Continental Conair FS2000AT 14 Channel Family Radio Service User Manual

Continental Conair Limited 14 Channel Family Radio Service

User Manual

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Document ID162705
Application IDhFnY0StteXcKVU8+3Kh9uw==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize32.66kB (408200 bits)
Date Submitted2001-08-02 00:00:00
Date Available2001-09-21 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-06-21 09:34:38
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-06-21 09:35:10
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

For immsdlme answer: w your quuslmrs mgammg
musing pans w Maximum cal (he
Mum-y - End-y mum. . 9 009m EST
Samrflay mum. - 1 np.m. Esr
7475 N. Glen Hnrbot Blvd" Gum-In, AZ 55307
I5» 3921
Prim-a in thin.
Soulhwestern Bell
Freedom Phone“7
UHF FM TRANSCEIVER (Family Radio Service)
ism W5 Manual
Tull rm HelpIim 1-500-355-0037
Reno rrris rnrrnuei were snerrrpring ro ser up or use iiris
lrlslrumenL lr oomrrins Impaiam inlernrarr‘orr regarding sale
insialiariorr me use. Knaplh's nranuairor rumra refer-nee. Also
save lire canon, packing am! prooi oi pr'ciuse uo simpw and
aeaeierale any neeoeu acfinn.
Famiy Rama Ssvvme(FRS)'sfl1la newasigerererlon in personal
iwoway communicariorn. FRS radios operaie in a license-nee
raole hand (no Foe loanse is moose ior FRs operarion), on
any olrne u llaerrseiree channels.
mFsmisu-rrpanoiewimmrramyrmiosuslrgm ms
Wham! (operfinginmiwmcy iargnfrnm 652.5525MH1
no «guanine rrom astsestHm 467.7istHfl.
Please read lrris usefs manual mcmugmy In per me mosi our
ai your rszooo lino-my mdlm
NOTE: The merrlnrurn imnsmlsslm range will vary eepenoirrg
an oerrain anfl erwirorrrnenl. Range wlII be greener in open
fields, while me rang- is sooner wnrurr eno arouno ouiioirrgs or
large swarms.
Vour wireless handheld pombls rrarrsoeiver conuins a low
power rrensmilier. when lire Push-Io-Tfllk (WT) buuon ls
preneo rr sarros our radio rraauancy (RF) signals. The oerriee ls
eurnorizerr m aperare er a my him: nor lo exceeu sins. in
Augusr lass. rire Feoeral Communlcaiiorrs Commissions
(FCC) adaplefl RF exposure guroelrnes wrnr safely levees ler
hand—held wireless devices.
CAUTION: To rnainiairr oompiiarlce with rrre FCC's RF
airposure wldaflms rroio Ihe rransmmer and album; or leasc 1
inch (5 cemirnalers) fmm your raae and speck in a normal
voioe. win the antenna poinrea up and Away from in. lane. ii
you wear lhe lioness on your oooy wie‘ie using lire neaoser
aeoessary, use one, lire wpplieo oeli clip for mls pmriuer and
when vansmlning. mke ir our oi rne one no ensue mu lrre
amenrra is ai laasi l irren (2 5 eenrrrnalars) irorrr yuur may.
Use only lire supplled enrerrna. Unaumoilzed amemlus,
moomeerrions. or erreoirrnenis ooulo oanlaqo me transmimr
ano rnay vialale FCC rsgulaiims
CAUTION: 15 reduce lire rieir mire or personal Injury, read And
follow mee- immierrsn
«WW-11r- mums ilicllsiuuiiiilii mm
"mm uisi : HEWLEDOR
' msmsm or my
|. use any a Swim-slum Bali Fundum Pier-o appmvnfl
aerrery pour in Fszooo.
n. evzwmsx 4 EV zsorneiir GPI incernerierrel no. or
a, mammal: “v asunrmria Energy (mo no.
1. Dolmdlspofidlhlblhyhnfill, ream-modemwr
lam! colts ior psslfle speeai dbpmal Insimmms.
3 no no! open or nun-are rm balmy Memo elecrroiyre ls
corrosive And myceuse riarnegererire eyzsund slrln. irrneyae
lair; i aw‘lsmd.
4. mmise cum in handlim barren-s in oroer nor in sirorr ma
balmy wim swollen»; marerreis sum as rings. oruelers erro
keys. The balmy or corroucoon rruiiwlll rnay overlnar arro
can“ ourns.
5. crrarpa ins oairary lies) pmidsd wilti nr idemfied for use nan
lies prnouer only ln eaaoroanee win rne irrsrruaiorrs and
llnriuirons apeelileo in one mar“.
5. Observe proper poiuliy oneruriorr 17mm rm Emery Pm
and emery merger.
11- EPA oarrrnao Rancu- Emmy Reeyalrng Seal on
me nlculvuflmlllvl lulu) bmecy moioales rirar
Sou-wearer" eel Freedom pnarreo Remus-lea ls
velunuriiy perudpalirrg in an Indusiry roqrarn lo
coIIecl Ind recycle u-rm pair-nos M or inalr
uaeiul IIM when men out 0! smioe re rm unrreo
sum or Canada. Tilt RBRC. program prowioes a oomrriarri
aeernanwa In pIaulng usee man oanarles hm are nasn or me
muricipal mere arrearn, whim may be lllegei in yer. ereas. Plugs
iw-e-urrzkv ror lnrorrneiion on NI-Cd earnry recycling and
o posal bars 1 resirloirons in your area. Serum-sum sell
Fmdwn plrorreo neraii Sales mmrmrl in IN; progrrrn is pan
or our oorrrrrrirmenl in preserving our enrnronmenr erra oansenring
our nelurel resources.
‘RBRCO is a reglsrereo umemuk or we nacirargenole aerrery
necycllrrg Corporarion.
The FCC requires that you no he aawsea or mean
requllemenls lmenlng lhe use 07 mls Me. Tris eqdpmem
has bean Ins!” am Inuml In Gummy mm me hmlks fur a Class
E clgim aevlee. pursunm lo Pen 15 m lhe Fcc Rules. These
limils are deslgned la prawn! leasannble plmeellen ngmsl
harmful iw-rIeflflDe in a msidmnal insaallallun. Thlseqlipmem
um and can generals mule Inqucncy 311ng II no; Installed
and need in aewdanue wiln lhe insuuahans it may cause
hammll inmmnca ho radm mmmunlcmmm. Hal-level, mere
Is no guararwee lhal me lmerrerene- will not occur In n
pamcular imallallon. ll mis awipmem dues cause harmful
Imedmnce m man a lelehslen reeemlon (which can be
aelennlned by turning me equlpmem all and on], me use! le
anovuvaged lo correcting Merv-ran:- by one or more DI «he
Inllcming measures:
~ Reonenl u relocate me reeeMng amenha.
- lnenaee lhe eepemllon bemsen lhe equipmm ana
- Connecl lhe equipmenl lo an nullel an a wow amen“
Ilum lhnl m whlen lne lecehet ls nomened.
~ Consul me aenlem an experienced mule/w Iscnm‘cian Iw
This we wiles wilh FCC Fun 15 ed lhe rcc Rulas.
Dperzlmn is subject In lhe Mowing lwa Dammit (I) This
device may no! cause harmful Walla-emu and (2) his dun/lee
must accept any inlellenenee nee-elven, including nerlelulou
we may cause urea-urea npefullnrl. Privacy ol
communicaliuns may nul be ensured when uelng xhle
ms equipment generales or uses rudla llequency energy.
Changes at modlflcaflons rm expnssly aprllvved In Mlling
may cause hurriul inteflemflu and void me usu's aulho'ily la
lPush To
satiety Cnvar men
Jack (or
LCD DispIay
Battery Installatinn
l. Ramovu me hell. dip by pulling me heir clip lock lever and
pushing m" m ihe he: clip, as shcmn in figure 1 am 2.
2. Release rhe haltery never latch iaeaiae nn ihe rear sins of
ihe uhlr aha remave rhe aemery cwar (Figure 3).
3. Insiell IM rechargeable bane-y pack Included in me
package, lollew me pol-Ily as shown on Figure 4.
4, Reinyrall ihe bamery cover and luck rhe emery cover lmch
ime poslmn.
ihsral ihe bell clip
5. Piece lrre Fsznno in the charging base and charge lur1044
hows him- use.
Flgure I
Luck Lever
Bell Clip
Figure :
Emery Cover Lalch
Mars.- veu may lnsrell law (4) AAA alkaline aeearles (rim
inclaeeelrallewrhg lhe palarilies as shuml in Figure 4 whernhe
rachargeaale emuy peak is cm at power.
Battery Charging
The belle-y pack in the unll must be fully charged In 10-14
lieurs beiere use
‘l. cmnmme Ac adaptor mm back while charg'ng base and
plug aluuly lnm slam-lens 120 voll culls.
2. Place me men in chug-lg bes- uprighli and facing wrwrerd.
the CHARGE LED on me charging base will Iighl, lr charger
LEVs are rm ill. check amnion 01 ms unit to insure
charglng comes on will are lIrled up w||h marglng
earners in ease.
The charge LED's will remain Ill while units are in me
charger. Unis will lake apprarrimmly 10-14 hours lo hilly
charge hnfm use.
4. NOTE: ll units are not placed in durgu carreeily, me LED
will nnl llghi aha lhe unlis will nix charge.
NOTE: Use enly me Semmnierh Bell Freedom Primers
Ac aeapmr and rechargeable eahary was supplied with
his produce
AC Adapmr
Charge LED
LCD Display
Banery Mela! Key Lock Aulu Pdwev on Key Tune Disable
@ CHAN vox
Transnn cnannal cross 77me Voluma
odd. Laval
Turn on N1. Radio
Tn mm on your rszlm, press and hold ma
pawn inn-an umil me LCD display is on
and you hear a burn.
in me NDRMAL operaung made, me LCD
display will snow lne currenl channel
number, cross code and volume level.
Turn 0" Iha Radio
Yd lum all your Fszaoo, press and hold me
POWER human null! me fisplay is nlland ynu
nw a IDMl
Adjust lhe speaker volume
Press me up and now» humans In adjusi m]
m. spank-r volume hvel lmm 1 In 15. ‘
Kay Tories
Von may disable me levy lune by pressing
and holfllng lhe Mormon bum wnle ium ll]
crime mm. A key lane asablea Ennwil be
asplayed on me LCD to indium me key
lune nus nun dlubled,
To enable the key lone, lum aim-e radii), and
repeat lne same proceduna lo disable me
My lone
Set Chlnml Nnmbef
Frusslne MODE human once, ma CHAN Icon
will flash, Press ine LIP in Down launnn In
change la ulnar cnannals.
”DIE: The radio will return in NORMAL
mode ll no balm ls mssfl in 10 seconds
or I ma PW bum E piessed Tne indie wlll
go inm CTCSS cons SELECHDN i we
mode nulldn Is plasaad agaln vmhln |0 seconds.
Set mess Code
Pres me MODE bunnn Dulce, In: CODE m _
lcon will flashv Pris the UP or DOWN lumen 38
no change we code, Then are 35 crcss 8
mass available.
NOE: To communlcm Mm other FRS radios wilh CTCSS
code lealule, yaw mus! have me same CTCSS node Is Well as
lhs manna numhev,
I! you wall! in commuliculie wllh other FRS radios without
CTCSS coda loam, slmply as we cross code in “A
Set Scan Feature
Pmss ma MODE launan 3 limes, me SCAN [l] an
Icon wlll ho asplayad. Evary lime you emar
inls made, me dehull selling is dlsanle -or“, J
Prass lbs up laundn In enable me Scan
rum w “on" (you DOWN Milton lo met m n.
in dlsanle “oF‘l
The main will sun charlrnl scanning man it ""
mums m NORMAL made.
Molt.- The vox faaliure and me MONITOR huhen wiii he
ashhled during channel sunning.
Scan fealure allows user m manner channels a! mhu
uransmining mags. wn-n me Fszm deueeis enunnel miuluu
il suhps scanning and suays sume acuive channel lurz sewnds.
ll me cTcss code is a match, you can lisuen be me
lransmissiofl oi our-er relies. omarwlse only uiue RECEIVE Icon
will be fisplayed Io Micale we warms! is in user W you wall!
In may at this channel, press and release are P'IT hlmnn wlmn
z seearuds uh sung enennei scanning. You may need m chungl
lhs CTCSS cone uh mmmunicale.
irunere ls nu eeulon whhln z saunas, me rszwu will nonlinus
uh scan une neuu aaive channel
Vou my hemlhala me channel scanning hy pressing liue
MODE human Ind mum ID Itie Mginfll channelu
Set Cale-Ring Tone
press une MODE hunon 4 limes. une Lisplay
wlll sruun "mu mnE" uim me currenu call»
Ring uen. numher, Press me ur= or DOWN
hunen us change in uruenuer cur-mng Tone.
Th!!! all a Iflal d 10 Call-Rlng Tones
sen vox sensiuuiry
Press me MODE human 5 limes. urre vex l]
icon will ilasn and me culmn! surrealivuuy level
MII he dlsplayed. Press lhu UP or DOWN a
human in strange me smilivily ieeel Level 1
is ulue nuns: senslulue and 0 im dune vox. ll]
NOTE: The VOX lemme will be IEmpuzliy
which during selling, use-luring seaming, i 8 as
moruumrlng and using PTT bum)" lolransmil.
Se! Slop-Wmh
Press l‘he MODE huhen 5 times. the TIMER
irvan will ilasn Eruahu liue TIMER hy pressung
uiua UP huuudru nllrd usabi- lu hy pusslng m.
DOWN huuinn.
~l>ress liue CALL human to slam Ins flop-
lPrzss une CALL bullcn again no lreeze me
which dismay hul cuminua running
background liner, The TIMER icon will
-Press uiue CALI. hulwn uguln uh oenrlnue running me
luregound watch.
~Hass in: LOCK human la sup Ihs when iiereghund and
hmground) and dlspily me ml elapse lime
-Pr-s um LOCK huuhn agsun uh reseu une smpwanzh in mm.
Sec Aulo-Pwter-Qfl (APO)
Press Ihe MODE human 7 rims, me APO a
icon will flash and m cumnl period or APO is
will he displeyea, a F
Van can change we period 0! APO by
pressing me UP or DOWN huuon (irorn 1 m 3 hours, 0 meals
disahiel. if no bum Is ere-sea killing me period at APO 551,
line FSZMH will keep 101 I "finite and IN?" mm ilsell 0".
Any when being pressed wII mm me counling of me APO
iron can use me MONITOR reslure w linen In ior weak sugneh
in use cllvenl channel
Press and Hold me Mariner button nu lurn an we Meniler.
Release une Moria human lo mm on me moniuor.
Sendlng CI" Tones
le can us. Call Tones in aim me other user or he idaniily
ymsnn by pressing me CALL huuoru
WTE; True CALL human wil an as START wluen me Turner '
enuhled. Press the P'rT human and me Up human m um slme
lime in send me Call Tone lunenguumy use
ll 2: m
i as 5
Transmming a Call
1. Pmss and fluid the PTT binlnn Io
wanuril. ms mmsmr ioon niii ia-
z. Whlie homing me PTT iauman, splak in a
normal voicis mm 2 in 3 Inches away
from the micronnians
3. Rene-seine PTT huimri Mil" you have Mished cumming
Mars: in mdsrmwrmlmiwe wilh emu radios may "list he
ianihe same Chennai and cross sou- yiau am surnaniiy using.
M075: mm is a limeoul hniiir- m puns-ii neddemally
mniinuous transmissimi. ii me FIT iaunun ‘s massed im so
sscianas cianiinuousiy, you will hear a imp lime and ins
transmission will be snapped.
Receiving a Call
The unit is oominucusiy in RECEIVE mean
when ins unii is ON. when you meme 3 call
on ins curmni snannai, ine RECEIVE imn
will iae aispiayeu.
M072.- Aiiimgh ins RECEIVE icmi is displayed on me Lcn
Pfinfl, me speaker will mi iae ON unless (he crcss was is a
malth In yuir Fsznim
may Lock
Press and maid in LOCK iaunon iia embie
me key hack. The KEV LOCK iWI'! will ias
dispuysu The UP, DOWN, CALL and MODE
iaiiiiuns are lucked.
Puss inu Hoid ms LOCK iauiian nglin Io
release me Key Lmk.
Emery Level! Law emery Indicaliun
7an is a Balury Meier inaiumar in me LCD
disphypaml. wnenine hmry paws is um,
ins buli'ary Icon wiiiiinsn ma a warning beep
will sauna may 3 ninuies w Mien you
puss im- P11 iauiuan no income ms bmry
needs m be rechuged. "mere [5 no mien
in: a p-iiaa ai iima, ins Fszoan wiii ium on
me LCD aspiuy and (issue all iaumans
emepl me POWER iamian
Place me Fszooo in lM chuglng hm ma charge in: 1044
FRS Channel Table
nannai rmqunnuyiiiiinz)
cnanniai Freqiencymnzi
i 452 5525
Z 482 5875
3 452 5125
A 462.8375 11
5 452 6625 12
6 482.6575 13
7 452.7125 N
crass Code Frequency
mom wnen me Key Lock is mauled, press me 917 human
and "is Up bimnn n ma nine ii-n- n) semi me Cail Tone ioi
mummy use.
NOE: Ttia LOCK human wiii act as STOP whm Ibo Tm! ls
- cnooll battery. Ensummm m. hamery I5
Dues nor mm
inslalled prupuiy
- ‘I'nehalmry may heueak. Recharge mo
Reception Is
hungry uy plnclng mo rszoao In the
charg'mg base fur mu hours
Puss me up bmon no increase vnlumo.
The receiving slgnaI may be weak and
our 01 range. ll mis nappons, puss me
Momma hulrnn.
Connol clmgu To change omnrrals. press me MODE
channels uunon, lrrerr pres up or DOWN nunnn
lo Chang: channels
The uolnery may hawk. Racharg- mo
battery by placing Ihe Fsznao in me
charging base lur 10-14 hours,
~ The maximum ranga wlll vary
neuonmrg on lerrairl and erwimmnenL
Open fields pmviflu llrs malomurn
range, umlle uullolngs and cum
strucmus may Ilmll mo range
ll you are unnsmlulrrg. weak lrr a
nnrmal value Ievelr Z In 3 ilches away
lrorn “. rrrlcrophono.
- u you are receiving, lower me vuluma
oonlrol In a cflmlonable level.
The url Intlsm‘ u
when me haad —
Use a mouse: wlllmul swlhch control.
ls emu-emu
Amrrolng lo m: rogulruons, mls ouulprnonr which nu hm calm-o
orro "glam by n rec, my only on r-onr-o mrorluo ynsans.
ll r-p-‘rs or adjuwnnrls no mafia w, an unmhlx oo porn-r, uro rec
numb-r may be «mo srroulo you murmur/army plums, plum
all ur- Souurrmr-n so: rr-ooorn Plum-U mull so“ loun-
Cum-nor M Una lor assume.
mu lmnmrrv SERVICE
Pwkxv- wurmlls (mulling aII among) arro shlp m: unlls mung
pnpllfl' rrro lnsur-o (la mrawhw lo.
sounmzsrzul nzu rnzzuom women
um: Wunly noon-r
1415 u, slur um um. mom-la. Al mm
a. sur- In muo- your Mum vdtvssr proof ol aura-so. a dame
pron. rrurrmr. ssm upon-gr mo mnflng‘, m 1 mi uxpllnalhn
wow CaIlIavllu ruslmlrs nooo nnly proum proof oi rum-so uno
shad cul l-lanlmmm Kw shbvlng Inswcllnfls.
run WYOFWANIV same:
Vw may all an cum 5mm rlrrlp Li- lor ur- r'lc- aI a
nvhuml Mm mulling you unlr mm. Mlva .ll hsllwliwn: l.-
mummy some (room ur mum you um Ind mam mo many:
as mid-wmnmy
ll you “morn-o no known- wslol yul' roplocorrnrrr. please lrrouno
urr roorrrulron wllh your mum m pro-nun
sow-mum ml PM PM m Silas, or our opllon Ml
mm m. umuomvu-urrlll- rrlocuuo lrr Momma-normals
lo malrr sen/Ice urroor nus wan-my, nun-l ur- witch: prooun rrr m
suvicu war wasmu u-ll your us up uld xsw‘ In: posllr no
rr-rroln ‘Ciflunia mums n. an? wwld. wolol puro-s- am
Il1lflbfiaofis7 lor shbplng nslmmlnm
MI. ”means mum mnumllzs, llllmuulrac m5 lezn
PURPOSE GWEN m vcu wuwmz MERE!“ LMITEB IN oumlnw
or mls museum. unnER no cmuusnmczs wan
soumwzslznn om rnzzuom moflzm 5: mm ran Am
luclnmm on CONSEQUEMIAI. nuances
Sorno m oo rrol Allow m. mluslorr or llrrllrnlorr ol lmldem‘ or
tnm‘quml demo I. in ur rnurrrrn may um awly lu you.
m; wllvlrwqiv‘s you spoclllc 593 ms. orro ynu may sham- our.
Ayn whlcn vuy rrorn me no mm.
SDUII'WESTERN am. rnzsnw mania
ms u Glen Nuuor um, momma. Al am

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File Type                       : PDF
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PDF Version                     : 1.3
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Modify Date                     : 2001:06:21 09:35:10+08:00
Create Date                     : 2001:06:21 09:34:38+08:00
Creator                         : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
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