Chroma Usa 8000 Users Manual

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Switching Power
Supply ATS
The Chroma Automatic Power Supply Test
system Model 8000 is the ultimate solution
for power electronic testing. The system
includes a wide range of hardware choice
such as AC/DC Sources, Electronic Loads,
DMM, Oscillate Scope, Noise Analyzer and
OVP/Short Tester. This flexibility combined
with its open architecture software platform
-PowerPro III, gives users a flexible,
powerful and cost effective test system for
almost all types of power supply testing.
The C8000 test system uses a unique test
command optimization technology to
prevent repetitive control commands from
being sent to the system hardware devices.
This improve test speed dramatically and
makes the Chroma 8000 an ideal choice for
both high speed production applications as
well as design verification.
The C8000 test system includes a
sophisticated test executive which includes
pre-written test items covering almost all
industry standard power supply tests. User
may also create new test items by using a
special test item editing function. This gives
users the capability to expand the test
library unlimitedly.
PowerPro III also includes powerful report,
statistic and management functions, making
the system capable to generate various test
documents and performing system
administration. Because the test and
statistical reports are critically important in
modern factories for R/D evaluation, QA
verification and production tests, these
functions are an integral part of the system.
Working under Window98/2000/XP the
model 8000 provides test engineers with a
dedicated power supply test system in an
easy-to-learn Windows environment and
allow access to resources provided by
MODEL 8000
Key Features :
Open architecture software
- Expandable hardware support
- Support GPIB instruments &
RS232/RS485/I2C interface
- User editable test library
- User editable test programs
- User editable reports
- Statistic report
- On-Line Softpanel
- User authority control
- Release control
- Activity log
- Multi-UUT test capability for
single-output PSU
- Support Barcode reader
- Support Web-cam for remote
monitoring via Internet
Capable of testing almost any
power supply or related device
Comprehensive hardware modules
provide high accuracy and repetitive
High test throughput by system
default test items
Microsoft Word based evaluation
report or UUT characterization
Cost effective
Other hardware expandable upon
Windows98/2000/XP based software
Switching Power Supply ATS
Comprehensive Test Items
The Model 8000 automatic power supply test system comes standard with an off-the-shelf test item library covering most industry standard
power supply tests. Unlike traditional ATE software, users do not need to have programming language background to create new test
items. Instead the Model 8000 allow users to use pre-compiled test items and to simplify defining test conditions and specifications.
The comprehensive test items cover 7 categories of power supply testing requirements. OUTPUT PERFORMANCE checks the general
performances of the UUT. INPUT CHARACTERISTIC verifies the input parameters of a power supply. REGULATION tests the stability of
the UUT under varying line-in and loading changes. TIMING AND TRANSIENT measures the transient state during turn-on, turn-off or
when events occurred. PROTECTION TESTS triggers the protection circuit of the power supply. Finally, the SPECIAL TEST and the
SPECIAL FEATURES provides means to test the most sophisticated power supplies when unique test routines are needed.
*These test items need to be created by users by using test item editor due to the variety of the UUTs.
And unlimited customized or user defined test items are allowed.
1. DC output voltage
2. DC output current
3. Peak-Peak noise
4. RMS noise
5. Current ripple
6. Efficiency
7. In-test adjustment
8. Power good signal
9. Power fail signal
10. P/ S ON signal
11. Extended measure
12. Waveform capture
13. Overshoot voltage
14. Inrush current
15. Input RMS current
16. Input peak current
17. Input power
18. Current harmonics against regulations
19. Input power factor
20. Input voltage ramp (brownout)
21. Input freq. ramp
22. AC cycle drop out
23. PLD simulation
24. Current regulation
25. Voltage regulation
26. Combine regulation
27. Total regulation
28. Power on sequence
29. Power off sequence
30. Transient response time
31. Transient spike
32. Turn ON time
33. Rise time
34. Fall time
35. Hold-up time
36. Extra timing
37. Tracking
38. Swing check
39. Short circuit
40. OV protection
41. UV protection
42. OL protection
43. OP protection
44. Fan speed
45. Auto alignment test*
46. Correlation test
47. UUT measurement verification test*
48. High di/ dt loading test
49. Can bus read/ write
50. I2C read/ write
51. GPIB read/ write
52. RS-232 read/ write
53. RS-485 read/ write
54. TTL signal control
55. Relay control
56. Bar code scan*
57. DMM measure
Model  All specifications are subject to change without notice.
GO/NG run
Debug run
On-line control
Test Program Editor
Test Item Editor
Hardware Configuration
Test Command Library
Application Programming Interface
Driver for
AC Source
Driver for
DC Source
Driver for
DC Source
Driver for
Power Analyzer
Driver for
Analyzer Oscilloscope
Maximum flexibility and expendability
NI VISA Driver
National Instrument VISA driver are used by PowerPro III to allow support to almost any instrument which uses VXI/PXI/GPIB/RS-232/RS-
485 interface protocols. As a result, users do not have yo concerned about which interface is provided by individual instrument that may
want to intergrate into system. By using these standard instrument drivers PowerPro III can incoporated almost any modern test device.
Higher compatibility
Application Programming Interface
When users want to change the equipment from one brand to the others, for traditional ATS design, users are prohibited to do that. The
main problem is caused by the different format of the remote commands. Chroma PowerPro III provides a unique application programming
interface which interprets the different remote commands of various instrument to a standard format. Thus, if the functions of two equipment
are identical, even manufactured by two different suppliers, they still can be replaced directly by adding a new application programming
interface driver in Chroma ATS software, PowerPro III.
New Millennium ATS Software Platform
The Model 8000 Test Systems include the industries most sophisticated power supply testing software platform, PowerPro III. PowerPro III
provides users with an open software architecture suited for a wide range of applications and devices.
Power Pro III is a windows 98/2000/XP environment which provides necessary computer peripherals.
Switching Power Supply ATS
Off-the-shelf test commands
Test command library
For some special controls, it is not very easy for most of the users to figure
out how to make relevant instrument work properly. Chroma PowerPro III
collects most useful test commands for users in order to provide user-friendly
editing environment. On the other hand, Chroma PowerPro III also provides
some low level test commands, such as GPIB read/write, RS-232 read/write,
RS-485 read/write, Can bus read/write and I2C read/ write... etc. That allow
users to have the full access to all the equipment on Chroma Power Supply
Auto Test System model 8000 directly.
Meanwhile, The test command library stops the repetitive test conditions from
sending to hardware devices; Thus it can improve the test speed dramatically.
Flexible and easy to use
Test item editor
Following with the test command library, Chroma PowerPro III provides an
editing environment for user to create new test items to fit new test
requirements. In this test item editor, Chroma PowerPro III establishes a
powerful tool which is similar to the C language, but much easier to learn and
In the test item editor, it allows users to define test procedure, test condition
variables, test result variables and temporary variables. Furthermore, Chroma
PowerPro III test item editor also provides global variables for advanced
control test requirement. For instance, it may be used for auto alignment
system which need to pass the aligned value of the previous UUT as the next
UUT s default value. In this way, it is very helpful to improve the align
speed .
Sequential and Batch testing
The program editor
The test program editor provides a useful means to link several pre-defined test items for batch test. It also introduces pre-test and post-test
functions which allow users to send the test commands that are not necessary to use all the time to the equipment on system but only when
the execution just begin, or on the opposite, at the end of the test. This feature helps to optimize the test program and reduce test time.
Meanwhile, its run-time control allows users to determine the process and the direction of the test program according to the individual test
result of test items.
Test program editor can also open a M/S Excel file as the source of test program data. Users may first export test program as M/S Excel file.
Then base on the external database. Users may creat new test programs by modifying the Excel database. Thus, only one database needs
to maintain for multiple test programs.
Add test command to the test procedure from test
command library.
Enumerative items allow programmers define
limited selections for low level users.
Test rogram can be created by stacking test items
in test library.
Just fill the test conditions! The test procedure
was defined in the test item library.
Model  All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Debug run
The debug run provides a versatile and immediate tool for users to
verify the test items and test programs created before releasing
them to operators. All the essential debuging tools are provided
here, such as step run, set break point(s), run to break and
simultaneous variables display.Users may use this to control the
process of execution and at the mean time, monitor the test results
and verify them. As a result, there s no risk for users to put an
uncheck test item or test program onto production line.
GO/ NG run
The GO/ NG run provides friendly and easy execution environment
for production line and operators. All the test programs tested here
need to be released in management function. This may minimize
the risk of running a wrong or unchecked test program. The test
results will be stored in hard drive of the system controller which
may be used to create statistic and the test report. Plus the fail rate
check, bar code scanner support, Pass/ Fail indication TTL signal.
All these powerful features make it an ideal tool for mass
production testing.
On line control
The display tells it all. Users may achieve all the instrument on
system to control them and get readings from them. The type of
reading showing on display could be selected by user and user
may even define specifications for them. Furthermore, user can
also select them to show as a time graph in order to see the trends.
And, the waveform measured by DSO can be merged onto the
same display as well. The waveform can be downloaded as hard
copy or digitizing waveform. Under digitizing mode. Users can
select measurement parameters just like it provides in DSO. In a
word, this execution mode is the implementation of virtual
The selected variables will be updated simultaneously
when the test item or test program is under going.
Failure rate check function is available in GO/NG
execution mode.
Users allow to create their own softpanel layout
and store it for recall later.
Versatile and powerful execution mode
Chroma PowerPro III software platform provides three execution modes. DEDUG RUN is used to verify the user-defined test items and test
programs. For production line testing, GO/ NG RUN allows one key operation to perform Pass/ Fail test. And the On-LINE-CONTROL mode
extends Chroma Power Supply Auto Test System model 8000 to control and monitor the hardware devices simultaneously. Thus, it is capable
of simulating the manual test scenarios just like you did on the bench.
Switching Power Supply ATS
2-7. Comprehensive analyzing tools
Report generator & wizard
Documentation and offering a readable report has been the
weakest part of the traditional auto test system. Users usually need
to spend a lot of effort to modify the data stored by the auto test
system to make it more recognizable to their customer.During the
process, it has great chance to get an incorrect result due to typing
Now, Chroma PowerPro III, its outstanding report wizard and
generator provide the total solution for any documentation
requirement. From tabular test data , DSO waveform to correlation
chart, it allows users to integrate different types of presentation in
the same report. Users may also edit and store report format for
next use, thus it saves a lot of precious time in creating test report.
Meanwhile, to make the test report more portable, the output of the
report wizard is already a standard M/S Word file.
Define parameters and waveform preview n
Report Wizard.
Preview the corrlation chart in Report Wizard
before converting it to M/S Word file.
Model  All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Statistical report
Chroma PowerPro III software provides off-the-shelf statistic report
function. All the test conditions defined in the test program and the
test readings can be stored and analyzed by statistic report
function. In statistic report function, it provides process capability,
Pareto, Xbar-R chart, Xbar-S chart, nP chart, P chart, U chart and
C chart. Users may select test program, test date period and even
include test data from remote computer via network connections.
Then choose any one of the control chart to generate statistical
report. The report may be printed out or stored in file. Or users may
store the raw data as a text file directly which is able to be imported
by Excel or similar word processor software package for further
2-8. Complete system administration
Management function
Chroma PowerPro III provides a series of management functions for advance system control and management.
User function allows users to define authorized person list and their authorized level.
Activity log records the historical log-in, log-out time and activated functions of the system users.
Users are allowed to define the release flags of test programs and test items. These flags will be used to check
if the test program can be executed by GO/ NG run. Or if the test item can be shown in user test item library.
Instrument function is used to import and export H/ W instrument drivers.
Network function provides interface for PowerPro III to communicate with external software package or system.
For example, Shop-Floor or Product-Data-Management system. It is also used to define the source location of
the test programs when users want to centralize them.
User Function
Activity log
Hardware configuration
The hardware configuration function allows users to define the
system configuration by selecting devices from the instrument list
defined in the Instrument section of Management function.
Shop-Floor control system
For modern mass production line, it is a big challenge to have the
full control of the scenarios happened on production line.
Therefore, Shop-Floor control system is wildly used to improve
fabrication process.
To satisfy customers requirement, Chroma also provides
customized Shop-Floor control system. For details, please contact
your local representative of Chroma ATE INC.
Example of statistic report process capability
Parallel setting for E-loads allow users to control
multiple load channels as one.
Switching Power Supply ATS
High Performance Hardware Devices
1. Digital Storage Oscilloscope : TDS-220/ TDS-3000 series; other types or brands of DSO supported upon request
2. Electronic Load : Model 6300 / 6310 / 63200 / 6340 series Electronic Load
3. Timing / Noise Analyzer : Model 6011
4. DC Source : Model 6200 / 6200K / 6200F
5. Connection Panel : Interface to UUT
6. Digital Multi-Meter : HP-34401A; Other types or brand of DMM supported upon request
7. Power Analyzer : Model 6630 / 6632 series Power Analyzer
8. System Controller : Industrial PC
9. OVP / Short Circuit Tester : Model 6012 / 80612
10. ON / OFF Controller : Model 6013 / 80613
11. AC Source : Model 6100 / 6400 / 6500 / 61500 / 61600 series AC Source
12. System Power Inlet : 1Ø 3W / 30A, 60A selectable
13. Breaker : 30A / 60A selectable with emergency stop control
14. EMI Filter : 30A
* Other devices supported upon request
Model  All specifications are subject to change without notice.
AC power source
Chroma power supply auto test system model 8000 supports
all Chroma Model 6100, 6400, 6500, 61500 and 61600
series AC power supplies. They provide stable and clean AC
or DC (Model 61500/61600 series) output and power line
disturbance simulation for advanced power supply input
characteristic testing.
MODEL 6100 series 6400 series 6500 series 61500 series 61600 series 61700 series
Power rating 600-2000VA 375-9000VA 1200-9000VA 500-4000VA 500-4000VA 1500-12000VA
Voltage range 0-300V 0-300V 0-300V 0-300V 0-300V 0-300V
Output phase 1 phase 1 or 3 phases 1 or 3 phases 1 or 3 phases 1 or 3 phases 3 phases
DC output No No No Yes Yes Yes
Output measurement Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Ye s
Harmonic measurement No No No Yes No No
Waveform simulation No No Yes Yes No No
Programmable impedance No No No Yes No No
Harmonic synthesis No No Yes Yes No No
Inter-harmonic synthesis No No No Yes No No
DC power source
Chroma power supply auto test system model 8000 supports all Chroma Model 6200, 6200K and 6200F series DC power sources
which may be used as line-in or OVP sources.
MODEL 6200 series 6200K series 6200F series
Power rating 60-1000W 1000-3000W 1200-12000W
Voltage range 0-5V/ 150V 0-5V/ 600V 0-5V/ 600V
Programmable current limit Yes Yes Yes
Programmable OV point Yes Yes Yes
Analog programming Yes Yes Yes
Remote sensing Yes Yes Yes
Line-drop compensation 5V 1V 5V
Power analyzer
Chroma power supply auto test system model 8000 can also support all Chroma Model 6630 and 6632 series Power Analyzer. They do
not only provide traditional high precision power measurement, but also the voltage/current harmonics measurements defined in IEC
and EN regulation.
MODEL 6630 series 6632 series
NO. of input module 1 to 3 1 to 3
Power measurement range 48 ranges 48 ranges
Voltage measurement range 6 ranges 6 ranges
Current measurement range 8 ranges 8 ranges
Front panel display Yes No
Front panel editable Yes No
Harmonics measurement Yes Yes
Flicker measurement Yes No
Waveform measurement Yes Yes
Build-in regulation limit Yes Yes
Switching Power Supply ATS
DC Electronic Load
Chroma power supply auto test system model 8000 can support all
Chroma Model 6300, 6310, 6330, 63200 and 6340 series DC electronic
load. They come with different powers, load modes, slew rates and
features. This provides users maximum selection opportunities for
different test application requirements.
MODEL 6300 series 6310 series 6330 series 63200 series 6340 series 63472
Load mode CC/ CR/ CV/ CP CC/ CR/ CV CC/ CR/ CV CC/ CR/ CV/ CP CC CC
Power rating 60-300W 30-1200W 30-1200W 2000-12000W 625W 200W
Voltage range 1-254V 1-500V 1-500V 1-500V 0.8-50V 0.5-2V
Current range Up to 60A Up to 240A Up to 240A Up to 600A Up to 300A 150A
Slew rate Up to 2.5A/ µSUp to 10A/ µSUp to 10A/ µSUp to 25A/ µSUp to 300A/ µS10A/ µS
Measurements Voltage/ Current/ Voltage/ Voltage/ Voltage/ Current/ Voltage/ Voltage/
Power Current Current Power Current Current
Monitoring output Current No No Current Voltage/ Current Voltage/ Current
Current share measurement
No No No No Yes No
Noise measurement Optional No No No No No
Voltage sense input Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sync Signal No No Yes Yes No No
High Speed No No Yes No No No
Timing / Noise Analyzer
Chroma power supply auto test system model 8000 provides an unique timing / noise analyzer, Chroma Model 6011. Its modular
design allows users to expand up to 10 input measurement modules. Each module is capable of measuring timing period and noise
level. Furthermore, it also provides 16 bits TTL signals and 6 pairs of floating relays for external control. Meanwhile, the 10 multiplexer
inputs and 2 DMM and 2 DSO outputs further extend the Chroma Model 6011 for advanced measurement requirements.
MODEL 6011
NO. of input module Up to 10
Noise measurement range 2V/ 0.4V
Low Pass Filter Up to 20MHz
Input circuit Differential input
Timing range 0-16/ 0-64 second
NO. of trigger input 4
NO. of comparator 2 / Input module
Controllable TTL bits 16
Controllable floating relay 6
NO. of multiplex input 10
NO. of multiplex output 2 for DMM &. 2 for DSO
OVP/ Short Circuit Tester
Chroma OVP/ Short circuit tester provides model 6012 and 80612 versatile tool for OVP/ UVP/ Short circuit. Its unique programmable
impedance makes it ideal to simulate OV / UV situation for all types of power supplies.
MODEL 6012 80612
NO. of input terminal Up to 6 Up to 6
Short circuit impedance < 0.1 ohm < 0.05 ohm
Sync. Signal for short circuit
6 relay signal 6 relay signal
OVP/UVP testing Internal/ External Internal/ External
Internal impedance range 1K-1M ohm 100-1M ohm
External OVP/UVP source DC source DC source
Measurement Capability By external DMM Internal
Control Interface Via Chroma 6011 RS 485
Model  All specifications are subject to change without notice.
ON/ OFF Controller
Chroma ON / OFF controller Model 6013 and 80613 are used to control AC and DC inputs simultaneously. Meanwhile, it can control
AC to turn on and off at any phase angle and measure the input inrush current of the UUT.
MODEL 6013 80613
Input AC/ DC AC/ DC
ON/OFF angle - AC 0-360O0-360O
Voltage range - AC 250V 270V
Current range - AC 30A 30A
Voltage range - DC 200V 200V
Current range - DC 40A 60A
Measurement Capability By external DMM Internal
Control Interface Via Chroma 6011 RS 485
Digital Multi-Meter & Storage Oscilloscope
Chroma power supply auto test system model 8000 is capable to support HP34401A / 34970A and Keithley 2700 series DMM and most
of Tektronix scopes . Other DMM and DSO are supported upon request.
Ordering information
8000 : Switching Power Supply ATS
6011/ 80611 : Timing/ Noise Analyzer
6011n/ 6012n : Timing/ Noise module
6012/ 80612 : OVP/ Short Circuit Tester
6013/ 80613 : ON/ OFF Controller
5004ATM : System Controller
A600009 : GPIB Cable (200 cm)
A600010 : GPIB Cable (60 cm)
A800004 : 19" Rack for Model 8000
A800005 : PCI Bus GPIB Card (National Instrument)
A800006 : Test Fixture for Model 8000
Application & selection guide
A800010 : 8000 Software Package - Basic version (Including Test Program Editor, Test Report
Editor, GO/ NOGO run, Test Report Generator, Hardware Configuration, Management Function)
A800011 : 8000 Software Module - Statistics
A800012 : 8000 Software Module - Test Item Editor
A800013 : 8000 Software Module - Report Wizard
A800014 : 8000 Software Module - On-Line Control
A630002 : GPIB Interface for Model 6312/ 6314/ 6304
DC Load Module : Refer to Model 6300 , 6310 , 6320 , 6340 Series
Power Analyzer : Refer to Model 6630 , 6632 Series
AC Source : Refer to Model 6400 , 6500 , 61500 , 61600 Series
DC Source : Refer to Model 6200 , 6200K , 6200F Series
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