Continental Automotive 5WK49244 Radio frequency transmitter User Manual

Continental Automotive GmbH Radio frequency transmitter

User manual

Siemens VDO Automotive AG SV C BC P2 RF
IC: 267T-5WK49244 FCC ID:KR55WK49244
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User Manual
of the
Siemens VDO
Radio Frequency Transmitter
type 5WK4 9244
Siemens VDO Automotive AG SV C BC P2 RF
IC: 267T-5WK49244 FCC ID:KR55WK49244
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The RF remote control system consists of a RF transmitter and a LF
receiver mounted on a control unit. The RF transmitter is mechanically
integrated in the head of the key. This transmitter is used to transmit
information for locking or unlocking the vehicle by a unidirectional RF
transmission line for normal remote operation by pressing a button. Also is
implemented the function of the Immobilizer in the transmitter with a
bidirectional LF transmission (passive).
In general the following functions are provided:
- Lock the car
- Unlock the car
- Unlock the boot lid of the car
- Approach light
- Panic alarm
- Immobilizer
The transmitter is provided with 1 lithium battery (CR 2032) that gives a
power supply of +3V.
There are five buttons with following functions:
Action: Usage:
Central locking
Activation of Alarm system
Pressing the lock button
Deactivation of Panic Alarm
Pressing the lock button for 1,5 sec. Comfort closing
Central unlocking
Deactivation of Alarm system
Pressing the unlock button
Deactivation of Panic Alarm
Pressing the unlock button for 1,5 sec. Comfort opening
Pressing the unlock button twice within 10 sec. Two-step unlocking
De-/activation of Approach Light
Deactivation of Panic Alarm
Pressing the approach light button
Pressing the approach light button for 1,5 sec.
Unlocking of Boot lid Pressing the boot lid button Deactivation of Panic Alarm
Activation of Panic Alarm Pressing the panic button for 3 sec or pressing
it twice within 3 sec. Deactivation of Panic Alarm
During activation, the button is forced to the ground via a “pull-up” within
the microcontroller.
Siemens VDO Automotive AG SV C BC P2 RF
IC: 267T-5WK49244 FCC ID:KR55WK49244
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Circuit description:
The central elements of the Transmitter are the controller and LF receiver IC
PCF 7953ATJ and the synthesizer PLL – RF-Transmitter PCF7900 from
Controller PCF 7953
The PCF7953 is a high performance single chip Security Transponder,
Keyless Entry and RISC Controller, ideally suited for automotive applications
with combined vehicle Immobilization and Keyless Entry/Start functions.
Unless other products, the device comes with a package integrated
Transponder LF coil used in combination with the Security Transponder or
and Keyless Entry function. The Security Transponder features secure
contactless authentication, employing a Secret Key and a random number in
order to cipher any communication between the device and the basestation.
The basic transponder operation is emulated utilizing the on-chip RISC and
may feature a customized operation or may use the built in Transponder
Library functions, that offer HT2 compatible operation (e.g. PCF7936). Neither
other external components nor an additional battery supply is needed.
Keyless Entry operation incorporates a high sensitive 3D LF front-end that
offers low power LF Wake-Up detection and LF data communication. To
Siemens VDO Automotive AG SV C BC P2 RF
IC: 267T-5WK49244 FCC ID:KR55WK49244
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support key localization, the received LF field strength can be evaluated.
Device operation is controlled by a ROM or E-ROM programmable (FLASH
like features) low power 8 Bit RISC controller. The RISC employs a 2 stage
pipeline architecture in order to execute an instruction in a single clock cycle.
Device timing is derived from an on-chip low tolerance RC Oscillator and
programmable system clock, with a frequency up to 2 MHz. The system clock
may also be derived from the transponder interface (LF Field clock) or an
external clock source. 17 general purpose I/Os are provided for command
buttons, LED, or control of an external RF transmitter/transceiver circuitry.
Device authentication or rolling code generation may employ the hardwired
Calculation Unit that can operate in standard HT2 (48 bit Secret Key) or HT2-
Enhanced (64 bit Secret key) mode. In addition an AES compliant operation
with a 128 bit Secret Key is provided. Depending on the operation mode, the
RISC is powered from the external battery or derives its power supply by
inductive coupling (transponder mode) to the LF Field generated by the
basestation. The PCF7953ATJ incorporates an advanced power management
that supports battery voltage measurement and optional battery charging from
the LF Field. The device comes in a 36 pin Leaded Stick Package (LSP). The
device is available as E-ROM (FLASH like Features) and in-circuit
programming and debugging is supported.
Siemens VDO Automotive AG SV C BC P2 RF
IC: 267T-5WK49244 FCC ID:KR55WK49244
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Synthesizer PLL RF Transmitter PCF7900
The UHF ASK/FSK Fractional-N Transmitter IC (FraNTIC) is a single-chip
Fractional-N based Phase Locked Loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer and a
power amplifier to drive an external antenna, utilizing a sophisticated CMOS
process. FRANTIC is especially designed for use in the ISM frequency bands
(315/434/868/915 MHz). Fine-tuning of the reference oscillator by means of
fractional-N synthesis allows compensation of manufacturing tolerances of the
crystal. The device also provides an adjustable output power. FRANTIC can
be used for both ASK and FSK modulation with data rates up to 40 kBit/s.
Due to the high level of integration, only few external components are needed
to build up a complete transmitter.
General Function:
The function of the key was mainly realized by the use of two integrated
circuits from Philips. The PCF7953 contains the LF Front-end where the three
receiving tanks are connected. One of these tanks is inside the housing of the
PCF7953ATJ and also used for transponder communication. By the use of a
capacitor these coils are tuned to a 125 kHz resonant circuit. LF Front-end
and state machine of the PCF7953 are always supplied by the battery. If
these part of the PCF7953 detects a 125 kHz Manchester coded LF-signal
which contains a valid Wake Up Pattern (WUP), the microprocessor starts the
execution of the application program. The WUP is unique for each KV-System
and is used for PASE communication with the car. The second possibility to
wake up the microprocessor is a button press.
Most of the LF requests to the PK are answered by sending a RF-Telegram.
The PCF7900 is a synthesizer PLL Transmitter and offers the capabilities to
send ASK or FSK modulated RF telegrams on up to four channels. The RF
answer to LF requests is FSK modulated with 8kbit/s data rate. The RF
answer to a button press is also FSK modulated with 8kbit/s data rate. The
wake up pattern which is send after a button press to wake up the receiver is
ASK modulated.
The PCF7953 has an internal RC oscillator. This kind of oscillator is not
precise enough for generating answer- or baud-rate-timings of RF answers.
Therefore the PCF7953 switch on the reference oscillator of the PLL, which
deliver a quartz stable timer clock.
Siemens VDO Automotive AG SV C BC P2 RF
IC: 267T-5WK49244 FCC ID:KR55WK49244
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Center frequency channel 1: 314.703 MHz ± 30ppm
Center frequency channel 2: 315.000 MHz ± 30ppm
Center frequency channel 3: 315.297 MHz ± 30ppm
Output power: < 75.6dBµV/m
Type of modulation: ASK for WUP; FSK ± 20 kHz for data
Method of frequency generation: Synthesizer PLL
Number of channels: 3
Power supply: battery (CR 2032)
Type of battery: lithium
Transmission range: < 50 m
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer
could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Siemens VDO
IC: 267T-5WK49244
FCC ID:KR55WK49244
Entry Owners Manual, Canada, USA:
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules and RSS-210.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not
cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer
could avoid the user's authority to operate the equipment.

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