Chung s Electronic 000000-10-001 Wireless Weather Station User Manual

Chung's Electronic Co. Ltd. Wireless Weather Station Users Manual

Users Manual

C8249E-PD10122M (WWVB)          Size:105 x 130 (mm)RADIO CONTROLLED WIRELESS WEATHER STATIONInstruction Manual & WarrantyFCC RemarksThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  Operationis subject to the following two conditions:  (1) This device maynot  cause  harmful interference,  and  (2)  This  device  mustaccept any interference received, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation.Warning:  Changes or modifications to this unit not expresslyapproved by the party responsible for compliance could voidthe user’s authority to operate the equipment.NOTE:  This equipment has been tested and found to complywith the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in  aresidential installation.  This equipment generates, uses andcan radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed andused in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occurin a particular installation.  If this equipment does causeharmful interference to radio or television reception, whichcan be determined by turning the equipment off and on, theuser is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one ormore of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom  that  to  which  the  receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician forhelp.
Model SPC502USD $9.00
120Thank you for your purchase of this delicate clock. Theutmost care has gone into the design and manufacture  ofyour clock. Please read these instructions carefully and keepthem well for future reference.The multifunctional weather station is equipped with manyfunctions providing thorough weather information to you.The receiver unit has a clear, easy-to-read display that showsthe weather forecast, indoor temperature  &  humidity,  moonphase, time, month, date as well as the temperature  &humidity  measured and transmitted from  the  remotesensor.The 915 MHz technology means no wire installation  isrequired and you can place the sensor anywhere you like With radio controlled function, the current time and date areautomatically synchronized with the time signal transmittedfrom U.S.A (WWVB).REMOTE SENSORRecommendedoperating range:Resolution:Humidity  measuring range:Operating range:Resolution:RF  transmission  frequency:Remote sensor:RF transmission range:Temperature sensing cycle:POWERMain unit:Remote  sensor:DIMENSIONMain unit:Remote  sensor:-20°C to 55°C-4°F to 131°F0.1°C/1°F(above 0°C/32°F)1°C/1°F(below 0°C/32°F)20%RH  to  90%RH20%RH  to  90%RH1%RH915MHz1 unitmaximum 100 metersaround 60-64 seconds4.5V, use 3 x AA 1.5V alkalinebattery3V, use 2 x AA 1.5V alkalinebattery253(W) x 181(H) x 71(D)mm40(W) x 132 (H) x 24 (D)mmTABLE OF CONTENCEPg1 - Pg6------ Weather Station Main FeaturesPg6 - Pg7------ Setting Up the TransmitterPg8 - Pg9------ Setting Up the Weather StationPg10 - Pg11--  Manually Setting the Time and CalendarPg11 - Pg12--  Setting the Alarm and SnoozePg12 - Pg17--  Weather Forecast FeaturesPg17------------  Low Battery IndicatorPg18------------  Transmitter Wall MountingPg19 - Pg20--  Weather Station Specificationswithin 100 meters.
219MAIN FEATURES:WEATHER STATION:141516171819RESET111012131234567891415161718SPECIFICATIONMAIN UNITRecommended operating range:Resolution:Humidity measuring range:Recommended operating range:Resolution:Pressure measuring range:Pressure sampling cycle:Moon phase scanner range:Radio controlled signal:0°C to 45°C32°F to 113°F1°C/°F(above 0°C/32°F)1°C/°F(below 0°C/32°F)20%RH to 90%RH20%RH to 90%RH1%RH1%RH850mb to 1050mb15 minutesfrom year 2000 to 2099WWVBRESET
3181. MODE key:•Press it to switch between alarm1 and alarm2.•Press and hold it for 2 second to enter normal timesetting.•In normal time setting, press it to step the settingitems.2. HISTORY key:•Press it to check the pressure records in the past24 hours.3. mb-hPa/inHg key:•Press it to switch between mb-hPa and inHg.•Press and hold it for 2 seconds to enter the “rel”and “abs” switch mode.4. MAX/MIN key:•Press it to check the maximum/minimumtemperature & humidity records.•Press and hold it for 3 seconds to delete themaximum and minimum records.5. ALM key:•In normal mode, press it to turn on/off alarm1 andalarm2.•In alarm1/alarn2 mode, press and hold it for 2seconds to enter alarm time setting.•In alarm setting mode, press it to step the settingitems.6. °C/°F key:•Press it to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit.NOTE:Attention! Please dispose of used unit or batteries in anecologically safe manner.USING THE TABLE STAND OR WALL-MOUNTING STANDThe receiver and transmitter have both the desktop andwall-mounting structures.For the receiver, place the screw on the desired wall andhang the receiver by the recessed hole at the back of theclock or just simply place it on the desktop by the tablestand.For the transmitter, fix the separate wall-mounting standoutside in the area protected from direct rain by the screw.Once the stand is mounted, place the transmitter into thestand on the wall. Besides, you can place it on the desktopby its table stand.
417•Press and hold it for 3 seconds to receive the RCsignal for reception testing.7. UP key:•In setting mode, press it to increase the settingvalue.•Press it to select the channel 1, 2 or 3.8. DOWN key:•In setting mode, press it to decrease the settingvalue.•In normal mode or alarm mode, press it switchbetween 12 and 24 hour format.9. SNOOZE/LIGHT key:•Press it once to turn on the backlight for 5 seconds.•Press it to stop the current alarm when it issounding and enter the snooze mode.10. WALL-MOUNTING HOLDER:•Use it to support the main unit on the wall.11. RESET:•Press it to reset all values to default values.•In case of malfunction, the unit may be required toreset.12. BATTERY COMPARTMENT:•Accommodates 3 x AA size batteries (alkalinebatteries recommended).13. TABLE STAND:•Support the main unit on the the past 24 hours are displayed in a bar chart below theBAROMETRIC PRESSURE window.LOW BATTERY INDICATORWhen the batteries do not have enough power to operatethe main unit, the low battery indicator “   ” will displaybeside the moon phase window to remind you to replacewith new batteries.The indicator “      ” above the outdoor temperature and “    ”on the LCD of transmitter indicate that the battery power oftransmitter is not enough, and you should replace batteriesat once.Transmitter’s low battery indicator(shows on transmitter)Transmitter’s low battery indicator(shows on the main unit)Receiver’s low battery indicator(shows on the main unit)
51614.Temperature & Moon phase window:•Shows the indoor and outdoor temperature, themax/min temperature records and current moonphase.15. Weather forecast window:•Shows the weather forecast for coming 12 and 24hours.16.Barometric pressure window:•Displays the current barometric pressure data andindicates the barometric pressure in the past  24hours.17.Barometric pressure history chart:•Displays  the  barometric  pressure  trend  in  the  past24 hours.18.Calendar window:•Displays the month, date, day of the week andalarm time.19.Clock window:•Displays clock time, alarm icon and time zone map.TRANSMITTER:1. LCD indicator:•Displays  the  current  temperature  and humiditymonitored by the remote unit alternatively.2. CHANNEL  slide  switch:•Assign the transmitter to default Channel 1.ABOUT THE MOON PHASEThe unit  has 8 different  moon phases.  It will changeaccording to the lunar calendar.1. New moon2. Waxing crescent3. First  quarter4. W axing gibbous5. Full moon6. Waning gibbous7. Last  quarter8. W aning crescentPRESSURE RECORDS IN THE PAST 24 HOURSThe current and historical atmosphere is shown in theBAROMETER PRESSURE window. The atmosphere can bedisplayed in mb/hPa or inHg by pressing the “mb-hPa/inHg” key.To check the pressure history in a particular hour during thepast 24 hours, press the “HISTORY” key. Each press on thekey will go back by an hour. The recorded pressure changesSlightly cloudyCloudyRainySunny12345678
6153. RESET:•Press it to restart the transmitter and return allvalues to default values.4. °C/°F:•Switches between Celsius and Fahrenheit.5. BATTERY COMPARTMENT:•Accommodates 2 x AA size batteries.6. BATTERY DOOR7. WALL-MOUNTING HOLDER:•Use it to support the transmitter on the wall.8. TABLE STAND:•Use it to stand the transmitter on the desktop.BEFORE USING THE TRANSMITTER1. Remove the transmitter from the stand and open thebattery door.325781476WEATHER TREND INDICATORThe pressure-trend indicators show the changes in theforthcoming few minutes. Arrows indicate a rising, steadyor falling trend.WEATHER FORECAST INDICATORThe built-in barometer can notice atmosphere pressurechanges. Based on the data collected, it can predict theweather conditions in the forthcoming 12-24 hours.Note:1. The accuracy of a general pressure-based weatherforecast is about 70% to 75%.2. The weather forecast is meant for next 12 to 24 hours.It may not necessarily reflect the current situation.3. The “Sunny” icon, when applied to nighttime, impliesclear weather.Max. temp.& humidity recordsMin. temp.& humidity recordsArrow indicatorPressure trendRising Steady Falling
7142. Insert 2 x AA size batteries into the battery compartment.Make sure you insert them the right way according  tothe polarity information marked on the batterycompartment.3. The receiver can receive humidity and temperature data.Channel 1 is the default channel. Make sure the small  switch in the battery compartment is set to Channel 1.Press  the  “RESET”  button  in the battery compartmentwith a  pin or paperclip to confirm the  channel is set.Select the temperature unit by pressing the “°C/°F” button in the battery compartment with a  pin or paperclip.4. 5.6. Replace  the battery door.NOTE:1. Avoid placing the transmitter in direct sunlight, rain  orsnow.SETTING UP THE WEATHER STATION1. Remove the battery door and insert 3 x  AA size batteriesinto the battery compartment. Make sure you insert themthe right  way according  to  the polarity  informationmarked on  the battery  compartment.2. Replace  the battery door.3. Press the “RESET” button on the back of the clock with a  pin or paperclip to re-start the clock. The clock will synchronize with the transmitter set to  default Channel 1 automatically.VIEWING THE CHANNELThe default  channel is Channel  1.  In  normal  time mode, press “UP” key for 3 seconds, with “beep” tone sound to view the channel 1 temperature  and humidity.HOW TO READ INDOORAND OUTDOOR TEMPERATURE &HUMIDITY RECORDChange  the  temperature  unit  to  ºC  for  Celsius  or  ºF  forFahrenheit by pressing the “ºC/ºF” key.Note:1. If no signal are received or  the  transmission  isinterfered, “—-” will appear on the LCD.2. Relocated the clock or transmitter in other positionsand make sure the transmission is within the effectiverange  of  100 meters approx.3. After several trails in vain, please reset the clockthoroughly. Try out where your multifunctional alarmclock receives the signal best.CHECKING AND DELETING MAX./MIN. TEMPERATURE &HUMIDITY RECORDS1. Press the “MIN/MAX” key once to check the maximumtemperature  and humidity  records. Press  it  twice  tocheck the minimum records. Press it again to exit.2. Press and hold the “MIN/MAX” key for 3 seconds  todelete the maximum and minimum temperature  &humidity records.
8 13NOTE:1.2.The building material and the position of receiver andtransmitter affect the effective range. So try variouslocations to obtain the best result.Place  the units  away  from metal objects  and electricalappliances  to  minimize  the interference.  Position  thereceiver and transmitter within the effective transmissionrange: 30 meters in usual circumstances.DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME (DST)The  clock has  been  programmed  to  automatically switchwhen the daylight savings time is in effect. Your clock willshow “DST” during the summer.RECEPTION OF RADIO CONTROLLED TIME SIGNALThe time and date are radio-controlled. The current timeand date  are automatically synchronized with  the  timesignal transmitted from U.S.A (WWVB)When used for the first time (after inserting the batteries  orpressing the “RESET” key), the clock will start to receive theRC  signal in  5  minutes  with  the  signal strength  indicatorflashing.1. Get the atmosphere pressure data of the sea level (it  isalso the relative atmosphere pressure data of your homearea) through the local weather service, internet andother channels.2. Press and hold “mb-hPa/inHg”  key  for  2  seconds until“abs”  or  “rel”  icon  flashes.3. Press “UP”/”DOWN”  key  to switch to “rel” mode.4. Press “mb-hPa/inHg”  key  once  again until  the “rel”atmosphere pressure digit flashes.5. Press “UP” or “DOWN” key to change its value.6. Press “mb-hPa/inHg” key to save and exit the settingmode, or let it exit automatically 30 seconds later withoutpressing any key.NOTE:1. The  default  relative  atmosphere  pressure  value  is  1013mb/hPa (29.91 inHg), which refers to the averageatmosphere pressure.2. When you change the relative atmosphere pressurevalue,  the weather  indicators will  change along  with  it.3. The built-in barometer can notice the environmentalabsolute  atmosphere pressure changes.  Based on  thedata collected, it can predict the weather conditions  inthe forthcoming 12-24 hours. Therefore, the weatherindicators will change according to the detected absoluteatmosphere pressure  after  you operate  the  clock  for  1hour.4. The  relative  atmosphere  pressure  is  based on  the  sealevel, but it will change with the absolute atmospherepressure  changes  after  operating  the  clock  for 1 hour.
912SIGNAL STRENGTH INDICATORThe signal indicator displays signal strength in 3 levels.Wave segment  flashing means  time signals are beingreceived. The signal quality  could be classified into 3  types:If the RC clock receives signal successfully,  a  sync-timesymbol “  ”will appear on the LCD.The unit has already synchronized with the time signaltransmitter. Otherwise the segment will disappear from theLCD display.NOTE:You may use  the  “°C/°F”  key  to  receive  the  time signalmanually.  Be caution  of  using  the RECEIVE mode,  whichwill consume more battery power and thus may reduce thebattery lifetime. The RECEIVE mode will be off automaticallyin  6-12  minutes.SUGGESTION:Make sure you read the instructions before operating thisdelicate clock. We have developed this sophisticatedinstrument for the best reception performance; however, thesignal transmitted from USA Atomic Clock transmitter willbe affected in certain situations. We advise you to note thefollowing instructions:2. The dual-alarm (ALM1 & ALM2) design of this unit willprovide  you with  more  convenience,  and  you  can  settwo-alarm time if needed.USING ALARM & TEMPERATURE PRE-ALARM FUNCTIONS1. Set the alarm time as described in the previous section.2. Press “ALARM  ON/OFF”  key once  to  turn on alarm1,press it twice to turn on alarm2, with the bell icon“     1 ”(“   2”)displays on  the LCD.  Press  it  again  to  turn  offboth alarm1 and alarm2, with the icons disappear.NOTE:1. If set the temperature pre-alarm is ON, the temperaturepre-alarm  can  sound  30  minutes  earlier  than  the  alarmonly when the outdoor temperature is below -3°C (26°F).2. If no key  is  pressed  during  the  alarm  period,  the  alarmwill turn off automatically.  You can press “SNOOZE/LIGHT” key  to  stop  the current  alarm and enter thesnooze mode. With the bell icon keep flashing.3. Once the snooze function is turned on, the 4-stepcrescendo alarm will  sound 13  times  in  5-minuteinterval.  The alarm duration is 120 seconds.RELATIVE ATMOSPHERE PRESSURE SETTINGThe “rel” display on the LCD is the abbreviation of “relative”,which refers  to  the relative  atmosphere pressure based  onthe  sea level;  while  “abs”  is  the abbreviation  of  “absolute”,which means the absolute atmosphere pressure of yourlocation. You can set the relative atmosphere pressure valueaccording to the following steps:Weak signal qualityAcceptable signal qualityExcellent signal quality
10 111. It is strongly recommended to start this clock at nightand let the clock receive the signal automatically duringmidnight.2. Always place the unit away from interfering sourcessuch as TV set, computer, etc.3. Avoid placing the unit on or next to metal plates.4. Closed area such as airport, basement, tower block  orfactory is not recommended.5. Do  not  start  reception in  moving  articles such  asvehicles or trains.TIME AND CALENDAR SETTINGIf you are out of reach of the Radio Controlled transmitter orif the reception is not  reachable,  the time and calendar canbe set manually,  as soon as the signal of transmitter  isreceived again, the clock will automatically synchronizedwith the exact time and calendar.1. In  normal  time mode,  press and hold  the “MODE” keyfor 2 seconds to enter the normal time setting mode.2. Press  the  “UP”  or “DOWN”  key  to  change  the value  ofthe flashing Hour digit.3. Repeat the above operations to set time and calendarin this order: Time Zone > Year > Month > Date > DST >Hour> Minute> Second > Day language.4. The time zone setting are represented by the belowabbreviations: P=Pacific    M=Mountain  C=CentralE=Eastern5. The 5 languages weekday setting are represented  bythe below abbreviations: GB=English  FR=FrenchDE=German  ES=Spanish  IT=Italian6. Press “MODE” key to save and exit the setting mode. Orlet it exit automatically 30seconds later without pressingany key.ALARM AND SNOOZE SETTING1. In normal time mode, press “MODE” key once to selectthe alarm1 or alarm2.2. In alarm1/alarm2 mode, press and hold “ALM ON/OFF” key for 2 seconds until alarm Hour digit flashes.3. Press “UP” or “DOWN” key to change the value.4. Repeat the above operations to set time and calendarin this order: Hour > Minute  >  Temperature pre-alarmON/OFF.5. Press “ALM ON/OFF” key to save and exit the setting, or let it exit automatically 30 seconds later without pressing any key.NOTE:1. The alarm will be automatically turned on when you setthe alarm time with the icon “    1” or “    2” displayed.SONMONDIEMITDONFRESAMDIMLUNMARMERJEUVENSAMDOMLUNMARMIEJUEVIESABDOMLUNMARMERGIOVENSABEnglishGermanyFrenchSpanishItalianSUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISAT

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