Communication Components CE-1819-100MC PCS Cell Extender User Manual

Communication Components Inc PCS Cell Extender PCS CDMA MulticarrierCell Extender

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Users Manual

Technical Description General Info and    Technical Description 1 Electrical Specifications Mechanical Specifica-2 Block Diagram  3-4 Mechanical Diagram  5 Contents CCI’s Multi-channel CDMA Cell Extender is designed to improve overall site performance by boosting both forward and reverse link parameters in a balanced manner. The system is designed to provide 100 Watts of usable CDMA output power per sector antenna and can serve up to three sectors with two feeder antennas per sector.  As such, a CE-1819-100MC system used in six car-rier sector with 3 carriers per antenna can delivers 32 W per carrier.    The CE-1819-100MC was specifically designed for very simple interface with micro and mini base stations without any need of retrofitting the original BTS equipment.  The system can be pad mounted at any convenient location or pole-mounted when site space is limited.    The Cell Extender system consists of two major blocks that can be easily connected during  the initial installation of the BTS or as a retrofit to an operational BTS.  The tower top amplifier (TTA) unit is mounted at the top of the tower next to the Antennas and is responsible for improving the uplink signal from mobile users and increasing the receive sensitivity of the BTS.  The TTA is housed in a moisture proof NEMA 4X enclosure and contains low noise receive amplifiers and du-plexers. The TTA is powered via DC power that is coupled onto the center conductor of the coax line.  It also communicates is operational and alarm status three multi-carrier sectors via the coax line.  The Ground Level Unit (GLU) is an outdoor cabinet designed to serve up to three sectors with up to six CDMA carriers per sector.  Each sector section consists of high power Duplexers, multi-channel power amplifiers, gain control and bypass circuitry which is activated in case of fail-ure of any critical component of the system.  CCI’s Multi-channel CDMA Cell Extender employs a unique BTS transmit power recovery technology (patent pending) that allows up to a 25% in-crease in the efficiency of the system.   Communication  Components  Inc. Tel: 201-342-3338 Fax: 201-342-3339 Email: PCS Multi-Carrier CDMA Cell Extender Model CE-1819-100MC General Information  Communication Components, Inc. PCS CDMA Multi-carrier Cell Extender im-proves the performance of CDMA Base Stations (BTS) in indoor and outdoor lo-cations, allowing for cost efficient imple-mentation of high capacity radio net-works.  By increasing both the downlink power and receive sensitivity, CCI’s Cell Extender increases the overall coverage area and improves the performance of the site.  The CE-1819-100MC provides up to 100 Watts of combined CDMA output power per feeder line/antenna.
Multi-Carrier CDMA Cell Extender Electrical & Mechanical Specification Communication Components Inc.   PCS Multi-Carrier CDMA Cell Extender Communication  Components  Inc. Tel: 201-342-3338  Fax: 201-342-3339  Reverse Link  Forward Link A & D Blocks                                                    1850-1870 MHz       1930-1950 MHz  B Block  1870-1885 MHz       1950-1965 MHz C Block  1895-1910 MHz       1975-1990 MHz E & F Blocks  1885-1895 MHz  1965-1975 MHz Usable CDMA Composite Power Output:                                                                 100 Watts at output of cabinet  System Gain:  Adjustable to 13 dB Max. Adjustable to 10 dB Max. Gain Variation:  +/-0.5 dB Max.  +/-0.5 dB Max. Output Third Order IM3 @ 1.98 MHz 0ffset:         N/A  -55 dBc/30 kHz  Harmonics and Out of Band Spurious:  N/A  -13 dBm Max. 1 dB Compression Point:  +15 dBm Min.  +56 dBm Typ. Input /Output VSWR:  1.5:1 Max.                 1.5:1 Max.                Up-Link-Down-Link Isolation:  80 dB System Noise Figure:  2.0 dB Max. Power Requirements:                                                   110 or 220 VAC; 1 Hour Battery Backup included  Power Consumption:  1 KW Max per Sector Dimensions  12”L x 5.5” W x 3”D   - Tower Top Unit  77”H x 24”W x 21”D  - Ground Level Unit Enclosure  NEMA 3R  Weather Proof Cabinet Connectors  Input from BTS:                 N-Female Output to hard line:            7 /16 DIN-Female Tower Top Amplifier:         7/16 DIN-Female Weight  TTA -20 Lbs. Max., Ground Unit –200 Lbs Max. Mounting  TTA –antenna pipe, Ground Unit - 24”x24” pad or H-frame mountable Operating Temperature:  -25°  to +50° C Ambient Page 2
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Document ID392017
Application IDCqC24oD9hjosX5jpzI6a3Q==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize107.78kB (1347285 bits)
Date Submitted2004-01-27 00:00:00
Date Available2004-01-27 00:00:00
Creation Date2003-12-05 16:16:19
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 5.0.5 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2003-12-05 16:16:19
Document TitlePCS CDMA MulticarrierCell Extender
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2
Document Author: dnathan
FCC ID Filing: NT3CE-1819-100MC

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