Chic Technology R027XXX Multimedia Wireless Keyboard User Manual PMU CKM00076

Chic Technology Corporation Multimedia Wireless Keyboard PMU CKM00076

users manual

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Document ID416135
Application ID33tM4uHozyCXvq8EiOBHcA==
Document Descriptionusers manual
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Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize293.06kB (3663265 bits)
Date Submitted2004-04-21 00:00:00
Date Available2004-04-20 00:00:00
Creation Date2004-04-06 14:21:34
Producing SoftwareCorel PDF Engine Version 9.397
Document Lastmod2004-04-09 13:07:38
Document TitlePMU-CKM00076.cdr
Document CreatorCorelDRAW Version 9.397
Document Author: Omar_Kuo

1) Please tum otryour Pc.
2) Plug the keyboard PS/Z connector on the iccewer rnto the PS/Z kcybnmd port of the PC.
- Selecl the Keyboard Channel who”,
i) ”it: two-ehannel switch is loeared “W
on the buck ot'she keyboard Select
t'lranrrel "l " or ' .
2) Put the batserres into the battery
. Link the Wireless Keyboaid wrrb rbe
- Please linlr the keyboard within the
emotive distance
- The linkage period is 15 seconds. once press the receiver's Linls Button, please complete the
heyhaardiinlragepraeess within the linageperiad,
1) Please sum on your PC The LED rndreasor on she recersrerwrii
2) Pre tho lD Link Bullun on the reecrver and the LED indicator
wrii blink There are 15 seconds for the keyboard linkage
3) Press the ID Link Butlon at rhe keyboard
4) The keyboard is linked with the receiver, “W
5) Tire LED indicator oi the recerver svril blink whrle you use the
6) The keyboard designs with the unrdue szn i_rnk funciion. Onee rhe lrnkage proeess is complete.
you don't have so reelink she keyboard even riyou change basterres or r -sart she computer,
7) itrhe keyboard does not link svrth rhe receiver, please repeat 5 p zs,
R) ll” the selected channel rs rrrsertered by other wiielessrkeybtmrd users nearby, please change the Link
ID by re-hnkage or select rhe other channel inrnredrasely.
9) There are 256 ohangeabie ins for each channel
Install Keyboard Driver
- The driwr summit: W’mdpws 95/ 9R/NT/2H00/ME anilXP.
- The cD-lmM contents the drivers rrfthe keyboard and the mouse. Please select to install the
kcyhnard driver at Iht' pop-up window.
- When ylm change the interface part, please
reinstall the driven
Keyboard Driver
t) Remove any exrssrrrg keyboard dnvers
2) irrsers she rirrrer CDeROM to your \
computer. DE;
3) Please open the toider "Kcybtidrd" and
double click the isle ”Setup exc" ro
cumple the driver rnstaliusion.
4) Restart she computer, A Keyboard
Sorting icon will appear on the task bar
5) Double cliek the soon to set the programmable hot keys
introduction of Hot Keys
19 useful nruitrmedra hot keys provide a timesavrng way to aecess Web/ inrer net shortcuts and Pc
multimedia cmilitil
PF Hm Keys
(Calculalcr. My Computer and PC steep)
but she system rnso sleep mode rishe PC supports power
PC map management and has it enabled. l'lic user can put the compurer to
~ sleep as she press ul' any button, proseosrng data and sasrrng energy
lf power management is not enabled, this key will not work
Open My Computer My computer shows the contents otyour
floppy disk, hard disk. (SD—ROM drive and network dim:
You can at “arch lor and open fil anti folders, and gran access so
opriorrs in Control Panel ro rnodrfy the computer's setrrngs.
My computer
Calculator Sum Microsoft Calculator
& intcrrret Hot Kc s
(Web Page Backward. Web Page l'erwaid. Web Slop, Web Refresh, Web Scan:
Weir i—lorrre imd Vly Favorites)
Web Backward EJO back to rhe previously viewed rrem or programs that support the
not eorrrnrurrd,.ueh . Web browser
Go to the nexr iteni , iirt was previously viewed in the same session ,
Web Forward rrr programs that support the “Film".ird” oommand. such as a Web
w“, Stop zl‘zzlzsdmg or icl‘reshrng a ch pagc or the coittents ot‘a particular
Start the derault Web browser or go so she Home Web page ll” she
Web browser is already acrrvared it opens rbe iiome Web page Yell
ean reassign the Home key to start another Web brow another
iiome Web page or another application.
Start she delauli armaul program it'you are nos sure what the default
email program is, press this key to find out You can reassign the
Ernari key so start anorher c—mml program or another applreatron
Open the internet Lbsplorer Favorites parse This is where you can
it Favorite store shunculs to frequently used mes, websrtes or other stems for
easy access
Updritt: the ini'or-rnasron on an aerive Web page or the contents ot a
We" Rem" panrcuiar window,
Web Search Open the inter-net Expluicr Search pnnc
Mull edraiiotKe s
(Totally eontrol Media Player, Play'Parrse, Volume p, Volumc Down, Pre Track, is'eat Track,
Mute and Stop)
Media Player Play CD and media content.
Play or Pause media Once paused. press this key agarn to resume
Play/Pause my“
Stop Stop playing media
Increase the volume Hold down to increase the volume more
Volume up quly
Decrease the volume Hold down m decrease the volume more
Volume down quickly
Mute Tum all" [he sound Press agaln to turn the mural heels on
stvrteh to the pievlmn medra mick l’iesx once for eaeh preceding
Pre Track Hack
Nexl Track Switch la the next media (lack, Press once fol each subsequent track.
LED indicator
(Speernlly designed for lowrbuilcry notice.)
Other Nofice
- ihis equipment is intended for use in the following countries
15 European Countries:
Austria. Belgium, Denmark Finland, France, Germany, Greece, ireland, ireland, italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, irortuga Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
- The low-battery LED indicator will light while the keyboard in the status of low battery and a
low-banery teon wt I appear on the taskbar at Windows. Please change the lratteries
immc ‘utely.
- Press any key to wake up the keyboard while it i the sleeping mode.
- llthe keyboard does not work properly, please make sure the PS/2 port oltho cumpulcr is salt
Besides, check the eonueeter or the eatrle ol the receiver it' there is broken or tangled,
- it the produet is mailunctiun, please change the hatteries or move the receiver away (tom the
computer and tile mnnimr.
- Please avoid using the keyhoard under dircet xunlighl, estremc hot, cold or dusty environment.
Made rrr chrrra
Multimedia Wireless Keyboard
(Smart Link)
User's Quick Guide
© 2004 All Right. Rescivcd The copyright rs the piopcrly ot'tts respeeltse owners
neutral t-ttmtrrurr ens Cummiuiun (NT) requirements, rm IS
lhrssohrpnrern has tseh h‘xicd and round recenrplyuuh the Inn raelrssuernrtaldestroputshantroprn lsotthertertulcs lhess hrnrts
are tlesreuerlto stones tehsoruelc storeetrstr sgsrnsr harmful lmm tree or r leildnillul rrutsllstrorr
lhrs etrursmeru tenant-s, rues mrl era ludittlc mire ltuhhney energy and. rluel rnrullerl and that in set-enthuse Willi the instrument. my error
himviml thrcrlemre it) rirho rhmmuhrrshoh, lluwcuw, ihcri, rs no yrrrrrrrhrec our rhterrerehre wlll hot ortrrr tn a Krrrrrrulsr rrrsrillsrrtrrr lrrhr,
sourpttretrtthrer riutr hrrrtrlul rrrtrrreretrre to ruho hr rrlerrtrotr reception, whah sit. he rtetertrrrnert hy trrrtrrhu the eorrrprtrrtrt trll rho rm, the ther
rs erlmumgrhl to try [a eerreetthe rnterlerrnee by one or more nfihe nutmeg measures
eeruut oi trloeats ih: treehrnt minim
icrcum the srhsratrorr bcmceii the courstrtent sud reeerrer
unmet the mvmcm rrrte an outlet on r erreurt drllettrrt from that to whreh ihci’ctcln’l’ rr eerrneeterl
onshlr the healer or an cxwflcm‘cd raurtmv terhwah fur help
ml, l l()\ to, ehatrges htrtrodrtlcatrhrrs not cxwmily appthtoo try the partied or this oetree could vhht the mal’: aurhhrru to operate the
receettrphrsvrrthrrnlsetth-rcckhler Optfliim ssubreettethefellewrrr tweeerulrtrehs ti)thrrdevrrenuytretrhusehrttruhl
rm, and lz) the hrvree mun n. pt no rnterietenee tr. “rd, rneludrnrt rnrrrlerener that mx‘r thou» unheated unetnrotr
t-ls becloratton trlt-onmrmuy
llerehy, the rnahutatturet secures thatthrs Multimedia Wrtelers keyhosrd rs rtr mmylllame wiih the rssehtrsl teourrrrherrts and ether relevant
prosrsrotrs altrrreeuve WW 5 he
rssnrtul maulrcmmild— Anlclc x Piviccllnil resurrerrrerrts (m health 1nd safety —Aniclc : ls "Testing for cleeme sit-cry seestdrhs to w («1950
hrs hem wridliclcd These an» rehsrelererl releyttht and shthererh
Prulculorl renormehr, torelerrrttrhhyhetre etrrrrphhhrhry —Afllelc 3 lb
"reusertrrrlettmrtngnehretrrrmitrhrhrv herrrthrruttr l-h rel AWN rmdl h rtll mm hishrenehnuurrru threeiretontrurrerrreleyirrrind
rtt ti: uw ofilic nae sperttum —I\nl:l s z
, Cstunt inriudln test suite: xrcnrdliiz la eh he not has heetr canducied these rre considered relevant are suttreretrt
Congratulations on 3 ur purchase olthe Multimedia wireless Keyboard featured with the unique
Smart Link lunction. Please carefully read the User's Quick ctu e to learn about the installation and
the powerful functions ofyour new multimedia keyboard.
Contents of Package
e/ Multrrnedra Wrreless Keyboard
t/Reeerver (PS/Z) Pm Pm
e/ Keyboard Battery: AA ' 2 a
V Driver cDeRoM
e/ User‘s Quick Gurde
Install Hardware
- some models may he designed as one-ehomrel version, which will not have a ehonnelswt‘teh, Irleose
skip the channel-setting step,
- l/yotr are running Windows 98 and/dog the connector into the com/rater. you may find a [mp-i411
windaw thal requirzs In insert the Vdeflws 93 CD—ROJ'l Pleni'z/flllaw the winduw initrucliun (0
install the required driver or set the driver path as "Windowslsyslem" or the other palh lhal the driver
I lnslall lire Reeervcr wrth PS 2 Connector

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PDF Version                     : 1.2
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Create Date                     : 2004:04:06 14:21:34Z
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Creation Date                   : 2004:04:06 14:21:34Z
Mod Date                        : 2004:04:09 13:07:38+08:00
Producer                        : Corel PDF Engine Version 9.397
Author                          : Omar_Kuo
Metadata Date                   : 2004:04:09 13:07:38+08:00
Creator                         : Omar_Kuo
Title                           : PMU-CKM00076.cdr
EXIF Metadata provided by

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