Clarity A Division of Plantronics W9001 900MHz 40 Channel Cordless Telephone User Manual
Clarity, A Division of Plantronics, Inc. 900MHz 40 Channel Cordless Telephone
User Manual
756.11, 1999 1582 ' N0.BB4 sue/13 MODEL W-9001 USER MANUAL for CORDLESS TELEPHONE Fold open thls manual for Information about this wiephand |n8tl1|lflun and operation. Please read the IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS meludad in this mud. 26.1UL.1999 15:82 ‘ No.094 P‘3/18 INSTALLATION ......... ......... . ............ A CAUTION 1, Never install a telephone during a llgmnlng sturm Never install a telephane in a wet lucatlon. Never touch Uninsulated telephane wlms or tennlnals. Use cautlon When Installing a telephune line, PP.“ 120 VOLT OUTLET/TELEPHONE JACK 1. Thls phone requires a modular phone jack (RJ11) and a standard 120 volt outlet 2. Plug phone dlredly into outlet. , 3. Do not plug other appllsnces into outlet or have outlet controlled by a wall switch. _____________———————— 26..TUL.. 1999 15:82 WALL MOUNT INSTALLATlON Ease unll may be mounted an a sanded wall plate. ‘L Insert AC adaptor Inlo back of base unlt. 24 Plug the line card lnlo modular Jack. 34 Mounthase unwell plate sluds and gently press unlll lhe unll locks in plane. 4. Plug AC adaplcr dlreclly lnlo standard 120 volt euflel. DESK TOP INSTALLATION 1. Plug the Ilna card into modularlackl 2. Press unit locking lever cllcks‘ 3. connect Ac adaplor in» back cl unl‘l and plug dlrsclly into standard 12D volt Met L_____3____ P.4/18 SET TONEIPULSE SWITCH Set switch (back of base) lo correct diallng mode TONE nr PULSE. DE m: Please check with local phone company If uncertaln uf type of serving. RINGER ONIOFF Sal switch (ham of base) lo ON or OFF. Rlnger swileh must be ON for nandssl to ring during Incoming wllsl L— 4 NO‘BSA INSTALLATION .......... ....... . ...... ANTENNAS Adjust base antenna to upright E El paelflun. m RECEIVER VOLUME CONTROL 1. Refsrlo-Placinga Cal/lo establish a phone conversallon. 2. Press BOOST Bums"v 3. Adjust the rotary VOLUME CONTROL to a desired receiving sound level' 4. Alter hang-up the sound level will go back to normal level. 5. Next time, dunnu a call. you can press BOOST nunon lo get your set sound level. fit: @” P‘s/18 [10.884 P.6/1El HANDSET BATI‘ER'Y CHARGING The battery pack In the handset must be fully charged 10-14 hours before using the telephone for the first llms. 1, Place handset in base‘ The CHARGE LED on base will light. 2, After batteries are fully charged. check for dlal (one by pressing TALK an headset. 3. When handset hanery gm law. there will be 2 beeps every 30 seconds. The TALK BUTTON will flash Return to cradle for charging. 1. um“: M211 nanuael ln base: ch-mlm a 1mm- when pmne ls lllflu: In Illa 3. Plans: lebw Mumm- mm 4. I1 battery become: law whlla ynu t are on a call, you will be disconnected after about 2 mlnutesjenflinalememllqulcldy ~ and mcharge baflefy. 26. JLL‘. 1999 151133 "0.684 Tc recharge battery pack, place handset In base and: 1. Make sure contact palms are touching and CHARGE LED ls IIL 2. Be carelulnonoshan bathrywlth conducting materials such as rings. bracelm and keys. Replace battery every 2 years, Use only a WALKER EQUIPMENT appmved NIGed battery In your ccrdlea phone. To Replace Emory: 1A Hum mvymn z mummw mg“: FLT/18 N0.ee4 P.B/1El OPERATIONS ..... . . . . . .. 40-CHANNEL OPERATION The W~9001 cordless telephone automatically searches and selem the clearest M40 channels when it Is being used. SECURITY CODE The security code prevents your cordless telephone conversation from being accessed by a phone on a different line. Once the handset battery ls fully charged. the handset will automatlcelry select the code from a total of over 55,000 cdmblnetlcne The code is changed every time the handset is placed In the cradle. ifyou experience ditfieuitywith pladng or receiving tails. a test security code may be the cause of the problem. When this occurs. the handset can no longer communicate with the base. Reset by piadng handset on base for 5—10 seconds. it that does network. unplug the AC adapter from the wall outlet. Disconnect the handset battery for 540 seconds, then reconnect. Place handset back on base and then racing the Ac adaptor. PLACING CALL 1. Press TALK button. 2. TALK BUTTON on handset will a tight. : 3' When you hear a dial tone. place yourcalit 4l While on a call. if you experience noise or static: a. Press CHANNEL on handset untll a char channel is found; the (all wtil not be tntemlptedl Or b. Mcve closer to base. Note: You must be in useblefrange to change channels. Base antenna should be in upright memon. RECEIVING A CALL L IF THE HANDSETIS OUTOF THE BASE UNIT. press TALK. 2A |F THE HANDSEI' IS IN THE BASE LtNlT, Ittt the handset Do not press TALK. You will autcmetlmlty be connected. 26. JLL. 1999 15:24 N0.EBA ENDING A CALL 1, Place the handset in the base or press TALK to be disconnected from the line. 2. TALK BUTTON on handsetwlll turn of, FLASH Use the FLASH button to actlvate custom filling services such as Call Wailing or Three-Way Calling (Special sub-scrlptlon from your lacs! telephone company required). TEMPORARYTONE (‘) PULSE (rotary) service users may access touch-tans features needed to operate answering machlnes or use elemnlc banklna, wlllng ands, em. by pressing the TONE (‘) button, Phone wlll automarlcally return to pulse dialing alter the cell ends. OUT OF RANGE If you experience static while using the telephone. move Glaser to the base or change the channel by pressing the channel butmn. REDlALlF'AUSE Redlal Feature: This button mmalm two features (1) Redlal the Last dialed number. (2) A beam peuee‘ Last number dialed (up ll) 32 digits) is stored in redial memory uni" another number ls detect 1. Press TALK on handset 2. When you hear a dial tone. press REDWJPAUSE Pause Feature: A 4-secand PAUSE may be'insanefl into the speed diallng of telephone numbers Press PAUSE/PAUSE button at requlreu point during shrage of a number ln memory. BOOST Press to toggle ONIOFF the RECEIVER VOLUME CONTROL Manna during a call. ' L_______’_______ P.9/1E ' N0.iae4 26.JLL.1999 15:04 PAGE I HANDSEELOCATOR Send a signal from the base to handset. Press PAGE button on base and a series of rings will sound from handset. Tn ioeete the handset (If it is away horn the base). press and hold the PAGE button for about 5 seconds. A series of rings will sound for approximately do seconds. Return the handset to the base or press (he ~ TALK buttento cancel the page. MEMORY FEATURE Store up to 10 numbers in memory for quick dialing. To Program Frequently edited Number: 1. Pick up handset. with TALK ofi. 2. Press MEMO (MEMORY) button. 3. Dial phone number (uplo 16dlgiis). 4. Press MEMO button again. 5. Press a number key (0-9) for the memory location where the number is to be stored. L—_____._____________| G.A long beep will confirm the number has been sucooesmily stored. 7. Record numbers to be spread dlaled on memory Index label, which an be adhered to the base of other desired locations. Note: if a 17th dlglt is accidentally pressed or a pause of more than 30 seconds occurs during programming. an error tone will sound. Try again Each TONE 0) or PAUSE entered use: one of the 16 available memory digits. 4 CHANGEAsroRenNUMBEn Replace a stored number by progrernrning a new number in Its DIALING A NUMBER STORED IN MEMORY 1. Lh‘t handset. Press TALK. 2. With TALK button lit. press MEMO. 3. Press memory location (0-9) assigned to number being called. P.IB/1B ,. “155 ZS..TLL.1999 15:24 NO.BB4 F‘. 11/18 Mum lumen : Pran- u: mm pm numhzrl in m-my cm can a numbcrym hem lmrnd‘ “hunger-what (') 9mm: quwmomruydungn mod-um nod-mm mans. HMuNuke 0mm bl mmbrlwlld-hl mum. Mflmfl’nfib Mhflmfiom Mmmldl awe-mm. mmmmm mum-hum Wm:mm I W I mm Mmyuumlrmfl-um. MI-Wmnmmm mum-ammo n Wyn-mum m Hmmnmnmmnd mmmm-nn Munmmanu “WWW-Illu- 26.3LL.1999 15 Wmmukxw mm» NO. 284 TROUBLESHOOTING _, ‘ If you experlanae dlillcully operating your cordless phone. try the suggestions below lflheimuble mm, mlihsWAi-KER EQUIPMENT Rein“ sales Toll Flee Help Line at 1-800-XXX-XXXX. Monday - Friday between the hours of 8:3Q aux-4:30 pm. (EST) THE UNITWILL NOT OPERATE! N0 DIAL TONE: ' Make sure TALK BUTTON [s Ill. ' Make sure AC adapter is plugged lnio base unli and wall outlet ' Make sure telephone line card ls plugged into wail jack. °Make aura base antenna is in upright position ' Make sure handset balmy is fully charged. ‘Make sure you have selected correct dialing mode. tone (touch) at pulse (rotary). ' Make sure you are within usable range of the base Station. 'Reset security cede by plasma handset ln base for 540 seconds. THE PHONE DOES NUT RING WHEN YOU RECEIVE A CALL: ' Make sum lhe RINGER switch on base is iumed ON. 'Make sure Ac adapter ls plugged lnha base unit and wall outlet. 'Mlke sure telephone line card is plugged Into wall jack. “Make sure you are within usable range ofihe base station. ' You mlght have log many manslon phones on younllne. Try unpluaalna a few. NOISE, STATIC, INTRFERENCE OR OTHER CALLS HEARD WHILE USING HANDSET: ‘Try ohanglng channels. ‘Take sure base an!enna_la in upright posliion. 'Make sure you are wllhln usable range of the base station. 11 PA 12/18 ‘Make sure AC adaplnr ls not plugged into wall ouflsl vmh olher appliances. - Try relocation base unit to analher Ioealion. 'Malin T0 - comm Ins aquipqmt (me an out!“ an 3 Circuit dlfiemm {m that to which (he rculvor ls comm. ' Conan" me dealer or an Who'd radioTVIflelmidnn form “t i‘tiho i-rvuol; 27411693 ' Pan. 2 P.B2 oeewmm 26.JUI7.1999 I‘D-284 1szoe. IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS . . . . , . . .. . . . . . . BEFORE USING YOUR end the heck and bottom are ‘I‘ELEPHONEEQUIPMENT,BASK: provided for ventilation. to protect SAFETYPREc/wmussuoum it from overheating. These ALWAYS BE FOLLOWED TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE. ELECTRIC SHOCK AND INJURY TO PERSONS, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: 1. Reed and understand all Instructions. 2,Fo|low ell warnings end instructions marked on the product 3. Unplug thls product from the well telephone lack and power outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use damp cloth for cleaning. 4. Donoruselhle producineerweier; for example. new a bethlub, wash bowl. kitchen sink. laundry rub| swimming pool. or In a wet basement 5. Do not pleoe this product on an openings must not be blocked or covered. The openings should never be blookad by plBCIng lhe pmduotonlhebed, or other similar surface. This pmduotshouid never be plawd near or over a radiator or heat register. Thle produm should not be placed in a built-In installation unless proper verilllation is provided. 7. This product should be operated only tram the type of powersauroe indicated an the marking label. If you are not sure or ti're,type or power supply to your. home. consult your dealer or Iwal power company. 8. Do nor allow anything to rest on the power cord Do not looms this product where the cord will be damaged by persons walking on it unstable raft stand Offlb‘e- The a. Do not overload well outlets product may fall. causing senous damage in the product. 6. Slots or openings in the cabinet enension cords. as this can result in fire or elefirtc shook. ‘ 10.Neverpushebjede dfeny kind into this product through eahlnet .. P. 16/18 ZG.JUE.1999 15:36 is 11 slots, as they may touch den gerous voltage points or short out pans. This wuid result in fire or electric shock. . Never aplli liquid or any kind an this product. To reduce the risk of electric shock . do not disassemble fl1is product. Instead, when some repair walk is required. lake the unit to a qualified technicienmn Opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltages or olher risks. incorrect reassembly can cause electric shock when the appliance is subsequently used. Unplug this product than the waii 12-uuliel end refer servicing to qualified service personnel under the following mndltlonm When the power supply cord at of plug is damaga‘l er frayed ii' liquid has been spilled into be the 9mm. tithe product has been to min f. expmd or water iflheproduet does not operate d. normally and proper operating instructions have been followed, eqlust only those controls that are covered by the operating Instructional Improper edlusunent of other controls may result In damage and wilicflen require extensive work by a qualified technician lo restore the producl in normal operation. e.lf the product has been dropped or cabinet has be damaged i. If the prcduet axhib'ns a distinct change in performance. 13. Avoid using telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical storm. There may be a [6mm risk flf electrical shock ’ from lightning. ~ 14. Do not use the ielephene to report a gas leak in the vicinity dtihe leak. SAVE THESE iNSTRUCTIONS » Wavemxam: NO A B94 P. 17/18 "Chm P. 18/19 26.M. 1999 15287 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR BATTERIES... CAUTION: To reduce the risk of fire or personal Injury, read and followthese Inatmctlons.: 1:0anle NchEL-GAD- um BATTERY. lATTERY MUST BE RECYCLED OR DlsPosen or PROPERLY. 1 . Use only a WALKER EQUIPMENT approved battery peck tn the handset of your cordless telephone. FOR HANDSEr UNIT: 3. GP4DAAK 3.6V4ODmAHr GPl lnlemationat Ltd or b. D-2/3AA4OOBC 35V 400mAHr..BYD Battery 00. Le 2. Do not dlspose ofthe battery In a flu. as it may explode, Check Mlh local codes (or possible special disposal Instructlons. 3. Do not open or mutilate the battery Released electrolyte ls corrosive and may cause damage to the eyes and skin. lt may be toxic if swallowed, 4. Exemise rare in handling batteries in order not to short the battery with conductlng materials such as rings. bracelets and keys. The 17 battery or conducllon material ma overheat and cause burns. 5. Charge the battery (lee) providedwlm or identified (or use with lhls prod only in accordance with the instructions and llmilauons specifi In thls manual 64 Observe proper polarity orientatlo between the Battery Pack and belle charger. The HERO See] on the nlckel-cedrnlum (Nb Cd) battery lndleetes t h a l W A LK E H EQUIPMENT Retail sales ls voluntarily pertlolplting In a program to collect and reeyele these bettafles at the end of their useful Ilte, when taken out of servlee Win the United States. Please cell the RBHC toll-free at 1-800-8-BATI'EHY or contact your local recycul'lg center hr lntwmetlnn on where to return the spent battery, Ran: h-mfimw ”amen-wetter»
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Modify Date : 1999:07:30 11:08:54 Creator : Acrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in Producer : Acrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in Create Date : 1999:07:30 11:06:10 Page Count : 17EXIF Metadata provided by