Compal Electronics PPCE800W Pocket PC User Manual manual for FCC

Compal Electronics Inc Pocket PC manual for FCC

User manual

Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805User's GuideIntroductionThank you very much for your purchase of this Toshiba Pocket PC.Please be sure to read this user’s guide before using the Toshiba PocketPC, and ensure that you are aware of correct the handling procedures.?Please be sure to read the “Safety precautions?section in this documentto learn about important safety issues.?After reading this document, keep it in a convenient place for futurereference.First Edition September 2003?000-2003 IA Style, Inc.All rights reserved.Copyright Information?2003 by Toshiba Corporation. All rights reserved. Under the copyrightlaws, this manual cannot be reproduced in any form without the priorwrittenpermission of Toshiba. No patent liability is assumed, with respecttothe use of the information contained herein.ATI?and IMAGEON?are registered trademarks of ATI Technologies, Inc.Microsoft? MS-Windows? and PowerPoint?are registered trademarks,and Windows CE?is a trademark, of Microsoft Corporation in the UnitedStates and other countries.IA Album? IA Presenter? and IA Screen Mirror?are registered trademarksof IA Style, Inc., and Information In Action?is a trademark of IAStyle, Inc.The names of other actual companies, products, and brand names mentionedherein may be trade names, service marks, trademarks, or registeredtrademarks of their respective owners.This user’s manual and the programs in the ATI Presentation Pack arecopyrighted. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, ortranslationof these programs and documents without prior written permission ofIA Style, Inc. is also prohibited.http://www.iastyle.comsupportE@iastyle.comWeb sites:
Product support:Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideFirst edition June 20032Safety precautions?Please carefully read “Safety precautions?before using the ToshibaPocket PC e800/e805 and ensure that you are aware of correct handlingprocedures.?The precautions provide essential information for the protection oftheuser and others from possible injury and property damage. They alsoprovide information on the safe handling of this product.?Please check that you fully understand the definition of the followingmessages (signs and graphical symbols) before reading the text, andalways follow the instructions provided.NOTESafety instructionsAll safety instructions must be read carefully and must be fullyunderstood,before attempting to use your Toshiba Pocket PC. This manualcontains the safety instructions that must be observed in order to avoidpotential hazards that could result in personal injuries or could damageyour computer. The safety instructions have been classified accordingtothe seriousness of the Risk, as follows:Meaning Signal WordIndicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if notavoided, will result in death or serious injury.Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if notavoided, could result in death or serious injury.Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if notavoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if notavoided, may result in property damage.Provides important information.Always request and obtain prior consent and approval of an authorizedairline representative before using your Pocket PC aboard an aircraft.Always follow the instructions of the airline representative whenever
usingyour Pocket PC aboard an aircraft, to prevent any possible interferencewith airborne electronic equipment. Your Pocket PC produces low levels3of RF energy due to the generation of digital timing pulses by its clockoscillator circuits. Your Pocket PC has been equipped with internalshieldingto minimize any stray emissions of RF energy. Airlines may neverthelessprohibit the on-board use of all portable PCs (and all other portableelectronic devices that could potentially emit stray RF energy),particularlyduring take-offs and landings, to prevent any possible interferencewiththe reception of signals by airborne electronic navigational devices.Certain locations, such as hospitals, may restrict the use of PocketPCsand other devices that emit low-level RF energy.Always comply was posted prohibitions of the use of RF-emitting devices,such as in hospitals. Failure to follow such directives could resultin theinterference with medical equipment and/or devices.Never come closer than 16 cm (6 inches) to a person with a heart pacemakerimplant when using this Pocket PC in combination with a mobilecellular telephone. Failure to do so could result in interference withthefunction of the pacemaker.Never use a Pocket PC while driving an automobile or any other movingvehicle. Always pull out of traffic and come to a stop in a legallypermissibleand safe location before using your Pocket PC. Failure to do so couldresult in serious bodily injury in a traffic accident.Never use your Pocket PC while walking. Usage while walking couldresult in bodily injury caused by inattention to automobile trafficor otherpedestrian hazards.Never allow metallic objects, such as staples and paper clips, to enterinside your Pocket PC. Metallic objects, such as staples and paper clips,if
allowed to enter your Pocket PC, could cause the generation of excessheat or fire.Never connect terminals (metal parts) to metallic objects (such aswires).Connecting terminals to metal objects could cause excessive heat orfire.Always immediately turn the battery switch to the “off?position anddisconnectthe AC Adaptor from the power outlet in the event the Pocket PCemits an unusual odor or sound or generates smoke.4Never use or store your Pocket PC in the following locations:Anywhere it may be exposed to water, such as a bathroom or sauna;In conditions of high humidity, such as in the rain or fog; Where yourPocket PC will be exposed to high temperatures, such as near a fireorequipment that emits high temperatures; In direct sunlight; or In asealedautomobile left in the sun and subject to high temperatures.Never drop your Pocket PC or subject it to severe shock. Dropping yourPocket PC or subjecting it to severe shock could cause the removablebattery to leak, ignite and/or rupture.Always immediately remove your Pocket PC and its battery from thevicinityof any open flame in the event the removable battery leaks liquid oremits an unusual odor. Continued use of your Pocket PC under eitherofthese conditions could cause ignition (i.e., fire) of the leaked batteryliquid,or rupture.Never touch any fluid that might leak from the removable battery. Suchliquid when in contact with the eyes or skin, could cause injury tothe skinor eyes. Should the liquid come into contact with the eyes, irrigatetheeyes thoroughly with clean water and immediately seek medicalattention.In the event the liquid comes into contact with the skin or clothing,
wash itaway immediately with clean water.Never attempt to disassemble, repair or make any modification to yourPocket PC. Disassembly, modification or any attempt at repair couldcause bodily injury or property damage, as well as damage to the PocketPC itself.Failure to follow the above directions concerning use and storage couldresult in damage to your Pocket PC or bodily injury and property damagedue to battery liquid leakage, fire or rupture.Never raise the sound volume level to high when using your Pocket PCwith earphones. An excessive sound volume level could cause damage toyour hearing.Never touch the liquid that might leak from a broken liquid crystaldisplay.Contact with this liquid could cause a skin rash. If the crystal displayliquidshould come into contact with the skin or clothing, wash it immediatelywith clean water.Never allow infants or small children within reach of your Pocket PC.Infants or small children could injure themselves if allowed accessto yourPocket PC.5Never attempt to disassemble or repair an AC Adaptor, and never altertheir Power Supply Cables or plugs as exposure to electric shock hazardscould result.Always contact an authorized service provider, if repair or replacementisrequired.Always use the AC Adaptor that has been provided with your Pocket PC.Bodily injury or property damage could occur as a result of the useof anunauthorized and incompatible AC Adaptor in violation of this Warning.Never connect or disconnect the AC Adaptor with wet hands. Connectingor disconnecting the AC Adaptor to a power source with wet hands couldcause electric shock.Never place an AC Adaptor on a wooden surface (or any other surfacethat could be marred by exposure to heat) while it is in use, since
its surfacetemperature increases during normal use. Always rest it on a suitableheat-insulating material.Never cover the AC Adaptor with any object while it is in use, and neverplace it adjacent to a heat source. An excessive temperature increasecould detrimentally affect its performance.Never place a Power Supply Cable near a heat source, as damage to thecord or to its insulation could result.Always use a surge protector when utilizing the AC Adaptor during anelectrical storm. Otherwise, a power surge could result in the lossofstored data.Insert the power plug to a household electric outlet.When travelling abroad, never plug the AC Adaptor into a power sourcethat does not correspond to both the voltage and the frequency specifiedon the rating plate of the unit, as equipment damage will result.Never attempt to connect or disconnect the power plug with damp or wethands. Connecting or disconnecting the power plug with damp or wethands could result in an electric shock.Never leave an open container, such as a cup or glass, containing aliquidnear the AC Adaptor. Spilled liquid coming in contact with the ACAdaptor could cause a fire or electric shock.6Always ensure the power plug pins are clean and free of dust or otherforeignmaterial by wiping the pins with a clean dry cloth. Dust or other foreignmaterial accumulation on the power plug pins could cause fire.Always unplug the power plug from an outlet by grasping the power plugitself. Never pull on the Power Supply Cable to disconnect the PowerSupply Cable from an outlet. Pulling on the Power Supply Cable couldcause a fire or electric shock as a result of damage to the Power SupplyCable.Never use a worn or damaged AC Adaptor Power Supply Cable or plug,or a worn or damaged extension cord or plug. The use of a worn or damagedPower Supply Cable or plug could result in electric shock or fire.Always contact an authorized service provider immediately to obtaina
suitable Power Supply Cable replacement.Never bend or twist a Power Supply Cable, and never pull on a PowerSupply Cable in an attempt to remove a plug from an outlet. Always graspthe plug directly when unplugging a Power Supply Cable to avoid causingany damage to the cord.Never plug the AC Adaptor into an overloaded multiple outlet, powerstripor surge protector to prevent blowing a fuse or tripping a circuitbreaker.Never place heavy objects on a Power Supply Cable, as that could resultin damage to the cord.Always confirm that the AC Adaptor plug (and the extension cordand plug, if any) have been fully inserted into the receptacle, toassure a secure electrical connection.NOTEUnder certain conditions, data may be lost, including:Misuse of your Pocket PC; Subjecting the main unit of your Pocket PCtostatic electricity and/or noise; Total loss of electric charge in theremovablebattery; and Servicing of your Pocket PC.Avoid connecting your Pocket PC to an external device such as a computerin an environment likely to be affected by static electricity. Forexampleduring low-humidity weather, shuffling your shoes upon a rag canproduce static electricity. Before you handle your computer, you shouldtouch a grounded object to discharge any static electricity from yourbody.Avoid using your Pocket PC in environments that are likely to be affectedby static electricity or are prone to high electrical noise. If youconnectyour Pocket PC to a computer via the docking cradle for data transferordata restoration purposes, Toshiba will not be responsible for anyPocketPC or computer malfunction, problems with data transfer or datamodifications/loss that may occur in these environments.
7Use your Pocket PC only in locations with the following ambientenvironmentalconditions:Under normal operational use with temperatures between 0°C and 40°C(32°F and 104°F); With humidity of 30% to 80%; and When charging thebattery with temperatures between 5°C and 40°C (41°F and 104°F).Do not store or use your Pocket PC in the following locations:Those subject to extremely high or low temperatures; Dusty locations;and Locations or sites subject to strong vibration.Use or storage in these location, sites or areas can result in productfailure,malfunction or loss of data.Do not subject your Pocket PC to sudden and severe temperaturechanges. This could result in moisture condensation in the Pocket PCthatcould cause damage to your Pocket PC, computer function loss, and/orthe loss of data. In the event of moisture condensation, allow yourPocketPC to dry out completely.It is normal for the AC Adaptor to become warm when charging.Disconnect the power plug from the outlet when not in use.Take care not to sit on your Pocket PC when it is located in the backpocket of trousers, etc. This could cause damage to your Pocket PC ormalfunction of the Pocket PC functions.Do not place objects on top of your Pocket PC or drop them on top ofyourPocket PC. This could cause damage to your Pocket PC and/or malfunction.Clean terminals (metallic parts) on a regular basis with a cotton swab.Dirty terminals could affect battery charging.Never use organic solvents such as benzene or paint thinner to cleanyour Pocket PC. Use of these solvents can cause deformation ordiscoloration.Do not wipe the display with a damp or wet cloth or touch the displaywithdamp or wet hands. Wiping or touching the display under this conditioncan cause product failure or malfunction. Always use a soft dry clothto
wipe the display.When using the “SD memory card?and/or ?CF) compact flashcard,?be sure to read the relevant instruction manual and ensurethat you know the proper procedures for their use.Never subject the card to any severe shock while connected to yourPocket PC. Such a shock can cause damage to the card and a malfunction.8Do not carry your Pocket PC with the card connected to it. This canresultin the damage or loss of the card.Never connect cradle terminals with metallic objects, such as wires.Connectingthese terminals with metallic objects may cause the production ofexcess heat, burns and damage to the charger and/or your Pocket PC.Lithium-Ion batteries are recyclable. Never dispose of the battery withordinary waste.Never bend or twist your Pocket PC. This could cause damage to yourPocket PC or malfunction of the Pocket PC functions.Supplementary Information:Weitere Informationen:Informations complérnentaires:Información complementaria:Ulteriori informazioni:Ytterligare information:“The product complies with therequirements of the Low VoltageDirective 73/23/EEC and the EMCDirective 89/336/EEC.?“Das Produkt entspricht denAnforderungen der NiederspannungsRichtlinie 73 23/EG und derEMC-Richtlinie 89/336/EG.?“Ce produit est conforme aux exigencesde la directive sur lesbasses tensions 73/23/CEE et de ladirective EMC 89/336/CEE.?“El Producto cumple los requistosde baja tensión de la Directiva 73/
23/CEE y la Directiva EMC 89/336/CEE.?“Il prodotto ?conforme ai requisitidella direttiva sulla bassa tensione73/23/EG e la direttiva EMC 89/336/EG.?“Produkten uppfyller kraven enligtlägspänningsdirektiver 73/23/EECoch EMC-direktiv 89/336/EEC.?9Working environmentThis product was designed to fulfill the EMC (electromagneticcompatibility)requirements for “residential, commercial and light industryenvironments?Toshiba does not approve the use of this product in working environmentsother than “residential, commercial and light industry environments?For example, the following environments are not approved:?Industrial Environments (environments with a main voltage >230V~)?Medical Environments?Automotive Environments?Aircraft EnvironmentsAny consequences resulting from the use of this product in workingenvironmentsthat are not approved are not the responsibility of Toshiba Corporation.The consequences of the use of this product in non-approved workingenvironments may be:?Interference with other devices or machines in the nearby surroundingarea?Malfunction of, or data loss from, this product caused by disturbancesgenerated by other devices or machines in the nearby surroundingareaTherefore Toshiba strongly recommends that the electromagneticcompatibilityof this product be suitably tested in all non-approved workingenvironments before use. In the case of automobiles or aircraft, themanufactureror airline respectively should be asked for permission before use
of this product.Furthermore, for general safety reasons, the use of this product inenvironmentswith explosive atmospheres is not permitted.CE complianceThis product and the original options are designed to observe the relatedEMC (Electromagnetic compatibility) and safety standards. However,Toshiba cannot guarantee that this product still observes these EMCstandardsif options or cables not produced by Toshiba are connected orimplemented. In this case the persons who have connected/implementedthose options/cables have to make sure that the system (PC plus options/cables) still fulfils the required standards. To avoid general EMCproblems,the following advice should be observed:?Only CE marked options should be connected/implemented?Only best shielded cables should be connected10FCC Notice“Declaration of Conformity?This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits foraClass B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. Theselimitsare designed to provide reasonable protection against harmfulinterferencein a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordancewith the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will notoccur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determinedbyturning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correctthe interference by one or more of the following measures:?Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
?Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.?Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from thattowhich the receiver is connected.?Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Only peripherals complying with the FCC class B limitsmay be attached to this equipment. Operation with noncompliantperipherals or peripherals not recommendedby Toshiba is likely to result in interference to radio andTV reception. Shielded cables must be used between theexternal devices and the computer’s USB ports, externalmonitor port, PS/2 keyboard port and PS/2 mouseport.Changes or modifications made to this equipment,not expressly approved by Toshiba or parties authorizedby Toshiba could void the user’s authority to operate theequipment.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subjectto the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference2. This device must accept any interference received, includinginterferencethat may cause undesired operation.11BSMI Notice (Taiwan Only)Canadian Regulatory Information(Canada Only)This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radionoiseemissions from digital apparatus as set out in the Radio InterferenceRegulationof the Canadian Department of Communications.Note that Canadian Department of Communications (DOC) regulationsprovide, that changes or modifications not expressly approved byTOSHIBA Corporation could void your authority to operate thisequipment.This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the CanadianInterference-Causing Equipment Regulations.Cet appareil numérique de la class B respecte toutes les exgences du
Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.VCCI Notice(Japan Only) Class BITE12FCC Class B Digital Devices & PeripheralDevices (Declaration of Conformity orCertification Authorization)Declaration of Conformity Label & MarkingRequirements?User Manual must provide user information in accordance with?5.19(a)(3), 15.21, 15.27 and 15.105(b):Instruction Manual FederalCommunication CommissionInterference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits foraClass B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Theselimitsare designed to provide reasonable protection against harmfulinterferencein a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordancewith the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticularinstallation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference toradioor television reception, which can be determined by turning theequipmentoff and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interferenceby oneof the following measures:?Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.?Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.?Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from thatto
which the receiver is connected.?Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC Caution: Assure continued compliance (for example, use onlyshielded interface cables when connecting to computer or peripheraldevices). Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by themanufacturer of this device could void the user's authority to operatethis equipment.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subjectto the following two conditions: (1) This device may not causeharmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. IMPORTANT NOTE: FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forthfor an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specificoperating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunctionwith any other antenna or transmitter.9740 Irvine Blvd.Irvine, CA 92618-16971-800-ToshibaResponsible Party:Telephone No:13Table of ContentsCHAPTER 1: Getting Started ................................15CHAPTER 2: Basic Skills ......................................17CHAPTER 3: Microsoft ActiveSync .....................98CHAPTER 4: Microsoft Pocket Outlook ............100CHAPTER 5: Companion Programs ..................109CHAPTER 6: Pocket Internet Explorer ..............131CHAPTER 7: Getting Connected .......................137CHAPTER 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b)
Wireless LAN ................................145CHAPTER 9: Optional Functions .......................169CHAPTER 11: Additional Information .................20714Chapter 1: Getting StartedChapter 1:Getting StartedWelcomeCongratulations on purchasing your Toshiba Pocket PC. Due to the sizeand capabilities of this device, you can keep your most importantbusinessand personal information up-to-date and close at hand. Microsoft?ActiveSync?increases the power of your device by allowing you tosynchronizethe information on your desktop or laptop computer with yourdevice.15Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideWhere to Find InformationThis book describes your Pocket PC hardware, provides an overview ofthe programs on your Pocket PC, and explains how to connect yourPocket PC to a desktop computer, a network, or the Internet. Forinstructionson setting up your Pocket PC and installing ActiveSync, see informationto help you use your Pocket PC.For information on:Programs on your Pocket PCAdditional programs that can beinstalled on the Pocket PCConnecting to and synchronizing with acomputerLast-minute updates and detailed technicalinformationUp-to-date information on your ToshibaPocket PC16See this source:This User’s Guide and device Help To
view Help, tapThe Pocket PC Companion CD.The Quick Start Card or Active SyncHelp on your computer. To view Help,open the Microsoft Active Sync application,and then click Help.The Read Me files, located in theMicrosoft Active Sync folder on thedesktop computer and on the PocketPC Companion CD. then Help.Chapter 2:Basic SkillsYour Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 is easy to learn how to use. Thischapter describes the use and customization of your Toshiba Pocket PCe800/e805.Parts Names and FunctionMain unit (front view)Power Button/Screen LightStereo headphone ormicrophone inputWireless communication LEDRecording Button(Program Button 5)Cursor Button/Navigation ButtonProgram Button 1, 2, 3 & 4(from the LEFT)Cradle connection portOptional Expansion PackProgram Button Initial SettingsProgram button 1 = CalendarProgram button 2 = TasksProgram button 3 = HomeProgram button 4 = ContactsProgram button 5 = Voice recorderCradle Connection Port
Chapter 2: Basic SkillsStylusBattery/Alarm LEDTouch ScreenSpeakerGuide PinLockRelease Button17Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideCradle Connection PortMain unit (end view)DC-IN socketCradle Connection PortOptional Expansion PackUSB PortCradle18Hold SwitchBattery SwitchWireless CommunicationSwitch(Wireless lan model only)RGB (Monitor) PortMain unit ( back view )SD CARD SLOTSTYLUSCFII CARD SLOTBATTERY PACK LOCKPower ButtonThe power button performs the functions described in the table below.Power buttonPress and hold.Press it quickly.When the power is offThe power turns on.The power turns on.
Chapter 2: Basic SkillsCF RELEASE BUTTON (USESTYLUS TO EJECT)MICSTEREO HEADPHONE ORMICROPHONE INPUTTOSHIBA SCROLLERINFRARED PORTRESET BUTTONOPTIONAL EXPANSION PACKDC-IN SOCKETWhen the power is onThe screen light alternatelyturns on/off.The power turns off.19Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideBattery SwitchThe battery switch supplies/cuts off the battery power to the ToshibaPocket PC e800/e805.The setting of this switch at shipment is “ stop.?When using the ToshibaPocket PC e800/e805 for the first time, slide this switch to the left(the“supply?side) with the stylus.Battery/Alarm LEDThe Battery/Alarm LED indicates the machine condition.Flashing orangeOrangeYellowGreen20Switching the battery switch to the "stop" position at anytime will lead to loss of data.BATTERY SWITCHSTOP SUPPLYWhen the preset alarm time, which was set through Calendaror Tasks, goes off, the lamp starts flashing.Indicates charging of the battery.
The battery charging process is stopped due to theambient temperature being too high or low. Charge thebattery in an ambient temperature of approximately 41°Fto 104°F (5°C to 40°C).Indicates full charge of the battery.Chapter 2: Basic SkillsWireless Communication Switch(Wireless LAN model only)1. To enable Wireless module, make sure the Wireless CommunicationSwitch is turned on. (The default setting is Power Off. Slide theswitch to the left to turn the power on.)2. If this is your first time turning on the switch, the IP AddressPagewill pop up for you to set the IP address, Subnet mask and Defaultgateway.ON OFFWIRELESS COMMUNICATIONSWITCHWireless LED DescriptionsLED indicates the different status:Status LEDWireless Communication Switch is turned OFF OffWireless Communication Switch is turned ON OrangeHold SwitchWhen in use, the Hold switch icon will be displayed on command bar andAP Keys 1 through 5, the Rocker Key, and Scroll Key will be disabled.When not in use, these keys will be enabled again.21Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideHow to Use the StylusThe stylus is used for menu selection or data input on the touch-screenofthe Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805.  Tap: Touch the screen once with the stylus to open items and selectoptions.  Drag: Hold the stylus on the screen and drag it across to select textand images. Drag in a list to select multiple items.  Tap and hold: Tap and hold the stylus on an item to see a list of
actions available for that item. On the pop-up menu that appears, tapthe action you want to perform.NOTE When you operate the touch screen of the ToshibaPocket PC e800/e805, use the supplied stylus.If the tip of the stylus is damaged, do not use it. If youoperate the touch screen with a damaged stylus or a ballpointpen, the touch screen may be damaged.When the stylus is damaged, please purchase a newone.About the Cursor ButtonYou can move a cursor (selection display) on the screen by pressingtheupper, lower, right or left part of the cursor button.You can select a program to launch by pressing the center part of thecursorbutton.NOTE The cursor movement is different depending on thescreen. When the cursor is at the right or the left side ofthe screen, it may not move.About the ScrollerYou can also move the cursor on the screen by moving the scroller upanddown.You can select a program to launch by pressing the scroller.Method 2: Connect the supplied AC adapter and the Toshiba Pocket PCe800/e80522Battery ChargingWhen using the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 for the first time, set thebattery switch to the supply side, and then charge the removable batterywith the supplied AC adapter.How to Charge the BatteryYou can use two charging methods.NOTE Turn the unit off before connecting the AC Adapter andyour Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805.Method1: Connect the supplied AC adapter and the cradle as shown inthe figure below, and then insert the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 into the cradle.
Chapter 2: Basic Skills23Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideMethod 2: Connect the supplied AC adapter and the Toshiba Pockete800/e805 as shown in the figure below.NOTE For charging the battery, maintain an ambient temperaturefrom approximately 41°F to 104°F (5°C to 40°C).When the lamp is lit in orange during the battery charging,you can use the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805.When the battery is completely charged, the LED alarmlamp color will change to green.24Chapter 2: Basic SkillsHow to Attach/Detach the Main Battery Pack1. Turn off the power.2. Switch the Battery Pack Lock to release the battery pack.3. Attach/Detach the battery from the Pocket PC.Battery Pack LockSwitch to release battery pack LockReleaseAttachDetachNOTE You cannot turn on the power if the Battery Pack Lock isin the Release Position.You can change the main battery without data lossbecause the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 has arechargeable backup battery. However, the capacity ofthe backup battery is limited, therefore when you changethe main battery, attach the new main battery and switchthe Battery Pack Lock to the lock side as soon as possible.25Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideHow to Use the Optional High CapacityBattery Pack1. Detach the Main Battery.2. Attach the High Capacity Battery pack to the Pocket PC.3. Switch the Battery pack Lock to lock the High Capacity Battery pack.NOTE
26Switch to Lock the High Capacity BatteryPack.You cannot turn on the power if Battery Pack Lock is atthe Release side.You can replace the main battery with the High CapacityBattery without data loss because Toshiba Pocket PCe800/e805 has a rechargeable backup battery. However,the capacity of the backup battery is limited, thereforewhen you change the main battery, attach the new mainbattery and switch the Battery Pack Lock to the lock sideas soon as possible. Chapter 2: Basic SkillsHow to Prolong Battery Life  Use the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 with the AC adapter.Under the following conditions where the power consumption will behigh, please use the AC adapter when:  Operating while connected to your computer.  Operating with a storage card or with any other optional equipment.  In addition,  Select the short power-off time in the setting menu to shorten thetime the unit will remain on if not used (see "Customize YourToshiba Pocket PC" on page 58).  Turn off the screen light.  Set the screen brightness to power saving mode and shorteningthe light turn-off time (see "Customize Your Toshiba Pocket PC"on page 58).  Use your unit with an ambient temperature between 59¢XF and77¢XF (15¢XC and 25¢XC). This temperature range is the most effectivefor the battery.  When you use the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 in high or lowtemperature environments, the operable time is shortened due tothe decrease of the battery capacity.  You can save power if the wireless communication module is off.Battery LifeThe removable battery has a limited life. Repeated charging/dischargingof the battery gradually decreases operable time. When the operabletimehas been diminished, it is time to replace the removable battery with
anew one.  Do not leave the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 in a place of high orlow temperature. It may shorten battery life.If you have not used the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805for several days, its battery charge level reading may beinaccurate. Fully recharge the battery before using.27Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideBattery Charge Level and Stored Data ProtectionIf the battery charge level becomes extremely low, or the battery becomescompletely discharged, the memory data stored in the Toshiba PocketPCe800/e805 could be lost.When the low battery status icon or the alarm message appears,immediatelyconnect the AC adapter to the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 andcharge the battery.  The removable battery gradually discharges even if the device is notbeing used. When the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 is left for a longtime, the removable battery of the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 maycompletely discharge.  It is recommended to save the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805¡¦s memorydata to your computer or to a storage card.  The manufacturer is not responsible for data change or clearance dueto battery discharge.28How to Use the Optional Expansion PackYou can use the Optional Toshiba Expansion Pack (as shown on page 17)together with the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 to connect to additionalperipherals.DC-IN SOCKETBATTERY SWITCHWIRELESSCRADLE CONNECTION PORTOPTIONAL EXPANSION PACKNOTENOTE
Parts and Functions of the Expansion PackThe Cradle Connection Port allows you to connect the Expansion Packto the Cradle.The RGB (Monitor) Port is a standard 15-pin RGB port for connectinganexternal display device such as a monitor or projector (640 x 480 64Kcolors@ 60Hz and 800 x 600 64K colors @ 60Hz).The USB Port allows you to connect USB keyboard to the Pocket PC.Release Button: When pressed, the Release Button releases theExpansion Pack from the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805.CRADLE CONNECTIONPORTOnly IA-Presenter and IA Screen Mirror (see page 193)can output the image to the external monitor. Other applicationscannot output the image to the external monitor.Use only a Microsoft?Pocket PC compatible keyboard.Chapter 2: Basic SkillsCOMMUNICATION SWITCH(WIRELESS LAN)RELEASE BUTTONUSB PORTRGB (MONITOR) PORT29Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideConnecting the Expansion Pack to the Pocket PC1. Plug the Guide Pins into the corresponding jacks on the ToshibaPocket PC e800/e805. A light click is heard when the ExpansionPack is locked in place.NOTEReleasing the Expansion Pack from the Pocket PCPress the Release Button on the Expansion Pack and gently remove thePack from the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805.How to use the Optional USB Host CableThe optional USB Host Cable allows you to connect a USB keyboard tothe Pocket PC.To connect a USB keyboard to the Pocket PC:1. Turn off the power.
2. Plug the optional USB Host Cable to the Pocket PC.3. Connect a USB keyboard to the USB Port of the optional USB HostCable.NOTENOTE30The locks are based on foolproof design to help you connectthe Expansion Pack to the Pocket PC with the rightface-up, i.e. the face with the Release Button.Charging the battery or connect AC adapter if the batterypower is low. You cannot use a USB keyboard if the batterypower is less than 15%.Use only a Microsoft Pocket PC compatible keyboard.Chapter 2: Basic SkillsInitial SetupWhen using the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 for the first time, followthe initial setup procedures below, after the battery has been charged.1. Move the battery switch to the ¡§supply¡¨ position. The Toshiba PocketPC e800/e805 powers on automatically and the Welcome screenappears. Tap the screen to start the following setup.2. Execute touch screen correction.When the align screen appears, tap the center of the cross targetwith the stylus. The next target position changes upon tapping thetarget. Five taps completes the positioning correction. The screenthen changes to the Stylus screen.  If a finger or any other object touches the screen during correction,the correction will be cancelled. Repeat the correction procedure.3. Read how to use the stylus.  Read and understand the stylus operation, and then tap NEXT.NOTE For more information on stylus operation, See "How toUse the Stylus" on page 22.4. Learn the pop-up menu operation.  Read the on-screen explanation and then follow the instructions.Display the pop-up menu, and cut and paste the data accordingto the screen instructions.  After you finish the paste operation, this stage is completed. TapNEXT.5. Set the TIME ZONE.
  When tapping the right   mark, the city and the time zone listsappear. Tap the desired city and time zone.  When the setup is completed, tap NEXT.6. To complete the initial setup.  When the Complete screen appears, the initial setup is completed.  After tapping the screen, you can use the Toshiba Pocket PCe800/e805.NOTE When you tap the Complete screen, the Today screenappears. For more information on the Today screen, see"Today Screen" on page 36.31Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideInserting a CF II Card1. Turn off the power.2. Remove the dummy card.3. Insert the CF II Card.To remove a card:1. Turn off the power.2. Lightly press down the release button with the stylus. The buttonwillpop out. Press down on the release button again. The card will withdrawslightly from the slot.3. Pull the card straight up to remove.RELEASE BUTTONNOTE Use stylus to release the CF card.32Chapter 2: Basic SkillsInserting an SD Card1. Turn off the power.2. Remove the dummy card.3. Insert the card with its contact surface (metal contact surface)facingthe back of the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805.4. Press down on the card until it clicks into place.To remove a card:1. Turn off the power.2. Lightly press down the card until a clicking sound is heard. Thecard
will pop out slightly from the slot.3. Pull the card straight up to remove.33Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideConnecting to a ComputerBefore connecting your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 to a computer,check the following.  ActiveSync has been installed on your computer. (See Chapter 3.)  The position of connecting port on the computer may differ accordingto the computer type.To Connect Using the Supplied Cradle:1. Connect the USB cradle to your computer as shown in the illustrationbelow.2. Insert the Pocket PC into the cradle.34Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTo connect directly using a connection cable:Connect the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 directly to your computerusing an optional USB Sync Cable.When the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 is connected toanother device via a USB Sync Cable do not plug the ACadapter directly into the Pocket PC as this may lead tointerference. Instead, plug the AC adapter into the porton the USB Client cable connector.35Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideTap to create a new item.Today ScreenWhen you turn on your device for the first time each day (or after 4hoursof inactivity), you’ll see the Today screen. You can also display itby tappingand then Today. On the Today screen, you can see at a glanceimportant information for the day.Tap to view network status and options.Tap to change volume or mute all sounds.Tap and hold to change time format. Tap to go toa program.
Tap to change date and time.Tap to change owner information.Your day at a glance. Tap toopen the associated program.Tap to disconnect fromActiveSync.Following are some of the status icons you may see.36Chapter 2: Basic SkillsMeaning Status IconTurns all sounds on and offMain battery is chargingMain battery is lowMain battery is very lowMain battery is fullConnection is activeConnection is inactiveSynchronization is occurringNotification that one or more instant messages werereceivedNotification that one or more email messages werereceivedTraffic Monitoring Utility (W-LAN model only)NOTE If more notification icons need to be displayed than thereis room to display them, the Notification icon, , will display.Tap the icon to view all notification icons.ProgramYou can switch from one program to another by selecting it from themenu. (You can customize which programs you see on this menu. Forinformation,see “Adjusting Settings,?later in this chapter.) To access someprograms,you’ll need to tap , Programs, and then the program name.You can also switch to some programs by pressing a program button. Yourdevice has one or more program buttons located on the front or sideof thedevice. The icons on the buttons identify the programs they switch to.NOTE Some programs have abbreviated labels for check boxes
and drop-down menus. To see the full spelling of anabbreviated label, tap and hold the stylus on the label.Drag the stylus off the label so that the command is notcarried out.37Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideThe following table contains a partial list of programs that are onyourdevice. Look on the Toshiba Pocket PC Companion CD for additionalprogramsthat you can install onto your device.Description Program IconActiveSync Synchronize information between yourdevice and computer.Calendar Keep track of your appointments and createmeeting requests.Keep track of your friends and colleagues. ContactsSend and receive email messages. InboxPocket Internet Explorer Browse Web and WAP sites, and downloadnew programs and files from the Internet.Notes Create handwritten or typed notes, drawings,and recordings.Keep track of your tasks. TasksPocket Excel Create new workbooks or view and edit Excelworkbooks created on your computer.MSN Messenger Send and receive instant messages with yourMSN Messenger contacts.Pocket Word Create new documents or view and edit Worddocuments created on your computer.38Chapter 2: Basic SkillsNavigation Bar and Command BarThe navigation bar is located at the top of the screen. It displaysthe activeprogram and current time, and allows you to switch to programs and closescreens.Use the command bar at the bottom of the screen to perform tasks in
programs.The command bar includes menu names, buttons, and the InputPanel button. To create a new item in the current program, tap New.Tosee the name of a button, tap and hold the stylus on the button. Dragthestylus off the button so that the command is not carried out.39Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideTap and hold to display thepop-up menu.Lift the stylus and tap theaction you wantTap outside the menu to closeit without performing an action.Pop-up MenusWith pop-up menus, you can quickly choose an action for an item. Forexample, you can use the pop-up menu in the contact list to quicklydeletea contact, make a copy of a contact, or send an email message to a contact.The actions in the pop-up menus vary from program to program. Toaccess a pop-up menu, tap and hold the stylus on the item name thatyouwant to perform the action on. When the menu appears, lift the stylus,andtap the action you want to perform. Additionally, you can tap anywhereoutside the menu to close the menu without performing an action.40Chapter 2: Basic SkillsNotificationsYour device reminds you in a variety of ways when you have somethingtodo. You can be notified in any of the following ways:  A message box appears on the screen.  A sound, which you can specify, is played.  A light flashes on your device.To choose reminder types and sounds for your device, tap and thenSettings. In the Personal tab, tap Sounds & Notifications. The
options you choose here apply throughout the device.Enter Information on Your Toshiba PocketPCYou have several options for entering new information:  Use the input panel to enter typed text, either by using the softkeyboardor other input method.  Write directly on the screen.  Draw pictures on the screen.  Speak into your device microphone to record a message.  Use MicrosoftR ActiveSyncR to synchronize or copy information fromyour computer to your device. For more information on ActiveSync,see ActiveSync Help on your computer.Entering Text Using the Input Panel in the VGA ModeUse the input panel to enter information in any program on your device.You can either type using the soft keyboard or write using LetterRecognizer,Block Recognizer, or Transcriber in VGA mode. In either case, thecharacters appear as typed text on the screen.To show or hide the input panel, tap Input Panel. Tap the arrow nexttothe Input Panel button to see your choices.41Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideTapping the CAP key while using the soft keyboard, the lowercase softkeyboard appearsWhen you use the input panel, your device anticipates the word you aretyping or writing and displays it above the input panel. When you tapthedisplayed word, it is inserted into your text at the insertion point.The moreyou use your device, the more words it learns to anticipate.42Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTo change word suggestion options, such as the numberof words suggested at one time, tap , Settings, Personaltab, Input, and then the Word Completion tab.To type with the soft keyboard:
1. Tap the arrow and then Keyboard.NOTE2. On the soft keyboard that is displayed, tap the keys with your stylus:NOTE To use larger keys, tap the arrow, Options, selectKeyboard in Input method, and then select Large Keys.To use Letter Recognizer:With Letter Recognizer you can write letters using the stylus just asyouwould on paper.1. Tap the arrow and then Letter Recognizer.2. Write a letter in the box.When you write a letter, it is converted to typed text that appearson thescreen. For specific instructions on using Letter Recognizer, withLetterRecognizer open, tap the question mark next to the writing area.To use Block Recognizer:With Block Recognizer you can input character strokes using the stylusthat are similar to those used on other devices.1. Tap the arrow and then Block Recognizer.43Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide2. Write a letter in the box.When you write a letter, it is converted to typed text that appearson thescreen. For specific instructions on using Block Recognizer, with BlockRecognizer open, tap the question mark next to the writing area.To use Transcriber:With Transcriber you can write anywhere on the screen using the stylusjust as you would on paper. Unlike Letter Recognizer and BlockRecognizer,you can write a sentence or more of information. After you finishwriting, pause and let Transcriber change the written characters totypedcharacters.1. Tap the arrow and then Transcriber.2. Write anywhere on the screen.For specific instructions on using Transcriber, with Transcriber open,
tapthe? in the lower, right-hand corner of the screen.To select typed text:If you want to edit or format typed text, you must select it first.?Drag the stylus across the text you want to select.You can cut, copy, and paste text by tapping and holding the selectedwords and then tapping an editing command on the pop-up menu, or bytapping the command on the Edit menu.Writing on the ScreenIn any program that accepts writing, such as the Notes program, andinthe Notes tab in Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks, you can use your stylusto write directly on the screen. Write the way you do on paper. Youcanedit and format what you’ve written and convert the information to textat alater time.44Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTo write on the screen:?Tap Pen to switch to writing mode. This action displays lines on thescreen to help you write.Tap the Pen button and use your stylus like apen.NOTE Some programs that accept writing may not have the Penbutton. See the documentation for that program to find outhow to switch to writing mode.To select writing:If you want to edit or format writing, you must select it first.1. Tap and hold the stylus next to the text you want to select untiltheinsertion point appears.2. Without lifting, drag the stylus across the text you want to select.If you accidentally write on the screen, tap Tools, then Undo and tryagain. You can also select text by tapping Pen to deselect it and thendragging the stylus across the screen.You can cut, copy, and paste written text in the same way you work with
typed text: tap and hold the selected words and then tap an editingcommandon the pop-up menu, or tap the command on the Edit menu.To convert writing to text:?Tap Tools and then Recognize.45Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideIf you want to convert only certain words, select them before tappingRecognize on the Tools menu (or tap and hold the selected words andthen tap Recognize on the pop-up menu). If a word is not recognized,it isleft as writing.The writing is turned intotext.Select the text you want to convertand tap Recognize on the pop-upmenu.If the conversion is incorrect, you can select different words froma list ofalternates or return to the original writing. To do so, tap and holdthe incorrectword (tap one word at a time). On the pop-up menu, tap Alternates.A menu with a list of alternate words appears. Tap the word you wantto46Chapter 2: Basic Skillsuse, or tap the writing at the top of the menu to return to the originalwriting.Tap to return to your originalwriting.Or, tap the word you want to use.Tips for getting good recognition:?Write neatly.?Write on the lines and draw descenders below the line. Write the crossof the “ t?and apostrophes below the top line so that they are not confusedwith the word above. Write periods and commas above the line.?For better recognition, try increasing the zoom level to 300% usingthe
Tools menu.?Write the letters of a word closely and leave big gaps between wordsso that the device can easily tell where words begin and end.?Hyphenated words, foreign words that use special characters such asaccents, and some punctuation cannot be converted.?If you add writing to a word to change it (such as changing a ??toan?? after you attempt to recognize the word, the writing you add willnot be included if you attempt to recognize the writing again.Drawing on the ScreenYou can draw on the screen in the same way that you write on the screen.The difference between writing and drawing on the screen is how you47Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guideselect items and how they can be edited. For example, selected drawingscan be resized, while writing cannot.To create a drawing:?Cross three ruled lines on your first stroke. A drawing box appears.Subsequent strokes in or touching the drawing box become part of thedrawing. Drawings that do not cross three ruled lines will be treatedaswriting.NOTE48The drawing box indicatesthe boundaries of thedrawing.You may want to change the zoom level so that you canmore easily work on or view your drawing. Tap Tools andthen a zoom level.Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTo select a drawing:If you want to edit or format a drawing, you must select it first.?Tap and hold the stylus on the drawing until the selection handleappears. To select multiple drawings, deselect the Pen button andthen drag to select the drawings you want.You can cut, copy, and paste selected drawings by tapping and holdingthe selected drawing and then tapping an editing command on the pop-up
menu, or by tapping the command on the Edit menu. To resize a drawing,make sure the Pen button is not selected, and drag a selection handle.Recording a MessageIn any program where you can write or draw on the screen, you can alsoquickly capture thoughts, reminders, and phone numbers by recordingamessage. In Calendar, Tasks, and Contacts, you can include a recordingin the Notes tab. In the Notes program, you can either create a standalonerecording or add a recording to an existing note. If you want to adda recording in a note, open the note first. In the Inbox program, youcanadd a recording to an email message.To create a recording:1. If you do not see the Record/Playback toolbar, tap .2. Hold your mobile device's microphone near your mouth or othersource of sound.3. Tap and make your recording.4. Tap when finished. If you are recording in an open note, an iconwill appear in the note. If you are creating a stand-alone recording,itwill appear in the note list.NOTE You can quickly create a recording by holding down theRecord hardware button. When you hear the beep, beginyour recording. Release the button when you are finished.The new recording is stored in the open note or as astand-alone recording if no note is open.49Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideTo play a recording, tap the recording icon in the open note or taptherecording in the note list.Indicates an embeddedrecording.Tap to beginrecording.Tap to show or hide the Recording toolbar.Using Text to Speech
Text to Speech synthesizes voice, and reads out emails, text files andtextdata on the clipboard. Text to Speech consists of three applications,MailSpeech, Text Speech and Speech Settings. Mail Speech displays unreademails and reads them out.Text Speech picks up text files in Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 andreads them out. It also reads out text data on clipboard. Speech Settingsarranges the settings of Mail Speech and Text Speech. You can use oneapplication of Text to Speech at a time. Please exit the current oneto startanother application.To setup Text to Speech from Companion CD:1. Make sure your Pocket PC is connected to your computer and thatan ActiveSync connection has been established.2. Start the Text to Speech installation by running the Setup program.3. Check your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 screen for any additionalsteps required to complete the installation.50Chapter 2: Basic SkillsMail SpeechTo start Mail Speech:1. Open the Inbox, and set the mail account you want to read out2. Tap Start, Programs, then Mail Speech.Mail Speech starts reading the message from the header information ofunread email list. As the reading continues, the currently read phraseishighlighted.Account name displays here.the text.?Stop: Stops reading the text.?Exit: Exits Mail Speech.Selected e-mail text displays here.3. Tap and hold the selected words to display the pop-up Copy menu.Select any of the following:?Play: Starts reading out the text of the selected email.?Pause: Stops reading. If you tap Play again, continues reading4. Tap Tools. Select any of the following:
?Refresh: Refreshes the status of the email database.?Settings: Starts the Speech Settings.?Exit: Exits the program.?About: Displays the version information screen.51Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideNOTETest SpeechText Speech reads a text file and the data stuck on the clip board.To read out a text file:1. Tap Start, Programs, then Text Speech.52If the next mail header is chosen during reading of anemail, it stops the voice synthesis and the reading, then itstarts reading the newly selected mail.Mail information displayed in the mail header informationarea is descending order, that is the older mails are onthe top and the newer mails are shown in the lower area,by every service.After all mail is read, the voice service announces, "Thereis no more unread file.?When there is an attached file, the voice serviceannounces "with attachment". It does not announce the"TO" or "CC" of a mail header.While reading an email, DO NOT synchronize yourToshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 with the PC.The text may not be displayed correctly depending on themailer of the sender. US ASCII (us-ascii) and 8-bit WesternEurope (iso-8859-x) character code are supported. Incase of other codes than the above is used, it may not bedisplayed correctly. The text used 8-bit Western Europesometimes may not be displayed correctly and the voicesynthesis works incorrectly.A difference may be between the text displayed by themailer of Pocket PC and the text currently displayed byMail Speech. To read out the text displayed in mailer ofPocket PC, copy and paste it into Text Speech to use the
voice synthesis.This application supports base 64 and quoted-printablenon-encoded. If the text is encoded, it cannot to be displayed.UUENCODE is not supported. When the text islonger than 2k bytes, the part over 2k bytes is not read.2. From the Tools of the command bar, tap Open. The list of the textfiles stored in your Pocket PC e800/e805 is displayed.3. Select any of the following:Chapter 2: Basic SkillsFile list.?Folder: Select the folder from the pull-down menu.?Cancel: Close the file selection screen and return to the TextSpeech screen.?Type: Only text file (*.txt) is available.?File list: Display Name, Folder, Date, Size, Type and Location.The width for each item can be adjustable. The file to read shouldbe under \My Documents.53Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide4. Tap the file you want read. The text is displayed.5. Select any of the following:To read the text copied on clipboard:Copied data on clipboard can be read by Text Speech, including datafromPocket Internet Explorer or Pocket Internet Explorer.1. Within Pocket Internet Explorer, copy the text data to the clipboard.2. Tap Start, Programs, then Text Speech. If the Text Speech applica-3. Tap and hold the Text Area, then select Paste from the pop-upmenu. The data on the clipboard is displayed on Text Area. You caninput text directly on Text Area, using the Input Panel.54T e x t area.F i l e status.?Play: Starts reading the text.?Pause: Stops reading. If you tap Play after Pause, voice synthesiswill start from the position where it was paused.?Stop: Stops reading. If you tap Play after Stop, it will start fromthe beginning of the text.
?Exit: Exits the program.tion is already opened and a text data is displayed on Text Area, tapand hold the Text Area, then Clear All from the pop-up menu.Chapter 2: Basic Skills4. Tap Play.NOTE You can input text directly in the Text Area, using the InputPanel The maximum size of a text file or clipboard data tobe read is 32KB. Text Speech begins reading at the cursoron the text.Speech SettingsTo start Speech Setting, tap Start, Programs, then Speech Settings.Youcan also start Speech Settings by tapping Tools, then Settings on theMail Speech or the Text Speech screen.Reading TabSelect any of the following:?Tone: Changes the tone of the voice (default value: 0).?Speed: Changes the reading out speed (default value: 0).?Default Value: Reset all values to the default.?Not read more than 2/3 marks: If selected, the continuousmarks on the text are skipped when reading out. You can definethe skipping case (continuous 2 or 3 marks) from the pull-downlist.55Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideReading Tab  Select a time interval:reading the following mail.  Check at least one of the following:¡E The reading mail turns into a read: Sets the interval time for¡E Read the name of the sender, Read the subject, Read thedate of receipt, Read the message.¡E After reading wait for: Sets the time interval for reading thefollowingmail. To read the message while this setting is available,tap the message area within the interval time. Only availablewhen the check box ¡§Read the message.¡¨ is cleared.  Default Value: Resets all the values to the default.
O n c e s e l e c t e d ,t h e s t a t u s o f t h er e a d i n g c h a n g e sf r o m r e a d t o u n r e a d .A t l e a s t o n e i t e mm u s t b e s e l e c t e d .S e t t h e r e a d i n gi n t e r v a l t i m e h e r e .Using My TextWhen using Inbox or MSN Messenger, use My Text to quickly insert presetor frequently used messages into the text entry area. To insert amessage,tap My Text and tap a message. Select the message you wish toedit and make desired change.NOTE You can add text after inserting a My Text messagebefore sending it.To edit a My Text message, tap Tools and then Edit My Text Messages.56Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTap to select a prewrittenmessage.Find and Organize InformationThe Find feature on your device helps you quickly locate information.?On the menu, tap Find. Enter the text you want to find, select adata type, and then tap Go to start the search.NOTE To quickly find information that is taking up storage spaceon your device, select Larger than 64 KB in Type.You can also use the File Explorer to find files on your device andto organizethese files into folders.1. On the menu, tap Programs, and then select File Explorer.2. Tap My Device, and then tap to open any folder.3. To change folders, tap My Device, point to your folder, and thentapto open. Tapping Name allows you to sort the folders by ascendingor descending order.4. To create a new folder, tap and hold on the screen, and then selectNew Folder from the pop-up window.
57Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideCustomize Your Toshiba Pocket PCNOTE A next to a file name indicates the file is saved on astorage card.You can move files in File Explorer by tapping and holdingthe item you want to move, and then tapping Cut orCopy and Paste on the pop-up menu.You can customize your device by adjusting device settings andinstallingadditional software.Adjusting SettingsYou can adjust device settings to suit the way you work. To see availableoptions, tap , Settings, then the Personal or System tab located atthe bottom of the screen.You might want to adjust the following:?Clock, to change the time or to set alarms?Menus, to customize what appears on the menu, and to enable apop-up menu from New?Owner Information, to enter your contact information?Password, to limit access to your device?Power, to maximize battery life?Today, to customize the look and the information that is displayedonthe Today screenAdding or Removing ProgramsPrograms added to your device at the factory are stored in ROM ( readonlymemory). You cannot remove this software, and you’ll never accidentallylose ROM contents. ROM programs can be updated using specialinstallation programs with a *.xip extension. All other programs anddata files added to your device after factory installation are storedin RAM(random access memory).You can install any program created for your device, as long as yourdevice has enough memory. The most popular place to find software foryour device is on the Pocket PC Web site (
58Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTo add programs using ActiveSyncYou’ll need to install the appropriate software for your device on yourdesktop computer before installing it on your device.1. Determine your device and processor type so that you know whichversion of the software to install.Tap and then Settings. On the System tab, tap About. In theVersion tab, make a note of the information in Processor.2. Download the program to your computer (or insert the CD or diskthat contains the program into your computer). You may see a single*.xip, *.exe, or *.zip file, a Setup.exe file, or several versions offilesfor different device types and processors. Be sure to select the programdesigned for the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 and yourdevice processor type.3. Read any installation instructions, Read Me files, or documentationthat comes with the program.Many programs provide special installation instructions.4. Connect your device and computer.5. Double-click the *.exe file.?If the file is an installer, the installation wizard will begin. Followthe directions on the screen.Once the software has been installed on your computer, theinstaller will automatically transfer the software to your device.?If the file is not an installer, you will see an error message statingthat the program is valid but it is designed for a different type ofcomputer. You will need to move this file to your device. If youcannot find any installation instructions for the program in theRead Me file or documentation, use ActiveSync Explore to copythe program file to the Program Files folder on your device. Formore information on copying files using ActiveSync, see Active-Sync Help.Once installation is complete, tap , Programs, and then the programicon to switch to it.59Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideTo add a program directly from the Internet
1. Determine your device and processor type so that you know whichversion of the software to install.Tap and then Settings. On the System tab, tap About. In theVersion tab, make a note of the information in Processor.2. Download the program to your device straight from the Internet usingPocket Internet Explorer. You may see a single *.xip, *.exe or *.zipfile, a Setup.exe file, or several versions of files for different devicetypes and processors. Be sure to select the program designed forthe Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 and your device processor type.3. Read any installation instructions, Read Me files, or documentationthat comes with the program. Many programs provide special installationinstructions.4. Tap the file, such as a *.xip or *.exe file. The installation wizardwillbegin. Follow the directions on the screen.To add a program to the Start menuTap , Settings, Menus, the Start Menu tab, and then the check box forthe program. If you do not see the program listed, you can either useFileExplorer on the device to move the program to the Start Menu folder,oruse ActiveSync on the computer to create a shortcut to the program andplace the shortcut in the Start Menu folder.?Using File Explorer on the device: Tap , Programs, FileExplorer, and locate the program (tap the folder list, labeled MyDocumentsby default, and then Local Device to see a list of all folderson the device). Tap and hold the program and tap Cut on the pop-upmenu. Open the Start Menu folder located in the Windows folder, tapand hold a blank area of the window, and tap Paste on the pop-upmenu. The program will now appear on the menu. For more informationon using File Explorer, see “Find and Organize Information,?earlierin this chapter.?Using ActiveSync on the computer: Use the Explorer in ActiveSyncto explore your device files and locate the program. Right-click theprogram, and then click Create Shortcut. Move the shortcut to theStart Menu folder in the Windows folder. The shortcut now appears onthe menu. For more information, see ActiveSync Help.
To remove programs?Tap and then Settings. On the System tab, tap Remove Programs.If the program does not appear in the list of installed programs, useFileExplorer on your device to locate the program, tap and hold the program,and then tap Delete on the pop-up menu.60Chapter 2: Basic SkillsSetting PasswordYou can protect data or settings from a third person by setting a passwordwhich is requested when turning power on.1. Tap and then Settings. On the Personal tab, tap Password.2. Select the type of password you would like to use.3. Enter a password and tap OK.4. Tap YES on the confirmation screen. The password is saved and thescreen returns to the Personal tab screenIf you tap YES on the confirmation screen to return to the Personaltabscreen, it becomes necessary to enter the password even for displayingthe Password setting screen.In case you forget the password, it is necessary to initialize the PocketPC. Please note that when initialization is executed, data or settingsstored in the Pocket PC are all deleted.61Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideTo Set Screen LightYou can set the screen brightness for better sight according to a placeofuse. You can also set the time that elapses until the screen light turnsoffautomatically after the last operation.1. Tap and then Settings. On the System tab, tap Screen Light.2. Set the Screen Light on battery power.-or set the screen light on External power.623. Set the Brightness level.4. When finished, tap OK to return to the System tab screen.Setting Power
1. Tap and then Settings. On the System tab, tap Power.Options are 1, 2,3,4, and 5minutes until device will turn offin battery-powered mode if notused. Check box to left toengage this feature.Options are 1, 2, 5,10, 15, and30 minutes until device will turnoff in external-powered mode ifnot used. Check box to left toengage this feature.2. Set the Power.You can set to confirm the battery remaining power and the time thatelapses until the power turns off after the last operation.63Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTap and set the screen light gbrightness level by move the cursor g yup or down. If Power Save isactivated, the screen light turnso f f .Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide3. Select the Option tab to adjust when battery alarm will come on,andto enable/disable Record and Program buttons wake up.64Chapter 2: Basic Skills4. Select CPU speed tab to set the CPU performance. To conservebattery power, but decrease performance, select 200 MHz.Tap Apply to change the setting, then the confirmation screen isdisplayed.If you tap Yes, your LCD screen will become black and come back in afew seconds, and then the setting has changed. If you tap No, the settinghas not changed.5. When finished, tap OK to return to the System tab screen.65Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideSetting Memory
You can adjust the data storing memory and the program running memory.You can also confirm the free space of a storage card and so on.Memory for the Pocket PC is managed automatically.To change Memory allocation:1. Tap and then Settings. On the System tab, tap Memory todisplay the Memory setting screen.2. Drag the knob left to right to adjust the memory allocation betweenStorage and Program.3. When finished, tap OK to return to the System tab screen.To confirm usage status of a storage card:1. Tap Storage card tab on the Memory setting screen.2. When finished, tap OK to return to the System tab screen.To release memory:If memory is running short of its capacity, i.e., you will receive anerrormessage display, the following methods are available to release thememory:Transfer data to a storage card and the like and delete them from thePocket PC, delete unnecessary files, quit a program in execution, and/ordelete a program not in use.For more information on detailed operation method or the memoryrelease method other than the above, see online help.66Chapter 2: Basic SkillsNOTEFlash ROM Disk (NAND Flash Memory)The Flash ROM Disk (NAND Flash Memory) contains the built-in storagefor the Pocket PC.Data, files or programs can be stored on the Flash ROM Disk from thefollowingsources: File Explorer, Pocket Word, Pocket Excel, Notes ofPocket Outlook, and DataBackup.Data can be accessed on the Flash ROM Disk by using File Explorer.1. On the Start menu, tap Programs, and then File Explorer.2. Open Local Device folder, and then tap Flash ROM Disk.To confirm the memory available on the Flash ROM Disk, do the following:1. On the Start menu, tap Settings, System tab, and then Memory.2. Tap the Storage Card tab, and then select Flash ROM Disk.
To store data from Pocket Word, Pocket Excel or Notes of Pocket Outlook,open the application and do the following:1. Select a location for storage by tapping Tools, Options, and thenselect either CF card, SD Card or Flash ROM Disk.2. Tap OK.When accessing the data on the Flash ROM Disk, DONOT turn off the power or reset the Pocket PC.To store attachments in Inbox of Pocket Outlook, open theapplication and then Tools, Options, Storage Tab. SelectStore attachments on storage card. This will store theattachments on the Flash ROM Disk.Data stored on the Flash ROM Disk are not backed up. See "Making aBackup" on page 185 for information on how to make a backup of dataonthe Flash ROM Disk. Periodic backups of data stored on the Flash ROMDisk is recommended.67Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideSetting Advanced SoundsThis program allows you to adjust the volume of the built-in speakerandheadphone speaker on your Pocket PC. To adjust the system volume, tapStart, Settings, Personal tab, Sounds and Notifications.1. Tap Start and then Settings. On the System tab, tap AdvancedSounds.2. Select the Built-in tab and adjust the Volume of the built-in speaker.3. If using headphones, select the Headphone tab and make adjustments.Setting MicrophoneThis program sets the Automatic Gain Control (AGC) for the built-inmicrophone.1. Tap and then Settings. On the System tab, tap Microphone.2. Select the box below for automatic gain control or leave the boxclearfor manual control.68Chapter 2: Basic SkillsdaytimeTa p to select the city.
Setting the World ClockWorld Clock displays the time and date of multiple cities in a screen.Youcan select the cities easily, by tapping the map or pull-down list.HomenighttimeVisit1Visit2DST (Daylight Saving Time) is applied automatically.1. Tap Tools.2. Select any of the following:?Select: A zoomed map is displayed on the screen. You canselect a city and assign to Home or others, by tapping on themap. (For detail, refer to the next page.)?Alarm: Alarm setting is displayed. You can set alarm, or arrangethe detail settings.?About: The version information is displayed.NOTETo select the city from a zoomed map:1. Tap Select from Tools menu.69Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide2. Select the city by tapping on the zoomed map.3. Select Home, Visit1 or Visit2 from the pull-down list.4. Tap OK.Toshiba Voice Recorder (TVR)The Toshiba Voice Recorder (TVR) is a media player for both desktopandPocket PCs. TVR offers a flexible way to record your voice as a .wavfile.To set the TVR options:1. Tap File, and then Options.- - - T O S H I B A V o i c e R e c o r d e r2. Select Assign to Record button.3. Confirm that the document path is /My Documents.70The information ofthe selected city is
displayed.Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTo use TVR to record:1. Tap the record button, PDA starts and immediately records a clip.2. Tap on record again and stop recording. File names are listed as"TVRMMDDYYYYHHMMSS.wav¡¨. These are in the date (DD/MM/YEAR HH:MM:SS), length (HH:MM:SS) and quality (LP/HQ) format.3. You can toggle between time recorded and time available to recordgiven storage in current media at the current record quality level.To play a file from the TVR:1. Tap on the clip name.2. Tap Stop button to stop.3. Scroll with jog-dial and click in the action button to play the file.TapStop button to stop.4. You can tap on the time being displayed and toggle between timeplayed and time left to play to display left time.NOTE Clips recorded on the TVR can be played throughMicrosoft Windows Media Player on computers with eitherWindows 2000 and Windows XP operating systems.Need actual screen shotThe TVR offers several convenient features:  AGC: If the Automatic Gain Control (AGC) is enabled, the slider isdisabled.71Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide  Assign Record button: This assigns the TVR to the record button  Select clips location: Open a small window with the top directory treeof the PDA (including storage cards).  Single tap to play.  Combo slider/progress bar control:¡E Playback: The slider advances to the end of clip at the same timeas progress bar. You can move the slider to advance/rewind playback.NOTE Playback can only be done at certain time increments, 1-2seconds, (e.g., until the end of the file).¡E Recording: The slider is fixed at the end position (right). Theprogress bar shows the time left in the current storage device(PDA, SD, etc.) at the current quality level.
  Microphone gain slider and combo box are available to choose pre-setgain settings and one check box to enable/disable the AGC.  The Record button, when it is mapped to the TVR, will start the TVRand immediately start recording. To stop recording, press the samebutton again (no need to keep the button pressed).Using Voice CommandWith Voice Command, you can operate Pocket PC ¡§hands free¡¨ withouttapping or pressing buttons on your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805.The Voice Command application has 3 components:  Global Command: the command always available  User Command: the command that users can assign freely, alwaysavailable.  Command for each application: Command available only for theforeground windows.Installing the Voice Command1. Make sure your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 is connected to yourcomputer and that an ActiveSync connection has been established.2. Start the Voice Command installation by running the Setup program.3. After the program is installed successfully, a message displays toinform you that the application has been allocated to the programbutton 5 (recording button) automatically.72Chapter 2: Basic Skills4. After installation, the system requires resetting.NOTE The Voice Command cannot “read?without the ToshibaSpeech System installed. Installation of the ToshibaSpeech System is highly recommended.Once Voice Command is installed on your Toshiba PocketPC e800/e805, the program button 5 (recording button atinitial setting) is “assigned?and recording with programbutton 5 is no longer available. If you want to use programbutton 5 for recording while the Voice Command isassigned, change the button assignment by tapping Start,Settings, and then Buttons.Setting Up Voice CommandOnce installed on your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805, the Voice CommandSettings icon is displayed on Today screen. Tap this icon to launch
the Voice Command Settings application.T a p t o launchVoice CommandSettings.Global Command1. Press the recording button and release immediately. The Voice Commandstarts. Wait for a notification sound to start speaking.2. Say one of the available voice commands. For example, to launchInbox, say "run Inbox." When the command is successfully recog-73Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guidenized, a confirmation tone sounds, and the Inbox screen appears. Ifthe command is not recognized, a rejection tone sounds and thescreen does not change.User CommandYou can define voice commands on Command Settings.There are two kinds of commands:?Commands to insert texts?Commands to launch applications.To use the commands to insert texts:1. On the User Commands tab in the Voice Command Settings, definea phrase you like to a command. For example, define “Thank you foryour email about “for the command insert text one.2. Open the Inbox, then tap New from the command bar. At the creatingthe message screen, say “insert text one.?The “Thank you foryour email about “is displayed on the screen.To use the commands to launch applications:1. On the User Commands tab in the Voice Command Settings, assignan application you like to a command. For example, assign Solitaireto the command run program one.2. Say "run program one." The Solitaire screen is displayed.NOTE When you say an undefined command, nothing happenseven if the command is recognized.Using Voice Command for Each ApplicationFor example, you can use voice commands in the Calendar application.1. With the Calendar open, say "Very next appointment." The listingmode screen appears, and it starts reading out very next appointment.You can display the screen also by saying, "Move to listing
mode." For detail of the command list, refer to the Commands tab onthe Voice Command Settings.74Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTap to stop reading.NOTEVoice Command Settings2. In listing mode, voice command for Calendar is active to currentfocused appointment. For example, saying "read subject" reads thesubject of current focused appointment.The target term of appointment is one month before toone month after, based on current time.For other commands, you can check the command from the Commandstab of the Voice Command Settings.You can check the voice command list or arrange the settings of voicecommand. To start the Voice Command Settings, tap Start, Programs,and then Voice Command Settings.75Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideChecking the Command ListOn the Commands tab, you can select the all commands installed.Displays the information for theselected command.Tap Tools, and then About todisplay the version informationof the Voice Command Settings.Arrange the Recognition Level of Voice Command1. Tap Settings on the Voice Command Settings screen.2. Set the recognition level as required. The higher level of recognitionthat is set, the more sensitive the program is to the nuances of yourvoice, and it makes it easier for your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805to recognize the command. On the other hand, setting a higher levelof recognition may decrease voice recognition within noisyenvironments.It is recommended to set lower level within noisy environments.76Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTap and select the
recognition level(0 to 5).To define the action for a User Command:1. Tap User Command tab on the Voice Command Settings screen.77Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideTo define text for the command:1. Tap and hold the command insert text xxx, then select Edit.Tap to clear the actionthat you defined for thecommand.NOTEYou can only clear the action for the command. The commandis not deleted.2. Input the text you want to define at the text area. For example,input“Thank you for your email about. “Tap OK.To assign a program to the command:1. Tap and hold the command run program xxx, then select Edit.2. Select the application you want to assign by tapping the Browse.783. Tap OK.Using ConfigFree?ConfigFree?is a set of utilities used for configuring networks thatuseboth wired and wireless network devices. These utilities include thefollowing:?ConfigFree Launcher?The ConfigFree Launcher utility is used as ashortcut to open ConfigFree utilities.?Search for Wireless Devices?This utility displays the availableAccess Point and 802.11 ad hoc networks.?Connectivity Doctor ?The Connectivity Doctor utility is used to helpfix networking problems with your Pocket PC.?Profile Settings ?The Profiles utility is used to enable a faster andmore efficient network configuration. Multiple profiles can be createdStarting ConfigFreeTo start ConfigFree:for various network configurations.
1. Tap Start, Program, then ConfigFree.2. Tap the ConfigFree utility you want.Chapter 2: Basic SkillsEnter the parameterspecific to the program.79Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideConfigFree LauncherConfigFree Launcher registers as an icon on the command bar at the bottomof Today screen. You can switch to any ConfigFree utility by usingConfigFree Launcher. A shortcut to the network configuration of youroperating system is also provided. Tap the icon to display a list ofprofiles.Profile SettingsProfile Settings enable a faster and more efficient networkconfiguration.The network configuration that you create by this feature is managedas aprofile. When you select a profile created using this feature, thenetworkconfiguration of the PDA switches to the network configuration of thatprofile.Search for Wireless DevicesSearch for Wireless Devices displays the available Access Point and802.11 ad hoc networks visually. You can confirm these devices aroundyou easily.Connectivity DoctorConnectivity Doctor can help to fix networking problems that occur withyour pocket PC. Use this feature when you encounter a networking problem.VQ-Select UtilityUsing the VQ-Select utility, you can change the screen display modefromVideo Graphics Array (VGA), which uses 320 x 240 pixels, to QuarterVideo Graphics Array (QVGA), which uses 240 x 320 pixels. The defaultmode is VGA.NOTE80Be sure to close all open programs and save your data
before changing the screen display mode.Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTo change screen display modes1. Tap Start, then VQ-Select.A reset dialog warning box displays.2. Tap OK.3. Set the screen display mode you want (VGA or QVGA) and thenrestart the device. When the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 restarts,your selected mode appears.81Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideViewing menus in VGA modeYou can view system menus in VGA mode by tapping the VQ-Select setting,as shown in the following screen.Toshiba IP Phone for Pocket PCToshiba IP Phone for Pocket PC is an IP Phone utility that lets you:?Call an IP Phone (VLI Gphone, Toshiba IP Phone)?Call a phone?Use answering machine functions on your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805?Check your buddies' current status or notify your buddies of yourcurrentstatus (offline, online, busy or away)?Send and receive instant messages while you're talking82Chapter 2: Basic SkillsSign-upIf you sign up VLI Gphone Buddy Service, you can use all the functionsofToshiba IP Phone for Pocket PC shown here. You can find the GphoneBuddy Service sign-up page at the VLI Gphone Buddy Service, all you can do is to call an IPPhone by IP address answer a phone call or hang up a phone call.Launching an application1. Tap Start, Program, then Toshiba IP Phone.2. When you launch it for the first time, enter your G-Number, password,and name. If you select “Automatic sign-in,?Toshiba IP Phonefor Pocket PC signs in automatically next time you launch it.
83Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide3. Tap Sign in. Toshiba IP Phone for Pocket PC displays the followinginformation:  Date, Time  Phone call state (talk times, if connected)  Your party 's name  Wireless link quality (the number of bars by the antenna icon)  Good: Three  Not bad: Two  Poor: One  No wireless link: Zero  The number of new voice mail stored in your Toshiba IP Phonefor Pocket PC.  Your status (Online, Offline, Busy or Away)Calling an IP phoneTo call an IP phone:1. Tap Call.84Chapter 2: Basic Skills2. Tap the List tab if you use your buddy list. You can also tap theIcontab if you use your buddy icons.3. Tap a buddy.4. Tap Connect.Icon view List viewThere are four buddy statuses shown below:List view/Icon view StatusOnlineOff lineBusyAwayCalling a phoneTo call a phone:1. Tap Phone, and enter the phone number.85Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide
2. Tap Connect.NOTE When call is not idle, your current status becomes Busy.Calling a phone using telephone directoryTo call a phone using telephone directory:1. Tap Phone.2. Tap Telephone Directory.3. Tap a contact on your telephone directory.4. Tap Connect.86Chapter 2: Basic SkillsAnswering a callTo answer a call while hearing a phone ring, tap Call.NOTE When call is not idle, your current status becomes Busy.Answering a call automaticallyToshiba IP Phone can answer a call automatically after answering timerhas expired. You can configure whether you activate this function ornot.When you activate this function, you can also customize the value ofanswering timer. The default value of answering timer is 10 (seconds).The length of answering message is less than or equal to 20 seconds.You can configure answering message on the condition shown in"Answering message audio file" on page 96.Your calling party can record their voice message after hearingansweringmessage. The length of recorded message is less than or equal to 20seconds.87Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideHolding a callTo hold a call, tap Hold. Once the call is on hold, the Hold buttonturnsinto a Talk button. While holding a call shown below, if you tap Talk,youcan talk again.Hanging upTo hang up, tap Hang up.Redialing using outgoing call historyYou can redial using outgoing call history. You can configure the number
of outgoing call history stored at the same time. The default valueis 20. Ifit exceeds the limit, the oldest outgoing call history is deleted.To redial using outgoing call history:881. Tap Call history.2. Tap the Outgoing tab.3. Select an outgoing call history.4. Tap Connect.Calling back using incoming call historyYou can call back using incoming call history. You can configure thenumberof incoming call history stored at the same time. The default valueis20. If it exceeds the limit, the oldest incoming call history is deletedwhether it has voicemail message or not.To call back using incoming call history:1. Tap Call history2. Tap the Incoming tab.3. Select an incoming call history.Chapter 2: Basic Skills89Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide4. Tap Connect.Muting microphoneTo mute the microphone, tap Mute. To restore the microphone, tap Muteagain.Reducing acoustic echoIf you get an echo while speaking, use headphones. Acoustic echoes arecaused by the microphone’s close location your speaker. If you activatethe voice switch function, you can reduce this acoustic echo as well.90Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTo activate voice switch function while you're talking, tap VSW.Tocancelthis function, tap VSW again.Adding a contact to your buddy listTo add a contact: to your buddy list:
1. Tap Call to open your buddy list.2. Tap the List tab if you use your buddy list. You can tap Icon tabif youuse your buddy icons.3. Tap Edit, then tap Add.4. Enter the name and G-Number (these are required fields). Otherfields, such as Email and whether it is Toshiba IP Phone or not, areoptional.5. Tap Save.91Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideModifying a contact in your buddy listTo modify a contact: information in your buddy list:1. Tap Call to open your buddy list.2. Tap the List tab if you use your buddy list. You can tap Icon tabif youuse your buddy icons.3. Tap Edit.4. Choose a contact.5. Tap Modify6. Enter the name and G-Number (these are required fields). Otherfields, such as Email and whether it is Toshiba IP Phone or not, areoptional.7. Tap Save.Removing a contact from your buddy listTo remove a contact from your buddy list:1. Tap Call to open your buddy list.2. Tap the List tab if you use your buddy list. You can tap the Icontab ifyou use your buddy icons.3. Tap Edit4. Choose a contact.925. Tap Delete.Playing back a voicemailTo play back a voicemail:1. Tap Call history.2. Tap the Incoming tab.
3. Select an incoming call history with voicemail button.4. Tap Play back.5. Start playing back a voicemail by using Voice Recorder which hasbeen executed automatically.The green voicemail button means you've already listened to thevoice message, and the red voicemail button means you've notlistened to the voice message yet.Chapter 2: Basic Skills93Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideInstant messaging (IM)While you connect to another Toshiba IP Phone user by making an IPphone call, you can send and receive instant message each other.To start instant messaging:1. Call another Toshiba IP phone user and wait to have the callanswered.2. Tap IM after the call is connected.3. Type your message in the second text box directly above the Send,Clear and Exit buttons.4. Tap Send.All the messages including yours are displayedin the first message box from thetop.Type your messages here.Presence Service (PS)You can notify your buddies of your current status1. Tap PS.2. Select your new status.3. Tap Notify if you notify your buddies of your new status.Tap one of these status conditions.94Chapter 2: Basic SkillsCalling an IP phone by its IP addressIf you tap IP Connect at the first dialog after launching Toshiba IPPhonefor Pocket PC, you can call an IP phone by its IP address.1. Tap IP Connect at the first dialog after launching Toshiba IP Phone
for Pocket PC2. Tap Call, and enter the IP address.3. Tap Connect.If you sign up VLI Gphone Buddy Service, you can use all the functionsofToshiba IP phone for Pocket PC shown here. Without the VLI GphoneBuddy Service, you are limited to calling an IP phone by its IP address,answering and hanging up on a call.Configuring Toshiba IP Phone for Pocket PCYou can configure the following by tapping Configure:Ringer audio fileYou can configure ringer audio file. You can choose one of ringer audiofiles that Toshiba IP phone for Pocket PC has. The default ringer audiofileis defringer.wav. You can also select a ringer audio file of your owncreation.NOTE When creating your own ringer audio files, make sure thatit is a 16-bit, 8 KHz, PCM recorded monophonic file (notstereophonic), and no more than 30 seconds in length.Automatic answerYou can configure your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 to automaticallyanswer.95Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideAnswering timerWhen you activate Automatic answer function, you can also customizethe value of answering timer. The answering default value is 20(seconds);the range must be from 10 (seconds) to 30 (seconds).Answering message audio fileYou can configure answering message file (wav file) to a calling partyinthe case of automatic answer. You can also select an audio file of yourown creation.NOTE When creating your own answering message audio files,make sure that it is a 16-bit, 8 KHz, PCM recorded monophonicfile (not stereophonic), and no more than 20 secondsin length.
Audio file while holding a callYou can configure an audio file to play for your party while the callis holding.You can choose one of the many available audio files that came standardwith Toshiba IP Phone for Pocket PC. The default audio file isdefrhold.wav. You can also select an audio file of your own creation.NOTE When creating your own answering message audio files,make sure that it is a 16-bit, 8 KHz, PCM recorded monophonicfile (not stereophonic), and no more than 30 secondsin length.The maximum number of outgoing call historyYou can configure the maximum number of outgoing call history storedatthe same time. The maximum number default value is 10; the value mustbe 10 or 20.The maximum number of incoming call historyYou can configure the maximum number of incoming call history storedatthe same time. The maximum number default value is 10; the value mustbe 10 or 20.96Chapter 2: Basic Skills97Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideChapter 3:Microsoft ActiveSyncUsing ActiveSync, you can synchronize information between your deviceand PC or server. Synchronization compares the data on your device withyour PC and updates both computers with the most recent information.For example:?Keep Pocket Outlook data up-to-date by synchronizing your devicewith Microsoft Outlook data on your PC.?Synchronize Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel files between yourdevice and desktop computer.Your files are automatically converted to the correct format.By default, ActiveSync does not automatically synchronizeall types of information. Use ActiveSync options toturn synchronization on and off for specific information
types.With ActiveSync, you can also:?Change synchronization settings and synchronization schedule.?Copy files between your device and PC.?Back up and restore device information.?Add and remove programs on your device.Before you begin synchronization, install ActiveSync on your PC fromtheToshiba Pocket PC Companion CD. For more information on installingActiveSync, see your Quick Start card. ActiveSync is already installedonyour device.After installation is complete, the ActiveSync Setup Wizard helps youconnectyour Pocket PC to your PC, set up a partnership so you can synchronizeinformation between your device and your desktop computer, andcustomize your synchronization settings. Your first synchronizationprocesswill automatically begin when you finish using the wizard.After your first synchronization, take a look at Calendar, Contacts,andTasks on your device. You’ll notice that information you’ve stored inMicrosoft Outlook on your PC has been copied to your device, and youdidn’t have to type a word. Disconnect your device from your PC andyou’re ready to go!98Chapter 3: Microsoft ActiveSyncOnce you have set up ActiveSync and completed the first synchronizationprocess, you can initiate synchronization from your device. To switchtoActiveSync on your device, tap , and then tap ActiveSync.For information about using ActiveSync on your PC, start ActiveSynconyour PC, and then see ActiveSync Help.For more information about ActiveSync on your device, switch to Active-Sync, tap , and then tap Help.View connectionstatus.
Tap to connect andsynchronize.Tap to stop synchronization.Tap to synchronize via IR orchange synchronizationsettings.Change the synchronization scheduleUsing ActiveSync, you can schedule synchronization of your device ontwo separateschedules. Use the peak times schedule to synchronize during workinghours or other times you experience higher mail volumes. Use the off-peakschedule to synchronize during times when you experience lower mailvolumes.In ActiveSync on the device, tap Tools, Options, then select the MobileSchedule tab.1. To synchronize periodically during peak times, select the frequencyof synchronization in the During peak times, sync list.2. To synchronize periodically during off-peak times, select thefrequencyof synchronization in the During off-peak times, sync list.3. To set the days and hours for peak times, tap Peak Times.99Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideChapter 4:Microsoft Pocket OutlookMicrosoft?Pocket Outlook includes Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, Inbox,andNotes. You can use these programs individually or together. For example,email addresses stored in Contacts can be used to address email messagesin Inbox.Using ActiveSync?you can synchronize information in Microsoft Outlookor Microsoft Exchange on your desktop computer with your device. Youcan also synchronize this information directly with a MicrosoftExchangeserver. Each time you synchronize, ActiveSync compares the changesyou made on your device and desktop computer or server and updatesboth computers with the latest information. For information on usingActiveSync, see ActiveSync Help on the desktop computer.
menu. You can switch to any of these programs by tapping them on theCalendar: Scheduling Appointments andMeetingsUse Calendar to schedule appointments, including meetings and otherevents. You can check your appointments in one of several views(Agenda, Day, Week, Month and Year) and set Calendar to remind you ofappointments with a sound or other method.NOTE You can customize the Calendar display, such as changingthe first day of the week, by tapping Options on theTools menu.To create an appointment:1. If you are in Day or Week view, tap the desired date and time fortheappointment.2. Tap New.3. Using the input panel, enter a description and a location. Tap firsttoselect the field. You can also tap and select available, predefinedtextor locations.4. If needed, tap the date and time to change them.5. Enter other desired information. You will need to hide the inputpanelto see all available fields.100Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket Outlook6. To add notes, tap the Notes tab. You can enter text, draw maps, orcreate directions or recordings. For more information on creatingnotes, see "Notes: Capturing Thoughts and Ideas" on page 103.7. When finished, tap OK to return to the calendar (the appointmentisautomatically saved).NOTE If you select Remind me in an appointment, your devicewill remind you according to the options you have set.Using the Summary ScreenWhen you tap an appointment in Calendar, a summary screen is displayed.To change the appointment, tap Edit on the command bar.Creating Meeting Requests
You can use Calendar to set up meetings with users of Outlook or PocketOutlook. The meeting request will be created automatically and senteither when you synchronize Inbox or when you connect to your emailserver. Indicate how you want meeting requests sent by tapping Toolsand then Options. If you send and receive email messages throughActiveSync, select ActiveSync.To schedule a meeting:1. Create an appointment by tapping New.2. In the appointment details, hide the input panel, and then tapAttendees.3. From the list of email addresses you’ve entered in Contacts, selectthe meeting attendees.The meeting notice is created automatically and placed in the Outboxfolder. For more information on sending and receiving meeting requests,see Calendar Help and Inbox Help on the device.Contacts: Tracking Friends and ColleaguesContacts gives you quick and easy access to a list of your friends andcolleagues.Using the device infrared (IR) port, you can quickly share Contactsinformation with other device users.NOTE To change the way information is displayed in the list, tapTools and then Options.101Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideTo find a contact:1. Tap All Contacts to select the category of contacts you want displayedin the list.2. Tap Find a name and enter of a name to quickly find it in the list.3. Tap the screen to see additional phone numbers and email addressforthe contact.4. Tap on the contact to display or edit the contact details.5. Tap and hold on the contact to display a pop-up menu of actions.To create a contact:1. Tap New.2. Using the input panel, enter a name and other contact information.You will need to scroll down to see all available fields (use the scroll
box or scroll arrows).3. To assign the contact to a category, scroll to and tap Categoriesandselect a category from the list. In the contact list, you can displaycontacts by category.4. To add notes, tap the Notes tab. You can enter text, draw maps, orcreate directions or recordings. For more information on creatingnotes, see "Notes: Capturing Thoughts and Ideas" on page 103.5. When finished, tap OK to return to the contact list.Finding a contactThere are four ways to find a contact:?Tap , then Find, enter the contact name (first, last, or middle),phone number, or address, select Contacts for the type, and then tapGo.?From Contacts, start typing a contact name until you see it displayedon the screen. To show all contacts again, tap the text box at the topofthe screen and clear the text, or tap the arrow icon to the right ofthetext box.?In the contact list, tap the category list (labeled All Contacts bydefault) and tap the category to which you've assigned a contact. Toshow all contacts again, select All Contacts.?To view the names of companies your contacts work for, in the contactlist, tap View, then By Company. The number of contacts that work forthat company will be displayed to the right of the company name.102Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket OutlookUsing the Summary ScreenWhen you tap a contact in the contact list, a summary screen is displayed.To change the contact information, tap Edit and make the changes.Tasks: Keeping a To Do ListUse Tasks to keep track of things you need to do.1. Tap All Tasks to select the category of tasks you want displayed.2. Tap the task to display or edit. Tapping Priority allows you to sortthefolders by ascending or descending order.NOTE To change the way information is displayed in the list, tap
Tools and then Options.To create a task:1. Tap New.2. Using the input panel, enter a description.3. You can enter a start date and due date or enter other informationbyfirst tapping the field. If the input panel is open, you will need tohideit to see all available fields.4. To assign the task to a category, tap Categories and select a categoryfrom the list. In the task list, you can display tasks by category.5. To add notes, tap the Notes tab. You can enter text, draw maps, orcreate directions or recordings. For more information on creatingnotes, see "Notes: Capturing Thoughts and Ideas" on page 103.6. When finished, tap OK to return to the task list.NOTE To quickly create a task with only a subject, tap Entry Baron the Tools menu. Then, tap Tap here to add a newtask and enter your task information.Using the Summary ScreenWhen you tap a task in the task list, a summary screen is displayed.Tochange the task, tap Edit and make the changes.Notes: Capturing Thoughts and IdeasQuickly capture thoughts, reminders, ideas, drawings, and phone numberswith Notes. You can create a written note or a recording. You canalso include a recording in a note. If a note is open when you createthe103Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guiderecording, it will be included in the note as an icon. If the note listis displayed,it will be created as a stand-alone recording.Tap to change the sort order pof the list.Tap to open a note or play arecording.Tap and hold to display a pop-up p
menu of actions.Tap to record.Tap to show or hide theRecording toolbar.Tap to create a new item.To create a note:1. Tap New.2. Create your note by writing, drawing, typing, and recording. Formoreinformation about using the input panel, writing and drawing on thescreen, and creating recordings, see "Notes: Capturing Thoughtsand Ideas" on page 103.104Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket OutlookTap to return to the note list( the note is saved automatically ).Tap to show or hide the input panel.Tap to write on the screen.Tap to add a recording to the note.Inbox: Sending and Receiving Email MessagesUse Inbox to send and receive email messages in either of these ways:?Synchronize email messages with Microsoft Exchange or MicrosoftOutlook on your PC.?Send and receive email messages by connecting directly to an emailserver through an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or a network.Synchronizing Email MessagesEmail messages can be synchronized through a general synchronizationprocess. You will need to enable Inbox synchronization in ActiveSync.Forinformation on enabling Inbox synchronization, see ActiveSync Help onthe PC.105Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideDuring synchronization:?Messages are copied from the Inbox folder on your PC or Exchangeserver to the Inbox folder on your device. By default, you'll receivemessages from the last three days only, the first 100 lines of eachnew
message, and file attachments of less than 100 KB in size.?Messages in the Outbox folder on your device are transferred toExchange or Outlook and then sent from those programs.?The messages on the two computers are linked. When you delete amessage on your device, it's deleted from your PC the next time yousynchronize.?Messages in subfolders or other email folders in Outlook aresynchronizedonly if they have been selected for synchronization in Active-Sync.Using the Message ListMessages you receive are displayed in the message list. By default,themost recently received messages are displayed first in the list.To read your messages:1. Tap Inbox to select the service and folder you want to display.2. Tap the message to open. Tap and hold on the message to display a3. Tapping Received Date allows you to sort the messages by ascend-4. To connect, send and receive email, tap the Send/Receive icon on5. To connect to a selected account, tap the Account icon on the compop-up menu of or descending orderthe command bar.mand bar.NOTE Unread messages are displayed in bold. When multiplemessages appear, use the scroll arrows on the commandbar to view the previous or next message.To respond to a received message:1. To reply to or forward the selected email, tap the Reply icon onthecommand bar.2. Tap the OK to return to the message list.NOTE To delete a message, tap the Delete E-mail icon on thecommand bar.106Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket OutlookTap to show or hide the coheader.
Composing MessagesTo compose a new message:1. In the message list, tap New.2. In the To field, enter the email address of one or more recipients,separating them with a semicolon, or select a name from the contactlist by tapping Address Book. All email addresses entered in theemail fields in Contacts appear in the Address Book.Tap to send the message..Tap to show/hide the recording toolbar.Tap to display the Address Book.Tap to insert common messages.3. Compose your message. To enter preset or frequently used messages,tap My Text and select a message.4. Tap Send when you’ve finished the message. If you are workingoffline, the message is moved to the Outbox folder and will be sentthe next time you connect. If you are working online, it is sentimmediately.Managing Email Messages and FoldersEach email account has its own folder hierarchy with five defaultfolders:Inbox, Outbox, Deleted Items, Drafts, and Sent Items. The messages youreceive and send through the mail account are stored in these folders.You can also create additional folders within each hierarchy. TheDeletedItems folder contains messages that have been deleted on the device.The behavior of the Deleted Items and Sent Items folders depends onthe107Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideInbox options you have chosen. In the message list, tap Tools and thenOptions. On the Message tab, select your options.If you want to organize messages into additional folders, tap Tools,andthen Manage Folders to create new folders. To move a message toanother folder, in the message list, tap and hold the message and thentapMove on the pop-up menu.
Folder behavior with a direct connection to an email serverThe behavior of the folders you create depends on whether you are usingActiveSync, POP3, or IMAP4.?If you use ActiveSync, email messages in the Inbox folder in Outlookwill automatically be synchronized with your device. You can selecttosynchronize additional folders by designating them for ActiveSync.The folders you create and the messages you move will then be mirroredon the server. For example, if you move two messages from theInbox folder to a folder named Family, and you have designated Familyfor synchronization, the server creates a copy of the Family folderand copies the messages into that folder. You can then read the messageswhile away from your PC.?If you use POP3 and you move email messages to a folder you created,the link is broken between the messages on the device and theircopies on the mail server. The next time you connect, the mail serverwill see that the messages are missing from the device Inbox anddelete them from the server. This prevents you from having duplicatecopies of a message, but it also means that you will no longer haveaccess to messages that you move to folders created from anywhereexcept the device.?If you use IMAP4, the folders you create and the email messages youmove are mirrored on the server. Therefore, messages are availableto you anytime you connect to your mail server, whether it is from yourdevice or PC. This synchronization of folders occurs whenever youconnect to your mail server, create new folders, or rename/deletefolderswhen connected.108Chapter 5: Companion ProgramsChapter 5:Companion ProgramsThe companion programs consist of Microsoft?Pocket Word, Microsoft?Pocket Excel, MSN Messenger, Windows Media?Player for Pocket PC,Microsoft?Reader and Pictures.To switch to a companion program on your device, tap Programs on themenu, and then tap the program name.Pocket Word
Pocket Word works with Microsoft Word on your computer to give youeasy access to copies of your documents. You can create new documentson your device, or you can copy documents from your computer to yourdevice. Synchronize documents between your computer and your deviceso that you have the most up-to-date content in both locations.Use Pocket Word to create documents, such as letters, meeting minutes,and trip reports. To create a new file, tap , Programs, Pocket Word,and then New. A blank document appears. Or, if you’ve selected a templatefor new documents in the Options dialog box, that template appearswith appropriate text and formatting already provided. You can openonlyone document at a time; when you open a second document, you’ll beasked to save the first. You can save a document you create or editin avariety of formats, including Word (.doc), Pocket Word (.psw), RichTextFormat (.rtf), and Plain Text (.txt).Pocket Word contains a list of the files stored on your device. Tapa file inthe list to open it. To delete, make copies of, and send files, tapand hold afile in the list. Then, select the appropriate action on the pop-upmenu.109Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideTap to create a new document.You can enter information by working in different modes, which you selectfrom the View menu. For each mode, display the toolbar for that modebytapping Show/Hide on the command bar.NOTE110Select the type of folder you want displayed in the list.Tap to change the sort order ofthe list.Tap to open a document.Tap and hold an item to see a ppop-up menu of actions.
You can change the zoom magnification by tapping Viewand then Zoom. Then select the percentage you want.Select a higher percentage to enter text and a lower oneto see more of your document. If you’re opening a Worddocument created on a computer, select Wrap to Windowon the View menu so that you can see the entiredocument.Chapter 5: Companion ProgramsTyping ModeUsing the input panel, enter typed text into the document. For moreinformationon entering typed text, see Chapter 2.To format existing text and to edit text, first select the text. Youcan selecttext as you do in a Word document, using your stylus instead of themouse to drag through the text you want to select. You can search adocumentto find text by tapping Edit and then Find/Replace.Tap and hold to see a pop-up menu of actions.Tap to show or hide the toolbar.Tap to return to the document plist ( changes are saved ( gautomatically ).Tap to change formattingoptions.Tap to format text.111Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideWriting ModeIn writing mode, use your stylus to write directly on the screen. Ruledlinesare displayed as a guide, and the zoom magnification is greater thanintyping mode to allow you to write more easily. For more informationonwriting and selecting writing, see Chapter 2.With Space button selecteddrag to insert space.
An arrow appears showing thespace direction and size.Tap to highlight selected text.Tap to select formattingoptions,such as pen weight and line color.Space button.Pen button.NOTE If you cross three ruled lines in a single stylus stroke, thewriting becomes a drawing, and can be edited andmanipulated as described in the following section. Writtenwords are converted to graphics (metafiles) when aPocket Word document is converted to a Word documenton your computer.112Chapter 5: Companion ProgramsDrawing ModeIn drawing mode, use your stylus to draw on the screen. Gridlines appearas a guide. When you lift your stylus off the screen after the firststroke,you’ll see a drawing box indicating the boundaries of the drawing. Everysubsequent stroke within or touching the drawing box becomes part ofthedrawing. For more information on drawing and selecting drawings, seeChapter 2.Select Shape on the pop-up menu to convert objects to propershapes.Resize an object by draggingthe selection handles.Tap to select formatting options,such as pen weight, line/fontcolor, and fill color.Tap an arrow to see yourchoices.Pen button.Recording ModeIn recording mode, embed a recording into your document. Recordingsare saved as .wav files. For more information on recording, see Chapter
2.For more information on using Pocket Word, tap and then Help.113Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuidePocket ExcelPocket Excel works with Microsoft Excel on your computer to give youeasy access to copies of your workbooks. You can create new workbookson your device, or you can copy workbooks from your computer to yourdevice. Synchronize workbooks between your computer and your deviceso that you have the most up-to-date content in both locations.Use Pocket Excel to create workbooks, such as expense reports andmileage logs. To create a new file, tap , Programs, Pocket Excel, andthen New. A blank workbook appears. Or, if you’ve selected a templatefornew workbooks in the Options dialog box, that template appears withappropriate text and formatting already provided. You can open onlyoneworkbook at a time; when you open a second workbook, you’ll be askedto save the first. You can save a workbook you create or edit in a varietyofformats, including Pocket Excel (.pxl) and Excel (.xls).Pocket Excel contains a list of the files stored on your device. Tapa file inthe list to open it. To delete, make copies of, and send files, tapand hold afile in the list. Then select the appropriate action from the pop-up menu.Pocket Excel provides fundamental spreadsheet tools, such as formulas,functions, sorting, and filtering. To display the toolbar, tap Viewand thenToolbar.114Chapter 5: Companion ProgramsCell contents appear here asyou enter them.Format button.Auto Sum button.Zoom button.
NOTE If your workbook contains sensitive information, you canprotect it with a password. To do so, open the workbook,tap Edit, and then Password. Every time you open theworkbook, you will need to enter the password, so chooseone that is easy for you to remember but hard for othersto guess.115Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideTips for Working in Pocket ExcelNote the following when working in large worksheets in Pocket Excel:?View in full-screen mode to see as much of your worksheet as possible.Tap View and then Full Screen. To exit full-screen mode, tapRestore.?Show and hide window elements. Tap View and then tap the elementsyou want to show or hide.?Freeze panes on a worksheet. First select the cell where you want tofreeze panes. Tap View and then Freeze Panes. You might want tofreeze the top and leftmost panes in a worksheet to keep row and columnlabels visible as you scroll through a sheet.?Split panes to view different areas of a large worksheet. Tap Viewand then Split. Then drag the split bar to where you want it. Toremove the split, tap View and then Remove Split.?Show and hide rows and columns. To hide a hidden row or column,select a cell in the row or column you want to hide. Then tap Format,then Row or Column, and then Hide. To show a hidden row or column,tap Tools, then Go To, and then type a reference that is in thehidden row or column. Then tap Format, then Row or Column, andthen Unhide.For more information on using Pocket Excel, tap and then Help.116Chapter 5: Companion ProgramsMSN MessengerMSN Messenger on your mobile device provides the same chat environmentas MSN Messenger on your PC. These features include:?Seeing who is online.?Sending and receiving instant messages.?Having an instant message conversation with a group of contacts.?Telling contacts that you are unavailable.
?Blocking contacts from seeing your status or sending you messages.To use MSN Messenger, you must have a Microsoft Passport?accountor a Microsoft Exchange email account. You must have a Passport to useMSN Messenger Service. If you have a Hotmail?or MSN account, youalready have a Passport. Once you have obtained either a MicrosoftPassport or a Microsoft Exchange account, you are ready to set up youraccount.NOTE Sign up for a Microsoft Passport account at Get a free Microsoft Hotmailemail address at switch to MSN Messenger, tap , Programs, and then tap MSN Messenger.Setting UpBefore you can use MSN Messenger, you must set up the instant messagingaccount(s) to use. For MSN Messenger Service, you must have aMicrosoft Passport or Hotmail account. For Exchange Instant Messaging,you must have an Exchange account.To set up an account and sign in:1. In the Tools menu, tap Options and then Accounts tab.2. Select Enable MSN Messenger Service and/or Enable ExchangeInstant Messaging.3. Enter your sign-in name and password for the selected account(s).4. If you selected both accounts, under Sign in using this accountfirst, select which account to sign in to first.117Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide5. To sign in, tap the sign-in screen and then Sign in.NOTE If you already use MSN Messenger on your computer,your contacts will show up on your device without beingadded again.118Chapter 5: Companion ProgramsWorking with ContactsThe MSN Messenger window shows all of your messenger contacts at aglance, divided into Online and Not Online categories. From this view,while connected, you can chat, send an email, block the contact fromchatting with you, or delete contacts from your list using the pop-upmenu.Tap a contact to start a chat.
Tap and hold to display a pop- p pup menu of actions.NOTE To see others online without being seen, in the Toolsmenu, tap My Status and select Appear Offline.If you block a contact, you will appear offline but willremain on the blocked contact’s list. To unblock a contact,tap and hold the contact, then tap Unblock on the pop-upmenu.119Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideChatting with ContactsTap a contact name to open a chat window. Enter your message in thetext entry area at the bottom of the screen or tap My Text to entera presetmessage, and tap Send. To invite another contact to a multi-user chat,inthe Tools menu, tap Invite and tap the contact you want to invite.NOTE To switch back to the main window without closing a chat,tap Contacts. To revert back to your chat window, tapChats and select the person with whom you were chatting.120Enter message.Tap to send message.Chapter 5: Companion ProgramsTo know if the contact you are chatting with is responding, look forthemessage under the text entry area.View full chat.View status of the chat.For more information on using MSN Messenger, tap and then Help.121Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideIndicates the progress of thecurrent track.Tap to adjust volume.Tap to skip to the next song.Windows Media PlayerUse Microsoft Windows Media Player to play digital audio and video files
that are stored on your device or on a network. To switch to WindowsMedia Player for Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805, tap and then tapWindows Media.Tap to play a previous song.Tap to stop.Tap to play or pause.Use Microsoft Windows Media Player on your computer to copy digitalaudio and video files to your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805. You can playWindows Media and MP3 files on your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805.For more information about using Windows Media Player for ToshibaPocket PC e800/e805, tap , and then tap Help.122Chapter 5: Companion ProgramsMicrosoft ReaderUse Microsoft Reader to read eBooks on your device. Download booksto your computer from your favorite eBook Web site. Then, use Active-Sync to copy the book files to your activated device. The books appearinthe Reader Library, where you can tap them in the list to open them.Each book consists of a cover page, an optional table of contents, andthepages of the book. You can:?Page through the book by using the Up/Down control on your deviceor by tapping the page number on each page.?Annotate the book with highlighting, bookmarks, notes, and drawings.?Search for text and look up definitions for words.The Guidebook contains all the information you'll need to use thesoftware.To open the Guidebook, tap Help on the Reader command bar. Or,on a book page, tap and hold on the book title, and then tap Help onthepop-up menu.To switch to Microsoft Reader, tap , Programs, and then MicrosoftReader.Getting Books on Your DeviceYou can download book files from the Web. Just visit your favorite eBookretailer and follow the instructions to download the book files.Sample books and a dictionary are also included in the MSReader folder
in the Extras folder on the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 Companion CD.Use ActiveSync to download the files from your computer to your activateddevice as described in the Read Me file in the Microsoft?Readerfolder.123Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideUsing the LibraryThe Library is your Reader home page; it displays a list of all booksstoredon your device or storage card.To open the Library:?On the Reader command bar, tap Library.?On a book page, tap the book title, and then tap Library on the pop-upmenu.To open a book, tap its title in the Library list.Tap to scroll through the Library list.Tap to select a sort order.Tap here to navigate to other p gparts of the Reader.Tap to specify the books you y y ywant to display in the list.124Chapter 5: Companion ProgramsReading a BookEach book consists of a cover page, an optional table of contents, andthepages of the book. Navigation options are listed in the bottom portionofthe cover page.The first time you open a book, you’ll probably want to go to the firstpageor to the table of contents, if there is one. Subsequently, wheneveryouopen the book, you’ll be automatically taken to the last page read.In addition to the text, each book page includes a page number and booktitle.Tap to select a navigation option.Drag to select text and then tap g
an option.Tap arrows to turn the page, p p gor tap and hold page # to bring up page riffle.You can also page through a book by using the Up/Down control on yourdevice.125Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideUsing Reader FeaturesReading a book electronically gives you several options not availablewithpaper books. These options are available from any book page.Select text by dragging across the text on the page. Then, tap an optionon the pop-up menu, as described here:?Search for Text. Find text in a book by tapping Find on the pop-upmenu. Enter the word you want to search for, and tap the desired Findoption. Reader highlights found text on the page. To close Find, tapoutside the box. To return to your original page, tap the title andthentap Return on the pop-up menu.?Copy Text. You can copy text from books that support this feature intoany program that accepts text. On a book page, select the text youwant to copy, then, tap Copy Text on the pop-up menu. The text canbe pasted into the program of your choice.?Bookmarks. When you add a bookmark to a book, a color-codedbookmark icon appears in the right margin. You can add multiplebookmarks to a book. Then, from anywhere in the book, tap the bookmarkicon to go to the bookmarked page.?Highlights. When you highlight text, it appears with a coloredbackground.?Notes. When you attach a note to text, you enter the text in a notepadthat appears on top of the book page. A Note icon will display in theleft margin. To show or hide the note, tap the icon.?Drawings. When you add a drawing, a Drawing icon appears in thebottom-left corner of the page, and drawing tools appear across thebottom of the page. Draw by dragging your stylus.?To see a list of a book’s annotations, including bookmarks, highlights,text notes, and drawings, tap Annotations Index on the book’s cover
page. You can tap an entry in the list to go to the annotated page.126Chapter 5: Companion ProgramsRemoving a BookWhen you finish reading a book, you can delete it to conserve spaceonyour device. If a copy of the book is stored on your computer, you candownload it again at any time.To remove a book from your device, tap and hold the title in the Librarylist, and then tap Delete on the pop-up menu.127Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideTap to set the picture as thebackground on the Today ScreeZoom buttonTap to crop a picturePicturesYou can use Pictures to view .jpg pictures stored on your device oron astorage card, send pictures to others, view a slideshow of your pictures,or set a picture as the background on the Today screen.Edit PicturesYou can rotate, crop, zoom, and adjust the brightness and color contrastof your .jpg pictures.?Tap to rotate a picture 90 degrees counter-clockwise.?Tap to crop a picture by dragging and selecting the crop area.Tap outside of the box to stop cropping.?Tap to display the Zoom panel, from which you can zoom in orout of a picture, or return a picture to full-screen size.?Tap Edit and then Brightness and Contrast to adjust the brightnessand contrast levels of a picture.Tap to rotate a picture128Chapter 5: Companion ProgramsSend PicturesYou can send a .jpg picture to others as an email attachment. Tap Toolsand then Send via Email to create an email message with the pictureattached.
Set Picture as BackgroundYou can use one of your own .jpg pictures as the background on theToday screen, and specify how you want it displayed on the screen, suchas adjusting the transparency level.1. In Pictures, tap the picture you want to set as the background.2. Tap Tools and then Set as Today Wallpaper.View Slideshow of PicturesYou can view your .jpg pictures as a slideshow on your device. Pictureswill display slides of the pictures shown in thumbnail view with 5-secondintervals between slides. In Pictures, tap to view pictures as aslideshow.129Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide130Chapter 6: Pocket Internet ExplorerChapter 6:Pocket Internet ExplorerUse Microsoft?Pocket Internet Explorer to view Web or WAP pages ineither of these ways:?During synchronization with your desktop computer, download yourfavorite links and mobile favorites that are stored in the MobileFavoritessubfolder in Internet Explorer on the desktop computer.?Connect to an Internet service provider (ISP) or network and browsethe Web. To do this, you’ll need to create the connection first, asdescribed in Chapter 7.When connected to an ISP or network, you can also download files andprograms from the Internet or intranet.To switch to Pocket Internet Explorer, tap and then Internet Explorer.The Mobile Favorites FolderFavorites are stored in the Mobile Favorites subfolder of Favoritesin InternetExplorer on your PC. This folder was created when you selected theFavorites information type for synchronization in ActiveSync on yourPC.Favorites must be stored in this folder to be synchronized.Favorite LinksDuring synchronization, the list of favorite links in the Mobile
Favoritesfolder on your PC is synchronized with Pocket Internet Explorer on yourdevice. Both computers are updated with changes made to either listeach time you synchronize. Unless you mark the favorite link as a mobilefavorite, only the link will be downloaded to your device, and you willneedto connect to your ISP or network to view the content. For moreinformationon synchronization, see ActiveSync Help on the PC.131Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideMobile FavoritesIf you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later on your desktopcomputer, you can download mobile favorites to your device.Synchronizingmobile favorites downloads Web content to your device so that youcan view pages while you are disconnected from your ISP and desktopcomputer.Use the Internet Explorer plug-in installed with ActiveSync to createmobile favorites quickly.To create a mobile favorite:1. In Internet Explorer 5 or greater on your PC, browse to the pageyouwant to view offline.2. Click Tools and then Create Mobile Favorite.3. To change the link name, enter a new name in the Name box.4. In the Update box, select a desired update schedule to keep thepage in the Mobile Favorites folder up to date.5. To save the link in a subfolder of Mobile Favorites, click CreateInand select the desired subfolder.6. Click OK. Internet Explorer will download the latest version of thepage.7. To download the pages that are linked to the mobile favorite youjustcreated, in Internet Explorer on the PC, right-click the mobile favoriteand then click Properties. On the Download tab, specify the numberof links deep you want to download. To conserve device memory,
only go one level deep.NOTE132If you did not specify an update schedule in step 4, you willneed to manually download content to keep the informationupdated on your desktop computer and device. Beforesynchronizing with your device, in Internet Explorer on yourdesktop computer, click Tools and then Synchronize. Youwill see the last time content was downloaded to the desktopcomputer, and you can manually download content ifneeded.You can add a button to the Internet Explorer toolbar forcreating mobile favorites. In Internet Explorer on your desktopcomputer, click View, Toolbars, and then Customize.Chapter 6: Pocket Internet ExplorerTo save device memoryMobile favorites take up storage memory on your device. To minimizetheamount of memory used:?In the settings for the Favorites information type in ActiveSyncoptions,turn off pictures and sounds, or stop some mobile favorites from beingdownloaded to the device. For more information, see ActiveSyncHelp.?Limit the number of downloaded linked pages. In Internet Explorer onthe desktop computer, right-click the mobile favorite you want tochange and then Properties. In the Download tab, specify 0 or 1 forthe number of linked pages you want to download.Using AvantGo ChannelsAvantGo is a free interactive service that gives you access topersonalizedcontent and thousands of popular Web sites. You subscribe toAvantGo channels directly from your device. Then, you synchronize yourdevice and desktop computer, or connect to the Internet to downloadthecontent. For more information, visit the AvantGo Web site.Synchronize an AvantGo channel:1. In Pocket Internet Explorer on your device, tap to display your list
of favorites.2. Tap the AvantGo Channels link.3. Tap Activate.4. Follow the directions on the screen. You will need to synchronizeyour device with your PC and then tap My Channels to complete theAvantGo setup.When synchronization is complete, tap the AvantGo Channels link in yourlist of favorites to see a few of the most popular channels. To addorremove channels, tap the Add or Remove link.133Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideUsing Pocket Internet ExplorerYou can use Pocket Internet Explorer to browse mobile favorites andchannels that have been downloaded to your device without connectingtothe Internet. You can also connect to the Internet through an ISP ora networkconnection and browse the Web.Hide pictures button.Favorites button.Home button.Refresh button.134Chapter 6: Pocket Internet ExplorerTo view mobile favorites and channels:1. Tap Favorites to display your list of favorites.Tap the favorite you want toview.Tap to add or delete a folder or favorite link.2. Tap the page you want to view.You’ll see the page that was downloaded the last time you synchronizedwith your PC. If the page is not on your device, the favorite will bedimmed. You will need to synchronize with your PC again to downloadthepage to your device, or connect to the Internet to view the page.135Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide
To browse the Internet:1. Set up a connection to your ISP or corporate network usingConnections,as described in "Connect to the Internet" page 138.2. To connect and start browsing, do one of the following:?Tap Favorites, and then tap the favorite you want to view.?Tap View and then Address Bar. In the address bar that appearsat the top of the screen, enter the Web address you want to visitand then tap . Tap the arrow to choose from previouslyentered addresses.NOTE To add a favorite link while using the device, go to the pageyou want to add, tap and hold on the page, and tap Add toFavorites.136Chapter 7: Getting ConnectedChapter 7:Getting ConnectedYou can use your device to exchange information with other mobiledevices as well as your computer, a network, or the Internet. You havethefollowing connection options:?Use the infrared (IR) port on your device to send and receive filesbetween two devices. If this is the method you want to use, see thefollowingsection “Transfer Items Using Infrared.??Connect to your Internet account provider (ISP). Once connected, youcan send and receive email messages by using Inbox and view Webor WAP pages by using Microsoft?Pocket Internet Explorer. Thecommunicationsoftware for creating an ISP connection is already installedon your device. Your account provider will provide software needed toinstall other accounts, such as paging and fax accounts. If this isthemethod you want to use, see “Connect to an Internet Account Provider?later in this chapter.?Connect to the network at your company or organization where youwork. Once connected, you can send and receive email messages byusing Inbox, view Web or WAP pages by using Pocket Internet
Explorer, and synchronize with your computer. If this is the methodyou want to use, see "Connect to Work" on page 140.?Connect to your computer to synchronize remotely. Once connected,you can synchronize information such as your Pocket Outlookinformation.If this is the method you want to use, see ActiveSync Help onyour computer or Connections Help on the device.Transfer Items Using InfraredUsing infrared (IR), you can send and receive information, such ascontactsand appointments, between two devices.To send information:1. Switch to the program where you created the item you want to sendand locate the item in the list.2. Align the IR ports so that they are unobstructed and within a closerange.137Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide3. Tap and hold the item, and tap Beam Item on the pop-up menu.NOTE You can also send items, but not folders, from FileExplorer. Tap and hold the item you want to send, andthen tap Beam File on the pop-up menu.To receive information:1. Align the IR ports so that they are unobstructed and within a closerange.2. Have the owner of the other device send the information to you. Yourdevice will automatically receive it.Connect to the InternetYou can connect to your ISP, and use the connection to send and receiveemail messages and view Web or WAP pages.You can connect to work in one of two ways:?Create a modem connection. If this is the method you want to use, see“To create a modem connection to an ISP.??Use an Ethernet card and a net tap to connect to the network. If thisisthe method you want to use, see “To create an Ethernet connection toan ISP.?To create a modem connection to an ISP:
1. Obtain the following information from your ISP: ISP dial-up accesstelephone number, user name, password, and TCP/IP settings.Some ISPs require information in front of the user name, such asMSN/username.2. If your device does not have a built-in modem, install a modem card,or use or use a NULL modem cable and appropriate adapters to connectan external modem to your device through the serial port.3. Tap , Settings, Connections tab, Connections.4. In My ISP, tap Add a new modem connection, and follow theinstructions in the New Connection wizard.NOTE To change modem connection settings, in either My ISPor My Work Network, tap Manage existing connections.Select the desired modem connection, tap Edit,and follow the instructions on the screen.5. Enter a name for the connection, such as your ISP's name.138Chapter 7: Getting Connected6. In the Select a modem list, tap your modem type. If you are usingany type of external modem, in the Select a modem list, select themodem by name. If a listing does not exist for your external modem,tap Hayes Compatible on COM1.7. Enter the phone number exactly as you want it dialed. If youknow part of the phone number will change frequently as youtravel, use dialing rules to avoid creating numerous modemconnections for the same phone number.8. Enter your user name, password, and domain name as provided byyour ISP. If a domain name was not provided, try the connectionwithout entering a domain name.9. You should not need to change any advanced settings. Instanceswhere you will want to change advanced settings include:?You want to change baud rate settings, dialing string commands,or credit card options.?You need to change port settings.?The server you are connecting to does not use dynamicallyassignedaddresses, and you need to enter your TCP/IP settings.To change advanced settings, tap Advanced. Otherwise, tap Finish.To start the connection, simply start using one of the followingprograms.
Your device will automatically begin connecting. Once connected, youcan:?Send and receive email messages by using Inbox. Before you can useInbox, you need to provide the information it needs to communicatewith the email server. For specific instructions, see "Connect Directlyto an Email Server" on page 143.?Visit Web and WAP pages by using Pocket Internet Explorer, seeChapter 6 "Mobile Favorites" on page 132.?Send and receive instant messages with MSN Messenger. For moreinformation, see?"MSN Messenger" on page 117.To create an Ethernet connection to an ISP:1. You do not need to create a new connection on your device. Instead,you must purchase and configure an Ethernet card that is compatiblewith your device.2. Obtain the following information from your ISP: user name, password,and domain name.3. Insert the Ethernet card into your device. For instructions oninsertingand using the Ethernet card, see the owner’s manual for thecard.139Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide4. The first time you insert the card, Network Settings will appearautomatically so that you can configure the network card. If it doesnot appear, or to change settings later, tap , Settings, Connectionstab, Connections, Advanced tab, Network Card.5. If you need to enter specific server information, tap the appropriateadapter. Most networks use DHCP, so you should not have tochange these settings unless your network administrator instructsyou to do so.6. If necessary, connect the network card to the network by using anetworkcable. For information, see the documentation that came withyour network card.To start a connection, insert the network card, and begin using a desiredprogram. For example, switch to Pocket Internet Explorer and browseto aWeb page. Your device will automatically begin connecting.
Connect to WorkIf you have access to a network at work, you can send email messages,view intranet pages, synchronize your device, and possibly access theInternet. You can connect to work in one of two ways:?Create a modem connection by using a RAS account. Before you cancreate this modem connection, your network administrator will need toset up a RAS account for you. If this is the method you want to use,see “To create a modem connection to a network.?Your networkadministrator may also give you VPN settings.?Use an Ethernet card and a net tap to connect to the network. If thisisthe method you want to use, see “To create an Ethernet connection toa network.?To create a modem connection to a network:1. Get the following information from your network administrator:dialupaccess telephone number, user name, password, domain name,and TCP/IP settings.2. If your device does not have a built-in modem, install a modem card.3. Tap , Settings, Connections and then tab Connections.4. In My Work Network, tap Add a new modem connection, and followthe instructions in the New Connection wizard.5. Enter a name for the connection, such as your company's name.6. In the Select a modem list, tap your modem type. If you are usingany type of external modem, in the Select a modem list, select the140Chapter 7: Getting Connectedmodem by name. If a listing does not exist for your external modem,tap Hayes Compatible on COM1.7. Enter the phone number exactly as you want it dialed. If you knowpart of the phone number will change frequently as you travel, usedialing rules to avoid creating numerous modem connections forthe same phone number.8. Enter your user name, password, and domain name as provided byyour network administrator. If a domain name was not provided, trythe connection without entering a domain name.9. You should not need to change any advanced settings. Instances
where you will want to change advanced settings include:?You want to change baud rate settings, dialing string commands,or credit card options.?You need to change port settings.?The server you are connecting to does not use dynamicallyassignedaddresses, and you need to enter your TCP/IP settings.To change advanced settings, tap Advanced. Otherwise, tap Finish.To start the connection, simply start using one of the followingprograms.Your device will automatically begin connecting. Once connected, youcan:?Send and receive email messages by using Inbox. Before you can useInbox, you need to provide the information it needs to communicatewith the email server. For specific instructions, see "Connect Directlyto an Email Server" on page 143.?Visit Internet or intranet Web or WAP pages by using Pocket InternetExplorer.?Send and receive instant messages with MSN Messenger. For moreinformation, see “MSN Messenger?in Chapter 5.?Synchronize. For more information, see ActiveSync Help on thecomputer.To create an Ethernet connection to a network:1. You do not need to create a new connection on your device. Instead,you must purchase and configure an Ethernet card that is compatiblewith your device.2. Get the following information from your network administrator: username, password, and domain name.3. Insert the Ethernet card into your device. For instructions oninsertingand using the Ethernet card, see the owner’s manual for the card.4. The first time you insert the card, Network Settings will appearautomatically so that you can configure the network card. If it does141Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guidenot appear, or to change settings later, tap , Settings, Connectionstab, Connections, Advanced tab, Network Card.5. If you need to enter specific server information, tap the appropriateadapter. Most networks use DHCP, so you should not have to
change these settings unless your network administrator instructsyou to do so.6. If necessary, connect the network card to the network by using anetworkcable. For information, see the documentation that came withyour network card.To start a connection, insert the network card, and begin using a desiredprogram. For example, switch to Pocket Internet Explorer and browseto aWeb page. Your device will automatically begin connecting.To set up a VPN server connection:1. A VPN connection enables you to securely connect to servers, suchas a corporate network, via the Internet. Ask your network administratorfor your user name, password, domain name, TCP/IP settings,and host name or IP address of the VPN server.2. Tap , Settings, Connections and then tab Connections.3. To create a new VPN server connection, in My Work Network, tapAdd a new VPN server connection and follow the instructions inthe New Connection wizard.NOTE To change existing settings, in My Work Network, tapManage existing connections, VPN tab. Select thedesired VPN connection, tap Edit, and follow the instructionson the screen.4. In Name, enter a name for the connection, such as your company'sname. In Host name/IP, enter the VPN server name or IP address.Next to VPN type, select the type of authentication to use with yourdevice: IPSec/L2TP or PPTP. If you aren't sure which option tochoose, ask your network administrator.5. Select the type of authentication. If you select A pre-shared key,enter the key provided by your network administrator.6. Enter your user name, password, and domain name as provided byyour ISP or network administrator. If a domain name was not provided,try the connection without entering a domain name.7. You should not need to change any advanced settings. Instanceswhere you must change advanced settings include:142Chapter 7: Getting Connected?The server to which you are connecting does not use dynamically-
assigned addresses, and you need to enter your TCP/IPsettings.?You need to change server DNS or WINS settings.To change advanced settings, tap Advanced. Otherwise, tap Finish.To edit proxy settings:1. Tap , Settings, Connections tab.2. To change proxy server settings, in My Work Network, tap Edit myproxy server.3. Select This network connects to the Internet and This networkuses a proxy server to connect to the Internet.4. In the Proxy server box, enter the proxy server name.5. To change such settings as port number or proxy server type, tapAdvanced and change desired settings.End a ConnectionTo disconnect, do one of the following:?When connected via dial-up or VPN, tap the Connection icon, , onyour navigation bar, and then tap End.?When connected via cable or cradle, detach your device from thecable or cradle.?When connected via Infrared, move the device away from the PC ordevice.?When connected via a network (Ethernet) card, remove the card fromyour device.?When connected via a wireless network, switch off the connection.Connect Directly to an Email ServerYou can set up a connection to an email server so that you can sendandreceive email messages by using a modem or network connection andInbox on your device.NOTE The ISP or network must use a POP3 or IMAP4 emailserver and an SMTP gateway.You can use multiple email accounts to receive your messages. For eachemail account you intend to use, first set up and name the email account.143Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideIf you use the same account to connect to different mailboxes, set upandname each mailbox connection.
To set up an email account:?In Inbox on your device, tap Accounts, and then New Account. Followthe directions in the New Account wizard.For an explanation of a screen, tap and then Help. When finished, toconnect to your email server, tap Accounts and then Connect. For moreinformation on using the Inbox program, see "Inbox: Sending andReceivingEmail Messages" on page 105.Get Help on ConnectingMore information on the procedures described here, as well asinformationon additional procedures, can be found in the following locations:?"Inbox: Sending and Receiving Email Messages" on page 105.?Online Help on the device. Tap and then Help. Tap View, AllInstalled Help, and then Inbox or Connections.?ActiveSync Help on the computer. In ActiveSync, Tap and thenHelp.?For troubleshooting information, see the Pocket PC Web site at: 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) Wireless LANChapter 8:Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b)Wireless LANThis chapter is valid for Wireless LAN model only.OverviewNOTEThe IEEE 802.11b WLAN Adapter can connect your wireless ToshibaPocket PC e800/e805 to an existing IEEE 802.11b wireless network orfrom its own Wireless Network. Using the adapter in the Toshiba PocketPC e800/e805, you can enjoy the complete mobile and high-speed wirelessInternet connectivity while in range of a Wi-Fi compatible accesspoint.145Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideJoin to Existing NetworkConfigure Wireless LAN NetworkPocket PC 2003 has a interface that enables you to join to a existing
network.If Pocket PC 2003 detects a wireless network, it will show the abovemenu. Also, if you join to encrypted network(s), Pocket PC 2003 willrequire entering a Network (WEP) key.146Chapter 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) Wireless LANLaunch Wireless LAN ConfigurationIn order to Configure Wireless LAN Settings, use the Configure WirelessNetworks Screen. To launch Configure Wireless Networks Screen, tap theTMU (Traffic Monitoring Utility) Wireless LAN Indicator icon on thenavigationbar, and then tap the “Config WLAN?Link. You can also launch bytapping Start, Settings, System, then Wireless Networks.Turn Off/On Wireless LAN connectionIf you want to turn off/on the wireless LAN, tap the arrows icon onthe navigationbar and launch the Connectivity window. If you tap the "Turn Wirelessoff/on"" link on the window you can turn off/on the wireless LANmodule147Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuidePower Off/On Wireless LAN modulesTraffic Monitor Utility (TMU) supplies Wireless power off/on function.Ifyou want to turn off/on the wireless LAN tap the TMU icon and launchtheWireless LAN window. If you tap the “Power Wireless off/on?link on thewindow you can turn off/on the wireless LAN module. Please refer topage134 for detailed information.Select Preferred NetworkTMU shows a Preferred network list where you can change wireless networkconnections from this preferred list. If you want to connect to wirelessLAN network, you have to make a network setting and store to preferrednetwork list. See the "Wireless LAN Configuration" to set up wirelessnetwork.148Chapter 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) Wireless LAN
IP Address:IP AddressIP Address PageUse the IP Address Page to view and edit the IP address, subnet maskand default gateway. Click Connectivity (Arrows) icon, Settings,Advanced, Network Card, Network Adapters, “IEEE 802.11b WLANAdapter.“You can also launch by tapping Start, Settings, Connections,Connections, Advanced, Network Card, Network Adapters, “IEEE802.11b WLAN Adapter.?IP Address is Internet Protocol Address; a numeric address such as10.37.238.100 that the domain name server translates into a domainname. Each node on the IP network should have a unique IP address.Subnet mask:A number used to identify a sub-network when multiple networks shareanIP address. For example gateway:This is a device used to forward IP packets to and form a remotedestination.NOTE Please check with your network administrator for theseconnection settings.149Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideDNS:Name Servers PageUse Name Servers Page to view and edit DNS, Alt DNS, WINS and AltWINDS. Click Connectivity (Arrows) icon, Settings, Advanced, NetworkCard, Network Adapters, “IEEE 802.11b WLAN Adapter? thenName Servers. You can also launch by tapping Start, Settings,Connections,Connections, Advanced, Network Card, Network Adapters,“IEEE 802.11b WLAN Adapter? Name Servers.Domain Name System is a database system that translates addressedand domain names. For example the numeric address like becomes something such as DNS can also be used to controlInternet email delivery.Without setting the host computer's IP address in theWINS, you cannot wirelessly synchronize your Pocket PC
with your host computer.WINS:In Windows Internet Naming Service has two functions; one is a MicrosoftNetBIOS name server that eliminates the broadcast needed to resolvecomputer names to IP addresses by providing a cache or database oftranslations. The other one is to set the IP address of the host computerthat you already construct the partnership for Network adapter Activesync purpose.NOTE150Chapter 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) Wireless LANAlt DNS:Alt DNS stands for Alternative Domain Name System, Used to substitutemain DNS when necessary.Alt WINS:Alt WINS stands for Alternative Windows Internet Naming Service. Usedto substitute main WINS when necessary.Wireless LAN ConfigurationSet up a wireless networkNetworks that you have already configured are preferred networks andare listed in Wireless networks. You can select to connect to onlypreferrednetworks or have your device search for and connect to any availablenetwork whether it is preferred or not.Tap Start, Settings, Connections, Connections, Advanced, NetworkCard, Wireless tab. You can also launch this by tapping Start, Settings,System, Wireless Networks.To change network settings, in Wireless networks, tap a network. Ifyoudo not see a desired network, tap Add new Settings... and follow theinstructions on the screen.From Networks to access, select All available, Only access points orOnly computer-to-computer depending on the type of connected net-151Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guidework(s). To connect only to networks you have already configured, clearAutomatically connect to non-preferred networks.To change the network to connect listed in preferred network, tap and
holda network that you want to connect and select "Connect" from menu.To delete network listed in preferred network, Tap and hold a networkthatyou want to delete and select "Remove Settings" from menu.NOTICE:If you select to automatically connect to non-preferred networks, yourdevice will detect any new networks, your device will detect any newnetworksand provide you the opportunity to configure them.Configure Wireless NetworkA wireless network can be added either when the network is detected,ormanually by entering settings information.?Network name: It is also know as "SSID" and "ESSID". Enter a networkname, network name is a name given to the groups that form thewireless LAN network, and up to 32 single-byte English charactersand symbols may be used. If the network was detected, the networkname is automatically entered and can't be changed.?Connect to: Select what your network connects to, Work or Internet.?This is a device-to-computer (ad hoc) connection: To connect toan ad hoc connection, select this.152Chapter 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) Wireless LANConfigure Network Authentication ScreenA wireless network can be added either when the network is detected,ormanually by entering settings information. To determine ifauthenticationInformation is needed see your network administrator.Check here to set WEP (Wired EquivalentPrivacy).Default is “Disable?Check here to enable shared authentication(Shared mode). Default is “Disable?Check here if you can obtain WEP keyautomatically from Access Point.Almost case Default is “Enable?In “Key?you enter the ASCII characters and
symbols corresponding to the selected WEP.Select Key as transmit 1 - 4.Check here to enable 802.1x authenticationDefault is “Enable.Select EAP type Default is “TLS(EAP-TLS)?Show the Properties when you can connect toAccess Point with 802.1x authentication?Data encryption (WEP Enabled)Click here to enable data encryption.?The Key is provided for me automatically:Check here if you can obtain WEP key automatically from AP. Almostcase this function is used with 802.1X function. Default is "Enable".?Network Key (WEP key):Enter the ASCII characters and symbols that correspond to the modeselected.  64 bits (ASCII)5-digit ASCII characters or symbols can be entered in "Network Key".  128 bits (ASCII)13-digit ASCII characters or symbols can be entered in "NetworkKey".  64 bits (HEX)Hexadecimal 10-digit English letters and numerals can be enteredin “Network Key.?Letters and numerals that can be entered are 0-9and A(a) - F(f).  128 bits (HEX)Hexadecimal 26-digit English letters and numerals can be enteredin “Network Key.?Letters and numerals that can be entered are 0-9and A(a) - F(f).?Key Index:This becomes enabled when WEP is selected. Select 1 - 4.153Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide?Enable network access using IEEE 802.1X:Check here to enable 802.1x validation function.?EAP type:Select protocol for using 802.1x validation function.  TLS (EAP-TLS)Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol used by Windows 2000
Server, etc.  PEAPProtected EAP Protocol (PEAP) used by Windows.NET Server2003, etc.Please ask your network administrator for further details of the 802.1xvalidationprocedure.TMU Traffic Monitoring UtilityTMU Keeps users updated of current WLAN Module's activity status.Icon SpecificationWireless Communication switch off:Wireless Communication Switch, on the bottom of the PDA, is turned off.Clicking on the icon gives you a warning message, "Please turn onWireless communication switch!" Click "OK" to close the Message Box.Turn on the switch and you will see the icon turns to or ,depends on the original setting for the WLAN Module Power.Wireless Communication power off:The WLAN Modules is at Power Off Status. Clicking on the icon displaysyou a link "Power Wireless on". Click the link to turn on the WirelessLAN module power and then the icon to .Wireless Power on:The WLAN Modules is at Power On Status. Clicking on the icon displaysyou a link "Power Wireless off". Click the link to turn off the WirelessLAN module power and then the icon to . Number of wave indicatessignal strength.154Chapter 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) Wireless LANWireless LAN ManagerWireless LAN Manager enables you to control some power managementsettings and also enable to see some information of your Wireless LANadapter.Wireless LAN Indicator icon on the navigation bar, and then tap the"Info"Link.And you can also launch this by tapping Start, Settings, System, WirelessLAN ManagerManager Screen
?Enable Wireless LAN Indicator: If you check this, the wireless LANindicator is displayed in the navigation bar.?Transmission Rate: Select transmission rate to be used from thepulldownmenu. If you select "Fully Auto", the adapter is automatically setto the most suitable transmission rate.?Channel: If you make a ad-hoc network, you can select a channel thatused in that ad-hoc network from this list.?Enable Power Saving Mode: Check this to use power saving mode.  On Battery PowerCheck this to run in power saving mode when on battery power.Power is turned off if there is no transmission for the time specified.Select the length of time for power saving mode from the pulldownmenu.155Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide  On External PowerCheck this to run in power saving mode when on external power.Power is turned off if there is no transmission for the time specified.Select the length of time for power saving mode from the pulldownmenu.Link Screen?Link QualityLink Quality shows quality of wireless LAN signal.?Link InformationLink Information shows some information about your wireless LANadapter.  SSID: Displays the SSID currently connected to the access pointor 802.11 ad hoc network.  Channel: The number of the channel being used by the accesspoint or 802.11 ad hoc network.  Tx Rate: Displays the transmission rate used.  BSSID: Displays the BSSID set on the access point or 802.11 adhoc network.  IP Address: Displays the IP address set.  Subnet Mask: Displays the subnet mask set.  Gateway: Displays the gateway IP address set.  IP Renew: This is for attempting to renew an IP address, but can
only be used if DHCP is being used.156Info Screen?MAC (Media Access Control) Address:Display Wireless LAN MAC Address. MAC Address is a hardwareaddress that uniquely identifies each device of network.Display FW version that included Wireless LAN hardware.Display Wireless LAN Driver version.?Version Information:  Firmware  Driver  UtilityDisplay Wireless LAN Configuration Utility version.Toshiba EnrollerConfigure "Toshiba Enroller", the tool for obtaining and administeringcertificatesused for 802.1x validation. Please ask your network administratorfor configuration details.Chapter 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) Wireless LAN157Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideCertificate for TLSEnter here the user name of the personobtaining the certificate.Enter here the password of the userobtaining the certificate. Passwords of morethan 14 letters will be blocked.Enter the URL or IP address of thecertifying server (CA server) here.Click there to request a certificate fromthe certifying server(CA server).Launch Certificate Import Wizard.?User: Enter the user name of the person obtaining the clientcertificate.?Password: Enter the password of the user obtaining the clientcertificate.The password may be up to 14 single-byte characters in length.If this length is exceeded, the password will be blocked.
?CA Server: Enter the URL or IP address of the certifying server issuingthe client certificate. Any URLs of more than 255 characters will beblocked.?Submit: After you have entered user name, password and CA server,click this button to request a certificate from the certifying server.Certificate Import Wizard?Config Wireless: Launch Certificate Import Wizard.158Chapter 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) Wireless LANRoot Cert Page?Open Certificate:Opens the root certificate. When the root certificate is openednormally,the person it has been issued to, the person it was issued byand the period of validity will be displayed. The root certificate isprovidedby the .cer file.?Install Certificate:Registers the open root certificate in the system. This button isenabled when the root certificate is opened normally.NOTICE:Pocket PC 2003 supports *.cer DER encoded root certificate file asdefault. You can install root certificate if you double-click rootcertificatefile.159Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideManage Page?Property:Displays information on certificates obtained.?Delete:Deletes certificates.Please use the greatest possible care when deleting certificates.When using EAP-TLS, one client certificate and one root certificatearerequired as a minimum. When using PEAP, one root certificate is requiredas a minimum.Please ask your network administrator for details of operational
procedures.160Chapter 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) Wireless LANAdvanced Page?Request Page:Part of the URL to be accessed when obtaining client certificates.?Cert Template:Template used when obtaining client certificates.?Cert Attribute:Attribute used when obtaining client certificates.?Certificate for TLS:If you check here, Obtain ClientCert and RootCert simultaneously.Under normal circumstances, configuration is not needed unlessrequested by your network administrator.161Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideToshiba Certificate Import WizardToshiba Certificate Import Wizard helps you obtain certificates fromnetworkor disk to certificate store more easily. The Toshiba Certificate ImportWizard requires ActiveSync environment to obtain certificate fromserver.Please prepare the Cradle and PC that can connect to CertificationAuthority (CA) Server.The Toshiba Certificate Import Wizard obtains Certification AuthorityviaActiveSync path through a network connection.You can exit this wizard when you tap OK. All operations on this wizardwill be cancelled.Start ScreenSelect 802.1x type from above menu and tap Next >.For more in formation on authentication procedures, refer to "ConfigureNetwork Authentication Screen" on page 153.162Chapter 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) Wireless LANExample: Obtain TLS Certificate from server (1)Obtaining a certificate for TLS always requires an ActiveSyncconnection.
Place your Toshiba Pocket PC 3750/e805 into the cradle and tap Next>.After tapping, if there are any problems about active syncing. Wizardwillpop-up the problem.163Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideExample: Obtain TLS Certificate from server (2)You have to enter your user name, password, and CA server name (or IP)toobtain certificates from server. After filling parameters, tap Next>, If there issomething wrong with the parameters, Wizard will display the problem.Example: Obtain TLS Certificate from server (3)If you succeed in obtaining a Certificate from the server, theCertificatethat you received.164Chapter 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) Wireless LANExample: Obtain PEAP Certificate from a file (1)If your network supports PEAP authentication, you can obtain acertificatefrom file. Similar to the steps taken while obtaining a TLS certificate,select From file (recommended), and tap Next >.165Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideExample: Obtain PEAP Certificate from a file (2)Select Certificate from file. Certificate file should be provided fromyournetwork administrator. If you don't have that, please contact to yournetworkadministrator.Toshiba Certificate Import Wizard supports only DER encoded rootcertificate.If you try to import other format certificate file, Wizard will pop-uptheerror.166
Chapter 8: Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) Wireless LANExample: Obtain PEAP Certificate from a file (3)If you succeeded in obtaining the certificate from the server, thecertificatewill display on the screen like the figure above. Since PEAPauthenticationdoesn't require client certification, the wizard will not showinformationabout client certification. If you tap Finish, certificates are storedto thesystem.167Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide168Chapter 9: Optional FunctionsChapter 9:Optional FunctionsYou can also launch Home by tapping Home .HomeYou can launch built-in or installed applications (programs) by tappinganicon displayed on the Home screen. It can display a list of runningprograms,and easily activate or stop a specific program. The Home screendisplays the remaining battery power, Today information and frequentlyused setting icons, and can be personalized by changing the backgroundor by adding icons and tabs.Launching an Application From the Home Screen1. Tap Start, Programs, and then Home to display the Home screen.NOTE2. Tap the desired tab (Running, Main, Programs, or Games) and thentap the application icon you want to launch. The selected applicationstarts up.169Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide3. Tap New on the command bar for commands such as Paste or Add.Information on applications (About, Tab Setting, etc.) are availableby
tapping Accounts.4. To verify that the application is open, tap the Running tab.NOTEAbout the Home ScreenThe default Home screen is the parallel display style with informationwindowdisplay.170Information window.The informationcan be displayed/hidden.The display stylecan be switchedbetween paralleland tab.Launching applications: you can launch an application bymoving the cursor button or scroller to select and pressingthe center of the cursor button to confirm.Adding tabs: you can add tabs up to a maximum of 10kinds and icons up to 18 in a tab.1st window.Tab selection box.Tap this to switchbetween tabs.2nd window.About the Information WindowThe information window displays the remaining battery power, hardwareinformation and Today information such as today’s tasks andappointments.Need applicable Mt.Shasta/Yellowstone screen here.Displays the date and time. Tap to display the Clock setting screenDisplays the number of current tasks as of today and the number of tasksfinishedor soon to be finished as of today. Tap to launch Tasks.Displays the number of unread mail and the sender of the latest unreadmail. Tap
to launch Inbox.Displays today’s next appointment. Tap to launch Calendar.Chapter 9: Optional Functions171Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideDisplay item<not ready>NamePowerMemoryScreen lightSystem InformationVQ-selectVolume ON/OFFDescriptionTap to display the Power setting screen.Tap to display the Memory setting screen.Tap to display the Screen light settingscreen.Tap to display the system information.Tap to display the VGA-QVGA settingscreen.Tap to toggle volume ON/OFF.This icon is interlocked with the display ofvolume ON/OFF that has been switchedusing the icon on the navigation bar. Note,however, that the navigation bar display isnot changed even if volume is toggled ON/OFF using this button.About RunningThe Running tab displays the active application names. The icons donotappear.Application Activate/Stop:Tap the application name you want to activate, or tap and hold theapplicationname and select Activate in the pop-up menu.1. Tap to activate/tap to quit the desired application.
2. Tap on the screen within the Running tab to quit all applications.3. You can select the View or Tools menu on the Running tab to getmore information about an application (About), view the applicationin a certain color (Text color), or look at the Tab Setting.172Chapter 9: Optional FunctionsNeed applicable Mt.Shasta/Yellowstone screen here.NOTE To display the Running tab pop-up menu, tap and holdany portion of the screen other than the application name.In this case, only the Stop All is selectable.173Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideTabsPrograms<Notready>Display Icon ListThe following list shows the tabs and icons for the initial setup.Icons TabsRunning -Main174Applications-PocketInternetExplorerWindowsMedia PlayerNotesTasksInboxCalendarContactsVQ-selectApplications IconsFile ExplorerDataBackup
MSNMessengerPocket WordPocket ExcelCalculatorSolitaireJawbreakerneed PicturesChapter 9: Optional FunctionsMoving Application IconsYou can move icons in tabs or between tabs. To create a new tab, see"Tab Settings" on page 178.To move icons in tabs:1. Drag and drop the desired icon to the desired position with the iconin a tapped state. When the icon is moved, the icon near where theicon is to be moved is highlighted. When the icon is dropped, theicon is moved to the position of the highlighted icon. If there is nohighlighted icon when the icon is dropped, the icon is moved to theend of the icons.NOTE When “Icons are sorted as launched order (Effective forall tabs)?is selected in the Tab Settings screen, icons intabs are sorted in the order that they are launched. Iconscannot be moved in tabs when this is set.To move icons to another tab using the pop-up menu:1. Tap and hold the icon you want to move to display the pop-up menu.2. Tap Cut on the pop-up menu.3. Tap the destination tab, then tap and hold any portion other thantheicon, and then tap Paste on the pop-up menu. The selected icon ispasted next to the last icon on the tab screen.NOTE The moved icon is placed next to the last icon on the tabscreen. When “Icons are sorted as launched order (Effectivefor all tabs)?is selected in the “Tab Settings?screen,icons in tabs are sorted in the order that they arelaunched. An icon cannot be moved into a tab thatalready includes 18 icons.To move icons to another tab using drag and drop:
1. Tap the icon you want to move.2. Drag the icon to the destination tab, and then drop it. The nameofthe destination tab is displayed inverted, the icon is moved, and thaticon in the original tab screen is deleted.175Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideNOTEDeleting an Icon1. Tap and hold the icon you want to delete to display the pop-up menu.2. Tap Drop on the pop-up menu. The icon is deleted and the next iconautomatically shifts to fill the deleted icon position.Adding an IconYou can add the application and your file icons to the Home screen.1. Tap Edit and then Add to display the Add Application screen.You can also select Add from the pop-up menu displayed by tappingand holding any portion other than the icon.2. Tap   of Application file box to show the file list. If you cannotlocatethe file, find it by tapping Browse. To refer to all folders and files,tapBrowse to show the Browse screen. When the file is selected, itsname is displayed in the Application file box.176Icons that can be moved are displayed inverted whenthey are tapped. The moved icon is placed next to thelast icon on the tab screen. When “Icons are sorted aslaunched order (Effective for all tabs)?is selected in the“Tab Settings?screen, icons in tabs are sorted in theorder that they are launched. An icon cannot be movedinto a tab that already includes 18 icons.Tap to designate a folder you want tobrowse. When a storage card is inserted,files or folders contained in the storagecard are displayed from the top directory.Tap to move to one upper directoryfolder above the currently displayedone.
Tap to select kinds of application or file tobe browsed.If a file is selected from the list, the screenreturns to the Add Application screen. Chapter 9: Optional Functions3. Enter the icon name (up to a maximum of 32 characters) in theApplicationname box that is to be displayed on the Home screen.4. When finished, tap OK to close the Add Application screen, and thenew icon is added to the Home screen.NOTE If the Application file is not designated, or if the Applicationname is not entered, you cannot add a new icon.You cannot launch the icon added from the storage card,if the same card is not inserted in the Toshiba Pocket PCe800/e805.Renaming IconsYou can rename icons (applications).1. Tap and hold the icon to rename. The pop-up menu is displayed.2. Tap Rename from the pop-up menu. The icon can be renamed.3. Change the name using the input panel, and tap the screen.NOTE Tapping anywhere on the screen other than the navigationbar or the command bar also fixes the name.In addition to the above method, the name is fixed whenthe screen contents have changed.Switching Icon DisplayWhen icons are displayed in tab display style, their display can beswitched from the View menu. Select Large Icon or Small Icon to suityourpreference.177Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide(Example) Small IconTab SettingsOn the Tab Settings screen you can add, delete or rename a tab as wellas select a bitmap image to display on the screen background.To add a tab:1. Tap Tools, and then Tab Settings.2. Tap New to display a box to enter the new tab name.3. Enter a new tab name (up to a maximum of 10 characters). When
finished, tap OK to return to the Tab Settings screen.4. Tap OK on the Tab Settings screen to return to the Home screen. Anew tab is added to the right of the existing tab.NOTE The number of tabs can be increased to 10. The taborder cannot be re-arranged.To delete a tab:1. Tap Tools, and then Tab Settings.2. Select the tab name to delete, and then tap Delete. The ConfirmationDelete tab appears, followed by the Delete tab confirmation dialogbox appears. Please note that all the icons contained in the sametab will also be deleted.178(Example) Large Icon Chapter 9: Optional Functions3. Tap Yes on the Delete tab dialog to delete the tab. When finished,the screen returns to Tab Settings screen.4. Tap OK on the Tab Settings screen to return to the Home screen.You cannot delete the Running tab. NOTETo change the name of a tab:1. Tap Tools and then Tab Settings.2. Select the tab name you want to change, and then tap Modify.3. Enter a new tab name (up to a maximum of 10 characters). Whenfinished, tap OK to return to the Tab Settings screen.4. Tap OK on the Tab Settings screen to return to the Home screen.You cannot rename the Running tab. NOTETo sort icons:Icons in tabs can be sorted in the order that they were last launched.1. Tap Tools and then Tab Settings.2. Select the “Icons are sorted as launched order (Effective for alltabs)?check box.3. Tap OK on the Tab Settings screen to return to the Home screen.To move icons in a tab, clear the check box. NOTETo change a background:1. Tap Tools and then Tab Settings.2. Select the tab name you want to change, and then tap Modify.3. Tap Browse. The Browse screen is displayed. Even if a storage cardis inserted, the files in the storage card will not be displayed.4. To return to the previous screen, tap the desired bitmap file from
thelist.5. To return to the Tab Settings screen, tap OK.6. Tap OK on the Tab Settings screen to return to the Home screen.NOTE If the selected file is not a designated file type, you cannotset it on your screen background. The Home screenimage display range is 240 pixels (W) x 268 pixels (H).179Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideBackground Color and Text Color SettingYou can use Background Color to select a color for the background foreach tab. Additionally, Text Color is available to apply a color forthe applicationname for each tab.To apply Background Color and Text Color:1. Tap Tools and then Tab Settings.2. Select the tab name you want to change, and then tap Modify.3. Tap Background color or Text color to display the color list.4. Select the color, and tap OK to return to the previous screen.5. To return to the Tab Settings screen, tap OK.6. Tap OK on the Tab Settings screen to return to the Home screen.NOTE When a background image is set, the background imagewill stay intact and not change even if a background coloris set. Note, however, that if the image does not completelyfill the background, the background color will forma border around the image. Background color and textcolor can also be set from the View menu.Home HelpTapping an icon displayed at Home launches that application. In additionto applications, it is also possible to register icons for associatedfileshere. The Home screen is divided into tabs. There are 4 tab types asdefault, and up to 10 types of tab can be registered. As for the iconsonthe tab, up to 18 icons per one tab can be registered.An image can be used as the background for the tab screen.Running Tab
The names of currently running applications are displayed at the Runningtab.Applications can be switched or quit here.Text Color can be selected from the View menu, and Tab Settings andAbout can be selected from the Tools menu.?To activate applications, tap and hold the name of the applicationyou want to activate to, then tap Activate from the pop-up menu.?To stop an application, tap and hold the name of the applicationyou want to stop, then choose Stop from the pop-up menu. If Stopall is selected from the pop-up menu, all currently running applicationsare stopped.180Chapter 9: Optional Functions?Stop all can also be selected by tapping and holding on the Runningtab screen without selecting an application name.Launching applicationsWhen an icon on the tab screen is tapped, the application or associatedfile registered at the icon is launched.?Applications can also be launched by selecting them with the cursorbutton then pressing on the center of the cursor button.Switching the icon displayTap on the View menu to display the current display settings. Currentdisplaysettings are indicated by check mark at the left. To switch the display,select Large Icon or Small Icon.Icon settings1. Moving icons (using the pop-up menu)1. Tap and hold the icon you want to move on the tab screen.2. When the pop-up menu appears, select Cut from the menu.3. Tap on the tab to which you want to move the icon, then tapPaste from the Edit menu to move the icon and display it on thetab screen.?It is not possible to move icons to tabs already containing 18icons. When an icon is moved, it is positioned at the very end ofthe tab’s icons.2. Deleting icons1. Tap and hold the icon you want to delete. A pop-up menuappears.
2. Tap Drop from the pop-up menu to delete the selected icon fromthe tab screen.?When an icon is deleted, subsequent icons are all moved up oneplace.3. Adding icons1. Tap the tab to which you want to add an icon to select that tab.2. Tap Add from the Edit menu to display the Add Applicationscreen.3. Tap the Application file box.4. From the list, tap the application you want to add. To select a filenot on the list, tap Browse, then select the file from the BrowseDialog.181Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide5. Input the name of the icon you want to add (up to 32 characters)in the Application name box.6. Tap OK. The new icon is added.182Chapter 9: Optional Functions?Associated files can be specified for added icons.?If either one of Application file or Application name is not filledin, an icon can not be added.4. Browse Dialog1. Tap the Folder box to select the folder to be browsed.2. Tap the Type box to select the type of file to be browsed.3. The list of the files of the specified type and in the specifiedfolderappears on the screen. Select the desired application or file orthe image to be used as the background and tap it. The originalscreen reappears.?If a storage card is inserted into the main unit when adding icons,icons of applications and files on the storage card are also displayedon the browse screen. The folders and files on the storagecard can be displayed in the Folder box, beginning at thetopmost level.?If an icon on a storage card is added, that storage card must beinserted when the icon is tapped or the file will not be launched.Tab settings
1. Switching tabsTap on another tab to switch the tab screen.Initially four tabs are registered: Running, Main, Programs and Games.2. Changing tab names1. Select Tab Settings from the Tools menu. The Tab Settingsscreen appears.2. Tap the Select tab box to select the tab to be changed.3. Tap Rename. The screen for inputting the new tab nameappears.4. Input the new tab name (up to 10 characters) into the Rename tobox.5. Tap OK. The tab name is changed and the Tab Settings screenreappears.6. Tap OK at the upper right to return to the Home screen.7. Deleting tabs1. Select Tab Settings from the Tools menu. The Tab Settingsscreen appears.2. Tap the Select tab box to select the tab to be deleted.3. Tap Delete. A dialog asking you to confirm you want to delete thetab appears.183Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide4. Tap Yes. The tab is deleted and the Tab Settings screen reappears.5. Tap OK at the upper right to return to the Home screen.?Note that when a tab is deleted, all the icons on that tab are alsodeleted.?Delete cannot be selected if there are only two tabs on the Home4. Adding tabs1. Select Tab Settings from the Tools menu. The Tab Settingsscreen.screen appears.the New tab box.2. Tap New. An input screen appears.3. Input the name you want to give the tab (up to 10 characters) into4. Tap OK. The new tab is added and the Tab Settings screenreappears.5. Tap OK at the upper right to return to the Home screen.5. Setting the background image
1. Select Tab Settings from the Tools menu. The Tab Settingsscreen appears.2. Select the tab whose background you want to set at the Selecttab box.3. Tap Browse to display the Browse Dialog.4. Select and tap the image to be used as the background. The TabSettings screen reappears.5. Tap OK at the upper right to return to the Home screen.6. Setting the text colorDifferent colors can be set for the application names at the differenttabs.1. Display the tab whose color you want to set, then select TextColor from the View menu.2. Tap the color you want to set from the list of display colors. Thatcolor is set for the application names.184Chapter 9: Optional FunctionsHow to Make a BackupPeriodical backup of your data is highly recommended. You can make abackup of the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 data to a storage device.Additionally, if you have backed up your data on a storage device, youcanrestore that data in your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 as well as deletebackup file data from the storage device.Data of the following three types can be backed up:File: Includes a file created by Pocket Word, Pocket Excel, Notes, oranadditionally installed program.Registry: Settings information on Windows Mobile 2003 or built-inprograms.Database: Microsoft Pocket Outlook information.1. Data such as the password in Settings cannot berestored.2. The data stored in the Flash ROM disk cannot beback up.3. Before backing up or restoring data, stop other applications,and connect the AC adapter to the ToshibaPocket PC e800/e805.
4. If you make a backup to the CF/SD card or FlashROM Disk using the DataBackup Utility, please DONOT: remove the CF/SD card, reset the device, and/or turn off the device’s power until the backup iscompleted.5. If you restore the data from the CF/SD card or FlashROM Disk by DataBackup Utility, please DO NOT:remove the CF/SD card, reset the device, and/orturn off the device’s power until the restore is completed.Failure to follow any of the above procedures may resultin the loss of data.Making a BackupBefore performing the backup or restore operations, do the following;?Check that there is enough space in the main unit’s memory and onthe storage device. The backup process will stop if the storage device185Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guidebecomes full before completing the backup. The backup data is savedas a .dbk file on your storage device.?Make sure the main unit’s power is off when loading and unloading theCF/SD card.?Save current data in the main unit’s memory before backing it up onthe storage device.1. To make a backup to the CF/SD card, insert a CF Card or SD Card.Make sure to do so in the proper direction.2. Tap Start, Programs, and then DataBackup to display the DataBackupscreen shown below.3. Tap Backup from Functionality, and select the storage destination.Tap to select Backup.Tap to select thestorage destination.Tap to select:Whole data: All filesstored in main memory,registry, and database.PIM data: Pocket Outlookdata (Contacts,Calendar, and Task).
4. Tap Start. The screen for confirming that other applications haveended appears.5. To display the Backup password input screen, tap OK.6. Enter a password. You can enter a password up to a maximum of 16characters. Backup can be made even without entry of a password.If a password is entered, that password is required at the time ofrestore.186Chapter 9: Optional FunctionsNOTE If you forget the password, you cannot restore thebackup data. Do not forget your password. Write downthe password and keep it in a safe place where only youknow.7. When finished, tap OK. The progress bar is displayed during thebackup process. When the backup is completed, the backup finishmessage appears. The backup time that is displayed on screen isthe time that the backup was started.8. Tap OK to return to the previous screen.9. Tap Exit to close the DataBackup screen.NOTE The backup process will stop if the storage devicebecomes full before completing the backup. Before startingthe backup, check the remaining storage devicecapacity.If the storage card is write-protected, you cannot save thebackup data. Cancel the write-protection before startingthe backup.Backups can also be made periodically. For more information,see "Making an Auto Backup" on page 189.Backup files are always overwritten.Carrying Out the Restore OperationTo restore is to overwrite the backed up data from the storage deviceontothe main memory of your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805. Prior to restoringyour data, please consider the following:?If the same file name exists in the main memory of your ToshibaPocket PC e800/e805, this file data is replaced with the backup datafrom the storage device.?If files exist in the main memory but not in the backup file, they
will notbe overwritten.1. To restore from the CF/SD card, insert the CF/SD card that containsthe backup data into your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805.2. Tap Start, Programs, and then DataBackup to display theDataBackup screen shown on the following page.187Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide3. Tap Restore from Functionality, and select the storage destination.Tap Restore.Tap to select thestorage destination.4. Tap Start. The screen for confirming that other applications haveended appears.5. Tap OK to display the Restore password input screen.6. Enter the password used when backing up the data (if the file waspreviously created without a password, then a password is notrequired).7. When finished, tap OK. The progress bar is displayed during therestore process. When the restore is completed, the restore finishmessage appears.188Chapter 9: Optional Functions8. Tap OK. Your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 is now reset and it willautomatically restart.If your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 memory becomesshort of its capacity during restore, the restore processstops. Increase the memory allocation of the main memoryof your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 (see "CustomizeYour Toshiba Pocket PC" on page 58), and thenrestart the restore procedure.Data backed up on a legacy model Toshiba Pocket PC oranother manufacturer’s Pocket PC (simply called "otherPocket PC" from here on) cannot be restored to yourToshiba Pocket PC e800/e805. To load other Pocket PCdata to your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805, use Active-Sync to synchronize the personal computer with theother Pocket PC. Next, synchronize the personal computer
with Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805, and then loadthe data to Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805.Deleting a Backup FileYou can delete a backup file and replace it at another time or makeroomfor more data on your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805.To delete the backup data on CF/SD card:1. Insert the CF Card or the SD Card into your Toshiba Pocket PCe800/e805.2. To display the Backup screen, tap Start, Programs, thenDataBackup.3. Tap Delete Backup File from Functionality, and select the storagedestination.4. Tap Start.5. To delete the backup file, tap OK.6. Tap Exit to close to the DataBackup screen.Making an Auto BackupYou can set up your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 to automaticallybackup files at a specified time intervals. Select the backup time,occurrence,and frequency that best suits your needs. For example, when you189Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guideselect auto backup set1, data is automatically backed up at the specifiedday of the week and time.NOTE Even if your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 is turned off,data is periodically backed up.To make a backup to the CF/SD card:1. Insert a CF Card or a SD Card2. To display the DataBackup screen, tap Start, Programs, thenDataBackup.3. Tap Auto backup settings from the Tools menu. The Settingsscreen is displayed.4. Set the desired items.Select Do auto-backup.If required, enter a password.Select the storage device.Select if power off backups
are required.5. Tap OK. The settings data is saved and periodical backups will bemade at the preset time.190Chapter 9: Optional Functions6. Tap Exit to close to the Backup screen.NOTE If the "Do auto backup only when power is off" check boxis not marked, the auto backup confirmation screen willbe displayed if your Pocket PC is ON when the autobackup occurs. The backup will be automatically started ifyou tap OK or about 30 seconds elapses after the confirmationscreen is displayed. Tap Cancel to stop thebackup.If the "Do auto backup only when power is off" check boxis selected, the message screen will be displayed, andthe backup will be started after about 10 seconds if yourPocket PC is off when the auto backup occurs.Auto backups will only occur if the AC Adapter is connectedor the remaining battery charge is 50% or more.You can confirm whether or not auto backups haveoccurred by checking when the last backup was made.Depending on the conditions, auto backups may notoccur.Auto backups will not occur if the preset storage card isnot inserted in the card slot at the specified auto backuptime.Do not turn your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 off duringan auto backup. Doing so might damage the data or yourToshiba Pocket PC e800/e805.If the storage device runs out of data storage space duringan auto backup, the backup will end midway. Beforean auto backup is made, check the amount of free spaceon the storage device.System InformationThe System Information program displays the system information suchas CPU clock, CPU stepping, Boot Loader Version, OS Version, PIC Version,MAC address (WirlessLAN model only), and UUID. The informationis displayed by accessing the Identity, Memory, Drivers, System, and
Wireless tabs.To launch the program, tap Start, Settings, System, and then SystemInformation.191Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideTabout Identity ,, and Wirelesssettings.Memory TabIdentity TabThe opening menu presents identification information for productservice.The Memory tab presents information about the systems RAM, ROM, andFlash ROM Disk.Driver TabThe Driver tab displays the drivers used by the system’s softwareapplications.System TabThe System tab displays CPU, operating system, and other systeminformation.Wireless TabThe Wireless tab displays information about the Built-in Wireless LANadapter.Tools MenuThe Tools menu displays the system information and allows it to beexported to a text (*.txt) file. Export exports all system informationparametersto a text (*.txt), and About displays the system information version.192Chapter 9: Optional FunctionsATI Presentation PackThe Toshiba Expansion Pack with ATI IMAGEON Dual Display Solutioncomes bundled with the ATI Presentation Pack, which includes the IAPresenterand IA Screen Mirror modules.IA Presenter
Take your Microsoft Windows PowerPoint slides and use IA Presenter torun a smooth presentation directly from your Pocket PC. IA Presentercanrun as a standalone mobile PowerPoint player using your portabledevice’s LCD screen. But with IA Presenter and the Toshiba ExpansionPack linked to an LCD projector or a monitor, you can create powerfulpresentationsfrom your Pocket PC.IA Screen MirrorThe IA Screen Mirror with the Toshiba Expansion Pack projects the currentcontents of your Pocket PC’s LCD screen onto an external projector,or monitor. It can display up to nine different images from your LCDoutputat the same time on the second display. See page 203 for informationon updates.IA PresenterGetting StartedAfter you invoke IA Presenter, the screen lists all the converted Power-Point presentations currently in your \My Documents folder. A samplepresentationfile is included with the installation, so at least one file will belisted when you initially invoke IA Presenter.To receive a presentation file into the \My Documents folder of yourPocket PC via Infrared beaming, tap Tools in the lower left corner ofthescreen, then select Receive via InfraRed...from the menu shown above.To drag-and-drop a PowerPoint file from your computer to your PocketPC, see the section Using IA Presenter’s Desktop Converter on thenext page.The Options... command on the Tools Menu opens the General, File,Display,and VGA Output tabs. These tabs are explained in the on-line Helpfile, which can be accessed from the Tools Menu by tapping Help....Or,after opening one of the tabs, select Help from the Windows Start Menu.Installing the ATI Presentation PackAll components of the ATI Presentation Pack are installed together by
doing as follows:1. Make sure your Pocket PC is connected to your computer and thatan ActiveSync connection has been established.193Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide2. Start the ATI Presentation Pack installation by running the Setupprogram.NOTE You can setup ATI Presentation Pack from CompanionCD3. After accepting the license agreement, choose the folder to whichyou want the ATI Presentation Pack to be installed. Click Next toaccept the default destination folder; click Browse... to specify adifferentfolder.4. Check your Pocket PC screen for any additional steps required tocomplete the installation.Using IA Presenter’s Desktop ConverterWhen you drag-and-drop a PowerPoint file from your PC to your PocketPC, the ActiveSync Converter in the IA Presenter will automaticallyconvertthe PowerPoint file to a special IA Presenter format for your PocketPC, using the resolution you specify. The file will be placed in anyfolderon your mobile device where you choose to drag-and-drop it.NOTE PowerPoint 97 or PowerPoint 2000 (or greater) is necessaryfor using IA Presenter’s Desktop Converter.There are two ways to open the “Set ActiveSync Conversion Options?dialogbox:?1) Select ATI Presentation Pack from the Start Menu, and then SetIA Presenter ActiveSync Conversion Options from the submenu.The dialog box will open, establishing it as your default PowerPointfilterfor your ActiveSync drag-and-drop operations. You can choose adimension and then clear the Show this option dialog box next timecheck box (it is selected by default as shown in the figure above).Ifyou cleared it, the dialog box will not open whenever you drag-anddropa file from your computer to your mobile device. Instead, the
dimension you specified will be used during each conversion.?2) You can set the dimension each time you drag-and-drop a Power-Point file from your computer to your mobile device. If the Show thisoption dialog box next time check box has not been cleared, the IAPresenter “Set ActiveSync Conversion Options?dialog box will openautomatically every time you drag-drop a PowerPoint file to yourPocket PC.Choosing Dimensions for the Converted .IAP FileThe conversion filter supports both PPT and PPS PowerPoint files. Theconversion options are:194Chapter 9: Optional Functions  Pocket PC LCD Size ?320 x 240: Select this option if you onlywant to display the presentation on the LCD screen of your PocketPC. However, if you have tried the 320 x 240 button and then findthat images on the Pocket PC screen have been stretched to fitthe screen, and you do not want this effect, try converting againusing the User-defined button. After selecting User-defined,enter 240 in the first box, and 320 in the second box.If you want to prepare the file to project the presentation to a VGAscreenor video monitor, select one of these options:  VGA ?640 x 480  SVGA ?800 x 600  User-defined: If you do not want to use one of the pre-defineddimensions listed above, select the User-defined option andenter your own value in the fields.XGA 1024 x 768 is not supported. NOTEOpening a Presentation and Using View ModesWhen you invoke IA Presenter, the first screen that appears lists alltheconverted PowerPoint presentations currently in your \My Documentsfolder. Tap on the name of the file you want to load. You can then choosefrom the following view modes.Normal ViewNormal view allows you to view the current slide in the upper pane,while
still able to navigate slides conveniently using the lower thumbnailpane.You can drag the Splitter Bar that divides the two panes up or down,toadjust the screen distribution above and below the splitter. The NormalView icon is located at the leftmost side of the Toolbar, as shown below.You can also use the stylus to pan the slide image in the upper panetoshow the part covered by the lower pane. The splitter position willautomaticallybe remembered across multiple application sessions, freeingyou from having to adjust the splitter position again during the currentIAPresenter session.To display a different slide in the upper pane, simply tap on the desiredthumbnail in the lower pane, or use the Slide Title Bar (unnamed slideswill be represented by a number in the Slide Title Bar drop-down list).Thelower thumbnail pane in Normal view provides slide navigation. If youwant to select multiple slides for further operations, use the SlideSorterview, as explained in the next section.You can project the currently selected slide to VGA Display by activatingthe VGA Slide Toggle command on the View Menu, or by tapping the195Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideVGA Slide Output Toggle icon at the rightmost side of the Toolbar. Toend the projection, select the command again to toggle it off.Slide SorterSlide Sorter view fills the entire application space with either largeor smallthumbnails, depending on whether Large Thumbnail or Small Thumbnailis active on the View Menu. You can select:?One slide by tapping on it, or?Multiple adjacent slides by dragging your stylus over them, or?If you select Multiple Select Mode on the Edit Menu, you can tap,drag, or a combination thereof, to select multiple slides that areseparated.
Selected slides will be highlighted by a different border color.You can project an individual slide to the VGA output by activatingtheVGA Slide Toggle command on the View Menu, or by tapping the VGASlide Output Toggle icon at the rightmost side of the Toolbar. Whenyouactivate this function:?If one slide is selected at the time you toggle the VGA Slide Output“on,?that slide will be output to the VGA Display.?If multiple slides happen to be selected, the first selected slideinthe sequence will be output to the VGA Display.?If no slides are selected, there is no change to the current statusofthe VGA Display. That is, if an image is already displayed on theVGA Display, that image remains until you select a slide on yourLCD screen for projection.To end the projection and return to viewing the slide only on your mobiledevice’s screen, just select the command again (or tap the icon a secondtime) to toggle it off.Indicator Icons under ThumbnailsUnder each thumbnail in Slide Sorter view mode, there may be varioussmall icons displayed which indicate the status/attributes of the slide,asfollows:The transition icon indicates that a transition effect has beenassociatedwith the slide, and tapping the icon will “demo?the transitioneffect.The shape icon indicates that the slide contains animated shapes.If you assigned a transition delay-time to the slide in the Automaticallyfield of the Edit Menu, Slide Transition... screen, the delaytimewill be shown.196Chapter 9: Optional FunctionsThe slide number is always shown at the right. If the slide has beenhidden using the Hide Slide command on the Edit Menu, the slidenumber will be enclosed in a red box with a line crossing it out.
Notes PageNotes Page view displays the current slide content in the upper pane,withthe lower pane displaying the speaker notes that were entered for theoriginal PowerPoint presentation, or entered/edited in IA Presenter.Theupper pane operation is the same as in Normal view. The lower pane isboth a Notes display window and an editing window. After editing a Note,tap OK in the upper right corner to save it.When in Notes Page view mode, you can project the currently-selectedslide to VGA output by activating the VGA Slide Toggle command on theView Menu, or by tapping the VGA Slide Output Toggle icon at the rightmostside of the Toolbar. To end the projection and return to viewing theslide only on your mobile device screen, just select the command againtotoggle it off.Quick NotesThe Quick Notes command on the View Menu (and the Quick Notes Viewicon on the Toolbar) gives you a view mode that combines the thumbnailimages of Slide Sorter view with the Notes pane of the Notes Page view.When you tap on a thumbnail, a border around it indicates it is selected.You can also use the Up, Down, Left, or Right buttons on your mobiledevice to move the selection focus (or the Slide Title Bar, if you chosetodisplay it).The lower pane displays the Speaker Notes that were entered for theoriginalPowerPoint presentation, or entered/edited in IA Presenter. The lowerpane is both a Notes display window and an editing window. Tap in thelower pane to start editing a Speaker Note. The editing functionalityis thesame as for Notes Page view.If the Cut/Copy/Paste/Clear/Undo/Select All commands are required forediting the text, press your stylus within the Notes pane to activatethepop-up editing menu. The Notes-editing operation can be undone byselecting the multiple-steps Undo command on the Edit Menu, pop-upmenu, or Toolbar.
Slide ShowThe Slide Show command on the View Menu starts a full screen SlideShow on the Pocket PC’s LCD screen. (If you want to project the slideshow to VGA output, you must use the VGA Slide Show command.)Before selecting Slide Show or VGA Slide Show, you should select SetUp Show... from the Tools Menu to set up the desired behavior for yourslide show.197Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideIf the Auto-Rotate option is cleared in the Tools, Options, Displaytab,the slide will be automatically rotated according to the direction youchoose (Left or Right).Depending on the slide advancement setting specified in the SlideTransitiondialog box, you can tap to advance the slide (or the next animatedobject); use the navigation (arrows) buttons of your Pocket PC toadvance/back play the slides; or, IA Presenter will automaticallyadvanceslides based on the number of seconds ( delaytime) you set. Sound effectswill also be played according to your assignment.Pop-Up Menu for Slide Show ModeIf the Show Pop-up-Menu Button option is cleared in the Tools, Options,and then Display tab, a small transparent icon will be shown in theupperleft corner of the LCD screen. Tapping on the small icon will activatetheSlide Show mode’s pop-up control menu. If this option isn’t cleared,youcan always tap-and-hold your stylus during Slide Show mode to activatethe pop-up menu. The commands on the menu are explained below.Next/PreviousDisplays the next or previous slide, or next or previous animated object(ifthe animated object display was designed). Hidden slides won’t beshown.GoThe Go submenu allows you to jump to the First Slide, Last Slide,
PreviouslyViewed Slide, or jump to any slide using Navigate by Title.TriggerIf the Trigger mode is selected, the slide show will advance accordingtothe mode you set using the Tools Set Up Show... command or Set UpShow icon. For example, if you have specified to advance the slidesmanually,they will advance each time you tap on the screen. If the slide showisset to play automatically, you can use the pop-up menu to put it onpauseor end it immediately. IA Presenter is set to Trigger mode by default.198Chapter 9: Optional FunctionsPenSelect the Pen command to enter Ink annotation mode. During the Inkannotation mode, you can use the stylus to mark or highlight thepresentationelements on the screen. To exit the Ink annotation mode, select theTrigger, VGA Pointer, or VGA Zoom mode from the pop-up menu.Use the Pen Color submenu to choose the Ink color, and use the PenWidth submenu to choose a thickness.If Pen mode is active when you select Blank from the Screen submenu,you will be able to draw or write Ink annotation on the projected blackscreen. (The Screen submenu also lets you undo the most recent Inkstroke, or erase all of the Ink strokes.)VGA PointerThis mode works only when IA Presenter is in VGA Slide Show view. Afteryou select the VGA Pointer command, your stylus movements on theLCD screen will simulate a laser pen light on the VGA screen duringpresentations.(To exit the VGA Pointer mode, select Trigger, Pen, or VGAZoom from the pop-up menu.)VGA ZoomThis mode works only when IA Presenter is in VGA Slide Show view. Afteryou select the VGA Zoom mode, you will be able to specify a portion
ofthe screen which will be projected to the VGA screen, and also a zoomratio for that specific area. (To exit VGA Zoom mode, select Trigger,Pen,or VGA Pointer from the pop-up menu.)The message that appears on your screen when you invoke VGA Zoommode depends on the value that is currently selected on the VGA ZoomSize submenu. The message will either tell you to tap-and-drag yourstylusto define an area yourself, or it will tell you to simply tap your stylustocreate a zoom area of pre-defined size. You can specify the zoom ratiousing the VGA Zoom Ratio submenu, accessed from the Slide Showpop-up menu.199Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuidePen ColorTapping Pen Color opens a submenu of available colors to use for yourInk annotation when in Pen mode. Select one of the available colorsasthe new pen color. The Reset command resets the pen color to thedefault White color.Pen WidthTapping Pen Width opens a submenu of available pen widths to use foryour Ink annotation when in Pen mode. Select a thickness settings asthenew pen width to be used for Ink strokes on the LCD screen (and projectionto VGA output, if desired). The 1 Unit option is the thinnest setting.Higher values give you thicker widths.VGA Zoom SizeThe VGA Zoom Size command opens a submenu of “zoom area?options. When you invoke VGA Zoom mode by selecting it on the pop-upmenu, the current setting on the VGA Zoom Size submenu will be activated.The Quarter, Large, Medium, Small, and Tiny settings on the submenurepresent pre-defined areas. For example, if Quarter is selected,tappingon your LCD screen will automatically produce a rectangular area which
isthe size of one-quarter of your LCD screen (centered around the spotwhere you tapped).The “zoom area?will be displayed on top of the already-existingprojectionof the entire slide on the VGA screen.After the rectangular zoom area exists on your screen, you can dragit toany part of the screen you wish. It can also be converted to any oftheother pre-defined sizes by pressing your stylus on the LCD screen toopen the pop-up menu again, then selecting a different value from theVGA Zoom Size submenu. The size of the existing area will then bechanged accordingly.If you select Drag Select on the submenu, you will be able to drag yourstylus on the LCD screen and freely define any area for zooming. Afterthedesired area has been specified, you can drag it to any portion of thescreen. You can also resize it by dragging any of its corners. To specifythe zoom ratio for the projected zoom area, use the VGA Zoom Ratiocommand.VGA Zoom RatioThe VGA Zoom Ratio command opens a submenu of pre-defined “zoomratio?options. When you invoke VGA Zoom mode by selecting it on thepop-up menu, the current setting on the VGA Zoom Ratio submenu willbe activated.Screen200Chapter 9: Optional FunctionsThe Screen submenu contains commands that allow you to pause a SlideShow (Pause Auto Play), project a blank screen (Blank), undo the mostrecent Ink stroke (Clear Last Pen), or erase all Ink strokes (ClearAllPen).Pause Auto PlayIf you have specified that you want slides to advance automaticallyafter aspecified number of seconds (using the Set Up Show... command on the
Tools Menu or the Set Up Show icon on the Toolbar), you can selectPause Auto Play during the playing of a slide show to pause the show.When ready to continue the automatic progress of a slide show, tapResume Auto Play.BlankWhen you select Blank, your LCD screen will become completely black,and the black screen will also be projected to your VGA screen. (Afteryouhave selected Blank, the command name changes to Restore. TapRestore when you are ready to return to the slide that was previouslydisplayed.)Using the Blank Option with Pen Mode:When the Blank option is active and IA Presenter is in Pen mode, youcanwrite or draw digital Ink on the screen, and it will be output to theVGAdevice. In effect, this allows you to project an “electronic blackboard?which you might find useful when giving a presentation to an audience.Beaware that any Ink strokes you draw on the Blank screen will be lostwhenyou exit Blank mode. They cannot be retained.When IA Presenter is in VGA Zoom mode or VGA Pointer mode, theBlank option is not available.Clear Last PenErases the last individual Ink stroke. This command can be appliedrepeatedly until there are no more Ink strokes in the current slide.Clear All PenErases all the pen strokes on the current slide.201Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideSpeaker NotesThis command displays the current slide’s Note text (if any) in a pop-upwindow, with the slide number also shown, on top of the displayed slide.To advance the slide or object when the Speaker Notes window is shown,tap on the underlying slide. When you advance the slides, the SpeakerNotes window remains open and interactively displays the Note text ofthe
related slide. To close the Speaker Notes window, tap the X in the upperright corner.End ShowThis command terminates the Slide Show playback mode and returns tothe mode you were using prior to entering Slide Show mode. The Actionbutton on your Pocket PC can also be used to exit Slide Show mode.VGA Slide ShowVGA Slide Show mode operates almost identically to the Slide Showmode, except for the following operational differences:?You should use the VGA Output tab in the Tools, then Options...command to set VGA output-related options. You can also elect tohave IA Presenter perform dithering for your slide if you project yourslide to an external VGA/video device with less color capability (suchas only 256 colors available).?During VGA Slide Show mode, the presentation output will be directedto both the Pocket PC’s LCD screen and the external connected VGAdevice or video device.The Pocket PC will always show the reduced size version, while theVGA/video device will view the original matching dimensions set duringActiveSync conversion. Or if your current presentation has adimension specified which is different from the exact dimension ofyour selected output dimension, IA Presenter will automatically re-sizethe slides to fit the output dimensions.?The Ink annotation will be projected to both the VGA video device andthe LCD screen.?You can use VGA Zoom on the pop-up menu to designate an area ona slide during VGA Slide Show view, and project that specific area tothe VGA screen (on top of the already-existing projection of the entireslide). Use the VGA Zoom Size command to specify an area of predefinedsize, or manually drag your stylus on the LCD screen to specifythe desired area of the slide. Then use the VGA Zoom Ratio commandto choose the ratio at which you want the zoomed area to beprojected. After the “zoom window?has been created, it can bedragged to enclose other portions of the slide on your LCD screen,and this movement will also be reflected in the projected image on theVGA output.202Chapter 9: Optional Functions
?You can use the VGA Pointer command on the pop-up menu toenable movements of your stylus on the LCD screen to simulate alaser pen light on the VGA screen during VGA Slide Show presentations.?In addition to being able to draw digital Ink annotation on your slides,you can project a black screen to the VGA output and write or drawprojected Ink on it. To use Ink on the blank screen, make sure you arein Pen mode on the Slide Show pop-up menu before selecting Blankfrom the Screen submenu.In addition, before a VGA Slide Show can be projected to a VGA screen,you must specify the appropriate settings. Select Options... from theTools Menu, then tap VGA Output.More information about the General, File, Display, and VGA Output tabsare included in the on-line Help.Controlling Transition EffectsAny transition effects that were assigned in your original PowerPointfilewill be retained when the IA Presenter Converter converts it to an .iapfileon your Pocket PC.However, IA Presenter also furnishes many attractive transition effectsthat can be assigned to the .iap file. You can assign a particulartransitioneffect to an individual selected slide, or to all slides in the currentfile.After you select one or more slides, tap Slide Transition... on theEditMenu or the icon on the Toolbar.The Slide Transition screen will appear. In it, you can select atransitioneffect, a speed for the transition effect, method of slide advancementduringa slide show, and associate a sound (.wav file) to a slide.Merging PresentationsYou can merge the slides of two different presentations into one file.Thenew inserted slides will adopt the Master Slide style of the currentfile.Therefore, you should first open the presentation whose Master Slide
style you want to adopt to.The next thing you should do is select Options... from the Tools Menuand open the File tab. Tap OK to close the tab and save the settings.If you selected To Current Selection in the File tab as the insertionposition,use your stylus to tap the desired insertion point in the current file(inSlide Sorter view). Or, select the slide after which you want theimportedslides to be inserted.203Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideSelect the Insert Slides From Files... command from the Tools Menu.Alisting of files will appear. Tap the name of the file whose slidesyou wantto merge with the current file, and it will be done immediately. Thiscommandcan be undone or redone (Edit Menu). You can also use Save PresentationAs... (Tools Menu) if you wish to save a backup copy beforeyou start the merge operation, if desired.More information about the General, File, Display, and VGA Output tabsare included in the on-line Help.IA Screen MirrorIA Screen Mirror projects an exact emulation of your mobile device’sscreen contents (LCD display) onto a connected external VGA outputdevice or television monitor via the Composite video or S-videoterminals.It allows you to project and display multiple LCD screens on the VGAscreen simultaneously, “ freeze?them in the desired state, and maintainone as the active viewport. Flexible output control options let youcontrolthe allocation of CPU utilization, orientation, resolution, and coloroptimization/dithering of projected images.Getting Started.Tap the IA Screen Mirror icon in your Programs group to start the IAScreen Mirror program.
1. Use the Layout tab to set up the viewports to which you willproject images.2. Use the Switch tab to assign a “switching?button on your mobiledevice.3. Use the Refresh tab and VGA tab to customize other parametersas desired.4. Tap OK to project the LCD screen contents onto the active viewport.5. Start and operate the application you want to project (“foregroundapplication?.6. To make adjustments to the settings, use the “switching?buttonon your mobile device to freeze the active viewport and return tothe IA Screen Mirror control screens. Tap OK to continue the projecting.7. Use the Exit Program button to terminate IA Screen Mirrorentirely and stop projection to the VGA screen.For more information please refer to the on-line Help.204Chapter 9: Optional FunctionsOn-line HelpThis Manual serves as a quick-reference guide. For more details aboutany feature, consult the on-line Help. When using IA Presenter, selectTools, then Help for the main Help table of contents. In IA Screen Mirror,tap the Help button in the About tab to access the main Help file.Context-sensitive Help is also available. If, during some operations, you cannotopen the Tools Menu, you can access the context-sensitive Helpmessages via the Windows Start Menu.A Note about Updates to the ATI Presentation PackYour copy of the ATI Presentation Pack contains the latest versionsof IAPresenter and IA Screen Mirror. For updates, please visit the IA Stylewebsite ( Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide206Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide207Chapter 11: Additional Information
Chapter 11:Additional InformationCorrectionCharge the battery.Lock side.Switch Battery Pack Lock tothe Lock side.Charge the battery.Select , Settings,System, Power to set toalter the power shut downtime.Replace the main batterywith a new one.TroubleshootingCheck the following guide for the possible cause of a problem and howtocorrect it.Cause SymptomThe battery power isexhausted.Even if the power button ispressed and the powerdoes not turn on.The main battery or the Attach the main battery/HighHigh Capacity Battery is Capacity Battery and switchnot attached. Battery Pack Lock to theBattery Pack Lock is atthe Release side.exhausted.The power was suddenly The battery power iscut off.Automatic suspend isactive.The battery is extinct. Even if the battery iscompletely charged, itdischarges after a shortperiod of time.
208Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideCause SymptomThe screen was tapped, Touch screenbut the correct action was adjustment is incorrect.not executed.Insufficient memory The operation is slow inresponse.Some malfunction.Some malfunction. The screen was tapped,but there is no response.The operation buttondoes not work either.The screen light is off. The screen is dark.The screen is hard to see. Brightness setting isincorrect.?Cannot connect to yourcomputer.The USB driver of your Reselect the USB may not beActiveSync does notfunction when yourToshiba Pocket PC e800/ compatible.e805 is connected to yourcomputer with a cradle orUSB cable.209CorrectionSelect , Settings,System, Screen, AlignScreen to adjust the touchscreen.Secure the free memory.Quit the application if it is notin use.Reset the system. If noaction is observed afterresetting the system,
initialize the system.(However, the data will bedeleted.)Reset the system. If noaction is observed afterresetting the system,initialize the system.(However, the data will bedeleted.)Press and hold the powerbutton until the screen light isturned on.Select , Settings,System, Screen Light toadjust the screen brightnessfor better sight.See Help of ActiveSync.SymptomCannot access theInternet.Following message isdisplayed.“NOT ENOUGHBATTERY POWER.USB devices can not beused. Because PDA’sbattery power is low.?Following message isdisplayed.“TOO MUCH USBCONNECTION.Connecting USB devicesare too much.?Following message isdisplayed.“USB OVER CURRENT is too large.DETECT USB device isturned off. Please
disconnect USB device.?Chapter 11: Additional InformationCorrection CauseThe connecting using a Check whether thespecified cellular phone connecting using a specifiedconnection cable was not cellular phone connectioncorrect. cable is correct.are satisfactory.Radio waves of a Carry out communicationsconnected cellular phone where radio wave conditionsare getting worse.Carry out correct setting. Setting is incorrect.low to use USB devices.The Battery power is too Charge the battery orconnect AC adapter.The total power This USB port supports totalconsumption of 500mA USB device. Confirmconnected USB devices connected USB too large.The total powerconsumption ofThis USB port supports total500mA USB device. Confirmconnected USB devices connected USB device.To enable USB port again,turn off the power of PocketPC or push Reset Switch.210Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideIf the function cannot be restored even if the reset buttonis pressed, initialize your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805.ResettingReset is equivalent to "Restarting" a computer. Reset the Pocket PCe800/e805 when a button or tapping the screen does not respond. Whenyour Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 is reset, all data that was not storedduring operation will be deleted.NOTEWhen the power is on, press the reset switch with the stylus, then
release.211Chapter 11: Additional InformationClear MemoryWhen you initialize your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805, it returns tothe status when it was purchased.When you initialize your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805,all data stored in the memory is deleted. Your ToshibaPocket PC e800/e805's initially installed programs arenot deleted.Before initialization, remove all CF/SD cards.1. Turn off the power.2. Press the power button while pressing and holding the reset switchwith the stylus, and then release the power button.3. When a screen appears, release the reset switch. When initializationis completed, the Welcome screen appears. Set up the systemaccording to the screen as in the case of startup procedure.212Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideTroubleshooting for Wi-FiIf you encounter some problems while using our product, please refertothis troubleshooting section.Problems  Cannot connect to thenetwork             The host computer cannotwirelessly connect with myToshiba Pocket PC e800/e805
       Cannot edit the "Channel" In Infrastructure mode, the channel isfield in "Infrastructure"Mode?decided by the Access Point. You can onlyjoin the existing network formed by theworking Access Point, not to create a newWireless Network.Reset the Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805. The Toshiba Pocket PCe800/e805 freezes213Make sure the WirelessCommunication Switch is turned on.Check if the SSID is correct (notethat it is case-sensitive)Check Link Quality in Config Page. Ifthe link quality is poor, rescan andfind another Access Point.Check if the operating mode is setproperly. See Config Page.Check if the WEP key is correctlyentered.Be sure you are in the range of aworking Access Point.Make sure the channel been set is inthe range of 1 to 11.Make sure you have setup thepartnership for your Toshiba PocketPC e800/e805 and your hostcomputer.Make sure you are within the rangeof a working network.Make sure you have entered the IPaddress of the host computer as theWINS server on your Toshiba PocketPC e800/e805.
Reset your Handheld PC or ToshibaPocket PC e800/e805 to make theTCP/IP settings take effect.Make sure the SSID, WEP keys andchannel for all devices in the networkare set the same.Make sure the channel been set is inthe range of 1 to 11.SolutionsChapter 11: Additional InformationFAQ for Wi-FiA. CompatibilityA1: Should I use equipment with the same brand as theIEEE802.11b WLAN Adapter’s to enable the wireless communication?This is not necessary. IEEE802.11b WLAN Adapter is Wi-Fi certifiedwhich means that it will work well with differing brands of equipmentas long as the equipment is also Wi-Fi certified.A2: Can I connect IEEE802.11b WLAN Adapter to other devicesusing Bluetooth?No, you can only connect the IEEE802.11b WLAN Adapter to otherIEEE802.11b equipment.B. Wireless LAN ConnectivityB1: How do I form a wireless network?Typically, you can form a wireless network by connecting AccessPoints. Different Access Points should have different channels.Every devices connected to the network should have the sameSSID. When you are using Access Points, set the mode to “Infrastructure?mode. Without Access Points, you can still build a networkwhere adapters communicate peer-to-peer using a shared SSID.When you are not using Access Points, change the operating modeto be ?02.11Ad Hoc? To set the operating mode, click Start, Settings,System, Wireless LAN Utility, then Config.B2: How can I connect my Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 to theusable Wireless Network?Click Start, Settings, System, Wireless LAN Utility, Scan to viewScan Page where you can find the usable Wireless Network. If youcannot see all the networks you are expecting, please click “Rescan?to see the list of usable Wireless Networks. Choose one Wireless
Network you want and double click the BSSID to connect to the network.Once the network is chosen, you need to configure theIEEE802.11b WLAN adapter.Click Start, Settings, Connections, Network Adapters, IEEE802.11bWLAN Adapter, Properties, IP Address to set IP address, Subnet maskand Default gateway settings. Click Start, Settings, System, WirelessLAN Utility to edit other settings, such as Mode and SSID etc. If theWEPMode of the Wireless Network you selected is enabled (64bit or 128bitWEP Mode), please choose the proper WEP KeyID and the proper WEPKey value network.214Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideMore InformationB4. What is 802.11 Ad Hoc Network? What should I do to form an802.11 Ad Hoc Network?B5. What is the difference between “Infrastructure?and ?02.11 AdHoc?Network Mode?How do I choose?B6. Could I use the 802.11 Ad Hoc Mode to access the LANresources? How can I access the LAN resource without anAccess Point?B7. What should I do if my host computer cannot wirelessly connectwith my Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805?E1. What is WEP?E2. How many WEP security service mode does Wireless LAN support?E3. How to set the WEP security service?B3: How do I know whether or not my Pocket PC has already connectedto an AP successfully?1. Check BSSID. When there is a link, the current Basic ServiceSet ID of the Access Point been used will be shown in theBSSID field in Link Page. When the adapter is disconnected withthe Access Point, “Non-associated?will appear in the BSSIDfield. To view BSSID, from your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805,click Start, Settings, System, Wireless LAN Utility, then Link.2. Check Link Quality. Link Quality shows how clearly the adaptercan hear the Access Point. If the quality is poor, it’s better to rescanand find a better performance Access Point or re-arrange
the AP’s position for better performance. To view Link Quality,from your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805, click Start, Settings,System, Wireless LAN Utility, Config.B4: What is 802.11 Ad Hoc Network? What should I do to form an802.11 Ad Hoc Network?802.11 Ad Hoc Mode is used to create a peer-to-peer connectionwithout an Access Point. The SSID must be the same among stationsto enable the wireless communication within the local area network.NOTE You need to choose a proper SSID and channel for thefirst 802.11 Ad Hoc station. For other stations want to jointhe same SSID group, you could only choose the sameSSID as the first station for connection. The Channel settingfor the 802.11 Ad Hoc Network stations to join theexisting 802.11 Ad Hoc Network will automatically be setas the channel number of the network215Chapter 11: Additional InformationMore InformationB5. What is the difference between “Infrastructure?and ?02.11 AdHoc?Network Mode?How do I choose?B6. Could I use the 802.11 Ad Hoc Mode to access the LANresources? How can I access the LAN resource without anAccess Point?B7. What should I do if my host computer cannot wirelessly connectwith my Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805?B5: What is the difference between “Infrastructure?and ?02.11 AdHoc?Network Mode?How do I choose?Infrastructure Mode is used to connect your Toshiba Pocket PCe800/e805 with the Access Point. Usually, to form a Wireless Network,you can connect your Access Point to the ADSL, Cable Modelor LAN Ethernet and then configure the Access Point base on theUser Guide for the Access Point to set the proper SSID, Channeland WEP security service. After that, configure the IEEE 802.11bWLAN adapter. Set the same SSID, Channel and WEP as theAccess Point’s. 802.11 Ad Hoc Mode allows your Toshiba Pocket
PC e800/e805 to form its own local network where devices communicatepeer-to-peer, using a shared SSID, without Access Points.Under 802.11 Ad Hoc mode, the SSID must be the same among stationsso that the devices can communicate properly within the WirelessNetwork. If you want to form your network without any AccessPoints, you should choose 802.11 Ad Hoc mode.B6: Could I use the 802.11 Ad Hoc Mode to access the LANresources? How can I access the LAN resource without anAccess Point?Yes, you can access the LAN resources without an Access Point.Follow the steps shown below:(1) Make sure your host computer already successfully connect tothe LAN or Internet through the LAN Adapter or the Modem.(2) Install the Wireless LAN Adapter into your Host computersuccessfullyand set 802.11 Ad Hoc Mode and the proper SSID toform the 802.11 Ad Hoc Network. Install and enable the ICS(Internet Sharing Software, such as “SyGate?..) function in yourhost computer. (Note that the Windows 2K or later version, OS,supports the ICS function in Local Area Connection Properties?Sharing)(3) Set your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 as 802.11 Ad Hoc Modeand choose the same SSID to join the 802.11 Ad Hoc Network(choose the DHCP to get the IP assigned).216Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide(4) Check and make sure the Wireless LAN Adapter in the 802.11Ad Hoc Network have the same IP group. (You can “ping?eachother to make sure the connection is successful)(5) Now you can access the LAN resource successfully.B7: What should I do if my host computer cannot wirelessly connectwith my Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805?(1) Make sure you have setup the partnership for your ToshibaPocket PC e800/e805 and your host computer.(2) Make sure you are within the range of a working network.(3) Make sure you have entered the IP address of the host computeras the WINS server on your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805.
(4) Reset your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 to make the TCP/IPsettings take effect(5) Make sure the SSID, WEP keys and channel for all devices inthe network are set the same.(6) Make sure the channel been set is in the range of 1 to 11.C. ApplicationC1: What should I do to use the ActiveSync Function through WirelessNetwork?(1) Make sure you have already setup the partnership for yourToshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 and your host computer throughUSB Interface and the ActiveSync can work properly. (TheActiveSync connection Interface should also choose the Ethernetinterface for Wireless LAN ActiveSync Connection)(2) Make sure you are within the range of a working Wireless Network.(3) Make sure you can “ping?your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805from your Host Computer. (Make sure the SSID, WEP keys andchannel for all devices in the network are set the same.)(4) Make sure you have entered the IP address of the host computeras the WINS server on your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805.(5) Reset your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 to make the TCP/IPsettings take effect and execute the ActiveSync function in theToshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 to enjoy the high speed Active-Sync Wirelessly.C2: How do I wirelessly browse the Internet?(1) If your network uses DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol),an IP address and DNS (or WINS) will be assigned automatically.On your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805, simply clickStart, Setting, Connection, Network Adapters, IEEE802.11b217Chapter 11: Additional InformationWLAN Adapter, then Properties to set the proper setting forInternet connection.(2) If your network does not use DHCP, you should enter the IPaddress, subnet mask, gateway and DNS (or WINS).IP Address is Internet Protocol Address; a numeric addresssuch as that the domain name server translatesinto a domain name. Each node on the IP network should have a
unique IP address.Subnet mask is a number used to identify a subnetwork whenmultiple networks share one IP address. For example255.255.255.0Gateway is a device used to forward IP packets toand from a remote destination.DNS stands for Domain Name System, a database system,which translates addresses and domain names. For example, anumeric address like can become something stands for Windows Internet Naming Service which hastwo functions; one is a Microsoft Net BIO name server that eliminatesthe broadcasts needed to resolve computer names to IPaddresses by providing a cache or database of translations. Theother one is to set the IP address of the host computer that youalready construct the partnership for Network adapter Activesync purpose.To set IP address, Subnet mask and Gateway, click Start, Settings,Connections, Network Adapters, IEEE802.11b WLANAdapter, Properties, IP Address. To set DNS or WINS (WindowsInternet Naming Service), click Start, Settings, Connections, NetworkAdapters, IEEE802.11b WLAN Adapter, Properties, NameServers.(3) To ping your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 from your host computer.In the Host Computer, open the DOS command modewindow, type the command “Ping?followed by the IP address,such as “Ping If you can see the reply from thisIP address, the connection is complete. You are now ready tobrowse the Internet using Internet Explorer on your ToshibaPocket PC e800/e805.C3: How do I check my email on my wireless Toshiba Pocket PCe800/e805?(1) Please make sure that you can use the ActiveSync functionthrough USB Interface at first, and make sure you can use theActiveSync to receive and send email successfully. For corporateemail received and sent, please check with your networkadministrator for necessary connection settings.(2) Make sure you have entered the IP address of the host computeras the WINS server on your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/
e805.218Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide(3) Reset your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 to make the TCP/IPsettings take effect and execute the ActiveSync function inToshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 to enjoy the high speed, wirelessActiveSync to receive and send email.You need to choose a proper SSID and channel for thefirst 802.11 Ad Hoc station. For other stations want to jointhe same SSID group, you could only choose the sameSSID as the first station, but the channel will not takeeffect. The 802.11 Ad Hoc must enter the proper SSID.Blank SSID for the 802.11 Ad Hoc Mode is not allowed.The stations want to join the 802.11 Ad Hoc Network musthave the same SSID and are suggested to have the sameIP Address in the Network group.D. SettingsD1: What is SSID? What should I set in the SSID field?SSID stands for Service Set Identification, which is the ID to formtheWireless Network. You can set up to 32 characters in the SSID field.For the Infrastructure Mode, you should set the SSID the same asthe Access Point been connected with. To create a 802.11 Ad HocNetwork, the SSID must be the same among stations to enable thewireless communication within the local area network.NOTED2: Why can’t I choose the “Channel?field in “Infrastructure?Mode?For the Infrastructure Mode, the Channel is decided by the AccessPoint. You can only join the existing Access Point formed WirelessNetwork but not create a new Wireless Network. That is the reasonwhy you can’t set the “Channel?setting.D3: When should I set the IP address, Subnet mask and Defaultgateway settings?When the Wireless Network does not have the DHCP server, youshould set your own IP address, Submask and Default gateway forWireless Network connection. Otherwise, the OS might set the differentNetwork group IP address for you, which will cause the disconnection
for the Wireless Network.D4: How can I set the IP address, Subnet mask and Default gatewaysettings?Simply click Start Settings Connections Network adapter IEEE802.11bWLAN Adapter Properties IP Address to set IP address, Subnet maskand Default gateway settings.D5: What Transmit Rate should I choose for Wireless Connection?219Chapter 11: Additional InformationSuggest you to use the “Fully Auto option in the “TransmissionRate?field for full Transmission Data Rate range to automaticallyadjust the Best Communication Data Rate and to be compatible withother Low speed 802.11 Wireless Device.E. SecurityE1: What is WEP?WEP stands for Wired Equivalent Privacy, a security service, used toprevent the unauthorized access to your wireless network.E2: How many WEP security service modes does my Wireless LANsupport?WEP stands for Wired Equivalent Privacy that is the security servicefor the Wireless Network. There are three WEP security servicemodes available for “IEEE 802.11b WLAN Adapter?formed WirelessNetwork. The first is “Disable?which will disable the WEP securityservice; the second is ?4bit?which will support 5 bytes Hexadecimalvalue WEP security service; the third is ?28bit?which will support 13bytes Hexadecimal value WEP security service.E3: How do I set the WEP security service?Please click Start, Settings, System, Wireless LAN Utility, and thenSecurity to view Security page where you can set the WEP securityservice. Please choose the proper WEP Key Mode, WEP KeyID andWEP Key value for the Wireless Network.NOTE The WEP Mode, WEP KeyID and WEP Key value mustbe exactly the same as your Wireless Network’s to enablethe connection.Example of setting the WEP:You can choose1. WEP Mode ?4bit? KeyID ??and Key ?234567890?or
2. WEP Mode ?28bit? KeyID ??and Key?2345678901234567890123456?or3. WEP Mode “Disable?for connection220Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s GuideF. PerformanceF1: Will IEEE802.11b WLAN Adapter work in the environment whereBluetooth network is employed?Yes, IEEE802.11b WLAN Adapter can coexist with Bluetooth environment.F2: How far is the working range of IEEE802.11b WLAN Adapter?It depends on the data transmission rate and the condition of theenvironments. The higher the data rate, the smaller the range itcould cover. At 11 Mbps, the adapter can go up to 300 meter in anoutdoor environment; however, in an indoor environment, it can onlygo up to 100 meter. Because of the ceilings, higher RF interference,interior walls and reflected signals, indoor range is usually shorterthan outdoor range.F3: How does the data transmission rate work?IEEE802.11b WLAN Adapter allows you to choose one of the sixdata rate options: Fixed 1Mbps, Fixed 2Mbps, Fixed 5.5Mbps, Fixed11 Mbps, Auto Select 1 or 2 Mbps, and Fully Auto.The farther the distance between two communicating devices, theslower the data rate should be used. Basically, with slower data rate,the data delivery will be more reliable. If you don’t know which datarate should be used, simply choose “Fully Auto? and the data ratewill automatically step down from 11 Mbps, 5.5 Mbps, 2 Mbps, to 1Mbps if you move farther your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 awayfrom the Access Point or other connected mobile device.F4: The Wireless LAN uses lots of power. What should I do to savepower?(1) Please turn off the Wireless LAN Switch if you are not using theWireless Network currently, or(2) Click Turn Off on the TMU icon.(3) Click Start, Settings, System, then Wireless LAN Utility Managerto get into Manager Page and enable the “Enable Power SavingMode,?and then tap Apply.221
Chapter 11: Additional InformationNOTE (1) Turn off the Wireless LAN Switch will cause the disconnectionof the Wireless Network, please make sureto close all the Wireless Connection before you executethis function.(2) The Turn Off function on the TMU icon will cause thedisconnection of the Wireless Network, please makesure to close all the Wireless Connection before youexecute this function.(3) Enable “Power Saving Mode?will keep the connectivitybut will lower down the average throughput due tolonger connection period for the Wireless Network.(4) If you are in 802.11 Ad Hoc Mode, you are not allowedto enable “Power Saving Mode? because Ad HocMode doesn’t support this function.F5: How do I make sure that the Wireless LAN SW has beeninstalled successfully and that Wireless LAN already work properly?(1) Please check if the “IEEE 802.11b WLAN Adapter?already existin Start, Settings, Connections, Network Adapters; if not, theWireless LAN Driver is not Installed successfully.(2) Please check if the Wireless LAN Utility already exist and couldbe opened successfully by simply click Start, Settings, System,then Wireless LAN Utility.(3) Click Start, Settings, System, Wireless LAN Utility, Link to checkthe current Link information in the Link Page.Error Messages for BluetoothThis section explains the causes of and solutions for the variousdisplayederror messages.Error messages during COM/DUN serviceAn error has occurred with the Bluetooth SD Card. Confirm that thecard is working properly.Cause There was an error when loading the driver.Solution Try reinserting the Card.Unable to retrieve Local Device information.Solution Reset the Toshiba Pocket PC.Unable to retrieve Local Device information due to insufficient memory.Check the amount of available memory.
222 Chapter 11: Additional InformationThe remote device does not support OPP service.The remote device does not support this function.CauseUnable to send the object.Cause Local Device is unable to send a contact, schedule, task, orbusiness card due to a problem with the signal or a similarcommunications error.Unable to receive the object.Cause Local Device is unable to receive a contact, schedule, task, orbusiness card due to a problem with the signal or a similarcommunications error.Select the item you want to send.Cause You have not selected an item to send.Unable to store all receiving data due to insufficient memory.Cause A contact, schedule, or task cannot be stored due to insufficientmemory.Solution Delete any unneeded data to increase the memory capacity.Name not specified in owner information.Cause A name has not been specified in the Name area of the ownerinformation.    223Chapter 11: Additional InformationCause An error occurred while trying to delete a file or folder, ora separatefile or folder exists within the specified folder.Solution Remove the file or folder from the specified folder and trydeletingit again.Unable to delete read-only file.Cause Local Device tried to delete a file on the remote device, butbecause it is a read-only file, it could not be deleted.The selected file/folder already exists. Enter another file/foldername.Cause The name you tried to enter already exists.
Solution Enter a different name.Enter a file/folder name.Cause Either nothing has been entered for the name or the name consistsof spaces or begins with a period.Solution Enter a correct name.The following characters cannot be used in the file/folder name. \ /You entered an invalid character in the file/folder name.; , : * ? " < > |CauseSolution Rename the file/folder using correct characters.Cannot rename file/folder.Cause A processing error occurred because the entered nameexceeded the maximum length.Solution Enter a shorter name.Enter the folder name.Cause After creating or changing a folder, either nothing has beenentered for the name or the name consists of spaces or beginswith a period.Solution Enter a correct folder name.The following characters cannot be used in the folder name. \ /You entered an invalid character in the new folder name.; , : * ? " < > |CauseSolution Rename the folder using correct characters.The folder name could not be created.Cause A processing error occurred because the entered nameexceeded the maximum length.Solution Enter a shorter name.The specified file could not be executed.Cause You selected Execute or Receive/Execute, but the specified fileis not executable or the associated application software couldnot be found.The connection destination server is not selected. Select a server.Cause You have not selected the device to which you want connect.Sending or receiving failed. Cancelling process.224Chapter 11: Additional InformationThe folder that you tried to locate in Local Device does not exist.
CauseA communications error occurred.Cause An internal OBEX error occurred when the remote device wasstarted.Solution If the device you to which you were unable to connect is notaBluetooth SD Card, try the operation again without FTPauthentication.Troubleshooting for Toshiba IP Phone forPocket PCVLI Lookup Server Not AccessibleCheck Internet connection referring to “Troubleshooting for Wi-Fi.?VLI Buddy Server Not AccessibleCheck Internet connection referring to “Troubleshooting for Wi-Fi.?Your G-Number or Password is WrongMake sure you set your G-Number and password properly.Cannot call an IP phoneMake sure you log on to VLI Buddy Server. If you log on to it properly,your status (Online, Offline, Busy or Away) is shown.Check contact information in your buddy list or of your buddy icon.Confirm your party's status is not offline.Cannot call a phoneMake sure you log on to VLI Buddy Server. If you log on to it properly,your status (Online, Offline, Busy or Away) is shown.You cannot hear your party's voiceCheck speaker volume on your Pocket PC.Your party cannot hear your voiceCheck microphone volume on your Pocket PC.Make sure muting microphone is not activated. If Mute button color isred,push Mute button again.Cannot see your buddy listMake sure you log on to VLI Buddy Server. If you log on to it properly,your status (Online, Offline, Busy, or Away) is shown.225SpecificationsExternal dimensions
WeightOperating conditionsBattery typeProcessorMemoryFlash ROM DiskDisplayInterfacesDC-INHeadphoneMicrophoneSD card slotInfrared portCradle connection portAudioAccessoriesAlthough the display is manufactured using an extremely hightechnology,there may be a case that some dots do not light or always light. Itis not amalfunction.32 MBChapter 11: Additional InformationApproximate 5.0 in (130 mm) x 3.2 in (78 mm) x 0.7 in (16mm) (L x W x H)Approximate 195g (6.9 oz.) with Wireless LAN module(optional)Temperature: 32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C), relative humidity:30% to 80% when only the Toshiba Pocket e800/e805is operating. Temperature capable of charging 41°F to104°F (5°C to 40°C).Lithium-Ion batteryIntel?PXA 255 Processor at 400 MHzRAM: 64 MB, ROM: 32 MB3.8?TFT Color LCD screen, 240 x 320 pixels, up to 64K colors3.5 mm, stereo, mini-plug compatibleIntegrated with 3.5 mm, stereo, mini-plugSD memory card, SD I/O card or Multimedia card
The security function of the SD memory card is disabled. Dataencrypted by the SD memory card security function compatibleequipment is not usable.Based on IrDA ver.1.3Maximum data transmission speed: 115 kbps.RGB, USB Host/ClientAC 97 codec, mono record, stereo playback, 8.0 KHz, 11.025KHz, 22.05 KHz, and 44.1 KHz sample rate. Full duplexrecord and playback. On board microphone. on boardspeaker. Stereo earphone/microphone jack. Software volumecontrol.AC Adapter, USB client cable, stylus pen, cradle, USB hostcable, battery pack, high capacity battery pack,battery charger.226

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