Codan NGT MR Radio Transceiver

User Manual: Codan NGT MR Radio HF Radios | LMR & HF Radio | Codan Radio

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With 125 W of output power packed into a rugged and
small unit the NGT™ MR Transceiver is suited to mobile
and base configurations. The NGT™ MR is more affordable
than manpack based solutions while delivering the same
critical HF needs such as reliable, secure and interoperable

 125 W output power


 Frequency hopping (ECCM)

The NGT™ MR is built to survive the world’s harshest environments.
The product meets MIL-STD-810F for shock, vibration and dust
ingress. Electrical protection is provided against reverse polarity,
over-voltage, under-voltage, antenna VSWR mismatch and overtemperature.

 CES-128 & AES-256 Encryption options
 MELPe Digital Vocoder option
 4 / 6 digit Selcall (compatible with UN)
 FED-STD-1045 ALE / CALM™
 MIL-STD-188-141B ALE (JITC certified)
 ISB option for high speed (19K2)
data communications
 500 W & 1 kW High Power options
 Excellent on-air

Codan’s cleverly designed NGT™ MR Handset and intuitive interface
provides many benefits over traditional removable front panel
designs. Its small size and light weight make it simple to install in
many locations, especially in vehicles where space is limited. The
menu system includes a call address list and the keypad is arranged
like a mobile phone to ensure that radio operation is simple, familiar
and intuitive. With convenient access to the programming port,
located on the base of the Handset, users will find it quick and easy to
program the RF unit.

 3 year warranty
 Service & support

12-20215-EN Issue 6 6/2012

© Copyright 2012





The CODAN™ NGT™ MR provides
128-bit security strength frequency
hopping. It operates during
scanning, and during reception
and transmission of ALE calls to
enable silent operation. Users can
optimise performance via three
user-switchable hopping rates of
6 / 12 / 25 hops per second.
An additional level of security
can be achieved through the
use of a 10 digit user PIN.

When an operator is absent, the
NGT™ MR™ generates an automatic
log containing the caller’s identity,
time and channel number that
can be displayed upon their return.


The NGT™ MR™ features flexible
scanning networks, with up to
20 scan tables containing up to
100 channels. Scan rates of up to
8 channels per second are possible,
which provides increased capacity
for HF networks based on the MR™.

The NGT™ MR is fully compliant with
both FED-STD-1045 and JITC certified
MIL-STD-188-141B ALE waveforms.
Codan’s implementation of ALE
incorporates unique capabilities such
as maintenance of channel quality
information (LQA) on a 24-hour basis.
This enables the Transceiver to select
a suitable channel at any time of
the day, from the moment it is
switched on. This results in faster
channel selection than conventional
ALE system with significantly less
sounding activity required.
The Listen-Before-Transmit capability
detects voice and data traffic on the
channel before initiating ALE. This
prevents calling on channels that
already have traffic.
The NGT™ MR provides an extensive
range of ALE and Selcall based call
facilities, including Phone calls, GPS
polling and sending, Emergency calls,
and Remote Diagnostics.
The multiple network scanning
capability enables multiple networks
to be scanned simultaneously. An
ability to simultaneously decode
voice, Selcall and ALE calls on the
same channel enables maximum
interoperability in mixed vendor
network environments.

With multiple net adaptive scanning,
the NGT™ MR™ automatically adjusts
scan times for multiple networks
according to the channels’ preset
scan times. This feature gives the
most efficient scanning time possible
for Selcall, ALE and voice detection.

The AES voice encryption option
provides 256-bit security according
to the Advanced Encryption Standard,
with up to 256 user programmable
encryption keys.
Optimal voice clarity is provided
through the use of a MixedExcitation Linear Predictive enhanced
(MELPe) Vocoder. The MELPe Vocoder
supports 1200 bps and 2400 bps user
selectable data rates.
All voice encryption options for the
NGT™ MR™ are fully integrated with
core Transceiver functions like Selcall
and ALE scanning to ensure simplicity
of operation.


The NGT™ MR™ supports connection of GPS via NMEA0183 compatible
GPS receivers. This enables polling and sending of GPS positions over air.
Distance and bearing to other users can be displayed. When used with
Internav™ CHF tracking PC software, up to 100 vehicles can be tracked.
Internav™ provides advanced features such as corridor and alarm zones,
waypoints, and recording of emergency events.

 GPS positioning



The NGT™ MR™ supports the CODAN™ high speed RM50e HF Data
Modem. This provides MIL-STD-188-110A/B data waveforms up to
9600 bps, or 19200 bps with the ISB option. Codan’s RC50-C Email
software works with the NGT™ MR™ and RM50e Modem, to provide
email capability over conventional SMTP / POP mail clients such as
MS Outlook. Features include compression and Data Rate Control (DRC),
ensuring transmission speed is optimised to the channel conditions.


Codan provides training on the installation and use of equipment with
in-country courses. Customers may also attend courses at Codan’s
purpose-built training suite at its Adelaide headquarters in Australia,
or at any of the Company’s international offices.

When Selcall or ALE selective calling
is implemented, users are able to
scan multiple channels or networks.
The operator is only alerted when a
call addressed to them specifically is
received. This relieves the operator
from continuous manual monitoring
for relevant incoming traffic.

 Encryption
 CES-128 Encryptor
 AES-256 Encryptor
 MIL-STD-188-141B (JITC Certified)

 Frequency Hopping
 Independent Sideband (ISB)

 RM50e MIL-STD Modem
 RC50-C STANAG 5066 Email

 Desktop console
 Antennas
 Semi-delta Broadband
 Folded Dipole Broadband

 Power Supplies
 3520 Transceiver Supply
 Battery Backup and
Solar Supplies

 3033 Telephone Interconnect
 500 W and 1 kW Power

 Antennas
 9350M Mobile Antenna
 3042 / 3046 Antenna Tuner


 3031 Crosspatch™ (V/UHF)
 Vehicle Mounting Hardware
and Cabling Kit

The NGT™ MR™ has a choice of three
internally fitted voice encryption
options to suit all levels
of communications security.
The CIVS voice encryption option is a
cost effective software enabled voice
scrambler capability that is simple to
use and provides a basic level of voice

 InterNav™ CHF GPS Tracking
Software for up to 100 vehicles


Codan’s commitment to its customers goes beyond producing
world-class communications equipment. With customers in more than
150 countries Codan has developed a highly responsive global service
and support capability to ensure prompt and accurate support services.
These support services include installation and commissioning of
equipment, on-site and factory based training, and the provision of
spare parts worldwide.

With the syllabic Voice Mute, the
NGT™ MR™ effectively detects
voice patterns even in high-noise
environments. This ensures mute
is only opened after it detects
speech on any scanned or
monitored channels.

The CES voice encryption option
provides high level 128 bit voice
security. Up to 97 16-digit user
programmable keys are provided.
An additional layer of security is
provided through the ability to

assign a PIN number during a secure
communications session.

 MRAY Pelican Case Transceiver
 MRX Headquarters System
NGT™ MR Transceiver
The NGT™ MR Transceiver’s innovative
handset contains all radio control and
monitoring functions

3042 HF Antenna

3520 Transceiver

RM50e HF Data

© Copyright 2012




400 (single or two frequency simplex); 600 with MIL-STD ALE


Voice, Selcall, ALE Scan up to 8 channels p/s, 20 scan tables with up to 100 channels
Dwell time 125 ms to 9.9 s, adjustable


Via handset or NSP software connected to the handset via RS232 or USB cable

Temperature range

–40°C to +70°C (operational), –30°C to +60°C (full specification),
95% humidity, non-condensing


Graphic LCD with 3 levels of backlighting and auto-dim

RS232 (supporting NMEA-0183 GPS), Auxiliary GPIO (audio in/out, PTT, RS232)
CE, NTIA, FCC, AS/NZS 4770:2000, AS/NZS 4582:1999

Frequency range

Frequency stability:

1.6 to 30 MHz
250 kHz to 30 MHz
0.3 ppm from –30°C to +60°C

Output power

Single sideband (J3E), USB, LSB, AM (H3E), CW (J2A), AFSK (J2B), ISB (option), F1B (FSK)

Duty cycle

100% for all modes with Option F (fan)

RF output impedance

50 Ω

Filter bandwidths

2.4 kHz standard, 2.7 kHz, 500 Hz (cw) optional

Transmitter specifications

Receiver specifications

125 W PEP ±1 dB (two-tone or voice), user-programmable (low / medium / high)

Spurious & harmonic emissions:
Carrier suppression:
Sideband suppression:
Image rejection:
Spurious response:

Better than 65 dB below PEP
Better than 60 dB below PEP
70 dB below PEP
0.12 µV, –125 dBm for 10 dB SINAD
> 70 dB, –1 kHz to +4 kHz
Better than 70 dB
Better than 90 dB

Operating range
Supply current

13.8 V DC (10.8 to 15 V DC), 100 to 240 V AC ±10% 50/60 Hz (with 3020 / 3520 PSU)


Open circuit / short circuit / over voltage / voltage transients / reverse polarity / high VSWR /
over temperature

Receive: 650 mA; Transmit: 14 A typical (Two-Tone), 8 A (Average Speech),


RF Unit (not including fan / connectors): 210 mm W x 270 mm D x 65 mm H (8.3 x 10.6 x 2.6 in)
65 mm W x 35 mm D x 130 mm H (2.6 x 1.4 x 5.1 in)


RF Unit: 3.3 kg (7.3 lb) , Handset: 0.3 kg (0.7 lb)

Environmental standards


method 510.4
method 514.5
method 516.5

Frequency Hopping

CODAN™, NGT™, CALM™ and Easitalk™ are trademarks
of Codan Limited. Other brand, product and company
names mentioned in this document are trademarks
or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

CES-128, 97 x programmable 16-digit keys, 4-digit PIN
AES-256, 256 x programmable 256-bit keys
MELPe (1200 / 2400 bps)
Hop Rate:
Number of Hop Plans:
Key Code length:
PIN length:

6 / 12 / 25 hops per second (user programmable)
128 bit
18 digits
10 digits

Values noted are typical. Equipment descriptions and specifications subject to change without notice or obligation.

T: +61 8 8305 0311

Codan Limited



12-20215-EN Issue 6 6/2012

F: +61 8 8305 0411

81 Graves Street




Newton South Australia 5074




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