Continental Conair FRS200HT Family Radio Service (FRS) Basic User Manual
Continental Conair Limited Family Radio Service (FRS) Basic Users Manual
Users Manual
CXPEDWBN‘" wmmm FRSEOD FHSE14 UHF FM TRANSCEIVER (Famlly Rndlo Servlce) FRS200IFR8214 Pflntsdlnchlna FCC NOTICE mmmuimmwmmwummmmu-mm madmnismmnsmwmmuwmmmio u n Ch): 5 m um, wilmth Pitt 15 wet: Rum. Incas limits are mommmmmqmmmmn Mnfialinstflimfliflwhmandmmatawflhfinwmm unmrmueommmm-mwunmmnmymmml mbmmmunummmismqmmmm Mmml not man in a panhuv lnlttllbn, illti equlruundouuuu MMIanthmmmmmumummw mmmmlwnmmlhmismumfiwwnmmw mornmlnllutdlounwnlwrex ~ Roof-m or Mount-In nwiving lnlemiu. ' Inmm Ola swarafion bet-teen It. lquipmntlrid waiver. ' Oonnecl the aqubnient to an autlat on a drcuit dilmnttronr Hutton“ the monitor": cum-aw - Conwltltndnluorln uranium radiolrvloctliu'ln Iorhdp‘ FCC INFORMATION: This drive outta win perusal h FCC Rule; Operiunhsutjedmummqmmml)nbdmumymwn mm.ld(flmhhfilmdmfimyimmmhd, mmmmmmwmimnmfim mmhummmnmmwimfl FCC WARNING: Thlx squinmem normals or ustr nah Imp-mommy, chums or inclination; mt elm ammo in mm m mu h-nlnl inhrimnce Ind veld on our; luIIiolity w operate mix swlpmnt, SAFETY IFORHATIOII: m mm! mm portable tune-”m afinsammrmmmumwmmmmuwl mmmmmlmmimamrmmumnm mmummmmmmmmmmm (Fwimnfmumgumnmmmmm m. IMPORTANT SERVICE INFORMATION km mt: manual nature mmmlng to so: no or m m: Instrument. “contains imam-immmmm mgaflilnfl "Is Installation and use; Kup ms manual for rulumeruma. Also 5an me canon, packing and proof nI pulnhasl m slmpllty and ace-lama any nesfled mm. SAVE TH ESE INSTRUCTIONS FRSEOO/FR8214 GARMENIS El FRSZDO-Two (z) NwWay Radlosl FRsmom (1) Two-Way Radio [I mar-Removable Belt Cllpl' [1 Uni“; MIIIIIII ‘ Attached to me units at Ihe time oI packing FRS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Flrnlly Rauln Saruloa (m3) I: the newest muunn In personal may oomnunloallnns, FRS mlos operas h a homes-(m radio hand (no FCC mm is Med lor FRsoperaIIon), nnanyoltne “license—Ira channels. Thu FRSMIFRSZM is a Murrow, mood twm MI) mat an on uud upto want too miiaswili hmilyor iienos at pulls, snapping nah. sporting mm, min-my indooror outdoor oolMtyl The WRSZH in mrnputiolu with dim runway rudios using lne FRS tnquency hand (opening In m- mqmncy mg- Imm 462.555MHZ h 45271250“: and tram 167.5525MH1 lo “7.712MHZ) The FRSZMIFRSZH h a Ilthannd UHF leudlfl, lutmlng l multi- lmctimsl LCD panel (whim indicates Ina current channel and various radio status Iaorir). Otlm Inlurex dso incluou electronic volume wntroi uml buttery sm circuitry. Please ran this users mamai tummy lo get the most outclywr FRSZOOI FRSZN byway radio, cmmmwnmphmwmcmrummgmmmu mmmmrmununmmunmmrumw nummmnmmnmmmumum mmmmmmmkuuwhmmmwh mummuupmmmmmwiuuwmwuh mmmmwuummmlmmm. Use only the suppicfl ANTENNA Unaulnnrlzed menus, modifications, M anachmwlseouid huge the transmitter and may vhlaln F012 regulation HOTEHMmubmnmrkmwflwymmngonhnm-H ammnwuumhwmmhunmssmmm ummmmuwm CONTROLS DIAGRAM INSTALLATION Removing the Belt GHQ mrcuvum Imam: Hm <2“?qu nouns | name: mwm mam/usury 1. PuII Iho BELT CLIP LATCH lily flum lhe mil. 2 Whla vulllng lhu BELTCLIP lATCH, push up on II“! BELT CLIP tn remove ilIrum the unit as mm In Flame 1. mm L S060 lbs BELT CLIPhIMM BELTCLP 5.07 “show" i\ Fun“. 1A 'did¢' mm me BELT CUP Is mud in!) 909mm DESCRIPTION MCIp-mmmamaflemdnkw‘dhmnmmm ammumflummlm mm-mmmnmumnmmmmm Tmmumlummmmmnmmm P(mm1orfl)mlm.umumm(mnm "(Humm-ldsmmhmchmhwdsw ”Rimmimnwbnwuhmm‘ mmmmmwm momma; EMW-mwmhmmmm‘ WWW-mmmwmm memm.mmnmwwuuwmmm mmmm unu-nmlnm-Mbmimmmmmmm um SWIM-Mbmmmm. Lmumcmm)vm.xmmmmm:m flmrflm Ml-flhislhdm mum unm Gm mum (unmvcmmvmmw wwnzcmnnz min) mvzlvcnwzk mm mum (mum name 5 (urmmmmuzmm uu- mums uAnERva) 1, mass ma BATTERY COVER LATCH loaded on Ihe real 8de oflhe umL See Figure 3‘ Z Remuve II’le BATTER! COVERM IN ENTERY COMPARTMENT. a ma Mr (4) mm Min or um" my; WWI-w m wmmnmmhmmufiuwmmmm hm Flaw-i 4, RBIVSIHI he BATTERY OWER lid bck ml BATTERV COVER MTGI lnb posilum. NOTES: e The FRSZDIJIFRSZtl has a built—in powersmlor maximum halteryle. sum Illa “mast“ is not being need. wiser-emery pm trypreulhailuwnrhultthFF. - Rmvetltahetter'eslliha unlIMII hotbeuseolnre lonn paloiloime. LCD PANEL DlSPLAY ‘ c e n A. H - CremelNurrtemhmgeeiromnottnulect-dhy USU. an..- PMsthoHMaFUNCTlOmebrsmldsmfil hreBUTTONLOCKeyrrbolhdlepiyed. om - Dlepleye mum-m BATTERY LEVEL mm. n. A ~Dlsvleye Ilecmni VOLUME LEVEL E. SCAN - Dienllyed am the CHANNEL SCAN mode. F. BUSY - Dlealayed when rewlvlng a sign-l. Minimum The FRSZOOIFRSIM hoe IA mantle channale Ta elm- mannel: l. Punt!!! FUNCTION btlmntheclflmd number HM lleehee on (ll LCD panel. 2. Whle the channel numhar la llaehlnn: - Press the UP“) button to move to a hlgherchannal. - Press the DOWN (v) button to move to a merchennel. - Thechnnnel changes lrorn t to 14, orlrvm u to 1. 3 Frost the FUNCTION button or PTT button to leleetthedaelred channel enit return to normal mode. no'rE: Ref” 10 m "Firs Claw] Table"mlinn "11h: Owner’s Manual/or deluded/legume)! from. Monitor You can nee the MONITORteaIure to listen In Ion-reek signals In tho wrrenl channel. - Press the MONlTOR button hrr norm! monitor'ng. - Free; and hair! the MONITOR button until ‘l ‘beepa' tor oontlnuoua monllorlng. ghgnngl §§§n CHANNEL SCAN perlomie “WM! ior lcllve signals in an endless Icon Irom 1 to 14. 1.Prees and release the SCAN button to actlvate CHANNEL SCAN, The channel number on the LCD panel changes rapidly out" In active algnal Ia detected. 2 When an ectlve aloud (one M14 mollusk) 3 mm. CHANNEL SCAN pattus keeping the aotlwe signal unsecured. 3. Prone Ihe PTT button to oomrnunlcote through the active signal chlrmel and CHANNEL SCAN ll dllmivllud. 4. when an active final (one M14 channels) In debated. In! mother channel Is desired. press the SCAN button twice to bypantha current channel no continue In seaiehtoramtheradlva channel. 5. Pres lbs SCAN htllmlo MmCHANNEL SCAN mode. "1 OPERATION m“ N Fran and hold the POWER button The mllwlll 'beep" and the LCD panel will dleplay the current channel. T . . Q 55 Prue arid hold Itio POWER button. The uhltwllt 'baap' and the LCD penal will turn blank. ' slin the S eaker Volume - Preee Ihe UP (A) hilton to Increase lhe SpeakerVqun-e. - Pm the DOWN (v) button to decrease the SnakerVoiurne. ~ Tho Speaker Volume level is indicated by the humberol oar: dleplayed ln Ihe lower right corner at the LCD panel. Receiving a Call ThourilswmmmayintheREGElVE modewluntluuril lsONaml not Irmmlttlm. When you new" rand on the sinner! channel. the RX loon (BUSY) e mum. is” no PANEL DISPLAV' tor details). Tmnsmr‘fir‘nga Call tomato-ammumiyuymmmmnoummma m,VMMMIIMmMHMW.MTRANSMW katelklmonthumchamel.mamholdlmm MmlDTRANSMIITlBTXLHJhmuiII‘UNwilMMdd MmflinlWMMmhMICRWHNEZMSMM! wqirunlhamotm IWlll'quthPTlhnlflupflthlolmmllldulmmlmofm Eli-mosmmmmmnnmtmm NOTE In warn/w othupznplt mnmveyow may“ lhzymurt unuanmmmdmmcmmy "mm-mm 1mm cmdmmianfu mm Iii/memoir E E . . - The LCD panel dleplayl the battery puwerlavel uncurolng Iothe numherolsquaree Ih Inside the hetteryloon, ~wmmmmemmwmwmmlmmm In Dublin need In bl rlMld. Sending gall Tones You can use Cell Tones to alert the other user or to identity yourself. Voucan also useCnlI Tunesloxlgnal the beginning arms and ofa tranemieeinn. 1.MMCALLDUWI.MIMTXLEDMWVHWMHDIMM CallToneoomlmeelorZ-eoomta. 2. Release the CALL button. Your call Tonee vii tranarnfi to a nearby rece'were not to thosame diarrnel. |1 SPECIFICATIONS Channels Auilalrle vvvvvv I [clams 7 numul Power ITXI 37mW 5 Hungary Me 30 Hours (lypieal) I Range Alumna vies FRS CHANNEL TABLE CIIANNEL NUMBER 7 Fnsnusucv (Ile) 7 17777 462.5625 1 4mm 7 7 a 777 462.6125 7 7 4 77 467.6315 7 5777 4mm 7 a 4mm 7 7 597.1125 7 7 5 774675625 7 9 4515015 ,7 77 n ' 467.6575 ‘ u mum worn: 11m maximum Immminion mnge wiII vary depending on 11min and mvmmmml. 11 SERVICE According to (he FCC leanldhns, Mls aquipran Mum NS been new lid mgmum by Ina Fcc, may only be rewired hy «marine mm. n repaIrs of winslmls am made by an unamrizml parsnn, the rec umificnlim my be vmdsd sriwiu yuu slwunlu any woman. pm» call me Cormir Ehclmmcs mum QIHUmeIHQIp im- im smisflncs. FOR IN-WARRANTY SERVICE Packne your units (induds aII acnasmnss) ami shIp mu imii pwuue prepallt' am mauled (lnr your pmcflbfl] ic CmalrEIechulils. DEPT Warmmy new, 1475 N. Gm HEM BM” (imam. AZEM? Bu sum Io Minn yam islum mum, prufld undue. a m We runner. 35mm postage and hmlm'. and: wwmmmdmm ‘IIo‘I‘E: CalnomIa rm‘dunls new unly provlds proof I)! yum mu snow cuII r-smzsslmr rov shipping Inwucflmt. FOR 0UT~0F-WARRANTY SERVICE You may call the Customer Service Main Line Ior ma pm on reulmmurii More mummy; IM unIl Plum Iollnw xi Insllucfinri rm m-wurmmiy ssrvlca (am) in mm. yaw mill and mm m- puma: DEPT. Out 01 Wnrunly Ilvnu have calm and know (ht ml alynur mplacemsnl, pleas Include Ihls Inlorrnalmn wilri yum lehim lur pmmpl service LIMITED ONE YEAR WARRANTY Conalr, 3104"anan upImorexcnmu- (in. a mammal vain-i ymir FRsznoanszu um! Tu one yw Irom the dale M [511me it me um: Is dorm In wukmansnip or malemls To quiz-ii service under mis warranty, mum in «menus pm“ I» we service MIG! (mm-i mm ynur sales slip um 55.00' for posing. and handing. ‘CaIlIomln ruideflls need only mviu wool in pumuss and shnuId mil I-W» gamer Iur snippmg inslmclinns 14 TROUBLESHOOTING SYMPTOM SOLUTION 7 7 777 lh rm"- 'Check Mllerlus. Ensure um me mum cu Irishled warmly 'TI|e mares rm; he wet Raul-a aId malaria wlm Tour (4) MW 'AAA' slkaIIM 01N|»0d mhameahIe bxnarlss. Mlflli‘m 'Pless msUPIAINfimbImISeVOLUME. “W'- 'TharMml‘onulnuybemkamlorwln1mrus. ‘ I' Ihii happens, piss ma MONITUT bullm mm ~ Tn clung!) animals. press me FUNCTION hullon IInIII cring- Mchanmlmmrllashssnn maLCmesl Pressme churn-h. qu«mmvlumwmbmnu-cnanmls. - 3mm may be wean Run. i- - Elflnlifl may be M. chllcs win new binaries Ir linlbd. m. BATTERY [EVEL Miami is im. ~ The maximum llnge will wydlnsndlnn rm «rum and mm 0pm minimum. in maximum w, umib sladlwlrcmn nunuru. nmy lei-o- “ in In bulIdhos mili- midis MIMIRIh-mwxbificanfly . Wsarmg the mom cIau lo the body. such as In 3 mm omri - ball. will user-ass rungs; change (he Imafim 01 me mdin Sound -|lycu n lrmmulllng, sped In a normal manholes dilution 2 h 3 indies away From IN MICROPHONE wfllflllll- ' IIywfleleman,bnuImVOLUMEhammnmh level, ~ Ramos loo dose. Rxflius must be at least 5 ml mm Irma» Midlshncs. - Radios mlarwm. Ohsthe‘s Inlsrlere with Inns— musicm'lhlkmgslswhzmmswunmm MINES. 13 ALL APPLICABLE IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANDISE AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE GIVEN TO YOU BY LAW ARE HEREBY LIMITED IN DURATION OF THIS WARRANTY. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL CONAIR BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Some slates dn rid nlwl Ihe exzhahn or MEN 01 maximal ormnsuqusflllal denim co lbs about inimim may ma way In you This warm gives you main bgal rights. In! ym may also run ultra rights midi varyfivrri slate In m. SERVICE CENTER CONAIR ELECTRONICS 7475 N. Glen Harbor Blvd. Glendale, “85307 CONAIR ELECTRONICS Customer Servlce Help Llna: 1-800-366-0937 8:30 am. - 9:00 p.m. Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Saturday 15
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