Compal Electronics PA307OU-1MPC 802.11b Mini-PCI Card User Manual users manual

Compal Electronics Inc 802.11b Mini-PCI Card users manual


users manual

PA307OU-1MPCUser’s Guide
FCC Notice “Declaration of Conformity Information”This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant topart 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmfulinterference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequencyenergy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference toradio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference byone or more of the following measures:✿ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.✿ Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.✿ Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.✿ Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.WARNING: Only peripherals complying with the FCC class B limitsmay be attached to this equipment. Operation with non-compliantperipherals or peripherals not recommended by Toshiba is likely toresult in interference to radio and TV reception. Shielded cables mustbe used between the external devices and the computer’s USB ports,external monitor port, PS/2 keyboard port and PS/2 mouse port.Changes or modifications made to this equipment, not expresslyapproved by Toshiba or parties authorized by Toshiba could void theuser’s authority to operate the equipment.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesiredoperation.DGT Short Range Devices Application document根據交通部低功率管理辦法規定:第十㆕條 經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許可,公司、商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率或變更原設計之特性及功能。第十七條 低功率射頻電機之使用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信;經發現有干擾現象時,應立即停用,並改善至無干擾時方得繼續使用。前項合法通信,指依電信法規定作業之無線電通信。低功率射頻電機須忍受合法通信或工業、科學及醫療用電波輻射性電機設備之干擾。第㆓十條 輸入、製造低功率射頻電機之公司、商號或其使用者違反本辦法規定,擅自使用或變更無線電頻率、電功率者,除依電信法規定處罰外,電信總局並得撤銷其型式認證證明或型式認證標籤。Wireless InteroperabilityThe Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card products are designed to be interoperable with any wireless LANproduct that is based on Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) radio technology, and is compliant to:■The IEEE 802.11 Standard on Wireless LANs (Revision B), as defined and approved by the Institute ofElectrical and Electronics Engineers.■ The Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) certification as defined by the WECA Wireless Ethernet CompatibilityAlliance.Wireless LAN and your HealthWireless LAN products, like other radio devices, emit radio frequency electromagnetic energy.The level of energy emitted by Wireless LAN devices however is far much less than the electromagneticenergy emitted by wireless devices like for example mobile phones.Because Wireless LAN products operate within the guidelines found in radio frequency safety standards and
recommendations, Toshiba believes Wireless LAN is safe for use by consumers.These standards and recommendations reflect the consensus of the scientific community and result fromdeliberations of panels and committees of scientists who continually review and interpret the extensiveresearch literature.In some situations or environments, the use of Wireless LAN may be restricted by the proprietor of thebuilding or responsible representatives of the organization. These situations may for example include:■Using the Wireless LAN equipment on board of airplanes, or■In any other environment where the risk of interference to other devices or services is perceived oridentified as harmful.If your are uncertain of the policy that applies on the use of wireless devices in a specific organization orenvironment (e.g. airports), you are encouraged to ask for authorization to use the Wireless LAN device priorto turning on the equipment.Regulatory InformationThe Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card must be installed and used in strict accordance with themanufacturer’s instructions as described in the user documentation that comes with the product. This devicecomplies with the following radio frequency and safety standards.Canada-Industry Canada (IC)This device complies with RSS 210 of Industry Canada.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) thisdevice must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of thisdevice.”L’utilisation de ce dispositif est autorisée seulement aux conditions suivantes: (1) il ne doit pas produire debrouillage et (2) l’utilsateur du dispositif doit étre prét à accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique reçu, mêmesi ce brouillage est susceptible de compromettre le fonctionnement du dispositif.Europe-EU Declaration of ConformityThis device complies with the essential requirements of the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC with essential testsuites as per standards:■EN 60950 Safety of Information Technology equipment■ETS 300 328 Technical requirements for radio equipment■ ETS 300 826 General EMC requirements for radio equipment.For outdoor usage only channel 10 (2457 MHZ) and 11 (2462 MHz)is allowed.For private usage outside buildings across public grounds over lessthan 300m no special registration with IBPT/BIPT is required.Registration to IBPT/BIPT is required for private usage outsidebuildings across public grounds over more than 300m. AnIBPT/BIPT license is required for public usage outside building.For registration and license please contact IBPT/BIPT.Gebruik buiten gebouw alleen op kanalen 10 (2457 MHz) en 11(2462 MHz). Voor privé-gebruik buiten gebouw over publieke groudover afstand kleiner dan 300m geen registratie bij BIPT/IBPT nodig;voor gebruik over afstand groter dan 300m is wel registratie bijBIPT/IBPT nodig. Voor publiek gebruik buiten gebouwen is licentievan BIPT/IBPT verplicht. Voor registratie of licentie kunt u contactopnemen met BIPT.Belegië/Belgique:L’utilsation en extérieur est autorisé sur le canal 10 (2457 MHz) et11 (2462 MHz).Dans le cas d’une utilization privée, à l’extérieur d’un bâtiment, au-dessus d’un espace public, aucun enregistrement n’est nécessairepour une distance de moins de 300m. Pour une distance supérieure à300m un enregistrement auprés de I’IBPT est requise. Pour uneutilization publique à I’extérieur de bâtiments, une licence de I’IBPTest requise. Pour les enregistrements et licences, veuillez contacterI’IBPT.
License required for outdoor installations. Check with reseller forprocedure to follow.Deutschland:Anmeldung im Outdoor-Bereich notwendig, aber nichtgenehmigungspflichtig. Bitte mit Händler die Vorgehensweiseabstimmen.Restricted frequency band: only channels 10 and 11 (2457 MHz and2462 MHz respectively) may be used in France.License required for every installation, indoor and outdoorinstallations. Please contact ART for procedure to follow.France:Bande de fréquence restreinte: seuls les canaux 10 à 11 (2457 et2462 MHz respectivement) doivent être utilisés en France.Toute utilisation, qu’elle soit intérieure ou extérieure, est soumise àautorisation. Vous pouvez contacter I’Autorité de Régulation desTélécommuniations ( pour la procédure àsuivre.License required for indoor use. Use with outdoor installations notallowedItalia:E’necessaria la concessione ministeriale anche per l’uso internoVerificare con i rivenditori la procedura da seguire. L’uso perinstallazione in esterni non e’permessa.License required for outdoor installations. Check with reseller forprocedure to follow.Nederland:Licentie verplicht voor gebruik met buitenatennes. Neem contact opmet verkoper voor juiste procedure.USA-Federal Communications Commission (FCC)This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules. Operation of the devices in a Wireless LAN System issubject to the following two conditions:■This device may not cuase harmful interference.■ This device must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.Caution: Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation.The radiated output power of the Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card is far below the FCC radio frequencyexposure limits. Nevertheless, the Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card shall be used in such a manner thatthe potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized. When using this device incombination with Wireless LAN Outdoor Antenna products, a certain separation distance between antennaand nearby persons has to be kept to ensure RF exposure compliance. The distance between the antennas andthe user should not be less than 20cmRefer to the Regulatory Statements as identificed in the documentation that comes with those products foradditional information.The Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card is far below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits.Nevertheless, it is advised to use the Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card in such a manner that humancontact during normal operation is minimized.Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant toPart 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmfulinterference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, it may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, thereis no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determinedby turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try and correct the interference by one or moreof the following measures:■Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.■Increase the distance between the equipment and the receiver.■Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.■Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Toshiba is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unauthorized modification of thedevices included with the Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card, or the substitution or attachment ofconnecting cables and equipment other than specified by Toshiba. The correction of interference caused bysuch unauthorized modification, substitution or attachment will be the responsibility of the user.
Approved Countries for useThis equpment is approved to the radio standard by the countries in Fig.1.Caution: Do not use this equipment except in the countries in Fig.1Australia Austria BelgiumCanada Denmark FinlandGermany Iceland IrelandJapan Luxembourg NetherlandsNew Zealand Norway SwedenSwitzerland UK USAGreece Italy FrancePortugal SpainFig.1 Countries that have approved Thoshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card
Using this equipment in JapanIn Japan, the frequency bandwidth of 2,400~2,483.5MHz for second generation low-power datacommunication systems such as this equipment overlaps that of mobile object identification systems(premises radio station and specified low-power station).1. StickerPlease put the following sticker on devices incorporating this product.In the frequency bandwidth of this equipment, industrial device,scientific device, medical device like microwave oven, licensedpremises radio station and non-licensed specified low-powerradio station for mobile object identification system (RF-ID) thatis used in product line of factories, (Other Radio Stations) areused.1 Please make sure before using this equipment that no OtherRadio Stations are used in the neighborhood.2 In case that RF interference occurs to Other Radio Stationsfrom this equipment, please change promptly the frequencyfor use, place to use, or stop emitting Radio.3 Please contact TOSHIBA Direct PC if you have a problem,such as interference from this equipment to Other RadioStations.2. IndicationThe indication shown below appears on this equipment.(1) 2.4 :This equipment uses a frequency of 2.4GHz.(2) DS :This equipment uses DS-SS modulation.(3) 4 : The interference range of this equipment is less than 40m.(4)            : This equipment uses a frequency bandwidth from 2,400MHz to 2,483.5MHz.    It ispossible to avoid the band of mobile object identification systems.3. TOSHIBA Direct PC  Monday-Friday : 10:00-17:00  Toll Free Tel : 0120-13-1100  Direct Dial : 03-3457-5916  Fax : 03-5444-9450Electronic communication device authorizationThis device obtains the Technical Conditions Compliance Approval, and it belongs to the device class ofradio equipment of low-power data communication system radio station stipulated in theTelecommunications Business Law.The following restrictions apply:•Do not disassemble or modify the device.•Do not remove the authorization label from the device.Device AuthorizationThis device obtains the Technical Regulation conformity Certification, and it belongs to the device class ofradio equipment of low-power data communication system radio station stipulated in the Radio Law of Japan.The following restrictions apply:• Do not disassemble or modify the device.• Do not remove the authorization label from the device.
CopyrightThis guide is copyrighted by Toshiba Corporation with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, thisguide cannot be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of Toshiba. No patent liabilityis assumed, however, with respect to the use of the information contained herein.© 2001 by Toshiba Corporation. All rights reserved.NoticeThe information contained in this manual, including but not limited to any product specifications, is subjectto change without notice.TOSHIBA CORPORATION (TOSHIBA) PROVIDES NO WARRANTY WITH REGARD TO THIS MANUAL OR ANYOTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN AND HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH REGARD TO ANYOF THE FOREGOING TOSHIBA ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES INCURRED DIRECTLY ORINDIRECTLY FROM ANY TECHNICAL OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS CONTAINED HEREIN ORFOR DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE PRODUCT AND THE MANUAL. IN NO EVENT SHALL TOSHIBA BELIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL SPECIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES, WHETHER BASEDON TORT, CONTRACT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS MANUAL OR ANYOTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN OR THE USE THEREOF.TrademarksSatellite, Noteworthy, and Track Point are registered trademarks, and In Touch is a service mark of Toshibacorporation.Intel Celeron is a registered trademark.Microsoft Windows, MS-DOS, NetMeeting, Outlook and Media Player are registered trademarks ofMicrosoft corporation.Photo CD is a trademark of Eastman Kodak.PS/2 is a trademark of IBM corporation.SoundBlaster is a registered trademark of Creative Technology, Ltd.All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies
 Drivers InstallationBefore You Start the Installation 2Before you start the installation, you are advised to keep the Windows CD-ROM or software diskettes close at hand. If your computercame with a factory-installed Windows operating system, these files will be stored on your computer’s hard disk, in the form of cabinet(*.cab) files.What You Need to Know 2Installing a Mini-PCI Card requires the same level of expertise that you would need to install a standard Ethernet network adapter card.It is assumed that you have a working knowledge of standard Windows 95/98/2000/ME operations and of installing network adaptercards. Refer to the Windows Help when necessary (on the Windows task bar, press the Start button and select Help).2-7Installation for Windows - Install DriversDriver Installation for Windows 95/98/2000/ME /2000/Millennium2Windows 95/98/2000/ME operating systems support “Plug & Play” for Mini-PCI Cards. Once you insert the Mini-PCI Card into yourcomputer, these operating systems will automatically:■ Detect the card, and enable the Driver, or■ Start the Add New Hardware wizard and prompt you to install the driver, when the operating system cannot find the required driver.This would typically occur when inserting the Mini-PCI Card into your computer for the very first time.To install the driver proceed as follows:1. If Windows starts the Add New Hardware wizard follow the instructions of the New Hardware Found wizard to install the drivers.■ When you are prompted to locate the driver installation files:— Select the CD-ROM that was included with your Mini-PCI Card kit and.Windows 95:D:\Drivers\Win_95Windows 98:D:\Drivers\Win_98Windows 2000:D:\Drivers\Win_2000Windows Millennium:D:\Drivers\Win_98When finished installing the drivers, Windows automatically opens the Add/Edit Configuration Profile window.2-Installation for Windows - Install Drivers2. Continue with setting the basic parameters.Windows Network Properties 2If this is the very first time that Networking support is installed onto your computer, the Windows operating system will prompt you toenter a computer and workgroup name. These names will be used to identify your computer on the Microsoft Network Neighborhood.Installation for Windows - Install Drivers1. The window will pop-up automatically.2. In the Computer Name field, enter a unique name for your computer.3. In the Workgroup field, enter the name of your workgroup.4. (Optional) Provide a description of the computer in the Computer Description field.For more information about setting your Windows Network Properties, consult your Windows documentation or the Windows on-linehelp information.Installation for Windows - Set Basic ParametersSet Basic Parameters 2After installing the drivers, Windows will open the Add/Edit Configuration Profile window for your Mini-PCI Card.The Add/Edit Configuration Profile window enables you to specify one or more network connection profiles.For example you can setup profiles for:■ Office, to connect to an Enterprise Network via an Access Point.■ Workgroup Computing, to share files with colleagues or friends in small Peer-to-Peer workgroups without access point.■ Home, to connect to a Residential Gateway (RG) that provides access to the Internet or your home printers.2-12 Installation for Windows - Set Basic ParametersTo connect your computer to a wireless network you will need to:1. Assign a name to the network connection profile2. Use the pull-down menu on the right to select how you wish to connect to the wireless network.3. Click the Edit Profile button to view/modify the parameters for the selected profile.
For first-time installations, you are advised to setup the single profile using only the Basic Settings.NOTE:The number and type of parameters you need to specify may differ according to the selected connection type.For information about various option press the key F1 or click the Help button.2-15Installation for Windows - Set Basic ParametersBasic Settings for Residential Gateways2If you wish to connect to a Home Network via a Residential Gateway, use the Add/Edit Configuration Profile window to:■ Select to connect to a Residential Gateway.■ Set the correct Network Name and Encryption Key.Installation for Windows - Set Basic Parameters1. In the field Network Name enter the 6-character RG ID to define the same of the wireless network to which you want to connect.The Network Name has to match the unique RG ID (which can be found on the device).2. In the Encryption Key field enter the last 5 digits of the RG ID (default).NOTE:If you changed the default Encryption Key on the Residential Gateway (RG) you will need to enter the new value here as well.3. Click OK to confirm and return to the Add/Edit Configuration Profile window.4. Click OK again to finish the installation.Installation for Windows - Set Basic ParametersBasic Settings for Peer-to-PeerWorkgroups2If you wish to connect to a Peer-to-Peer workgroup, use the Add/Edit Configuration Profile window to:■ Select to connect to a Peer-to-Peer Workgroup.■ Set the correct Network Name and Encryption Key.1. In the field Network Name define the name of the wireless network to which you want to connect.The Network Name can be any alphanumeric string in the range of “a” to “z”, “A” to “Z” and “0” to “9” with a maximum of 32 characters(case-sensitive).■ If there is already a Peer-to-Peer group with this name available your computer will automatically connect to this workgroup.■ If there is not yet such a group available, your computer will automatically start one with this name.2. Click OK to confirm and return to the Add/Edit Configuration Profile window.3. Click OK again to proceed with the installation.Installation for Windows - Finish the InstallationFinish the Installation 2When you have finished “Set Basic Parameters”, click the OK button to close the Add/Edit Configuration window and to proceed withthe installation process. Windows will finish building the driver configuration database and copy some files to your computer’s hard disk.■ If the Windows operating system prompts you to identify the location of the Windows files, specify the drive and directory of theWindows Installation CD-ROM or diskettes.    When you had a Mini-PCI Card installed on your computer before, most of these files arealready available on your hard disk drive. If you do not have the Windows CD-ROM available, you may try replacing the proposed pathin the Copy Files From dialog box with:“C:\Windows\System” or “C:\Windows\”■ If the Windows operating system prompts you to identify the location of the driver files (typically file names starting with the characterswv*.v) specify the drive and directory of the Software:—  if installing from the CD-ROM specify the drive in one of the following directories on the Software CD-ROM.Windows 95:D:\Drivers\Win_95Windows 98:D:\Drivers\Win_98Windows 2000:D:\Drivers\Win_2000Windows Millennium:D:\Drivers\Win_98— if installing files that you downloaded from the Internet, point to the disk drive or directory where you saved the downloaded files.
2-When Windows has finished the copying of files, it will prompt you to restart your computer.    Click the OK button to restart yourcomputer.After Restarting Your Computer 2After you have restarted your computer, the Windows operating system will detect the Mini-PCI Card.    Load the driver, in a dialog boxenter a Windows user name and password.    The password you enter here will be the one used to login to the Windows NetworkNeighborhood.2-21Installation for Windows - Finish the InstallationMini-PCI Card Hardware Specification1. Operating and Storage EnvironmentThe Network Interface Card shall be capable to pass the environmental tests as specified in “Mini PCI Specification, October 1999 [Ref.16], Section 5.6 Thermal Guidelines”.Operating temperature range:             0°C to 60°C ambient temperature..Relative humidity when operational:              95% maximum (non condensing).Storage temperature range:               -20°C to 75°C ambient temperature.Relative humidity during storage:          95% maximum (non condensing).2. Power supplyThe Network Interface Card shall be capable to operate from 3.3V +/- 0.2V Host supply voltage. Refer to chapter 11.1. Host interface forconfiguration of card type and supply voltage. The current consumption averaged over 1s is defined for the following operationalmodes:Doze mode:      30mAReceive mode:   230mATransmit mode:   330mAA 120mV peak-peak ripple on the supply voltage with a fundamental frequency not greater than 150kHz and not less than 60Hz shallnot degrade the Network Interface performance.The total load capacitance of the supply voltage shall not exceed 150µF in order to meet the inrush current requirement.3. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS3.1. GeneralReceiver input levels and transmitter output levels are specified at the antenna connector.3.1.1. Antenna port impedanceThe nominal antenna port impedance is 50W.The Network Interface Card shall not be damaged for any Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) 1≤VSWR≤∞.3.1.2. Power-on start-up timeThe Network Interface Card shall be operational within 600ms after switching the power supply on. This includes a delay ofmax 500 ms for the Flash ROM power up sequence.3.1.3. Doze to receive mode start-up timeThe Network Interface Card shall be operational within 0.75ms after switching from Doze mode to Receive mode. Thisincludes lock-in and stabilization of the synthesizers. Transmissions are not allowed during this period.3.1.4. Receive to transmit turnaround timeThe time from transition of the TXE control line (transmit enable control line from WMAC to DSP) from inactive state toactive state until the RF section is in transmit mode shall be not more than 5µs. The NIC is said to be in transmit mode at themoment the RF output power level is within 90% of its final value.3.1.5. Transmit to receive turnaround timeThe time from transition of the TXE control line (transmit enable control line from WMAC to DSP) from active state to
inactive state until the NIC is in receive mode shall be not more than 10µs.3.1.6. RF center frequencyThe RF function provides programming of the RF center frequency from 2400MHz to2500MHz in steps of 1MHz. The RF center frequency for transmission and reception shall be stable within 25kHz of its final value,0.75ms after reprogramming or switching from doze mode to receive mode.3.1.7. RF center frequency and clock accuracyThe master clock frequency and the RF center frequency shall be within +/-25ppm of the nominal value.The carrier jitter is within 25kHz of its final value 40µs after switching between RX and TX mode.3.2. Transmitter3.2.1. Transmit power-on and power-down rampThe transmit power-on ramp from 10% to 90% of the maximum power shall not take longer than 2µs.    The transmit power-down rampfrom 90% to 10% of the maximum power shall not take longer than 2µs.    The transmit power ramp shall be constructed such that theemissions comply with the radio regulations.  3.2.2. Transmitted power levelThe nominal transmitted power shall be 15 dBm +/- 2dB at full operational temperature range. This range complies with theIEEE802.11 PHY standard and the radio regulations.      The power density shall not exceed 10dBm/MHz EIRP.3.2.3. Transmitted output spectrumThe transmitted spectral products shall be less than -30dBr (dB relative to the sin(x)/x peak) for frequencies between 11MHzand 22MHz from the center frequency and -50dBr for frequencies more than 22MHz from the center frequency. Themeasurement shall be made at the antenna port using 100kHz resolution bandwidth.3.2.4. RF carrier suppressionThe RF carrier suppression measured at the channel center frequency shall be at least 15dB below the peak sin(x)/x powerspectrum.3.3. Receiver3.3.1. Medium busyThe DSP reports to the WMAC the presence of a spread-spectrum signal on the medium by the MBUSY signal.3.3.2. Minimum input level sensitivityFor all channels, the Frame-Error Rate (FER) shall be less than 8*10-2 at a frame length of 1024 bytes for:• an input level of -91dBm at 25ºC or -89dBm at full operational temperature range,measured at the antenna connector using 1Mbit/s DBPSK modulation• an input level of -88dBm at 25ºC or -86dBm at full operational temperature range,measured at the antenna connector using 2Mbit/s DQPSK modulation• an input level of -85dBm at 25ºC or -83dBm at full operational temperature range,measured at the antenna connector using 5.5Mbit/s CCK modulation.• an input level of -82dBm at 25ºC or -80dBm at full operational temperature range,measured at the antenna connector using 11Mbit/s CCK modulation.The test for the minimum input level sensitivity shall be conducted with the Carrier Detect threshold set less than –95dBm.3.3.3. Maximum input levelThe FER shall be less than 8*10-2 (1024 byte frames) for a maximum input level of -4Bm measured at the antenna connector. Thisapplies to all modulation types and data rates.3.3.4. Over-voltage protectionThe receiver shall not be damaged by over-driving levels up to +17dBm at the antenna connector. No DC voltage shall beexposed to the antenna connector.3.3.5. Out-of-band signal rejectionA Mini-PCI board signal is applied together with two Continuous Wave (CW) interference signals at the receiver antenna input. Thelevel of the Mini-PCI board signal is -55dBm. The CW interference signals have equal level and 1.2MHz frequency distance. Themaximum level of each of the two interfering CW signals for a FER better than 8*10-2 (1024 byte frames) is shown in Table 1 as a
function of the average frequency of both interfering frequencies.Average frequency of interferers max. level of each interferer,<1.0GHz -6dBm1.0-2.0 GHz -10dBm2.0-2.35 GHz -26dBm2.55-2.9 GHz -26dBm>2.9 GHz -10dBmTable 1. Out of band maximum interference levels.3.3.6. Irreducible Frame Error RatioThe Irreducible FER (1024 byte frames) in an RF-clean environment (anechoic chamber) at nominal temperature between two NetworkInterfaces one meter apart using 2Mbit/s DQPSK will be better than 1*10-8.4. RF channel frequenciesThe Network Interface in the 2.4-2.5GHz ISM band uses the channel center frequencies as defined by the IEEE802.11 PHY standardfor DSSS. These channel frequencies and the countries of application are listed in Table below. Note: the mini PCI card uses subsetchannel 1 through 11, which allows usage across the world.Channel ID FCC ChannelFrequencies (MHZ)ETS ChannelFrequencies (MHZ)Japan ChannelFrequencies (MHZ)France ChannelFrequencies (MHZ)1 2412 2412 - -2 2417 2417 - -3 2422 2422 - -4 2427 2427 - -5 2432 2432 - -6 2437 2437 - -7 2442 2442 - -8 2447 2447 - -9 2452 2452 - -10 2457 2457 - -11 2462 2462 - -RASUIThe MTBF is 150,000 hours based on a workload of 2040 hours/year. This assumes the card does not exceed its ambienttemperature ceiling of 60 degrees C.

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