Chic Technology 1210 Wireless Mouse User Manual manu spec

Chic Technology Corporation Wireless Mouse manu spec

users manual

 1 Wireless Mouse User's Manual  FCC Statement on CLASS B    Dear Customer    Congratulations ! You just purchase a perfect Wireless Mouse ! Please take some   time to read the following instructions carefully. Instead of wire, the Wireless   Mouse signal is transmitted through electromagnetic energy from transmitter to   receiver. The output power is low but enough to have a good detection for the     receiver since the transmitter is normally close to the receiver in application.   Therefore, the harmfulness of radioactivity to the human body is negligent.    Note:   This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a CLASS   B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed   to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment   is operated in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and   can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance   with the instruction manual may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular Installation .If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:    * Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.   * Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.   * Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to     which the receiver is connected.   * Consult the dealer or an experienced radio TV technician for help.     This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to   the following two conditions:    (1) this device may not cause harmful interference.   (2) this device must accept any interference received, including       interference that may cause undesired operation.
 2  1. Hardware Installation   1-1.Installing a Mouse with Mouse Port (PS/2) Connector      If you have a mouse with a round mouse port connector, you must turn off      the computer before connecting or disconnecting your mouse.   1-2.Installing a USB Mouse      When you use a mouse with USB connector , you don’t have to shut off the computer. Just plug the USB connector into the USB port   1-3.Installing a Combo (USB→PS/2)Mouse      The Combo Mouse comes with a USB connector, together with      a USB→PS/2 port adapter.      Before plug your mouse into the computer, try to make sure what kind of      mouse port you have. If you have a USB port, plug in the original USB      connector; if you have a PS/2 port, please connect the adapter      first to the cable, then plug into the PS/2 port.     1-4.Select a Suitable Channel     First, check how many channels of the mouse on the package or the channel     switch. Choose and switch 1 or 2 channel on the back of mouse and receiver. There will be some interfere when your nearby classmates or colleagues and you are using the same channel. Change to the other channel immediately when it happened. If your mouse is only one-channel type, just skip this section.       1-5.Select and Set ID      1-5-1.Before setting ID, you have to select a suitable channel first. Plug in receiver connector to your computer to turn on LED indicator.          After pressing ID setting button on the back of receiver, the LED        lighting flashed, and it's ready for your further mouse ID setting:     1-5-2.Select one of four mouse ID setting ways:           1)ID one: Press the ID defining button (on the back of mouse)         2)ID two: Press command key (usually the left button) first, then ID defining button. Release ID defining button first, then command key.         3)ID three: Press pup-up key (usually the right button) first, then ID defining button. Release ID defining button first, then pup-up key.
 3        4)ID four: Press wheel button first, then ID defining button. Release ID defining button first, then wheel button.     1-5-3.After you select ID and send signal from mouse, the mouse receiver        will receive and automatically detect and correspond to mouse for the          working linkage. After you successfully finish ID setting, the LED          indicator of receiver is corresponding to every move of the working mouse        by confirming of lighting flash.         If you want to re-define the ID, you have to press ID setting button on      the back of receiver firstly. Then, select one of the other mouse ID        setting ways. When you saw the confirming of lighting flash again, you        successfully finished the working linkage.       *Note: once you change the batteries, don't forget to re-define the ID as well.  2. Mouse Driver Installation    Mouse software supports DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98,     Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 and Windows ME.      Before installing any software under Windows NT 4.0, we   strongly recommend you create an Emergency Repair Disk using   the Repair Disk utility provided by the system (RDISK.EXE).      Please note that USB mice are only supported under Windows 98   , Windows 2000 and Windows ME.   2-1. Mouse Driver for DOS          Run Dosinst.bat to install the DOS mouse software.    * DOS Driver Options     The DOS mouse driver has several software options. To see       these detailed options on the screen by typing :      mouse /?
 4 2-2. Mouse Driver for Windows 3.1    Run Setup3x.exe to install the Windows 3.1 Mouse software.    2-3. Standard Installation for Windows 95, Windows 98,       Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000,and Windows ME.      Run Setup.exe to install the Mouse software.    2-4. Drivers Only Installation      You can load device drivers without running the Setup program.   Loading the device drivers this way, however, the Setup program   will be loaded automatically after the drivers installed.      Please execute the following steps to perform a drivers-only   installation for Windows 2000:      1)   Click on the "Start" button on the Windows Desktop.   2)   Select "Settings", then "Control Panel".   3)   From the Control Panel, double click on the "System" icon.   4)   From the System Properties, click on the "Hardware" tab.   5)   Click on the "Device Manager" button.   6)   From the Device Manager, double click the "Mouse" icon.   7)   Double click on the Mouse Type icon.   8)   From the Mouse Properties dialog box, click on the "Driver"        tab, then click on the "Update Driver" button.   9)   From the "Update Device Driver Wizard", click the "Next" button.   10)  Click on the radio button next to:        "Display a list of the known drivers for this device so that I          can choose a specific driver"   11)  Click on the "Next" button.   12)  Click on the "Have Disk" button.   13)  When prompted, click the "Browse" button.   14)  From the "Locate File" dialog box, go to the "Setup\Drivers\Win2kdrv"        folder on the Mouse Driver Disk/CD-ROM.   15)  Click the "Open" button.
 5  16)  From the "Install From Disk" dialog box, click the "OK" button.   17)  Under "Models", select the correct model that matches the pointing          device type and click on the "Next" button.   18)  If the "Update Driver Warning" appears, click on the "Yes" button.   19)  Click on the "Next" button.   20)  Windows should now copy the updated mouse drivers to the system.   21)  Click on the "Finish" button.   22)  Click on the "Close" button.   23)  Windows should now ask you to restart the system for the changes to          take effect, click on "Yes" to restart the system.      Please execute the following steps to perform a drivers-only   installation for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0:      1)    Click on the "Start" button on the Windows Desktop.   2)   Select "Settings", then "Control Panel".   3)   From the Control Panel, double click on the "Mouse" icon.   4)   Select the "General" tab.   5)   From the "General" tab, click on "Change".   6)   Insert the Mouse Driver Disk/CD-ROM into the disk drive.   7)   Click the "Have Disk" button.   8)   When prompted, click the Browse button.   9)   Double Click on the drive letter that Mouse Driver Disk resides.   10)  Click the "Open" or "OK" button.   11)  Click on the "OK" button.   12)  Select "Show all Devices"   13)  Under "Models", select the correct model that matches the pointing        device type and click on the "OK" button.   14)  Windows should now copy the updated mouse drivers to the system.   15)  Click on "Close".   16)  Windows should now ask you to restart the system for the changes to          take effect, click on "Yes" to restart the system.    Please execute the following steps to perform a drivers-only   installation for Windows 98 and Windows ME:      1)  Click on the "Start" button on the Windows Desktop.   2)  Select "Settings", then "Control Panel".
 6  3)  From the Control Panel, double click on the "System" icon.   4)  Select the "Device Manager" tab.   5)  Double click on the "Mouse" icon.   6)  Double click on the Mouse Type icon.   7)  Click on the "Driver" Tab.   8)  Click on the "Update Driver" button.   9)  From the "Update Device Driver Wizard" box, click the "Next" button.   10) Click on the radio button next to:       "Display a list of all the drivers in a specific location, so you can         select the driver you want."   11) Click on the "Next" button.   12) Insert the Mouse Driver Disk/CD-ROM into the drive.   13) Click on the "Have Disk" button.   14) When prompted, click the "Browse" button.   15) Double Click on the drive letter that Mouse Driver Disk resides.   16) Click the "OK" button.   17) Click the "OK" button again.   18) Under "Models", select the correct model that matches the pointing         device type and click on the "Next" button.   19) Click the "Next" button, then click on "Next" again.   20) Click on the "Finish" button.   21) Windows may request that you restart your system. Click on the         "Yes" button to restart.   2-5. Mouse Driver for PnP mouse and USB mouse.      When computer system detects your PnP mouse or USB mouse, it will        show a dialog with "New Hardware Found" displayed. Follow the steps        below to install the mouse drivers.       (1) When system shows dialog "Add New Hardware Wizard", click "Next" icon.      (2) On next screen, select "Display a list of all the drivers in a specific location, so you can select the driver you want." then click "Next".      (3) Click "Have Disk" on next screen.      (4) Popped the dialog "Install From Disk", on Windows 95, 98, 2000, ME, NT4.0, type the drive letter that Mouse Driver Disk resides. After the path typed, click "OK".      (5) Click "Next" on next screen.      (6) Click "Next" on next screen.      (7) Follow the instructions on the following screens.
 7     (8) Click "Finish" on last screen then the drivers will be installed completely.  3. Uninstall Program      Mouse Software can be removed from Windows (except Windows 3.1x) by   clicking the Add/Remove Programs icon in the Control Panel or clicking   the "Uninstall" icon in the folder that setup.exe created in "Programs"     of "Start" button on Windows desktop.   Select Mouse Software installed and click the "Remove" button.      Windows 9x, Windows NT4.0, Windows 2000 and Windows ME:     Mouse software will be removed from the system if setup finds     alternate compatible drivers for a device in MSMOUSE.INF.     Should this not be the case you can manually change the driver     to another one as described in section 2-5.  4.Trouble Shooting   4-1.Moving problems    4-1-1.First please avoid to the following places for the proper installation.         1) The direct rays of the sun      2) Hot, cold, dusty, moisture or unstable places      3) Under the magnetic force.           4) Near fax machine, TV sets, radio, cellular phones and other RF products      5) On metal board    4-1-2.Check the following notes for moving precisely.         1) Install the driver properly         2) Examine the distance between receiver and transmitter         3) Check the power source of the battery in transmitter and the receiver is            plugged in computer properly         4) Select the right ID (see 1-4. Select and Set ID)    4-1-3.Too much interfere         1) Change the location of receiver         2) Put the unit at a certain distance from high voltage and other electronic            equipments.         3) Select the other ID (see 1-4. Select and Set ID)    4-1-4.Wheel operating problems         1) Verify that the "Browser Mouse" or "Mouse Control Panel" application is
 8           installed properly. If you do not find the "Browser Mouse" or "Mouse            Control Panel" icon in the system tray, you need to reinstall mouse software.         2) Some other applications with mouse scrolling function may conflict with this mouse function. Remove these applications before install this mouse software.  4-2.Cursor trouble     4-2-1.If the cursor on the screen remains at one spot or moves erratically, check the mouse cable for any breaks or sharp twists and examine the cable closely where it connects to the mouse.    4-2-2. When the cursor movement stops at a corner and no longer responds to the mouse movement, please run the mouse driver to check which mode the mouse is operating in.    4-2-3.While mouse movement does not produce corresponding cursor movement or there is a brief pause during movement, try to clean the silicon rubber-coated ball and rollers.  5.Installation problems  5-1..Detection problems with PS/2 Pointing Devices      If your mouse is connected to the mouse port and is not detected by the system, attempt the following step(s):      1)Your mouse port might need to be enabled through the SETUP menu of your computer. Please check your computer documentation regarding the SETUP menu.       2) If you have a mouse with both serial and mouse port adaptors, connect the mouse to the computer through the serial port. Reboot and check if the mouse is detected properly.       3)If adaptor(s) were not included in your package, your mouse was designed to work only on USB port. Refer to your package for the type of port your mouse supports.                  If the problem persists, please check for a possible computer BIOS ROM upgrade from your computer manufacturer. Some notebook systems, such as IBM Thinkpad, have both an external Mouse Port and an integrated Pointing Stick, which is connected to the Mouse Port. If your mouse is having difficulty running on the Mouse Port of this type of system, try using the serial port instead.   5-2.Conflicts with other Serial Devices         Some software provided by other manufacturers with mouse functions, such as Logitech MouseWare, which may conflict with this mouse. Recommended strongly to remove the software installed previously before install this mouse software.   5-3.After select mouse type for Windows 95, the mouse would be disable when you clicked "OK". Using keyboard to close the current window and wait for Windows 95 to give any instruction to restart your computer. After restart Windows 95 the mouse will work normally.
 9  5-4.Displayed error number -115 on screen when install mouse driver software.         The error usually occurs because a virus-checking program is being used on the System to prevent files from being renamed. Please shutdown any virus checking software running on the system and then run the setup again.        5-5.Special Notes           1)Don't try to change the frequency and power of Wireless Mouse by yourself or modify its function and characteristic.         2)When using Wireless Mouse, please avoid to interfere with aircraft's navigation equipment. This Wireless Mouse is applied to legalized communication including radioactive interference of industrial, scientific, medical equipment.         3)Users will be strictly punished in accordance with the administration regulations on radio waves if they changed the frequency and power of Wireless Mouse .                                                Specification
 10 1.  Description:   It is a 27MHZ Two Channel RF Mouse , It use switch to select channel .  2.  Feature: a)  FSK Modulation/Demodulation. b)  Designed for 27.1MHZ /27.045MHZ ISM Band wireless communication. c)  Two Channel Transmitter/Receiver. e)  AAA( UM-4, 1.5V) battery : 2 pcs. f)  2400 bps data rate communication.  3.  Specifications of RF Module     Item          Parameter                Description               Tx Module          Rx Module                Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 1 Channel 2    1  Frequency Range   27.1 MHZ 27.045 MHZ 27.555 MHZ 27.5 MHZ  2 Number of channels    Two channels Two channel  3 Modulation/Demodulation  FSK FSK  4 Data Rate (bps) Maximum 2400 bps 2400 bps  5 Receiver Sensitivity Minimum    -90 dBm  6 RF frequency Tolerance  ±30 ppm ±30 ppm  7 Power Supply Nominal +2.2Vdc +3.3Vdc  8 Temperature range Operating Storage 0 to +50  ℃ -10 to +60 ℃ 0 to +50  ℃ -10 to +60 ℃

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