Continental Conair FF920AT User Manual
Continental Conair Limited
User Manual
_J_ ST()I’...DON’T TAKE ME BACK TO THE STORE. LOUKMFOR THE TOLL»FREE “HELP” TELEPI IONE N UMBER. LlS’l‘EN.../\S THE EXPERTS TALK YOU THROUGH THE PROBLEM. For hunk-dial? answers In your qucslions regarding opm'aliou, missing pal-Is or installalion, call Ihc SOUTHWESTERN BELL FREEDOM PHON F)® RETAIL SALES HELP LINE AT: 1-800— 366-0957 850.1411. - 4:30p.m. EST htlpJ/ SOUTHWESTERN BELL FREEDOM PHONm 7475 N. Glen Harbor Blvd‘, Glendale, AZ 85507 FF920 IB— XXXX Prinled in China Southwestern Bell Heedom Phone® 40-Channel Cordless Telephone with Dual Keypad Speakerphone FF990 OWNER’S MANUAL Toll Free Helpline 1-800-366-0937 PLEASE R EAI) IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE Congratulations! You have piin-liased a w-Clianael Cordless Telephone wiili Dual keypad Speakerphone ilial has been inanuraenired la ilie liigliesi slandaids or SOUTI l WESTERN BELL FREEDOM PI IONE® llelail Siilcs. Ils “I )lGlCLEAR I’LIJSW“ eiieuiiry eomliines noise rillering wiili siaie arilie ’|l'| leeliiiology iliai reduees liar-kgraimd nllisc from your ieleplioiie eeiiversalioimproper ad illolmcm or odier cunlmls may l‘rollll in damage and WIII elleii l‘(‘(||IlN exieiisive work hy a qualified ieelmieiaii io malolv ilie praduei in iioi inal operanoii. e. llilie pmdlu‘l has been dioppul or ilie eahinei lias lwcll damaged. Ii irilie produei exhihllsn (Ilslim‘l change in perrorniaiiee 13 Avoid using a ieleplioiie (eilier ilian a eoulles. lype) during an elwii ii iii .\IOI III. There may he a rpnioie risk oreleeli-ir shock from ligliiniiig. m. lio iioi use ilie ieleplioiie Io repori a gas leak in die Hrlnllv el’ilie leak H| lion, IO lie ow‘lllllgs w Thih llu-i may in shock. magi-(I or riayed IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (Cont) Safety Instructions for Batteries Handset Battery Pack CAUTION: Use only a Southwestern Bell needoiu rhone® approved lmllt‘ry melt in Ille handset pl your mm Goidless Telephone To Ntlut‘e the k of fur or niiury always do the following when replacing, discarding or ehai-g iig hatteries When handling the batteries, lie e ertil tint to short the hillk‘l'y with cendurting lllnlt‘ri: ueh as up, hraeetets. and kt‘ya, The battery or eendnetiug material may we. ieat and cruise btu'lls. Use only the following type and size or Imltt‘l'y park: M7“ HANDS-WP UNI'I‘ : n, GNU/MK 11W «loin/Uh} (ll‘l International th| or It. IWD I)»2/'5AA4(IDBC 16V Win/Ill, IWI) Balk-r)! Coqllltl. OON'I'AINS NICKEli-UADMIUM tiAT'rEltv BATH; it must HE lilzcchEli OR Dismsrjl) or PROPERLY a. no not dispose of the hattery paelt in a fire. The eell niay t‘xplotlc, Check wtlll Iot-al emits for possible special disposal ins-n-nrtiom, It, Do not attempt to open or mutilate the battery pack, The elieiiiteaLs are dangerous . d may raus-e damage to (he t‘ycs or skin, and may he loxic if swallowed. e. Follow the ehai-ge illslrut'liolla outlined in this manual. (See page G) The ittlltcw- Ball y tieeyeling Seal an the llit‘kelet'mlmltlm (Ni-ox) hattery (routaiiitu in our plodut‘l) Indicates Southwestern Bell i-lreedoni I‘hnllc® itetail Sales- is- voluntarily participating in an industry program to eoiteet and reeyete lllttw lmttcl'it‘s at ”M‘ out! of their useful li ,, when taken out of service ill the thnted Slnlt‘s or Canada. The mumM program provides a eonyeni it alternative to pl ig med N' l iiatt ‘ s into the [mall or l]|(' municipal w tc stream, \‘\’|Iil’|l iIIt III(‘ nrt'itx. l‘lt . t'i'tll irKXM-BA'ITICRV lttr ||\I'Illilll()ll tlll Niel)! lh’lllt’r l'fi' Illtg lll your arm Snulllwosit‘rlt llt‘ll Wot-(loin l‘lltlllt‘® Rclflil Sales liivolveiiieiil in this pt-tigraiii - pat-t our titiittiittlioitt in preserving the environment and Collsfl'vlllg our iiatttral resources mum?“ is a tradeittark nillir Reeliargeatile Buttery lie-eyeling Corporation Save These Instructions iv Southwestern Bell Heedom Phone® FFQQO 40—Channel Conlless I’le1ephone with Dual Keypad CDIHGIIIS Suhk‘tl. . Safely lllstlllt‘lloll\ , , , llaiulset Battery Pack. llaudiei lliagiam, i Ba Diagram Tiaits orc'ordless elephone Box Contents- INS mu ATION rielnniuaiy I‘mpnrnlioll Telephone Line liniallaiion Modular outlet Desk or Tahie installation Wall Mouniiug On a Standard Wall Plate oii Two SereWs llnlltlst'l Battery Charging To Ropiaee Batteries OPERATION v v ......................... Tone/Pulse Operation Digital Seeurity System 25 Channel ituioSeau Operation Matting a Call Receiving a Call thing Speakerphone Speaker Volume Comm] lteeeiver Volume Control Ringer Control Oil! orrtaiige Memory Feature To Program Frequently Called Nuinhers To Retrieve Stored Nuuiliers To Change a Stored Number ltedial rlash Pause, Temporary Tone t') Page the llaudset luteiroiu IItlIt| Thr wiiyt:oiiteioner Call T llsl‘t‘r LED indie ' m; Want Tiouolrshooinig Guide. rioduet (law ........ . Additional lulorniaiiou. . _ Speed Dialing Nulllhc index . . Sei-Vire , . , . Limited Wairauiy ,,,,,,,,, lage in . .tt; 17 All .tl7 I!) it) v.21 i1— 4 4 4 M Handset Diagram . Base Diagram IIANUSET CONTROLS: The diagram below almws |]u» (‘nnlrnls BASE mNTROlfi: This diagram shows ”19 coulrula ufflw FINA) “use, ofllm ll‘mwlmndsm. in» mm mm DEC) u: w GENE) fining) Traits of Cordless Telephonos A. tzordleo lt-valltltlt‘o otter convenience and nrohiluy tltn'tng telephone ("otlvoroit'iono he toe ot cot'tllrss Ielt‘pltoncs is dependent ttpon the ayailahility of ac powe. Any d ruptiou or eleetrieat power at your location wottltt prevent the plating o (“N‘HVHIK or telephone frills. lt recotnrnended th t a eonltm telephone sltnttltl not he illslnllt‘tl no the only phone at your toeatian. it the toahle mngt‘ at tlte coldless llalttlscl away from the has? a dependent upon many factors, ‘I‘ht- telephone base is like a atlto tt-attotntttel- ill that it tl'mtsnlih telephone litre signals vta dio waves to llte handset, 'l'hert=tore, the lncnlinn of the hast“ is itllpol'lattl In m (‘l' to tnaxltlliu “to Ibt’lhh‘ range. For example, “mulling the base on the court Hoot; ||l some loeattoio, will provitte lutigt'l' t'zlngt' than a ground floor in altatiou. lack a loeation that given you the eleareet signal, The following can adversely affect ueahle range: . ahunintun "(ling tsulnlion with toil hacking - airy inetal conslrtlclton which coultl oliinltl radio signate. Alntospltcric ronttitiorn ano play an inrportaut role in the perlorrnanee or your (“ortllcon telephone. lute ereuee cart he eaueed by placing the haee near: - nuort rent liglns ntiplir’tnu‘o that generate eleetrteal tloiec, ineluthne: rnit othves televl nus VCR‘s hahy ltmntlot's mtttpulere o Alwnyo lteep the base antenna frilly uprighl. o. For nmxillttnn per-to ranec, always keep the hatter-y pat-it fully charged. E. I’lttg your phone directly into an otttlet, not an oxhfllsion eord. t: Do not plug other appliances into the outlet or have the outlet rtmll'ttllcd hy a wall ewiteh. n. it yott wall! to toe more than one rm'tllt‘ss telephone in your hanre, the |t-It‘|>|to|lcs lllllt‘l opct'nlc on tliffct't‘nl (‘hllllllt‘lb- l'rpso the ("Itanttt'l kt‘y Io M‘h‘N it clmllnt‘l thttt provith‘s the rival (“OHIllllnlh’flliolL Installation For your reference, keep a record of the serial nutnher prru at an the Mattel hahel on the honour of the Imo . SERIAL N0. Box Contents Before in at “15 your phone, eheelt the shipping canon to he sure you have the following; 0 llase Unil . AC Adaptor ~ Owttt-r’s Mitmml - “mldsfl with Rechargeable Battery - Quick Reference Guide Preliminary Preparation Telephone Line lmlallalion 1. Never install telephone lacks during a lightning storm. 2 Never tall telephone iaelte in wet locations unless the, lack is spectre eatly designed for wet locations. 5. Nov touch it sttlmetl telephone er?5 or lermilmlo unless the tele~ phone litre has been diseonueoted at the m‘twork inlerfncc, 4. er million when inslnl|ing or modifying telephone lines. Modular Oullcl The l-t-mtl cordless telephone ope from a olantlal'tl tic/m yolt outlet handset is powered by a reehergeahle lottery pack. Balleries are charged ntllmnalicnlly when the hon . ' placed in the cradle or the base unit. Dnsk or Tohle Inslttllztlion a Plug one end or the litre eonl into haek 0g hast ttnit. l‘Itlg other Nuts: a. Keep the stuppintt eat-ton attd packaging, itt t'flM‘ you need to transport your phone. h. it there its viallllt‘ tlan gt', do not use th. eqtttptnturt. (Dull! ~t your shipping age"! or rettti the telt» phone to the place at puret h. Connect AC adaptor to hilt k or unit and plug into a e|atitllml {IO/I‘ll volt outlet (fig, l) FigJ e. Fillly uprikh! the limo antenna. (fig, 2) (1. Plan? lhr llatltlsvt inlo ”If llztst‘. Tlto CHARGE LEI) will liglll, it‘i oz Installation (Cont) BA’I'l‘EllV PACK MUST Ill". |“()l'( 1044 HOURS BEI‘YmH INITIAL OI‘I'IRA'I'IUN. Wall Mourning: The Few: "my he rnounled on a wall phone plaie or onio 2 serevn (no! inrluded) llml you iauen io iho wall. For eilher iype or llisldllnlinli, complele lI|(‘ follownig sleps first. I. lliserl llie AC mlnplor illln llic back or lhe mill. 2, Thread ihe illlflplol' eord uirongh ihe groove in ihe haek of lhe unn. The (“OI'KI wlII 4»in I'roln IIIl‘ hollnm. IX) N01" (IlNNI'KTT TlIIC AC ADAPTOR TO THE WALL POWER OUTLET YET (In il Slumlilrd Wall I’Inlm flu. Insert one end uloliurl line e -d inio hark or base nnil, passing line eoid ihrough groove. Plug oiher end or line cord ililo rnodular iaeh. lugs Wall plaie AC Adnplul' (i _J_ 4:1. Mounl lhe phone on lhe wall pluie MINI) llIlI goullv pr a until "ll" uml locks in plaee (lig 3), 5.1.l’lugllic AC adapior inio lire power onlk‘l. fin. nilly uprlghl ihe inoe anienna. 7h. l’lm‘c llll‘ Ilalldoel illlo Ihe babe. The CHARGE LED will liglil. On Two Screws: 3b. I’L’N‘c phone on wall nlul ||| Ini‘fllloll ol‘ screw.» E'IS'NI M'l'i‘WS leaving 5/16” exlending oru -orn wall. Ust‘, authors lo scrum“ screws. 4h. lust-11 one cud ol’ slml'l line curd mm back or base unii, |)n.‘\~‘il|g lino cnnl ihrough groove. Ping ourer end or line card imn modular jack. 5h. Moulil phone on ihe scrrwo and genily pm, until [he nnn locks lulu place. an plug ihe AC adapior nno llie power- OII'IEL 7h. Fhlly nprigln ihe has? nnienna. 8h. Place llie Ilfllldsfl Illlfl |I|(‘ base. The, CHARGE LED will lighl. llandsol Ballery Charging: The hauery pooh in die handm nnni he l‘lilly eharged ior flhoul lcm houro heiore using lhe lelephone. 1. New eonneeling In AC power, leave the honrisel, unused in ihe eradle [or len In fourleen limlrs. lam il wlll lake less lune lor ilie haileiy lo recharge. Tl“: CHARGE LED on lhe linse will he lil when lhe he’lmlocl is in lhe eraille. Installation (Cont) Now: a. When ihe hauerv gels low, ure TALK LED will flash, and un- nnii will beep every 30 seconds. hill lhe balicl'y becomes low whilo vou are on n eall, you will he onnoeied aher ahoni z niinules. ' are the rail quickly, and pm iho lmndscl in the base to recharge die Imllcry e. The hullei'y will hold i ~ eharge ror several days oul of ihe emdle, depend. ing on use. NOTE: The lmmlsfl will noi ring when lhe l'lllgor is in Ihc “om posiliun. ll ihe hand ,I nulol’the eradle, ihe TALK LED wlll flash din-rug mi incoming eall. To Replace Balleries: 1. Remove lmllcry Coven z liislall new lmllery. 5. Clam hanery eover. Clnr e lull Iloms heloro fuel use. T0 lllinnnim‘ your hill“ V‘s Ilfia W0 reeonnnend lhnl you p iodnvally irge the ham v. and ”lb" rechn e n. To do lliis, unplug ynnr phone line eonl h-onr ihe wall phone jack. Pro» |l|c TALK hilllon. mul allow the he’lnrlarl (0 remain on Mr I0 I0 12 horns. Reeonneel lhe phone enrd lo the wall phone jnvk. llenn-n iho linlulsel m “10 base ulul nllnw ll lu fully charge for 12 hon ll Illla process is eonrpleieil lllmllhly, n WIII reduee ihe inernory lniildnp ihnl occurs from rreipienl pn inl eharging. Operation lMl’lHYI‘AN'l‘ NOTICE: Tum / l’lllsl- (Jporalion Tho Flfflll will operalo on loue ol- rolury (pulsv) o‘ oil-s. l, ll vmlr holler is wircll for rolory M‘l'VIN', inovr |Ilc Tono/ludsr (T/P) syilrh io Ilw Pulse nosnion (p). 2 if your Ilollov u wil'ml ror Tour or, inorr ||l(‘ 'l/P swneh lo lhe our llmiliou (Tl a. ll you oro ullsul‘v of "lo |y|)(- or lllallllg srryirr you how, 501 ihr swnoh lo Tour (T). On lho huudsel, pun iln» TALK lumen and ihon uny lllgil on lho lu-ypod lr llio dlul lone .' ’,swilcll in in cw) To '. mum-l, pl’l‘ss KIM" TALK hulion again, or sol du- Ilmlllsfl in lho orudlr. Digilu| Soc-irily Syslvln Your mm Coldless 'I'(-|c|lhllm> is equipped willl u (Ilgllal serurily ('0( lg s slcnl lo prnh‘rl your Ilnee unll lroiu hung m and hy olhor cordless ielophoues. Tllv rode ullowo your bust and himde lo l'emgllizc (‘ilrll oiher so lhoi olher roullcss- phonrs wlll uol undo oolls on your line. lr lhe Ac oduulo -onnerlrd or a loss or power occurs while lhe hondsoi I 1wny lroui lhe hose nun, ihe son y rodr Wlll hr [ml and lhe phflnl‘ Wlll he inoperable. If lllis orri s, reeonnorl lllc Al: oduplor and I lllrn llle Ilnllllscl lo "in base llllil so lhul lhe murily code is rrsel. wnon lhe hondsrl I nol III iho hose, only o handset liuying lhr ideulieol serurfly code und 0; lg on llle mule clmllllel CHI] acne» llle base and use your phone hue. Wlirn lhe hondsrl is i die hm, no olln-r lniudsel, ovt‘ll lhosi~ lmvlllg Ilw ldeulirol seoiu-uy code ond oporilllllg on lhr same chunuol call flcl'vss lhe hose ond use your plume lino. Dlgiml serurily coding will also olnuinole, lhr “fa ‘c” l'lllxillg nxs’oci- olol wilh caulk" lolophonos nol equipped willl nus fcmul'c. _J_ Operation (Cont’d) 40 Channel AquSflun Operalion Your Conllcss lelcpllolle hos 40 ufiel'alillg channels. The phone V\I ouloiuulicully search and scleel lht‘ (Ionrcol ohonnel when you |ln>ss iho TALK lnulon. The TALK LED will hlmk nnlll u oloor rhonnrl is found; lhen ii will he lil colllmllously. ll you hear noise or other lll|(‘rl'('rellN‘ during your oouyorsulion, you in lllmllmlly solool o clearer ehunnoi hy pl'emlllg and roloosiug llle CHANNEL |)II'|0II on ”Io llnmlsel I0 swik‘ll lo uuolher spare chnlmcl. Your eull will uoi he nuorrupled. You will heor ml lwo heaps ll me new chouurl is nol rleor. Note: You must he in usohle range lo change channels. If you press ihe CHANNEL hullon when you are close lo heillg oul of range, you uiuy loso lhe, roll. If lhio occuu. place lhe huudsol book into lllc base for a lew socolldo Io rem lhe. sen! ly rode and lhou llmke lhe call ngfl i. Mum-um m Fnulm lour M king: a (kill L Mulu- suri~ llll‘ nus up. ghl. 2. Llfl lln‘ Immlofl null press |||(' '|'/\LK |JII||0I| m In- ('()||II('('||‘(I iii “iv phone line. Tlm TALK li|||lml wlII Illlllk lllllil a clear rllnllllvl ' f0|llll|; ”H‘Il ll will Iiglll (a |Ilillll0lls|v. 'I'Ill’ SI'I-ZAKI‘IK LEI) DH lllt‘ I will In“ Ill. illlll'llllll is hilly 3. MIN" Ili‘ill'illg :l (lull Mill" lllill Illn- (Icsll'oll lllllllbcl: 4. ll yml iuisdl- ,siniply [ll’ltxx‘ lho TALK hullon, | for u rouplo ol seconds, and pro» lho TALK liullon agnlll for a new dial lime. 5. Allrr your ouliwrsulion is WHIP plf‘lnd, pl x; "lo FALK hlllhm ollrl- lu (Iisrolmvrl llw lillv, or l‘l'|lll‘|l llll' lmlldscl lo Iho haw The TALK zlllll SPEAKER LED's will llll'll off. Rec Vlng o (zoll Whon lho phorn 1. hr Tlll-: llANl); l‘ UU‘I' OF ‘I'Illll CRADLE, prros Illo TALK Ilullml 0" [he hondsol. Tllc TALK LEI) wlll nusli ropidly. 2. IF THE IlANDSIi'I' [S W Tlllc CRADLE, lin lhc hunt l. 130 NOT press lho TALK Illlllml, you will he tunnel-10d mlmllmlk ‘K Operation (Cont’d) Using Speakerphone To minke or nllawn‘r n (“all willmlll using nhe handsen, press die SPEAKER hunnon on nine liar, You will he eonneened no nine lrn Tho SPEAKER LED will hold, To d wollllecl, press SPEAKER hunnon ng: in. The line will diseonneci, and lire SPEAKER LED will nnn-n oil, wan-Mu Speaker Volume Conlml l'onr mm nllnws you no adjusn nlne hose openk -phone no a more eoinrorn- nlllc lisle illg k‘Vn‘l. Pres: lllc VOLUME hlllloll( v / A )o|l nhe hase no me more I oellinng. Note: ll you experience dimrnlny w'l|]n p. "g or receiving calls, nhe losn seen. y eode may he nhe enuse of lllc problem. When lhio «euro, llne handsen mll no longer eonnnnn one willl ilo hi c. The Inns of l|\(‘ voile (‘nll occur any or nine [allowing wny ir nln- hannery is drained aml nee s recharging; nhe hondsen is oun or range or die hose lnlnil; nlne AC adapnor is diseonneened or a power los in oeenn - mivllnnng llmn m ws eiee inerrei-eniee, for example 10 nnilnipne cordless nelephones, hahy lnmlllol' lolevislolls, Vflll‘s Mr. Rest! nln- seen y cod:- hy plarmg nhe llmlnlsfl (m “I? hilsk‘ for I0 on‘rnllllb. If llml does not walk, Illnkt‘ euro "I? AC ndapnor ls collllwnonl. lr nwessary, unplug lhe AC anlaplm rronn nhe power source. Disconnecl lhe bnuery fol ) serolllls nllnl |I|n'll lonollllch Place line llmnnlsel 0“ ”I0 Inn mlnl nhn‘ll replnng nhe AC adapnon- oer -onhle- slnooling). R , (“r Volume Cnnlrol Your mm nnlows you no adinsn nine haudsrn yolnnne no a more condorn- nhle nisnening level. snide nhe REA CEIVER VOLUME OON'I'IKOL n‘nll llle hide of III? lIIHHlM‘,‘ In NORM, MID or HIGII. VOLUME NDFM o MEN Kingor Gonlrol lr yonn do iion waiin lhe nnin no ring, sen nlne l’nlNGEh swineh on nine hock or line, hose no OFF: The limidsen or lmse will nio longer ring when a eall IS heing received. The handsen TALK and base SPEAKER LED‘o will flash when a call comes- in. 77— Operation (Cont’d) um \_J\_"°'7;J mzfl‘ F'fi h“: m" . "Isl! mm Him“ "(In)“ . .. - , n . monsoon—r..." . CD CD (3 (D inn-l n lid Mm- M PM“ dun of Range in you nry no place a enll when you are noo lar away from nine hose, you will hear snan‘ . An error ieep wnll sound r: in llne liaiidscl ever 6 seconds Move closer no nhe hose, as yonn will he <1!$(‘ll||l|t‘(‘|(‘(l Min“ 15 wcollnls. If d ‘mlllw‘lenl, resen nhe seen eode hy plaeing nhe handsen on nine ime for no seconds and try again. Memory Feanure Your mm is equipped winh lnl memories for p'ogrnlllmillg your mosn lreqnemly ( ‘1lenl lelephollc llllmllcm You can store up no 16 digins in each or llne memory localionns 0 through 9 hy following lhe sneps ollllilled. You may use einiier nhe hnndsen or nho has-e keypad no snore. numbers. The procedure is llle same, and die mellml'y is shared. A reeord of die numbers no he. eed. dialed may he, kepn on ihe lllelllo v index ehnrn on pnge 19 in niiis manual. To Program Frequenlly Called Numbers i. ll pl'ngralnllllllg Ihl'uligll Ihc hrnnidsen, piek nip llio Inaninlsel wlnli TALK mid SPEAKER on. 2. Press Ille MEMORY (MEMO) bnllloll; Illc TALK LED will begun flashing. DEC) s. Dial phonc nnnrhcr (up no in; lllgils}. icneh Tnana (“l cnncrnd uses one or nine nveilahle nligil in van » more nhan 30 sceonns in pro . nnnne, or if you 1“ ulennallr pr s I7l|l nliml on e -none will sound You nhcn nuisn rep ugmlll dic nnnnlnr 4. Press nhe MEMOINMICMU) hnnnon ngnill. 5. 0n nlne Inn-wild press dic nn-inory loeanion U IIll-unlgll {l where yon r sh no snore nhr nunihcr you will in I u lieep no eonhrin nhc nnnnhrr is heen successfully snored in memory. 6. To snore. linllnllien-o inn ollnn-r lon‘zlllulh, slnrl an olep 2 again. Bflfififi Sarina izEJEnnasnaa To Renricvc snared N l. Pirk up Hmnnlot‘n. 2 lire TALK, and nhcn Mlchinllw (MEMO) hnnnon. 3.1’l'ess nhe desn-cd memory ionnion numher. The |lll|l||ln‘l' you pro gl'almnrd will he aunonianienlly dialed. 4 You may also press nhe SPEAKER bllllml on ”IF [HIM‘ m l'rll ifvo n floral nnnihei i-ress nhe desired nienroiy loeanion nnnnhrr The nnnnhcr you piogonnned Will he annonn -.ll_r dialed. Operation (Cont) l)mllllg wlll Iollow lbe pl'ngrnllllllcll Tulle/Pillow solllllg, even when none 'l'e...para.-y “mun To (Ihmlgo a Sum-d Number. llaplare a siored number by program- a new number u. as plate. ha. will hea brep ronfirnnng lbe llr‘w llllllllll‘l’ h a lK‘l‘lI slol‘cll. Ill-(linl Your mm wine...hers lbe lasl ..un.berd.aled.' . s a eonvenienl realnre when wag in place a call lln-ough lo a phone nuinber lllal is nol being nllsworcll or is eonlinuously llllsy 1, Pro.“ |l|(‘ TALK lllllloll oll Ilu= llallllwl or |Ile SPEAKER lllllloll on ll. ‘2. Wlll‘ll you “fill” a dial lune, prrss lhv REDIAL lllllloll on llallllsel or lime. Tll(‘ IlllllllN‘I' will ho llllllcll, based on lllf‘ 'I‘()Nl-I('l')/I‘lllSlCO’) wlllllg of Ihl‘ prev ly dialed number. n- m- ...... lz Flash You ran use your cordless lelephone Wilh special seryle » ueh as Call w; lg or Three Way Calling (Sperm subserlpiion iron. your loeal lelephane eonipany u- rauired). During 11 lelephone muwrsallon. you may hear a lone or chck, wl eh indieale lhal you are l'oroivillg anolh all. To speak in lhe see-and caller and pul lbe llrsl i-aller on hold, pl'l‘xs llll‘ FLASH lllllln l’ ’ I'LASlI |)II||(|II rig lo M ll) lhr m llml eall. luu may a so press ihe I- ASlI la ohlalll a new llial lollo. DISC) Pa use You ean lnserl a Lsccolld PAUSE n.lo lbe dialing or long dislanee llllmhem Press lhe REDIAL bullon on llle handsel or base d... .g rhallng. Temporary Tone ('): ln pulse dialing mode. vml can access hank raelliiies, leleplmne answering, niael.lnes, elr. by . nply pressing lbe TONl'X ' )key In gel liilo lhl» lone made and illplll lhe required lone codes, |l will r l aulolnalieally aller you end your I, Operation (Cont) Page ihe llaadsel You ea . send a page gllnl iron. llll‘ has? In llll‘ bands-el. This lealure is useful if you wam lo locale ll.e llallllsel. men-rue..- ll you prm and release the PAGE/ INTERCOM bullon on lhe base, a series al rings will sound he... lbe handsel (for 20 seconds) Press lbe TALK human or plaee lhe handsel n. lhe base to slap the ril ills, The TALK leu will flash wilh eaeh ring, Intercom The llllfl‘t‘nlll lemme allows Ihe users or lbe mm handsel and base lo coiliiiilmicale with each olher. To communiwle wilh Ihc handsel: 1. Press Ille PAGE/INTERCOM l)|lll0ll on llle base. A series of rings Wlll sound From lhe llmldscl, mid llle TALK LED will flash. This alorls Illo lmmlsel user lhal you waul to speak Wllll l 9. To speak will. you, ibe handsel user should press lJle TALK or INTERCDM lnlllolB 5. The users of the lmllllsel rind llle base am now comlllmucale wllh (‘ach WIN: 4. To exil Ihe inlerean. niode, press enher d.e TALK or INTERCOM bnuon on lbe handsel or lbe SPEAKER llllllou on lbe base, The appropriale hms will ban nfl‘. To communicale wilh Ihc base: 1. l’ s. lhe INTERCOM hlllloll on lhc handsel. A series of rings will sound from lhc base, and the INTERCOM LED will flash. This alerts lhe has? user lhal you wnlll lo speak wllh hin.. _T_ 1 To speak willl you, lbr him llM-l' should press lhr SPEAKER m' MGE/ lNTEKallyl bullons, 1 Tlll‘ lN‘ls (ll ||l(' llflllllM‘l allll lliIM‘ ran now coliiulllliimllv Willi vach ollwl: 4. To exil lbe inierron. mode, press eilher lln» TALK or IN'l (IllM bullon on lbe haudsel or lbe Sl’l chll / lN'l‘chlxlm bum... on llu- lane. The appraprunr buns will lurn olr. No! i lhe handsrl/basr user does nal mlswm' lhe illlfl'l'nlll page willlill m serends lln- unh will eyu lhe inlemnn mode. Mule You can speak wnh smilmilll' on your end or lhe phone . . lla- sanie roe... you). willlmll lhe ralh-r hearing your roiwrr lion, If using lhc base SI'EAIiluIlI’IIONE 1. Press (he Mll'l'IE Illlllnll oll llll‘ lh’lb“, Ille SPEAKER LEI) will llaah This will pm [he call on Ilolll. ‘2. $5 llle MU'I‘E llllllnll ii}: in lo eonunne speaking wnl. dn~ miller. lr using lbe handsrl: 1. press- lbe MU‘I‘I”, buuon ml the Il’lmlscl. The llfllldhk‘l 'l‘/\l.l\ alill llll' SPEAKER blurs will flash. 'rlns pnl lbe vall on bald. 2 Pr?» lllt‘ Mll'l‘l‘l llllllml ilgfllll lo collllllue spl‘aklllg willi dn- l'alll-l: Three Way Coahaenre You may use cilllcr|llc . e or lhe handsel as an extension phone, To join a call already in progress on lhe handsel, press lhe l’liAllIill hula... on lhe base. 15 Operation (Cont) Tn iuill a rail illrrmly in progress on the Imbfl, |)l'('.\s ilir TALK lnnion on llie Imlulwl (ONLY II’ THE HANDSET IS AlREAllv OUT OF THE liAsEl Tire apin-nnriaie Liam will light. Call Transfer Trnml’orring a (“All from lhc base lo lhc hundst‘l The call sllmlkl lllrmily he in progrc» through lIlc IMIM‘, n HI Ihe SPEAKER LEI) will In' lil, IFTIIE HANDSET IS IN THE BASE CRADLE: 1, Pick up ilir Ilalnlscl, ainl Ilcgill xpm’lkmg lllrnugll Ihc Ilauilsel. IF THE HANDSEI‘ ls CLOSE TO THE BASE CRADLE (LE. IN THE SAME ROOM): I. l’rt‘sa the MUTE llllllon on the base. This will pill llle trill on hold. 2. Prcsw' llie ’I‘AI,I( lnillnn on Hie lianilm, nml hcgin speaking. [F TIIE IIANI)SE'I‘ IS AWAY FROM TIIE BASE CRADLE (LE, IN AN- OTHER ROOM): 1, I’I'i" llle MUTE Ilnllnn ml lhc Imse. 'l'll| will pill IlK‘ mil on hold. ‘2. Pl?» llle PAGE/INTERCOM bullan on |Ilc linen 5. A series of ring will Sound fl'olll ilie lianrlsei, flln'llllg I||(‘ lianrlsel iner lluil you walil lo Speak with him, A. To weak willi ynn. ilk» Ilmnlwl rm Sllonlll pres uie ‘I‘Allll nl' lNTERmM llllllolm 5. Press lho SPEAKER billion on the haw lo colnplelr III(‘ lransrri: 14 G. The hands“ iner ean naw liegin Speaking wllh ilie caller. 1 If |I|(‘ lianrlsei iner rim no! wnlll lo speak Willi lhc ealler. ilir haw user ean press IIH.‘ MUTE hulloll to enn- iinne speaking wilh ilie caller Tmml‘erring a call from lhc hamlsel Io lhc base The call should all-early lie in pinkie» Ihrough llu‘ Imnilsfl, and ilie TALK LED is "L IF THE HANDSET ls CLOSE T0 THE BASE CRADLE (LE. IN THE SAME ROOM): 1. Press llic MUTE billion on “IE ImmlseL This will |)l|| I||C call on ||0I(|. z I‘l'ch ilie SPEAKER bullon on ilie l E and begin speaking wnli ilie caller. IF THE HANDSET ls AWAY FROM THE BASE CRADLE (LE. IN AN- OTHER ROOM): 1, PK he MUTE hullon on [he hflndseL Tl“: will pill lllo (“XIII on “Old. 2. Press Ihr, INTERCOM llllllon on the lmndscl. 3. A sf‘rlc; of rings will ~auinl l‘mln ine base, aleriing file in "Mr llml yon wani la Speak Willi liiin. 4.11) speak will. you, ilie nase inrr should preas ilie PAGFJIN‘FIERCOM I)||I|DIL 5. Press ilie TAl,K lniilnn nn ilie liandsei lo rmnpleie llie Il'flnsl‘cr, Tlie lme user ran nnw Ilogin speaking willl ilie caller. Operation (Cont) STATUS lNI)I(;/\'l'l()NS CHARGE lllllulsvl lm||ory is living charged. Power is 1101 (‘Olllll’l‘ll‘lL Ilandscl lmllol charging. is llnl SPEAKER lino is ill use llll'ough (he linso. OFF Lini- is Hol ill lllt‘ llilsv. sv lhmllgh FLASHING (lull is on llnllll ON (klnllnllllimling willl llallrlsvl. FLASHING IIflIMlSl‘I paging “£150 or base pap, Hg llflll(IS(‘L IIANDSET: TALK ON Lin? ill usv. Innluml willi Iiilsc unil. OFF Linc is llnl ill lm‘. FLASHING Sci" ling I'ol' (‘|(‘ill'(‘sl ("ll Illli‘l. llllllcl'y is low. ‘ilging hash. Molllm'y Slm'llpJ‘. Receiving all incoming call, 15 FCC Wants You To Know This equipment corrrplies willr l‘at'l GB or Illc FCC rules On the bottom of the hise of this equipment is a label that contains, among ollrer information, the me ltegistratron Number and R iger Equivalence Number (KEN) tor this equipment. You must, tipoii request, provide this information to your telephone coittpdtty The man is ll. ml to determine the quantity or devices you may connect to your telephone tie and still have all oi those devices ring when yotir lele— phone iuunlie is called. in most, but not all areas, the stint at the highs of all devices connected to one line should not exceed live (5.0; To be certain or the number til devices yotr may connect to yo line, as determined by the ltEN, you should contact your local telephone company to dt-tcrnnne tlrc nrainiunn titan tor your calling area. it you telephone equipin it causes lrarru to the telephone network, the telephone company may drscont rtre yotu service temporarily. ll pos ble, they will irotitv you in dvaucc. tiut ii arlvairce notice tsirt practical, you will be notified suoir as possible. You will be iulorincd or your right to file a complaint willr the FCC, limr telephone company may inalte changes in its facilities, equipment, opcrflr lions, or procedures th.t could alt‘cct llre proper inrrctiouing oi yotrr equip- ment, if they do, yort will be, notified itt advatrce to give you air opportunity to maintain in nlerrnpted telephone service. it yott experience trotihle with this telephone equrprn nt, disconnect hour the network until the problem has been corrected 0 until yoti are sure that the equipment is not ittdlruncttontttg. Tl a equipment may iml he used on corn service provided by the telephone t‘mllpillly. Colllll‘t ton to party lines- is suhiecl Io state tat-ills. This equipment is liea ig aid compatible. morning changes ul' inodil-rcatiom to this unit not expressly approval by the party responsible tor compliance corrld void the users atrtlior y to operate the equipment NOTE: This cquiprncnt has been tested and round to coruply with the hunts for a Class B digital tit-Vic , pun talll to Part 15 of [he FCC Rules. These limits dcsignctl tit provide tcasoitdhlc protection against ltitt-ntrtll inlct-rercnee in d i-c.rdentral installation. Some cordless telephones operate at frequencies that tllay catw- interference to nearby TV’s and VCK’s To ntinilllize or prevenl such interference, the base or the cordless telephone should not he placerl near- or on lop of a TV or VCR. ll interference |5 experienced, moving lllt‘ (‘Dl'tllt‘ss‘ [ele- phuttt- rfll’lllfl' away from the TV or VCR will often wince, or e lnnitlc the interference. However; there is no gttar ntee that interference will not occur iii a particular i stalltttiott. If this t‘t||ll]l|llt‘lll does citisc hartttlul interference to lt’ltl o or lt'k‘ ion reception, which cart be determined by turning the equipment all and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by oire or more of the following measures: . neor ill or relocalc lltc receiving antenna. increase the separation between the equipment attd receiver: Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit diner-cut from that to which the r-ccciver is contieclcd. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio Tv technician for help. Troubleshooting Guide it you have followed the instructions in this manual. arrrl have dittreulty operating your Southwestern Bell n-eedom ltlront® tzordlcss telephone, locate the PROBLEM in the hall colulltll below. Cllt’ck lllo col'l’eppolldillg POSSIBLE CAUSE and CORRECTIVE ACTION columns to locatc and remedy the problem. PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE CORRECI‘WE llC‘l'lth The trrrit will improper installation ltccheck all plug crnnret- - not operate. lions Also, check the At: adaptor rut» proper councc . tlllll It) We’lll (llllll‘l illNl phone base. lteset the digital sct-urrty code by returning the ltnlttlsct to the Iiitsc [or ill Icasl IO scrontls. A nt‘w cutlt- ts sol. Tile digital security code has heerr lost due to rr power loss while the handset was away hour the base. The battery is not charged. tlharge the battery lot- about 1th hours before irrrtral ttar; or when the hatlcry low liecp sounds evt v w seconds iroirr the h nrlset. SA‘t‘ Illl‘ allovo tilt-Illiont‘tl (‘m'l'l’t'llw‘ actions. Move tltt- ltatttlot-l cluscr to Hi? haw. N0 dial lone. See the alluve men- tioned possible car es. Tire handset is being used too tar away hour the base. 1. hell n the l -tlttla-t-t ll» the ll 56 unit [or 6-H) M‘t‘trlltls lu Difficulty placing or receiving calls You may have lost the security eotle. The handset cart no longer mnllnunirale Willl its base. If lltttl tltlt'sll‘t thrk, ll_ The loss of [he (“rule can 2. Chet-king lo nitlltt‘ atn't‘ lllt‘ occur if the battery is AC adaptor conuc ltd r ‘nctl and needs 1 tlnplttggrng ht: . lirplor- lrom recharging, handset is power source, disconnect out oir ngc or the » handset battery for ”l seconds ullil, the AC ndaplnr i Illt‘n rt't‘mlllt't‘l. l‘lilt-t- llr‘lnil -| disconnected, a power hack tilt hasc, llit-lt i-cplttlz the loss occurred or electrical Al; adaptor. inlel'lcrenre from olller cordl phones, baby monitors, microwaves, etc. EVE“ a momentary power interruption could erase your cordless phones security code. l7 Troubleshooting Guide (Cont) l‘llllIlIJCM The haudscl only works elosc lo llie base, POSSIBLE CAUSE The base anlenna is iiol l‘lllly uprighl. COR RECTl V E ACTION nilly llprlglll ihe base anlcnna for the host refilllls. Recharge Ihl- liailery, The incon up ‘rliebollcry is no! rails g. l is eharged. lllll‘rnllllelll or fades The limillscl is being Move die handsel closer io used loo far away lbe haw, [mm the lime. The base nlllclllm is iiol hilly Illll'lglll. llilly upl'lghl ihe base auioinia. Cain make oulgolng calls Toxic/Pulse lelf‘h is uul sci col-i-eclly Sel lhc Tone/lailse svvilch lo ihe proper posihou for your lype ol scrvlce. The (llgilnl seenrily hcsei Ihc digilnl seenriiy code has been last mile hy rellirlilng ihe llnllllsel lo Ihe lime [or XII least 10 seconds The base ml hands“ lmlk‘l'y roiilacls arc liol in colllnvl with each olhel: Ballcl'y pack is uol recharging Make eerl n ihe ballery eonlaels |I| ie haudscl and base make co lael when handsci rcsis in ihe base. The, ell/incl: LEI) will be lil. lieplace llic ballery paeh al lvasl every iwo yca To maximize your hmlary‘s Follow ihe ballery refresh life, we recommend nial procedure, lislcd on page 1 you periodieally hilly discharge lhc linllery, and lhcn recharge IL Baum-y pack needs In be replaced. CIIIH'IIl (‘llflllllt‘l is nol (he cleaves! choice. Noisf or inleriercnee is being hcanl (luring your Pres ihe CHANNEL buuon lo swilch lroiu one i‘hallllcl Io flllolllcr. This will allow you lo ehoose Ihe elcaresl ol 40 ehanne .. More lhc haudsci closer lo ihe base. You have 1”) seconds lo do llus before you are discouueeled. The handsel is being used loo far away from me base. a Imill slfllic of is liranl 18 Product Care A. Avoid pulling cordless phones licm‘ healing appliances and devices lhai generals eleclrical noise hnolors, nilorcscclll lamps, elm). B. «Avoid rough lreanueni of ihe phone by placing [he bandsel gelllly iuio ihe base when hanging up. Avoid drop. ping ihe hondsei. 11 Clean your eordlcss leleplioiio only wilh a son clolll sliglllly dampened Willi water or mild hand soap. Do IIDI use any type or solvenl or abrasive cleaner. Before cleaning, always un— plug ihe phone lroin ihe wall oullcl. D. i'our eordlcss phone is nol designed lo be water l-osislunl. Do not nor llic lnuidsel in lhe rain, lhr pool or in lho shower no nol illxlilll your base llliil outdoors, ne-< n ink ’Il| lllh or shower. Do noi expose lo dircrl slilllighl. E, helaiu ihe oi lgllml packaging should you need io oliip ihe phone al a laier dale. Additional Information A. Counseling this lelephone lo a coin operaicd ieleplioue or pariy line is proliiiiled by law. Ii If it is llelerlliilied lhm your telephone is llmlhnlclionillg, Ihe FCC requires ihal u be diseonnecied from ille moduli-r oullcl ulllil ihe problem has been correclcd. For iliuiicdlalc answers H) 1 your qllt‘sllo i-cgailhng lhc opua ion of your Soulhwc. n lk‘ll | duui Phulic® call lllr Consulllrr ”OllIIK‘, loll h e al (Wm-rm}: Speed Dialing Numbers Index lDCA’i'lON NUMBER [DCA’I‘ION NUMBER Service Ac rdiug ln I-‘(LC rcglllnllalls, lhis oliuipilieiil, which has iiooil rlirird and It’hlsl‘l't‘d liy lln- m1, may only ho rcprurod liy alllhol'iml pol ills. li repairs or adiusliii rr inadc lly all lllll’llllllori‘u‘ll pcrsoii, lho FCC col-liricalioii liiay ho voided, lioidd you oiicouuio ily prohloilis. please call lhr Solllll\vr~l?r|| Boll l'l'l‘l‘llolll |‘|miw® lollrl‘l'n‘ (Illslonlrl' Holp Lim‘ for as ~1mll I—Nll- ‘rfifirmfll Moi d - li-iday hrlweoii lhe hollls olxrm Niki-30 piii ( ') or visil our welisllr al Illl|l~//wwwowhrreollolllpliollorolll. FOR IN-WARRAN'I'Y SERVICE Package your coiiipiclo iiiiii (including all adapil-rs, hlio rolvls 1nd olhor acre ssorios) and ship lhc iiilil poslago pl'cpl’ull' and insured (for your prolcolion) lo: SOUTHWESTERN BELL FREEDOM PHONE/D DEPT: Warrnnly Repair 7475 N. Gk‘n Harbor Blvdl, Glendale, AZ 85507 lso SHH‘ lo includi- your l-olurn add 3s“, proof or plu‘t‘lmsc, a dayhnil- pliolir iiuin. Ivor, mm for lmslflgo and Imlldlmg‘, alid a |)ri\‘fcxpll’||lnlmll of your dilrlrulliro ‘NOTE: California reslllellls nerd only provide proof or purchase and should coll Emma-0957 for shipping lllSll'lK‘liolls. FOR OUT-OF-WARIKANTY SERVICE : (lull oilr loll. or llolp Lule roi- lho prioc or a replnct‘mflll ill-lore l-elui-iililg you iliiil. I’Irflse follow all ‘ slrurlloiis l‘nr IIIvVVnrrllnly sm'vll'f move) lo rrllirii your u l, and iliarh llie pnckagl‘: DEPE: oill-oLWai-rallly if you have called and hliovv ilie rosl or your replarenieiil, ploaso illclllllc lhis iiiiorliialion willi your iiiiil ior proinpl service. QUESTIONS? S'I'Ol’,.,DON'T TAKE ME BACK TO THE STORE. "1 THE TOLL-FREE “HELP“ TELEPHONE NUMBER, ,AS THE EXPERTS TALK YOU THROUGH THE PROBLEM. For ilnliiodiolo aiiswois In your nucslioiis regarding opcmlion, missing pal-ls ol- iiislrllllilioli, call lin- SOllTllWFSl‘EliN BELL FREEDOM PHONE® llELl‘ LlNE AT: 1—800— 366-0957 hilpJ/ Limited Warranty This Soulhwcslcrn Bell Freedom Phone® IS wal-i-uiiloll lo "H‘ original ||ll|L rlm r Io he lrea from defects in l le als nllll Wln'kllll'lnsllip |II|I|(‘I' lmrllllll Inflfllll’lliull, use, onll service Mr ll po oll oi one (I) yoar rl lil lllc dulo of purchase as shown on lllc pun‘hasers recoipl. The olilignlloll lvl' Soulhwcslcrn Bell Frm‘dom I’Ilunl-® lh‘lilll Sales IIINH'I’ lllls lva shall he lilnlled lo l-rp r or ropiaooniriil oil our oplloui during lin- warrallly porioll of oily pal-l Wlllcll proves lllifoclivl- i lila mm or llorhliiuir ship under normal i lallalioli, use, and service, |)I'0\ ml lilo pl-oll cl is I'l‘lllrllt‘li lo Soulhwcslem Boll Freedom Phnnl‘® llclllll ‘1ll dill-cos ht'linv) TKANSPOKI'ATION CHARGES PREPAID (California oilll'lll. Il 17am, ‘5 ' '- “UV [or shipping ilisll-llcllolis) Pi-olluclS roillrllell lo ol- lo lill Alilllol-lzl-ll lcl~ Cenler mllsl lie accompanied by a copy oi Illc | liaso rocripl lii lilo lliiscnro or such purchase receipl, llle warralily period sha l oiic (l) yoar rl-oiii lln- dale of lilailuloclure. To ohlaill strvice llliller lllill wa ily, l'(‘|lll‘I| llll- ll-rccllw producl lo the service center nearest you logelllei- willi your solos slip and mm for poslage aiill liolidliilg (California resillellls ill-rd olily pi-ovillo prlml ol pup chase). You may also have olllor wori-ouly rigllls which vary from slalc lo Slnll'l This warranly sllnll hr Illvnlid if lllr proiiurl ' diliiiagcd a iiielil, lilisuse, alluse, m‘glccl. acoidciil, deslruclioii, or ollci llllllllier, improper eleclrlcnl vollagcs or cllrmllls, ropa ll(‘|‘i)||0n or illalillo— liance by any person or party ollier lhail our own lcl- laclliiy or all aulhorlzod Service Oelller, or ally use vioialive or i s uclioils hlruislicd hy us. .\Il|l oi’dcl loll or ”N“ M‘l‘m] This wnrrlmly is also rendered invalid ii “iii pl'ullllcl is I'l‘lllode from llie eoulilry in which il was plll hast-(l, il ii is used iii a collllll'y in which il is ilol regislorfll for use, mid/or if I llsfll in ii collllll'v for which il was "01 (It‘- slgnoll. Dlle lo variations ill telephone sysh’l - lill collllllllllil-lllilllls lilws, lllio produci may be illegal [or use in some collllll'l Sulllllwrslorn licll Frl'flllim Phono® Retail Soles l'lssllmes no l-esponsilillily ror llanragrs or pcnalllcs in. clll-rcll I' lg l‘rolll llle use at this prodllcl iii a lilallllcr ol- lm-alllill olllrr lhml llial DI ll which i! ls iulcllllell, This one earliillllrd walrailly is in lieu oiall oihrr (‘xpl‘t'a’l lval-i-ul ~ "blip or ii ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, niiLlGA'liON iiii llIAllI HES, lN(.l,lll)- lNG nirr Norr LIMITED TO THE lMPLlED ViAllNAN'l'lEs ()l<‘ MichallANrAiilll'rv AND i'lTNESS FOR A mmCULAE PURPOSE, SHALL BE LlMI’l‘EI) lN lililiA'rlnN ‘l‘O 11m ONEYEAR DURATION OF THIS wm‘rEN LIMITED WAllilAN'nt some STATES Do NOT Aumv LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WAllllAN'I‘Y “ms, so THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO ilili. IN NO EVENT SHALL WE BE LIABLE EON ANY SPECIAL, lNliiiiliN'l'Ai. (ill mNSEoliENTlAL DAMAGES mu BREACH OF THIS oil ANY U’l‘llEll Villll. hANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHATSOEVER. SDIIIC slates do no! AHOW the exclusion or lilllilnlilm (if special, illi'lllcillfll, or conwa liilll damages, so lhe allove liln . ion or cxoiuslan l nol apply lo you. 'r l warraiily gives you specific legal gills, and you lily also havi- olller l-iglils which vary from slole lo slalc. SOUTHWESTERN BELL FREEDOM l’l|()N Fla 7475 N4 Glen Harbor Blvd., Glendale, AZ 85307 21 fil—
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Modify Date : 1999:04:24 12:16:47 Creator : Acrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in Producer : Acrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in Create Date : 1999:04:24 12:16:05 Page Count : 13EXIF Metadata provided by