Continental Automotive L7ENTRY Card Radio with BT transceiver User Manual

Continental Automotive GmbH Card Radio with BT transceiver


User Manual

Owner's Handbookfor VehicleThe Ultimate DrivingMachineContentsA-ZOnline Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490
116i118i116d118d120dOwner's Handbook for VehicleCongratulations on your choice of a BMW.The better you are acquainted with your car, the easier you willfind it is to handle. We would therefore like to offer you thefollowing advice:Please read the Owner’s Handbook before setting out in your newBMW. Also use the integrated Owner’s Handbook in your vehicle.It contains important notes on how to operate the car, enablingyou to derive maximum benefit from the technical advantages ofyour BMW. It also contains useful information which will help youto uphold both your BMW’s operating safety and its full resalevalue.Updates to the printed or integrated Owner's Handbook after go‐ing to press are located as needed in the appendix to the printedquick reference to the vehicle.Supplementary information is provided in the other documents ofon-board literature.We wish you a safe and enjoyable journey,BMW AGOnline Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490
© 2011 Bayerische Motoren WerkeAktiengesellschaftMunich, GermanyNot to be reproduced, wholly or in part, without writtenpermission from BMW AG, Munich.English VI/11, 07 11 490Printed on environmentally friendly paper, bleachedwithout chlorine, suitable for recycling.Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490
ContentsFor quick access to a particular topic or item,please consult the detailed alphabetical index,see page 284.About this Owner’s Handbook6NotesOverview10 Cockpit14 iDrive21 Voice control system23 Integrated Owner’s Handbook in thevehicleControls28 Opening and closing41 Adjusting50 Carrying children in safety53 Driving63 Displays78 Lights84 Security93 Driving stability control systems97 Driving comfort109 Climate115 Interior equipment118 Storage compartmentsDriving hints124 Driving precautions127 Loads129 Towing a trailer133 Saving fuelNavigation138 NavigationEntertainment158 Sound160 Radio165 CD/multimediaCommunication188 Business mobile phone preparation196 Professional mobile phone preparation206 Office215 Contacts217 ConnectedDrive226 Extended BMW Online servicesMobility230 Refuelling232 Fuel233 Wheels and tyres240 Engine compartment242 Engine oil245 Maintenance248 Replacing parts258 Help in the event of a breakdown264 General careReference270 Technical data276 Short commands of the voice controlsystem284 From A to ZSeite 5Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
NotesAbout this Owner’sHandbookThe quickest access to a particular topic or itemis by consulting the alphabetical index.The first chapter is recommended for an initialoverview of the vehicle.Updates after going to pressUpdates to the Owner's Handbook after goingto press are found in the appendix of the printedquick reference to the vehicle.Additional sources of informationShould you require any further information,please contact your Service centre, who will bepleased to advise you.Information on BMW, for example on technol‐ogy, on the Internet:  Indicates precautions that must be followedprecisely in order to avoid the possibility of per‐sonal injury and serious damage to the vehicle.◄ Marks the end of a specific item of informa‐tion.* Identifies optional extras or specific national-market items of equipment, as well as equip‐ment and functions not yet available at the timeof printing.“...” Identifies texts on the control display for se‐lecting functions.›...‹ Identifies commands for the voice controlsystem.»...« Identifies replies by the voice control sys‐tem.  Refers to measures that can be taken to helpprotect the environment.Symbol for components andassemblies  Recommends that you study this section ofthis Owner’s Handbook in connection with aparticular part or assembly.Your individual vehicleYou have decided in favour of a vehicle with in‐dividual equipment.This Owner’s Handbook describes all modelsand equipment specifications which are avail‐able within this particular model line.This means it can contain equipment variationsthat you might not have selected.Differences, and thus all options, are markedwith an asterisk *.If certain equipment and models are not descri‐bed in this Owner’s Handbook, refer to the Sup‐plementary Owner’s Handbooks provided.In right-hand drive vehicles, some of the con‐trols are arranged differently from those shownin the illustrations.Built-date*The 'built-date' of your vehicle is indicated un‐derneath the door post on the driver's door.The ‘built-date’ is defined as ‘the calendarmonth and the calendar year in which the bodyshell and the powertrain subassemblies are con‐joined and the vehicle is driven or moved fromthe production line’.Status of the Owner'sHandbookThe high level of safety and quality of vehicles isensured by continuous enhancement. In rare in‐stances, your car may therefore differ from theinformation supplied here.Seite 66Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Notes
Updates after going to pressUpdates to the Owner's Handbook after goingto press are found in the appendix of the printedquick reference to the vehicle.Your own safetyYour vehicle is configured for the operating con‐ditions and registration requirements of yourcountry. If the vehicle is to be operated in an‐other country, your vehicle must be adapted toany prevailing different operating conditionsand permit requirements. Information on possi‐ble exclusion of warranty or warranty restrictionsfor your vehicle can be obtained from your Serv‐ice centre.Maintenance and repairThe advanced technology behind this car, forexample the use of modern materials and high-performance electronics, means that adaptedmethods of maintenance and repair are re‐quired.Always have the corresponding work performedeither by a BMW Service centre or by a work‐shop that operates to BMW specifications andhas suitably trained personnel.If such work is performed inexpertly, it could re‐sult in consequential damage and thus consti‐tute a safety risk.Parts and accessoriesBMW recommends using parts and accessoryproducts that are specifically approved for thispurpose by BMW.You are recommended to consult a BMW Serv‐ice centre for advice on genuine BMW parts andaccessories, other BMW approved productsand competent advice on all related matters.The safety and compatibility of these productsin conjunction with BMW vehicles have beenchecked by BMW.BMW accepts product liability for them. BMWcannot accept liability for parts or accessoryproducts of any kind which it has not approved.BMW is unable to assess each individual prod‐uct of outside origin as to its suitability for useon BMW vehicles without safety risk. Nor cansuitability be assured if an official permit hasbeen issued for it in a specific country. Testsperformed for such permits cannot always coverall operating conditions for BMW vehicles, andsome of them therefore are insufficient.Seite 77Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
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iDrivePrincipleiDrive integrates the functions of a large numberof switches. These functions can thus be con‐trolled from one central point.Operate iDrive while the vehicle is in mo‐tionOnly make adjustments if the traffic conditionsare appropriate. Otherwise, you may becomedistracted and endanger the vehicle occupantsand other road users.◀Overview of controlsControls1Control display2Controller with buttonsThe buttons can be used to call up menusdirectly. The controller can be used to selectmenu items and make settings.Control displayNotes▷To clean the control display, comply with theinformation regarding care.▷To avoid risk of damage to the control dis‐play, please do not place objects in front ofit.Switching off1.   Press the button.2. "Switch off control display"Switch onPress the controller to switch on.Controller with navigation systemSelect menu items and making settings.1. Turning2. PressingSeite 1414Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490iDrive
3. Tilting in four directionsButtons on the controllerPress the button FunctionMENU Calls up the main menu.RADIO Calls up the Radio menu.CD Calls up the CD/multimediamenu.NAV Calls up the Navigationmenu.TEL Calls up the Telephonemenu.BACK Displays the previousscreen.OPTION Calls up the Options menu.Controller without navigation systemSelect menu items and making settings.1. Turning2. Pressing3. Tilting in four directions.Buttons on the controllerPress the button FunctionMENU Calls up the main menu.AUDIO Calls up last heard audiomenu, change between au‐dio menus.TEL Calls up the Telephonemenu.BACK Call up previous table.OPTION Calls up the Options menu.Operating principleCalling up the main menuPress the button.Seite 1515Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
The main menu is displayed.All iDrive functions can be called up via the mainmenu.Selecting a menu itemMenu items in white can be selected by high‐lighting them.1. Turn the controller until the desired menuitem is highlighted.2. Press the controller.Menu items in the Owner’s HandbookIn this Owner's Handbook, the menu items thatare to be selected are shown in quotation marks,for example "Settings".Switching between screensAfter a menu item has been selected, for exam‐ple "Radio", a new screen is displayed. Screenscan lie one on top of the other.▷Tilt the controller to the left.The current screen is closed and the previ‐ous screen is displayed.Pressing the BACK button reopens the pre‐vious screen. The current screen is notclosed.▷Tilt the controller to the right.A new screen is opened and overlaid.White arrows to the left or right indicate thatother screens can be called up.View of an opened menuIn general, when a menu is called up, the screenthat was last selected in this menu is displayed.To display the first screen of the menu:▷Tilt the controller repeatedly to the left untilthe first screen is displayed.▷Press the menu button on the controllertwice.Calling up the Options menuPress the button.The "Options" menu is displayed.Alternatively, tilt the controller repeatedly to theright until the "Options" menu is displayed.Options menuThe "Options" menu consists of various areas:▷Screen settings, for example "Split screen".Area remains unchanged.▷Operating options for the selected mainmenu, for example for "Radio".Seite 1616Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490iDrive
▷If applicable, other operating options for theselected main menu, for example "Savestation".Adjusting the settings1. Select a field.2. Turn the controller until the desired settingis displayed.3. Press the controller.Enabling/disabling functionsSome menu items are preceded by a checkbox.This indicates whether the function is enabledor disabled. Selecting the menu item enables ordisables the function.  Function is enabled.  Function is disabled.Example: setting the clockSetting the clock1.   Press the button. The main menu isdisplayed.2. Turn the controller until "Settings" is high‐lighted and press the controller.3. If necessary, tilt the controller to the left todisplay "Time/Date".4. Turn the controller until "Time/Date" is high‐lighted and press the controller.5. Turn the controller until "Time:" is highligh‐ted and press the controller.6. Turn the controller to set the hour and pressthe controller.7. Turn the controller to set the minutes andpress the controller.Status informationStatus fieldThe following items of information are displayedin the status field on the top right:▷Time▷Current entertainment source.▷Sound output on/off.▷Reception level of mobile telephone net‐work.▷Phone status.▷Reception of traffic reports*.Seite 1717Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Symbols in the status fieldThe symbols are combined in the followinggroups.Symbols for radioSymbol Meaning  Traffic Information* switched on.Symbols for telephoneSymbol Meaning  Incoming or outgoing call*.  Missed call*.  Reception level of mobile telephonenetwork* symbol flashes: networksearch.  No mobile phone network available*.  Bluetooth* switched on.  Data transfer active.  Roaming* active.  Text message* received.  SIM card* check.  SIM card* disabled.  SIM card* not found.  PIN* required.Symbols for entertainmentSymbol Meaning  CD/DVD* player.  Music collection*  Gracenote® database*.  AUX-IN portSymbol Meaning  USB audio interface*/Audio inter‐face, mobile phone*  USB audio interface*.  Audio interface for mobile phone*.Other functionsSymbol Meaning  Spoken instructions* switched off.Split screen*GeneralIn the split screen view, additional informationcan be displayed on the right-hand side of thescreen, for example information from the on-board computer.This information remains visible in the splitscreen view even if a switch is made to anothermenu.Switching the split screen view on andoff1.   Press the button.2. "Split screen"Selecting display1.   Press the button.2. "Split screen"3. Tilt the controller until the split screen is se‐lected.Seite 1818Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490iDrive
4. Press the controller or select "Split screendisplay"5. Select the desired menu item.Favourites buttons*GeneraliDrive functions can be saved on the favouritesbuttons and called up directly, for example radiostations, navigation destinations, telephonenumbers and shortcuts into the menu.The settings are saved for the remote controlcurrently in use.Without navigation systemOn the buttons, only the radio transmitter can bestored.Saving a function1. Highlight the function using the iDrive.2.   Press the desired button for longerthan 2 seconds.Performing a functionPress the button.The function is carried out immediately.If you have selected a telephone number, for ex‐ample, the connection will also be established.Displaying assignment of buttonsTouch the buttons with your finger. Do not weargloves or use objects.The assignment of the buttons is displayed atthe top edge of the screen.▷To display brief information: touch the but‐ton.▷To display detailed information: touch thebutton for longer.Clearing assignment of buttons1. Press buttons 1 and 8 simultaneously forapproximately five seconds.2. "OK"Entering letters and digitsGeneral1. Turn controller and select letters or digits.2. If applicable, select other letters or digits.3. Select "OK" to confirm the input.Symbol Function  Press the controller: deletes a letteror digit.  Press and hold down the controller:deletes all numbers or letters.  Enters a space.Switching between letters and digitsDepending on the menu, you can switch be‐tween the input of letters and digits:Symbol Function  Enter letters.  Enter digits.Seite 1919Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Change between lower and upper caseDepending on the menu, you can switch be‐tween the input of lower case or upper case let‐ters:Symbol Function       Jog the controller to the top:switching from lower case to up‐per case letters.       Jog the controller to the top:switching from lower case to up‐per case letters.Entry comparisonInput of names and addresses: the selection isgradually narrowed down and possibly supple‐mented with every subsequent letter that youenter.Inputs are continuously compared with the datasaved in the vehicle.▷Only letters that are present in the data areoffered for entry.▷Destination search: place names can be en‐tered in the writing of any language availableon the control display.Seite 2020Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490iDrive
Voice control system*Principle▷Through the voice control system mostfunctions shown in the Control Display canbe operated by spoken commands. Thesystem supports spoken input.▷Functions that can only be used when thevehicle is stationary cannot be operated viathe voice control system.▷The system has a special microphone on thedriver's side.▷›...‹ Identifies commands for the voice con‐trol system in the Owner's Handbook.RequirementsOn the control display set a language that is alsosupported by the voice control system, so thatthe vehicle can identify spoken commands.Setting the language, see page 76.Issuing voice commandsActivating the voice control system1.   Press the button on the steeringwheel.2. Wait for acoustic signal.3. Issue the command.The command is shown in the instrumentcluster.  Symbol in the instrument cluster indicatesthat the voice control system is active.If no further spoken commands are possible,switch to iDrive to continue controlling the func‐tion.Switching off the voice control systemPress the button on the steering wheelor say ›Cancel‹.Possible commandsMost of the menu items on the control displaycan be called up by means of spoken com‐mands.The possible commands depend on whichmenu is currently displayed on the Control Dis‐play.There are commands for the functions of themain menu.Several list entries, for example, telephone bookentries*, can also be selected using the voicecontrol system. When doing this, list entries areto be spoken exactly as they are shown in therelevant list.Having possible commands read aloudPossible commands can be read aloud: ›Voicecommands‹If, for example, the menu "Settings" is displayed,the commands for the settings are announced.Running functions using shortcommandsMain menu functions can be performed imme‐diately using short commands, almost irrespec‐tive of which menu item is selected, for exam‐ple ›Vehicle status‹.List of Short commands of the voice control sys‐tem, see page 276.Help dialogue to voice entry systemCall up help dialogue: ›Help‹Further commands for help dialogue:▷›Help with examples‹: information on thecurrent possible operations and the mostimportant commands for this are read out.▷›Help with voice input‹: information on theoperating principle of the voice entry systemis read out.Seite 2121Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Example: playing a CD1. If necessary, switch on entertainment audiooutput.2.   Press the button on the steeringwheel.3. ›C D and multimedia‹The last medium played is played.4.   Press the button on the steeringwheel.5. ›C D track ...‹, for example CD track 4.Setting the speech dialogueYou can set whether the system uses the stand‐ard dialogue or the short variant,With the short variants of the speech dialogue,the system announcements are played in short‐ened form.On the control display:1. "Settings"2. "Language/Units"3. "Speech mode:"4. Select the setting.Adjusting volumeTurn the volume knob during the voice instruc‐tions until the desired volume is obtained.▷The volume is retained even if you changethe volume of other audio sources.▷The volume is saved for the remote controlcurrently in use.Information regardingemergency callsThe voice control system should not be used foremergency calls. Under stress, the spoken lan‐guage and voice pitch can change, which couldunnecessarily delay the connection of your call.Use the SOS button*, see page 258, near theinterior mirror instead.Operating conditions▷Commands, digits and letters should bepronounced fluently, with the usual empha‐sis, and at a normal volume and speed.▷Always speak the commands in the lan‐guage of the voice control system.▷When selecting a radio station, use thestandard pronunciation of the station name:›Station ...‹, for example station Radio 3▷Doors, windows and the glass roof* shouldbe kept closed to avoid noise interference.▷Avoid background noises in the car whileyou are speaking.Seite 2222Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Voice control system
Integrated Owner’s Handbook in thevehicleThe integrated Owner's Handbook can beshown in the control display. It particularly de‐scribes the equipment and functions present inthe vehicle.Components of theintegrated Owner'sHandbookThe integrated Owner's Handbook consists ofthree parts, which provide various informationdepths or access possibilities.Quick ReferenceImportant information is found in the quick ref‐erence for the operation of the vehicle, the op‐eration of fundamental vehicle functions or incase of breakdown. This information can also bedisplayed when driving.Search by picturesUsing the search by pictures, information anddescriptions can be searched using pictures.For example, that is particularly helpful when thedescription of a piece of equipment is needed,which cannot be named.Owner's HandbookHere, information and descriptions can besearched via the index by directly entering asearch term.Select components1.   Press the button.2. Turn the controller and select "Vehicleinformation".3. Press the controller.4. Select desired area:▷"Quick reference"▷"Search by pictures"▷"Owner's Handbook"Browsing within the Owner’sHandbookPage by page with link accessTurn the controller until the next or previouspage is displayed.Page by page without link accessBrowse the pages directly, skipping links.Highlight the symbol once. Then simply pressthe controller to browse from page to page.Browse back.Browse forward.Context-sensitive help -Owner's Handbook for thecurrently selected functionSuitable information can be displayed directly.Call-up when operating via iDriveSwitch to the Options menu directly from theapplication on the control display:Seite 2323Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
1.   Press the button or tilt the controllerrepeatedly to the right until the "Options"menu appears.2. "Show Owner's Handbook"Calling up with display of a CheckControl messageDirectly from the Check Control message on thecontrol display:"Show Owner's Handbook"Switching between function andOwner’s HandbookYou can use the control display to switch from afunction, for example radio, to the Owner'sHandbook, and then back and forth between thetwo displays:1.   Press the button or tilt the controllerrepeatedly to the right until the "Options"menu appears.2. "Show Owner's Handbook"3. Select the desired page in the Owner’sHandbook.4.   Press the button again to switch backto the last displayed function.5.   Press the button again to switch backto the last displayed page of the Owner’sHandbook.To switch continuously between the last dis‐played function and the last displayed page ofthe Owner’s Handbook, repeat steps 4 and 5. Asyou do so, new screens are opened.Favourites buttonsGeneralThe Owner's Handbook can be stored in the fa‐vourite buttons and called up directly.Saving1. Select "Owner's Handbook" using theiDrive.2.   Hold down the desired button forlonger than two seconds.UsePress the button.The Owner's Handbook is displayedimmediately.Seite 2424Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Integrated Owner’s Handbook in the vehicle
Seite 2525Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
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ControlsThis chapter enables you to operate your car withgreater ease, explaining in detail the featuresdesigned to make your journey safer, morecomfortable and more enjoyable.Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490
If an attempt is made to switch on the ignition orstart the engine, a Check Control message isdisplayed.Starting the engine in the event ofemergency detection of the remotecontrolAutomatic Gearbox: Hold the correspondingcheck control message of the remote control, asillustrated, to marking of the steering columnand press the start/stop button within 10 sec‐onds with the brake depressed.Gearbox Hold the corresponding check controlmessage of the remote control, as illustrated, tomarking of the steering column and press thestart/stop button within 10 seconds with theclutch depressed.Personal ProfilePrinciplePersonal profile principleSome functions of the vehicle can be adjustedto individual needs.▷Settings are saved automatically in the cur‐rently activated profile.▷When you unlock the vehicle, the last profileused with the remote control is recognisedand called up.▷Personal settings are also found and calledup if the vehicle has been driven in the mean‐time by other persons with their own remotecontrols.Individual settings for three personal profilesand a guest profile are stored.Transferring settingsThe personal settings can be taken to anothervehicle with the Personal Profile function. Moredetailed information is available from your Serv‐ice centre.The transfer takes place:▷Via the USB interface* in the glove box or thecentre console on a USB medium.▷Via BMW OnlineProfile managementCalling up profilesIndependently of the remote control that isused, another profile can be called up.1. "Settings"2. "Profiles"3. Select a profile.The profile called up is assigned to the remotecontrol currently used.Renaming profiles1. "Settings"2. "Profiles"The current profile is selected.Seite 2929Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
3. Call up "Options".4. "Rename current profile"Resetting profilesSettings of the active profile are reset to factorysettings.1. "Settings"2. "Profiles"The current profile is selected.3. Call up "Options".4. "Reset current profile"Importing profilesExisting settings and contacts are overwrittenwith the imported profile.1. "Settings"2. "Profiles"3. "Import profile"4. BMW Online: "BMW Online"USB interface*: "USB device"Exporting profilesMost settings of the active profile and the savedcontacts can be exported.This can be beneficial for safeguarding and re‐calling personal settings, for example if items areaccidentally moved or deleted.1. "Settings"2. "Profiles"3. "Export profile"4. BMW Online: "BMW Online":USB interface*: "USB device"Using a guest profileWith the guest profile, individual settings can bemade without affecting the three personal pro‐files.This can be beneficial if a driver without theirown profile uses the vehicle temporarily.1. "Settings"2. "Profiles"3. The current profile is selected.4. Call up "Guest".5. Make the settings.Note: the guest profile cannot be renamed.Show profile list at startThe profile list can be shown at the start to selectthe desired profile.1. "Settings"2. "Profiles"3. Call up "Options".4. "Show user list at start"Personal Profile settingsThe following functions and settings can besaved in a profile.More details regarding the settings at:▷Exterior mirror position*, see page 47.▷CD/multimedia*, see page 165: audiosource that was played last.▷Drive experience switch*, see page 95:sport program.▷Seat position, see page 33: called up au‐tomatically when unlocking.Seite 3030Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Opening and closing
▷Favourites buttons, see page 19: assign‐ment.▷Headlight courtesy delay feature, seepage 78: time setting.▷Sound, see page 158: sound settings.▷Automatic air conditioning/Automatic airconditioning*, see page 109▷Navigation*, see page 138: map view, routecriteria, voice output on/off.▷Park Distance Control PDC*: adjust volumeof the signal tone, see page 100.▷Radio: saved stations, last station listenedto, special settings, see page 160.▷Rear-view camera*, see page 103: selec‐tion of the functions and type of display.▷Control Display language, see page 76.▷Triple turn signal, see page 57.▷Locking of the vehicle, see page 32: aftera short time or after driving off.Central locking systemPrincipleThe central locking is activated when thedriver’s door is closed.The following are unlocked or locked simulta‐neously:▷Doors▷Tailgate▷Fuel filler flapOperating from outside▷Via the remote control▷Via the door handles on the driver's or frontpassenger's door*.At the same time as locking and unlocking viathe remote control:▷Depending on equipment, the anti-theftalarm system is also switched on/off. Theanti-theft system prevents the doors frombeing abel to be unlocked using the securingbuttons or the door opener.▷The welcome lights, interior lights and cour‐tesy lighting* are switched on or off.▷The alarm system*, see page 36, is armedor disarmed.Operating from insideVia the button for the central locking systemIf the vehicle has been locked from inside, thefuel filler flap remains unlocked.In the event of an accident of the correspondingseverity, the central locking is released auto‐matically.The hazard warning system and interior lightsilluminate.Opening and closing: fromoutsideWith the remote controlGeneralRemoving the remote controlPersons remaining in the car or pets leftinside can lock the doors from the inside. Youshould therefore take the remote control withyou when you get out of the vehicle so that thecar can be opened from the outside.◀UnlockingPress the button.The vehicle is unlocked.You can set how the car is unlocked.The setting is saved for the remote control cur‐rently in use.Seite 3131Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
1. "Settings"2. "Door locks"3. "Unlock button:"4. Select the desired function:▷"Driver's door only"Only the driver’s door and fuel filler flapare unlocked. Pressing again unlocksthe entire vehicle.▷"All doors"The entire vehicle is unlocked.Comfort openingThe windows and glass roof* can also beopened simultaneously via the remote control.Keep the button on the remote controlpressed.The windows and the glass roof* are opened.Releasing the button stops the movement.LockingPress the button on the remote control.Do not lock from the outsideDo not lock the vehicle from the outsidewhen there is someone inside it, as it cannotthen be unlocked from the inside in some na‐tional-market versions.◀Comfort closingThe remote control can be used to simultane‐ously close the windows and the glass roof*, aswell as to fold in* the exterior mirrors.Keep the button on the remote controlpressed.The windows and the glass roof* are closed andthe exterior mirrors are folded in*.Observe the closing operationFollow closing operation and ensure thatnobody gets jammed.◀Releasing the button stops the movement.Switching on the interior lights,courtesy lighting*and welcome lightWith the car locked, press the button onthe remote control.Unlock tailgatePress the button on the remote controlfor approximately one second.The tailgate opens slightly, regardless ofwhether it was locked or unlocked.On models fitted with certain items of equip‐ment, the tailgate can be opened with the re‐mote control only if the car has first been un‐locked.To prevent being locked out, do not place theremote control in the boot. The tailgate is lockedagain as soon as it is pressed shut.Protect edges.Sharp objects or those with sharp edgesmay knock against the rear window while thevehicle is in motion and damage the heatingconductor of the rear window. Protect edges.◀Acknowledgement signal of the vehicle1. "Settings"2. "Door locks"Seite 3232Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Opening and closing
3. "Visual signal lock/unlock"Calling up seat, mirror settingThe last adjusted driver's seat and exterior mir‐ror position is stored for the currently used re‐mote control.When the vehicle is unlocked, this position iscalled up automatically if the function has beenenabled.Risk of jamming when the seat movesbackIf this function is used, first ensure that the foot‐well behind the driver’s seat is clear. Otherwise,with any moving back of the seat people couldbe injured or objects be damaged.◀Adjustment procedure is interrupted:▷By operating the switch or the seat adjust‐ment.▷By touching a button of the seat and mirrormemory.Enable setting1. "Settings"2. "Door locks"3. "Last seat position aut."MalfunctionIf it is no longer possible to lock or unlock thevehicle with the remote control the battery mightbe flat or the problem might be due to interfer‐ence from external sources such as mobilephones, metallic objects, high-tension electriccables, radio transmitters, etc.In this case, lock or unlock the vehicle with theintegrated key via the door lock.Via the door lockGeneralDo not lock from the outsideDo not lock the vehicle from the outsidewhen there is someone inside it, as it cannotthen be unlocked from the inside in some na‐tional-market versions.◀Alarm system is deactivated if the vehicle is un‐locked using the door lock.To end this alarm, unlock the vehicle with theremote control or turn on the ignition, with spe‐cial ID of the remote control as necessary.Only the driver's door is locked or unlocked us‐ing the door lock.Doors and tailgate lock togetherTo lock all doors and the tailgate together:1. With the doors closed, lock the car using thecentral locking button inside the vehicle.2. Unlock and open the driver's or front pas‐senger's door.3. Lock vehicle.Seite 3333Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
▷Lock the driver's door using theintegrated key in the door lock or▷Press the locking button on the frontpassenger's door and close the doorfrom the outside.It is only possible to lock the fuel filler flap withthe remote control.Manual operationIn the event of an electrical defect, lock or unlockthe driver's door with the integrated key usingthe door lock.Opening and closing: frominsideUnlocking and opening*▷Either unlock the doors together using thecentral locking button and then pull the doorhandle above the armrest or▷Pull twice on the door handle on each door:the first pull unlocks the door, the secondpull opens the door.Locking and unlockingPress the button in the vehicle.The doors and the tailgate are locked orunlocked, but not deadlocked, when the frontdoors are closed.The fuel filler flap remains unlocked.Automatic lockingThe setting is saved for the remote control cur‐rently in use.1. "Settings"2. "Door locks"3. Select the desired function:▷"Automatic relock"The vehicle is locked automatically aftera short while if no door is opened.▷"Lock after drive away"On driving off, the vehicle is locked au‐tomatically.TailgateOpeningWhen opening the tailgate, ensure sufficientclearance, to avoid damage.Protect edges.Sharp objects or those with sharp edgesmay knock against the rear window while thevehicle is in motion and damage the heatingconductor of the rear window. Protect edges.◀Opening from outside▷Press the top half of the BMW badge.Seite 3434Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Opening and closing
MalfunctionThe Auto Start Stop function no longer shutsdown the engine. A Check Control message isdisplayed. It is possible to keep driving. Have thesystem checked.Parking brakeApplyingThe lever engages itself after pulling up.ReleasingPull up the lever a bit, press the button and guidethe lever down.NotesUse while the vehicle is in motionIf, exceptionally, use while the vehicle is inmotion is necessary, do not pull on the parkingbrake too powerfully. Keep pressing the buttonon the lever.Otherwise too powerful pulling on the parkingbrake can cause the rear wheels to lock and theassociated swerving of the vehicle rear.◀To avoid corrosion and one-sided braking ef‐fect, slightly pull on the parking brake from timeto time when moving away, if traffic conditionsallow.The brake lights do not illuminate when theparking brake is applied.Turn indicators, high-beamheadlights, headlight flasherTurn indicatorDo not fold out exterior mirrorWhen driving and when operating the turnindicator/hazard warning indicator do not foldout exterior mirror, as otherwise the additionalindicators in the exterior mirro do not have theprescribed position and it is difficult to detectthem.◀IndicatingPress the lever beyond the resistance point.To cancel the signal manually, press the lever asfar as the resistance point.If the indicator light flashes more rapidly thanusual, a turn indicator bulb has failed.Triple turn signalPress the lever as far as the resistance point.The turn indicator flashes three times.This function can be enabled or disabled.1. "Settings"2. "Lights"Seite 5757Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
3. "Triple turn signal"Indicating a turn brieflyPress the lever as far as the resistance point andhold it there for as long as you wish to indicate aturn.High-beam headlights, headlightflasher▷High-beam headlights, arrow 1▷Headlight flasher, arrow 2Wiper systemSwitching the wipers on/off and flick-wipingNo wiper operation in the event of frostDo not switch on the wipers when they arefrozen, as otherwise the wiper blades and wind‐screen wiper motor can be damaged.◀Switch onPress the wiper lever upwards.The lever returns to the basic position when re‐leased.▷Normal wiping speed: press upwards once.When the vehicle is stationary, the wipersswitch to intermittent operation.▷Rapid wiping speed: press upwards twice orpress once beyond the resistance point.When the vehicle is stationary, the wipersswitch to normal speed.Switching off and flick-wipingPress the wiper lever downwards.The lever returns to the basic position when re‐leased.▷Flick-wiping: press downwards once.▷Switching off normal mode: press down‐wards once.▷Switching off fast mode: press downwardstwice.Seite 5858Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Driving
Danger of icy roadsEven at temperatures above +3 ℃/+37 ℉,there can be an increased danger of icy roads.To reduce the risk of an accident, you should al‐ways drive carefully in potentially icy areas, forexample bridges and shaded roads.◀TimeThe time is shown in the instru‐ment cluster.Setting the time on the controldisplay., see page 76DateThe date is displayed on the in‐strument cluster.Setting the date on the controldisplay., see page 76RangeOnce the reserve level is reached:▷A Check Control message isbriefly displayed.▷The on-board computershows the remaining range.▷For a dynamic driving style, e.g. fast corner‐ing, engine functions are not always en‐sured.If the range drops below approx. 50 km, 30 milesthe Check Control message is continually dis‐played.Refuel in good timeIf the range drops below 50 km, 30 miles,you should refuel as soon as possible, or enginefunctions may be impaired and damage may oc‐cur.◀Displaying the range1. "Settings"2. "Info display"3. "Additional indicators"Current fuel consumption*Shows the momentary fuel con‐sumption. It is possible to checkthe economy and environmentalcompatibility of your driving style.Displaying the current fuelconsumption1. "Settings"2. "Info display"3. "Additional indicators"The bar gauge for the current fuel consumptionis shown in the instrument cluster.Energy recuperation*In the coasting mode, the kineticenergy of the vehicle is convertedinto electrical energy. The vehiclebattery is partially charged andSeite 6969Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
fuel consumption can be lowered.Service requirementsPrincipleThe distance to be driven or time to the nextmaintenance is displayed briefly after switchingon the ignition.The current service requirements can be readby the service advisor from the remote control.DisplayInstrument clusterDisplay in the instrument cluster.Instrument cluster with extendedfunctionalityDisplay in the instrument clusterwith extended functionality.Detailed information on servicerequirementsMore detailed information on the scope of main‐tenance can be displayed on the control display.1. "Vehicle information"2. "Vehicle status"3.   "Service required"Essential maintenance routines and anystatutory inspections required are dis‐played.4. Select an entry to display more detailed in‐formation.SymbolsSymbols DescriptionNo servicing is currently nee‐ded.Servicing or an inspection re‐quired by law is due soon.Servicing is overdue.Entering deadlinesEnter deadlines for prescribed statutory inspec‐tions.Ensure that the date and time of the vehicle areset correctly.1. "Vehicle information"2. "Vehicle status"3.   "Service required"4. "§ vehicle inspection"5. "Date:"6. Make the settings.7. Confirm.The date input is saved.Automatic Service notification*Data on the service status or on statutory in‐spections for the vehicle are transmitted to theService centre automatically when a service orinspection is imminent.It can be checked when the Service centre wasnotified.1. "Vehicle information"2. "Vehicle status"3. Call up "Options".4. "Last Teleservice Call"Service historyHave maintenance work carried out by the Serv‐ice centre and entered in the vehicle data. TheSeite 7070Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Displays
entries are, just like a service booklet, evidenceof regular maintenance.The maintenance visits entered can be shownon the control display. Operation is available assoon as a maintenance visit has been entered inthe vehicle data.1. "Vehicle information"2. "Vehicle status"3.   "Service required"4.   "Service history"Maintenance visits carried out are shown.5. Select an entry to display more detailed in‐formation.SymbolsSymbols DescriptionGreen: maintenance has been car‐ried out on time.Yellow: maintenance has been car‐ried out with a delay.Maintenance has not been carriedout.Shift point indicator*PrincipleThe system recommends the most efficientgear for the current driving situation.DisplaysInstructions on up or downshifting are displayedon the instrument cluster.Symbols DescriptionMost efficient gear is engaged.Shift up into most efficient gear.Symbols DescriptionShift down into most efficient gear.Shift to neutral.Speed Limit Information withNo Passing Information*PrincipleSpeed Limit InformationSpeed Limit Information displays using a sym‐bol in the shape of a traffic sign in the instrumentcluster, the currently detected maximum speed.The camera in the base of the rear view mirrorrecords the traffic signs on the verge as well asvariable displays on overhead gantries. Trafficsigns with additional symbols, for example,when wet, are also compared with data internalto the vehicle, for example the rain sensor, anddisplayed, depending on the situation. The sys‐tem considers the information stored in the nav‐igation system and also displays the speed lim‐its present on unmarked sections of road.No Passing InformationNo Passing Information displays with corre‐sponding symbols in the instrument cluster nopassing restrictions and their removal detectedby the camera.Switching on/off1. "Settings"2. "Info display"Seite 7171Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
3. "Speed limit information"If Speed Limit Information is switched on, thiscan be displayed through the on-board com‐puter to the information display in the instru‐ment cluster.No Passing Information is displayed togetherwith activated Speed Limit Info.DisplayThe following information appears in the instru‐ment cluster.Speed Limit Information▷Speed limit exists.▷Speed limit cancelled - forGerman motorways.▷Speed limit information un‐available.No Passing Information▷No passing restriction.▷End of no passing restriction.▷No Passing Information un‐available.System limitsPersonal assessmentThe traffic sign recognition is no substi‐tute for your personal assessment of the trafficsituation.It supports the driver and does not replace thehuman eye.◀The traffic sign recognition can be restricted, forexample in the following situations and may dis‐play wrong information or none at all:▷In thick fog and heavy rain or snow.▷If road signs are obscured.▷If the vehicle is moving too close to the ve‐hicle ahead.▷With bright light from oncoming traffic.▷When the windscreen in front of the interiormirror is covered with condensation, dirt,stickers, labels, etc.▷In areas not covered by the navigation sys‐tem.▷If there are deviations in relation to the nav‐igation, for example due to changes in theroad routing.▷On overtaking buses or trucks with speedstickers.▷If the traffic sign does not correspond to thestandard, for example, for speed limit noround sign with a red outer ring and showinga number.▷During the calibration process of the cameraimmediately after the vehicle is supplied.No Passing Information does not consider anycarriageway marking or other situations, for ex‐ample, railway crossing which would indicate ano passing restriction. The system only consid‐ers no passing restrictions and lifting the restric‐tion made known by signage. Is does not displayon sections of road without signage.CameraThe camera is in the area of the base of the mir‐ror.Seite 7272Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Displays
Keep the windscreen clean and clear in the areain front of the rear view mirror.Selection lists in theinstrument clusterPrincipleThe following can be operated via the buttonsand the knurled wheel on the steering wheel us‐ing the display in the instrument cluster:▷Current audio source▷Programs of the drive experience switch.▷Repeat dialling for telephone*▷Activating the voice control system*DisplayInstrument clusterInstrument cluster with extendedfunctionalityActivating the list and entering asettingTurn the knurled wheel on the right-hand side ofthe steering wheel to activate the correspondinglist.Using the knurled wheel, select the desired set‐ting and confirm by pressing the knurled wheel.On-board computerCalling up information on theinformation displayPress the on-board computer button on the turnindicator lever.Information is displayed on the information dis‐play in the instrument cluster.Overview of the informationInfo displayRepeated pressing of the buttonon the turn indicator lever showsthe following information on theinformation display :▷RangeSeite 7373Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
▷ECO PRO bonus range.▷Average fuel consumption▷Average speed▷Date.▷Time▷Time of arrival*.With activated route guidance in the naviga‐tion system▷Distance to destination*With activated route guidance in the naviga‐tion system▷Arrow display of the navigation system*.With activated route guidance in the naviga‐tion systemSetting displays for the informationdisplayIt can be set which displays of the on-boardcomputer can be called up on the informationdisplay in the instrument cluster.1. "Settings"2. "Info display"3. Select the desired displays.Detailed informationRangeDisplays the estimated range available with theremaining fuel.It is calculated based on your driving style overthe last 30 km, 20 miles.Average fuel consumptionCalculated for the period since the engine waslast started.Average speedThe calculation ignores any stationary periodswhere the engine was switched off manually.Resetting average valuesKeep the on-board computer button pressed onthe turn indicator lever.Distance to destination*The remaining distance to the destination is dis‐played if a destination was entered in the navi‐gation system* before starting the journey.The distance to the destination is automaticallyadopted.Arrival time*The provisional arrival time is dis‐played if a destination was en‐tered in the navigation system*before starting the journey.A precondition is that the time iscorrectly set.Speed limitDisplay of a speed limit where a warning is to beissued when reached.Repeat warning if the set speed limit was un‐dershot once by at least 5 km/h, 3 mph.Displaying, setting or altering limit1. "Settings"2. "Speed"Seite 7474Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Displays
3. "Warning at:"4. Turn the controller until the desired limit isdisplayed.5. Press the controller.The speed limit is saved.Activating/deactivating the speed limit1. "Settings"2. "Speed"3. "Warning"4. Press the controller.Saving actual speed as limit value1. "Settings"2. "Speed"3. "Select current speed"4. Press the controller.The current driving speed is saved as thelimit.Journey computerTwo types of on-board computer are available.▷"On-board computer": values can be resetany number of times.▷"Journey computer": values deliver an over‐view of the current trip.Resetting the journey computer1. "Vehicle information"2. "Journey computer"3. "Reset": all values are reset."Reset automatically": all values are reset ifthe vehicle is at a standstill for approximatelyfour hours.Display on the control displayDisplay the on-board computer or journey com‐puter on the control display.1. "Vehicle information"2. "On-board computer" or "Journeycomputer"Resetting fuel consumption and speed1. "Vehicle information"2. "On-board computer"3. "Cons." or "Speed"4. "Yes"Sport displays*In the control display the current values forpower and torque are shown.Display sport displays in the controldisplay1. "Vehicle information"2. "Sport displays"Seite 7575Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Settings on the controldisplayTimeSetting the time1. "Settings"2. "Time/Date"3. "Time:"4. Turn the controller until the desired hoursare displayed.5. Press the controller.6. Turn the controller until the desired minutesare displayed.7. Press the controller.The time is saved.Setting the time format1. "Settings"2. "Time/Date"3. "Format:"4. Select the desired format.The time format is saved.DateSetting the date1. "Settings"2. "Time/Date"3. "Date:"4. Turn the controller until the desired day isdisplayed.5. Press the controller.6. Make the setting for month and year accord‐ingly.The date is saved.Setting the date format1. "Settings"2. "Time/Date"3. "Format:"4. Select the desired format.The date format is saved.LanguageSetting the languageTo set the language on the control display:1. "Settings"2. "Language/Units"3. "Language:"4. Select the desired language.The setting is saved for the remote control cur‐rently in use.Seite 7676Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Displays
Units of measureSetting the units of measureTo set the units of measure for fuel consump‐tion, distance covered/remaining range, andtemperature:1. "Settings"2. "Language/Units"3. Select the desired menu item.4. Select the desired unit.The setting is saved for the remote control cur‐rently in use.BrightnessAdjusting brightnessAdjusting brightness of control display:1. "Settings"2. "Control display"3. "Brightness"4. Turn the controller until the desired bright‐ness is obtained.5. Press the controller.The setting is saved for the remote control cur‐rently in use.Depending on the lighting conditions, bright‐ness control might not be immediately recog‐nisable.Seite 7777Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
LightsOverview1Rear fog lights*2Front fog lights*3Automatic driving lights control/AdaptiveHeadlights*/high-beam assistance*/wel‐come light/daytime driving lights*4Lights off/daytime driving lights*5Side lights6Low-beam headlights / welcome light / high-beam assistance*7Instrument lighting8Headlight beam throw adjustment*Side lights/low-beamheadlights, driving lightscontrolGeneralIf the driver's door is opened with the ignitionswitched off, the exterior lights are automaticallyswitched off with the following switch settings:0:         Side lightsSwitch position     : the vehicle is illuminatedall around, for example when parking.You should not leave the side lights on for longerperiods of time, since the battery could dis‐charge and you might not have enough power tostart the engine.To park, it is better to switch on the one-sidedparking light, see page 79.Low-beam headlightsSwitch position     with the ignition switchedon: low-beam headlights are illuminated.Welcome lightsOn parking the vehicle, leave the switch in posi‐tion     or     : the side lights and interior lightilluminate briefly when unlocking the vehicle.Activating/deactivating1. "Settings"2. "Lights"3. "Welcome light"The setting is saved for the remote control cur‐rently in use.Headlight courtesy delay featureIf the headlight flasher is activated after switch‐ing off the ignition, with the lights switched offor the side lights switched on, the low-beamheadlights illuminate and remain on for a certaintime.Setting the duration1. "Settings"2. "Lights"Seite 7878Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Lights
3. "Home lights: s"4. Set the duration.The setting is saved for the remote control cur‐rently in use.Automatic driving lights controlSwitch position     : depending on ambient lightconditions, the system switches the low-beamheadlights off and on automatically, for examplein a tunnel, at twilight and in rain or snow. Theindicator light in the instrument cluster is illumi‐nated.The headlights may also come on when the sunis sitting low in a blue sky.The low-beam headlights always remain onwhen the fog lights are switched on.Personal responsibilityThe driving lights control function is nosubstitute for your individual judgement of whenit is necessary to switch on the lights.The sensors are unable, for instance, to recog‐nise fog or hazy weather. In such situations,switch on the lights manually to avoid any safetyrisk.◀Daytime driving lights*The daytime driving lights come on in switchposition 0 or     .Activating/deactivating*1. "Settings"2. "Lights"3. "Daytime driving lights"The setting is saved for the remote control cur‐rently in use.Parking lightsThe vehicle can be illuminated on one side.Switch onWith the ignition switched off, push the leverupwards or downwards beyond the resistancepoint for approximately 2 seconds.Switching offPress the lever briefly in the opposite directionas far as the resistance point.Adaptive Headlights*PrincipleAdaptive Headlights is a variable headlight con‐trol system that makes it possible to illuminatethe road surface responsively.The beams from the headlights follow the roadahead on the basis of the steering angle andother parameters.Seite 7979Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Left-hand/right-hand trafficHalogen headlightsMeasures to prevent the headlights from daz‐zling oncoming traffic are necessary if you takethe vehicle into countries in which the oppositerule of the road applies. Your Service centre canprovide the appropriate light benders that canbe affixed to the headlight lenses. Proceed inaccordance with the enclosed instructionswhen affixing the light benders to the headlights.Xenon headlights*Measures to prevent the headlights from daz‐zling oncoming traffic are necessary if you takethe vehicle into countries in which the oppositerule of the road applies. BMW recommends thatthe work be performed by the Service centre ifyou are not familiar with the procedure. Oncethey have been adjusted the headlights will notdazzle oncoming vehicles when you drive on thenormal side of the road, so you can have the ad‐justments carried out, for example, before en‐tering the country in which the opposite rule ofthe road applies.Adjust headlights1. In the wheel arches, remove both bracketsand the cover.2. Turn the cover and remove.3. Push the lever upwards.Instrument lightingAdjustingYou can adjust the brightness ofthe instrument lighting only whenthe side lights or the low-beamheadlights are switched on.The lighting intensity can be setusing the knurled wheel.Interior lightGeneralThe interior light, the footwell lights, door entrylighting and the courtesy lighting are controlledautomatically.The brightness of some equipment is influencedby the knurled wheel for the instrument lighting.Seite 8282Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Lights
1Interior light2Reading lightSwitching the interior light on and offmanuallyPress the button.To switch off permanently: press the button forapproximately three seconds.Switch on again: press button.Reading lights*Press the button.There are reading lights located at the front andin the rear beside the interior lights.With the interior light switched off, the readinglights cannot be switched on.Ambient lighting*Depending on the equipment, the lighting in theinterior can be set individually for a few lights.Select colour scheme1. "Settings"2. "Lights"3. "Ambient:"4. Select the desired setting.Adjusting brightnessThe brightness of the ambient light can be setover the knurled wheel for the instrument light‐ing but also independently of it.1. "Settings"2. "Lights"3. "Brightness"4. Adjusting brightness.Seite 8383Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
For safety reasons, the system may also triggerin rare instances where impact with a pedestriancannot be excluded beyond all doubt, for exam‐ple:▷Collision with a skip or boundary posts.▷Collision with animals.▷Stone impact.▷Driving into a snow drift.Triggered pedestrian protectionsystemAfter triggering or damageAfter triggering of the active bonnet or ifdamaged, check the system and have it re‐placed.Only have this work carried out a Service Centre,as otherwise correct functioning of this safetydevice is not ensured.◀MalfunctionA Check Control message is displayed.The system has been triggered or isfaulty.Drive at a moderate speed to the next Servicecentre to have the system checked and re‐paired.Do not open bonnet.Do not open the bonnet after the warninglight appears, as otherwise damage may oc‐cur.◀NotesDo not dismantle/modify the systemDo not dismantle the system or modify itin any other way.Do not modify the individual components of thesystem or its wiring in any way.◀If faulty, taken out of use or triggeredOnly commission your Service centre withthe inspection, repair, disassembly or scrappingof the system. Any careless or unskilled inter‐ference with the system could lead to its failureor to accidental triggering with the risk of in‐jury.◀Runflat indicator RPAPrincipleThe system does not measure the tyre pres‐sures as such.It detects a pressure loss on the basis of a com‐parison between the speeds at which the indi‐vidual wheels rotate while the vehicle is in mo‐tion.If a tyre loses pressure, its diameter changes.This in turn alters the rotational speed of thecorresponding wheel. This is detected and re‐ported as a flat tyre.Operating requirementsThe system must have been initialised with cor‐rect tyre inflation pressure, otherwise reliablesignalling of a flat tyre cannot be assured. Eachtime the tyre pressure is adjusted or a tyre orwheel is changed, initialise the system again.System limitsSudden tyre damageNo warning can be given of extreme, sud‐den tyre failure caused by external factors.◀A natural, even loss of pressure in all four tyresthat occurs over time is not detected. Conse‐quently, check the tyre pressures at regular in‐tervals.In the following situations, the system could beslow to respond or operate incorrectly:▷If the system has not been initialised.▷When driving on snow-covered or slipperysurfaces.▷When driving enthusiastically, causing thedriven wheels to spin, high lateral accelera‐tion.▷Driving with snow chains*.Seite 8787Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Status displayThe current status of the runflat indicator can beshown on the control display, for examplewhether the runflat indicator is active.1. "Vehicle information"2. "Vehicle status"3.   "Flat Tyre Monitor"The status is displayed.InitialisingOn initialisation, the current tyre pressures arestored as a reference for detection of a flat tyre.The initialisation is started by confirming thecorrect inflation pressures.When driving with snow chains* fitted, do notinitialise the system.1. "Vehicle information"2. "Vehicle status"3.   "Confirm tyre pressure"4. Start the engine – do not drive off.5. Start the initialisation with "Initialise tyrepressure".6. Drive off.Initialising is completed while the vehicle is inmotion; this process can be interrupted at anytime.Initialising resumes automatically when youcontinue your journey.Indication of a flat tyreThe yellow warning light is illuminated.A Check Control message is displayed.There is a flat tyre or substantial loss oftyre pressure.1. Reduce your speed and cautiously stop thecar. Avoid violent or sudden braking andsteering manoeuvres.2. Check whether the vehicle is equipped withstandard tyres* or run-flat tyres*.The symbol identifying run-flat tyres, seepage 235, is the circle with the letters RSCon the tyre sidewall.Do not continue a journey without run-flattyresDo not continue your journey if the vehicle is notequipped with run-flat tyres, otherwise a seriousaccident could occur.◀It is possible that Dynamic Stability Control DSCis activated as soon as the message for a punc‐ture appears.What to do in the event of a flat tyreStandard tyres*1. Identify the damaged tyre.Do this by checking the air pressure in allfour tyres.The tyre inflation pressure display of theMobility System, see page 236, can be usedfor this.If it is not possible to identify, contact a Serv‐ice centre.2. Fix the puncture with the Mobility System,see page 236.Run-flat tyres*If a tyre has punctured you can continue yourjourney, driving at speeds up to a maximum of80 km/h, 50 mph.Continuing a journey with a flat tyreIf you continue a journey with a flat tyre:1. Avoid violent or sudden braking and steeringmanoeuvres.2. Do not exceed a speed of 80 km/h, 50 mphany longer.3. As soon as you get an opportunity, checkthe tyre pressure in all four tyres.Maximum possible distance with tyres entirelydeflated:The possible distance with a flat tyre dependson the load and strain on the vehicle during thejourney.With a moderate vehicle load, the possible dis‐tance travelled is approx. 80 km, 50 miles.Seite 8888Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Security
When driving with damaged tyres, the vehiclehandling changes, for example quicker loss oftraction when braking, longer stopping distanceand modified self-steering behaviour. Adaptdriving style accordingly. Avoid abrupt steeringor driving over obstacles, for example curbs,potholes etc.As the possible distance largely depends on thestrain on the vehicle during the journey, this canbe shorter, or longer if the vehicle is driven care‐fully, according to speed, road condition, out‐side temperature, load etc.Continuing a journey with a flat tyreDrive moderately and do not exceed aspeed of 80 km/h, 50 mph.If tyre pressure has fallen, vehicle handlingchanges, for example reduced directional sta‐bility when braking, longer stopping distanceand modified self-steering behaviour.◀Final tyre failureVibration or loud noises while driving maybe an indication that the tyre has finally failed.Reduce your speed and stop, otherwise sec‐tions of the tyre could become detached andcause an accident. Do not drive the car any fur‐ther; contact your Service Centre instead.◀Lane departure warning*PrincipleThis system warns from approximately 65 km/h,approximately 40 mph, if the vehicle is on roadswith lane marking lines, that it is about to leavethe lane.The steering wheel starts to vibrate slightly. Thetime of this warning may vary depending on thecurrent driving situation.The system does not issue a warning if the driverindicates before leaving the driving lane.Switching on/offPress the button.▷On: LED is illuminated.▷Off: LED turns off.The system can issue warnings as of approxi‐mately 65 km/h, 40 mph.The status is saved for the remote control cur‐rently in use.Display▷Lines, arrow 1: the system is activated.▷Arrows, arrow 2: at least one lane boundaryline has been detected and warnings can beissued.Output of the warningIf the vehicle leaves the driving lane and a laneboundary line is detected, the steering wheelstarts to vibrate.If the turn indicator is set before changing lanes,no warning is issued.Cancellation of the warningThe warning is cancelled:Seite 8989Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
In particular road conditions, for example roadson which snow has not been cleared, the systemensures maximum forward momentum but limi‐ted driving stability.Therefore, drive with the appropriate caution.In the following exceptional situations it may bebest to activate DTC for a short time:▷When driving in slush or on uncleared,snow-covered roads.▷If the car has to be rocked out of or startedin deep snow or on a loose surface.▷Driving with snow chains.Deactivating/activating DynamicTraction Control, DTCWith activated Dynamic Traction Control, DTCyou have maximum traction on loose surfaces.Driving stability is limited on accelerating andcornering.Activating DTCPress the button.TRACTION is displayed in the instru‐ment cluster and the DSC indicator light is illu‐minated.Deactivating DTCPress the button again.TRACTION and the DSC indicator lightextinguish.Variable sports steering*The variable sports steering amplifies the steer‐ing angle of the front wheels when the steeringwheel is fully turned, for example in tight bendsor when parking. The steering becomes moredirect.It also varies the force required when steering,depending on the speed.This enables a sports-oriented steering re‐sponse. In addition, steering is made easier dur‐ing parking and manoeuvring.Drive experience switch*PrincipleWith the drive experience switch, certain prop‐erties of the vehicle can be adjusted. Variousprograms can be selected for this. Using thedrive experience button and using the DSC OFFbutton, one program can be activated in eachcase.Operation of the programsPress the button ProgramDSC OFFTRACTIONSPORT+*SPORTCOMFORTECO PRO*Automatic program changeIn the following situations, there is an automaticswitch to COMFORT:▷In the event of a flat tyre.DSC OFFWhen you select DSC OFF, see page 93, drivingstability during acceleration and cornering is re‐stricted.TRACTIONWith TRACTION you have maximum traction onloose surfaces. Dynamic, see page 94, TractionControl, DTC, is activated. Driving stability islimited on accelerating and cornering.SPORT+Sporty driving with optimised chassis* with re‐stricted driving stability.Dynamic Traction Control is switched on.Driver assumes part of the task of stabilising thevehicle.Seite 9494Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Driving stability control systems
Activating SPORT+Press the button repeatedly untilSPORT+ is displayed in the instrumentcluster and the DSC indicator light is illuminated.Indicator and warning lightsSPORT+ is displayed in the instrument cluster.If indicator light is illuminated: DynamicTraction Control, DTC, is activated.SPORTSporty driving with optimised chassis* withmaximum driving stability.The program can be configured individually.The configuration is saved for the remote con‐trol currently in use.Activating SPORTPress button until SPORT is displayedin the instrument cluster.Configuring SPORT*If the display is activated on the control display,see page 96, the Sport program can be set toindividual requirements.▷Activating the Sport program.▷"Configure SPORT mode"▷Configure the program.The Sport program can also be configured be‐fore it is activated:1. "Settings"2. "Driving mode"3. "Configure SPORT mode"4. Configure the program.This configuration is called up when the Sportprogram is activated.COMFORTFor a balanced configuration with maximumdriving stability.Activate COMFORTPress button until COMFORT is dis‐played in the instrument cluster.In certain situations, there is an automatic switchinto the COMFORT program, automatic pro‐gram change, see page 94.ECO PRO*Consistent fuel-consumption reducing tuningfor maximum range at maximum driving stability.Comfort functions, see page 135, and the en‐gine control can be adjusted.The program can be configured individually.Activate ECO PROPress the button until ECO PRO is dis‐played in the instrument cluster.Configure ECO PRO1. Activate ECO PRO.2. "Configure ECO PRO"or1. "Settings"2. "Driving mode"3. "Configure ECO PRO"Make the desired settings.Seite 9595Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
DisplaysProgram selectionOn pushing the button, a list ofprograms that can be selected isdisplayed.Selected programThe selected program is shownin the instrument cluster.Display on the control displayProgram changes can be displayed on the con‐trol display.1. "Settings"2. "Driving mode"3. "Driving mode info"Drive-off assistantThe system provides support when driving offon upward inclines. It is not necessary to use theparking brake for this.1. Hold the car in place by pressing the footbrake.2. Release the foot brake and drive off withoutdelay.The car is held for approximately 2 seconds afterthe foot brake has been released.Depending on the vehicle’s load or when towinga trailer, the vehicle may roll backwards a little.Drive off immediatelyAfter releasing the foot brake, move offswiftly, as the starting assistance will no longerhold the car after approximately 2 seconds andit will start to roll back.◀Seite 9696Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Driving stability control systems
Press the rocker switch repeatedly upwards ordownwards until the desired speed is set.With the system active, the speed that is thenshown is set and will be achieved on a clear road.▷Each time the rocker switch is pressedlightly towards the resistance point, the de‐sired speed is increased or decreased byapproximately 1 km/h, 1 mph.▷Each time the rocker switch is pressed be‐yond the resistance point, the desired speedis increased or decreased to the next multi‐ple of 10 km/h on the speedometer display.▷Pressing the rocker switch until the resist‐ance point is reached and holding acceler‐ates or slows down the vehicle withoutpressing the accelerator. The speed is main‐tained after letting go of the rocker switch.Pressing beyond the resistance point re‐sults in greater vehicle acceleration.Calling up the desired speedPress the button.The saved speed is regained and maintained.Displays in the instrument clusterIndicator lamp*Depending on the equipment the indi‐cator light in the instrument clustershows whether the system is switchedon.Desired speed▷Marker illuminates green: thesystem is active.▷Marker illuminates orange:the system is interrupted.▷Marker does not illuminate:the system is inactive.Brief status displaySelected desired speed.If the symbol appears in the display for CheckControl messages, it is possible that the condi‐tions for operation may have not been met.Park Distance Control, PDC*PrincipleIn addition to the Park Distance Control, PDC,the rear-view camera*, see page 103, can beactivated.PDC assists you with parking. Slowly approach‐ing an object in front of* or behind your vehicleis signalled by means of:▷Audible warning signals.▷Visual display.MeasurementUltrasonic sensors in each bumper measure thedistance.The range is approximately 2 m, 6 ft.An acoustic warning is only issued:▷From the front* sensors and the two rearcorner sensors at approximately 60 cm,24 in.▷For the centre rear sensors at approximately1.50 m, 5 ft.Seite 100100Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Driving comfort
System limitsAlso monitor the traffic situationPDC is no substitute for your personal as‐sessment of the traffic situation. Also monitorthe traffic situation around the vehicle by ob‐serving it directly. Otherwise, there is a dangerthat accidents might occur due to other roadusers or objects located outside of detectionrange of the PDC, for example.Loud sound sources outside or inside the carcan drown out the PDC signal.◀Avoid driving fast with PDC activeAvoid approaching an object at speed.Avoid moving off at speed while PDC is not yetactive.Due to physical conditions the system couldwarn when it is too late.◀Limits of the ultrasound measurementDetection of objects might not be possible if thephysical limits of the ultrasonic measuring prin‐ciple are exceeded, for instance by:▷Trailer noses and hitches.▷Thin or wedge-shaped objects.▷Low objects.▷Objects with corners and sharp edges.Low objects already indicated, such as kerbs,may enter the sensors’ blind areas before or af‐ter a continuous audible signal is given.Higher, protruding objects such as ledges maynot be detectable.False alarmsUnder the following conditions, PDC can issuea warning although there is no obstacle in thedetection range:▷In heavy rain.▷If the sensors are very dirty or covered withice.▷If the sensors are covered with snow.▷On rough road surfaces.▷In large, rectangular buildings with smoothwalls, for example underground car parks.▷Due to dense exhaust gas.▷Due to other ultrasonic sources, for examplesweeping machines, steam-jet cleaners orneon lights.The functional disruption is reported by analternating continuous tone between thefront and rear loudspeakers. As soon as thedisruption by other ultrasound sources is nolonger present, the system is fully functionalagain.▷If the cover of the trailer tow hitch is incor‐rectly seated.Towing a trailerThe rear sensors are unable to perform anymeaningful measurements. They therefore donot switch on.A Check Control message is displayed.Automatic activationWhile the engine is running, engage transmis‐sion position R.Switching off automaticallySystem switches off and the LED turns off:▷When the vehicle is moving forwards afterapprox. 50 m, 160 ft.▷When the vehicle is moving forwards overapprox. 36 km/h, 22 mph.If required, switch on the system again.Switching on/off manuallyPress the button.Seite 101101Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
▷On: LED is illuminated.▷Off: LED turns off.Audible warning signalsAn intermittent sound indicates the position ofan object as the car approaches it. For instance,if an object is identified to the rear left of the car,the warning signal sounds from the rear leftloudspeaker.The shorter the distance to an object becomes,the shorter the intervals become.If the distance to a detected object is less thanapproximately 25 cm, 10 in, a continuous tonesounds.If there are objects in front of and behind the ve‐hicle, an alternating continuous tone sounds.An intermittent continuous tone is interruptedafter approximately three seconds:▷If you are driving parallel to a wall.The sound signal is switched off:▷Once the vehicle has moved more than ap‐proximately 10 cm, 4 in away from an object.▷If gearbox position P is engaged.Volume controlYou can set the volume of the PDC sound signal,see page 158.The setting is saved for the remote control cur‐rently in use.Visual warningWhen the vehicle is approaching an object it willbe shown on the control display. Objects thatare further away from the car will appear on thecontrol display before an audible warning signalis given.A display is superimposed as soon as PDC isactivated.If the image from the rear-view camera was lastselected, this is displayed again. To switch overto PDC:1.   "Rear view camera" Select the symbolon the control display.2. Press the controller.The setting is saved for the remote control cur‐rently in use.Zoom image*In the left part of the screen the vehicle is shownenlarged.▷Forward gear engaged or transmission po‐sition D selected: front vehicle area.▷Reverse gear engaged or transmission po‐sition R selected: rear vehicle area.MalfunctionA Check Control message, see page 66, is dis‐played in the instrument cluster.The areas in front of and behind the vehicle areshown as shaded on the control display. PDChas failed. Have the system checked.To ensure correct functionality:▷Keep sensors clean and free from ice.▷Do not spray the sensors with high-pressurecleaners for an extended period of time andmaintain a distance of at least 30 cm, 12 in.Seite 102102Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Driving comfort
Rear-view camera*PrincipleThe rear-view camera offers assistance whenreversing into a parking space or manoeuvring.To achieve this, the area behind the vehicle isdisplayed on the control display.System limitsAlso monitor the traffic situationAlso monitor the traffic situation aroundthe vehicle by observing it directly. Otherwise,there is a danger that accidents might occur dueto other road users or objects located outside ofthe screen area of the rear-view camera, for ex‐ample.◀Detection of objectsHigher, protruding objects such as ledgesmay not be detectable by the rear-view cam‐era.◀Automatic activationWhile the engine is running, engage transmis‐sion position R.The image from the rear-view camera is dis‐played if the system was switched on using theiDrive.Switching off automaticallySystem switches off and the LED turns off:▷When the vehicle is moving forwards afterapprox. 10 m, 33 ft.▷When the vehicle is moving forwards overapprox. 15 km/h, 9 mph.If required, switch on the system again.Switching on/off manuallyPress the button.▷On: LED is illuminated.▷Off: LED turns off.PDC is displayed on the control display.Switching on the rear-view camera via iDrive,see page 105.Assistance functionsOperating requirements▷The rear-view camera is switched on.▷The tailgate is completely closed.Driving lane lines▷These can appear in the image from therear-view camera in transmission position R.▷They help to estimate the required spacewhen parking and manoeuvring on a levelroad surface.▷They are dependent on the current steeringangle and are continuously adapted tosteering wheel movements.Displaying parking assistance lines, seepage 105.Seite 103103Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Turning circle lines▷They can appear in the image from the rear-view camera.▷They show the course of the smallest pos‐sible turning circle on a level road surface.▷When the steering wheel is fully turned, onlya turning circle line is displayed.Displaying parking assistance lines, seepage 105.Parking with the help of driving laneand turning circle lines1. Position the vehicle so that the turning circlelines are on the limit of the parking space.2. Turn the steering wheel so that the drivinglane line covers the corresponding turningcircle line.Obstacle marking▷Spaced markings can appear in the imagefrom the rear-view camera.Its colour incrementation corresponds to themarkings of PDC. It is easier to estimate the dis‐tance to the displayed object.Zoom to trailer tow hitch*To facilitate connecting up a trailer, the picturearea around the trailer tow hitch can be zoomed.The distance between the trailer and the trailertow hitch can be estimated with the aid of twostatic semicircles.A docking-on line dependent on the steeringangle helps you to aim at the trailer with yourtrailer tow hitch.The zoom function can be enabled when thecamera is switched on.Displaying the trailer tow hitch via iDrive, seepage 105.Activating assistance functionsA number of assistance functions can be activesimultaneously.The zoom function for towing a trailer can onlybe activated individually.Seite 104104Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Driving comfort
Displaying parking assistance lines  "Parking help lines"Driving lane and turning circle lines are dis‐played.Displaying obstacle marking  "Obstacle marking"Spatially shaped markings are displayed.Displaying the trailer tow hitch*  "Trailer tow bar - zoom"The zoom to the trailer tow hitch is displayed.Display on the control displaySwitching on the rear-view camera viaiDriveWith PDC activated:  "Rear view camera"The image from the rear-view camera is dis‐played. The setting is saved for the remote con‐trol currently in use.BrightnessWith rear-view camera switched on:1.   Select the symbol.2. Turn the controller until the desired settingis reached and press the controller.ContrastWith rear-view camera switched on:1.   Select the symbol.2. Turn the controller until the desired settingis reached and press the controller.CameraThe camera lens is at the rear in the bumperabove the number plate holder. Dirt can impairthe quality of the picture.Clean the lens, see page 266.Park assistant*PrincipleThe system supports you when parking in par‐allel to the road.Ultrasound sensors measure parking spaces onboth sides of the vehicle.The park assistant calculates the ideal parkingline and takes over steering during the processof parking.When parking up, also follow the visual and au‐dible instructions of the PDC and the park assistand accelerate or brake.The park assistant incorporates Park DistanceControl, PDC*, see page 100.Personal responsibilityThe park assistant does not take your per‐sonal responsibility from you when you are park‐ing.Seite 105105Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Monitor the parking space and the parking pro‐cedure by directly looking. If applicable, interfereto avoid accidents.◀RequirementsTo measure parking spaces▷When the vehicle is moving forwards up toapproximately 36 km/h, 22 mph.▷Maximum distance to the row of parking ve‐hicles: 1.5 m, 5 ft.Suitable parking space▷Gap between two objects with a minimumlength of approximately 1.5 m, 5 ft each.▷Minimum length: own vehicle plus approxi‐mately 1.2 m, 4 ft.▷Minimum depth: approx. 1.5 m, 5 ft.For parkingClosed doors.Switch onUsing the buttonPress the button.LED is illuminated.The current status of the parking space searchis displayed on the control display.  Parking assist is automatically activated.When engaging reverse gearThe current status of the parking space searchis displayed on the control display.Activating:     "Parking assistance" Select thesymbol on the control display.Display on the control displayStatus of the systemSymbol Meaning  Grey: system not available.White: system available but not acti‐vated.  System is activated.Grey: system not activated. Park‐ing space search.Blue: system is activated. Foundsuitable parking space.Parking process active.Steering has been taken over.Status of the parking space search▷Grey, arrow 1: parking space search.▷Blue, arrow 2: parking space suitable.Seite 106106Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Driving comfort
If the programme is active, the vehicle willpark into the parking space.▷Nothing displayed: no parking space search.Parking with the park assistantPersonal responsibilityThe park assistant does not take your per‐sonal responsibility from you when you are park‐ing.Monitor the parking space and the parking pro‐cedure by directly looking. If applicable, interfereto avoid accidents.◀Also monitor the traffic situationLoud noises on the outside or the inside ofthe vehicle which could drown the warningsound of the park assistant or PDC.Please additionally monitor the traffic situationaround the vehicle to avoid accidents.◀1. Switch on the park assistant and activate, ifapplicable.Status of the parking space search is dis‐played on the control display.2. Follow the instructions on the control dis‐play.The end of the parking process is displayedon the control display.3. Straighten up the parking position, if appli‐cable.Notes▷The park assistant takes over steering aslong as the symbol for the active parkingprocess is displayed.▷The system manoeuvres to optimally park insmaller parking spaces.▷To achieve an optimum parking position,wait for the automatic steering process afterchanging gear at standstill.▷You must indicate accordingly when parkinginto parking spaces on the driver’s side.Cancel manuallyYou can cancel the park assistant at any time by:▷Holding the steering wheel or steering your‐self.▷  "Deactivate parking assist." Select thesymbol on the control display.Cancel automaticallyThe system automatically cancels:▷At speeds over approximately 10 km/h,6 mph.▷On snow-covered or slippery road surfaces.▷When doors are open.A Check Control message is displayed.ContinueYou can continue a cancelled parking process,if applicable.For this purpose, follow the instructions on thecontrol display.Switching offThe system can be deactivated by:▷Press the button.▷Switch the ignition off.MalfunctionA Check Control message is displayed.The park assistant has failed. Have the systemchecked.System limitsIf a parking space changesThe system does not take changes to aparking space that has already been measuredinto account.This means that you must pay full attention sothat you are able to intervene actively at anytime. Otherwise there is the risk of an accident.◀Carrying loadsLoads that protrude the vehicle are nottaken into account by the system during theparking process.Seite 107107Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
This means that you must pay full attention sothat you are able to intervene actively at anytime. Otherwise there is the risk of an accident.◀CurbsWhere applicable, the park assistant maysteer across curbs or up onto curbs.Therefore, pay full attention so that you are ableto intervene actively at any time. Otherwisethere is the risk of damage to the wheels andtyres or the rest of the vehicle.◀No park assistantThe park assistant does not support parking:▷On sharp bends.▷When towing a trailer.Restrictions of the functionThe function can be restricted, for example inthe following situations:▷If the sensors are dirty or iced-up.▷In thick fog and heavy rain or snow.▷When on uneven road surfaces, for examplegravel roads.▷If leaves have collected or snow has driftedor been piled up in the parking gap.Limits of the ultrasound measurementDetection of objects might not be possible if thephysical limits of the ultrasonic measuring prin‐ciple are exceeded, for instance by:▷Trailer noses and hitches.▷Thin or wedge-shaped objects.▷Higher, protruding objects, for examplebreaks of walls or loads.▷Objects with corners and sharp edges.▷Objects with fine surfaces or structures, e.g.fences.In some cases, parking spaces may be detectedthat are not suitable.Ultrasonic sensorsThe ultrasonic sensors to measure parkingspaces are located on the wheel trim.To ensure correct functionality:▷Keep sensors clean and free from ice.▷Do not spray the sensors with high-pressurecleaners for an extended period of time andmaintain a distance of at least 30 cm, 12 in.Seite 108108Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Driving comfort
Saving fuelGeneralYour vehicle contains wide-ranging technolo‐gies for reducing consumption and emissionlevels.Fuel consumption depends on various factors.A number of measures, driving style and regularmaintenance can influence the fuel consump‐tion and the burden on the environment.Removing transported loadthat is not requiredExtra weight increases fuel consumption.Removing add-on parts afteruseRemove auxiliary mirrors, roof racks and rear-mounted racks after use.Add-on parts on the car interfere with its aero‐dynamic performance and inflate fuel consump‐tion.Closing windows and theglass roof*An opened glass roof or opened window increa‐ses the drag coefficient and thus the fuel con‐sumption.Checking tyre pressuresregularlyCheck and, if necessary, correct tyre inflationpressures at least twice a month and before set‐ting off on a longer journey.Insufficient tyre inflation pressure enlarges therolling resistance and thus increases fuel con‐sumption and tyre wear.Driving off immediatelyDo not warm up the engine with the car at astandstill; it is preferable to set off straight away,driving at moderate engine speeds.A cold engine will then reach its operating tem‐perature faster.Driving with foresightAvoid accelerating and braking unnecessarily.Keep an appropriate distance from the preced‐ing vehicle.Anticipating the road situation and adopting asmooth driving style will reduce fuel consump‐tion.Avoid high engine speedsUse 1st gear to drive off. As from 2nd gear, ac‐celerate quickly. Avoid high engine speeds andshift up quickly.Shift into the highest possible gear when youhave reached the desired speed and drive at aconstant speed with the lowest possible enginespeed.Basic principle: driving at low engine speeds re‐duces fuel consumption and wear.The shift point indicator* of your vehicle indi‐cates the most economical gear.Making use of coastingOn approaching a red traffic light, take your footoff the accelerator and allow the car to roll.On downward stretches, take your foot off theaccelerator and allow the car to roll.The fuel supply is interrupted when coasting.Seite 133133Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Switching off the enginewhen stationaryWhen you stop the car for longer periods, forexample at traffic lights, railway crossings or intraffic jams, switch off the engine.You save fuel even if the engine is off for no lon‐ger than approximately four seconds.The Auto Start Stop function* of your vehicleshuts off the engine automatically during a stop.Switching off functions thatare not necessary at themomentFunctions such as seat heating or heated rearwindow require a great deal of energy and con‐sume additional fuel, especially in city traffic andstop/go traffic.For this reason, switch these functions off if theyare not required.Having the car servicedHave the vehicle serviced regularly to achieveoptimal economy and service life. It is recom‐mended to have maintenance work performedby your Service centre.See also the BMW Maintenance System, seepage 245.ECO PRO*PrincipleECO PRO supports a low energy consumptiondriving style. To do this, the engine control andcomfort functions are adjusted, such as, for ex‐ample, the air conditioning power.In addition, situation-dependent instructionscan be displayed which help you to drive withoptimum fuel consumption.In the instrument cluster, the extension of therange achieved as a result can be displayed.Activate ECO PROPress button, see page 94, until ECOPRO is displayed in the instrumentcluster.Display in the instrument clusterECO PRO bonus rangeAn extension of range can beachieved due to adjusted drivingstyle.This is displayed as bonus rangein the instrument cluster.Driving style*In the revolution counter, a mark‐ing in the bar display shows thecurrent efficiency of the drivingstyle according to the gas pedalsetting.▷Blue display: efficient driving style as long asthe marking moves in the blue area.▷Grey display: adjust driving style, for exam‐ple, by coming off the gas.The display changes to blue as soon as all theconditions for driving with optimised fuel con‐sumption are met.ECO PRO tip - driving instruction*The arrow shows that the drivingstyle can be adjusted to be moreefficient on fuel consumption bycoming off the gas.Additional SymbolsSymbol MeasureCome off the gas for efficient drivingstyle.Reduce speed to the selected ECOPRO speed.Automatic gearbox*: switch from Sto D and/or avoid manual changes.Seite 134134Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Saving fuel
Symbol MeasureGearbox: follow gear change instruc‐tions.Gearbox: engage idling for enginestop.Configure ECO PRO1. "Settings"2. "Driving mode"3. "Configure ECO PRO"4. Configure the program.ECO PRO tip▷"Tip at:":Adjust ECO Pro speed, when an ECO PROtip is shown.▷"Tip for speed"A reminder is shown if the set ECO PROspeed is exceeded.ECO PRO air conditioning"ECO PRO climate control"The air conditioning is adjusted for efficient fuelconsumption.The following settings are optimised:▷Cooling or heating power of the air condi‐tioning system*▷Exterior mirror heating*▷Seat heating*ECO PRO PotentialIt is shown how much percentage of the possiblesaving potential can be achieved with the cur‐rent configuration.Display on the Control DisplayEfficientDynamicsWhen travelling, information on consumptionand technology is shown.1. "Vehicle information"2. "EfficientDynamics"Show fuel consumption historyThe average fuel consumption can be shown inthe set time span.  "Consumption history"Set time fuel consumption history timespan  Select the symbol.Reset fuel consumption history1. Call up "Options".2. "Reset"Show EfficientDynamics InfoThe current type of action can be shown.  "EfficientDynamics Info"The following systems are shown:▷Auto Start Stop function▷Energy recuperation▷Air conditioning power.Seite 135135Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
 Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490
NavigationVarious examples of how the navigation systemreliably guides you to your destination are shownhere.Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490
Navigation*Navigation systemGeneralThe navigation system can determine the pre‐cise position of the vehicle by means of satellitesand vehicle sensors and guide you reliably to anyspecified destination.Navigation data is saved in the vehicle and canbe updated.Inputs when the vehicle is stationaryOnly enter data when the car is stationary,and always obey the traffic regulations and roadsigns in the event of any contradiction betweenthe traffic situation and the instructions given bythe navigation system. You could otherwisecommit an offence and put vehicle occupantsand other road users at risk.◀Call up navigation system1.   Press the button on the controller.2. "Navigation"The navigation system can also be directlycalled up with the button on the controller.Destination inputManual destination inputGeneralWhen you are entering a town/city or streetname, the system supports you with automaticname completion and input matching, seepage 20.Saved town/city and street names can be calledup quickly.▷You can skip input of the country, town orcity if you wish to retain previous inputs.▷If only the town/city has been entered, routeguidance to the town/city centre is started.Country input1. "Navigation"2. "Destination input"3. Select "Country" or the country displayed.Entering a town/city1. Select "City/Postcode" or the town/city dis‐played.2. Select letters, if applicable.The list is gradually narrowed down witheach input.3. Tilt the controller to the right.4. Select the name of a town/city from the list.If there are several places with the same name:1. Move to the list of place names.2. Highlight the town/city.3. Select the town/city.Entering the postcode*1. Select "City/Postcode" or the town/city dis‐played.2.   Select the symbol.Seite 138138Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Navigation
3. Select digits.4. Move to the list of postcodes and towns/cit‐ies.5. Mark entry.6. Select an entry.Entering a street and junction1. Select "Street" or the displayed street.2. Enter the street or junction in the same wayas the town/city.If there are several streets with the same name:1. Move to the list of street names.2. Highlight the street.3. Select the street.Alternatively, enter street and housenumber1. Select "Street" or the displayed street.2. Enter street in the same way as town/city.3. "Building number"4. Select digits.5. Move to the list of house numbers.6. Select the house number or a range of housenumbers.Road/street not in the destinationThe desired road/street is not in the enteredtown/city because it is part of another city dis‐trict.1. "Navigation"2. "Destination input"3. Select "Street" or the displayed street.4. Move to the list of street names.5. "In" select country listed.All the roads/streets of the selected countryare offered. The respective town or city isshown after the street name.6. Select the letters.7. Move to the list of street names.8. Highlight the street.9. Select the street.Starting route guidance afterdestination input1. "Accept destination"2. "Start guidance" or "Add as anotherdestination"Enter destination as a further destination,see page 145.Address bookSelecting a destination from theaddress book1. "Navigation"2. "Address book"Contacts with addresses are displayed ifthese addresses have been checked as des‐tinations.If the contacts with addresses are not shownby the mobile phone of the BMW Online ad‐Seite 139139Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
dress book* this must first be as destinationchecked, see page 216.3. Select a contact from the list or use "A-Zsearch".4. Where applicable, "Work address" or"Home address"Saving a destination in the addressbookAfter destination input, save the destination inthe address book.1. "Navigation"2. "Map"3.   "Guidance"4. Call up "Options".5. "Save as new contact" or "Add to existingcontact"6. If applicable, select an existing contact.7. "Work address" or "Home address"8. Enter "Surname" and, if applicable, "Firstname".9. "Save in car"Saving positionThe current position can be saved in the addressbook.1. "Navigation"2. Call up "Options".3. "Save position as a contact" or "Addposition to contact"4. Select an existing contract from the list, de‐pending on the selection. Select the type ofaddress and enter first name and last name.5. "Save in car"Edit or delete the address1. "Navigation"2. "Address book"3. Mark entry.4. Call up "Options".5. "Edit in Contacts" or "Delete entry"Accepting your home address as adestinationThe home address must be created. Specifyingthe home address, see page 215.1. "Navigation"2. "Address book"3. "Home address"4. "Start guidance"Seite 140140Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Navigation
Last destinationsOverviewThe last destinations reached are saved auto‐matically.These destinations can be called up and incor‐porated into route guidance.Calling up last destinations1. "Navigation"2. "Last destinations"Starting route guidance1. "Navigation"2. "Last destinations"3. Select destination.4. "Start guidance"Editing a destination1. "Navigation"2. "Last destinations"3. Highlight destination.4. Call up "Options".5. "Edit destination"Deleting the last destinations1. "Navigation"2. "Last destinations"3. Highlight destination.4. Call up "Options".5. "Delete entry" or "Delete all lastdestinations"Points of interestCalling up the search for points ofinterestSelection of points of interest, for example ho‐tels or sights:1. "Navigation"2. "Points of interest"3. Select search.With Professional navigation system:Google™ local search*1. "Google™ Local Search"2. "City"Select or enter location.3. "Keyword"4. Enter keyword.Suggestions are displayed.5. Select suggestion.The list of points of interest is displayed.6. Select a point of interest.Details are displayed.If several details are included, you canbrowse through the pages.If a phone number is saved, a telephone con‐nection can be established.7.   Select the symbol."Start guidance" or "Add as anotherdestination"Enter destination as a further destination,see page 145.A-Z search1. "A-Z search"2. "City"Select or enter location.3. "Category"4. Selecting a category.5. "Category details"Seite 141141Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
With Professional navigation system: Forsome special destinations, several categorydetails can be selected. Tilt the controller tothe left to exit the category details.6. "Keyword"7. Enter keyword.The list of points of interest is displayed.8. Select a point of interest.Details are displayed.If several details are included, you canbrowse through the pages.If a phone number is saved, a telephone con‐nection can be established.9.   Select the symbol."Start guidance" or "Add as anotherdestination"Enter destination as a further destination,see page 145."Start search": without entering a search term,the search is repeated using the last storedsearch term.Category search1. "Category search"2. "City"Select or enter location.3. "Category"4. Selecting a category.5. "Category details"With Professional navigation system: Forsome special destinations, several categorydetails can be selected. Tilt the controller tothe left to exit the category details.6. "Start search"The list of points of interest is displayed.7. Select a point of interest.Details are displayed.If several details are included, you canbrowse through the pages.If a phone number is saved, a telephone con‐nection can be established.8.   Select the symbol."Start guidance" or "Add as anotherdestination"Enter destination as a further destination,see page 145.Displaying points of interestList of points of interest: points of interest arearranged according to distance and marked withan arrow showing the direction.In the Professional navigation system: In thesplit screen, points of interest from the selectedcategory are displayed as symbols in the mapview. The display depends on the map scale andthe category.Destination input via BMW Assist*A connection to the information service, seepage 217, is established.1. "Navigation"2. "Destination input"3. Call up "Options".4. "BMW Assist dest. input"Additional information via BMWOnline*1. "Navigation"2. "Points of interest"3. Select a point of interest.4. Call up "Options".5. "Further info (BMW Online)"Displaying points of interest in the mapTo show symbols for the points of interest in themap view:1. "Navigation"2. "Map"3. Call up "Options".4. "Display points of interest"5. Select the setting.Seite 142142Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Navigation
Destination input via mapSelecting a destination1. "Navigation"2. "Map"The current position of the vehicle is shownin the map.3.   "Interactive map"4. Select the destination with the cross-hairs.▷To change the scale: turn the controller.▷To move the map: tilt the controller in thecorresponding direction.▷To move the map diagonally: tilt the con‐troller in the corresponding directionand turn it.Specifying the street/roadIf the system does not detect a street/road, oneof the following items of information is dis‐played:▷A street name in the vicinity.▷The county.▷The co-ordinates of the destination.Additional functionsPress the controller to access the following ad‐ditional functions available in the interactivemap:▷  Select the symbol."Start guidance" or "Add as anotherdestination"Enter destination as a further destination,see page 145.▷"Exit interactive map": back to the map view.▷"View north-oriented" or "View direction oftravel"▷"Display destination": map section aroundthe destination is displayed.▷"Display current location": the map sectionaround the current location is displayed.▷"Search for points of int.": search for pointsof interest is started.Destination input by voice control*General▷Instructions for the voice control system,see page 21.▷A changeover between voice operation andiDrive is possible when entering destina‐tions using spoken commands.▷Have possible voice commands readaloud: ›Voice commands‹Voice commands▷For Professional navigation system: City,street and house number can be entered ina single command*.▷Countries, locations, roads and junctionscan be spoken as whole words* in the lan‐guage of the system, see page 76, or spelledout.Seite 143143Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Example: to enter a town/city within Ger‐many as an entire word, the language of thesystem must be German.▷Spell out the input if the language spokenand the language of the system differ.▷Pronounce letters fluently and avoid exces‐sive intonation and pauses.▷The options for input depend on the specificnavigation data, country and language set‐tings.For Professional navigation system:Enter the address in a command*1.   Press the button on the steeringwheel.2. ›Destination input‹3. Wait for the system prompt.4. Say the address aloud in the sequence sug‐gested.5. Continue input as specified by the system.If required, say each part of the address sepa‐rately, for example town/city.Entering name of town/city on its ownThe place name can be spoken as a word* orspelled out.When the destination input menu is displayed:1.   Press the button on the steeringwheel.2. ›City‹ or ›Spell name of city‹3. Wait for the system to ask for the town/city.4. Say the name of the town/city or say at leastthe first three letters.Depending on the input, up to 20 towns/cit‐ies are suggested.5. Select the town/city.▷Selecting the suggested town/city: ›Yes‹▷Selecting a different town/city: ›Newentry‹▷Select an entry, ›Entry ...‹, for exampleentry 2▷Spell the input: ›Spell name of city‹6. Continue input as specified by the system.If there are several places with the same name:Where applicable, places that sound the sameare shown in a list and displayed as a place fol‐lowed by three dots.1. Select the entry: ›Yes‹ or ›Entry ...‹ e. g. En‐try 2.2. Select the desired location.Entering street or junction on its ownEnter the street or junction in the same way asthe town/city.Entering house number on its ownDepending on the data present in the navigationsystem, house numbers up to 2000 can be en‐tered.1. ›Building number‹2. Say the house number.3. Continue input as specified by the system.Planning trip with intermediatedestinationsNew tripA trip can be planned using intermediate desti‐nations.1. "Navigation"2. "Map"3. If necessary, tilt the controller to the left.4.   "Guidance"5. "Enter new destination"Seite 144144Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Navigation
6. Select the mode of destination entry.7. Enter an intermediate destination.8. "Start guidance"Entering a trip destinationFor one trip, a maximum of 30 intermediate des‐tinations can be entered.1. "Enter new destination"2. Select the mode of destination entry.3. Enter an intermediate destination.4. "Add as another destination"The intermediate destination is added to thedestinations list and is highlighted.5. Turn the controller until the intermediatestop appears at the desired location in thelist.6. Press the controller.Starting the trip1. Highlight the first destination after enteringall intermediate destinations.If, for example, the second intermediatedestination is the one highlighted when youstart route guidance, the first intermediatedestination is skipped.2. "Start guidance"  symbol indicates the active stage of thetrip.In the Professional navigation system:Storing a tripUp to 30 trips can be stored in the trip list. Ifnecessary, delete existing trips so that new tripscan be saved.1. Call up "Options".2. "Save journey"3. Enter names.4. "OK"In the Professional navigation system:Selecting stored trips1. "Navigation"2. "Saved journeys"3. Select trip.4. "Start guidance"Reversing the trip directionThe intermediate destinations are shown in thelist in reverse order.1. "Map"2.   "Guidance"3. Call up "Options".4. "Reverse stage dest. order"Options for the intermediatedestinations1. "Map"2.   "Guidance"3. "Display all stage dest."4. Select an intermediate destination.▷"Edit destination"▷"Reposition stage dest.": move the in‐termediate destination in the list.▷"Delete stage destination"▷"Go to the next stage dest."Some options are not possible for some trips.In the Professional navigation system:Deleting stored trips1. "Saved journeys"2. Highlight the desired trip.3. Call up "Options".4. "Delete all journeys" or "Delete journey"Seite 145145Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
In the Professional navigation system:Importing trips from a USB medium*1. Switch on ignition.2. Insert a USB medium into the USB interface,see page 119, in the glove box.3. "Navigation"4. "Saved journeys"5. "Import journeys"6. "USB"7. "OK"The maximum number of trips that can be savedon the USB medium and in the navigation sys‐tem together is 30, otherwise import is not pos‐sible.In the Professional navigation system:Importing trips using BMW Online*1. "Navigation"2. "Saved journeys"3. "Import journeys"4. "BMW Online"In the Professional navigation system:Calling up the last trip1. "Navigation"2. "Saved journeys"3. "Last journey"4. "Start guidance"In the Professional navigation system:Guided toursGeneralRecommended routes can be added to theroute guidance, for example a holiday route.Starting guided tours1. "Navigation"2. "Saved journeys"3. "Guided Tour search"4. Select "Country" and "Region" or searchcriteria:▷"Search for name"▷"Search for nearest Tour"5. If applicable, "Start search"6. Select a guided tour.7.   "Start guidance"8. "Start guidance"Terminate guided tours1. "Navigation"2. "Map"3.   "Guidance"4. "Stop guidance"Route guidanceStarting route guidance1. "Navigation"2. Carry out destination input, see page 138.3. "Accept destination"4. "Start guidance"▷The route is displayed on the control display.▷The distance to the destination/intermedi‐ate destination and the estimated time of ar‐rival are shown in the map view.▷Arrow view is displayed in the instrumentcluster and control display as appropriate.Seite 146146Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Navigation
Ending route guidance1. "Navigation"2. "Map"3.   "Guidance"4. "Stop guidance"Continuing route guidanceIf you did not reach your destination during thelast journey, route guidance may be continued."Resume guidance"Route criteriaGeneral▷You can influence the route that is calcula‐ted by selecting various criteria.▷You can change the route criteria as often asyou like during destination input or duringroute guidance.▷Road types form part of the navigation dataand are taken into account in route planning,for example avoid motorways.▷The suggested route can differ from yourpersonal experience.▷The settings are saved for the remote con‐trol currently in use.▷In the Professional navigation system: Theroute criteria cannot be changed for guidedtours.▷Route guidance with traffic information, seepage 152.Altering route criteria1. "Navigation"2. "Map"3.             "Route criteria"4. Select a criterion:▷  "Fast route": time-optimised routeresulting from a combination of a routeas short as feasible and fast roads.▷  "Efficient route": optimised combi‐nation of the fastest and shortest route.▷  "Short route": short route, withoutregard to how fast or slow progress willbe.▷"Alternative routes": alternative routesare suggested if possible when routeguidance is active.With Professional navigation system:The individual suggestions are shown incolour.5. To select supplementary route criteria, ifnecessary:▷"Avoid motorways": motorways areavoided as far as possible.▷"Avoid toll roads": routes with tolls areavoided as far as possible.▷"Avoid pre-paid roads": routes withlong-term tolls are avoided as far as pos‐sible*.▷"Avoid ferries": ferries are avoided as faras possible.Course of routeVarious views of the course of the route areavailable during route guidance:▷Arrow display in the instrument cluster andon the control display.▷List of routine sections.▷Map view, see page 149.Arrow viewThe following information is displayed duringroute guidance:▷Large arrow: current direction of travel.▷Road name of the road you are currentlytravelling along.Seite 147147Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
▷Small arrow: indicator for next change ofheading.▷Junction view.▷Driving lane information.▷Traffic information.▷Distance to the next change of direction.▷Street name during the next change of di‐rection.Driving lane informationIn arrow view, a triangle indicates the recom‐mended lane on a multilane carriageway.▷Solid triangle: optimal driving lane.▷Hollow triangle: other lane, acceptable at themoment. But a lane change might soon benecessary.Display list of routine sectionsFor each route planning, a list of the route sec‐tions can be displayed. For each route stage, thedistance to be driven and the traffic informationare displayed.1. "Navigation"2. "Route profile"3. Mark route section.In the Professional navigation system: Theroute section is displayed in the split screen.Bypassing a section of the routeCalculate a new route for a route stage.1. "Navigation"2. "Route profile"3. "Create new route for"4. Turn the controller. Enter the distancewithin which you want to return to the origi‐nal route.5. Press the controller.Cancel bypassIn case you no longer wish to bypass this sectionof the route.1. "Navigation"2. "Route profile"3. "New route for:"4. "Cancel new route"Refuelling recommendationThe remaining range is calculated and, as nee‐ded, service stations along the way are dis‐played.1. "Navigation"2. "Route profile"3. "Recommended refuel"A list of service stations is displayed.4. Highlight the service station.With Professional navigation system: In thesplit screen, the position of the service sta‐tion is displayed.5. Select the service station.6.   Select the symbol.7. "Start guidance": route guidance to theservice station you selected is started."Add as another destination": the servicestation is added to the course of the route.Switching spoken instructions on/offThe setting is saved for the remote control cur‐rently in use.1. "Navigation"2. "Map"3.        "Spoken instructions"Seite 148148Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Navigation
Repeating spoken instructions1. "Navigation"2. "Map"3.   Highlight the symbol.4. Press the controller twice.Volume of spoken instructionsTurn the volume knob during the voice instruc‐tions until the desired volume is obtained.Saving voice instructions to favouritesbuttonsThe function Enable/disable voice instructionscan be saved to a favourites button, seepage 19, for quick access.Map viewDisplaying map view1. "Navigation"2. "Map"Overview1Function bar2Route stage with traffic obstruction3Road sign for traffic obstruction4Planned route5Location6Upper status field7Lower status fieldLines on the mapRoads and streets are displayed in various col‐ours and lines in accordance with their classifi‐cation. Dotted lines denote train and ferry con‐nections. National borders are denoted by thinlines.Traffic obstructionsSmall triangles along the planned route denoteroute stages with traffic obstructions, depend‐ing on the map scale. The direction in which thetriangle is pointing shows the direction of theobstruction.Road signs classify the obstructions.▷Red road sign: the obstruction affects theplanned route or direction of travel.▷Grey road sign: the obstruction does not af‐fect the planned route or direction of travel.Traffic information, see page 151.Planned routeAfter starting route guidance, the planned routeis shown on the map.Status fieldsDisplay/hide: press the controller.▷Upper status field: time, telephone and en‐tertainment details.▷Lower status field: symbol for active routeguidance, status of traffic information, arrivaltime and distance to destination.Function barThe following functions are available using thefunction bar:Symbol Function       Start/stop route guidance.       Switch spoken instructions on/off.            Change route criteria.  Search for point of interest.  Displaying traffic informationSeite 149149Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Symbol Function  Interactive map.            Set map view.  Changes the scale.To switch to the toolbar, tilt the controller to theleft.Change map section  "Interactive map"▷To move the map: tilt the controller in thecorresponding direction.▷To move the map diagonally: tilt the control‐ler in the corresponding direction and turn it.Changing the scale1.   Select the symbol.2. To change the scale: turn the controller.Automatically set scaleIn the north-facing map view, turn the controllerin any direction until the scale shows AUTO. Themap shows the entire distance between the lo‐cation and destination.Settings for map viewThe settings are saved for the remote controlcurrently in use.1. "Navigation"2. "Map"3. Call up "Options".4. "Settings"Set map view.▷"Day/night mode"Selecting by light ratios and making set‐tings."Traffic situation/grey map" Active: settingis not taken into account.▷With Professional navigation system:"Satellite images"Depending on the availability and resolution,satellite images* are displayed in scales of2 km to 1000 km, approx. 1 mile to 600 miles.▷With Professional navigation system:"Perspective view in 3D"Distinctive locations in the navigation dataare shown on the map in 3D.▷"Traffic situation/grey map"The map is optimised to the display of trafficinformation, see page 151. Symbols ofpoints of interest are no longer displayed.▷With Professional navigation system:"Weather"Weather symbols* are displayed on the mapwhen route guidance is active.Displayed symbols: clear skies, overcastskies, rain, thunderstorms and snow, withthe highest and lowest temperatures in eachcase.The information is updated when starting orcontinuing route guidance or when chang‐ing the destination.The symbols are displayed in specific se‐lected scales.With Business navigation system:Arrow viewThe map is displayed on the control display.1. Call up "Options".2. "Arrow view on map"The arrow view is shown on the map.With Business navigation system:Position displayThe current position is displayed on the ControlDisplay as coordinate data or, if possible, withtown and street.1. Call up "Options".2. "Current position"Position is displayed.Seite 150150Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Navigation
With Professional navigation system:Map view for split screenRegardless of the main screen, the map view canbe selected for the split-screen.1. Call up "Options".2. "Split screen"3. Tilt the controller repeatedly to the right untilthe split screen is selected.4. Select "Split screen display" or scale.5. Select map view.▷"Arrow view"▷"Map north-oriented"▷"Map indicating dir. of travel"▷"Map perspective"▷"Position"▷"3D exit roads": selected exits are dis‐played three-dimensionally.▷"Traffic situation/grey map"6. To change the scale: switch to split screenand turn controller.With Professional navigation system:Displaying images for destination*Photos can be displayed for certain destinationswhen route guidance is active.1. "Navigation"2. "Map"3. "Guidance"4. "Pictures at destination"5. Depending on the offering, various photoscan be selected.Traffic information*Overview▷Allows traffic information from radio stationsto be displayed that is transmitted by theTraffic Message Channel, TMC, of a trafficwarning service. Information on traffic ob‐structions and dangers is continuously up‐dated.▷Traffic information is displayed on the mapby symbols.▷Traffic information for the vicinity is storedin a list.  The symbol in the function bar of the mapview turns red if traffic information affectsthe calculated route.Traffic information throughBMW Assist*In several countries, BMW Assist realtime trafficinformation, RTTI, is transmitted.With a valid BMW Assist contract, instead of thetraffic information of the radio station, the traf‐fice information of BMW Assist is displayed.In countries in which BMW Assist does nottransmit any traffic information, the traffic infor‐mation of the radio station will continue to bedisplayed.Wih the traffic information from BMW Assisttraffic disruptions can be located more pre‐cisely. In addition, for example on routes whicha clear with a radius of approximately 100 km,approx. 60 miles, are displayed more preciselyaround the current position.  The symbol in the function bar of the mapview turns yellow, if the traffic information con‐cerns the calculated route and the expected de‐lay is less than 20 minutes. The symbol turns redif the expected delay is more than 20 minutes orthe route is blocked."Traffic situation/grey map": information on traf‐fic flow, for example, traffic jam or queuing traf‐fic, are only shown in this setting of the mapview, see page 152. The preview map in the listof the traffic information also shows this setting.Switching reception on/off1. "Navigation"2. Call up "Options".3. "Receive traffic info"Calling up the list of traffic information1. "Navigation"2. "Map"Seite 151151Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
3.   "Traffic information"The traffic information affecting the compu‐ted route is shown first. The various items oftraffic information are sorted by distancefrom the vehicle's current position.With traffic information from BMW Assist* atthe start of the list, information on diversionsis also displayed.4. Select the item of traffic information.  "More information": displays further in‐formation.5. If applicable, browse to the next or the pre‐ceding item of traffic information.Traffic information in the map"Traffic situation/grey map" Active: indicationson the Control Display are toggled to grey-scale.This facilitates optimum traffic information dis‐play. Day/night mode is not taken into consid‐eration for this setting. Symbols or points of in‐terest are not displayed.1. "Navigation"2. "Map"3. Call up "Options".4. "Settings"5. "Traffic situation/grey map"Symbols in the map viewDepending on the scale of the map and locationof the traffic obstruction in relation to the route,the symbols for traffic obstructions are dis‐played.Additional information in the map viewDepending on the scale, the length, directionand effect of a traffic obstruction are indicatedby road signs in the map or bars along the cal‐culated route.▷Red: traffic jam.▷Orange: queuing traffic.▷Yellow: heavy traffic.▷Green: free-flowing traffic.▷Grey: general traffic information, for exam‐ple roadworks.The information displayed depend on the spe‐cific traffic information service.Filtering traffic informationSelect the traffic information you want displayedon the map.1. "Navigation"2. "Map"3. Call up "Options".4. "Traffic info categories"5. Select the desired categories.Traffic information in the selected category isdisplayed on the map.▷Traffic information affecting the route aheadare always shown.▷For the sake of safety, traffic information re‐lating to potential hazards (vehicle driving inwrong direction on motorway, for example)cannot be hidden."Traffic flow": with traffic information fromBMW Assist* this category is not considered.Route guidance with traffic informationDiversion suggestions from the navigation sys‐tem may be taken manually with partially dy‐namic route guidance. With dynamic route guid‐ance they are recorded automatically in theroute guidance.Partially dynamic route guidancePartially dynamic route guidance is active whentraffic information reception is switched on.Seite 152152Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Navigation
The systems takes into account the existingtraffic information during the route guidance. Amessage is displayed depending on the route,the traffic information and the possible diversionroutes. If there is a traffic obstruction, a diversionis offered if possible. The route and time differ‐ence between the original route and the diver‐sion are also displayed.Accepting a diversion:  "Detour"For particular dangers, for example objects onthe road, a message is displayed with no diver‐sion option.Diversions can also be accepted if the trafficmessages are called up using the list.1. "Navigation"2. "Map"3.   "Traffic information"4. "Detour information"5.   "Detour"Dynamic route guidanceThe route is automatically changed if a trafficobstruction is encountered.▷The system does not indicate traffic ob‐structions on the original route.▷Traffic information is still displayed on themap.▷Depending on the type of road and the na‐ture and length of the traffic congestion, it isalso possible that the route is calculated sothat it cuts across the traffic congestion.▷Particular dangers are displayed independ‐ently of the setting.Activating dynamic route guidance:1. "Navigation"2. Call up "Options".3. "Dynamic guidance"Country-specific information via BMWOnline*Specific information on countries can be trans‐ferred via BMW Online, see page 219, for ex‐ample speed limits on B roads.1. "Navigation"2. Call up "Options".3. "Country info (BMW Online)"Navigation dataInformation on navigation data1. "Navigation"2. Call up "Options".3. "Navigation system version" Information re‐garding the version of the data is displayed.Updating navigation dataGeneralYou can obtain navigation data and the activa‐tion code from your Service centre. Navigationdata is saved in the vehicle and can be updated.▷Depending on the volume of data, updatingthe data can take several hours.▷Update while the vehicle is in motion, to savethe battery.▷Only the basic functions of the navigationsystem are available while an update is inprogress.▷You can check the status of the update proc‐ess.▷After updating, the system reboots.▷The device containing the navigation updatedata can be removed following the update.Professional navigation system:Carrying out an update1. Insert navigation DVD into the DVD playerwith the labelled side upwards.2. Follow the instructions on the control dis‐play.Seite 153153Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
3. Enter the activation code of the navigationDVD and, if necessary, change the DVD.After interrupting the journey, follow the instruc‐tions on the control display.Business navigation system: Carryingout an update1. Insert a USB medium with navigation datainto the USB interface in the glove box.2. Follow the instructions on the control dis‐play.3. Enter the activation code of the USB me‐dium with navigation data.4. StartingAfter starting, the system restarts and updatesthe navigation data while the vehicle is in mo‐tion*.Checking status1.   Press the button.2. "Navigation update"What to do if...▷The current position cannot be displayed.The car is in an area not covered by the data,is in a poor reception area or the system iscurrently calculating the position. Receptionwill normally be possible outdoors.▷A destination without a street is not trans‐ferred to the route guidance system.No city centre can be determined for theplace entered.Enter any street in the place selected andstart route guidance.▷A destination is not transferred to the routeguidance system.The data for the destination is not availablein the navigation data. Choose a destinationas close as possible to the original one.▷Letters cannot be selected for destinationinput.The data stored do not contain the destina‐tion data.Choose a destination as close as possible tothe original one.▷Map view shown in grey scales?"Traffic situation/grey map" Active: indica‐tions on the Control Display are toggled togrey-scale. This facilitates optimum trafficinformation display.▷Spoken instructions cease to be given im‐mediately before junctions during routeguidance?Area is not fully recorded, or you have devi‐ated from the suggested route and the sys‐tem requires a few seconds to calculate anew route.Seite 154154Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Navigation
Seite 155155Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
 Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490
EntertainmentThis chapter ensures your enjoyment whenreceiving radio and television stations or whenplaying CDs, DVDs and tracks from the musiccollection.Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490
SoundGeneralThe sound settings are saved for the remotecontrol currently in use.Treble, bass, balance, fader▷"Treble": treble adjustment.▷"Bass": bass adjustment.▷"Balance": left/right volume distribution.▷"Fader": front/rear volume distribution.Setting the treble, bass, balance andfader1. "CD/Multimedia", "Radio" or "Settings"2. "Tone"3. Select the desired sound setting.4. Adjusting: turn the controller.5. Saving: press the controller.Volume▷"Speed volume": adaptation of the volumedepending on speed*▷"PDC": volume of the PDC sound signal*relative to the sound output from the enter‐tainment system.▷"Gong": volume of the sound signal, for ex‐ample for seat belt reminder, in relation tothe sound output from the entertainmentsystem.▷"Microphone": microphone* volume duringa telephone call.▷"Loudspeak.": loudspeaker* volume duringa telephone call.The following volumes are stored only for therespective connected telephone:"Microphone", "Loudspeak.".Adjusting volumes1. "CD/Multimedia", "Radio" or "Settings"2. "Tone"3. "Volume settings"4. Select the desired volume setting.5. Adjusting: turn the controller.6. Saving: press the controller.Resetting the sound settings1. "CD/Multimedia", "Radio" or "Settings"2. "Tone"Seite 158158Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Sound
3. "Reset"Seite 159159Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
RadioControls1Switching entertainment sources2On/off, volume3With navigation system: favourite buttons*Without navigation system: radio stationbuttons4Changing station/track5Ejecting CD/DVD6CD/DVD* player7Traffic reports on/offSound outputSwitching on/offPress the on/off button on the radio when theignition is switched off.MutingPress the on/off button on the radio with the ig‐nition switched on or engine running.AM/FM stationsSelecting station1. "Radio"2. "FM" or "AM"3. Select the desired station.The selected station is saved for the remotecontrol currently in use.Changing stations using the buttonPress the button.Saving stations1. "Radio"2. "FM" or "AM"3. Highlight the desired station.4. Press and hold down the controller.5. Select the desired memory location.The stations are saved for the remote controlcurrently in use.With navigation system: The station can also bestored on the favourite buttons*, see page 19.Without navigation system: The station can alsobe stored on the radio station buttons, seepage 164.Seite 160160Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Radio
Manual station selectionStation selection via frequency.1. "Radio"2. "FM" or "AM"3. "Manual search"4. In the waveband "AM", select if necessarybetween "MW", "SW".5. To select the frequency: turn the controller.To save a station: press and hold down the con‐troller.RDS*RDS broadcasts additional information in theFM waveband, for example the station name.For a station with a number of frequencies, anautomatic changeover to the frequency with thebest reception quality takes place if required.Switching RDS on/off1. "Radio"2. "FM"3. Call up "Options".4. "RDS"The setting is saved for the remote control cur‐rently in use.Regional programmes*Certain FM stations broadcast regional pro‐grammes at certain times of day. The followingsettings are possible:▷REG function on:Recommended setting.The set regional programme is retained foras long as possible.Reception quality may deteriorate when yougo beyond its transmission area. If there ispoor reception quality for a longer period,there is a switch to a regional programmewith better reception.▷REG function off:When you leave the transmission area forthe regional station that is tuned, the radiochanges over to a new regional station ifavailable.When in an area with at least two regionalstations, the radio may switch between thestations. If this happens, switch on the REGfunction.Switching REG function on/off1. "Radio"2. "FM"3. Call up "Options".4. "REG"The setting is saved for the remote control cur‐rently in use.Seite 161161Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Digital radio, DAB*PrincipleUp to 15 digital stations are combined into whatis known as ensembles. Some stations featureadditional programmes. Sports stations, for ex‐ample, may broadcast various sports events atthe same time.Station search*The list of receivable stations will not be updatedautomatically. To perform an update, start thestation search manually.1. "Radio"2. "DAB"3. If applicable, "All ensembles"4. "Station search"Cancelling the station searchCall up any saved station via:▷Favourites buttons.▷"Saved stations"Selecting station1. "Radio"2. "DAB"3. Where applicable, select "All ensembles" orthe desired ensemble.4. Select the desired station.Changing stationsPress the button.Changing the ensembleIt is only possible to change the ensemble if thefollowing has been selected: "All ensembles".Press and hold down the button.Saving stations1. "Radio"2. "DAB"3. Select the desired station.Seite 162162Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Radio
4. Press the controller again.5. Select the desired memory location.The stations are saved for the remote controlcurrently in use.With navigation system: The station can also bestored on the favourite buttons*, see page 19.Without navigation system: The station can alsobe stored on the radio station buttons, seepage 164.Displaying additional informationSome stations broadcast additional informationin text form.1. "Radio"2. "DAB"3. Select the desired station.4. Call up "Options".5. "Station information"Automatic DAB/FM changeover*GeneralA station is automatically changed over if it is nolonger available and the DAB/FM changeover isactivated.First of all, a search is run for the station in an‐other ensemble. If it is not available in anotherensemble, the station’s analogue frequency issearched for.Automatic changeover is only possible if thecorresponding station’s signal is available in ad‐equate quality and the IDs of the stations match.Switching on automatic DAB/FMchangeover1. "Radio"2. "DAB"3. Call up "Options".4. "Autom. DAB/FM changeover"  Symbol* beside the station name indicatesthat a digital station is being played as analogue.  Symbol beside the station name indicatesthat a digital station is being played as digital inanother ensemble.The setting is saved for the remote control cur‐rently in use.Additional programmes  Symbol indicates that a selected station con‐tains additional programmes. Sports stations,for example, may broadcast various sportsevents at the same time.1. "Radio"2. "DAB"3. Select the desired station.4. Press the controller.5. Select the additional station.Saved stationsGeneralForty stations can be saved.Calling up a station1. "Radio"2. "Saved stations"Seite 163163Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
3. Select the desired station.Saving stationsThe currently selected station is saved.1. "Radio"2. "Saved stations"3. "Save station"4. Select the desired memory location.The list of saved stations is saved for the remotecontrol currently in use.With navigation system: The station can also bestored on the favourite buttons*, see page 19.Without navigation system: On radiostation buttons1. Select the desired station.2.   Press the desired button for longerthan two seconds.To call up a stored station, briefly pressure thecorresponding button.Deleting a station1. "Radio"2. "Saved stations"3. Select the desired station.4. Call up "Options".5. "Delete entry"Traffic reports*Display in the status field▷TP white: traffic radio switched on, trafficradio station available.▷TP grey: traffic radio switched on, no trafficradio station available.▷No display: Traffic Program is switched off.Switching Traffic Program on/offPress the button.The traffic report station with the stron‐gest reception is chosen.The setting is saved for the remote control cur‐rently in use.Interrupting a traffic reportPress one of the following buttons during a traf‐fic radio report:▷▷Adjusting the volumeTurn the volume knob during a traffic report untilthe desired volume is obtained.Seite 164164Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Radio
CD/multimediaControls1Switching entertainment sources2On/off, volume3With navigation system: favourite buttons*Without navigation system: radio stationbuttons4Changing station/track5Ejecting CD/DVD6CD/DVD* player7Traffic reports on/offSound outputSwitching on/offPress the on/off button on the radio when theignition is switched off.MutingPress the on/off button on the radio with the ig‐nition switched on or engine running.CD/ DVD*PlaybackInserting a CD/ DVD*Insert the CD/DVD with the label side upper‐most.The disk begins to play automatically.It may take a few minutes to read compressedaudio files.Starting playA CD/DVD is in the CD/DVD player or the DVDchanger*.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "CD/DVD"3. Select the desired CD or DVD.Symbol Meaning  CD/DVD* player  ...     DVD changer*Formats that can be played▷DVD: DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD-R DL, DVD+R DL,DVD-Audio (only video system), DVD-Video*.▷CD: CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, CD-DA,VCD*, SVCD*.▷Compressed audio files: MP3, WMA, AAC*,M4A*.Playing audio tracksSelecting a track using buttonPress button repeatedly until the de‐sired track is played.Seite 165165Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Selecting a track using the iDriveAudio CDsSelect the desired track to start playback.CDs/ DVDs* with compressed audio filesDepending on the data, it might occur that notall characters on the CD/DVD are displayed cor‐rectly.1. Select the directory as appropriate.To change to a higher-level directory: tilt thecontroller to the left.2. Select the desired track to start playback.Displaying track informationIf information is saved for a track, this is dis‐played automatically:▷Artist.▷Album title.▷Number of tracks on the CD/DVD*.▷File name of the track.Random playback1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "CD/DVD"3. Select the desired CD or DVD*.4. Call up "Options".5. "Random"CDs/ DVDs* with compressed audio files: Alltracks in the selected directory are played in or‐der.Random is switched off when the audio sourceis changed and the ignition is switched off.Fast forward/rewindKeep button pressed.Seite 166166Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490CD/multimedia
Automatic repeat*Selected CDs or DVDs are repeated automati‐cally.Video playback*Country codesOnly DVDs with the code of your home regioncan be played. See also the information on yourDVD.Code Region1 USA, Canada2 Japan, Europe, Middle East, South Af‐rica3 South-East Asia4 Australia, Central and South America,New Zealand5 North-West Asia, North Africa6 China0 All regionsPlaybackThe video image is shown on the front controldisplay up to a speed of approximately 3 km/h,2 mph. In some countries, it is only shown withthe parking brake engaged or in position P of theautomatic transmission.DVD video1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "CD/DVD"3. Select a DVD with video content.4.   "DVD menu"VCD/SVCD1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "CD/DVD"3. Select a CD/DVD with video content.4.   "Select track"5. Select the desired title.Video menuTo open the Video menu: turn the controllerwhile the DVD is playing.If "Back" is displayed, press the controller.Symbol Function  Calls up the DVD menu.  Starts playback.  Pause  Stop  Next chapter  Previous chapter  Fast forward  RewindFor fast forward/rewind: each time the controlleris pressed, the speed increases. To stop, startplayback.DVD menu1. If necessary, turn the controller to call up theVideo menu.Seite 167167Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
2.   "DVD menu"The DVD menu is displayed. The display de‐pends on the contents of the DVD.3. To select menu items: tilt and press the con‐troller.To change to the Video menu: turn and press thecontroller.Settings for DVD/VCDFor some DVDs, settings are only possible viathe DVD menu, see also information on yourDVD.Selecting language*The languages available depend on the DVD.1. Turn the controller while the DVD is playing.2. Call up "Options".3. "Audio/language"4. Select the desired language.Selecting subtitles*The available subtitles depend on the DVD.1. Turn the controller while the DVD is playing.2. Call up "Options".3. "Subtitles"4. Select the desired language or "Do notdisplay subtitles".Setting the brightness, contrast, colour1. Turn the controller while the DVD is playing.2. Call up "Options".3. "Display settings"4. "Brightness", "Contrast" or "Colour"5. Turn the controller until the desired settingis reached and press the controller.Selecting zoomDisplay video picture over full screen.1. Turn the controller while the DVD is playing.2. Call up "Options".Seite 168168Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490CD/multimedia
3. "Other options"4. "Zoom mode"Selecting titleDVD video:1. With the DVD menu displayed, turn the con‐troller.2. Call up "Options".3. "Other options"4. "Select title"5. Select the desired title.VCD/SVCD:1.   "Select track"2. Select the desired title.Select camera angle*The availability of an alternative camera angledepends on the DVD and the current track onthe DVD.1. Turn the controller while the DVD is playing.2. Call up "Options".3. "Other options"4. "Viewing angle"5. Select the desired angle of view.Calling up the main menu, BackThese functions are not included on every DVD.Therefore, they may not be available for use.DVD changer*Inside the bootThe DVD changer is located behind the left sidetrim in the boot.Controls and displays1Emptying the DVD compartments2LED on the DVD compartment3Buttons for DVD compartments4DVD compartment5Filling the DVD compartmentsFilling the DVD compartmentsindividually1.   Press the button.The LED on the first vacant compartmentflashes.2. Select a different compartment if necessary.3. Wait until the LEDs on the DVD compart‐ment flash.4. Insert a single CD or DVD in the centre.The CD/DVD is pulled in automatically andstored in the selected compartment.Seite 169169Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Inserting CDs/DVDsOnly insert CD/DVD if the LEDs on theDVD compartment are flashing, otherwise theCD/DVD or the DVD changer could be damaged.Do not force the CD/DVD into the drive; it couldjam and you might not be able to eject it.◀Filling all the available DVDcompartments1.   Press and hold down the button.The LEDs on the vacant compartmentsflash.2. Wait until the LEDs on the DVD compart‐ment flash and then insert a CD or DVD,making sure it is centred.The CDs/DVDs are drawn in automaticallyand stowed in the empty compartments.Inserting CDs/DVDsOnly insert CD/DVD if the LEDs on theDVD compartment are flashing, otherwise theCD/DVD or the DVD changer could be damaged.Do not force the CD/DVD into the drive; it couldjam and you might not be able to eject it.◀It may take a few minutes to read the CDs/DVDsafter loading.Removing CDs/DVDs individually1.   Press the button.2. Select the DVD compartment.The CD/DVD is pushed out slightly.3. Remove the CD/DVD.Removing all CDs/DVDs1.   Press and hold down the button.2. Remove the CDs/DVDs.FaultsA fault has occurred if all the LEDs on the DVDchanger are flashing quickly.Repairing the fault:1. Press one of the two buttons:▷▷The last CD/DVD inserted is pushed outslightly.2. Remove the CD/DVD.When the LEDs are no longer flashing quickly,the DVD changer is operational again.Playing audio tracks*The audio track of a DVD can be played even ifvideo playback is not possible in the vehicle.Only the main film is played, without intro or ex‐tras.Starting playThere is a DVD in the DVD changer.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "CD/DVD"3. Select the desired DVD.Selecting a chapter using the buttonPress button repeatedly until the de‐sired chapter is played.Selecting a chapter using iDrive1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "CD/DVD"3. Select the desired DVD.4. Select the desired chapter.Fast forward/rewindKeep button pressed.Selecting language*The languages available depend on the DVD.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "CD/DVD"3. Select the desired DVD.Seite 170170Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490CD/multimedia
4. Call up "Options".5. "Audio/language"6. Select the desired language.NotesCD/DVD player and changerDo not remove the coverAll BMW CD/DVD players and changersare Class 1 laser products. Do not operate whenthe cover is damaged, otherwise it could causesevere eye injuries.◀CDs and DVDsUsing CDs/DVDs▷Do not use CDs/DVDs with adhesivelabels that have been affixed subse‐quently, as these may peel off while inthe drive as a result of the tempera‐tures to which these media are ex‐posed during playing. This could dam‐age the system irreparably.▷Use only round CDs/DVDs with a standarddiameter of 12 cm, 5 in and do not use CDs/DVDs in conjunction with adapters, for ex‐ample CD singles. Otherwise the CDs or theadapter could jam and be impossible toeject.▷Do not use combined CD/DVDs, for exampleDVD Plus, as otherwise the CD/DVD couldjam and be impossible to eject.◀General malfunctions▷The CD/DVD players and changers havebeen optimised for operation in your vehicle.In some instances, they may be more sen‐sitive to faulty CDs/DVDs than devices forstationary use.▷If a CD/DVD cannot be played back, firstcheck whether it has been inserted cor‐rectly.Atmospheric humidityThe CD/DVD or the focussing lens can carrycondensation due to high humidity and playbackmay temporarily not be possible.Malfunctions with individual CDs/DVDsIf malfunctions occur only with individual CDs/DVDs, this can be due to one of the following:Self-recorded CDs/DVDs▷With self-recorded CDs/DVDs, possiblecauses include inconsistent data-creationor burning process, low quality or high ageof the CD/DVD blank.▷Only write on the upper side of CDs/DVDsusing a special marker pen.Damage▷Avoid causing fingerprints and protectagainst dust, scratches and moisture.▷Store CDs/DVDs in a case.▷Do not expose CDs/DVDs to temperaturesabove 50 ℃/122 ℉, high levels of humidityor direct sunlight.CDs/DVDs with copy protectionCDs/DVDs are often copy-protected by themanufacturer. This could result in CDs/DVDsbeing impossible to play, or only being playablewith restrictions.MACROVISIONThis product contains copyrighted technologybased on a number of registered US patents andintellectual property of the Macrovision Corpo‐ration and other manufacturers. The use of thiscopy protection must be approved by Macrovi‐sion. Media with the corresponding protection –unless otherwise agreed with Macrovision – mayonly be shown privately. It is prohibited to copythis technology.DTS Digital Surround™Manufactured under licence of US pat‐ent numbers: 5,451,942; 5,956,674;5,974,380; 5,978,762; 6,487,535 & and otherSeite 171171Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
patents issued and applied for in the USA andworldwide. DTS and the logo are registeredtrademarks & DTS Digital Surround and the DTSlogos are trademarks of DTS Inc. © DTS, Inc. Allrights reserved.Music collection*Music memoryGeneralTracks from CDs/DVDs and USB media can besaved in the music collection on a hard disk inthe vehicle and played from there.▷Audio CD: tracks are converted into a com‐pressed audio format. Information on the al‐bum, for example artist, is saved, if applica‐ble.▷CD/DVD or USB medium with compressedaudio files: the entire content of the CD/DVDor USB medium is saved as an album in thevehicle. WMA, MP3, M4A* and AAC* for‐mats are saved. Tracks and directories canbe deleted later individually, Delete tracksand directory, see page 175.Tracks with copy protection, DRM, aresaved, but cannot be played.Backing up music dataBack up music data regularly, as otherwiseit could be lost in the event of a fault in the harddisk.◀Music recognition technology and re‐lated data are provided by Gracenote®.Gracenote is the industry standard in music rec‐ognition technology and related content deliv‐ery. For more information, please and music-related data from Gracenote, Inc.,copyright © 2000-2009 Gracenote. GracenoteSoftware, copyright © 2000-2009 Gracenote.This product and service may practice one ormore of the following U.S. Patents: #5,987,525;#6,061,680; #6,154,773, #6,161,132,#6,230,192, #6,230,207, #6,240,459,#6,330,593, and other patents issued or pend‐ing. Some services supplied under license fromOpen Globe, Inc. for U.S. Patent: #6,304,523.Saving from CD/DVD1. Insert a CD or DVD in the CD/DVD player.2. "CD/Multimedia"3. "CD/DVD"4.   Select the symbol for the CD/DVD player.5. "Save in car"The music collection is displayed and the firsttrack of the CD/DVD is played. The tracks areplayed in the normal order during saving.During saving, bear the following in mind:Do not switch to the CD/DVD player and do notremove the CD from the CD/DVD player, as oth‐erwise saving is interrupted. It is possible tochange over to the other audio sources withoutinterrupting saving. Tracks of the current CD/DVD that have already been saved can also becalled up.Interrupting saving1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "CD/DVD"3. "Saving..."4. "Cancel saving"Seite 172172Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490CD/multimedia
The saving process is interrupted and can becontinued at any time.Resuming saving1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "CD/DVD"3.   Select the symbol for the CD/DVD player.4. "Continue saving"CD/DVD saving is continued at the start of thetrack for which saving was interrupted.Information on the albumDuring the saving process, the information, forexample the name of the artist, is saved for thetracks if this information is available in the data‐base in the vehicle or on the CD.To update the database, contact your Servicecentre.If the titles do not stored any information, theentire album information, see page 175, of theCD may be updated using BMW Online*.Saving from a USB mediumTo save music, a suitable medium must be con‐nected to the USB interface in the glove box.▷Suitable media: USB mass storage facilities,for example USB memory sticks or MP3players with USB interface.▷Unsuitable media: USB hard disks, USBhubs, USB memory card readers with anumber of bays, Apple iPod/iPhone. Musicfrom an Apple iPod/iPhone can be playedusing the USB audio interface in the centrearmrest.1. Connect the USB medium to the USB inter‐face in the glove box, see page 119.2. "CD/Multimedia"3. "Music collection"4. Call up "Options".5. "Music data import/export"6. "Import music (USB)"Playing musicMusic searchAll tracks for which information is saved can becalled up via music search. All tracks for whichno information is saved can be called up via thecorresponding album, see page 174.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "Music collection"3. "Music search"4. Select the desired category.5. Select the desired entry:▷Select "A-Z search", see page 19, andmake the desired entry.Seite 173173Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
▷Select the desired entry from the list.6. Select further categories as appropriate.The tracks found are listed in alphabeticalorder.Not all categories need to be selected. Tofind, for example, all the tracks of a certainartist, only call up the artist. All tracks by thatartist will be displayed.7. "Start playback"The list of tracks is repeated automatically.Starting new music search"New search"Music search using voice control*Instructions for the voice control system, seepage 21.1.   Press the button on the steeringwheel.2. ›Music search‹3. Call up the desired category, for exam‐ple ›Select artist‹.4. Say the desired entry from the list.5. Select further categories as appropriate.Selecting the track directly: ›Title ...‹.Say the spoken command and the name of thedesired track together in one command.Currently playingList of tracks last generated by a music search,or the last album selected.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "Music collection"3. "Current playback"4. If applicable, select the desired track.Top 50The 50 most played tracks.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "Music collection"3. "Top 50"4. If applicable, select the desired track.AlbumsAll saved albums, listed in the order of the dateof saving.Symbol Format  Audio CD  Compressed audio files1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "Music collection"3. Select the desired album.Depending on the album, the tracks or sub‐directories of the album are displayed. TheSeite 174174Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490CD/multimedia
first track will be played automatically if pos‐sible.4. Change directories if necessary to select atrack.To change to a higher-level directory: tilt thecontroller to the left.Random playbackAll the tracks in the selection are played in ran‐dom order.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "Music collection"3. Call up "Options".4. "Random"Managing musicAlbumsRenaming album*If applicable, the name of the album is enteredautomatically during saving. If the name is un‐known it can also be changed.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "Music collection"3. Highlight the desired album.4. Call up "Options".5. "Rename album"6. Select the letters individually.Deleting albumIt may not be possible to delete an album whilea track from that album is being played.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "Music collection"3. Highlight the desired album.4. Call up "Options".5. "Delete album"Deleting directory and trackIt may not be possible to delete a track while itis being played,or to delete a directory while a track from thatdirectory is being played.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "Music collection"3. Highlight the directory or track.4. Call up "Options".5. "Delete folder" or "Delete track"Album information*If no information was saved for audio CDs duringsaving, it can be updated later via BMW Onlineas required.The update takes place for each individual al‐bum.Seite 175175Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Updating album information via BMWOnline1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "Music collection"3. Highlight the desired album.4. Call up "Options".5. "Update album info online"If it was possible to save the album information,the name of the album is displayed.Free capacityDisplay free capacity in the music collection.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "Music collection"3. Call up "Options".4. "Memory available"Music collectionBacking up music collectionThe entire music collection can be backed up ona USB medium. Ensure that the USB mediumhas adequate free capacity.Depending on the number of tracks, backing upthe music collection can take several hours. Thisis why it is best to make the backup during alonger journey.1. Starting the engine.2. Connect the USB medium to the USB inter‐face in the glove box.3. "CD/Multimedia"4. "Music collection"5. Call up "Options".6. "Music data import/export"7. "Backup music on USB"Saving music collection to the vehicleWhen music is saved from a USB medium, theexisting music collection in the vehicle is re‐placed.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "Music collection"3. Call up "Options".4. "Music data import/export"5. "Restore music from USB"Deleting music collection1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "Music collection"3. Call up "Options".4. "Delete music collection"Seite 176176Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490CD/multimedia
External devicesOverviewSymbol Meaning  AUX-IN port  USB audio interface*  Audio interface for mobile phone*  Bluetooth audio*AUX-IN portOverview▷Connection of audio devices is possible, forexample MP3 players. The sound output isvia the vehicle loudspeakers.▷Recommendation: medium sound and vol‐ume settings on the audio device. Thesound might depend on the quality of theaudio files.ConnectingThe AUX-IN port is in the centre armrest.Connect the headphones or line-out connectionof the equipment to the jack connector.Playback1. Connect the audio device, switch it on andselect a track.2. "CD/Multimedia"3. If applicable, "External devices"4.   "AUX front"The sound is output via the vehicle loudspeak‐ers.Volume controlThe volume of the sound output depends on theaudio device. If this volume differs significantlyfrom other audio sources, it makes sense to bal‐ance the volumes.Adjust volume1. "CD/Multimedia"2. If applicable, "External devices"3.   "AUX front"4. "Volume"5. Turn the controller until the desired volumesetting is reached and press the controller.USB audio interface* /mobile phoneaudio interface*OverviewExternal audio devices can be connected, Op‐eration is done using the iDrive. The sound out‐put is via the vehicle loudspeakers.Connection options for external devices▷Connection is via USB audio interface: Ap‐ple iPod/iPhone, USB devices, for exampleMP3 player, USB memory sticks or mobilephones that are supported by the USB audiointerface.▷Connection is via snap-in adapter if your ve‐hicle is equipped with extended connectivityof the music player in the mobile phone: Ap‐ple iPhone or mobile phones.Seite 177177Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Playback only possible if there is no plug inthe AUX-IN port.Due to the large variety of the audio devicesavailable on the market, operation using the ve‐hicle cannot be ensured for every audio device/mobile phone.Ask at your Service centre regarding suitableaudio devices/mobile phones.Audio filesPlayback of common audio files is possible:▷MP3.▷WMA.▷WAV (PCM).▷AAC*, M4A*.▷Playback lists: M3U, WPL*, PLS*.Connection of Apple iPod/iPhone viaUSB audio interfaceThe USB audio interface is in the centre armrest.For the connection, use the special cableadapter for the Apple iPod/iPhone, availablefrom the Service centre, or a flexible adapter ca‐ble*.Connect the Apple iPod/iPhoneto the AUX-IN port and USB in‐terface using the special cableadapter or to the USB interfaceusing the flexible adapter cable*.The menu structure of the AppleiPod/iPhone is supported by the USB audio in‐terface.Connection of USB device via USBaudio interfaceThe USB audio interface is in the centre armrest.Connect using the flexible adapter cable. Thisprotects the USB interface and your USB deviceagainst mechanical damage.Connect the USB device to theUSB interface.After connecting for the first timeInformation on all titles, e.g. interpretation ontype of music, as well as the playback lists aretransferred to the vehicle. This might take sometime, depending on the USB device and thenumber of tracks.During transfer, the tracks can be called up viathe file directory.Number of tracksInformation on up to four USB devices or for ap‐proximately 16000 or 36000* titles can bestored in the vehicle. If a fifth device is connec‐ted or more than 16000 or 36000* tracks aresaved, the information from existing tracks willbe deleted if required.Copy protectionMusic tracks with integrated Digital Rights Man‐agement (DRM) cannot be played.Playback1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "External devices"Seite 178178Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490CD/multimedia
3. Select the     or     symbol.Playing starts with the first track.In the split-screen view, split-screen*, after afew seconds, the CD cover belonging to the titleis displayed.Searching for tracksOptions via:▷Playlists▷Information: type of music, interpretation, ifnecessary composer, album, track.▷Additionally for USB devices: file directory,composer if necessary.The titles are displayed if they have been cre‐ated with Roman letters.Starting the track search1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "External devices"3. Select the     or     symbol.4.   "Search"5. Select the desired category, for example"Genre" or "Artist".All entries are shown in a list.▷Call up "A-Z search" and make the de‐sired entry. When you enter a character,a filter is run on the basis of this charac‐ter as the first letter. When you enterseveral characters, all the results thatcontain this character string are dis‐played.▷Select the desired entry from the list.6. Select further categories as appropriate.Not all categories need to be selected. If, forexample, all the tracks of a certain artist areto be displayed, it is sufficient to call up onlythis artist. All tracks by that artist will be dis‐played.7. "Start playback"Starting a new track search"New search"PlaylistsCalling up playlists.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "External devices"3. Select the     or     symbol.4.   "Playlists"Currently playingList of currently played tracks.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "External devices"3. Select the     or     symbol.4.   "Current playback"Random playbackThe current list of tracks is played in random or‐der.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "External devices"3. Call up "Options".4. "Random"Seite 179179Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Fast forward/rewindKeep button pressed.Video playback*OverviewVideo playback possible through snap-inadapter. Operation is done using the iDrive. Thesound output is via the vehicle loudspeakers.PlaybackThe video image is shown on the front controldisplay up to a speed of approximately 3 km/h,2 mph. In some countries, it is only shown withthe parking brake engaged or in position P of theautomatic transmission.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "External devices"3.   Select the symbol.4.   "Video"5. Select the directory as appropriate.To change to a higher-level directory: tilt thecontroller to the left.6. Select the desired video file to start play‐back.Video menuSymbol Function  Next video file  Previous video fileSelect symbol twice to play back theprevious video file.NotesDo not expose the audio device to extreme en‐vironmental conditions, for example very hightemperatures, see the operating instructions ofthe audio device.Depending on the format of the audio files per‐fect playback cannot be ensured in every case;for example bit rates higher than 256 Kbit/s.Notes on connecting▷The connected audio device is supplied witha maximum of 500 mA if the device supportsthis. Do not, therefore, also connect the de‐vice to a socket in the vehicle as otherwiseperfect playback cannot be guaranteed.▷Do not insert the plug forcibly in the USB in‐terface.▷Do not connect any devices such as fans orlights to the USB audio interface.▷Do not connect up USB hard drives.▷Do not use the USB audio interface forcharging external devices.Bluetooth audio*Overview▷Playback of music files from external devi‐ces such as audio devices or mobile phonesvia Bluetooth is possible.Using a mobile phone as an audio source,see page 197.▷The sound output is via the vehicle loud‐speakers.▷The volume of the sound output depends onthe device. If applicable, change volume set‐tings on the device.▷Up to four external devices can be registeredwith the vehicle.Requirements▷Suitable device. Visit‐tooth for more information.▷Device ready for operation.▷Ignition switched on.▷Bluetooth in the vehicle, see page 197, anddevice activated.▷Bluetooth presettings must be made on thedevice, for example connect without confir‐mation or visibility, see Owner’s Handbookof the device.▷A number with a minimum of 4 and a maxi‐mum 16 positions is specified as the Blue‐Seite 180180Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490CD/multimedia
tooth passkey. Only required for non-recur‐ring registration.ConnectingConnecting the deviceOnly connect the device when the vehicleis stationary. Otherwise, you may become dis‐tracted and endanger the vehicle occupants andother road users.◀1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "Bluetooth (audio)"3. If applicable, "Bluetooth audio"4. "Add new device"The Bluetooth name of the vehicle is dis‐played.5. To perform other operations on the device;see the Owner’s Handbook of the device: forexample finding/connecting Bluetooth de‐vice or new device.The Bluetooth name of the vehicle is shownon the display of the device.6. Select the Bluetooth name of the vehicle onthe display of the device.There is a request via iDrive or the device toenter the same Bluetooth passkey.7. Enter and confirm passkey.8. Select the desired functions to which thedevice is to be connected, for example"Audio".9. "OK"If connection was successful, the device isshown as connected.  White symbol: device active as audio source.If connection was unsuccessful: What to do if...,see page 183.Connecting a certain deviceAn already connected device can be connectedas an active audio source.Connection not possible if data is exchangedusing a mobile phone equipped with Bluetooth.RequirementsIf necessary, activate the audio connection ofthe desired device from the list of connecteddevices.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "Bluetooth (audio)"3. If applicable, "Bluetooth audio"4. Select desired device from list of registereddevices.Seite 181181Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
5. Call up "Options".6. "Configure device"7. "Audio"8. "OK"Connecting a device1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "Bluetooth (audio)"3. If applicable, "Bluetooth audio"4. Select desired device from list of registereddevices.  White symbol: device active as audio source.PlaybackGeneral▷Displaying title information depends on thedevice.▷Can be operated using the device or iDrive.▷Playback is interrupted if data is exchangedusing a mobile phone equipped with Blue‐tooth.Starting play1. Connecting a device.2. "CD/Multimedia"3. "External devices"4.   Select the symbol.5. Select the desired track from the list.Playback menu*Not all functions may be available, depending onthe device.Symbol Function  Next trackFast forward: keep symbol pressed.  Previous titleRewind: keep symbol pressed.Disconnecting audio connection1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "Bluetooth (audio)"3. Highlight the desired device.4. Call up "Options".5. "Configure device"6. "Audio"7. "OK"Seite 182182Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490CD/multimedia
Disconnecting a device1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "Bluetooth (audio)"3. If applicable, "Bluetooth audio"4. Highlight the device to be disconnected.5. Call up "Options".6. "Remove device from list"What to do if...Visit for more infor‐mation on compatible devices.Compatible mobile phones, see page 196Device not supported by the vehicle.▷If applicable, perform a software update*,see page 183.Device not registered or paired.▷Do the Bluetooth passkeys for device andvehicle match. Enter the same passkey onthe device and using iDrive.▷Duration for passkey input longer than30 seconds. Repeat the connection at‐tempt.▷Too many Bluetooth devices paired to thedevice or the vehicle? If necessary deletethe pairing information for some other de‐vice.▷Is the mobile phone in power-save mode oris the battery low? Charge the mobile phoneusing the snap-in adapter or the chargingcable.▷If appropriate, only one device can be con‐nected to the vehicle, depending on the mo‐bile phone. De-register the device from thevehicle and only register and connect onedevice.▷Is the device no longer responding. Switchthe device off and on again.▷Repeat the connection attempt.No music can be played back.▷Start the program for playing back musicfiles on the device and if necessary, select atrack via the device.▷Switch the radio off and on again.Music files are played back, but only at low vol‐ume.▷Adjust the volume controls on the device.Playback is disrupted when a button is pressedon the device or if other messages are issued viathe device.▷Switch off keypad acknowledgement tonesand other audio output at the device.Playback is interrupted by phone calls or trafficannouncements and does not resume automat‐ically.▷Switch the radio off and on again.Playback not possible if the mobile phone isconnected via both Bluetooth Audio and the ex‐tended connectivity of the music player in themobile phone* option.▷Disconnect one of the two pairing connec‐tions, for example disconnect audio connec‐tion, see page 182, and restart playback.If you have worked through all the points in thelist and the desired function is still unavailable,contact hotline support or your Service centre.Software update*Depending on the current software, the vehiclesupports different external devices. A softwareupdate may be supported, for example, by a newmobile phone* or new external devices of thevehicle.The software is updated via:▷USB.Updates and related, up-to-date informa‐tion is available on the▷BMW TeleServices*The available software can be updated di‐rectly through the vehicle.Show current versionThe information about the version of the soft‐ware currently installed is displayed.1. "Settings"2. "Software update"Seite 183183Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
3. "Show current version"Select desired version* to display additional in‐formation*.Update software via USBDo not attempt to update the software unlessthe vehicle is at a standstill.1. Store the file for the software update onto aUSB data store in the main folder.2. Connect the USB storage device to the USBinterface of the USB audio interface in thecentre arm rest. Updating via the USB inter‐face in the glove box is not possible.3. "Settings"4. "Software update"5. "Update software"6. If applicable, "USB"7. "Start update"8. "OK"All the updates listed are installed.Update software via BMWTeleServices*Do not attempt to update the software unlessthe vehicle is at a standstill.1. Switch on ignition.2. "Settings"3. "Software update"4. "Update software"5. "BMW TeleServices"6. If applicable, "Start update"7. "Start update"8. "OK"All the updates listed are installed.To interrupt update: "Cancel".Restore previous versionIf necessary, the software can be restored to thestatus prior to the most recent software update.Do not attempt to restore the previous versionof the software unless the vehicle is at a stand‐still.1. "Settings"2. "Software update"3. "Restore previous version"4. "OK" select twice.All the updates listed are removed.NoteDuring a software update or when restoring theprevious version, BMW Services*, Office func‐tions* and associated devices are not availablefor a short time. Wait a few minutes until availa‐bility is restored.Seite 184184Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490CD/multimedia
Seite 185185Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
 Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490
CommunicationAll of the possibilities available for mobilecommunication with your family, friends, businesspartners or service providers are summarised inthis chapter.Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490
Business mobile phone preparation*OverviewPrincipleOnce the mobile phone has been connected inthe vehicle, it can be operated using the iDrive,the buttons on the steering wheel and byvoice*control.As soon as it is in the vehicle, a connected mo‐bile phone is detected automatically with the ig‐nition switched on.Up to four mobile phones can be connected.It might be necessary to have certain functionsenabled by the mobile phone service provider.Using the telephone while the vehicle is inmotionOnly make inputs when traffic activity permits.As the driver, do not make telephone calls withthe mobile phone in your hand while the vehicleis in motion; use the hands-free speaking sys‐tem. The vehicle occupants and other roadusers could otherwise be endangered.◀Compatible mobile phonesVisit for detailed in‐formation about the mobile phones and externaldevices with Bluetooth interface that are sup‐ported by the mobile phone preparation option.Viewing vehicle identification number(VIN) and software part numberThe vehicle identification number (VIN) and soft‐ware part number are necessary so that you cancheck which mobile phones are supported bythe mobile phone preparation option. You mightalso need details about the mobile phone's soft‐ware version.1. "Telephone"2. Call up "Options".3. "Bluetooth Info"4. "Display system information"These suitable mobile phones have a certainsoftware version that supports the functions ofthe vehicle described below.Malfunctions may occur when using other mo‐bile phones or software versions.Do not operate a connected mobile phone withthe keypad of the phone to avoid malfunctions.NotesAt high temperatures, the charging function ofthe mobile can be restricted and no longer op‐erate.When using the mobile through the vehicle, fol‐low the user manual of the mobile.Connecting/disconnectingthe mobile phoneGeneralThe following functions are available:▷Using a mobile phone as a telephone.▷Using a mobile phone for data transfer.Functions supported by the mobile phone areshown as a symbol when registering.White symbol: function is active.Grey symbol: function is inactive.Symbol Function  Telephone.  Data transfer.Requirements▷Suitable mobile phone.▷Mobile phone operational.▷Bluetooth in the vehicle, see page 189, andmobile phone activated.▷Bluetooth presettings must be made on themobile phone, for example connect withoutSeite 188188Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Business mobile phone preparation
confirmation or visibility; see Owner’sHandbook of the device.▷A number with a minimum of 4 and a maxi‐mum 16 positions has been specified as theBluetooth passkey, depending on mobilephone. Only required for non-recurring reg‐istration.▷Ignition switched on.ConnectingConnecting the mobile phoneOnly connect the mobile phone when thevehicle is stationary. Otherwise, you may be‐come distracted and endanger the vehicle oc‐cupants and other road users.◀1. "Telephone"2. "Bluetooth (telephone)"3. "Add new device"The Bluetooth name of the vehicle is dis‐played.4. Perform other operations on the mobilephone, see the Owner’s Handbook of themobile phone: for example finding/connect‐ing Bluetooth device or new device.The Bluetooth name of the vehicle is shownon the display of the mobile phone.5. Select the Bluetooth name of the vehicle onthe display of the mobile phone.6. Request using the iDrive or mobile phone toenter the same Bluetooth passkey. Enterand confirm passkey.orCompare the control number in the vehicledisplay with the control number in the mo‐bile phone display. Confirm the control num‐ber in the mobile phone."OK"7. Select the function for which you would liketo use the mobile phone.8. Tilt the controller to the left.If the registration was successful, the mobilephone is displayed at the top of the mobilephone list.Four mobile phones can be connected in thevehicle at the same time.If the connection was unsuccessful: what is andwhen, see page 190.After connecting for the first time▷Mobile phone is detected/paired in the ve‐hicle after a short delay when the engine isrunning or the ignition switched on.▷After it has been detected, telephone bookentries are transferred from the SIM cardand/or mobile phone to the vehicle, depend‐ing on the mobile phone.▷Four mobile phones can be connected.▷Some mobile phones may require certainsettings, e.g. authorisation or secure con‐nection, see operating instructions of themobile phone.Activating/deactivating BluetoothconnectionBluetooth use is not permitted everywhere.Comply with relevant local laws.1. "Telephone"2. Call up "Options".3. "Bluetooth"Additional functionsGeneralActivating the functions before the registrationprocess in order to use them in the vehicle. In‐formation about suitable mobile phones, seepage 188, that support this function.Seite 189189Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Data transferA mobile phone connected as a telephone canbe used for data transfer. The data transfer isshown in the status line. This can result is callcharges, for example, with a roaming connec‐tion.The services breakdown assistance*, hotline*,teleservice call*, automatic teleservice call* andBMW Online* are available. Using the servicesdoes not require a valid BMW Assist contract.The availability of the function depends on thecountry and is series-specific. The mobilephone must be compatible with and support therequired Bluetooth radio standards and havesuitable Internet settings.Terminating the connectionTerminating an existing data transmission im‐mediately:1. Call up "Options".2. "Transferring data via device"Connecting a certain mobile phoneIf the vehicle detects more than one mobilephone, it connects with the mobile that is high‐est on the list. If another mobile phone is to beconnected, this can be selected.1. "Telephone"2. "Bluetooth (telephone)"All connected mobile phones are listed.3. Select the mobile phone to be connected.Configure telephone functionsAdditional functions can be enabled or disabledwhen mobile phones are registered and con‐nected.1. "Telephone"2. "Bluetooth (telephone)"3. Highlight device to be configured.4. Call up "Options".5. "Configure device"6. At least one function must be selected.▷"Telephone"▷"Data transfer"7. Tilt the controller to the left.If a function is assigned to a mobile phone, thenthis is deactivated for the already connectedmobile phone and the mobile phone is loggedoff.Disconnecting a mobile phone1. "Telephone"2. "Bluetooth (telephone)"All connected mobile phones are listed.3. Highlight the mobile phone to be discon‐nected.4. Call up "Options".5. "Remove device from list"What to do if...Information about suitable mobile phones, seepage 188.Mobile phone not registered or paired.▷Is Bluetooth activated in the vehicle and themobile phone? Activate Bluetooth in the ve‐hicle and the mobile phone.▷Do the Bluetooth passkeys for the mobilephone and vehicle match. Enter the samepasskey on the mobile phone and usingiDrive.▷Does the control number on the mobilephone and vehicle agree? Select correctcontrol number on the mobile phone.▷Duration for passkey input longer than30 seconds. Repeat the connection at‐tempt.Seite 190190Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Business mobile phone preparation
▷Time to confirm the control number on themobile phone longer than 30 seconds? Re‐peat the connection attempt.▷Too many Bluetooth devices paired to themobile phone or the vehicle? If necessarydelete the pairing information for someother device.▷Is the mobile phone in power-save mode oris the battery low? Charge the mobile phoneusing the charging cable.▷If appropriate, only one device can be con‐nected to the vehicle, depending on the mo‐bile phone. De-register the device from thevehicle and only register and connect onedevice.The mobile phone is no longer responding.▷Switch the mobile phone off and on again.▷Too high or low ambient temperatures? Donot subject the mobile phone to extremeambient conditions.Not all phone book entries are displayed.▷Transfer of the phone book entries has notcompleted.▷Under certain circumstances only the phonebook entries saved in the mobile phone oron the SIM card* are transferred.▷It might be that phone book entries with spe‐cial characters cannot be displayed.▷Number of phone book entries to be storedis too high.Quality of the phone connection is poor.▷Bluetooth signal strength can be adjustedon mobile phone, depends on the model.▷Store mobile phone in the area of the centreconsole.If you have worked through all the points in thelist and the desired function is still unavailable,contact hotline support or your Service centre.ControlsAdjusting the volumeTurn the knob until the desired volume isreached. The setting is saved for the remotecontrol currently in use.Incoming callReceiving a callIf the number of the caller is saved in the tele‐phone book and is transferred from the network,the name of the contact is displayed.Accepting a callUsing iDrive  "Accept"Via button on the steering wheelPress the button.Via instrument cluster*"Accept"Rejecting a callUsing iDrive  "Reject"Via instrument cluster*"Reject"Seite 191191Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Ending a callUsing iDrive1. "Telephone"2. Select the active call.3.   "Active calls"Via button on the steering wheelPress the button.Via instrument cluster*"Hang up"Entering phone numbersDialling a numberWhen entering telephone numbers, you canswitch between the input of letters and digits.Service numbers can be input more easily, forexample. 0800-BMW-HILFE.1. "Telephone"2. "Dial number"3. Select the digits individually.4. Toggle to letters as needed.  Select the symbol.Select the letters individually.5.   Select the symbol.  Select symbol to toggle to digits.Phone numbers can also be entered using thevoice control system. Only numbers can be en‐tered by voice.Assignment of letter to numberLetter NumberABC 2DEF 3GHI 4JKL 5MNO 6PQRS 7TUV 8WXYZ 9Conference callsGeneralIt is possible to switch between calls or mergetwo calls to set up a conference. The functionsmust be supported by the mobile phone andservice provider.Accepting a call during another callIf possible, this functions must be released bythe service provider and the mobile set for it.If there is a second call during an ongoing callyou hear a call waiting signal, if applicable.  "Accept"The call is accepted and the existing call is held.Setting up a second callSet up another call during a call.1. "Telephone"2. "Active calls"3.   "Hold"Seite 192192Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Business mobile phone preparation
The current call is held.4. Dial a new phone number or select from alist.  "Resume"The call that is in progress is resumed.Switching between two calls,alternatingActive call is displayed in colour.Call on hold is displayed in grey.  "Swap calls"The phone switches to the call that is in pro‐gress.Setting up a conferenceTwo calls can be merged to set up a telephoneconference.1. Setting up two calls.2.   "Conference call"On termination, both calls are always termina‐ted. If one call is terminated by another sub‐scriber, the other call is continued, if required.DTMF overlap diallingUsing DTMF overlap dialling to access networkservices or to control devices, e.g. remote an‐swer phone access. This requires the DTMFcode.1. "Telephone"2. Selecting a contact from a list or "Dialnumber".3.   "DTMF suffix dialling"4. Enter DTMF code via iDrive.Phone bookDisplaysThe phone book accesses the contacts and listsall contacts for which a phone number has beenentered. The entries can be selected and a callset up.1. "Telephone"2. "Phone book"All contacts with a telephone number are dis‐played. A symbol indicates the storage locationof the contacts.Call contactSymbol Meaning  Contact with a stored telephonenumber.  Contact with more than one storedtelephone number.  Call not possible, mobile phone with‐out reception or network or Teleser‐vice Call* active.For contacts with more than one stored tele‐phone number: select the desired contact. Theconnection is established.For contacts with more than one stored tele‐phone number: select the desired contact andthen select the phone number. The connectionis established.Editing contactsChanging the entries in the "Contacts" menu. Ifa contact is changed, the changes are not savedSeite 193193Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
on the mobile phone. A copy of the entry is savedin the vehicle.1. Highlight the contact.2. Call up "Options".3. "Edit entry"The contact can be edited.RediallingGeneralThe list of numbers dialled in the mobile phoneis transferred to the vehicle, depending on themobile phone. The last 20 numbers dialled aredisplayed. The sort sequence varies from mo‐bile phone to mobile phone.Dialling numbers via the instrumentclusterPossible if no call is currently active.1.   Press key on the steering wheel.2. Select the desired phone number.The connection is established.Dial number using iDrive1. "Telephone"2. "Last number redial"3. Select the desired entry.The connection is established.Deleting an individual entry or allentries1. Mark entry.2. Call up "Options".3. "Delete entry" or "Delete list"Saving an entry in Contacts1. Mark entry.2. Call up "Options".3. "Save as new contact" or "Add to existingcontact"4. Select the type of number: "Home", "Work","Mobile" or "Others"5. If necessary, complete the entries.6. If applicable, "Save contact"Incoming callsDisplaying callsThe list of incoming calls on the mobile phone istransferred to the vehicle, depending on the mo‐bile phone. The last 20 incoming calls are dis‐played. The sort sequence and the way in whichnumbers are displayed vary from mobile phoneto mobile phone.1. "Telephone"2. "Received calls"Calling a number from the listSelect an entry.The connection is established.Deleting an individual entry or allentries1. Mark entry.2. Call up "Options".3. "Delete entry" or "Delete list"Seite 194194Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Business mobile phone preparation
Saving an entry in Contacts1. Mark entry.2. Call up "Options".3. "Save as new contact" or "Add to existingcontact"4. Select the type of number: "Home", "Work","Mobile" or "Others"5. If necessary, complete the entries.6. If applicable, "Save contact in car"Hands-free systemGeneralCalls taken via the hands-free system can becontinued via the mobile phone and vice versa.From mobile phone to the hands-freesystemCalls that were started outside the Bluetoothrange of the vehicle can be continued via thehands-free system when the ignition is switchedon.Depending in the mobile phone, there is an au‐tomatic switch to the hands-free mode.If it is not automatically toggled, follow what isdisplayed on the mobile phone screen, and alsosee the instruction manual for the mobile phone.From the hands-free system to themobile phoneCalls taken via the hands-free system can alsobe continued via the mobile phone, dependingon the mobile phone.Then follow what is displayed on the mobilephone, and also see the instruction manual ofthe mobile phone.Seite 195195Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Professional mobile phone preparation*OverviewPrincipleMobiles or other external devices, e.g. audioplayer, can be connected to the vehicle by Blue‐tooth.After registering once, these devices are auto‐matically detected when the ignition is switchedon, as soon as they are in the vehicle and can beoperated using iDrive, keys on the steeringwheel or by voice*.External devices can be used depending onfunctionality of the device as a telephone or asan audio source through the vehicle.The telephone functions are described below.Operation of audio functions, see page 180.Up to four external devices can be registered.It might be necessary to have certain functionsenabled by the mobile phone or service pro‐vider.Using the telephone while the vehicle is inmotionOnly make inputs when traffic activity permits.As the driver, do not make telephone calls withthe mobile phone in your hand while the vehicleis in motion; use the hands-free speaking sys‐tem. The vehicle occupants and other roadusers could otherwise be endangered.◀Snap-in adapter*The snap-in adapter enables:▷Storage of the mobile phone.▷Charging of the battery.▷Connection to the external aerial of the ve‐hicle.This ensures better network reception anduniform reproduction quality.Compatible mobile phonesVisit for detailed in‐formation about the mobile phones and externaldevices with Bluetooth interface that are sup‐ported by the mobile phone preparation option.Viewing vehicle identification number(VIN) and software part numberThe vehicle identification number (VIN) and soft‐ware part number are necessary so that you cancheck which mobile phones are supported bythe mobile phone preparation option. You mightalso need details about the mobile phone's soft‐ware version.1. "Telephone"2. Call up "Options".3. "Bluetooth Info"4. "Display system information"These suitable mobile phones have a certainsoftware version that supports the functions ofthe vehicle described below.Malfunctions may occur when using other mo‐bile phones or software versions.Do not operate a connected mobile phone withthe keypad of the phone to avoid malfunctions.NotesAt high temperatures, the charging function ofthe mobile can be restricted and no longer op‐erate.When using the mobile through the vehicle, fol‐low the user manual of the mobile.Connecting/disconnectingthe mobile phoneGeneralThe following functions are available:▷Using a mobile phone as a telephone.▷Using a mobile phone as an additional tele‐phone.▷Using a mobile phone for data transfer.Seite 196196Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Professional mobile phone preparation
▷Using a mobile phone as an audio source.▷Using an audio device as an audio source,see page 181.Requirements▷Suitable mobile phone.▷Mobile phone operational.▷Bluetooth in the vehicle and mobile phoneactivated.▷Bluetooth presettings must be made on themobile phone, for example connect withoutconfirmation or visibility; see Owner’sHandbook of the device.▷If applicable deactivate Bluetooth audio.▷A number with a minimum of 4 and a maxi‐mum 16 positions has been specified as theBluetooth passkey. Only required for non-recurring registration.▷Ignition switched on.Activating/deactivating BluetoothconnectionBluetooth use is not permitted everywhere.Comply with relevant local laws.1. "Telephone"2. Call up "Options".3. "Bluetooth"Additional functionsEnabling/disabling additionalfunctionsActivating the functions before the registrationprocess in order to use them in the vehicle. In‐formation about suitable mobile phones, seepage 196, that support this function.1. "Telephone"2. "Bluetooth (telephone)"3. Call up "Options".4. "Configure Bluetooth"5. Select the desired additional function.▷"Additional telephone"▷"Transferring data via device"▷"Office"▷"Bluetooth audio"6. Tilt the controller to the left.As long as the additional function is deactivated,no telephone can be assigned.Additional telephoneA mobile phone can be used as an additionaltelephone.The additional telephone can be used to acceptincoming calls, see page 200. Incoming calls onthe additional telephone during an active call areshown on the control display.Data transferA mobile phone connected as a telephone oradditional telephone can be used for data trans‐fer. The data transfer is shown in the status line.This can result is call charges, for example, witha roaming connection.The services breakdown assistance*, Hotline*,Teleservice Call*, Automatic Teleservice call*,Internet* and BMW Online* are available. Usingthe services does not require a valid BMW Assistcontract.The availability of the function depends on thecountry and is series-specific. The mobilephone must be compatible with and support therequired Bluetooth radio standards, equippedwith a corresponding mobile tariff and have suit‐able Internet settings.End data transferTerminating an existing data transmission im‐mediately:1. Call up "Options".2. "Transferring data via device"The additional function data transfer is deacti‐vated and can be assigned to another device.Audio sourceA mobile phone can be used as an audio source.Seite 197197Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Registering and connecting the deviceConnecting the deviceOnly connect the device when the vehicleis stationary. Otherwise, you may become dis‐tracted and endanger the vehicle occupants andother road users.◀1. "Telephone"2. "Bluetooth (telephone)"3. "Add new device"The Bluetooth name of the vehicle is dis‐played.4. Perform other operations on the mobilephone, see the Owner’s Handbook of themobile phone: for example finding/connect‐ing Bluetooth device or new device.The Bluetooth name of the vehicle is shownon the display of the mobile phone.5. Select the Bluetooth name of the vehicle onthe display of the mobile phone.Request via iDrive or mobile phone to enteran identical passkey.6. Enter and confirm passkey.7. Select the function for which you would liketo use the mobile phone.8. Tilt the controller to the left.If the registration was successful, the mobilephone is displayed at the top of the mobilephone list.Functions supported by the mobile phone oraudio device are displayed as symbols whenconnecting.White symbol: function is active.Grey symbol: function is inactive.Symbol Function  Telephone.  Additional telephone.  Data transfer.  Audio source.Four devices can be registered in the vehicle atthe same time. Three devices can be connectedto the vehicle at the same time.If the registration was unsuccessful: What to doif..., see page 199.After connecting for the first time▷Mobile phone is detected/paired in the ve‐hicle after a short delay when the engine isrunning or the ignition switched on.▷Phonebook entries on the telephone's SIMcard* or the mobile phone itself are trans‐ferred to the vehicle after it has been detec‐ted, depending on the mobile phone.▷Four devices can be registered.▷For a few mobile phones, certain settingsare needed, for example, authorisation orsecure connection, see instruction manualof the mobile phone.Connecting a certain deviceIf the vehicle detects more than one device, itconnects with the device that is highest on thelist. If another device is to be connected, this canbe selected.1. "Telephone"2. "Bluetooth (telephone)"3. Select the device to be connected.Functions assigned to the device before dis‐connection are reassigned to the device uponreconnection. If applicable, this function is de‐activated for a previously connected device.Configuring devicesAdditional functions can be enabled or disabledwhen devices are registered and connected.Seite 198198Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Professional mobile phone preparation
1. "Telephone"2. "Bluetooth (telephone)"3. Highlight device to be configured.4. Call up "Options".5. "Configure device"6. At least one function must be selected.▷"Telephone"▷"Additional telephone"▷"Data transfer"▷"Audio"7. Tilt the controller to the left.If a function is assigned to a device, where ap‐plicable, it is disabled when a device is alreadyconnected and the device is disconnected.Switching telephone and additionaltelephoneThe function of the telephone and additional tel‐ephone can be switched automatically.1. "Telephone"2. "Bluetooth (telephone)"3. "Change phone/addit. phone"Disconnecting a device1. "Telephone"2. "Bluetooth (telephone)"3. Highlight the device to be disconnected.4. Call up "Options".5. "Remove device from list"What to do if...Information about suitable mobile phones, seepage 196.Mobile phone not registered or paired.▷Is Bluetooth activated in the vehicle and themobile phone? Activate Bluetooth in the ve‐hicle and the mobile phone.▷Do the Bluetooth passkeys for the mobilephone and vehicle match. Enter the samepasskey on the mobile phone and usingiDrive.▷Duration for passkey input longer than30 seconds. Repeat the connection at‐tempt.▷Too many Bluetooth devices paired to themobile phone or the vehicle? If necessarydelete the pairing information for someother device.▷Audio connection is activated. Deactivateaudio connection.▷Is the mobile phone in power-save mode oris the battery low? Charge the mobile phoneusing the snap-in adapter* or the chargingcable.▷If appropriate, only one device can be con‐nected to the vehicle, depending on the mo‐bile phone. De-register the device from thevehicle and only register and connect onedevice.The mobile phone is no longer responding.▷Switch the mobile phone off and on again.▷Too high or low ambient temperatures? Donot subject the mobile phone to extremeambient conditions.Telephone functions not possible.▷Mobile phone registered as additional tele‐phone and additional telephone functiondisabled? Enable function.▷Outgoing call not possible? Connect mobilephone as telephone.No phone book entries, not all entries or incom‐plete entries are displayed.▷Transfer of the phone book entries has notcompleted.▷Under certain circumstances only the phonebook entries saved in the mobile phone oron the SIM card* are transferred.▷It might be that phone book entries with spe‐cial characters cannot be displayed.▷Number of phone book entries to be storedis too high.▷Data volume of the contact too large, e.g.due to stored information such as notes?Reduce data volume of the contact.Seite 199199Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
▷Mobile phone connected as audio source oradditional telephone? Mobile phone mustbe connected as telephone.Quality of the phone connection is poor.▷Bluetooth signal strength can be adjustedon mobile phone, depends on the model.▷Place the mobile phone in the snap-inadapter* or close to the centre console.▷Adjust the volume of the microphone andspeaker separately.If you have worked through all the points in thelist and the desired function is still unavailable,contact hotline support or your Service centre.ControlsAdjusting the volumeTurn the knob until the desired volume isreached. The setting is saved for the remotecontrol currently in use.The vehicle adjusts the volume of the micro‐phone on the telephone and the volume of theother party automatically. Depending on themobile phone, it may be necessary to adapt thevolumes. Settings are possible only during a calland must be adjusted separately for each tele‐phone. The settings are deleted as soon as thetelephone is de-registered.1. "Settings"2. "Tone"3. "Volume settings"4. Select desired setting: "Microphone" or"Loudspeak."5. Adjusting: turn the controller.6. Saving: press the controller.Incoming callReceiving a callIf the number of the caller is saved in the tele‐phone book and is transferred from the network,the name of the contact is displayed. Otherwise,only the phone number is displayed.If more than one phone number is assigned tothe contact, only the name is displayed.Only the number is shown in the event of callsto the additional telephone, if the number istransmitted by the network.An incoming call to the additional telephone isautomatically blocked if another call is active onthe other telephone.Accepting a callUsing iDrive  "Accept"Via button on the steering wheelPress the button.Via instrument cluster*"Accept"Rejecting a callUsing iDrive  "Reject"Via instrument cluster*"Reject"Ending a callUsing iDrive  "Hang up"Seite 200200Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Professional mobile phone preparation
Via button on the steering wheelPress the button.Via instrument cluster*"Hang up"Entering phone numbersDialling a numberWhen entering telephone numbers, you canswitch between the input of letters and digits.Service numbers can be input more easily, forexample. 0800-BMW-HILFE.1. "Telephone"2. "Dial number"3. Select the digits individually.4. Toggle to letters as needed.  Select the symbol.Select the letters individually.5.   Select the symbol.  Select symbol to toggle to digits.Phone numbers can also be entered using thevoice control system. Only numbers can be en‐tered by voice.Assignment of letter to numberLetter NumberABC 2DEF 3GHI 4JKL 5MNO 6PQRS 7TUV 8WXYZ 9Conference callsGeneralIt is possible to switch between calls or mergetwo calls to set up a conference. The functionsmust be supported by the mobile phone andservice provider.Accepting a call during another callIf possible, this functions must be released bythe service provider and the mobile set for it.If there is a second call during an ongoing callyou hear a call waiting signal, if applicable.  "Accept"The call is accepted and the existing call is held.Setting up a second callSet up another call during a call.1. "Telephone"2. "Active calls"3.   "Hold"Seite 201201Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
The current call is held.4. Dial a new phone number or select from alist.  "Resume"The call that is in progress is resumed.Switching between two calls,alternatingActive call is displayed in colour.Call on hold is displayed in grey.  "Swap calls"The phone switches to the call that is in pro‐gress.Setting up a conferenceTwo calls can be merged to set up a telephoneconference.1. Setting up two calls.2.   "Conference call"On termination, both calls are always termina‐ted. If one call is terminated by another sub‐scriber, the other call is continued, if required.Setting the microphone to muteThe microphone can be muted during activecalls.1. "Telephone"2. "Active calls"3.   "Microphone muted"The mute microphone is automatically activa‐ted:▷When a new call is set up.▷When alternating between call parties.DTMF overlap diallingUsing DTMF overlap dialling to access networkservices or to control devices, e.g. remote an‐swer phone access. This requires the DTMFcode.1. "Telephone"2. Selecting a contact from a list or "Dialnumber".3.   "DTMF suffix dialling"4. Enter DTMF code via iDrive.Phone bookDisplaysThe phone book accesses the contacts and listsall contacts for which a phone number has beenentered. The entries can be selected and a callset up.1. "Telephone"2. "Phone book"A symbol indicates the storage location of thecontacts.Call contactSymbol Meaning  Contact with a stored telephonenumber.  Contact with more than one storedtelephone number.  Call not possible, mobile phone with‐out reception or network or Teleser‐vice Call* active.Seite 202202Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Professional mobile phone preparation
For contacts with more than one stored tele‐phone number: select the desired contact. Theconnection is established.For contacts with more than one stored tele‐phone number: select the desired contact andthen select the phone number. The connectionis established.Editing contactsChanging the entries in the "Contacts" menu. Ifa contact is changed, the changes are not savedon the mobile phone. A copy of the entry is savedin the vehicle.1. Highlight the contact.2. Call up "Options".3. "Edit entry"The contact can be edited.RediallingGeneralThe list of numbers dialled in the mobile phoneis transferred to the vehicle, depending on themobile phone. The last 20 numbers dialled aredisplayed. The sort sequence varies from mo‐bile phone to mobile phone.Dialling numbers via the instrumentclusterPossible if no call is currently active.1.   Press key on the steering wheel.2. Select the desired phone number.The connection is established.Dial number using iDrive1. "Telephone"2. "Last number redial"3. Select the desired entry and telephonenumber as necessary.The connection is established.Saving an entry in Contacts1. Mark entry.2. Call up "Options".3. "Save as new contact" or "Add to existingcontact"4. Select the type of number: "Home", "Work","Mobile" or "Others"5. If necessary, complete the entries.6. If applicable, "Save contact in car"Incoming callsDisplaying callsThe list of incoming calls on the mobile phone istransferred to the vehicle, depending on the mo‐bile phone. The last 20 incoming calls are dis‐played. The sort sequence and the way in whichnumbers are displayed vary from mobile phoneto mobile phone.1. "Telephone"2. "Received calls"Seite 203203Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Calling a number from the listSelect an entry.The connection is established.Saving an entry in Contacts1. Mark entry.2. Call up "Options".3. "Save as new contact" or "Add to existingcontact"4. Select the type of number: "Home", "Work","Mobile" or "Others"5. If necessary, complete the entries.6. If applicable, "Save contact in car"Hands-free systemGeneralCalls taken via the hands-free system can becontinued via the mobile phone and vice versa.From mobile phone to the hands-freesystemCalls that were started outside the Bluetoothrange of the vehicle can be continued via thehands-free system when the ignition is switchedon.Depending in the mobile phone, there is an au‐tomatic switch to the hands-free mode.If it is not automatically toggled, follow what isdisplayed on the mobile phone screen, and alsosee the instruction manual for the mobile phone.From the hands-free system to themobile phoneCalls taken via the hands-free system can alsobe continued via the mobile phone, dependingon the mobile phone.Then follow what is displayed on the mobilephone, and also see the instruction manual ofthe mobile phone.Snap-in adapter*GeneralMore detailed information on the snap-in adapt‐ers which compatibly support the functions ofthe handy can be obtained from the Service cen‐tre.NotesAt high temperatures, the charging function ofthe mobile can be restricted and no longer op‐erate.When using the mobile through the vehicle, fol‐low the user manual of the mobile.Installed positionIn the centre armrest.Inserting the snap-in adapter1. Press the button and take out the cover.2. Insert snap-in adapter at the front, arrow 1,and press to the bottom, arrow 2, until theadapter engages.Inserting the mobile phone1. Depending on the mobile phone, removethe protective cap from the aerial connectorSeite 204204Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Professional mobile phone preparation
and from the USB port of the mobile phoneif necessary.2. Push the mobile phone with buttons up‐wards in the direction of the electrical con‐nections, arrow 1, and push down, arrow 2,until it engages.Removing the mobile phonePress the button and pick up the mobile phone.Seite 205205Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Office*OverviewGeneralContacts, appointments, tasks, notes, text mes‐sages and e-mails from the mobile phone can beviewed on the control display if the mobile phonesupports these functions and is compatible withthe corresponding Bluetooth standards.Information on which mobile phones supportwhich Office functions can be found are completely displayed when thevehicle is at standstill.The system can only read from the mobile.Do not operate Office while the vehicle isin motion.Only make adjustments if the traffic conditionsare appropriate. Otherwise, you may becomedistracted and endanger the vehicle occupantsand other road users.◀Requirements▷A compatible mobile phone is registeredand connected to the vehicle. For some mo‐bile phones, data access must be confirmedon the mobile phone.▷Time, time zone and date, see page 76, arecorrectly set on the Control Display and onthe mobile phone, for example to display ap‐pointments correctly.▷Office is activated, see page 197.UpdatingThe data is updated every time the mobilephone is connected to the vehicle. Appoint‐ments, tasks, notes and reminders can be up‐dated separately.1. "Office"2. "Office today", "Calendar", "Tasks","Notes" or "Reminders"3. Call up "Options".4. "Update data"Data from the mobile phone is transferred tothe vehicle again.Office updateThe number of unread messages and activetasks as well as appointments coming up aredisplayed.1. "Office"2. "Office today"3. Select the desired entry to display details.ContactsOverviewContacts can be created and edited. Contactsfrom the mobile phone* are displayed if the mo‐bile phone supports this function. Contacts fromthe BMW Online address book* are also dis‐played. The addresses can be used as naviga‐tion destinations and the phone numbers dialleddirectly.Displaying contactsGeneral1. "Office"Seite 206206Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Office
2. "Contacts"All contacts are listed in alphabetical order. TheA-Z search, see page 19, function is offered, de‐pending on the number of contacts.A symbol indicates the storage location of thecontacts:Symbol Storage locationNo symbol In the vehicle, address notchecked as destination.  In the vehicle, address checked asdestination*.  Mobile phone*.  BMW Online address book*.Displaying contacts from BMW Online*To display contacts from BMW Online, whenlogging on, see page 219, to BMW Online thefunction "Login automatically" must be enabled.Dial a phone number*1. Select the desired contact.2. Select the phone number.The connection is established.Editing contacts1. Select the desired contact.2. "Edit contact"3. Change entries.4. "Save contact in car"If a contact that comes from the mobile phone*or BMW Online* is edited, the changes are notsaved on the mobile phone or at BMW Online*.A copy of the entry is saved in the vehicle.Selecting a contact as navigationdestination*1. Select the desired contact.2. Select address.In the case of contacts from the mobilephone and BMW Online address book*, theaddress might have to be matched to thenavigation data in the vehicle. If that is thecase:Correct the address.3. "Start guidance" or "Add as anotherdestination"Checking address as destination*An address that is to be added to the route guid‐ance must match the navigation data containedin the vehicle. Here, the address can bechecked.1. Select the desired contact and highlight theaddress.2. Call up "Options".3. "Check as destination"4. If necessary, correct and save the address.Seite 207207Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
If the address is corrected and saved, a copy iscreated in the vehicle. The address is notchanged on the mobile phone or at BMW On‐line*.Display the Internet address of acontact*The Internet address stored for a contact can becalled up.1. Select the desired contact.2. Select Internet address.The selected Internet address is displayedin the browser.Displaying additional information fromBMW Online*Display of additional information for a contact ifpresent at BMW Online.1. Select the desired contact.2. Call up "Options".3. "Further info (BMW Online)"New contactGeneralYou can add up to 8 phone numbers, 2 ad‐dresses, 3 e-mail addresses and one URL.1. "Office"2. "Contacts"3. Call up "Options".4. "New contact"5. Input boxes still show previous input: "Clearfields"6. To complete the input fields: select the sym‐bol beside the input field.7. Enter text and select a contact type.8. In the navigation system: enter address.Only addresses that are present in the car’snavigation data can be entered. This en‐sures that route guidance is possible for alladdresses.If applicable, "Accept address"9. "Save contact in car"Contact typesPhone numbers and addresses can be assignedto various contact types.Symbol Meaning  Private phone number.  Work phone number.  Mobile phone number.  Other phone number.  Private address.  Work address.Specifying home addressA home address can be saved in memory. Thishome address appears at the top of the list ofcontacts.1. "Home address"2. Organising contacts3. "Save contact in car"Selecting sort order for names*Names can be displayed in a different order.1. "Office"2. "Contacts"3. Call up "Options".4. "Show: surname, first name" or "Show: firstname, surname"Seite 208208Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Office
The sort order for names might not be the sameas the selected sort order, depending on howcontacts are saved on your mobile phone.Display contact imagesPhotos saved for contacts are saved in the ve‐hicle when the mobile phone is connected to thevehicle. The number of transferred images de‐pends on the mobile phone. The mobile phonemust support this function.1. "Office"2. "Contacts"3. Call up "Options".4. "Configure Bluetooth"5. "Show pictures"Displaying all contact images is activated or de‐activated.Exporting/importing contactsContacts can be exported and imported via Per‐sonal Profile, see page 29. The contacts storedin the vehicle are exported, not the contactsfrom the mobile phone or BMW Online*.Deleting contactsOnly contacts saved in the vehicle are deleted.The contacts from the mobile phone* or BMWOnline* cannot be deleted.1. "Office"2. "Contacts"3. Highlight the contact.4. Call up "Options".5. "Delete contact" or "Delete all contacts".6. If applicable, "Yes"MessagesGeneralThe display of text messages and e-mails fromthe mobile phone depends on whether theirtransmission to the vehicle is supported by themobile phone. It is possible that text messagesand e-mails are not supported by the serviceprovider or must be enabled separately. Trans‐mission can take a few minutes after the firsttime a mobile phone is paired. Messages areonly displayed when they are complete. Mes‐sages from the additional mobile phone cannotbe transferred.Displaying messages1. "Office"2. "Messages"A Symbol designated the message type.Symbol Message type  SMS.  My Info  Message from information service.  E-mail from mobile phoneFilter message listMessage list can be filtered if more than onetype of message is available.1. "Filter:"2. Select type of message.▷"All"All messages are displayed.▷"E-mail"Only E-mails from the mobile phone aredisplayed.▷"Service messages"Only messages from BMW InformationService and My Info are displayed.▷"SMS"Seite 209209Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Only SMS messages are displayed.Deleting messagesMessages from Information Service, My Info andBMW Online can be deleted.Deleting a message:1. "Office"2. "Messages"3. Select the desired message.4. Call up "Options".5. "Delete message"Deleting all messages:1. "Office"2. "Messages"3. Call up "Options".4. "Delete all messages" or "Delete servicemessages"SMSCalling the sender of an SMS1. Select the desired message.2.   Select the symbol.Saving the sender in Contacts1. Highlight the desired message.2. Call up "Options".3. "Save as new contact" or "Add to existingcontact"Use contact dataContact data from appointments, tasks, SMS,E‑mails and notes can be stored or selected*,see page 213.Reading out text messageRead out text message, see page 213.My Info*ReplyingSend a predefined reply.1. Select the desired message.2. Call up "Options".3. "Answer"Select additional functionsAdditional functions are available when a mes‐sage is selected:Symbol Function  "Start guidance" or "Add as anotherdestination"  "Call"A phone connection is established ifthe message contains a number.  "Select phone number"Select the desired number from thelist if the message contains morethan one number. Telephone con‐nection is set up.  "Send e-mail (BMW Online)"  "Open link in browser"Message from information serviceSaving an address1. Select the desired message.2. Call up "Options".3. "Save contact in car"Select additional functionsAdditional functions are available when a mes‐sage is selected:Symbol Function  "Start guidance" or "Add as anotherdestination"  "Call"A phone connection is established ifthe message contains a number.Seite 210210Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Office
Symbol Function  "Select phone number"Select the desired number from thelist if the message contains morethan one number. Telephone con‐nection is set up.  "Send e-mail (BMW Online)"  "Open link in browser"Call up Internet address.  "Further information"Display additional informationE-mail*Display E-mail1. "Office"2. "Messages"3. Select desired E-mail.Display E-mail contactsIf sending and receiving party of an E-mail aretransferred from the mobile phone, these areshown in the E-mail.  "Sender/recipient"If E-mail addresses are stored in contacts, thecontact is displayed. Select contact to displaydetails.If E-mail addresses are not stored in contacts,only the E-mail address is displayed, if applica‐ble.Use contact dataContact data from appointments, tasks, SMS,E‑mails and notes can be stored or selected*,see page 213.Deactivate complete displayOpening an E-mail in the vehicle completelytransfers it to the vehicle. This may be subjectto charges.1. "Office"2. "Messages"3. Call up "Options".4. "Fully download e-mail"Only part of the E-mail is loaded from themobile phone into the vehicle.Reading out e-mailsRead out E-mail, see page 213.CalendarDisplay calendarAppointments in the last 20 days and the next50 days can be displayed.1. "Office"2. "Calendar"The current day's appointments are dis‐played.Select calendar day1. Select date.2. Select desired day or date.▷"Next day"▷"Date:"▷"Day before"▷"Today"Display appointment1. Select the desired appointment.2. Browse any appointments:▷Turn the controller.Seite 211211Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
▷       Select the symbol.Use contact dataContact data from appointments, tasks, SMS,E‑mails and notes can be stored or selected*,see page 213.Read out appointmentRead out appointment, see page 213.TasksDisplay task listShow unfinished tasks due in the next 90 days.1. "Office"2. "Tasks"Sort task list1. Select headers in the task list.2. Select sort criterion:▷"Priority (!)"*▷"Subject"▷"Due date"Display task1. Select the desired task.2. Browse any tasks:▷Turn the controller.▷       Select the symbol.Use contact dataContact data from appointments, tasks, SMS,E‑mails and notes can be stored or selected*,see page 213.Read out taskRead out task, see page 213NotesDisplay notes1. "Office"2. "Notes"All notes are displayed.Display note1. Select the desired note.2. Browse any note:▷Turn the controller.▷       Select the symbol.Use contact dataContact data from appointments, tasks, SMS,E‑mails and notes can be stored or selected*,see page 213.Read out noteRead out note, see page 213Seite 212212Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Office
RemindersDisplay remindersReminders connected to appointments andtasks are displayed. After an appointment ortask deadline has elapsed, the reminder is nolonger displayed.1. "Office"2. "Reminders"3. Select the desired reminder.The relevant appointment or task is displayed.Use contact dataOverviewContact data from appointments, tasks, SMS,E‑mails and notes can be stored or selected*.Display contact or dial telephonenumber1.   "Use contact data"2. Display contact or dial telephone number:▷Select contact to display a detailed viewof the contact.▷Select telephone number to make a di‐rect connection.Store contact data1.   "Use contact data"2. Highlight telephone number or e-mail ad‐dress.3. Call up "Options".4. "Add to existing contact" or "Save as newcontact"Reading outSMS, e-mails, appointments, tasks and notescan be read out.1. Select desired message, appointment, taskor note.2.   Select the symbol.The following possibilities are available whenreading out:▷  "Pause"Interrupt reading out. Select again to restartreading out.▷  "To beginning"Read out message again from the beginning▷  Select the symbol.Skip paragraph.▷  Select the symbol.Return to last paragraph.▷To end reading out, tip the controller to theleft.What to do if...Information about suitable mobile phones, seepage 196.Appointments, tasks, notes, SMS or E-mailsfrom the mobile phone are not displayed.▷Mobile phone is not suitable for the missingfunction or it is not connected correctly?▷Office function is deactivated.▷Mobile phone connected as additional tele‐phone.▷Appointments are more than 20 days old/more than 50 days ahead.▷Appointments are marked as done or aremore than 90 days ahead.▷Not all stored appointments, tasks, notes,messages in the mobile phone are displayedin the vehicle, depending on the number ofstored appointments.Are not all appointments and task from the mo‐bile phone displayed at the correct time?▷Time zone, time or date is not correctly seton the control display and the mobile phone.The E-mail attachment is not displayed.▷E-mails are transferred without attach‐ments.Texts of entries are not fully displayed.Seite 213213Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
▷Texts are abridged before they are transfer‐red from the mobile phone.▷Synchronisation between mobile phone andvehicle might take several minutes to com‐plete.Contact photos are not displayed?▷A maximum of 200 contact photos can besaved in the vehicle.Are E-mails displayed with a delay?▷Check E-mail settings on the telephone andadjust, if applicable.If you have worked through all the points in thelist and the desired function is still unavailable,contact hotline support or your Service centre.Seite 214214Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Office
Contacts*GeneralContacts can be created and edited. The con‐tacts from the mobile phone* are displayed if themobile phone supports this function. Addressescan be used as navigation destinations and thephone numbers dialled directly.New contact1. "Contacts"2. "New contact"3. Input boxes still show previous input: "Clearfields"4. To complete the input fields: select the sym‐bol beside the input field.5. Enter text, see page 19.6. In the navigation system: enter address.Only addresses that are present in the car’snavigation data can be entered. This en‐sures that route guidance is possible for alladdresses.7. If applicable, "Save"8. "Save contact in car"Specifying home addressA home address can be saved in memory. Thishome address appears at the top of the list ofcontacts.1. "Home address"2. Organising contacts3. "Save contact in car"My contactsGeneralList of all contacts from the vehicle and the mo‐bile phone.Displaying contacts1. "Contacts"2. "My contacts"All contacts are listed in alphabetical order. TheA-Z search, see page 19, function is offered, de‐pending on the number of contacts.A symbol indicates the storage location of thecontacts:Seite 215215Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Symbol Storage locationNo symbol In the vehicle, address notchecked as destination.  In the vehicle, address checked asdestination*.  Mobile phone*.Dial a phone number*1. Select the desired contact.2. Select the phone number.The connection is established.Editing contacts1. Select the desired contact.2. "Edit contact"3. Change entries.4. Tilt the controller to the left.5. "Yes"If a contact that comes from the mobile phone isedited, the changes are not saved on the mobilephone. A copy of the entry is saved in the vehicleand only the copy is displayed. Under certaincircumstances an identical contact entry is cre‐ated.Selecting a contact as navigationdestination*1. Select the desired contact.2. Select address.In the case of contacts from the mobilephone, the address might have to bematched to the navigation data in the vehi‐cle. If that is the case:Correct the address.3. "Start guidance" or "Add as anotherdestination"Checking address as destination*An address that is to be added to the route guid‐ance must match the navigation data containedin the vehicle. Here, the address can bechecked.1. Select the desired contact and highlight theaddress.2. Call up "Options".3. "Check as destination"4. If necessary, correct and save the address.If the address is corrected and saved, a copy iscreated in the vehicle. The address is notchanged on the mobile phone.Selecting sort order for namesNames can be displayed in a different order.1. "My contacts"2. Call up "Options".3. "Show: surname, first name" or "Show: firstname, surname"The sort order for names might not be the sameas the selected sort order, depending on howcontacts are saved on your mobile phone.Exporting/importing contactsContacts can be exported and imported via Per‐sonal Profile, see page 29.Deleting contactsOnly contacts saved in the vehicle are deleted.It is not possible to delete contacts from the mo‐bile phone.1. "My contacts"2. Highlight the contact.3. Call up "Options".4. "Delete contact" or "Delete all contacts".Seite 216216Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Contacts
ConnectedDriveBMW Assist*GeneralAssist provides certain services, for example aninformation service.The exact offering is country-specific. YourService centre will be glad to answer any ques‐tions you might have.Assist can also be used via the Internet, whereadditional services are a connection to Assist, it might be thatno telephone connection can be established viathe mobile phone. If the mobile phone is to beused, disconnect it from the vehicle.BMW TeleServices*GeneralTeleServices supports communication with theService centre.▷Data on the servicing needs of the vehiclecan be transferred directly to the Servicecentre. In so doing, the Service centre caninitiate the work needed earlier. The work‐shop stay is shortened.▷In the case of a breakdown, data on the ve‐hicle condition can be transferred to the Mo‐bile Service. It might be that malfunctionscan be remedied directly.▷The offering is country-specific.▷Connection charges can be incurred.▷Services can be limited abroad.Requirements▷BMW Assist is activated.If BMW Assist is not activated, a mobilephone recommended by BMW for TeleSer‐vices and configured for mobile data com‐munication must be connected to the vehi‐cle.▷In the case of a mobile phone with UMTScapability: data transfer is switched to solelyGSM data transfer.▷The SIM card is enabled for free servicenumbers.▷There is mobile radio communications re‐ception.▷The ignition is switched on.Using BMW TeleServices*The TeleServices are generally activated in thevehicle.If the TeleServies are not active, it is possible tomake a call to the Mobile Service.To continue to use it, or to deactivate the serv‐ices, contact your service partner or the BMWCustomer Hotline.Information service*GeneralThe information service provides information,for example regarding hotels, emergency chem‐ists, etc. and provides their telephone numbersand addresses to the vehicle. Phone numberscan be called directly and addresses taken overas a destination in the navigation*.Starting the information service1. "BMW Services" or "ConnectedDrive"Seite 217217Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
2. "Info plus"3. "Start service"A voice connection to the BMW informationservice is established. Phone numbers and ad‐dresses can be transferred as messages.Breakdown assistanceOverviewIt is possible to contact the Mobile Service* of‐fered by the BMW Group if you require help inthe event of a breakdown.Contact with the Mobil en Service* can also bedone with a Check Control Message, seepage 67.Start breakdown service without BMWAssist or BMW TeleServices1. "BMW Services" or "ConnectedDrive"2. "BMW Mobile Care"The number for breakdown assistance isdisplayed. If a mobile phone* is connected,a connection to breakdown assistance is es‐tablished.Start breakdown service with BMWAssist or BMW TeleServicesGeneralWhen equipped with BMW TeleServices, firstthrough the BMW Teleservice diagnosis andthen by the BMW Teleservice assistance, sup‐port is provided.1. "BMW Services" or "ConnectedDrive"2. "BMW Mobile Care"3. "Start service"BMW TeleServices Diagnosis*TeleServices Diagnosis enables transfer of de‐tailed vehicle data that are necessary for diag‐nosis of the vehicle via mobile telephony. Thisdata is transferred automatically.After transfer of the data, a voice connection tothe Mobile Service is established.BMW Teleservice Assistance*The Teleservice Assistance enables a deeperdiagnosis of the vehicle to be gone through bythe Mobile Service.As requested by the Mobile Service and on ter‐minating the voice connection, the TeleserviceAssistance can be started.Starting BMW Teleservice Assistance1. Park the vehicle safely.2. Apply the parking brake.3. The ignition is switched on.4. "Teleservice Help"Seite 218218Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490ConnectedDrive
After concluding the Teleservice Assistance, avoice connection to the Mobile Service is es‐tablished.BMW Online*OverviewBMW Online is an online portal, providing cer‐tain services available to use in the vehicle, e.g.information on weather forecasts.BMW Online is available via a SIM card installedin the vehicle or via the mobile phone.The service provision depends on whether theservices are used through the SIM card installedin the vehicle or the mobile phone.When using BMW Online through the mobilephone, follow instructions on data transfer, seepage 197.Licensing termsThis product contains NetFront Browser Soft‐ware by ACCESS Co., Ltd. Copyright © 2007ACCESS Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.NetFront is a trademark of ACCESS Co., Ltd. inJapan and in other countries.This software is based in part on the work of theIndependent JPEG Group.Requirements▷When using through the SIM card installedin the vehicle, the service is applied for fromthe Service centre.▷When using the mobile phone, an authenti‐cation process must be carried out.▷A mobile communications network must beavailable.▷For certain services, for example informa‐tion on current location, the vehicle must beable to determine your current location.▷The correct date is set, see page 76, on thecontrol display.Starting BMW Online1. "BMW Services" or "ConnectedDrive"2. "BMW Online"3. If applicable, "OK"The BMW Online start page is displayed.Using BMW OnlineTo select and display content:▷Turn the controller to highlight an element.▷Press the controller to display an element.Call up home page1. Call up "Options".2. "Display start page"Reloading a page1. Call up "Options".2. "Reload"Cancel1. Call up "Options".2. "Cancel loading"Log onWhen using the service through the SIM cardinstalled in the vehicle, to display contacts ofBMW Online* or other personal data, log on isrequired.Seite 219219Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
When using the service through the mobilephone, no log on is required.1. "BMW Services" or "ConnectedDrive"2. "BMW Online"3. Call up "Options".4. "User login"5. "User:"6. Enter your user name and select "OK".7. "Password:"8. Enter your password.9. "OK"Automatic log onYou log on automatically when BMW Online* iscalled up."Login automatically"Logging offLogging off is only needed when using the serv‐ice through the SIM card installed in the vehicle.1. "BMW Services" or "ConnectedDrive"2. "BMW Online"3. Call up "Options".4. "User logoff"Internet*GeneralFor your own safety, the Internet is displayedonly at up to approx. 5 km/h, 3 mph; for somenational-market versions, only when the vehicleis at a standstill.The Internet is available through the SIM cardinstalled in the vehicle or the SIM card in themobile phone. If the Internet is used through theSIM card in the mobile phone, follow instruc‐tions on data transmission, see page 197.Calling up the Internet1. "BMW Services" or "ConnectedDrive"2. "Internet"3. If applicable, "OK"The home page is displayed. It is possible thatthe Internet sites are not displayed in the sameway as on a PC. Flash or Java applications maybe displayed incorrectly.Licensing termsThis product contains NetFront Browser Soft‐ware by ACCESS Co., Ltd. Copyright © 2007ACCESS Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.NetFront is a trademark of ACCESS Co., Ltd. inJapan and in other countries.This software is based in part on the work of theIndependent JPEG Group.Operating the InternetMenu barA menu bar for operation is displayed. To acti‐vate the menu bar, tilt the controller to the leftuntil the cursor is located in the menu bar.Seite 220220Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490ConnectedDrive
Symbol Function  Activate mouse pointer.  Call up home page.  Refresh, reload  Cancel.  Back.  Enter URL.  Favourites/bookmarks.  Zoom.  Leave browser and cut off data con‐nection.Navigating with the mouse pointer1.   Select the symbol.2. Navigate with the mouse pointer on thepage.▷To move the mouse pointer: tilt the con‐troller in the corresponding direction.▷To move the mouse pointer diagonally:tilt the controller in the correspondingdirection and turn it.▷To select an element: move the mousepointer onto the element and press thecontroller.▷To scroll: turn the controller.Status displayA symbol in the top left on the screen indicatesthe following status:Symbol Meaning  No connection possible.  Data transfer/connection.  Secure connection.Entering Internet addresses1.   Select the symbol.2. Enter the address and select "OK".Tilt the controller upwards to switch be‐tween upper and lower case.Favourites/bookmarksAdd favouritesThe currently displayed page is saved as a fa‐vourite.1.   Select the symbol.2. "Add to bookmarks"Select favourites1.   Select the symbol.2. Select desired favourites.Delete favourites1.   Select the symbol.2. Highlight the favourite to be deleted.Seite 221221Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
3. Call up "Options".4. "Delete bookmark" or "Delete allbookmarks"Set the favourite as home page1.   Select the symbol.2. Highlight the desired favourite.3. Call up "Options".4. "Set as start page"SettingsSuppressing cookies1. Call up "Options".2. "Suppress cookies"Suppressing pop-ups1. Call up "Options".2. "Suppress pop-ups"Suppressing security warnings1. Call up "Options".2. "Suppress HTTPS pop-ups"HotlineOverviewContact the BMW Hotline for information cov‐ering every aspect of the vehicle.Calling the hotlineVehicle without BMW Assist or BMWTeleServices1. "BMW Services" or "ConnectedDrive"2. "Hotline"The telephone number of the hotline is dis‐played. If a mobile phone* is connected, a con‐nection to the hotline is established.Vehicle with BMW Assist or BMWTeleServices1. "BMW Services" or "ConnectedDrive"2. "Hotline"3. "Start service"Teleservice Call*OverviewSends information to your service partner indi‐cating that a service appointment is to beagreed. The Teleservice data is transferred. Ifpossible, your service partner will establish con‐tact with you.Starting a Teleservice Call1. "BMW Services" or "ConnectedDrive"2. "Teleservice Call"Seite 222222Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490ConnectedDrive
3. "Start service"A Teleservice Call can also be started through aCheck Control Message, see page 67.Automatic Teleservice call*The Teleservice data on the service require‐ment for the vehicle are transmitted to your serv‐ice partner automatically when a service is due.If possible, the partner will make contact and aservice appointment can be agreed.Checking when your service partner was noti‐fied:1. "Vehicle information"2. "Vehicle status"3. Call up "Options".4. "Last Teleservice Call"Teleservice Report*As needed, transfers the technical data fromyour vehicle to BMW at regular intervals. This isused to evaluate the further development ofBMW products.The Teleservice Report is activated free ofcharge for vehicles with certain technical re‐quirements and with a valid Assist contract.Neither personal information nor position dataare transferred.Displays when the last Teleservice Report hasbeen transferred:1. "Vehicle information"2. "Vehicle status"3. Call up "Options".4. "Last Teleservice Info"Service partners*Possible contact with the Service Partner.Displaying service partners1. "BMW Services" or "ConnectedDrive"2. "Your Service"With the mobile phone logged on, a connec‐tion is made to the Service Partner.Service status*GeneralQuery service status with equipment with Pro‐fessional mobile phone preparation.Display available servicesDisplay of all services available in the vehicle.1. "BMW Services" or "ConnectedDrive"2. "Service status"Seite 223223Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
3. "Available services"Updating BMW ServicesManual update of BMW TeleServices*, BMWAssist* and BMW Online*."Update BMW Services"Data transfer*When updating BMW services, the status of thedata transfer is displayed.1. "BMW Services" or "ConnectedDrive"2. Call up "Options".3. "Data transfer"Apps*OverviewCertain software applications of a suitable mo‐bile phone can be integrated into the vehicle.These software applications are displayed onthe Control Display.Operation is done using the iDrive.Requirements▷Suitable mobile phone.▷The operating system of the mobile phonesupports the software applications of Apps.▷Software applications are installed on op‐erational on the mobile phone.▷Corresponding mobile radio contract.Any additional costs incurred are not thecomponent of Apps.▷Only use software applications approved byBMW, otherwise there may be malfunctions.Information on suitable mobile phone, availablesoftware applications and their installation isavailable under orfrom your Service centre.Input dataOnly make inputs when traffic activity per‐mits. The vehicle occupants and other roadusers could otherwise be endangered due tolack of concentration.Some software applications can only be usedwhen the vehicle is stationary for safety rea‐sons.◀Operate Apps1. Connect the mobile phone using the snap-in adapter or the USB audio interface.2. "ConnectedDrive"3. Select the desired software application.Display statusInformation on the currently available softwareapplications can be displayed.1. "ConnectedDrive"2. "BMW apps"PlugIn*Selected functions of the mobile phone areshown on the Control Display. Operation is doneusing the iDrive.1. Connect the mobile phone using the snap-in adapter.2. "ConnectedDrive"3. "PlugIn"4. "Activate PlugIn"5. Using the controller, navigate in the desiredfunctions and, for example, selected the de‐sire category or title.Press the button to go one level higher orback within the functions of the mobilephone.Seite 224224Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490ConnectedDrive
Press button twice to change back to themain menu.Notes▷The extent of apps which can be shown onthe control display depends on the extent ofsoftware applications installed on the mo‐bile phone.▷The data transfer of the software applica‐tions from the mobile phone to the vehiclemay take a while. Some software applica‐tions are dependent on the speed of theavailable Internet connection of the mobilephone.▷Some mobile phones cannot use apps andBluetooth hands-free at the same time.Restart the software application on the mo‐bile phone after a telephone call as neces‐sary.Seite 225225Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490 Reference Mobility Communication Entertainment Navigation Driving hints Controls Overview
Extended BMW Online services*GeneralThe extended BMW Online services providesscope for exchanges of information and datawith the vehicle via BMW Online.The following section lists the functions of theextended BMW Online services.Navigation▷Information on points of interest from BMWOnline, see page 142.▷Displaying current traffic regulations andcountry information, see page 153.CD/multimedia▷Updating album information, see page 175.Contacts▷Show BMW Online address book, seepage 206.▷Display additional information for a contact,see page 208.Personal Profile▷Exporting/importing a user profile, seepage 29.BMW Online and Internet▷BMW Online, see page 219.▷Internet, see page 220.Seite 226226Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 643 - 07 11 490Extended BMW Online services
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