Continental Automotive VP2 Car Radio User Manual

Continental Automotive GmbH Car Radio

user manual

SINTRODUCTION ...................................................................275TIPS, CONTROLS AND GENERAL INFORMATION ...276TIPS ...........................................................................................276MULTIMEDIA DEVICES: SUPPORTED AUDIO FILESAND FORMATS.....................................................................278NOTES ON TRADEMARKS...............................................279EXTERNAL AUDIO SOURCES.........................................279TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS........................................280QUICK GUIDE.........................................................................281CONTROLS ON FRONT PANEL ....................................281FRONT PANEL CONTROL SUMMARY TABLE............282STEERING WHEEL CONTROLS ........................................283DESCRIPTION.......................................................................283STEERING WHEEL CONTROL SUMMARY TABLE....284SWITCHING THE SYSTEM ON/OFF ................................285RADIO (TUNER) MODE....................................................285RADIO MODE SELECTION ..............................................285FREQUENCY BAND SELECTION...................................285DISPLAYED INFORMATION .............................................286RADIO STATION SELECTION .........................................286PREVIOUS/NEXT RADIO STATION SEARCH ............287PREVIOUS/NEXT RADIO STATION FAST SEARCH..287AM/FM RADIO STATION TUNING ................................287DAB RADIO ...........................................................................288SETTING THE PRESELECTIONS .....................................289AUDIO.....................................................................................289MEDIA MODE ..........................................................................292TRACK CHANGE (previous/next)...................................292TRACK FAST FORWARD/REWIND ...............................292TRACK SELECTION (Browse)..........................................292AUDIO SOURCE SELECTION..........................................293TRACK INFORMATION DISPLAY ...................................293RANDOM TRACK REPRODUCTION ...........................293TRACK REPETITION...........................................................293Bluetooth ® SOURCE .......................................................295PAIRING A Bluetooth® AUDIO DEVICE .................295USB/iPod SUPPORT.................................................................296AUX SUPPORT.........................................................................296PHONE MODE ........................................................................297PHONE MODE ACTIVATION ..........................................297MAIN FUNCTIONS .............................................................297DISPLAYED INFORMATION .............................................298PAIRING A MOBILE PHONE.............................................298STORING NAMES/NUMBERS IN THE MOBILEPHONE PHONEBOOK ......................................................300CONNECTION/DISCONNECTION OF A MOBILEPHONE OR A Bluetooth® AUDIO DEVICE ...........300DELETION OF A MOBILE PHONE OR ABluetooth® AUDIO DEVICE ........................................301SETTING A MOBILE PHONE OR ABluetooth® AUDIO DEVICE AS FAVOURITE .........302DELETION OF PHONE DATA(PHONEBOOK AND RECENT CALLS) ........................302273UMMARYCD PLAYER ........................................................................ .... 294.LOADING/EJECTING A CD........................................... 294
TRANSMISSION OF PHONE DATA(PHONEBOOK AND RECENT CALLS) ........................302MAKING A PHONE CALL.................................................303MANAGING AN INCOMING CALL ..............................304MAKING A SECOND PHONE CALL .............................306MANAGING TWO PHONE CALLS................................306ENDING A CALL..................................................................307REDIALLING ..........................................................................307CONTINUING A PHONE CALL .....................................307ACTIVATION/DEACTIVATION OF THEMICROPHONE......................................................................307TRANSFERRING A CALL...................................................308SMS MESSAGE READER......................................................308"MORE" MODE........................................................................308TRIP COMPUTER .................................................................309CLOCK ....................................................................................309eco:Drive .................................................................................309SETTINGS ...............................................................................311VOICE COMMANDS ............................................................315USE OF THE VOICE COMMANDS .................................315USE OF STEERING WHEEL CONTROLSTO ACTIVATE VOICE COMMANDS..............................315VOICE SESSION STATUS....................................................316MULTIPLE CHOICE..............................................................316GLOBAL VOICE COMMANDS.........................................317PHONE VOICE COMMANDS ..........................................318RADIO AM/FM/DAB VOICE COMMANDS ..................32MEDIA VOICE COMMANDS ............................................32CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER LIST ................................32742742
INTRODUCTIONThe car is equipped with an infotelematic system designed according to the specific characteristics of thepassenger compartment, with a customised design that matches the style of dashboard.The system is installed in an ergonomic position for the driver and passenger, and controls can be quicklylocated from the graphical display on the front, making the device easy to use.To increase protection against theft, the system has a protection system that only allows it to be used on thevehicle in which it was originally fitted.The instructions for use are given below and we recommend you read them carefully and always keep themto hand (for example, in the glove compartment).Enjoy reading. Happy motoring!The information in this publication is provided by way of example. Fiat GroupAutomobiles S.p.A.can modify the specifications of the vehicle model described in thispublication at any time, for technical or marketing purposes. For further information,contact a Fiat Dealership.275
TIPS, CONTROLS AND GENERALINFORMATIONTIPSRoad safetyLearn how to use the various system functionsbefore setting off.Read the instructions for the system carefully beforesetting off.WARNINGIf the volume is too loud this can bedangerous.Adjust the volume so that youcan still hear background noises (e.g. horns,ambulances, police vehicles, etc.).Reception conditionsReception conditions change constantly while driving.Reception may be interfered with by the presence ofmountains, buildings or bridges, or when you are faraway from the broadcaster.IMPORTANT The volume may be increased whenreceiving traffic alerts and news.Care and maintenanceObserve the following precautions to ensure thesystem is fully operational:❒the display is sensitive to scratching, liquids anddetergents. The display should not come intocontact with pointed or rigid objects which coulddamage its surface. Do not press on the displaywhen cleaning it.❒prevent any liquid from entering the system: thiscould be damaged beyond repair.Only clean the front panel and the displaywith a soft, clean, dry, anti-static cloth.Cleaning and polishing products maydamage the surface. Do not use alcohol or similarproducts to clean the panel or the display.276
ImportantIn the event of a failure, the system should only bechecked and repaired at a Fiat Dealership.If the temperature is particularly low, the display maytake a while to reach optimum brightness.If the car is stopped for a while and the outsidetemperature is very high, the system may go into“thermal protection” mode, suspending operationuntil the temperature in the passenger compartmentreturns to acceptable levels.CDDirt, scratches or any distortions on CDs may causeskipping during playback and poor sound quality.Follow these tips for optimum playback conditions:❒only use CDs with the following mark:❒clean every CD thoroughly removing anyfingerprints or dust using a soft cloth. Hold CDs bythe circumference and clean them from the centretowards the edge;❒never use chemical products (e.g. antistatic,thinner or spray cans) for cleaning as they coulddamage the surface of the CDs;❒after listening to them place CDs back in theircases to avoid them being damaged;❒do not expose CDs to direct sunlight, hightemperatures or moisture for long periods;❒do not stick labels on the surface of the CD anddo not write on the recorded surface using pensor pencils;❒never use CDs that are very scratched, cracked,deformed, etc. Their use could cause damage theplayer or make it malfunction.To achieve the best quality audio reproduction werecommend the use of original CD supports. Correctoperation is not guaranteed when CD-R/RW mediaare used that were not correctly burnt and/or with amaximum capacity above 650 Mb.277
IMPORTANT Do not use commercially availableprotective sheets for CDs or discs with stabilisers asthey could get stuck in the internal mechanism anddamage the disc.IMPORTANT If a copy-protected CD is used, it maytake a few seconds before the system starts to playit. The CD player cannot be guaranteed to play allprotected discs. The presence of copy protection isoften in small letters or may be difficult to read onthe cover of the actual CD and it may say somethinglike, for example, "COPY CONTROL", "COPYPROTECTED", "THIS CD CANNOT BE PLAYEDON A PC/MAC" or identified through the use ofsymbols, such as, for example:IMPORTANT If a multisession disc is loaded, only thefirst session will be played.MULTIMEDIA DEVICES: SUPPORTEDAUDIO FILES AND FORMATSFor CD, USB and iPod sources the system can playfiles with the following extensions and formats:❒.MP3 (32 – 320Kbps);❒.WAV;❒.WMA (5 – 320Kbps) mono and stereo;❒.AAC (8 – 96KHz) mono and stereo;❒.M4A (8 – 96KHz) mono and stereo;❒.M4B (8 – 96KHz) mono and stereo;❒.MP4 (8 – 96KHz) mono and stereo.For all sources (CD, AUX, iPod and Bluetooth ®),the system can also play the following Playlistformats:❒.M3U❒.PLS❒.WPLNOTE It makes no difference whether the suffixesare written in capital or small letters.278
NOTES ON TRADEMARKSiPod, iTunes and iPhone are registered trademarks ofApple Inc.All other trademarks are the property of theirrespective owners.Apple is not responsible for the operation of thisdevice and of its conformity with the safety rules andstandards.The DAB/DAB+/DMB Digital Radio function hasbeen certified according to the specifications of"ARD" white sticker, for Class A - Audio services.ARD is a trademark of the Associazione per laRadiofonia Digitale in Italia.EXTERNAL AUDIO SOURCESOther electronic devices (e.g. iPod, PDA, etc...) canbe used on the car.Some of them can however cause electromagneticinterference. Disconnect these devices if the systemperformance worsens.NOTE The system supports only FAT32-formattedUSB devices. The system does not support deviceswith a capacity higher than 64 Gb.279
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSSpeakers for basic specificationFront speakers❒238 mm tweeters on the door handle;❒2165 mm mid-woofer speakers in the doorpanel.Rear speakers❒2165 mm full-range speakers in the door panel.Hi-Fi specification speakers(for versions/markets, where provided)Front speakers❒238 mm tweeters on the door handle;❒2165 mm mid-woofer speakers in the doorpanel.Rear speakers❒2165 mm full-range speakers in the door panel;❒1 8-channel amplifier in the luggage compartment;❒1 subwoofer box in the luggage compartment(position varies according to the versions).280
FRONT PANEL CONTROL SUMMARY TABLEButton Functions Mode1-Ignition Brief button pressOff Brief button pressVolume adjustment Left/right rotation of knob2- Volume activation/deactivation (Mute/Pause) Brief button press3- CD ejection Brief button press4CD housing –5- Display on/off Brief button press6- Exit the selection/return to previous screen Brief button press7-BROWSEENTERScrolling the list or tuning to a radio station Left/right rotation of knobConfirmation of the option displayed Brief button press8 - MORE Accessing the addition functions (displaying ofTime, Trip Computer, eco:Drive function data) Brief button press9 - PHONE Phone data displaying Brief button press10 - SETTINGS Accessing the Vehicle Settings menu Brief button press11 - MEDIA Source selection: CD, USB/iPod, AUX orBluetooth ®Brief button press12 - RADIO Accessing the Radio mode Brief button press282
STEERING WHEEL CONTROLS(for versions/markets, where provided)DESCRIPTIONThe controls for the main system functions are present on the steering wheel to make things easier.The activation of the function selected is controlled, in some cases, by how long the button is pressed (shortor long press) as described in the table below.fig. 2 F0Y0002283
STEERING WHEEL CONTROL SUMMARY TABLEButton Interaction (pressure/rotation)- Acceptance of incoming call- Acceptance of the second incoming phone call and putting the active phone call on hold- Activation of voice recognition for Phone function- Interruption of the voice message in order to give a new voice command- Interruption of voice recognition- Rejection of incoming call- Ending of call in progressPressing the centre of the left wheel:- deactivation/reactivation of the microphone during a phone conversation- activation/deactivation of the CD, USB/iPod, Bluetooth ® source Pause- activation/deactivation of radio Mute function+/–Turning left wheel upwards or downwards:- adjustment of the audio volume: hands-free, SMS message reader, voice announcements and musicsources- Scrolling the stored radio stations (preset)- Activation of voice recognition- Interruption of the voice message in order to give a new voice command- Interruption of voice recognitionTurning right wheel upwards or downwards:- Radio Mode: selection of previous/next radio station- CD, USB/iPod, Bluetooth ® mode: selection of previous/next trackSRC Pressing the centre of the right wheel:- selection of audio sources available: radio, CD, USB/iPod, AUX and Bluetooth ®284
SWITCHING THE SYSTEM ON/OFFRADIO (TUNER) MODEThe system switches on/off when the button/knob(ON/OFF) is pressed (1-fig. 1).The electronic volume adjustment control rotatescontinuously (360°) in both directions without stoppositions.Turn the button/knob clockwise to increase the radiovolume or counterclockwise to decrease it.The system has the following tuners: AM, FM andDAB (for versions/markets, where provided).RADIO MODE SELECTIONPress the RADIO button (12-fig. 1) on the frontpanel to activate the radio mode.The different tuning modes can be selected with thecorresponding button on the display (see fig. 4).Each tuning mode can have a specific preselection set.FREQUENCY BAND SELECTIONBriefly press the "AM/FM" button to switch from AMto FM and vice versa.If the DAB tuner is available, briefly press the"AM/FM", "AM/DAB", "FM/DAB" buttons to selectthe desired band.fig. 3 F0Y1030 fig. 4 F0Y1001285
DISPLAYED INFORMATIONAfter the desired radio station is selected on thedisplay (see fig. 5), the following information isshown:At the top: the list of radio stations stored (preset)is displayed; the station being listened to ishighlighted.In the middle: the name of the radio station beinglistened to and the buttons to select the previous orthe next radio station are displayed.At the bottom: the following buttons are displayed:❒"Browse": list of the radio stations available;❒"AM/FM", "AM/DAB", "FM/DAB": selection of thedesired frequency band (button reconfigurableaccording to the band selected: AM,FM or DAB);❒"Tune" : manual radio station tuning (not availablefor DAB radios);❒"Info": additional information on the source beinglistened to;❒"Audio": access to the "Audio setting" screen.RADIO STATION SELECTIONTo search for the desired radio station press buttonsor on the display or use the steering wheelcontrols.fig. 5 F0Y1000286
PREVIOUS/NEXT RADIO STATION SEARCHBriefly press buttons or on the display: whenthe button is released the previous or the next radiostation is displayed.When searching forwards, if the system reaches theend of the band, it will automatically stop on thestation where the search has started from.PREVIOUS/NEXT RADIO STATION FASTSEARCHHold down buttons or on the display to startthe fast search: when the button is released, the firsttunable radio station can be heard.AM/FM RADIO STATION TUNINGUse the "Tune" button to select a radio station.Press the "Tune" button on the display then selectthe first number of the desired radio station (see fig.6).The graphic keyboard on the display is used to enterthe number of the station.In this mode, use buttons +and –to fine-tune thefrequency.Press button (Delete) to delete a wrong number(and enter the correct station number).After entering the last digit of the station, the "Tune"screen is deactivated and the system tunesautomatically to the station selected (the number ofthe radio station is displayed in the "Tune" text box).The screen disappears automatically after 5 secondsor manually by pressing the "OK" or (Delete)buttons.Incomplete radio station selection ("OK")Press the "OK" button on the display to tune to theradio station selected and close the "Direct Tune"screen (manual tuning).fig. 6 F0Y1007287Exit the "Direct Tune" screenPress the "Exit" or the "Radio" button on the displayto return to the system main screen.
DAB RADIO(for versions/markets, where provided)Once the DAB radio mode on the display is selected,the information on the station being listened to isdisplayed (see fig. 7) and the following modes will beavailable:Selection of the previous/next radio station by:❒rotating the BROWSE ENTER button/knob (7-fig.1);❒briefly pressing the or buttons on thedisplay;❒pressing the or controls on the steeringwheel.Hold down the or buttons to fast scroll thestation list.The "Browse" button is used to display:❒the list of all DAB stations;❒the list of stations filtered by "Genres";❒the list of stations filtered by "Ensembles"(broadcast group).Use the "ABC" button inside each list to skip to thedesired letter.The "Refresh" button requires the DAB radio stationlist to be updated: the update can take a few secondsup to about two minutes.fig. 7 F0Y1020288
SETTING THE PRESELECTIONSPreselections are available in all system modes andare activated by touching one of the preselectionbuttons located at the top of the display.To store the radio station being listened to, press andhold down the button corresponding to the desiredpreset until a confirmation acoustic signal is heard.The system can store up to 12 radio station in eachmode: 4 radio stations are displayed at the top.Press the "All" button on the display to show all theradio stations stored in the frequency band selected.AUDIOTo enter the "Audio" menu, press the SETTINGSbutton (10-fig. 1) on the front panel, scroll the menuthen select and press the "Audio" item on the display.The following adjustments can be carried out usingthe "Audio" menu:❒"Equalizer" (for versions/markets, where provided);❒"Balance/Fade" (left/right and front/rear balanceadjustment);❒"Volume/Speed" (excluding versions with Hi-Fisystem) speed-dependent automatic volumeadjustment;❒"Loudness" (for versions/markets, where provided);❒"Auto-On Radio";❒"Radio Off Delay".To exit the "Audio" menu, press the /Done button.NOTE When a setting is changed, the button isreplaced with the word "Done".289
Equalizer(for versions/markets, where provided)Select "Equalizer" on the display to adjust the bass,medium and treble tones.Use the "+" or "–" buttons to carry out the settingsdesired (see fig. 8).Then press /Done button to return to the "Audio"menu.Balance/FadePress the "Balance/Fade" button to balance the soundfrom the front and rear seat speakers.Press the or buttons to balance the front andrear speakers (see fig. 9).Press the or buttons to balance the speakers onthe left and the right side.The adjustment is also possible by moving thesymbol on the right side of the displayupwards/downwards/to the left/to the right.Press the central "C" button to balance theadjustments.Then press /Done button to return to the "Audio"menu.fig. 8 F0Y1002 fig. 9 F0Y1003290
Volume/SpeedPress the "Volume/Speed" button to choose between"Off" and "1, 2 or 3".The option selected is displayed (see fig. 10).Choose "1, 2 or 3" to increase the volumeproportionally to the selection made.Then press /Done button to return to the "Audio"menu.Loudness(for versions/markets, where provided)To activate/deactivate the "Loudness" function toimprove the sound quality at low volumes.Auto-On RadioTo set the radio behaviour when the ignition key isturned to MAR.The options are radio on, radio off or reset of thecondition active when the ignition key was lastturned to STOP.Radio Off DelayTo keep the radio on for a preset time after theignition key is turned to STOP.fig. 10 F0Y1004291
MEDIA MODEThis chapter describes the interaction modesconcerning the operation of CD, Bluetooth ®,AUX, USB/iPod.TRACK CHANGE (previous/next)Briefly press the button or turn the BROWSEENTER button/knob (7-fig. 1) clockwise to play thenext track or briefly press the button or turn theBROWSE ENTER button/knob counterclockwise toreturn to the beginning of the selected track or atthe beginning of the previous track if this has beenplayed for less than 8 seconds.TRACK FAST FORWARD/REWINDPress and hold down the button to fast forwardthe selected track or keep the button pressed tofast rewind the track.The fast forward/rewind will stop once the button isreleased or when the previous/next track is reached.TRACK SELECTION (Browse)Use this function to scroll through or select thetracks on the active device.The selection options depend on the deviceconnected or the CD type inserted.For example, on an audio CD you can select thetrack to be played, whilst on a CD-ROM, a USB/iPodor Bluetooth ® device you can scroll through thelist of artists, genres and albums available dependingon the information present on the tracks.Use the "ABC" button inside each list to skip to thedesired letter within the list.NOTE This button may be disabled for someApple® devices.NOTE The "Browse" button does not allow anyoperation on an AUX device.NOTE To consult the list of Bluetooth ® audiodevices and supported functions, visit the or call Customer Services on00800.3428.0000 (the number may vary dependingon the country: please refer to the reference table inthe "Customer Service number list" section herein).292
Press the "Browse" button to activate this functionon the source being played.Turn the BROWSE ENTER (7-fig. 1) button/knob toselect the desired category and then press thebutton/knob to confirm the selection.Press the "X" button to cancel the function.NOTE The indexing time of a USB device can varyaccording to the media inserted (in some cases it cantake a few minutes).AUDIO SOURCE SELECTIONPress the "Source" button to select the desired audiosource among those available: CD, AUX, USB/iPod orBluetooth®.If no source is selected, the screen disappears after afew seconds and the display shows the main screenagain.TRACK INFORMATION DISPLAYPress the "Info" button to show on the display theinformation on the track being listened to for devicesthat support the function.Press the "X" button to exit the screen.RANDOM TRACK REPRODUCTIONPress the ">" button then the "Shuffle" button to playthe tracks on CD, USB/iPod or Bluetooth®inrandom mode.Press the "Shuffle" button again to deactivate thefunction.TRACK REPETITIONPress the ">" button then the "Repeat" button toactivate the function.Press the "Repeat" button again to deactivate thefunction.293
294CD PLAYERTo activate the CD mode, enter an audio CD or anMP3 in the relevant slot 4 (fig. 1) or press the MEDIAbutton (11 - fig. 1) on the front panel.If there is a CD inside, press the graphic button"Source" then select "CD".If the CD loaded cannot be read (e.g. a CD-ROM hasbeen inserted or the CD is inserted the wrong wayround or there is a reading error) the display willshow an error message.LOADING/EJECTING A CDTo load the CD, insert it gently into the slot toactivate the motorised loading system, which willposition it correctly (the "CD" symbol on the displaycomes on).Enter a CD when the system is on, the CD mode isautomatically selected and the system starts playingthe tracks.The display shows the number of the track and thetime (minutes and seconds).Press the button (EJECT) (3 - fig. 1) on the frontpanel, with the system on, to activate the motorisedejection of the CD.After the ejection, the audio source will beautomatically selected.If the CD is not removed from the slot, the systemwill re-enter it automatically after about 10 secondswithout playing it.
Bluetooth ® SOURCEThis mode is activated by pairing a Bluetooth ®device containing music tracks.with the system.PAIRING A Bluetooth® AUDIO DEVICETo pair a Bluetooth® audio device, proceed asfollows:❒activate the Bluetooth® function on the device;❒press the MEDIA button (11-fig. 1) on the frontpanel;❒if the "Media" source is active, press the "Source"button;❒select the Bluetooth® media source;❒press the "Add Device" button;❒search for uconnect®ontheBluetooth® audiodevice (during the pairing stage a screen isdisplayed showing the progress of the operation);❒when requested by the audio device, enter the PINcode shown on the system display or confirm onthe device the PIN displayed;❒if the pairing procedure is completed successfully, ascreen is displayed. Answer "Yes" to the questionto pair the Bluetooth® audio device as favourite(the device will have priority on all other devicesthat will be paired later on). If "No" is selected, thepriority is determined according to the order ofconnection. The last device connected will havethe highest priority;❒an audio device can also be paired by pressing theSETTINGS button (10-fig. 1) on the front paneland by selecting "Phone / Bluetooth®".IMPORTANT If the Bluetooth ® connectionbetween mobile phone and system is lost, consultthe mobile phone owner's handbook.295
USB/iPod SUPPORTTo activate the USB/iPod mode insert thecorresponding device (USB or iPod) in the USB portfig. 11 present on the car.If a USB/iPod device is inserted with the system on,this starts playing the tracks present on the device.AUX SUPPORTTo activate the AUX mode engage a suitable devicein the AUX port fig. 12 on the car.Entering a device when the system is on, it startsplaying the tracks on the device (playing starts fromthe first track).Adjust the volume by the button/knob (1 - fig. 1)on the front or by the volume adjustment control onthe connected device.As for the "Audio source selection" function, see thechapter "Media Mode".fig. 11 F0Y0097 fig. 12 F0Y0097296
IMPORTANTThe functions of the device connected with the AUXport are directly managed by the device itself: it isnot possible to change track/folder/playlist with thecontrols on the front or on the steering wheel.Do not leave the cable of your portable playerconnected with the AUX socket after disconnection,to avoid possible hiss from the speakers.PHONE MODEPHONE MODE ACTIVATIONPress the PHONE button (9-fig. 1) on the front panelto activate the Phone mode.The following screen appears on the display (see fig.13).MAIN FUNCTIONSUse the buttons on the display to:❒dial the phone number (using the graphic keypadon the display);❒display and call the contacts on the mobile phonephonebook;❒display and call contacts from the registers ofprevious calls;fig. 13 F0Y1012297
❒pair up to 10 phones/audio device to make accessand connection easier and quicker;❒transfer calls from the system to the mobile phoneand vice versa and deactivate the microphoneaudio for private conversations.Your mobile phone’s audio is transmitted throughyour vehicle audio system; the system willautomatically mute your radio when using the Phonefunction.DISPLAYED INFORMATIONWhen a phone is connected to the system, thedisplay shows various information (if available):❒status of roaming;❒network signal intensity;❒mobile phone battery charge;❒mobile phone name.NOTE To consult the list of mobile phones andsupported functions, visit the website call Customer Services on 00800.3428.0000 (thenumber may vary depending on the country: pleaserefer to the reference table in the "Customer Servicenumber list" section herein).298
PAIRING A MOBILE PHONEIMPORTANT Carry out this operation only with carstationary and in safety conditions; this function isdeactivated when the car is moving.Even though the mobile phone pairing procedure isdescribed below we always recommend to consultthe mobile phone owner's handbook.To pair the mobile phone, proceed as follows:❒activate the Bluetooth ® function on the mobilephone;❒press the PHONE button (9-fig. 1) on the frontpanel;❒if no phone is paired with the system yet, thedisplay shows a dedicated screen;❒select "Yes" to start the pairing procedure thensearch for the uconnect® device on the mobilephone (if "No" is selected, the Phone main screenis displayed);❒when prompted by the mobile phone, use itskeyboard to enter the PIN code shown on thesystem display or confirm on the mobile phone thePIN displayed;❒from the "Phone" screen you can always pair amobile phone pressing the "Settings" button: pressthe "Add Device" button and proceed as describedabove;❒during the pairing stage a screen is displayedshowing the progress of the operation;❒if the pairing procedure is completed successfully, ascreen is displayed: answer "Yes" to the question topair the mobile phone as favourite (the mobilephone will have priority on all other mobile phonesthat will be paired later on). If no other devices arepaired, the system will consider the first associateddevice as favourite.NoteThe priority is determined according to the order ofconnection for mobile phones which are not set asfavourite. The last phone connected will have thehighest priority.299
STORING NAMES/NUMBERS IN THEMOBILE PHONE PHONEBOOKBefore pairing your mobile phone, you must makesure you have stored the names you want to contactin the phonebook on your mobile phone so that youcan call them using the car's hands-free system.If your phonebook does not contain any names,enter new names for the most frequently usednumbers.For further details, consult your mobile phoneowner's handbook.IMPORTANT The names in the phonebook notcontaining phone numbers or name and surname willnot be displayed.CONNECTION/DISCONNECTION OF AMOBILE PHONE OR A Bluetooth®AUDIO DEVICEConnectionThe system connects automatically to the mobilephone paired with the highest priority.To choose a specific mobile phone or Bluetooth®audio device, proceed as follows:❒press the SETTINGS button (10-fig. 1) on the frontpanel;❒select "Phone / Bluetooth" on the display;❒select the "Paired Phones" or "Paired Audio" listusing the corresponding button on the display;❒select the specific device (mobile phone orBluetooth® device);❒press the "Connect" button;❒during the connection stage a screen is displayedshowing the progress of the operation;❒the device connected is highlighted in the list.300
DisconnectionTo disconnect a specific mobile phone orBluetooth® audio device, proceed as follows:❒press the SETTINGS button (10-fig. 1) on the frontpanel;❒select "Phone / Bluetooth" on the display;❒select the "Paired Phones" or "Paired Audio" listusing the corresponding button on the display;❒select the specific device (mobile phone orBluetooth® device);❒press the "Disconnect" button.DELETION OF A MOBILE PHONE OR ABluetooth® AUDIO DEVICETo delete a mobile phone or Bluetooth® audiodevice from a list, proceed as follows:❒press the SETTINGS button (10-fig. 1) on the frontpanel;❒select "Phone / Bluetooth" on the display;❒select the "Paired Phones" or "Paired Audio" listusing the corresponding button on the display;❒select the device (mobile phone or Bluetooth®device);❒press the "Delete Device" button;❒a confirmation screen will appear on the display:press "Yes" to delete the device or "No" to cancelthe operation.301
SETTING A MOBILE PHONE OR ABluetooth® AUDIO DEVICE AS FAVOURITETo set a mobile phone or Bluetooth® audio deviceas favourite, proceed as follows:❒press the SETTINGS button (10-fig. 1) on the frontpanel;❒select "Phone / Bluetooth" on the display;❒select the "Paired Phones" or "Paired Audio" listusing the corresponding button on the display;❒select the specific device (mobile phone orBluetooth® device);❒press the "Make Favourite" button;❒the device selected is moved to the top of the list.DELETION OF PHONE DATA(PHONEBOOK AND RECENT CALLS)Select "Phone Data Delete" on the display to deletethe list of recent calls and the phonebook copy.TRANSMISSION OF PHONE DATA(PHONEBOOK AND RECENT CALLS)If your mobile phone has a function for sending thephonebook via Bluetooth® technology.During the pairing procedure a screen will appearwith the request "Do you want to download youphone data and recent calls?".Answer "Yes" to copy the whole phonebook and thelist of recent calls to the system.Answer "No" to carry out the operation later on.After the first phone data transmission, theprocedure for transmitting and updating thephonebook (if supported) starts as soon as aBluetooth® connection is established betweenmobile phone and system.Whenever a mobile phone is connected to thesystem, a maximum of 1000 contacts can bedownloaded and updated for each phone.Depending on the amount of items downloaded fromthe phonebook, a slight delay can occur before thelast names downloaded can be used. Up to then thephonebook downloaded previously (if present) willbe available.302
Only the phonebook of the mobile phone currentlyconnected to the system can be accessed.The phonebook downloaded from the mobile phonecan neither be modified nor be deleted through theuconnect® system: changes will be transmitted andupdated in the system when the mobile phone isnext connected.MAKING A PHONE CALLThe operations described below can only be accessedif supported by the mobile phone in use.For all functions available, refer to the mobile phoneowner's handbook.A call can be made by:❒selecting the icon (mobile phone phonebook);❒selecting "Recent Calls";❒selecting the icon;❒Pressing the "Redial" button.Dialling the phone number using the"keyboard" icon on the displayEnter the phone number using the graphic keyboarddisplayed.Proceed as follows:❒press the PHONE button (9-fig. 1) on the frontpanel;❒press the button on the display and use thenumbered buttons to enter the number;❒press the "Call" button to make a call.Dialling the phone number using the mobilephoneIt is possible to dial a phone number with the mobilephone and continue using the system (never allowyourself to be distracted while driving).When a phone number is dialled with the keyboardof the mobile phone, the audio of the call is playedover your car's sound system.303
Recent callsThe list of the last calls made for each of thefollowing call types can be displayed:❒Calls received;❒Calls made;❒Calls without a reply;❒All calls.To access these types of calls, press the "RecentCalls" button on the Phone menu main screen.MANAGING AN INCOMING CALLCall controlsThe buttons on the display allow the following phonecall functions to be managed:❒Answer;❒End;❒Ignore;❒Put on hold/resume;❒Deactivate/activate the microphone;❒Transfer the call;❒Switch from one call to the other;❒Conference/merge two active calls.304
Rejecting a phone callPress the "Ignore" button or the button on thesteering wheel controls to reject.305Answering an incoming call during an activeconversationTo answer an incoming call whilst another phoneconversation is in progress, press the "Answer"button to put the ongoing call on hold and answerthe new incoming call.IMPORTANT Not all mobile phones may support themanagement of an incoming call when another phoneconversation is active.Answering a phone callWhen a phone call is received on the mobile phone,the system deactivates the audio system (if active)and displays a screen.Press the "Answer" button or the button on thesteering wheel controls to answer.
MAKING A SECOND PHONE CALLWhen a phone conversation is active, a secondphone call can be made as follows:❒select the number/contact of the list of recentcalls;❒select the contact from the phonebook;❒press the "Hold" button and dial the number usingthe graphic keyboard of the display.MANAGING TWO PHONE CALLSIf two calls are in progress (one active and one onhold), it is possible to switch between them pressingthe "Call On Hold" button or to merge the two callsin a conference pressing the "Merge calls" buttons.NoteCheck whether the telephone in use supports themanagement of a second call and the "Conference"mode.306
ENDING A CALLPress the "End" button or the button on thesteering wheel controls to end a call in progress.Only the ongoing call is ended and any call on holdbecomes the new active call.Depending on the type of mobile phone, if theongoing call is ended by the caller, the call on holdmay not be activated automatically.REDIALLINGTo call the number/contact of last call made, pressthe "Redial" button.CONTINUING A PHONE CALLAfter the engine is switched off, it is still possible tocontinue a phone call.The call continues until it is ended manually or for amaximum period of about 20 minutes.When the system is switched off the call istransferred to the mobile phone.ACTIVATION/DEACTIVATION OF THEMICROPHONEDuring a call the microphone can be deactivatedpressing the button on the front panel (or on thesteering wheel controls) or the "Mute" button on thedisplay.When the microphone is deactivated it is stillpossible to listen to the call in progress.To reactivate the microphone, press thecorresponding button again.307
TRANSFERRING A CALLThe ongoing calls can be transferred from the mobilephone to the system and vice versa without endingthe calls.To transfer the call, press the "Transfer" button.SMS MESSAGE READERThe system can read the messages received by themobile phone.To use this function the mobile phone must supportthe SMS exchange function via Bluetooth ®.If this function is not supported by the phone, thecorresponding button is deactivated (greyed out).When a text message is received, the display willshow a screen where the options "Listen", "Call" or"Ignore" can be selected.Press the button to access the list of SMSmessages received by the mobile phone (the listdisplays a maximum of 60 messages received)."MORE" MODEPress the MORE button (8-fig. 1) on the front panelto display (see fig. 14) the following operationsettings:❒Trip Computer;❒Clock;❒eco:Drive.fig. 14 F0Y1013308
TRIP COMPUTERPress the "Trip" button (see fig. 14) to display the tripinformation of the car.This function allows you to display the consumptionlevels and define two separate trips called “Trip A”and “Trip B” for monitoring the car's "completejourney" in a reciprocally independent manner.Both functions can be reset (reset - start of a newjourney): to reset the desired "Trip" hold down the"Trip A" or "Trip B" buttons.CLOCKPress the "Clock" button (see fig. 14) to display (see fig. 15) monitors your driving styleon-board and in real time using the "Acceleration","Deceleration", "Gearbox" (excluding versions withautomatic transmission used in "Auto" mode) and"Speed" indexes which are calculated and storeddirectly in the system;Connect to the eco:Drive site( to configure the USB stickto be used to estimate the trip and the driving styledata.Do not remove the USB stick until the system hasdownloaded the data since they might be lostcompletely or partially.fig. 15 F0Y1014309
ActivationPress the "eco:Drive" button (see fig. 14) to interactwith the function.To activate the function press the "eco:Drive ON"button.A screen will be displayed (see fig. 16) showing 4indexes:❒"Acceleration";❒"Deceleration";❒"Gearbox" (only 3 indexes for versions withautomatic transmission without the "Gearbox"index);❒"Speed".These indexes are grey until the system has sufficientdata to evaluate the driving style or in the event oflong stops.Once sufficient data are available, the indexes willhave 4 colours depending on the evaluation: green(very good), yellow, orange and red (very bad).The average of these indexes will be displayed abovethem, in real time, indicating the eco-sustainability ofthe driving style, from 0 (low) to 100 (high).To check the data average of previous trip (the "trip"starts when the ignition key is turned to MAR andstops when it is turned to STOP), select the"Previous Trip" button (see fig. 17).fig. 16 F0Y1015 fig. 17 F0Y1016310
The data are automatically transferred to the USBstick when the engine is switched off. The datatransferred are deleted from the system memory.When the data are transferred to the USB stick, thedisplay could show instructions on the correctoperation steps: follow these instruction.These messages are only displayed with ignition keyin STOP position and radio off delay longer than 0minutes.NoteWarning messages will be displayed, when the USBmemory is full.DeactivationPress the "eco:Drive Off" button to deactivate thefunction.SETTINGSPress the SETTINGS button (10-fig. 1) on the frontpanel to display the "Settings" main menu (see fig.18).NOTE The menu items displayed vary according tothe versions.The menu comprises the following options:❒Display;❒Time & Date;❒Safety/Assistance (for versions/markets, whereprovided);❒Lights (for versions/markets where provided);❒Doors & Locks;❒Audio;❒Phone / Bluetooth;❒Radio;❒Restore Default Settings.fig. 18 F0Y1005311
DisplayThe "Display" menu contains the following options:❒"Brightness" (this setting is not available when thedisplay mode is set to "Automatic"): select"Brightness" and press the "+" or "–" buttons toadjust the display brightness with the headlights onor off (the setting not corresponding to the activeheadlight condition is greyed out).❒"Display Mode": press the "Display Mode" button toset the display brightness according to "Day","Night" or "Auto" condition. In "Auto" mode thedisplay brightness is aligned to that of theinstrument panel.❒"Language": press the "Language" button to selectone of the languages available.❒"Units": press the "Units" button to select thecorrect unit for "Temperature" ("°C" or "°F"),"Distance" ("km" or "mi") and "Fuel Consumption".If the distance is in "km", "km/l" or "l/100km" canbe selected. If the distance is in "mi" (miles), "milesper gallon" ("mpg") are set automatically.❒"Voice Resp. Length": press the relevant button toset the detail level of the voice messages suppliedby the system and the suggestions displayed.❒"Touchscreen Beep": press the relevant button toactivate/deactivate the acoustic signal when thebuttons on the displayed are pressed.❒"Display Trip B": press the relevant button toactivate/deactivate the displaying of the Trip B onthe instrument panel display.Clock & DateUse this function to set the clock.312
Time settingPress the SETTINGS button (10-fig. 1) on the frontpanel then select "Clock & date" (see fig. 18).Select "Set Time" and press the or buttons (seefig. 19) to adjust hours and minutes.Press the "12h" or "24h" buttons to select the timeformat.The "am" and "pm" are available in "12h" mode.In the Clock menu, "Show Time Status" can beselected to activate/deactivate the displaying of theclock at the top of the display (for versions/marketswhere provided).Date settingTo set the date proceed as for the time setting:select "Set Date" to adjust day, month and year.Safety/Assistance(for versions/markets, where provided)Select this function to adjust the rain sensorsensitivity (for versions/markets, where provided).Lights(for versions/markets, where provided)Use this function to carry out the followingadjustments:❒"Twilight sensor" (for versions/markets, whereprovided): adjustment of headlight switching onsensitivity;❒"Daytime Lights" (DRL) (for versions/marketswhere provided): activation/deactivation of daytimelights;❒"Cornering Lights" (for versions/markets whereprovided): activation/deactivation of corneringlights.fig. 19 F0Y1006313
Doors & LocksUse this function to activate/deactivate the automaticdoor locking when the car is moving ("Autoclose"function).AudioSee paragraph "Audio" in chapter "Switching thesystem on/off".Phone / BluetoothSee the description in the "Connecting/disconnectinga mobile phone or a Bluetooth ® audio device"paragraph in the "Phone Mode" chapter.RadioUse this function to configure the following options:❒"Traffic Announc.": activation/deactivation of theautomatic tuning of the traffic announcements("TA" function);❒"Altern. Frequency": activation/deactivation of theautomatic tuning of the strongest signal for thestation selected ("AF" function);❒"Regional": activation/deactivation of the automatictuning to a station which broadcasts regional news("REG" function);❒"Playing DAB Announcements":activation/deactivation of the automatic tuning toDAB announcements and selection ofannouncement categories of interest among thoseavailable.Restore Default SettingsUse this function to restore the settings for display,time, date, audio and radio to the default values setby the manufacturer.314
VOICE COMMANDSUSE OF THE VOICE COMMANDSPlease follow the suggestions below to be sure thatthe voice commands are always recognised by thesystem:❒speak at a normal volume;❒always wait for the "beep" before speaking;❒the system is capable of recognising the voicecommands given, irrespective of gender, by thetone of voice and intonation of the person givingthe instructions;❒if possible, try and keep the noise in the passengercompartment to a minimum;❒before giving voice commands, ask otherpassengers not to talk. This is to preventmisunderstanding since the system may recogniseother words (in addition to or different from yourvoice command) if several people are speaking;❒for optimum operation it is advisable to close thewindows and the sun roof (for versions/markets,where provided) to avoid external interference.IMPORTANT Voice commands must always be givenin safe driving conditions, in compliance with the lawsin force in the country where you are driving andusing the mobile phone correctly.USE OF STEERING WHEEL CONTROLS TOACTIVATE VOICE COMMANDS"Phone" buttonThe button on the steering wheel controlsactivates the "Phone" voice recognition system tomake calls, display recent incoming and outgoing callsand phonebook, etc.Every time the button is pressed, there is a "beep"and the display shows a suggestion screen inviting theuser to say a command."Voice" buttonThe button on the steering wheel controlsactivates the "Radio/Media" voice recognition systemto:❒tune to a specific radio station;❒tune to a specific AF/FM radio frequency;❒play a track on a USB memory stick/iPod/CD MP3;❒play an album track on a USB memorystick/iPod/CD MP3.Every time the button is pressed, there is a "beep"and the display shows a suggestion screen inviting theuser to say a command.315
Fast use of the voice interactionThe buttons or , when pressed during a systemvoice message, enable to say a voice commanddirectly.For example, if the system is saying a help voicemessage and you know the command to give to thesystem, pressing the buttons or , the voicemessage is interrupted and you can say the wishedvoice command directly (without having to listen tothe whole help voice message).The buttons or , if pressed when the system iswaiting for a voice command by the user, close thevoice session.VOICE SESSION STATUSThe system displays the voice session status withspecific icons:❒(green icon): displayed when the system islistening. In this case you can say a voice command;❒(green icon): displayed when the system hasinterpreted the said voice command and itsfunction is performed. In this case you cannot say avoice command;❒(green icon): displayed when the system isprocessing the given voice command. In this caseyou cannot say a voice command;❒(yellow icon): displayed when the system issaying a help, information or multiple choice voicemessage. In this case you cannot say a voicecommand;❒(red icon): displayed when the voiceinteraction is ended by the user. In this case youcannot say a voice command.MULTIPLE CHOICEIn a few specific cases the system cannot defineunivocally the said voice command and asks forchoosing among max. four alternatives.For example, if you ask to call a name in thephonebook and there are similar names, the systemwill suggest a numerical list of the availablealternatives (see fig. 20), asking to say the associatednumber.fig. 20 F0Y1046316
319fig. 23 F0Y1042
320fig. 24 F0Y1043
321fig. 25 F0Y1044
323fig. 27 F0Y1050
325fig. 29 F0Y1048
326fig. 30 F0Y1049
327CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER LISTThe following table shows the specific Customer Service numbers for each country.Country International freephonenumberCompany freephonenumber International numberAustria 00800.3428.0000 – +39.02.44412.041Belgium 00800.3428.0000 0800.55111 +39.02.44412.041Denmark – – –France 00800.3428.0000 0800.3428.00 +39.02.44412.041Germany 00800.3428.0000 +49.69.669.888.70(upon payment) +39.02.44412.041Greece – 800.11500.800 +39.02.44412.041Ireland – 1800.3428.00 +39.02.44412.041Italy 00800.3428.0000 800.3428.00 +39.02.44412.041Luxembourg 00800.3428.0000 800.28111 +39.02.44412.041Holland 00800.3428.0000 – +39.02.44412.041Poland 00800.3428.0000 – +39.02.44412.041Portugal 00800.3428.0000 – +39.02.44412.041United Kingdom 00800.3428.0000 – +39.02.44412.041
328Country International freephonenumberCompany freephonenumber International numberCzech Republic – – –Slovakia – – –Spain 00800.3428.0000 900.3428.00 +39.02.44412.041Sweden – – –Switzerland 00800.3428.0000 – +39.02.44412.041Hungary – payment) +36.1.465.3688

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