Compupal Group SB20 Sound Bar with Bluetooth User Manual

Compupal Group Corporation Sound Bar with Bluetooth Users Manual

Users Manual

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Document ID3090345
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Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2016-08-07 00:00:00
Date Available2016-11-05 00:00:00
Creation Date2016-05-10 13:56:08
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Document Lastmod2016-05-10 13:56:09
Document Title20160510 Ally初版说明书制作
Document CreatorAdobe Illustrator CS6 (Windows)

2.0 channe‘ Bluetoom sound bar
Remote comm
2 AAA baneriesuflmu
Power adaptor
Stereo 3.5mm audio came
Stereo RCA audlo came
Digxlal cpfical cam
2 x sound bar waH mourn brackets
WaH mount screws (3 5'15mm x ZpCs)
WaH mount Iemp‘ale
Quick smn Guide
Top View
Front View
LED rndrcanor
\ndmate when semngs are anarged on «me sound
Lrgm red cu‘ur wnen Lne Saund bar rs standby
Lrgnz me b‘ue color when mm on me sound bar
Power bunon
Press m mm on «he sound bar. Press age-n |o put
me sauna bar W0 sh’sndby mode
Vu‘ume rbutton
Presslu decrease me vu‘ume
LED mmcalm
\ndrcare wnen sound bar rs m standard mode
vmume » bunun
Press (a mcrease me vu‘ume
LED rnarcawr \ndmate wnen sound har rs m news mode
LED rndrcamr \ndrcate wnen sound bar rs m mama mode
DSP buunn Press repeatedly «o eyde (hmugh «ne aveneme
Drguaw srgnaw Processor (DSP) sound made
garment news‘ and move
smemam Dunan
Press lo enlerme Dmemom mm
w my 101:: Dam mnde‘ Dress ma hum our
mums szwms]
m Semcehullan Frau Vanesled‘y m cm Waugh me svaflame
snum source mm RCA. and/\UX
11 LED mdmawv \ndwcake when sound bar ‘5 connedmg m RCA
12 LED mmcamv \nmcme when some bar Ls comma m AUX
13 LED mamamv \nawme when sound bar Ls canneczm m ovum
m LED mdxcamv u bhnks chk‘y when Bhneleom Ls Fame
The lED M“ be mm was pm. when muemmn
The LED wm hhnk an: Mme ance recave [he
Vernal: comm swgna‘ (m LED wm rm! mm Wm
‘5 DC m m Canned in: AC adap‘ur m m Lack m pnwer (he
soum Dav
«a 09mm u we W N omsv audm 50mm dsv‘cs‘ has an
cancel om Lack connect a d‘gua‘ ophca‘ came to
\hesource news and \mslank
w RCAYLKLRHBCKS u we w w ntheraudm suurce dewce has RCA
Mum: canned lhe RCA came: «a lhe scarce
dewce m W5 Lac)“
1a AUX jack Mme w or omer aumc some aewce. has Aux
om Jack, conned the AUX cable m we sauvce
devme and ms jack
Remote Control
» Hem Descrlmlon
1 Power human Press «x mm an me smmd bar Press agam m pm
me sound bar mm s|andby made
2 Press to mme/unmme
3 Volume 4 button Press (a morease me vumme
4 Prewous lumen Press m return «0 prevmus (rack
5 Paw/Pause bunun Press In may or pause
a Nex| bunan Press |o sk1o m me nexurack
7 Vamme , euuerr Press |n useresse me vmume
a S|andard buflun Press |o se1ee1 Standard D1gna1 519m Processor
a (DSP) sound mode
9 71 Press (0 salad news D1grra1 51gns1 Processor
(DSP) sound made
no Moure bunan Press to se1ecr mama mgwa‘ S1gn31 Precesser
a (Dst we more
11 RCA bunon Press (0 581551 me RCA sound source lor your
E sound bar
12 Aux hunnn Press m 5912:! (he Aux seune snurce lar yeur
suund bar
13 OPT bumn Press m se1es1me opuce1 saund sourae far your
sound oer
14 muereem hunnn Press re emerme muereem mpm
(To enner Verve pamng Moder press one he‘d Var
abam 5 seconds)
Using the remote control
1.Removelhe plastic battery cover by gently sliding it away from the rerriote
2.lrtsert tne batteries and gently slide tne battery cover back into place
3.Pointed tne rernote control directly at tne IR sensor on tne lront of tne sound
Setting up your sound bar
First step — Choosing your connection
‘l.Look at the back ol your sound bar source devlcei sucn as a TV, DVD or
cable box, to identify your audio output ports
2.cnoose one connection option tnat fits your audio deVices You can connect
several deVices and sWitcn the sound source as required
Second step , Connecting your Sound oar
Digital Optical connection
i.Connect one end of the digital optical cable to your sound bar. Connect tne
otner end into tne Digital Optical Output port on your audio deyice
2.Change tne deyice‘s audio output to “PCM” lorrnat (typically lound in audio
settings) Refer to the documentation tnat canie Witn your audio source deyice
for more information
RCA connection
i.Connect tne connectors of tne RCA audio cable to your sound bar
2.Connect tne otner end of tne RCA audio cable into tne audio output ports on
your audio source deVice
3.5mm connection
1. Connect the connectors ot tne 3.5mm audio cable to your sound bar
2. Then connect tne otner end to tne neadpnone orAUX output on your audio
source devlce
Third step — Connecting the Ac adapter
After you nave connected your sound bar to an audio source, you need to
connect it to an AC power outlet.
1.Connect tne Ac adapter to tne 00 IN Jack on tne back ot tne sound bar
2.Plug tne otner end of tne AC adapter into a power outlet
Connecting your Sound bar using Bluetooth
Eelore you can use your sound bar Witn a Eluetootn dewce, you need to pair
your deVice to tne sound bar.
Pairing your devices
1 Selecl the Bluetooth as the input source by pressing the Bluetooth button-
on the remote control or lhe outlon on ihe sound bar The blue Bluetoolh
indicalor on lhe sound oar bilnks quickiy
ZNavlga|e lo your devlce‘s Blueloolh setling, turn on aluetooth, and then
search lor available device For addilional inlorrnation on parlng your device,
reler to your devices' documentation
3 On your Bluetooth devioe, selecl '-Amazonoasicsoa" lrorn the device IlSI
Repeat slep 2 lf“Amazonbasn:508" is not displayed
4 ll a PlN code is requesled, enler “0000"
5 When paring i5 comple|ed‘ the Bluetooth indiclor in the lront ol your sound
bar ilghls Solid blue
Disconnecting your devices
Turn on the Bluetoolh iunolion on your device
Reconnecting to a paired device
When your sound bar is not paired to a device the LED indicalor lurns off
1 Turn on your sound oar Your sound bar searches lor the last connecled
Bluetoolh device and reconnects
2When your Bluetooth devlce i5 wilhln 30 feei ol your sound par, il will
Positioning the sound bar
1 You can sel the sound baron lhe llat surlace
2 You can mount the sound baron the wall Pease refer to the provided mount
template lor details
Using your sound bar
The system allow you lo access four dlflerenl sound source as RCA‘ oplical,
AUX and Bluelooth
Listening to your sound bar
1 Press ihe power pulton I to turn on your sound bar The power indicator
turn blue
Turn on the audio source devlce oonnect to your sound bar and begin
3.Press tne source button on the sound bar repeatedly to select tne allle
source or press the selected source button on tne remote control
4.Press tne DSP button on the sound bar repeatedly to select your layorite
sound perlorrnance or press tne selected on your remote control. There are
lnree DSP mode avallable as news standard and moyle
5.Adjusl tne volume on your sound bar or tne audlo component to o
cam'ortable level
6.Press tne power button agalrl to turn oll your sound bar The standby
indicator llghts red.
Help and troubleshooting
rnere ls no power
l Press tne power button on tne remote
control or on the top orsouno car
2 Ensure lne power cord ls securely
3 Plug a dltlerent oeulce lnto tne eleclrlcal
outlet to yerlly tnel tne outlet ls worklng
Tne remote control does not work
l Remove any obstacles between tne remote
control and tne IR sensor on tne sound bar
2 The remote control cattery may oe
exneusted, replace ll
3 Move close to tne sound bar Tne remote
control ls only elrectlye to apprnxlmately 7m
rnere ls no sound
l lncrease tne volume vla volume s button on
sound bar or tnc rcmotc control
2 Press mule on tne remote to ensure tne
sound bar ls not muted
3 Source button on sound oar or we remove
control to select a olrlerent lnput
It you are usmg Bxuemdm‘ |urn up «ne
ve‘ume on yeur Ememem device
w you are usmg me AUX 35mm came
wnnecmn, make sure Mal «he vo‘ume rs
turned up an yaursaund sdurce
If you are usmg \ne epncal cannecuon,
make sure we sauvce devme‘s 2mm
source rs SM «d “PCM’ format Relerla «ne
documemauon you renewed wun me audm
source devrce such as w, DVD (or
addmnnal rnmrrnaman
Make sure me mm mm you are usmg rs
not damaged or broken Try usmg anemer
Tne sound .5 breakmg up or buzzmg
Ensure aH cab‘es and wrres are secure‘y
Connecl to a mflerem source deww «a see
w «ne euzzrng pcrswsts. w n docs nol. (he
woman may be en». me engmal device
Canned your devme «d a druerenz mput on
me sound bar
Ir you are usmg me Dmma‘ connechon.
make sure [he sourde devlce‘s audla
source .5 se| m "PCM‘ ermal Refermme
doeurnenraudn you recenred wuh the audlu
some deme sucn as W DVD «or
addmona‘ \Mormalmn
Make sure «he audro came ydu are usmg .5
nm damaged er hmken Try using simmer
The B‘uemum dewce keepsunpamng
sndnen the drskance bemeen your mum!
bar and your B‘ueloam devme
Turn your dewce em [hen en Repav your
sound ear and your B‘uetoum devree
3 Make sure yourdevrce or sound bar Is not
connected (0 another Bluetooth devlce
4. Make sure that you have selected
“Amazonbasrcsna' on your Bluelooth
FCC Warning:
Thls devlce complres wrtn Part 15 or the FCC Rules. Operatron rs sublect to the
rollowrng two condrtrons (l) tnrs devrce may not cause harmrul Inlerferencet
and (2) tms devrce must accept any rnterlerence recerved, rncludrng Inleflerr
ence that may cause undesrred operatron.
Changes or modlficatlons not expressly approved by the party responsrble for
complrance could vord the user‘s authonty to operate the equrpment
NOTE: Thls equrpment has been tested and tound to comply wrtn the lrmrts for
a Class E drgrtal devrce, pursuant to Part 15 ortne FCC Rules These lrmrts are
desrgned to provlde reasonable protectron agarnst harmrul rnterlerence ln a
resrdentral rnstallatron ans equrpment generates, uses and can radrate radlo
frequency energy and, ll not rnstalled and used ln accordance wrth tne
rnstructrons. may cause harmrul rnterrerence to radlo commumcatlonsflowew
ertlhere ls no guarantee tnat rnterlerence wrll not occur ln a partrcular Installar
tron lr lhls equrpment does cause narmrul rnterlerence to radlo or televrsron
receptron,whrcn can be detenmned by turnrng tne equrpment on and on, the
user ls encouraged to try to correct tne rnterlerence by one or more of the
rollowrng measures:
W Reonent or relocate the recervrng antenna
W Increase the separatron between the equrpment and recerver.
W Connect the equrpment rnto an outlet on a crrcurt drrrerent
from tnat to whrch tne recerver rs connected.
W Consult the dealer or an experlenced radlo/TV tecnmcran for help.
The devlce nas been evaluated to meet general RF exposure redurrement
The devrce can be used rn portable exposure condrtron wrthout restnctron.
IC Caution:
RSSWGen lssue 4 Nov 2014"&"CNRWGen A novembre 2014
. Enghsh
Tms device comphes thh Induslry Canada meme—exempt RSS slandard(s)
Operafion is subject m the lolmwmg Iwa ccnmuons (1) This dewce may no:
cause mlerference, and (2) Tms dewce mus: accepl any interlarence‘ includ-
ing inteflerence Iha| may cause undesxred aperahan ul me dewce
. French
Le présenlapparewlesmunlorme aux CNR d‘mduslrie Canada app‘icames aux
apparens radm exemp:s de \icence L’exploilahoneslaumrisée aux deux
condmans suwantes
(1) rapparen ne am: pas produire da bromllage, el
(2) rumsamur de \’apparei\doil accepter tout brouwllageradmé‘eclriquesum,
mémasi Ie moumageesl suscephb‘e d'encampmmeltre \e Icnctionnement

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