Compal Electronics PA3275U-1BTM PDA With 2.4GHz Bluetooth Module User Manual PDA

Compal Electronics Inc PDA With 2.4GHz Bluetooth Module PDA


PDA user manual

TOSHIBA Pocket PC e750/e755User’s Guide
2IntroductionThank you very much for your purchase of this Toshiba Pocket PC.Please be sure to read this user’s guide before using the Toshiba PocketPC, and ensure that you are aware of correct the handling procedures.• Please be sure to read the “Safety precautions” section in this docu-ment to learn about important safety issues.• After reading this document, keep it in a convenient place for futurereference.Copyright Information© 2003 by Toshiba Corporation. All rights reserved. Under the copyrightlaws, this manual cannot be reproduced in any form without the priorwritten permission of Toshiba. No patent liability is assumed, with re-spect to the use of the information contained herein.Toshiba  Pocket PC e750/e755 User’s GuideFirst edition March 2003TrademarksMicrosoft, ActiveSync, Outlook, Pocket Outlook, Windows, Windows CE,and the Windows logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks ofMicrosoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoftproducts are licensed to OEMs by Microsoft Licensing, Inc., a wholly ownedsubsidiary of Microsoft Corporation.Safety precautions• Please carefully read “Safety precautions”  before using the ToshibaPocket PC and ensure that you are aware of correct handling proce-dures.• The precautions  provide essential information for the protection ofthe user and others from possible injury and property damage.  Theyalso provide information on the safe handling of this product.• Please check that you fully understand the definition of the followingmessages (signs and graphical symbols) before  reading the text,and always follow the instructions provided.
3Safety instructionsPlease carefully read “Safety precautions” before using the ToshibaPocket PC and ensure that you are aware of correct handling proce-dures. The precautions provide essential information for the protectionof the user and others from possible injury and property damage. Theyalso provide information on the safe handling of this product. Pleasecheck that you fully understand the definition of the following messages(signs and graphical symbols) before reading the text, and alwaysfollow the instructions provided.There are two categories of Safety Instructions included in this  manual:Product Warnings, (i.e., what must never be done to assure avoidingthose hazards that could cause bodily injury or property damage); andUser Directions (i.e., what must always be done to assure the safe use ofyour Pocket PC).The Safety Instructions contained in this manual have been categorizedin accordance with the seriousness of the potential hazards through theuse of Signal Words.Those Signal Words, and their intended meanings, are as follows:Signal Word MeaningDANGER Indicates that a failure to observe the SafetyInstructions could result in serious bodily in-jury.CAUTION Indicates that a failure to observe the SafetyInstructions could result in minor bodily injuryor property damage.WARNING Designates important information that relatesto  the safe use of your Pocket PC.Your Pocket PC produces low levels of RF energy due to the generation ofdigital timing pulses by its clock oscillator circuits. Your Pocket PC hasbeen equipped with internal shielding to minimize any stray emissions ofRF energy.Airlines may nevertheless prohibit the on-board use of all portable PCs(and all other portable electronic devices that could potentially emit strayRF energy), particularly during take-offs and landings, to prevent any pos-sible interference with the reception of signals by airborne electronic navi-gational devices.WARNINGAlways request and obtain prior consent and approval of an authorizedairline representative before using your Pocket PC aboard an aircraft.Always follow the instructions of the airline representative whenever us-ing your Pocket PC aboard an aircraft, to prevent any possible interfer-ence with airborne electronic equipment.
4WARNINGCertain locations, such as hospitals, may restrict the use of Pocket PCsand other devices that emit low-level RF energy.Always comply was posted prohibitions of the use of RF-emitting de-vices, such as in hospitals. Failure to follow such directives could resultin the interference with medical equipment and/or devices.Never come closer than 16cm (6inches)  to a person with a heart pace-maker implant when using this Pocket PC in combination with a mobilecellular telephone. Failure to do so could result in interference with thefunction of the pacemaker.WARNINGNever use a Pocket PC while driving an automobile or any other movingvehicle. Always pull out of traffic and come to a stop in a legally permis-sible and safe location before using your Pocket PC. Failure to do socould result in serious bodily injury in a traffic accident.Never use your Pocket PC while walking. Usage while walking couldresult in bodily injury caused by inattention to automobile traffic or otherpedestrian hazards.WARNINGNever allow metallic objects, such as staples and paper clips, to enterinside your Pocket PC. Metallic objects, such as staples and paper clips,if allowed to enter your Pocket PC, could cause the generation of excessheat or fire.Never connect terminals (metal parts) to metallic objects (such as wires).Connecting terminals to metal objects could cause excessive heat or fire.Always immediately turn the battery switch to the “off” position and dis-connect the AC Adaptor from the power outlet in the event the Pocket PCemits an unusual odor or sound or generates smoke.WARNINGNever use or store your Pocket PC in the following locations:Anywhere it may be exposed to water, such as a bathroom or sauna;In conditions of high humidity, such as in the rain or fog; Where yourPocket PC will be exposed to high temperatures, such as near a fire orequipment that emits high temperatures; In direct sunlight; or In a sealedautomobile left in the sun and subject to high tem peratures.
5Never drop your Pocket PC or subject it to severe shock. Dropping yourPocket PC or subjecting it to severe shock could cause   the removablebattery to leak, ignite and/or rupture.Always immediately remove your Pocket PC and its battery from the vicin-ity of any open flame in the event the removable  battery leaks liquid oremits an unusual odor. Continued use of your Pocket PC under either ofthese conditions could cause ignition (i.e., fire) of the leaked battery liq-uid, or rupture.Never touch any fluid that might leak from the removable battery. Suchliquid when in contact with the eyes or skin, could cause injury to the skinor eyes. Should the liquid come into contact with the eyes, irrigate theeyes thoroughly with clean water and immediately seek medical atten-tion. In the event the liquid comes into contact with the skin or clothing,wash it away immediately with clean water.Never attempt to disassemble, repair or make any modification to yourPocket PC. Disassembly, modification or any attempt at repair could causebodily injury or property damage, as well as damage to the Pocket PCitself.Failure to follow the above directions concerning use and storage couldresult in damage to your Pocket PC or bodily injury and property damagedue to battery liquid leakage, fire or rupture.CAUTIONNever raise the sound volume level to high when using your Pocket PCwith earphones. An excessive sound volume level could cause damageto your hearing.Never touch the liquid that might leak from a broken liquid crystal display.Contact with this liquid could cause a skin rash. If the crystal display liquidshould come into contact with the skin or clothing, wash it immediatelywith clean water.Never allow infants or small children within reach of your Pocket PC.Infants or small children could injure themselves if allowed access toyour Pocket PC.DANGERNever attempt to disassemble or repair an AC Adaptor, and never altertheir Power Supply Cables or plugs as exposure to electric shock haz-ards could result.Always contact an authorized service provider, if repair or replacement isrequired.
6WARNINGAlways use the AC Adaptor  that has  been provided with your Pocket PC.Bodily injury or property damage could occur as a result of the use of anunauthorized and incompatible AC Adaptor  in violation of this Warning.Never connect or disconnect the AC Adaptor with wet hands. Connectingor disconnecting the AC Adaptor to a power source with wet hands couldcause electric shock.CAUTIONNever place an AC Adaptor on a wooden surface (or any other surface thatcould be marred by exposure to heat) while it is in use, since its surfacetemperature increases during normal use. Always rest it on a suitableheat-insulating material.Never cover the AC Adaptor with any object while it is in use, and neverplace it adjacent to a heat source. An excessive temperature increasecould detrimentally affect its performance.Never place a Power Supply Cable near a heat source, as damage to thecord or to its insulation could result.Always use a surge protector when utilizing the AC Adaptor during anelectrical storm. Otherwise, a power surge could result in the loss ofstored data.Insert the power plug to a household electric outlet.When travelling abroad, never plug the AC Adaptor into a power sourcethat does not correspond to both the voltage and the   frequency specifiedon the rating plate of the unit, as equipment damage will result.Never attempt to connect or disconnect the power plug with damp or wethands. Connecting or disconnecting the power plug with damp or wethands could result in an electric shock.Never leave an open container, such as a cup or glass, containing a liquidnear the AC Adaptor. Spilled liquid coming in contact with the AC Adaptorcould cause a fire or electric shock.Always ensure the power plug pins are clean and free of dust or otherforeign material by wiping the pins with a clean dry cloth. Dust or otherforeign material accumulation on the power plug pins could cause fire.Always unplug the power plug from an outlet by grasping the power plugitself. Never pull on the Power Supply Cable to disconnect the PowerSupply Cable from an outlet. Pulling on the Power Supply Cable couldcause a fire or electric shock as a result of damage to the Power SupplyCable.
7Never use a worn or damaged AC Adaptor Power Supply Cable or plug, ora worn or damaged extension cord or plug. The use of a worn or dam-aged Power Supply Cable or plug could result in electric shock or fire.Always contact an authorized service provider immediately to obtain asuitable Power Supply Cable replacement.Never bend or twist a Power Supply Cable, and never pull on a PowerSupply Cable in an attempt to remove a plug from an outlet. Always graspthe plug directly when unplugging a Power Supply Cable to avoid causingany damage to the cord.Never plug the AC Adaptor into an overloaded multiple outlet, power stripor surge protector to prevent blowing a fuse or tripping a circuit breaker.Never place heavy objects on a Power Supply Cable, as that could resultin damage to the cord.Always confirm that the AC Adaptor plug (and the extension cord andplug, if any) have been fully inserted into the receptacle, to assure asecure electrical connection.NOTEUnder certain conditions, data may be lost, including:Misuse of your Pocket PC; Subjecting the main unit of your Pocket PC tostatic electricity and/or noise; Total loss of electric charge in the remov-able  battery; and Servicing of your Pocket PC.Use your Pocket PC only in locations with the following ambient environ-mental conditions:Under normal operational use with temperatures between 0°C and 40°C(32°F and 104°F); With humidity of 30% to 80%; and When charging thebattery with temperatures between 5°C and 40°C (41°F and 104°F).Do not store or use your Pocket PC in the following locations:Those subject to extremely high or low temperatures; Dusty locations;and Locations or sites subject to strong vibration.Use or storage in these location, sites or areas can result in productfailure, malfunction or loss of data.Do not subject your Pocket PC to sudden and severe temperaturechanges. This could result in moisture condensation in the Pocket PCthat could cause damage to your Pocket PC, computer function loss, and/or the loss of data. In the event of moisture condensation, allow yourPocket PC to dry out completely.It is normal for the AC Adaptor to become warm when charging.Disconnect the power plug from the outlet when not in use.
8Take care not to sit on your Pocket PC when it is located in the back pocketof trousers, etc. This could cause damage to your Pocket PC or malfunc-tion of the Pocket PC functions.Do not place objects on top of your Pocket PC or drop them on top of yourPocket PC. This could cause damage to your Pocket PC and/or malfunc-tion.Clean terminals (metallic parts) on a regular basis with a cotton swab.Dirty terminals could affect battery charging.Never use organic solvents such as benzene or paint thinner to cleanyour Pocket PC. Use of these solvents can cause deformation or discol-oration.Do not wipe the display with a damp or wet cloth or touch the display withdamp or wet hands. Wiping or touching the display under this conditioncan cause product failure or malfunction. Always use a soft dry cloth towipe the display.When using the  “SD memory card” and/or “ (CF) compact flash card,”be sure to read the relevant instruction manual and ensure that youknow the proper procedures for their use.Never subject the card to any severe shock while connected to your PocketPC. Such a shock can cause damage to the card and a malfunction.Do not carry your Pocket PC with the card connected to it. This can resultin the damage or loss of the card.Never connect cradle terminals with metallic objects, such as wires. Con-necting these terminals with metallic objects may cause the productionof excess heat, burns and damage to the charger and/or your Pocket PC.Lithium ion batteries are recyclable. Never dispose of the battery withordinary waste.
9Supplementary Information: “The product complies with therequirements of the Low VoltageDirective 73/23/EEC and the EMCDirective 89/336/EEC.”Weitere Informationen: “Das   Produkt   entspricht  denAnforderungender NiederspannungsRichtlinie 73 23/EG und   der   EMC-Richtlinie 89/336/EG.”Informations complérnentaires: “Ce  produit est conforme auxexigences de la directive sur lesbasses tensions 73/23/CEE et de ladirective EMC 89/336/CEE.”Información complementaria: “El  Producto cumple los requistosde baja tensión de la Directiva 73/23/CEE y la Directiva EMC 89/336/CEE.”Ulteriori informazioni: “Il prodotto é conforme ai requisitidella direttiva sulla bassa tensione 73/23/EG e la direttiva EMC 89/336/EG.”Ytteligare information: “Produkten uppfyller kraven enligtlägspänningsdirektiver 73/23/EECoch EMC-direktiv 89/336/EEC.”
10Working environmentThis product was designed to fulfill the EMC (electromagnetic compatibil-ity) requirements for “residential, commercial and light industry environ-ments”.Toshiba does not approve the use of this product in working environ-ments other than “residential, commercial and light industry environ-ments”.For example, the following environments are not approved:• Industrial Environments (environments with a main voltage >230V~)• Medical Environments• Automotive Environments• Aircraft EnvironmentsAny consequences resulting from the use of this product in working envi-ronments that are not approved are not the responsibility of Toshiba Cor-poration.The consequences of the use of this product in non-approved workingenvironments may be:• Interference with other devices or machines in the nearby surround-ing area• Malfunction of, or data loss from, this product caused by disturbancesgenerated by other devices or machines in the nearby surrounding areaTherefore Toshiba strongly recommends that the electromagnetic com-patibility of this product be suitably tested in all non-approved workingenvironments before use. In the case of automobiles or aircraft, the manu-facturer or airline respectively should be asked for permission before useof this product.Furthermore, for general safety reasons, the use of this product in envi-ronments with explosive atmospheres is not permitted.CE complianceThis product and the original options are designed to observe the relatedEMC (Electromagnetic compatibility) and safety standards. However,Toshiba cannot guarantee that this product still observes these EMCstandards if options or cables not produced by Toshiba are connected orimplemented. In this case the persons who have connected / imple-mented those options / cables have to make sure that the system (PCplus options / cables) still fulfils the required standards. To avoid generalEMC problems, the following advice should be observed:• Only CE marked options should be connected / implemented• Only best shielded cables should be connected
11FCC Notice“Declaration of Conformity”This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for aClass B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limitsare designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interfer-ence in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses andcan radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accor-dance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio com-munications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will notoccur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined byturning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correctthe interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that towhich the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.WARNING: Only peripherals complying with the FCC class B limitsmay be attached to this equipment. Operation with non-compliantperipherals or peripherals not recommended by Toshiba is likely toresult in interference to radio and TV reception. Shielded cablesmust be used between the external devices and the computer’sUSB ports, external monitor port, PS/2 keyboard port and PS/2mouse port.Changes or modifications made to this equipment, notexpressly approved by Toshiba or parties authorized by Toshibacould void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subjectto the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference2. This device must accept any interference received, including interfer-ence that may cause undesired operation.
12Canadian Regulatory Information (Canada Only)This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noiseemissions from digital apparatus as set out in the Radio InterferenceRegulation of the Canadian Department of Communications.Note that Canadian Department of Communications (DOC) regulationsprovide, that changes or modifications not expressly approved by TOSHIBACorporation could void your authority to operate this equipment.This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the CanadianInterference-Causing Equipment Regulations.Cet appareil numérique de la class B respecte toutes les exgences duRèglement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.BSMI Notice (Taiwan Only)¤A (VCCI graphic here, p12 of E740)                  VCCI Notice (Japan Only) Class BITEThe paragraph below in English should be translated into Japanesehere. (see pg. 12 of E740 u. manual for  Japanese text.)This is a Class B product based on the standard of the VoluntaryControl Council for Interference (VCCI) for information technologyequipment. If this equipment is used near a radio or television receiverin a domestic environment, it may cause radio interference. Install anduse the equip-ment according to the instruction manual.
13FCC Class B Digital Devices & PeripheralDevices (Declaration of Conformity orCertification Authorization)Declaration of Conformity Label &Marking Requirements• User Manual must provide user information in accordance with±15.19(a)(3), 15.21, 15.27 and 15.105(b):Instruction Manual FederalCommunication CommissionInterference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for aClass B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limitsare designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interfer-ence in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses andcan radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accor-dance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio com-munications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a par-ticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference toradio or television reception, which can be determined by turning theequipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interfer-ence by one of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that towhich the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC Caution: Assure continued compliance (for example, use onlyshielded interface cables when connecting to computer or periph-eral devices). Any changes or modifications not expressly approvedby the manufacturer of this device could void the user's authority tooperate this equipment.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation issubject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not causeharmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interfer-ence received, including interference that may cause undesired op-eration.Responsible Party:Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc.                                     9740 Irvine Blvd.                                     Irvine, CA 92618-1697      Telephone No:        1-800-Toshiba
14Table of ContentsCOPYRIGHT INFORMATION .........................................TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED .................................CHAPTER 2: BASIC SKILLS .........................................CHAPTER 3: MICROSOFT ACTIVESYNC ....................CHAPTER 4: MICROSOFT POCKET OUTLOOK ..........CHAPTER 5: COMPANION PROGRAMS ......................CHAPTER 6: POCKET INTERNET EXPLORER .............CHAPTER 7: GETTING CONNECTED ...........................CHAPTER 8:  IEEE 802.11B WLAN ...............................CHAPTER 9:  OPTIONAL FUNCTIONS .........................CHAPTER 10:  ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ...............
                                                                                            15Chapter 1:Getting StartedWelcomeCongratulations on purchasing your Toshiba Pocket PC. Due to the sizeand capabilities of  this device, you can keep your most important busi-ness and personal information up-to-date and close at hand. Microsoft®ActiveSync® increases the power of your device by allowing you to syn-chronize the information on your desktop or laptop computer with yourdevice. Picture yourself in the following situations: • While walking with a colleague, your cell phone rings and yourmanager asks if you two are free this afternoon for an emergencymeeting.  While  your  colleague  fumbles  through  his paperorganizer, you press a button on your device and instantly see alist of today’s appointments and meetings. You are quickly ableto tell your manager your available times. For more informationon scheduling appointments and meetings, see Chapter 4. • You’re meeting your friends tonight for dinner and a movie. You down-load the latest movie information from the Internet to your computerand then synchronize it with your device. At dinner, you pull out yourToshiba Pocket PC device and review your movie options with yourfriends. For more information on downloading Web pages to yourdevice, see Chapter 6. • A Calendar reminder alerts you that it is time to catch the bus. Yougrab your Toshiba Pocket PC device and catch the bus just in time.Because ActiveSync keeps the information on your device up-to-date,you leisurely review your task list, make notes about the new booksand CDs you want to buy, and read and respond to e-mail mes-sages. When you get back to the office, ActiveSync transfers anytask changes you made, your notes, and your e-mail message re-sponses to your computer. For more information on ActiveSync, seeChapter 3.
16Toshiba Pocket PC  e750/e755 User’s GuideWhere to Find InformationThis book describes your Pocket PC hardware, provides an overview ofthe programs on your Pocket PC, and explains how to connect yourPocket PC to a desktop computer, a network, or the Internet. For instruc-tions on setting up your Pocket PC and installing ActiveSync, see infor-mation to help you use your Pocket PC.For information on: See this source:Programs on your Pocket PC This User’s Guide and device Help To viewHelp, tap        and then Help.Additional programs that can be The Pocket PC Companion CD.installed on the Pocket PCConnecting to and synchronizing The Quick Start Card or Active Sync Help onwith a computer your computer. To view Help, click Help andthen Microsoft Active Sync Help.Last-minute updates and detailed The Read Me files, located in the Microsofttechnical information Active Sync folder on the desktop computerand on the Pocket PC Companion CD.Up-to-date information on your Pocket PC
18Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideDC-IN SOCKETBATTERY SWITCHCRADLE CONNECTION PORTWIRELESS COMMUNICATIONSWITCH(WIRELESS LAN MODEL ONLY)RGB (MONITOR) PORTUSB PORTCRADLE CONNECTION PORTOPTIONAL EXPANSION PACKCradleInitial Setting of Program ButtonProgram button 1 = CalendarProgram button 2 = TasksProgram button 3 = HomeProgram button 4 = ContactsProgram button 5 = Voice recorder
  19Chapter 2: Basic SkillsDC-IN SOCKETMICSTEREO HEADPHONE ORMICROPHONE INPUTTOSHIBA  SCROLLERSD CARD SLOTCFII CARD SLOTINFRARED PORTBATTERY PACK LOCK OPTIONAL EXPANSION PACKSTYLUSRESET BUTTONCF RELEASE BUTTON (USESTYLUS TO EJECT)Power button        When  the power is off When the power is onPress and hold.        The power turns on. The screen light alternatelyturns on/off.Press  it  quickly.         The power turns on. The power turns off.Main unit ( back view )Power ButtonThe power button turns the unit and the screen light on and off.
20Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideBATTERY SWITCHSUPPLY STOPBattery SwitchThe battery switch supplies/cuts off the battery power to the Toshiba PocketPC e750/e755.The setting of this switch at shipment is “stop”. When using the ToshibaPocket PC e750/e755 for the first time, slide this switch to the left (the“supply” side) with the stylus.Switching the battery switch to the “stop” position at any time willlead to loss of data.Flashing orange  When the preset alarm time, which was set through Calendar or Tasks, goes off, the lamp starts flashing. Orange  Indicates charging of the battery.  Yellow   The battery charging process is stopped due to the ambient temperature being too high or low. Charge the battery in an ambient temperature of approx. 41°F to 104°F. Green  Indicates full charge of the battery. Battery/Alarm LEDThe Battery/Alarm LED  indicates the machine condition.
  21Chapter 2: Basic SkillsWireless Communication Switch( Wireless LAN model only )1. To enable Wireless module, make sure the Wireless Communica-tion Switch is turned on. (The default setting is Power Off.  Press theswitch to the left to turn the power on.)2. Wireless LAN model only: If  this is your first time turning on theswitch, the IP Address Page will pop up for you to set the IP address,Subnet mask and Default gateway.LED DescriptionsLED indicates the different status:LED StatusOff Wireless Communication Switch is turned OFF Orange  Wireless Communication Switch is turned ON ON    OFFWIRELESS COMMUNICATIONSWITCH
22Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideHow to Use the StylusThe stylus is used for menu selection or data input on the touch-screen ofthe Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755.Tap:  Touch the screen once with the stylus to open items and selectoptions.Drag:  Hold the stylus on the screen and drag it across to select textand images. Drag in a list to select multiple items.Tap and hold:  Tap and hold the stylus on an item to see a list ofactions available for that item. On the pop-up menu that appears, tapthe action you want to perform.When you operate the touch screen of the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755, use the supplied stylus.If the tip of the stylus is damaged, do not use it. If you operate thetouch screen with a damaged stylus or a ballpoint pen, the touchscreen may be damaged.When the stylus is damaged, please purchase a new one.About  the Cursor ButtonYou can move a cursor (selection display) on the screen by pressing theupper, lower, right or left part of the cursor button.You can select a program to launch by pressing the center part of thecursor button.The cursor movement is different depending on the screen. Whenthe cursor is at the right or the left side of the screen, it may notmove.About the ScrollerYou can also move the cursor on the screen by moving the scroller up anddown.You can select a program to launch by pressing the scroller.
  23Chapter 2: Basic SkillsBattery ChargingWhen using the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 for the first time, set thebattery switch to the supply side, and then charge the removable batterywith the supplied AC adapter.How to Charge the BatteryYou can use two charging methods.Turn the unit off before connecting the AC Adapter and Pocket PC.Method1.: Connect the supplied AC adapter and the cradle as shown inthe figure below, and then insert the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 into the cradle.
24Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideMethod 2 :Connect the supplied AC adapter and the Toshiba Pocket PCe750/e755 as shown in the figure below.For charging the battery, maintain an ambient temperature fromapprox. 41°F to 104°F.When the lamp is lit in orange during the battery charging, you canuse the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755.When the battery is completely charged, the LED alarm lamp colorwill change to green.
  25Chapter 2: Basic SkillsHow to Attach / Detach Main Battery Pack1. Turn off the power.2. Switch Battery Pack Lock to release the battery pack.3. Attach / Detach battery from the Pocket PC.Switch to release battery packBattery Pack LockDetachAttachYou cannot turn on the power if Battery Pack Lock is at the Releaseside.You can change the main battery without data loss because ToshibaPocket PC e750/e755 has the rechargeable backup battery. Butthe capacity ot the backup battery is small. When you change themain battery, please attach the new main battery and switch theBattery Pack Lock to the lock side as soon as possible.ReleaseLock
26Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s Guide3. Switch the Battery Pack Lock to lock the High Capacity Battery Pack.You cannot turn on the power if Battery Pack Lock is at the Releaseside.You can replace the main battery with the High Capacity Batterywithout data loss because Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 has therechargeable backup battery.But the capacity of the backup battery is small. When you replacethe main battery, please attach the High Capacity Battery and switchthe Battery Pack Lock to the lock side as soon as possible.Switch to Lock the High Capacity BatteryPack.How to Use Optional High CapacityBattery Pack1. Detach the Main Battery.2. Attach the High Capacity Battery Pack to the Pocket PC.
  27Chapter 2: Basic SkillsHow to Prolong Battery LifeUse the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 with the AC adapter.When you use the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 under the followingconditions, the power consumption will be high. Please use the ACadapter when:The Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 is operated while connected toyour computer.The Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 is operated with storage card orwith any other optional equipment.Select the short power-off time in the setting menu. This will shortenthe time the unit will remain on if not used. For more information, see“Customize Your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755” in Chapter 2-35.Turn off the front light.Set the screen brightness to power saving mode. Also shorten thelight turn-off time. For more information, see “Customize Your ToshibaPocket PC e750/e755” in Chapter 2-35.Use the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 with an ambient temperaturebetween 59°F and 77°F. This temperature range is the most effectivefor the battery.When you use the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 in high or low tem-perature environments, the operable time is shortened due to thedecrease of the battery capacity.You can save power if wireless communication module is off.Battery LifeThe removable battery has a limited life. Repeated charging/dischargingof the battery gradually decreases operable time. When the operabletime has been extremely shortened, it is time to replace the removablebattery with a new one.Do not leave the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 in a place of high orlow temperature. It may shorten battery life.If you have not used the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 for severaldays, its battery charge level reading may be inaccurate.  Fullyrecharge the battery before using.
28Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideBattery Charge Level and Stored Data ProtectionIf the battery charge level becomes extremely low, or is completely dis-charged, the memory data stored in the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755could be lost.When the low battery status icon or the alarm message appears, imme-diately connect the AC adapter to the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 andcharge the battery.The removable battery gradually discharges even if the device is notbeing used. When the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 is left for a longtime, the removable battery of the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 maycompletely discharge.It is recommended to save the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755’smemory data to your computer or to a storage card.The manufacturer is not responsible for data change or clearancedue to battery discharge. Please acknowledge that.
  29Chapter 2: Basic SkillsDC-IN SOCKETBATTERY SWITCHCRADLE CONNECTION PORTWIRELESS COMMUNI-CATION SWITCH(WIRELESS LAN/BLUETOOTH MODELONLY)USB PORTCRADLE CONNECTIONPORT RGB(MONITOR) PORTOPTIONAL EXPANSION PACKRELEASE BUTTONHow to Use the Optional Expansion PackYou can use the Optional Toshiba Expansion Pack (see 2-2) together withthe Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 to additional peripherals.Parts and Functions of the Expansion PackCradle Connection Port: The Cradle Connection Port allows you to con-nect the Expansion Pack to the Cradle.RGB (Monitor) Port: The RGB (Monitor) Port is a standard 15-pin RGBport for connecting an external display device such as a monitor or projec-tor.Only IA-Presenter and IA Screen Mirror (see page 10-18) can outputthe image to the external monitor. Other applications cannot outputthe image to the external monitor.USB Port: The USB Port allows you to connect USB keyboard to thePocket PC.Use only a Microsoft Pocket PC compatible keyboard.Release Button: When being pressed, the Release Button releases theExpansion Pack from the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755.Connecting the Expansion Pack to the Pocket PC1. Plug the Guide Pins into the corresponding jacks on the Toshiba Pocket PCe750/e755.
30Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s Guide2. The locks will give a light click when the Expansion Pack is in place.The locks are based on foolproof design to help you connect theExpansion Pack to the Pocket PC with the right face-up, i.e. the facewith the Release Button.Releasing the Expansion Pack from the Pocket PCPress the Release Button on the Expansion Pack and gently remove thePack from the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755.
  31Chapter 2: Basic SkillsHow to use the Optional USB Host CableThe optional USB Host Cable allows you to connect a USB keyboard tothe Pocket PC.To connect a USB keyboard to the Pocket PC:1. Turn off the power.2. Plug the optional USB Host Cable to the Pocket PC.3. Connect a USB keyboard to the USB Port of the optional USB HostCable.Charging the battery  or connect AC adapter if the battery power islow. You cannot use a USB keyboard if the battery power is less than15%.Use only a Microsoft Pocket PC compatible keyboard.This portion ofgraphic to beremoved forfinal
32Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideInitial SetupWhen using the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 for the first time, carry outinitial setup according to the procedures below after a battery  has beencharged.1. Move the battery switch to the “supply” position. The Toshiba PocketPC e750/e755 powers on automatically and the Welcome screenappears. Tap the screen to start the following setup.2. Execute touch screen correction.When the align screen appears, tap the center of the cross target withthe stylus. The next target position changes upon tapping the target.Five taps completes the positioning correction. The screen thenchanges to the Stylus screen.If a finger or any other object touches the screen during correc-tion, the correction will be cancelled. Repeat the correction pro-cedure.3. Read how to use the stylus.Read and understand the stylus operation, and then tap NEXT.For more information on stylus operation, see “How to Use the Sty-lus” in Chapter 2-5.4. Learn the pop-up menu operation.Read the on-screen explanation and then follow the instructions.Display the pop-up menu, and cut and paste the data accordingto the screen instructions.After you finish the paste operation, this stage is completed. TapNEXT.5. Set the TIME ZONE.When tapping the right T mark, the city and the time zone listsappear. Tap the desired city and time zone.When the setup is completed, tap NEXT.6. To complete the initial setup.When the Complete screen appears, the initial setup is com-pleted.After tapping the screen, you can use the Toshiba Pocket PCe750/e755.When you tap the Complete screen, the Today screen appears. Formore information on the Today screen, see “Today screen” in  Chap-ter 2-19.
  33Chapter 2: Basic SkillsInserting a CF II Card1. Turn off the power.2. Remove the dummy card.3. Insert the CF II Card.
34Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideTo remove a card:1. Turn off the power.2. Lightly press down the release button with the stylus. The button willpop out. Press down on the release button again. The card will with-draw slightly from the slot.3. Pull the card straight up to remove.Use stylus to release the CF card.RELEASE BUTTON
  35Chapter 2: Basic SkillsInserting an SD Card1. Turn off the power.2. Remove the dummy card.3. Insert the card with its contact surface (metal contact surface) facingthe back of the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755.4. Press down until it clicks.
36Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideTo remove a card:1. Turn off the power.2. Lightly press down the card until a clicking sound is heard. The cardwill pop out slightly from the slot.3. Pull the card straight up to remove. When storage cards are inserted in both the CF and SD card slots,one of them may only be accessible depending on the applicationor the Settings operation (typically, the first storage card inserted isaccessed).Typical examples:-  Notes of Pocket Outlook.-  Saving the destination selection of the Options item of the Toolsmenu of Pocket Word.
  37Chapter 2: Basic SkillsConnecting to a ComputerBefore connecting your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 to a computer,check the following.ActiveSync has been installed on your computer. (See Chapter 3.)The position of connecting port on the computer may differ accordingto the computer type.To Connect Using The Supplied Cradle:1. Connect the USB  cradle to your computer as shown in the illustrationbelow.
38Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s Guide2. Insert the Pocket  PC into the cradle.
  39Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTo connect directly using a connection cable:Connect the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 directly to your computer us-ing an optional USB Sync Cable.When the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 is connected to anotherdevice via a USB  Sync Cable do not plug the AC adapter directlyinto the Pocket PC as this may lead to interference. Instead, plug theAC adapter into the port on the USB Client cable connector.
40Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideToday ScreenWhen you turn on your device for the first time each day (or after 4 hours ofinactivity), you’ll see the Today screen. You can also display it by tapping and then  Today. On the Today screen, you can see at a glance impor-tant information for the day.Following are some of the status icons you may see.Tap to switchto a program. Tap to change volume or mute all sounds.Tap to change date and time.Tap to open an item.Your day at aglance.Tap to view connectionstatus.Tap to create a new item.
  41Chapter 2: Basic SkillsIf more notification icons need to be displayed than there is room todisplay them, the Notification icon, , will display. Tap the icon toview all notification icons.ProgramsYou can switch from one program to another by selecting it from the menu. (You can customize which programs you see on this menu. Forinformation, see “Adjusting Settings,” later in this chapter.) To access someprograms, you’ll need to tap  , Programs, and then the program name.You can also switch to some programs by pressing a program button. Yourdevice has one or more program buttons located on the front or side of thedevice. The icons on the buttons identify the programs they switch to.Some programs have abbreviated labels for check boxes anddrop-down menus. To see the full spelling of an  abbreviatedlabel, tap and hold the stylus on the label. Drag the stylus off thelabel so that the command is not carried out.The following table contains a partial list of programs that are on your de-vice. Look on the Toshiba Pocket PC Companion CD for additional pro-grams that you can install onto your device.Status Icon  Meaning Turns all sounds on and off  Backup battery is low  Main battery is charging  Main battery is low  Main battery is very low  Main battery is full Connection is active  Synchronization is beginning or ending Synchronization is occurring Notification that one or more instant messages were received Notification that one or more e-mail messages were received Traffic Monitoring Utility(W-LAN model only) Bluetooth Power Management Utility(BT model only)
42Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideNavigation Bar and Command BarThe navigation bar is located at the top of the screen. It displays the activeprogram and current time, and allows you to switch to programs and closescreens.Use the command bar at the bottom of the screen to perform tasks inprograms. The command bar includes menu names, buttons, and the In-put Panel button. To create a new item in the current program, tap  New. Tosee the name of a button, tap and hold the stylus on the button. Drag thestylus off the button so that the command is not carried out.Icon  Program  Description ActiveSync  Synchronize information between your device and computer.  Calendar  Keep track of your appointments and create meeting requests. Contacts  Keep track of your friends and colleagues. Inbox  Send and receive e-mail messages. Pocket Internet Explorer  Browse Web and WAP sites, and download new programs and files from the Internet. Notes  Create handwritten or typed notes, drawings, and recordings. Tasks  Keep track of your tasks. Pocket Excel Create new workbooks or view and edit Excel workbooks created on your  computer. MSN Messenger  Send and receive instant messages with your MSN Messenger contacts. Pocket Word  Create new documents or view and edit Word documents created on your computer.
  43Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTap to change volume tomute the device.Tap”Programs” to seeadditional programs.Tap to select aprogram.Tap “Settings” tocustomize the device.Input panelbutton.Newbutton.Menunames.Buttons.Pop-up MenusWith pop-up menus, you can quickly choose an action for an item. Forexample, you can use the pop-up menu in the contact list to quickly deletea contact, make a copy of a contact, or send an e-mail message to acontact. The actions in the pop-up menus vary from program to program.To access a pop-up menu, tap and hold the stylus on the item name thatyou want to perform the action on. When the menu appears, lift the stylus,and tap the action you want to perform. Or tap anywhere outside the menuto close the menu without performing an action.
44Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideTap and hold to displaythe pop-up menu.Lift the stylus and tapthe action you want.Tap outside the menuto close it without performingan action.NotificationsYour device reminds you in a variety of ways when you have something todo. For example, if you’ve set up an appointment in Calendar, a task with adue date in Tasks, or an alarm in Clock, you’ll be notified in any of thefollowing ways: • A message box appears on the screen. • A sound, which you can specify, is played. • A light flashes on your device.To choose reminder types and sounds for your device, tap   and thenSettings. In the Personal  tab, tap  Sounds & Notifications. The optionsyou choose here apply throughout the device.
  45Chapter 2: Basic SkillsInput Panel button.Tap to see your choices.Select an inputmethod.Enter Information on Your Toshiba Pocket PCYou have several options for entering new information: • Use the input panel to enter typed text, either by using the soft key-board or other input method. • Write directly on the screen. • Draw pictures on the screen. • Speak into your device microphone to record a message. • Use Microsoft® ActiveSync® to synchronize or copy information fromyour computer to your device. For more information on ActiveSync,see ActiveSync Help on your computer.Entering Text Using the Input PanelUse the input panel to enter information in any program on your device.You can either type using  the  soft keyboard or write using Letter Recog-nizer, Block Recognizer, or  Transcriber.  In  either case, the charactersappear as typed text on the screen.To show or hide the input panel, tap the Input Panel button. Tap the arrownext to the Input Panel button to see your choices.When you use the input panel, your device anticipates the word you aretyping or writing and displays it above the input panel. When you tap thedisplayed word, it is inserted into your text at the insertion point. The moreyou use your device, the more words it learns to anticipate.
46Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideTap here if this is theright word.To change word suggestion options, such as the number of wordssuggested at one time, tap  ,Settings ,  Personal  tab,  Input , andthen the  Word Completion  tab.To type with the soft keyboard:1. Tap the arrow next to the Input Panel button and then  Keyboard .2. On the soft keyboard that is displayed, tap the keys with your stylus.To use Letter Recognizer:With Letter Recognizer you can write letters using the stylus just as youwould on paper.1. Tap the arrow next to the Input Panel button and then  Letter Recog-nizer.2. Write a letter in the box.When you write a letter, it is converted to typed text that appears on thescreen. For specific instructions on using Letter Recognizer, with LetterRecognizer open, tap the question mark next to the writing area.
  47Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTo use Block Recognizer:With Block Recognizer you can input character strokes using the stylusthat are similar to those used on other devices.1. Tap the arrow next to the Input Panel button and then  Block Recog-nizer.2. Write a letter in the box.When you write a letter, it is converted to typed text that appears on thescreen. For specific instructions on using Block Recognizer, with BlockRecognizer open, tap the question mark next to the writing area.To use Transcriber:With Transcriber you can write anywhere on the screen using the stylusjust as you would on paper. Unlike Letter Recognizer and Block Recog-nizer, you can write a sentence or more of information. Then, pause and letTranscriber change the written characters to typed characters.1. Tap the arrow next to the Input Panel button and then Transcriber.2. Write anywhere on the screen.For specific instructions on using Transcriber, with Transcriber open, tapthe question mark in the lower right hand corner of the screen.To select typed text:If you want to edit or format typed text, you must select it first.• Drag the stylus across the text you want to select.You can cut, copy, and paste text by tapping and holding the selectedwords and then tapping an editing command on the pop-up menu, or bytapping the command on the Edit  menu.
48Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideTap the Pen button and use your stylus like apen.Writing on the ScreenIn any program that accepts writing, such as the Notes program, and inthe  Notes  tab in Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks, you can use your stylusto write directly on the screen. Write the way you do on paper. You can editand format what you’ve written and convert the information to text at a latertime.To write on the screen:• Tap the Pen button to switch to writing mode. This action displays lineson the screen to help you write.Some programs that accept writing may not have the Pen button.See the documentation for that program to find out how to switch towriting mode.
  49Chapter 2: Basic SkillsThe writing is turned intotext.Select the text you want to convertand tap Recognize on the pop-up menu.To select writing:If you want to edit or format writing, you must select it first.1. Tap and hold the stylus next to the text you want to select until theinsertion point appears.2. Without lifting, drag the stylus across the text you want to select.If you accidentally write on the screen, tap Tools, then Undo and try again.You can also select text by tapping the Pen button to deselect it and thendragging the stylus across the screen.You can cut, copy, and paste written text in the same way you work withtyped text: tap and hold the selected words and then tap an editing com-mand on the pop-up menu, or tap the command on the Edit menu.To convert writing to text:• Tap Tools and then Recognize.If you want to convert only certain words, select them before tapping  Rec-ognize  on the  Tools  menu (or tap and hold the selected words and thentap Recognize on the pop-up menu). If a word is not recognized, it is leftas writing.
50Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideTap to return to your originalwriting.Or, tap the word you want  to use.If the conversion is incorrect, you can select different words from a list ofalternates or return to the original writing. To do so, tap and hold the incor-rect word (tap one word at a time). On the pop-up menu, tap Alternates. Amenu with a list of alternate words appears. Tap the word you want to use,or tap the writing at the top of the menu to return to the original writing.Tips for getting good recognition:• Write neatly.• Write on the lines and draw descenders below the line. Write thecross of the “t” and apostrophes below the top line so that they are notconfused with the word above. Write periods and commas above theline.• For better recognition, try increasing the zoom level to 300% usingthe Tools  menu.• Write the letters of a word closely and leave big gaps between wordsso that the device can easily tell where words begin and end.• Hyphenated words, foreign words that use special characters suchas accents, and some punctuation cannot be converted.• If you add writing to a word to change it (such as changing a “3” to an“8”) after you attempt to recognize the word, the writing you add willnot be included if you attempt to recognize the writing again.
  51Chapter 2: Basic SkillsThe drawing  box indicatesthe boundaries of thedrawing.Drawing on the ScreenYou can draw on the screen in the same way that you write on the screen.The difference between writing  and drawing on the screen is how youselect items and how they can be edited. For example, selected drawingscan be resized, while writing cannot.To create a drawing: • Cross three ruled lines on your first stroke. A drawing box appears.Subsequent strokes in or touching the drawing box become part of thedrawing. Drawings that do not cross three ruled lines will be treated aswriting.You may want to change the zoom level so that you can more easilywork on or view your drawing. Tap  Tools  and then a zoom level.
52Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s Guide To select a drawing: If you want to edit or format a drawing, you must select it first. • Tap and hold the stylus on the drawing until the selection handleappears. To select multiple drawings, deselect the Pen button andthen drag to select the drawings you want.You can cut, copy, and paste selected drawings by tapping and holdingthe selected drawing and then tapping an editing command on the pop-up menu, or by tapping the command on the  Edit  menu. To resize adrawing, make sure the Pen button is not selected, and drag a selectionhandle.
  53Chapter 2: Basic SkillsIndicates an embeddedrecording.Tap to show or hide the Recording toolbar.Tap to beginrecording.Recording a MessageIn any program where you can write or draw on the screen, you can alsoquickly capture thoughts, reminders, and phone numbers by recording amessage. In Calendar, Tasks, and Contacts, you can include a recordingin the Notes  tab. In the Notes program, you can either create a stand-alone recording or include a recording in a written note. If you want toinclude the recording in a note, open the note first. In the Inbox program,you can add a recording to an e-mail message.To create a recording:1. Hold your device’s microphone near your mouth or other source ofsound.2. Press and hold the Record hardware button on your device until youhear a beep.3. While holding down the Record button, make your recording.4. To stop recording, release the Record button. Two beeps will sound.The new recording appears in the note list or as an embedded icon.You can also make a recording by tapping the  Record  button on theRecording toolbar.To play a recording, tap it in the list or tap its icon in the note.
54Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideTap to select a prewrittenmessage.Using My TextWhen using Inbox or MSN Messenger, use My Text to quickly insert presetor frequently used messages into the text entry area. To insert a message,tap  My Text  and tap a message.You can add text after inserting a My Text message before sendingit.To edit a My Text message, in the  Tools  menu, tap  Edit  and then tap  MyText Messages. Select the message you wish to edit and make desiredchanges.
  55Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTap to change folders.Select the sort order for thelist.Tap the folder name to openit.Tap and hold to create a newfolder.Find and Organize InformationThe Find feature on your device helps you quickly locate information.•      On the   menu, tap Find. Enter the text you want to find, select a datatype, and then tap  Go  to start the search.To quickly find information that is taking up storage space on yourdevice, select Larger than 64 KB  in  Type.You can also use the File Explorer to find files on your device and to orga-nize these files into folders. On  the   menu, tap Programs, and thenFile Explorer.You can move files in File Explorer by tapping and holding the itemyou want to move, and then tapping Cut  or  Copy  and  Paste  onthe pop-up menu.
56Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideCustomize Your Toshiba Pocket PCYou can customize your device by adjusting device settings and installingadditional software.Adjusting SettingsYou can adjust device settings to suit the way you work. To see availableoptions, tap  , Settings, then the Personal or System  tab located atthe bottom of the screen.You might want to adjust the following: • Clock, to change the time or to set alarms • Menus, to customize what appears on the   menu, and to enable apop-up menu from the New  button • Owner Information, to enter your contact information • Password, to limit access to your device • Power, to maximize battery life • Today, to customize the look and the information that is displayed onthe Today screenAdding or Removing ProgramsPrograms added to your device at the factory are stored in ROM (read-only memory). You cannot remove  this software, and you’ll never acciden-tally lose ROM contents. ROM programs can be updated using specialinstallation programs with a *.xip extension. All other programs and datafiles added to your device after factory installation are stored in RAM (ran-dom access memory).You can install any program created for your device, as long as yourdevice has enough memory. The most popular place to find software foryour device is on the Pocket PC Web site (
  57Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTo add programs using ActiveSyncYou’ll need to install the appropriate software for your device on yourdesktop computer before installing it on your device.1. Determine your device and processor type so that you know whichversion of the software to install.Tap  and then Settings. On the System tab, tap About. In theVersion  tab, make a note of the information in  Processor.2. Download the program to your computer (or insert the CD or disk thatcontains the program into your computer). You may see a single *.xip,*.exe,, or *.zip file, a Setup.exe file, or several versions of files fordifferent device types and processors. Be sure to select the programdesigned for the Toshiba Pocket PC and your device processor type.3. Read any installation instructions, Read Me files, or documentationthat comes with the program.Many programs provide special installation instructions.4. Connect your device and computer.5. Double-click the *.exe file.• If the file is an installer, the installation wizard will begin. Followthe directions on the screen.Once the software has been installed on your computer, the in-staller will automatically transfer the software to your device.• If the file is not an installer, you will see an error message statingthat the program is valid but it is designed for a different type ofcomputer. You will need to move this file to your device. If youcannot find any installation instructions for the program in theRead Me file or documentation, use ActiveSync Explore to copythe program file to the Program Files folder on your device. Formore information on copying files using ActiveSync, seeActiveSync Help.Once installation is complete, tap ,Programs, and then the programicon to switch to it.
58Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideTo add a program directly from the Internet1. Determine your device and processor type so that you know whichversion of the software to install.Tap   and then Settings. On the System tab, tap About. In the Ver-sion  tab, make a note of the information in  Processor.2. Download the program to your device straight from the Internet usingPocket Internet Explorer. You may see a single *.xip, *.exe or *.zip file,a Setup.exe file, or several versions of files for different device typesand processors. Be sure to select the program designed for the ToshibaPocket PC and your device processor type.3. Read any installation instructions, Read Me files, or documentationthat comes with the program. Many programs provide special installa-tion instructions.4. Tap the file, such as a *.xip or *.exe file. The installation wizard willbegin. Follow the directions on the screen.To add a program to the Start menuTap   ,  Settings, Menus , the  Start Menu  tab, and then the check box forthe program. If you do not see the program listed, you can either use FileExplorer on the device to move the program to the Start Menu folder, oruse ActiveSync on the computer to create a shortcut to the program andplace the shortcut in the Start Menu folder.•Using File Explorer on the device:Tap  ,Programs,File Explorer,and locate the program (tap the folder list, labeled My Documents  bydefault, and then  My Device  to see a list of all folders on the device).Tap and hold the program and tap  Cut  on the pop-up menu. Open theStart Menu folder located in the Windows folder, tap and hold a blankarea of the window, and tap  Paste  on the pop-up menu. The programwill now appear on the menu. For more information on using File Ex-plorer, see “Find and Organize Information,” earlier in this chapter.•Using ActiveSync on the computer:Use the Explorer in ActiveSyncto explore your device files and locate the program. Right-click theprogram, and then click Create Shortcut. Move the shortcut to theStart Menu folder in the Windows folder. The shortcut now appears onthe  menu. For more information, see ActiveSync Help.To remove programs• Tap   and then Settings. On the System  tab, tap Remove Pro-grams .If the program does not appear in the list of installed programs, use FileExplorer on your device to locate the program, tap and hold the program,and then tap Delete  on the pop-up menu.
  59Chapter 2: Basic SkillsSetting PasswordYou can protect data or settings from a third person by setting a passwordwhich is requested when turning power on.1. Tap   and then Settings. On the Personal tab, tap Password.2. Select the type of password you would like to use.3. Enter a password and tap OK.4. Tap YES on the confirmation screen. The password is saved and thescreen returns to the Personal tab screenIf you tap YES on the confirmation screen to return to the Personal tabscreen, it becomes necessary to enter the password even for displayingthe Password setting screen. In case you forget the password, it is necessary to initialize  the PocketPC. Please note that when initialization is executed, data or settings storedin the Pocket PC are all deleted.
60Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideTo Set  Screen  LightYou can set the screen brightness for better sight according to a place ofuse. You can also set the time that elapses until the screen light turns offautomatically after the last operation.1.    Tap    and then Settings. On the System tab, tap Screen Light.2. Set the Screen Light on battery power.Check to active power savemode.It will make the screenlight turn off automatically whenthe Pocket PC has not beenused for a user-set mount oftime.Set the time that elapses untilthe screen light turns offautomatically.Check to make thescreen lightturn on automatically when abutton is pressed or the screenis tapped.
  61Chapter 2: Basic Skills -or set the screen light on External power.3. Set the Brightness level.4. When finished, tap OK to return to the System tab screen.Tap and set the screen lightbrightness level by move the cursorup or down. If Power Save isactivated, the screen light turnsoff.
62Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideSetting PowerYou can set to confirm the battery remaining power and the time thatelapses until the power turns off after the last operation.1. Tap    and then Settings. On the System tab, tap Power.2. Set the Power.3. Select Battery tab to adjust when battery alarm will come on, and toenable/disable Record and Program button wake up.4. Select CPU speed tab to set the CPU performance. To conserve bat-tery power, select 200 MHz. Note: this will decrease performance.5.    When finished, tap OK to return to the System tab screen.Options are 1, 2,3,4, and 5minutes until device will turn offin battery-powered mode if notused. Check box to left toengage this feature.Options are 1, 2,3,4, and 5minutes until device will turn offin external-powered mode if notused. Check box to left toengage this feature.Battery alarm can be adjusted togo off from 10% to 50% of fullcharge.Enable or Disable Record andProgram Wake Up
  63Chapter 2: Basic SkillsSetting  MemoryYou can adjust the data storing memory and the program running memory.You can also confirm the free space of a storage card and so on. Memoryfor the Pocket PC is managed automatically.To change Memory allocation:1. Tap    and then Settings. On the System tab, tap Memory to      dis-play the Memory setting screen.2. Drag the knob widthwise to adjust the memory allocation between Stor-age and Program.3. When finished, tap OK to return to the System tab screen.To confirm usage status of a storage card:1. Tap Storage card tab on the Memory setting screen.2.  When finished, tap OK to return to the System tab screen.
64Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideSetting VolumeThis program allows you to adjust the built-in volume and the headphonevolume on the Toshiba PC e750/e755.I        Tap   and then Settings. On the System tab, tap Advanced         Sounds.2 Select the Built-in tab and adjust the Volume as shown below.3 If using headphones, select the Headphone tab and make adjust-ments as shown below .
  65Chapter 2: Basic SkillsSetting MicrophoneTap   and then Settings. On the System tab, tap Microphone.• This program is setting Automatic Gain Control (AGC) auto or manual.• If “Auto Gain Control” is chosen, Volume function is suspended.• If “Auto Gain Control” is not chosen, Volume function is enabled.
Chapter 3:Microsoft ActiveSyncUsing Microsoft® ActiveSync® ,you can  synchronize  the information onyour desktop computer with the information on your device. Synchroniza-tion compares the data on your device with your PC and updates bothcomputers with the most recent information. For example:• Keep Pocket Outlook data up-to-date by synchronizing your devicewith Microsoft Outlook data on your PC.• Synchronize Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel files between yourdevice and desktop computer.Your files are automatically converted to the correct format.By default, ActiveSync does not automatically synchronize all typesof information. Use ActiveSync options to turn synchronization onand off for specific information types.With ActiveSync, you can also:• Back up and restore your device data.• Copy (rather than synchronize) files between your device and desk-top computer.• Control when synchronization occurs by selecting a synchronizationmode. For example, you can synchronize continually while connectedto your desktop computer or only when you choose the synchronizecommand.• Select which information types are synchronized and control howmuch data is synchronized. For example, you can choose how manyweeks of past appointments you want synchronized.Before you begin synchronization, install ActiveSync on your PC from theToshiba Pocket PC Companion CD. For more information on installingActiveSync, see your Quick Start card. ActiveSync is already installed onyour device.After installation is complete, the ActiveSync Setup Wizard helps you con-nect your Pocket PC to your PC, set up a partnership so you can synchro-nize information between your device and your desktop computer, and
  67Chapter 3: Microsoft ActiveSynccustomize your synchronization settings. Your first synchronization pro-cess will automatically begin when you finish using the wizard.After your first synchronization, take a look at Calendar, Contacts, andTasks on your device. You’ll notice that information you’ve stored inMicrosoft Outlook on your PC has been copied to your device, and youdidn’t have to type a word. Disconnect your device from your PC andyou’re ready to go!Once you have set up ActiveSync and completed the first synchronizationprocess, you can initiate synchronization from your device. To switch toActiveSync on your device, tap  , and then tap ActiveSync.For information about using ActiveSync on your PC, start ActiveSync onyour PC, and then see ActiveSync Help.For more information about ActiveSync on your device, switch to ActiveSync,tap , and then tap Help.View connectionstatus.Tap to connect andsynchronize.Tap to stop synchronization.Tap to synchronize via IR orchange synchronizationsettings.
Chapter 4:Microsoft® Pocket Outlook includes Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, Inbox, andNotes. You can use these programs individually or together. For example,e-mail addresses stored in Contacts can be used to address e-mailmessages in Inbox.Using ActiveSync® you can synchronize information in Microsoft Outlookor Microsoft Exchange on your desktop computer with your device. Youcan also synchronize this information directly with a Microsoft Exchangeserver. Each time you synchronize, ActiveSync compares the changesyou made on your device and desktop computer or server and updatesboth computers with the latest information. For information on usingActiveSync, see ActiveSync Help on the desktop computer.You can switch to any of these programs by tapping them on the   menu.Microsoft Pocket Outlook
  69Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket OutlookCalendar: Scheduling Appointments andMeetingsUse Calendar to schedule appointments, including meetings and otherevents. You can check your appointments in one of several views (Agenda,Day, Week, Month, and Year) and easily switch views by using the Viewmenu.You can customize the Calendar display, such as changing the firstday of the week, by tapping Options  on the Tools  menu.Tap to go totoday.Tap to display or edit theappointment details.
70Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideTo create an appointment:1. If you are in Day or Week view, tap the desired date and time for theappointment.2. Tap  New.3. Using the input panel, enter a description and a location. Tap first toselect the field.4. If needed, tap the date and time to change them.5. Enter other desired information. You will need to hide the input panelto see all available fields.6. To add notes, tap the  Notes  tab. You can enter text, draw, or create arecording. For more information on creating notes, see “Notes: Cap-turing Thoughts and Ideas,” later in this chapter.7. When finished, tap  OK  to return to the calendar. If you select  Remind me in an appointment, your device will re-mind you according to the options set in  ,Settings,Personal  tab,Sounds & Notifications.Tap to return to the calendar (theappointment is saved automatically).Tap to choose from predefinedtext.Tap to choose from previouslyentered locations.Tap to select a time.Tap to select a date.Notes is a good place formaps and directions.
  71Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket OutlookUsing the Summary Screen When you tap an appointment in Calendar, a summary screen is dis-played. To change the appointment, tap Edit.Creating Meeting RequestsYou can use Calendar to set up meetings with users of Outlook or PocketOutlook. The meeting request will be created automatically and sent eitherwhen you synchronize Inbox or when you connect to your e-mail server.Indicate how you want meeting requests sent by tapping  Tools  and thenOptions. If you send and receive e-mail messages through ActiveSync,select ActiveSync.To schedule a meeting:1. Create an appointment by tapping NEW.2. In the appointment details, hide the input panel, and then tap  Attendees.3. From the list of e-mail addresses you’ve entered in Contacts, selectthe meeting attendees.The meeting notice is created automatically and placed in the Outboxfolder. For more information on sending and receiving meeting requests,see Calendar Help and Inbox Help on the device.View appointmentdetails.View.Tap to change appoint-ment.
72Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideContacts: Tracking Friends and Col-leaguesContacts maintains a list of your friends and colleagues so that you caneasily find the information you’re looking for, whether you’re at home or onthe road. Using the device infrared (IR) port, you can quickly share Con-tacts information with other device users.To change the way information is displayed in the list, tap  Tools  andthen Options.Select the category of contacts you want displayed inthe list.Tap and enter of a nameto quickly find it in thelist.Tap and see additional phonenumbers and e-mailaddresses.Tap to display or editthe contact details.Tap and hold to displaya pop-up menu ofactions.Tap to create a newcontact.
  73Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket OutlookTo create a contact:1. Tap  New.2. Using the input panel, enter a name and other contact information.You will need to scroll down to see all available fields.3. To assign the contact to a category, scroll to and tap Categories andselect a category from the list. In the contact list, you can displaycontacts by category.4. To add notes, tap the  Notes  tab. You can enter text, draw, or create arecording. For more information on creating notes, see “Notes: Cap-turing Thoughts and Ideas,” later in this chapter.5. When finished, tap  OK  to return to the contact list.Tap to return to the contact list( the contact is saved automatically).Scroll to see more fields.Notes is a good place formaps and directions.
74Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideFinding a contactThere are four ways to find a contact:• In the contact list, enter a contact name in the box under the naviga-tion bar. To show all contacts again, clear text from the box or tap thebutton to the right of the box.• In the contact list, tap the category list (labeled  All Contacts  bydefault) and select the type of contact that you want displayed. Toshow all contacts again, select  All Contacts. To view a contact notassigned to a category, select  None.• To view the names of companies your contacts work for, in the contactlist, tap  View  >  By Company. The number of contacts that work forthat company will be displayed to the right of the company name.• Tap  , Find, enter the contact name, select  Contacts  for the type,and then tap Go.
  75Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket OutlookUsing the Summary ScreenWhen you tap a contact in the contact list, a summary screen is displayed.To change the contact information, tap  Edit.View contact details.Tap to view notes.
76Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideTasks: Keeping a To Do ListUse Tasks to keep track of what you have to do.To change the way information is displayed in the list, tap  Tools  andthen Options.Select the category of tasks you want displayed inthe list.Select the sort order of the list.Tap to display or edit the taskdetails.Tap and hold to display a pop-upmenu of actions.Tap to create a new task.
  77Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket OutlookTo create a task:1. Tap  New.2. Using the input panel, enter a description.3. You can enter a start date and due date or enter other information byfirst tapping the field. If the input panel is open, you will need to hideit to see all available fields.4. To assign the task to a category, tap  Categories  and select a cat-egory from the list. In the task list, you can display tasks by category. 5. To add notes, tap the  Notes  tab. You can enter text, draw, or create arecording. For more information on creating notes, see “Notes: Cap-turing Thoughts and Ideas,” later in this chapter. 6. When finished, tap  OK  to return to the task list.To quickly create a task with only a subject, tap  Entry Bar  on theTools  menu. Then, tap  Tap here to add a new  task  and enter yourtask information.Tap to return to the task list( the task is saved automactically ).Tap to choose frompredefined subjects.Notes is a good place formaps and drawings.
78Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideUsing the Summary ScreenWhen you tap a task in the task list, a summary screen is displayed. Tochange the task, tap Edit.Tap to change task.View task details.Tap to show and hide additionalsummary information.View notes.
  79Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket OutlookNotes: Capturing Thoughts and IdeasQuickly capture thoughts, reminders, ideas, drawings, and phone num-bers with Notes. You can create a written note or a recording. You can alsoinclude a recording in a note. If a note is open when you create the record-ing, it will be included in the note as an icon. If the note list is displayed, itwill be created as a stand-alone recording.Tap to create a new item.Tap to show or hide theRecording toolbar.Tap to record.Tap and hold to display a pop-upmenu of actions.Tap to open a note or play arecording.Tap to change the sort orderof the list.
80Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideTo create a note:1. Tap  New.2. Create your note by writing, drawing, typing, and recording. For moreinformation about using the input panel, writing and drawing on thescreen, and creating recordings, see Chapter 2.Tap to return to the note list( the note is saved automatically ).Tap to show or hide the input panel.Tap to write on the screen.Tap to add a recording to the note.
  81Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket OutlookInbox: Sending and Receiving E-mail Mes-sagesUse Inbox to send and receive e-mail messages in either of these ways:• Synchronize e-mail messages with Microsoft Exchange or MicrosoftOutlook on your PC.• Send and receive e-mail messages by connecting directly to an e-mail server through an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or a network.Synchronizing E-mail MessagesE-mail messages can be synchronized as part of the general synchroni-zation process. You will need to enable Inbox synchronization in ActiveSync.For information on enabling Inbox synchronization, see ActiveSync Helpon the PC.During synchronization:• Messages are copied from the mail folders of Exchange or Outlookon your desktop computer to the ActiveSync folder in Inbox on yourdevice. By default, you will receive messages from the past threedays only, the first 100 lines of each message, and file attachmentsof less than 100 KB in size.• E-mail messages in the Outbox folder on your device are transferredto Exchange or Outlook, and then sent from those programs.• E-mail messages in subfolders must be selected in ActiveSync onyour desktop computer in order to be transferred.
82Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideUsing the Message ListMessages you receive are displayed in the message list. By default, themost recently received messages are displayed first in the list.Select the service and folder you want todisplay.Select the sort order formessages.Tap to open a message.Tap and hold to display a pop-upmenu of actions.Tap to connect and to send and receive e-mail.Tap to connect to the selected service.
  83Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket OutlookWhen you receive a message, tap it to open it. Unread messages aredisplayed in bold.When you connect to your e-mail server or synchronize with your desktopcomputer, by default, you’ll receive messages from the last five days only,the first 100 lines of each new message, and file attachments of lessthan 100 KB in size. The original messages remain on the e-mail serveror your desktop computer.You can mark the messages that you want to retrieve in full during yournext synchronization or e-mail server connection. In the message list, tapand hold the message you want to retrieve. On the pop-up menu, tapMark for Download. The icons in the Inbox message list give you visualindications of message status.You specify your downloading preferences when you set up the service orselect your synchronization options. You can change them at any time:• Change options for Inbox synchronization using ActiveSync options.For more information, see ActiveSync Help.• Change options for direct e-mail server connections in Inbox on yourdevice. Tap Tools  and then tap Options. On the  Service  tab, tap theservice you want to change. Tap and hold the service and selectDelete  to remove a service.Tap to return to the message list.Tap to delete this message.Tap to view the previous or nextmessage.Tap to reply to or forward thismessage.
84Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideComposing MessagesTo compose a message:1. Tap  New.2. In the  To  field, enter an e-mail or SMS address of one or morerecipients, separating them with a semicolon, or select a name fromthe contact list by tapping the Address Book  button. All e-mail ad-dresses entered in the e-mail fields in Contacts appear in the Ad-dress Book.Tap to send the message.Tap to show or hide the completeheader.Tap to show / hide the recording toolbar.Tap to display the Address Book.Tap to insert common messages.
  85Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket Outlook3. Compose your message. To enter preset or frequently used mes-sages, tap  My Text  and select a message.4. Tap  Send when you’ve finished the message. If you are workingoffline, the message is moved to the Outbox folder and will be sentthe next time you connect. If you are working online, it is sent immedi-ately.If you are sending an SMS message and want to know if it was received,tap Edit,Options, and select Request SMS text message delivery noti-fication  before sending the message.
86Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideManaging E-mail Messages and FoldersBy default, messages are displayed in one of five folders for each serviceyou have created: Inbox, Deleted Items, Drafts, Outbox, and Sent Items.The Deleted Items folder contains messages that have been deleted onthe device. The behavior of the Deleted and Sent Items folders dependson the options you have chosen. In the message list, tap  Tools  and thenOptions. On the Message  tab, select your options.If you want to organize messages into additional folders, tap Tools, andthen Manage Folders  to create new folders. To move a message toanother folder, in the message list, tap and hold the message and thentap Move to on the pop-up menu.Folder behavior with a direct connection to an e-mail serverThe behavior of the folders you create depends on whether you are usingActiveSync, SMS, POP3, or IMAP4.• If you use ActiveSync, e-mail messages in the Inbox folder in Outlookwill automatically be synchronized with your device. You can select tosynchronize additional folders by designating them for ActiveSync.The folders you create and the messages you move will then bemirrored on the server. For example, if you move two messages fromthe Inbox folder to a folder named Family, and you have designatedFamily for synchronization, the server creates a copy of the Familyfolder and copies the messages into that folder. You can then readthe messages while away from your desktop computer.• If you use SMS, messages are stored in the Inbox folder.• If you use POP3 and you move e-mail messages to a folder youcreated, the link is broken between the messages on the device andtheir copies on the mail server. The next time you connect, the mailserver will see that the messages are missing from the device Inboxand delete them from the server. This prevents you from having dupli-cate copies of a message, but it also means that you will no longerhave access to messages that you move to folders created fromanywhere except the device. • If you use IMAP4, the folders you create and the e-mail messagesyou move are mirrored on the server. Therefore, messages are avail-able to you anytime you connect to your mail server, whether it is fromyour device or desktop computer. This synchronization of folders oc-curs whenever you connect to your mail server, create new folders, orrename/delete folders when connected.
Chapter 5:Companion ProgramsThe companion programs consist of Microsoft® Pocket Word, Microsoft®Pocket Excel, Microsoft® Money, Windows Media™ Player for ToshibaPocket PC e750/e755, and Microsoft® Reader.To switch to a companion program on your device, tap  Programs  on the menu, and then tap the program name.Pocket WordPocket Word works with Microsoft Word on your computer to give youeasy access to copies of your documents. You can create new documentson your device, or you can copy documents from your computer to yourdevice. Synchronize documents between your computer and your deviceso that you have the most up-to-date content in both locations.Use Pocket Word to create documents, such as letters, meeting minutes,and trip reports. To create a new  file, tap ,Programs,Pocket Word,and then New. A blank document appears. Or, if you’ve selected a tem-plate for new documents in the Options  dialog box, that template ap-pears with appropriate text and formatting already provided. You can openonly one document at a time; when you open a second document, you’ll beasked to save the first. You can save a document you create or edit in avariety of formats, including Word (.doc), Pocket Word (.psw), Rich TextFormat (.rtf), and Plain Text (.txt).Pocket Word contains a list of the files stored on your device. Tap a file inthe list to open it. To delete, make copies of, and send files, tap and hold afile in the list. Then, select the appropriate action on the popup menu.
Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s Guide88You can enter information in Pocket Word in one of four modes (typing,writing, drawing, and recording), which are displayed on the View  menu.Each mode has its own toolbar, which you can show and hide by tappingthe Show/Hide Toolbar  button on the command bar.You can change the zoom magnification by tapping  View  and thenZoom. Then select the percentage you want. Select a higher per-centage to enter text and a lower one to see more of your document.If you’re opening a Word document created on a computer, selectWrap to Window  on the  View  menu so that you can see the entiredocument.Select the type of folder you want displayed in the list.Tap to change the sort order ofthe list.Tap to open a document.Tap and hold an item to see apop-up menu of actions.Tap to create a new document.
Chapter 5: Companion Programs  89Typing ModeUsing the input panel, enter typed text into the document. For more infor-mation on entering typed text, see Chapter 2.To format existing text and to edit text, first select the text. You can selecttext as you do in a Word document, using your stylus instead of the mouseto drag through the text you want to select. You can search a document tofind text by tapping Edit  and then  Find/Replace.Tap and hold to see a pop-up menu of actions.Tap to return to the documentlist ( changes are savedautomatically ).Tap to change fromattingoptions.Tap to format text.Tap to show or hide the toolbar.
Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s Guide90Writing ModeIn writing mode, use your stylus to write directly on the screen. Ruled linesare displayed as a guide, and the zoom magnification is greater than intyping mode to allow you to write more easily. For more information onwriting and selecting writing, see Chapter 2.If you cross three ruled lines in a single stylus stroke, the writingbecomes a drawing, and can be edited and manipulated as describedin the following section. Written words are converted to graphics(metafiles) when a Pocket Word document is converted to a Worddocument on your computer.With Space button selected dragto insert space.An arrow appears showing thespace direction and size.Tap to highlight selected text.Tap to select formatting options,such as pen weight and line color.Space button.Pen button.
Chapter 5: Companion Programs  91Drawing ModeIn drawing mode, use your stylus to draw on the screen. Gridlines appearas a guide. When you lift your stylus off the screen after the first stroke,you’ll see a drawing box indicating the boundaries of the drawing. Everysubsequent stroke within or touching the drawing box becomes part of thedrawing. For more information on drawing and selecting drawings, seeChapter 2.Recording ModeIn recording mode, embed a recording into your document. Recordingsare saved as .wav files. For more information on recording, see Chapter 2.For more information on using Pocket Word, tap   and then  Help.Select Shape on the pop-up menu to convert objects to proper shapes.Resize an object by dragging theselection handles.Tap to select formatting options,such as pen weight, line/fontcolor, and fill color.Tap an arrow to see your choices.Pen button.
Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s Guide92Pocket ExcelPocket Excel works with Microsoft Excel on your computer to give youeasy access to copies of your workbooks. You can create new workbookson your device, or you can copy workbooks from your computer to yourdevice. Synchronize workbooks between your computer and your deviceso that you have the most up-to-date content in both locations.Use Pocket Excel to create workbooks, such as expense reports and mile-age logs. To create a new file, tap   ,  Programs,Pocket Excel, andthen New. A blank workbook appears. Or, if you’ve selected a template fornew workbooks in the Options  dialog box, that template appears withappropriate text and formatting already provided. You can open only oneworkbook at a time; when you open a second workbook, you’ll be asked tosave the first. You can save a workbook you create or edit in a variety offormats, including Pocket Excel (.pxl) and Excel (.xls).Pocket Excel contains a list of the files stored on your device. Tap a file inthe list to open it. To delete, make copies of, and send files, tap and hold afile in the list. Then select the appropriate action from the pop-up menu.Pocket Excel provides fundamental spreadsheet tools, such as formulas,functions, sorting, and filtering. To display the toolbar, tap  View  and thenToolbar.
Chapter 5: Companion Programs  93If your workbook contains sensitive information, you can protect itwith a password. To do so, open the workbook, tap Edit, and thenPassword. Every time you open the workbook, you will need to en-ter the password, so choose one that is easy for you to rememberbut hard for others to guess.Cell contents appear here asyou enter them.Format button.Auto Sum button.Zoom button.
Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s Guide94Tips for Working in Pocket ExcelNote the following when working in large worksheets in Pocket Excel:• View in full-screen mode to see as much of your worksheet as pos-sible. Tap  View  and then  Full Screen. To exit full-screen mode, tapRestore.• Show and hide window elements. Tap View and then tap the elementsyou want to show or hide.• Freeze panes on a worksheet. First select the cell where you want tofreeze panes. Tap  View  and then Freeze Panes. You might want tofreeze the top and leftmost panes in a worksheet to keep row andcolumn labels visible as you scroll through a sheet.• Split panes to view different areas of a large worksheet. Tap  Viewand then Split. Then drag the split bar to where you want it. To re-move the split, tap  View  and then  Remove Split.• Show and hide rows and columns. To hide a hidden row or column,select a cell in the row or column you want to hide. Then tap Format,then Row  or  Column, and then Hide. To show a hidden row or col-umn, tap Tools, then Go To, and then type a reference that is in thehidden row or column. Then tap Format, then Row or Column, andthen Unhide.For more information on using Pocket Excel, tap   and then  Help.
Chapter 5: Companion Programs  95MSN MessengerMSN® Messenger on your mobile device is an instant messaging pro-gram that lets you:• See who is online.• Send and receive instant messages.• Have instant message conversations with groups of contacts.To use MSN Messenger, you must have a Microsoft Passport™ accountor a Microsoft Exchange e-mail account. You must have a Passport to useMSN Messenger Service. If you have a Hotmail® or MSN account, youalready have a Passport. Once you have obtained either a Microsoft Pass-port or a Microsoft Exchange account, you are ready to set up your ac-count.Sign up for a Microsoft Passport account at a free Microsoft Hotmail e-mail address at switch to MSN Messenger, tap   ,  Programs, and then tap  MSNMessenger.Setting UpBefore you can connect, you must enter Passport or Exchange accountinformation.To set up an account and sign in:1. In the  Tools  menu, tap  Options .2. In the  Accounts  tab, enter your Passport or Exchange account infor-mation.3. To sign in, tap the sign-in screen and enter your e-mail address andpassword.If you already use MSN Messenger on your computer, your contactswill show up on your device without being added again.
Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s Guide96Working with ContactsThe MSN Messenger window shows all of your messenger contacts at aglance, divided into Online and Not Online categories. From this view, whileconnected, you can chat, send an e-mail, block the contact from chattingwith you, or delete contacts from your list using the pop-up menu.To see others online without being seen, in the  Tools  menu ,  tapMy Status  and select  Appear Offline.If you block a contact, you will appear offline but will remain on theblocked contact’s list. To unblock a contact, tap and hold the contact,then tap Unblock  on the pop-up menu.Tap a contact to start a chat.Tap and hold to display a pop-up menu of actions.
Chapter 5: Companion Programs  97Chatting with ContactsTap a contact name to open a chat window. Enter your message in the textentry area at the bottom of the screen, or tap My Text to enter a presetmessage, and tap Send. To invite another contact to a multi-user chat, inthe Tools menu, tap Invite and tap the contact you want to invite.To switch back to the main window without closing a chat, tap theContacts button. To revert back to your chat window, tap  Chats  andselect the person whom you were chatting with.Enter message.Tap to send message.
Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s Guide98To know if the contact you are chatting with is responding, look for themessage under the text entry area.For more information on using MSN Messenger, tap   and then  Help.View full chat.View status of the chat.
Chapter 5: Companion Programs  99Windows Media PlayerUse Microsoft Windows Media Player to play digital audio and video filesthat are stored on your device or on a network. To switch to WindowsMedia Player for Toshiba Pocket PC e750, tap     and then tap  WindowsMedia.Use Microsoft Windows Media Player on your computer to copy digitalaudio and video files to your Toshiba Pocket PC e750. You can play Win-dows Media and MP3 files on your Toshiba Pocket PC e750.For more information about using Windows Media Player for ToshibaPocket PC e750, tap   , and then tap  Help.Tap to play or pause.Tap to stop.Tap to play a previous song.Tap to skip to the next song.Tap to adjust volume.Indicates the progress of thecurrent track.
Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s Guide100Microsoft ReaderUse Microsoft Reader  to read  eBooks on your device. Download booksto your computer from your favorite eBook Web site. Then, use ActiveSyncto copy the book files to your activated device. The books appear in theReader Library, where you can tap them in the list to open them.Each book consists of a cover page, an optional table of contents, and thepages of the book. You can:• Page through the book by using the Up/Down control on your deviceor by tapping the page number on each page.• Annotate the book with highlighting, bookmarks, notes, and drawings.• Search for text and look up definitions for words.The Guidebook contains all the information you'll need to use the soft-ware. To open the Guidebook, tap Help on the Reader command bar. Or,on a book page, tap and hold on the book title, and then tap Help on thepop-up menu.To switch to Microsoft Reader, tap    ,  Programs, and then MicrosoftReader.Getting Books on Your DeviceYou can download book files from the Web. Just visit your favorite eBookretailer and follow the instructions to download the book files.Sample books and a dictionary are also included in the MSReader folderin the Extras folder on the Toshiba Pocket PC e750 Companion CD.Use ActiveSync to download the files from your computer to your activateddevice as described in the Read Me file in the MSReader folder.
Chapter 5: Companion Programs  101Using the LibraryThe Library is your Reader home page; it displays a list of all booksstored on your device or storage card.To open the Library:• On the Reader command bar, tap  Library.• On a book page, tap the book title, and then tap  Library  on the pop-up menu.To open a book, tap its title in the Library list.Tap to select a sort order.Tap to specify the books youwant to display in the list.Tap here to navigate to otherparts of the Reader.Tap to scroll through the Library list.
Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s Guide102Reading a BookEach book consists of a cover page, an optional table of contents, and thepages of the book. Navigation options are listed in the bottom portion ofthe cover page.The first time you open a book, you’ll probably want to go to the first pageor to the table of contents, if there is one. Subsequently, whenever youopen the book, you’ll be automatically taken to the last page read.In addition to the text, each book page includes a page number and booktitle.You can also page through a book by using the Up/Down control on yourdevice.Tap to select a navigation option.Drag to select text and then tapan option.Tap arrows to turn the page,or tap and hold page # to bring up page riffle.
Chapter 5: Companion Programs  103Using Reader FeaturesReading a book electronically gives you several options not available withpaper books. These options are available from any book page.Select text by dragging across the text on the page. Then, tap an option onthe pop-up menu, as described here:• Search for Text. Find text in a book by tapping Find on the pop-upmenu. Enter the word you want to search for, and tap the desired  Findoption. Reader highlights found text on the page. To close Find, tapoutside the box. To return to your original page, tap the title and thentap Return  on the pop-up menu.• Copy Text. You can copy text from books that support this feature intoany program that accepts text. On a book page, select the text youwant to copy. Then, tap  Copy Text  on the pop-up menu. The text canbe pasted into the program of your choice.• Bookmarks. When you add a bookmark to a book, a color-coded book-mark icon appears in the right margin. You can add multiple book-marks to a book. Then, from anywhere in the book, tap the bookmarkicon to go to the bookmarked page.• Highlights. When you highlight text, it appears with a colored back-ground.• Notes. When you attach a note to text, you enter the text in a note padthat appears on top of the book page. A Note icon will display in theleft margin. To show or hide the note, tap the icon.• Drawings. When you add a drawing, a Drawing icon appears in thebottom-left corner of the page, and drawing tools appear across thebottom of the page. Draw by dragging your stylus.• To see a list of a book’s annotations, including bookmarks, highlights,text notes, and drawings, tap Annotations Index  on the book’s coverpage. You can tap an entry in the list to go to the annotated page.
Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s Guide104Removing a BookWhen you finish reading a book, you can delete it to conserve space onyour device. If a copy of the book is stored on your computer, you candownload it again at any time.To remove a book from your device, tap and hold the title in the Library list,and then tap Delete on the pop-up menu.
Chapter 6:Pocket Internet ExplorerUse Microsoft® Pocket Internet Explorer to view Web or WAP pages ineither of these ways:• During synchronization with your desktop computer, download yourfavorite links and mobile favorites that are stored in the Mobile Favor-ites subfolder in Internet Explorer on the desktop computer.• Connect to an Internet service provider (ISP) or network and browsethe Web. To do this, you’ll need to create the connection first, asdescribed in Chapter 7.When connected to an ISP or network, you can also download files andprograms from the Internet or intranet.To switch to Pocket Internet Explorer, tap   and then  Internet Explorer.The Mobile Favorites FolderOnly items stored in the Mobile Favorites subfolder in the Favorites folderin Internet Explorer on your desktop computer will be synchronized withyour device. This folder was created automatically when you installedActiveSync.Favorite LinksDuring synchronization, the list of favorite links in the Mobile Favoritesfolder on your desktop computer is synchronized with Pocket InternetExplorer on your device. Both computers are updated with changes madeto either list each time you synchronize. Unless you mark the favorite linkas a mobile favorite, only the link will be downloaded to your device, andyou will need to connect to your ISP or network to view the content. Formore information on synchronization, see ActiveSync Help on the desk-top computer.
106Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideMobile FavoritesIf you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later on your desktopcomputer, you can download mobile favorites to your device. Synchroniz-ing mobile favorites downloads Web content to your device so that youcan view pages while you are disconnected from your ISP and desktopcomputer.Use the Internet Explorer plug-in installed with ActiveSync to create mo-bile favorites quickly.To create a mobile favorite:1. In Internet Explorer on your desktop computer, click Tools and thenCreate Mobile Favorite.2. To change the link name, enter a new name in the Name box.3. In  Update, select a desired update schedule.4. Click OK. Internet Explorer downloads the latest version of the pageto your desktop computer.5. If you want to download the pages that are linked to the mobile favor-ite you just created, in Internet Explorer on the your PC, right-click themobile favorite and then click Properties. In the Download  tab,specify the number of links deep you want to download. To conservedevice memory, go only one level deep.6. Synchronize your device and desktop computer. Mobile favorites thatare stored in the Mobile Favorites folder in Internet Explorer are down-loaded to your device.If you did not specify an update schedule in step 3, you will need tomanually download content to keep the information updated onyour desktop computer and device. Before synchronizing with yourdevice, in Internet Explorer on your desktop computer, click  Toolsand then Synchronize. You will see the last time content was down-loaded to the desktop computer, and you can manually downloadcontent if needed.You can add a button to the Internet Explorer toolbar for creatingmobile favorites. In Internet Explorer on your desktop computer,click View,Toolbars, and then Customize.
 107Chapter 6: Pocket Internet ExplorerTo save device memoryMobile favorites take up storage memory on your device. To minimize theamount of memory used:• In the settings for the Favorites information type in ActiveSync op-tions, turn off pictures and sounds, or stop some mobile favoritesfrom being downloaded to the device. For more information, seeActiveSync Help.• Limit the number of downloaded linked pages. In Internet Explorer onthe desktop computer, right-click the mobile favorite you want to changeand then Properties. In the Download  tab, specify 0 or 1 for thenumber of linked pages you want to download.Using AvantGo ChannelsAvantGo is a free interactive service that gives you access to personalizedcontent and thousands of popular Web sites. You subscribe to AvantGochannels directly from your device. Then, you synchronize your device anddesktop computer, or connect to the Internet to download the content. Formore information, visit the AvantGo Web site.To sign up for AvantGo:1. In ActiveSync options on the desktop computer, turn on synchroniza-tion for the AvantGo information type.2. In Pocket Internet Explorer on your device, tap the Favorites button todisplay your list of favorites.3. Tap the AvantGo Channels link.4. Tap the Activate button.5. Follow the directions on the screen. You will need to synchronize yourdevice with your desktop computer and then tap the My Channelsbutton to complete the AvantGo setup.When synchronization is complete, tap the AvantGo Channels link in yourlist of favorites to see a few of the most popular channels. To add orremove channels, tap the Add  or Remove  link.
108Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideUsing Pocket Internet ExplorerYou can use Pocket Internet Explorer to browse mobile favorites andchannels that have been downloaded to your device without connectingto the Internet. You can also connect to the Internet through an ISP or anetwork connection and browse the Web.Hide pictures button.Favorites button.Home button.Refresh button.
 109Chapter 6: Pocket Internet ExplorerTo view mobile favorites and channels:1. Tap the Favorites button to display your list of favorites.2. Tap the page you want to view.You’ll see the page that was downloaded the last time you synchronizedwith your desktop computer. If the page is not on your device, the favoritewill be dimmed. You will need to synchronize with your desktop computeragain to download the page to your device, or connect to the Internet toview the page.Tap to add or delete a folder or favorite link.Tap the favorite you want toview.
110Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideTo browse the Internet:1. Set up a connection to your ISP or corporate network using  Connec-tions, as described in Chapter 7.2. To connect and start browsing, do one of the following:• Tap the Favorites button, and then tap the favorite you want toview.• Tap  View  and then  Address Bar. In the address bar that ap-pears at the top of the screen, enter the Web address you want tovisit and then tap  Go. Tap the arrow to choose from previouslyentered addresses.To add a favorite link while using the device, go to the page you wantto add, tap and hold on the page, and tap Add to Favorites.
 111Chapter 7:Getting ConnectedYou can use your device to exchange information with other mobile de-vices as well as your computer, a network, or the Internet. You have thefollowing connection options:• Use the infrared (IR) port on your device to send and receive filesbetween two devices. If this is the method you want to use, see thefollowing section “Transfer Items Using Infrared.”• Connect to your Internet service provider (ISP). Once connected, youcan send and receive e-mail messages by using Inbox and view Webor WAP pages by using Microsoft® Pocket Internet Explorer. The com-munication software for creating an ISP connection is already installedon your device. Your service provider will provide software needed toinstall other services, such as paging and fax services. If this is themethod you want to use, see “Connect to an Internet Service Pro-vider” later in this chapter.• Connect to the network at your company or organization where youwork. Once connected, you can send and receive e-mail messages byusing Inbox, view Web or WAP pages by using Pocket Internet Ex-plorer, and synchronize with your computer. If this is the method youwant to use, see “Connect to Work” later in this chapter.• Connect to your computer to synchronize remotely. Once connected,you can synchronize information such as your Pocket Outlook infor-mation. If this is the method you want to use, see ActiveSync Help onyour computer or Connections Help on the device.Transfer Items Using InfraredUsing infrared (IR), you can send and receive information, such as con-tacts and appointments, between two devices.To send information:1. Switch to the program where you created the item you want to sendand locate the item in the list.2. Align the IR ports so that they are unobstructed and within a closerange.3. Tap and hold the item, and tap Beam Item on the pop-up menu.
112Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideYou can also send items, but not folders, from File Explorer. Tap andhold the item you want to send, and then tap Beam File  on the pop-up menu.To receive information:1. Align the IR ports so that they are unobstructed and within a closerange.2. Have the owner of the other device send the information to you. Yourdevice will automatically receive it.Connect  to the InternetYou can connect to your ISP, and use the connection to send and receivee-mail messages and view Web or WAP pages.You can connect to work in one of two ways:• Create a modem connection. If this is the method you want to use, see“To create a modem connection to an ISP.”• Use an Ethernet card and a net tap to connect to the network. If this isthe method you want to use, see  “To create an Ethernet connection toan ISP.”To create a modem connection to an ISP:1. Obtain the following information from your ISP: ISP dial-up access tele-phone number, user name, password, and TCP/IP settings. Some ISPsrequire information in front of the user name, such as  MSN/username.2. If your device does not have a built-in modem, install a modem card,or use or use a NULL modem cable and appropriate adapters to con-nect an external modem to your device through the serial port.3. Tap   and then Settings. In the Connections tab, tap Connections.Under The Internet settings, select Internet Settings and tap Modify.4. In the Modem  tab, tap  New.5. Enter a name for the connection, such as “ISP Connection.”6. In the Select a modem list, select your modem type. If your modemtype does not appear, try reinserting the modem card. If you are usingan external modem that is connected to your device with a cable, se-lect Hayes Compatible on COM1.7. You should not need to change any settings in  Advanced. Most ISPsnow use a dynamically-assigned address. If the ISP you are connect-ing to does not use a dynamically-assigned address, tap  Advancedand then the TCP/IP  tab, and enter the address. When finished, tapOK and then  Next.
 113Chapter 7: Getting Connected8. Enter the access phone number, and tap  Next.9. Select other desired options, and tap  Finish.10. In the  Dialing Locations  tab, specify your current location and phonetype (most phone lines are tone). These settings will apply to all con-nections you create.To start the connection, simply start using one of the following programs.Your device will automatically begin connecting. Once connected, you can:• Send and receive e-mail messages by using Inbox. Before you canuse Inbox, you need to provide the information it needs to communi-cate with the e-mail server. For specific instructions, see “ConnectDirectly to an E-mail Server,” later in this chapter.• Visit Web and WAP pages by using Pocket Internet Explorer. For moreinformation, see Chapter 6.• Send and receive instant messages with MSN Messenger. For moreinformation, see “MSN Messenger” in Chapter 5.To create an Ethernet connection to an ISP:1. You do not need to create a new connection on your device. Instead,you must purchase and configure an Ethernet card that is compatiblewith your device.2. Obtain the following information from your ISP: user name, password,and domain name.3. Insert the Ethernet card into your device. For instructions on insertingand using the Ethernet card, see the owner’s manual for the card.4. The first time you insert the card,  Network Settings  will appear auto-matically so that you can configure the Ethernet card. Most networksuse DHCP, so you should not have to change these settings unlessyour network administrator instructs you to do so. Tap  OK. (If it doesnot appear or to change  settings later, tap   and then  Settings. Inthe Connections  tab, tap  Network Adapters, tap the adapter youwant to change, and then tap Properties.)5. Connect the Ethernet card to the network by using a network cable.For information, see your owner's manual.6. Tap   ,  Settings,Connections  tab, and then Connections. Fromthe My network card connects to  list, select The Internet.To start the connection, simply start using one of the programs listed inthe preceding section. Once connected, you can perform the same activi-ties as listed in the preceding section.
114Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideConnect  to WorkIf you have access to a network at work, you can send e-mail messages,view intranet pages, synchronize your device, and possibly access theInternet. You can connect to work in one of two ways:• Create a modem connection by using a RAS account. Before you cancreate this modem connection, your network administrator will need toset up a RAS account for you. If this is the method you want to use,see “To create a modem connection to a network.” Your network ad-ministrator may also give you VPN settings.• Use an Ethernet card and a net tap to connect to the network. If this isthe method you want to use, see “To create an Ethernet connection toa network.”To create a modem connection to a network:1. Get the following information from your network administrator: dial-upaccess telephone number, user name, password, domain name, andTCP/IP settings.2. If your device does not have a built-in modem, install a modem card.3. Tap   and then Settings. In the Connections tab, tap Connections.Under The Internet settings, select Internet Settings and tap Modify.4. In the  Modem tab, tap New.5. Enter a name for the connection, such as “Company Connection.”6. In the  Select a modem list, select your modem type. If your modemtype does not appear, try reinserting the modem card. If you are usingan external modem that is connected to your device with a cable,select Hayes Compatible on COM1.7. You should not need to change any settings in  Advanced. Mostservers now use a dynamically-assigned address. If the server youare connecting to does not use a dynamically-assigned address, tapAdvanced and then the TCP/IP tab and enter the address. Whenfinished, tap OK and then  Next.8. Enter the access phone number, and tap Next.9. Select other desired options, and tap Finish.10. In the Dialing Locations tab, specify your current location and phonetype (most phone lines are tone). These settings will apply to all con-nections you create.To start the connection, simply start using one of the following programs.Your device will automatically begin connecting. Once connected, you can:
 115Chapter 7: Getting Connected• Send and receive e-mail messages by using Inbox. Before you canuse Inbox, you need to provide the information it needs to communi-cate with the e-mail server. For specific instructions, see “ConnectDirectly to an E-mail Server,” later in this chapter.• Visit Internet or intranet Web or WAP pages by using Pocket InternetExplorer.• Send and receive instant messages with MSN Messenger. For moreinformation, see “MSN  Messenger” in Chapter 5.• Synchronize. For more information, see ActiveSync Help on the com-puter.To create an Ethernet connection to a network:1. You do not need to create a new connection on your device. Instead,you must purchase and configure an Ethernet card that is compatiblewith your device.2. Get the following information from your network administrator: username, password, and domain name.3. Insert the Ethernet card into your device. For instructions on insertingand using the Ethernet card, see the owner’s manual for the card.4. The first time you insert the card, Network Settings will appear auto-matically so that you can configure the Ethernet card. Most networksuse DHCP, so you should not have to change these settings unlessyour network administrator instructs you to do so. Tap OK. (If it doesnot appear or to change settings later, tap   and then Settings. Onthe Connections tab, tap Network Adapter, tap the adapter you wantto change, and then tap Properties.)5. Connect the Ethernet card to the network by using a network cable.For information, see your owner's manual.6. Tap   , Settings,Connections tab, and then Connections. From theMy network card connects to list, select Work.7. If you want to synchronize your device, tap   , and then ActiveSync.In the Tools menu, tap Options. In the PC tab, select Include PC whensynchronizing remotely and connect to, and select your computer'sname. Remote synchronization with a computer will work only if youhave set up a partnership with that computer through ActiveSync andhave set ActiveSync to allow remote connections. Other restrictionsapply. For more information on synchronizing remotely, see ActiveSyncHelp on the computer.To start the connection, simply start using one of the programs listed inthe preceding section. Once connected, you can perform the same activi-ties as listed in the preceding section.
116Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideEnd a ConnectionTo disconnect, do one of the following:• When connected via dial-up or VPN, tap the Connection icon,   , onyour navigation bar, and then tap  End.• When connected via cable or cradle, detach your device from the cableor cradle.• When connected via Infrared, move the device away from the PC.• When connected via a network (Ethernet) card, remove the card fromyour device.Connect Directly to an E-mail ServerYou can set up a connection to an e-mail server so that you can send andreceive e-mail messages by using a modem or network connection andInbox on your device.The ISP or network must use a POP3 or IMAP4 e-mail server and anSMTP gateway.You can use multiple e-mail services to receive your messages. For eache-mail service you intend to use, first set up and name the e-mail service.If you use the same service to connect to different mailboxes, set up andname each mailbox connection.To set up an e-mail service:• In Inbox on your device, tap Services, and then New Service. Followthe directions in the New Service wizard.For an explanation of a screen, tap   and then  Help. When finished, toconnect to your e-mail server, tap  Services  and then  Connect. For moreinformation on using the Inbox program, see “Inbox: Sending and Receiv-ing E-mail Messages” in Chapter 4.Get Help on ConnectingMore information on the procedures described here, as well as informationon additional procedures, can be found in the following locations:• “Inbox: Sending and Receiving E-mail Messages” in Chapter 4.• Online Help on the device. Tap   and then Help. Tap View,All In-stalled Help, and then Inbox or Connections.• ActiveSync Help on the computer. In ActiveSync, click  MicrosoftActiveSync Help on the Help menu.• For troubleshooting information, see the Pocket PC Web site at:
Chapter 8:Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b)Wireless LANOverviewThis chapter is valid for WLAN model only.The IEEE 802.11b WLAN Adapter can connect your Toshiba Pocket PCe750/e755 wirelessly to the existing IEEE 802.11b wireless networks orform its own Wireless Network. Using the adapter in the Toshiba PocketPC e750/e755, you can enjoy the complete mobile and high-speed wire-less Internet connectivity while in range of a Wi-Fi compatible accesspoint.RF Exposure Warning Statement:This device has been evaluated for FCC RF exposure compliance asportable device for lap held position and with 1.5cm separation distancefrom the transmitting antenna to the near by person.  To comply withFCC RF exposure compliance requirements, this device and its antennamust not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any otherantenna or transmitter.   This device has not been investigated for FCC RF exposure compliancefor portable configuration with any other antenna or transmitter except forthe WLAN transmitter installed by Toshiba Corp.  CF Card Slot or SDCard Slot can not be used for adding any other transmitter.
ConfigurationTo configure your Wireless settings, click the Wireless LAN icon and tapthe “Config” button.In order to Turn Off your Wireless LAN radio connection, click the Wirelessicon and tap the “Turn Off” button. If the connection is turned off the WLANicon will have a cross marked across the icon. Tap the icon to turn on andconfigure the Wireless settings.
 119Chapter 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) WLAN AdapterIP Address PageUse IP Address Page to view and edit the IP address,Subnet mask andDefault gateway.Click StartJSettingsJConnectionsJNetwork AdaptersJ “IEEE 802.11bWLAN Adapter”JPropertiesJIP AddressyyyyyIP Address:IP Address is Internet Protocol Address; a numeric address such as10.37.238.100 that the domain name server translates into a domainname. Each node on the IP network should have a unique IP address.yyyyySubnet mask:A number used to identify a subnetwork when multiple networks sharean IP address. For example gateway:This is a device used to forward IP packets to and from a remotedestination.Please check with your network administrator for these connectionsettings.
120Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideName Servers PageUse Name Servers Page to view and edit DNS,Alt DNS,WINS and AltWINS.StartJSettingsJConnectionsJNetwork AdaptersJ“IEEE 802.11b WLANAdapter” JPropertiesJName ServersyyyyyDNS:Domain Name System is a database system that translates ad-dresses and domain names. For example, a numeric address like232.245.021.54 can become something like DNS can alsobe used to control Internet email delivery.yyyyyWINS:In Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755, Windows Internet Naming Ser-vice has two functions; one is a Microsoft Net BIO name server thateliminates the broadcasts needed to resolve computer names to IPaddresses by providing a cache or database of translations.  Theother one is to set the IP address of the host  computer that youalready construct the partnership for Network adapter Active syncpurpose.Without setting the host computer’s IP address in the WINS, youcannot wirelessly synchronize your Pocket PC with your host com-puter.yyyyyAlt DNS:Alt DNS stands for Alternative Domain Name System.  Used to sub-stitute main DNS when necessary.yyyyyAlt WINS:Alt WINS stands for Alternative Windows Internet Naming Service.Used to substitute main WINS when necessary.
 121Chapter 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) WLAN AdapterLink PageUse the Link page to view SSID,Channel,TxRate,BSSID,IP Address,Subnet Mask and Gateway.Click StartJSettingsJSystemJWireless LAN UtilityJLinkySSID: Displays the SSID currently connected to the access point or802.11 ad hoc network.yChannel: Indicates the channel currently in use for Access Point or802.11 Ad Hoc network.yTxRate: Indicates the current data transmission rate in use.yBSSID: Displays the BSSID set on the access point or 802.11 adhoc network.
122Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideyIP Address: Displays the IP address set.ySubnet Mask: Displays the subnet mask set.yGateway: Displays the gateway IP address set.Configuration PageUse the Configuration page to set the Mode,SSID,Channel and Country,and to view Link Quality as well.Click StartJSettingsJSystemJWireless LAN UtilityJConfigyMode: Use the Mode pull-down menu to select the operating mode.Infrastructure – can connect to an access point or a network con-nected to an access point.802.11 Ad Hoc – This mode allows Wireless LAN Module to form itsown local network where adapters communicate peer-to-peer with-out Access Points using a shared SSID.ySSID: Service Set  Identifier is a group name given to the groups thatform the wireless LAN network, and up to 32 single-byte Englishcharacters and symbols may be used. With the default setting “ANY”,it will automatically connect to the highest performance access pointamong those it was able to scan.
 123Chapter 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) WLAN AdapteryStatus: shows whether or not the network is connected. If a connec-tion has been successful, it shows “Authenticated”. If it has failed, itdisplays the reason for this. This authentication concerns connec-tion only, and does not necessarily indicate that the network is us-able..yChannel: In France, only channel 10 and 11 are available.  In USA,Canada, Europe or Australia, you have 11 options: channel 1~11.If you cannot connect with the APs or the 802.11 Ad Hoc NetworkStations, check if the channel been used is between 1~11. Usingchannels other than 1~11 will not enable the connection.The channel is set by the adapter, which starts the 802.11Ad Hocnetwork.  Under 802.11Ad Hoc mode, the first station forms the802.11 Ad Hoc network should choose a proper SSID and the chan-nel for use. Other stations will only have the same SSID set to jointhe 802.11 Ad Hoc network automatically.yRescan: Used to search the proper Access Point close to the adapter.yLink Quality:  An indicator of how clearly the adapter can hear theAccess Point.
124Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideyyyyyWired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)Wired Equivalent Privacy. 802.1x  validation configuration can be performed.Mode:The default WEP Mode setting is “Disable”. You can choose “64 bits(ASCII)”, “128 bits (ASCII)”, “64 bits (HEX)” or “128 bits (HEX)” manu-ally to enable the WEP or choose “Disable” to disable the WEP.Disable:When in this mode, WEP does not function. When WEP does notfunction, there are risks relating to hacking or tapping by externalpersons, data loss or destruction. We strongly recommend usingWEP.64 bits (ASCII):5-digit ASCII characters or symbols can be entered in “Key”.Click to set WEP. Default is“Disable.”Select Key1 to key4. Thisbecomes active when WEPMode “enabled” is selected.Enter ASCII characters andsymbols corresponding to theselected WEP.Check here if the 802.1 valida-tion has been enabled.Activates “Toshiba Enroller.”Toshiba Enroller is a tool to ob-tain certificate to allow use ofthe 802.1 validation function.Check here to enable servervalidation of the 802.1 valida-tion function.Click Apply after completingnew settings
 125Chapter 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) WLAN Adapter128 bits (ASCII):13-digit ASCII characters or symbols can be entered in “Key”.64 bits (HEX):Hexadecimal 10-digit English letters and numerals can be enteredin “Key”.  Letters and numerals that can be entered are 0-9 and A(a)- F(f).128 bits (HEX):Hexadecimal 26-digit English letters and numerals can be enteredin “Key”. Letters and numerals that can be entered are 0-9 and A(a)- F(f).Key ID:This becomes enabled when WEP is selected. Select Key1 - Key4.Key:Enter the ASCII characters and symbols that correspond to the modeselected. Different characters can be entered, depending on themode selected. Please refer to Wired Equivalent Privacy above.If “64 bits (ASCII)” or “128 bits (ASCII)” have been selected, input ofletters or numerals above the upper limit is blocked. If “64 bits (HEX)”or “128 bits (HEX)” have been selected, a warning prompt appearsif you enter anything other than the permitted numerals/letters.Enable 802.1x authentication:Check here to enable 802.1x validation function.EAP type:Select protocol for using 802.1x validation function.TLS (EAP-TLS)Protocol used by Windows 2000 Server, etc.PEAPProtocol use by Windows NET Server 2003, etc.Enable server validation:When 802.1x validation is performed, this confirms whether it isconnected to the right server. It should normally be checked for im-proved security.Please ask your network administrator for further details.
126Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideScan PageUse Scan page to scan and select scannable AP and Ad-hoc devices.Click StartJSettingsJSystemJWireless LAN UtilityJScanyyyyyRescan:Rescan scannable Access Point(s) and Ad-hoc connectableDevice(s). If you double tab menu after scanning, you can try toconnect tapped AP or Ad-hoc device. If you are unable to see anyAccess points in  that menu, check  your access point setting. SomeAccess Points are set to refuse scanning.yyyyyNetwork Selection:Each Access Point is identified by its BSSID and SSID.  Double-clickon the BSSID to choose the Access Point/802.11 Ad Hoc group youwant to connect with.yyyyySignal:Indicates the signal strength of the Access Point.Access point icon802.11 Ad Hoc Network Icon
 127Chapter 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) WLAN AdapterManager PageClick StartJSettingsJSystemJWireless LAN UtilityJManageryyyyyTransmission Rate:Select the transmission rate to be used from the pull-down menu. Ifyou select “Fully Auto”, the adapter is automatically set to the mostsuitable transmission rate.yyyyyEnable Wireless LAN Indicator:If you check  this, the wireless LAN indicator is displayed in thenavigation bar.yyyyyEnable Power Saving Mode: Check to use power saving modeBattery Power -- Check this to run in power saving mode whenon battery power. Power is turned off if no transmission occursduring the specified time. Select time length from pull-downmenu.External Power -- Check this to runin power-saving mode whenon external power. Power is turned off if no transmissionoccurs during the specified time. Select time length from pull-down menu.
128Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideInfo PageUse Info Page to view MAC Address,Utility version,Driver version andFirmware version.Click StartJSettingsJSystemJWireless LAN UtilityJInfoyyyyyMAC Address:Displays Wireless LAN MAC Address. MAC (Media Access Control)Address is a hardware address that uniquely identifies each deviceof network.yyyyyVersions:Firmware -- Display FW version that included Wireless LAN         hardware.Driver -- Display Wireless LAN Driver version.Utility -- Display Wireless LAN Driver version.
 129Chapter 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) WLAN AdapterToshiba EnrollerConfigure the  “Toshiba Enroller” tool for obtaining and administeringcertificates used for 802.1x validation. Please ask your networkadministrator for configuration details.Enter user name of the personobtaining the certificate.Enter password of the user ob-taining certificate. Maximumlength of password is 14  let-ters.Enter URL or IP address of thecertifying server (CA server) .Click here to request a certifi-cate from the certifying server(CA server).Click to activate the WirelessLAN Utility.
130Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideRoot PageyyyyyOpen Certificate:Opens the root certificate.  When the root certificate is opened,theperson it has been issued to, the persons issued by, and the periodof validity will be displayed. The root certificate is provided by the cerfile.yyyyyInstall Certificate:Registers the open root certificate in the system. This button is en-abled when the root certificate is opened.
 131Chapter 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) WLAN AdapterManagement PageyyyyyProperty:Displays Information on certificates obtained.yyyyyDelete:Deletes certificates. Please exercise caution when deleting certifi-cates.One client certificate and on root certificate are required at a minimumwhen using EAP-TLS, and one root certificate is required at a mini-mum when using PEAP.
132Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideAdvanced  PageyyyyyRequested Page:Portion of URL to be accessed when obtaining client certificates.yyyyyCert Template:Template used when obtaining client certificates.yyyyyCert Attribute:Attribute used when obtaining client certificates.Under normal circumstances configuration is not needed unless re-quested by your network administrator.
 133Chapter 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) WLAN AdapterTMU-Traffic Monitoring UtilityTMU keeps users updated of current WLAN Module’s activity status.Icon SpecificationWireless Communication Switch off:Wireless Communication Switch, on the bottom of the PDA, is turnedoff.  Clicking on the icon   gives you a warning message, “Pleaseturn on Wireless communication switch”. Click “OK” to close theMessage Box. Turn on the switch and you will see the icon    turnsto   or   , depends on the original setting for the WLAN ModulePower.
134Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideWireless  Communication Power off:The WLAN Module is at Power Off Status.  Clicking on the icon  displays you 2 icons, “On” and “Off”.  Click “On” to turn on the Wire-less LAN Module, and then the icon   turns to   .  Click “Off” to exitwithout turning on the Wireless LAN Module.
 135Chapter 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) WLAN AdapterWireless LAN Power on:The WLAN Module is at Power On Status.   Clicking on the icon displays you 2 icons, “On” and “Off”.  Click “Off” to turn off the Wire-less LAN Module, and then the icon    turns to    .  Click “On” to exitwithout turning off the Wireless LAN Module. To save power, theWLAN module can automatically switches power off after a period ofinactivity  (   turns to    ).
Chapter 10:Optional FunctionsHomeYou can launch the built-in or installed applications easily by tapping theicon displayed on the Home screen. You can also set to display a desiredimage on your screen background.Launching an Application From the Home1. Tap    , Programs, and then Home to display the Home screen.You can also launch the Home by pressing the Toshiba Pocket PCe750/e755 Home button .For initial setting, therespective application icons areregistered on three tabs: Main,Programs and Games. In theRunning tab, activeapplications are displayed.Tab.Tap to select Tab Setting...orAbout.Tap to select Large Icon, Small Icon or Text color...Tap to select Paste or Add.
137Chapter 10: Optional Functions2. Tap the desired tab, and then tap the application icon you want tolaunch. The selected application starts up.Also, you can launch an application by moving the cursor button orscroller to select and pressing the center of the cursor button toconfirm.You can add tabs up to a maximum of 10 kinds and icons up to 18in a tab.About RunningIn the Running tab, the active application names are displayed.The icons do not appear.Application Activate/Stop:Tap the application name you want to activate. You can also activate theapplication from the pop-up menu displayed by tapping and holding theapplication name.You can show a pop-up menu by tapping and holding any portionother than the application names displayed in the Running tab. Inthis case, only the Stop All is selectable.Tap to activate the selectedapplication.Tap to quit the selectedapplication. When finished, theapplication name disappears.Tap to quit all runningapplications displayed in theRunning tab.You can select the View menuor the Tools menu on theRunning tab screen. You canselect Text color... from theView menu, the TabSetting...or About from theTools  menu respectively.
138Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideDisplay Icon ListThe following list shows the tabs and icons for the initial setup.Tabs  Icons  Applications Running — — Main  Pocket Internet Explorer Windows Media Player Notes Tasks Inbox Calendar Contacts Pocket Word Pocket Excel Calculator Programs  File Explorer DataBackup Infrared Receive Games  Solitaire
139Chapter 10: Optional FunctionsMoving an Application Icon into Another TabThe moved icon is placed next to the last icon on the tab screen. Youcannot move an icon into a tab which already contains 18 icons.To move using pop-up menu:1. Tap and hold the icon you want to move to display the pop-up menu.2. Tap Cut on the pop-up menu.3. Tap the destination tab, and then tap Paste on Edit menu. The se-lected icon is pasted on the screen.You can also select Paste from the pop-up menu displayed by tap-ping and holding any portion other than the icon.Deleting an Icon1. Tap and hold the icon you want to delete to display the pop-up menu.2. Tap Drop on the pop-up menu. The icon is deleted and the next iconpositioned  after the deleted icon automatically shifts to fill the de-leted icon position. And all  icons after the deleted icon likewise shiftto fill the previous icon position.
140Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideAdding an IconYou can add the application and your file icons to the Home screen.1. Tap Edit and then Add to display the Add Application screen.You can also select Add from the pop-up menu displayed by tappingand holding any portion other than the icon.2. Tap T of Application file to show the file list. If there is no desired fileon the file  list, you can find it by tapping Browse. To refer to all foldersand files, tap Browse to show the Browse Dialog screen. When thefile is selected, its name is  displayed in the Application file box.Tap to designate a folder you want tobrowse. When  a storage card is inserted,files or folders contained in the storagecard are displayed from the top directory.Tap to move up to a directoryfolder one level above thecurrently displayed one.Tap to select kinds ofapplication or file to bebrowsed.If a file is selected from thelist, the screen returns to theAdd Application screen.
141Chapter 10: Optional Functions3. Enter an icon name in the Application name box, which is to be dis-played on the Home screen.You can enter up to a maximum of 32 characters.4. When finished, tap OK to close the Add Application screen, and thenew icon is  added to the Home screen.If the Application file is not designated, or if the Application name isnot entered, you cannot add a new icon.You cannot launch the icon added from the storage card, if the samecard is not  inserted in the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755.Tab SettingYou can set to add, delete or rename the tab on the Tab Settings screen.You can also set to display a desired image on your screen background.To add a  tab:1. Tap Tools and then Tab Settings to display the Tab Settings screen.2. Tap Tab Settings and then New to display a box to enter the new tabname.3. Enter a new tab name. When finished, tap OK to return to the TabSettings screen. You can enter up to a maximum of 10 characters.4. Tap OK on the Tab Settings screen to return to the Home screen.To delete a tab:1. Tap Tools and then Tab Settings.2. Select the tab name to delete, and then tap Delete, the Delete tabdialog for confirming appears. Please note that all the icons con-tained in the same tab will also be deleted.3. Tap OK on the Delete tab dialog to delete the tab. When finished, thescreen returns to Tab Settings screen.4. Tap OK on the Tab Settings screen to return to the Home screen.You cannot delete the Running tab.
142Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideTo change the name of a tab:1. Tap Tools and then Tab Settings to display the Tab Settings screen.2. Select the tab name you want to change, and then tap Rename.3. Enter a new tab name. When finished, tap OK to return to the TabSettings screen. You can enter up to a maximum of 10 characters.4. Tap OK on the Tab Settings screen to return to the Home screen.You cannot rename the Running tab.To change a background:1. Select the background setup tab on the Tab Settings menu, and thentap Browse to display the Browse Dialog screen.2. Tap the desired file from the list to return to the Tab Settings screen.3. Tap OK on the Tab Settings screen to return to the Home screen.If the selected file is not a designated file type, you cannot set it onyour screen background. The displayable range of the image onthe Home screen is 240(W) x 246(H).Text Color Setting:You can set the color of application name for each tab using TextColor.1. Tap the tab whose color you want to set to display the selected tabscreen.2. Tap View and then Text Color to display the color list.You can set the color of the application name as desired.3. Tap the color you want to set, and the color of the application namechanges.
143Chapter 10: Optional FunctionsHome HelpTapping an icon displayed at “Home” launches that application. In addi-tion to applications, it is also possible to register icons for associatedfiles here. The Home screen is divided into tabs. There are 4 tab types asdefault, and up to 10 types of tab can be registered. As for the icons on thetab, up to 18 icons per one tab can be registered.An image can be used as the background for the tab screen.(1).”Running” tabThe names of currently running applications are displayed at the “Run-ning” tab.Applications can be switched or quit here.“Text Color” can be selected from the “View” menu, and “Tab Settings”and “About” can be selected from the “Tools” menu.• To activate applications, tap and hold the name of the applicationyou want to activate to, then tap “Activate” from the pop-up menu.• To stop an application, tap and hold the name of the applicationyou want to stop, then choose “Stop” from the pop-up menu. If“Stop all” is selected from the pop-up menu, all currently runningapplications are stopped.•“Stop all” can also be selected by tapping and holding on the“Running” tab screen without selecting an application name.(2).Launching applicationsWhen an icon on the tab screen is tapped, the application or associatedfile registered at the icon is launched.• Applications can also be launched by selecting them with thecursor button then pressing on the center of the cursor button.(3).Switching the icon displayTap on the “View” menu to display the current display settings. Currentdisplay settings are indicated by check mark at the left. To switch thedisplay, select “Large Icon” or “Small Icon”.
144Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s Guide(4).Icon settings1. Moving icons (using the pop-up menu)1. Tap and hold the icon you want to move on the tab screen.2. When the pop-up menu appears, select “Cut” from the menu.3. Tap on the tab to which you want to move the icon, then tap“Paste” from the “Edit” menu to move the icon and display it onthe tab screen.•“Paste” can also be selected from the pop-up menu displayedwhen you tap and hold at a position on the screen other than onicon.• It is not possible to move icons to tabs already containing 18icons. When an icon is moved, it is positioned at the very end ofthe tab’s icons.2. Deleting icons1. Tap and hold the icon you want to delete. A pop-up menu ap-pears.2. Tap “Drop” from the pop-up menu to delete the selected iconfrom the tab screen.• When an icon is deleted, subsequent icons are all moved up oneplace.3. Adding icons1. Tap the tab to which you want to add an icon to select that tab.2. Tap “Add” from the “Edit” menu to display the “Add Application”screen.3. Tap the “Application file” box.4. From the list, tap the application you want to add. To select a filenot on the list, tap the “Browse” button, then select the file fromthe Browse Dialog.5. Input the name of the icon you want to add (up to 32 characters)in the “Application name” box.6. Tap the “OK” button. The new icon is added.
145Chapter 10: Optional Functions• Associated files can be specified for added icons.• If either one of “Application file” or “Application name” is notfilled in, an icon can not be added.4. Browse Dialog1. Tap the “Folder” box to select the folder to be browsed.2. Tap the “Type” box to select the type of file to be browsed.3. The list of the files of the specified type and in the specified folderappears on the screen. Select the desired application or file orthe image to be used as the background and tap it. The originalscreen reappears.• If a storage card is inserted into the main unit when adding icons,icons of applications and files on the storage card are also dis-played on the browse screen. The folders and files on the stor-age card can be displayed in the “Folder” box, beginning at thetopmost level.• If an icon on a storage card is added, that storage card must beinserted when the icon is tapped or the file will not be launched.(5).Tab settings1. Switching tabsTap on another tab to switch the tab screen.Initially four tabs are registered: “Running”, “Main”, “Programs” and“Games”.2. Changing tab names1. Select “Tab Settings” from the “Tools” menu. The “Tab Settings”screen appears.2. Tap the “Select tab” box to select the tab to be changed.3. Tap the “Rename” button. The screen for inputting the new tabname appears.4. Input the new tab name (up to 10 characters) into the “Renameto” box.5. Tap the “OK” button. The tab name is changed and the “TabSettings”screen reappears.6. Tap “OK” at the upper right to return to the Home screen.
146Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s Guide3. Deleting tabs1. Select “Tab Settings” from the “Tools” menu. The “Tab Settings”screen appears.2. Tap the “Select tab” box to select the tab to be deleted.3. Tap the “Delete” button. A dialog asking you to confirm you wantto delete the tab appears.4. Tap the “Yes” button. The tab is deleted and the “Tab Settings”screen reappears.5. Tap “OK” at the upper right to return to the Home screen.• Note that when a tab is deleted, all the icons on that tab are alsodeleted.•“Delete” cannot be selected if there are only two tabs on theHome screen.4. Adding tabs1. Select “Tab Settings” from the “Tools” menu. The “Tab Settings”screen appears.2. Tap the “New” button. An input screen appears.3. Input the name you want to give the tab (up to 10 characters) intothe “New tab” box.4. Tap the “OK” button. The new tab is added and the “Tab Settings”screen reappears.5. Tap “OK” at the upper right to return to the Home screen.
147Chapter 10: Optional Functions5. Setting the background bitmap1. Select “Tab Settings” from the “Tools” menu. The “Tab Settings”screen appears.2. Select the tab whose background you want to set at the “Selecttab” box.3. Tap the “Browse” button to display the Browse Dialog.4. Select and tap the image to be used as the background. The “TabSettings” screen reappears.5. Tap “OK” at the upper right to return to the Home screen.6. Setting the text colorDifferent colors can be set for the application names at the different tabs.1. Display the tab whose color you want to set, then select “TextColor” from the “View” menu.2. Tap the color you want to set from the list of display colors. Thatcolor is set for the application names.
148Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideHow to Make a BackupYou can make a backup of the Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 data in thestorage device. If you have backed up your data on the storage device, youcan restore that data in your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755. You can alsodelete backup file data from the storage device. Periodical data backup isrecommended.Data of the following three types can be backed up:File: Includes a file created by Pocket Word, Pocket Excel, Notes, etc. or anadditionally installed program and so on.Registry: Setting information on Pocket PC 2002 or Built-in Program.Database: Database information of Microsoft Pocket Outlook.1.If you update ROM programs using special installation programswith a *.xip extension, do not use the backup data which you madebefore updating ROM programs.2.When using the DataBackup, beware of the remaining batterycharge.3.If you make a backup to the CF/SD card by DataBackupUtility,please DO NOT remove the CF/SD card nor DO NOT turn offpower of the device until the backup is completed.4.If you restore the data from the CF/SD card by DataBackup Utility,please DO NOT remove the CF/SD card nor DO NOT turn off thepower of the device until the restore is completed.5.Before making a backup, disable the password protection. TapStart,Settings,Personal tab,Password, and select No pass-word.Failure to follow any of the above procedures may result in the lossof data.
149Chapter 10: Optional FunctionsIf the remaining storage device capacity becomes short duringbackup, the backup process stops. Check the storage device ca-pacity before starting the backup.If the CF/SD card is write protected, you cannot save the backupdata. Cancel the write protection before starting the backup.Making a Backup1. If you make a backup to the CF/SD card, insert a CF Card or a SDCard.2. Tap Start,Programs, and then DataBackup to display the DataBackupscreen.3. Setting Custom Name.4. Select and tap The storage device.5. Tap Backup to display the Prompt message screen.6. Tap  Yes. The Proceeding message is displayed during the backupprocess. When the backup is completed, a backup finished mes-sage appears.7. Tap OK to return to the previous screen.
150Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideCarrying Out Restore OperationTo restore is to overwrite the backed up data from the storage device ontothe main memory of your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755.If the same file name exists in the main memory of your Toshiba PocketPC e750/e755, the file data is replaced with the backup data from thestorage device. If files exist in the main memory but not in the backup file,they will not be overwritten.1. If you carry out restore from the CF/SD card, insert the CF/SD card,which contains backup data into your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755.2. Tap  Start,Programs, and  then DataBackup to display theDataBackup screen.3. Select Restore from tab, then select and tap The storage device.4. Select backup file from restored files list.5. Tap Delete if want to delete backup file.6. Tap Refresh if want to refresh the storage device.7. Tap  Restore to display the Prompt message screen.8. Tap  Yes. The Proceeding message is displayed during the restoreprocess.When the restore is completed, a restore finished message appears.9. Tap  OK. Your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 is reset and restartsautomatically.
151Chapter 10: Optional FunctionsData Backup HelpThe backup function allows you to back up the data from the main unit toa storage device. The backed up data can be restored and deleted.Before performing the backup or restore operation, check that there isenough space in the main unit’s memory and on the storage device. Thedata is saved as a backup file (.dbk) in your storage device.(1).If you make a backup to the CF/SD card, load the CF/SDcard• Make sure the main unit’s power is off when loading and unload-ing the CF/SD card.• Insert the CF/SD card in the designated card slot, making sure todo so in the proper direction.• Save current data in the main unit’s memory before backing it upon the CF/SD card.(2).Making backups1. Select “DataBackup” from “Programs” in the “Start” menu.2. Once the backup screen appears, tap the “Backup” tab.3. Select a Custom Name.4. Select and tap The storage device.5. Tap the “Backup” button.Backup tabSelect “Flash ROM  Disk”, “CFCard” or “SD Card”Enter custom name. Default is“Backup”.
152Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s Guide6. A message appears once backing up is completed.7. Tap “OK” at the upper right to return to the previous screen.(3).Restoring the dataUse this operation to restore the backup data stored on the storage de-vice into the main unit. The data in the backup file is copied over the datain the main unit’s memory.• If a file with the same name already exists in the main unit’smemory, its data is replaced with the data in the backup file.• Files in the main unit’s memory not included in the backup fileremain in the main unit’s memory.1. Select “DataBackup” from “Programs” in the “Start” menu.2. Once the backup screen appears, tap the “Restore” tab.3. Select and tap The storage device.4. Select backup file from restored file list.5. Tap the “Restore” button. 6. A message appears once the restore operation is completed.7. Tap “OK” button. The main unit is reset and restarted.Restore tabSelect “Flash ROM Disk”, “CFCard” or “CD Card”
153Chapter 10: Optional Functions(4).Deleting the backup file1. Select “DataBackup” from “Programs” in the “Start” menu.2. Once the backup screen appears, tap the “Restore” tab.3. Select and tap The Storage Device.4. Select backup file from restored file list.5. Tap the “Delete” button. A message screen asking you to confirmthat you want to delete the backup file appears.6. Tap the “Yes” button.The backup data is deleted from the storage device and the pre-vious screen reappears.Note: Pressing “About” in the Backup or Restore menus dis-plays the version of the program being used.Restore tab
154Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideSystem InformationThe System Information program displays the system informationsuch as CPU clock, CPU stepping, Boot Loader Version, OS Version,PIC Version, MAC address (WirlessLAN model only), and UUID. Theinformation is displayed by accessing the Identity, Memory, Drivers,System, and Wireless tabs.To launch the program, Click Start > Settings > System Information.The opening menu presents identification information for productservice.Tabs for accessing informationabout  Identity, Memory,Drivers, System, and Wirelesssettings.
155Chapter 10: Optional FunctionsMemory tabThe Memory tab presents information about the systems RAM, ROM,and Flash ROM Disk.Driver tabThe Driver tab displays the drivers used by the system’s softwareapplications.
156Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideSystem tabThe System tab displays CPU, operating system, and other systeminformation.Wireless tabThe Wireless tab displays information about the Wireless LAN adapter.
157Chapter 10: Optional FunctionsTools MenuThe Tools menu displays the system information and allows it to beexported to a text (*.txt) file. “Export” exports all system informationparameters to a text (*.txt), and “About” displays the system informationversion.
158Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideATI Presentation PackIntroductionThe Toshiba Expansion Pack with ATI IMAGEON Dual Display Solutioncomes bundled with the ATI Presentation Pack, which includes the IAPresenter and IA Screen Mirror modules.IA PresenterTake your Microsoft Windows PowerPoint slides and use IA Presenter torun a smooth presentation directly from your Pocket PC. IA Presenter canrun as a standalone mobile PowerPoint player using your portable device’sLCD screen. But with IA Presenter and the Toshiba Expansion Pack linkedto an LCD projector or a monitor, you can create powerful presentationsfrom your Pocket PC.IA Screen MirrorThis module projects the current contents of your Pocket PC’s LCD screenonto an external projector, or monitor. It can display up to nine differentimages from your LCD output at the same time on the second display.Installing the ATI Presentation PackAll components of the ATI Presentation Pack are installed together bydoing as follows:1. Make sure your Pocket PC is connected to your computer andthat an ActiveSync connection has been established.2. Start the ATI Presentation Pack installation by running the Setupprogram.You can setup ATI Presentation Pack from Companion CD (En-hance Your Pocket PCJToolsJAT Presentation PackJInstall)3. After accepting the license agreement, choose the folder to whichyou want the ATI Presentation Pack to be installed. Click Next toaccept the default destination folder; click Browse... to specify adifferent folder.4. Check your Pocket PC screen for any additional steps required tocomplete the installation.
159Chapter 10: Optional FunctionsOn-line HelpThis Manual serves as a quick-reference guide. For more details aboutany feature, consult the on-line Help. When using IA Presenter, selectToolsJHelp for the main Help table of contents. In IA Screen Mirror, tapthe Help button in the About tab to access the main Help file. Context-sensitive Help is also available. If, during some operations, you cannotopen the Tools Menu, you can access the context-sensitive Help mes-sages via the Windows Start Menu.A Note about Updates to the ATI Presentation PackYour copy of the ATI Presentation Pack contains the latest versions of IAPresenter and IA Screen Mirror. For updates, please visit the IA Style website (
160Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideATI Presentation PackIntroductionThe Toshiba Expansion Pack with ATI IMAGEON Dual Display Solutioncomes bundled with the ATI Presentation Pack, which includes the IAPresenter and IA Screen Mirror modules.IA PresenterTake your Microsoft Windows PowerPoint slides and use IA Presenter torun a smooth presentation directly from your Pocket PC. IA Presenter canrun as a standalone mobile PowerPoint player using your portable device’sLCD screen. But with IA Presenter and the Toshiba Expansion Pack linkedto an LCD projector or a monitor, you can create powerful presentationsfrom your Pocket PC.IA PresenterGetting StartedAfter you invoke IA Presenter, the screen lists all the converted PowerPointpresentations currently in your \My Documents folder. A sample presenta-tion file is included with the installation, so at least one file will be listedwhen you initially invoke IA Presenter.To receive a presentation file into the \My Documents folder of your PocketPC via Infrared beaming, tap Tools in the lower left corner of the screen,then select Receive via InfraRed... from the menu shown above. To drag-and-drop a PowerPoint file from your computer to your Pocket PC, see thesection Using IA Presenter’s Desktop Converter on the next page.The Options... command on the Tools Menu opens the General,File,Display, and VGA Output tabs. These tabs are explained in the on-lineHelp file, which can be accessed from the Tools Menu by tapping Help....Or, after opening one of the tabs, select Help from the Windows StartMenu.Using IA Presenter’s Desktop ConverterWhen you drag-and-drop a PowerPoint file from your PC to your PocketPC, the ActiveSync Converter in the IA Presenter will automatically convertthe PowerPoint file to a special IA Presenter format for your Pocket PC,using the resolution you specify. The file will be placed in any folder onyour mobile device where you choose to drag-and-drop it.PowerPoint 97 or PowerPoint 2000 (or greater) is necessary for us-ing IA Presneter’s Desktop Converter.
161Chapter 10: Optional FunctionsThere are two ways to open the “Set ActiveSync Conversion Options”dialog box:• 1) Select ATI Presentation Pack from the Start Menu, and then Set IAPresenter ActiveSync Conversion Options from the submenu. Thedialog box will open, establishing it as your default PowerPoint filterfor your ActiveSync drag-and-drop operations. You can choose a di-mension and then uncheck the Show this option dialog box next timecheckbox (it is checked by default as shown in the figure above). If youuncheck it, the dialog box will not open whenever you drag-and-dropa file from your computer to your mobile device. Instead, the dimen-sion you specified will be used during each conversion.• 2) You can set the dimension each time you drag-and-drop aPowerPoint file from your computer to your mobile device. If the Showthis option dialog box next time checkbox has not been un-checked,the IA Presenter “Set ActiveSync Conversion Options” dialog box willopen automatically every time you drag-drop a PowerPoint file to yourPocket PC.Choosing Dimensions for the Converted .IAP FileThe conversion filter supports both PPT and PPS PowerPoint files. Theconversion options are:¾Pocket PC LCD Size – 320 x 240: Select this option if you onlywant to display the presentation on the LCD screen of your PocketPC. However, if you have tried the 320 x 240 button and then findthat images on the Pocket PC screen have been “stretched” to fitthe screen, and you do not want this effect, try converting againusing the User-defined button. After selecting User-defined, en-ter 240 in the first box, and 320 in the second box.If you want to prepare the file to project the presentation to a VGA screenor video monitor, select one of these options:¾VGA – 640 x 480¾SVGA – 800 x 600¾User-defined: If you do not want to use one of the pre-defineddimensions listed above, select the User-defined option andenter your own value in the fields.XGA 1024 x768 is not supported.
162Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideOpening a Presentation and Using View ModesWhen you invoke IA Presenter, the first screen that appears lists all theconverted PowerPoint presentations currently in your \My Documentsfolder. Tap on the name of the file you want to load. You can then choosefrom the following view modes.Normal ViewNormal view allows you to view the current slide in the upper pane, whilestill able to navigate slides conveniently using the lower thumbnail pane.You can drag the Splitter Bar that divides the two panes up or down, toadjust the screen distribution above and below the splitter. The NormalView icon is located at the leftmost side of the Toolbar, as shown below.You can also use the stylus to pan the slide image in the upper pane toshow the part covered by the lower pane. The splitter position will auto-matically be remembered across multiple application sessions, freeingyou from having to adjust the splitter position again during the current IAPresenter session.To display a different slide in the upper pane, simply tap on the desiredthumbnail in the lower pane, or use the Slide Title Bar (unnamed slideswill be represented by a number in the Slide Title Bar drop-down list). Thelower thumbnail pane in Normal view provides slide navigation. If youwant to select multiple slides for further operations, use the Slide Sorterview, as explained in the next section.You can project the currently selected slide to VGA Display by activatingthe VGA Slide Toggle command on the View Menu, or by tapping the VGASlide Output Toggle icon at the rightmost side of the Toolbar. To end theprojection, select the command again to toggle it off.Slide SorterSlide Sorter view fills the entire application space with either large orsmall thumbnails, depending on whether Large Thumbnail or SmallThumbnail is active on the View Menu. You can select:• One slide by tapping on it, or• Multiple adjacent slides by dragging your stylus over them, or• If you select Multiple Select Mode on the Edit Menu, you can tap,drag, or a combination thereof, to select multiple slides that areseparated.Selected slides will be highlighted by a different border color.
163Chapter 10: Optional FunctionsYou can project an individual slide to the VGA output by activating the VGASlide Toggle command on the View Menu, or by tapping the VGA SlideOutput Toggle icon at the rightmost side of the Toolbar. When you activatethis function:• If one slide is selected at the time you toggle the VGA Slide Out-put “on,” that slide will be output to the VGA Display.• If multiple slides happen to be selected, the first selected slide inthe sequence will be output to the VGA Display.• If no slides are selected, there is no change to the current statusof the VGA Display. That is, if an image is already displayed onthe VGA Display, that image remains until you select a slide onyour LCD screen for projection.To end the projection and return to viewing the slide only on your mobiledevice’s screen, just select the command again (or tap the icon a secondtime) to toggle it off.Indicator Icons under ThumbnailsUnder each thumbnail in Slide Sorter view mode, there may be varioussmall icons displayed which indicate the status/attributes of the slide, asfollows:- The transition icon indicates that a transition effect has been asso-ciated with the slide, and tapping the icon will “demo” the transitioneffect.- The shape icon indicates that the slide contains animated shapes.- If you assigned a transition delay-time to the slide in the Automati-cally field of the Edit Menu > Slide Transition... screen, the delay-time will be shown.- The slide number is always shown at the right. If the slide has beenhidden using the Hide Slide command on the Edit Menu, the slidenumber will be enclosed in a red box with a line crossing it out.
164Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideNotes PageNotes Page view displays the current slide content in the upper pane,with the lower pane displaying the speaker notes that were entered forthe original PowerPoint presentation, or entered/edited in IA Presenter.The upper pane operation is the same as in Normal view. The lower paneis both a Notes display window and an editing window. After editing aNote, tap OK in the upper right corner to save it.When in Notes Page view mode, you can project the currently-selectedslide to VGA output by activating the VGA Slide Toggle command on theView Menu, or by tapping the VGA Slide Output Toggle icon at the rightmostside of the Toolbar. To end the projection and return to viewing the slideonly on your mobile device screen, just select the command again totoggle it off.Quick NotesThe Quick Notes command on the View Menu (and the Quick Notes Viewicon on the Toolbar) gives you a view mode that combines the thumbnailimages of Slide Sorter view with the Notes pane of the Notes Page view.When you tap on a thumbnail, a border around it indicates it is selected.You can also use the Up, Down, Left, or Right buttons on your mobiledevice to move the selection focus (or the Slide Title Bar, if you chose todisplay it).The lower pane displays the Speaker Notes that were entered for theoriginal PowerPoint presentation, or entered/edited in IA Presenter. Thelower pane is both a Notes display window and an editing window. Tap inthe lower pane to start editing a Speaker Note. The editing functionality isthe same as for Notes Page view.If the Cut/Copy/Paste/Clear/Undo/Select All commands are required forediting the text, press your stylus within the Notes pane to activate thepop-up editing menu. The Notes-editing operation can be undone byselecting the multiple-steps Undo command on the Edit Menu, pop-upmenu, or Toolbar.
165Chapter 10: Optional FunctionsSlide ShowThe Slide Show command on the View Menu starts a full screen SlideShow on the Pocket PC’s LCD screen. (If you want to project the slideshow to VGA output, you must use the VGA Slide Show command.) Be-fore selecting Slide Show or VGA Slide Show, you should select Set UpShow... from the Tools Menu to set up the desired behavior for your slideshow.If the Auto-Rotate option is checked in the Tools > Options > Display tab,the slide will be automatically rotated according to the direction you choose(Left or Right).Depending on the slide advancement setting specified in the Slide Tran-sition dialog box, you can tap to advance the slide (or the next animatedobject); use the navigation (arrows) buttons of your Pocket PC to advance/back play the slides; or, IA Presenter will automatically advance slidesbased on the number of seconds (delaytime) you set. Sound effects willalso be played according to your assignment.Pop-Up Menu for Slide Show ModeIf the Show Popup-Menu Button option is checked in the ToolsJOptionsJDisplay tab, a small transparent icon will be shown in the upper leftcorner of the LCD screen. Tapping on the small icon will activate the SlideShow mode’s pop-up control menu. If this option isn’t checked, you canalways tap-and-hold your stylus during Slide Show mode to activate thepop-up menu. The commands on the menu are explained below.Next / PreviousDisplays the next or previous slide, or next or previous animated object (ifthe animated object display was designed). Hidden slides won’t beshown.GoThe Go submenu allows you to jump to the First Slide,Last Slide,Previ-ously Viewed Slide, or jump to any slide using Navigate by Title.TriggerIf the Trigger mode is selected, the slide show will advance according tothe mode you set using the ToolsJSet Up Show... command or Set UpShow icon. For example, if you have specified to advance the slides manu-ally, they will advance each time you tap on the screen. If the slide show isset to play automatically, you can use the pop-up menu to put it on pauseor end it immediately. IA Presenter is set to Trigger mode by default.
166Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuidePenSelect the Pen command to enter Ink annotation mode. During the Inkannotation mode, you can use the stylus to mark or highlight the presen-tation elements on the screen. To exit the Ink annotation mode, select theTrigger,VGA Pointer, or VGA Zoom mode from the pop-up menu.Use the Pen Color submenu to choose the Ink color, and use the PenWidth submenu to choose a thickness.If Pen mode is active when you select Blank from the Screen submenu,you will be able to draw or write Ink annotation on the projected blackscreen. (The Screen submenu also lets you undo the most recent Inkstroke, or erase all of the Ink strokes.)VGA PointerThis mode works only when IA Presenter is in VGA Slide Show view. Afteryou select the VGA Pointer command, your stylus movements on theLCD screen will simulate a laser pen light on the VGA screen duringpresentations. (To exit the VGA Pointer mode, select Trigger,Pen, or VGAZoom from the pop-up menu.)VGA ZoomThis mode works only when IA Presenter is in VGA Slide Show view. Afteryou select the VGA Zoom mode, you will be able to specify a portion of thescreen which will be projected to the VGA screen, and also a zoom ratiofor that specific area. (To exit VGA Zoom mode, select Trigger,Pen, orVGA Pointer from the pop-up menu.)The message that appears on your screen when you invoke VGA Zoommode depends on the value that is currently selected on the VGA ZoomSize submenu. The message will either tell you to tap-and-drag yourstylus to define an area yourself, or it will tell you to simply tap your stylusto create a zoom area of pre-defined size. You can specify the zoom ratiousing the VGA Zoom Ratio submenu, accessed from the Slide Showpop-up menu.Pen ColorTapping Pen Color opens a submenu of available colors to use for yourInk annotation when in Pen mode. Select one of the available colors asthe new pen color. The Reset command resets the pen color to the de-fault White color.
167Chapter 10: Optional FunctionsPen WidthTapping Pen Width opens a submenu of available pen widths to use foryour Ink annotation when in Pen mode. Select a thickness settings as thenew pen width to be used for Ink strokes on the LCD screen (and projec-tion to VGA output, if desired). The 1 Unit option is the thinnest setting.Higher values give you thicker widths.VGA Zoom SizeThe VGA Zoom Size command opens a submenu of “zoom area” op-tions. When you invoke VGA Zoom mode by selecting it on the pop-upmenu, the current setting on the VGA Zoom Size submenu will be acti-vated.The Quarter,Large,Medium,Small, and Tiny settings on the submenurepresent pre-defined areas. For example, if Quarter is selected, tappingon your LCD screen will automatically produce a rectangular area whichis the size of one-quarter of your LCD screen (centered around the spotwhere you tapped).The “zoom area” will be displayed on top of the already-existing projectionof the entire slide on the VGA screen.After the rectangular zoom area exists on your screen, you can drag it toany part of the screen you wish. It can also be converted to any of the otherpre-defined sizes by pressing your stylus on the LCD screen to open thepop-up menu again, then selecting a different value from the VGA ZoomSize submenu. The size of the existing area will then be changed accord-ingly.If you select Drag Select on the submenu, you will be able to drag yourstylus on the LCD screen and freely define any area for zooming. After thedesired area has been specified, you can drag it to any portion of thescreen. You can also resize it by dragging any of its corners. To specify thezoom ratio for the projected zoom area, use the VGA Zoom Ratio com-mand.VGA Zoom RatioThe VGA Zoom Ratio command opens a submenu of pre-defined “zoomratio” options. When you invoke VGA Zoom mode by selecting it on thepop-up menu, the current setting on the VGA Zoom Ratio submenu willbe activated.ScreenThe Screen submenu contains commands that allow you to pause aSlide Show (Pause Auto Play), project a blank screen (Blank), undo themost recent Ink stroke (Clear Last Pen), or erase all Ink strokes (Clear AllPen).
168Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuidePause Auto PlayIf you have specified that you want slides to advance automatically after aspecified number of seconds (using the Set Up Show... command on theTools Menu or the Set Up Show icon on the Toolbar), you can selectPause Auto Play during the playing of a slide show to pause the show.When ready to continue the automatic progress of a slide show, tap Re-sume Auto Play.BlankWhen you select Blank, your LCD screen will become completely black,and the black screen will also be projected to your VGA screen. (After youhave selected Blank, the command name changes to Restore. Tap Re-store when you are ready to return to the slide that was previously dis-played.)Using the Blank Option with Pen Mode:When the Blank option is active and IA Presenter is in Pen mode, you canwrite or draw digital Ink on the screen, and it will be output to the VGAdevice. In effect, this allows you to project an “electronic blackboard” whichyou might find useful when giving a presentation to an audience. Beaware that any Ink strokes you draw on the Blank screen will be lost whenyou exit Blank mode. They cannot be retained.When IA Presenter is in VGA Zoom mode or VGA Pointer mode, the Blankoption is not available.Clear Last PenErases the last individual Ink stroke. This command can be applied re-peatedly until there are no more Ink strokes in the current slide.Clear All PenErases all the pen strokes on the current slide.Speaker NotesThis command displays the current slide’s Note text (if any) in a pop-upwindow, with the slide number also shown, on top of the displayed slide.To advance the slide or object when the Speaker Notes window is shown,tap on the underlying slide. When you advance the slides, the SpeakerNotes window remains open and interactively displays the Note text of therelated slide. To close the Speaker Notes window, tap the “X” in the upperright corner.
169Chapter 10: Optional FunctionsEnd ShowThis command terminates the Slide Show playback mode and returns tothe mode you were using prior to entering Slide Show mode. The Actionbutton on your Pocket PC can also be used to exit Slide Show mode.VGA Slide ShowVGA Slide Show mode operates almost identically to the Slide Showmode, except for the following operational differences:• You should use the VGA Output tab in the ToolsJOptions... com-mand to set VGA output-related options. You can also elect to have IAPresenter perform dithering for your slide if you project your slide toan external VGA/video device with less color capability (such as only256 colors available).• During VGA Slide Show mode, the presentation output will be di-rected to both the Pocket PC’s LCD screen and the external con-nected VGA device or video device.The Pocket PC will always show the reduced size version, while theVGA/video device will view the original matching dimensions set dur-ing ActiveSync conversion. Or if your current presentation has a di-mension specified which is different from the exact dimension ofyour selected output dimension, IA Presenter will automatically re-size the slides to fit the output dimensions.• The Ink annotation will be projected to both the VGA video device andthe LCD screen.• You can use VGA Zoom on the pop-up menu to designate an area ona slide during VGA Slide Show view, and project that specific area tothe VGA screen (on top of the already-existing projection of the entireslide). Use the VGA Zoom Size command to specify an area of pre-defined size, or manually drag your stylus on the LCD screen to specifythe desired area of the slide. Then use the VGA Zoom Ratio com-mand to choose the ratio at which you want the zoomed area to beprojected. After the “zoom window” has been created, it can be draggedto enclose other portions of the slide on your LCD screen, and thismovement will also be reflected in the projected image on the VGAoutput.• You can use the VGA Pointer command on the pop-up menu to en-able movements of your stylus on the LCD screen to simulate a laserpen light on the VGA screen during VGA Slide Show presentations.• In addition to being able to draw digital Ink annotation on your slides,you can project a black screen to the VGA output and write or drawprojected Ink on it. To use Ink on the blank screen, make sure you arein Pen mode on the Slide Show pop-up menu before selecting Blankfrom the Screen submenu.
170Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideIn addition, before a VGA Slide Show can be projected to a VGA screen,you must specify the appropriate settings. Select Options... from the ToolsMenu, then tap VGA Output.More information about the General,File,Display, and VGA Output tabsare included in the on-line Help.Controlling Transition EffectsAny transition effects that were assigned in your original PowerPoint filewill be retained when the IA Presenter Converter converts it to an .iap fileon your Pocket PC.However, IA Presenter also furnishes many attractive transition effectsthat can be assigned to the .iap file. You can assign a particular transitioneffect to an individual selected slide, or to all slides in the current file.After you select one or more slides, tap Slide Transition... on the EditMenu or the   icon on the Toolbar.The Slide Transition screen will appear. In it, you can select a transitioneffect, a speed for the transition effect, method of slide advancementduring a slide show, and associate a sound (.wav file) to a slide.Merging PresentationsYou can merge the slides of two different presentations into one file. Thenew inserted slides will adopt the Master Slide style of the current file.Therefore, you should first open the presentation whose Master Slidestyle you want to adopt to.The next thing you should do is select Options... from the Tools Menu andopen the File tab. Tap OK to close the tab and save the settings.If you selected To Current Selection in the File tab as the insertion posi-tion, use your stylus to tap the desired insertion point in the current file (inSlide Sorter view). Or, select the slide after which you want the importedslides to be inserted.Select the Insert Slides From Files... command from the Tools Menu. Alisting of files will appear. Tap the name of the file whose slides you wantto merge with the current file, and it will be done immediately. This com-mand can be undone or redone (Edit Menu). You can also use SavePresentation As... (Tools Menu) if you wish to save a backup copy beforeyou start the merge operation, if desired.More information about the General,File,Display, and VGA Output tabsare included in the on-line Help.
171Chapter 10: Optional FunctionsIA Screen MirrorIA Screen Mirror projects an exact emulation of your mobile device’sscreen contents (LCD display) onto a connected external VGA outputdevice or television monitor via the Composite video or S-video terminals.It allows you to project and display multiple LCD screens on the VGAscreen simultaneously, “freeze” them in the desired state, and maintainone as the active viewport. Flexible output control options let you controlthe allocation of CPU utilization, orientation, resolution, and color optimi-zation/dithering of projected images.Getting StartedTap the IA Screen Mirror icon in your Programs group to start the IA ScreenMirror program.1. Use the Layout tab to set up the viewports to which you will projectimages.2. Use the Switch tab to assign a “switching” button on your mobiledevice.3. Use the Refresh tab and VGA tab to customize other parametersas desired.4. Tap OK to project the LCD screen contents onto the active viewport.5. Start and operate the application you want to project (“foregroundapplication”).6. To make adjustments to the settings, use the “switching” buttonon your mobile device to freeze the active viewport and return tothe IA Screen Mirror control screens. Tap OK to continue the pro-jecting.7. Use the Exit Program button to terminate IA Screen Mirror en-tirely and stop projection to the VGA screen.For more information please refer to the on-line Help.
172Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideCopyright and Contact InformationATI® and IMAGEON® are registered trademarks of ATI Technologies, Inc.Microsoft®, MS-Windows®, and PowerPoint® are registered trademarks,and Windows CE™ is a trademark, of Microsoft Corporation in the UnitedStates and other countries.IA Album®, IA Presenter®, and IA Screen Mirror® are registered trademarksof IA Style, Inc., and Information In Action™ is a trademark of IA Style, Inc.The names of other actual companies, products, and brand names men-tioned herein may be trade names, service marks, trademarks, or regis-tered trademarks of their respective owners.This User’s Manual and the programs in the ATI Presentation Pack arecopyrighted.  All rights are reserved.   Reproduction, adaptation, or trans-lation of these programs and documents without prior written permissionof IA Style, Inc. is also prohibited.First Edition    March 2002©2000-2002    IA Style, Inc.All rights reserved.Web sites: http://www.iastyle.comProduct support:
Chapter 11:Additional InformationTroubleshootingCheck the following guide for the possible cause of a problem and how tocorrect it.  Symptom    Cause    Correction Even if the power button is pressed and the power does not turn on. The battery power is exhausted. Charge the battery. The main battery or the High Capacity Battery is not attached. Attach the main battery / High Capacity Battery and switch Battery Pack Lock to the Lock side. Battery Pack Lock is at the Release side. Switch Battery Pack Lock to the Lock side. The power was suddenly cut off. The battery power is exhausted. Charge the battery. Automatic suspend is active. Select  ,Settings,System,Power to set to alter the power shut down time. Even if the battery is completely charged, it discharges after a short period of time. The battery is extinct.  Replace the main battery with a new one.
174Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s Guide  Symptom    Cause    Correction The screen was tapped, but the correct action was not executed. Touch screen adjustment is incorrect. Select  ,Settings,System,Screen, Align Screen to adjust the touch screen. The operation is slow in response. Insufficient memory  Secure the free memory. Quit the application if it is not in use.  Some malfunction. Reset the system. If no action is observed after resetting the system, initialize the system. (However, the data will be deleted.) The screen was tapped, but there is no response. The operation button does not work either. Some malfunction.  Reset the system. If no action is observed after resetting the system, initialize the system. (However, the data will be deleted.) The screen is dark.  The front light is off.  Press and hold the power button until the front light is turned on. The screen is hard to see. Brightness setting is incorrect. Select  ,Settings,System,Front Light to adjust the screen brightness for better sight. Cannot connect to your computer. —  See Help of ActiveSync. ActiveSync does not function when your Toshiba Pocket PC is connected to your computer with a cradle or USB cable. The USB driver of your computer may not be compatible. Reselect the USB driver.
175Chapter 11: Additional Information  Symptom    Cause    Correction Cannot access the Internet. The connecting using a specified cellular phone connection cable was not correct. Check whether the connecting using a specified cellular phone connection cable is correct. Radio waves of a connected cellular phone are getting worse. Carry out communications where radio wave conditions are satisfactory. Setting is incorrect.  Carry out correct setting. The Battery power is too low to use USB devices. Charge the battery or connect AC adapter. Following message is displayed. “Not Enough Battery Power. There is not enough battery power to use USB Device” The total power consumption of connected USB devices is too large. This USB port supports total 500mA USB device. Confirm connected USB device. Following message is displayed. “USB OVER CURRENT DETECT USB device is turned off. Please disconnect USB device.” The total power consumption of connected USB devices is too large. This USB port supports total 500mA USB device. Confirm connected USB device. To enable USB port again, turn off the power of Pocket PC and push Reset Switch.
176Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideResettingReset is equivalent to "Restarting" a computer.  Reset the Pocket PCe750/e755 when a button or tapping the screen does not respond. Whenyour Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 is reset, all data that was not storedduring operation will be deleted.If the function cannot be restored even if the reset button is pressed,initialize your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755.When the power is on, press the reset switch with the stylus, thenrelease.
177Chapter 11: Additional InformationClear MemoryWhen you initialize your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755, it returns to thestatus when it was purchased.When you initialize your Toshiba Pocket PC  e750/e755, all datastored in the memory is deleted. Your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755's initially installed  programs are not deleted.Before initialization, remove all CF/SD cards.1. Turn off the power.2. Press the power button while pressing and holding the reset switchwith the stylus, and then release the power button.3. When a screen appears, release the reset switch. When initializationis completed, the Welcome screen appears. Set up the system ac-cording to the screen as in the case of  startup procedure.
178Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideProblems Solutions Cannot connect to the network  Make sure the Wireless Communication Switch is turned on.  Check if the SSID is correct (note that it is case-sensitive)  Check Link Quality in Configuration Page.  If the link quality is poor, rescan and find another Access Point.  Check if the operating mode is set properly.  See Chapter 4.4 Configuration Page.  Check if the WEP key is correctly entered. Be sure you are in the range of a working Access Point.  Make sure the channel been set is in the range of 1~11. The host computer cannot wirelessly connect with my Toshiba Pocket PC e740  Make sure you have setup the partnership for your Toshiba Pocket PC e740 and your host computer.  Make sure you are within the range of a working network.  Make sure you have entered the IP address of the host computer as the WINS server on your Toshiba Pocket PC e740.  Reset your Handheld PC or Toshiba Pocket PC e740 to make the TCP/IP settings take effect.  Make sure the SSID, WEP keys and channel for all devices in the network are set the same.  Make sure the channel been set is in the range of 1~11. Cannot edit the "Channel" and "Country" field in "Infrastructure" Mode? In Infrastructure mode, country and channel are decided by the Access Point.   You can only join the existing network formed by the working Access Point, not to create a new Wireless Network. The Toshiba Pocket PC e740 freezes  Reset the Toshiba Pocket PC e740. Troubleshooting for Wi-FiIf you encounter some problems while using our product, please refer tothis troubleshooting section.
179Chapter 11: Additional InformationFAQ for Wi-FiA. CompatibilityA1: Should I use equipment with the same brand as the IEEE802.11bWLAN Adapter’s to enable the wireless communication?This is not necessary. IEEE802.11b WLAN Adapter is Wi-Fi certifiedwhich means that it will work well with different branded equipmentsas long as the equipment is also Wi-Fi certified.A2: Can I connect IEEE802.11b WLAN Adapter to other devices usingBluetooth?No, you can only connect the IEEE802.11b WLAN Adapter to otherIEEE802.11b equipment.B. Wireless LAN ConnectivityB1: How do I form a wireless network?Typically, you can form a wireless network by connecting Access Points.Different Access Points should have different channels. Every de-vices connected to the network should have the same SSID. Whenyou are using Access Points, set the mode to “Infrastructure” mode.Without Access Points, you can still build a network where adapterscommunicate peer-to-peer using a shared SSID. When you are notusing Access Points, change the operating mode to be “802.11AdHoc”. To set the operating mode, clickStartJSettingsJSystemJWireless LAN UtilityJConfig.B2: How can I connect my Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 to the usableWireless Network?Please click StartJSettingsJSystemJWireless LAN UtilityJScanto view Scan Page where you can find the usable Wireless Network.If you cannot see all the networks you are expecting, please click“Rescan” to see the list of usable Wireless Networks. Choose oneWireless Network you want and double click the BSSID to connect tothe network. Once the network is chosen, you need to configure theIEEE802.11b WLAN adapter.Click StartJSettingsJConnectionsJNetwork AdaptersJIEEE802.11bWLAN AdapterJPropertiesJIP Address to set IP address, Subnet maskand Default gateway settings. Click StartJSettingsJSystemJWirelessLAN Utility to edit other settings, such as Mode and SSID etc. If theWEP Mode of the Wireless Network you selected is enabled (64bit or128bit WEP Mode), please choose the proper WEP KeyID and theproper WEP Key value network.
180Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideMore InformationB4. What is 802.11 Ad Hoc Network? What should I do to form an802.11 Ad Hoc Network?B5. What is the difference between “Infrastructure” and “802.11 AdHoc” Network Mode?How do I choose?B6. Could I use the 802.11 Ad Hoc Mode to access the LAN re-sources? How can I access theLAN resource without an Access Point?B7. What should I do if my host computer cannot wirelessly connectwith my Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755?E1. What is WEP?E2. How many WEP security service mode does Wireless LAN sup-port?E3. How to set the WEP security service?B3: How do I know whether or not my Pocket PC has already con-nected to an AP successfully?1. Check BSSID. When there is a link, the current Basic ServiceSet ID of the Access Point been used will be shown in the BSSIDfield in Link Page. When the adapter is disconnected with theAccess Point, “Non-associated” will appear in the BSSID field.To view BSSID, from your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755, clickStartJSettingsJJSystemJWireless LAN UtilityJLink.2. Check Link Quality. Link Quality shows how clearly the adaptercan hear the Access Point. If the quality is poor, it’s better torescan and find a better performance Access Point or re-arrangethe AP’s position for better performance. To view Link Quality,from your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755, clickStartJSettingsJSystemJWireless LAN UtilityJConfig.B4: What is 802.11 Ad Hoc Network? What should I do to form an 802.11Ad Hoc Network?802.11 Ad Hoc Mode is used to create a peer-to-peer connectionwithout an Access Point. The SSID must be the same among sta-tions to enable the wireless communication within the local areanetwork.You need to choose a proper SSID and channel for the first 802.11Ad Hoc station. For other stations want to join the same SSID group,you could only choose the same SSID as the first station for connec-tion. The Channel setting for the 802.11 Ad Hoc Network stations tojoin the existing 802.11 Ad Hoc Network will automatically be set asthe channel number of the network.
181Chapter 11: Additional InformationMore InformationB5. What is the difference between “Infrastructure” and “802.11 AdHoc” Network Mode?How do I choose?B6. Could I use the 802.11 Ad Hoc Mode to access the LAN resources?How can I access the LAN resource without an Access Point?B7. What should I do if my host computer cannot wirelessly connectwith my Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755?B5: What is the difference between “Infrastructure” and “802.11 AdHoc” Network Mode?How do I choose?Infrastructure Mode is used to connect yourToshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 with the Access Point. Usually, to form a Wireless Network, youcan connect your Access Point to the ADSL, Cable Model or LANEthernet and then configure the Access Point base on the User Guidefor the Access Point to set the proper SSID, Channel and WEP secu-rity service. After that, configure the IEEE 802.11b WLAN adapter. Setthe same SSID, Channel and WEP as the Access Point’s.  802.11 AdHoc Mode allows your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 to form its ownlocal network where devices communicate peer-to-peer, using ashared SSID, without Access Points. Under 802.11 Ad Hoc mode, theSSID must be the same among stations so that the devices cancommunicate properly within the Wireless Network. If you want toform your network without any Access Points, you should choose802.11 Ad Hoc mode.B6: Could I use the 802.11 Ad Hoc Mode to access the LAN resources?How can I access the LAN resource without an Access Point?Yes , you can access the LAN resources without an Access Point .Follow the steps shown below:(1) Make sure your host computer already successfully connect tothe LAN or Internet through the LAN Adapter or the Modem.(2) Install the Wireless LAN Adapter into your Host computer suc-cessfully and set 802.11 Ad Hoc Mode and the proper SSID toform the 802.11 Ad Hoc Network. Install and enable the ICS(Internet Sharing Software, such as “SyGate”...) function in yourhost computer. (Note that the Windows 2K or later version, OS,supports the ICS function in Local Area Connection Properties?Sharing)(3) Set your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 as 802.11 Ad Hoc Modeand choose the same SSID to join the 802.11 Ad Hoc Network(choose the DHCP to get the IP assigned).
182Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s Guide(4) Check and make sure the Wireless LAN Adapter in the 802.11 AdHoc Network have the same IP group. (Please Ping each other tomake sure the connection is successful)(5) Now you can access the LAN resource successfully.B7: What should I do if my host computer cannot wirelessly connectwith my Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755?(1) Make sure you have setup the partnership for your Toshiba PocketPC e750/e755 and your host computer.(2) Make sure you are within the range of a working network.(3) Make sure you have entered the IP address of the host computeras the WINS server on your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755.(4) Reset your Handheld PC or Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 tomake the TCP/IP settings take effect(5) Make sure the SSID, WEP keys and channel for all devices in thenetwork are set the  same.(6) Make sure the channel been set is in the range of 1~11.C. ApplicationC1: What should I do to use the ActiveSync Function through WirelessNetwork?(1) Make sure you have already setup the partnership for your ToshibaPocket PC e750/e755 and your host computer through USB In-terface and the ActiveSync can work properly. (The ActiveSyncconnection Interface should also choose the Ethernet interfacefor Wireless LAN ActiveSync Connection)(2) Make sure you are within the range of a working Wireless Net-work.(3) Make sure you can Ping your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 fromyour Host Computer. (Make sure the SSID, WEP keys and chan-nel for all devices in the network are set the same.)(4) Make sure you have entered the IP address of the host computeras the WINS server on your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755.(5) Reset your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 to make the TCP/IPsettings take effect and execute the ActiveSync function in theToshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 to enjoy the high speed ActiveSyncWirelessly.C2: How do I wirelessly browse the Internet?(1) If your network uses DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Proto-col), an IP address and DNS (or WINS) will be assigned auto-matically. On your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755, simply clickStartJSettingJConnectionsJNetwork AdaptersJIEEE802.11bWLAN AdapterJProperties to set the proper setting for Internet
183Chapter 11: Additional Informationconnection.(2) If your network does not use DHCP, you should enter the IP ad-dress, subnet mask, gateway and DNS (or WINS).IP Address is Internet Protocol Address; a numeric address suchas that the domain name server translates into adomain name. Each node on the IP network should have a uniqueIP address.Subnet mask is a number used to identify a subnetwork whenmultiple networks share one IP address. For example255.255.255.0Gateway is a device used to forward IP packets toand from a remote destination.DNS stands for Domain Name System, a database system, whichtranslates addresses and domain names. For example, a nu-meric address like can become something stands for Windows Internet Naming Service which hastwo functions; one is a Microsoft Net BIO name server that elimi-nates the broadcasts needed to resolve computer names to IPaddresses by providing a cache or database of translations. Theother one is to set the IP address of the host computer that youalready construct the partnership for Network adapter Active syncpurpose.To set IP address, Subnet mask and Gateway, clickStartJSettingsJConnectionsJNetworkAdaptersJIEEE802.11b WLAN AdapterJPropertiesJIP Ad-dress. To set DNS or WINS (Windows Internet NamingService),click StartJSettingsJConnectionsJNetworkAdaptersJIEEE802.11b WLAN AdapterJ PropertiesJNameServers.(3) To ping your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 from your host com-puter. In the Host Computer, open the DOS command modewindow, type the command “Ping” followed by the IP address,such as “Ping”. If you can see the reply from thisIP address, the connection is complete. You are now ready tobrowse the Internet using Internet Explorer on your Toshiba PocketPC e750/e755.C3: How do I wirelessly check my e-mail?(1) Please make sure that you can use the ActiveSync function throughUSB Interface at first, and make sure you can use the ActiveSyncto receive and send e-mail successfully. For corporate e-mailreceived and sent, please check with your network administratorfor necessary connection settings.(2) Make sure you have entered the IP address of the host computeras the WINS server on your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755.(3) Reset your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 to make the TCP/IPsettings take effect and execute the ActiveSync function in ToshibaPocket PC e750/e755 to enjoy the high speed ActiveSyncWirelessly to receive and send e-mail.
184Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideD. SettingsD1: What is SSID? What should I set in the SSID field?SSID stands for Service Set Identification, which is the ID to form theWireless Network. You can set up to 32 characters in the SSID field.For the Infrastructure Mode, you should set the SSID the same as theAccess Point been connected with. To create a 802.11 Ad Hoc Net-work, the SSID must be the same among stations to enable thewireless communication within the local area network.You need to choose a proper SSID and channel for the first 802.11Ad Hoc station. For other stations want to join the same SSID group,you could only choose the same SSID as the first station, but thechannel will not take effect. The 802.11 Ad Hoc must enter the properSSID. Blank SSID for the 802.11 Ad Hoc Mode is not allowed. Thestations want to join the 802.11 Ad Hoc Network must have the sameSSID and are suggested to have the same IP Address in the Net-work group.D2: Why can’t I choose the “Channel” and “Country” field in “Infra-structure” Mode?For the Infrastructure Mode, the Country and Channel are decided bythe Access Point. You can only join the existing Access Point formedWireless Network but not create a new Wireless Network. That is thereason why you can’t set the “Channel” and “Country” settings.D3: When should I set the IP address, Subnet mask and Default gate-way settings?When the Wireless Network does not have the DHCP server, youshould set your own IP address, Submask and Default gateway forWireless Network connection. Otherwise, the OS might set the differ-ent Network group IP address for you, which will cause the discon-nection for the Wireless Network.D4: How can I set the IP address, Subnet mask and Default gatewaysettings?Simply click StartJSettingsJConnectionsJNetworkadapterJIEEE802.11b WLAN AdapterJPropertiesJIP Addressto set IP address, Subnet mask and Default gateway settings.D5: What Transmit Rate should I choose for Wireless Connection?Suggest you to use the “Fully Auto” option in the “Transmission Rate”field for full Transmission Data Rate range to automatically adjustthe Best Communication Data Rate and to be compatible with otherLow speed 802.11 Wireless Device.
185Chapter 11: Additional InformationE. SecurityE1: What is WEP?WEP stands for Wired Equivalent Privacy, a security service, used toprevent the unauthorized access to your wireless network.E2: How many WEP security service modes does my Wireless LANsupport?WEP stands for Wired Equivalent Privacy that is the security servicefor the Wireless Network. There are three WEP security service modesavailable for “IEEE 802.11b WLAN Adapter” formed Wireless Net-work. The first is “Disable” which will disable the WEP security ser-vice; the second is “64bit” which will support 5 bytes Hexadecimalvalue WEP security service; the third is “128bit” which will support 13bytes Hexadecimal value WEP security service.E3: How do I set the WEP security service?Please click Start?Settings?System?Wireless LAN Utility?Advancedto view Advanced page where you can set the WEP security service.Please choose the proper WEP Key Mode, WEP KeyID and WEP Keyvalue for the Wireless Network.The WEP Mode, WEP KeyID and WEP Key value must be exactlythe same as your Wireless Network’s to enable the connection.Example of setting the WEP:You can choose1. WEP Mode “64bit”, KeyID “1” and Key “1234567890”, or2. WEP Mode “128bit”, KeyID “1” and Key“12345678901234567890123456”, or3. WEP Mode “Disable” for connectionF. PerformanceF1: Will IEEE802.11b WLAN Adapter work in the environment whereBluetooth network is employed?Yes, IEEE802.11b WLAN Adapter can coexist with Bluetooth environ-ment.F2: How far is the working range of IEEE802.11b WLAN Adapter?It depends on the data transmission rate and the condition of the envi-ronments. The higher the data rate, the smaller the range it could cover.At 11 Mbps, the adapter can go up to 300 meter in an outdoor environ-ment; however, in an indoor environment, it can only go up to 100 meter.Because of the ceilings, higher RF interference, interior walls and re-flected signals, indoor range is usually shorter than outdoor range.
186Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideF3: How does the data transmission rate work?IEEE802.11b WLAN Adapter allows you to choose one of the six datarate options: Fixed 1Mbps, Fixed 2Mbps, Fixed 5.5Mbps, Fixed 11Mbps, Auto Select 1 or 2 Mbps, and Fully Auto.The farther the distance between two communicating devices, theslower the data rate should be used. Basically, with slower data rate,the data delivery will be more reliable. If you don’t know which datarate should be used, simply choose “Fully Auto”, and the data rate willautomatically step down from 11 Mbps, 5.5 Mbps, 2 Mbps, to 1 Mbpsif you move farther your Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 away from theAccess Point or other connected mobile device.F4: The Wireless LAN uses lots of power. What should I do to savepower?(1) Please turn off the WirelessLAN Switch if you are not using theWireless Network currently, or(2) You can click the “Radio Off” button onStartJSettingsJSystemJWireless LAN UtilityJConfig page totemperately disable the RF function , or(3) You can click StartJSettingsJSystemJWireless LANUtilityJAdvanced to get into Advanced Page and tick the “En-able Power Saving Mode” to enter the Power Saving Mode.(1) Turn off the WirelessLAN Switch will cause the disconnectionof the Wireless Network, please make sure to close all theWireless Connection before you execute this function.(2) “Radio Off” function will cause the disconnection of the Wire-less Network , please make sure to close all the Wireless Con-nection before you execute this function.(3) Enable “Power Saving Mode” will keep the connectivity but willlower down the average throughput due to longer connectionperiod for the Wireless Network.(4) If you are in 802.11 Ad Hoc Mode, you are not allowed to en-able “Power Saving Mode”, because Ad Hoc Mode doesn’t sup-port this function.
187Chapter 11: Additional InformationF5: How do I make sure that the Wireless LAN SW has been installedsuccessfully and that Wireless LAN already work properly?(1) Please check if the “IEEE 802.11b WLAN Adapter” already exist inStartJSettingsJConnectionsJNetwork Adapters; if not , the Wire-less LAN Driver is not Installed successfully.(2) Please check if the Wireless LAN Utility already exist and could beopened successfully by simply clickStartJSettingsJSystemJWireless LAN Utility.(3) Click Start?Settings?System?Wireless LAN Utility?Link to checkthe current Link information in the Link Page.
188Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755  User’s GuideAlthough the display is manufactured using an extremely high order oftechnology, there may be a case that  some dots do not light or alwayslight. It is not a malfunction.SpecificationsExternal dimensions             125 x 80 x16mmWeight                                 180g.Operating conditions                Temperature: 32 F to 104 F, Humidity: 30 to 80% when                                             only the Toshiba Pocket e750/e755 is operating. Temperature             capable of charging 41 F to 104 F.Battery Type                          1050mAh Li-ion batteryProcessor                             Intel (R) PXA 255 processor at 400 MHzMemory                                 RAM: 64 MB mobile ram with 32 MB Flash ROMDisplay                                 Sharp 3.8”, Trans-reflective LCD screenInterfaces   RGB   USB Host/Client   SIR   DC-in   Headphone                        (4 rings)   Microphone                       (4 rings)   CF card slot                        Flash type II slot   SD card slot                        SD slot x 1   cradle connection portAudio                                      AC 97 Codec, Mono record, Stereo playback, 8.0, 11.025, 22.025,                       and 44.1 KHz sample rate. Full Duplex record and playback. On       board microphone. on board speaker. Stereo earphone jack x 1.                       software volume control.Accessories      Ac Adaptor, USB client cable, stylus pen, cradle, USB host     cable, battery pack, high capacity battery pack, battery charger.The security finctionof the SD memory card is not usable.Data encrypted by the SD memory card security function- compatible equipment is not usable.

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