Cobra Electronics ESD9870 Radar Detector User Manual ESD9870 manual pdf

Cobra Electronics Corporation Radar Detector ESD9870 manual pdf

users manual

Operating Instructions for Your Cobra®11 Band™Extra Sensory Detection®RADAR/LASER DETECTORMODEL ESD –9870Nothing comes close to a Cobra®N
Important Information   Federal Laws Governing the Use of Radar Detectors It is not against federal law to receive radartransmissions with your Cobra radar detector. TheCommunications Act of 1924 guarantees your right toreceive radio transmissions on any frequency. Locallaws that contravene this Act, while illegal, may beenforced by your local law enforcement officials untiland unless they are prohibited from doing so by federalcourt action.Safety AlertUse of this product is not intended to, and does not,ensure that motorists or passengers will not beinvolved in traffic accidents. It is only intended to alertthe motorist that an emergency vehicle equipped witha Cobra Safety Alert transmitter is within range asdefined by that product. Please call local fire and policedepartments to learn if coverage exists in your area.Safe Driving Motorists, as well as operators of emergency or servicevehicles, are expected to exercise all due caution whileusing this product, and to obey all applicable traffic laws.Security of Your Vehicle Before leaving your vehicle, always remember toconceal your radar detector in order to reduce thepossibility of break-in and theft.Customer Support In this user's manual, you should find all theinformation you need to install and operate yourdetector. If you require further assistance after readingthrough this manual, Cobra Electronics offers thefollowing customer support services:Automated Help Desk is available in English only24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 773-889-3087.Customer Service Operators are available inEnglish or Spanish at 773-889-3087 Mondaythrough Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CST.Questions can be faxed in English or Spanishto 773-622-2269.Automated Technical Assistance is availablein English or Spanish 24 hours, 7 days a week viae-mail at: productinfo@cobra.comOn-line answers to frequently asked questionscan be found in English only at: Acknowledgement Cobra®, DigiView®, LaserEye®, Safety Alert®Traffic Warning System,VG-2 Alert®  and Nothing comes close to a Cobra®are registeredtrademarks of Cobra Electronics Corporation.11 Band Ultra™, EasySet™, IntelliMute™, SmartPower™, Spectre Alert™, Strobe Alert™ and Voice Alert™ are trademarks ofCobra Electronics Corporation. Opticom™ is a trademark of 3M Corporation.Instaclear for Ford®is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company, Inc.Electriclear for GM®is a registered trademark of General MotorsCorporation.20-20™ and Ultra-Lyte™ are trademarks of Laser Technology, Inc.ProLaser™ and ProLaser III™ are trademarks of Kustom Signals, Inc.Bee III™ and Pop™ are a trademarks of MPH Industries.Spectre™ is a trademark of Stalcar.Interceptor VG-2™ is a trademark of TechniSonic Industries LTD.Tomar®is a registered trademark of TOMAR Electronics, Inc.A1WARNINGModifications or parts substitutions not approved byCobra Electronics Corporation may violate FCC Rulesand void your authority to operate this equipment.
  NW   cwindshield bracket mount slotON-OFF/VOLUME control12V DC POWER JACK PROGRAM/MUTE button tomanually mute audio alerts (and toenter programming mode).SET/CITY button forCITY or HIGHWAY modesfor fewer false alerts(and to change usermode settings whileprogramming).SPEAKERAUXILIARY AUDIOJACKLASEREYE for 360°detection of laser andstrobe signals.SELECT/DIM button to adjust the displaybrightness for easy reading (and to scroll throughuser mode settings while programming).ON-OFF/VOLUMEcontrol allows you toadjust the volume of theTONE alerts.12V DC POWER JACK CongratulationsYou’ve made a smart choice by purchasing the ESD-9870 radar/laserdetector from Cobra.Just look at some of the sophisticated features and capabilities your new unit includes:• ULTRA-SENSITIVITY•  Detects and provides separate alerts for: radar signals (X, K, and Ka bands, withsignal strength indicated)laser signalsemergency vehicle safety and strobe alert signalsVG-2 signals Spectre signals•8-POINT COMPASS displays direction of travel•LASEREYE for 360° detection of laser andstrobe signalsRADAR/LASER DETECTORMODEL ESD –9870• “INSTANT-ON” speed monitoring detection•BEE III POP single pulse detection•VOICE ALERT MODE or TONE ALERTMODE with adjustable volume•DIGIVIEW DATA DISPLAY with easy-to-read alpha/numeric dot matrix text readout•3CITY MODES or HIGHWAY MODEto reduce false alerts•SAFETY ALERT Traffic Warning System•STROBE ALERT•INTELLIMUTE a mute function whichautomatically reduces false alerts by sensingengine RPMs•SMARTPOWER a timed power savingfunction that saves your car’s battery.•MANUAL MUTE or AUTO MUTEof audio alerts•EASYSET programming menu•AUXILIARY AUDIO JACK for externalspeaker connection•Distinguishes important safety alerts from other K band signals•Mounts easily on windshield or dashboardThis booklet describes the simple steps for mountingand setting up your detector. It also provides helpfulinformation about how radar and laser guns are usedand how you can interpret the alerts you receive.alpha/numeric dot matrix text display showing*: *See “Operations” (pages 5-19) for more information about display features. user mode settingsprogramminginstructionssignal strengthindicatorsCITY/HIGHWAY mode indicatorsradar, VG-2, Spectreand safety/strobeindicators
Table of ContentsImportant information about...Federal Laws, Safety Alert/Strobe Alert, Safe Driving, Security of Your Vehicle, Customer Support .......................................................................... A1IInstallation .......................................................................................................................... 2-4Operation–Getting Started  .................................................................................................... 5Operation–User Mode Settings  .............................................................................................. 6-18EasySet Programming: Programming User Modes  ................................................................ 6-8Highway/City Modes  ...................................................................................................... 9IntelliMute ...................................................................................................................... 10-12Auto Mute Mode, Muting an Alert, Auxiliary Audio Jack  ........................................................ 13Voice Alert Mode and Tone Mode ........................................................................................ 13Compass.......................................................................................................................... 14-15Pop Alert, VG-2 Alert, Spectre Alert...................................................................................... 16-17SmartPower .................................................................................................................... 17DigiView Data Display Brightness ........................................................................................ 18Detection ............................................................................................................................ 19-22Signals Detected .............................................................................................................. 19Audio Alerts  .................................................................................................................... 19Visual Display .................................................................................................................. 19-21Instant-On Detection  ........................................................................................................ 22BEE-III Pop ...................................................................................................................... 22Responding to Alerts  ........................................................................................................ 22Understanding Radar and Laser  .............................................................................................. 23-25Maintenance and Service  ...................................................................................................... 26-27Limited 1-Year Warranty  ........................................................................................................28Specifications ...................................................................................................................... 29Optional Accessories  .............................................................................................................. 30Order Form  .......................................................................................................................... 31
31INSTALLATIONWhere to Mount Your Unit You will get optimum performance fromyour detector if you mount it at a pointapproximately in the center of the vehicle,as low as possible on the front windshieldwithout obstructing the unit's view of theroad either to the front or rear. You can alsomount it directly on the dashboard. The unit's lenses must not be blocked andthe LaserEye should have a clear view outthe back window to allow 360° detection.Radar and laser signals pass through glassbut not through other materials and objects.Objects that can block or weaken incomingsignals include: windshield wiper bladesmirrored sun screensdark tinting at the top of the windshieldheated windshields currently available onsome vehicles (Instaclear for Ford,Electriclear for GM, consult your dealer tosee if you have this option).21INSTALLATIONWindshield Mounting 1. Attach the rubber cups to the bracket.2. Make sure the rubber cups and yourwindshield are clean.3. Push the bracket firmly onto thewindshield.4. Attach the detector to the bracket. Checkthe angle of the unit.5. To adjust the angle if necessary, gentlypush or pull on the bracket to bend it. DONOT use the detector to bend the bracket.6. Plug the power cord into the detector.7. Plug the cigarette lighter adapter on the power cord into your vehicle'scigarette lighter.8. You can temporarily remove the detectorwhenever you wish by sliding it off ofthe bracket.NWhWindshield mountingNW hDashboard mounting
1INSTALLATIONDashboard Mounting1. Place the detector on the dashboard tofind a location where the unit has aclear, level view of the road. The anglecan NOT be adjusted after mounting.2. Remove the paper backing from oneside of the hook-and-loop fastener.3. Attach the pad to the dashboard at yourchosen location and remove the otherpaper backing.4. Attach the detector to the hook-and-loopfastener. You can remove and reattachthe unit as often as you like.5. Plug the power cord into the detector.6. Plug the cigarette lighter adapter on thepower cord into your vehicle's cigarettelighter.52OPERATION•GETTING STARTED4Turning Your Unit On1. Turn on the unit and adjust audio volumeby rotating the ON-OFF/VOLUMECONTROL DIAL clockwise (away from you).2. You will see and hear the messages“TESTING” (3 beeps will sound), then “SYSTEM READY”, then“VOICE ALERT”, indicating that thepower is on.3. The display will cycle through the usermode settings (City X, City X Beep Off, City X+K or Highway; IntelliMute andSmartPower status). 4. Start-up is complete when the displaycontinuously shows the current compassdirection (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, orNW) plus single letters indicating currentuser mode settings (“c“ = City mode, “c“ = City X Beep Off mode, “c“ = CityX+K mode, “h“ = Highway mode, “i“ = IntelliMute on).  NOTE: In some vehicles, power is suppliedto the cigarette lighter even while theignition is off. If this is the case with yourvehicle, you should make sure to utilize theSmartPower feature of your detector.   NW   hTesting System Ready Voice Alert
73OPERATION•EASYSET PROGRAMMING 63OPERATION•EASYSET PROGRAMMINGEasySet ProgrammingAll user mode settings on your detector canbe changed by using Program mode. Whenchanging the settings, please keep in mind:• Buttons can have multiple functions.• All settings will be stored in memorywhen the power is turned off and recalledwhen the power is turned back on.In general, the procedure for using Programmode is as follows:1. Press and hold the PROG/MUTE buttonfor 2 seconds to enter Program mode.You will hear “start program” in VoiceAlert mode or 3 beeps in Tone modeand “PROGRAM” will appear in thedisplay. Then brief programminginstructions will scroll through the displaytwo times.2. While the programming instructions are scrolling, press and release theSELECT/DIM button to cycle through the user modes. As each mode is displayed, thecurrent setting for that mode will be shown.3. With the user mode you wish to changedisplayed, press and release theSET/CITY button to change the setting.You will hear the current mode setting inVoice Alert mode or either 1 or 2 beepsin Tone mode, depending on yourselection. To move to the next selection,press SELECT/DIM again.4. When you have finished programmingany or all of the user modes, press and release the PROG/MUTE button to exit Program mode. Or simply wait10 seconds without pushing anybuttons. When you exit Program mode,the new setting will automatically besaved, you will hear “exit program” inVoice Alert mode or Tone mode and“EXIT PROGRAM” and “SettingsSaved!” will appear in the display.EasySet Programming MenuMODE SETTING VISUAL RESULTSet City Mode Default* City X A single beep sounds when the signal is first detected.City X Beep Off Audio for all X band alerts are blocked until signal strength reaches level 3.City X + K Combines the City X mode with prevention of K band audio alerts until signal strength reaches level 1.IntelliMute Mode  Intelli Mute On  All alerts (except for strobe signals from emergency vehicles) are automatically muted below the engine rev point you set.Intelli Mute Off  Normal operation. Set IntelliMute RPMs Press SET at desired RPMs...  Allows you to set the engine rev point (not shown if IntelliMute is off) (see page 12 to set activation point) when using IntelliMute. continuedNOTE: You cannot enter Program modeduring an alert. The unit will not detectsignals while in Program mode. Duringprogramming, if no buttons are pushed for10 seconds, the unit will automatically exitProgram mode and save the last settings.Programming User ModesThe table below shows you how to programall user modes and the settings you canchoose from. NOTE: On the following pages, you will findmore detailed explanations of each setting.See page 12 for instructions on setting theIntelliMute activation point.See page 15 for instructions on calibratingthe compass. See page 17 for instructions on usingSmartPower. PROGRAM        2. Press and release the SELECT/DIMbutton to cycle through the user modes.Current mode setting is displayed.1. Press and release the PROG/MUTE button to enter Program mode.3. Press and release the SET/CITYbutton to choose the desiredsetting for each user mode.        SettingsSaved!        EXITPROGRAM
93OPERATION•SETTINGS83OPERATION•EASYSET PROGRAMMING * The settings for these user modes can also be changed with the one-button method. See the description of each user mode (following) for details.EasySet Programming Menu (continued) Highway/City ModeYour detector has a Highway mode andthree different levels of City modes: City X,City X Beep Off and City X+K. City X modesounds a single beep when the signal is firstdetected. City X Beep Off mode prevents allX band audio alerts until the signal strengthreaches level 3. City X+K mode combinesthe City X mode with prevention of K bandaudio alerts until the signal strength readslevel 1. This will reduce false alerts whileyou are driving in or near urban areaswhere there are many sources for conflictingX or K band signals such as microwavetowers and automatic door openers.Press and release the SET/CITY button toswitch between Highway mode or Citymode (City X, City X Beep Off or City X+Kmode). In Highway mode you will hear“highway” in Voice Alert mode or 2 beepsin Tone mode and “h” will appear in thedisplay. In City mode (City X, City X BeepOff or City X+K mode) you will hear “city”in Voice Alert mode or 1 beep in Tone modeand “c” will appear in the display.Press and hold the SET/CITY button to setthe City mode default. The three Citymodes will cycle as long as the SET/CITYbutton is held. When the SET/CITY buttonis released, the City mode currentlydisplayed will be set. (See page 7 forinstructions on using the Program mode toselect a City mode default.)The factory setting is Highway. The factoryCity mode default setting is City X.SET/CITY button SET/CITYBUTTONPRESS&HOLDSET/CITYBUTTONPRESS&HOLDSET/CITYBUTTONPRESS&HOLDCityX+KCity XCity XBeep Off  NW   c   NW   hCity X, City X Beep Off, City X+K modesHighway modeMODE SETTING VISUAL RESULTAuto Mute Mode AutoMute On  The audio volume of all alerts will be automatically muted after 4 seconds for as long as the signal is detected. AutoMute Off  All alerts will sound at full volume for as long as the signal is detected. Voice Alert or Tone Mode  Voice Alert  Voice is heard for alerts and  confirmation of user settings.Tone Alert  Tone is heard for alerts and confirmation of user settings.Set Compass   Drive in 2 circles... Allows you to calibrate the compass.(see page 15 to calibrate compass)Pop Ka Detect Mode  Pop On  The unit will detect Pop Ka signals.Pop Off The unit will not detect Pop Ka signals.VG-2 Detect Mode  VG-2 On  The unit will detect VG-2 signals. VG-2 Off  The unit will not detect VG-2 signals.VG-2 Detect Audio Mode  VG-2 Audio On  With VG-2 Detect On, the unit (not shown if VG-2 Detect is off) will give audible alerts for VG-2 signals.VG-2 Audio Off  With VG-2 Detect On, the unit will give only visual alerts for VG-2 signals.Spectre Detect Mode Spectre On  The unit will detect Spectre signals. Spectre Off The unit will not detect Spectre signals.Spectre Detect Audio Mode  Spectre Audio On  With Spectre Detect On, the unit (not shown if Spectre Detect is off) will give audible alerts for Spectre signals.Spectre Audio Off With Spectre Detect On, the unit will give only visual alerts for Spectre signals.SmartPower Mode Smart Power On  Turns SmartPower on. Smart Power Off  Turns SmartPower off.Set Display Dim Mode Default* Dim  Partially dimmed for dusk or night driving.Dimmer  More dimmed for dusk or night driving.Dark  Display is off.Restore Factory Settings Are you sure? Resets user modes and settings Press SET to confirm... to factory default.Exit Program  EXIT PROGRAM Allows you to exit Program mode.Settings Saved!
3OPERATION•SETTINGS 3OPERATION•SETTINGS1110IntelliMuteIntelliMute is a unique new feature of thedetector that allows you to avoid alerts youdon’t need to hear because you are stoppedor moving slowly. By sensing the “revs”(RPMs) of your engine, IntelliMute knowswhen you are at low speed andautomatically mutes all alerts (except forstrobe signals from emergency vehicles).Before IntelliMute will work, you must setan activation point for your engine’s revs(see page 12). Whenever the revs arebelow that point, IntelliMute will beginmuting. The activation point will be storedin memory and recalled each time power isturned on.When you turn IntelliMute on you will hear“intelli mute on” in Voice Alert mode or 2 beeps in Tone mode and “i” will appearin the display. When you turn IntelliMute offyou will hear “intelli mute off” in VoiceAlert mode and 1 beep in Tone mode. (Seepage 7 for instructions using the Programmode to turn IntelliMute mode on or off.)The factory setting is IntelliMute off.NOTE: IntelliMute may not work withsome vehicles because it cannot sense the engine’s revs. In such cases, you canreduce unwanted audio alerts by using AutoMute and City modes when appropriate. NW   ihIntelliMute works with all City and AutoMute modes.Whenever engine revs are below theactivation point, an arrow pointing downwill appear in the display. Above the activation point, an arrowpointing up will appear.If, for any reason, the unit stops sensingyour engine’s revs, IntelliMute will indicatean error and automatically turn off.The rev point you set will be stored in the unit’s memory when power is turnedoff, and recalled each time the power isturned on.The rev point must be reset if you use yourdetector in a different vehicle.Important: When initially choosing yourIntelliMute activation point, a setting ofapproximately 300 to 600 RPMs above idle is recommended. You can reset theactivation point at any time to fit yourindividual preferences and driving style. NW   ih  NW   ihWhat to Remember While Using IntelliMute
3OPERATION•SETTINGS 3OPERATION•SETTINGS1312Auto Mute ModeAuto Mute will automatically reduce theaudio volume of all alerts after 4 secondsfor as long as the signal is detected. Whenyou turn Auto Mute mode on or off you willhear “auto mute on" in Voice Alert mode or2 beeps in Tone mode for Auto Mute on and“auto mute off” in Voice Alert mode or 1beep in Tone mode for Auto Mute off. (Seepage 7 for instructions on using the Programmode to turn Auto Mute on or off.)The factory setting for Auto Mute is on.Muting an AlertYour detector allows you to quickly turn offan audio alert by momentarily pressing andreleasing the PROG/MUTE button. If youpress and release the PROG/MUTE button asecond time during the alert, the audio alertwill be turned back on.Voice Alert Mode and Tone ModeYou can set your detector to sound alerts andconfirm user settings with either a voice or atone. When you turn Voice Alert mode onyou will hear “voice alert”. When you turnTone mode on you will hear 1 beep (voicealerts will be turned off). (See page 7 forinstructions on using the Program mode toselect Voice Alert mode or Tone mode.)The factory setting is Voice Alert mode.Auxiliary Audio JackUse to connect an external speaker inenvironments with high ambient noiselevels. The internal speaker will bedisconnected.PROG/MUTE buttonPress and releaseYour detector must be installed in your vehicle.IntelliMute must be turned on.Caution: Do not attempt to set the revpoint while driving. Your vehicle should be parked and idling. 1.3.2.ProcedureIn Program mode, go to SetIntelliMute. Press and release theSET/CITY button to beginsetting IntelliMute RPMs.4. ProcedurePress and release either theSELECT/DIM button to proceedto the next user mode or thePROG/MUTE button to exit theProgram mode.Voicenone Visual Displaynone TonenoneProcedureRev your engine to the level you wishto set. Rev the engine slightly aboveidle and hold revs steady for 2seconds.VoicenoneVisual DisplaynoneTonenoneNOTE: If the unit is unable to senseusable pulses within three seconds,IntelliMute will indicate an error andautomatically turn off.ProcedureAt the desired rev level, press and release the SET/CITY button.Voice“intelli muteset”Visual DisplayIntelliMuteSET!Tone3 beeps“intelli mute notset, please try again”“intelli mute off”IntelliMute notset...Please try again...Intelli Off1 beep“intelli mute notset, please try again”“intelli mute off”IntelliMute notset...Please try again...Intelli Mute Off1 beepNOTE: If you do not set a rev pointwithin 20 seconds of beginning thesesteps, IntelliMute will indicate an errorand automatically turn off. Voice“set engine revs”Visual DisplaySet IntelliMutePress SET atdesired RPMs...Tone2 beepsSetting the IntelliMute Activation Point  Intelli             Mute       Off  Intelli             Mute     Set!    Press SET a      e not set...           Please try a
Tone1 beepVisual DisplayappearsNOTE: If you do not press the SET/CITYbutton within 2 minutes, compasscalibration will automatically terminate1 beep Compass not set...Please try again...for 2 seconds“compass not set...please try again”3OPERATION•SETTINGS 3OPERATION•SETTINGS1514CompassYour detector includes an internal 8-pointcompass that will continuously display yourcurrent direction of travel: N, NE, E, SE, S,SW, W, or NW.Calibrating the CompassImportant: Before using it for the firsttime, you must calibrate the compass toprovide accurate indications of direction.(See page 15 for instructions using theProgram mode to select Set Compass.)Calibration allows the compass electronics tomeasure and store information about themagnetic fields generated by your vehicle.The compass will remain accuratelycalibrated as long as your unit is mountedin the same place in your vehicle. If youchange the location where the unit ismounted or move it to another vehicle, youmust recalibrate the compass.The compass temporarily may not provideaccurate readings if you are inside abuilding or enclosure, or are close to a largemetal tractor/trailer, truck, or train. Onceyou are away from such a location, thecompass will work correctly again.Drive in 2 cCompass   NW   hCompass not1. ProcedureIn Program mode, go to Set Compass.Press and hold the SET/CITY button tobegin setting the compass.Tone2 beepsVoice“set compass” Visual DisplaySet CompassDrive in 2 circles…Press SET when done...2. ProcedureWithin 2 minutes, drive your vehicle in a circle twice, then press the SET/CITY button again.Tone 3 beepsVoice “compass set” Visual DisplayCompass Set! for 2 seconds followed by direction of travel (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, or NW)3. ProcedurePress and release either theSELECT/DIM button to proceed to the next user mode or thePROG/MUTE button to exit Program mode.Tone noneVoice none Visual DisplaynoneTo calibrate the compass:Tone Visual DisplayVoiceSet!Press SET whPlease try a
173OPERATION•SETTINGSSpectre AlertThe detector is undetectable by police Spectredetection devices, and will alert you whensuch a device is in use near your vehicle.During the alert, the unit continues to detectother signals. You can choose whether or notyou want your unit to show Spectre alerts.With Spectre Detect mode on, you can alsochoose whether or not you want your unit tosound audible Spectre alerts.When you turn Spectre Detect mode on oroff you will hear “spectre on” in Voice Alertmode or 2 beeps in Tone mode for Spectredetection on and “spectre off” in Voice Alertmode or 1 beep in Tone mode for Spectredetection off. (See page 7 for instructionson using the Program Mode to turn Spectrealerts on and off.)When you turn Spectre audio on or off, youwill hear “spectre audio on” in Voice Alertmode or 2 beeps in Tone mode for Spectreaudio on and “spectre audio off” in VoiceAlert mode or 1 beep in Tone mode forSpectre audio off. (See page 7 forinstructions on using the Program Mode toturn Spectre audio on and off.)The factory settings are Spectre Detect on,Spectre Detect Audio on. SmartPowerYour detector includes the SmartPowerfeature that, when activated, will put theunit into standby mode (low power) forabout 30 minutes after the car’s engine hasbeen turned off. After 30 minutes in standbymode, the unit will automatically turn off.To return the unit to normal power mode orexit standby mode, start the car, press anybutton or turn the unit off and then on again.When you turn SmartPower mode on or offyou will hear “smart power on” in VoiceAlert mode or 2 beeps in Tone mode forSmartPower on and “smart power off” inVoice Alert mode or 1 beep in Tone modefor SmartPower off. (See page 7 forinstructions on using the Program mode toturn SmartPower mode on or off.)Before the unit enters standby mode, youwill hear 1 beep in Voice Alert mode or Tonemode and “Pwr Save” will appear in thedisplay. Press any button to exit standbymode or return to normal power mode.The factory setting is SmartPower on.Pwr Save163OPERATION•SETTINGSPop AlertPop Alert will alert you of Ka band Popsignals. During the alert, the unit continuesto detect other signals.When you turn Pop Ka Detect on or off youwill hear “Ka pop on” in Voice Alert modeor 2 beeps in Tone mode for Pop detectionon and “Ka pop off” in Voice Alert mode or1 beep in Tone mode for Pop detection off.(See page 7 for instructions on using theProgram Mode to turn Pop Ka Detect onand off.)The factory setting is Pop Ka Detect off.VG-2 AlertThe detector is undetectable by police VG-2detection devices, and will alert you whensuch a device is in use near your vehicle.During the alert, the unit continues to detectother signals. You can choose whether ornot you want your unit to show VG-2 alerts.With VG-2 Detect mode on, you can alsochoose whether or not you want your unitto sound audible VG-2 alerts. When you turn VG-2 Detect mode on or off,you will hear “VG-2 on” in Voice Alert mode or2 beeps in Tone mode for VG-2 detection onand “VG-2 off” in Voice Alert mode or 1 beepin Tone mode for VG-2 detection off. (Seepage 7 for instructions on using the ProgramMode to turn VG-2 alerts on and off.)When you turn VG-2 Detect Audio on or offyou will hear “VG-2 audio on” in Voice Alertmode or 2 beeps in Tone mode for VG-2audio on and “VG-2 audio off” in VoiceAlert mode or 1 beep in Tone mode for VG-2 audio off. (See page 7 for instructions onusing the Program Mode to turn VG-2 audioon and off.)The factory settings are VG-2 Detect on, VG-2 Detect Audio on.
183OPERATION•SETTINGS194DETECTIONAudio AlertsIn Voice Alert mode you will first hearseveral tones, then a voice messageannouncing the type of signal detected,followed by more tones. In Tone mode, youwill hear the tones only. In both Voice Alert and Tone modes, adistinctly different alert tone is used foreach type of signal detected (includingseparate tones for each laser signal). For X,K, and Ka band radar signals, the tones willrepeat faster as you approach the signalsource. The repeat rate of the tones givesyou useful information about the signaldetected. (See Responding to Alerts, page 22.)Visual DisplayAn indication of the type of signal detectedwill appear in the DigiView Data Display.During X, K, and Ka alerts, you will also seefrom 1 to 5 vertical bars, indicating thestrength of the signal detected. Weakest Signal12345Strongest SignalSIGNAL STRENGTH CHARTYour detector has a Bright display mode (for daytime driving) and 3 levels of Dimdisplay modes (Dim for dusk driving,Dimmer for night driving and Dark where novisual alerts will be displayed) to control thedisplay’s brightness levels.Press and release the SELECT/DIM buttonto switch between Bright mode and Dimmode. In Bright mode you will hear“bright” in Voice Alert mode or 2 beeps in Tone mode. In Dim mode (Dim, Dimmeror Dark mode) you will hear “dim”,“dimmer” or “dark” in Voice Alert mode or1 beep in Tone mode.Press and hold the SELECT/DIM button toset the Dim mode default. The three Dimdisplay modes will cycle as long as theSELECT/DIM button is held. When theSELECT/DIM button is released, the Dimmode currently displayed will be set. (Seepage 7 for instructions on using the Programmode to select a Dim mode default.)The factory setting is Bright. The factoryDim mode default setting is Dimmer.SELECT/DIM buttonSELECT/DIMBUTTONPRESS&HOLDSELECT/DIMBUTTONPRESS&HOLDSELECT/DIMBUTTONPRESS&HOLDDarkDimDimmerDigiView Data Display Brightness Signals DetectedThe tables on the following pages show you the types of signals your detector will detect,as well as voice and visual alerts it provides for each one.Dark indicator
2044DETECTION21PLEASE NOTE: There are different tones for each Safety Alert                     VG2* your detector provides LaserEye 360° detection of these signalsVG-2 AlertSafety AlertType of Signalemergency vehiclesroad hazardstrainsVoice”emergency vehicleapproaching“”road hazard ahead“"train approaching"Visual DisplayEmergency Vehicle…Road HazardTrainType of SignalInterceptor VG-2Voice“VG-2 alert”Visual DisplayVG2          Emergency V                    Road                              Hazard                    Train                    SpectreSpectreType of SignalSpectreVoice“spectre alert”Visual DisplaySpectreDETECTION* your detector provides LaserEye 360° detection of these signalsPLEASE NOTE: There are different tones for each Safety Alert                    X       5                    K       5                       Ka       5                       Emergency VRadarLaser*Type of SignalX band radarK band radarKa band radarKa band PopVoice”X alert“”K alert“”Ka alert“”pop alert“Visual DisplayXKKaPop!Strobe Alert*Type of SignalLTI 20-20*LTI Ultra-Lyte*Kustom Signals ProLaser*Kustom Signals ProLaser III*Voice”laser alert“”laser alert“”laser alert“"laser alert"Visual DisplayLaser 20/20…Laser UltraLyte…Laser Pro Laser…Laser Pro Laser 3…Type of Signal3M Opticom or TomarVoice ”emergency vehicleapproaching“Visual DisplayEmergency Vehicle…(flashing)PLEASE NOTE: Beep rate changes with different laser alerts        Laser                           Laser                           Laser                                       20/20...                    UltraLyte...                    Pro Laser...         Laser                                       Pro Laser 3...                    Pop!
224DETECTION 5UNDERSTANDING RADAR & LASERRadar Speed Monitoring SystemsThree band frequencies have been approvedby the Federal Communications Commission(FCC) for use by speed monitoring radarequipment:X band  10.525 GHzK band 24.150 GHzKa band 33.400-36.00 GHzYour detector detects signals in all threeradar bands.VG-2 and SpectreVG-2 and Spectre are "detector detectors"that work by detecting low-level signalsemitted by most radar detectors. Yourdetector does not emit signals that can bedetected by VG-2 or Spectre, but doesdetect VG-2 and Spectre signals and willalert you when a device is in use near yourvehicle, if you so choose.Safety Alert Traffic Warning SystemFCC-approved SafetyAlert transmitters emitmicrowave radar signals that indicate thepresence of a safety-related concern.Depending on the frequency of the signal emitted, it can indicate a speedingemergency vehicle or train, or a stationaryroad hazard. Because these microwave signals are withinthe K band frequency, most conventionalradar detectors will detect Safety Alertsignals as standard K band radar. Yourdetector, however, is designed todifferentiate between standard K band andSafety Alert signals, and give separate alertsfor each.Safety Alert technology is relatively new.Safety Alert transmitters can be found inlimited numbers in all 50 states, but thenumber is growing. Depending on yourlocation, you may not receive these alertsregularly and may often encounteremergency vehicles, trains, and roadhazards without being alerted. As thenumber of transmitters increases, thesealerts will become more common. When you receive such an alert, pleasewatch for emergency vehicles ahead of you,on cross streets, and behind you. If you seean emergency vehicle approaching, pleasepull over to the right side of the road andallow it to pass.23Description Interpretation Recommended ResponseResponding To Alertstone repeats slowly at first, thenspeeds up rapidlytone sounds one time onlytone instantly begins repeating rapidlyPop mode tonetone repeats slowly as you approach a hill or bridge, then speeds up sharply as you reach ittone repeats slowly for a short periodany type of laser alertany Safety Alert or Strobe Alertprobably police radarprobably a false alarm, butpossibly pulsed radarradar, VG-2 or Spectre nearby has been activated suddenlyBee III Pop mode very closeprobably police radar beyond the hill or bridgeprobably a false alarmlaser alerts are never false alarmsyou are nearing an emergencyvehicle, railroad crossing, or roadhazard (construction, accident, etc.)FULL ALERTexercise cautionFULL ALERTFULL ALERTFULL ALERTexercise cautionFULL ALERTexercise cautionInstant-On DetectionYour detector is designed to detect instant-on speed monitoring signals, which cansuddenly appear at near full strength.You should take appropriate action immediately whenever an alert is given.Bee III Pop DetectionYour detector is designed to detect singlepulse mode radars. These radars aredesigned to have a low probability ofdetection. You should note that these radarguns have a much shorter range while inthis mode.
245UNDERSTANDING RADAR & LASER255UNDERSTANDING RADAR & LASERStrobe Alert Special strobes mounted on the light bars ofauthorized emergency vehicles (fire trucks,police cars, ambulances) automaticallychange traffic signals as the vehicleapproaches an intersection. These strobesand the special strobe detectors located onthe traffic signals, introduced fairly recentlyby 3M and Tomar, are already in use inmore than 1000 cities nationwide. Cobra’sexclusive Strobe Alert detector will detectthese special strobes and give anEmergency Vehicle alert. When you receive such an alert, pleasewatch for an approaching emergencyvehicle and pull over to allow it to pass. Toinquire about coverage in your area, contactyour local fire and police departments.LIDAR (laser)The correct name for the technology that mostpeople refer to as laser is actually LIDAR,which stands for Light Detection and Ranging.LIDAR operates much like radar. Its signalspreads out like a radar signal, though notas quickly. Unlike radar, LIDAR must have aclear line of sight to its target vehiclethroughout the entire measurement interval.Obstructions such as sign posts, utility poles,tree branches, etc., will prevent valid speedmeasurement.Pop Radar GunsThe Pop mode radar gun is a single pulseDoppler radar that is a feature of a Ka bandInstant On radar gun. It uses a single shorttime pulse (<100 msec.) to measure thetarget vehicle’s speed. Despite the fact thatthe short, single pulse makes the unit verysensitive to officer hand and vehiclemovement and reduces the range of thegun in Pop mode to 50% of its range inContinuous Wave mode, this feature isadded in an attempt to make the radar guninvisible to Radar Detectors. While your purchased radar detector willdetect this mode of operation in excess of it’srange of operation, the very nature of the Popsignals also means that the Pop modereceiver section is more prone to false alertsthan the Continuous Wave portions of theDetector. In recognition of the fact that thePop mode guns are new and limited indistribution, Cobra Electronics has included auser selectable on or off Pop Ka Detect mode.Does weather have any affect on LIDAR?Yes. Rain, snow, smoke, fog, or airbornedust particles will reduce the effective range of LIDAR and can, if dense enough,prevent its operation.Can LIDAR operate through glass?Yes. Newer LIDAR guns can obtain readings through most types of glass.However, the laser pulse also can bereceived through glass to trigger an alarmby your detector.Can LIDAR operate while in motion?No. Because LIDAR operates by line ofsight, the person using it cannot drive thevehicle, aim, and operate the gun all atthe same time.Is LIDAR legal to use?Yes. It is legal in all 50 states.Some common questions about LIDAR include:
276PRODUCT SERVICE266MAINTENANCE & CUSTOMER SERVICEIf you are asked to send your unit to theCobra factory, please follow these steps:1. Send the complete unit, including powercord. (It is not necessary to include themounting bracket.)2. For warranty repair, enclose some form of proof-of-purchase, such as aphotocopy or carbon copy of a salesreceipt. If you send the original receipt, it cannot be returned.3. Enclose a typed or clearly writtendescription of the problem you arehaving with your unit, plus the nameand address where you want the unit returned.4. Pack the unit securely to preventdamage during transit. If possible, use the original packing materials.5. Ship prepaid and insured using atraceable carrier such as United Parcel Service (UPS), Federal Express,or Priority mail with deliveryconfirmation. Ship to: Cobra Factory Service Cobra Electronics Corporation 6500 West Cortland StreetChicago, IL 60707 USA6. Please allow 3 to 4 weeks before contacting us about the status of your service. Call 773-889-3087 for assistance.If your unit is under warranty, it will either berepaired or replaced upon receipt, dependingon the model. If your unit is out of warranty,you will receive a letter informing you of therepair or replacement charge.Maintenance of Your Radar DetectorYour detector is designed and built to giveyou years of trouble-free performancewithout the need for service. No routinemaintenance is required.If your unit does not appear to be operating properly, please follow these troubleshooting steps:Make sure the power cord is properly connected.Make sure the socket of your vehicle'scigarette lighter is clean and free of corrosion.Make sure the power cord's cigarettelighter adapter is firmly seated in yourcigarette lighter.Check the power cord fuse. (Unscrewthe ribbed end cap of the cigarettelighter adapter and examine the fuse. If required, replace it with a 1-amp fuse only.)Customer ServiceTechnical assistance in English and/orSpanish for your unit through one of ourcustomer support services:Automated Help Desk is available isEnglish only 24 hours a day, 7 days a weekat 773-889-3087. Customer Service Operators areavailable in English or Spanish at 773-889-3087 Monday through Friday,8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CST.Questions can be faxed in English orSpanish to 773-622-2269.Automated Technical Assistanceis available in English or Spanish 24 hours,7 days a week via e-mail at:productinfo@cobra.comOn-line answers to frequently asked questions can be found in Englishonly at: assistance outside the USA, pleasecontact your local dealer.Product ServiceIf you suspect that your unit requires service, please call 773-889-3087BEFORE shipping it to Cobra. This will ensure that you receive service asquickly as possible.
298SPECIFICATIONS287WARRANTYX band 10.525 ± 0.050 GHzK band 24.125 ± 0.125 GHzSafety Alert 24.070 ± 0.010 GHzTraffic Warning System 24.110 ± 0.010 GHz24.190 ± 0.010 GHz24.230 ± 0.010 GHzKa band 34.700 ± 1.300 GHzLaser 910 ± 50 nmStrobe 700 ± 300 nmDimensions 3 3⁄16"W  x 15⁄16"H  x  411⁄16"DWeight 170 gramsBand FrequenciesUnit Dimensions & WeightThis radar detector is covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents:5,497,148; 5,594,432; 5,612,685; 6,078,279; 6,094,148. Additionalpatents may be listed inside the product or pending. COBRA ELECTRONICS CORPORATION warrants that its Cobra 11 Band Ultra Radar/Laser Detectors, and the component partsthereof, will be free of defects in workmanshipand materials for period of one (1) year fromthe date of first consumer purchase. This warranty may be enforced by the first consumerpurchaser, provided that the product is utilizedwithin the U.S.A.Cobra will, without charge, repair or replace, atits option, defective 11 Band Radar/LaserDetectors, products or component parts upon delivery to the Cobra Factory ServiceDepartment, accompanied by proof of the dateof first consumer purchase, such as a duplicatedcopy of a sales receipt.You must pay any initial shipping chargesrequired to ship the product for warrantyservice, but the return charges will be at Cobra'sexpense, if the product is repaired or replacedunder warranty.This warranty gives you specific rights, and youmay also have other rights which vary fromstate to state.Exclusions: This limited warranty does notapply; 1) to any product damaged by accident;2) in the event of misuse or abuse of theproduct or as a result of unauthorized alterationsor repairs; 3) if the serial number has beenaltered, defaced or removed; 4) if the owner of the product resides outside the U.S.A. All implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particularpurpose are limited in duration to the length ofthis warranty.Cobra shall not be liable for any incidental, consequential or other damages; including,without limitation, damages resulting from lossof use or cost of installation.Some states do not allow limitations on howlong an implied warranty lasts and/or do notallow the exclusion or limitation of incidental orconsequential damages, so the above limitationsmay not apply to you.Cobra Electronics Corporation6500 West Cortland Street, Chicago, Illinois 60707 USAwww.cobra.com1YearWarrantyQUALITY SEALQUALITY SEALQUALITY SEAL
3310ORDER FORMFor credit card orders fill out orderform and fax to: 773.622.2269or call 773.889.3087(Press 1 from the main menu)8:00 am - 6:00 pm, M-F, CST.Make check or money orderpayable to:Cobra Electronics6500 West Cortland StreetChicago, IL 60707 USAAttn: Accessories Dept.To order online, please visit our website at:www.cobra.comPlease print clearlyNameAddress (No P.O. Box)City               StateZipTelephone (          )Credit Card No. Exp. DateCircle One:   Visa     MasterCard     DiscoverCustomer SignatureAllow 2-3 weeks for delivery. Offer valid in Continental U.S. only.420-030-N-001 Straight 12V Power Cord420-026-N-001 Curled 12V Power Cord545-139-N-001 Windshield Mounting BracketCLP-2B Dual Port Power AdapterItem # Description Cost Ea. Qty. AmountSubtotal(Tax if applicable) Shipping/handling $4.00Total Prices subject to change without notice.Tax TableCalifornia residents add 7.25%Illinois residents add 8.75%Indiana residents add 6%Michigan residents add 6% Ohio residents add 5%Wisconsin residents add 5%329OPTIONAL ACCESSORIESYou can find these fine accessories at your local Cobra dealer. If you wish, you can order directly from Cobra.To order by phoneCall 773.889.3087(Press 1 from the main menu 8 a.m.-6 p.m. M-F CST. )To order by mail or faxPlease fill out order form on next page, and mail/fax directly to Cobra.To order online Go to Mounting BracketIncludes suction cups545-139-N-001Straight 12V DC Power CordIncludes plug and fuse420-030-N-001Curled 12V DC Power CordIncludes plug and fuse420-026-N-001Dual Port Power AdapterIncludes adjustable plug (up to 90˚)and fuse  CLP-2B
Printed in KoreaPart No. 480-064-P©2003 Cobra Electronics Corporation 6500 West Cortland Street Chicago, IL 60707 USAThe Cobra®line of quality products includes:CB radiosmicroTALK®radiosRadar/Laser DetectorsGPSSafety Alert®Traffic Warning SystemsAccessoriesHighGear™AccessoriesFor more information or to order any of our products, please visit our website:www.cobra.comNothing comes close to a Cobra®

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