Cattron North America RCT200A Digital Remote Control System User Manual RCS200

Laird Controls North America Inc. Digital Remote Control System RCS200

Users Manual

File: RCS200Rev. A 2-08-00REMTRON, INC. 1916 W. Mission Rd., Escondido, CA 92029-1114PHONE  760-737-7800    FAX  760-737-7810REMOTE CONTROL AND TELEMETRY SYSTEMSRCS200Radio Remote Control SystemUser's ManualThis manual covers the following Remtron models:RCT200 TransmitterRCR200  Receiver
1.1SECTION 1  GENERALWARNINGSAFETY PROCEDURESSafety is an extremely high priority in every remote control system designed andmanufactured by Remtron. Although every effort has been made to provide a productwith the most complete array of safety features, each application has its own uniquerequirements.Remtron and its agents cannot be held responsible, for any breach of safety,carelessness, improper or unauthorized use of the remote control system or theequipment it is intended to control. Each customer is responsible for safe and properuse of the equipment. Each customer is also responsible that the employees involvedwith this equipment know, understand and use proper installation, operating andmaintenance procedures and that they are aware of and adhere to all establishedsafety rules and regulations as they apply.1.1  INTRODUCTIONThe RCS200 is a digital remote control systemfor applications that require a high level of reliabilityand integrity. It is designed for short range, licensefree operation of industrial and commercialequipment.Intended primarily for OEM applications, thenumber of functions and the receiver interface isdetermined by the user's application.1.2  SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONThe basic system consists of an RCT200Transmitter and an RCR200 Receiver. The signalformat consists of a Amplitude Shift Keyed (ASK)signal that carries a 24 bit address, 8 data bitsand is verified through a 16 bit CRC check word.Data is transmitted using Manchester format at a4800 baud rate.The address is permanently programmed into thetransmitter at the factory and cannot modified. Thereceiver uses a learn mode to copy the addresscode from a transmitter and store it in memory.1.3 TRANSMITTER DESCRIPTIONThe transmitter is housed in a plastic case withmembrane switches for control inputs. Inputs areencoded by a microprocessor and transmittedusing burst mode ASK.Figure 1-1 shows a block diagram of thetransmitter. When a switch is activated, power isapplied to the transmitter. The microprocessorencodes and sends a packet containing theaddress, data and CRC check word to theTransmitter IC. The packet is repeated every 60m-sec as long as any switch is activated. Whenall switches are released, power is removed fromthe transmitter.The transmitter IC is an integrated frequencymultiplying PLL with a power output stage. It usesa fixed ÷ 32 prescaler so the output frequency isset at 32 times the reference crystal. Thetransmitter antenna consists of a matched loopon the circuit board.
1.2The Transmitter IC has a sleep mode which isused to conserve battery power. Each time apacket is sent, the transmitter is enabled 6 m-secbefore modulation is applied to allow it to stabilize.After the data is sent, the transmitter again entersthe sleep mode. The transmitter is thereforeenabled approximately 20% of the time it istransmitting data.1.4  RECEIVER DESCRIPTIONThe receiver consists of an ASK receiver and amicroprocessor with up to four output relays. Thereceiver is powered from 12 or 24 VDC.Received data is passed directly to themicroprocessor where the Manchester signal isdecoded. The data packet is examined for anaddress match with the stored address, andcorrect CRC check. If both the address and theCRC are correct, the data is decoded and theoutput relay states are updated.The microprocessor contains a nonvolatile memory(EEPROM) that retains the address and particularoperating parameters for the system. The outputrelays are factory programmed for the desiredoperation. The simplest configuration closes eachrelay as long as the corresponding switch on thetransmitter is depressed. Complex and interactiverelay logic is possible.Safety FeaturesEach transmission goes through several checksto insure that the information being received iserror free, including a 16 bit CRC test.Over 16 million address codes means that no twosystems will ever be produced with the samecode, thereby insuring that no transmitter will everbe able to unintentionally control another piece ofequipment.DiagnosticsA number of optional diagnostic LEDs can beprovided to aid in troubleshooting the radio controlsystem.1.5  SPECIFICATIONSTable 2.1 Lists the specifications for the system.SECTION 1  GENERALMicroprocessor Transmitter IC.PowerSwitchSerial DataInternal LoopAntenna+ 5 VDCRegulator+5VFigure 1-1  Transmitter Block Diagram9 VDC Battery
1.5Table 1.1 SpecificationsSystemOperating frequency band 433 MHzAvailable Channels 5 ChannelsNumber of Commands 8 maximum*Modulation Digital ASK  with 24 bit address plus 16 bit CRCAmbient Operating Conditions - 20O F to +160O FTransmitterPower requirements 9V battery. Alkaline recommended.Antenna InternalSwitch Types Membrane.Transmitter case dimensions 4.5 X 2.7 X 1.25 InchesRECEIVERPower input 12/24 VDCReceiver type ASKAntenna External*Logic Base Microprocessor controlledResponse time 60 millisecondsOutput rating (relay) 5 Amp @ 12 VDCReceiver cabinet 4.125 X 2.75 X 1.0 Inches* Receiver antenna and configuration depends on system requirements.SECTION 1  GENERAL
5.1  SERVICERepairsProducts in need of repair may be returned toyour dealer or sent directly to the factory at theaddress listed below. We recommend calling thefactory for a Return Material Authorization (RMA)number prior to sending in the equipment. A noteshould be included describing the nature of theproblem and the conditions under which theproblem occurred. Also included with the returnedproduct, should be the name, address and phonenumber where the product is to be returned andthe name and phone number of a person familiarwith the problem, who we may contact should theneed arise. Products should be returned to:Remtron, Inc.1916 Mission Rd.Escondido, CA 92029-1114PH  760-737-78005.3  WARRANTYRemtron, Inc. warrants its products to be free fromdefects in material and workmanship for a periodof one (1) year from the date of the original invoice.In event of a defect or failure to perform asspecified, Remtron will, at its discretion, repair orreplace the product or refund the purchase price,prorated over the time the product was in use.This warranty is void if the product was used inother than its normal and customary manner orsubjected to misuse, neglect, accident, physicaldamage or was altered or tampered with byunauthorized personnel.This warranty does not cover the cost of shippingand handling of the product from the customers'location to the factory.This warranty gives you specific legal rights andyou may also have other rights which vary fromstate to state.SECTION 5 SERVICE & WARRANTY INFORMATION5.1

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