Citizen Systems Japan H05B0 Printer with RFID data transmitter User Manual

Citizen Systems Japan Co., Ltd. Printer with RFID data transmitter

User manual

           UUsseerr’’ss  MMaannuuaall       CW-01                            VVeerrssiioonn  00..2211      CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD.
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 1 ●Concerning Copyright  The copyrights for this User’s Manual are the property of the CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD.Reproduction of any or all of the contents of  this  User’s Manual without consent of the company is a violation of copy-right law.  However, for non-commercial, personal purposes, you may make one back-up copy.   Also, the contents of this User’s Manual are subject to change in the future without  prior notice.  ●Concerning Safety Warnings  Warnings regarding safety and use, and the contents of the User’s Manual, conform to standards existing as of the date published.  ●Concerning modification   The CW-01 printer was planned, developed, and manufactured by CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPANCO.,LTD. and for safety purposes, any modification of the device is prohibited.
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 2Indicates a situation which, if not observed and handled properly, could result in death or serious injury. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn                                                                        Thank you very much for purchasing the CW-01 Dye Sublimation digital printer. This manual explains the handling and operation required to use this printer. Please read this manual well before starting operation and please use the printer correctly. Be sure to read “In order to use safely” (Pg 2-6), and use the printer safely.         TToo  uussee  tthhiiss  pprriinntteerr  ssaaffeellyy                                 ・  Be sure to read this manual before use. After reading, keep it in a safe place,  where it can be re-read as needed.  ・  Do not touch, disassemble, or try to repair anything not covered in this manual.         To prevent personal injury or property damage, the following shall be strictly observed.    The degree of possible injury and damage due to incorrect use or improperly following instructions is described below.                       WARNING Indicates a situation which, if not observed and handled properly, could result in injury. CAUTION This is a mark to call attention to the reader.
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 3                     Never perform the following. If not avoided, these may cause damage or trouble to the printer or cause the printer to overheat and release smoke and cause burns or an electrical shock. If the printer is damaged or is malfunctioning, be sure to turn the power off immediately and remove the power cord from the outlet, then consult our service personnel.  • Do not jolt or impact to the printer by stepping on, dropping or hitting the printer. • Do not place the printer in a poorly ventilated area, or shut off the air vent of the printer. • Do not place the printer where chemical reactions occur, such as in laboratories or where air is mixed with salt or gas. • Do not use a power voltage or frequency other than those specified. • Do not plug/unplug the power cord or attach/detach the USB cable by simply grabbing the power cord or USB cable. Do not pull or carry the printer when the tension of the power cord or USB cable is increased. • Do not drop or put foreign matter such as clips and pins into the printer. This may cause problems. • Do not plug the power cord into an outlet with many loads. • Do not spill drinks such as tea, coffee and juice on the printer or spray insecticide on the printer. If drink or water is spilled, first be sure to turn the power off and remove the power cord from the outlet, then consult our service personnel. • Do not disassemble or modify the printer.    Discard or safely store the plastic packing bag. This bag should be kept away from children. If the bag is pulled over a child’s head, it may cause suffocation.  WARNINGWEEE MARK If you want to dispose this product, do not mix with generalhousehold waste. There is a separate collection system forused electronics products in accordance with legislationunder the WEEE Directive (Directive 2002/96/EC) and iseffective only within European Union.
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 4GGeenneerraall  WWaarrnniinnggss                                     1.  Prior to operation, read “To use this printer safety”carefully and observe them.  2.  Do not drop or put foreign matter such as clips and pins into the printer. This may cause problems.  3.  Be careful when moving or carrying the printer. Never try carrying the printer alone.    Dropping the printer may cause injury or property damage.  4.  Do not open the printer during printing.  5.  When cleaning the surface of the printer case, do not use the cloth that is soaked in thinner, trichloroethylene, benzine, ketone or similar chemicals.  6.  Do not use the printer where there is a lot of oil, iron particles, or dust.  7.  Do not spill liquids or spray insecticide on the printer.  8.  Do not jolt or impact to the printer by stepping on, dropping or hitting the printer.  9.  Be careful of the edges of the parts, because injury or property damage is possible.  10. If a problem occurs during printing, stop the printer immediately and unplug the power cord from the outlet.  11.  When printer trouble occurs, do not try to dissemble it. Instead, consult our service personnel.  12.  Do not use this printer for applications where malfunction could be life-threatening (for example, medical, space or aeronautic applications, and similar applications that require extreme reliability.)    13.    If use is intended on a transportation vehicle (train, truck, ship), please talk to a representative in advance.  14.  When disposing of the printer, accessories, packaging, ribbon, or paper, please follow local waste-removal codes. If you have questions, please contact your local government office.
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 5WWaarrnniinnggss  ffoorr  SSeett--UUpp                                                                  1.  Prior to operation, read “To use this printer safety”carefully and observe them.  2.  Use care when moving the printer. Never try carrying the printer alone. Dropping it could cause injury or damage to other property. 3.  Do not use or store the printer near fire, excessive moisture, in direct sunlight, near an air conditioner or heater, or any other source of unusually high or low temperature or humidity, or excessive dust.   4.  Do not place the printer where chemical reactions occur, such as in a laboratory.   5.  Do not place the printer where air is mixed with salt or gas.   6.  The printer must sit on a firm, level surface where there is ample ventilation. Never allow the printer's air vent to be blocked by a wall or other object.   7.  Do not put anything on the top of printer.   8.  Do not place the printer near a radio or television, and do not use the same wall outlet for the printer and radio or television. Radio or television reception could be adversely affected.   9.  Do not use a power voltage or frequency other than those specified. 10.  Do not put anything on the power cord or step on it. 11.  Do not drag or carry the printer with the power cord or USB cable. 12.  Avoid plugging the power cord into an outlet with many loads. 13.  Do not bundle the power cord when inserting the plug. 14.  Always grip the plug housing, not the cord, to plug/unplug the power cord. 15.  Make certain the power is turned off before connecting/disconnecting the USB cable. 16.  Avoid lengthening the signal cable or connecting it to any noise-producing device.   If it is unavoidable, use a shielded cable or twisted pair for each signal. 17.  Place the printer near the outlet where the power cord can be unplugged easily to shut off power. 18.  Use an AC outlet that accepts a three-pronged plug. Otherwise, static electricity may be generated and there will be danger of electric shock. 19. Use the appropriate specified cord set. Only use items that are certified safe according to the standards of the country where they are to be used
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 6●Japanese Users Cord set No 5-AB0632-1 (60001080)    Parts number  Rating  Acquired Standard No Plug  KP-300  125V 12A     JET-1807-43001-1004 Cord VCTF 1.25mm2 3G  JET-2178-12009-1003 Connector  KS-16A      125V 12A  JET-1807-43004-1005       ●American, Canadian Users Cord set No INQ.1417 (60000980)       Parts number  Rating  Acquired Standard No Plug CAT-009 125V 13A UL:E69228  CSA:LL93534 Cord SJT  1.25mm2 3G  UL:E69167 CSA:LL97391  LL92902 LL42379 Connector EF-28  125V 13A UL:E69228 CSA:LL93534  Cord set No 5-AB0638 (60001010)    Parts number  Rating  Acquired Standard No Plug  KP-30  125V 13A  UL: E118569 CSA: LR84390 Cord SJT  1.25mm2 3G  UL: E42955 CSA: LL84512 Connector KS-32      125V 13A  UL: E118569 CSA: LL84391    ●European Users Cord set No 764S(60000960)    Parts  number  Rating  Acquired Standard No Plug 203  10/16A 250V EN60799 Cord H05VV-F 1.00mm23G EN60799 Connector EF-28  250V 10A EN60799   Cord set No 764S  (60001030)         Parts number  Rating  Acquired Standard No Plug  KP-4819Y  10 / 16A 250V  IEC60884 Cord H05VV-F(GTCE-3) 1.00mm23G    IEC60227-5 Connector  KS-31A      250V 10A     IEC60320-1
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 7RReegguullaattoorryy  ccoommpplliiaannccee  ssttaatteemmeennttss                                         American users FCC part 15 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,   pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:    ■  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna   ■  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver ■ Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected ■ Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help   You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible   for compliance could void your authority to operate the equipment  This device complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled   environment. The antenna used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation   distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction   with any other antenna or transmitter.  Caution: Use shielded cables to connect these computers. Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the grantee of this device could   void the users authority to operate the equipment.  Canadian users ICES-003 This digital does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the radio interference regulations of industry Canada. Le pré’cent appareil numerique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de Class B prescrites dans le réglement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicte par industrie Canada.
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 8 日本のお客様へ/Japanese Users 電波障害について この装置は、情報処理装置等電波障害自主規制協議会(VCCI)の基準に基づく クラス B  情報技術装置です。この装置は、家庭環境で使用することを目的としていますが、この装置がラジオやテレビジョンの受信機に近接して使用されると、受信障害を引き起こす可能性があります。 取扱説明書に従って正しい取り扱いをして下さい。  VCCI statement This equipment is in the Class B category (information Technology Equipment to be used in a residential area or an adjacent area thereto) and conforms to standards set by the Voluntary Control Council for interference by information Technology Equipment aimed at preventing radio interference in such residential areas. When used near a radio or TV receiver, it may become the cause of radio interference. Read instructions for correct handling.
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 9TTaabbllee  ooff  ccoonntteennttss                                   Introduction・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・2 To use this printer safely・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・2 General Warnings・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・4 Warnings for Set-Up・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・5 Table of contents・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・9 CChhaapptteerr  11  PPrriinntteerr  SSeettuupp......................................................................................................................................1100 1. Please check the package contents・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・11 2. Names of Components・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・12 3. Check the Paper and Ribbon・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・13 4. Connect the Power Cable・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・14 5. Connect to the Host Computer (PC)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・14 6. Setting the Paper and Ribbon・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・15 7. Setting the Trim Tray・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・18 CChhaapptteerr  22  TTrroouubbllee  SShhoooottiinngg................................................................................................................1199 1. Error Indication・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・20 2. If Paper is jammed・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・21 3. If Ribbon is cut・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・22 4. If power was shut down during printing・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・22 CChhaapptteerr  33  MMaaiinntteennaannccee........................................................................................................................................2233 1. Cleaning the Platen Roller・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・24 2. Cleaning the Thermal Print Head・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・24 3. Cleaning the Filter・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・25 AAppppeennddiixx......................................................................................................................................................................................................................2266 1. Specifications・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・26
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 10       CChhaapptteerr  11  PPrriinntteerr  SSeettuupp        1. Please check the package contents 2. Names of Components 3. Check the Paper and Ribbon 4. Connect the Power Cable 5. Connect to the Host Computer (PC) 6. Setting the Paper and Ribbon 7. Setting the Trim Tray
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 1111..  PPlleeaassee  cchheecckk  tthhee  ppaacckkaaggee  ccoonntteennttss                           Please check that the printer and all accessories are included in the package.                                                    CAUTION -  The printer is heavy, so please be careful moving or carrying it and/or taking theprinter out of the packing box. -  If the printer is dropped, it can cause injury or damage to other property. -  When you take the printer out of the box, please hold the bottom of the printer. -  If the styrene gripped when taking the printer out of the box, it can break, causing  the printer to be dropped.. Printer Unit L-SpacerPower cordRoll Holder assembly Printer Driver CDAt the time of installation, please removethe following packing. (1) Head assembly protecting pad. (2) Paper guide protecting pad. (3) Roll holder assembly protecting pad.   * Please keep the package box, packing materials for transportation.  ②③①
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 1222..  NNaammeess  ooff  CCoommppoonneennttss                                 [Front]                       [Back]                           -  Please be careful not to hurt yourself or damage anything on the edges of the printer. Trim tray Power switch Ventilation USB cable port Power cable Platen rollerRibbon holdersupply side Thermal print headRibbon holderrewind sideRoll Holder assembly Paper guide stopper pinVentilation[Side] Front cover Upper paper guide   Open Button LED Print sheet exit CAUTION
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 1333..  CChheecckk  tthhee  PPaappeerr  aanndd  RRiibbbboonn                          Paper  Type   L-Size, 2L-Size  127mm Post Card, A5 Wide Size  152 mm                       Ribbon i-Media Type  L-Size, 2L-Size 134mm Post Card, A5 Wide Size   159 ㎜                  L-Size, 2L-Size  Post Card, A5 Wide Size Post Card, A5 Wide SizeL-Size 2L-Size
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 1444..  CCoonnnneecctt  tthhee  PPoowweerr  CCaabbllee                         1.  Please confirm that the power switch is turned OFF.  2.  Insert the power supply cable to the printer’s power supply inlet.  3.  Plug the power supply cable into a wall socket.                        55..  CCoonnnneecctt  ttoo  tthhee  HHoosstt  CCoommppuutteerr  ((PPCC))                 1.  Please confirm that the power switches of the printer and PC are turned OFF.  2.  Connect the printer and PC by USB cable.                 Power supply inlet Power switch -  Please use the power cable attached with the printer, and be sure to ground the grounding line of the plug.   USB Cable Port CAUTION
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 1566..  SSeettttiinngg  tthhee  PPaappeerr  aanndd  RRiibbbboonn                         1.  Open the front cover by pressing the open button.              2.  Put the paper on the roll holder assembly.    For L-size and 2L-size, use the L-spacer.                                     L-size, 2L-size  Post Card, A5 wide sizeL-spacer, Roll holder assembly Roll holder assembly Please set paper on roll holderassembly as for L-Size, 2L-Size. Open button* When the front cover is opened for thefirst time, please take out the protectivepads. *  When attaching the L-spacer, line thehooks on the L-spacer up with the holeson the roll holder.   * Please insert firmly so as not to have any space between the side of the   roll and the flange.
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 163.  Set the paper into the printer.                                                      L-size, 2L-size  Post Card, A5 wide size * Please confirm that the paper holdershaft is set firmly in the guide on theprinter.     Otherwise, the paper may jam.   Fit the paper to the proper position for each size, and insert it in the direction of the arrow until the buzzer makes beeping sound. (Approx. to the dotted line)  The LED indicator should change from blinking Red to blinking Blue & Red Please make sure that the paper is set straight. Please insert the paper referring to the paper width guide shown below.  It’s recommended to insert the paper after taking up any slack on the roll foreasier setting.
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 174.  Set the ribbon in the printer  * Paying attention to the ribbon surface for front & back, set the supply and uptake ribbon reels as shown below.  * Remove any ribbon slack by turning the ribbon uptake side in the direction of the arrow approx. 5 times.                5.    Close the front cover.   * When the front cover is closed, the paper initialization process will be carried out except in the case when the printer is   turned on after paper setting   (in that case, paper initialization is not carried out).       * There is a IC tag implemented in the ribbon and a detector in the printer for performing color offset of media lot, detecting of media type and managing of print counter, to be communicated between host computer (PC). If any other media with no IC tag or a different tag is set, normal print process may not be possible.    For details, please contact your supplier.                Ribbon winding direction During the paper initialization process, outside of roll paper with dust or finger prints isremoved by outputting 4 sheets of non printed paper. The front side of the printer frontis for ribbon supply, and the backside is for ribbon uptake. Ribbon supply side (BLUE) Ribbon uptake side (RED) Please set the reels asshown by color. If different types of media like 2L-Size and Post Card or others are used in the same printer,quality problems in the printed image will arise.   So as a rule, please do not use different types of media in the same printer.  But if for some reason different types of media must be used, first turn the printer off, take outthe old media, and turn the printer on again before setting the new media.  * This way, when the front cover is closed, the paper initialization process will be carried out,unless the printer is turned on after setting of the new media, in which case initializationwon’t take place.
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 1877..  SSeettttiinngg  tthhee  TTrriimm  TTrraayy                                            Trimmed excess from the prints are collected in the trim tray.  Please be sure to remove the scraps from the box whenever the paper media is change.  If the box is too full, the paper may get jammed.                                             Hook Magnet * Please set the box by hanging it on the hook as shown above. -  Please do not operate the printer with the trim tray removed. -  Please be careful not to insert your finger or anything else in the cutter located over thebox when the trim tray is taken out, otherwise it’s possible to injure your finger.   CAUTION
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 19    CChhaapptteerr  22  TTrroouubbllee  SShhoooottiinngg        1. Error Indication 2. If Paper is jammed 3. If Ribbon is cut 4. If power was shut off during printing
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 2011..  EErrrroorr  IInnddiiccaattiioonn                                                       LED display for printer status.  Status LED Indication  Solutions Online  ━━━━━━━━━━ Printer ready ━━━━━━━━━━ Please close front cover Front Cover Open (No Paper) ━━━━━  Please reset the paper correctly          *1 Paper End  ━━━━  ━  ━   Please set new paper                *2 Ribbon End ━━━━  ━  ━  ━   Please set new ribbon               *2  *1 When the paper is properly set into position, the buzzer will beep twice, and the lamp will blink blue and red. *2 Please change the paper and ribbon at the same time.   Status LED Indication   Solutions Head Cooling Down ━━  ━━  ━━━━  Stops automatically when the head is cooled downPaper Error ━  ━  Please reset the paper correctly   Ribbon Error ━  ━  ━  Please reset the ribbon correctly   System Error ━━━━━━━━━━  Please switch off & on again            *3   *3 If the printer doesn’t recover from the system error, please contact a service representative.
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 2122..  IIff  PPaappeerr  iiss  jjaammmmeedd                                      1.  Open the front cover by pressing   the open button.            2.  With scissors, evenly cut off any partially printed paper, or paper with wrinkles, etc.    Then reset the paper.    If wrinkles or printed paper are not removed, the paper may jam again.                        Correct paper edge cut            If paper is not cut, it may cause abnormal printing and/or the paper to jam.   * When pulling out paper, please pull slowly. Too much power may damage the printer.  In case of a serious paper jam, please open the “upper paper guide” after removing the “paper guide stopper pins” on both sides with a slotted screwdriver, then pull the paper out in the direction of the arrow.
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 22 33..  IIff  RRiibbbboonn  iiss  ccuutt                                               1.  Open the front cover by pressing the open button.  2.  Remove any incomplete prints. If the next image is printed over the previous image, the ribbon may stick, and it may cause the paper to jam.  3.  Attach the ribbon ends with cellophane tape.  4.  Set the ribbon in the printer.  5.  Then turn the reel on the uptake side several times until the cellophane tape disappears.                  44..  IIff  ppoowweerr  wwaass  sshhuutt  ddoowwnn  dduurriinngg  pprriinnttiinngg                       * If power is shut off during printing, the front cover will be locked shut.  1. Please turn the power ON again, and when LED shows Blue, please open the front cover.   (Approx. 10 sec after turning the power on again, the LED should change to indicate blue)  2.  The incomplete print will be in the printer. Pull it out and cut it off evenly.     Then reset the paper correctly.  Please refer to “Chapter 2: When the paper jams”               Attach with cellophane tape- Please be sure not to shut the power off during printing. CAUTION
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 23           CChhaapptteerr  33  MMaaiinntteennaannccee         1.  Cleaning the Platen Roller 2.  Cleaning the Thermal Print Head 3.  Cleaning the Filter
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 2411..  CClleeaanniinngg  tthhee  PPllaatteenn  RRoolllleerr                                 Please wipe off any powder, scraps, adhesives, etc, from the ribbon and/or paper which   are on the platen roller, using ethyl alcohol and a soft cloth.  Note:    Only use ethyl alcohol.    Never use benzene, thinner etc, since they may permeate the   resin.  * If any impressions appear regularly in the same place on the prints, or if there are marks on the back (white side) in the same place on the prints, please clean the platen roller.   As a rule, clean the roller about once every 4000 sheets (10 rolls).               22..  CClleeaanniinngg  tthhee  TThheerrmmaall  PPrriinntt  HHeeaadd                         If there is powder, garbage, adhesive, etc, from the ribbon and/or paper on the print head,   wipe the head surface with a cleaning sheet approx. 5 times.    (We suggest Japan Micro-coating head polishing film GC#10000)    Always switch off the printer before cleaning. As a rule, clean the roller about once every 4000 sheets (10 rolls).  * Please do not clean the thermal print head frequently as far as print quality has no serious problem.  Note:    Never use alcohol, benzene, thinner,   or sand paper on the thermal head.                Please clean by turningthe platen roller.-  Before cleaning, always switch off the printer. Otherwise, there is possibility ofcatching your finger in the head assembly and being injured. -  The print head will be hot just after printing.  Please wait for the print head tocooler off before beginning cleaning.   CAUTION
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 2533..  CClleeaanniinngg  tthhee  FFiilltteerr                                   * Please clean the filter and bottom of the printer regularly.  1.  Open the front cover by pressing the open button.             2. Remove the filter cover.             3. Clean the filter with a brush or vacuum. Also clean the bottom of the printer around the fan motor. (Dust might accumulate on the paper and affect the print quality adversely)    Note:    If the filter is washed using water, make sure the filter is thoroughly dried before   replacing it.    Remaining water could cause the printer to malfunction.  4. Reset the filter in the opposite order from removing it.    Push the filter cover until it clicks into   place. -  It’s important to keep the filter clean. -  If the filter is blocked or clogged, the temperature inside the printer will rise, and the thermal head will overheat. -  If the thermal head overheats, the printer will stop, and the error LED will blink.  In this case, the printer will resume printing automatically after the temperature of the thermal head drops enough for printing. -  A similar situation may occur when the print head is overheated by continuous high power use such as when printing many black images.        Fan motor Filter Filter cover-  Before cleaning, always switch off the printer.   CAUTION
  CITIZEN SYSTEMS JAPAN CO.,LTD. 26AAppppeennddiixx    11..  SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss                                        Item Specifications Type Number  CW01-H01 Maker  CITIZEN  SYSTEMS  JAPAN CO.,LTD. Print Technology  Dye Sublimation Resolution  334dpi & 600dpi Gray Scale  Yellow, Magenta, Cyan 256 steps each USB2.0 (Max. 480Mbps)   Interface Buffer size for A5 Wide Size x 2 images Paper Roll paper, Coreless Ribbon  YMC + Overcoat Dimensions  322W × 366D × 335H mm Weight  24Kg (Printer hardware only) Power  AC100V – 240V    50/60Hz Consumption  100V 3.85A,  240V 1.76A Noise    A-weighted sound pressure level > 70dB: 71.7dB Temperature 5 degree C to 35 degree C with natural air   Operation conditions  Humidity    35 to 80% with no moisture nor condensation Temperature –20 degree C to 60 degree C General Specification Stock conditions  Humidity    5 to 85% with no moisture nor condensation Accessories  L-Spacer, Power cord, Printer driver CD  Items / Paper Type  L-Size  Post Card  2L-Size  A5 Wide Paper Size    mm  127 x 89  152 x 101  127 x 178  152 x 229 Print Area                mm  130 x 92  155 x 105  130 x 181  155 x 232 Print Speed   Sec/Sheet         Media Paper Capacity  Sheet  660  600  350  270  * Print speed, measured by supplier’s standard. * Specification may be changed without notice.

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