Chaney Instrument 00594RA4 Wireless Thermo-Hygrometer User Manual Manual
Chaney Instrument Co. Wireless Thermo-Hygrometer Manual
MSQJWWSYOJIGOG fl AOU>I2ITE. Professional Win-lei: Weather Station W|th Wild Sensor 6 Atornlc Clock Do not return product to retail store. For Technical Assistance and product return information. please contact Customer Care at: 877-221-1252 HOURS: Monday through Frldav lrom 5:00 am. to 4:45 pm CST. II at any lllfli' in ma Iuturr you need to dlim 01 this product please note that Waste electrical grmucls should not be ulsposed tale"!!! with household waste Please refycle w ere facilities exist. Chad with your local Authorlly or retailer tor recycling acme PLEAS£ DISPOSE OF OLD OR DEFECTIVE BM’TERIES IN AN ENVIRONMENYALLV SAFE 'I|AY IN ACCGRDANCE '/r|YH YOUR LOCAL R[GHLATlON5 Tfll'fl (0 comolv with FCC Slfll’lddflh FOR HOME 05? OFFICE USE FC LIMITED WAR-Am — INTIRNATIONAI. Conmnner may have m reumieu at law M falluwl. (Th-my lnmumeal company mum-u m the ma. mu product In he he now dlel'ecl la "men-i um wean-rump {of one yen {mm m orpumhne. L‘HJLNEV INSTRUMENT SHALL NOT up. LIABLE FOR ANY mctnu ‘M. INDIRECI'OK CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT on 10m: Cheney lnsuumml's chug-nan (n m upturn) u 1mm“ to up." or review nu- pmdm. Fax m-wunlmy rep-n. new peat-a. umflmind by Crumnm, begun: Dollar's mine am) am of purchm. iv“)! 55 00 to m her-dim: ma pom... no: Chaney Imm'ument Company 965 Wells Street Lake Geneva. Wisconsin 53l47 w‘hchuxyinlmnnallxxxn Tel, tin-211.1152 Mme m cm... Instruction Manual AOLJ R’ITEL Professional ereless Weather Station With Vllrrd Sensor & Atomic Clock “ODE. 3 oosean Alarm onlofl Outdoor (snooze) H umldlty 4 bend indiuton 27125," Outdoor mmldlty/ temperature will! cnm/ dew point Low battery indicators alarm icons Indoor Multl-dly or temperature total hour Indoor neat ind"! humldltv whd chill] 0"! point Tlme zone wlnd dlrectlonl Atomic dock whd gusts] tlme display average speed WInd a rm 1031315? '°°" Storm alarm Tlmr alarm Icon Indicator Mr Month/day “I“ Pressure unlu Moon phase history Prawn history Grip“ INTRO UCYION Thank vcu lol pur‘ehaainq the ACURITU‘? prolefiaicflal lmleless weather station mm mm sensor 5. atomic clock. This umt IS designefl and enqmeerea for everyday use In the home office or where-er weather is at interest Your new weather statlon will provide accurate and reliabln measurement or mno weed and direction. air prSSUI’fl, humanly and temperature. The wielees weather station alzo mzludes an atomic Clozk which renewe‘, ll: saqnal Irom the Nalicflal Ihzlitute 01 Slanualds and Technolcq‘,’ government ooerateo atomlc clock. in Fort Conms, Caloraoo, lhrs umt also comes with umque Ieatures llle wlnd (hlll, heat mder and dew point (alculatvons. Please read thlS manual raralully to lull y nplora lhn IaaturPs and benefits cl your new wealth»: Sh’lllon, Tha ACURITE® profossional wiraloss math-r station corms comploto with tho Ioilowirva items: EB E Efii 3. Wiioloss wind soood sonsor S mounting bracliat E 4 Instruction Manual (D @ 5 Quick Start Guide $55 a 6 Mounting scraws S will anchors TOOLS um: . “2 ohilips type screwdriver. tor optional swiace momting at the wireless sensor / brackets. 1. Main unit with loot stand lor disltoo usa 2. Wiroloss Thormo-l-iygromotai S. mountino hracltot VERVIEW OF FEATURES “AMI. “AM I“. WIT: Tho main unit moaouros tho indoor onvironinont tomooratura and humidity and rocaivoo vroathor and timo data lrom tho two outdoor wiroloss sonsors. Tho ioilowino sensors sand data back to tho main unit: I. Wirolass ThormoHyoroinotor/Atomic Clock Sensor 2. Wiroloss Wind Sonsor Tha wirolass weather station racoivos tho wit-lass sonsor data continuously. updating vou with tho iatast and most accurato mathor irflormationon tho larva. oasv-tcrraad LCD display, using icons and trorid indicators The woaihor station min unit also prwidrs you with weathor inlorrnatlonl at-a-glanca. Eniov using tho woothar station oithar on the wall. using tho hanging slot by lostoninq with a nail or proddod scrvw. or on adosktop, using tho lncludad snap-on loot stand. Tho piofoaional wit-loss woathor station is cornposod o! tho Tollowing tuturas: ' Disolays tho NlST (National lnslituto oi Standards and Tochnoloqy) WWVB Radio Controllod tirno and doto ' Rocoim and disolays mathor data. with programmable darrris iur cortain woathor conditions and rocords a! minimum and maximum valuos - "door/outdoor tompoiduro in oithor Fatimnoit or Colsius (user soloctablal - Indoor/outdoor rolotiva huniditv - Air prossuro roading in Hg or hPa . Woathar Iotacast with waathor icxms and trand indicators ' Wind wood and wind diraction display with LCD compass ' Wind chill tamper-tur- disptay - Moat indox lorriporatito display - Dow point tornwatura d'oolov - Time. tamooraturo and storm alarms - Buttons tor use: MAX (6). MIN (-). DISPLAY (daily racord), CLEAR. PRESSURE SET-U? lonJott/iocordl ALARM. CNANIKL (oft/wan). SNOOZE (alarm 011) EST I“ HANG comma» ammo ml. newnes- Tha National Instituta 01 Stand'ds and Tachnolog'y oovornmont oporatod WWVB atomic radio signal. local-d in Fort Coiim‘ Colorado, is iho most aocurato radio signal. usod av toiavision. ratio and military tor tho most split-sword time and data intumation. Tha tima and data display on this waathot station is bud on tha siqnal pruvidad by tho atomic cinch in Colorado wan-as name-um“ Amt ewe: Wt Tho thorrno-hygromotor atomic clock sensor moasins tho outdoor tornporaturo and relative hunidity. It also includes the radio controilod atomic cinch transmittet which realm data from the atomic clock in Fort Colllris Colorado. and then sends the received data back tome main unit dvsDtav. The data is sent bv a 433MHz radio controlled wireless transmissron. Transmission can he raco'rvod up to too toot arm in an ulohstructod upon aroa. "a.“ "In WI) om Tho wind sensor moasuras wind wood and wind direction and transmits this inlormation to the main unlt displayc The data ls sent M a 433W: radio controlled wireless transmission. Transmission can he received up to 100 feet away in an oven areal GETTING STARTED um AND main" wanton-m Tho wiialoss transmission distanca Iron'l tho lhorrnlrhwmmotar sonsor lid wind spood sonsor to the main unit in open space under “ideal conditions ls loo". Although the signal transirilsslon may travel through solid surfaces or ohlects, Try to place the wireless sensors and main unit In a location with minimal obstructions The iolomng points should be avoided it possible. . High density of large trees. - High Radio tnquoncy aroas. - Low-E Glass - Thick concrete, stone or Drlt lit - The main mil thermohwrometer and wind speed sensors should not be mounted to metal surfaces as this can reduce range at transmission - Pilot to drilinq rnomtinq hairs and pornianoritty affixing any (1 tho units. plaasa onsuro tha main umt can receive the signal troiri the remote sensors In the desired location - For best reception d the signal from the atomic clock in Fort Collins. Colorado place the sensor in a location with a direction towards Colorado i The WWVB signal will be obtained easiest in the nighttime hours when the Sign! is the strongost. MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS “All Ill“! Tho included toot mount can In machod to tho bottom 61 the maln unit to! easy placement on any flat surtace. Alternatively, the main unit can be wall mounted in the desired location try using the hang hole on the back of the unit mum flaw-“Wm Sm Tho host placo to mount tho thermorhygrometor sensor is in a location out of direct sunlight and Motected by extreme weather conditions. such as under the extension of the home roof, under a oowrod patioof M. Mount tho braclmt that the tterrnrrhvgrorneter sensor will set in at about eye level by using the tow Included screws Once the bracket has been properly affixed in the desired location. place the sensor in tho oracliot holder. Tho ihorrno-hwrornotai wireless sensor may also ho mounted on a pole: which is outlined in the sectlon "OPTIONAL POLE MOUNTING." 3 am:— Mount With Anow Pointing Uo was THE wane-s IND SPEED AND "In men um: Before permanently mounting the wind speed bracket. matte sure that the wind-fan and wind—vane can rotate freely without any disruption. Also note that the wind speed sensor bracwet arm must be pointing north The vnnd speed sensor should be positioned to allow the wand to flow around the sensor unhindered from a! directions for the mod accurate and correct readings. ”Hull. POI-l mm Both sensors are designed tomouht In two ways. either to flat surfaces like wood posts or to 3/4“ schedule 40 PVC pipe (the outside dimension oi the pipe actually measures approximately 1. 1/16”). The pipe mounting method is often referred to in these instructions. The ideal momting scenario would be for the wireless therrnohvgrorneter to benmntedonthenorthsldeolthe building and for thewihd sensor to be mounted well my from the budding and him in the air Please testthe wireless signal range before perma- nently mounting. Since PVC pipe is somewhat flexible. if a tall vnrid sensor mast is being erected a larger diameter PVC pipe should be med for the base with a reducer fitting placed at the top. Plastic pipes used for mounting are non-conductive and reduce the Mel-hood of lightening strikes Make sure to plop-tho poblsensormytrorn pawl. MM obstructlons to M the most want: reading. BATTERIES NOTE: Do not install batteries in any of the units until you have read through the initial set~up steps in then entirety. UAT'I'IIV "Pl: INDOOR UMT: "AA" (3) alkaline type batteries can be used for the indoor unit WIRELESS OUTDOOR UNIT (Sh It ll men-r m "on "M“ m to used In my m m when the min or... lol- «no Alkaline batteries will freeze at very low temperatures and wil fail to provide adequate power to the wireless uru'ts. “A. “If nnm emu-mum When the low battery indicator icon becomes present it is recommended that you change the batteries Replace only wrth the same or equivalent type of fresh alkaline batteries. This method of battery replacement ensures there will be no loss in MIN/MAX and hrstory data However. it the main unit or sensors have remained without batteries for an extended period of time. the main um will lose the MIN/MAX memory and all other weather data recordings and will have to be synchronized again. Before you install the batteries in the main writ. you will need to have the altitude at which the unit will be operating at ready to enter. This step cannot be stripped or returned to piling the initial set-w. Visit mm. consult your loci l'orarv or (allow customer service depatment at 87722-1252 for altitude information For the first stalatrori. sen the batteries into the two "It!“ season "If! then into the main und. Thom Sorrow: Rotate and pill the top casing from the bottom cone by turning the unit upside down and rotating counter-clock wise until casing pulls apart. Slide the battery compartment cover (located on the side oi the sensor) off. Insert 2 fresh alkaline "AA" batteries (batteries not ticketed). Replace the battery compartment cover and rotate the top back into the bottom piece. M Senor: Twist off the top from the bottom and open the battery cover located on the bottom of the sensor. Insert 2 fresh alkaline "AA' batteries (Batteries not included. Replace battery door cover by putting battery cover on half way and then sliding into place. Twist on the top to the bottom piece. M ”Open the battery cover located on the back of the urit. Remove the screw/set provided for wall momt use and insert 3 fresh alkaline ”AA" batteries. (Batteries not included). Replace battery door cover ”It: When relnstaling the batteries while holdrng down the "CLEAR" button all user settings will be cleared and the unit will set back to the factory defaut sethngs. it no button is pushed oiling battery replacement thelast record and user settings will be saved. m When installing batteries, always instal according to the polarity indicated in the battery compartment 1 r to r and - to- l. torrent-immune: Quinn-w Inn-nu- Low battery indicator is displayed on the main unit for the main unit and all wireless sensors When replacing the batteries please lollow the battery installation procedure as mentioned in this instruction manual. INITIAL SET-UP For “mitial sot-w. vou wit mod to hawtho altitudo at which tho unit will bo oooratino at roady to ontoi: This stop cannot bo skioood or roturnod to during lho initial sot-up. Visit ”Motor-own. consult your local library or toll our custornor sorvico dooartmont ot 8772214252 for altitvdo information not: Mr I. Onto tho battorios havo boon insortod into tho wiroloss sonsors. thoy will automatically booin transmitting data. 2. IMPORTANT: I! you havo droldv istallod battovios into tho main unit. ploaso romwo aid ro-install to boon iro'tial sotw. 3. Now that tho main unit is m it will show lull fisplly tor 5 Wounds thon immidiatoty go into "sottinq tho altitudo 5- mm mm." NOTE: Tho maln unit will stay in tho altitudo and tormst sotllno rnodo tor 30 saconds botoro automatically dofautlnq back into normal ovoratlon mod-i Tho altitudo and lorocast sotup Is only wallaoio onc- dulno lnitlai sot-up/initial poor" on. II this stop Is missod. simply rornovo tho bottorios and start ovor. um "I um: A” “EMT! Tho prossuro d‘a aroa wil show tho dolaull altitudo data (300) and tho altitudo moasuromont typo wi bo olinl-ino (FEET)- 1. Moss tho “MAX“ (0) or "MIN" (-) button to soloct your altitudo moasurornont typo in oithor METER or FEET. To cornvloto and movo to tho noxt stop, pros tho “PRISSLRE SETUP" button. 2. Tho ddault attitude will now Do bliriinq. usinq tho “MAX" (t) or “MIN H buttons to sot your local altitudo. Tho woathor station has a ranoo of 400 to 2500 motor (or lrorn 330 to 8250 to“). ”lo corruoto and rnovo to tho nut stop. puss tho "PRESSURt SET-UP" button 3. Tho woathor tor-cast lam wil nml bo blinking. Adiust tho woathar lorocast icon who tho "MAX" (0) or “MN‘ (~) buttons unti tho lorocast Icon matchos your curroro woathar condltions Puss tho "PflESSURE SET-W" button to cndlrm or ptoss tho “EXIT" button to "it tho initid sot~up moda. MONA]. ammu- ;l;;;;;;ssoonasl;m;wlsmo;m;m goo-n; south tor tho oudoor wiroloss sonoor sionals. Wtilo in south mod tho WAVE icon wil bo animatod. Durino this tirno. all at tho outdoor valuos will bo shown as until tho woathor data has boon rocoivod oorroctly. Whon tho wiroloss sonsor and tho rnain unit battory icons amor, a slum! is boino rocoivod. To torco a sional soarch. woos a! ho“ tho “CH/XML" baton for 3 soconds. HANG mm A“ m Tho Radio Controllod Clock (ECO 9'qu lrom Fort Coins. C0 is myod through tho wirvloss thomio-hyoromotor sansor. II tho RCC slond has succaosfuly boon rocoivod, “ " wil bo displlyod. It tho RCC siqnol has not boon rocolvod. only tho icon " " will ho dflmd and always blinklno ll tho sional has not boon rocorvod suctossmly. tit rocwtion icon will bo bllnlilno. tho WAVE“ on will bo visiblo, bu thoOK lcon wil dislopoar. To lorco a slonal arch wool in bid tho "CHANNEL" button lor 3 soconds GENERAL SET-UP Tho qonoral sattino modo allows tho usor to chm. Mal product dofault sottinos. which is dono by sirnpty accassino ono sottino attor tho othor try prossinq tho "PRESSURS SU-UP” baton. In normal modo, on“ u til tho “FRESSURE $E‘I‘UF' Mon Ior 3 soconds to ontor tho manual sotup modo. Tho icon to sot on bo Wino. II no kw is orossod tor 30 soconds, tho manual sorw modo roturns to tho normal display modo. Tho oonoral proorarnmino tokos tho isor thrown tho modos Iistod bola-A Whilo in tho soNp modo. uso “MA X” (t) or “MIN“ t-) buttons to adiist tho blinking valuos. Pro-l u! troll lor raoid scrollino throw o' tho valuos. Puss tho "EXIT" button to oxit tho sot~up modo. 1. Manual ti mo sottino (hours/minutofl. it atomic firm is not lvaildo. 2. Calondor sottinq (month/dato/yoan, J. Tm zon- sottinq (PIN/CID (WI: xono will In Iii-tithe to tho riwt d tho WAVE icon). a. P = Pullls Stow-ind Tirno b. M = Mountain Standard l‘mo c. C = Control Standard Tono d. I: = Eastorn Standard Turbo 4. Daylight Savinq fimo sottino (ON or OFF) DST ON = Davioht Savino Tlrno onablod. DST 00" = Daylioht Savino Timo d ablod. 5. Tomporaturo unit sottino (°C or an 6. ‘Mnd soood unit sottino (mph/lsoh/lnotsl 7. Wind soood mraoo timo sottinq lrornl to 15 minutos. Tnowird soood avoraoo is tho ovoraqo wind spood ovor a o‘won poriod ol tinoi avoraoino ousts and IuIls. 8. Air mun unit sottino (rnbathPa/inNu). Tho following Information bptims can I tisphvod on tho min unlt abwo tho dloltd wind diroctlun canvass. Pross tho "DtSPLAY" button to toqulo botwon tho balow woathor data information "ll! mu; Wlnd chlll is tho rapid coofino o! tho human body cowod by air mollon Air motion accolorotos tho roto 01 hoot tronslor lrorn o human body to tho surrounding atrnosonoro. osoocially whon tomooraturos aro low. Tho wind chill is a calculation ol tomooro- turo data from tho wiroloss thormo-hyoromotor romoto sonsor and tho wind sonsor. DEA? IND“: Noat indox is tho porouivod tornporaturo to tho human body basod on both air tornporaturo and tho moonlit o‘ mo pros-ht in tho aim Tho hoot indox is aulmlation hm on tho cornbinod torrvoroturo and hunidltv dot: roooi'vod from tho wirdoss thonncrhvorornotor rovnoto sonsor. new room Tho dow polnl tornporaturo is tha tornporaturo to which tho or must bo coolod to roach saturatlon. Tho dow polnt Is a calculation oi tomooraturo and hunldity data roooivod lrorn tho wlrolaos thorrno-hwromotor rornoto sonsor. GENERAL WEATHER STATION FUNCTIONS After theinitial and general setup. the following data will be displayed In different sections on the main unit display. noon mm: mm The moon phase indicator. lound itider the date display, shows the current phase of the moon based on the yeany calendar. CALDIDMI mm: The calendar display, iound under the time disolav shows the current month and date with day lMchtor. Foam m The main unit predicts weather conditions for the next IZ - 24 hours based on the change in atmospheric pressure The coverage area is up to 25 miles. Weather forecasts based on atmosphenc pressure changes are about 70-7590 correct. As weather conditions cannot be low correctly interested, we cannot be responsible for any loss caused by an Incorrect torecast. One ot the tollowing icons will represent the current weather conditions; IAINV CIDUDV PAMLV cuouov «sac; eaves first: ramp “mum Trend Indicators for outdoor temperature and humidity and wind speed show the trend tendencyI based on the past and cilrent weather conditions. HIGH M STEAM t I "’ mm Ill CIA?" AND rum: film: The main unlt shows BAROMET’ RlC pressure in two forms. numencallv and as a pressure history graph. The graph indicates the pressure changes [range from $244an to 024mm! -BhPa mb to O8 hPa mp] oi the current and past 12.3.6 and 12 hours The numencal read out can be referenced backwards hour lav hour for the past I9 hours by pressing the "PRESSURE SET-UP" button It‘ll emu-a: The digital compass indicates the direction from when the wind is coming from. marl-ed Irv the arrow indicator. vnthlé possible directions The wind direction isshown here coming out or the ‘I‘. ”In M: The wind gust values are located in the center of the digital compass. The wind gusts are transmitted from the wind sensor and are updated approximatefy every minute. The wind gust shown here is l (mptu. m M Irv-m The wind speed average is calcuated or averaging the wind speed over a certain period of time. The wind speed average is user selectable from 1 to 18 minutes to adjust to your local conditions. WEATNER AND TIME A ARMS ALAIN SETTING noon The alarm setting mode allows the user to change several alarm settings. which is done by accessing one mode after the other. Simply by pressing the “ALARM“ button. The indiwdual alarm can be turned on and off by uSing the “ONIOFF/RECORD" button. When an alarm goes off, an audible tone will sound tor one minine. Press and hold the "ALARM" button for 3 seconds toenter the alarm setting mode. The time display and "AL“ for alarm will be blinking This indicates the user is now In the alarmsetting mode. In alarm setting mode, to activate or deactivate any alarm. press the "PRESSURE SET'UP' button. For non-time alarms. the blinking "HH.H" means the high alarm value is to beset For non-time alarms the blinking "LL.L" means the low alarm value is to beset. Wtile in the alarm mode. use "MIN" l-i or ”MAX" (H buttons to change any of the values. Press and hold for rapid scroll through of any values. Press the "EMT” button toeitit any of the above alarm modes Press the “ALARM" button to stop the alarm for one day. or press the “SNOOZE” button to turn the alarm time off for fiveminute increments. This weather station also comes equipped with a audible storm alarm. When activated. the storm alarm will sound it there is a sudden or extreme drop in barometric pressureor it there is a constant progressive drop in barometric pressure. NOTE: It no button is pressed for 30 seconds, the alarm setting mode returns to the normal display mode. Pressing the ”ALARM“ button during the alarm-setting mode scrolls through the following settings 1. Time alarm setting (hours. minutesi 2. Indoor temperatwe alarm «ugh, low) 3. Indoor humidity alarm (high low) 4. Outdoor temperature alarm (htgh. low. at the current channel) 5. Outdoor humidity alarm (high icm) 6. Wind chill alarm (IOM 7. Heat index alarm (high) 3. Dew point alarm (high. lowi 9. Wind speed alarm to. Storm alarm values ol today‘s weather data It also acts as an access mode for the dain and long-term records, With the time and date of their recordings 10 Act“ “I “I! 0! MAX VAL!” (TODAY'S III" All) my Press the "MIN" or MAX“ button to display the corresponding highs or lows of the day. When pressing the "MIN“ button, the tint will show the minimum value for all the records in the upper display window. To wees; THE I.‘ OR MAX VII-U“ (CONTINUEDR When pressing the “MM“ button, the unit mil show the maximum value ior all the records in the upper display Window. Values in the wper display vnndovr are as iollows: Outdoor terripera- ture outdoor humidity. indoor temperature. indoor humidity, wind speed average. Wind speed gusts the selectable display item and biometric pressure. Barometric pressure is displayed in the lower display window. NOTE To show min/max values for world (Ml, heat index‘ or dew pointithe selectable display area). the value of interest must first be displayed by pressing the “Di SPLAV" button until the desired value is displayed. DAILY amps: The Daily Record IS a teature that displays a smqle value with the date and time of its recording. When the daily record is being displayed. the value. date and time will be blinking When the unit is in a daily record mode. the unit vnil display a blinking "or" next to the time oi the record inq. indicating Daily Record, The main unit automatically stores the last seven days worth of recordings. To mess “I! UNI-V mos: While in either the "MIN" or "MAX" mode press the "DAILV RECORD“ button to show either the “MIN” or "MAX" for any of the values shown in the graph below Continue to press the "DAILY RECORD" button to scrol through each oi the values shown in the graph below. To review the history of a blinking value‘ press the or “r" button to scroll backwards and forwards within the last seven days oi recordings The value, date and time will update to show when the record occurred. NOTE While reviewing the history fora certain value. press-no the "DMLY RECORD" button automatically returns the unit to the present-day next value as shown In the graph below NOTE Pressing the "exrt" button at anytime. returns the unit to normal operating mode. NOTE Daily records can not be cleared: they automatically adrust on the seven day cycle. ”I'D m TI! Wm om While in either the "le“ or “MAX" mode, press the "RECORD" button to show the long-term record hiqhs or kwvsofl the weather station These velues may have occurred arr/time in the history at the weather station. These values show the highest or lowest valuos ever recorded on the weather station. To review lam-rm records, press either the ”MlN" or "MAX" button then press the “ONION/RECORD" button to show the highest or lowest value, at this point the unit will display a blinkinq "lr" in the second's window and the unit will show all the record values. To obtain the notoricd deiais tor these records press the "ON/OlT/RECORD" button and the record. alone with time and date will be blinking. Press the ONION/RECORD" button again to scroll tN'Mh each oi the unit's rnirv'muni and maximum record values. m“ [DIE-7m “WM! To clear long-term records, press either the "MIN" or "MAX" button. then press the "ON/Oi'F/RECORD" button. at this point. the unit will display A hinting "Ll" ln "e seconds window and the mit will show all the record values. Press the "CLEAW" bmton to do! all the minimum or maxim-m values All Long‘Terrn records are cleared at onoe. This ieature is most oiten used at the heginnng or end a oi a given season Pressing the “exit" button at anytime. returns the unit to normal operating mode. MAINTENANCE Clean the housing and screen oi the base station only with a sort damp cloth Do not use abrasives or servants Do not submerge in water. - Clean the outer housing at the tharmo-hygrometer sardor with a son dan'o cloth Do not use abrasivesor sotvents. Do not tau sensor apart. Do not clean tunnel oi sensor. Do not submarse sensor under running water. - Clean the wind speed and direction sensor only with a salt dam cloth Do not lute sensor apart. Do not use abrasives or solvents Do not submerge In water. - Should there be duhage to any part 0! main unlt andlor sensors, do not attenvt to repair, as this will result In loss ot any maniflachnr guarantee. Please send damaged partts) to maniac- !“ tor repair/replacement. Mandacturer ininrmation ls located at the end oi this user manuaL 0mm CAI! OF “All IIII'I' AD mum [Dim ~ Avoid exposing main unit and wireless sensors to anti-me temperatures keep out at dirett sunlight away irom water or severe shock. - When the outside hnparature tails below ~4°F. the bottoms in the wireless sensors may not produce enough current to power the transmitter, it this hippens the main unit will not show an outdoor temperature reading We recommend the Ihermo-hvgromatar thess sensor be brought Indoors during prolonged periods oi sub-freezing temperatures MAIN “I I‘m WED!“ When the low battery indicator icon becomes present. it is recommended that you change the battenes Replace only with the some or equivalent type oi iresh allallne batteries This method oi battery replacement ensures there wfll be no loss In MINfMAx and history data However, Ii main unit or sensors have remained without batterles tor an extended period or tune the main unit will lose the MIN/MAX and all weather data recordings and will have to be synchronized age-n. NOTE: When replacing batteries. do not mix battery types or old batteries with new ones 11 “no“ 5m urrm mount“ Wit-n the low battery indicator icon becomu present, it is mummified that you chance the batteries. molar. only with the some or equivalent type or lush alkaline batteries this method or battery replacement ensures there will be no loss in MIN/MAX and history data. Noe-v". ii main unit or sensors have remained without batteries for on ctlmded period or time the main unit will lose the MIN/MAX and all weather data recordings and will have to be synchronized coin ACCESSING THE BATTERV COMPARTMENT “in MOW the battery rover located on the back oi the unit. Remove the screw set wounded tor WI" mount use and insert 3 fresh “AA" batteries. (Batteries not included). Replac- batt-rv door cover. “um Son-wt Rotate and pull the top casing irom the bottom zone by turning the unit upside doom and rotating counter-clock wise until casing pulls aoart. Slide the battery compartment cover (lotated on the side 01 the unset) D". Ins-rt Z lush “AA" batteries (batteries not includedL Replace the battery compartment cover and rotate the too Mtil into the bottom piece. m m Twist oft the top irorn the bottom and open the battery cover located on the bottom 01 the serum insert 2 lmh "W batteriestBattenes not Intludedi. Reolace battery door cover try putting battery cover on hall wow end then sliding into place. Twist on the top to the bottom pita. 1 Battery Battery Dwr NOTE: When rinstaliino the batteries while holding down the “CLEAR" button, di user settings will be cleared and the int will set back to the lottery default settings ti no button is bushed oiling batter? Maternant the last record and user settings wifl bound. Suttom Casing NOTE; When installing batteries always install according to the polarrtv indicated in the battery compartment. 12 REFERENCE film mm“ mm The main unit has 8 buttons for user operation. Please refer to the foliowmg tor button operation description: 1. l. lm Pres the "MIN" button to enter the MIN MODE. The “MIN" icon on the main unit will be dismal/«1. Press the "EXIT" button to exit the MIN MODE. The "MIN” icon will disappear 2. MAX m Press the "MAX" button to enter the MA! MODE The “MAX" icon on the main unit will be dismayed, Press the "EXIT" button to eiut the MAX MODE The “MAX" icon will disaooear. 3. "SHAY (DAILY Rm) wrm: Press the “DiSPLAY” button to toggle between the following information in the upper right hand side oi the main unit: WIND CHILL. HEAT INDEX, DEW POiNI 4. CLEAR m Press the "CLEAR" button to clear any settings Currently stored in the main unit 5 mm film (ON/007mm sum Press the “PRESSURE SET-UP" button to view the past 19 hours ol recorded air pressure. Res and hold for 3 seconds toenter the general set-up mode so ALARM m“: Press the “ALARM" button to stop any alarm for one day when the alarm sounds. Press and hold for 3 seconds to enter the alarm setup mode. 7. Cum (HIT) HIM Press the “CHANNEL“ button toview the outdoor tempera- ture and hunidrtv for any additional sensors used. Addrtional sensors are sold separately. Additional sensors are ootionai. Press and hold the "CHANNEL" button will forte the main unit into signal searthing mode. NOiE: Pressing the "EXIT" button will exit allot the MIN/MAX. SEi-UP. and ALARM settings while in these modes 8. snout mpre‘ss tile "SNOOZE" omen to enter into the snooze mode for 5 minutes when the time alarm is activated The ALARM icon will bedisnlavefl Hid blinking. NOTE: In set-no and alarm setting mode‘ presgnq either the "MIN" or “MAX" buttons will allow the user to change any values. The user may press and hold the button lor rapid scrol through of values. Mal“ ml I3 REFERENCE: OPERATION FLOW CHART L PM", On! an" M M Ann“. Unit MM “rm ”mu" Mstwcmmlm “Amiga" Mm"! M dbDI-v Mums or an :bmv ”a.” “my mac. ( nan-mm" mum- )—>—( mm- munq duan-seom usury Mutts | "‘"'"' """" “W A. us: who: win a- mum “Alarm" (mu 6 hold hr 3 seconds) bum-m elm until in. nix! cw "WW" “WWW li-rm NORMAL MODE ALARM SET MODE cum-1 )—>—( mum-s mm- ht wlmns mm»: | oumor anger-tun mm Snooz- Acuvm 5 minute mom function WM ehlll lllnl |"Sotun” (pm: i. new for a mom-H mlrufl "main: mt autumnal-mm mmnAMD-mm mnmm HUM 1 HM Vim Settlnq LLL I Low Value Sen!!!) Vlluu mum by ushq “ 'Io " Mom. "ON/OFF" Iturm alumnnurofl I! m any I: pulled hr 30 mom’s. Val h 5! “-0"hutton nu: needbvu m / s auwmotkdwuituttinqm "nomlsptessedforaoseconds automation“ an mum; mot REFERENCE: OPERATION FLOW CHART(cmt|nued) arm's vAqu A THE ml: 2 0M “MW Ann an: MA! um um : Inluor MM" mum in A run-no W m an arm". z lm WING" 5 mm Speed 2 Mmenllle ind-xi WM Alr Fnum REFERENCE FA R‘I DEFAULT SETTI MODE DEFAULT FACTORY SETTINGS TImo I2:00 In Date (MIDI/2005 Tlm Zont PSI Alarm Ilme 12:00 am Who! Must Slightly Cloudy AIlIMl Will 7014 AIIIME ”0 DST On Tempura" Unlt manual mm Spud unlt Mon Wind Speed Average Tlm Plum Unit Ida/nu Rah Gauge unn Inch Rainfall Collection my: 14 any: WIM SM Alarm 6 mph Temmnn Alarm 71 ‘F Mummy Alarm 5056 MM Index 86 'F mm Chlll 59 °F 16 SAFETY umm nonunion immune mu Nl' ”In"! mum mmn I‘TA'I'ION MN REmE IIND SPEED AND AME CLOCK “rm DAMAGE CAUSED BY FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL WILL INVALIDATE ANY MANUFACTURER GUARANTEE THE MANUFACTURER AND SUPPLIER WILL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR DAMAGES DUE TO FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL OR FROM DATA INACCURACIES THAT MAY OCCUR WITH THIS PRODUCT, IN CASE OF HARM OR DAMAGE TO A PERSON OR PROPERTY CAUSED BY IMPROPER HANDLING OR FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL, TNE MANUFACTURER AND SUPPLIER CANNOT BE HELD LIABLE. - Imrtlno mm In an Incorrect ”In!" Ml mu lam-u to this author Man an "mm “nun. ODQMIde-oruudm-flulnlflnumwmud-deer could Manama-Inlet“. . Hun urllehm m the preservation 01 mo mhnmm iv prov-fly duh. of dl film M In dulqnahd cup-w mum-rt. OhmsuwmownuMUmmmhmv-MQM Mt,tellmunornumny,u that mnluuuvnhoflontfiulhd IMManlIum-umm fithnhunNanM-muummmnm "D‘lv - Alt-mu tho mm in»! a mum man In my m I- swam amt-luau. ‘DOM luv-CW Wulntfiofivhnthlflmkufiundhf nluu annulled: QM may dam. this new 0TTI|I nuductl-Mhlnuulbrmihd, millerpufll: wrung. 'THB'MMIIMIMwlmdhbflfldmdchllm. Do not return product to retail store. For Technical Assistance and product return information, please contact Customer Care at: 877-221-1252 HOURS: Monday through Frlday Ivom 8:00 am. In 4:45 pm CST. I7 ACU>I2ITER FCC Statement FCCID: RNE00594RA4 FCCID: RNE00594WA4 This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (i) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Caution: The user is cautioned that changes or modifications made to the equipment without the approval of manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installa- tion‘ This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interfer- ence will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
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