitations due to insufficient memory capacity. The following are examples of conditions that would cause the maximum file size to be exceeded. (1) Inputting numeric data into spreadsheet cells A1 through A999, B1 through B999, and C1 through C520 In this case, the Spreadsheet strip of the eActivity will show only A1 through A999 and B1 through B80. (2) Without inputting any data into the spreadsheet, assigning the conditional formatting shown below to all of the cells from A1 through A999 and B1 through B430 - For “Type”, select “Expression”. - Input the following expression: B1=2 A1^3+3 A1^2+4 A1+5. In this case, the Spreadsheet strip of the eActivity will show only A1 through A999 and B1 through B410. k Spreadsheet Screen Function Menu • {FILE} ... Displays the following FILE submenu. • {NEW}/{OPEN}/{SAVE • AS}/{RECALCS}/{CSV} • {EDIT} ... Displays the following EDIT submenu. • {CUT}/{PASTE}/{COPY}/{CELL}/{JUMP}/{SEQ}/{FILL}/{SORTASC}/{SORTDES} • PASTE is displayed only immediately after CUT or COPY is executed. • {DELETE} ... Displays the following DELETE submenu. • {ROW}/{COLUMN}/{ALL} • {INSERT} ... Displays the following INSERT submenu. • {ROW}/{COLUMN} • {CLEAR} ... Displays the following CLEAR submenu. • {CONTENT}/{FORMAT}/{ALL} • {GRAPH} ... Displays the following GRAPH menu. (Same as in the Statistics mode.) • {GRAPH1}/{GRAPH2}/{GRAPH3}/{SELECT}/{SET} • {CALC} ... Displays the following CALC (statistical calculation) menu. (Same as in the Statistics mode.) • {1-VAR}/{2-VAR}/{REG}/{SET} • {STORE} ... Displays the following STORE submenu. • {VAR}/{LIST}/{FILE}/{MAT}/{VCT} • {RECALL} ... Displays the following RECALL submenu. • {LIST}/{FILE}/{MAT}/{VCT} • {CONDIT} ... Displays the conditional formatting setting screen. • {COND1}/{COND2} ... Displays the {Condition1}/{Condition2} screens. 9-2 Data Entry Function Menu • {GRAB} ... Enters the GRAB mode for entering a cell reference name. • {$} ... Inputs the cell absolute reference command ($). • {:} ... Inputs the cell range specification command (:). • {If} ... Inputs the CellIf( command. • {CELL} ... Displays a submenu for inputting the following commands. • CellMin(, CellMax(, CellMean(, CellMedian(, CellSum(, CellProd( • {RELATNL} ... Displays a submenu for inputting the following relational operators. • =, ≠, >, <, ≥, ≤ 2. Basic Spreadsheet Operations This section explains spreadsheet file operations, how to move the cursor and select one or more cells, and how to enter and edit data. k Spreadsheet File Operations u To create a new file 1. Press 1(FILE)1(NEW). 2. On the dialog box that appears, enter up to eight characters for the file name, and then press w. • This will create a new file and display a blank spreadsheet. • A new file will not be created it there is already a file with the same file name you enter in step 2. Instead, the existing file will be opened. u To open a file 1. Press 1(FILE)2(OPEN). 2. On the file list that appears, use f and c to select the file you want and then press w. u Auto Save In the Spreadsheet mode, Auto Save saves the currently open file automatically whenever you edit it. This means you do not need to perform any manual save operation. u To save a file under a new name 1. Press 1(FILE)3(SAVE • AS). 2. On the dialog box that appears, enter up to eight characters for the new file name, and then press w. • If a file already exists with the same file name you enter in step 2, a message will appear asking if you want to replace the existing file with the new one. Press 1(Yes) to replace the existing file, or 6(No) to cancel the save operation and return to the file name input dialog box in step 2. 9-3 u To delete a file 1. Press 1(FILE)2(OPEN). 2. On the file list that appears, use f and c to select the file you want to delete and then press 1(DELETE). 3. This causes a confirmation message to appear. Press 1(Yes) to delete the file, or 6(No) to cancel without deleting anything. 4. To return to the spreadsheet from the file list, press J. • Deleting the currently open file will automatically create a new file named “SHEET” and display its spreadsheet. k Transferring Data between a Spreadsheet and CSV Files You can import the contents of a CSV file stored with this calculator or transferred from a computer into a spreadsheet. You also can save the contents of a spreadsheet as a CSV file. u To import the contents of a CSV file to a spreadsheet 1. Prepare the CSV file you want to import. • See “Import CSV File Requirements” (page 3-18). 2. Press 1(FILE)5(CSV)1(LOAD). • Pressing w in the next step will overwrite all of the data on the spreadsheet with the CSV file data. 3. On the select file dialog box that appears, use f and c to move the highlighting to the file you want to import and then press w. • This imports the contents of the CSV file you specified to the spreadsheet. Important! • All blank data in the CSV file is imported as a blank cell. • An error occurs if a CSV file contains even a single text string data item. • If the CSV file includes data that cannot be converted, an error message will appear showing the location in the CSV file (Example: row 2, column 3) where the data that cannot be converted is located. • Attempting to import a CSV file that has more than 26 columns or 999 rows will cause an “Invalid Data Size” error. u To save spreadsheet contents as a CSV file 1. If required, press 1(FILE)4(RECALCS) to recalculate the spreadsheet contents. • Note that recalculation is not performed automatically when you save spreadsheet contents to a CSV file. Be sure to perform recalculation if the spreadsheet contains a formula, which starts with an equals symbol (=). See “Inputting a Formula into a Cell” (page 9-10) for more information. • Formulas are not saved to the CSV file. Only calculation results are saved. • All ERROR cell data on the spreadsheet is saved as blank data. 9-4 2. Press 1(FILE)5(CSV)2(SAVE • AS). • This displays a folder selection screen. 3. Select the folder where you want to save the CSV file. • To store the CSV file in the root directory, highlight “ROOT”. • To store the CSV file in a folder, use f and c to move the highlighting to the desired folder and then press 1(OPEN). 4. Press 1(SAVE • AS). 5. Input up to eight characters for the file name and then press w. • For information about how certain types of data is converted when being saved to a CSV file, see the “Important!” note under “To save matrix contents as a CSV file” (page 2-48). u To specify the CSV file delimiter symbol and decimal point Press 1(FILE)5(CSV)3(SET) to display the CSV format setting screen. Next, perform the procedure from step 3 under “Specifying the CSV File Delimiter Symbol and Decimal Point” (page 3-20). k Recalculating All of the Formulas in the Currently Open Spreadsheet The Spreadsheet mode has an “Auto Calc” function that automatically recalculates all formulas in a spreadsheet whenever you open a file or perform an editing operation in the Spreadsheet mode. Auto Calc is one of the Spreadsheet setup items (page 1-38). The initial factory default setting for Auto Calc is “On” (auto recalculation enabled). Note that depending on the content of the spreadsheet, auto recalculation can take a long time to complete. When Auto Calc is disabled (Off), you need to execute recalculation manually as required. Note that you can perform manual recalculation at any time, regardless of the current Auto Calc setting. u To execute spreadsheet re-calculation manually Press 1(FILE)4(RECALCS). This recalculates all of the formulas in the currently open file and displays the applicable results. Important! • Regardless of the current Auto Calc setting, pressing A will immediately terminate an ongoing recalculation operation. Note, however, that pressing A will not return the spreadsheet that was being recalculated to its previous values. Any cells that were already recalculated when you pressed A will show their new (recalculated) values. 9-5 k Using the Cell Cursor The cell cursor shows the cell that is selected on a spreadsheet. The highlighted cell is the one that is currently selected by the cell cursor. Cell cursor Edit box When a single cell is selected by the cell cursor, the contents of that cell are displayed in the edit box. The cell contents can be edited in the edit box. When a multiple cells are selected by the cell cursor, the selection range is displayed in the edit box. In this case, you can copy, delete, or perform other cell operations on the entire range of selected cells. u To select cells To select this: Do this: A single cell Use the cursor keys to move the cell cursor to the cell you want, or use the JUMP comment to jump directly to the cell. A range of cells See “To select a range of cells” (page 9-7). An entire row of cells Move the cell cursor to column A of the row whose cells you want to select and then press d. Pressing d while the cell cursor is located at cell A2, for example, will select the entire second row (from A2 to Z2). This will cause A2:Z2 (which indicates the selected range) to appear in the edit box. An entire column of cells Move the cell cursor to row 1 of the column whose cells you want to select and then press f. Pressing f while the cell cursor is located at cell C1, for example, will select the entire column C (from C1 to C999). This will cause C1:C999 (which indicates the selected range) to appear in the edit box. All of the cells in the spreadsheet Press d while the entire column A is selected or press f while the entire row 1 is selected. This will select all of the cells in the spreadsheet and display the spreadsheet file name in the edit box. 9-6 u Using the JUMP Command to Move the Cell Cursor To move the cell cursor to here: Do this: A particular cell 1. Press 2(EDIT)4(JUMP)1(GO). 2. On the dialog box that appears, enter the name of the cell (A1 to Z999) to which you want to jump. 3. Press w. Line 1 of the current column Press 2(EDIT)4(JUMP)2(TOP↑). Column A of the current row Press 2(EDIT)4(JUMP)3(TOP←). Last line of the current column Press 2(EDIT)4(JUMP)4(BTM↓). Column Z of the current row Press 2(EDIT)4(JUMP)5(BTM→). u To select a range of cells 1. Move the cell cursor to the start point of the range of cells you want to select. • You could select and entire row or column of cells as the start point, if you want. For details about selecting cells, see “To select cells” on page 9-6. 2. Press !i(CLIP). • This will change the cell cursor to a thick-line boundary instead of the normal highlighting. 3. Use the cursor keys to move the cell cursor to the end point of the range of cells you want to select. • The edit box will show the range of the selected cells. • To cancel cell selection, press J. If you do, the cell cursor will be located at the end point of the range you selected. 9-7 k Data (Constants, Text, Formula) Input Basics First let’s have a look at a few basic procedures that apply regardless of the type of data you are inputting. u To overwrite data currently in a cell with new data 1. Move the cell cursor to the cell where you want to input data. • If the cell you select already contains data, the following step will overwrite the existing data with new input. 2. Use the calculator’s keys to input data. • As you perform key operations to input values or text (such as b, al(B), etc.), the applicable figures will appear aligned left inside the edit box. • To cancel an input operation part way through at any point before advancing to step 3 below, press J. This will return the cell contents to what they were in step 1 of this procedure. 3. To finalize and apply your input, press w. u To edit cell data 1. Move the cell cursor to the cell whose contents you want to edit. 2. Press 2(EDIT)3(CELL). • Cell contents in the edit box will change from align right to align left. A text cursor will appear in the edit box so you can edit its contents. 3. Use e and d to move the cursor around the contents of the cell, and edit them as required. • To cancel an edit operation part way through at any point before advancing to step 4 below, press J. This will return the cell contents to what they were in step 1 of this procedure. 4. To finalize and apply your edits, press w. u To move the cell cursor while inputting data into a cell Under factory default settings, pressing w while inputting data into a cell will cause the cell cursor to move to the next line. You can specify movement to the next column instead using the “Move” setting as described on page 1-38. 9-8 k Inputting a Constant (Value, Calculation Result, Number Sequence) into a Cell A constant is something whose value is fixed as soon as you finalize its input. A constant can be either a numeric value, or a calculation formula (such as 7+3, sin30, A1×2, etc.) that does not have an equal sign (=) in front of it. Inputting sdaw, for example will cause the value 0.5 (the calculation result) to appear in the cell (when Deg is selected as the Angle unit). u To input a number sequence automatically based on a function expression 1. Move the cell cursor to the cell where you want number sequence input to start. • Under initial default settings, automatic input of the number sequence will proceed downwards from the start cell. You can specify a different direction using the “Move” setting as described on page 1-38. 2. Press 2(EDIT)5(SEQ) to display the Sequence screen, and then specify the function expression and values required to generate the required number sequence. You can input data for the item that is highlighted on the screen. Reference name of the cell selected in step 1 Item Description Expr Input the function expression f(x) for generating the number sequence. Example: a+(X)x+bw (X2 + 1) Var Input the variable name used in the function expression input for Expr. Example: a+(X)w (X) Start Input the starting value (X1) of the value to be substituted for the variable specified by Var. Example: cw End Input the ending value (Xn) of the value to be substituted for the variable specified by Var. Example: baw Incre Input the increment value (m) for successive value of X1, as in: (X2 = X1 + m), (X3 = X2 + m), and so on. The number sequence is generated in the range of X1 + (n – 1) m < Xn. Example: cw 9-9 Item 1st Cell Description Input the reference name (A1, B2, etc.) of the cell where you want the first value of the number sequence to be input. Specify a cell here only if the starting cell is different from the one you specified in step 1 of this procedure. Example: al(B)bw (B1) • Each time you press w after inputting data for a setting item, the highlighting will move to the next setting item. You also can use f and c to move the highlighting upwards and downwards as required. • Performing the next step will input the number string automatically starting from the specified cell. If any cell that is within the range of cells where the number sequence values will be input already contains data, the existing data will be replaced with the number sequence values. 3. After inputting data for all the setting items, press 6(EXE) or the w key to start number sequence generation and input. → k Inputting Text into a Cell To input text, make sure the first thing you input into the cell is a5(”). The quote mark (") tells the calculator that what follows is text, and should be displayed as-is without calculation. The quote mark (") is not displayed as part of the text. k Inputting a Formula into a Cell For the sake of example, let’s try making a table that contains data based on the formula × = . To do this, we would put values in column A, values in column B, and calculation formulas (like = A1 × B1, = A2 × B2, and so on) in column C. If the Auto Calc feature is enabled (On), the values in column C would be recalculated and updated any time we change the values in column A or B. In this example, note that we must start out the data in column C with the equal sign (=) in order to indicate it is a formula. In addition to values, arithmetic operators, and cell reference names, a formula also can contain built-in function commands (page 2-14) and special Spreadsheet mode commands (page 9-19). 9-10 u Formula Input Example A 1 B PRICE C QUANTITY TOTAL 2 35 15 525 3 52 15 780 4 78 20 1560 Procedure 1. Input the text for line 1, and the applicable values in cells A2 through B4. 2. Move the cursor to cell C2, and input the formula for A2 × B2. !.(=)av(A)c*al(B)cw 3. Copy the formula in cell C2 and copy it into cells C3 and C4. Move the cell cursor to cell C2 and then perform the following operation. 2(EDIT)2(COPY)c1(PASTE)c1(PASTE)J • For details about the copy and paste operations, see “Copying and Pasting Cell Contents” (page 9-14). k Inputting a Cell Reference Name Each cell on a spreadsheet has what is called a “reference name”, which is derived by combining its column name (A through Z) with its row name (1 through 999). A cell reference name can be used inside of a formula, which makes the value of the called cell part of the formula. See “Inputting a Formula into a Cell” above for more information. There are two methods you can use to input a cell reference name: direct input of the name and input using the GRAB command. The following illustrates how you would use each of these methods to input =A1+5 into cell B1. u To input a cell reference name using direct input Move the cell cursor to cell B1 and then perform the following operation. !.(=)av(A)b+fw 9-11 u To input a cell reference name using the GRAB command Move the cell cursor to cell B1 and then perform the following operation. !.(=)1(GRAB)d1(SET)+fw • Commands 2(GO) through 6(BTM→) on the submenu that appears when you press 1(GRAB) are identical to commands 1(GO) through 5(BTM→) of the JUMP command submenu. See “Using the JUMP Command to Move the Cell Cursor” on page 9-7 about these commands. k Relative and Absolute Cell Reference Names There are two types of cell reference names: relative and absolute. Normally, cell reference names are treated as being relative. Relative Cell Reference Names In the formula =A1+5, the cell reference name A1 indicates a relative cell reference. It is “relative” because copying the formula and pasting in a different cell will cause the cell reference name to change in accordance with the location of cell where it is pasted. If the formula =A1+5 is originally located in cell B1, for example, copying at pasting in cell C3 will result in =B3+5 in cell C3. Moving from column B to column C (one column) causes A to change to B, while moving from row 1 to row 3 changes (two rows) changes the 1 to 3. Important! If the result of a copy and paste operation causes a relative cell reference name to change to something that is outside the range of the spreadsheet cells, the applicable column letter and/or row number will be replaced by a question mark (?), and “ERROR” will be displayed as the cell’s data. Absolute Reference Names If you want the row or the column, or both the row and the column parts of a cell reference name to remain the same to matter where you paste them, you need to create an absolute cell reference name. You do this by affixing a dollar sign ($) in front of the part of the cell reference name you want to remain unchanged. You have three options when using the dollar sign ($) to create an absolute cell reference name: absolute column with relative row ($A1), relative column with absolute row (A$1), and absolute row and column ($A$1). u To input the absolute cell reference name symbol ($) When inputting a cell reference into a spreadsheet cell, press 2($). For example, the following key operation inputs the absolute cell reference name = $B$1. !.(=)2($)al(B)2($)b 9-12 k Specifying Cell Formatting For each cell, you can specify the text color, cell color, and cell color lightness (Normal or Lighter). u To specify cell formatting 1. Select the range of cells whose formatting you want to specify. 2. Press !f(FORMAT) to display the FORMAT dialog box. 3. Configure the above dialog box with the following settings. To specify this: Perform this operation: Specify the text color Press b(Char Color) and then use keys b through i to specify the desired color. Specify the cell color Press c(Area Color) and then use keys b through i to specify the desired color. Specify the lightness of the cell color Press d(Paint Style) and then press b(Normal) or c(Lighter). 4. To apply the settings you configure, return to the FORMAT dialog box and then press J. 9-13 k Copying and Pasting Cell Contents You can copy the contents of one or more cells and paste them into another location. Once you perform the copy operation, you can copy the contents to multiple locations, if you want. u To copy and paste spreadsheet data 1. Select the cell(s) you want to copy. • See “To select cells” (page 9-6) for more information. 2. Press 2(EDIT)2(COPY). • This will go into paste standby for the selected data, indicated by the 1 menu item changing to (PASTE). • You can exit the paste standby at any time before you perform step 4 below by pressing J. 3. Use the cursor keys to move the cell cursor to location where you want to paste the data. • If you selected a range of cells in step 1, the cell you select with the cell cursor will be the upper left cell of the paste range. • If the location you select is within the range that you copied, performing step below will cause the exiting data to be overwritten with the pasted data. 4. Press 1(PASTE). • This will paste the copied data. • To paste the same data in other locations, repeat steps 3 and 4. 5. After you are finish pasting the data, press J to exit paste standby. k Cutting and Pasting Cell Contents You can use cut and paste to move the contents of one or more cells to another location. Cell contents (regardless of whether it includes relative or absolute cell name references) generally are unchanged by a cut and paste operation. → Cutting the formula =A1+5 in cell B1 and pasting it into cell B2. The A1 reference name is unchanged. 9-14 When you are cut and paste a range cells, reference names that affect relationships within the range are changed accordingly when the range is pasted in order to maintain the correct relationship, regardless of whether they are relative or absolute reference names. → Cutting the B1:C1 range of cells that includes the formula =B1+5 and pasting it into B2:C2. The formula pasted into C2 is changed to =B2+5 in order to maintain the relationship with the cell to the left, which was also part of the pasted range. u To cut and paste spreadsheet data 1. Select the cell(s) you want to cut. • See “To select cells” (page 9-6) for more information. 2. Press 2(EDIT)1(CUT). • This will go into paste standby for the selected data, indicated by the 1 menu item changing to (PASTE). • You can exit the paste standby at any time before you perform step 4 below by pressing J. 3. Use the cursor keys to move the cell cursor to location where you want to paste the data. • If you selected a range of cells in step 1, the cell you select with the cell cursor will be the upper left cell of the paste range. • If the location you select is within the range that you cut, performing step below will cause the exiting data to be overwritten with the pasted data. 4. Press 1(PASTE). • This will paste the data from the cell(s) you selected in step 1 and paste it into the location you selected in step 3. • Regardless of whether Auto Calc is enabled or disabled (page 9-5), pasting cut data will cause all of the formulas in the spreadsheet to be recalculated. 9-15 k Inputting the Same Formula into a Range of Cells Use the Fill command when you want to input the same formula into a specified range of cells. The rules governing relative and absolute cell name references are the same as those for copy and paste. When you need to input the same formula into cells B1, B2, and B3, for example, the Fill command lets you do so by inputting the formula once, into cell B1. Note the following about how the Fill command handles cell name references in this case. When cell B1 contains this: The Fill command will do this: =A1×2 A B 1 =A1×2 2 =A2×2 3 =A3×2 =$A$2×2 A B 1 =$A$2×2 2 =$A$2×2 3 =$A$2×2 * Note that in actual practice cells B1, B2, and B3 will show the calculation results, not the formulas as shown here. u To input the same formula into a range of cells 1. Select the range of cells into which you want to input the same formula. • In this example we will assume the B1:B3 is selected. See “To select a range of cells” (page 9-7). 2. Press 2(EDIT)6(g)1(FILL). 3. On the Fill screen that appears, enter the formula you want to input. You can input data for the item that is highlighted on the screen. This is the range of cells you selected in step 1. • If there is data input in the upper left cell of the range specified in step 1 above, the formula will be displayed in the “Formula” line. • In the “Formula” line, input =A1×2 (!.(=)av(A)b*cw). Pressing w will cause the cell cursor to move to the “Cell Range” line. • If any cell within the cell range already contains data, performing the next step will cause the existing data to be overwritten with the new fill data (formula). 4. Press 6(EXE) or the w key. • This will input the formula into the range of cells you specified. 9-16 k Sorting Constant Data Note that only constant data can be sorted. You can select multiple columns within a single line or multiple lines within a single column for sorting. u To sort constant data 1. Select a range of column cells in a single row or a range of row cells in a single column. • See “To select a range of cells” (page 9-7). • A Syntax ERROR message will appear if any of the cells in the range you select contain data other than constant data. 2. Depending on the type of sort you want to perform, perform either one of the following operations. To sort ascending: 2(EDIT)6(g)2(SORTASC) To sort descending: 2(EDIT)6(g)3(SORTDES) k Deleting and Inserting Cells u To delete an entire line or column of cells Select the row(s) or column(s) you want to delete and then press 3(DELETE). This will delete the selected row(s) or column(s) immediately, without displaying a confirmation message. You also can perform the following steps to delete a row or column. 1. Select one or more cells inside the row(s) or column(s) you want to delete. • If you want to delete lines 2 through 4, for example, you could select A2:B4, C2:C4, or any other range of cells that includes the lines to be deleted. • If you want to delete columns A and B, for example, you could select A1:B1, A2:B4, etc. 2. Press 3(DELETE). • This enters delete standby. If you decide you want to cancel the delete operation at this time, press J. 3. To delete the entire line(s) that include the cells you selected in step 1, press 1(ROW). To delete the entire column, press 2(COLUMN). u To delete the contents of all the cells in a spreadsheet 1. Press 3(DELETE)3(ALL). 2. In response to the confirmation message that appears, press 1(Yes) to delete the data or 6(No) to cancel without deleting anything. 9-17 u To insert a row or column of blank cells 1. Perform one of the following operations to specify the location of the insert and the number of rows or columns to be inserted. • To insert rows Starting with the row immediately below of the row where you want the insert to be performed, select the same number of rows that you want to insert. Example: To insert three rows above row 2, you could select A2:A4, B2:C4, etc. • To insert columns Starting with the column immediately to the right of the column where you want the insert to be performed, select the same number of columns that you want to insert. Example: To insert three columns to the left of column B, you could select B2:D4, B10:D20, etc. 2. Press 4(INSERT). • This will enter insert standby. If you decide you want to cancel the insert operation at this time, press J. 3. Press 1(ROW) to insert the applicable number of rows or 2(COLUMN) to insert columns. • A Range ERROR occurs if an insert operation causes existing cells that contain data to move outside the range of A1:Z999. k Clearing Cell Contents and Formatting You can clear cell contents only, formatting only, or both contents and formatting. • Content clear: Clears values, formulas, and other cell data. • Format clear: Returns the character color, area color, and paint style settings of the cells to their initial default settings. This operation also clears conditional formatting (page 9-21). u To clear cell contents and formatting 1. Select the cell or range of cells you want to clear. 2. Perform the operations below to specify the cells you want to clear. To clear this: Perform this key operation: Cell contents only 5(CLEAR)1(CONTENT) Cell formatting only 5(CLEAR)2(FORMAT) Cell contents and formatting 5(CLEAR)3(ALL) 9-18 3. Using Special Spreadsheet Mode Commands The Spreadsheet mode has a number of special commands like CellSum(, which returns the sum of a range of cells, and CellIf(, which specifies branching conditions. These special commands can be used inside of formulas. k Special Spreadsheet Mode Command List “Input Key Operation” operations can be performed during cell input only. You can omit anything enclosed in brackets ([ ]) in the Syntax of each command. Command Description CellIf( (Branch Condition) Returns Expression 1 when the equality or inequality provided as the branch condition is true, and Expression 2 when it is false. Input Key Operation: 4(If) Syntax: CellIf(equality, expression 1, expression 2[)] or CellIf(inequality, expression 1, expression 2[)] Example: =CellIf(A1>B1, A1, B1) Returns the value of A1 when {Cell A1 value} > {Cell B1 value}. Otherwise, returns the value of B1. CellMin( (Cell Minimum Value) Returns the minimum value in a specified range of cells. Input Key Operation: 5(CELL)1(Min) Syntax: CellMin(start cell:end cell[)] Example: =CellMin(A3:C5) Returns the minimum value of the data in cell range A3:C5. CellMax( (Cell Maximum Value) Returns the maximum value in a specified range of cells. Input Key Operation: 5(CELL)2(Max) Syntax: CellMax(start cell:end cell[)] Example: =CellMax(A3:C5) Returns the maximum value of the data in cell range A3:C5. CellMean( (Mean of Cells) Returns the mean value in a specified range of cells. Input Key Operation: 5(CELL)3(Mean) Syntax: CellMean(start cell:end cell[)] Example: =CellMean(A3:C5) Returns the mean value of the data in cell range A3:C5. 9-19 Command Description CellMedian( (Median of Cells) Returns the median value in a specified range of cells. Input Key Operation: 5(CELL)4(Med) Syntax: CellMedian(start cell:end cell[)] Example: =CellMedian(A3:C5) Returns the median value of the data in cell range A3:C5. CellSum( (Sum of Cells) Returns the sum of the data in a specified range of cells. Input Key Operation: 5(CELL)5(Sum) Syntax: CellSum(start cell:end cell[)] Example: =CellSum(A3:C5) Returns the sum of the data in cell range A3:C5. CellProd( (Product of Cells) Returns the product of the data in a specified range of cells. Input Key Operation: 5(CELL)6(Prod) Syntax: CellProd(start cell:end cell[)] Example: =CellProd(B3:B5) Returns the product of the data in cell range B3:B5. k Spreadsheet Mode Command Example This example inputs the special Spreadsheet mode formula CellSum( into cell C1 in order to calculate the sum of all the data in cell range A1:B5. It is assumed that there is already data in the cell range A1:B5. 1. Move the cell cursor to cell C1 and then perform the following operation. !.(=)5(CELL)5(Sum) Jav(A)b3(:)al(b)f) • You can perform the following operation, which uses the GRAB function (page 9-12) and CLIP function (page 9-7) in place of the underlined part in the above operation. J1(GRAB)4(TOP←) (Enters the GRAB mode and moves the cursor to A1.) !i(CLIP)ecccc (Specifies the selection range for the CLIP function.) w) 2. Press w to finalize input of the formula. 9-20 4. Conditional Formatting The conditional formatting function can be used to define conditional expressions (such as A1<0) that determine the formatting (text color, area color, paint style) of a cell. k Conditional Formatting Overview You can specify up to two conditions for each cell. Pressing 6(g)5(CONDIT) displays the Condition screen. To select a particular condition, move the highlighting to the “Condition” line and then press 1(COND1) for Condition1 or 2(COND2) for Condition2. u Condition Priority Sequence When you have multiple conditions defined for a cell, they are applied starting from the lower numbered condition first. If Condition1 is 0≤A1≤10 and Condition2 is 10≤A1≤20, for example, both conditions are satisfied when A1=10 and the formatting specified by Condition1 is applied. If a cell is configured directly using the procedure under “To specify cell formatting” (page 9-13) and with conditional formatting, application of the conditional formatting is given priority over the direct settings. u Condition Types There are two different condition types: Value Of Cell and Expression. • Type: Value Of Cell Use this condition type to define a condition based on a formula (such as A1<0) that references a value input into the cell. For example you could configure cell A1 so its text is red when A1<0, and blue when 1100, A1 text is blue. • When CellSum(B1:B30)≤A1, A1 text is blue, and when A1, etc.). stands for a single cell reference (such as A1). =ERROR, =BLANK, ≠ERROR, ≠BLANK, =, u To delete conditional formatting settings 1. Select the cell or range of cells whose conditional formatting you want to delete. • Performing step 2 below will immediately clear, without any confirmation message, both the conditional formatting as well as any character color, area color, and paint style settings configured for the selected cell(s). 2. Press 5(CLEAR)2(FORMAT). k Conditional Formatting Setting Example In this example we will show how to configure the range of cells B3:C4 with the conditional formatting shown below. This procedure assumes that the cells already contain values. Condition This formatting is applied: When the value input in the cell (=C) satisfies this condition: Character Color Area Color Paint Style 1 C<0 Red Yellow Normal 2 0≤C≤100 Blue Magenta Lighter 9-25 u Procedure 1. Select the range of cells B3:C4. 2. Press 6(g)5(CONDIT) to display the Condition screen. • Condition1 appears first, so configure the first condition here. 3. Use c to move the highlighting to “Expre” (Expression) and then press 6(g)1(C<). • Initially, “Cell < Value” is displayed in the Expre line. 4. Use c to move the highlighting to “Value” and then press aw to input 0. 5. Use c to move the highlighting to “Format” and then press 1(SETFORM). • On the FORMAT dialog box that appears, configure the following settings: Character Color: Red, Area Color: Yellow, Paint Style: Normal. 6. Use f to move the highlighting to “Condition1” and then press 2(COND2) to display Condition2. 7. Repeat steps 3 through 5 above to configure the Condition2 settings. • Input 1(≤C≤) in the “Expre” line, aw in the “V1” line, and baaw in the “V2” line. • In the “Format” line, press 1(SETFORM) and then configure the following settings: Character Color: Blue, Area Color: Magenta, Paint Style: Lighter. 8 Press J. • This returns to the screen in step 1 of this procedure and applies the formatting you configured to each cell. Note • It may take some time to display calculation results when a large number of cells containing conditional formatting are selected. • Cell modification and recalculation may take some time to complete when there is a large amount of conditional formatting. 9-26 5. Drawing Statistical Graphs, and Performing Statistical and Regression Calculations When you want to check the correlation between two sets of data (such as temperature and the price of some product), trends become easier to spot if you draw a graph that uses one set of data as the x-axis and the other set of data as the y-axis. With the spreadsheet you can input the values for each set of data and draw a scatter plot or other types of graphs. Performing regression calculations on the data will produce a regression formula and correlation coefficient, and you can overlay a regression graph over the scatter plot. Spreadsheet mode graphing, statistical calculations, and regression calculations use the same functions as the Statistics mode. The following shows an operation example that is unique to the Spreadsheet mode. k Example of Statistical Graph Operations (GRAPH Menu) Input the following data and draw a statistical graph (scatter plot in this example). 0.5, 1.2, 2.4, 4.0, 5.2 (x-axis data) –2.1, 0.3, 1.5, 2.0, 2.4 (y-axis data) u To input data and draw a statistical graph (scatter plot) 1. Input the statistical calculation data into the spreadsheet. • Here we will input the x-axis data into column A, and the y-axis data into column B. 2. Select the range of cells you want to graph (A1:B5). 3. Press 6(g)1(GRAPH) to display the GRAPH menu, and then press 1(GRAPH1). • This will produce a scatter plot of the data in the range of cells you selected in step 2 of this procedure. • The graph shown here is what is produced under initial default Spreadsheet mode settings. You can change the configuration of graph settings on the screen that appears when you press 6(SET) on the GRAPH menu. For details see “General Graph Settings Screen Operations” below. 9-27 k General Graph Settings Screen Operations You can use the general graph setting screen to specify the range of data to be used for graphing, and to select the type of graph to be drawn. u To configure statistical graph settings 1. Input the statistical calculation data into the spreadsheet and then select the range of cells you want to graph. • Actually, the above step is not necessary at this point. You also could configure settings first before inputting data and selecting the range of cells to be graphed. 2. Press 6(g)1(GRAPH)6(SET). • This will display the general graph settings screen (StatGraph1 in this example). You can configure the setting for the item that is highlighted on the screen. A function menu will appear when certain setting items are selected. • The number of columns you select in step 1 will determine what information is input automatically on the general graph settings screen. If you select this number of columns: This information will be input automatically: 1 XCellRange 2 XCellRange, YCellRange 3 XCellRange, YCellRange, Frequency • The following describes each of the setting items for this screen. Item Description StatGraph1 Select the name of the setup you want. You can have up to three different setups registered, named StatGraph 1, 2, or 3. Graph Type Select the graph type. The initial default setting is Scatter (scatter plot). XCellRange Specifies the cell range assigned to the graph x-axis (XCellRange). Only XCellRange is displayed for some Graph Types. YCellRange Specifies the cell range assigned to the graph y-axis (YCellRange). The YCellRange is not displayed for some Graph Types. 9-28 Item Description Frequency Specifies the range cells that contain values indicating the frequency of each graph data item. Select 1(1) if you do not want to use frequency values. Mark Type Specify the type of mark (, scatter plot. , or ) to use as the mark on the 3. Use f and c to move the highlighting to the setting item you want to change. On the function menu that appears, select the setting you want. • For details about the StatGraph1, Graph Type, and Mark Type settings, see “To display the general graph settings screen” (page 6-3). • If you want to change the XCellRange, YCellRange, or Frequency setting, move the highlighting to the item you want to change and then input the cell range directly, or select 1(CELL) (2(CELL) for Frequency) and then edit the currently input range. When inputting a cell range manually, use 1(:) to enter a colon (:) between two cells that define the range. 4. After configuring the required settings, press J or w. k Example of Statistical Calculation Operation (CALC Menu) This example uses the data from the “Drawing a Scatter Diagram and xy Line Graph” (page 6-15) to perform paired-variable statistical calculations. 0.5, 1.2, 2.4, 4.0, 5.2 (x-data) –2.1, 0.3, 1.5, 2.0, 2.4 (y-data) u To perform paired-variable statistical calculations and regression calculations 1. Input the above x-data into cells A1:A5 of the spreadsheet and the y-data into cells B1:B5, and then select the range of the cells where you input the data (A1: B5). 2. Press 6(g)2(CALC) to display the CALC menu, and then press 2(2-VAR). • This will display a screen of paired variable calculation results based on the data you selected in step 1. Use c and f to scroll the result screen. To close the screen, press J. • For information about the meaning of each of the values on the result screen, see “Displaying the Calculation Results of a Drawn Paired-Variable Graph” on page 6-22. 3. To return to the spreadsheet screen, press J. 9-29 k Using the Statistical Calculation Data Range Specification Screen You can use a special setting screen to specify the range of data to be used for statistical calculation. u To specify the data range for statistical calculation 1. Input the statistical calculation data into the spreadsheet and then select its range of cells. 2. Press 6(g)2(CALC)6(SET). • This will display a setting screen like the one shown to the right. • The number of columns you select in step 1 will determine what information is input automatically on the statistical calculation data range specification screen. If you select this number of columns: This information will be input automatically: 1 1Var XCell and 2Var XCell 2 1Var Freq and 2Var YCell 3 2Var Freq • The following describes each of the setting items for this screen. Item Description 1Var XCell 1Var Freq The cell range data specified here is used for variable x and Frequency values when performing single-variable statistical calculations. 2Var XCell 2Var YCell 2Var Freq The cell range data specified here is used for variable x, variable y, and Frequency values when performing paired-variable statistical calculations. 3. If you want to change the cell range, use f and c to move the highlighting to the item you want to change and the input the new cell range. • To input the colon (:), press 1(:). • To edit the currently input cell range, press 1(CELL) (in the case of 1Var XCell, 2Var XCell, and 2Var YCell) or 2(CELL) (in the case of 1Var Freq and 2Var Freq). 4. After configuring the required settings, press J or w. 9-30 k Statistics Mode and Spreadsheet Mode Function Menu Correspondence Table In both the Statistics mode and the Spreadsheet mode, statistical graph functions are on the GRAPH function menu and statistical/regression calculation functions are on the CALC function menu. The structures of these menus and their submenus are the same in the Statistics mode and the Spreadsheet mode. For details about each menu item, refer to the pages referenced in the table below. For information about this menu item: Refer to: {GRAPH} - {GRAPH1} “Statistical Graph Parameters” (page 6-1) {GRAPH} - {GRAPH2} {GRAPH} - {GRAPH3} {GRAPH} - {SELECT} “Graph Draw/Non-draw Status” (page 6-7) {GRAPH} - {SET} “Statistical Graph Parameters” (page 6-1) “General Graph Settings”(page 6-2) “To display the general graph settings screen”(page 6-3) “General Graph Settings Screen Operations” (page 9-28) {CALC} - {1-VAR} “Single-Variable Statistical Calculations” (page 6-23) {CALC} - {2-VAR} “Paired-Variable Statistical Calculations” (page 6-24) {CALC} - {REG} “Regression Calculation” (page 6-24) {CALC} - {SET} “Using the Statistical Calculation Data Range Specification Screen” (page 9-30) 9-31 When drawing a pie chart or bar graph, only the Color Link settings (page 6-3) are different from the settings in the Statistics mode and Spreadsheet mode. For this graph type: Selecting this for Color Link: Pie Category Of the data being used to draw the graph, the text color of the cells in the range specified by the StatGraph screen “Category” setting is reflected in the graph. Data Of the data being used to draw the graph, the text color of the cells in the range specified by the StatGraph screen “Data” setting is reflected in the graph. Off The text color of the data being used to draw the graph is ignored. Category Same as the pie chart, above. Data Of the data being used to draw the graph, the text colors of the cells in the range specified by the StatGraph screen “Data1”, “Data2”, and “Data3” settings are reflected in the graph. Off Same as the pie chart, above. Bar Causes this to happen: • When “Pie” is selected as the Graph Type, the “Pie Area” setting is always “Link” whenever anything other than “Off” is selected for the “Color Link” setting. • When “Bar” is selected as the Graph Type, the “Data1 Area”, “Data1 Border”, “Data2 Area”, “Data2 Border”, “Data3 Area”, and “Data3 Border” settings are always “Link” whenever anything other than “Off” is selected for the “Color Link” setting. u Graphing examples using Color Link Example To input the data below into a spreadsheet and then draw a pie chart with “Category” selected as the Color Link setting 1. Input the data shown nearby, with the text color of cells from A1 through A5 as shown. • For information about specifying the text color, see “Specifying Cell Formatting” (page 9-13). 2. Select the cells in the range A1:B5. • For information about selecting cells, see “To select a range of cells” (page 9-7). 9-32 3. Perform the following operation to display the general graph settings screen: 6(g) 1(GRAPH)6(SET). • The “Category” and “Data” settings are configured automatically. Check to make sure that A1:A5 is shown for “Category” and B1:B5 is shown for “Data”. 4. Use f and c to move the highlighting to “Graph Type” and then press 4(Pie). 5. Use f and c to move the highlighting to “Color Link” and then press 1(Cat). 6. Press J to exit the general graph settings screen. 7. Press 1(GRAPH1). • The graph will reflect the text colors in the “Category” cell range (A1:A5). • This completes graphing with Color Link. Next, let’s change the colors on the graph screen. 8. Press !1(TRACE). • This will highlight label A and display a pointer in area A of the graph. 9. Use f and c to move the pointer to area D and then pres !f(FORMAT). 10. On the color selection dialog box that appears, press c(Blue). • This will close the dialog box and change the color of area D to blue. 11. Press J to close the graph screen. • The color you change to on the graph screen will be reflected as the text color in the applicable cell of the “Category” cell range. 9-33 6. Spreadsheet Mode Memory You can use the calculator’s different types of memory (variables, list memory, file memory, matrix memory, vector memory) to store data, and recall data from a memory into the spreadsheet. k Saving Spreadsheet Data to a Memory The following table shows an overview of the store operations for each type of memory. For details about each operation, see the example operations following the table. Memory Type Store Operation Variables (A ~ Z, r, θ) You can assign the content of a single cell to a variable. While a single cell is selected, press 6(g)3(STORE)1(VAR), and then specify the variable name on the screen that appears. List Memory (List 1 ~ List 26) You can store data in a range of cells in a single row or a single column in list memory. While a range of cells in a single row or single column is selected, press 6(g)3(STORE)2(LIST), and then specify the list number on the screen that appears. File Memory (File 1 ~ File 6) You can store data in a range of cells that spans a multiple rows and columns in file memory. While a range of cells is selected, press 6(g)3(STORE)3(FILE), and then specify the file number on the screen that appears. The first column of the selected range is stored in the specified file as List 1, the second column is saved as List 2, and so on. Matrix Memory (Mat A ~ Mat Z) You can store data in a range of cells that spans a multiple rows and columns in matrix memory. While a range of cells is selected, press 6(g)3(STORE)4(MAT), and then specify the matrix name on the screen that appears. The first column of the selected range is stored in the specified matrix as List 1, the second column is saved as List 2, and so on. Vector Memory (Vct A ~ Vct Z) You can store data in a range of cells in one row or one column in vector memory. While a range of cells in a single row or single column is selected, press 6(g)3(STORE)5(VCT), and then specify the vector name on the screen that appears. Note When spreadsheet data is saved to list memory or file memory, the text color information of each cell is inherited by the destination memory. Text color information is ignored when spreadsheet data is saved to a variable, to matrix memory or to vector memory. Important! The following describes what happens if you try to store data in memory when a cell does not contain any data, when a cell contains text, or when ERROR is displayed for a cell. • If you are assigning data to a variable, an error occurs. • If you are storing data in list memory, file memory, matrix memory, or vector memory, 0 is written into the applicable cell(s). 9-34 u Example: To store column data in list memory 1. In a single column, select the range of cells you want to store in list memory. • For example, you could select A1:A10. 2. Press 6(g)3(STORE)2(LIST). • This will display a screen like the one shown to the right. The “Cell Range” setting will show the range of cells you selected in step 1. 3. Press c to move the highlighting to “List[1~26]”. 4. Input the List number (1 to 26) of the list memory where you want to store the data and then press w. • Performing the next step will overwrite any data currently stored under the list memory number you specified here with the data in the range of cells specified by “Cell Range”. 5. Press 6(EXE) or the w key to store the data. k Recalling Data from Memory to a Spreadsheet The following table shows an overview of the recall operations for each type of memory. For details about each operation, see the example operations following the table. Memory Type Recall Operation List Memory (List 1 ~ List 26) You can recall data from a specified list memory to a range of cells in a single row or a single column. While the first cell of the range in a single row or single column is selected, press 6(g)4(RECALL)1(LIST), and then specify the list number on the screen that appears. Whether the data is recalled in a column direction or row direction depends on the Setup screen’s “Move” setting (page 1-38). File Memory (File 1 ~ File 6) You can recall data from a specified file memory to the spreadsheet. Select the cell you want to be the upper left corner of the recalled data and then press 6(g)4(RECALL)2(FILE). Next, specify the file memory number on the screen that appears. Matrix Memory (Mat A ~ Mat Z) You can recall data from a specified matrix memory to the spreadsheet. Select the cell you want to be the upper left corner of the recalled data and then press 6(g)4(RECALL)3(MAT). Next, specify the matrix name on the screen that appears. Vector Memory (Vct A ~ Vct Z) You can recall data from a specified vector memory to a range of cells in a single row or a single column. While the first cell of the range in a single row or single column is selected, press 6(g)4(RECALL)4(VCT), and then specify the vector name on the screen that appears. 9-35 Note • When data is recalled to a spreadsheet from list memory or file memory, the text color information of each element is inherited by the spreadsheet cells. The area color and paint style colors of the destination cells are set to their initial defaults of the destination cells. • When data is recalled to a spreadsheet from matrix memory or vector memory, the text color, area color, and paint style are set to the initial defaults of the destination cells. u Example: To recall data from a matrix memory to a spreadsheet 1. On the spreadsheet, select the upper left cell of the range where you want the recalled data to be input. 2. Press 6(g)4(RECALL)3(MAT). • This will display a screen like the one shown to the right. The “1st Cell” setting will show the name of the cell you selected in step 1. 3. Input the name (A to Z) of the matrix memory whose data you want to recall and then press w. 4. Press 6(EXE) or w to recall the data. Important! When recalling list memory, file memory, matrix memory, or vector memory data, an error will occur if the recalled data runs outside the allowable range of the spreadsheet (A1:Z999). 9-36 Chapter 10 eActivity You can use the eActivity mode to input data into an eActivity file. You can input text, numeric expressions and pictures, and also paste data (like graphs, tables, etc.) from the calculator’s built-in applications as “strips”. eActivity files can be used by a teacher, for example, to create math problems or exercises that provide hints to solutions, for distribution to students. Students can use eActivity files to keep classroom notes, memos of problems and their solutions, etc. 1. eActivity Overview The first thing that appears when you select the eActivity mode on the Main Menu is the file menu. No eActivity mode files in memory At least one folder or an eActivity mode file in memory Opening a file in the eActivity mode will display a workspace screen that you can use for inputting and editing text, calculation expressions, and other data. Scroll bar Text lines Strip Calculator’s display area Picture line Math lines Stop line 10-1 10 The following explains the type of data you can input and edit in an eActivity file. Text line ................A text line can be used to input characters, numbers, and expressions as text. Calculation line......Use the calculation line to enter an executable calculation formula. The result will appear in the following line. Calculations are performed the same way as they are performed in the Run-Matrix mode, while the Math input/ output mode is selected. Stop line ................A stop line can be used to stop calculation at a particular point. Picture line ............A picture line can be used to insert an image. Strip.......................A strip can be used to embed data into an eActivity from the Graph, Conic Graphs, Spreadsheet, or other built-in applications. 2. eActivity Function Menus k File List Function Menu • {OPEN} ... Opens an eActivity file or folder. • {NEW} ... Creates a new eActivity file. • {DELETE} ... Deletes an eActivity file. • {SEARCH} ... Searches for an eActivity file. • {MEMO} ... Displays a list of memos included in the eActivity file currently selected in the file list. • {JUMP} ... Opens the eActivity file and jumps to the eActivity line where the memo selected in the list is located. • {EDIT} ... Displays a screen for editing the memo selected in the list. • {DETAIL} ... Opens a details screen for the memo selected in the list. • {DELETE} ... Deletes the memo selected in the list. • {DEL-ALL} ... Deletes all memos in the eActivity file. • At least 128 kbytes of memory area is required when the eActivity mode is used for the first time. A Memory Full error will appear if there is not enough memory available. 10-2 k Workspace Screen Function Menu Part of the content of the workspace function menu depends on the line (or strip) that is currently selected. • Workspace Screen Common Menu Items Only the menu items marked with an asterisk (*) below are supported while a picture line is selected. • {FILE}* ... Displays the following file operation submenu. • {SAVE} ... Saves the file currently being edited. • {SAVE • AS} ... Saves the file currently being edited under another name. • {OPT} ... See “Optimizing Storage Memory” on page 11-13. • {CAPACITY} ... Displays a screen showing the data size of the file being edited and how much memory capacity remains. • {STRIP}* ... Inserts a strip. • {JUMP}* ... Displays the following submenu to control cursor movement. • {TOP}/{BOTTOM}/{PageUp}/{PageDown} ... See page 10-6. • {DEL-LINE}/{DELETE}* ... Deletes the line that is currently selected or where the cursor is located. • {INSERT}* ... Displays the following insert submenu, for inserting a new line above the line that is currently selected or where the cursor is located. • {TEXT} ... Inserts a text line. • {CALC} ... Inserts a calculation line. • {STOP} ... Inserts a calculation stop line. • {PICTURE} ... Inserts a picture line. • {'MAT/VCT} ... Displays the Matrix Editor (page 10-9)/Vector Editor (page 10-9). • {'LIST} ... Displays the List Editor (page 10-9). • Menu when a Text Line is Selected • {TEXT} ... Changes the current line from a text line to a calculation line. • {CHAR} ... Displays a menu for inputting math symbols, special symbols, and characters of various languages. • {A⇔a} ... Toggles between uppercase and lowercase input while alpha character input is enabled (by pressing the a key). • {MATH} ... Displays the MATH menu (page 1-17). 10-3 • {COLOR} ... Displays the following COLOR submenu. • {MARKER} ... Enters the marker mode for highlighting text (page 10-10). • {CHAR} ... Enters the color mode for coloring text (page 10-11). • {MEMO} ... Displays the following MEMO submenu. • {INSERT} ... Appends a memo at the current cursor position. • {DELETE} ... Deletes the memo at the current cursor position. • {Catalog} ... Displays a list of memos included in a file. • {VIEW} ... Displays the memo at the current cursor position. • Menu when a Calculation Line or Stop Line is Selected Only the menu items marked with an asterisk (*) below are supported while a stop line is selected. • {CALC}* ... Changes the current line from a calculation line to a text line. • {MATH}* ... Same as {MATH} under “Menu when a Text Line is Selected”. • {COLOR} ... Same as {COLOR} under “Menu when a Text Line is Selected”. • {MEMO} ... Same as {MEMO} under “Menu when a Text Line is Selected”. • Menu when a Strip is Selected • {FILE} ... Displays the following file operation submenu. • {SAVE}/{SAVE • AS}/{OPT}/{CAPACITY} ... Same as the {FILE} submenus under “Workspace Screen Common Menu Items”. • {SIZE} ... Displays the size of the strip at the current cursor position. • {CHAR} ... Same as {CHAR} under “Menu when a Text Line is Selected”. • {A⇔a} ... Same as {A⇔a} under “Menu when a Text Line is Selected”. 3. eActivity File Operations This section explains the different file operations you can perform from the eActivity file menu screen. All of the operations in this section can be performed while the file menu is displayed. • For information about the 5(MEMO) function menu displayed for an eActivity file menu, see “Appending a Memo to a Text Line or Calculation Line” (page 10-11). • This section does not cover folder operations. For details about folders, see “Chapter 11 Memory Manager”. u To create a new file 1. While the file menu is displayed, press 2(NEW). • This will display a file name input screen. 10-4 2. Input up to 8 characters for the file name and then press w. • This displays a blank workspace screen. Cursor • The following are the characters allowed in a file name. A to Z, {, }, ’, ~, 0 to 9 u To open a file Use f and c to highlight the file you want to open, and then press 1(OPEN) or w*. * If an error occurs, delete capture memory and clipboard data, or transfer the data to your computer. u To delete a file 1. Use f and c to highlight the file you want to delete, and then press 3(DELETE). • This will display a “Delete eActivity?” confirmation message. 2. Press 1(Yes) to delete the file or 6(No) to cancel without deleting anything. u To search for a file 1. While the file menu is displayed, press 4(SEARCH). • This will display a file search screen. 2. Enter part or the entire name of the file you want to find. • File name characters are searched from left to right. Entering “IT” will count names like ITXX, ITABC, IT123 as hits, but not names like XXIT or ABITC. 3. Press w. • If a name matches the text you input in step 2, it will be selected on the file menu. • The message “Not Found” will appear if a match cannot be found. Press the J key to close the message dialog box. 10-5 4. Inputting and Editing Data All of the operations in this section are performed on the eActivity workspace screen. Use the procedures under “eActivity File Operations” (page 10-4) to create a new file or to open an existing file. k Cursor Movement and Scroll Operations When you want to do this: Use this key operation: Move the cursor forward and back f or c Scroll one screen back !f or 6(g)1(JUMP)3(PageUp) Scroll one screen forward !c or 6(g)1(JUMP)4(PageDown) Move the cursor to the beginning of the workspace screen 6(g)1(JUMP)1(TOP) Move the cursor to the end of the workspace screen 6(g)1(JUMP)2(BOTTOM) k Inputting into a Text Line Use a text line to input alphanumeric characters, expressions, etc. u Inputting characters and expressions as text 1. Move the cursor to a text line. • While the cursor is in a text line, “TEXT” will be displayed for the F3 function menu item. This indicates that text input is enabled. Text line cursor 3 key menu becomes “TEXT”. 10-6 • “CALC” will be displayed for the F3 function menu item if the cursor is located in a calculation line. Pressing 3(CALC) will change the calculation line to a text line. • If the cursor is located in a strip, use f and c to move to the cursor to a text line. • On the function menu, selecting {INSERT} and then {TEXT} will insert a new text line above the line where the cursor is currently located. 2. Input the text or expression you want into the text strip. • See “Text Line Input and Editing Operations” described below. u Text Line Input and Editing Operations • You can input up to 255 bytes of text into a single text line. Text in the text line wraps automatically to fit inside the display area (Word Wrap Function). Note, however, that numeric expressions and commands do not wrap.*1 Scroll arrows (]') will appear on the left and right sides of the calculation line to let you know some of the calculation does not fit within the calculation line display area. In this case, you can use the left and right cursor keys to scroll the calculation. • The 5(A⇔a) function key toggles between upper-case and lower-case input. This function is available only while alpha text input is enabled. See page 2-8 for details. When upper-case input is selected, is displayed in the status bar, and is displayed while lower-case input is selected. • Press w to input a carriage return into text. No symbol will be displayed for a carriage return. • If the text is wrapped into multiple lines, pressing the A key will delete the line where the cursor is currently located only. The part of the text that is wrapped to other lines will not be deleted. • Always use the Math input/output mode (page 1-15) to input an expression into a text line. *1 Also, any word that includes the symbol “ ’ ”, “ { ” or “ ”, which are input using the menu that appears when you press 4(CHAR), does not wrap. k Inputting into a Calculation Line Inputting a calculation expression into an eActivity calculation line and pressing w will display the calculation result in the following line. Such a calculation line can be used in the same way as the Run-Matrix mode (page 1-3). A calculation line and its result make up one set. • Note that the word wrap function does not apply in the case of math lines. Scroll arrows (]') will appear on the left and right sides of the calculation line to let you know some of the calculation does not fit within the calculation line display area. In this case, you can use the left and right cursor keys to scroll the calculation. 10-7 u To input a calculation formula into an eActivity 1. Move the cursor to a calculation line. • While the cursor is in a calculation line, “CALC” will be displayed for the F3 function menu item. This indicates that calculation expression input is enabled. Math line cursor This will cause the 3 key menu to change to “CALC”. • “TEXT” will be displayed for the F3 function menu item if the cursor is located in a text line. Pressing 3(CALC) will change the calculation line to a text line. • If the cursor is located in a strip, use f and c to move to the cursor to a calculation line. • On the function menu, selecting {INSERT} and then {CALC} will insert a new calculation line above the line where the cursor is currently located. 2. Input a calculation expression (Example: s'!5(π)cg). • Calculation line input and editing operations are the same as those in the Run-Matrix mode while the Math input/output mode is selected. 3. To obtain the result of the calculation, press w. 10-8 u Matrix Calculations Using the Matrix Editor Selecting {'MAT/VCT} on the function menu displays the Matrix Editor. Matrix Editor operations and matrix calculations in the eActivity mode are the fundamentally identical to those in the Run-Matrix mode. For details about the Matrix Editor and matrix calculation operations, see “Matrix Calculations” (page 2-42). Note, however, that eActivity mode Matrix Editor operations and matrix calculations differ from those in the Run-Matrix mode as described below. • eActivity mode matrix memory is saved separately for each file. Matrix memory will be different from those produced when called from a non-eActivity mode. u Vector Calculations Using the Vector Editor Selecting {'MAT/VCT} on the function menu displays the Vector Editor. Vector Editor operations and vector calculations in the eActivity mode are the fundamentally identical to those in the Run-Matrix mode. For details about the Vector Editor and vector calculation operations, see “Vector Calculations” (page 2-59). Note, however, that eActivity mode Vector Editor operations and vector calculations differ from those in the Run-Matrix mode as described below. • eActivity mode vector memory is saved separately for each file. Vector memory will be different from those produced when called from a non-eActivity mode. u List Calculations Using the List Editor Selecting {'LIST} on the function menu displays the List Editor. List Editor operations in the eActivity mode are identical to those in the Statistics mode (“Inputting and Editing a List”, page 3-1). This processing and calculations are fundamentally the identical to those in the Run-Matrix mode (“Manipulating List Data” on page 3-7, “Arithmetic Calculations Using Lists” on page 3-13). Note, however, that eActivity mode List Editor operations and list calculations differ from those in other modes as described below. • The eActivity mode List Editor function menu provides only screen two of the Statistics mode List Editor function menu. • To return to the workspace screen from the List Editor in the eActivity mode, press J. • In the eActivity mode, values for list memory is saved separately for each file. List memory will be different from those produced when called from a non-eActivity mode. k Inserting a Calculation Stop Line Pressing w after you edit a calculation line on a workspace screen that contains multiple calculation lines will cause all of the calculations following the edited line to be re-calculated. Re-calculation can take quite a bit of time if there are a large number of calculation lines or if some of the calculations are complex. Inserting a calculation stop line will stop the recalculation process at the point where the line is located. 10-9 u To insert a stop line On the function menu, select {INSERT} and then {STOP} to insert a stop line above the currently selected line or strip. k Highlighting and Changing the Color of Text You can highlight or change the color of text line or calculation line text in order to add emphasis. • You cannot mark or change the color of the text of a calculation line result. u To highlight text 1. Move the cursor to the beginning (or end) of the text you want to highlight. 2. Press 6(g)5(COLOR)1(MARKER). 3. On the dialog box that appears, press the number key that corresponds to the highlighting color (magenta, green, cyan, yellow) you want to use. • This closes the dialog box. The cursor will now be the color you selected. 4. Use e and d to move the cursor in the direction of the text you want to highlight. • The text the cursor passed over will become highlighted. • You also can highlight across multiple lines by using f and c to change lines before moving the cursor left and right. 5. To apply the highlighting, press 1(SET). • To cancel highlighting, press J. u To unhighlight text Perform the same operation you used to highlight text under “To highlight text” to unhighlight it. In step 3, press v(Clear) instead of selecting a highlight color. 10-10 u To change the text color 1. Move the cursor to the beginning (or end) of the text whose color you want to change. 2. Press 6(g)5(COLOR)2(CHAR). 3. On the dialog box that appears, press the number key that corresponds to the color you want to use. • This closes the dialog box. The cursor will now be the color you selected. 4. Use e and d to move the cursor in the direction of the text whose color you want to change. • You also can change text color across multiple lines by using f and c to change lines before moving the cursor left and right. 5. To register the character color change, press 1(SET). • To cancel the character color change, press J. k Appending a Memo to a Text Line or Calculation Line After you append a memo to a text line or calculation line in an eActivity file, you can jump to that line from the memo list. Memo icon → Memo list Jumping to the line where the memo is located • You can append one memo per line.* The memo icon will appear in the upper right corner of the screen if there is a memo appended to the line where the cursor is currently located. * Note that a line of text runs from the beginning of the line up to the next new line operation (which is not displayed) and may span multiple display lines. • In addition to being able to display the memory list while an eActivity file is open, you also can open it by pressing 5(MEMO) in the file menu before opening the eActivity file. • A memo can be appended to a text line or calculation line only. • You cannot append a memo to a calculation line result. 10-11 u To append a memo to a line 1. Move the cursor to the text line or calculation line where you want to append a memo. 2. If the cursor is located at a text line, press 6(g)6(g)3(MEMO)1(INSERT). If it is at a calculation line, press 6(g)6(g)1(MEMO)1(INSERT). • This displays a memo color selection dialog box. 3. Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the color you want to select and then press w. Or you can use the number keys to enter the number next to the color you want to select. • A memo window appears in the center of the screen, ready for text input. Memo Window 4. Enter the text you want. You can enter an explanation of the line, some symbol, etc. • You can enter up to 255 bytes of text. 5. Press w. • This closes the memo window. At this time the memo icon will appear in the upper right corner of the screen because there is now a memo appended to the line where the cursor is located. u To jump to a line that has a memo appended 1. If the cursor is currently located at a text line, press 6(g)6(g)3(MEMO)3(Catalog). If it is at a calculation line, press 6(g)6(g)1(MEMO)3(Catalog). • This displays a list of memos contained in the file. 2. Use f and c to move the highlighting to the memo for your jump destination and then press w. • This jumps to the line where the selected memo is located, with the cursor at the first character of the line. 10-12 u To edit the text of an existing memo 1. Move the cursor to the line where the memo you want to edit is appended. 2. If the cursor is located at a text line, press 6(g)6(g)3(MEMO)4(VIEW). If it is at a calculation line, press 6(g)6(g)1(MEMO)4(VIEW). • This will display the memo window as shown in the screen shot on the left, below. Pressing 3(DETAIL) here will display a memo detail editing screen like the screen shot on the right. You can use either of these screens to edit memo text. The detail editing screen is best when the memo contains a lot of text. → 3. Edit the text and then press w. • This returns to step 1 of this procedure. u To remove a memo 1. Move the cursor to the line where the memo you want to remove is appended. 2. If the cursor is located at a text line, press 6(g)6(g)3(MEMO)2(DELETE). If it is at a calculation line, press 6(g)6(g)1(MEMO)2(DELETE). 3. In response to the confirmation dialog that appears, press 1(Yes) to delete the memo or 6(No) to cancel the delete operation. 10-13 k Inserting an Image (Picture) The following table shows the image file sizes that are supported for insertion into an eActivity file. Width × Height (dots) Size (a) 384 × 216 This is the overall screen size for this model. The graphic images stored in capture memory (page 1-39) are this size. The 48 vertical dots that are outside of the eActivity display range can be displayed by scrolling. (b) 384 × 192 This is the screen size when a graph screen is saved to picture memory (page 5-21). Example Screen • The line on the eActivity workspace screen where an image is inserted is called a “picture line”. You can insert only one image per picture line, and you cannot enter text or numbers into the same line where a picture line is inserted. • You can insert a 16-bit g3p format file or a screen image (3-bit g3p format file) saved to capture memory (page 1-39). 10-14 u To insert an image 1. Use f and c to move the cursor to the location where you want to insert the image. 2. If the cursor is located at a text line, press 6(g)3(INSERT)4(PICTURE). If it is at a calculation line, press 5(INSERT)4(PICTURE). • This displays a list of g3p files stored in the PICT folder in storage memory. 3. Use f and c to move the highlighting to the image you want to insert and then press w. • This inserts the image with a red boundary around it. The red boundary means that the image is selected. u To select an image You can use f and c to move the cursor between lines and select images. The following shows how images appear on the display when they are selected. Selecting an image that does not have a boundary causes a red boundary to appear around it. → Selecting an image that has a boundary causes the boundary to change color, indicating it is highlighted. → 10-15 u To add a boundary line around an image 1. Use f and c to select the image to which you want to add a boundary line. 2. Press !f(FORMAT). • This displays a dialog box for specifying the style and color of the boundary line. 3. Specify the boundary line style and color. • Use f and c to move the highlighting to Line Style or Line Color and then press w. On the option dialog box that appears, highlight the option you want to select and then press w. • The following are the settings that are available for Line Style and Line Color. Line Style: 1.Normal, 2.Thick, 5.Thin Line Color: 1.Black, 2.Blue, 3.Red, 4.Magenta, 5.Green, 6.Cyan, 7.Yellow, 8.White 4. After the settings are the way you want, press J. u To remove a boundary line from around an image 1. Use f and c to select the image whose boundary line you want to remove. 2. Press !f(FORMAT)c(Line Color)v(Clear). 3. Press J. u To delete an image 1. Use f and c to select the image you want to delete. 2. Press 6(g)2(DELETE). 3. In response to the confirmation dialog that appears, press 1(Yes) to delete the image or 6(No) to cancel the delete operation. k Using Strips Strips are tools that let you embed built-in application data into an eActivity file. Only one built-in application screen can be associated with each strip, and the strip can store the data (graphs, etc.) produced by the screen. The table below shows the built-in application screens that can be inserted into strips. The “Strip Name” column shows the names included on the dialog box that appears when you press 2(STRIP). 10-16 Strip Data Type Table Data Type Strip Name Run-Matrix mode calculation data (When the Run-Matrix mode is called from an eActivity, it starts up in the Math input/output mode.) RUN Graph mode graph screen data Graph Graph mode graph relation list screen data Graph Editor Table mode table relation list screen data Table Editor Conic Graphs mode graph screen data Conics Graph Conic Graphs mode function list screen data Conics Editor Statistics mode statistical graph screen data Stat Graph Statistics mode List Editor data List Editor Equation mode calculation solution screen data Solver Recursion mode recursion type selection screen Recur Editor Notes screen data (Notes is a special eActivity application. See “Notes Strips” on page 10-19 for more information.) Notes Run-Matrix mode Matrix Editor data Matrix Editor Run-Matrix mode Vector Editor data Vector Editor Equation mode simultaneous equation solution screen data Simul Equation Equation mode high-order equation solution screen data Poly Equation Dyna Graph mode graph screen data Dynamic Graph Financial mode calculation solution screen data Financial Spreadsheet mode spreadsheet screen data SpreadSheet E-CON4 mode setup data E-CON Top E-CON4 mode setup data (Executing this strip graphs sampled data that is recorded to the strip the first time the strip is executed.) E-CON Result 3D Graph mode graph screen data 3D Graph 3D Graph mode graph relation list screen data 3D Graph Editor Geometry mode screen data Geometry Picture Plot mode screen data Picture Plot 10-17 u To insert a strip 1. Move the cursor to the location where you want to insert the strip. 2. Press 2(STRIP). • This will display a dialog box with a list of insertable strips. For information about the display names and data types that appear on this dialog box, see the “Strip Data Type Table” (page 10-17). 3. Use c and f to select the strip that corresponds to the type of data you want to insert. • In this example we will select “Graph” (Graph mode graph screen data). 4. Press w. • This will insert the type of strip you selected (Graph strip in this example) one line above the line where you located the cursor in step 1 of this procedure. 5. Input up to 16 characters for the strip title, and then press w. 6. Press w again to start creating strip data. • This will start up the built in application for the selected strip type (Graph mode in this example), and display the graph screen. At this point, a blank graph screen appears because there is no data yet. 7. Press J to display the graph relation list screen. 10-18 8. Enter the function you want to graph. 1 (Example: Y = x2 – 1) 2 9. Press 6(DRAW). • This will graph the function you entered. 10. To return to the eActivity workspace screen, press !a('). • The data that is graphed in step 8 will be saved in the Graph strip. • The saved graph data is linked to this Graph strip only. It is independent of data for modes that are entered from the Main Menu. 11. Pressing w here again will display the graph screen, and draw the graph based on the data saved by the strip. u Notes Strips “Notes” is a special eActivity text editor that comes in handy when you want to write long text explanations on the workspace screen. You can call up the Notes screen from a Notes strip on the workspace screen. Input and editing operations on the Notes screen are identical to those you use for an eActivity text line. 10-19 The following describes the Notes screen function menu items. • {JUMP}... Displays a JUMP menu that you can use to jump to the top (1(TOP)) of the data, the bottom (2(BOTTOM)) of the data, the previous page (3(PageUp)), or the next page (4(PageDown)). • {DEL-LINE} ... Deletes the line that is currently selected or where the cursor is located. • {INSERT} ... Inserts one new line above the line where the cursor is currently located. • {MATH} ... Displays the MATH menu (page 1-17). • {CHAR} ... Displays a menu for inputting math symbols, special symbols, and characters of various languages. • {A⇔a} ... Toggles between uppercase and lowercase input while alpha character input is enabled (by pressing the a key). u To change the title of a strip 1. Use c and f to select the strip whose title you want to change. 2. Input up to 16 characters for the strip title, and then press w. • The remainder of the existing title will disappear as soon as you input the first character. Input the new title in its entirety. If you want to partially edit the existing title, press d or e first to move the cursor. • Pressing J instead of w will exit trip title editing without changing anything. u To call an application from a strip Use c and f to select the strip whose application you want to call and then press w. • This will display the application screen that corresponds to the selected strip. If the strip already contains data, the application is called using the data that was last saved. • The background color of the status bar changes from its normal white to light cyan to indicate that the displayed application screen was called from a strip. • If you select a Conics Graph strip and press w without inputting any graph data, the Conics Editor screen appears in place of the Conics Graph screen. 10-20 u To toggle between the eActivity workspace screen and an application screen called from a strip Press !a('). Each press of !a(') toggles between the eActivity workspace screen and the application screen called from the strip. u To switch from an application screen called up from a strip to another application screen Press !,(,). On the dialog box that appears, use c and f to select the name of an application and then press w. u To display the strip memory usage screen 1. Use c and f to select the strip whose memory usage screen you want to view. 2. Press 1(FILE)5(SIZE). • This will display the memory usage screen of the currently selected strip. 3. To exit the memory usage screen, press J. u To delete a line or strip 1. Move the cursor to the line or strip you want to delete. • If you move the cursor to a calculation line, note that both the calculation and the result will be deleted. 2. Press 6(g)2(DEL-LINE). • This causes a confirmation message to appear. 3. Press 1(Yes) to delete, or 6(No) to cancel without deleting anything. 10-21 k Saving a File Use the procedures in this section to save a file after inputting or editing it on the workspace screen. An eActivity file for the fx-CG10/fx-CG20/fx-CG20 AU/fx-CG50/fx-CG50 AU may have a file name extension of “g3e”. Performing either of the following operations on the fx-CG10/ fx-CG20/fx-CG20 AU/fx-CG50/fx-CG50 AU to save an eActivity file always will cause the extension “g3e” to be appended to the file name. • Saving a newly created file • Saving an existing file using the “save as” operation (1(FILE)2(SAVE • AS)) If you save an eActivity file using the fx-CG10/fx-CG20/fx-CG20 AU/fx-CG50/fx-CG50 AU to save a file with a file name extension “g2e” (a file transferred from an older version calculator), it will be saved as a new file with the file name extension “g3e”. u To replace the existing file with the new version Press 1(FILE)1(SAVE) to save the currently open file. u To save a file under a new name 1. On the eActivity workspace screen, press 1(FILE)2(SAVE • AS). • This will display a file name input screen. 2. Input up to 8 characters for the file name and then press w. • If a file already exists with the same file name you enter in step 2, a message will appear asking if you want to replace the existing file with the new one. Press 1(Yes) to replace the existing file, or 6(No) to cancel the save operation and return to the file name input dialog box in step 2. Important! • An eActivity file with the g3e file name extension cannot be opened by any CASIO calculator model older than the fx-CG10/fx-CG20/fx-CG20 AU/fx-CG50/fx-CG50 AU. • Using the fx-CG10, fx-CG20, fx-CG20 AU, fx-CG50 or fx-CG50 AU to open an eActivity file with a file name extension of g1e or g2e, which was created on an older model CASIO calculator (fx-9860G, fx-9860GII, fx-9860G AU, fx-9860G AU PLUS, GRAPH 85/85 SD, GRAPH 95/75), will cause any G-MEM (Graph memory) or DYNA MEM (Dynamic Graph memory) instances in the eActivity strips to be deleted. 10-22 k Displaying the eActivity Memory Usage Screen The maximum size of an eActivity file is approximately 29,000 bytes.* You can use the eActivity file memory usage screen to check how much memory capacity remains for the file you are currently working on. * Actual maximum file size depends on capture memory and clipboard memory usage, and may be less than 29,000 bytes. u To display the eActivity memory usage screen On the workspace screen, press 1(FILE)4(CAPACITY). File usage Remaining file memory capacity To exit the memory usage screen, press J. u To return to the file list from the workspace screen Press J. If a confirmation message appears asking if you want to save the current file appears, perform one of the operations described below. To do this: Press this key: Overwrite the existing eActivity file with the edited version and return to the file list 1(Yes) Return to the file list without saving the file you are currently editing 6(No) Return to the eActivity workspace screen A 10-23 Chapter 11 Memory Manager This calculator includes main memory and storage memory for data storage. The main memory is a work area where you can input data, perform calculations, and run programs. Data in the main memory can be deleted by batteries going dead or when you perform a reset. Storage memory is an area for storing eActivity files, picture data (g3p files), and other relatively large-volume data. The storage memory uses “flash memory,” so data is safe even when power is interrupted. Normally, you should use the storage memory for data you need to store securely for long periods, loading data into the main memory only when you need it. 1. Using the Memory Manager From the Main Menu, enter the Memory mode. • {MAIN} ... {displays main memory information} • {STRGMEM} ... {displays storage memory information} • {BACKUP} ... {main memory backup} • {OPT} ... {storage memory optimization} k Memory Information Screen The memory information screen shows information about one memory at a time: the calculator’s main memory or storage memory. To display this memory information screen: Press this key: Main memory 1(MAIN) Storage memory 2(STRGMEM) 11-1 11 • Use the cursor f and c keys to move the highlighting and check the number of bytes used by each type of data. • The status bar shows the remaining capacity of the currently displayed memory area (main or storage). • If the name of a file transferred to storage memory from your computer or other source has a file name that is more than eight characters long, its name will abbreviated to eight characters when displayed on the storage memory information screen (Example: AAAABBBBCC.txt > AAAABB~1.txt). Also, if a file name extension has more than three characters, everything after the third character of the file name extension will be trimmed off. • Up to 300 files per folder can be displayed on the main memory information screen. If a folder has more than 300 files and you need to display them all, divide them among multiple folders so the total number of files in a single folder is not greater than 300. • Up to 200 files per folder can be displayed on the storage memory information screen. If a folder has more than 200 files and you need to display them all, divide them among multiple folders so the total number of files in a single folder is not greater than 200. • Though you can create folders on your computer nested to more than three levels in storage memory, this calculator will display only up to the third level. • Moving the highlighting to a data group or folder and pressing w will display the data group or folder contents. Pressing J will return to the previous screen. • While storage memory folder contents are displayed, the top line of the screen shows the file path to the current directory level. “SMEM” stands for “Storage Memory”. • The following are characters that can be used in file names and folder names. A-Z, a-z, 0-9, !, #, $, %, ', ,(comma), (, ), +, –, ., ;, =, @, [, ], ^, _, `, ~, space 11-2 The following data can be checked. Main Memory Note For information about the “Overwrite Check” column in the table below, see “To execute a send operation” (page 13-12) and “Error Checks During Data Copy” (page 11-9). Icon/Data Name Contents Overwrite Check @3DGRAPH 3D Graph group — 3DGRAPH 3D Graph mode data No 3DGMEM n (n = 1 to 20) 3D Graph memory Yes 3DVWIN_n (n = 1 to 6) 3D V-Window memory No ALPHA MEM Alpha letter variables No CONICS Conics setting data No DYNA MEM Dynamic Graph memory Yes E-CON4 E-CON group CPnnn Custom probe memory (1 to 99) contents Yes SUnnn* E-CON4 setup memory (1 to 99) contents Yes SCnnn E-CON4 setup memory (1 to 99) contents Yes SDnnn E-CON4 measurement memory (CH1, CH2, CH3, CHSNC, CHMIC, CHFFT) contents Yes ECON4_n E-CON4 current setup memory contents Yes EQUATION Equation data No F-MEM Function memory group — F-MEM n (n = 1 to 20) Function memory No G-MEM Graph memory group — G-MEM n (n = 1 to 20) Graph memory Yes @GEOM Geometry group — @IMAGE Geometry mode current data Yes Each Geometry file name Geometry data Yes LISTFILE List file group LIST n (n = 1 to 26, and Ans) List memory contents 11-3 — — Yes Icon/Data Name Contents Overwrite Check LISTFILE n (n = 1 to 6) List file Yes MAT_VCT Matrix/Vector group MAT n (n = A to Z, and Ans) Matrix Yes VCT n (n = A to Z, and Ans) Vector Yes @PICTPLT Picture Plot group PICTPLOT Picture Plot data PROGRAM Program group Each program name Programs Yes RECURSION Recursion data No S-SHEET Spreadsheet group — _SETTING Spreadsheet mode setting data No Each spreadsheet name Spreadsheet data Yes SETUP Setup data No STAT Stat result data No STRING String memory group — STRING n (n = 1 to 20) String memory No SYSTEM OS and data shared by applications (clipboard, replay, history, etc.) No TABLE Table data No FINANCE Financial mode data No V-WIN V-Window memory group — V-WIN n (n = 1 to 6) V-Window memory No Y=DATA Graph expression No Each add-in application name Application-specific data Yes — — Yes — * Starting up E-CON4 (ver3.10 or later) causes SUnnn to be converted to SCnnn. If SCnnn already exists, starting up E-CON4 (ver3.10 or later) deletes SUnnn without converting it. Storage Memory*1 Icon File Extension Description .g1m, .g2m, .g3m, .g1r, or .g2r Data items listed in the main memory information screen that has been copied to storage memory. .g1e, .g2e, or .g3e eActivity files 11-4 Icon File Extension Description .g3a, .g3l .g3a: Add-in applications .g3l: Add-in languages and add-in menus .g3p Picture files .g3b Flipbook files .bmp Bitmap files .txt Text files .csv CSV files Other file name extensions These files are not supported by this calculator. *1 “No Data” is displayed when there is no data in storage memory. k Creating a Folder in Storage Memory u To create a new folder 1. While storage memory data is on the display, press 4(FOLDER)1(MKEFLDR) to display the folder name input screen. 2. Input up to eight characters for the name you want to give to the folder. • Only the following characters are supported: A through Z, {, }, ’, ~, 0 through 9 • An “Invalid Name” error occurs if the name you input is already being used by an existing file. • To cancel folder creation, press J. 3. Press w to create the folder and return to the storage memory information screen. • This calculator supports nesting of folders up to three levels only. • Though you can create folders on your computer nested to more than three levels in storage memory, this calculator will display only up to the third level. In this case you will be able to see folders stored in a level three folder, but you will not be able to open them. • Selecting a folder stored in a level three folder and then performing the delete operation (page 11-10) will delete the selected (level 4) folder and everything inside it. 11-5 u To rename a folder 1. On the storage memory information screen, select the folder you want to rename. 2. Press 4(FOLDER)2(RENFLDR) to display the rename folder screen. • The remaining steps of this procedure are the same as those starting with step 2 under “To create a new folder” above. k Viewing Detailed Information about a File in Storage Memory On the storage memory information screen, you can highlight a file and then press 5(DETAIL) or e to display its DETAIL screen. If you select a g3p or g3b file, these operations will display a preview of the file’s image. Non g3p/g3b File 5(DETAIL) or e → ← J or d g3p/g3b File 5(DETAIL) or e → ← J or d e → ← d • You can use e and d to move between the storage memory information screen, file DETAIL screen, and image preview screen (g3p or g3b file only) as shown above. • Pressing f or c while a file DETAIL screen or image preview screen is displayed will scroll either up or down to the DETAIL screen or image preview screen of the next file in the sequence that the files are listed on the storage memory information screen. 11-6 k Selecting Data • Press 1(SELECT) to select the currently highlighted item, which is indicated by the selection pointer ( ) appearing next to it. Pressing 1(SELECT) again will deselect the item, causing the selection pointer to disappear. • You can select multiple files, if you want. → 1(SELECT) ← • Selecting a group or folder also selects everything inside of it. Deselecting a group or folder deselects all of its contents. w → • If you select one or more individual items inside of a data group or folder, the selection pointer ( ) appears next to each item, while a selection pointer ( ) appears next to the group or folder name. J → • Returning to the Memory mode initial screen deselects all currently selected items. 11-7 k Copying Data u To copy from main memory to storage memory The following procedure saves the selected data into a single file. You assign a name to the file, which is stored in storage memory. 1. On the main memory information screen, select the data you want to copy. 2. Press 2(COPY). • This displays the folder selection screen. “ROOT” is the storage memory root directory. 3. Specify the folder you want. • Highlight ROOT to copy the data to the root directory. • To copy the data to a specific folder, use f and c to move the highlighting to the desired folder and then press 1(OPEN). 4. Press 1(SAVE • AS). • This displays the file name input screen. 5. Input the file name you want to give to the file. • To cancel the copy operation, press J. 6. Press 5(g3m) or 6(g2m) as required to specify the file format. • g3m is the fx-CG10/fx-CG20/fx-CG20 AU/fx-CG50/fx-CG50 AU file type. g2m is the file format used to transfer data to the fx-9860GII and other older model calculators via Program-Link Software (FA-124). 7. Press w to copy the data. • The message “Complete!” appears when the copy operation is complete. 11-8 u To copy from storage memory to main memory 1. On the storage memory information screen, select the file you want to copy. • The only files that can be copied to main memory are those with one of the following file name extensions: g1m, g2m, g3m, g1r, g2r. Selecting a file of any other format and performing the following step will cause an “Invalid Type” error. • Performing the following step causes the files stored in storage memory to be expanded into individual component data (SETUP, STAT, and other data described on page 11-3), and copy the data to main memory. 2. Press 2(COPY) to copy the data. • Depending on the data type, an overwrite confirmation message will appear if there is always data with the same name in main memory as the data being copied. For information about which types of data cause a confirmation message to appear, see the “Overwrite Check” column in the data table on page 11-3. “Yes” means that a confirmation message is displayed, while “No” indicates that the copy operation is performed without any confirmation message. • The message “Complete!” appears when the copy operation is complete. u Error Checks During Data Copy The following error checks are performed while a data copy operation is being executed. Low battery check The calculator performs low battery check before starting the data copy operation. If the battery is at Level 1, a low battery error occurs and the copy operation is not performed. Available memory check The calculator checks to see if there is enough free memory available to store the copied data. A “Memory Full” error occurs if there is not enough memory available. A “Too Much Data” error occurs when the number of data items is too great. Overwrite check The calculator checks to see if there is any existing data at the copy destination with the same name as the data being copied. An overwrite confirmation message appears if there is data with the same name. • 1(Yes) ... overwrites the existing data with the new data • 6(No) ... advances to the next data item without copying the data with the same name • Pressing A will cancel the copy operation. 11-9 Type mismatch error check Only files whose names have the extension .g1m, .g2m, .g3m, .g1r, or .g2r can be copied from storage memory to main memory. Any other type of error will cause a type mismatch error. k Other File Operations u To delete a file or folder 1. Display the main memory information screen or the storage memory information screen. 2. Select all of the files and folders you want to delete. • For details about selecting files and folders, see “Selecting Data” (page 11-7). 3. Press 6(DELETE). 4. In response to the confirmation dialog that appears, press 1(Yes) to delete or 6(No) to cancel the delete operation. u To search for a file Example To search for all files in the main memory (or storage memory) whose names begin with the letter “R” 1. Display the main memory (or storage memory) information screen. 2. Press 3(SEARCH). • Input the letter “R” for the keyword and press w. • The first file name that begins with the letter “R” appears highlighted on display. • You can input up to eight characters for the keyword. • The message “Not Found” appears if there are no file names that match your keyword. 11-10 k Backing Up Main Memory Data u To back up main memory data 1. On the initial Memory mode screen press 4(BACKUP). 2. Press 1(SAVE). • This displays a folder selection screen. 3. Use f and c to select the folder where you want to save the data. 4. Press w to start the backup. • A “Memory Full” occurs when there is not enough space available in the storage memory to complete the backup operation. • The following message appears if there is already backup data in the storage memory. Press 1(Yes) to back up the data, or 6(No) to cancel the backup operation. The message “Complete!” appears when the backup operation is finished. • Backup data is saved in a file named BACKUP.g3m. 5. Press J to return to the screen displayed in step 1. 11-11 u To restore backup data to the main memory 1. On the initial Memory mode screen press 4(BACKUP). • On the screen that appears, you can confirm whether or not there is backup data in the storage memory. 2. Press 2(LOAD). • This displays the folder selection screen. 3. Use f and c to select a folder. 4. Press w.*1 • A message appears to confirm whether or not you really want to restore the backed up data. *1 The message “No Data” will appear if there is no backup data stored in the selected folder. Pressing J will return the screen in step 1. 5. Press 1(Yes) to restore the data and delete any data currently in the area. Press 6(No) to cancel the data backup operation. • The message “Complete!” appears when the restore operation is finished. • Press J to return to the screen displayed in step 1. 11-12 k Optimizing Storage Memory Storage memory can become fragmented after many store and load operations, causing entire blocks of memory to become unavailable for data storage. Because of this, you should periodically perform the storage memory optimization procedure, which rearranges the data in the storage memory and makes memory usage more economical. • Note that the calculator performs storage memory optimization automatically whenever you perform a save operation and the calculator discovers storage memory is running low. u To optimize the storage memory On the initial Memory mode screen, press 5(OPT) to optimize the storage memory. The message “Complete!” appears when the optimize operation is complete. Press J to return to the initial Memory mode screen. • In some cases, the amount of free memory capacity may be unchanged when you check it after performing the optimization procedure. This does not indicate any problem with the calculator. 11-13 Chapter 12 System Manager Use the System Manager to view system information and make system settings. 1. Using the System Manager From the Main Menu, enter the System mode and display the following menu items. • 1(DISPLAY) ... {display brightness adjustment} • 2(PWRProp) ... {power properties settings} • 3(LANGUAGE) ... {system language} • 4(VERSION) ... {version} • 5(RESET) ... {system reset operations} • 6(g)1(BattSet) ... {battery settings} • 6(g)2(UserName) ... {user name registration} • 6(g)5(OS Update) ... {OS update} 2. System Settings k Display Brightness Adjustment While the initial System mode screen is displayed, press 1(DISPLAY) to display the brightness adjustment screen. • The e cursor key makes display brightness lighter. • The d cursor key makes display brightness darker. • 1(INITIAL) returns display brightness to its initial default. Press J or !J(QUIT) to return to the initial System mode screen. 12-1 12 k Power Properties Settings u To specify the Auto Power Off trigger time While the initial System mode screen is displayed, press 2(PWRProp) to display the Power Properties setting screen. • 1(10Min) ... {10 minutes} (initial default setting) • 2(60Min) ... {60 minutes} Press J or !J(QUIT) to return to the initial System mode screen. u To specify the backlight duration 1. While the initial System mode screen is displayed, press 2(PWRProp) to display the Power Properties setting screen. 2. Use f and c to select “Backlight Duration”. • 1(30Sec) ... {turns off the backlight 30 seconds after the last key operation is performed} (initial default setting) • 2(1Min) ... {turns off the backlight one minute after the last key operation is performed} • 3(3Min) ... {turns off the backlight three minutes after the last key operation is performed} 3. Press J or !J(QUIT) to return to the initial System mode screen. 12-2 k System Language Setting Use LANGUAGE to specify the display language for built-in applications. u To select the message language 1. While the initial System mode screen is displayed, press 3(LANGUAGE) to display the Message Language selection screen. 2. Use the f and c cursor keys to select the language you want, and then press 1(SELECT). 3. The pop up window appears using the language you selected. Check the contents and then press J. 4. Press J or !J(QUIT) to return to the initial System mode screen. u To select the menu language 1. While the initial System mode screen is displayed, press 3(LANGUAGE) to display the Message Language selection screen. 2. Press 6(MENU). 3. Use the f and c cursor keys to select the language you want, and then press 1(SELECT). 4. The pop up window appears using the language you selected. Check the contents and then press J. • Press 6(MESSAGE) to return to the Message Language selection screen. 5. Press J or !J(QUIT) to return to the initial System mode screen. 12-3 k Version List Use VERSION to display the operating system version. u To display version information 1. While the initial System mode screen is displayed, press 4(VERSION) to display the Version list. 2. Use f and c to scroll the screen. The contents of the list are shown below. - Operating system version - Add-in application names and versions (only installed add-ins are displayed) - Message languages and versions - Menu languages and versions 3. Press J or !J(QUIT) to return to the initial System mode screen. k Reset 1. While the initial System mode screen is displayed, press 5(RESET) to display the Reset Screen 1. • 1(SETUP) ... {setup initialization} • 2(MAIN) ... {main memory data clear} • 3(ADD-IN) ... {add-in application clear} • 4(STRGMEM) ... {storage memory data clear} • 5(A&S) ... {add-in application and storage memory data clear} Pressing 6(g) on the above screen displays the Reset Screen 2 shown below. • 1(M&S) ... {main memory data and storage memory data clear} • 2(ALL) ... {all memory clear} • 3(LANGUAGE) ... {add-in language clear} • 4(RESET1) ... {all memory clear, except for some add-in applications*} * For information about which add-in applications are not cleared, visit the website below. 12-4 The following table shows the functions of the function keys. You can use the function keys to delete the specific data you want. Function Key Functions Delete Storage Initialize Delete Main Delete Delete Memory Data Setup Memory Add-in Add-in (Excluding Add-in Information Data Applications Languages Applications and Languages) 1(SETUP)  2(MAIN)    3(ADD-IN)  4(STRGMEM)  5(A&S) 6(g)1(M&S)   6(g)2(ALL)     6(g) 3(LANGUAGE) 6(g) 4(RESET1)  *1     *2 *1  *1 If an add-in language is selected for the System Language Setting (page 12-3), the add-in language file (g3l) is not deleted. *2 Some add-in applications are not deleted. For information about which add-in applications are not deleted, visit the website below. 2. Press the function key that corresponds to the reset operation you want to perform. 3. In response to the confirmation message that appears, press 1(Yes) to perform the reset operation you specified, or 6(No) to cancel. 4. A message appears to let you know when the reset operation is complete. → Screen produced when 2(MAIN) is pressed in step 2. Screen produced when 1(Yes) is pressed in step 3. Important! Note that deleting add-in language data causes the language setting to switch automatically to English. The deleted language will no longer be available for display. 12-5 Note After pressing 6(g)2(ALL) to execute initialize all you will need to configure a number of initial settings, the same way you do the first time you turn on the calculator after purchasing it. The following screens will appear automatically in sequence. Use each one to configure the required settings. • Message Language selection screen (page 12-3) • Display Settings screen (page 12-1) • Power Properties screen (page 12-2) • Battery Settings screen (shown below) k Battery Settings Important! Whenever you replace batteries, be sure to perform the operation below to specify the type of batteries you are loading. u To change the battery type 1. From the initial System mode screen, press 6(g)1(BattSet). 2. Use f and c to move the highlighting to the battery type that matches the batteries you are using and then press 1(SELECT). 3. Press 1(Yes) to change the setting, or 6(No) to cancel without changing anything. 12-6 k User Name Use the procedure in this section to identify yourself as the user of the calculator by registering your name and organization. Important! • In order to protect against misuse of your calculator, be sure to also register a password when you register your name and organization. You will need to enter the correct password whenever you want to change or delete the registered user name and/or organization. Take care that you do not forget the password. • Do not remove batteries or press the RESTART button while the operation below is in progress. Doing so can corrupt data. u To register or edit a user name and organization 1. While the initial System mode screen is displayed, press 6(g)2(UserName) to display the user name screen. 2. Press 1(EDIT). • If nothing is registered yet, the cursor will appear in the “User Name” field. • If there is already data registered, the cursor will appear in the “Password” field. If this happens, enter the correct password and then press w. If the password matches the one that is registered, the cursor will move to the “User Name” field. If the password does not match, the cursor will remain in the “Password” field. 3. Input information in the sequence shown below. (1) Input a User Name (up to 19 characters) and then press c or w. (2) Input your Organization (up to 19 characters) and then press c or w. (3) Input a Password (up to eight characters) and then press w. • Inputting a password and pressing w will display a registration confirmation dialog box to appear. 4. Press 1(Yes) to register the information or 6(No) to cancel the registration operation. 12-7 u To delete the user name and organization name 1. While the initial System mode screen is displayed, press 6(g)2(UserName) to display the user name screen. 2. Press 2(DELETE). • This will display the cursor in the “Password” field. 3. Enter the correct password and then press w. • This causes a confirmation dialog box to appear. 4. Press 1(Yes) to delete or 6(No) to cancel the delete operation. k OS Update You can update the operating system by connecting the calculator to a computer. For details, see the text of releases that are issued when a new operating system version is released. 12-8 Chapter 13 Data Communication This chapter explains how to transfer data between a calculator and a computer, or between two calculators. Data communication operations are performed in the Link mode. From the Main Menu, enter the Link mode. The following data communication main menu appears on the display. • {TRANSMIT} ... {displays the data send screen} • {RECV} ... {displays the data receive screen} • {EXAM} ... {displays the Examination Mode menu} • {CABLE} ... {displays the cable type selection screen} • {WAKEUP} ... {displays the wakeup setting screen} • {CAPTURE} ... {displays the screen image capture setting screen} Communication parameters are fixed at the following settings. • 3-pin serial port • Speed (BPS): 9600 bps max. (Connected with CFX-9850G series or fx-7400G series calculator) 115200 bps max. (Connected with another fx-CG10, fx-CG20, fx-CG20 AU, fx-CG20 CN, fx-CG50, fx-CG50 AU, fx-9860GII SD, fx-9860GII, fx-9860G AU PLUS, fx-9750GII, fx-7400GII, fx-9860G Slim (OS 1.11), fx-9860G SD (OS 2.0), fx-9860G (OS 2.0) or fx-9860G AU (OS 2.0) calculator) • Parity (PARITY): NONE • USB port • Communication speed is in accordance with USB standards. k Configuring the Receiver’s Wakeup Feature When Wakeup is turned on the receiver, the receiver turns on automatically when data transfer starts. • When communicating between two calculators (3PIN selected as the cable type), the receiver enters the receive mode automatically after it wakes up. • When communication is with a computer (USB selected as the cable type), connecting the USB cable to a computer and then to the calculator (while the calculator is turned off) will cause the calculator to turn on and the “Select Connection Mode” dialog box to appear. u To configure the receiver’s wakeup feature 1. On the receiver’s data communication main menu, press 5(WAKEUP). This displays the Wakeup setting screen. • {On} ... {turns Wakeup on} • {Off} ... {turns Wakeup off} 2. Press 1(On). This turns on Wakeup and returns of the data communication main menu. 13-1 13 3. Turn off the receiver. 4. Connect the receiver to the sender. 5. Starting a send operation on the sender causes the receiver to turn on automatically and performs the data transfer operation. k Capture Set Mode You can specify either g3p format or bmp format for screen images saved by the operation !h(CAPTURE). The data communication menu provides the following operations. 6(CAPTURE)1(Memory) ... Saves screen capture images in g3p format. 6(CAPTURE)2(BMP) ... Saves screen capture images in bmp format. For details about the screen capture operation, see “Using Screen Capture” (page 1-39). k Select Connection Mode Screen Connecting the USB cable to the calculator will cause the “Select Connection Mode” dialog box to appear. The key operation you should perform on this screen depends on the device currently connected to the calculator. • 1(USB Flash) ... Mode for connecting the calculator to a computer for data transfer. See “To establish a connection between the calculator and a computer” (page 13-3). • 2(ScreenRecv) ... Mode for using the Screen Receiver software on a Windows Vista® or later computer to display the calculator screen on the computer. For details, see the separate “Screen Receiver User’s Guide”. Wait until the calculator screen appears on the Screen Receiver window before performing any calculator operation. • 3(ScreenR(XP)) ... Mode for using the Screen Receiver software on a Windows® XP computer to display the calculator screen on the computer. • 4(Projector) ... Mode for connecting the calculator to a projector and projecting the calculator screen. See “Connecting the Calculator to a Projector” (page 13-16). Important! The “Select Connection Mode” dialog box will not appear if you connect the USB cable to the calculator while the icon is in the status bar or while a graph, Geometry mode figure, or other figure is flashing on the display. Wait until the icon disappears, or perform the required operation to stop the flashing of the graph or figure, and then try connecting the USB cable again. 13-2 1. Performing Data Communication between the Calculator and a Personal Computer Establishing a USB connection between the calculator and a computer will cause the computer to recognize the calculator’s storage memory as a mass storage drive. Connection immediately causes main memory contents to be read into storage memory automatically, so main memory data can be accessed from the computer. After a connection is established, data can be transferred between the calculator and computer using computer operations only. k Minimum Computer System Requirements The following are the minimum requirements for a computer to exchange data with the calculator. • USB port • Running one of the following operating systems. Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit) Windows 8.1 (32-bit, 64-bit) Windows 10 (32-bit, 64-bit) OS X 10.10, OS X 10.11, macOS 10.12, macOS 10.13 k Connecting and Disconnecting with a Computer in the Mass Storage Mode Use the USB cable that comes with the calculator to connect to your computer. Important! Never touch the USB cable plugs and screen while a data communication operation is in progress. Static electricity from your fingers can cause data communication to be terminated. u To establish a connection between the calculator and a computer 1. Start up your computer. 2. After starting up your computer, use the USB cable to connect it to the calculator. • The calculator will turn on automatically and the “Select Connection Mode” screen will appear. 13-3 3. Press 1(USB Flash). • The message “Preparing USB” will appear on the calculator screen. Stand by and do not perform any operation on the calculator. Establishing a connection between the calculator and a computer will cause the screen shown nearby to appear. 4. On your computer, open the calculator drive. • If you are using Windows, the location of the calculator drive will depend on your Windows Version. Use Windows Explorer to open the calculator drive. - Windows 7: Inside Computer - Windows 8.1: Inside PC - Windows 10: Inside This PC • Under OS X or macOS, the calculator drive icon appears on the Mac desktop. Doubleclick the icon to open it. • The calculator drive represents calculator’s storage memory. 5. Perform the required operation on your computer to transfer the data. • For details about data transfer operations, see “Transferring Data between the Calculator and a Personal Computer” (page 13-5). u To terminate the connection between the calculator and a computer 1. If the calculator is connected to a Windows computer, note the drive letter (E, F, G, etc.) assigned to the calculator drive. 2. Depending on the type of operating system your computer is running, perform one of the following operations. Important! Depending on your computer operating system, perform either of the operations below before disconnecting the USB cable from the calculator. • Windows: Click the “Safely Remove Hardware” icon in the task tray in the lower right corner of the display. On the menu that appears, select “USB mass storage device” whose letter matches the calculator drive letter you noted in step 1 above. Check to make sure the “Safe To Remove Hardware” message is displayed. • Mac OS: Drag the calculator drive icon to the Eject icon (Trash icon). Check to make sure that the calculator drive icon is no longer on your desktop. 3. The message “Updating Main Memory” will appear on the calculator screen. Stand by and do not perform any operation on the calculator. The message “Complete!” will appear after updating of main memory is complete. To close the message dialog box, press J. 4. Disconnect the USB cable from the calculator. 13-4 k Transferring Data between the Calculator and a Personal Computer This section explains how to connect the calculator to the computer and open the calculator drive on the computer to transfer data. u Main Memory Data during a USB Connection The contents of the @MainMem folder in the calculator drive correspond to the contents of the calculator’s main memory. Each time you establish a connection between the calculator and a computer, the contents of the calculator’s main memory are copied to storage memory. If there is not enough storage memory capacity to support the copy operation, the message “Storage Memory Full” will be displayed on the calculator and the copy operation will not be performed. If this happens, delete files you no longer need from storage memory to increase capacity, and then try establishing a USB connection again. Each group in main memory is displayed as a folder in the @MainMem folder. Also, each data item in main memory is displayed as a file in the @MainMem folder. Main Memory group names and data item names are displayed in the @MainMem folder as shown in the table below. Main Memory @MainMem Group Name Folder Name @3DGRAPH @3DGRAPH E-CON4 ECON4 F-MEM FMEM @GEOM GEOM G-MEM GMEM LISTFILE LISTFILE MAT_VCT MAT_VCT @PICTPLT @PICTPLT Main Memory Item Name 3DGRAPH 3DGMEMxx 3DVWIN_x ECON4_x SUxxx SCxxx SDxxx CPxxx F-MEM xx @IMAGE G-MEM xx LIST xx LISTFILE x MAT ANS MAT x VCT ANS VCT x PICTPLOT PROGRAM PROGRAM S-SHEET V-WIN SSHEET VMEM ROOT ROOT V-WIN x ALPHA MEM RECURSION SETUP STRING CONICS 13-5 @MainMem File Name 3DGRAPH.g3m 3DGMEMxx.g3m 3DVWIN_x.g3m ECON4_x.g3m SUxxx.g3m SCxxx.g3m SDxxx.g3m CPxxx.g3m FMEMxx.g3m @IMAGE.g3m .g3m GMEMxx.g3m LISTxx.g3m FILEx.g3m MATANS.g3m MATx.g3m VCTANS.g3m VCTx.g3m PICTPLOT.g3m .g3m .txt .g3m VMEMx.g3m ALPHAMEM.g3m RECUR.g3m SETUP.g3m STRING.g3m CONICS.g3m Main Memory @MainMem Group Name Folder Name ROOT ROOT Main Memory Item Name DYNA MEM EQUATION FINANCIAL STAT SYSTEM TABLE Y=DATA @MainMem File Name DYNA MEM.g3m EQUATION.g3m FINANCE.g3m STAT.g3m SYSTEM.g3m TABLE.g3m Y=DATA.g3m u Main Memory Data Updating upon Termination of a USB Connection While there is a USB connection between the calculator and a computer, you can use the computer to edit the @MainMem folder contents by deleting folders and files, editing files, adding files, etc. When you terminate the USB connection, the calculator’s main memory data is updated with the current contents of the @MainMem folder. Note the following important points. • Deleting the @MainMem folder will cause all data in the calculator’s main memory to be initialized. • Updating the @MainMem folder affects up to three levels of folders inside the storage memory root folder. SMEM ← Storage memory root folder @MainMem (Level 1) Folder (Level 2) Folder (Level 3) ← Updating affects files up to this Any folders and files past Level 3 are moved to a folder named “SAVE-F” in storage memory. • Adding a g3m file to the @MainMem folder while there is a USB connection between the calculator and a computer will copy the data item(s) included in the g3m file to the calculator’s main memory. For details about the main memory data item names that correspond to the g3m file names in the @MainMem folder, see “Main Memory Data during a USB Connection” (page 13-5). If there is no group in main memory that corresponds to the data items included in the g3m file, a corresponding group will be created automatically and the data items will be copied to that group. • Depending on the data type, an overwrite confirmation message will appear if there is already data with the same name in calculator’s main memory as the data being copied from @MainMem folder. For information about which types of data cause a confirmation message to appear, see the “Overwrite Check” column in the data table on page 11-3. “Yes” means that a confirmation message is displayed, while “No” indicates that the copy operation is performed without any confirmation message. 13-6 • If you place a file or folder that is not supported by the calculator into the @MainMem folder, it will be transferred to a folder named “SAVE-F” in the calculator’s storage memory and will not be shown in main memory. • If the size of the data in the @MainMem folder exceeds the available capacity of main memory, the message “Memory ERROR” will appear on the calculator when you terminate the USB connection and main memory will not be updated. • If there is an add-in file (.g3a/.g3l) in the @MainMem folder, that file will be moved to the storage memory root directory. Note, however, that if there is already and add-in with the same name in storage memory root directory, the existing add-in will be overwritten with the new one, without displaying a confirmation message. • If a text file (.txt) has been added to the @MainMem\PROGRAM folder, it will be automatically converted to a program with same name as the file and stored in the main memory PROGRAM group. For details about the rules that govern file names and other conversion issues, see “Program and Text File Conversion Rules” (page 8-8). u To transfer data between the calculator and a computer 1. Connect the calculator and computer, and open the calculator drive on the computer. • See “To establish a connection between the calculator and a computer” (page 13-3). 2. Copy, edit, delete, or add files as desired. • Use the same file operations that you normally do on your computer. • For information about the folders and files in the @MainMem folder, see “Main Memory Data during a USB Connection” (page 13-5) and “Main Memory Data Updating upon Termination of a USB Connection” (page 13-6). 3. After you finish all the operations you want to perform, terminate the connection between the calculator and a computer. • See “To terminate the connection between the calculator and a computer” (page 13-4). Note Copying a file to the storage memory can cause the connection between the calculator and computer to be dropped. If this happens, enter the Memory mode and execute an Optimize operation (page 11-13), and then re-establish a connection between the calculator and computer. 13-7 u To use your computer to edit a program created on the calculator 1. Use the calculator’s Program mode to create the program. (See “Chapter 8 Programming.”) 2. Connect the calculator and computer, and open the calculator drive on the computer. 3. Display the contents of the @MainMem\PROGRAM folder, and then use a text editor to open the text file with the same name as the program you want to edit. • If you are running Windows you could use Notepad, etc. With the Mac OS, you can use TextEdit, etc. 4. Perform the required edits. • For information about calculator commands and their corresponding special character strings, see “CASIO Scientific Function Calculator Special Commands ⇔ Text Conversion Table” (page 8-60). 5. After you are finished editing, save and close the text file. • Save the edits under a different file name, as required. If you use Save As to save your edits, be sure to save the new file in @MainMem\PROGRAM\. • Be sure to save the file in ASCII or ANSI code txt format. 6. Terminate the connection between the calculator and a computer • See “To terminate the connection between the calculator and a computer” (page 13-4). k Installing Add-In Files Add-in files can be installed on the calculator to give it additional functions. The following are types of add-in files that are available. • Add-in applications (.g3a): These files add new applications to the Main Menu. • Add-in languages (.g3l): These files add languages to those that can be selected with the “System Language Setting” procedure (page 12-3) for on-screen messages. • Add-in menus (.g3l): These files add languages to those that can be selected with the “System Language Setting” procedure (page 12-3) for function menus. u To install an add-in file In step 2 of the procedure under “To transfer data between the calculator and a computer” (page 13-7), copy the add-in file (.g3a/.g3l) you want to install to the calculator drive root directory. 13-8 k USB Connection Precautions • Depending on the operating system your computer is running, perform one of the following operations on the computer to terminate a connection with the calculator. - Windows: Click the “Safely Remove Hardware” icon in the task tray in the lower right corner of the display. On the menu that appears, select “USB mass storage device”. Check to make sure the “Safe To Remove Hardware” message is displayed. - Mac OS: Drag the calculator drive to Trash. Check to make sure that the calculator drive is no longer on your desktop. • Never use a computer operation to format the calculator drive. Doing so will cause a “File System ERROR” message to appear on the calculator screen after you terminate the USB connection between the calculator and computer. When this happens, you will not be able to start up the calculator unless you perform an Initialize All operation, which deletes all data currently in calculator memory. For details, see “File System ERROR” (page α-8). • When copying a file from your computer’s local disk to the calculator drive, it may take several minutes before copying starts. This is because copying automatically performs optimization of the calculator’s storage memory. It does not indicate malfunction. For information about storage memory optimization, see “Optimizing Storage Memory” (page 11-13). • A USB connection between the calculator and a computer may be terminated automatically if the computer enters a power save mode, sleep mode, or any other standby state. 13-9 2. Performing Data Communication between Two Calculators k Connecting Two Calculators The following procedure describes how to connect two calculators with the optionally available SB-62 cable*. * Included with the calculator in some areas. u To connect two calculators 1. Check to make sure that the power of both calculators is off. 2. Connect the two calculators using the cable. 3. Perform the following steps on both calculators to specify 3PIN as the cable type. (1) From the Main Menu, enter the Link mode. (2) Press 4(CABLE). This displays the cable type selection screen. (3) Press 2(3PIN). SB-62 cable • Models that are supported for this configuration are shown below. fx-CG10, fx-CG20, fx-CG20 AU, fx-CG20 CN, fx-CG50, fx-CG50 AU Older Calculator Model fx-9860GII SD, fx-9860GII, fx-9860G AU PLUS, fx-9750GII, fx-7400GII, fx-9860G Slim (OS 1.11), fx-9860G SD (OS 2.0), fx-9860G (OS 2.0), fx-9860G AU (OS 2.0), CFX-9850G series 13-10 k Performing a Data Transfer Operation Connect the two calculators and then perform the following procedures. Receiving calculator To set up the calculator to receive data, press 2(RECV) while the data communication main menu is displayed. The calculator enters a data receive standby mode and waits for data to arrive. Actual data receive starts as soon as data is sent from the sending calculator. Sending calculator To set up the calculator to send data, press 1(TRANSMIT) while the data communication main menu is displayed. This displays a screen for specifying the data selection method. • {SELECT} ... {selects new data} • {CURRENT} ... {automatically selects previously selected data*1} *1 The previously selected data memory is cleared whenever you change to another mode. u To send selected data items (Example: To send user data) Press 1(SELECT) or 2(CURRENT) to display a data item selection screen. • {SELECT} ... {selects data item where cursor is located} • {ALL} ... {selects all data} • {TRANSMIT} ... {sends selected data items} Use the f and c cursor keys to move the cursor to the data item you want to select and press 1(SELECT) to select it. Currently selected data items are marked with “ ”. Pressing 6(TRANSMIT) sends all the selected data items. • To deselect a data item, move the cursor to it and press 1(SELECT) again. 13-11 u To execute a send operation After selecting the data items to send, press 6(TRANSMIT). A message appears to confirm that you want to execute the send operation. • 1(Yes) ... sends data • 6(No) ... returns to data selection screen Press 1(Yes) to send the data. • You can interrupt a data operation at any time by pressing A. The following shows what the displays of the sending and receiving calculator look like after the data communication operation is complete. Press J to return to the data communication main menu. For information about the types of data items that can be sent, see “Main Memory” (pages 11-3 and 11-4). The following explains the meanings of the “Yes” and “No” indications in the “Overwrite Check” column on those pages. Yes: Overwrite check is performed. If the receiving calculator already contains the same type of data, the message below appears to ask if the existing data should be overwritten with the new data. Data item name 13-12 Press 1(Yes) to replace the receiving calculator’s existing data with the new data, or 6(No) to skip to next data item. No: Overwrite check is not performed. If the receiving calculator already contains the same type of data, the existing data is overwritten with the new data. k Data Communication Precautions Note the following precautions whenever you perform data communication. • An error occurs whenever you try to send data to a receiving calculator that is not yet standing by to receive data. When this happens, press J to clear the error and try again, after setting up the receiving calculator to receive data. • An error occurs whenever the receiving calculator does not receive any data approximately six minutes after it is set up to receive data. When this happens, press J to clear the error. • An error occurs during data communication if the cable becomes disconnected, if the parameters of the two calculators do not match, or if any other communication problem occurs. When this happens, press J to clear the error, then correct the problem before trying data communication again. If data communication is interrupted by the J key operation or an error, any data successfully received up to the interruption will be in the memory of the receiving calculator. • An error occurs if the receiving calculator memory becomes full during data communication. When this happens, press J to clear the error and delete unneeded data from the receiving calculator to make room for the new data, and then try again. • When sending data from the fx-CG10/fx-CG20/fx-CG20 AU/fx-CG50/fx-CG50 AU to an older model calculator, folders in storage memory are not sent. In this case, send individual files (not folders). k Exchanging Data with another Model Calculator Though it is possible to exchange data between this calculator (fx-CG10/fx-CG20/fx-CG20 AU/fx-CG50/fx-CG50 AU) and the other CASIO calculator models listed under “To connect two calculators” (page 13-10), there are certain restrictions that apply when exchanging data with an older model calculator. u Transferring Data from this Calculator to an Older Calculator Model Basically, only data for functions that are available on both this calculator (fx-CG10/fx-CG20/ fx-CG20 AU/fx-CG50/fx-CG50 AU) and the older model can be transferred. Data for a function that is available on this calculator but not on the older model cannot be transferred. Transferring Graph mode graph expression data (Y=DATA) from this calculator to the fx-9860GII, for example, will cause color information to be dropped automatically, because the fx-9860GII does not support color. 13-13 The following table shows how each type of data is handled when transferring from this calculator (fx-CG10/fx-CG20/fx-CG20 AU/fx-CG50/fx-CG50 AU) to an older model CASIO calculator. Data Item @3DGRAPH ALPHAMEM CONICS DYNA E-CON4 EQUATION FMEM @GEOM GMEM LIST n LIST FILE n MAT n VCT n @PICTPLT PROGRAM RECUR SETUP SSHEET STAT STRING n SYSTEM TABLE FINANCE VMEM Y=DATA *1 × ◎ *2 × *8 ◎ ◎ × *2 *3 *2 *2 ◎ × × *4 *2 *5 *2 *6 *2 ◎ × ◎ *2 *7 *2 *3 *7 fx-9750GII × ◎ *2 × *8 ◎ ◎ × *2 *3 *2 *2 ◎ × × *4 *2 *5 × *2 ◎ × ◎ *2 *7 *2 *3 *7 fx-7400GII × ◎ × × × ◎ ◎ × *2 *3 *2 *2 ◎ × × *4 *2 *5 × *2 ◎ × ◎ *2 *7 *2 *3 *7 CFX-9850G × ◎ *2 × × ◎ ◎ × *2 *3 *2 *2 ◎ × × *4 *2 *5 × *2 × × ◎ *2 *7 *2 *3 *7 ◎: Sent as-is ×: Not sent *1 fx-9860GII SD (OS 2.0), fx-9860GII (OS 2.0), fx-9860G AU PLUS (OS 2.0), fx-9860G Slim (OS 1.11), fx-9860G SD (OS 2.0), fx-9860G (OS 2.0), fx-9860G AU (OS 2.0) *2 Color data not sent. *3 “Thin” line style changed to “Normal”. *4 Program contents are sent as-is, without conversion. The pixel values in the arguments of Text, PxlOn, PxlOff, Pxlchg, and PxlTest( commands are transferred as-is. Because of this, executing a program that includes these commands on an older calculator model will result in incorrect display or a Syntax ERROR. *5 When a Setup item is configured to settings supported by this calculator (fx-CG10/fxCG20/fx-CG20 AU/fx-CG50/fx-CG50 AU) but not supported by the receiving calculator, the receiving calculator’s setting is set to its default value. If “Thin” is selected for the fxCG10/fx-CG20/fx-CG20 AU/fx-CG50/fx-CG50 AU “Sketch Line” Setup item, for example, the setting will be changed to “Normal” on the receiving calculator. Setup items that are supported by this calculator (fx-CG10/fx-CG20/fx-CG20 AU/fx-CG50/fx-CG50 AU) but not by the receiving calculator are not transferred. 13-14 *6 Conditional formatting data is not sent. *7 The V-Window dot value is recalculated in accordance with the number of screen dots of the receiving calculator. *8 Data can be transferred to a calculator with E-CON2/E-CON3 equipped, but the data cannot be used. u Transferring Data from an Older Calculator Model to this Calculator Almost all data produced by an older model CASIO calculator can be transferred to this calculator (fx-CG10/fx-CG20/fx-CG20 AU/fx-CG50/fx-CG50 AU). • Some data may be converted in order to make it compatible with this calculator’s specifications. Transferring Graph mode graph expression data (Y=DATA) from the fx9860GII to this calculator, for example, will cause the V-Window dot value to be corrected because the displays of the two models have different numbers of dots. • In some cases, color data may be appended to data and other adjustments may be performed automatically. In this case, the adjustments use initial default values. Transferring Graph mode graph expression data (Y=DATA) from the fx-9860GII to this calculator, for example, the default color (blue) is applied for the graph color. • Even if Wakeup is turned on (page 13-1), the Wakeup function is disabled. The following table shows how each type of data is handled when transferring from an older model CASIO calculator to this calculator (fx-CG10/fx-CG20/fx-CG20 AU/fx-CG50/fx-CG50 AU). Data Item Description ALPHAMEM, CONICS, DYNA, Data is transferred as-is. EQUATION, FMEM, Geometry, LIST n, LIST FILE n, MAT n, RECUR, SSHEET, STRING n, TABLE Not sent. CAPT n, PICT n, SYSTEM, E-CON3 SETUP, STAT, FINANCE Original data is transferred as-is. However, Setup items that are supported by this calculator (fx-CG10/fx-CG20/fxCG20 AU/fx-CG50/fx-CG50 AU) but not by the sending calculator will be set to their initial default values. GMEM Original data is transferred as-is. However, the default color is assigned to expressions. Program • Pixel values specified by the Text command argument are converted to match this calculator’s screen size. • Pixel values specified by the PxlOn, PxlOff, Pxlchg, PxlTest( command arguments are not converted to match this calculator’s screen size. VMEM, Y=DATA Original data is transferred as-is. However, the dot value is recalculated in accordance with the number of dots for this calculator’s (fx-CG10/fx-CG20/fx-CG20 AU/fx-CG50/ fx-CG50 AU) display. 13-15 3. Connecting the Calculator to a Projector You can connect the calculator to a CASIO projector and project calculator screen contents onto a screen. k Connectable Projectors For information about connectable projectors, visit the site below. u To project calculator screen contents from a projector 1. Use the USB cable that comes with the calculator to connect to the projector. • Connecting the USB cable to the calculator will cause the “Select Connection Mode” dialog box to appear. 2. Press 4(Projector). k Precautions when Connecting • The icon may remain projected on the screen after you connect the calculator to a projector. If this happens, performing some operation on the calculator will restore normal display. • If the calculator stops operating normally, disconnect the USB cable and then reconnect it. If this does not correct the problem, disconnect the USB cable, turn the projector off and then back on, and then reconnect the USB cable. • Connecting the calculator to a projector with the USB cable immediately after starting up the projector may cause the projected image to appear in grayscale and not in color. If this happens, disconnect and then reconnect the USB cable. 13-16 Chapter 14 Geometry 1. Geometry Mode Overview The Geometry mode allows you to draw and analyze geometric objects. From the Main Menu, enter the Geometry mode. k Geometry Mode Menus Unlike other modes, the Geometry mode does not have function menus along the bottom of the screen. Instead, it uses menus named [F1] through [F6] and [OPTN], like the ones shown below. The following is a general explanation of Geometry mode menus. • Pressing a key that corresponds to a menu (1 through 6 or K) will display the menu for that tab. • After displaying a menu, use e and d to move between menu screens. • To close a menu without selecting anything, press J. u Menu Operations in This Chapter Menu operations are shown using the following form in this chapter: 3(Draw) – 5:Vector. When you see this, it means you can perform either of the following two operations. • Press 3 to display the Draw menu, use c and f to highlight “5:Vector”, and then press w. • Press 3 to display the Draw menu and then press f. 14 14-1 k Menu Reference The following tables describe the menu items that appear on each of the Geometry mode menus. u 1(File) To do this: Select this menu item: Create a new file 1:New Open a file 2:Open Save a file under a new name 3:Save as Display a list of functions assigned to each key 4:Key Help u 1e(View) To do this: Select this menu item: Start a box zoom operation 1:Zoom Box Enter the pan mode (page 14-35) 2:Pan Enter the scroll mode (page 14-36) 3:Scroll Enlarge the display image 4:Zoom In Reduce the size of the display image 5:Zoom Out Adjust the size of the display image so it fills the display 6:Zoom to Fit u 2(Edit) To do this: Select this menu item: Undo or redo the last operation 1:Undo/Redo Select all objects on the screen 2:Select All Deselect all objects on the screen 3:Deselect All Select an entire polygon (page 14-19) 4:Select Figure Delete the currently selected object 5:Delete Clear the screen 6:Clear All 14-2 u 3(Draw) To do this: Select this menu item: Plot a point 1:Point Draw a line segment 2:Line Segment Draw a straight line 3:Infinite Line Draw a ray 4:Ray Draw a vector 5:Vector Draw a circle 6:Circle Draw an arc 7:Arc Draw a semi circle 8:SemiCirc (Diam) u 3e(Draw Spec) To do this: Select this menu item: Draw a triangle 1:Triangle Draw an isosceles triangle 2:Isosc Triangle Draw a rectangle 3:Rectangle Draw a square 4:Square Draw a polygon 5:Polygon Draw a regular n-gon 6:Regular n-gon Draw a function graph 7:Function f(x) u 4(Construct) To do this: Select this menu item: Construct a perpendicular bisector 1:Perp Bisector Construct a perpendicular 2:Perpendicular Construct a midpoint 3:Midpoint Construct an intersection 4:Intersection Construct an angle bisector 5:Angle Bisector Construct a parallel 6:Parallel Construct a tangent 7:Tangent Attach an angle measurement to a figure 8:Attached Angle 14-3 u 5(Transform) To do this: Select this menu item: Reflect an object 1:Reflection Translate an object by specified values 2:Translation Translate an object using an existing vector 3:Trans(Sel Vec) Rotate an object 4:Rotation Dilate an object 5:Dilation Rotate an object 180 degrees on a specified point 6:Symmetry u 6(Animate) To do this: Select this menu item: Add animation to two selected objects 1:Add Animation Replace the current animation assigned to two selected objects 2:Replace Anima Turn on trace for a point and trace the movement of the point while animation is being executed 3:Trace Display the animation editing screen 4:Edit Animation Perform an animation sequence once 5:Go (once) Perform an animation sequence repeatedly 6:Go (repeat) Add one or more values to the animation table (page 14-62) 7:Add Table Display the animation table 8:Display Table u K(Option) To do this: Select this menu item: Input text 1:Text Input an expression 2:Expression Specify the number format Geometry mode measurements 3:Number Format Unlock all measurements 4:Clr Constraint Display all objects 5:Show All Hide the currently selected object 6:Hide Perform an arithmetic operation or another type of operation using the surface area of one or more figure. 7:Area Calc 14-4 u K(Option)e(Properties) To do this: Select this menu item: Move the selected object to the front 1:to the front Move the selected object to the back 2:to the back Move all text to the front 3:All TEXT Adjust the lightness of the background image 4:Fade I/O Save Geometry mode screen contents as an image (g3p File) 5:Store Picture k Using the Pointer You can use the following operations to move the on-screen pointer ( ) around the display when drawing objects, editing objects, etc. u To move the pointer Use the cursor keys to move the pointer around the display. Holding down a cursor key moves the pointer at high speed. u To make the pointer jump to a particular location Pressing a number key (b to j) will cause the pointer to jump to the corresponding section of the screen as shown below. h i j e f g b c d k Using Key Help Pressing 1(File) – 4:Key Help or the a key will display Key Help, which provides information the function of each key in the Geometry mode. Use the c and f keys to navigate between the three Key Help screens. To exit the Key Help screens, press J. Note The key operations shown on the Key Help screens apply to the drawing screen only. 14-5 k Managing Geometry Mode Files This section explains how to save Geometry mode data to files, and how to manage your files. u To create a new file 1. Perform the following operation: 1(File) – 1:New. • The following dialog box will appear if you have a drawing on the screen. 2. To clear the current drawing and create a new file, press 1(Yes). • This will create a new file and display a blank drawing screen. u To open an existing file 1. Perform the following operation: 1(File) – 2:Open. • This displays a menu of existing files. • Pressing 6(STRGMEM) here will display the storage memory file list where you can open a g3p file. For details, see “Displaying a Geometry Mode Screen Background Image” (page 14-8). 2. Use c and f to move the highlighting to the file you want to open and then press w. • The following dialog box will appear if you have a drawing on the screen. 3. To clear the current drawing, press 1(Yes). • This will open the file you selected in step 2. 14-6 u To delete a file 1. Perform the following operation: 1(File) – 2:Open. • This displays a menu of existing files. 2. Use c and f to move the highlighting to the file you want to delete and then press 1(DELETE). • This causes a confirmation dialog box to appear. 3. Press 1(Yes) to delete the selected file or 6(No) to cancel the delete operation. 4. To exit the file menu, press J. u To save a file under a different name 1. While the file you want to save is open, perform the following operation: 1(File) – 3:Save as. • This will display the file name input screen and automatically switch the calculator’s keys to Alpha Lock. 2. Input up to 8 characters for the file name and then press w. • You can use the following characters in a file name. - Uppercase alphabetic characters A through Z - Numerals 0 through 9 - Braces ({ }) • After inputting the name you want, press w to save the file and return to its drawing screen. 14-7 k Displaying a Geometry Mode Screen Background Image In the Geometry mode, you can open an image file (g3p) and use it as a background image for a Geometry mode drawing. • If you open a g3p file, draw something, and then save the result to a file, the g3p file will be saved along with the Geometry mode data. • After opening a background image, you adjust its lightness on the display. See “Adjusting the Lightness of the Background Image” (page 14-37). • Once you add a background image and save it, you will not be able to change the background image of the file or remove it. u To open a g3p file in the Geometry mode 1. Perform the following operation: 1(File) – 2:Open. 2. Press 6(STRGMEM). • This displays the storage memory file list screen. 3. Use c and f to move the highlighting to the background image file you want to use and then press w. • If a drawing is currently on the screen, the “Clear current image?” confirmation dialog box will appear. 4. To clear the current drawing, press 1(Yes). • If the file does not contain any Geometry mode data, a dialog box will appear at this point asking if you want to use the Geometry V-Window initial default value. To open the file using the Geometry V-Window initial default value, press 1. To cancel the open file operation, press 6. • If the file already contains Geometry mode data, the file will open immediately. 14-8 k Saving Current Screen Contents as an Image (g3p File) in the Geometry Mode You can save a Geometry mode screen shot as an image (g3p) file. The saved file includes current V-Window setting information. u To save current screen contents as an image in picture memory 1. While the screen you want to save is displayed, perform the following operation: K(Option)e(Properties) – 5:Store Picture w(Pict [1~20]). 2. On the Store In Picture Memory screen that appears, enter a value from 1 to 20 and then press w. • Storing a graphic image in a memory area that already contains a graphic image replaces the existing graphic image with the new one. u To save current screen contents under a file name 1. While the screen you want to save is displayed, perform the following operation: K(Option)e(Properties) – 5:Store Picture cw(Save As). 2. Perform the procedure starting from step 2 under “To store a graph screen image under a file name” (page 5-21). 14-9 k Key Functions The figure below shows the keys that are used for Geometry mode drawing screen operations. Displays the measurement box. (Page 14-41) Displays menus. (Page 14-1) Moves the pointer. Cancels an operation, or returns to the previous menu or screen. Selects, deselects, executes. Selects an object to move it. (Page 14-31) Selects, deselects, executes. Selects an entire polygon. (Valid for polygons only.) (Page 14-19) Deletes the currently selected object. (Page 14-32) !b Adds an animation table. (Page 14-63) Deselects all, cancels an operation, deletes all (when pressed twice). Causes the pointer to jump to a particular position. (Page 14-5) Undoes/Redoes an operation. (Page 14-30) Displays Key Help. (Page 14-5) Zooms in/out. (Page 14-37) Enters the Scroll mode. (Page 14-36) Zooms the screen image to fit the window area. (Page 14-37) 14-10 Selects, deselects, executes. 2. Drawing and Editing Objects This section explains how to perform the following operations. • Plot points, draw line segments, polygons, etc. ([F3](Draw) menu, [F3] [g](Draw Spec) menu) • Select and deselect objects ([F2](Edit) menu) • For a drawn object, construct a perpendicular bisector, perpendicular, etc. ([F4](Construct) menu) • For a drawn object, perform various transform operations ([F5](Transform) menu) • Undo an operation, move an object, delete an object and other editing operations ([F2](Edit) menu) k Using the Draw Menu Press 3(Draw) to display the Draw menu. You can use the Draw menu to plot points, and draw line segments, triangles, polygons, and other objects. u To plot a point 1. Perform the following operation: 3(Draw) – 1:Point. 2. Move the pointer to the location on the screen where you want to plot a point and then press w. • This will plot a point at the pointer location. • The icon will remain on the display, which means you repeat step 2 to plot more points, if you want. 3. After you are finished plotting all the points you want, press o or J to deselect the Point tool. Note Some drawing tools remain after you draw something, like the Point tool. To deselect such a tool, press o or J. 14-11 u To add a labeled point to an existing line Note You can use the following procedure to add a labeled point to an existing line, to a side of a polygon, to the periphery of a circle, etc. 1. Perform the following operation: 3(Draw) – 1:Point. 2. Move the pointer on the screen towards the line where you want to add the labeled point. • This selects the line, which is indicated by “”. → 3. Press w. • This will add a point on the line at the pointer location. u To draw a line segment 1. Perform the following operation: 3(Draw) – 2:Line Segment. 2. Move the pointer to the location on the display from where you want to draw the line segment and then press w. 3. Move the pointer to the location on the display to where you want to draw the line segment and then press w. • This will draw a line segment between the two points. Note In steps 2 and 3 of the above procedure, you can move the pointer to an existing point on the screen and press w. This will make the existing point one of the ends of the line segment. 14-12 u To draw an infinite line 1. Perform the following operation: 3(Draw) – 3:Infinite Line. 2. Move the pointer to any location on the display and then press w. 3. Move the pointer to another location on the display and then press w. • This will draw a line that passes between the two points. u To draw a ray 1. Perform the following operation: 3(Draw) – 4:Ray. 2. Move the pointer to any location on the display and then press w. 3. Move the pointer to another location on the display and then press w. • This will draw a ray that starts from the first point you selected and that passes through the second point. u To draw a vector 1. Perform the following operation: 3(Draw) – 5:Vector. 2. Move the pointer to the location on the display from where you want to draw the vector and then press w. 3. Move the pointer to the location on the display to where you want to draw the vector and then press w. • This draws the vector. 14-13 u To draw a circle 1. Perform the following operation: 3(Draw) – 6:Circle. 2. Move the pointer to the location on the display where you want the center point of the circle to be and then press w. 3. Move the pointer to the location on the display where you want the circumference of the circle to be and then press w. • This draws a circle. The distance between the two points you specify is the radius of the circle. Note In steps 2 and 3 of the above procedure, you can move the pointer to an existing point on the screen and press w. This will make the existing point either the center point or the circumference point. u To draw an arc 1. Perform the following operation: 3(Draw) – 7:Arc. 2. Move the pointer to the location on the display where you want the center point of the arc to be and then press w. 3. Move the pointer to the location on the display where you want the start point of the arc to be and then press w. 4. Move the pointer to the location where you want the end point of the arc to be. ..... 5. Move the pointer and the line segment to the location on the display where you want the end point of the arc to be and then press w. • An arc will be drawn from the start point to the end point, in a counterclockwise direction. 14-14 u To draw a semi circle 1. Perform the following operation: 3(Draw) – 8:SemiCirc (Diam). 2. Move the pointer to the point you want to specify as one end of the semi circle diameter and then press w. 3. Move the pointer to the point you want to specify as the other end of the semi circle diameter. • In accordance with the pointer movement, a circle whose diameter passes through the first point and the current point will appear on the display. Pressing w in the following step will draw a semi circle with a diameter that forms an arc that goes counterclockwise from the first point you specified to the second point. 4. Press w to draw the semi circle. u To draw a triangle 1. Perform the following operation: 3e(Draw Spec) – 1:Triangle. 2. Move the pointer to any location on the display and then press w. 3. Move the pointer to another location. • This causes a selection boundary to appear, indicating the size of the triangle that will be drawn. 14-15 4. Press w. • This draws a triangle. → • If the location of the pointer when you press w is very close to the point you specified in step 2, the triangle that is drawn will be the maximum size that fits in the screen. Note The same type of two-point selection boundary in the above procedure is also used when drawing an isosceles triangle, rectangle, square, or regular n-gon. In each case, the resulting object will be the maximum size that fits in the screen if the second point specified is too close to or at the same location of the first point. u To draw an isosceles triangle 1. Perform the following operation: 3e(Draw Spec) – 2:Isosc Triangle. 2. Perform steps 2 through 4 under “To draw a triangle” (page 14-15). • This draws an isosceles triangle. u To draw a rectangle or a square 1. Perform either of the following operations: 3e(Draw Spec) – 3:Rectangle or 3e(Draw Spec) – 4:Square. 2. Move the pointer to any location on the display and then press w. 3. Move the pointer to another location. • This causes a selection boundary to appear, indicating the size of the rectangle (or square) that will be drawn. 14-16 4. Press w. • This draws a rectangle or square. • If the location of the pointer when you press w is very close to the point you specified in step 2, the object that is drawn will be the maximum size that fits in the screen. Note In the case of a square, each side will be the length of the shorter side of the rectangle you specify with the selection boundary in step 3. u To draw a polygon 1. Perform the following operation: 3e(Draw Spec) – 5:Polygon. 2. Move the pointer to the location on the display where you want a vertex of the polygon to be and then press w. • Repeat this step as many times as required to specify the other vertices of the polygon. 3. To complete the polygon, move the pointer to the location of the first vertex and then press w. → Note If you press J in place of step 3, the figure will be finalized as-is, resulting in an unclosed non-polygon. 14-17 u To draw a regular n-gon 1. Perform the following operation: 3e(Draw Spec) – 6:Regular n-gon. • This displays a dialog box prompting you to specify the number of sides. 2. Input a value from 3 to 12 and then press w. 3. Perform steps 2 through 4 under “To draw a triangle” (page 14-15). • This will draw a regular n-gon using the number of sides you specified in step 2. u To draw a function 1. Perform the following operation: 3e(Draw Spec) – 7:Function f(x). • This causes the Function dialog box to appear. 2. Input the function. 3. Press w to draw it. → Note • The only graph type that can be drawn is Y=f(x). • The angle unit of the graph that is drawn is always Rad, regardless of the Angle setting on the Setup screen. 14-18 k Selecting and Deselecting Objects Before you can edit (move or delete) an object or create a figure using an object, you first need to select part of it or all of it. This section explains how to select and deselect objects. u To select a particular object 1. If any tool icon is in the upper right corner of the screen, press J or o to deselect the tool. 2. Move the pointer close to the object you want to select. • This will cause one or more marks to appear on the object. At this time the object will begin to flash. Note that the object will not flash if it is a point and a mark is displayed on the point. 3. Press w. • This will cause the to change to k and will change the outline of the object to become a thick line, which indicates that the object is selected. → • Now you can repeat steps 2 and 3 to select other objects, if you want. u To select an entire polygon 1. If any tool icon is in the upper right corner of the screen, press J or o to deselect the tool. 2. Move the pointer close to the object you want to select. • This will cause marks to appear on some part (vertex, side, etc.) of the object. 14-19 3. Press x or perform the following operation: 2(Edit) – 4:Select Figure. • This selects the entire object. u To deselect a particular object 1. If any tool icon is in the upper right corner of the screen, press J or o to deselect the tool. 2. Move the pointer close to the object you want to deselect. • This will cause the k marks to become highlighted. At this time the object will begin to flash. Note that the object will not flash if it is a point and a k mark is displayed on the point. → 3. Press w. • This will deselect the object, which causes the k mark(s) to disappear. u To select all objects on the screen Perform the following operation: 2(Edit) – 2:Select All. u To deselect all objects on the screen Press o or perform the following operation: 2(Edit) – 3:Deselect All. 14-20 k Specifying the Color and Line Type of a Displayed Object You can use the procedure below to specify the color and line type for the outline of a displayed figure, the fill color inside a figure, or the color of text, labels, and other non-figure objects. u To specify the color and line type of all the displayed objects 1. Perform the following operation: 2(Edit) – 2:Select All. 2. Press !f(FORMAT) to display the dialog box shown below. • The dialog box will show only supported settings, which depend on the composition of the selected object. 3. Configure the above dialog box with the following settings. To specify this: Perform this operation: Specify the text color Press b(Char Color) and then use keys b through i to specify the desired color. Specify the line type Press c(Line Style) and then press one of the following keys: b(Norm), c(Thick), f(Thin). Specify the line color Press d(Line Color) and then use keys b through i to specify the desired color. Specify the figure fill color Press e(Area Color) and then use keys b through i to specify the desired color. To specify no fill color, press v(Clear). Specify the lightness of the figure fill color Press f(Paint Style) and then press b(Normal) or c(Lighter). 14-21 4. To apply the settings you configure, return to the dialog box in step 2 of this procedure and then press J. → u To specifying the color and line type of a particular object 1. Use the procedure under “Selecting and Deselecting Objects” (page 14-19) to select the object whose color and/or line type you want to specify. 2. Press !f(FORMAT). • This displays a dialog box that shows supported settings, which depend on the composition of the selected object. 3. Perform the procedure starting from step 3 under “To specify the color and line type of all the displayed objects” (page 14-21). k Using the Construct Menu Press 4(Construct) to display the Construct menu. You can use the Construct menu to construct various types of geometric objects, such as a perpendicular bisector, parallel, angle bisector, etc. u To construct a perpendicular bisector 1. Draw a line segment and select it. 2. Perform the following operation: 4(Construct) – 1:Perp Bisector. • This will draw the perpendicular bisector of the line segment you selected. → Note You can perform a perpendicular bisector construct operation while a single line segment, one side of a polygon, or two points are selected on the screen. 14-22 u To construct a perpendicular 1. Draw a line segment, plot a point, and select the line and point. 2. Perform the following operation: 4(Construct) – 2:Perpendicular. • This will draw a perpendicular to the selected line segment and passes through the selected point. → Note You can perform a perpendicular construct operation while a single line segment and single point, a single line and single point, a single ray and a single point, a single vector and a single point, or one side of a polygon and a single point are selected on the screen. u To construct a midpoint 1. Draw a line segment and select it. 2. Perform the following operation: 4(Construct) – 3:Midpoint. • This will plot the midpoint of the line segment you selected. → Note You can perform a midpoint construct operation while a single line segment, one side of a polygon, or two points are selected on the screen. 14-23 u To construct the point of intersection of two lines 1. Draw to intersecting line segments and select them. 2. Perform the following operation: 4(Construct) – 4:Intersection. • This plots the point where the two line segments intersect. → Note You can construct the point of intersection of two lines while two of any of the following objects (two of the same object or two different objects) are selected on the screen: line segment, line, rays, vector, side of a polygon, circle, or arc. u To construct an angle bisector 1. Draw a triangle and select two of its sides. 2. Perform the following operation: 4(Construct) – 5:Angle Bisector. • This draws the bisector of the angle formed by the two sides of the triangle that you selected. → Note • You can perform an angle bisector construct operation while two of any of the following objects (two of the same object or two different objects) are selected on the screen: line segment, line, ray, vector, or one side of a polygon. • If the two objects you select are intersecting, the angle bisector construct operation will construct two angle bisectors. 14-24 u To construct a parallel 1. Draw a line segment, plot a point, and select the line and point. 2. Perform the following operation: 4(Construct) – 6:Parallel. • This will draw an infinite line that is parallel to the selected line segment and passes through the selected point. Marks ( ) appear on both the line segment and the infinite line to indicate they are parallel. → Note You can perform a parallel construct operation while any of the following combination objects is selected. • A single line segment and a single point, a single line and a single point, a single ray and a single point, a single vector and a single point • One side of a polygon and a single point u To construct a tangent 1. Draw a circle. 2. Perform the following operation: 4(Construct) – 7:Tangent. • This will cause the message “Select Curve” to appear. 3. Move the pointer close to the location on the circle where you want to construct the tangent. • Move the pointer towards the circle until marks appear on it. 4. Press w. • This will draw a line that is tangent to the circle at the location you selected with the pointer. → Note You can perform the tangent construct operation while a circle, semi circle, arc, or function graph is selected. 14-25 u To attach an angle measurement to a figure 1. Draw a triangle and select two of its sides. 2. Perform the following operation: 4(Construct) – 8:Attached Angle. • This attaches the angle measurement to the figure. → • While the “Select Display Position” message is displayed, you can use the cursor keys to specify which angle measurement is displayed for the two selected sides. → → → 3. To view the angle measurement, press w. k Using the Transform Menu Press 5(Transform) to display the Transform menu. You can use the Transform menu to perform various transform operations, such as object reflection, object rotation, etc. u To reflect an object 1. Draw the object you want to reflect. Here, we will use a triangle. 2. Draw a line segment that represents the axis of the reflection. 3. Perform the following operation: 5(Transform) – 1:Reflection. • This will cause the message “Select Axis” to appear. 4. Move the pointer close to the line segment that you want to use as the axis of the reflection. • Move the pointer towards the line segment until 14-26 marks appears on it. 5. Press w. • This reflects the object using the line segment as the axis. → → Note You can specify a line segment, line, ray, one side of a polygon, or the x-axis or y-axis as the axis of reflection. u To translate an object by specified values 1. Draw the object you want to translate. Here, we will use a triangle. 2. Perform the following operation: 5(Transform) – 2:Translation. • This displays the Translation screen. 3. Input vector format values to specify the distance of parallel translation. • The value in line 1 is the translation distance along the X-axis, while the value in line 2 is the distance along the Y-axis. 4. After the values are the way you want, press w. • This performs parallel translation of the object by the distance specified by the values you input in step 3. → → Note If you select only part of an object before performing step 2 of the above procedure, only the selected part will be translated. u To translate an object using an existing vector 1. Draw the object you want to translate. Here, we will use a triangle. Next, draw the vector you want to use for parallel translation. 2. Perform the following operation: 5(Transform) – 3:Trans(Sel Vec). • This will cause the message “Select Vector” to appear. 3. Move the pointer close to the vector you want to use for the parallel translation. • Move the pointer towards the vector until 14-27 marks appears on it. 4. Press w. • This will perform parallel translation of the original object in the direction of the vector you selected. → → Note If you select only part of an object before performing step 2 of the above procedure, only the selected part will be translated. u To rotate an object 1. Draw the object you want to rotate. Here, we will use a triangle. 2. Perform the following operation: 5(Transform) – 4:Rotation. • This will cause the message “Sel Rotation Center” to appear. 3. Move the pointer to the location you want to specify as the center of rotation. 4. Press w. • This displays a dialog box for specifying the angle of rotation. 5. Input the angle of rotation (counterclockwise) in degrees and then press w. • This will draw the original object, rotated the specified amount. → → Note If you select only part of an object before performing step 2 of the above procedure, only the selected part will be rotated. u To dilate an object 1. Draw the object you want to dilate. Here, we will use a triangle. 2. Perform the following operation: 5(Transform) – 5:Dilation. • This will cause the message “Sel Dilation Center” to appear. • See the figure in the notes below for details about meanings of the terms used during the dilation operation. 3. Move the pointer to the location you want to specify as the center of dilation. 4. Press w. • This displays a dialog box for specifying the dilation scale. 14-28 5. Input a scale value in the range of 0.1 < | x | < 10 and then press w. • This will draw a resized version of the original object. → → Note • If you select only part of an object before performing step 2 of the above procedure, only the selected part will be dilated. • The following figure illustrates the meanings of the terms used in the above procedure. Center of Dilation Scale: –1 Original Scale: 0.5 Object Scale: 2 u To rotate a figure 180 degrees on a specified point 1. Draw the figure you want to rotate and select it. Here, we will use a triangle. 2. Perform the following operation: 5(Transform) – 6:Symmetry. • This will cause the message “Select Center Point” to appear. 3. Move the pointer to the point you want to use as the center point of the rotation and then press w. • This will draw the figure rotated 180 degrees on the selected point. In addition, a point is plotted at the center point. → 14-29 k Undoing and Redoing an Operation The Undo command lets you undo the last operation you performed, while Redo lets you restore an operation you have undone. u To undo the last operation you performed Immediately after performing the operation you want to undo, press * or perform the following operation: 2(Edit) – 1:Undo/Redo. Important! Note that the following operations cannot be undone. • Clear all objects operation: 2(Edit) – 6:Clear All (page 14-32). • View Window setting configuration (page 14-35) • Zoom operation (page 14-36) • Scroll operation (page 14-36) • Pan operation (page 14-35) • Setup change (page 14-33) u To redo an operation Immediately after undoing the operation, press * or perform the following operation: 2(Edit) – 1:Undo/Redo. k Moving and Deleting an Object Before you can move or delete an object, you first need to select it. For details, see “Selecting and Deselecting Objects” (page 14-19). u To move an object Note Sometimes you may find that an object will not move the way you want it to. If this happens, try locking the part(s) of the object that you do not want to move (page 14-47), or temporarily unlock all objects (Clr Constraint, page 14-48). 1. Select the object you want to move. • If you want to move only one of the vertices of a triangle for example, select the vertex. To move only one side of the triangle, select the side. One vertex selected One side selected 14-30 Three sides selected 2. Press v. • This causes the icon to appear in the upper right corner of the screen and the pointer to change from to . Also, a rectangle will enclose the object that you selected in step 1. One vertex selected One side selected Three sides selected 3. Use the cursor keys to move the object in the direction you want. • The rectangle will move in corresponding direction. One vertex selected One side selected Three sides selected 4. To move the object to the current location of the rectangle, press w. One vertex selected One side selected Three sides selected Note If you press v when nothing is selected on the screen, the pointer will change to a which you can use to pan (shift) the entire screen. → → 14-31 , u To delete an object 1. Select the object you want to delete. • If you want to delete only one of the vertices of a triangle for example, select the vertex. To delete only one side of the triangle, select the side. 2. Press D or perform the following operation: 2(Edit) – 5:Delete. • This deletes the selected object. u To delete all objects on the screen 1. Perform the following operation: 2(Edit) – 6:Clear All. • This causes a confirmation dialog box to appear. Important! Pressing 1(Yes) in the following step will delete all the objects currently on the screen. This operation cannot be undone. 2. Press 1(Yes) to delete all the objects on the screen or 6(No) to cancel the delete operation. Note You can also delete all objects by pressing o twice while nothing is selected on the screen. k Hiding and Showing Objects Use the following operations to hide specific objects and to show all currently hidden objects. u To hide an object 1. Select the object you want to hide. 2. Perform the following operation: K(Option) – 6:Hide. • This hides the selected objects. u To show all hidden objects Perform the following operation: K(Option) – 5:Show All. This shows all currently hidden objects. k Changing the Display Priority of Objects Basically, objects you draw in the Geometry mode are stacked in the order they are drawn (newest drawing on top). You can use the operations in this section to move a drawn object to the top or the bottom of the stack. You also can move all text to the front, if you want. • To move a particular object to the front: K(Option)e(Properties) – 1:to the front. • To move a particular object to the back: K(Option)e(Properties) – 2:to the back. • To move all text to the front: K(Option)e(Properties) – 3:All TEXT. 14-32 3. Controlling the Appearance of the Geometry Window This section provides information about how to control the appearance of the screen by scrolling or zooming, and by showing or hiding axes and the grid. Important! Settings you configure on the Geometry mode Setup screen are applied in the Geometry mode only. Even if another mode has settings of the same name, the Geometry mode settings will not affect them. Conversely, changing setting with the same name in another mode will not affect the Geometry mode settings. k Displaying the Axes and Grid You can display axes and grid points (or grid lines) on the Geometry mode screen. You also can specify the pitch (spacing) of the grid points and lines. → Axes: On, Grid: On Axes: Scale, Grid: Line u To specify the axis and grid settings 1. Press !m(SET UP) to display the Setup screen. 2. Use f and c to move the highlighting to “Grid” and then use the following operations to configure the settings you want. To select this setting: Press this key: Show grid points 1(On) Hide the grid 2(Off) Show grid lines 3(Line) • If you select Off to hide the grid, you can skip steps 3 and 4. 3. Use f and c to move the highlighting to “Grid Space” and then press 1(Space). 4. On the dialog box that appears, enter a value to specify the pitch of the grid and then press w. • You can specify a value from 0.01 to 1000, in increments of 0.01. 14-33 5. Use f and c to move the highlighting to “Axes” and then use the following operations to configure the settings you want. To select this setting: Press this key: Show on-screen axes 1(On) Hide on-screen axes 2(Off) Show on-screen axes and scale values 3(Scale) 6. After the setting is the way you want, press J. k Specifying Angle and Length Display Units You can use the procedure in this section to show or hide the units of angle and length values. You also can specify which units should be used for angle and length values. Angle unit: Deg, Rad Length: mm, cm, m, km, inch, feet, yard, mile → Angle: Rad, Angle Unit: On Length Unit: On (mm) u To specify angle and length display units 1. Press !m(SET UP) to display the Setup screen. 2. Perform the following operations to configure the settings you want. To select this setting: Perform this operation: Degrees for display and calculation angle unit Highlight “Angle” and then press 1(Deg). Radians for display and calculation angle unit Highlight “Angle” and then press 2(Rad). Show unit for angle values Highlight “Angle Unit” and then press 1(On). Hide unit for angle values Highlight “Angle Unit” and then press 2(Off). Show unit for length values 1. Highlight “Length Unit” and then press 1(On). 2. When the dialog box appears, use keys b through i to specify the length unit. Hide unit for length values Highlight “Length Unit” and then press 2(Off). 3. After the setting is the way you want, press J. 14-34 k Configuring View Window Settings You can configure View Window settings to specify the coordinates of the screen’s left edge (Xmin) and right edges (Xmax). The length of the y-axis is configured automatically using a ratio of 1:2 (y-axis:x-axis), but you can specify what part of the y-axis is in the middle of the screen (Ymid). Ymid Xmin Xmax u To configure View Window settings 1. Perform the following operation to display the View Window screen: !3(V-WIN). 2. Input values for Xmin, Xmax, and Ymid. • If you want to return these settings to their initial defaults, press 1(INITIAL). 3. After all the settings are the way you want, press J. k Using Pan and Scroll to Shift the Display Image There are two methods available for shifting the contents of the screen. In addition to scrolling, you can also use pan, which lets you grab a specific point on the screen and shift it to the position you want. u To pan the screen 1. Perform the following operation: 1e(View) – 2:Pan. • This enters the Pan mode, which is indicated by the the screen. icon in the upper right corner of 2. Move the pointer to the location on the screen you want to grab and then press w. • This causes the pointer to change from to . 3. Use the cursor keys to shift the screen in the direction you want. 14-35 4. To exit the Pan mode, press J. → Note In the Pan mode, each press of w toggles the shape of the pointer between and . While the pointer is displayed, you can use the cursor keys to move it to another location on the screen. Pressing the cursor keys while the pointer is displayed will shift (pan) the screen contents. u To scroll the screen 1. Press . or perform the following operation: 1e(View) – 3:Scroll. • This enters the Scroll mode, which is indicated by the icon in the upper right corner of the screen. The pointer disappears from the screen at this time. 2. Use the cursor keys to scroll the screen in the direction you want. 3. To exit the Scroll mode, press J. k Zooming The Geometry mode provides you with a selection of zoom commands that you can use to enlarge or reduce an entire screen image or a specific area of an object. u To zoom using the zoom box 1. Perform the following operation: 1e(View) – 1:Zoom Box. • This causes the icon to appear in the upper right corner of the screen. 2. Move the pointer to the location on the display on one edge of the area you want to select as the zoom box area and then press w. 3. Move the pointer in the direction of the opposite edges of the zoom box area. • As you do, the calculator will display a selection boundary that will expand as you move the pointer. 4. After selecting the zoom box area you want, press w. • The area within the zoom box area expands to fill the entire screen. → 14-36 u To zoom in and out To double the size of the displayed image, press + or perform the following operation: 1e(View) – 4:Zoom In. To halve the size of the displayed image, press - or perform the following operation: 1e(View) – 5:Zoom Out. u To zoom the screen image to fit the window area Press - or perform the following operation: 1e(View) – 6:Zoom to Fit. • This will enlarge or reduce the currently display image so it fills the screen. → Note The above operation does not apply in the case of a graph drawn using 3e(Draw Spec) 7: Function f(x). k Adjusting the Lightness of the Background Image You can adjust the lightness of the background image while a g3p file is open in the Geometry mode. To adjust image lightness, press K(Option)e(Properties) 4:Fade I/O and then perform the procedure from step 2 under “To adjust the lightness (Fade I/O) of the background image” (page 5-12). 4. Using Text and Labels in a Screen Image You can use the procedures in this section to insert text into a screen image. You can also edit the labels that the calculator inserts automatically for objects, and add labels to objects. k Inserting Text into Screen Images You can use the following procedure to insert text into a screen image and to edit existing text. u To insert text into a screen image 1. Move the pointer to the location on the screen where you want to insert the text. 2. Perform the following operation: K(Option) – 1:Text. • This will display a text input dialog box and automatically switch the calculator’s keys to Alpha Lock. 14-37 3. Input up to 31 characters of text and then press w. • The text you input is inserted into the screen image at the location of the pointer. → 4. Now you can move the text to another location on the screen, if you want. • For details, see “To move an object” (page 14-30). → u To edit screen text 1. Select the text you want to edit. 2. Press J. • This displays the measurement box at the bottom of the screen. 3. Press w. • This displays the text input dialog box. 4. Edit the text and then press w. • This causes the newly edited text to appear on the screen. → 5. To close the measurement box, press J twice. 14-38 k Adding or Modifying a Label Label operations are explained in this section using a triangle. In the first example we modify an existing label, while in the second example we add a label to one side of the triangle. u To modify an existing label 1. On the triangle, select the vertex whose label you want to change. In this example we will select point A. 2. Press J. • This displays the measurement box at the bottom of the screen. 3. Press d to highlight the up arrow button on the left side of the measurement box and then press w. • This displays an icon palette. 4. Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the press w. icon on the icon palette and then 5. Press e to move the highlighting back to the measurement box and then press w. • This will display a label editing dialog box and automatically switch the calculator’s keys to Alpha Lock. 14-39 6. Input up to 14 characters for the label text and then press w. • This will modify the label. → 7. To close the measurement box, press J twice. u To add a new label 1. Select the side of the triangle to which you want to add the label. 2. Press J to display the measurement box. 3. Press d to highlight the up arrow button on the left side of the measurement box and then press w. • This displays an icon palette. 4. Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the press w. icon on the icon palette and then 5. Press e to move the highlighting back to the measurement box and then press w. • This will display the label edit dialog box. 6. Input up to 14 characters for the new label text and then press w. • This will add the label. → 7. To close the measurement box, press J twice. 14-40 5. Using the Measurement Box Pressing J displays a measurement box at the bottom of the screen as shown below. Measurement Box You can use the measurement box to perform the following operations. View the measurements of an object Displaying the measurement box and selecting an object displays combinations of the following measurements, depending on the type of object you select: coordinates, distance/ length, slope, equation, vector, radius, circumference, perimeter, area, angle, supplementary angle, tangency, congruence, incidence, or point on curve. Specify the measurement of part of an object After you display the measurement box, you can select part of an object and then change numeric values for the applicable measurement. You can specify the coordinates of a point, the length of a line segment (distance between endpoints), the angle formed by two lines, etc. Lock the measurement of part of an object After you display the measurement box, you can select part of an object and then lock the applicable measurement. You can lock the coordinates of a point, the length of a line segment, the angle formed by two lines, etc. k Viewing the Measurements of an Object The type of information that appears in the measurement box depends on the object that is currently selected on the display. If a line segment is selected, for example, the measurement box shows the distance, slope, or the equation for that line. You can specify the type of information you want to view by highlighting the up arrow button to the left of the measurement box, pressing the w (or f) key, and then using the cursor keys to highlight the appropriate icon on the icon palette that appears. 14-41 The following table describes the information that appears when you highlight each icon, and explains when each icon is available for selection. Icon Icon Name This icon appears when this is selected: Highlighting this icon displays: Lockable Coordinates A single point Coordinates of the point Yes Distance/ length Two points on one object or two different objects, or a single line segment or a vector Distance between two points, length of a line segment or vector Yes Slope Single line, ray, line segment, or vector Slope of the line, ray, line segment or vector Yes Equation Any single line or line segment, ray, circle, semi circle, arc or function graph Function of the object (using rectangular coordinates) No Expression A single expression (“EXPR=” object) Calculation formula No Vector A single vector Vector components Yes Radius A single circle, semi circle or arc Radius of circle, semi circle or arc Yes Circumference A single circle, semi circle or arc Length of the circumference No*3 Perimeter A single polygon Sum of the lengths of the sides Area Any three points, a single circle, semi circle, arc, or polygon Area No*3 Two lines, line segments, rays, or vectors*2 in any combination Angle and its supplement formed by the two objects Yes Two circles or arcs, line and circle, or a line and arc Whether the two items are tangent Yes Angle*1 Supplementary Angle*1 Tangency No *1 The angle and supplementary angle is always displayed as degrees. *2 When two vectors are selected, the angle that is no the angle formed mathematically by the two vectors. It merely indicates the simple angle that would be formed if the vectors were two lines. *3 The circle itself can be locked. 14-42 Icon This icon appears when this is selected: Highlighting this icon displays: Lockable Congruence Two line segments Whether the line segments are the same length Yes Incidence Point and a line, arc, circle or a vector Whether the point is on the line/curve Yes Rotation angle Two points created by the 5 – 4:Rotation command Angle of rotation No Scale of dilation Two points created by the 5 – 5:Dilation command Scale of dilation No Label/Text A point that has a label or an object that can be named Label text No Icon Name You can use the measurement box to determine certain measurements. The first example below shows how to view the measurements of a line segment. In the second example, three points are selected on the screen and the measurement box shows the area of the triangle formed by them. u To view the measurements of a line segment 1. Draw a line segment and select it. 2. Press J to display the measurement box. • This displays the length of the line segment. 3. Press d to highlight the up arrow button on the left side of the measurement box and then press w. • This displays an icon palette. 14-43 4. Select the icons on the icon palette to display other measurements. • In the case of the line segment, for example, you can view its length, slope, and equation. Slope Equation 5. To close the measurement box, press J twice. u To display the area of a rectangular area You can use the measurement box to display the area of a triangle formed by any three points you select on the display. Example: To use the rectangle ABCD to determine the areas of the triangles formed by points A, D, and B, and points A, D, and C 1. Draw the rectangle. 2. Select points A, D, and B. 3. Press J. • This causes the area of the triangle ADB to appear in the measurement box. 4. To make the drawing screen active, press J. • This causes the measurement box to become unhighlighted and the pointer to reappear on the drawing screen. 5. Press o to deselect the current points and then select points A, D, and C. • This causes the area of the triangle ADC to appear in the measurement box. The above procedure shows that the areas of the two triangles are the same. 6. To close the measurement box, press J. 14-44 Note A value that shows the area of an object whose lines intersect is indicated by double asterisks (``) to the left of the value. This indicates that the value may not indicate the correct area. k Specifying a Measurement of an Object In the following examples, we specify the angle of a triangle and the length of one side of a triangle. u To specify the angle of a triangle 1. Draw a triangle. 2. Select side AC and then select side BC. 3. Press J to display the measurement box. • This displays the size of ∠ACB (in degrees) in the measurement box. 4. Input the value you want to specify for ∠ACB (in degrees) into the measurement box and then press w. • In this example we input 90, which makes ∠ACB 90 degrees. → 5. To close the measurement box, press J twice. 14-45 Note • Performing step 5 in the above procedure not only changes the measurement value, it also locks the measurement. For details about locking and unlocking measurements, see “Locking or Unlocking a Measurement of an Object” (page 14-47). • Specifying a value can change an object in a way that is unexpected. If this happens, try locking part(s) of the object (page 14-47) or temporarily unlock all objects (Clr Constraint, page 14-48). u To specify the length of one side of a triangle Note • Specifying any one of the following measurements for the first time in the file you are editing (or immediately after an all clear operation: 2(Edit) – 6:Clear All) will cause the resulting object to be resized so it fits within the display area. - Length of one side of a triangle - Length of a line segment or vector - Length of one side of a rectangle, square, polygon, or regular n-gon - Circumference of a circle or length of an arc View Window settings will be reconfigured automatically so the size of the object on the display may not appear to change very much. The following example shows what happens when the length of the base of a triangle drawn with default View Window settings (with a screen width of 10.7) is changed to 120. → View Window settings are reconfigured in order to ensure that specifying a measurement of an object does not make it too big to fit on the screen or too small to see. Note that all other objects currently on the screen also will be resized by the same amount at the object whose measurement you are specifying. • Once you specify one measurement of an object, it will not be resized further if you specify another of its measurements. 14-46 k Locking or Unlocking a Measurement of an Object By “locking a measurement” we mean that the corresponding object cannot be moved. For example, if we lock a point to a circle and move the circle, the point will also move. u To lock or unlock a measurement The icon to the right of the measurement box indicates whether a measurement is locked or unlocked. Measurement is unlocked. Measurement is locked. u To lock a particular measurement You can lock a particular measurement by performing any one of the following operations. • Perform the procedure under “Specifying a Measurement of an Object” (page 14-45) to specify the measurement. This will cause the specified measurement to become locked automatically. → • If the icon to the right of the measurement box is press w. , move the highlighting to the icon and → • Move the highlighting to the up arrow button to the right of the menu that appears, select [Lock] and then press w. → 14-47 icon and press w. On the Note • Some measurements cannot be locked. For details, see the “Lockable” column in the table under “Viewing the Measurements of an Object” (page 14-41). u To unlock a particular measurement You can unlock a particular measurement by performing any one of the following operations. • If the icon to the right of the measurement box is press w. , move the highlighting to the icon and • Move the highlighting to the up arrow button to the right of the On the menu that appears, select [Unlock] and then press w. icon and press w. u To unlock all objects on the screen Perform the following operation: K(Option) – 4:Clr Constraint. This unlocks all locked settings. Note The above operation unlocks both measurements you locked manually, as well as objects that are locked automatically whenever they are drawn. For example, the above operation unlocks all of the following lock conditions. • The lock that is applied when you draw a rectangle that keeps its opposing sides equal (opposing side congruence lock) • The lock that is applied when you draw an isosceles triangle (ABC) that keeps side AB and side BC equal (side AB and side BC congruence lock) • The lock that is applied when you draw an infinite line that keeps the line passing through two points (point A and point B) (infinite line and point A, B incidence lock) • The relationship between the line segment and perpendicular bisector that is formed when you select a line segment and perform the following operation: 4(Construct) – 1:Perp Bisector. • The (locked) similarities of objects when you select the objects and perform the following operation: 5(Transform) – 5:Dilation. 14-48 k Pasting Measurements into a Screen Image You can use the procedures in this section to paste object measurements into the image on the screen. The measurements change dynamically as you manipulate the object. The following types of measurements can be pasted into a screen image: coordinates, distance/length, slope, equation, vector components, radius, circumference, perimeter, area, angle, supplementary angle. u To paste a measurement into a screen image Example: To paste an internal angle measurement into a screen image 1. Draw a triangle and select two of its sides. 2. Press J to display the measurement box. 3. Press e to highlight the up arrow button on the right side of the measurement box and then press w. • This will display a menu. 4. Use f to move the highlighting to [Paste] and then press w. • This will cause the measurement in the measurement box to be pasted into the screen image. At this time, the pasted measurement text is selected. → 14-49 5. Move the text to another location on the screen, if you want. • Press v and then use the cursor keys to move the pasted measurement around the screen. For details, see “To move an object” (page 14-30). → Note You can also paste the measurement that is currently in the measurement box into the screen image by pressing !j(PASTE) while the measurement box is highlighted in step 2 of the above procedure. k Editing a Measurement Type Tag When you paste a measurement into a screen image using the “To paste a measurement into a screen image” procedure on page 14-49, a measurement type tag (text or a symbol) is appended in front of the measurement value to indicate the measurement type. Examples: Length Angle (Internal) Angle (Supplementary) You can edit or delete the measurement type tag as required. u To edit a measurement type tag 1. Select the measurement whose type tag you want to edit and then press J. • This will display the measurement box and display the type tag of the selected measurement inside it. 2. Press w. • This will display the label edit dialog box. 14-50 3. Input up to 14 characters for the label type tag. • To delete the label type tag, press o. 4. Press w. • This changes the measurement, which is highlighted on the display. 5. To close the measurement box, press J twice. k Displaying the Result of a Calculation that Uses On-screen Measurement Values You can use the procedure in this section to perform calculations using the angle value, line length, and other measurement values attached to an object, and display the result on the screen. u To display the result of a calculation that uses on-screen measurement values Example: With line segment AB and line segment CD (point C being on AB) drawn on the display as shown here, calculate the sum of ∠ACD and ∠DCB, and display the result on the screen. (54.72 + 125.28 = 180.00) • For information about displaying measurement values of ∠ACD and ∠DCB, see “Pasting Measurements into a Screen Image” (page 14-49). 14-51 1. Perform the following operation: K(Option) – 2:Expression. • This will display “EXPR=” at the pointer location and display the measurement box. • The above will also display labels for each measurement currently on the screen. Labels 2. Now you can use the labels to specify measurement values in the calculation you input in the measurement box. • To input a measurement value in the measurement box, input the at sign (@) followed by the numeric label of the value: @1, @2, etc. Since we want to calculate the sum of angles DCB (@1) and ACD (@2) here, you would input the following: @1+@2. • You can input “@” by pressing 1. 3. After inputting the calculation expression, press w. • The calculation result is displayed to the right of “EXPR=”. Note When a measurement is a coordinate or vector component, the label format becomes, “@1X”, “@1Y”, etc. “@1X” indicates the x-value of a coordinate or the x-component value of a vector, while “@1Y” indicates the y-value of a coordinate or the y-component value of a vector. 14-52 k Calculation Using the Surface Area of Displayed Figures You can use the procedures in this section to perform calculations using the surface area of figures, and display both the expression and calculation results. For example, calculation of the sum of the surface areas of triangle ABC and triangle A’B’C’ can be displayed as shown below. Figures that can be specified for a calculation are those with fill colors (those whose Area Color is anything other than “Clear”). For information about the Area Color setting, see “Specifying the Color and Line Type of a Displayed Object” (page 14-21). u To perform a calculation using the surface area of displayed figures Example: To calculate the sum of the surface areas of two displayed triangles, and display the expression and calculation results 1. Draw the triangles, and then specify blue for the Area Color of one, and red for the Area Color of the other. 2. Perform the following operation: K(Option) – 7:Area Calc. • This display the measurement box with one of the triangles highlighted. The highlighted figure is the one that is currently selected for surface area calculation. You can use d and e to move the highlighting between the two figures. 3. Select the first figure to be calculated (the left one in this example) and then press w. • This will highlight the measurement box, indicating that the contents of the box can be edited. • “@1 DABC” appears on the left triangle, and “@1” (the symbol for DABC) is input into the measurement box. 14-53 4. Press +. 5. Press f to return the editing focus to the drawing screen from the measurement box, and then press ew to select the other triangle on the right side of the screen. • “@2 DA’B’C’ ” appears on the right triangle, and “@2” (the symbol for DA’B’C’) is input into the measurement box. 6. Press w. • This causes the calculation expression DABC+DA’B’C’ to appear at the top of the screen. 7. Press J to close the measurement box. • Now you can move the text on the screen as you like. • For more information, see “To move an object” (page 14-30). 14-54 k Specifying the Number Format of a Measurement You can specify the number format for each measurement on the screen. Note • The initial default number format is “Fix2”. For details about number formats, see “Specifying the Angle Unit and Display Format” (page 2-12). • Regardless of the current number format setting, integer values are always displayed with their decimal parts cut off. u To specify the number format of a measurement Example: To specify one decimal places for measurement values 1. Select the measurement whose number format you want to change. 2. Perform the following operation: K(Option) – 3:Number Format. • This displays the Number Format dialog box. 3. Move the highlighting to the number format you want. Since we want to specify one decimal places, we will select “Fix1” here. 4. Press w. → 14-55 6. Working with Animations An animation consists of one or more point/curve pairs, in which the curve can be a line segment, circle, semi circle, arc, or function. You build an animation by selecting a point/curve pair and then adding it to an animation. k Creating and Running an Animation u To add an animation and run it Example: To animate a point around a circle 1. Plot a point and draw a circle, and select them. 2. Perform the following operation: 6(Animate) – 1:Add Animation. • This will add an animation effect that causes a point to move along the circumference of the circle. 3. Perform either of the following operations: 6(Animate) – 5:Go (once) or 6(Animate) – 6:Go (repeat). • This cause the point to move along the circumference of the circle. → 4. To stop the animation, press J or o. 14-56 ... Note • You can repeat the above procedure to create multiple points that move simultaneously. Try this: - Draw a line segment and plot another point. - Select the line segment and the point. - Repeat steps 2 and 3 above. Notice that both animations go at the same time! • To start a new animation, perform the procedure under “To replace the current animation with a new one” below. u To replace the current animation with a new one 1. Select the point and curve for the new animation. 2. Perform the following operation: 6(Animate) – 2:Replace Anima. • This discards the current animations and sets up an animation for a new point and curve set. 3. To execute the new animation, perform either of the following operations: 6(Animate) – 5:Go (once) or 6(Animate) – 6:Go (repeat) 4. To stop the animation, press J or o. u To trace a locus of points Note Using trace leaves a trail of points when the animation is run. Example: To use the Trace command to draw a parabola A parabola is the locus of points equidistant from a point (the focus) and a line (the directrix). Use the Trace command to draw a parabola using a line segment (AB) as the directrix and a point (C) as the focus. 1. Draw a line segment AB and plot point C, which is not on line segment AB. 2. Plot point D, which should also not be on line segment AB, but should be on the same side of the line segment as point C. 3. Draw a line segment that connects point D with point C. 4. Draw another line segment that connects point D with line segment AB. This is line segment DE. 5. Select line segments AB and DE, and then press J. • This displays the measurement box, which shows the angle between line segments AB and DE. 14-57 6. Input 90 into the measurement box by pressing jaw. • This makes the angle between line segments AB and DE 90 degrees, and locks it. 7. Press Jo to deselect all objects on the screen. 8. Select line segments DE and DC, and then press J. 9. Press dw to display the icon palette, move the highlighting to the press w. w → 10. Use e to move the highlighting to the • This changes the icon to icon and then press w. . • This makes line segments DE and DC congruent in length. 11. Press JJo and then select point E and line segment AB. 12. Perform the following operation: 6(Animate) – 1:Add Animation. 13. Press o and then select point D. 14-58 icon, and then 14. Perform the following operation: 6(Animate) – 3:Trace. • This specifies point D (the one you selected in step 13) as the “trace point”. 15. Perform the following operation: 6(Animate) – 5:Go (once). • This should cause a parabola to be traced on the display. Note that line segment AB is the directrix and point C is the focus of the parabola. Note • All of the points that are currently selected on the screen become trace points when you perform the following operation: 6(Animate) – 3:Trace. This operation also cancels Trace for any point that is currently configured as a trace point. • The calculator’s auto power off feature will turn off power if an animation is being performed. If calculator power is turned off (either by auto power off or manually) while an animation is being performed, the animation will be stopped. u To edit an animation Example: While the animation screen created with the procedure under “To trace a locus of points”, use the Edit Animations screen to edit the animation 1. While the animation screen you want to edit is on the display, perform the following operation: 6(Animate) – 4:Edit Animation. • This will display the Edit Animations screen. 2. Edit the animation using one of the procedures below. When you want to do this: Specify how many times the animation should be executed when you perform the operation: 6(Animate) – 6:Go (repeat) Perform this procedure: 1. Use c and f to move the highlighting on the Edit Animations screen to “Times” and then press 1(Times). → 2. On the dialog box that appears, input the number of repeats you want to specify and then press w. • Inputting 0 here will cause the animation to repeat until you press J or o stop it. 14-59 When you want to do this: Specify the number of steps to be used as point E travels along line segment AB Perform this procedure: 1. Use c and f to move the highlighting on the Edit Animations screen to “Steps” and then press 1(STEPS). → 2. On the dialog box that appears, input an integer from 2 through 100 and then press w. Specify the start point and the end point of the movement of point E along line segment AB 1. Use c and f to move the highlighting on the Edit Animations screen to “t0”, which is located just under the “E” of “Animations”. 2. Input a number from –10 to 10. • t0 specifies the start point for point E movement along line segment AB. Inputting a value of 0 specifies point A as the start point, while a value of 1 specifies point B. Specifying 0.5 specifies the center of line segment AB. A value smaller than 0.5 shifts the start point towards point A, while a larger values shift towards point B. 3. After specifying a value for t0, press w. • This will highlight “t1”. 4. Input a value from –10 to 10 and then press w. • t1 specifies the end point for point E movement along line segment AB. Inputting a value of 1 specifies point B as the end point, while a value of 0 specifies point A. 14-60 When you want to do this: Delete the animation assigned to point E Perform this procedure: 1. Use c and f to move the highlighting on the Edit Animations screen to “E”, which is located under “Animations”. 2. Press 1(DELETE). • This deletes the animation assigned to point E and causes “E” (along with the “t0” and “t1” values under it) to disappear from under “Animations” screen. Note Selecting “Animations” in step 1 and then pressing 1(DELETE) will delete the animations assigned to all points. Turn off trace for point D 1. Use c and f to move the highlighting on the Edit Animations screen to “D” under “Traces”. 2. Press 1(DELETE). • This turns off trace for point D and causes “D” to disappear from under “Traces”. Note Selecting “Traces” in step 1 and then pressing 1(DELETE) will turn off trace for all points. 3. After all the settings are the way you want, press J. • This will close the Edit Animations screen. 14-61 k Generating an Animation Table Under default settings, an animation causes a specified point to move along a specified line segment, circle, or arc in 20 steps. You can configure the calculator to generate a table, called an “animation table”, which records the coordinates of each step, the length of the line segment, the area of the object, etc. Any of the following data can be added to the animation table: coordinates (x, y), distance/ length, slope, radius, circumference, perimeter, area, angle, supplementary angle, vector segments (x, y), and expression. u To add columns to the animation table Example: Draw the triangle CDE with a base parallel to and a vertex (point D) located on horizontal line AB. Next, generate an animation table that includes the length of line segment CD and the area of the triangle as point D moves along line segment AB. 1. Draw line segment AB and triangle CDE. 2. Select line segment AB and point D, and then perform the following operation: 6(Animate) – 1:Add Animation. • This will add an animation effect that causes point D to move along line segment AB. 3. Here we will generate an animation table for the length of line segment CD, so first select line segment CD. 4. Press J to display the measurement box. • If the icon does not appear on the left edge of the screen, highlight the up arrow to the left of the measurement box and then press w. On the icon palette that appears, select the icon. 5. Press e to highlight the up arrow button on the right side of the measurement box and then press w. • This will display a menu. 14-62 6. Use f to move the highlighting to [Add Table] and then press w. • This will display an animation table that shows the length of line segment CD at each step of the animation in a column labeled “Length”. 7. Press J to close the animation table screen. 8. Press J again to make the drawing screen active. 9. Select sides CD, DE, and CE of the triangle. 10. Press J to display the measurement box. • If the icon does not appear on the left edge of the screen, highlight the up arrow to the left of the measurement box and then press w. On the icon palette that appears, icon. select the 11. Perform steps 5 through 6 above. • Now when the animation table appears, it will include the “Length” column we created in step 6, long with a new “Area” column, which contains the area of triangle CDE at each step of the animation. • As can be seen here, the area of triangle CDE does not change as point D moves along line segment AB, which is parallel to the base (CE) of the triangle. 12. To exit the animation table screen, press J. 13. To close the measurement box, press J twice. Note • You can add up to 26 columns to the animation table. • In place of steps 4 through 6 in the above procedure, you can use either of the following operations to add a column to the animation table: 6(Animate) – 7:Add Table or !b. 14-63 u To display the animation table To display the animation table you generated with the procedure under “To add columns to the animation table”, perform the following operation: 6(Animate) – 8:Display Table. u To save an animation table column to a list 1. Display the animation table. 2. Use d and e to move the highlighting to the column you want to save as list data. 3. Press 1(STORE)1(LIST). • This displays a dialog box for specifying the number of the list where you want to save the column. 4. Input the list number as an integer from 1 to 26 and then press w. • For details about list data, see “Chapter 3 List Function”. u To save an entire animation table as spreadsheet data 1. Display the animation table. 2. Press 1(STORE)2(S-SHT). • This displays a dialog box for inputting the spreadsheet file name. 3. Input up to 8 characters for the file name and then press w. • For details about spreadsheet data, see “Chapter 9 Spreadsheet”. u To delete a particular column from an animation table 1. Display the animation table. 2. Use d and e to move the highlighting to the column you want to delete. 3. Press 2(DELETE)1(DELETE). u To delete all of the columns from an animation table 1. Display the animation table. 2. Press 2(DELETE)2(DEL-ALL). • This causes a confirmation dialog box to appear. 3. Press 1(Yes) to delete the selected file or 6(No) to cancel the delete operation. 14-64 Chapter 15 Picture Plot Note fx-CG50 AU/fx-CG20 AU Users: Install the Picture Plot add-in application. Picture Plot is an application that lets you plot points (that represent coordinates) on a photograph, illustration, or other graphic and perform various types of analysis based on the plotted data (coordinate values). For example, the photograph below shows the nozzles of a fountain shooting thin streams of water at different angles. If we view the plane traced by the water of the nozzle closest to us in the photograph as an XY Cartesian coordinate plane, we then will be able to express any point on the path traced by the water as a coordinate (X, Y). The Picture Plot plot function makes it easy to plot points on a photograph such as this or some other image, and extract the coordinate values of the plots. Plotting points Coordinates (plot list screen) You can use the plots to perform the following types of operations. • Register and graph a Y=f(x) form equation and overlay it on a photograph and plot. You also can use the graph Modify function (page 5-38) to adjust the coefficient values of the expression and find a function that lines up better with the plots. • Perform regression calculation based on the plotted coordinate values and draw a regression graph that overlays the plots. This makes it possible to produce the mathematical expression and graph of a path of movement. 15 15-1 • Add time values (T) to the coordinate values (X, Y) and plot points on the T-X plane or T-Y plane. This makes it possible to produce the mathematical expressions and graphs of the correlation between horizontal direction movement and time, and the correlation between vertical direction movement and time. Regression graph T-X regression graph (left side) During full-screen display of an X-Y coordinate graph, SKETCH and G-SOLVE operations can be used the same way they are in the Graph mode. k Picture Plot Specific Setup Items The items described below are Picture Plot specific Setup screen items that appear only after you press !m(SET UP). indicates default setting. • Axtrans Wind • {Auto}/{Manual} ... Specifies {auto link left-side (X-Y coordinate system) settings}/{do not link to left-side (X-Y coordinate system) settings} with the Y-axis or X-axis V-Window setting of the right side (T-Y or T-X coordinate system) of the AXTRANS screen. • Plot Color • {Black}/{Blue}/{Red}/{Magenta}/{Green}/{Cyan}/{Yellow} ... Specifies a color for plots. • Plot Type • {}/{ }/{} ... Specifies the plot figure. • Sketch Color • {Black}/{Blue}/{Red}/{Magenta}/{Green}/{Cyan}/{Yellow} ... Specifies a draw color for the Sketch function. 15-2 1. Picture Plot Function Menus k File List Screen Function Menu • {OPEN} ... Opens a g3p/g3b file or folder. • {DELETE} ... Deletes a g3p/g3b file. • {SEARCH} ... Searches for a g3p/g3b file. • {DETAIL} ... Displays the file DETAIL screen (page 11-6). k Picture Plot Screen Function Menu • {FILE} ... Displays the following submenu. • {OPEN} ... Opens the file list. • {SAVE} ... Saves the currently open file and overwrites its previously save version (if any). • {SAVE • AS} ... Saves the currently open file under a new name (Save As). • {Plot} ... Enters the plot mode (for plotting points on the screen). • {List} ... Displays a plot coordinate value list (Plot List screen). • For information about Plot List function menu items, see “Plot List Function Menu” (page 15-4). • {DefG} ... Displays a screen for registering graph expressions. • {MODIFY} ... Enters the Modify mode (page 5-38). • {AXTRNS} ... Displays the following submenu. • {T-Y}/{T-X} ... Splits the screen in half (left and right) and specifies {horizontal axis = T, vertical axis = Y}/{horizontal axis = T, vertical axis = X} for the right side. • {REG} ... Displays a submenu (same as the one on page 6-24) for executing regression calculation based on plots. • {EDIT} ... Enters the plot editing mode (only when plots are on the display). • {DELETE} ... Deletes all plots (only when plots are on the display). • {PLAY} ... When the currently open image is a g3b file, sequentially displays the image in the file. • {Auto} ... Sequentially displays all of the images in a g3b file three times automatically. • {Manual} ... Allows manual display of the images in a g3b file using d(back) and e(forward). • {PICTURE} ... Displays the following submenu. • {1~20} ... Saves the current screen as an image in Picture Memory. • {SAVE • AS} ... Saves the current screen as an image under a name specified by you. • {PAN} ... Enters the Pan mode (page 5-10). • {FadeI/O} ... Adjusts the lightness of an image (page 15-12). 15-3 k Plot List Function Menu • {AXTRNS} ... Same as {AXTRNS} under “Picture Plot Screen Function Menu”. • {EDIT} ... Selects to edit the currently highlighted value on the plot list. • {DEL • BTM} ... Deletes the last line of data on the plot list. • {DEL-ALL} ... Deletes all of the data on the plot list. • {SET} ... Selects to configure the time (T) value (page 15-15). • {JUMP} ... Displays the following submenu. • {TOP}/{BOTTOM} ... {jump to the top line}/{jump to the bottom line} • {Plot} ... Exits the plot list screen and enters the plot mode. • {REG} ... Same as {REG} under “Picture Plot Screen Function Menu”. • {STORE} ... Saves the specified Plot List column (X or Y) to list memory. • {RECALL} ... Recalls list memory data to the Plot List X-column or Y-column. k Plot Mode Function Menu • {PICTURE} ... Same as {PICTURE} under “Picture Plot Screen Function Menu”. • {UNDO} ... Deletes the last point plotted. Executing {UNDO} again will plot the deleted point. • {EDIT} ... Same as {EDIT} under “Picture Plot Screen Function Menu”. k AXTRANS Screen Function Menu • {Switch} ... Switches the display mode of the left side (X-Y coordinate system) of the AXTRANS screen. • {Cutout} ... Specifies the trimming range of the left side (X-Y coordinate system) of the AXTRANS screen. • {List} ... Returns to the plot list screen. • {REG} ... Displays a submenu (same as the one on page 6-24) for executing regression calculation based on plots on the right side (T-Y or T-X coordinate system) of the AXTRANS screen. • {P-LINK} ... Causes plots on the left side and right side of the AXTRANS screen that correspond to each other to flash. 15-4 2. Managing Picture Plot Files Picture Plot requires the use of a background image file. The following types of image files can be opened by Picture Plot. g3p file ... A file that contains a single image. g3b file ... A file that contains multiple images. You can use an image file that is already built into the calculator, or you can use CASIO original contents you download from k Starting a Picture Plot Operation A Picture Plot operation is started by entering the Picture Plot mode and opening an image file (g3p or g3b). Note Opening an image file is required when you enter the Picture Plot mode for the first time after purchasing or resetting the calculator. After that, the image file you last opened will be opened automatically whenever you enter the Picture Plot mode. After opening an image file, you do not need to do so again unless you want to change to another image file or reset the calculator. u To open a file 1. From the Main Menu, enter the Picture Plot mode. • This displays the file list screen. • If the file you opened the last time you used the Picture Plot mode is displayed (or if the Picture Plot screen is currently displayed), press K1(FILE)1(OPEN) to display the file list screen. 2. Use f and c to highlight the file you want to open, and then press 1(OPEN) or w. k Saving a File Plotting points on the Picture Plot screen and saving the file will cause the Picture Plot plot data to be added to the image file (g3p or g3b). This does not affect the image data of the original image file and the file name extension remains the same as what it was before the Picture Plot data was added. This means that even if you add Picture Plot data to an image file, you will be able to use that file in other modes. Note, however, that the plots will not be displayed if you open such an image file in another mode. Also using an image file in another mode does not affect its Picture Plot data. 15-5 u Picture Plot Settings Saved to Image Files • Picture Plot settings that can be changed on the Setup screen are divided into two groups: settings that are saved in the image file and settings that are saved by the calculator. Item name Axtrans Wind Settings saved to the image file Settings saved by the calculator *1  Graph Func Plot Color *1 Plot Type *1 Sketch Color *1 Sketch Line *2 Angle  Complex Mode  Coord  Grid *2 Axes *2 Label *2  Display *1 Picture Plot specific setup item *2 Common setting in all modes. If you enter the Picture Plot mode after changing these settings in another mode, the setting of the file that was opened the last time you were in the Picture Plot mode will be recalled. • For V-Window settings, the settings stored with a file will be recalled whenever the file is opened in the Picture Plot mode. This means that if you change V-Window settings in another mode and then return to the Picture Plot mode, the V-Window settings will revert to the settings for the file that is currently opened in the Picture Plot mode. If you go from the Picture Plot mode to another mode, the Picture Plot V-Window settings are retained. Settings do not change in accordance with the mode being entered. u To save a file While the Picture Plot screen is displayed, press K1(FILE)2(SAVE). This will save the file you are editing by replacing the currently stored version (if any). 15-6 u To save a file under a different name 1. While the Picture Plot screen is displayed, press K1(FILE)3(SAVE • AS). • This displays a folder selection screen. 2. Specify the folder you want. • Highlight ROOT to save the file to the root directory. • To save the file in a specific folder, use f and c to move the highlighting to the desired folder and then press 1(OPEN). 3. Press 1(SAVE • AS). 4. On the File Name dialog box that appears, enter a name up to eight characters long and then press w. 3. Using the Plot Function You can plot points on the screen, overlay them with a graph of an expression in the form Y=f(x), and draw a regression graph that approximates the plots. k Plotting Points u To plot points on the screen 1. Enter the Picture Plot mode and then open a g3p or g3b file. • This displays the Picture Plot screen. • For information about how to open a file, see “To open a file” (page 15-5). 2. Press K2(Plot) to enter the Plot mode. • A pointer will appear in the center of the screen. 3. Use the cursor keys (or number keys) to move the pointer to the location of the point you want to plot and then press w. • This plots a point at the current pointer location. • If the currently open file is a g3b file, plotting a point will switch to the next image in the file. For details, see “Plotting Points in a g3b File” (page 15-8). • To delete the last point you plotted, press K2(UNDO). • For information about using the number keys to move the pointer to a particular location, see “To make the pointer jump to a particular location” (page 15-8). 15-7 4. Repeat step 3 as many times as required to plot all of the points you want. • Here, you could press K3(EDIT), select a plot, and move it to another location. For details, see “To move a plot” (page 15-9). • You can plot up to 50 points in the case of a g3p file. For a g3b file, you can plot one point for each of the images contained in the file. 5. After you are finished plotting all of the points you want, press J or !J(QUIT). u To make the pointer jump to a particular location In the Plot mode, pressing a number key (b to j) will cause the pointer to jump to the corresponding section of the screen as shown below. h i j e f g b c d u Plotting Points in a g3b File A g3b file is a special Picture Plot file that can contain up to 30 images in a single file. • Opening a g3b file with Picture Plot and plotting a point will switch to the next sequential image in the file. → → • To view the images contained in a g3b file, press K6(g)5(PLAY) and then perform one of the playback operations described below. - Press 1(Auto). This sequentially displays all of the images in the file three times automatically. - Press 2(Manual). Use d and e to scroll the images in the file. Press J to return to the screen that was displayed before you pressed K6(g) 5(PLAY). • g3b files can be opened in the Picture Plot mode only. 15-8 u To move a plot 1. While the Picture Plot screen is displayed, press K6(g)3(EDIT). • You also could press K2(Plot)K3(EDIT) instead. • This enters the plot editing mode with the pointer located at the first point that was plotted on the image. Plot number of pointer position Plot T-value of pointer position (page 15-14) Total number of plots 2. Use e and d to move the pointer to the plot you want to move and then press w. • This selects the plot, causing it to flash. 3. Use the cursor keys (or number keys) to move the pointer to the location to which you want to move the plot and then press w. • This will move the plot. The pointer will move to the next sequential plot, when there is one. → • If you want to move another plot, repeat steps 2 and 3. 4. After you are finished moving all of the plots you want, press J or !J(QUIT). u To change the color of all the plots Either of the following operations can be used to change the color of all the plots currently on the screen. • On the Setup screen, change the “Plot Color” setting. • While the Picture Plot screen is displayed, press !f(FORMAT) to display the FORMAT dialog box, and then change the color setting. Changing the color using the FORMAT dialog box also changes the Setup screen’s “Plot Color” setting. The color you change to is also reflected in the text color on the plot list screen. 15-9 u To delete all plots Press K6(g)4(DELETE), and a confirmation dialog box will appear. Press 1(Yes) to delete all of the plots. To cancel the delete operation, press 6(No) instead. Note • In addition to using the plot list screen to delete all plots, you also can sequentially delete plots one-by-one, starting from the last point plotted. See “Deleting the Last Plot Data Line” (page 15-14). k Inputting an Expression of the Form Y=f(x) and Graphing It You can draw a graph based on an expression with the form Y=f(x) on the Picture Plot screen. From the Picture Plot screen, press K4(DefG) to display the graph relation list screen. From there, operations are identical to those in the Graph mode. Note • The data on the graph relation list screen is shared with the Graph mode. Note, however, that only Y= type graphs can be used in the Picture Plot mode. Because of this, calling up the graph relation list screen from the Picture Plot mode will display a “Y” (Y= type) item for function menu key 3. Also note that the 5(MODIFY) function menu item is not displayed on the graph relation list screen. The Modify function can be executed from the Picture Plot screen. • Y= type expressions on the graph relation list screen that include variables can be modified by pressing K5(MODIFY) while the Picture Plot screen is displayed. For details about this operation, see “Modifying a Graph” (page 5-38). k Using Regression Graphs You can perform regression calculation based on plotted coordinate values and draw a regression graph. u To draw a regression graph overlaid on plots 1. Perform the procedure under “To plot points on the screen” (page 15-7). 2. Press K6(g)2(REG). • This displays the regression calculation type function menu. 15-10 3. Press the function key that corresponds to the type of regression calculation*1 you want to perform. • To perform quadratic regression, for example, press 3(X2). This performs the regression calculation and displays the results.*2 • You can press 5(COPY) here to copy the obtained regression formula to the graph relation list screen. See “Inputting an Expression of the Form Y=f(x) and Graphing It” (page 15-10) for more information. 4. To draw a regression graph, press 6(DRAW). *1 For information about regression calculation types, see “Selecting the Regression Type” (page 6-16). *2 For information about the meanings of the values that appear on this screen, see “Displaying Regression Calculation Results” (page 6-17) and the regression graph explanations on pages 6-17 through 6-21. Note • Besides regression graphs, you also can specify your own expressions and graph them. See “Inputting an Expression of the Form Y=f(x) and Graphing It” (page 15-10). u Scrolling and Panning a Plot or Graph Screen On the Picture Plot screen, you can use the cursor keys to scroll the XY-coordinate axes up, down, left, and right. Note that the background image is fixed and does not scroll. You also can press K6(g)5(PAN) and pan (grab-and-drag) the XY-coordinate axes. The pan operation is the same as that in the Graph mode (page 5-10). 15-11 u To maneuver between the Picture Plot screen, AXTRANS screen, and plot list screen Once you display the plot list screen and AXTRANS screen (page 15-14), each press of !6(G⇔T) cycles between the Picture Plot screen, AXTRANS screen, and plot list screen. !6(G⇔T) !6(G⇔T) !6(G⇔T) k Adjusting the Lightness (Fade I/O) of an Image You can adjust the lightness of an image within a range of 0% (as-is) to 100% (not displayed). A higher setting value makes the image lighter, and a setting of 100% displays all white. → You can adjust the lightness for optimum viewing of plots and graphs. • Note that the lightness setting can be adjusted only when the image is a 16-bit image data. • After you adjust the lightness level, the setting is stored in the image file when you perform either of the following operations: K1(FILE)2(SAVE) or 3(SAVE • AS). u To adjust the lightness (Fade I/O) of an image 1. While the Picture Plot screen is displayed, press K6(g)6(g)3(FadeI/O). • This causes a slider for adjusting image lightness to appear on the display. 2. Use d and e to adjust the lightness value. • You can also input values directly, if you want. To specify a lightness value of 20%, for example, press caw. 3. After the setting is the way you want, press w. 15-12 4. Using the Plot List Each plot on the Picture Plot screen has coordinate value data. You can use the plot list to display and edit these coordinates. k Displaying Coordinate Values of Plots (Plot List) You can use the procedures in this section to display a list of plot coordinates (X, Y), and use the list to edit values, delete plot data, and change plot colors. You also can specify a time value (T) for each plot and draw a T-X or T-Y graph (AXTRANS) function. u To edit plot coordinate values 1. While the Picture Plot screen is displayed, press K3(List) to display the plot list screen. • The X and Y values of the plot list screen show plot coordinates. The T-value indicates time. (For more information about T-values, see “Displaying Plots on T-Y Coordinates and T-X Coordinates (AXTRANS Screen)” on page 15-14.) On this screen you can edit the X and Y values only. 2. Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the X-column or Y-column value you want to edit and then press 2(EDIT). 3. Edit the values and then press w. • If you want to edit other values, repeat steps 2 and 3. • To return to the Picture Plot screen, press J or !J(QUIT). • Changing a value cause the change to be reflected by the corresponding plot on the Picture Plot screen. Note • While the plot list screen is displayed, you can use 6(g)4(STORE) to store list data on the plot list to list memory and 6(g)5(RECALL) to recall plot list data from list memory. Note, however, that both the store and recall operations ignore any color information associated with list data. 15-13 u Deleting the Last Plot Data Line Perform one of the following operations, depending on the type of cell that is currently highlighted. • If the X-value or Y-value of the last line of the plot list screen is selected, press 3(DEL • BTM) once to delete the last line of plot data. • If the X-value or Y-value of any line besides the last line of the plot list screen is selected, press 3(DEL • BTM) once to move the highlighting to the last line and then press 3(DEL • BTM) again to delete the last line of plot data. u To delete all plots Press 4(DEL-ALL), and a confirmation dialog box will appear. Press 1(Yes) to delete all of the plots. To cancel the delete operation, press 6(No) instead. u To return to the Picture Plot screen from the plot list screen Press J, !J(QUIT), or !6(G⇔T). k Displaying Plots on T-Y Coordinates and T-X Coordinates (AXTRANS Screen) As can be seen on the plot list screen, the data for each plot includes X and Y-coordinates, as well as a time value T. On the Picture Plot screen each plot is normally displayed as coordinates (X, Y) on an X-Y plane, but time value T can be used to display plots as coordinates (T, Y) on a T-Y plane or as coordinates (T, X) on a T-X plane. • Under initial default settings, time values are 0, 1, 2, and so on (arithmetic progression with a start value of 0 and a step value of 1), in accordance with the sequence that the points are plotted. You can change the T value assigned to each plot by changing the start value and step value. • T-Y coordinate plots and T-X coordinate plots are displayed on a special screen called the AXTRANS screen. The AXTRANS screen simultaneously displays the X-Y coordinate plots and the T-Y or T-X coordinate plots as shown in the example below. X-Y coordinate plots T-X coordinate plots 15-14 u To configure the time (T) value 1. While the plot list screen is displayed, press 5(SET). 2. On the screen that appears, specify the start value and step value. • If you want to specify a start value of 1 and a step of 1.5, for example, press bwb. fw. 3. After the settings are the way you want, press w (or J). • This returns to the plot list screen, where you can check whether the T-value has changed as you intended. Note The following are the ranges for the start value and the step value. –1.0 × 1010 < Start < 1.0 × 1010 0 < Step < 1.0 × 1010 u To display plots on T-Y coordinates or T-X coordinates 1. While the plot list screen is displayed, press 1(AXTRNS). From the Picture Plot screen, you also could press K6(g)1(AXTRNS). 2. Depending on the coordinate system you want to use to display the plots, press 1(T-Y) or 2(T-X). • This displays the AXTRANS screen, which shows the X-Y coordinate system plots on the left and the T-Y or T-X coordinate system plots on the right. 15-15 Note • While the AXTRANS screen is displayed, the “Grid” setting on the Setup screen is always “Off”, while the “Label” setting is always “On”. For the “Axes” setting, you can select “On” or “Scale” only. If you try to select “Off” for this setting, it will change back to “On” automatically. • As soon as the AXTRANS screen is displayed, the right screen T-axis V-Window is always configured automatically, regardless of the current “Axtrans Wind” setup. • Pressing K while this screen is shown will display a function menu you can use to perform the following operations. And then perform the procedure located here: To do this: Press this key: Change the display mode of the left-side screen 1(Switch) Go to the plot list screen 3(List) Draw a regression graph overlaid on the plots in the right-side screen 4(REG) From step 3 under “To draw a regression graph overlaid on plots” (page 15-10) Cause plots on the left side and right side of the AXTRANS screen that correspond to each other to flash 5(P-LINK) “To make plots on the left side and right side of the AXTRANS screen that correspond to each other to flash” (page 15-17) “To switch the display mode of the left side (X-Y coordinate system) of the AXTRANS screen” below — 3. To return to the plot list screen, press J. u To switch the display mode of the left side (X-Y coordinate system) of the AXTRANS screen 1. While the AXTRANS screen is displayed, press K to display the function menu. 2. Press 1(Switch). • Each press of 1(Switch) cycles the left-side display mode in the sequence shown below. → → (1) Full screen with horizontal squeeze (2) Cut off screen (no squeeze) 15-16 (3) Compressed screen, maintaining aspect ratio • When (2) (no squeeze) is selected as the display mode, you can specify what part of the screen is cut off. To do so, press 2(Cutout) and then use the d and e keys to move the boundary so it encloses the part of the screen you want to display. Finally, press w. → 3. When the display mode is the way you want, press J. u To make plots on the left side and right side of the AXTRANS screen that correspond to each other to flash 1. While the AXTRANS screen is on the display, press K5(P-LINK). • This will cause the plots on the left-side (X-Y coordinates) and right-side (T-X coordinates) that correspond to the first line of data (the first plots) to flash. • Use d and e to move the flashing back and forth between plots. This feature is useful to determine how the plots on either side of the screen correspond to each other. 2. To stop the flashing, press J. u To return to the plot list screen from the AXTRANS screen Press J or !6(G⇔T). 15-17 5. Common Functions with the Graph Mode On the Picture Plot screen, !1 to 5 function menu items are the same as those in the Graph mode. See the pages below for more information. • !1(TRACE) ... “Reading Coordinates on a Graph Line” (page 5-54) • !2(ZOOM) ... “Zoom” (page 5-8) • !3(V-WIN) ... “V-Window (View Window) Settings” (page 5-5) • !4(SKETCH) ... “Drawing Dots, Lines, and Text on the Graph Screen (Sketch)” (page 5-52) • !5(G-SOLVE) ... “Analyzing Graphs (G-SOLVE Menu)” (page 5-56) Note After you start a trace operation by pressing !1(TRACE), you can change the color of the plot where the trace pointer is currently located. Perform the following steps to change the plot color. 1. While the Picture Plot screen contains plotted points, press !1(TRACE). • This causes a trace pointer to appear at the first point that was plotted on the image. • If there are both plots and a graph on the Picture Plot screen, pressing !1(TRACE) will cause the trace pointer to appear on the graph first. In this case, use f and c to move the trace pointer between the graph and the plots. 2. Use e and d to move the trace pointer to the plot whose color you want to change. 3. Press !f(FORMAT) to display the FORMAT dialog box. 4. Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the desired color and then press w. • The color you change to is also reflected in the text color of the corresponding plot data. 15-18 Chapter 16 3D Graph Function In the 3D Graph mode, you can use built-in templates to draw 3D graphs of the figures below. • Straight line • Plane • Sphere • Cylinder • Cone You can also use direct function input to draw the 3D graphs below. • Z= graph • Parametric graph • Solid of rotation on the X-axis graph • Solid of rotation on the Y-axis graph You can even draw up to three graphs simultaneously. Note • The explanations in this section are based on 3D Graph Version 1.01. • 3D Graph Version 1.01 can run on a calculator running OS Version 3.10 or higher. It will not run on a calculator running an OS Version lower than 3.10. k 3D Graph Mode Specific Setup Items The items described below are 3D Graph mode setup items that are displayed only when the !m(SET UP) operation is performed in the 3D Graph mode. indicates the initial default setting of each item. u Axes (show/hide 3D axes) • {On}/{Off} ... {show rectangular axes}/{hide axes} On Off u Box (box type coordinate display) • {On}/{Off} ... {show}/{hide} 3D graph box type coordinates On Off Note • While a 3D graph is on the screen, you can use the . key to cycle between Axes and Box settings in the sequence shown below. Axes: On, Box: On → Axes: On, Box: Off → Axes: Off, Box: On → Axes: Off, Box: Off → Axes: On, Box: On 16-1 16 u Label (show/hide graph axis labels) • {On}/{Off} ... {show 3D graph screen axis names}/{hide 3D graph screen axis names} While a 3D graph is on the screen, you can change Label settings by pressing the , key. On Off 1. Example of Drawing in the 3D Graph Mode Example 1: To draw a 3D graph of a sphere (x2 + y2 + z2 = 22) 1. From the Main Menu, enter the 3D Graph mode. • This displays the 3D graph function list. 2. Press 3(TYPE) or d/e. • This displays a 3D graph function selection screen. 3. Press cc to highlight “Sphere” and then press w. This displays the Sphere coefficient input screen. 4. Input the coefficients. awawawcw 5. Press 6(SET). • This returns to the 3D graph function list. The list will show the selected template name and the input coefficients. 16-2 6. Press 6(DRAW) or w. • This displays the 3D graph screen and draws a sphere graph. • To return to the 3D graph function list, press A. After drawing a 3D graph, each press of !6(G⇔T) toggles between the 3D graph function list and the 3D graph screen. Example 2: To input the formula below and draw its 3D graph Z = X 2 + Y2 − 3 1. From the Main Menu, enter the 3D Graph mode. 2. Press 3(TYPE), or d or e. 3. Press 2(Z=). • This displays the Z= graph input screen. 4. Input the function. vx+2(Y)x-dw 5. Press 6(SET). • This returns to the 3D graph function list. The newly input formula will be included in the list. 6. Press 6(DRAW) or w. • This displays the 3D graph screen and draws a 3D graph. 16-3 2. 3D View Window The 3D View Window is for configuring settings that are specific to the 3D Graph mode. k Configuring 3D View Window Settings 1. From the Main Menu, enter the 3D Graph mode. 2. Press !3(V-WIN) to display the 3D View Window setting screen. 3. Use f and c to move the highlighting to the item whose setting you want to change, enter the appropriate value, and then press w. 4. After correctly configuring settings, press J to close the 3D View Window setting screen. Settings Xmin/Xmax ... x-axis minimum value/maximum value Xgrid ... Number of x-axis calculation points (number of calculation points between Xmin and Xmax) Ymin/Ymax ... y-axis minimum value/maximum value Ygrid ... Number of y-axis calculation points (number of calculation points between Ymin and Ymax) Zmin/Zmax ... z-axis minimum value/maximum value Smin/Smax ... Parameter S minimum value/maximum value Sgrid ... Number of parameter S calculation points (Number of calculation points between Smin and Smax) Tmin/Tmax ... Parameter T minimum value/maximum value Tgrid ... Number of parameter T calculation points (Number of calculation points between Tmin and Tmax) Angleθ ... Angle of clockwise rotation of the x-axis (−180° < θ < 180°) Angleφ ... Angle between 3D graph line of sight and the z-axis (0° < φ < 360°) • Input min/max values in the range where the absolute value is smaller than 1 × 1098. • Input a grid value in the range 2 < grid < 50. • Input θ and φ in degrees, regardless of the current angle unit setting. • The greater the Xgrid and Ygrid values, the more detailed the graph. Also note, however, that larger values require more calculation, which means that the graphing operation takes more time. 16-4 • Graphing may be impossible if the Xgrid and Ygrid values are too small. • Depending on the form of the 3D graph being drawn, Xgrid and Ygrid may be the number of divisions of the graph itself rather than the number drawing range divisions. • Smin, Smax, Sgrid, Tmin, Tmax, and Tgrid are applied in the case of parametric graph drawing only. k Using 3D View Window Memory You can store up to six sets of 3D View Window settings in 3D View Window memory. u To save 3D View Window settings 1. From the Main Menu, enter the 3D Graph mode. 2. Press !3(V-WIN) to display the 3D View Window setting screen and then input the desired values. 3. Press 4(3D-VMEM)1(STORE). 4. On the pop-up window that appears, specify a 3D View Window memory number (1 to 6) and then press w. • Pressing bw, for example, stores the settings in 3D View Window Memory 1 (3DVWIN_1). u To recall saved 3D View Window settings 1. From the Main Menu, enter the 3D Graph mode. 2. Press !3(V-WIN) to display the 3D View Window setting screen. 3. Press 4(3D-VMEM)2(RECALL). 4. On the pop-up window that appears, specify a 3D View Window memory number (1 to 6) and then press w. • Pressing bw, for example, recalls the settings stored in 3D View Window Memory 1 (3DVWIN_1). Note • If the calculator’s 3D View Window memory was created using 3D Graph Version 1.00, entering the 3D Graph mode will cause it to be automatically converted to 3D Graph Version 1.01. • 3D View Window memory created using 3D Graph Version 1.01 cannot be used by 3D Graph Version 1.00. 16-5 3. 3D Graph Function List • {SELECT} ... Toggles the highlighted 3D graph function between draw and don’t draw. • {DELETE} ... Deletes the highlighted 3D graph function. • {TYPE} ... Displays the 3D graph function selection screen (page 16-8). • {3D-GMEM} ... Select to save to and recall from 3D graph memory (page 16-7). • {DRAW} ... Draws a 3D graph. k Specifying 3D Graph Draw or Don’t Draw 1. Use f and c to highlight the function whose setting you want to change. 2. Press 1(SELECT). • Draw is enabled for a function whose colon (:) is highlighted. • Each press of 1(SELECT) toggles the highlighted function between draw and don’t draw. k Deleting a Function 1. Use f and c to highlight the function you want to delete. 2. Press 2(DELETE) or D. • This displays a delete confirmation dialog box. 3. Press 1(Yes). k Changing the Line Color and Area Color of a 3D Graph 1. On the 3D graph function list, highlight the function whose colors you want to change. 2. Press !f(FORMAT). 16-6 3. Highlight “Line Color” and then press w. 4. Highlight the desired color and then press w. • This returns to the screen in step 2. 5. Highlight “Area Color” and then press w. 6. Highlight the desired color and then press w. • This returns to the screen in step 2. 7. After the setting is the way you want, press J. • The color of the 3D graph function will change in accordance with the Area Color setting. • Selecting Clear for Area Color causes the color of the 3D graph function to change to that of the Line Color setting. • Selecting Clear for both the Line Color and Area Color settings will cause an “Invalid Setting” error. • If you selected the Line template, the line is drawn using the color specified by the Area Color setting. k 3D Graph Memory You can use 3D graph memory to store the contents of up to 20 sets (3D G-Mem 1 to 3D G-Mem 20) of 3D graph function lists and other setting information. The stored data can be recalled to the 3D graph function list when needed. One set of 3D graph memory data contains the information listed below. • 3D graph functions (up to three) • 3D View Window settings (one set) • Setup information • 3D function draw/don’t draw settings • Function color settings 16-7 u To save all the contents of the 3D graph function list to 3D graph memory 1. Press 4(3D-GMEM)1(STORE). 2. On the pop-up window that appears, specify a 3D graph memory number (1 to 20) and then press w. • Pressing bw, for example, stores all the contents of the 3D graph function list and 3D View Window settings to 3D Graph Memory 1 (3DGMEM1). • Specifying the number of a memory that already contains data and then pressing w will causes the existing data to be replaced by the new data. • An error will occur if the data you are saving causes the calculator’s memory capacity to be exceeded. u To recall 3D graph memory data 1. Press 4(3D-GMEM)2(RECALL). 2. On the pop-up window that appears, specify a 3D graph memory number (1 to 20) and then press w. • Pressing bw, for example, recalls the data stored in 3D Graph Memory 1 (3DGMEM1). • Performing the recall operation replaces all of the current 3D graph function list contents and 3D View Window settings with the recalled contents. The current data is deleted. Note • 3D graph memory created using 3D Graph Version 1.01 cannot be used by 3D Graph Version 1.00. 4. 3D Graph Function Selection Screen On the 3D graph function list, press 3(TYPE) or d/e to display the 3D graph function selection screen. Note • Selecting a registered function and then pressing d or e will display an input screen for the selected function. 16-8 Use f and c to select one of the templates listed below. Line … Draws a line. Plane … Draws a plane. Sphere … Draws a sphere. Cylinder … Draws a cylinder. Cone ... Draws a cone. Function menu contents are described below. 1(Template) ... Displays the template selection screen. 2(Z=) ... Displays the Z= graph input screen. 3(Param) ... Displays the parametric graph input screen. 4(Rotate) ... Displays the submenu described below. 1(Rot X) ... Displays the input screen for a solid of rotation on the X-axis graph. 2(Rot Y) ... Displays the input screen for a solid of rotation on the Y-axis graph. k Inputting Template Coefficients On the 3D graph function selection screen, selecting a template and then pressing w will display the coefficient input screen. Re-selecting a registered template will display the previous coefficients. The appearance of a coefficient input screen depends on the template. After inputting coefficients, press 6(SET) to return to the 3D graph function list. u Line Template There are input screens for four types of coefficients. 1(EXPRESS) ... Select to input the coefficients of a function for a straight line. 2(VECTOR) ... Select to input the coefficients of a vector for a straight line. 16-9 3(P&V) ... Select to input the coordinates of one point on the straight line and the coefficients of a direction vector. 4(POINTS) ... Select to input the coordinates of two points on a straight line. • Inputting a coefficient that matches any of the conditions below will cause an “Invalid Setting” error. • EXPRESS: a=0 or b=0 or c=0 • VECTOR: All v vector coefficients 0 • P&V: All direction vector coefficients 0 • POINTS: P1 and P2 the same value u Plane Template There are input screens for three types of coefficients. 1(EXPRESS) ... Select to input the coefficients of a function for a plane. 2(VECTOR) ... Select to input the coefficients of a vector for a plane. 16-10 3(POINTS) ... Select to input the coordinates of three points on a plane. • Inputting a coefficient that matches any of the conditions below will cause an “Invalid Setting” error. • EXPRESS: a=0 and b=0 and c=0 • VECTOR: • Both the u vector and v vector coefficient, or either the u vector or v vector coefficient is 0. • u vector and v vector are the same direction. • POINTS: • Two of the three points are the same value. • The three points are on a straight line. u Sphere Template There are input screens for two types of coefficients. 1(FACTOR) ... Select to input the coefficients of (X−a)2+(Y−b)2+(Z−c)2=r2. 2(EXPAND) ... Select to input the coefficients of X2+Y2+Z2+aX+bY+cZ+d=0. • Inputting a coefficient that matches any of the conditions below will cause an “Invalid Setting” error. • FACTOR: r = 0 or less • EXPAND: Input coefficients do not satisfy a2+b2+c2>4d. 16-11 u Cylinder Template Input the radius, minimum height, maximum height, and center point of the cylinder. • Inputting a coefficient that matches any of the conditions below will cause an “Invalid Setting” error. • Radius: 0 or less • Minimum and maximum height: Same value u Cone Template Input the values below for the desired cone. • Radius of the circular base (Radius) • Z coordinate of the base (Zmin) • Z coordinate of the apex (Zmax) • X, Y coordinates of the base center point • Inputting a coefficient that matches any of the conditions below will cause an “Invalid Setting” error. • Radius: 0 or less • Same value for Zmin and Zmax k Inputting a Function Directly Function line input and editing operations are the same as those in the Graph mode. After inputting a function, press 6(SET) to return to the 3D graph function list. The newly input formula will be included in the list. 16-12 u Z= Graph Input Screen u Parametric Graph Input Screen • Pressing v inputs variable T. u Solid of Rotation on the X-axis Graph Input Screen u Solid of Rotation on the Y-axis Graph Input Screen 16-13 5. 3D Graph Screen k Rotating a 3D Graph You can use the cursor keys to rotate a 3D graph up, down, left, and right. The settings on the 3D View Window change in accordance with how much its 3D graph is rotated. k Auto Rotating a 3D Graph You can rotate a 3D graph automatically using Auto Rotate. Auto rotation stops automatically after two rotations. 1. On the 3D graph screen, press K2(ROTATE). 2. Select a rotation direction. 1(L→R) … Auto rotation from left to right. 2(R→L) … Auto rotation from right to left. 3(T→B) … Auto rotation from top to bottom. 4(B→T) … Auto rotation from bottom to top. • To stop the auto rotation, press A. k Saving a 3D Graph Screenshot You can save a screenshot of the currently display 3D graph screen. You can then use the saved image as the background in another application. Note that a 3D graph screenshot does not include 3D View Window information. For information about how to save 3D graph screenshot, see “Saving and Recalling Graph Screen Contents” (page 5-20). k Reading Coordinates on a Graph You can read coordinate values on a 3D graph by moving the pointer ( keys. ) with the cursor 1. Draw a 3D graph. 2. Press !1(TRACE). • This causes the pointer to flash on the 3D graph. 3. Use the cursor keys to move the pointer along the 3D graph to the location whose coordinates you want to read. • When there are multiple 3D graphs on the display, you can move the pointer between them by pressing 1(Next) and 2(Back). 16-14 4. Pressing v displays a pop-up window. Inputting coordinates on the window will cause the pointer to jump to the specified location. (Z= graph/parametric graph only) • You also can move the cursor by inputting values without pressing v to display the popup window. 5. To exit a trace operation, press !1(TRACE). k Zoom Functions You can zoom in on and zoom out from the screen center. You can also change the directional view of the screen. 1. Draw a 3D graph. 2. Select the zoom operation you want. !2(Zoom)1(IN) … Zooms in on the screen center. 2(OUT) … Zooms out from the screen center. 3(VIEW-X) … Displays the view along the positive x-axis. 4(VIEW-Y) … Displays the view along the positive y-axis. 5(VIEW-Z) … Displays the view along the positive z-axis. 6(ORIGINAL) … Returns the 3D graph to its original (unrotated, unzoomed) state. k Sketch Functions You can insert point and write text into a 3D graph. 1. Draw a 3D graph. 2. As required, use the setup screen to configure the settings below. • Plot/LineCol ... Specifies the color for inserted points and text. 16-15 3. Select the sketch operation you want. !4(SKETCH)1(Cls) … Clears plotted points and written text. 2(Plot) … Plots a point. 3(Text) … Inserts text. 4. Use the cursor keys to move the pointer ( ) to the location you want. 5. To plot a point: Press w. To insert text: Input a text string. k Displaying the Cross Section of a 3D Graph You can display a vertical plane on the x-axis, y-axis, or z-axis to emphasize a cross section (the location where the plane and the 3D graph overlap). Note • A cross section can be displayed only for a 3D graph that was drawn using a template (Line, Plane, Sphere, Cylinder, Cone). u To display the cross section of a 3D graph 1. Draw a 3D graph. 2. Press !5(G-SOLVE)1(CROSS). 3. Select the direction of the plane you want to display. 1(X) … Specifies the x-axis as the cross sectional direction of the vertical plane. 16-16 2(Y) … Specifies the y-axis as the cross sectional direction of the vertical plane. 3 (Z) … Specifies the z-axis as the cross sectional direction of the vertical plane. • The displayed parallel plane and 3D graph contact points (cross section) are displayed using the opposing color of the Area Color setting. • The cross section is displayed in the foreground. • When the plane graph and the cross section plane are the same, the outer boundary of the plane is highlighted. u To view a cross section from a particular direction While a cross section is displayed, press one of the keys below. 3(VIEW-X) … Displays the view along the positive x-axis. 4(VIEW-Y) … Displays the view along the positive y-axis. 5(VIEW-Z) … Displays the view along the positive z-axis. 6(ORIGINAL) … Returns the view direction back to its original view. u To move the cross section of a 3D graph Press 1(UP) (positive) or 2(DOWN) (negative) to move a cross section on the applicable axis. • You can also specify a location on a cross section by directly inputting coordinate values on the application axis. 16-17 k Determining the Intersect of Straight Lines or Planes (Not available with the fx-CG50 AU, fx-CG20 AU) You can determine the combinations below for intersection points and intersecting lines. • Line-line ... Point of intersection • Line-plane ... Point of intersection • Plane-plane ... Line of intersection u To determine a line-line point of intersection 1. Use the Line template to register the two straight line functions below. Straight line 1: P1=0,0,0 P2=1,1,1 Straight line 2: P1=1,1,0 P2=2,2,2 2. Press 6(DRAW) to draw the 3D graph. 3. Press !5(G-SOLVE)2(INTSECT). • This displays the coordinates of the intersect. (In the case of plane-plane, the function of the line of intersection will appear on the display.) 4. To delete the intersect display, press J. • The message “NOT FOUND” will appear if the two 3D graphs do not intersect. • The message “INFINITE” will appear if the two 3D graphs are identical. • When there are three straight lines or planes, you can change how they are combined by pressing 1(Next)/2(Back). • To find intersection, you must use the Line template or Plane template to draw two or more 3D graphs. 16-18 k Determining the Relationship of Straight Lines or Planes (Not available with the fx-CG50 AU, fx-CG20 AU) You can determine the combinations below for the relationship of two 3D graphs. • Line-line ... Intersect/right-angle intersect/parallel/skew relation/same line • Line-plane ... Intersect/perpendicular intersect/parallel/line on a parallel plane • Plane-plane ... Intersect/perpendicular intersect/parallel/same plane u To determine line-plane relationship 1. Use the Line template and Plane template to register the straight line and plane functions below. → Straight line: r = → Plane: r = 1 2 0 −1 −2 1 +t +s 1 1 0 1 1 0 +t 0 1 1 2. Press 6(DRAW) to draw the 3D graph. 3. Press !5(G-SOLVE)3(RELATION). • This displays the line-plane relationship. 4. To delete the relationship display, press J. • When there are three straight lines or planes, you can change how they are combined by pressing 1(Next)/2(Back). • To determine relationship, you must use the Line template or Plane template to draw two or more 3D graphs. 16-19 Appendix 1. Error Message Table • General calculation errors When you see It means this: this message: So you need to do this: Syntax ERROR • Illegal syntax • Attempt to input an illegal command Press J to display the error and make necessary corrections. Ma ERROR • Calculation result that exceeds the calculation range. • Mathematical error (division by zero, etc.) Check input values and make corrections to ensure that values are within allowable limits. Stack ERROR Execution of calculations that exceed the capacity of the stack for numeric values or stack for commands. • Simplify the formulas to keep stacks within 10 levels for the numeric values and 26 levels for the commands. • Divide the formula into two or more parts. Input value must be integer. Attempting to input a non-integer value in a location that requires integer input. Input an integer value. Input value must be a matrix. Attempting to input a non-matrix value in a location that requires matrix input. Input a matrix value. Input value must be a matrix or vector. Attempt to input a non-matrix or nonvector value in a location where a matrix or vector should be input. Input a matrix or vector. Input value must be a list. Attempting to input a non-list value in a location that requires list input. Input a list value. Input value must be a real number. Attempting to input a non-real number value in a location that requires real number input. Input a real number value. Invalid polar form Attempting to input an imaginary number for polar form (r∠θ) r or θ. Check the polar form. Wrong argument size relationship. The size relationship between two arguments is opposite from what it should be. Example: nCr(3,10) Change the values so the size relationship required by the syntax is maintained. α-1 α When you see It means this: this message: So you need to do this: Non-Real ERROR Calculation that produces a complex number when Real is specified for the Complex Mode setting on the Setup screen, even though the argument is a real number. Change the Complex Mode setting to something other than Real. Can’t Simplify Fraction simplification was attempted using the 'Simp function (page 2-26), but simplification could not be performed using the specified divisor. Example: Specifying a divisor of 3 to simplify the fraction 4/8. Specify a different divisor or execute 'Simp without specifying any divisor. Can’t Solve! Adjust initial value or bounds. Then try again A Solve calculation could not obtain a solution within the specified range. • Change the specified range. • Correct the input expression. Time Out A Solve calculation was unable to satisfy convergence conditions. If you are performing a Solve calculation, try changing to the initial default estimated value. Conversion ERROR • Attempting to use the unit conversion command to convert between two units in different categories. • Executing a conversion calculation using the same command twice in a conversion expression. In a conversion expression, specify two different commands that are in the same category. Invalid Type An illegal data type is specified. Specify valid data. Underflow When performing a function calculation or an equation calculation, you input an extremely small value for one of the arguments or you input values for multiple arguments that are extremely removed from each other. Example: ∑(X,X,1,2,1×10–50), 1×1099x2+1×1099x+1×10–99=0, etc. Depending on the calculation contents, the underflow will occur and the calculation will not be performed. Change the value(s) and try again. α-2 • List, matrix, and vector calculation errors When you see It means this: this message: So you need to do this: Invalid List, Matrix or Vector Incorrect use of a list, matrix, or vector. Press J to display the error and make necessary corrections. Dimension ERROR Illegal dimension used during matrix, vector, or list calculations. Check the matrix, vector, or list dimension. Complex Number in List List containing complex number used in a calculation or operation for which complex number data is invalid. Change all data in the list to real numbers. Complex Number in Matrix Matrix containing complex number used in a calculation or operation for which complex number data is invalid. Change all data in the matrix to real numbers. Complex Number In Matrix or Vector Matrix or vector containing complex number used in a calculation or operation for which complex number data is invalid. Change all data in the matrix or vector to real numbers. Improper Number of Elements You attempted to create a list, matrix, or vector whose number of elements exceeds the maximum limit. A list cannot have more than 999 elements, and a matrix cannot exceed 999 rows × 999 columns. For vector elements, specify within 1 row × 999 columns or 999 rows × 1 column. • Equation mode errors When you see It means this: this message: So you need to do this: Infinitely Many Solutions An infinite number of solutions for simultaneous linear equations. — No Solution No solution for simultaneous linear equations. — No Variable No variable within a Solve equation. α-3 Input a Solve equation that includes a variable. • Graph, Dyna Graph, Table, Recursion, Conic Graphs mode errors When you see It means this: this message: So you need to do this: Range ERROR V-Window range settings exceeded when a graph is redrawn. Redraw using the proper settings. No Variable No variable specified within a graph function being used for Dynamic Graph. Specify a variable for the graph function. Too Many Variables Attempting to execute the Modify function using an expression with more than five variables. Change the expression so it contains no more than five variables. No item is selected Attempting to draw a graph or create a table while there is no data selected. Select data and try again. Expression in use Attempting to copy the expression of a graph while Modify is running to an area where an expression that is being used for graphing is located. Select a different area and try again. Requires one variable expression. • You attempted to execute a Modify function operation while no expression that contains a variable is selected. • You attempted to execute a Modify operation while multiple expressions containing variables are selected. Select at least one and only one expression that contains a variable. Invalid graph type • You attempted to execute a Modify operation in the Graph mode while a list graph expression, overwrite graph expression, or inequality is selected. • You attempted to execute a Modify operation in the Table mode while a list graph expression, overwrite graph expression, inequality, or a range of values is selected. Select a different type of expression and try again. Too Many Sectors You executed a calculation using GSolve ∫dx - ROOT, ∫dx - INTSECT or ∫dx - MIXED, but there are 21 or more roots in the range specified by you. Specify a range that is narrower and try again. α-4 • Statistics mode errors When you see It means this: this message: So you need to do this: Condition ERROR You are attempting to display multiple statistical graphs of different types. Press 1(GRAPH)4(SELECT) to display the graph On/Off screen, and then select “DrawOn” only for graphs of the same type. Data in use • You attempted to execute a regression calculation while the same list specified by “Resid List” (residual list) is specified as calculation data. • You attempted to execute a Test, Confidence Interval, or Distribution calculation while the same list specified by “Save Res” (save result list) is specified as calculation data. • For “Resid List”, specify a list other than the one being used for the regression calculation. • For “Save Res”, specify a list other than the one being used for the Test, Confidence Interval, or Distribution calculation. • Program errors When you see It means this: this message: Go ERROR So you need to do this: 1 No corresponding Lbl n for Goto n. 2 No program stored in program area Prog "file name". 1 Correctly input a Lbl n to correspond to the Goto n, or delete the Goto n if not required. 2 Store a program in program area Prog "file name", or delete the Prog "file name" if not required. Nesting ERROR Nesting of subroutines by Prog "file name" exceeds 10 levels. • Ensure that Prog "file name" is not used to return from subroutines to main routine. If used, delete any unnecessary Prog "file name". • Trace the subroutine jump destinations and ensure that no jumps are made back to the original program area. Ensure that returns are made correctly. Too many path levels Specification of more than three path levels in a program. Specify no more than three path levels. α-5 • Spreadsheet mode errors When you see It means this: this message: So you need to do this: Range ERROR The spreadsheet cell range was exceeded by paste, recall, or other cell operation. Repeat the procedure taking care that the cell range is not exceeded. Circular ERROR There is a circular reference (such as “=A1” in cell A1) in the spreadsheet. Change cell contents to remove the circular references. • eActivity mode errors When you see It means this: this message: So you need to do this: No MEMO • On the eActivity mode file menu screen, pressing 5(MEMO) while a file that does not include a MEMO is selected. • Attempting to display the MEMO Catalog screen while editing a file that does not include a MEMO. Only one memo allowed per line. • In the eActivity mode, attempting to append a MEMO to a line that already has a MEMO appended. • In the eActivity mode, attempting to delete the newline code between two lines that both have a MEMO appended. Image wrong size for insertion. In the eActivity mode, you are attempting to insert an image file whose file size is not supported. α-6 Perform these operations while a file that includes a MEMO is selected. — Use an image file that is the supported size (page 10-14). • Memory mode errors When you see It means this: this message: So you need to do this: Memory ERROR Operation or memory storage operation exceeds remaining memory capacity. • Simplify the data you are trying to store to keep it within the available memory capacity. • Delete no longer needed data to make room for the new data. Folder has over 300 files. Some will be skipped The number of files in the storage memory folder you are trying to open in the Memory mode exceeds 300. Use your computer*1 to distribute the files among multiple folders so no folder in storage memory contains more than 300 files. Sub-folders in this folder cannot be displayed In the Memory mode, a level 3 nested storage memory folder is displayed, and it contains a level 4 nested folder. (The level 4 folder will be displayed, but it cannot be opened.) Use your computer*1 to store all files you want to access in the top three folder nesting levels. Too Much Data The number of data items is too large. Delete unneeded data. Fragmentation ERROR Memory must be optimized before any more data can be stored. Optimize memory. Invalid Name The file name you input includes invalid characters. Use the correct characters to input a valid file name. Invalid Type An illegal data type is specified. Specify valid data. Storage Memory Full The storage memory is full. Delete unneeded data. Data ERROR A data error occurred. Check to make sure you are writing correct type of data and try again. *1 For details about using a computer to perform storage memory file and folder operations, see “Transferring Data between the Calculator and a Personal Computer” (page 13-5). α-7 When you see It means this: this message: File System ERROR So you need to do this: The calculator memory file system is corrupted or the storage memory format is one that cannot be read by the calculator. After reading the information under “Important!” below, perform an Initialize All operation as described in “Reset” (page 12-4). Important! Performing an Initialize All operation will delete all data in calculator memory, including language data. If you need the data in calculator memory, use the USB cable to connect the calculator to a computer and copy all of the data you want to keep to your computer’s hard disk before performing the Initialize All operation. For more information, see “Performing Data Communication between the Calculator and a Personal Computer” (page 13-3). α-8 • Data communication errors When you see It means this: this message: So you need to do this: Complex Number in Data Data sent from a function of this calculator (matrix, etc.) includes complex number data, but the corresponding function of the receiving calculator does not support data that includes complex numbers. Example: Attempting to send a matrix containing a complex number in an element to CFX-9850G. Send data that does not include complex numbers. CSV error in row [A] or column [B] The imported CSV file included data that cannot be converted. Use your computer to check the row A, column B data in the file and change it to data that can be converted. USB Connect ERROR USB cable connection broken during data communication. Use the USB cable to correctly connect the calculator and computer (or other device). Com ERROR Problem with cable connection or parameter setting during data communication. Check to make sure there is nothing wrong with the cable connection, and that parameters are configured correctly. Transmit ERROR Problem with cable connection or parameter setting during data communication. Check to make sure there is nothing wrong with the cable connection, and that parameters are configured correctly. Receive ERROR Problem with cable connection or parameter setting during data communication. Check to make sure there is nothing wrong with the cable connection, and that parameters are configured correctly. Memory Full Memory of receiving calculator became full during program data communication. Delete some data stored in the receiving calculator and try again. Invalid Data Size Attempting to send data of a size that is not supported by the receiving device. Make sure the data being sent is of a size that is supported by the receiving device. Invalid Data Number Attempting to send data with a data number that is not supported by the receiving device. Specify a data number supported by the receiving device when sending data. Please Reconnect The connection was dropped for some reason while updating the operating system. Reconnect and try again. α-9 • Geometry mode errors When you see It means this: this message: So you need to do this: First select a segment. You are attempting to construct a perpendicular bisector without first selecting a line segment. Select the required object(s) and then try again. First select a line and point. You are attempting to construct a perpendicular or parallel without first selecting a line segment and point. First select 2 points or a segment. You are trying to construct a midpoint without first selecting two points or a line segment. First select the applicable figure. • You are trying to construct a point of intersection without first selecting two lines. • You are trying to execute an Add Animation or Replace Animation command without first selecting the required object. • You are trying to execute an Add Table command without first selecting the required object. First select 2 segments. You are trying to construct an angle bisector without first selecting two line segments. Too Many Objects! Work memory cleared. Work memory became full. Delete objects you no longer need or open a new file. Invalid Measurement You are attempting to use the Expression command to input an expression that contains a measurement that does not exist. Check to make sure that the expression you are inputting contains only measurements that are currently on the screen. Too Many Animations You are trying to add more than 10 animations. Use the Edit Animations screen to delete animations you no longer need, or create a new file and add new animations. First select point(s). You are trying to execute the Trace command without first specifying a trace point. Specify the trace point and try again. Too Many Trace Points You are trying to specify more than 10 trace points. Select only up to 10 trace points. Too Many Rows You are trying to add more than 26 columns to an animation table. Delete columns from the animation table that you do not need and try again. α-10 When you see It means this: this message: So you need to do this: First configure animation settings. • You are trying to run an animation without first configuring its settings. • You are trying to execute an Add Table command without first configuring animation settings. Configure animation settings and try again. Cannot Add Animation • The point you selected for an Add Animation or Replace Animation command operation cannot be used in an animation because it is locked, etc. • The point you selected for an Add Animation or Replace Animation command operation cannot be used in an animation because it is already being used in the animation you are configuring or in another animation. Select a point to which animation can be added and try again. Select the applicable measurement icon. You are trying to execute the Add Table command without first selecting the appropriate measurement icon. Select the icon of a measurement that can be added to an animation table. First configure animation settings and create a table. You tried to execute the Display Table command without generating an animation table. Generate an animation table first. Create at least one figure with a fill color. You are attempting to execute a surface area calculation (K(Option) – 7:Area Calc) when there is no figure on the screen with a fill color. Draw a figure with a fill color and try again. • Picture Plot mode errors When you see It means this: this message: Too many plots So you need to do this: In the Picture Plot mode, the number of plots exceeds the allowable upper limit. α-11 — • 3D Graph mode errors When you see It means this: this message: So you need to do this: INTSECT requires multiple lines or planes. You tried to determine a point of intersection without first using the Line template or Plane template to draw multiple 3D graphs. Use the Line template or Plane template to draw multiple 3D graphs and try again. RELATION requires multiple lines or planes. You tried to determine relationship without first using the Line template or Plane template to draw multiple 3D graphs. Use the Line template or Plane template to draw multiple 3D graphs and try again. • Setup errors When you see It means this: this message: So you need to do this: Out of Domain Attempting to input a value that is outside the allowable input range. Input a value that is within the allowable range. Invalid setting • Input of an improper V-Window value. • Change the V-Window value so it is within range. • Input a proper range value. • Input of an improper value on the range screen and use of that value for execution. • Attempting to create a table with a Step value of 0. • Attempting to input illegal V-Window setting combinations. Example: Xmin = 10, Xmax = 10 • Attempting to create a table in the Recursion mode when the Start value is greater than or equal to the End value. • The Edit Animations screen is configured with the setting t0=t1 in the Geometry mode. • Internal calculation generated a mathematical error (division by zero, etc.) when executing a function calculation, or a calculation in the Financial mode or Statistics mode. • Improper values were input in the 3D Graph mode for a template coefficient. Out of Range Calculation result that exceeds the calculator display range. α-12 • Specify a Step value other than 0. • Enter values that have the proper relationship with each other. • Change the value so the Start value is less than the End value. • Configure the Edit Animations screen so t0 and t1 are assigned different values for the same animation. • Since the calculation contains one or more values that cannot be calculated, input different values and try again. • Input coefficient values that can define the 3D graph. Change the calculation formula. • Other errors When you see It means this: this message: So you need to do this: No Data The specified data does not exist. (Occurs when a list or variable that does not contain data is referenced.) Change the data specification. No File Attempting to recall a file from Picture Memory (1 through 20) when there is no file located at the applicable Picture Memory number. Specify a Picture Memory number where a file is stored. Not Enough Elements • The list you specified for a calculation does not contain the number of elements required to perform the calculation. • You attempted to execute a statistical calculation using a list whose elements are all zero for the frequency data. • Check the number of elements required by the calculation you are trying to perform and adjust the number of list elements accordingly. • For frequency data, use a list whose elements contain values greater than zero. α-13 2. Input Ranges Function sinx cosx tanx Input range for real number solutions (DEG) |x| < 9 × (109)° (RAD) |x| < 5 × 107π rad (GRA) |x| < 1 × 1010 grad sin–1x cos–1x |x| < 1 tan–1x |x| < 1 × 10 sinhx coshx |x| < 230.9516564 tanhx |x| < 1 ×10 sinh–1x |x| < 1 × 10100 cosh–1x 1 < x < 1 × 10100 tanh–1x |x| < 1 Internal digits 15 digits Precision As a rule, precision is ±1 at the 10th digit.* " " " " " " " " " " " " • Complex numbers can be used as arguments. " " • Complex numbers can be used as arguments. 100 1 × 10–99 < x < 1 × 10100 10x –1 × 10100 < x < 100 e –1 × 10100 < x < 230.2585092 x ' 0 < x < 1 × 10100 x2 |x| < 1 × 1050 1/x |x| < 1 × 10100, x ≠ 0 x ' |x| < 1 × 10100 x! 0 < x < 69 (x is an integer) " " Result < 1 × 10100 n, r (n and r are integers) 0 < r < n, n < 1 × 1010 " " " " 3 nPr nCr Pol (x, y) Rec (r ,θ) However, for tanx : |x| ≠ 90(2n+1): DEG |x| ≠ π/2(2n+1): RAD |x| ≠ 100(2n+1): GRA 100 logx lnx x Notes x2 + y2 < 1 × 10100 |r| < 1 × 10100 (DEG) |θ | < 9 × (109)° (RAD) |θ | < 5 × 107π rad (GRA) |θ | < 1 × 1010 grad " α-14 " • Complex numbers can be used as arguments. • Complex numbers can be used as arguments. However, for tanθ : |θ | ≠ 90(2n+1): DEG |θ | ≠ π/2(2n+1): RAD |θ | ≠ 100(2n+1): GRA Input range for real number solutions Function ° ’” ←⎯ ° ’” Internal digits Precision 15 digits As a rule, precision is ±1 at the 10th digit.* |a|, b, c < 1 × 10100 0 < b, c |x| < 1 × 10100 Sexagesimal display: |x| < 1 × 107 Notes x > 0: ^(xy) –1 × 10100 < ylogx < 100 x=0:y>0 m x < 0 : y = n, –––– 2n+1 (m, n are integers) However; –1 × 10100 < y log |x| < 100 " " • Complex numbers can be used as arguments. y>0:x≠0 –1 × 10100 < 1 logy < 100 x y ' x y=0:x>0 n+1 y < 0 : x = 2n+1, 2–––– m (m ≠ 0; m, n are integers) " " However; • Complex numbers can be used as arguments. –1 × 10100 < 1 log |y| < 100 x ab/c Total of integer, numerator and denominator must be within 10 digits (includes division marks). " " * For a single calculation, calculation error is ±1 at the 10th digit. (In the case of exponential display, calculation error is ±1 at the last significant digit.) Errors are cumulative in the case of consecutive calculations, which can also cause them to become large. (This is also true of internal consecutive calculations that are performed in the case of ^(xy), x' y, x!, 3' x, nPr, nCr, etc.) In the vicinity of a function’s singular point and point of inflection, errors are cumulative and may become large. Function Binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal calculation Input range Values fall within following ranges after conversion: DEC: –2147483648 < x < 2147483647 BIN: 1000000000000000 < x < 1111111111111111 (negative) 0 < x < 111111111111111 (0, positive) OCT: 20000000000 < x < 37777777777 (negative) 0 < x < 17777777777 (0, positive) HEX: 80000000 < x < FFFFFFFF (negative) 0 < x < 7FFFFFFF (0, positive) α-15 Examination Mode The Examination Mode puts some limits on calculator functions, which allows it to be used when taking an exam or test. Use the Examination Mode only when actually taking an exam or test. Entering the Examination Mode affects calculator operation as described below. • The following modes and functions are disabled: eActivity mode, Memory mode, E-CON4 mode, Program mode, vector commands, program commands (^ (output command), : (multi-statement command), _ (carriage return)), data transfer, add-in applications, addin languages, storage memory access, user name editing, OS Update, Catalog QR Code function. • User data (main memory) is backed up. The backed up data will be restored when you exit the Examination Mode. Any data created during an Examination Mode session will be deleted when the Examination Mode is exited. Important! • Replacing batteries with a set of fresh ones is recommended before using the Examination Mode. • In the Examination Mode, the brightness level will change to 1 automatically if you do not perform any operation on the calculator for about 30 seconds. Note that in the Examination Mode 1 (not 0) is the darkest level, so battery power runs down faster in the Examination Mode. Exit the Examination Mode as soon as possible after you get through using it. u Entering the Examination Mode 1. Press !o(OFF) to turn off the calculator. 2. While holding down the c and h keys, also hold down the o key until the dialog box shown below appears. Note The dialog box may not appear if you release the three keys too soon. If this happens, perform the above procedure from step 1 again. 3. Press 1(Yes). • Read the message on the dialog box that appears. 4. Press 2. • This displays the dialog box shown below. β-1 β 5. Press J. • Only the settings below are saved before entering the Examination Mode. Input/Output, Frac Result, Angle, Complex Mode, Display, Q1Q3 Type, Language, Function menu language, Battery Type u Calculator Operation in the Examination Mode • Entering the Examination Mode causes the entire display screen to be surrounded by a green boundary. A flashing display icon ( ) will also appear on the display. The flash rate of the icon slows down about 15 minutes after entering the Examination Mode. Icon Green boundary • In the Examination Mode, the Auto Power Off trigger setting is fixed at approximately 60 minutes. • Pressing a- causes the dialog box shown below to appear. The dialog box shows the elapsed time in the Examination Mode. You can restart the elapsed time count by performing one of the operations below. - Press the RESTART button. - Remove the calculator’s batteries. - Delete Main Memory data. - Re-enter the Examination Mode while already in the Examination Mode. • The table below shows how certain operations affect the Examination Mode. If you do this: The calculator stays in Examination Mode. Data input in Examination Mode is retained. Turn power off and then back on again Yes Yes Press the RESTART button Yes No Remove the calculator’s batteries Yes No Delete Main Memory data Yes No β-2 u Exiting the Examination Mode There are three ways to exit the Examination Mode. (1) Exiting the Examination Mode by Connecting to a Computer 1. Use the USB cable to connect the calculator that is in the Examination Mode to a computer. 2. When the “Select Connection Mode” dialog box appears on the calculator, press the calculator’s 1 key. 3. On the computer, open the calculator drive. 4. On the computer, copy or delete any file that is on the calculator drive. 5. Terminate the connection between the calculator and computer. • The dialog box shown below will appear when you exit the Examination Mode. (2) Exiting the Examination Mode by Allowing 12 Hours to Elapse Approximately 12 hours after entering the Examination Mode, turning on the calculator will cause it to exit the Examination Mode automatically. Important! If you press the RESTART button or if you replace batteries before turning on the calculator, it will re-enter the Examination Mode when turned on, even if 12 hours have elapsed. (3) Exiting the Examination Mode by Connecting to another Calculator 1. On the calculator that is in the Examination Mode (Calculator A), enter the Link mode and then press 4(CABLE)2(3PIN). 2. Use the optionally available SB-62 cable*1 to connect Calculator A to another calculator that is not in the Examination Mode (Calculator B). *1 Included with the calculator in some areas. SB-62 cable β-3 3. On Calculator A, press 2(RECV). 4. On Calculator B*2, enter the Link mode and then press 3(EXAM)1(UNLOCK) 1(Yes). • You could also transfer any data from Calculator B to Calculator A. Example: To transfer setup data to Calculator A 1. On Calculator B, enter the Link mode and then press 1(TRANSMIT)1(MAIN) 1(SELECT). 2. Use c and f to select “SETUP”. 3. Press 1(SELECT)6(TRANSMIT)1(Yes). *2 Calculator with Examination Mode function • Exiting the Examination Mode will cause the green boundary and flashing icon ( disappear from the display. ) to u Displaying Examination Mode Help You can display Examination Mode help in the Link mode. 3(EXAM)2(ENTER) ... Displays help about entering the Examination Mode. 3(EXAM)3(APP) ... Displays help about what modes and functions are disabled in the Examination Mode. 3(EXAM)4(EXIT) ... Displays help about exiting the Examination Mode. β-4 E-CON4 Application (English) Important! • All explanations in this section assume that you are fully familiar with all calculator and Data Logger (CMA CLAB* or CASIO EA-200) precautions, terminology, and operational procedures. CLAB firmware must be version 2.10 or higher. Be sure to check the firmware version of your CLAB before using it. * For information about CMA and the CLAB Data Logger, visit ε-1 E-CON4 Mode Overview 1. E-CON4 Mode Overview The first time you enter the E-CON4 mode, a screen will appear for selecting a Data Logger. Data Logger Selection Screen Press 1(CLAB) or 2(EA-200) to select the Data Logger you want to use. Selecting a Data Logger will cause the sampling screen (Time-based Sampling screen) to appear. Use the sampling screen to start sampling with the Data Logger and to view a graph of samples. CLAB EA-200 There are four sampling modes (sampling screens), described below. 1. Time-based Sampling ... Draws a graph simultaneously as sampling is performed. Note, however, that the graph is drawn after sampling is finished when CH1, 2, or 3, SONIC, or [START] key is specified as the trigger source, or when the sampling interval is less than 0.2 seconds. 2. Fast Sampling ... Select to sample high-speed phenomena (sound, etc.) 3. Period Sampling ... Select to perform periodic sampling starting from a start trigger event and ending with an end trigger event. 4. Manual Sampling ... Sampling is performed when the [EXE] key is pressed. Up to 100 samples can be taken by manual operation. Sampled data is stored in the Statistics mode list. (CLAB only) 5. Mic & Speaker Mode ... Select to sample sound using the built-in microphone. You can also output a waveform using the built-in speaker. (EA-200 only) • The Data Logger selection screen will not appear from the next time you enter the E-CON4 mode. Instead, the Time-based Sampling screen for the selected a Data Logger will appear first. • To change the Data Logger, change the setting on the E-CON4 setup screen. • Connecting a Data Logger that is different from the one specified for the calculator will cause an error message to appear. If this happens, use the setup screen to change the “Data Logger” setting. ε-2 E-CON4 Mode Overview k E-CON4 Specific Setup Items The items described below are E-CON4 setup items that displayed only when the !m(SET UP) operation is performed in the E-CON4 mode. Indicates the initial default setting of each item. u Data Logger • {CLAB}/{EA-200} ... {CLAB Data Logger}/{EA-200 Data Logger} u Graph Func • {On}/{Off} ... {show graph source data name}/{hide graph source data name} u Coord • {On}/{Off} ... {show coordinate values}/{hide coordinate values} during trace operations u E-CON Axes • {On}/{Off} ... {show axes}/{hide axes} u Real Scroll • {On}/{Off} ... {enable real-time scrolling}/{disable real-time scrolling} u CMA Temp BT01 • {°C}/{°F} ... CMA Temperature BT01 measurement unit {°C}/{°F} u CMA Temp 0511 • {°C}/{°F} ... CMA Temperature 0511 measurement unit {°C}/{°F} u CASIO Temp • {°C}/{°F} ... CASIO Temperature measurement unit {°C}/{°F} u Vrnr Baro • {atm}/{inHg}/{mbar}/{mmHg} ... Vernier Barometer measurement unit {atm}/{inHg}/ {mbar}/{mmHg} u Vrnr Gas Prs • {atm}/{inHg}/{kPa}/{mbar}/{mmHg}/{psi} ... Vernier Gas Pressure measurement unit {atm}/{inHg}/{kPa}/{mbar}/{mmHg}/{psi} u Vrnr Mag F L • {mT}/{gauss} ... Vernier Magnetic Field Low-amp measurement unit {mT}/{gauss} u Vrnr Mag F H • {mT}/{gauss} ... Vernier Magnetic Field High-amp measurement unit {mT}/{gauss} ε-3 Sampling Screen 2. Sampling Screen k Changing the Sampling Screen On any sampling screen, press 5(MODE) to display the sampling mode selection screen. CLAB EA-200 Use keys b through e to select the sampling mode that matches the type of sampling you want to perform. k Time-based Sampling Screen CLAB EA-200 • CLAB has three channels named CH1, CH2, and CH3. • EA-200 has four channels named CH1, CH2, CH3, and SONIC. Note, however, that up to only three channels can be used for sampling at any one time. If you try to start sampling with four channels at the same time, a “Too Many Channels” error will appear. k Fast Sampling Screen CLAB • Both CLAB and EA-200 can use CH1 only. EA-200 ε-4 Sampling Screen k Period Sampling Screen CLAB EA-200 • With CLAB, only CH1 can be used. • EA-200 has two channels (CH1 and SONIC). However, only one of these can be used. k Manual Sampling Screen (CLAB Only) CLAB • There are three channels named CH1, CH2, and CH3. k Mic & Speaker Mode Screen (EA-200 Only) On the sampling mode selection screen, pressing e(Mic & Speaker Mode) displays the dialog box shown below. Select Microphone or Speaker. u Selecting Microphone This displays the dialog box shown below. ε-5 Sampling Screen “Sound wave” records the following two dimensions for the sampled sound data: elapsed time (horizontal axis) and volume (vertical axis). “FFT” records the following two dimensions: frequency (horizontal axis) and volume (vertical axis). • Selecting “Sound wave” here will display the Mic & Speaker Mode screen. • Selecting “Sound wave & FFT” or “FFT only” will display the dialog box shown below. Selecting an option automatically configures parameters with the fixed values shown in the table below. Option Parameter Frequency Pitch Frequency Upper Limit Sampling Period Number of Samples 2 - 1000Hz: 1 4 - 2000 Hz: 2 6 - 3000 Hz: 3 8 - 4000 Hz: 4 2 Hz 4 Hz 6 Hz 8 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 3000 Hz 4000 Hz 61 μsec 31 μsec 20 μsec 31 μsec 8192 8192 8192 4096 Using a function key (1 through 4) to select an FFT range, will cause a Mic & Speaker Mode screen to appear. Selecting “Sound wave & FFT” Selecting “FFT only” ε-6 Sampling Screen u Selecting Speaker This displays the dialog box shown below. • Selecting “Sample Data” here will display the Mic & Speaker Mode screen. • After selecting “y=f(x)”, perform the steps below. From the EA-200, output the sound of the waveform indicated by the function input on the calculator, and draw a graph of the function on the calculator unit screen. 1. Use the data communication cable (SB-62) to connect the communication port of the calculator with the MASTER port of the EA-200. 2. On the above dialog box, select “y=f(x)”. • This displays a dialog box like the one shown below. 3. Press w to display the View Window screen. • The following settings will be configured automatically Ymin = −1.5, Ymax = 1.5. Do not change these settings. 4. Press w or J to display the function registration screen. 5. In the “Y1=” line, register the function of the waveform of the sound you want to output. • For the angle unit, specify radians. • Register a function with an Y-value within the range of ±1.5. ε-7 Sampling Screen 6. Press 6(DRAW) to draw the graph. • Drawing the graph causes a vertical cursor to appear on the display, as shown on the screenshot below. Use this graph to specify the range of the sound output from the speaker. 7. Use the d and e keys to move the vertical cursor of the output range start point and then press w to register the start point. 8. Use the d and e keys to move the vertical cursor of the output range end point and then press w to register the end point. • Setting both the start point and end point will cause the Output Frequency dialog box shown below to appear. R 9. Specify the output frequency percent (%) value. • To output the original sound unchanged, specify 100 (%). To output a sound one octave higher than the original sound, input 200 (%). To output a sound one octave lower than the original sound, input 50 (%). 10. Input a percent (%) value and then press w. • This outputs the sound of the waveform within the selected range. • If the specified result cannot be output as a sound, the message “Range Error” will appear. If this happens, press J to display the screen shown below and change the settings. 11. To stop sound output on the EA-200, press the [START/STOP] key. 12. Press w. • This displays a screen like the one shown below. ε-8 Sampling Screen 13. Depending on what you want to do, perform one of the operations below. To change the output frequency and try again: Press 1(Yes) to return to the Output Frequency dialog box. Next, perform the operation starting from step 9, above. To change the output range of the waveform graph and try again: Press 6(No) to return to the graph screen in step 6, above. Next, perform the operation starting from step 7, above. To change the function: Press 6(No)J to return to the function registration screen in step 5, above. Next, perform the operation starting from step 5, above. To exit the procedure and return to the sampling mode selection screen: Press 6(No). Next, press J twice. k Sampling Screen Function Menu • 1(SENSOR) …… Selects the sensor assigned to a channel. • 2(CONFIG) …… Select to configure settings that control sampling (sampling period, number of samples, warm-up time, etc.) • 3(CALIB) …… Performs auto sensor calibration. • 4(OTHER) …… Displays the submenu below. • 1(GRAPH) …… Graphs the samples measured by the Data Logger. You can use various graph analysis tools. (Cannot be used on the Period Sampling screen.) • 2(MEMORY) …… Saves Data Logger setup data. • 5(INITIAL) …… Initializes setting parameters. • 6(ABOUT) …… Shows version information about the Data Logger currently connected to calculator. • 5(MODE) …… Selects a sampling mode. • 6(START) …… Starts sampling with the Data Logger. ε-9 Auto Sensor Detection (CLAB Only) 3. Auto Sensor Detection (CLAB Only) When using a CLAB Data Logger, sensors connected to each channel are detected automatically. This means that you can connect a sensor and immediately start sampling. 1. On the setup screen, select “CLAB” for the “Data Logger” setting. 2. Connect the CLAB Data Logger to the calculator. 3. Connect a sensor to each of the CLAB channels you want to use. • Detection of a sensor will cause a screen like the one below to appear. 3 1 2 1 Show the names of the sensor connected to each channel. 2 Show the current sample values of each channel. 3 Selecting (highlighting) a channel causes to appear next to it. Pressing e displays sensor details as shown below for the currently selected sensor. 4. Press 6(START) to start sampling. • Some sensors do not support auto detection. If this happens, press 1(SENSOR) and then select the applicable sensor. Note • If a sensor that supports auto detection is not detected automatically, restart CLAB. ε-10 Selecting a Sensor 4. Selecting a Sensor On the sampling screen, press 1(SENSOR) to display the sensor selection screen. k Assigning a Sensor to a Channel 1. On the sampling screen, use f and c to select the channel to which you want to assign the sensor. 2. Press 1(SENSOR). • This displays the sensor selection screen like the one shown below. The appearance of the sensor selection screen depends on the Data Logger type and the selected channel. 3. Press one of the function keys below. • CH1, CH2, CH3 1(CMA) … Displays a list of CMA sensors. 2(CASIO) … Displays a list of CASIO sensors. 3(VERNIER) … Displays a list of Vernier sensors. 4(CUSTOM) … Displays a list of custom sensors. See “7. Using a Custom Probe” (page ε-23). 5(None) … Even if a sensor is connected, it is disabled. 6(RESCAN) … Deletes the sensor currently assigned to a channel (CLAB only). • SONIC (EA-200 only) 2(CASIO) … Displays a list of CASIO sensors. Only “Motion” can be selected. 3(VERNIER) … Displays a list of Vernier sensors. You can select either “Motion” or “Photogate”. 5(None) … SONIC channel not used. Note • After selecting “Motion” on either the CASIO or the Vernier sensor list, pressing K will toggle smoothing (sampling error correction) between on and off. “-Smooth” will be shown on the display while smoothing is on. Nothing is displayed when off. • Selecting “Photogate” on the Vernier sensor list will display a menu that you can use to select [Gate] or [Pulley]. [Gate] ... Photogate sensor used alone. [Pulley] ... Photogate sensor used in combination with smart pulley. ε-11 Selecting a Sensor • Pressing a function key displays a dialog box like the one shown below. This shows the sensors that can be assigned to the selected channel. 4. Use f and c to select the sensor you want to assign and then press w. • This returns to the screen in step 1 of this procedure with the name of the sensor you assigned displayed. At this time there will be a lock ( ) icon to the right of the sensor name. This icon indicates the sensor you assigned with the operation above. Note • You can also assign a custom probe to a channel. To do so, press 4(CUSTOM) to display the custom probe list. Use this list to select a custom probe and then press w. k Disabling a Sensor Perform the steps below when you do not want to perform sampling with a sensor that is connected to the Data Logger. 1. On the sampling screen, use f and c to select the sensor you want to disable. 2. Press 1(SENSOR). • This displays the sensor selection screen. 3. Press 5(NONE). • This returns to the screen in step 1 of this procedure with no sensor assigned to the channel. There will be a lock ( ) icon indicated for the channel in this case. • The above operation also disables sensor auto detection. k Removing the Sensor Assigned to a Channel (CLAB Only) 1. On the sampling screen, use f and c to select the sensor you want to remove. 2. Press 1(SENSOR). • This displays the sensor selection screen. 3. Press 6(RESCAN). • This returns to the screen in step 1 of this procedure with no sensor assigned to the channel. There will be no lock ( ) icon indicated for the channel in this case. • The above operation also enables sensor auto detection. ε-12 Configuring the Sampling Setup 5. Configuring the Sampling Setup You can configure detailed settings to control individual sampling parameters and to configure the Data Logger for a specific application. Use the Sampling Config screen to configure settings. There are two configuration methods, described below. Method 1 ... With this method, you configure settings for the sampling interval (Interval) and number of samples (Samples). Method 2 ... With this method, you configure settings for the number of samples per second (Sample/sec) and the total sampling time (Total Time). You can also use the Sampling Config screen to configure trigger settings. See “Trigger Setup” (page ε-15). Initial default settings are shown below. • Setting Method: Method 1 • Interval: 0.2 sec • Samples: 101 • Sample/sec: 5 (This setting is not displayed in the case of Method 1.) • Total Time: 20 sec • Warm-up: Auto In the case of “Manual Sampling”, a special Manual Sampling Config screen will appear. For more information, refer to “Configuring Manual Sampling Settings” (page -19). k Using Method 1 to Configure Settings 1. On the sampling screen, press 2(CONFIG). • This displays the Sampling Config screen with “Interval” highlighted. 2. Press 1(sec) or 2(min) to specify the sampling interval unit. 3. Press e. • This displays a dialog box for configuring the sampling interval setting. 4. Input the sampling interval and then press w. ε-13 Configuring the Sampling Setup 5. Press c to move the highlighting to “Samples”. • When the sampling mode is “Periodic Sampling” and a CMA or Vernier Photogate Pulley is assigned to the channel, “Distance” will be displayed in place of “Samples”. For information about “Distance”, see “To configure the Distance setting” below. 6. Press e. • This displays a dialog box for specifying the number of samples. 7. Input the number of samples and then press w. 8. Press c to move the highlighting to “Warm-up”. 9. Press one of the functions keys below. 1(Auto) … Automatically configures warm-up time settings for each sensor. 2(Manual) … Select for manual input of the warm-up time in seconds units. 3(None) … Disables warm-up time. • Pressing 2(Manual) displays a dialog box for specifying the warm-up time. Input the warm-up time and then press w. • When the sampling mode is “Fast Sampling”, “FFT Graph” will be displayed in place of “Warm-up”. For information about “FFT Graph”, see “To configure the FFT Graph setting” below. 10. After all of settings are the way you want, press J. • This returns to the sampling screen. u To configure the Distance setting Move the highlighting to “Distance” and then press 1(NUMBER). This displays a dialog box for specifying the drop distance for the smart pulley weight. Input a value from 0.1 to 4.0 to specify the distance in meters. u To configure FFT Graph setting In place of step 9 of the procedure under “Using Method 1 to Configure Settings”, specify whether or not you want to draw a frequency characteristics graph (FFT Graph). 1(On) ... Draws an FFT graph after sampling is finished. Use the dialog box that appears to select a frequency. 2(Off) ... FFT Graph no drawn after sampling is finished. ε-14 Configuring the Sampling Setup k Using Method 2 to Configure Settings 1. On the sampling screen, press 2(CONFIG). • This displays the Sampling Config screen. 2. Press 5(Method2). • This will cause the highlighting to move to “Sample/sec”. 3. Press e. • This displays a dialog box for specifying the number of samples per second. 4. Input the number of samples and then press w. 5. Press c to move the highlighting to “Total Time”. 6. Press e. • This displays a dialog box for specifying the sampling time. 7. Input the sampling time and then press w. 8. Press c to move the highlighting to “Warm-up”. • Use the same procedure as that for Method 1 to configure the “Warm-up” setting. 9. After all of settings are the way you want, press J. • This returns to the sampling screen. u To switch between Method 1 and Method 2 If the current method is Method 1, press 5(Method2) to switch to Method 2. This will cause the highlighting to move to “Sample/sec”. If the current method is Method 2, press 4(Method1) to switch to Method 1. This will cause the highlighting to move to “Interval”. If the highlighting is located at “Warm-up”, it will not move when you switch from Method 1 to Method 2. Switching from Method 1 to Method 2 will cause Method 2 values to be automatically calculated and configured in accordance with the values you input with Method 1. Values are also automatically calculated when you switch from Method 2 to Method 1. ε-15 Configuring the Sampling Setup u Input Ranges Method 1 Interval (sec): 0.0005 to 299 sec (0.02 to 299 sec for the Motion sensor. 0.0025 to 299 sec for the CLAB built-in 3-axis accelerometer.) Interval (min): 5 to 240 min (With some sensors, a setting of five minutes or greater is not supported.) Samples: 10 to 10001 Method 2 Sample/sec: 1 to 2000 (1 to 50 sec for the CMA Motion sensor. 1 to 400 for the CLAB built-in 3-axis accelerometer.) • An error message will be displayed if you input a value for a setting that causes the automatically calculated number of samples (Samples) setting to become a value that is outside the allowable input range. • Only Method 1 settings are supported when the Interval setting is 5min or greater. k Trigger Setup You can use the Trigger Setup screen to specify the event that causes sampling to start (w key operation, etc.). The event that causes sampling to start is called the “trigger source”, which is indicated as “Source” on the Trigger Setup screen. The following table describes each of the eight available trigger sources. To start sampling when this happens: Select this trigger source: When the w key is pressed [EXE] key After the specified number of seconds are counted down Count Down When input at CH1 reaches a specified value CH1 When input at CH2 reaches a specified value CH2 When input at CH3 reaches a specified value CH3 When input at the SONIC channel reaches a specified value (EA-200 only) SONIC When the built-in microphone detects sound (EA-200 only) Mic When the [START/STOP] key is pressed (EA-200 only) [START] key When [Button] is pressed (CLAB only) [START] key ε-16 Configuring the Sampling Setup • To configure Trigger Setup settings 1. While the Sampling Config screen is on the display, press 6(Trigger). • This displays the Trigger Setup screen with the “Source” line highlighted. • The function menu items that appears in the menu bar depend on the sampling mode. The nearby screen shows the function menu when “Time-based Sampling” is selected as the sample sampling mode. 2. Use the function keys to select the trigger source you want. • The following shows the trigger sources that can be selected for each sampling mode. Sampling Mode Trigger Source Time-based Sampling 1(EXE) : [EXE] key, 2(Cont) : Count Down, 3(CH1~3), 4(Sonic), 5(START) : [START] key Fast Sampling 1(EXE) : [EXE] key, 2(Cont) : Count Down, 3(CH1) Mic & Speaker Mode 1(EXE) : [EXE] key, 2(Cont) : Count Down, 5(Mic) • When the sampling mode is “Time-based Sampling” and the “Interval” setting is five minutes or greater, the trigger source is always the [EXE] key. • When the sampling mode is “Period Sampling”, the trigger source is always CH1. However, when the SONIC channel is being used on the EA-200, the trigger source is always SONIC. 3. Perform one of the following operations, in accordance with the trigger source that was selected in step 2. If this is the trigger source: Do this next: [EXE] key Press w to finalize Trigger Setup and return to the Sampling Config screen. Count Down Specify the countdown start time. See “To specify the countdown start time” below. CH1 CH2 CH3 Specify the trigger threshold value and trigger edge direction. See “To specify the trigger threshold value and trigger edge type” on page ε-17, “To configure trigger threshold, trigger start edge, and trigger end edge settings” or “To configure Photogate trigger start and end settings” on page ε-18. SONIC Specify the trigger threshold value and motion sensor level. See “To specify the trigger threshold value and motion sensor level” on page ε-19. Mic Specify microphone sensitivity. See “To specify microphone sensitivity” on page ε-17. [START] key Press w to finalize Trigger Setup and return to the Sampling Config screen. ε-17 Configuring the Sampling Setup • To specify the countdown start time 1. Move the highlighting to “Timer”. 2. Press 1(Time) to display a dialog box for specifying the countdown start time. 3. Input a value in seconds from 1 to 10. 4. Press w to finalize Trigger Setup and return to the Sampling Config screen. • To specify microphone sensitivity 1. Move the highlighting to “Sense” and then press one of the function keys described below. To select this level of microphone sensitivity: Press this key: Low 1(Low) Medium 2(Middle) High 3(High) 2. Press w to finalize Trigger Setup and return to the Sampling Config screen. • To specify the trigger threshold value and trigger edge type Perform the following steps when “Time-based Sampling” or ”Fast Sampling” is specified as the sampling mode. 1. Move the highlighting to “Threshold”. 2. Press 1(EDIT) to display a dialog box for specifying the trigger threshold value, which is value that data needs to attain before sampling starts. Sensor assigned to CH1, CH2, CH3 or the SONIC channel Measurement unit supported by assigned sensor 3. Input the value you want, and then press w. 4. Move the highlighting to “Edge”. 5. Press one of the function keys described below. To select this type of edge: Press this key: Falling 1(Fall) Rising 2(Rise) 6. Press w to finalize Trigger Setup and return to the Sampling Config screen. ε-18 Configuring the Sampling Setup • To configure trigger threshold, trigger start edge, and trigger end edge settings Perform the following steps when “Period Sampling” is specified as the sampling mode. 1. Move the highlighting to “Threshold”. 2. Press 1(EDIT) to display a dialog box for specifying the trigger threshold value, which is value that data needs to attain before sampling starts. 3. Input the value you want. 4. Move the highlighting to “Start to”. 5. Press one of the function keys described below. To select this type of edge: Press this key: Falling 1(Fall) Rising 2(Rise) 6. Move the highlighting to “End Edge”. 7. Press one of the function keys described below. To select this type of edge: Press this key: Falling 1(Fall) Rising 2(Rise) 8. Press w to finalize Trigger Setup and return to the Sampling Config screen. • To configure Photogate trigger start and end settings Perform the following steps when CH1 is selected as a Photogate trigger source. Perform the operation below even while Vernier Photogate is assigned to the SONIC channel when performing Period Sampling with the EA-200. 1. Move the highlighting to “Start to”. 2. Press one of the function keys described below. To specify this Photogate status: Press this key: Photogate closed 1(Close) Photogate open 2(Open) 3. Move the highlighting to “End Gate”. 4. Press one of the function keys described below. To specify this Photogate status: Press this key: Photogate closed 1(Close) Photogate open 2(Open) 5. Press w to finalize Trigger Setup and return to the Sampling Config screen. ε-19 Configuring the Sampling Setup • To specify the trigger threshold value and motion sensor level 1. Move the highlighting to “Threshold”. 2. Press 1(EDIT) to display a dialog box for specifying the trigger threshold value, which is value that data needs to attain before sampling starts. 3. Input the value you want, and then press w. 4. Move the highlighting to “Level”. 5. Press one of the function keys described below. To select this type of level: Press this key: Below 1(Below) Above 2(Above) 6. Press w to finalize Trigger Setup and return to the Sampling Config screen. k Configuring Manual Sampling Settings 1. On the Manual Sampling screen, press 2(CONFIG). • The Sampling Config screen is shown below. 2. Press e. 3. Input up to 8 characters for the unit name and then press w. 4. Press c to move the highlighting to “Time Limit”. 5. Press one of the function keys below. 1(On) ... Auto sampling stop enabled. 2(Off) ... Auto sampling stop disabled. 6. After all of settings are the way you want, press J. • This returns to the Manual Sampling screen. ε-20 Performing Auto Sensor Calibration and Zero Adjustment 6. Performing Auto Sensor Calibration and Zero Adjustment You can use the procedures in this section to perform auto sensor calibration and sensor zero adjustment. With auto calibration, you can configure applicable interpolation formula slope (Slope) and y-intercept (Intercept) values for a sensor based on two measured values. With zero adjustment, you can configure a custom probe y-intercept based on measured values. A sensor calibrated with auto calibration or zero adjustment is registered as a custom probe. k Sensor Calibration Screen 1. On the sampling screen, use f and c to move the highlighting to the sensor you want to auto calibrate or zero adjust. 2. Press 3(CALIB). • This displays a sensor calibration screen like the one shown below. 1(EDIT) ... Select to manually modify the highlighted item. 2(CALIB) … Performs auto sensor calibration. 3(ZERO) … Performs sensor zero adjustment. 6(SET) … Select to assign the calibrated sensor to a channel. This registers the sensor as a custom probe. • Press J to return to the sampling screen. k Performing Auto Sensor Calibration Important! • Before performing the operation below, you will need to have two known measured values on hand. • When inputting reference values in step 3 of the procedure below, input values that were measured accurately under conditions used for the sampling operations in step 2 of the procedure. When inputting reference values in step 5 of the procedure below, input values that were measured accurately under conditions used for the sampling operations in step 4 of the procedure. ε-21 Performing Auto Sensor Calibration and Zero Adjustment 1. On the sensor calibration screen, press 2(CALIB). • A screen like the one shown below will appear after the first sampling operation starts. First sampling operation Real-time display of sampled values 2. After the sampled value stabilizes, hold down w for a few seconds. • This registers the first sampled valued and displays it on the screen. At this time, the cursor will appear at the bottom of the display, indicating that a reference value can be input. 3. Input a reference value for the first sample value and then press w. • A screen like the one shown below will appear after the second sampling operation starts automatically. Second sampling operation 4. After the sampled value stabilizes, hold down w for a few seconds. • This registers second sampled valued and displays it on the screen. At this time, the cursor will appear at the bottom of the display, indicating that a reference value can be input. 5. Input a reference value for the second sample value and then press w. • This returns to the sensor calibration screen. • E-CON4 calculates slope and y-intercept values based on the two input reference values and automatically configures settings. Automatically calculated values are displayed on the sensor calibration screen. k Performing Sensor Zero Adjustment 1. On the sensor calibration screen, press 3(ZERO). • A screen like the one shown below will appear after sampling starts. ε-22 Performing Auto Sensor Calibration and Zero Adjustment 2. When the sampled value that you want to zero adjust is displayed, press w. • This returns to the sensor calibration screen. • E-CON4 automatically sets a y-intercept value based on the measured value. Automatically calculated values are displayed on the sensor calibration screen. k Configuring Settings Manually 1. On the sensor calibration screen, use f and c to move the highlighting to the item whose setting you want to change. 2. Press 1(EDIT). 3. Input the information below for each of the items. Probe Name ... Sensor name up to 18 characters long. (17 characters long when the sensor name includes “±”.) Slope ... Interpolation formula slope (value that specifies constant a of ax+b) Intercept ... Interpolation formula y-intercept (value that specifies constant b of ax+b) 4. After you finish inputting, press w. k Assigning a Calibrated Sensor to a Channel 1. Perform auto sensor calibration and sensor zero adjustment. (Or configure settings manually.) 2. On the sensor calibration screen, press 6(SET). • This displays a dialog box like the one shown below. Number is assigned automatically. 3. Press J. • This assigns the calibrated sensor to the channel and returns to the sampling screen. • The calibrated sensor is stored under the custom probe number shown on the dialog box above. ε-23 Using a Custom Probe 7. Using a Custom Probe The sensors shown in the CASIO, Vernier, and CMA sensor lists under “4. Selecting a Sensor” are E-CON4 mode standard sensors. If you want to sample with a sensor not included in a list, you must configure it as a custom probe. k Registering a Custom Probe 1. On the sensor selection screen, press 4(CUSTOM). • This displays the custom probe list screen. • If there is no registered custom probe, the message “No Custom Probe” appears on the display. 2. Press 1(NEW). • This displays a custom probe setup screen like the one shown below. 3. Press 1(EDIT). 4. Input up to 18 characters for the custom probe name and then press w. • This will cause the highlighting to move to “Slope”. 5. Move the highlighting to the setting you want to configure and then press 1(EDIT). • Setting items are described below. Slope ... Input the interpolation formula slope (value that specifies constant a of ax+b) Intercept ... Input the interpolation formula y-intercept (value that specifies constant b of ax+b) Unit Name ... Input up to eight characters for the unit name. Warm-up ... Specify the warm-up time. Type ... Select the sensor type (“0-5V” or “±10V”). Press 4(0-5V) or 5(±10V). 6. Perform auto calibration and zero adjustment of the custom probe as required. • Press 2(CALIB) to perform auto calibration of the custom probe. See “Performing Auto Sensor Calibration” (page ε-20). • Press 3(ZERO) to perform zero adjustment of the custom probe. See “Performing Sensor Zero Adjustment” (page ε-21). ε-24 Using a Custom Probe 7. After configuring the required settings, press 6(SAVE) or w. • This displays the dialog box shown below. 8. Input the custom probe registration number (1 to 99) and then press w. • This registers the custom probe and returns to the custom probe list screen. k Assigning a Custom Probe to a Channel 1. On the sampling screen, use f and c to select the channel to which you want to assign the custom probe. 2. Press 1(SENSOR) to display the sensor selection screen. 3. Press 4(CUSTOM). • This displays the custom probe list screen. 4. Use f and c to select the custom probe you want to assign and then press w. k Changing the Settings of a Custom Probe 1. On the custom probe list screen, use f and c to select the custom probe whose settings you want to change. 2. Press 2(EDIT). • This displays a custom probe setup screen. 3. Perform steps 3 through 6 under “Registering a Custom Probe”. 4. After configuring the required settings, press 6(SAVE) or w. • This returns to the custom probe list screen. k Recalling CMA or Vernier Sensor Settings to Register a Custom Probe 1. On the custom probe list screen, press 4(CMA) or 5(VERNIER). • This displays a sensor list. 2. Use the f and c cursor keys to move the highlighting to the sensor whose settings you want to use as the basis of the custom probe and then press w. • The name of the selected sensor and its setting information are shown on the custom probe setup screen. 3. Perform steps 3 through 8 under “Registering a Custom Probe”. However, you will not be able to change the sensor type. ε-25 Using Setup Memory 8. Using Setup Memory Data logger setup data (Data Logger settings, sampling mode, assigned sensor, sampling setup) is stored at the time it is created in a memory area called the “current setup memory area”. The current contents of the current setup memory area are overwritten whenever you create other setup data. You can use setup memory to save the current setup memory area contents to calculator memory to keep it from being overwritten, if you want. k Saving a Setup 1. Display the sampling screen you want to save. 2. Press 4(OTHER)2(MEMORY). • This displays the setup memory list. • The message “No Setup-MEM” will appear if there is no setup data stored in memory. 3. Press 2(SAVE). • This displays a setup name input screen. 4. Input up to 18 characters for the setup name and then press w. • This displays a memory number input dialog box. 5. Input a memory number (1 to 99) and then press w. • This returns to the setup memory list. 6. Press J. • This returns to the sampling screen. Important! • Since you assign both a setup name and a file number to each setup, you can assign the same name to multiple setups, if you want. k Using and Managing Setups in Setup Memory All of the setups you save are shown in the setup memory list. After selecting a setup in the list, you can use it to sample data or you can edit it. • To preview saved setup data You can use the following procedure to check the contents of a setup before you use it for sampling. 1. On the sampling screen, press 4(OTHER)2(MEMORY) to display the setup memory list. 2. Use the f and c cursor keys to highlight the name of the setup you want. ε-26 Using Setup Memory 3. Press K(Setup Preview) (or e). • This displays the preview dialog box. 4. To close the preview dialog box, press J. • To recall a setup and use it for sampling Be sure to perform the following steps before starting sampling with a Data Logger. 1. Connect the calculator to a Data Logger. 2. Turn on Data Logger power. 3. In accordance with the setup you plan to use, connect the proper sensor to the appropriate Data Logger channel. 4. Prepare the item whose data is to be sampled. 5. On the sampling screen, press 4(OTHER)2(MEMORY) to display the setup memory list. 6. Use the f and c cursor keys to highlight the name of the setup you want. 7. Press 1(START). 8. In response to the confirmation message that appears, press 1. • Pressing w sets up the Data Logger and then starts sampling. • To clear the confirmation message without sampling, press 6. Note • See “Operations during a sampling operation” on page ε-29 for information about operations you can perform while a sampling operation is in progress. • To change the name of setup data 1. On the sampling screen, press 4(OTHER)2(MEMORY) to display the setup memory list. 2. Use the f and c cursor keys to highlight the name of the setup you want. 3. Press 3(RENAME). • This displays the screen for inputting the setup name. 4. Input up to 18 characters for the setup name, and then press w. • This changes the setup name and returns to the setup memory list. • To delete setup data 1. On the sampling screen, press 4(OTHER)2(MEMORY) to display the setup memory list. 2. Use the f and c cursor keys to highlight the name of the setup you want. 3. Press 4(DELETE). ε-27 Using Setup Memory 4. In response to the confirmation message that appears, press 1(Yes) to delete the setup. • To clear the confirmation message without deleting anything, press 6(No). • To recall setup data Recalling setup data stores it in the current setup memory area. After recalling setup data, you can edit it as required. This capability comes in handy when you need to perform a setup that is slightly different from one you have stored in memory. 1. On the sampling screen, press 4(OTHER)2(MEMORY) to display the setup memory list. 2. Use the f and c cursor keys to highlight the name of the setup you want. 3. Press 5(LOAD). 4. In response to the confirmation message that appears, press 1(Yes) to recall the setup. • To clear the confirmation message without recalling the setup, press 6(No). Note • Recalling setup data replaces any other data currently in the current setup memory area. However, if there is setup data for a sampling mode that is different from the current mode, that data will not be overwritten. ε-28 Starting a Sampling Operation 9. Starting a Sampling Operation This section describes how to use a setup configured using the E-CON4 mode to start a Data Logger sampling operation. k Before getting started... Be sure to perform the following steps before starting sampling with a Data Logger. 1. Connect the calculator to a Data Logger. 2. Turn on Data Logger power. 3. In accordance with the setup you plan to use, connect the proper sensor to the appropriate Data Logger channel. 4. Prepare the item whose data is to be sampled. k Starting a Sampling Operation A sampling operation can be started from the sampling screen or the setup memory list. Here we will show the operation that starts from the sampling screen. See “To recall a setup and use it for sampling” on page ε-26 for information about starting sampling from the setup memory list. You need to perform a special operation in the case of Manual Sampling. For more information, refer to “Manual Sampling” (page ε-31). • To start sampling 1. Enter the sampling mode you want to use and then press 6(START). • This displays a sampling start confirmation screen like the one shown below. 2. Press w. • This sets up the Data Logger using the setup data in the current setup memory area. • The message “Setting Data Logger...” remains on the display while Data Logger setup is in progress. You can cancel the setup operation any time this message is displayed by pressing A. • The screen shown nearby appears after Data Logger setup is complete. ε-29 Starting a Sampling Operation 3. Press w to start sampling. • The screens that appear while sampling is in progress and after sampling is complete depend on setup details (sampling mode, trigger setup, etc.). For details, see “Operations during a sampling operation” below. • Operations during a sampling operation Sending a sample start command from the calculator to a Data Logger causes the following sequence to be performed. Setup Data Transfer → Sampling Start → Sampling End → Transfer of Sample Data from the Data Logger to the Calculator The table on the next page shows how the trigger conditions and sensor type specified in the setup data affects the above sequence. Period Sampling Mic & Speaker Mode Fast Sampling Time-based Sampling Mode 1. Data Logger Setup Starts Sampling 2. Start Standby Pressing 1 advances to “4. Graphing”. Pressing w there returns to “3. Sampling”. • Time-based Sampling: Interval of 5min or greater • The screen shown below appears when CH1~3, SONIC, or Mic is used as the trigger. 3. Sampling 1 w Sample values are stored as List data only. The following three graph types can be produced when Photogate -Pulley is being used. 1. Time and distance graph 2. Time and velocity graph • When Number of Samples > 1 3. Time and acceleration graph • When Number of Samples = 1 w Input values. w w • Mic & Speaker Mode: Speaker - Sample Data Graph screen does not show all sampled values, but only a partial preview. Sampled values are saved as Current Sample Data. 4. Graphing ε-30 Starting a Sampling Operation ε-31 Starting a Sampling Operation k Manual Sampling 1. On the Manual Sampling screen, press 6(START). • This displays a sampling start confirmation screen. 2. Press w. • This displays the screen shown below. 3. Press w to start sampling. • This will display a screen like the one shown below. 4. When you want to acquire data, press w. • This displays a dialog box for inputting the horizontal axis for the sample values. 5. Input a horizontal axis value and then press w. • This displays a graph of the sample data. Input values will be displayed on the horizontal axis. 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 as many times as necessary to sample all of the data you want. ε-32 Starting a Sampling Operation • You can sample data up to 100 times. 7. To exit the sampling operation, press J. • This displays an exit confirmation dialog box. 8. Press 1(Yes). • This displays a screen like the one shown below. • Specify the list where you want to store the data. Input ... Specify the list where you want to store the horizontal axis data. CH1, CH2, CH3 ... Specify lists where you want to store the sample data of each channel. 9. After specifying the lists, press w. • This will cause the message “Complete!” to appear. To return to the Manual Sampling screen, press w. • In the Statistics mode, sample data will be displayed as shown below. Note • You can use trace while sampled data is shown on the graph. For details, see “Using Trace” (page ε-40). • If “On” is selected for the sampling “Time Limit” setting, sampling will stop automatically if you do not perform any operation for 90 minutes. In this case, the sample data is not stored in a list. ε-33 Using Sample Data Memory 10. Using Sample Data Memory Performing a Data Logger sampling operation from the E-CON4 mode causes sampled results to be stored in the “current data area” of E-CON4 memory. Separate data is saved for each channel, and the data for a particular channel in the current data area is called that channel’s “current data”. Any time you perform a sampling operation, the current data of the channel(s) you use is replaced by the newly sampled data. If you want to save a set of current data and keep it from being replaced by a new sampling operation, save the data in sample data memory under a different file name. k Managing Sample Data Files • To save current sample data to a file 1. On the sampling screen, press 4(OTHER)1(GRAPH). • This displays the Graph Mode screen. Graph Mode Screen • For details about the Graph Mode screen, see “Using the Graph Analysis Tools to Graph Data” (page ε-35). 2. Press 2(DATA). • This displays the Sampling Data List screen. List of current data files “cd” stands for “current data”. The text on the right side of the colon indicates the channel name. Sampling Data List Screen 3. Use the f and c cursor keys to move the highlighting to the current data file you want to save, and then press 2(SAVE). • This displays the screen for inputting a data name. ε-34 Using Sample Data Memory 4. Enter up to 18 characters for the data file name, and then press w. • This displays a dialog box for inputting a memory number. 5. Enter a memory number in the range of 1 to 99, and then press w. • This saves the sample data at the location specified by the memory number you input. The sample data file you save is indicated on the display using the format: :. • If you specify a memory number that is already being used to store a data file, a confirmation message appears asking if you want to replace the existing file with the new data file. Press 1 to replace the existing data file, or 6 to return to the memory number input dialog box in step 4. 6. To return to the sampling screen, press J twice. Note • You could select another data file besides a current data file in step 3 of the above procedure and save it under a different memory number. You do not need to change the file’s name as long as you use a different file number. • Pressing e while the Sampling Data List screen is shown will display information (sampling mode, sensor, number of samples) about the currently highlighted data. To exit the screen, press J. ε-35 Using the Graph Analysis Tools to Graph Data 11. Using the Graph Analysis Tools to Graph Data Graph Analysis tools make it possible to analyze graphs drawn from sampled data. Note • Sampled data cannot be graphed in the cases described below. • Attempting to graph manually sampled data and data sampled using a different sampling mode simultaneously • Manually sampled data whose horizontal axis values (number of samples) do not match k Accessing Graph Analysis Tools You can access Graph Analysis tools using either of the two methods described below. • Accessing Graph Analysis tools from the Graph Mode screen, which is displayed by pressing 4(OTHER)1(GRAPH) on the sampling screen Graph Mode Screen • The sampling screen appears after you perform a sampling operation. Press 4(OTHER)1(GRAPH) at that time. • When you access Graph Analysis tools using this method, you can select from among a variety of other Analysis modes. See “Selecting an Analysis Mode and Drawing a Graph” (page ε-36) for more information about the other Analysis modes. • Accessing Graph Analysis tools from the screen of a graph drawn after a sampling operation is executed from the sampling screen (Time-based Sampling, Fast Sampling, Mic & Speaker Mode - Microphone) Graph Screen • In this case, data is graphed after the sampling operation is complete, and the calculator accesses Graph Analysis tools automatically. See “Graph Screen Key Operations” on page ε-39. ε-36 Using the Graph Analysis Tools to Graph Data k Selecting an Analysis Mode and Drawing a Graph This section contains a detailed procedure that covers all steps from selecting an analysis mode to drawing a graph. Note • Step 4 through step 7 are not essential and may be skipped, if you want. Skipping any step automatically applies the initial default values for its settings. • If you skip step 2, the default analysis mode is the one whose name is displayed in the top line of the Graph Mode screen. • To select an analysis mode and draw a graph 1. On the sampling screen, press 4(OTHER)1(GRAPH). • This displays the Graph Mode screen. 2. Press 3(MODE), and then select the analysis mode you want from the menu that appears. To do this: Perform this menu operation: To select this mode: Graph three sets of sampled data simultaneously [Norm] Graph Analysis Graph sampled data along with its first and second derivative graph [diff] d/dt & d2/dt2 Display the graphs of different sampled data in upper and lower windows for comparison [COMPARE] → [GRAPH] Compare Graph Output sampled data from the speaker, displaying graph of the raw data in the upper window and the output waveform in the lower window (EA-200 only) [COMPARE] → [Sound] Compare Sound Display the graph of sampled data in the upper window and its first derivative graph in the lower window [COMPARE] → [d/dt] Compare d/dt Display the graph of sampled data in the upper window and its second derivative graph in the lower window [COMPARE] → [d2/dt2] Compare d2/dt2 • The name of the currently selected mode appears in the top line of the Graph Mode screen. Analysis mode name ε-37 Using the Graph Analysis Tools to Graph Data 3. Press 2(DATA). • This displays the Sampling Data List screen. 4. Specify the sampled data for graphing. a. Use the f and c cursor keys to move the highlighting to the name of the sampled data file you want to select, and then press 1(ASSIGN) or w. • This returns to the Graph Mode screen, which shows the name of the sample data file you selected. Sample data file name Graph on/off indicator Name of sensor used for sampling Graph Mode Screen b. Repeat step a above to specify sample data files for other graphs, if there are any. • If you select “Graph Analysis” as the analysis mode in step 2, you must specify sample data files for three graphs. If you select “Compare Graph” as the analysis mode in step 2, you must specify sample data files for two graphs. With other modes, you need to specify only one sample data file. • For details about Sampling Data List screen operations, see “Using Sample Data Memory” (page ε-33). 5. Turn on graphing for each of the graphs listed on the Graph Mode screen. a. On the Graph Mode screen, use the f and c cursor keys to select a graph, and then press 1(SELECT) to toggle graphing on or off. Graphing turned off. Graphing turned on. b. Repeat step a to turn each of the graphs listed on the Graph Mode screen on or off. 6. Select the graph style you want to use. a. On the Graph Mode screen, use the f and c cursor keys to move the highlighting to the graph (Gph1, Gph2, etc.) whose style you want to specify, and then press 4(STYLE). This will cause the function menu to change as shown below. ε-38 Using the Graph Analysis Tools to Graph Data b. Use the function keys to specify the graph style you want. To specify this graph style: Press this key: Line graph with dot ( • ) data markers 1( ) Line graph with square (  ) data markers 2( ) Line graph with X (×) data markers 3( ) Scatter graph with 3×3-dot data markers 4( ) Scatter graph with 5×5-dot data markers 5( ) Scatter graph with X (×) data markers 6( ) c. Repeat a and b to specify the style for each of the graphs on the Graph Mode screen. 7. On the Graph Mode screen, press 6(DRAW) or w. • This draws the graph(s) in accordance with the settings you configured in step 2 through step 6. Graph Screen • When a Graph screen is on the display, the function keys provide you with zooming and other capabilities to aid in graph analysis. For details about Graph screen function key operations, see the following section. • To deselect sampled data assigned for graphing on the Graph Mode screen 1. On the Graph Mode screen, use the f and c cursor keys to move the highlighting to the graph (Gph1, Gph2, etc.) whose sampled data you want to deselect. 2. Press 5(DELETE). • This will deselect sample data assigned to the highlighted graph. ε-39 Graph Analysis Tool Graph Screen Operations 12. Graph Analysis Tool Graph Screen Operations This section explains the various operations you can perform on the graph screen after drawing a graph. You can perform these operations on a graph screen produced by a sampling operation, or by the operation described under “Selecting an Analysis Mode and Drawing a Graph” on page ε-36. k Graph Screen Key Operations On the graph screen, you can use the keys described in the table below to analyze (CALC) graphs by reading data points along the graph (Trace) and enlarging specific parts of the graph (Zoom). Key Operation Description !1(TRACE) Displays a trace pointer on the graph along with the coordinates of the current cursor location. Trace can also be used to obtain the periodic frequency of a specific range on the graph and assign it to a variable. See “Using Trace” on page ε-40. !2(ZOOM) Starts a zoom operation, which you can use to enlarge or reduce the size of the graph along the x-axis or the y-axis. See “Using Zoom” on page ε-41. !3(V-WIN) Displays a function menu of special View Window commands for the E-CON4 mode graph screen. For details about each command, see “Configuring View Window Parameters” on page ε-49. !4(SKETCH) Displays a menu that contains the following commands: Cls, Plot, F-Line, Text, PEN, Vertical, and Horizontal. For details about each command, see “Drawing Dots, Lines, and Text on the Graph Screen (Sketch)” on page 5-52. K1(PICTURE) Saves the currently displayed graph as a graphic image. You can recall a saved graph image and overlay it on another graph to compare them. For details about these procedures, see “Saving and Recalling Graph Screen Contents” on page 5-20. K2(MEMORY) 1(LISTMEM) Displays a menu of functions for saving the sample values in a specific range of a graph to a list. See “Transforming Sampled Data to List Data” on page ε-42. K2(MEMORY) 2(CSV) Saves the sample data in the specific range of a graph to a CSV file. For details, see “Saving Sample Data to a CSV File” (page ε-43). K3(EDIT) Displays a menu of functions for zooming and editing a particular graph when the graph screen contains multiple graphs. See “Working with Multiple Graphs” on page ε-46. K4(CALC) Displays a menu that lets you transform a sample result graph to a function using Fourier series expansion, and to perform regression to determine the tendency of a graph. See “Using Fourier Series Expansion to Transform a Waveform to a Function” on page ε-44, and “Performing Regression” on page ε-45. ε-40 Graph Analysis Tool Graph Screen Operations Key Operation Description K5(Y=fx) Displays the graph relation list, which lets you select a Y=f(x) graph to overlay on the sampled result graph. See “Overlaying a Y=f(x) Graph on a Sampled Result Graph” on page ε-46. K6(SPEAKER) Starts an operation for outputting a specific range of a sound data waveform graph from the speaker (EA-200 only). See “Outputting a Specific Range of a Graph from the Speaker” on page ε-48. k Scrolling the Graph Screen Press the cursor keys while the graph screen is on the display scrolls the graph left, right, up, or down. Note • The cursor keys perform different operations besides scrolling while a trace or graph operation is in progress. To perform a graph screen scroll operation in this case, press J to cancel the trace or graph operation, and then press the cursor keys. k Using Trace Trace displays a crosshair pointer on the displayed graph along with the coordinates of the current cursor position. You can use the cursor keys to move the pointer along the graph. You can also use trace to obtain the periodic frequency value for a particular range, and assign the range (time) and periodic frequency values in separate Alpha memory variables. • To use trace 1. On the graph screen, press !1(TRACE). • This causes a trace pointer to appear on the graph. The coordinates of the current trace pointer location are also shown on the display. 2. Use the d and e cursor keys to move the trace pointer along the graph to the location you want. • The coordinate values change in accordance with the trace pointer movement. • You can exit the trace pointer at any time by pressing J. • To obtain the periodic frequency value 1. Use the procedure under “To use trace” above to start a trace operation. 2. Move the trace pointer to the start point of the range whose periodic frequency you want to obtain, and then press w. ε-41 Graph Analysis Tool Graph Screen Operations 3. Move the trace pointer to the end point of the range whose periodic frequency you want to obtain. • This causes the period and periodic frequency value at the start point you selected in step 2 to appear along the bottom of the screen. 4. Press w to assign the period and periodic frequency values to Alpha memory variables. • This displays a dialog box for specifying variable names for [Period] and [Frequency] values. • The initial default variable name settings are “S” for the period and “H” for the periodic frequency. To change to another variable name, use the up and down cursor keys to move the highlighting to the item you want to change, and then press the applicable letter key. 5. After everything is the way you want, press w. • This stores the values and exits the trace operation. • For details about using Alpha memory, see Chapter 2 of this manual. k Using Zoom Zoom lets you enlarge or reduce the size of the graph along the x-axis or the y-axis. Note • When there are multiple graphs on the screen, the procedure below zooms all of them. For information about zooming a particular graph when there are multiple graphs on the screen, see “Working with Multiple Graphs” on page ε-46. • To zoom the graph screen 1. On the graph screen, press !2(ZOOM). • This causes a magnifying glass cursor ( in the center of the screen. ) to appear 2. Use the cursor keys to move the magnifying glass cursor to the location on the screen that you want at the center of the enlarged or reduced screen. ε-42 Graph Analysis Tool Graph Screen Operations 3. Press w. • This causes the magnifying glass to disappear and enters the zoom mode. • The cursor keys perform the following operations in the zoom mode. To do this: Press this cursor key: Enlarge the graph image horizontally e Reduce the size of the graph image horizontally d Enlarge the graph image vertically f Reduce the size of the graph image vertically c 4. To exit the zoom mode, press J. k Transforming Sampled Data to List Data Use the following procedure to transform the sampled data in a specific range of a graph into list data. • To transform sampled data to list data 1. On the graph screen, press K2(MEMORY), and then 1(LISTMEM). • This displays the LISTMEM menu. 2. Press 2(SELECT). • This displays the trace pointer for selecting the range on the graph. 3. Move the trace pointer to the start point of the range you want to convert to list data, and then press w. 4. Move the trace pointer to the end point of the range you want to convert to list data, and then press w. • This displays a dialog box for specifying the lists where you want to store the time data and the sampled data. → • The initial default lists are List 1 for the time and List 2 for sample data. To change to another list (List 1 to List 26), use the up and down cursor keys to move the highlighting to the list you want to change, and then input the applicable list number. ε-43 Graph Analysis Tool Graph Screen Operations 5. After everything is the way you want, press w. • This saves the lists and the message “Complete!” appears. Press w to return to the graph screen. • For details about using list data, see Chapter 3 of this manual. Note • Pressing 1(All) in place of 2(SELECT) in step 2 converts the entire graph to list data. In this case, the “Store Sample Data” dialog box appears as soon as you press 1(All). • In the case of Manual Sampling, the dialog box in step 4 of the procedure will appear as shown below. k Saving Sample Data to a CSV File Use the procedure below to save the sample data in the specific range of a graph to a CSV file. • To save sample data to a CSV file 1. On the graph screen, press K2(MEMORY)2(CSV). • This displays the CSV menu at the bottom of the display. 2. Press 1(SAVE • AS)2(SELECT). • This will display a trace point for specifying a range on the graph. 3. Move the trace point to the start point of the range you want to save to a CSV file, and then press w. 4. Move the trace point to the end point of the range you want to save to a CSV file, and then press w. • This displays the folder selection screen. 5. Select the folder where you want to save the CSV file. 6. Press 1(SAVE • AS). 7. Input up to 8 characters for the file name and then press w. Note • To select all of the graph data and save it as CSV data, press 1(All) in place of 2(SELECT) in step 2 above. The folder selection screen will appear as soon as you press 1(All). • If there are multiple graphs on the graph screen, use f and c to select the graph you want and then press w. (Not included on the Manual Sampling) ε-44 Graph Analysis Tool Graph Screen Operations • To specify the CSV file delimiter symbol and decimal point Press K2(MEMORY)2(CSV)2(SET) to display the CSV format setting screen. Next, perform the procedure from step 3 under “Specifying the CSV File Delimiter Symbol and Decimal Point” (page 3-20). k Using Fourier Series Expansion to Transform a Waveform to a Function Fourier series expansion is effective for studying sounds by expressing them as functions. The procedure below assumes that there is a graph of sampled sound data already on the graph screen. • To perform Fourier series expansion 1. On the graph screen, press K, and then 4(CALC). • The CALC menu appears at the bottom of the display. 2. Press 1(FOURIE). • This displays the trace pointer for selecting the graph range. 3. Move the trace pointer to the start point of the range for which you want to perform Fourier series expansion, and then press w. 4. Move the trace pointer to the end point of the range for which you want to perform Fourier series expansion, and then press w. • This displays a dialog box for specifying the start degree of the Fourier series. → 5. Input a value in the range of 1 to 99, and then press w. • This displays a dialog box for inputting the degree of the Fourier series. ε-45 Graph Analysis Tool Graph Screen Operations 6. Input a value in the range of 1 to 10, and then press w. • The graph relation list appears with the calculation result. 7. Pressing 6(DRAW) here graphs the function. • This lets you compare the expanded function graph and the original graph to see if they are the same. Note • When you press 6(DRAW) in step 7, the graph of the result of the Fourier series expansion may not align correctly with the original graph on which it is overlaid. If this happens, shift the position the original graph to align it with the overlaid graph. For information about how to move the original graph, see “To move a particular graph on a multi-graph display” (page ε-48). k Performing Regression You can use the procedure below to perform regression for a range specified using the trace pointer. All of the following regression types are supported: Linear, Med-Med, Quadratic, Cubic, Quartic, Logarithmic, Exponential, Power, Sine, and Logistic. For details about these regression types, see Chapter 6 of this manual. The following procedure shows how to perform quadratic regression. The same general steps can also be used to perform the other types of regression. • To perform quadratic regression 1. On the graph screen, press K, and then 4(CALC). • The CALC menu appears at the bottom of the display. 2. Press 5(X2). • This displays the trace pointer for selecting the range on the graph. 3. Move the trace pointer to the start point of the range for which you want to perform quadratic regression, and then press w. ε-46 Graph Analysis Tool Graph Screen Operations 4. Move the trace pointer to the end point of the range for which you want to perform quadratic regression, and then press w. • This displays the quadratic regression calculation result screen. 5. Press 6(DRAW). • This draws a quadratic regression graph and overlays it over the original graph. • To delete the overlaid quadratic regression graph, press !4(SKETCH) and then 1(Cls). k Overlaying a Y=f(x) Graph on a Sampled Result Graph You can use the E-CON4 mode to graph equations based on the form Y=f(x). From the graph screen, press K5(Y=fx) to display the graph relation list screen. From there, operations are identical to those in the Graph mode. Note • The data on the graph relation list screen is shared with the Graph mode. Note, however, that only Y= type graphs can be used in the E-CON4 mode. Because of this, calling up the graph relation list screen from the E-CON4 mode will display a “Y” (Y= type) item for function menu key 3. Also, 5(MODIFY) is not displayed, because it is not used in the E-CON4 mode. k Working with Multiple Graphs (Not included on the Manual Sampling) The procedures in this section explain how you can zoom or move a particular graph when there are multiple graphs on the display. • To zoom a particular graph on a multi-graph display 1. When the graph screen contains multiple graphs, press K, and then 3(EDIT). • The EDIT menu appears at the bottom of the display. ε-47 Graph Analysis Tool Graph Screen Operations 2. Press 1(ZOOM). • This displays only one of the graphs that were originally on the graph screen. 3. Use the f and c cursor keys to cycle through the graphs until the one you want is displayed, and then press w. • This enters the zoom mode and causes all of the graphs to reappear, along with a magnifying glass cursor ( ) in the center of the screen. 4. Use the cursor keys to move the magnifying glass cursor to the location on the screen that you want at the center of the enlarged or reduced screen. 5. Press w. • This causes the magnifying glass to disappear and enters the zoom mode. • The cursor keys perform the following operations in the zoom mode. To do this: Press this cursor key: Enlarge the graph image horizontally e Reduce the size of the graph image horizontally d Enlarge the graph image vertically f Reduce the size of the graph image vertically c → 6. To exit the zoom mode, press J. ε-48 Graph Analysis Tool Graph Screen Operations • To move a particular graph on a multi-graph display 1. When the graph screen contains multiple graphs, press K, and then 3(EDIT). • This displays the EDIT menu. 2. Press 2(MOVE). • This displays only one of the graphs that were originally on the graph screen. 3. Use the f and c cursor keys to cycle through the graphs until the one you want is displayed, and then press w. • This enters the move mode and causes all of the graphs to reappear. 4. Use the d and e cursor keys to move the graph left and right, or the f and c cursor keys to move the graph up and down. → 5. To exit the move mode, press J. k Outputting a Specific Range of a Graph from the Speaker (EA-200 only) Use the following procedure to output a specific range of a sound data waveform graph from the speaker. • To output a graph from the speaker 1. On the graph screen, press K, and then 6(SPEAKER). • This displays the trace pointer for selecting the range on the graph. 2. Move the trace pointer to the start point of the range you want to output from the speaker, and then press w. ε-49 Graph Analysis Tool Graph Screen Operations 3. Move the trace pointer to the end point of the range you want to output from the speaker, and then press w. • After you specify the start point and end point, an output frequency dialog box shown below appears on the display. → 4. Input a percent value for the output frequency value you want. • The output frequency specification is a percent value. To output the original sound as-is, specify 100%. To raise the original sound by one octave, input a value of 200%. To lower the original sound by one octave, input a value of 50%. 5. After inputting an output frequency value, press w. • This outputs the waveform between the start point and end point from the EA-200 speaker. • If the sound you configured cannot be output for some reason, the message “Range Error” will appear. If this happens, press J to scroll back through the previous setting screens and change the setup as required. 6. To terminate sound output, press the EA-200 [START/STOP] key. 7. Press w. • This displays a screen like the one shown nearby. 8. If you want to retry output from the speaker, press 1(Yes). To exit the procedure and return to the graph screen, press 6(No). • Pressing 1(Yes) returns to the “Output Frequency” dialog box. From there, repeat the above steps from step 4. k Configuring View Window Parameters Pressing !3(V-Window) while the graph screen is on the display displays a View Window function key menu along the bottom of the display. ε-50 Graph Analysis Tool Graph Screen Operations Press the function key that corresponds to the View Window parameter you want to configure. Function Key Description 1(Auto)* Automatically applies the following View Window parameters. Y-axis Elements: In accordance with screen size X-axis Elements: In accordance with screen size when 1 data item equals 1 dot; 1 data equals 1 dot in other cases 2(FULL) Resizes the graph so all of it fits in the screen. 3(Y) Resizes the graph so all of it fits in the screen along the Y-axis, without changing the X-axis dimensions. 4(UNIT)* Specifies the unit of the numeric axis grid displayed by the E-CON Axes setting of the Setup Screen. 1(μsec): microseconds 2(msec): milliseconds 3(Sec): seconds 4(DHMS): days, hours, minutes, seconds (1 day, 2 hours, 30 minutes, 5 seconds = 1d2h30m5s) 5(Auto): Auto selection 5(CHANGE) Toggles display of the source data on the graph screen on and off. * Not included on the Manual Sampling To exit the View Window function key menu and return to the standard function key menu, press J. ε-51 Calling E-CON4 Functions from an eActivity 13. Calling E-CON4 Functions from an eActivity You can call E-CON4 functions from an eActivity by including an “E-CON strip” in the eActivity file. The following describes each of the two available E-CON strips. • E-CON Top strip This strip calls the Time-based Sampling screen. This strip provides access to almost all executable functions, including detailed Data Logger setup and sampling execution; graphing and Graph Analysis Tools, etc. Note • Using an E-CON Top strip to configure a setup causes the setup information to be registered in the applicable strip. This means that the next time you open the strip, sampling can be performed in accordance with the previously configured setup information. • E-CON Result strip This strip graphs sampled data that is recorded in the strip. The sampled data is recorded to the strip the first time the strip is executed. • E-CON Strip Memory Capacity Precautions • The memory capacity of each E-CON strip is 22.5 KB. An error will occur if you perform an operation that causes this capacity to be exceeded. Particular care is required when handling a large number of samples, which can cause memory capacity to be exceeded. • Always make sure that FFT Graph is turned off whenever performing sampling with the microphone. Leaving FFT Graph turned on cause memory capacity to be exceeded. • If an error occurs, press !a(') to return to the eActivity workspace screen and perform the procedure again. • For information about checking the memory usage of each strip, see “To display the strip memory usage screen” on page 10-21. For details about eActivity operations, see Chapter 10 of this manual. Manufacturer: CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. 6-2, Hon-machi 1-chome Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-8543, Japan Responsible within the European Union: Casio Europe GmbH Casio-Platz 1 22848 Norderstedt, Germany CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. 6-2, Hon-machi 1-chome Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-8543, Japan One or more of the following patents may be used in the product. U.S.Pats. 7,927,221 8,214,413 8,576,230 8,817,027 9,007,376 SA1803-C © 2017 CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD.

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