Compal Electronics NAZ10WB NAZ10 User Manual Manual

Compal Electronics Inc NAZ10 Manual


Chapter 1 Introducon
1.1 Overview
1.2 Front Panel
 1.3Right/LePanel
1.4 Back Panel
 1.5Top/BoomPanel
1.7 Features
1.1 Overview
1.2 Front Panel
1.3 Right/le Panel
1.4 Back Panel
1.5 Top/Boom Panel
1.7 Features
The smartpadisopmizedforrichinternetandentertainmentexperiencesaswellastomeetyourdailybusiness
Chapter 2 Geng Started
2.1 Charging the Baery
2.2 Checking the Baery Status
2.3 Connecng USB device
2.4 Inserng Micro SD card
2.5 Connecng Earphone
2.6 Using the Mouse
2.7 Input informaon
2.8 The Power Switch
2.1 Charging the Baery
The baery which comes along with your device is parally charged. It is recommended to completely discharge
the baery before you operate the Smartpad. Baeries perform best aer being fully charged.
To charge the baery
1. Assemble the power cable as shown.
2. Connect the Smartpad with the power cable.
3. Connect the power cable to an live outlet.
4. Remove the power cable when charging is Done.
Baery Charging Time
Charging while power is o: approx. 3.5 hours.
2.2 Checking the Baery Status
There are two ways to check the baery level of your device:
Power LED Indicator
The Power LED Indicator indicates the charge level status of your baery.
when the Power LED indicator is in orange, it indicates that the baery is charging.
when the Power LED indicator is green, the baery stop charging. Disconnect the charger from the outlet then
from the device.
Baery Icon on the Status Bar
While the device is turned on, you can check the baery level icon located on the Status Bar.
A green icon , indicates that the baery is full .
While the baery is charging, the icon on the status bar starts scrolling on the dispaly. when the baery is fully
charged, the icon stops scrolling and indicates geeen with a ash logo.
System will have the following dened behavior with specic baery %:15%: System will show “Baery low
warning message. The message will re-appear at boot up or resume from suspend when no AC plug-in and
baery capacity is less than 15%. 6%: System will power o automacally.
2.3 Connecng USB device
You can connect USB devices such as a keyboard, printer, mouse, external drive, and other devices to your
To connect USB devices
1. locate the USB port on the top of the Smartpad, See”Right/Le Panel” to locate the USB port.
2. Oper the port cover.
3. Connect the USB cable as shown on the le.
To remove an external drive connected to the USB
1. before removing an external drive, tap the connecon icon to safely remove the device to avoid
data loss.
2. your MID will pop up a message to conrm the removal. Tap the message.
3. Remove the USB connecon.
4. Close the port cover.
Plug and Play devices
Plug and Play (PnP) devices include like keyboards, mouse and other accessories which do not require
installaon or drivers aer connected. Plug the device, then “play” or use it at once. Your can remove the PnP
device form the device anyme.
2.4 Inserng Micro SD card
Smartpad supports Micro SD cards with 2 GB capacity or above.
To insert Micro SD card
1. Locate the Micro SD card slot on the top of the Smartpad. See Top/Boom Panel“to locate the
Micro SD card slot.
2. Open the slot cover.
3. Slide the Micro SD card gently into the slot with the metallic part facing the back of the MID, unl
you hear a click sound.
4. Close the slot cover.
The Smartpad detects the card and opens the File Manager applicaon.
To remove Micro SD card
1. Before removing the card, tap the connecon icon to safely remove the device to avoid data loss.
2. You Smartpad will pop up a message to conrm the removal. Tap the message.
3. Open the slot cover.
4. Push the card into the slot, unl you hear a click sound, to release the locks.
5. Gently remove the card.
6. Close the slot cover.
2.5 Connecng Earphone
Use the earphone included in your Smartpad to listen to music, voice recordings and video sounds in your MID.
Other audio output device such as external speakers can be connected through the headphone jack for more
sound surround opons.
1. Find the headphone jack on the top of the Smartpad. See” Top/Boom Panel” to locate the jack.
2. Connect the device as shown below.
3. To listen to audio outputs open an entertainment applicaon.
2.6 Using the Mouse
You can navigate the Smartpad with your finger. See Chapter 2 Connecting USB device on how to connect a
mouse to your Smartpad.
Mouse/Finger Funcon:
Mouse Finger Function
Single click Single-tap Click or single-tap to select or run an item.
Double click Double-tap Double click or double-tap to select or run an item.
Right click Tap and hold Press and hold for more than 3 seconds to display the Pop-up menu.
Click and drag Drag Drag an item to move it.
Flick Flick Flick the pen across the screen in a parcular direcon to scroll up, down, le, or right.
2.7 Input informaon
Built-in Keyboard
To input text with the built-in keyboard.
2.8 The Power Switch
The Power Switch is located at the right panel of your device. It is used to power on/o the Smartpad.
1. The Power Buon behaviors
System Status Acon Result
Power o Short press Turn on the power
Power on
Press once Enter suspend mode
Long press(2 seconds) Show power menu
Suspend Press once Resume from suspend mode
2. To unlock the Smartpad
When you pressed the power buon to open the Smartpad, then you need to move the lock indicate follow the
arrow direcon to enter the system:
Chapter 3 Your Smartpad
3.1 Home Screen
3.2 The Status Bar
3.3 The Smart Key
3.4 The Smart Menu
3.1 Home Screen
The Home Screen contains 8 applicaon groups.
Flick your nger across the screen to scroll through all the applicaon groups.
Scroll Bar
Tap the le/right arrows to scroll
through the Main Toolbar.
Status Bar
Displays the me, baery,
Quick Menu
Tap the icon to go directly to the applicaons.
Icons can be changed by user.
1. You could add desktop shortcut Menu you like by dragging an icon to the Home
2. You could delete shortcut Menu by keeping press the icon unll the Recycle Bin appear
in the right of the Home Screen, then remove the icon to Recycle Bin.
3.2 The Status Bar
The Status Bar appears on top of the Smartpad Screen. it indicates your current mode. it contains Time, Alarm
Clock, Baery Status, WiFi Status,Bluetooth Status.
Icons Descripon
12:00pm Time and Clock
Alarm Clock
Baery Status: Indicates baery level, more bars denotes more power.
WiFi: Indicate the status of the internet connecon.
WiFi signal
Display current input method.
3.3 The Smart Key
The Status Keys appear on the right of the Front Smartpad panel. It contains 5 keys as below:
Icons Descripon
Search: Tap this could open Quick Search Box with internal Keyboard.
Back: Back to the previous page
Home: Back to the Start Menu
Menu: Bring up the related shortcuts
Media Volume: Tap this could bring up a windows to change the Volume.
3.4 The Smart Manu
This Status Menu on right of the Smartpad Screen. It contains 3 keys as below:
1. Tap this will bring up the Add to Home Screen windows, you could add 4 type icons: Shortcuts, Widgets,
Folders, Wallpapers.
1 Shortcuts contain:
Icons Descripon
Applicaons: add some applicaons to desktop
Aldiko: tap to open the E-book windows
Bookmark: tap to open Web address recently browserd
Contact: tap to create new contact
Direct message: tap to choose a number to send message
Music playlist: tap to open the Music playlist
Sengs: tap to set the Smartpad
2 The Widgets contains 12 con, you could add some Icons to desktop by tap them, and
add the related widgets by tap and choose you want item to desktop.
Icons Descripon
Analog clock Social Network Widget
Facebook Shoutcast Radio Widget
Music Twidroid
Picture frame Twidroid Large
Power Control Twidroid Small
Search YouTube Widget
3 The Folders contain 6 icon, you could add the Icons to desktop by tap them.
Icons Descripon
New folder: tap to add new folder to desktop
All contacts: tap to add All contacts folder to desktop
Bluetooth received: Tap to add Bluetooth received to desktop
Contacts with phone numbers
Facebook phonebook
Starred contacts
4 The Wallpapers contain 2 icons: Pictures, Wallpaper gallery, you could tap these to
open the picture base and choose one to set wallpaper.
Icons Descripon
Wallpaper gallery
2. Tap this will bring up the Home Menu windows as blow shows:
The Home Menu windows as below:
3. Tap this will bring up the Contacts and Favorites as below shows:
You could add or delete new contacts and Favorites by tap the fourth smart key on the right of bezel to bring
up related shortcut.
Chapter 4 Basic Sengs
4.1 Date and Time
4.2 Language Seng
4.3 Desktop Wallpaper
4. 4 Locaon & security
4.5 Applicaons
4.6 Accounts & sync
4.7 Text-to-speech
4.1 Date and Time
To open the date and me applicaon
From the The Smart Menu, select Sengs>Date & me
When you open the Date &me sengs windows, there are 6 six items: Automac, Set
date, Select me zone, Set me, Use 24-hour format, Select date format. The Set date
and Select me zone and Set me can't be seed when Automac is choosed, so before
you set date and me, be sure the Automac is not choosed.
1. To change the me
Select and open Set me seng windows as below:
Click Set to exit application after setting the hour/minute, or Click Cancel to exit
applicaon if you don’t want to change the seng.
Displays the hour, use
the +/- to change, or
tap the hour to open
the build-in keyboard to
keyin hour directly.
Displays the minute, use
th e +/- to change, o r
tap the minute to open
the build-in keyboard to
keyin minute directly.
Displays AM/PM, click
the button to exchange
2. To change the date
Select and open Set date seng windows as below:
Click Set to exit applicaon aer seng the month/date/year, or click Cancel to exit
applicaon if you don't want to change the seng.
Displays the month, use
the +/- to change the
month, or tap to open
the build-in keyboard to
keyin month directly.
Displays the year, use the
+/- to change the year,
or tap to open the build-
in keyboard to keyin year
Displays the date, use the +/- to change
the date, or tap to open the build-in
keyboard to keyin date directly.
3. To set the Time Zone
To select the Select me zone to open all Time Zone in Smartpad, select you want to set the me zone.
4. To set the Time format
To tap the Use 24-hour format to change the me format directly.
Time format:
1:00 pm
5. To set the date format
To tap the Select date format to open the date format windows, select you want.
Date format:
4.2 Language Seng
From the Smart Menu, select Sengs> Language & keyboard
There are 3 items in Language and keyboard setting windows: Select locale, Android keyboard, User
1. To change the language locale
To Select locale to open all Smartpad language locale list, select you want.
2. To change Android keyboard
To set onscreen keyboard, tap the Android keyboard to open the seng windows, it include 6 items:
1. Vibrate on keypress
Choose this the Smartpad will vibrate while the keyboard be pressed.
2 Sound on keypress
Choose this the Smartpad will sound while the keyboard be pressed.
3 Auto-capitalizaon
Choose this the Smartpad will Auto-capitalizaon while the keyboard be pressed.
4 Quick xes
Choose this the Smartpad will correct commonly typed mistakes while you use the build-in keyboard keyin
5 Show suggesons
Choose this the Smartpad will display suggested words while typing.
6 Auto-Complete
Choose this the Smartpad will spacebar and punctuaon automacally insert highlighted word.
3. User diconary
When you open the user diconary rst me, there have no any words in the user diconary, you could add a
word through the Menu.
You could tap the smart key , then Add buon will appear at the boom of the screen, click the Add buon
will open the below picture, key in the word you want, select OK will save the Adding, select Cancel will exit
the Adding windows.
4.3 Desktop Wallpaper
To change the Desktop wallpaper
1. From the Add to Home screen, select Wallpapers> Wallpaper gallery
2. From Wallpaper gallery select one picture you want
3. Click the Set wallpaper buon.
4.4 Locaon & secuity
1. My Locaon
You could find your location by Wi-Fi and/or mobile networks or see your location in applications(Such as
Maps) using wireless networks.
2. Screen unlock paern
You could protect your device from unauthorized use by creang a personal screen unlock paern.
1> On the next screen, watch while an example paern is drawn.
2> When ready, draw your own personal unlock paern. Experiment with dierent paerns but connect at
least four dots.
3> Redraw your paern to conrm.
You could change your paern to unlock screen.
3. Passwords
You could see the passwords as you type by seng the Visible passwords.
4. Credenal storage
Your smartpad allows applicaons to access secure cercates and other credenals by Seng use secure
credenals. You can install encrypted cercates from SD card, and set or change the credenal storage
You could clear credenal storage of all contents and reset its password by Clear storage.
4.5 Applicaon sengs
There are four item could be set for applicaon:
1. Unknown sources: It allows install of non-Market applicaons
2. Manage applicaons: It could manage and remove installed applicaons
3. Running services: It could view and control currently running services
4. Development: It could set opons for applicaon development
4.6 Accounts & sync
1. General sync sengs
You could sync/send/and receive data at any me by seng general sync applicaons
2. Auto-sync
The applicaons could sync data automacally by seng Auto-sync.
You could Add account by two ways: Corporate and Facebook.
4.7 Text-to-speech
1. Listen to an example
Type this your smartpad will play a short demonstraon of speech synthesis.
There are two items Default sengs
1. Speech rate
Type this you could set the speed at which the text is spoken by Very slow/Slow/Normal/Fast/Very fast ve
2. Language
Type this you could set the language-specic voice for the spoken text by American English/Brish English/
French/German/Italian/Spanish six kinds.
3. Always use my sengs
Type this the Smartpad will default the two sengs above override applicaon sengs.
Chapter 5 Makeing a Connecon
5.1 Connecng to the Internet via WiFi
5.2 Bluetooth
5.3 Flight Mode
Connecng to the Internet via WiFi
The Wireless & networks applicaon makes Internet connecon for your Smartpad. It
contains four modules: Airplane mode, WiFi, Bluetooth, and VPN. Airplane mode, WiFi,
Bluetooth and VPN are turned o by default. To turn a funcon on, tap the aplicaon's
Selected Buon.
To open Connecon Manager
5.1 Wireless Connecon Sengs
The advantages of a WiFi network include advanced network secruity, enhanced
reliablility, network flexibility, better performance and shared broadband and internet
Internet is a gateway for knowledge, entertainment, business and practically every
informaon that you want to konw can be searched on Internet. The Smartpad features
wireless connecon for your internet needs. Use WiFi when you are in range of a hotpot.
Before you start the setup, contact your network administrator to get the name of the
network(SSID), and the security informaon, such as WEP or WAP keys, and the network
The easiest way to connect to a WiFi network is to automacally scan and connect to a
nearby network.
To automacally scan and connect to a network.
1. Tap Wi-Fi directly or Wi-Fi sengs to open Seng windows to enable WiFi applicaon
if WiFi is turned off, then the Smartpad will scan and list all the available networks
2. Select a network then click Connect.
If the network has security, a popup window will appear, enter the password.
3. Done.
4. Aer WiFi is connected ok, the Wireless signal will appear on the Status Bar.
5.2 Bluetooth
Bluetooth is a short-range wireless communications techonlogy. With Bluetooth
capabilies, devices can exchange informaon within a distance of about 10 meters. Use
Bluetooth to:
1. Transfer les.
2. Share Internet access with the other computer.
3. Connect to Internet through a mobile phone modem funcon.
4. Connect to a bluetooth supported device such as a mouse, a keyboard or a cordless
5. Share audio input or output with the other Bluetooth device.
6. Connected to the printer or modem via serial service.
To Open Bluetooth Applicaon
1. Tap the Home Menu, select sengs> Wireless & networks
2. Be sure the Airplane mode is not choosed.
3. Tap the Bluetooth directly or Bluetooth sengs to open the Seng windows.
4. If Bluetooth applicaon had opened, the Bluetooth icon will appear on the Status Bar,
and The Bluetooth is choosed.
To search remote Bluetooth device:
Aer the Bluetooth applicaon is open, Click Bluetooth sengs> Scan for devices
1. you could modify your device name by click Device name to popup a modify windows.
2. All available devices will list below the Scan for devices, and you could roll the right bar
to select you want device.
To transfer/Receive Files via Bluetooth
Click a scanned device, and then a popup window will appear: Bluetooth pairing request,
you need key in PIN to link the device, then click the File Transfer buon on the up right
corner to open File Transfer window.
5.3 Airphone Mode
Enablling Airphone Mode ensures your safety when using your Smartpad on board an
aircra. All other connecon applicaons, which might interfere aircra operaon, are
automatically disabled. When you power up your device, this module is turned off by
default. To enable, tap the Wireless & network sengs, tap mode buon on the right. A
check mark will appear. To disable, tap the check mark.
Chapter 6 Browsing the Web
6.1 Accessing Websites
You use the internet for so many things: checking email, nding driving direcons, geng
news, and instant messaging among others. Now you can bring the internet with you
almost anywhere you go. Use your Smartpad to make internet connecons and the web
browser opens the entire online world for you. To access the internet, your Smartpad
must be setup properly. See Chapter 5 Making a Connecon.
The Smartpad features Google as its internet browser.
To open the browser
From the Home Menu, select Browser.
6.1 Accessing Websites
You can open web pages, navigate through pages and do the same things you can do with
a desktop browser in the Google applicaon.
To view a website
1. Enter the address of the website in the address eld.
2. Tap Go.
To Add a bookmark
1. Tap to open the bookmark window.
2. Tap Add to open the Add bookmark window:
3. Key in Name and Locaon
4. Click OK to nish Adding or Click Cancel to exit the Adding window.
Address eld.
Type the web
page address
Type to open the
Bookmarks, Most
visited, History.
Type to large the
Type to small the
To edit a bookmarked web page
1. Tap to open the bookmark window.
2. Keep press the bookmark you want about 2 seconds ll popup a windows as below:
it includes
Item Descripon
Open Tap to open the Web.
Open in new window Tap to open the Web in a new window.
Edit bookmark Tap to open the Edit bookmark window, you could reedit the Name and Locaon.
Add shortcut to Home Tap to add the shortcut to Home Screen.
Share link Tap to share link, your Smartpad could share the link by three ways: Facebook, Twidroid, Messaging.
Copy link URL Tap to copy the link URL.
Delete bookmark Tap to open the Delete window, you could select OK to delete the bookmark or Cancel to exit the Delete window.
Set as homepage Tap to set as the homepage.
Chapter 7 Communicaon
7.1 Instant Messenger
7.2 E-mail
Your Smartpad is equipped with Instant Messager, E-mail for communicaon.
Before you start online communication, your Smartpad must have an active internet
connecon. See Chapter 5 Connecng to the Interenet via WiFi for detailed instrucons
on how to connect to the internet.
7.1 Instant Messager
Instant messager allows you to send and reveive instant messages online.
To open Messager,
From mail Menu, select Messaging.
1. Click New message, open the message windows.
2. Select the number you want to pass the message.
3. Key-in the word you want to pass
4. Click Send.
7.2 E-mail
E-mail lets you enjoy the efficiency of staying in touch with personal and business
contacts. Your Smartpad uses Gmail as the default e-mail client. Gmail is a soware that
lets you access email on your Smartpad by an account from an email provider or from
your corporate.
To open Gmail applicaon
From Main Menu, select Email.
To use gmail, you need to setup an account for the rst me.
To setup an account for the rst me
you can congure Email for most accounts in just a few steps.
1. Aer opening the Gmail, the set up mail window pop-up windows will appear.
2. Enter the email address, password, then tap Next buon.
3. Then it will appear the Checking incoming server sengs windows, it will need to wait
seconds to nish this.
4. If ok, will appear your received mails, you could enter Email by Internet also.
Using Email
Aer seng up your email accounts, you can start sending and receiving emails. There
are some folders in the le of your email windows. You could add or delete some favorite
folders by press and move the folders.
Message windows.
Displays the email
subject, sender,
date and me sent.
Tap th e subject to
view the email.
Displays the foders.
Tap the folder name
to view the content
in the message
window. See folder
informaon below.
Some Folders:
Inbox. Received mails are sent to this folder.
Sent. Sent messages are saved in this folder.
Dras. Composed mails that are not yet sent are saved in this folder.
Trash. Deleted mails are saved in this foler.
Chart list. All chart contents are saved in this folder.
To Send Email
Write email.
Tap to open
the Wring
Receiver. You
could add
Receiver from
contact list.
Send Buon. Tap to
send out the email.
Save immediately
Discard. Tap
to discard the
Chapter 8 Applicaons
8.1 Sound Recorder
8.2 Camera
8.3 E-book Reader
8.1 Sound Recorder
The Sound Recorder allows you to record your voice.
To use the Sound Recorder
From the Main Menu, select Sound Recorder.
To record your sound
1. Tap to start recording a voice clip.
2. Tap to stop recording.
To save the recording
1. Aer tapping Stop, the system will automacally the Save dialogue box, and ask if you
want to save the sound le.
2. You could choose " Use this recording" to save the sound or "Discard" to discard the
To play back a recording
1. From the Main Menu, select Music> Playlists>My recordings.
2. Choose which you want to play.
The Sound recorder interface
The playing Recording interface
8.2 Camera
Your Smartpad comes with a built-in webcame and a camera to take photos and video
To acvate the Camera
From the Main Menu, select Camera.
Take a picture
When you open the Camera applicaon, the camera is set to photo capture by default.
1. Focus your camera on the image you want to capture.
2. Tap and hear a crack to capture the image.
3. Tap the photo, there are four icon: Delete, Share, Set As, Done.
You can view video clips in the Gallery, and browse the photo by move your nger in le
and right direcon.
Record a Video Clip
1. Keep press the Buon from boom to up as picture:
2. Tap and hear ckling to start recording.
3. Tap camera to nish the recording.
4. Tap the recording, there are four icon: Delete, Share, Play, Done.
You can view video clips in the Gallery, and browse the photo by move your nger in le
and right direcon.
Icon Descripon
Delete: Tap to delete the photo or video.
Share: Tap to share the photo or video with other by ve style:
Bluetooth, Email, Facebook, Messaging, Twidroid.
Set As: Tap to pop up a windows you could choose Contact icon or
Play: Tap to play video.
Done: Tap to open camera applicaon aggin.
8.3 E-Book Reader
Your Smartpad support Aldiko as the default E-book client.
E-Book Reader
From the Main Menu, select Aldiko.
When you open the Aldiko applicaon, it will pop-up some ps windows automacally.
Some Tips:
1. The books you download are saved on you SD card in the eBooks directory.
2. Doing a long press on book will bring up a context menu that allows you to delete the
book, edit the book details, etc.
3. While reading a book, you can adjust the brghtness of the display without leaving the
page by swiping your nger along the le edge of the screen(this can be recongured in
the sengs).
4. When browsing online catalogs, books that you have already downloaded will be
highlighted in green.
5. Some online catalogs provide a search functionality to help you find what you are
looking for. Check the opon menu when browsing a catalog.
6. From any screen, you can quickly get back to the home screen by selecng the 'Home'
menu opon.
7. The search tool displays suggesons as you type. Click on a suggested item to open the
8. Once you start reading a book, it will show up on the home shelf in the 'Current
9. When viewing your collecon of books, just start typing characters using keyboard to
lter the list.
10. While reading a book, you can navigate forwards and backwards using either ing or
tap gestures (this can be recongured in the sengs).
11. While you stop reading a book, we will remember which page you were reading and
bring you right back to that page the next me you open the book.
12. When viewing your collection of books, rotate your device to landscape mode to
switch to bookshelf view.
13. When you download a book, we will automatically assign tags to it based on its
subject(s)('novel', 'science-con', etc.).
14. Some books include links embedded in the text. Select a link by doing a long press. If
the link is a webpage, it will open in your browser; if the link points to another book, we
will download and import that book to your library.
15. If you add a bookmark to a book and don't specify a tle for that bookmark, we will
put the current posion in the book as default tle(e.g'14%‘)
16. The books you are currently reading are easily accessible from the home screen in
the 'Current Reads'list.
17. Books on the home shelf's 'Current Reads' list will be removed from the shelf when
you nish them. You can also remove them manually by doing a long press on the book
and selecng the 'Remove from reading list' opon.
18. From any screen, you can quickly get back to the home screen by selecng the 'Home'
menu opon.
19. You can dene your own 'Collecons' to help you arrange your books.
Aldiko include two items: Bookshelf, Download Books.
1. Bookshelf. You could click the book on bookshelf to open the E-book you want to read
directly, or keep pressing the book you want unl a dialog includ:
1> Open this Book
2> Book Details
3> Change Cover art
4> Delete this Book
5> Remove from Reading List
2. Down load Books.
Befor you down load books online, be sure the your network connecon is available or the
server is temporarily down.
There are type for you to quickly choose book online.
Chapter 9 Tools
9.1 OI File Manager
9.2 Calculator
9.3 Alarm Clock
9.4 SD Card Manager
9.1 OI File Manager
The OI File Manager lets you browse and manage the contents of your Smartpad.
9.2 Calculator
You can do basic calculaons using the Calculator in your device.
To open the Calculator
From the Main Menu, select Calculator.
The Calculator Interface
You can move your nger by le and right to come out other mathemacs.
9.3 Alarm Clock
You could set you alarm clock by following belows teps:
To open the Alarm Clock
From the Main Menu, select Alarm Clock.
The Alarm Clock interface
1. You could set specic Clock outlook by tap the clock, then choose you want in pop-up
windows. There are 5types you could choose.
The Alarm Clock outlook Interface
2. You could set alarm clock by ve items: Time, Ringtone, Vibrate, Repeat, Label. Tap
Done or Revert to exit aer seng.
9.4 SD Card & device storage
Check and manage micro SD card contents through the SD card & device storage.
To access SD Card & device storage
From the Main Menu, select Seng>SD Card & device storage.
Note: Format will delete all data in the device, and cannot restore!
Chapter 10 System Seng
10.1 System Informaon
10.2 Volume Seng
10.3 Power Management
10.4 S3 System
10.5 Reboot the Smartpad
10.6 System Restore
You could view your Smartpad's system informaon such as: System updates, Status,
Baery use, Model number, Firmware version, Baseband version and so on.
To view system sengs
From the Main Menu, select Sengs>About device.
10.1 System informaon
Check system informaon such as storage status, Model number, Kernel version through
the system infor applicaon.
10.2 Volume & Display Seng
1. By pressing the volume buons. See Chapter 1 Top Boom Panel for the locaon of
the Volume buons. Tap and slide the sliders to adjust the Volume.
2. You could set system sound and display in Sound & display sengs windows
About Sound sengs, It include: Silent mode, Media Volume, Nocaon ringtone,
Audible touch tones, Audible selecon, Hapc feedback, SD card nocaons.
About Display sengs, It include: Orientaon, Animaon, Brightness, Screen meout.
The Sound & display sengs interface
10.3 Power Manager
You could view the detail baery using informaon.
To access baery using
From the Main Menu, select Sengs>About device>Baery use.
The Baery use detail interface
1. Android System need to use 75% power.
2. Display need to use 12% power when working, and keep press the Display icon will
pop-up a windows: the display working me, and you could reduce the screen brightness
and/or screen meout.
3. Bluetooth need to use 8% power when working, and keep press the Bluetooth icon
will pop-up a windows: the Bluetooth working me, and to turn o bluetooth when you
aren't using it will reduce power waste.
4. Wi-Fi need to use 7% power when working, and keep press the Wi-Fi icon will pop-up
a windows: the Wi-Fi working me, and to turn o Wi-Fi when not using it or where it is
not available to reduce power waste.
10.4 S3 System
You could set you Smartpad sleep to save power when it isn't working by entering S3
To enter S3 system
Tape the power buon on the le panel, it may enter S3 system with power LED
To Exit S3 system
Tape the power buon on the le panel, it may exit S3 system and enter the normal
working state.
10.5 Reboot the Smartpad
If your smartpad stops responding, responds slowly, or freezes, you can reboot it.
Reboot Hole
Insert a clip into the reboot hole on the back of the smartpad to acvate the reboot
10.6 System Restore
If you encounter any problems with the smartpad system, you can reset factory data.
Aer the Recovery, smartpad will be set the factory default status and all internal data
might be lost. Therefore, please backup your data before recovery.
To access system restore
From the Main Menu, select Sengs> Privacy> Factory data reset.
Safety Instrucons
Use the following safety guidelines to help protect yourself and your device.
General Warnings
• Donotoperateyourdeviceforalongmewhilethedevicehasdirectcontacttothebody.Thismaycause
• Donotaempttodisassemblethedeviceyourself.Alwaysfollowinstallaoninstruconsclosely.
• Toavoidpersonalinjuryfromelectricshockorre:
Do not operate the device close to water, for example, near the bathtub,kitchensink, laundrytub,wet
Operate the deviceattherecommendedtemperaturerangeof +5˚Cto+35˚C(+4Cto +9C).Store itata
Adapter Warnings
Makesure that thepower outlet youplugtheadapterintoiseasily accessibleand located as close tothe
- Whenusingyouradapter,makesuretoposionitaroundobjectssoitwillnotbecutordamaged.
- UseonlytheACadaptersthatareapprovedforusewiththisdevice.Useofanothertypeofadapter
- Beforeyouconnectthedevicetoapowersource,ensurethatthevoltagerangoftheACadapter
- 220V/50HzinChina.
- 115V/60HzinmostofNorthandSouthAmericaandsomeFarEasterncountriessuchasSouthKorea
- 100V/50HzineasternJapanand100V/60HzinwesternJapan.
- 230V/50HzinmostofEurope,theMiddleEast,andtheFarEast.
- If you useanextension cablewith your ACadapter, ensurethatthe totalampere ratingofthe
- DonotcovertheACadapterwithpapersorotheritemsthatwillreducecooling;also,donotusethe
- Toremovepowerfromthedevice,turnito,removethebaery,anddisconnecttheACadapterfrom
the electrical outlet.
- Theplugisthedisconnecngdevice
Baery Pack Warning
- Donotcarryabattery inyourpocket,purse,orothercontainerwheremetalobjects (suchascar
- Dangerofexplosionifbaeryisincorrectlyreplaced.Replaceonlywiththesameorequivalenttype
- Donotdisposalofbaerypacknearaheatsource.Heatcanmelttheinsulaonanddamageother
- Do notimmerse thebatterypackinwaternor allow it togetwet. Itsprotectivefeaturescanbe
- Donotcrush,disassemble,puncture,incinerateorshortcircuitexternalcontactsofbaerypack.
- Donotconnectthepositive(+) and negative(-)terminals withametalobjectsuch aswire.Short-
- Donotuseanapparentlydeformedordamagedbaerypack,whichmayleakacid,overheat,emit
- Ifthebaerypackleaks,givesoabadodor,generatesheat,becomesdiscoloredorimmediately
Baery Pack Disposal
- Disposeofthelithiumionbaerypacksonlyatapproveddisposalsites.Tolocateanappropriatesite,
- Donotdisposeofbaerypacksinare,throwtheminatrashreceptacle,puttheminarecyclingbin
- TheDirecve2002/96/EConWasteElectricalandElectronicEquipment(WEEE)whichenteredinto
- Recycling&disposal:
- DonotdisposeofyourproductwhichhastheWEEElogo(shownasright)onitoronitsboxinthe
- Be sure to dispose of all your productsinthe designed collection facilities for recycling of such
- SeparatecollectionandproperrecoveryofyourWEEEatthetimeofdisposalwillallowustohelp
conservingnaturalresources. Moreover, proper recyclingofWEEE will ensuresafety of human health and
- FormoreinformaonaboutWEEEdisposal,recovery,andcolleconpoints,pleasecontactyourlocal
RoHS Compliance
Federal Communicaons Commission (FCC) Statement
of the device.
FCC RF Radiaon Exposure Statement:

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