Continental Automotive Korea SMK35 Smart Key ECU User Manual Spezifikationsformular in Deutsch mit Struktur

Continental Automotive Systems Corporation Smart Key ECU Spezifikationsformular in Deutsch mit Struktur

User Manual

       .Proprietary     data,      company     confidential.        All    rights      reserved.Confié      à      titre    de    secret      d'entreprise.    Tous    droits      réservés.Comunicado  como  segredo empresarial.  Reservados  todos  os    direitos.Confidado  como  secreto  industrial.  Nos  reservamos  todos  los  derechos. . .Weitergabe    sowie    Vervielfältigung    dieser  Unterlage,      Ver-wertung    und    Mitteilung    ihres  Inhalts  nicht  gestattet,  soweitnicht    ausdrücklich    zugestanden.      Zuwiderhandlungen    ver-pflichten  zu  Schadenersatz.      Alle  Rechte  vorbehalten,  insbe-sondere  für  den  Fall  der  Patenterteilung  oder  GM-Eintragung..    Identification No. :   Document :                                 User Manual for SMK 3.5   Model :                                           SMK 3.5  Project  Code :              Version:                                                  0.1  Date:         June 26, 2014  Engineering change order-No.:    Design Freeze No.:    Number of pages:     11    Filename:                                             User Manual for SMK 3.5.doc
Editor : SM JEON Document name Project code Version: 0.1 JUNE 26, 2014 ECO / DF No. Identification No. : Document No.   File: User Manual for SMK3.5(English) Page 2 / 7     .Proprietary     data,      company      confidential.       All    rights      reserved.Confié      à      titre    de    secret      d'entreprise.    Tous    droits      réservés.Comunicado  como  segredo  empresarial.  Reservados  todos  os    direitos.Confidado  como  secreto  industrial.  Nos  reservamos  todos  los  derechos. . .Weitergabe    sowie    Vervielfältigung    dieser  Unterlage,      Ver-wertung    und    Mitteilung    ihres  Inhalts  nicht  gestattet,  soweitnicht    ausdrücklich    zugestanden.      Zuwiderhandlungen    ver-pflichten  zu  Schadenersatz.      Alle  Rechte  vorbehalten,  insbe-sondere  für  den  Fall  der  Patenterteilung  oder  GM-Eintragung..  Contents list  Page 1. System configulation  3 1.1 scope of SMART KEY SYSTEM  3 1.2 short description of the SYSTEM  3 1.2.1 General Definition of SMART KEY  3 1.2.2 Wireless Communication  3 1.2.3 concept Description  3 1.2.4 System Architecture  4 1.2.5 Main Functions  5 2.1 SMK 3.5 ECU  6 3.            Homologation
Editor : SM JEON Document name Project code Version: 0.1 JUNE 26, 2014 ECO / DF No. Identification No. : Document No.   File: User Manual for SMK3.5(English) Page 3 / 7     .Proprietary     data,      company      confidential.       All    rights      reserved.Confié      à      titre    de    secret      d'entreprise.    Tous    droits      réservés.Comunicado  como  segredo  empresarial.  Reservados  todos  os    direitos.Confidado  como  secreto  industrial.  Nos  reservamos  todos  los  derechos. . .Weitergabe    sowie    Vervielfältigung    dieser  Unterlage,      Ver-wertung    und    Mitteilung    ihres  Inhalts  nicht  gestattet,  soweitnicht    ausdrücklich    zugestanden.      Zuwiderhandlungen    ver-pflichten  zu  Schadenersatz.      Alle  Rechte  vorbehalten,  insbe-sondere  für  den  Fall  der  Patenterteilung  oder  GM-Eintragung..  1.  System configulation 1.1  scope of SMART KEY SYSTEM The System offers following features:    passive access to two doors and trunk; driver side, passenger side, and trunk/tailgate   passive start after interior detection of the SMART KEY FOB.  LF-RF communication (based on Continental’s SMART KEY system)   passive  access/locking  of  the  two  front  doors  via  a  toggle  push  button  in  the  door handles   passive access trunk/tailgate via the trunk lid switch at the trunk   immobilizer backup solution integrated into SMK 3.5   communication to the engine management system via a single line interface   communication to the ESCL via a single line interface   block of the steering column by the ESCL device   1.2  short description of the SYSTEM  1.2.1  General Definition of SMART KEY The SMART KEY system is a system that allows the user to access and operate a vehicle in a very convenient way.  The SMART KEY system is triggered by pressing a push button in the door handle or by pressing a start-stop  button in the dash board. After triggered, the vehicle sends out a LF telegram to all antenna output. And then Smartkey FOB measures the power of each antenna, and sends this information to SMARTKEY UNIT(SMK 3.5). From this information, Smart Key unit determines the location  of  SMART  KEY  FOB  and  decides  whether  to  perform  a  particular  action (unlocking, locking…) or to remain inactive.  1.2.2  Wireless Communication Electromagnetic  waves  are used  to  exchange  information between  the  vehicle and  the SMART KEY FOB. Both, vehicle and SMART KEY FOB are equipped with a transmitter, a receiver and several antennas.   1.2.3  concept Description With this concept it is possible to have a set of interior antennas that cover the vehicle’s interior and a set of exterior antennas that cover the vehicle’s exterior. For an unambiguous separation between the vehicle’s interior and exterior it is sufficient that at least  one area  is covered exactly by the corresponding operating ranges of the antennas.
Editor : SM JEON Document name Project code Version: 0.1 JUNE 26, 2014 ECO / DF No. Identification No. : Document No.   File: User Manual for SMK3.5(English) Page 4 / 7     .Proprietary     data,      company      confidential.       All    rights      reserved.Confié      à      titre    de    secret      d'entreprise.    Tous    droits      réservés.Comunicado  como  segredo  empresarial.  Reservados  todos  os    direitos.Confidado  como  secreto  industrial.  Nos  reservamos  todos  los  derechos. . .Weitergabe    sowie    Vervielfältigung    dieser  Unterlage,      Ver-wertung    und    Mitteilung    ihres  Inhalts  nicht  gestattet,  soweitnicht    ausdrücklich    zugestanden.      Zuwiderhandlungen    ver-pflichten  zu  Schadenersatz.      Alle  Rechte  vorbehalten,  insbe-sondere  für  den  Fall  der  Patenterteilung  oder  GM-Eintragung..  The functions of the SMART KEY system have to  be provided in a clearly defined and limited range. For the up-link from the vehicle to the SMART KEY FOB, a magnetic field with a frequency of 125 kHz and ASK modulation is used.  Technical aspects of 125 kHz – magnetic field:   virtually no reflections,   cubical decrease of field strength  allows good range control,   released frequency band (ISM),   high penetration,   low quiescent current demand due to 125 kHz input stage (SMART KEY FOB),   less sensitive for detuning compared to higher frequency.  For the down-link from the SMART KEY FOB to the vehicle, the standard radio frequency (RF) is used (similar to the classic remote control functions) with FSK modulation.  1.2.4  System Architecture The system is designed as an optional system, making it possible to equip vehicles of the same car-Line with different levels of access control systems. The system is suitable to be integrated into an existing architecture that provides central locking functions with standard remote control. This proposal assumes that the following functions / devices are already present in the vehicle’s architecture.     Central locking system (latch / motor – drivers etc.)   Standard body control functions    Warning buzzer
Editor : SM JEON Document name Project code Version: 0.1 JUNE 26, 2014 ECO / DF No. Identification No. : Document No.   File: User Manual for SMK3.5(English) Page 5 / 7     .Proprietary     data,      company      confidential.       All    rights      reserved.Confié      à      titre    de    secret      d'entreprise.    Tous    droits      réservés.Comunicado  como  segredo  empresarial.  Reservados  todos  os    direitos.Confidado  como  secreto  industrial.  Nos  reservamos  todos  los  derechos. . .Weitergabe    sowie    Vervielfältigung    dieser  Unterlage,      Ver-wertung    und    Mitteilung    ihres  Inhalts  nicht  gestattet,  soweitnicht    ausdrücklich    zugestanden.      Zuwiderhandlungen    ver-pflichten  zu  Schadenersatz.      Alle  Rechte  vorbehalten,  insbe-sondere  für  den  Fall  der  Patenterteilung  oder  GM-Eintragung..  1.2.5  Main Functions   The system allows the user to access and exit (unlock and lock) the vehicle without performing any actions with the SMART KEY FOB.   The system allows the user to control ESCL lock/unlock, to operate relaies to provide power(Off, Accessory, Ignition) to other ECU, and  to  start/stop  the  vehicle’s  engine without performing any actions with the SMART KEY FOB.   Additionally, the system offers the user can operate all vehicle functions by contacting the  Fob  to  the  Start/stop  button,  which  have  Immobilizer  antenna(terminal  control fuction),  and  by  inserting  the  mechanical  key  blade  into  the  door  handle(Passive access function).       Figure 1: Offered System Components  FOB Key LF Antenna  SMK 3.5 Start Stop Button (Immobilizer Antenna included) ESCL  Antenna coil housing
Editor : SM JEON Document name Project code Version: 0.1 JUNE 26, 2014 ECO / DF No. Identification No. : Document No.   File: User Manual for SMK3.5(English) Page 6 / 7     .Proprietary     data,      company      confidential.       All    rights      reserved.Confié      à      titre    de    secret      d'entreprise.    Tous    droits      réservés.Comunicado  como  segredo  empresarial.  Reservados  todos  os    direitos.Confidado  como  secreto  industrial.  Nos  reservamos  todos  los  derechos. . .Weitergabe    sowie    Vervielfältigung    dieser  Unterlage,      Ver-wertung    und    Mitteilung    ihres  Inhalts  nicht  gestattet,  soweitnicht    ausdrücklich    zugestanden.      Zuwiderhandlungen    ver-pflichten  zu  Schadenersatz.      Alle  Rechte  vorbehalten,  insbe-sondere  für  den  Fall  der  Patenterteilung  oder  GM-Eintragung..    2.1 SMK 3.5 ECU  SMK 3.5 ECU manages all functions related to “Passive Access”, “Passive Unlocking” , “Passive Authorization for Operation”, "Terminal control" .  SMK  3.5  ECU  reads  the  inputs  (Door  Lock/unlock,  SSB  SW,  ESCL  unlock  status, PARK  position  Switch,  Brake  input  SW  etc.),  controls  the  outputs  (e.g.  exterior  or interior  antennas,  terminal  control  output,  ESCL  power,  Immobilizer  antenna),  and communicates via the CAN (depends on the vehicle) as well as a single line interface to further devices of the car.  For the communication with the SMART KEY FOB, SMK 3.5 ECU generates a request (challenge)  as  an  encoded  and  modulated  125  kHz  signal  at  the  inductive  antenna outputs and receives the SMART KEY FOB’s response via the RF receiver. Or  for  immobilizer  communicaiton,  SMK  3.5  ECU  sends  125Khz  LF  signal  to  SSB's immobilizer antenna, and receives Response from Immobilizer antenna.   The main functional blocks of the SMK 3.5 ECU are:   Power supply   Microcontroller with FLASH Memory   Single Line Interface to ESCL   Single Line Interface to EMS   Input stage   LF antenna amplifier/driver   Immobilizer Antenna output   ESCL power supply   Terminal Control(ACC, IGN1/2, Start Rly)   CAN communication with Other ECU  The LF antenna amplifier/driver generates a 125 kHz sinusoidal carrier signal, which is distributed to the different antennas. The  signal  for  Interior  antenna  and  exterior  antenna  is  100%-ASK  modulated  by switching on and off the carrier (the data is Manchester encoded). The  power of the carrier is adjustable by software, which means, it is possible to set the power level of the antenna driver for every LF-telegram (e.g. power level stored in the EEPROM)  in case of PASE LF Antenna.   And also the signal for immobilizer antenna is ASK  modulated signal. Amplitude Shift Keying for write and AM/PM for the read operation. The receiver charteristics(amplifier gain,  filter  cutoff  frequencies)  can  be  optimized  to  system  and  transponder requirements.
Editor : SM JEON Document name Project code Version: 0.1 JUNE 26, 2014 ECO / DF No. Identification No. : Document No.   File: User Manual for SMK3.5(English) Page 7 / 7     .Proprietary     data,      company      confidential.       All    rights      reserved.Confié      à      titre    de    secret      d'entreprise.    Tous    droits      réservés.Comunicado  como  segredo  empresarial.  Reservados  todos  os    direitos.Confidado  como  secreto  industrial.  Nos  reservamos  todos  los  derechos. . .Weitergabe    sowie    Vervielfältigung    dieser  Unterlage,      Ver-wertung    und    Mitteilung    ihres  Inhalts  nicht  gestattet,  soweitnicht    ausdrücklich    zugestanden.      Zuwiderhandlungen    ver-pflichten  zu  Schadenersatz.      Alle  Rechte  vorbehalten,  insbe-sondere  für  den  Fall  der  Patenterteilung  oder  GM-Eintragung..   2. Homologation  FCC Compliance Statement.  This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions : (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interferencethat may cause undesired operation.    Do Not          Any changes or modifications to the equipment not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void user’s authority to operate the equipment.           IC Compliance Statement.   This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.     Le present appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisee aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioelectrique subi, meme si le  brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.

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