China Great-Wall Computer Shenzhen Co. Ltd. COLOR LCD MONITOR USERS MANUAL
LCD MONITOR USER MANUAL GETTING STARTED FEATURES . u. . H .... UNPACKINGAND CHECKING OFTHE PACKAGECONTENTS INSTALLINGTHE MONITOR -- OPERATING THE MONITOR HOW TO USETHE OSD (QN§CREEN DISPLAY) ””” ’ THE ADJUSTMENTOF MONITOR'S SCREEN DISPLAY ADJUSTING THE VIEWINGANGLE » MENU TABLE FORYOURSAFETY .. , .. > ,¢. SPECIAL NOTESON LCD MONITORS .. ., > , , ,, 7 CLEAN|NG ........... SUPPORTED TIMING TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES POWER MANAGEMENT """ ’ " B CONFORMITYANDCOMPLIANCE , , »» v Mg GETTING STARTED WARNINGzDo not operate the LCD monitor with unspecified power supply. Usage ofincorrect voltage will cause malfunction and may cause fire or electric shock Features OSupports SXGAresolution of1280x1024 pixels OVESADPMS—compliant powersaving oDigital CharacterSmoothing oAutomatic Set-Up OWindows 9X/ME/2000/XP Plug & Play Compliant uVersatile, functional& User friendlyOSD OPlug & Play: Conform to the VESAstandards and supportDDC1/2B spec. Unpacking and Checking ofthe Package Contents Before unpacking yourLCD Monitor,prepare a suitableworkspace for your LCD Monitorand computer.You need a stable,level, and clean surface near awall outlet. 1.Set the LCD Monitorbox in an uprightposition and open from the top of the box before removingthe right/leftcushions. 2.Remove the back cover from your monitor (pullfrom the bottom of cover to open)to install yourPC systemi Accessories Jflsélfifg 1pc 1pc VGA Cable ACIDC Adaptor Power Cord User's manual Stereo audio Cord Installing the Monitor DO NOT install the monitor where sudden temperature changes may occur, or in humid, dusty, orsmoky areas as itmay causefire, electric shock ordamage. DO NOT place yourLCD Monitor near awindow asit maybe severely damaged if exposed torain, water, moisture, or sunlight. MAINTAIN good ventilation; covering of ventilation slots or holes maycause fire. PLACEthe monitorat least4" (or 10cm) wayfrom the walls SAFE storage temperature of the LCD Monitoris in a range of -20to +65’C. Connecting the monitor tothe PC 1.Turn off your PC and the LCD Monitor before connecting your LCD monitor to the PC. 2.Connect theVGA signalcabie to theVGA portof the PC system and the-VGA portof the LCD monitor. Make surethe cable headis securely connected. 3,Plug the DC connector ofthe adaptor toyour monitor‘s DCjack. The DC jack isthe back of the LCD monitor. 4.Plug thefemale end ofthe power cordinto theAC adaptor. 5.Connect the male end ofthe power cord into a wallsocket. 6.Turn on your LCD Monitor, andthen turn on your computer. VGA Connect to theVGA portof connector PC via theVGA signal cable 6) PC IN Connect to theAudio Card of PC viathe stereo audiocord ®Power Plug Into theAC poweradapter. 0 VGA connector Q m N (3 12V DC poweradapter NOTE For added protection, it is recommended to usea Surge Protectiondevice plugged between the AC Adapterand the electricalwall outlet toprevent the effectsof sudden currentvariatinns from reachingthe LCD Monitor: Sudden peaksof electricity maycause damage tothe Monitor. INSTALLING THE PEDESTAL OF THE LCD MONITOR Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 OPERATlNG THE MONITOR The LCD monitorhas been presetat the iactorywith the Timing shown in Appendix to create optimal picture.Users are alsoable to adjustthe picture tothe desired quality by followingthe instructions. Button Function Press to bring upthe On Screen Displayand 0 MENU Button select main menu items pr entersubmenu items Move the cursorand increase values L0 A Up key or the selecteditem in theOSD. Move the cursoran d crease values menu (D 0 V DOW“ key of the selectedite theOSD. A ® @ LED Green—Normal opera ion 7 ® . . Orange—Power Managemonflle DPMS . mo 6) power indicator mode: reduces powerconsumptlon < sw (5 (9 when receiving no norlzontalandlor vertical sync signal) Q Auto Button Automatically adjust theolock, phase. HIV position valuesror the mostoptlmal settings. 0 Power Button For turning ONIOFF themonitor How to Use the OSD (Qn §creen Display) OSD function allowsthe user toeasily adjust the display to thedesired quality Structure ofOSD . , Operating Procedure 53 cumin mm“ um l 1.Power onthe LCD monitor. r Mun-m 4 v new“ 2:1 " 4 i ‘ 2.Press “MENU’ to pop upOSD menu. “m“ “mum. 3.Press “f or ‘V’ to select mainmenu m 3mm... m e, item. 6 E“ E‘" 4.Press “MENU " to select submenu item or goback to menu. a n u n 5.Press A or v buttonstoadjust. The Adjustment ofMonitor's Screen Display There are twoways to adjustthe monitor‘s screen, AUTO i.e. auto adjustmentand manual adjustment. {1} Auto adjustment ‘ ' 1..Power ONthe LCD monitorand computer‘ 2.5elect “AUTO" of OSD button‘ , 3.The autoadjustment is started. “ AUTO " will “gm E be displayed duringauto adjustment. ~ ~ . MM ;, A - ~ It takes about10 seconds tofinish. Manual adjustment a)Power ONthe LCD monitorand computer. b)Adjustaccordingto the aforementioned “ Operating Procedure” and “ Menu" Table to adjustthe screen toyour favorable screen display. OSD Shortcut Key This function can adjust “ volume" as a matterof convenience forusers. u n a)When OSDis notdisplay Pressthe “A" Or v buttons can adjust thevommg » Vng m i) b)When OSD is not displayPress the “ AUTO" button can automatically adjust the clock, phase, H/V positionvaiues for themost optimal settings Adjusting the Viewing Angle Your LCD Monitoris designed to allowyou to adjust itto an optimal viewing angle. NOTE , Do not touchthe screen whilechanging the viewingangle. It maydamage the screen. Makesure not tocatch your fingerswhile changing the viewing angle. Menu Table CO L0 U R Contrast It can be adjust image get distinct or vague Brightness It can be adjust image get dark or bright Gamma Set gamma (0) 1.0, (1) 1,1, (2) 1.2, (3) 1.3 Colour Adjust Set favorite color of red, green, and blue White Balance Adjust image get light and dark balance Exit Go back to MENU PICTU RE H. Position It can be moved to left or right side of image V. Position It can be moved to up or down side of image Sharpness To mark the image become soft Phase Adjust remove noise and sharpen the image Clock Adjust frequency to fill display Exit [ Go back to MENU OSD M E N U Language Support 8 languages OSD H- P°Siti°n It can be moved to left or right side of OSD OSD V. Position j It can be moved to up or down side of OSD |> OSD Timer It can adjust OSD display time Translucent Change OSD background Exit Go back to MENU MISCELLANEOUS Signal Source D-SUB(PC only), DVI, Mode Select Change model 640x400 or 720x400 Reset Recall Default value Volume Set Volume Exit Go back to MENU EXIT ' FOR YOUR SAFETY WARNING ALWLAYS OPERATE UNDER SPEC|FIED POWER SUPPLY Usage of incorrectvoltage will causemalfunction and maycause fire orelectric shock. PROTECT and CORRECTLY USETHE CABLE Do not pullor bend thepower cable andsignal cable orplace the monitoror any heavy objects on thecables. If thecables are damagedthey may causefire or electricshock. IMMEDIATELY STOPOPERATINGTHE MONITORWHEN YOU DETECT ANY ABNORMAL OCCURENCE If you noticeany abnormal phenomenon such as strangenoise, smoke orsmells, unplug the monitor and contact your dealeror the nearestservice center immediately If this LCD monitor is used,they may causefire or electricshock. DO NOT REMOVE THE CABINET Removing the cabinetmay expose youto the dangerof fire orelectric shock. DO NOT PUTANY FOREIGN OBJECT INSIDE THE MONITOR It may causefire, electric shockor damage when operating the monitorwith foreign objects inside DO NOT USE THE MONITOR NEAR WATER Operating the monitorin close proximityto water wherethe water may be spilt or splashed onto the monitor may causefire or electricshock. BAD WEATHER CONDITIONS lt is advisable not to operatethe monitor during heavy thunderstorms asintermittent breaks in powermay cause malfunctionDo not touch the plug underthese circumstances as ilmay cause electricshock. OTHERS ERGONOMICS RECOMMENDATIONS Do not operatethe monitor ina dark roomor against abright background, Foroptimal viewing comfort, the monitor should bejust below eyelevel and 40-600m (16—24 inches) away from youreyes. When usingthe monitor overa prolonged period oftime, a ten-minute-break perhour is recommended, because eyes willbe tired whenwatch the screen ata long time, SPECIAL NOTES ON LCD MONITORS The following are normal with LCD monitors and do not indicate aproblem. When first turningon the LCD monitor, ifthe picture doesnot fit inthe display area, it is because of thetype of computerthat is used. In such case,adjust the picture position to its correct position. (See Operating the Monitor) The screen mayflicker during initialuse. Turn off the power switch andthen turn iton again the flickering should disappear. Users may noticea little uneven brightness on the screen depending onthe desktop pattern they use. It is normalfor LCD monitorsto show such uneven brightness. Due to the nature of the LCD screen, switchingof images aftera prolonged period of time of displayingthe same image,the image lromthe previous screen may remain. In such case,the screen is recovered slowly bychanging the image or turning off the power switch for hours. If the screen becomes dark, flickers,or does notlight-up, contact yourdealer or the nearest service centerfor a backlightreplacement. Do notattempt to replaceit yourself. Cleaning WARNING Olf you dropped any material orliquid such aswater onto themonitor when cleaning, unplug the powercable immediately and contact your dealeror the nearestservice center. Always make sureyour hands aredry when unpluggingthe power cable. CAUTION For safety reasons, turn-off the power switch and unplug the monitorbefore cleaning. Do not scratchor rub the screen with a hard object. Never use anyof the following solvents on the LCD monitor. Such harsh chemicals may cause damageto the cabinetand the LCD screen. Thinner Spray-type cleaner corrosive cleaner Acid orAIkaIine solvent Abrasive cleaner Wax Rubbing the cabinetwith products made of rubber orplastic for along period oftime may cause degeneration or loss ofpaint on thecabinet. Cabinet Remove dirt witha lightly moistened cloth and amild solvent detergent.Then wipe the cabinet witha soft drycloth. LCD Periodic cleaning witha soft drycloth is recommended. Do not usetissue to cleanthe screen. Itmay damage the LCD screen. Supported Timing nirsniurw rem-m IImimmntI rmi inmdmdtyr‘o Rum met-ncy Frcqm-my 5m Juli 7017 7 7M 45 Kth ' m X mo 71: m, :u is th m x m m m. :n 50 m 35 us WIL imimmti 51 out 72 NTWWWT If F304: W7? 75 Hz xv so my, Jl sun rim ' 510675710 60 W7" 7 17 9 Km. EM: um? “32 N7 is IB’RNT 50 “00W? 15 m 4630 KHZ in can my, 1624 x "mm ' " mi "7.7 «Tm Kll7 wfmm rill: may, sssxtlv’T/ 7' ' 773 if no (16 KH7 , with] 73247 to H1 64 (Elfin, tux mam " WI ‘4 mm” 7775 N7, Ru on ma us 560 ; wr‘mi Siwbflrt Troubleshooting Procedures If the LCD monitor fails tofunction correctly, please followthe following stepsfor a possible solution. 1.Perform theadjustments according toOperating the Monitor. 2.Refer tothe following itemsif you cannolfind a properitem listed inthe Operating the Monitor orif the problem remains 3.If the problem you have experienced is notdescribed below oryou cannot correct the problem, stop using the monitorand contact yourdealer or the nearest service center for furtherassistance. PROBLEM CHECK TO SEE No Display. a) Power indium If the powercord is_firm|y plugged in thesocket. do“ no. "ghmp, If the powerswltch is turned on. If theAC socket isOK. Please checkusing another pieceof equipment. b) powerindicam, II the blankscreen saver isactive touch thekevboard or mouse. is green. Increase the CONTRASTand/or BRIGHTNESS. lithe siqnaltimina of thecomputer is withinthe spec oithe monitor. I! the monitoris on powermanagement mode, touchthe keyboard or the mouse. lithe computeris ON. If the signalcable is properlyconnected. lithe sngnaltiming otthecomputer is withinthe spec. cl Power indicator Is orange. Display is too dark or too bright. fiifi'eazeizfif' if the signaltiming of lhecomputer is withinthe spec. Display is shaking Ifthe powervoltage is withinthe SJQGC. If the signaltiminq of thecomputer is wilhinthe spec. if the siqnalcable is Droperlvconnected. If the siqnaltiming of thecompuler is withinthe spec. lithe videooutput level otlhe computer iswithin the spec. If the videooutput level otthe computer iswithin the spec. Display is not synchronized. l“ 4.When “ N0 SIGNAL" is displayed: No signal (1) Check ifthe signal cableis connected correctly to the computer. (2) Check ifthe cable is broken. Power Management The LCD Monitorcomplies with theVESA DPMSlversion 1.0p) powermanagement proposal. The VESADPMS proposal providesfour phases ofpower saving modes by detecting the horizontal or verticalsync signal. Power Item DPMS Mode Display 5.3730} Consumption Tanfewery H'SY'W V-svnc 1 On Normal Green Normal --- o“ On 2 Stand By No Display Orange g 5w 3 secretary Off On 3 Suspend No Display Orange g 5W 3 secretary Off Off 4 on No Disnlay Orange g 5w 3 secretary on on CONFORMITY AND COMPLIANCE FCC Compliance Statement This equipment hasbeen tested andfound to complywith the limitsfor a CIassB digital device, pursuantto Part 150f the FCC Rules. These Iimitsare designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interferencewhen the equipmentis operated in aresidential installation. This device generates, uses,and can radiate radio frequency energyand, if notinstalled and usedin accordance withthe instructions, may causeharmful interference toradio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interferencewill not occurin a particularinstallation. If this devicedoes cause harmful interference to radioor television reception (this can bedetermined by turning,the device offand on), you are encouraged to try to correctthe interference byone or moreof the following measures: *Reorient orrelocate the receiving antenna. ”Increase theseparation between theequipment and the receiver. *Connect theequipment into anoutlet on acircuit different fromthat to which the receiver is connected. *Consult thedealer or an experienced radio/TV technicianfor help. Caution: To comply with thelimits for an FCC Class Bcomputing device, you should use the shielded signalcord and shielded power cord suppliedwith this unit.The Federal Communication Commission warns that changes or modifications ofthe unit not expresslyapproved by the party responsible forcompliance could void the user's authorityto operate theequipment. Radio Frequency Interference Statement Warning: Thi is aCIass B productln a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference inwhich case the user may be required to takeadequate measures.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Page Count : 10 XMP Toolkit : XMP toolkit 2.9.1-13, framework 1.6 About : uuid:74e9e0ae-288e-44da-affe-d53278d58237 Producer : ScanWizard 5 Create Date : 2005:08:02 02:00:25+08:00 Creator Tool : ScanWizard 5 Modify Date : 2005:08:12 10:22:34-07:00 Metadata Date : 2005:08:12 10:22:34-07:00 Document ID : uuid:d7a45b65-c4fe-4d50-9b9d-964095561efe Format : application/pdf Creator : ScanWizard 5EXIF Metadata provided by