Compal Electronics XGT GMS Cellphone User Manual

Compal Electronics Inc GMS Cellphone

Users Manual

  1Contents   FOR YOUR SAFETY  ........................................... 31  Traffic Safety......................................................... 31   Do Not Use in Hospitals....................................... 31   Do Not Use in Airplanes....................................... 31   Do Not Use in Gasoline Stations.......................... 31   Do Not Use in Explosive Sites.............................. 32  Operating Environment........................................ 32  Standard Usage .................................................... 32  Accessories and Batteries..................................... 32  Appropriate Maintenance..................................... 32   Emergency Calls (SOS) ........................................ 32   Use with proper care to reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI)......................................................... 33 GETTING STARTED  .......................................... 34  PHONE OVERVIEW .................................................. 34  INSTALLATION & REMOVAL .................................... 35
  2 Installing the battery.............................................. 35   Removing the battery ............................................. 35   Inserting the SIM Card .......................................... 36   Removing the SIM Card......................................... 36  Connecting the Charger......................................... 37   Removing the Charger ........................................... 37  KEYPAD DESCRIPTION ............................................ 38  ALPHANUMERIC MAPPING ...................................... 41  DISPLAY INDICATORS. ............................................. 42 BASIC OPERATION ............................................. 43  Making a Call ........................................................ 43  The SIM Card......................................................... 44  Battery and Charger .............................................. 44   Switching on the Phone.......................................... 45   PIN and PIN2 (4 to 8 digits).................................. 45   PUK1 and PUK2 (8 digits).................................... 45  Calling ................................................................... 46   Dialing Emergency Numbers................................. 46  Correcting an Entry ............................................... 46   Answering a Call ...................................................46
  3 Recent Calls........................................................... 47  Quick Dial.............................................................. 47  Holding a Call ....................................................... 47  Multiparty Calls..................................................... 48  Input Methods ........................................................ 49 1. Multitap ABC/abc ............................................................... 50 2. Smart ABC/abc (Smart Predictive Text Mode) ................... 50 3. Symbols............................................................................... 51 5. Numeric............................................................................... 51 MENU FUNCTION ............................................... 52  PHONE BOOK .......................................................... 52  Quick Search.......................................................... 52 1. View.................................................................................... 52 2. Edit...................................................................................... 53 3. Delete.................................................................................. 53 4. Copy.................................................................................... 53 5. Move................................................................................... 53 6. Duplicate............................................................................. 53  Search Entry........................................................... 53 1. Search.................................................................................. 53   Add New Entry....................................................... 54  Copy All ................................................................. 55  Delete All ............................................................... 55 1. From SIM............................................................................ 55 2. From Phone......................................................................... 55
  43. One by One ......................................................................... 56  Caller Group.......................................................... 56  Extra Number......................................................... 56  Settings................................................................... 56 1. Memory Status .................................................................... 56 2. Preferred Storage................................................................. 56 3. Fields................................................................................... 57  MESSAGES .............................................................. 57  SMS........................................................................ 57 1. Done.................................................................................... 57 2. Cancel ................................................................................. 57 3. Use Template....................................................................... 57 4. Insert Object........................................................................ 58 5. Format Text......................................................................... 58 ~ Text Size............................................................................. 58 ~ Text Style............................................................................ 58 ~ Alignment........................................................................... 58 ~ New Paragraph ................................................................... 58 6. Input Methods ..................................................................... 58  Inbox...................................................................... 58  Outbox.................................................................... 59  Delete..................................................................... 59 ~ Delete Inbox ....................................................................... 59 ~ Delete Outbox..................................................................... 59 ~ Delete All............................................................................ 59  Template................................................................. 59  Message Settings.................................................... 60
  5~ Profile Settings ................................................................... 60 ~ Common Settings ............................................................... 60 ~ Memory Status.................................................................... 60 ~ Preferred Storage................................................................ 60 ~ Pref. Bearer......................................................................... 60  MMS (Multimedia Messages) ................................ 61 1. Write Message..................................................................... 61 A. Validity Time...................................................................... 61 B. Delivery Report .................................................................. 61 C. Read Report........................................................................ 61 D. Priority ............................................................................... 61 2. Inbox................................................................................... 61 3. Outbox................................................................................. 62 4. Drafts................................................................................... 62 5. Templates ............................................................................ 62 6. Message Settings................................................................. 62 ~ Sending............................................................................... 62 ►Validity Period...................................................................... 62 ►Delivery Report.................................................................... 62 ►Priority ................................................................................. 62 ►Slide Timing......................................................................... 62 ►Delivery Time ...................................................................... 62 ~ Retrieval ............................................................................. 62 ►Home Network..................................................................... 62 ►Roaming............................................................................... 62 ►Read report........................................................................... 63 ►Delivery Report.................................................................... 63 ~ Filters.................................................................................. 63 ►Anonymous.......................................................................... 63 ►Max Size .............................................................................. 63 ►Advertisement...................................................................... 63
  6~ Edit Profile.......................................................................... 63 ►Rename Profile..................................................................... 63 ►Home Page........................................................................... 63 ►Data Account........................................................................ 63 ►Connection Type .................................................................. 64 ►Username ............................................................................. 64 ►Password .............................................................................. 64 ~ Memory Status.................................................................... 64  Email...................................................................... 64 1. Send and Receive................................................................ 64 2. Write Email......................................................................... 64 ~ Send.................................................................................... 65 ~ Send and Save..................................................................... 65 ~ Save to Drafts ..................................................................... 65 ~ Quit without Saving............................................................ 65 3. Inbox................................................................................... 65 ~ Reply .................................................................................. 65 ~ Reply without Content........................................................ 65 ~ Reply All............................................................................. 65 ~ Reply All without Content.................................................. 66 ~ Forward .............................................................................. 66 ~ Delete.................................................................................. 66 4. Unsent................................................................................. 66 5. Sent ..................................................................................... 66 6. Drafts................................................................................... 66 7. Delete All Folder................................................................. 66 8. Email Profile ....................................................................... 66 ~ Common Setting................................................................. 66 > Profile Name........................................................................ 66 > Data Account ....................................................................... 67 > Signature.............................................................................. 67
  7> Signature Image................................................................... 67 > Signature Text...................................................................... 67 ~ Outgoing Server.................................................................. 67 ~ Incoming Server ................................................................. 67  Voice Mail Server................................................... 67  Broadcast Message................................................ 68 ~ Receive Mode..................................................................... 68 ٭ Off........................................................................................ 68 ٭ List Only .............................................................................. 68 ٭ All Channels......................................................................... 68 ~ Read Message..................................................................... 68 ~ Languages........................................................................... 68 ~ Channel Settings................................................................. 68  CALL HISTORY ........................................................ 69  Missed Calls........................................................... 69 1. View.................................................................................... 69 2. Delete.................................................................................. 69 3. Save to Phone book............................................................. 70 4. Dial...................................................................................... 70 5. Edit...................................................................................... 70  Dialed Calls........................................................... 70  Received Calls........................................................ 70   Delete Call Log...................................................... 70  Call Time................................................................ 70 1. Last Call Time..................................................................... 70 2. Total Sent ............................................................................ 70 3. Total Received..................................................................... 71 4. Reset All Time..................................................................... 71
  8 Call Cost................................................................ 71 1. Last Call Cost...................................................................... 71 2. Total Cost ............................................................................ 71 3. Reset Cost ........................................................................... 71 4. Max Cost............................................................................. 71 5. Price Per Unit...................................................................... 71  SMS Center ............................................................ 71 1. Sent ..................................................................................... 72 2. Received.............................................................................. 72  GPRS Center.......................................................... 72 1. Last Sent.............................................................................. 72 2. Last Received...................................................................... 72 3. All Sent................................................................................ 72 4. All Received........................................................................ 72 5. Reset Center........................................................................ 72  SETTINGS ................................................................ 72  Phone Setup ........................................................... 72 1. Time and Date..................................................................... 72 ~ Set Home City .................................................................... 72 ~ Set Time/Date..................................................................... 73 ~ Set Format .......................................................................... 73 2. Schedule Power On/Off....................................................... 73 ~ Status.................................................................................. 73 ~ Power Settings.................................................................... 73 ~ Time Settings...................................................................... 73 3. Language............................................................................. 74 4. Preferred Input Methods...................................................... 74 5. Display Characteristic......................................................... 74 ~ Wallpaper............................................................................ 74 ~ Screen Saver....................................................................... 74
  9٭ Settings................................................................................ 74 ■ Status................................................................................. 74 ■ Waiting.............................................................................. 74 ٭ Select................................................................................... 74 ~ Show Date and Time........................................................... 74 ~ Show Owner Number......................................................... 75 ~ Show Operator Name ......................................................... 75 6. Contrast............................................................................... 75 7. Greeting Text....................................................................... 75 ~ Status.................................................................................. 75 ~ Greeting Text ...................................................................... 75 8. Speed Dial........................................................................... 75 ~ Enable Speed Dial .............................................................. 75 ~ Set Number......................................................................... 75 9. Shortcuts ............................................................................. 76 10. Dedicated Key................................................................... 76 11. Auto Update of Date and Time.......................................... 76  Call Setup............................................................... 76 1. Caller ID.............................................................................. 76 ~ Set by Network................................................................... 76 ~ Hide ID............................................................................... 76 ~ Send ID............................................................................... 76 2. Call Waiting ........................................................................ 77 ~ Activate............................................................................... 77 ~ Deactivate........................................................................... 77 ~ Query Status ....................................................................... 77 3. Call Divert........................................................................... 77 ~ Divert All Voice Calls......................................................... 77 ~ Divert If Unreachable......................................................... 77 ~ Divert If No Answer ........................................................... 77 ~ Divert If Busy..................................................................... 77 ~ Cancel All Divert................................................................ 78 4. Call Barring......................................................................... 78
  10~ Outgoing Calls.................................................................... 78 ~ Incoming Calls.................................................................... 78 ~ Cancel All........................................................................... 78 ~ Change Barring PW............................................................ 78 5. Line Switching .................................................................... 78 6. Call Time Reminder............................................................ 78 7. Call Time Display ............................................................... 78 8. Auto Redial ......................................................................... 79  Network Setup........................................................ 79 1. Network Selection............................................................... 79 2. Preferred Networks ............................................................. 79 ~ Add from List ..................................................................... 79 ~ Create New......................................................................... 79 ~ Change Priority................................................................... 79 ~ Delete.................................................................................. 79 3. Band Selection .................................................................... 79 ~ 900...................................................................................... 80 ~ 1900.................................................................................... 80 ~ Dual Band........................................................................... 80 4. GPRS Selection................................................................... 80 ~ When needed ...................................................................... 80 ~ Always................................................................................ 80  Security Setup ........................................................ 80 1. SIM Lock............................................................................ 80 2. Phone Lock ......................................................................... 80 3. Auto Keypad Lock .............................................................. 80 4. Fixed Dial............................................................................ 80 ~ Mode................................................................................... 81 ~ Fixed Dial List.................................................................... 81 5. Barred Dial.......................................................................... 81 ~ Mode................................................................................... 81 ~ Barred Dial List.................................................................. 81
  116. Change Password ................................................................ 81 ~ PIN ..................................................................................... 81 ~ PIN2 ................................................................................... 81 ~ Phone Lock Password......................................................... 81  Restore Factory Settings........................................ 82  MULTIMEDIA........................................................... 82  Camera .................................................................. 82 1. Send .................................................................................... 82 2. Apply................................................................................... 82 3. Detail................................................................................... 82 4. Rename ............................................................................... 82 5. Delete.................................................................................. 83  To Image Viewer..................................................... 83 1. Send .................................................................................... 83 2. Apply................................................................................... 83 3. Delete.................................................................................. 83 4. Delete.................................................................................. 83 5. Rename ............................................................................... 83 6. View Detail.......................................................................... 83  Audio Player.......................................................... 84 1. Play ..................................................................................... 85 2. Detail................................................................................... 85 3. Add To Rings....................................................................... 85 4. Refresh List......................................................................... 85 5. Settings................................................................................ 85 ~ List Auto Gen ..................................................................... 85 ~ Repeat................................................................................. 85 ~ Shuffle ................................................................................ 85 ~ Background Play................................................................. 86
  12 Sound Recorder...................................................... 86 1. Record................................................................................. 86 2. Play ..................................................................................... 86 3. Append................................................................................ 86 4. Rename ............................................................................... 87 5. Delete.................................................................................. 87 6. Delete All ............................................................................ 87 7. Settings................................................................................ 87 8. Forward............................................................................... 87  Melody Compose.................................................... 87  File Manager ......................................................... 88  FUN & GAMES ........................................................ 88  Game...................................................................... 88 1. Riches.................................................................................. 88 ~ Resume............................................................................... 88 ~ Start Game.......................................................................... 88 ~ Game Level ........................................................................ 88 ~ Best Grades......................................................................... 89 ~ Game Help.......................................................................... 89 2. Color Balls .......................................................................... 89 ~ Start Game.......................................................................... 89 ~ Game Level ........................................................................ 89 ~ Best Grades......................................................................... 89 ~ Game Help.......................................................................... 89  Game Setting.......................................................... 89 1. Game Audio ........................................................................ 89 2. Game Vibration................................................................... 90  USER PROFILES....................................................... 90
  13 General.................................................................. 90 1. Activate............................................................................... 90 2. Customize ........................................................................... 90 ~ Tone Setup.......................................................................... 90 ~ Volume................................................................................ 91 ~ Alert Type ........................................................................... 91 ■ Ring................................................................................... 91 ■ Vibration Only................................................................... 91 ■ Vibra and Ring .................................................................. 91 ~ Ring Type ........................................................................... 91 ~ Extra Tone........................................................................... 91 ~ Answer Mode...................................................................... 92 ~ LCD Backlight.................................................................... 92  Meeting .................................................................. 92  Outdoor.................................................................. 92  Indoor .................................................................... 93  Headset.................................................................. 93  PIM ........................................................................ 93  Calendar.......................................................................... 93   To Do List....................................................................... 93  Alarm.............................................................................. 94 1. On/Off................................................................................. 94 2. Time Settings....................................................................... 94 3. Repeat ................................................................................. 94 ~ Once ................................................................................... 94 ~ Everyday............................................................................. 94 ~ Days.................................................................................... 94
  14 Calculator........................................................................ 94  World clock ............................................................95  SERVICES ................................................................ 95 BATTERY  ............................................................ 96 CARE AND MAINTENANCE  ........................... 97   CONTACT YOUR NEAREST SERVICE STATION IF THE MOBILE PHONE IS OUT......... 97 OF ORDER. OUR WELL-TRAINED TECHNICIANS WILL PROVIDE YOU THE BEST....................................................................................... 97 SERVICE. ................................. 錯誤!  尚未定義書籤。 FCC REGULATIONS........................錯誤!  尚未定義書籤。 FCC RF EXPOSURE INFORMATION ...錯誤!  尚未定義書籤。 Body-worn Operation.................錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
  15MENU MAP  PhoneBook zQuick Search 1. Send SMS 2. View 3. Edit 4. Delete 5. Copy 6. Move 7. Duplicate zSearch Record 1. Search ~ Send SMS ~ View ~ Edit ~ Delete ~ Copy ~ Move ~ Duplicate 2. Input Method ~ Multitap ABC ~ Multitap abc ~ Smart ABC ~ Smart abc ~ Numeric ~ Smart Thai ~ Insert Symbols zAdd New Record 1. To SIM ~ Name ~ Number 2. To Phone
  16~ Name   ~ Number ~ Home Number ~ Company Name ~ Email Address ~ Office Number ~ Fax Number ~ Associate Picture   ~ Associate Sound ~ Caller Group zCopy All 1. From SIM 2. From Phone zDelete All 1. From SIM 2. From Phone 3. One by One zCaller Group 1. Friends 2. Family 3. VIP 4. Business 5. Others ~ Name ~ Ring ~ Picture ~ Color Pattern ~ Member List zExtra Number 1. Owner Number ~ Edit ~ Erase 2. Service Dial Number
  173. SOS Number zSettings 1. Memory Status 2. Preferred Storage ~ SIM ~ Phone 3. Fields ~ Home Number ~ Company Name ~ E-mail Address ~ Office Number ~ Fax Number ~ Associate Picture ~ Associate Sound ~ Caller Group Messages zSMS 1. Inbox ~ Reply ~ Delete ~ Edit ~ Forward ~ Use Number ~ Save Objects 2. Outbox ~ Send ~ Edit ~ Delete ~ Use Number 3. Write Message ~ Done ~ Use Template ~ Insert Object
  18~ Format Text ~ Input Method 4. Delete ~ Delete Inbox ~ Delete Outbox ~ Delete All 5. Template ~ Edit ~ Erase 6. Messages Settings ~ Profile Setting ~ Common Setting ~ Memory Status ~ Preferred Storage ~ Prefer Bearer zMMS 1. Write Message ~ Send Only ~ Save and Send ~ Save to Drafts ~ Send Options ~ Exit 2. Inbox 3. Outbox 4. Drafts ~ View ~ Properties ~ Send ~ Edit Message ~ Delete ~ Delete All ~ Use Number 5. Templates
  19~ View ~ Properties ~ Write Message 6. MMS Settings   ~ Sending ~ Retrieval ~ Filters ~ Edit Profile ~ Memory Status zEmail 1. Send and Receive 2. Write Email ~ Send ~ Send and Save ~ Save to Drafts ~ Quit without Saving 3. Inbox ~ Reply ~ Reply without Content ~ Reply All ~ Reply All without Content ~ Forward ~ Delete 4. Unsent ~ Send ~ Send and Save ~ Save to Drafts ~ Quit without Saving 5. Sent ~ Forward ~ Delete 6. Drafts ~ Edit
  20~ Delete 7. Delete All Folder ~ Inbox ~ Unsent ~ Sent ~ Drafts ~ Delete All Folder 8. Email Profile ~ Activate ~ Edit ► Common Setting ► Outgoing Server ► Incoming Server zVoice Mail Server 1. Voice Mail 2. Empty ~ Edit ~ Erase ~ Connect to Voice zBroadcast Message 1. Receive Mode ~ Off ~ List Only ~ All Channel 2. Read Message ~ Read Message 3. Languages ~ All Languages 4. Channel Settings ~ Select   ~ Add ~ Edit   ~ Delete
  21Call List zMissed Calls 1. View 2. Delete 3. Save to Phone book ~ To S I M ~ To Phone 4. Dial 5. Edit ~ To S I M ~ To Phone zDialed Calls 1. View 2. Delete 3. Save to Phone book ~ To S I M ~ To Phone 4. Dial 5. Edit ~ To S I M ~ To Phone zReceived Calls 1. View 2. Delete 3. Save to Phone book ~ To S I M ~ To Phone 4. Dial 5. Edit ~ To S I M ~ To Phone zDelete Call Log 1. Missed Calls
  222. Dialed Calls 3. Received Calls 4. Delete All zCall Time 1. Last Call Time 2. Total Sent 3. Total Received 4. Reset All Time zCall Cost 1. Last Call Cost 2. Total Cost 3. Reset Cost 4. Max Cost 5. Price Per Unit zSMS Counter 1. Sent 2. Received zGPRS Counter 1. Last Sent 2. Last Received 3. All Sent 4. All Received 5. Reset Counter Settings zPhone Setup 1. Time and Date ~ Set Home City ~ Set Time/Date ~ Set Format 2. Schedule Power On/Off ~Four Schedule Sets 3. Language ~ English
  234. Preferred Input Methods ~ Multitap ABC   ~ Multitap abc ~ Numeric ~ Smart ABC ~ Smart abc 5. Display Characteristic ~ Wallpaper ~ Screen Saver ~ Show Date and Time ~ Show Owner Number 6. Contrast 7. Greeting Text ~ Status ~ Greeting Text 8. Speed Dial ~ Enable Speed Dial ~ Set Number 9. Shortcuts 10. Dedicated Key ~ Up ~ Down ~ Left ~ Right 11. Auto Update of Date and Time zCall Setup 1. Caller ID ~ Set by Network ~ Hide ID ~ Send ID 2. Call Waiting ~ Activate ~ Deactivate
  24~ Query Status 3. Call Divert ~ Divert All Voice Calls ~ Divert If Unreachable ~ Divert If No Answer ~ Divert If Busy ~ Divert All Data Calls ~ Cancel All Divert 4. Call Barring   ~ Outgoing Calls ~ Incoming Calls ~ Cancel All ~ Change Barring PW 5. Line Switching   6. Call Time Reminder ~ Off ~ Single ~ Periodic 7. Call Time Display 8. Auto Redial zNetwork Setup 1. Network Selection ~ Automatic ~ Manual 2. Preferred Networks ~ Network List 3. Band Selection ~ 900   ~ 1800 ~ 1900 ~ Dual Band 4. GPRS Connection ~ When needed
  25~ Always z Security Setup 1. SIM Lock ~ On ~ Off 2. Phone Lock ~ On ~ Off 3. Auto Keypad Lock ~None ~5 sec. ~30 sec. ~1 min. ~5 min. 4. Fixed Dial ~ Mode ~ Fixed Dial List 5. Barred Dial ~ Mode ~ Barred Dial List 6. Changed Password ~ PIN ~ PIN2 ~ Phone Lock Password zRestore Factory Settings Multimedia zCamera 1. To Image Viewer ~ View ~ Send ~ Apply ~ Detail   ~ Rename
  26~ Delete   ~ Delete All File   ~ Sort 2. Camera Setting ~ Image Size ~ Effect Setting ~ Add Frame ~ Cont Shot ~ Night Mode ~ Delay Timer 3. Advance Setting ~ White Balance ~ Image Quality ~ EV (Exposure Value) ~ Shutter Sound ~ Banding 4. Restore Default zImage Viewer 1. View 2. Send 3. Apply   4. Detail 5. Rename 6. Delete 7. Delete All Files 8. Sort zAudio Player 1. Play 2. Detail 3. Add To Rings 4. Refresh List 5. Settings ~ List Auto Gen
  27~ Repeat ~ Shuffle ~ Background Play zFile Manager 1. Audio 2. Images 3. Photos ~ Open ~ Create Folder ~ Rename ~ Delete ~ Sort ~ Format ~ Free Space zSound Recorder 1. Record 2. Play 3. Append 4. Rename 5. Delete 6. Delete All 7. Settings ~ AMR ~ WAV 8. Forward ~ To User Profile ~ Via MMS ~ Via E-Mail zMelody Compose 1. Play 2. Edit ~ Play ~ Play Speed
  28~ Select Instrument ~ Save 3. Add ~ Play ~ Play Speed ~ Select Instrument ~ Save 4. Rename ~ Done ~ Cancel ~ Input Method 5. Delete 6. Delete All Files 7. Forward ~ To User Profile ~ Via MMS ~ Via E-Mail ~ Via EMS Fun & Games zGame 1. Riches ~Start Game ~Game Level ~Best Grades ~Game Help 2. Color Balls ~Start Game ~Game Level ~Best Grades ~Game Help zGame Settings 1. Game Audio 2. Game Vibration
  29User Profile zGeneral 1. Activate 2. Customize ~ Tone Setup ► Incoming Call ► Alarm ► Power On ► Power Off ► Message Tone ► Keypad Tone ~ Volume ~ Alert Type ► Ring ► Vibration Only   ► Vibra and Ring ► Vibra Then Ring ► Light Only ~ Ring Type ► Single ► Repeat ► Ascending ~ Extra Tone ► Warning ► Error ► Camping On ► Connect ~ Answer Mode ► Any Key ~ LCD Backlight ► LCD Backlight ► Status LED zMeeting
  30zOutdoor zIndoor zHandset Organizer zCalendar 1. Jump to Date 2. View Tasks zTo Do List zAlarm 1. On/Off 2. Time Settings 3. Repeat ~ Once ~ Everyday ~ Days zWorld Clock Services
For Your Safety                   31 For Your Safety   Only proper operation can ensure your personal safety. Be sure to carefully read these simple guidelines before you use the phone. Breaking the rules may be dangerous or illegal. Further detailed information is given in this user manual.  Traffic Safety Don’t use a mobile phone while driving. For your safety, you should park the vehicle before making or answering a call. Using a handsfree car kit or earpiece is highly recommended.       Do Not Use in Hospitals The use of mobile phones is prohibited and may cause interference with the functionality in medical devices in the hospitals. Check the laws and regulations or posted notices. To avoid electromagnetic interference (EMI) with medical devices, please switch off the phone near medical equipment.   Do Not Use in Airplanes The use of mobile phones in an aircraft may disrupt radio transmissions and signals. This, therefore, can be dangerous to the operation of the aircraft. Be sure to switch off the phone while on board an aircraft. It is highly recommended to detach the battery pack from the handset to prevent accidentally switching on the phone by miss-touching the power key.   Do Not Use in Gasoline Stations It is advisable that users switch off the phone at a refueling point. The threat mobile phones pose to gas stations and their users is primarily the result of their ability to produce sparks that can be generated by the high-powered battery inside the phone.
For Your Safety                   32  Do Not Use in Explosive Sites The use of mobile phones should be restricted near potentially explosive atmosphere sites such as chemical plants, fuel storage, or the areas where blasting operations are in process. Observe restrictions, and follow any posted regulations or rules.  Operating Environment Mobile radio transmitting equipment, including mobile phones, may be subject to interference and may cause danger. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you follow any special regulations in any area. Switch the phone off whenever the use is forbidden.  Standard Usage For the satisfactory operation of the mobile phone, it should be used only in a normal operating position. Do not touch the antenna unnecessarily.     Accessories and Batteries This phone can only be connected to approved accessories and batteries. Do not connect incompatible products.    Appropriate Maintenance  Only qualified and authorized personnel should service the phone equipment. Faulty installation or repair may be hazardous.   Emergency Calls (SOS) An emergency call (SOS number) can be made with the phone in any circumstances, and even the phone is locked. When making an emergency call, you must be sure to give all the
For Your Safety                   33necessary information, such as your name, your mobile phone number, the location and the emergency situation, as accurately as possible. In order to deliver the sufficient information to a rescue institute, do not disconnect your phone until told to do so.     Use with proper care to reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI) This product has passed the inspection of the Directorate- General of Telecommunications, Ministry of Transportation and Communication. The highest reported SAR values which are: Head 0.45W/kg; Body-worn 0.77 W/kg are lower than the standard value at 1.6 W/kg, maximum. Mobile phones are apt to generate high frequency energy, electromagnetic wave before connection. In order to avoid EMI impact on human body, we strongly recommend you to listen to the phone after the line is connected.
         Basic Operation                  34Getting Started    Phone Overview            Figure 1   Warning: Please do not detach any parts of this mobile phone and only use original manufacturer components to guaranty the quality of transmission.
         Basic Operation                  35 Installation & Removal    Installing the battery 1. Place the battery pack downward and gently slide its side corners into this handset’s bottom fillister. 2. Hold and press the battery pack forward until it contacts to the handset. Make sure that the metallic connector is firmly facing the built-in hinged-type connectors on the handset.   3. Push and slide the battery cover forward so as to clasp the latch.                       Figure 2   Removing the battery 1. Switch off the handset first and gently pushes the latch of the battery cover backward to separate it from the handset.   2. Press the battery pack’s latch backward and the uplift the bottom of the battery pack and remove the battery from handset.                                    Figure 3
         Basic Operation                  36Important! : Notice the risk of explosion in case of incorrect use of unfit battery.   Moreover, when the duration you remove the battery from the phone is over 20 seconds, the time won’t be punctual.   Inserting the SIM Card 1. Find the SIM slot. Place your SIM card golden contact area downward. 2. Place the SIM card with leaning 30°and gently insert it into card slot until the card folder firmly clips the card in its place.                        Figure 4 Important! : Before removing the cover, always switch off the power first and disconnect the handset from the charger or any other devices.   Removing the SIM Card Switch off the power first and remove the battery cover. Press and slide SIM forward so as to remove SIM from the holder and slot as shown in figure 5.                        Figure 5
         Basic Operation                  37Important! : Keep all miniature SIM cards out of the reach of small children. The SIM card and its contacts can be easily damaged by scratches or bending, so be careful when handling, inserting and removing the cards.       Connecting the Charger To connect the travel charger to the handset, you should install the battery first. Follow the travel charger instruction, and plug the connector with the © sign upside into the handset as shown in figure 6.         Figure 6 Note: 1. Do not remove your battery or SIM card while charging. 2. Use a compatible or appropriate charger for the handset.         3. Manipulate the charger carefully, or the connector might be damaged easily.     Removing the Charger When removing the charger from battery, disconnect the plug
         Basic Operation                  38from the electrical outlet.  Keypad Description In the handset, there are two softkeys - left softkey and right softkey. Key functions are used in main menu / list menu / function window. The function definition of the handset is made in screen with let / right softkey. Keypad functions are described in the diagram as below: Key  Description    ★Affirmative inputs: OK, select, call, save and reply.   ★In main menu / submenu mode, press this key to enter the next submenu ★Press this key to answer an incoming call. ★Press it to put a call in hold; or call retrieve by pressing the key once again. ★Press this key as “Enter” key to access function menus, submenus and selection.★In standby mode, press this key and   to lock/unlock the handset. ★When a call is in progress, press this key to hold, end, new call, phone book, SMS, sound recorder, mute and DTMF.  ★Negative inputs: end, no, return, cancel, abort, and quit. ★In standby mode, press this key to instantly access phonebook list. If users press this key to quickly access phonebook, they can press    to switch input methods. ★Press this key to clear single character, number, or symbol from the right to left.
         Basic Operation                  39Key  Description   ★Long press this key to clear all texts or   phone numbers that are entered. ★In menu/submenu, press this key to return the previous level. ★Press this key to activate either earphone or loud speaker function for handsfree use during an incoming call. ★Press this key to reject an incoming call. ★Press this key to dial out a call. ★Press this key to answer a call. ★In standby mode, press it to view call log comprising incoming, outgoing, rejected and missed calls.  ★Press this key to end / reject a call   ★Press and hold it to switch on/off phone. ★Press it to return to standby mode while function menu is in progress.   ★Four-way Navigation Key.   ★Default Shortcut functions setup/selection in standby mode: Up –Tone Setup Down – Shortcuts Left – SMS Inbox Right – Alert Type ★The symbols of numerals and letters. Keypads 2~9 are set as speed dial. See on page 59.   ★Press and hold this key for two seconds to launch voice mailbox function. Access the voice box number (generally 3 digits) of your telecom service provider before using this phone for the first time.
         Basic Operation                  40Key  Description    ★In editorial mode, press this key to switch digit “0” and space.  ★In standby mode, long press this key to switch between current activated mode and silent mode. When users long press this key to activate silent mode, vibrator function, meanwhile, is also activated. ★In editorial mode, press the key to switch entry methods among ABC, abc, 123, eZiABC and eZiabc.  ★At ready window mode, long press this key could silence key tone. ★Press and hold this key to enable or   disable vibration function.  ★Press and hold this key for seconds to automatically display “*”, “+”, “P” and “W” insequence in the screen. The symbol “+”   represents an international dial-up code.   ★Press and hold this key until the symbol   ”+” appears and then dial the rest phone number for an international call. ★In editorial mode, press this key to select symbols. ★Input a phone number first and then long press this key until a pop-up character “P” shows, and then input extension number and then press dialing key.  ★Press this sidekey to adjust volume in an idle / active mode. ★Press this sidekey to adjust volume in earpiece mode. ★Press this sidekey to adjust volume of loud speaker in handsfree mode.
         Basic Operation                  41  Alphanumeric Mapping  The alphabetical and numerical keypad mapping relations are listed on the following table:    Upper Case Mode Lower Case Mode 1 ﹒﹐﹣ ? ! ` @ :﹟$/ _ 1 ﹒﹐﹣ ? ! ` @ :﹟$/ _ 12 A B C 2 a b c 2 3 D E F 3 d e f 3 4 G H I 4 g h i 4 5 J K L 5 J k l 5 6 M N O 6 m n o 6 7 P Q R S 7 p q r s 7 8 T U V 8 t u v 8 9 W X Y Z 9 w x y z 9 0 space 0 space 0 *  Select symbols as below:﹒﹐? ! ' " ﴾  ﴿ @ \/:_ ; + -  * = % &  <>£$¥  §  € ¤ [ ] { }~  ﹟Select symbols as below:﹒﹐? ! ' " ﴾  ﴿ @ \/:_ ; + -  * = % &  <>£$¥  §  € ¤ [ ] { }~  ﹟
         Basic Operation                  42 Upper Case Mode Lower Case Mode space ↵  space ↵ #  Switch input methods among ABC, abc, 123, eZiABC and eZiabc. Switch input methods among ABC, abc, 123, ZiABC and Ziabc. Note:  1.  In editorial mode, press    to switch between current input mode and symbol input mode. 2.  In editorial mode, press    to switch inputs methods among ABC, abc, 123, eZiABC and eZiabc. 3.  Pressing a number key in the editing mode will generate the corresponding character appearing on the display.   4.  After releasing the key and wait for a second, the cursor will move to next spot for new input. 5.  If there is any difference between the character sets listed in the table and on the phone, please refer to the displayed characters on the phone.  Display Indicators. Indicator Description   Battery power level indicator. The battery cellsflashes from right and left while being charged.  L1 Call forward is on.  L2 Call forward is on.  L1 and L2 Call forward are both on.  The handset is locked.   The icon of missed call.
         Basic Operation                  43Indicator Description  New SMS is in mailbox.  New voice mail is received in L1.  New voice mail is received in L2.  New voice mail are received in both L1 and L2.  The roaming function is activated  The vibration call alert is activated     Mute is active during a call.  Ring is active.    Vibrates then rings.     Vibrates and rings.  L1 is active.  L2 is active.  Alarm is activated.      The signal strength of network connection at your current location. The more the bars are, the stronger the signal is received. (The total is four cells.) Basic Operation   Making a Call 1. Switch off the power first and properly installs the SIM card. 2. The phone still can be connected with the travel charger and used normally even when the battery runs out of power, 3. Press and hold    for two seconds to switch on the phone. If the display indicates “Enter PIN ”, please input the PIN number to unlock your SIM card, (please refer to the Manual provided by the telecom service provider for more details) and then press    to use this handset.   4. Input the area code and phone number, and press   to
         Basic Operation                  44dial the number.  Important! :               Check the signal strength before making a call. The signal indicator on the left side of the phone’s screen shows the strength of the network radio signal. The indicator scrolls as the signal strength increases and decreases. To get the strongest signal, try moving your phone slightly. If you’re inside a building, move toward a window.  The SIM Card Your telecom service provider usually offers the SIM card. For the SIM installation, please see on to page 27.This phone can be used only with legally issued SIM cards and receive or send the calls only within the SIM network service range.   Battery and Charger The Li-ion battery that comes with this phone is rechargeable. Please use the charger and the battery provided by the original manufacturer to ensure safety and a long lifetime for the cellular phone. 1. Place the charger into an appropriate outlet that meets the requirements of this phone. The other end is connected to the phone. While the phone is being recharged, the screen will automatically show the current power recharge status of the battery via a flashing signal. The phone that is switched on can still function normally while being recharged. Once the recharging process is done, the flashing signal will terminate. 2. Once the recharging process is done, the charger can be disconnected from the phone and electrical outlet. 3. This is an international charger (Model is subject to change in different countries). Read instructions on the charger label before use.
         Basic Operation                  454. A ‘battery low’ message will display on the screen to alert you to a battery low condition. The phone will automatically shut down when the battery is exceptionally low. 5. If the battery totally runs out of power, the battery needs to be recharged at least ten minutes. Otherwise, this phone may be difficult to be switched on.   Switching on the Phone To switch on the phone, please hold    for around 2~3 seconds. If the message “Enter PIN:” shows on the screen, the   “PIN:” code of the SIM card must be entered in (please refer to the Manual provided by the telecom service provider for more information). Then, press    to switch on the phone.     PIN and PIN2 (4 to 8 digits)   A PIN (Personal Identification Number) code is stored in your SIM card and is supplied by your SIM card network service provider. To prevent unauthorized use, you need to enter PIN1 code each time while you switch on your phone. Enter the correct PIN1 code and press  .  Important! :   1. If a wrong PIN code is entered over limited trials regulated by system operators, the phone becomes locked or disabled. You must ask for your network provider to use the PUK code to unlock or enable the phone again.   2. PIN2 code is for other functions, such as certain number dialing and barring.   PUK1 and PUK2 (8 digits)   The PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) code is required to change a blocked PIN code. Check with your network provider for the
         Basic Operation                  46code. After getting the PUK1 code and unlocking the PIN1, you can reset your PIN1.  Calling Enter the area code and phone number, the press   to dial out a call. The prompt dialing process to reach an extension number is to enter phone number first, pressing and holding   and until “P” shows on the screen. Then you need to enter the extension number right this moment and press   to dial out the phone number. Apply the dialing process will promptly reach the extension number.    Dialing Emergency Numbers 1.  Please switch on the phone first. Enter an emergency number and press    to dial out. 2.  Most networks allow users to make emergency calls without inserting a SIM card. In the case of no SIM card, you’ll see the   SOS   indicator on the bottom-right corner after switching on your phone. 3.  In the case of SIM card inserted, SOS sign will be displayed on the bottom-right corner and without enter SOS number, press   or    keys to dial out.   Correcting an Entry Pressing      will erase the last letter or number which you entered.   Answering a Call Your phone will ring or/and vibrate when receiving a call. Press
         Basic Operation                  47 or    to answer the call. Press   to terminate the call. If you are using an earpiece, you can press the button of the earpiece to answer or terminate the call.  Recent Calls The phone will record all the recent calls in which you received, dialed, rejected and missed. Press    to access “Call logs” and then scroll    to browse all recent calls. The recent calls can accommodate up to 30 numbers. Moreover, you can scroll    to select a number in this option to dial out by pressing    . There are five options for you to operate: “View”, “Delete”, “Save to Phonebook”, “Dial” and “Edit”.  Quick Dial You may quickly search and dial a phone number stored in SIM card after inputting the number address (SIM Card memory number will depend on it total memory storage) and pressing   to get the symbol “ # ” displaying on the screen. Then, press    to dial a call. Notice that the handset memory (NVM) doesn’t support such function.   Holding a Call Press    to put the on-line call on hold while you make another call. When the second call is connected, pressing   allows you to switch between these two calls.
         Basic Operation                  48 Multiparty Calls The multiparty service provides you with the ability to have a simultaneous conversation with more than one caller, if your network service provider supports this feature.   A multiparty call can only be set when you have one active call and one call on hold, both calls having been answered. Once a multiparty call is set up, calls may be added, disconnected or separated (that is, removed from the multiparty call but still connected to you) by the person who set up the multiparty call. The maximum callers in a multiparty call are six. Once started, you are in control of the multiparty call, and only you can add calls to the multiparty. More to the point, this system allows a maximum of 6-party call.  Multiparty calls feature several functions including “Swap”, “Conference”, “Transfer”, “End Single”, “Phone book”, “SMS”, “Sound Recorder”, “Mute”, and ‘DTMF”. Here we briefly introduce the multiparty operation steps in common use as below:  1. Make a call until it is connected first (or when you are receiving an incoming call). Next, make a second call while you are already in a call.    2. When the two dialed calls are both connected, you can move the cursor and press    to swap between the two connected calls. When “Swap” function is activated, one call is on line and another is on hold.    3. You can connect a call on hold to the currently active call to form a multiparty call by select “Conference”.  4. When you assign a call and press    to select “End Single”, it means that the handset will terminate the active call.    5. If you want to terminate all active call, press   to select
         Basic Operation                  49“End All”.  6. When the multiparty call is active, you can press   to select “SMS” to edit and send a short message, or to select “Phone Book” to view phone book list.   . 7. Press    and select “Sound Recorder” allow you to record the conversation of the active multiparty.    8. The other part in the multiparty can hear your voice when you turn on “Mute” function.  9. When DTMF tones are turn on during a call, it allows your handset to make use of an automated switchboard.  10. To put the multiparty call on hold and only connect one party, you can press    to select “Split”.  Important! :                 Make sure that you do not have a call on hold before making a multi-party call.  Input Methods Please read the description of input methods below, and that can apparently help you to skillfully use input methods.     1. This phone supports various input methods. They are Multitap ABC, Multitap abc, Numeric (123), Smart ABC, Smart abc, and symbol. Of them, Smart ABC and Smart abc are smart word choosing input methods.   2. Only in editorial mode, you can enter desired content in different input methods such as letters, numbers and symbols. This mobile phone features various input fields such as name field of Phonebook, entry search, and content of Message and so forth.
         Basic Operation                  503. Press    to switch among various text input methods including Multitap ABC, Multitap abc, 123, Smart ABC and Smart abc.   4. If you want to add symbols to input area, press   and scroll    to select your desired symbols. 5. In editorial mode, press this key to clear single character, number, or symbol from the right to left. 6. Long press this key to clear all texts or phone numbers that are entered.   1. Multitap ABC/abc ABC/abc input methods are described as below:   (1). Press a number key (   -    ) repeatedly until the desired character appears.   (2). If the next letter is located on the same key as the present one, wait until the cursor appears, and then input the letter.  (3). Press    to change input methods.   (4). Press    and then scroll   to select your desired symbols. 2. Smart ABC/abc (Smart Predictive Text Mode) Smart ABC/abc input methods are described as below: (1). You can merely press letter key without selecting particular one because Smart ABC/abc input methods enable to smartly predict the words you want.   (2). When the predicted word completely meets your demand, then you can press    to confirm. You can choose
         Basic Operation                  51Smart ABC or Smart abc first and use this input methods.     Example:sister Input Method: Smart abc Press those keys as below: Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ   The six input steps will bring about one word “sister” on the screen. You can press    to confirm and obtain this input consequence. If you find that your desired word doesn’t appear on the screen, it means that there are probably two or more predicted word consequences. Then you need to scroll    and release it and press   to confirm after your desired word appears on the screen. If you want to re-highlight the whole wording, press   to recover it. 3. Symbols   (1). The most common punctuation marks are available by pressing    to launch symbol table.   (2). Next, scroll    to make the cursor reach the desired punctuation mark and press   to confirm.  (3). In editorial mode, if the symbol “€” is inputted, the sum of characters to be inputted will be changed from 612 to 268. 5. Numeric Press the corresponding numeric key to generate a number on the screen.
Menu Function  52Menu Function  Press    to enter and use menu functions to meet your needs.   Phone Book This main menu allows users not only to save names / phone numbers in the SIM / handset, but also to proceed with the following submenu functions: Quick Search, Search Record, Add New Record, Copy All, Delete All, Caller Group, Extra Number, and Settings. The handset memory module has 10 fields, and SIM module 2 fields for content editing or new entry. You can scroll    to move cursor to those fields to enter your desired content and then press to    save. If you want to access the submenu, press   . After entering the content, press   to save or press   to discard this record.    Quick Search 1. Press    to enter this submenu and you can view a phone number list.   2. Scroll    and then select one record saved in the phonebook and press    to execute the following functions: 1. View Access this function to view a number record’s detailed data saved in SIM or the handset memory. The saved data In SIM are name and number and in the handset include name, number,
Menu Function  53home number, company name, e-mail address, office number, fax number, associate picture, associate sound and caller group.     2. Edit All saved number records’ detailed data are editable. Users can edit or revise those data and then press   to save. For details on Input Methods, please see page. 40. 3. Delete When you press    to select this option and want to delete a signal or all, the pop-up window will query if you want to delete the number record. You can press   to delete or press   to cancel.   4. Copy You can select a single or all number records saved in SIM and press    to copy it to the handset memory and vice versa. 5. Move You can select one number record saved in SIM and press   to move it to the handset memory and vice versa. 6. Duplicate You can select one phone record and duplicate it to the same memory.   Search Entry 1. Search Aside from quick search, this handset also enables users to search number records by inputting text to search phone. When the search entries are implemented, please press   to
Menu Function  54search or select input methods. And then the handset screen will display the most similar or the same phone number. Please refer to Quick Search on page 43 to execute the functions in this option.  Add New Entry 1. You need to select SIM or phone as the storage location of new number records.  2. New entries of a new number record in phone memory include name, number, home number, company name, e-mail address, office number, fax number, associate picture, associate sound and caller group. There are only two new fields to be inputted in SIM.  3. You will need to enter both the phone number and name since no data will be saved if you leave any of these two items in blank. .  4. You can select and switch input methods in the fields of name, company name and E-mail address. For details on Input Methods, please see page. 40.  5. You can add or select content in the fields of Home Number, Company Name, E-mail Address, Office Number, Fax Number, Associate Picture, Associate Sound and Caller Group. However, if you leave any of these above fields empty, no data can be saved.   6. Enter E-mail address into the field. Press   to search underscore ”@”, ”_”, and dot ”.” and input them into E-mail field.  7. When you want to add an associate picture in a new phone
Menu Function  55number as a caller picture, you can scroll   to choose one of the default four pictures. Press   to view associate pictures.    8. You may assign an associate sound to a new phone number, and so you can identify it next time when it comes in. There are 20 default MIDI sounds accessible for your choice by pressing .   9. You may assign a caller group to a new phone number so you can identify it next time when it comes in. There are six default choices Friend, Family, VIP, Business, Others and None. Scroll   to select one of them as a caller group.  10. When you edit and select all fields, press    to save and set a new phone number record.  Copy All You may use this function to copy all phone records from SIM or handset memory. For example, when you select “From SIM”, then all phone records saved in SIM will be copied to the phone.  Delete All 1. From SIM Please input password before deleting all saved phone records from SIM.   2. From Phone Please input password before deleting all saved phone records
Menu Function  56from Phone. You need to input phone lock password before deleting all records from SIM or phone. Please refer to page. 64. 3. One by One Access this option to delete saved phone records one by one.  Caller Group  In this option, users can select Friends, Family, VIP, Business and Others as their caller groups. Scroll    and select one caller group and press    to set. Select one caller group and set name, ringtone types, picture, color pattern and member list. When you are trying to change caller groups settings of one certain phone number, its sequence and content in phone book list won’t be varied.  Extra Number In this option, you can view, edit and erase Owner Number, Service Dial Number and SOS Number. Owner Number can be edited and erased.  Settings 1. Memory Status This option provides inquiry about the total number of records and the empty spaces left for the phone records in the current SIM and the memory of the handset. At this stage, a maximum memory capacity is 250 sets in the handset. Note that the memory capacity of a SIM card supplied by various telecom service companies could be different. 2. Preferred Storage
Menu Function  57In this option you can select SIM or Phone and press   as your preferred storage of phone records.     3. Fields The option allows you to enable or disable the following field coming with Home Number, Company Name, E-mail Address, Office Number, Fax Number, Associate Picture, Associate Sound and Caller Group.  Messages This phone allows you to enjoy sending and receiving a variety of messages. Please contact with your network and telecom service provider for more details on which services you can use. Press   to access this menu and further press   to access the submenu’s options as below.  SMS 1. Done Press    to write a new message. When you have written the message already, you can press   (Done) to choose the further options including “Send Only”, “Save and Send”, “Save”, “Send to Many”, and “Send by Group”. For details on Input Methods, please see on page. 40. 2. Cancel  3. Use Template This option provides you with a variety of templates (such as use of greetings or common expressions). You can simply scroll
Menu Function  58 and press    to select your desired template type, and then press   to confirm. 4. Insert Object If you would like to make your own message more interesting and personalized, you can scroll    and then press   to insert objects (Pictures/ Predefined Animation/ Melody/ Predefined Sound) into the message. When you select the desired items, press   to confirm. 5. Format Text Access this option to select and adjust these options below: ~ Text Size Three text size options: Small, Medium, and Large. ~ Text St yl e Four text style options: Bold, Italics, Underline, and Strikethrough. ~ Alignment Four alignment options: Automatic, Left, Center, and Right. ~ New Paragraph Four new-paragraph options: Automatic, Left, Center, and Right. 6. Input Methods The input methods supplied by this handset include Multitap ABC, Multitap abc, Smart ABC, Smart abc, Numeric and Insert Symbols. For details on Input Methods, please see on page. 40.  Inbox
Menu Function  59When you access the inbox, you will see a list of all received messages (saved in the memory of both the phone and the SIM card) displayed on the screen, including the senders, sent time and the message content. All unread messages will be indicated with the ” ” icon. Press    to select and display the content of a message on the screen. For multiple-page messages, you can scroll    to read the entire message. Press   to select more message options, including “Reply”, “Delete”, “Edit”, “Forward”, and “Use Number”.  Outbox This option functions the same as inbox. After editing a message, you can select “send & save” to send and save it to SIM or the handset at your will. Or you can merely save this message by selecting “save”.  Delete In this option, you can select delete messages as below: ~ Delete Inbox ~ Delete Outbox ~ Delete All Similar to the delete function above, press    and you will be prompted to confirm whether to delete the selected message from inbox or outbox.  Template In this option you can select a template for use in delivering short messages. Or you can select one template to edit its content by your favorite input methods as your needs. For details on Input Methods, please see page. 40.
Menu Function  60 Message Settings ~ Profile Settings This option functions as service center (SMSC) that allows you to select SMSC 1 and SMSC 2. Next, you can enter either of the two profiles to edit and write the following items: (1). Profile Name:         You can edit the profile name of the two SMSC and press  to confirm. (2). SC (Service Center) Address:         You can change the SC address to a new one and press  to confirm.  (3). Valid Period:     You can scroll    to select valid period ranging from 1hour, 12 hours, 1 day, 1 week and maximum/ (4). Message Type:         You can select your desired message types including Text, Fax, Page, and E-mail. ~ Common Settings In this option you can enable/disable “Delivery Report” and “Reply Path”. When you enable “Reply Path” function, your SMS receivers can know the SMS delivering service center as well as a tracking path and are able to reply your sent messages.   ~ Memory Status This option allows you to check the total percentage of used message storage currently on both the phone and the SIM card. Message will be saved into the phone by default, and will be saved into the SIM card once the phone is full. ~ Preferred Storage You can assign SIM or phone (NVM) as your preferred message storage. ~ Pref. Bearer
Menu Function  61Select Prefer GPRS, Prefer GSM, GPRS only or GSM only as your preferred bearer.   MMS (Multimedia Messages) A multimedia message can contain text, sound and a picture or a video clip. The phone supports multimedia messages that are up to 100 KB in size. If the maximum size is exceeded, the phone may not be able to receive the message. Depending on the network, you may receive a text message that includes an Internet address where you can view the multimedia message. 1. Write Message You can select Add Number or Add E-mail in TO (Receiver), CC (Carbon Copy), and BCC (blind carbon copy) columns as your preferable MMS sending approaches. Write SB (Subject) and Content of a MMS at will. Press Done to confirm the content you input in each column. Next, manage this MMS by Send Only, Save and Send, Save to Drafts, or Send Options, or press Exit to leave the option. In Send Options, you need to set those items as below: A. Validity Time Set Max, 1 Hour, 12 Hours, 1 Day, or 1 Week as your preferable MMS validity time.   B. Delivery Report Set this function as On/Off status. C. Read Report Set this function as On/Off status. D. Priority Set MMS priority as Normal, High, or Low. 2. Inbox Select one MMS in this folder to View, Properties, Reply, Reply to All, Forward, Delete, Delete All, and Use Number.
Menu Function  623. Outbox Select one MMS in this folder to View, Properties, Send to Others, Delete, Delete All, and Use Number. 4. Drafts Select one MMS in this folder to View, Properties, Send, Edit Message, Delete, Delete All, and Use Number. 5. Templates You can use one of the five available templates. Besides, you can select one template to View, Properties, or Write Message. 6. Message Settings ~ Sending Enter this option to set the following features: ►Validity Period   Set the features as Max, 1 Hour, 12 Hours, 1 Day, or 1 Week ►Delivery Report Set this feature as On/Off status. ►Priority Set this feature as On/Off status. ►Slide Timing Set slide timing (ranging from 1-60 seconds) ►Delivery Time Set this feature ad Immediate, In one hour, In 12 hours, or In 24 hours ~ Retrieval ►Home Network Set this feature as Immediate, Delayed, Restricted ►Roaming
Menu Function  63Set this feature as As Home, Delayed, Restricted ►Read report Set this feature as On Request, Send, or Never Send. ►Delivery Report Set this feature as On / Off ststus. ~ Filters  ►Anonymous You can set this feature as Allow or Reject status. ►Max Size The max size is 20 KB. ►Advertisement You can set this feature as Allow or Reject status. ~ Edit Profile When you access to this option, you need scroll  to select you MMS service-supported operator and press Ok to Activate and Edit MMS Profile  ►Rename Profile You can press Edit to access to editing mode to rename the MMS profile. When editing is finished, press Option to select Done, Cancel or Input Method. ►Home Page You can press Edit to access to editing mode to rename the Homepage. When editing is finished, press Option to select Done, Cancel or Input Method. ►Data Account Press Select and then scroll   and press Ok to confirm
Menu Function  64MMS data account. ►Connection Type Set connection type as Connection-oriented, Connectionless, or HTTP. ►Username You can press Edit to access to editing mode to input Username. When editing is finished, press Option to select Done, Cancel or Input Method. ►Password You can press Edit to access to editing mode to input Password. When editing is finished, press Option to select Done, Cancel or Input Method. ~ Memory Status Enter this option to extract detailed memory info including Usage, Total, and Free memory.  Email Like email fun usually made by PC or laptop, you can use this handset to write, send and receive emails via a email account you assigned. Therefore, you need to access to email profile to settings first before sending or receiving emails. 1. Send and Receive Select this option and press OK, then the message “POP server is connecting” is indicating on the screen. Number of Sent and received mails will eventually display on the handset, followed by email service authorizing is done. If you don’t connect POP server, press Abort. 2. Write Email You can edit TO (Receiver) and/or CC (Carbon Copy) as your email receivers. Press Ok to confirm Add so as to access to Input Address window.   * Note: Be sure of email address you input is complete, otherwise
Menu Function  65a prompt pop-up window “Invalid Email Address” will show on the screen.   Then, press Option to select Done, Cancel, Search, and Input Method. To get email addresses saved in Phonebook List in the phone, press Search. Press Edit to write SB (Subject) and Content for the email you will send out. When you have edited them, press Option to select Done, Cancel, and Input Method. Press Attachment to add files which you can Edit, View/Play and Delete from File Manager. Priority of delivering this email can be set as Normal, Low or High. When all items and content is edit and done, press Done to select those items as below. ~ Send Press this option to simply send out an email. ~ Send and Save Press this option to send out an email and save it in Sent. ~ Save to Drafts Press this option to simply save an email in Drafts. ~ Quit without Saving Press this option to by Write Email without saving an email you have written in the handset. 3. Inbox Select one email in Inbox and press Read to view its information. Moreover, you can select following options: ~ Reply Press this option to response the selected email to the sender with writing content. ~ Reply without Content Press this option to response the selected email to the sender without writing content. ~ Reply All Press this option to response the selected email to all receivers with writing content.
Menu Function  66~ Reply All without Content Press this option to response the selected email to all receivers without writing content. ~ Forward Press this option to send the selected email to another receivers. ~ Delete Press this option to delete the selected email. 4. Unsent Emails in this folder mean their addresses are not organized completely so that they couldn’t be successfully sent. Select one email and select Send, Send and Save, Edit, Move to Drafts, and Delete. 5. Sent You can select one email in this folder to forward or delete it. To forward an email in Sent, please refer to Write Email on P.  6 1 . 6. Drafts You can select one email in this folder to edit delete it. To edit an email in Sent, please refer to Write Email on P.  6 1 . 7. Delete All Folder Enter this option to delete Inbox, Unsent, Sent, Drafts, or delete all folders in Email. 8. Email Profile In this option you can create and personalize your emails profile at will as email management center in the handset. Before you Activate the Email Profile, you need first to set Common Setting, Outgoing Server and Incoming Server. ~ Common Setting > Profile Name  Press Edit to create or rename the profile name. Please refer to
Menu Function  67> Data Account First, select GSM Data or GPRS as your data account. Then, press Ok to scroll    to select one operator GPRS system and press Ok to confirm your GPRS account setting. > Signature Scroll   to select On / Off and press Done to set signature status. When the status is Off, users can’t set Signature Image and Signature Text. > Signature Image The option allows you to Select From File from File Manager, View the image, or Delete Reference. > Signature Text Press Edit to access to text editing window, edit your desired signature text and then select Done, Cancel, or Input Method by pressing Ok.  ~ Outgoing Server Enter Outgoing Server to fill in Outgoing Server name, Outgoing Port (Default value: 25), Display Name, E-Mail Address, SMTP Auth, Username, and Password.  ~ Incoming Server Enter Incoming Server to fill in Protocol (set as POP2 or IMAP4), Incoming Server name, Incoming Port (Default value: 110), Username, Password, Check Interval (set as Off, 5 min, 30 min, 1 hour, or 2 hours), and Download Size (max. up to 102400).   Voice Mail Server There are a default voice mail servers for you to edit, erase, and connect to voice.
Menu Function  68 Broadcast Message The network operator sends broadcast messages to all users in a certain area. Please contact your network operator for more details on whether they provide this service. ~ Receive Mode You can set this option as the following modes: ٭ Off If you select this menu, your phone will not receive broadcast messages any more. ٭ List Only If you select this menu, your phone will receive broadcast messages sent only by those channels listed on the screen. ٭ All Channels If you select this menu, your phone will receive broadcast messages sent by all channels. ~ Read Message Enter this option to read broadcast message. If there is no message left, the pop-up window will display “Empty”. ~ Languages Enter this option to turn on / off all languages. Or you can select specific languages existing in the SIM card you are using. Please notice that various SIM cards provide various language options. ~ Channel Settings Channels are selectable and can be set for users to receive their broadcast messages. The resources of those broadcast messages are provided by the telecom service companies themselves or come from their cooperated companies such as TV, radio stations, etc. (1). Select: You can set all channels or select a certain channel from channel list as the channel to receive your broadcasting messages.
Menu Function  69(2). Add:          You can add a new channel. Channel title and ID (3 digits) should be created. (3). Edit: You can select one channel you set to edit its title and ID and press   to save. (4). Delete You can select one channel you set and press   to delete it.  Call History This menu records the charge info and the length of time or duration of all incoming and outgoing calls in hours, minutes, and seconds. Please contact with your telecom service provider for more charge information.  Missed Calls In this menu, the screen will display all the missed calls. You can scroll    to select missed calls and press   to execute the following optional functions comprising “view”, “Delete”, “Save to Phone book”, “dial”, and “edit”.   1. View   in this option you can view the miss call info coming with date, time, phone number, and miss called times.  2. Delete You can press yes key    to delete this missed call or press   to abort deletion.
Menu Function  703. Save to Phone book Press    to save this missed call to SIM or phone. You can press   to edit the info and pr                                  press    again, or press    to save it. 4. Dial Move cursor to this option and press   to dial. 5. Edit In this option you can edit the info and save it.  Dialed Calls List all of dial-out calls. The function is the same with above.  Received Calls List all of answered calls. The functions are the same with above.     Delete Call Log In this option, you can select and delete call log as below: Missed Calls, Dialed Calls, Received Calls, and Delete All  Call Time This menu records the charge info and the length of time or duration of all incoming and outgoing calls in hours, minutes, and seconds. 1. Last Call Time This submenu displays the duration of the last call.   2. Total Sent
Menu Function  71This submenu displays the total duration of all dialing calls.   3. Total Received This submenu displays the total duration of all received calls. 4. Reset All Time Access this option to reset all call time.  Call Cost 1. Last Call Cost   In this option you can view the last call cost info. 2. Total Cost This submenu displays the total charge of all calls.   3. Reset Cost You need to input correct PIN2 password number before reset cost. 4. Max Cost This allows you to set a maximum limit to your total cost. You can’t dial any number if you go over your limit until the total charge has been reset. As similar to total charge, you need to enter PIN2 for settings. 5. Price Per Unit This allows you to enter the unit price. After entering your PIN 2 code you can input price and unit. Pressing   allows you to select different entry fields.  SMS Center
Menu Function  721. Sent  2. Received   GPRS Center  1. Last Sent  2. Last Received  3. All Sent  4. All Received  5. Reset Center   Settings   Phone Setup 1. Time and Date ~ Set Home City Select one city listed in the screen and press   to confirm.
Menu Function  73~ Set Time/Date Access this option and input time and date. ~ Set Format You can set time and date format Time Format:             12 Hours             24 Hours Date Format:             DD / MM / YYYY             MM / DD / YYYY             YYYY / MM / DD             YYYY - MM - DD             MMM DD, YYYY             DD – MMM – YYYY Important! :                                            A text window will pop up to remind users to input new time and date when the handset is powered off for a long time. This pop-up reminder can show up only when the SIM is inserted. 2. Schedule Power On/Off There are four default schedules available to be setup power on or power off status. Select one schedule and execute the functions below ~ Status You can enable or disable the schedule. ~ Power Settings You can scroll    to set up power-on or power-off schedule. ~ Time Settings You need to input time and press    to confirm the time settings.
Menu Function  74Important! :                                      When the duration you remove the battery from the phone is over 20 seconds, the time won’t be punctual.   3. Language Access this option to select your preferred language used in the handset. 4. Preferred Input Methods Select your preferred input methods from the list, including ABC, abc, Numeric, Smart ABC and Smart abc.   5. Display Characteristic Select and set up the display characteristic as below description: ~ Wallpaper Scroll    to select your desired wallpaper from Image 1-5, analog clock and digital clock.  ~ Screen Saver ٭ Settings ■ Status Scroll    to set up screen saver in On or Off status.  ■ Waiting  Set up waiting time of 5 Sec., 15 Sec. or 30 Sec. ٭ Select Select Image 1-5, Analog Clock or Digital Clock as your screen saver. ~ Show Date and Time
Menu Function  75Press    to turn On/Off of the function   ~ Show Owner Number   Press    to turn On/Off of the function ~ Show Operator Name Press    to turn On/Off of the function 6. Contrast Scroll   and press    to adjust the shading value of screen. 7. Greeting Text In this option, you can setup the greeting text status and edit the content of the greeting text. ~ Status Scroll    to set up greeting text in On or Off status. ~ Greeting Text Press    to edit greeting text and press   again to select input methods or save it. For details on Input Methods, please see page. 40. 8. Speed Dial ~ Enable Speed Dial You need to setup On or Off to enable/disable speed dial function. ~ Set Number There are eight default speed dial number settings in this option. You can assign number keys 2-9 and input phone numbers in them. When you have assigned and set up the numbers for speed
Menu Function  76dial, you can long press one of the assigned number keys and speedily dial out the number you set in standby mode. 9. Shortcuts You can select your favorite items as your shortcuts.  10. Dedicated Key In this option you can scroll    Up, Down, Left and Right, and press    to select a total of 29 functions. For example, if you set audio profile as the up key shortcut, you can press the up key to promptly enter audio profile in standby mode. 11. Auto Update of Date and Time You can press   to turn On/Off to enable/disable this function.  Call Setup 1. Caller ID Caller ID represents your own phone number. You can set “hide ID” so that your number won’t be seen. Oppositely, ”Send ID” means your number will appear when you are making a call.   ~ Set by Network When you press    to select this option, you can set your phone number depending on two line service of line 1 and line 2. ~ Hide ID You can press    to hide your phone ID when you dial. ~ Send ID You can press    to send your phone ID when you dial.
Menu Function  772. Call Waiting In this option you can scroll    and select and set call waiting function from the following options below:   ~ Activate When activating call-waiting function, you will be alerted by audio and video signals right after another call is coming in during making a call. ~ Deactivate If you deactivate this function, the phone won’t alert you of another incoming call but directly divert that call to other number or your voice mailbox. ~ Query Status It reports current status for Activate or Cancel.  3. Call Divert ~ Divert All Voice Calls Diverts voice calls unconditionally. You can activate or deactivate this function. Or you can view the current status for this function. ~ Divert If Unreachable Diverts voice calls when the phone is switched off or out of converge. You can activate or deactivate this function. Or you can view the current status for this function. ~ Divert If No Answer Diverts voice calls that you do not answer. You can activate or deactivate this function. Or you can view the current status for this function. ~ Divert If Busy Diverts voice calls when the phone is in use. You can activate or deactivate this function. Or you can view the current status for this function.
Menu Function  78~ Cancel All Divert You can access this option to cancel all call divert service. 4. Call Barring ~ Outgoing Calls You can activate or deactivate this function to bar all out calls (except emergency call) with this function. Or you can view the current status for this function. ~ Incoming Calls You can activate or deactivate this function to bar all ingoing calls with this function. Or you can view the current status for this function. ~ Cancel All You can cancel all barred calls in this option. ~ Change Barring PW When you want to change barring password, remember to press old password at first and then press a new password. And don’t forget new password you have set up. 5. Line Switching L1 and L2 mean there are two available phone numbers that both support dialing and receiving functions. Some telecom service companies provide SIM card with dual phone numbers. That is, if your SIM card has such function, you can enter this option to set your phone records into two groups (ex. Office and family) separately located in the two numbers of the same SIM card. And you can switch line1 or line 2 as your phone dialing line and answering line. 6. Call Time Reminder In this option, you can select off, single or periodic as call time reminder. 7. Call Time Display In this option you can turn On/Off to enable/disable call time
Menu Function  79display. 8. Auto Redial Turn On/Off to enable/disable auto redial.  Network Setup 1. Network Selection You can set network selection by automatic or manual function in this option. 2. Preferred Networks Network List ~ Add from List You can add a preferred networking service provide from the list.  ~ Create New When you try to create a new network, you need to input MCC/MNC number and select priority level shown as below * MCC/MNC:     Input the MCC/MNC number * Priority: Scroll    to select priority 1or priority 2. ~ Change Priority   When you have more than one network services, you can select one and change its priority. ~ Delete In this option you can press    to select one network service. 3. Band Selection Choose one of the band types below as your phone band.
Menu Function  80~ 900 ~ 1900 ~ Dual Band 4. GPRS Selection ~ When needed GPRS will be activated when need. ~ Always GPRS will be activated always.  Security Setup 1. SIM Lock You can access this option and input security password to luck SIM. This feature is designed to prevent somebody else from using your lost or stolen SIM card(s). When the SIM is locked, you have to input SIM password and press   after pressing   to switch on the handset. 2. Phone Lock If you want to activate phone lock function, please input phone lock password and then press  . Follow the step above to deactivate phone lock function. 3. Auto Keypad Lock Access this option to select auto-keypad-lock modes include “None”, “5 sec.”, “30 sec.”, “1 min.” and ”5 min.”. 4. Fixed Dial You can restrict your outgoing calls to selected phone numbers. The numbers are protected by your PIN2 code.
Menu Function  81~ Mode You need to input the correct PIN2 to set On or Off for this function. When the Mode is On, only selected fixed phone numbers can be dialed. ~ Fixed Dial List The default of the list is empty. You can add a new fixed dial phone numbers by writing the name and phone number and then inputting PIN2. You can edit and delete the records in the list. (It also needs the PIN2 number).   5. Barred Dial Your SIM needs to support this function. ~ Mode   You need to input the correct PIN2 so as to enable this function. ~ Barred Dial List There is a barred dial list where your can select one barred-dial number and dial it out. (It needs the PIN2 number). 6. Change Password PIN is an abbreviation of Personal Identification Number used to prevent use by only unauthorized person. You can change the following passwords when necessary. ~ PIN Make sure that you have PIN enabled. You need to input original PIN password first. Next, input new PIN code to verify them, and input new password again to ensure PIN is changed successfully. ~ PIN2 You need to input original PIN2 password first. Next, input new PIN2 code to verify them, and input new password again to ensure PIN2 is changed successfully. ~ Phone Lock Password Please input old password and then change it to a new one.
Menu Function  82  Restore Factory Settings In this option, you may decide whether you want to convert the settings of your handset to the reset settings. Notice that the original the original password for this option is “1122”  Multimedia Press    to access this menu and use six multimedia functions coming with Camera, Image Viewer, Audio Player, File Manager, Sound Recorder, and Melody Compose.  Camera To access Camera mode, press OK. Press Option to select To Image Viewer, Camera Setting, Advanced Setting and Restore Default. If you want to take a picture, press Capture. Capture then the screen will display the captured image. Next, press Option to select Send, Apply, Detail, Rename, and Delete. In Send option, scroll Send As Wallpaper, As Screen Saver, and    1. Send You can send the captured picture as Wallpaper, Screen Saver, or Phonebook Thumbnail. 2. Apply You can apply the captured picture via MMS, E-Mail or EMS. 3. Detail Select this option to extract all info of the picture. 4. Rename Press Edit to access to editing window to rename the photo name.
Menu Function  835. Delete Enter this option to delete the picture you captured. Forward, Detail, Rename and Delete. You Camera Setting and Advanced Setting. Press    once more to enter submenus as below for more applications.  To Image Viewer 1. Send You can send the captured picture as Wallpaper, Screen Saver, or Phonebook Thumbnail. 2. Apply You can apply the captured picture via MMS, E-Mail or EMS. 3. Delete Enter this option to delete the picture you captured. 4. Delete Enter this option to delete all the pictures you saved. 5. Rename Press Edit to access to editing window to rename the photo name. 6. View Detail Select this option to extract all info of the picture. You Camera Setting and Advanced Setting. Press   once more to enter submenus as below for more applications. Apply As Wallpaper As Screen Saver As Phonebook Thumbnail Delete  Delete All
Menu Function  84Rename View Details Sort By Name By Type By Time By Size Camera Setting Image Size 128 X 128 320 X 240 640 X 480   Photo Effect No Effect Grayscale Sepia Color invert Gray Invert Blackboard Whiteboard   Add Frame Off Frame 1-10 Cont. Shot 1 shot 3 shots 5 shots Night Mode Off On Delay Timer Off 5 seconds 10 seconds Advanced Setting White balance Auto Daylight Tungsten Fluorescent Cloud Incandescence  Image Quality Low Normal High Exposure   +4 +3 +2 +1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4   Shutter Sound   Set as Off Sound 1 Sound 2 Sound 3 Banding  Auto, 50 Hz and 60Hz Restore Default Press Ok to set Camera to Restore default  Audio Player  How to play a selected melody in audio player: To access this menu, press  , and an audio player screen is launched. This screen shows the audio file name and played time. Scroll   to select one melody to play. To play the melody
Menu Function  85you chose, press  . To pause the melody, press   again. To end this melody, press   . To exit, press  . Scroll   to select one melody and press   to access List to use Option for more functions as below:   Play, Detail, Add To Rings, Refresh List, and Settings.   1. Play Please refer to How to play a selected melody in audio player on page 71. 2. Detail Melody memory size (ex. 720B) is shown in this option. 3. Add To Rings Press    to add one selected melody as a new ring. 4. Refresh List Press    to refresh one selected melody. 5. Settings ~ List Auto Gen Scroll   to set this effect in On/Off status. ~ Repeat Scroll   to set this effect in Off / One / All status. ~ Shuffle
Menu Function  86Scroll   to set this effect in On/Off status. ~ Background Play Scroll   to set this effect in On/Off status.  Sound Recorder To access this menu, press , and recorded sound files saved in the handset are launched on the screen. The file info, including file size, file format, and recorded date is displayed on the screen. Scroll    to move the cursor to one sound file you select and press  to access the further menu developed as below for more applications. 1. Record To start sound Record, press . To Pause / Continue, press  once more. To Stop, press . When Record ends, press    again to select Save, Cancel, or Input Method. For use of Input Method, please see on page. 43 2. Play To start sound Play, press . To Pause / Continue, press  once more. To Stop, press . When Play ends, press   again. 3. Append You can select this option to record a sound and add it to a saved
Menu Function  87sound file. First select a saved sound file and press  to Append a new sound file. To Pause / Continue, press   once more. To Stop, press . The sound file you appended will play it original sound first and then the appended sound. 4. Rename Press    to launch an editing-mode screen for Rename. To clear a character/letter/symbol, press . To erase the whole file name, press and hold    for around two seconds. When you finish Rename, press   to select Done, Cancel or Input Method. For use of Input Method, please see on page. 43 5. Delete To delete one appointed file, press  . 6. Delete All To delete all files, press  . 7. Settings Use   to set AMR or WAV as file format. 8. Forward In this option, you can select “To User Profile”, “To MMS”, “To E-mail”, and “To EMS”.  Melody Compose To access this menu, press  . You can create a melody and
Menu Function  88then press    once more to select “Play”, “Play Speed”, “Select Instrument”, and “Save”.  File Manager To access this menu, press  . Scroll   and select one file and then press  for more functions as below:   Open, Create Folder, Rename, Delete, and Sort.  Fun & Games  Game 1. Riches ~ Resume During the game, press    to pause and resume the game with one more press of this key. ~ Start Game Press    to start this game. Use numeric keys   and   to move the box left and right. You should control your box carefully to catch correct objects (apples, cash bags, odd-shaped nuggets) ; otherwise you will lose scores or power. During the game you can press    to pause and resume the game with one more press of this key. Game over tone will sound and game scores will show on the screen right after this game ends. ~ Game Level Scroll    and select one of the three game levels (Easy,
Menu Function  89Normal and Hard) and then press    to confirm game level setting. ~ Best Grades Press    to view the best score shown on the screen. If you need to reset best score, press . To exit, press  . ~ Game Help Please refer to detail info in this handset. 2. Color Balls ~ Start Game Press    to start this game. Press  and   to move the launcher to shoot the falling color balls with the same color. To fire bullets, press  . To change bullet color, press  .  ~ Game Level Scroll    and select one of the three game levels (Easy, Normal and Hard) and then press    to confirm game level setting. ~ Best Grades Press    to view the best score shown on the screen. If you need to reset the best score, press . To exit, press  . ~ Game Help Please refer to detail info in this handset.  Game Setting 1. Game Audio
Menu Function  90Scroll    to set the game audio in On/Off status and press   to confirm game audio setting. 2. Game Vibration Scroll    to set the game vibration in On/Off status and press    to confirm game vibration setting.  User Profiles There are five profiles (General, Meeting, Outdoor, Indoor and Headset) to meet your different needs. Select a desired profile and push “Activate” to enable profile function. If you want to personalize the profile, launch “Customize” menu and select the item you want to personalize.  General You can change the settings of the follow profiles with this function. 1. Activate Activate the settings of the profile you want. 2. Customize ~ Tone Setup (1). The handset provides 10 types of rings and 20 sets of MIDI sounds and 5 replaceable empty files that you can add from file manager. You can select and set one tone type as your handset Incoming Call and Alarm.  (2). You can select silent mode or choose tone 1-10 to set Power On, Power Off and Message Tone.
Menu Function  91 (3). In Keypad Tone option, there are three modes for your setup selections: Silent, Click, and Tone. ~ Volume Select Ring Tone or Key Tone, and then press   or up-down sidekey to adjust volume. ~ Alert Type Select on of the four alert types below and press   to set.  ■ Ring ■ Vibration Only ■ Vibra and Ring ■ Vibra Then Ring ~ Ring Type Select on of the three ring types below and press   to set. ■ Single ■ Repeat ■ Ascending ~ Extra Tone   You can press    to set On/Off of the four extra tones below. These tones can be set On to timely remind users of real condition of mobile phones. Pressing  done will save your resetting. There are four extra tones in the phone.   ■ Warning Warning tone will sound when remind users of improper action such as pressing    to save a new phone record without
Menu Function  92writing the name and inputting phone number in the blank fields. ■ Error Error tone will sound when an error step was taken, and a pop-on message with a punctuation mark “ ! “ is displayed on the screen. ■ Camp on This tone will sound when the handset is successfully connected to the telecom service company and reach the signal. ■ Connect This tone will sound when an incoming call comes. ~ Answer Mode In this option, you can enable or disable Any Key function. When any key function is enabled, you can press any key to answer an incoming call. Pressing  done will save your resetting. ~ LCD Backlight ■ 5 Sec  ■ 15 Sec ■ 30 Sec ■ 45 Sec  Meeting The default tone of this profile is silence. All further settings and selections in the option are the same as General. Please refer to General.  Outdoor All further settings and selections in the option are the same as General. Please refer to General.
Menu Function  93 Indoor All further settings and selections in the option are the same as General. Please refer to General.   Headset Plugging in earpiece can automatically activate “customize” menu functions.  PIM   A variety of functions are available as your presonal convenient tools  Calendar You may scroll    until the cursor moves to the desired date and press    to select View Task or Jump to Date. View Task allows you not only to survey task list, but also to edit or add your task as a memorandum (or a to-do list) with setting Date, Time, Note and Alarm. Jump to Date enables you to input the date you want to check. For more details to edit View Task, please refer to “To Do List” on page 76.   To Do List Scroll    to view all to do list. Select one memorandum in to do list and then choose “View”, “Add”, Edit Task”, “Delete Task” or “Delete All” as you need. You should set up task date, time, note and alarm while editing or adding a new memorandum. When you are editing note, you can select “Save”, “Use Template”, “Input Method”. Notice that the memorandum can’t be saved if you leave the note blank. For details in use of templates, please see on
Menu Function  94page. 53.  Alarm There are three sets of alarm for your time settings. Select one alarm and press    and then scroll    to execute start time settings as below:     1. On/Off Scroll    to turn on/off alarm clock function. 2. Time Settings Input the alarm time from hour (left) to minute (right). 3. Repeat Press    to select repeats of alarm function as below. Then you press done key    to set alarm repeat mode. Press    to terminate the function. ~ Once When you select once, the handset alarm will work only once. ~ Everyday When you select Everyday, the handset alarm will work everyday. ~ Days When you select Days, press    to set day alarm on/ off from Sunday to Saturday.  Calculator With limited accuracy and designed for simple calculations, the calculator in your phone adds (+), subtracts (-), multiplies (x), and
Menu Function  95divides (÷) the values you input as the four fundamental operations for arithmetic. This option provides memory calculation M+, M-, MR (Memory Recall) & MC (Memory Clear).               Main functions of calculators are explained in the following three steps:                                                    1. Input the arithmetic numbers (0-9) and press four-way navigation key   to select +, -, x, or  ÷  to get the answer. 2. If your calculating values are not integers, you can input value and press  to get a decimal dot point, and then input other values behind the decimal point and repeat step 1. 3. To erase a number you inputted, press Clear. 4. To start a new calculation, first press and hold Clear.  World clock In this option, you may scroll    to browse the current time in different countries/cities all over the world.    Services This menu can be displayed if your SIM card supports Value- added Services. Regarding the details referring to how to use SIM services, as well as price and other information, please contact your telecom service company.  Important:     Your telecom service provider offers the STK service. Your telecom service provider defines the name of menu, title, and content.     Due to the content size may be too big to fit into the screen of your mobile phone; some of text may not be displayed.
           96Battery     The battery is rechargeable up to hundreds of times, but its     capacity will reduce. You may need to replace a new battery when the operation duration (calling and standing duration) reduces evidently.   Remove charger from the source each time after charging. Over charging will shorten the life of the battery. Avoid charging a battery for over 24 consecutive hours.   Use only batteries certified by the mobile phone manufacturer.   Extreme temperatures will affect charging performance. The desirable ambient temperature for charging is 0°C-45°C (32°F-113°F).    Do not use damaged or old batteries.   Avoid contacts of the positive and negative poles of the battery with metals, such as coins, scissors, and pens. It will damage or cause short circuit to the battery. Place spare batteries in a safe place or wrap them up with insulated materials before putting inside your pocket or handbags.   Extreme temperatures will reduce the capacity or shorten the life of batteries. Avoid placing batteries in extreme temperatures, such as inside vehicles or near air-conditioner outlets. The desirable battery storage temperature is 15°C-25°C (59°F-77°F). Batteries that have been charged may not work properly in extreme temperatures.   Keep batteries away from water or fire.   Dispose batteries according to local environmental regulations.
           97Care and Maintenance      Follow the instructions below to take care of your mobile phone. They will help you to enjoy life with this product.     Keep the mobile phone and its accessories out of children’s reach.   Keep the mobile phone dry; away from rain, moisture and liquid contain minerals that will corrode the circuit of the mobile phone.   Keep the mobile phone away from dirt or dust.   Keep the mobile phone away from heat. Heat will shorten the lifespan of electronics, damage the batteries, or even deform or corrode the shell of the mobile phone.   Keep the mobile phone away from coldness. Condensation takes place and the moisture will damage the circuit board when the mobile phone resumes normal temperature.     Do not open the mobile phone. Non-professional treatment may cause damage to the mobile phone.   Avoid falling, impact or vibration of the mobile phone. Improper external force may damage the circuit of the mobile phone.   Do not clean the mobile phone with chemical solutions or detergents. Gently wipe the shell of the mobile phone with a soft cotton cloth and clear water or mild soap.   Use accessories and batteries from the manufacturer.    Contact your nearest service station if the mobile phone is out   of order. Our well-trained technicians will provide you the best   service.
           98FCC Regulations Conditions of Use Operation of this XGT mobile phone is subject to the following two conditions; (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.   This XGT mobile phone generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. If this device does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the device on and off, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:         1). Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. 2). Increase the distance between the device and receiver. 3). Connect the device into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. 4). Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. The radiated output power of this internal wireless radio is far below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, the wireless radio shall be used in such a manner that the radio is 1.5 cm or further from the human body. However, the user of wireless radios may be restricted in some places or situations, such as aboard airplanes. If you are unsure of restrictions, you are encouraged to ask for authorization before turning on the wireless radio. Several restrictions and cautions of using mobile phone are listed in the Safety.
           99FCC RF Exposure Information   Read this information before using your handset  In August 1996 the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) of the United States with its action in Report and Order FCC 96-326 adopted an updated safety standard for human exposure to radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC regulated transmitters. Those guidelines are consistent with the safety standard previously set by both U.S and international standards bodies. The design of this phone complies with the FCC guidelines and these international standards.  Use only the supplied or an approved antenna. Unauthorized antennas, modifications, or attachments could impair call quality, damage the phone, or result in violation of FCC regulations.  Do not use the phone with a damaged antenna. If a damaged antenna comes into contact with the skin, a minor burn may result. Please contact your local dealer for replacement antenna.   Body-worn Operation  This device was tested for typical body-worn operations. To comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, a minimum separation distance of 1.5 cm must be maintained between the user’s body and the handset, including the antenna. Third-party belt-clips, holsters, and similar accessories used by this device should not contain any metallic components. Body-worn accessories that do not meet these requirements may not comply with FCC RF exposure requirements and should be avoided.  For more information about RF exposure, please visit the FCC website at    P/N:HDZL200100

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