Cobra Electronics PR4700 FRS/GMRS TRANSCEIVER User Manual 4700

Cobra Electronics Corporation FRS/GMRS TRANSCEIVER 4700



Customer Assistance WarrantyIntroduction5Nothing comes close to a Cobra®Operation4EnglishUsing Your  RadioVolume •To adjust the volume:1. Rotate the On/Off Volume knob.Call Button •To alert another person that you are calling:1. Press and release the Call button. The other person will hear a two second calltone. You cannot send or receive transmissionsduring the two second call tone.See page 22 on how to select from 10 available call tone settings.Selectable High•Low Power Output •When in close proximity to another party orduring favorable conditions, you can switch from High to Low Power to extend battery life.This feature applies to GMRS Channels 1 through 7 and 15 through 22 only.Channels 8 through 14 operateexclusively on low power.To toggle between high and low power:1. Press and hold the Hi•Low/Enter button fortwo seconds. When using Channels 1 through 7 and 15 through 22 on high power, the Hi icon will be visible on the display.When using those channels on low power and on Channels 8 through 14, the Low icon will be visible on the display. Display Illumination •To illuminate your display:1. Press and release the Light/Max Rangebutton to illuminate the display for 10 seconds.Low Power IconHi Power IconOperationHi•Low/Enter ButtonAuto Squelch/Maximum Range •Your microTALK®radio is equipped with Auto Squelch, whichautomatically shuts off weak transmissions and unwanted noise due to terrain and conditions. This slightly reduces the MaximumRange at which signals can be heard.You can turn off auto squelch to allow all signals to be received and extend the maximum range of your radio.To briefly turn off auto squelch:1. Press the Light/Max Range button for less than five seconds. If you hear two beeps, you have turned the maximum range extender on (see below).To turn maximum range extender on:1. Press and hold the Light/Max Range buttonfor at least five seconds until you hear two beeps which indicates the maximumrange extender is on.To turn maximum range extender off:1. Press and release the Light/Max Rangebutton or change channels.Lock Feature•The Lock feature locks the Channel, Lock/Mode and Hi•LowPower/Enter buttons to prevent accidental operation. To turn the lock feature on or off:1. Press and hold the Lock/Mode button for two seconds.A double beep sound is used to confirm yourlock on or off request. When in Lock mode, the Lock icon will be displayed.Light/Max RangeLight/Max RangeLock/Mode ButtonLock ModeVolume KnobCall Button
Customer Assistance WarrantyIntroduction7Nothing comes close to a Cobra®OperationmicroTALK®Range •Your microTALK®radio has a range of up to 12 miles (19 km). Your range will vary depending on terrain and conditions. In flat, open country your radio will operate at maximum range. Buildings and foliage in the path of the signal can reduce the range of the radio.Dense foliage and hilly terrain will further reduce the range of the radio.On FRS channels 8 through 14, your radioautomatically switches to low power, which will limit the range the radio can communicate.Remember, you can achieve maximumrange by using maximum rangeextender. See page 5 for details.Scrolling through Mode Functions •By scrolling through the Mode Functions, you will be able to select or turn on/off preferred features of your microTALK®radio.When scrolling through the Mode Functions, your radio features will be displayed in the following order:Set CTCSS Privacy CodesSet DCS Privacy CodesSet NOAA All Hazards Radio ChannelSet VOX On/Off Set VOX Sensitivity LevelSet Memory LocationsSet Channel ScanSet Privacy Code Scan Set Memory Location ScanSet VibrAlert®and/or Call AlertSet Call TonesSet Roger Beep On/OffSet Keystroke Tones On/OffScroll through the mode functions using the Lock/Mode button. Each press and release of the Lock/Mode button will advance to the next mode function. Press the Talk button at any point to return the radio to Standby mode.6EnglishUsing Your  RadioDual Function ButtonsTwo of the buttons on the microTALK®radio have Dual Functions;Lock/Mode• Press and release the button to scroll to the next mode function.• Press and hold the button for two seconds or more to turn thelock function on or offHi•Low Power/Enter• Press and release the button to enter settings.• Press and hold the button for two seconds or more to togglebetween high and low power transmission.Speaker/Microphone/Charge Jack •Your microTALK®radio can be fitted with an external Speaker/Microphone, freeing your hands for other tasks. This same jack also serves as the connecting point for an optional wall charger/adapter.To attach a speaker/microphone:1. Open the speaker/microphone/charge tab on top of your microTALK®radio.2. Insert the plug into the speaker/microphone/charge jack.To connect a wall charger/adapter:1. Open the speaker/microphone/charge tab on top of your microTALK®radio.2. Insert the wall charger/adapter plug into the speaker/microphone/charge jack.Signal Strength Meter •Your microTALK®radio has a Signal StrengthMeter that shows the strength of your incomingand outgoing transmissions. The ascending barsnext to the signal strength indicate the strengthof the signal. The greater the number of barsvisible, the stronger the signal. The fewernumber of bars visible, the weaker the signal.Lock/Mode ButtonOperationSpeaker/Microphone/Charge JackSignal StrengthReduced RangeReduced RangeMaximum Range
Lock/Mode ButtonChannel ButtonsDCS Privacy CodeCustomer Assistance WarrantyIntroduction9Nothing comes close to a Cobra®Operation8EnglishMode FunctionsPrivacy Codes •Your microTALK®radio incorporates two advanced coded squelchsystems that can help to reduce interference from other users on any given channel. CTCSS (Continuous Tone Coded SquelchSystem) provides 38 privacy codes and DCS (Digitally CodedSquelch) provides 83 privacy codes. Either system can be used on all channels, but both systems cannot be used on the samechannel at the same time.If you are using a privacy code, both radios must be tuned to the same channel and privacy code to communicate. Eachchannel will remember the last privacy code you selected.Set CTCSS Privacy Codes •To select a CTCSS privacy code:1. After selecting a channel, press the Lock/Mode button until the CTCSS iconappears and the small numbers flash on the display (01 through 38).NOTEIf DCS is turned on at the channelselected, the display will flash the CTCSS icon and off. To switch from DCS to CTCSS, press the Up or Downbutton while the display is flashing off. You will then be able to proceedfrom step 1.2. Press using the Channel Up or Channel Downbutton to select a privacy code. You can holdthe Up or Down button for fast advance.3. When your desired privacy code is displayed,choose one of the following:a. Press the Lock/Mode button to enter thenew setting and proceed to other functions.b. Press the Hi•Low/Enter button to enter thenew setting and return to Standby mode.c. Do not press any buttons for 15 seconds to enter the new setting and return toStandby mode.OperationLock/Mode ButtonChannel ButtonsCTCSS Privacy CodeSet DCS Privacy Codes •To select a DCS privacy code:1. After selecting a channel, press theLock/Mode button until the DCS icon appears and the small numbers flash on the display (01 through 83).NOTEIf CTCSS is turned on at the channelselected, the display will flash the DCS icon and off. To switch from CTCSS to DCS, press the Up or Downbutton while the display is flashing off. You will then be able to proceedfrom step 1.2. Press using the Channel Up or Channel Downbutton to select a privacy code. You can holdthe Up or Down button for fast advance.3. When your desired privacy code is displayed,choose one of the following:a. Press the Lock/Mode button to enter thenew setting and proceed to other functions.b. Press the Hi•Low/Enter button to enter thenew setting and return to Standby mode.c. Do not press any buttons for 15 seconds to enter the new setting and return toStandby mode.
Customer Assistance WarrantyIntroduction Operation10 EnglishMode FunctionsOperation11Nothing comes close to a Cobra®Voice Activated Transmit (VOX) •In VOX mode, your microTALK®radio can be used “hands-free,”automatically transmitting when you speak. You can set the VOXsensitivity level to fit the volume of your voice and avoidtransmissions triggered by background noise. To turn VOX mode on or off:1. Press the Lock/Mode button until the VOXicon flashes on the display. The current onor off setting is displayed.2. Press the Channel Up or Channel Downbutton to turn VOX on or off.3. Choose one of the following:a. Press the Lock/Mode button to enter theselected on or off setting and proceed toother functions.  b. Press the Hi•Low/Enter button to enter the selected on or off setting and return to Standby mode. To set VOX sensitivity:1. Press the Lock/Mode button until the VOXicon flashes and the current sensitivity level is displayed. The current sensitivity level is displayedwith letters “LE” and a Number 01through 05, with Number 05 being themost sensitive level and Number 01 being the least sensitive level.2. Press the Channel Up or Channel Downbutton to change the setting.3. Choose one of the following:a. Press the Lock/Mode button to enter the selected setting and proceed to other functions.b. Press the Hi•Low/Enter button to enter the selected setting and return to Standby mode.VOXSensitivity LevelLock/Mode ButtonChannel ButtonsVOX IconLock/Mode ButtonChannel ButtonsNOAA* All Hazards Radio Channels •You can use your microTALK®radio to listen to NOAA All HazardsRadio channels transmitting in your area.To listen to All Hazards Radio channels:1. Press the Lock/Mode button until the Weather(All Hazards Radio) icon, the currentlyselected All Hazards Radio channel, and signal strength are displayed.2. Use the Channel Up or Channel Downbutton to change All Hazards Radio channels.3. Weather (All Hazards Radio) icon will continue to be displayed when All HazardsRadio is on. Choose one of the following:a. Press the Lock/Mode button to proceed to other functions.b. Press the Hi•Low/Enter button to exit All Hazards Radio channel mode and return to Standby mode.*National Oceanographic and Atmospheric AdministrationHazards Radio IconChannel ButtonsLock/Mode Button
Customer Assistance WarrantyIntroduction13Nothing comes close to a Cobra®Operation12 EnglishMode FunctionsOperationc. Press the Talk button to enter the channel/privacy code in the selected memory location and return to Standby modeon the selected memory location.While setting a memory location, if you do not press any buttonsfor 15 seconds, your radio will automatically return to Standbymode on the channel/privacy code displayed before you enteredmode functions.To recall a stored memory channel location:1. Press the Lock/Mode button until the Memoryicon and the memory location number flashon the display.2. Press the Channel Up or Channel Downbutton to select a memory location (0 through 9). If a location has been programmedbefore, its associated channel/privacycode will be shown on the display.3. Press the Talk button to return to Standbymode on the selected memory location.A memory location can be reprogrammedat any time it is displayed. Press theHi•Low/Enter button to begin.While recalling a stored memory location, if you do not press any buttons for 15 seconds,your radio will automatically return to Standbymode on the channel/privacy code displayedbefore you entered mode functions.Memory IconLock/Mode ButtonChannel Buttons10 Memory Locations •Your microTALK®radio has 10 Memory Locations for storing your most frequently used channels and channel/privacy codecombinations. These Memory Locations can be selected individuallyor can be scanned. (See page 19 for memory location scan.)To program a memory location:1. Press the Lock/Mode button until the Memory icon and the memory location flash on the display.2. Press the Channel Up or Channel Downbutton to select the memory location (0 through 9).If a location has been programmedbefore, its associated channel/privacycode will be shown on the display.3. Press the Hi•Low/Enter button to enter a new memory location or edit an alreadyprogrammed memory location. The channelnumbers will flash on the display.4. Press the Channel Up or Channel Downbutton to select a channel (1 through 22).5. Press the Hi•Low/Enter button. The privacycode numbers will flash on the display.6. Press the Channel Up or Channel Downbutton to select a privacy code (01 to 38 if in CTCSS or 01 to 83 if in DCS).7. Choose one of the following:a. Press the Hi•Low/Enter button to enter the channel/privacycode in the selected memory location and return to thebeginning of memory location options. b. Press the Lock/Mode button to enter the channel/privacy code in the selected memory location and proceed to otherfunctions on the channel/privacy code displayed before you entered mode functions.Hi•Low/Enter ButtonMemory IconLock/Mode ButtonChannel Buttons
Customer Assistance WarrantyIntroduction15Nothing comes close to a Cobra®Operation14 EnglishMode FunctionsOperationChannel Scan •Your microTALK®radio can automatically scan channels.To scan channels:1. Press the Lock/Mode button until the Scan icon and the channel numbers flash on the display.2. Press the Channel Up or Channel Downbutton to begin scanning channels.The radio ignores specific privacy codes while scanning channels.The Scan icon will continue to be displayed when scan is on. Your radio will continue to scan all channels and stop if an incomingtransmission is detected. Your radio will remain on that channel for 10 seconds. While setting channel scan, if you do not press any buttons for 15 seconds, your radio will automatically return to Standby mode on the channel or channel/privacy code displayedbefore you entered mode functions.Scanning ChannelsLock/Mode ButtonChannel ButtonsTo de-program a memory location:1. Press the Lock/Mode button until the Memory icon and the memory location flash on the display.2. Press the Channel Up or Channel Downbutton to select the memory location (0 through 9).If a location has been programmedbefore, its associated channel/privacycode will be shown on the display.3. Press the Hi•Low/Enter button. The channelnumbers will flash on the display.4. Press the Channel Up or Channel Downbutton to select Channel 0.5. Choose one of the following:a. Press the Hi•Low/Enter button to enter the channel/privacy code in the selectedmemory location and return to thebeginning of memory location options. b. Press the Lock/Mode button to enter the channel/privacy code in the selected memory location and proceed to other functions on thechannel/privacy code displayed before you entered mode functions.While de-programming a memory location, if you do not press any buttons for 15 seconds,your radio will automatically return to Standbymode on the channel/privacy code displayedbefore you entered mode functions.Hi•Low/Enter ButtonMemory IconLock/Mode ButtonChannel ButtonsChannel 0
Customer Assistance WarrantyIntroduction17Nothing comes close to a Cobra®Operation16 EnglishMode FunctionsOperationPrivacy Code Scan •Your microTALK®radio can automatically scan the Privacy Codes (either CTCSS 01 through 38 or DCS 01 through 83) within one channel.To scan privacy codes:1. While in Standby mode, press the Channel Up or Channel Down button to choose the channel on which you wish to scan privacy codes.2. Press the Lock/Mode button until either theCTCSS or the DCS icon appears on the displayand the Scan icon and the privacy codenumbers flash on the display.3. Press the Channel Up or Channel Downbutton to begin scanning privacy codes within the channel you selected.The Scan icon will continue to be displayed when privacy code scan is on. Your radio willcontinue to scan privacy codes and stop as anincoming transmission is detected. Your radiowill remain on that channel/privacy code for 10 seconds. While setting privacy code scan, if you do not press any buttons for 15 seconds, your radio will automatically return to Standbymode on the channel/privacy code that was displayed before you entered mode functions. During privacy code scan (while receiving an incomingtransmission), you can choose from the following:a. Press and hold the Talk button to communicate on that channel/privacy code. Your radio will remain on that channel/privacy code and return to Standby mode.b. Press the Channel Up or Channel Down button to resume scanning privacy codes.If you press the Talk button while scanning, but more than 10 seconds after receiving a transmission, you will transmit on the channel/privacy code on which you last received atransmission. This will then return the radio to Standby mode.Channel ButtonsLock/Mode ButtonSelect ChannelScan Privacy CodesDuring channel scan (while receiving an incoming transmission), you can choose from the following:a. Press and hold the Talk button to communicate on that channel. Your radio will remain on that channel and return to Standby mode.b. Press the Channel Up or Channel Down button to resume scanning channels.If you press the Talk button while scanning, but more than 10 seconds after receiving a transmission, you will transmit on the channel on which you last received a transmission. This will return the radio to Standby mode.If you do not press any button within 10 seconds after receiving a scanned transmission, your radio will automaticallyresume scanning channels. During channel scan (while not receiving a transmission), you can choose from the following:a. Press and hold the Talk button to communicate on thechannel or channel/privacy code that was displayed beforeyou entered mode functions or the channel on which, duringscanning, you last received a transmission. This will thenreturn the radio to Standby mode.b. Press the Lock/Mode button to proceed to set privacy code scan on the channel that was either displayed before you entered mode functions or on which, during channelscanning, you last received a transmission (see below forfurther details).c. Press the Hi•Low/Enter button to return to Standby modeon the channel/privacy code that was displayed before youentered mode functions or the channel on which, duringscanning, you last received a transmission.
Customer Assistance WarrantyIntroduction19Nothing comes close to a Cobra®Operation18 EnglishMode FunctionsOperationMemory Location Scan •Your microTALK®radio can automatically scan up to 10 programmed Memory Locations.If there are one or fewer memory locations programmed in your radio, the scan memory locations option will not be available. To program at least two memory locations, see program memory locations on page 12.To scan memory locations:1. Press the Lock/Mode button until the Scanicon, Memory icon and the memory locationnumber flash on the display.2. Press the Channel Up or Channel Downbutton to begin scanning memory locations.The Scan icon and the Memory icon willcontinue to be displayed when memory location scan is on. Your radio will continue to scan memory locations and stop if anincoming transmission is detected. Your radio will remain on that memory location for 10 seconds.While setting memory location scan, if you do not press any buttons for 15 seconds, your radio will automatically return to Standby mode on the channel/privacy codedisplayed before you entered mode functions.Scanning LocationsLock/Mode ButtonChannel ButtonsIf you do not press any button within 10 seconds, your radio will automatically resume scanning privacy codes. During privacy code scan (while not receiving a transmission), you can choose from the following:a. Press and hold the Talk button to communicate on the channel/privacy code that was displayed before youentered mode functions or the channel/privacy code on which, during scanning, you last received a transmission. This will return the radio to Standby mode.b. Press the Lock/Mode button to proceed to set memorylocation scan (see page 19 for further details).c. Press the Hi•Low/Enter button to return to Standby mode on the channel/privacy code that was displayed before you entered mode functions or the channel/privacy code on which, during scanning, you last received a transmission.
Customer Assistance WarrantyIntroduction21Nothing comes close to a Cobra®Operation20 EnglishMode FunctionsOperationVibrAlert®and Call Tones •Your microTALK®radio can alert you to incoming signals bysounding an audible call tone, by vibrating silently or both. To change call settings:1. Press the Lock/Modebutton until the Call Settingicon flashes on the display. The current setting (“01”vibrate + ring, “02” vibrateonly or “03” ring only) is displayed.2. Press the Channel Up orChannel Down button tochange the call setting.3. Choose one of the following:a. Press the Lock/Modebutton to enter the new setting and proceed to other functions.b. Press the Hi•Low/Enter button to enter thenew setting and return to Standby mode.Lock/Mode Button VibrAlert®+ RingVibrAlert®OnlyRing OnlyChannel ButtonsDuring memory location scan (while receiving an Incomingtransmission), you can choose from the following:a. Press and hold the Talk button to communicate on thatmemory location. Your radio will remain on that memorylocation and return to Standby mode.b. Press the Channel Up or Channel Down button to resumescanning memory locations.If you press the Talk button while scanning, but more than 10 seconds after receiving a transmission, you will transmit on the memory location on which, during scanning, you last received a transmission. This will return the radio to Standby mode.If you do not press any button within 10 seconds, your radio will automatically resume scanning memory locations. During memory location scan (while not receiving atransmission), you can choose from the following:a. Press and hold the Talk button to communicate on thechannel/privacy code that was displayed before you enteredmode functions or memory location on which, duringscanning, you last received a transmission. This will then return the radio to Standby mode.b. Press the Lock/Mode button to proceed to other functions.c. Press the Hi•Low/Enter button to return to Standby modeon the channel/privacy code that was displayed before youentered mode functions or the memory location on which,during scanning, you last received a transmission.To reduce the number of memory locations being scanned, you may de-program any unwanted locations. (See page 14 to de-program a memory location.)
23Nothing comes close to a Cobra®EnglishMode Functions22Roger Beep Confirmation Tone •Roger Beep is an audible tone that your listener will hear when you release the Talk button. This alerts the other party that you are finished talking and it is OK for them to speak.To turn roger beep on or off:1. Press the Lock/Mode button until the Roger Beep icon flashes on the display. The current on or off setting is displayed.2. Press the Channel Up or Channel Downbutton to select roger beep on or off.3. Choose one of the following:a. Press the Lock/Mode button to enter the new setting and proceed to otherfunctions.b. Press the Hi•Low/Enter button to enter thenew setting and return to Standby mode.Lock/Mode ButtonRoger Beep OnChannel Buttons10 Call Tone Settings •You can choose from 10 different call tone settings to transmit a unique call alert. To change a call tone setting:1. Press the Lock/Mode button until the letter “C” and the current call tone number (01 through 10) is displayed.2. Press the Channel Up or Channel Downbutton to hear the other call tone settings.3. Choose one of the following:a. Press the Lock/Mode button to enter thenew setting and proceed to other functions.b. Press the Hi•Low/Enter button to enter thenew setting and return to Standby mode.Lock/Mode ButtonCall Tone SettingChannel ButtonsOperation Customer Assistance WarrantyIntroduction Operation
24 English 25Nothing comes close to a Cobra®General Specifications •NominalUnitNominalUnitC. Transmitter1. PowerGMRS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W 2FRS Only  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .mW 5002. Carrier Frequency Stability  . . . ±Hz  5003. Modulation Limiting  . . . . . . . . kHz  2.54. Carrier Attack Time  . . . . . . . . . mS  805. Audio Frequency Response@ 300 Hz  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dB -10@ 2500 Hz  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dB +36. Audio Distortion  . . . . . . . . . . . . %  37. Hum Noise  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dB  358. Transient Frequency Behaviora) TX On  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mS  30b) TX Off  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mS  5A. FRS/GMRSFrequency Allocation andCompatibilityImportant: Please note that CobraGMRS models with 15 Channels maydesignate different channel numbers for the same frequency. For example, aCobra 15 Channel GMRS model wouldneed to be tuned to Channel 11 in order to communicate with a 22 Channel GMRStuned to Channel 15. Please refer to thechart below for channel/ frequencynumber compatibility.A = Channel No. for22 Channel FRS/GMRS ModelsB = Channel No. for 15 Channel GMRS ModelsC = Type of Radio ServiceD = Frequency in MHzE = Power in Wattsa = 2.0/0.5 (selectable)b = 0.5AB C D E1 1  FRS/GMRS  462.5625  a2 2 FRS/GMRS 462.5875  a3 3 FRS/GMRS  462.6125  a4 4  FRS/GMRS  462.6375  a5 5  FRS/GMRS  462.6625  a6 6  FRS/GMRS  462.6875  a7 7  FRS/GMRS  462.7125  a8 FRS  467.5625 b9 FRS  467.5875 b10 FRS 467.6125 b11 FRS  467.6375 b12 FRS  467.6625 b13 FRS  467.6875 b14 FRS  467.7125 b15  11  GMRS  462.5500  a16 8  GMRS  462.5750  a17  12  GMRS  462.6000 a18 9  GMRS  462.6250  a19  13  GMRS  462.6500 a20 10  GMRS  462.6750  a21  14 GMRS  462.7000  a22 15  GMRS  462.7250  aB. Receiver1. SensitivityFor 12 dB SINAD  . . . . . . . . . . dBm  -121For Call Signal Detection  . . . . dBm  -1212. Max. Audio Output @ 10% THD  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mW 3003. Max. S/N Ratio @ 1mV RF Input  . . . . . . . . . . . dB  454. Squelcha) Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dBm -121b) Attack Time  . . . . . . . . . . . . . mS  150c) Closing Time  . . . . . . . . . . . . mS  2005. Audio Frequency Response@ 300 Hz  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dB  -3@ 2500 Hz  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dB  -106. Signal Displacement BW . . . . +/-kHz 57. Adjacent Channel Rejection  . . . dB  508. Intermodulation Rejection  . . . . dB 659. Spurious Response Rejection  . dB  50D. Power Supply1. Battery Life (5:5:90 RATIO)with Alkaline Batteries  . . . . . . . HR  242. Battery Operating Range . . . . . . V4.2 - 6.0NominalUnitKeystroke Tones OnChannel ButtonsKeystroke Tones •With Keystroke Tones turned on, your radio will sound beeps each time you press a button or change a setting.To change keystroke tones:1. Press the Lock/Mode button until theKeystroke Tones icon flashes on the display. The current on or off setting is displayed.2. Press the Channel Up or Channel Downbutton to turn keystroke tones on or off.3. Choose one of the following:a. Press the Lock/Mode button to enter thenew setting and return to Standby mode.b. Press the Hi•Low/Enter button to enter thenew setting and return to Standby mode.Lock/Mode ButtonMode Functions andGeneral SpecificationsOperation Customer Assistance WarrantyIntroduction Operation
Operation WarrantyIntroduction27Nothing comes close to a Cobra®Customer Assistance26 EnglishFCC License and Product ServiceProduct Service Questions •If you have any questions about operation or installing your new Cobra product, or if you are missing parts… Please call Cobra first! DO NOT RETURN THIS PRODUCTTO THE STORE! See customer assistance on page A1.For Products Purchased in the U.S.A.If your product should require factory service, please call Cobra first before sending your radio. This will ensure the fastest turn-around time on your repair. You may be asked to send your radio to the Cobra factory. It will be necessary to furnish the following to have the product serviced and returned.1) For warranty repair include some form of proof-of-purchase, such as a mechanical reproduction or carbon of a sales receipt. If you send the original receipt, it cannot be returned. 2) Send the entire product. 3) Enclose a description of what is happening with the radio. Include a typed or clearly printed name and address of where the radio is to be returned. 4) Pack radio securely to prevent damage in transit. If possible, use the original packing material. 5) Ship prepaid and insured by way of a traceable carrier such as United Parcel Service (UPS) or Priority Mail to avoid loss in transit to Cobra Factory Service, Cobra Electronics Corporation, 6500 West Cortland Street, Chicago, Illinois 60707 U.S.A. 6) If the radio is in warranty, upon receipt of your radio it will either be repaired or exchanged depending on the model. Please allow approximately three to four weeks before contacting Cobra for status. If the radio is out of warranty, a letter will automatically be sent informing you of the repair charge or replacement charge. If you have any questions, please call 773-889-3087 for assistance.For Products Purchased Outside the U.S.A.Please contact your local dealer for product service information.IMPORTANT NOTICE: FCC LICENSE REQUIRED •This two-way radio operates on GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) frequencieswhich require an FCC (Federal Communications Commission) license. A user mustbe licensed prior to operating on Channels 1 through 7 on high power or 15through 22, which comprise the GMRS channels of this radio. Serious penaltiescould result for unlicensed use of GMRS channels, in violation of FCC rules, asstipulated in the Communications Act’s Sections 501 and 502 (amended). Licensed users will be issued a call sign by the FCC, which should be used forstation identification when operating this radio. GMRS users should also cooperateby engaging in permissible transmissions only, avoiding channel interference withother GMRS users, and being prudent with the length of their transmission time. For licensing information and application forms, please call the FCC Hotline at 800-418-FORM. Request form #159 and form #605. Questions regarding the license application should be directed to the FCC at 888-CALL-FCC. Additional information is available on the FCC’s website at 1 through 7 on low power and channels 8 through 14 comprise the FRS (Family Radio Service). No license is required to operate on the FRS.Safety Information for microTALK®RadiosYour wireless handheld portable transceiver contains a low power transmitter.When the talk button is pushed, it sends out radio frequency (RF) signals. The device is authorized to operate at a duty factor not to exceed 50%. In August 1996, the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) adopted RF exposure guidelines with safety levels for handheld wireless devices. ImportantFCC RF Exposure Requirements: For body-worn operation, this radio has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines when used with Cobraaccessories supplied or designated for this product. Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines. Use only thesupplied antenna. Unauthorized antennas, modifications or attachments could damage the transmitter and may violate FCC regulations. Normal PositionHold the transmitter approximately two inches from your face and speak in a normal voice, with the antenna pointed up and away.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) This device may not cause harmfulinterference, and 2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.FCC Warnings: Replacement or substitution of transistors, regular diodes orother parts of a unique nature, with parts other than those recommended byCobra may cause a violation of the technical regulations of part 95 of the FCCrules, or violation of type acceptance requirements of part 2 of the rules.Customer Assistance
Limited One-Year Warranty •For Products Purchased in the U.S.A.Cobra Electronics Corporation warrants that its Cobra microTALK™radios, and the component parts thereof, will be free of defects inworkmanship and materials for a period of one year from the date of firstconsumer purchase. This warranty may be enforced by the first consumerpurchaser, provided that the product is utilized within the U.S.A. Cobra will, without charge, repair or replace, at its option, defectivemicroTALK™radios, products or component parts upon delivery to theCobra Factory Service department, accompanied by proof of the date offirst consumer purchase, such as a duplicated copy of a sales receipt. You must pay any initial shipping charges required to ship the productfor warranty service, but the return charges will be at Cobra’s expense, ifthe product is repaired or replaced under warranty. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also haveother rights which may vary from state to state.Exclusions: This limited warranty does not apply: 1) To any productdamaged by accident; 2) In the event of misuse or abuse of the product or as a result of unauthorized alterations or repairs; 3) If the serialnumber has been altered, defaced or removed; 4) If the owner of theproduct resides outside the U.S.A.All implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are limited in duration to the length ofthis warranty. Cobra shall not be liable for any incidental, consequentialor other damages; including, without limitation, damages resulting fromloss of use or cost of installation. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warrantylasts and/or do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental orconsequential damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you.For Products Purchased Outside the U.S.A.Please contact your local dealer for warranty information.Trademark Acknowledgement •Cobra®, microTALK®, Nothing comes close to a Cobra®and the snakedesign are registered trademarks of Cobra Electronics Corporation, USA.Cobra Electronics Corporation™ is a trademark of Cobra ElectronicsCorporation, USA.28 EnglishWarranty and TrademarkAcknowledgementWarranty

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