Compal Electronics POCKETPCE740W Wireless PDA User Manual 9012419 COVER

Compal Electronics Inc Wireless PDA 9012419 COVER

Revised Manual Ch 1

This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
Chapter 1:Getting StartedWelcomeCongratulations on purchasing a Toshiba Pocket PC. Due to the size andcapabilities of this device, you can keep your most important business andpersonal information up-to-date and close at hand. Microsoft® ActiveSync®increases the power of your device by allowing you to synchronize theinformation on your desktop or laptop computer with your device. Pictureyourself in the following situations: • While walking with a colleague, your Toshiba Pocket PC devicerings. You look at the caller ID and see it’s your manager who iscalling. She asks if you two are free this afternoon for an emergencymeeting.  While  your  colleague  fumbles  through  his  paperorganizer, you press a button on your device and instantly see a listof today’s appointments and meetings. You are quickly able to tellyour manager your available times, and make a note of the newmeeting while on the call. You hang up, send an e-mail with aschedule request for the three of you at the desired location. • While walking with a colleague, your cell phone rings and yourmanager asks if you two are free this afternoon for an emergencymeeting.  While  your  colleague  fumbles  through  his paperorganizer, you press a button on your device and instantly see alist of today’s appointments and meetings. You are quickly able totell your manager your available times. For more information onscheduling appointments and meetings, see Chapter 4.
1-2Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s Guide • You’re meeting your friends tonight for dinner and a movie. You down-load the latest movie information from the Internet to your desktopcomputer and then synchronize it with your device. At dinner, you pullout your Toshiba Pocket PC device and review your movie optionswith your friends. For more information on downloading Web pages toyour device, see Chapter 6. • A Calendar reminder alerts you that it is time to catch the bus. Yougrab your Toshiba Pocket PC device and catch the bus just in time.Because ActiveSync keeps the information on your device up-to-date,you leisurely review your task list, make notes about the new booksand CDs you want to buy, and read and respond to e-mail messages.When you get back to the office, ActiveSync transfers any taskchanges you made, your notes, and your e-mail message responsesto your desktop computer. For more information on ActiveSync, seeChapter 3.
  1-3Chapter 1: Getting StartedWhere to Find InformationThis book describes your device hardware, provides an overview of theprograms on your device, and explains how to connect your device to aToshiba Pocket PC computer, a network, or the Internet. For instructionson setting up your device and installing ActiveSync, see the Quick StartCard. The following table is a guide to additional information to help youuse your device.For information on: See this source: Programs on your device This User’s Guide and device Help. To view Help, tap   and then Help. Additional programs that can be installed on the device The Toshiba Pocket PC Companion CD. Connecting to and synchronizing with a Toshiba Pocket PC  computer The Quick Start Card or ActiveSync Help on your Toshiba Pocket PC computer. To view Help, click Help and then Microsoft ActiveSync Help. Last-minute updates and detailed technical information The Read Me files, located in the Microsoft ActiveSync folder on the Toshiba Pocket PC computer and on the Toshiba Pocket PC Companion CD. Up-to-date information on your Toshiba Pocket PC
1-4Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s Guide
Stereo Headphone JackPower Button / Front LightProgram Button 1, 2, 3 & 4.( from the Rear )SpeakerCursor Button /Navigtion ButtonTouch ScreenBattery / Alarm Lamp LedRecording Button( Program Button 5 )LockCradle Connecting PortGuide PinLock Release ButtonChapter 2:Basic SkillsYou can easily learn to use your Toshiba Pocket PC. This chapter de-scribes the use and customization of  your Toshiba Pocket PC.Parts Names and FunctionMain unit (front view)
2-2Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideAC Adaptor JackBattery SwitchCradle Connection PortRF SwitchUSB PortCradle Connecting PortVGA  PortExpansion PackThe  USB  CrableInitial Setting of Program ButtonProgram button 1 = CalendarProgram button 2 = TasksProgram button 3 = HomeProgram button 4 = ContactsProgram button 5 = Voice recorder

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