Continental Automotive MIBENTRYRADIO MIB Entry Radio User Manual

Continental Automotive GmbH MIB Entry Radio

user manual

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lizl Commu ca on
for your mobile phone, use your mobile phone exclusively in the adapter so that
the radiation in the vehicle drops to a minimum This also improves the quality of
the connection.
Operation of mobile phones or two-way radio systems may interfere with func-
tioning of the electronic systems of your vehicle.
The reasons forthis may be:
u no external aerial,
a external aerial incorrectly installed,
I transmission power greater than 10 watts,
- If a mobile phone or a two-way radio system is operated in the vehicle
without using an external aerial or an external aerial which has been incor-
rectly installed, this can increase the strength of the electromagnetic field in
the interior of the vehicle.
o Please concentrate fully at all times on your dr' 'ngl
o Vou must not install two-way radio systems, mobile phones or mounts on
the covers of the airbags or within the immediate deployment range ofair-
bags. This might result in injuries to the occupants in the event nfan accident.
- Never leave a mobile phone on a seat, on the dash panel or in another
area, from which it can be thrown during a sudden braking manoeuvre, an ac-
cident or a collision. In this case, the occupants of the vehicle might be injured.
. Note
Observe the countryrspecific regulations for the use of mobile phones in vehicles. I
Universal telephone preinstallation GSM ||
The universal telephone preinstallation GSM ii is a builtein “handsrfree system", it
provides a voice operated convenience mode via the multifunction steering wheel
or the radio navigation system.
All communication between a telephone and the hands-free system of your vehi-
cle can only be established with the help ofthe Bluetoothw technology The
adapter serves only for charging the telephone and for transmitting the signal to
the external aerial of the vehicle.
To ensure an optimum signal transmission, always leave the telephone with the
adapter in the telephone mount.
Furthermore the volume can be changed individually during the call at any time
with the button for setting the radio or radio navigation system or with the but-
tons on the multifunction steering wheel.
Concentrate fully at all times on your steering! As the driveryou are fully re-
sponsible for road safety. Use the telephone system only to such an extent, so
that you are in full control of your vehicle at any time.
I Note
0 Please refer to the following guidelines :page 133, Mobile phones and two
way radio systems
. Should you have any questions, please contact an authorised SKODA Service
Partner. l
Phone Phonebook
A phone phonebook is part of the mobile phone preinstallation with voice control.
In the phone phonebook there are 2500 free memory locations available. Each
contact can contain up to 4 numbers. This phone phonebook can be used in line
with the mobile telephone.
0n vehicles fitted with the radio navigation system Columbus. a maximum of'IZGO
telephone contacts are shown in the display of this appliance.
After the first connection of the telephone. the system begins to load the phone
book from the phone and the SIM card into the memory of the control unit.
Each time the telephone has established a new connection with the handsrfree
system, an update of the relevant phone book is performed. The updating can
take a few minutes. During this time the phone book, which was stored after the
last update was completed, is available. Newly stored telephone numbers are only
shown after the updating has ended.
If the number of contacts loaded exceeds 2 500, the phone book is not complete. >
Ifa teiephone event (e.g. incoming or outgoing call, dialogue of the voice control)
occurs during the updating procedure, the updating is interrupted. After the tele-
phone event has ended, the updating starts anew. l
Connection ofthe mobile phone with the hands-free system
In order to connect a mobiie phone with the hands-free system, it is necessary to
connect the telephone to the handsefree system. Detailed information on this is
provided in the operating instructions ofyour mobile phone. The foiiowing steps
must be carried out for the connection:
— Activate the Bluetooth8 in your teiephone and the visibility ofthe mobile
— Switch on the ignition.
— Seiect the menu Phone , Phone search in the information display and wait unr
tii the control unit has ended the search.
— Seiect your mobiie phone in the menu of the units found.
— Confirm the PiN (as standard 1234).
— if the hands-free system announces (as standard Skoda UHV) on the display of
the mobiie phone, enter the PIN (as standard 1234) within 30 seconds and wait
until the connection is established.1i
— After ending the connection, confirm in the information display that a new
user profile was created.
If no more free space is avaiiable for creating a new user profile. deiete an existing
user profiie.
Ifyou have not managed to connect your mobiie phone with the handszree sys
tem within 3 minutes after switching on the ignition, switch the ignition offend
then again on. The visibility ofthe hands-free system is estabiished again for 3
minutes. The visibiiity ofthe Bluetooth“1 device is automaticaiiy switched off ifthe
vehicle starts off or ifthe mobile phone connects to the device.
During the connecting procedure, no other mobiie phone may be connected with
the hands-free system.
‘1 Sorre mobiie phones have a menu, in which the authoriration for estabiishi‘lg a Bluetooth° connec-
tion is performed via tre input ofa core. ifthe inaut forthe authorizatinn is necessary, it must 5i,
ways be perfo'med when re-estabiisl'ing the Bluetooth connection
Using the system
Commun ca on IE.
Up to four mobile phones can be paired to the hands-free system, whereby only
one mobiie phone can communicate with the hands-free system
Connection with an already paired mobile phone
After switching on the ignition, the connection is automatically estabiished for the
aiready paired mobile phone“. Check on the mobile unit if the automatic connec
tion was established.
Disconnecting the connection
a By withdrawing the ignition key.
9 By disconnecting the device in the information display.
0 By disconnecting the device in the mobile phone.
Solving connection problems
lfthe system announces No paired phone found, check the operating state of the
. Is the telephone switched on?
Is the PiN code entered?
Is Biuetootha active?
Is the visibility ofthe mobile phone active?
Was the telephone already paired with the hands-free system?
In the event of air transport, the Bluetooth' function ofthe hands-free sys-
tem must be switched off by a specialist garage!
. Note
- Not valid for aii mobiie phones which enable a communication via Bluetoothw.
You can ask at an authorised SKODA Service Partner if your telephone is compati-
Jie with the universai telephone preinstaliation GSM il.
0 If a suitable adapter is avaiiable for your mobiie phone. use your mobile phone
exciusiveiy in the adapter so that the radiation in the vehicle drops to a minimum. >
IE3 Communic n
- Inserting the mobile phone into the adapter ensures an optimal sending and
receiving power and offers at the same time the advantage of the battery charg-
I The range ofthe Bluetoothm connection to the hands-free system is restricted
to the vehicle interior. The range is dependent on local factors, e.g. obstacles be-
tween the devices and mutual interferences with other devices. If your mobile
phone is e,g. in ajacket pocket, this can lead to difficulties when establishing the
Bluetooth" connection with the hands»free system or the data transfer. I
Inserting the mobile phone and adapter
Fig.132 Universal preparation for the
mobile phone
Only one telephone mount is factory-fitted. An adapter for the telephone can be
purchased from the range of the SKODA Original Accessories.
Inserting the mobile phone and adapter
— First ofall push the adapter® in the direction ofarrow afig. 132 up to the
stop into the mount. Press the adapter slightly downwards, until it locks se-
curely into position.
— Insert the mobile phone into the adapter ® (as specified in manufacturer‘s in—
Removing the mobile phone and adapter
— Press simultaneously the side locks of the mount :fig 132 and remove the
mobile phone and adapter.
Taking the mobile phone out ofthe adapter during the call can lead to interrup-
tion ofthe connection. When taking out the mobile phone, the connection to the
factory-fitted antenna is interrupted, this reduces the quality of the transmitting
and receiving signal. The charging ofthe mobile phone battery is also interrupted. l
Operating telephone calls with the aid of the adapter.
liar owe
Fig. 1:: Illustration image: Single-button adapter/two-button adapter
Function overview of the WT » “push to talk") button on the adapter :fig. 133:
o Activating/deactivating voice control
. Reject/end a call
On some adapters, aside from the button, the a :fig.133 button also ap-
pears- on the right. After pressing the button for 2 econds, the number 112
(Emergency call) is dialed.
. Note
0 The adapters illustrated are only prime examples.
0 On vehicles fitted with the radio navigation system Columbus, the and 6
buttons do not operate.
Commun ca on IE.
Operation of the telephone on the multifunction steering wheel
This applies only ifyour vehicle has been equipped with the telephone preinstaliar
tion at the factory.
lfthe side lights are switched on. the buttons on the multifunction steering wheel
are illuminated.
Overview of the different functions in contrast to the multifunction steering
wheel without mobile phone operation :page 132.
Fig. 134 Multifunction steering wheel:
Mobile phone operation
The driver can setthe basic functions of the telephone by simply operating the
buttons located on the steering wheel so that he can concentrate on the traffic
situation without being distracted as little as possible by operating the telephone
4 fig. i34.
Button Action Operation
(D ress briefl Activation and deactivation of the voice control (Button P'l'l' » Push to talk)
p y Cancellation of the played message
(D 2: turn upwards Increase volume
(D 2: turn downwards Decrease volume
® fpress briefly Accept call. end call. entry in the main menu ofthe telephone. list ofthe dialed numbers. call the dialed contact
® Foress button for a long Reject call. private call
(ED :3 press briefly Reach one level higher in the menu (according to the current position in the menu)
® 3 press bilge” for along Leave the phone menu
® press briefly Selection of menu point
press button for a long peri- . . . .
@ 0d oftime To the next InItIaI letter In the telephone book
@ A turn upwards The last chosen menu selection. name
@ V turn downwards The next menu selection, name
@ A quickly turn upwards To the previous initial letter in the telephone book
V out: yturn ownwar s o t e next Inltra etter In t e te ep one on >
‘ kl d d T h ' ' ' | l ' h i h b k
Using the system
The buttons operate the functions for the operating mode of the current tele-
phone. I
Operate the telephone via the information display
in the menu Phone you can select the following menu points:
Phone book
Dial numberll
(all register
Voice mailbox
Phone book
in the menu point Phone book isthe list of the loaded contacts from the tele-
phone memory and the SIM card of the mobile phone.
Dial number
in the menu point Dial number, you can write any telephone number. Select in see
duence the desired digits with the aid of the handwheei and confirm it by pressing
the handwheel. You can choose the numbers 0 - 9. symbols +, *, it and the func-
tions Cancel. Call, Delete.
Call register
in the menu point Call register, you can select the following menu points:
I Missed calls
I Dialled numbers
I Received calls
Voice mailbox
in the menu Voice mailbox, it is possible to set the number ofthe voice mailbox”
and then dial the number.
7 Or‘ vehicles fitted with the radio navigation system Amundsen‘. this function can be accessed via
the menu ofthe radio navigation system, see the operating instructions ‘ur the Amundsent.
2‘ This function is not avaiiaoie in vehicles fitted with the radio navigation System A'nundse'i‘.
IEII Commu ca on
In the menu Bluetooth you can select the following menu points
I User - the overview of the stored users
I New user , Search for new telephones which are in the reception range
I Visibility , Switching on the visibility of the telephone unit for other devices
I Media player
I Active device
I Paired devices
I Search
I Phone name - the possibility to change the name ofthe telephone unit [pre-
In the menu Settings you can select the following menu points:
I Phone book
I Update”
I List
I Surname
I Firstname
I Ringtone
Return in the basic menu ofthe telephone.
Commun ca on IE.
Voice control Switching off voice control (dialogue)
lfthe system is currently playing a message, you will need to end the message
Dialogue currently being played:
. . . . . o by briefly pressing the button on the adapter l);
0n VEh’C/es WhIL‘h orefactory-fltted With the ”UV’gatan System (0' o by pressing the ® button on the muiti-function steering wheel for a longer
lumbus, it is onlypossible to operate the voice control via this de- time.
ViL‘e, See the OPEI’UTI'NQ instmcriansfor [alumbus- lfthe system expects a voice command, you can end the dialogue yourself:
The period of time in which the system is ready to receive voice commands and to ‘ DD 5‘3”“! Whh the CANCELVthE command;
carry them out is called a dialogue. The system gives audible feedback and guides O by pressing the utton on the adapterll;
you if necessary through the relevant functions. . by pressing the ® button on the multi-function steering wheel for a longer
Optimum understanding ofthe commands depends on several factors:
I Speak with a normal tone of voice without intonation and excessive pauses. . Note
o Avoid a bad pronunciation. o The dialogue ofan incoming call is immediately interrupted.
0 Close the doors. Windows and sliding FUDf. in order (0 reduce or StDP disturbing - The voice control is only possible in vehicles fitted with a multi-function steer-
exterior NOISE ing wheel with telephone control or a phone holder and adapter. I
I it is recommended to speak louder at higher speeds. so that the tone ofyour
voice is louder than the increased surrounding noise.
0 During the dialogue limit additional noise in the vehicle. eg. simultaneously
talking occupants.
0 Do not speak. if the system makes an announcement.
o The microphone for voice control is inserted in the moulded headliner and die
rected to the driver and front passenger. Therefore the driver and the front p55.
Voice commands
Basic voice commands for operating the telephone control unit
Voice command Action
After this command the system repeats all possible
senger can operate the equipment. HELP commands.
Ifa voice command is not detected. the system answers with “Sorry?" and a new CALL xyZ With this command you call ”P the contact from the
entry can be performed. Afterthe 2nd error the system repeats the aid. After the phone bOOl‘ =>P39914CL
':lrd error the answer "Procedure cancelled” is given and the dialogue is ended. After this command, for example the phone book can
PHONE EODK be repeated. a voice entry for the contact can be up-
Switch on voice control (dialogue) dated or deleted etc.
° by brie“)! PFESSiWQ the button 0” the adapter“ ¢hQ- 133: CALL HISTORY Lists ofdialed numbers. missed calls etc.
u by pressing the CD button on the multiafunction steering wheel for a longer After this command a phone number can be entered
Tlme :spage 137- DIAL NUMBER which establishes a connection to the requested par-
REDIAL After this command the system selects the last se-
lected number. >
Not valic forvehicies which a'e ritted with the radio wavigation system (animus.
e system
III: Communication
Voice command Action
MUSICal Slay music from the mobile phone or another paired
After this command the system offers additional con-
FURTHER OPTIONS textrdependent commands.
SETTINGS Selection for setting Bluetooth”. dialogue etc.
CANCEL The dialogue is ended.
ii 01' vehicles iiliod With the radio navigation system Amurldscn“. this Iuiiciiovi can be accessed via
the 'nenu ofthe radio navigation system, see the operating instructions‘or the Amundsen‘
After giving the command DIAL NUMBER, the system requests the entry ofa tele-
phone number. You can enter the telephone numberas a continuous row, as indi
vidually spoken digits (the whole number at once) or in the form ofdigital blocks
(separated by short pauses]. After each order of digits (separation through brief
voice pause) all of the digits detected up to now are repeated by the system.
The digits lJ - 9, symbols +, *. it are permitted. The system detects no continuous
digit combinations such as twenty-three. but only individually spoken digits (two.
Call name
— Switch on the voice operation ¢page 139.
— Give the command CALL XYZ after the signal tone.
Examplefcir calling the name from the phone book
Voice command Announcement
CALL XYZ "Say home. work. mobile"
e.g. WORK “XVZ work is dialed."
CALL XVZ WORK "XVZ work is dialed."
Store voice recording ofa contact
lfautomatic name recognition does not work reliably for some contacts, you will
can choose to save your own voice entry for the contact in the menu point Phone
book , VoiceTag , Record.
You can also store your own voice entry using voice control in the menu FURTHER
Music playback via Bluetooth®
The universal telephone preinstaliation GSM ||| makes it possible to play back muV
sic via Bluetoothm from the devices such as MP3 player. mobile phone or note-
In order to enable the music playback via Bluetooth“, it is necessary to connect
the terminal device with the hands-free system in the menu Phone - Bluetooth -
Media player.
The operation of the music playback from the connected device can be performed
via the handsrfree system with the voice control :wpage 139, Voice commands or
directly via the connected device.
- Note
The device to be connected must support the Bluetooth° profile AZDP, see Ownr
er's manual of the device to be coupled. l
Universal telephone preinstallation GSM Ill
The universal telephone preinstallation GSM III is a built-in "hands-free system". it
provides a voice operated convenience mode via the multifunction steering wheel
or the radio navigation system.
The following functions are included in the universal telephone preinstallation
C Phone Phonebook :page 141.
0 Convenience mode with the multifunction steering wheel ¢page143 and dis
play in the information display :page 144.
a Voice control ofthe telephone, including the language selection ofthe tele
phone contacts apage146.
- Internet connection :page147.
- Music playback from the telephone or other multimedia units a page 147.
a Display of SMS apage144.
All communication between a telephone and the hands-free system of your vehi-
cle can only be established with the help ofthe following profiles of Bluetooth.
technology. }

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