Continental Conair GH2405 Cordless Telephone User Manual Manual
Continental Conair Limited Cordless Telephone Manual
- 1. Manual
- 2. User Manual
- 3. FCC Information
User’s Manual for Cordless Télgfillnne 0112405 Fold open this manual for information nbounhis Telephone's installation and spa-(ion Please read the llnportxnt Safety Instructions Included in your packxge. SOUTHWESTERN BELL FREEDOM PHONE. 7475 North Glen Harbor Boulevard. Glmdnle, AZ 85307 GEMS moocxxx Primed in China cooloolllo-uuotoottaaaconotta...oo0too-onoo-ottoococo-o-oocc-cnnooo. IMPORTANT SAFETY iNS“ i¥RucTi0Ns...................... WHEN USING‘ YOUR TELEPHONE‘ EQUIPMENT, BASIC SAFETY PRECAUTIONS SHOULD ALWAYS BE FOLLOWED TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE, ELECTRIC SHOCK AND INJURY TO PERSONS, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: 14 Read and understand all inatmctiom, 2. Follow all wanthgl end inatrudiofls marked on the product. 3. Unplug this produa Imtn the wall outlet before oleening. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol deanera, Use a damp eloth tor oleenlng. 4. Do not use this product near water. for example. near a bath tub, wash owl, kitchen elnk. or laundry tub, in a wet basement. or near a warming pool 5rDo not piece this product on an amiable can. thud or m The produot may tell, earning serious damage to the moduli G.SIota and openings In the ublnet and the bear or bottom are provided for venolhtion. to proted I from overheating. these openings must not be Med or oovered. The opening; should never be bladed by placing the produotonttiebed.sota. rug,orolher miter untaoe. This produi: should never be pla'bed near or over a nrd‘mof ~ or heat regleter This produd should not be (thud In I bull-h Installation unleea prop“ ventilation b provided. 7 This product should be operated only from the type of power souroe indicated on the markirnglabel. "you are not sure olthetype ofpoweraupplyto your home. oonsult your dealer or local power company. B.Do not allow anything to teat on the pcmeroord. Donotloodlelhlepmdud where the 00rd will be abuaed by person! waiting on It. 9. Do not mad wall «M W“ ooida.u|hiaoanrewllnthenakot lire or elem ahoole it). Never puah obiefia of any kind into ltila produfl through cabinet slot: as they may touch dangeroua voltage points or short out parts that could ieeultln arbkotfireorelefiricshook New spill iquld oi any kind on Ink produfi. 11.Toreduoelt\erlskotalowlceliod(,do not dlsauernble this produa. but lake It to a gualfled serviceman when some eerviee or repair work i required Opening or removing covers may emote you to dangerous voltages of other rilrsr Incurred reassembly can oar-e eledni: ehodr when the appllenpe Is subsequently used, ~ 12 Unplug this produi: 1mm me wall outlet and refer oervldng to qualified ee'ivloe personnel under the following conditions: a. Whenttrapovieniipplyoordorplug is damaged or frayed. b It liquid has been spilled Into the produd. olftlreproduahaabeenexpoaedte rain or water. d. It the product does not operate normally by lollowlng the operating immature. Adlnst only those com-oh, that are covered by the operating handler! became hiproper edjiulrrierii at other controls may result in damage and will MIMI require muslin wall by a qualified tedinlu‘an to restore the productio normal operalionr eeitlhe prndud has been dropped or cabinet has be damaged. 1. If the pmdllfl axhblts I m change In pertormanoe. 13.Avoid using telephone (ott'rar than a oordleu type) during an MIMI etonn. There may be a rewrote rhlr of 010th lllodrfrdfli lightning. 14.00 notueeihetelophoneto report a at! led: h lirevldnly of III! Illk. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS BATTERY CAUTIONARY INSTRUCTIONS cAUflON: To reduce the risk of fire or Injury to persons, read and Follow these instructions. CONTAINS NICIGL-CADMIUM BATI'ERY. BATTERY MUST BE RECYCLED OR DISPOSED OF PROPERLY. 1. Use only a Southwestern Bell Freedom Phone’ approved battery peolr In lhe handeea d your oordleea telephone. FOR HANDSET UNIT: GPSOAASBBMX 3.5V GOOmA GPI lNTERNAflONAI. LIMITED. 2. Donotdisposeofthebatteryirr afire The cell may explode Check with local codes for possible special disposal insnunions. 3. Do not open or mutilate the battery. Released eleflml'yle I: pomeive and maymueedamagelntheeyesor skin. It mayberordoilmllowedr 44 Exercise are in handing batteries In order not In short the battery with conducting materials such as rings, braoeleis and keys. The battery or conductor may overheat and cause burner Scharge he Wm provided with of Hemmedfwmwfltfltlspmdudmly In accordance with the Irutnrdlona and limitations spedlled in this manual GAUneerve proper polarity orientation between the batteryi’es) and battery diamer. 7.Do not mix old and new batteries III thispmdun. 8.Donotmorbatteriesotditlerernlzesor lrom dillererrt manufadurera In this moduli whloti may be Illegal in your area. Please call 1400-8 BATTERY for Information on Nl-Od battery rec/ding and disposal hens I restridions In your area Seuthvree‘lem Bell Freedom Ptrone' Retail Sales Imolvdmfll" in this programipandouroorrmhrmrtto preserving our environment and 5 our natural reaouroee, RBRC'" Is a trademark at Ihe Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation oeobeaa.aaeela.oaanooneaaaaeaaoooeaeeeea.aneepoo-oaeeeaaeaaaaaaao-aa ~|=cc WANTS You TO KNOW............ Thia equipment complies mot part so of the FCC rulesr Ont‘he bottom ottheoase oi the equipment is a label that comalns. among other intormalion. the? For; Regiatallon Number, ringer Equivalence manber (RENland the Universal Service Order Code (USOO), which b RJ—1tC, for this equipment, You must, upon request, provide this Intonation to your telephone company. The REN is “will to detennlne the ouanlityotdaviceayoumayconnedto your telephone line and still have an of those devices ring when you telephone number h filled. In mm. but not all areas, the sum of the REN: of all devices connected to one line should not namedfive(5.0).tnbeeenahtfltlre number of devicea you may conned to your line. as determlned oy the REN. you show contact your local telephone company to detemrlne the maximum REN for your calling area it your telephone equpmerlt causes harm to the telephone network. the telephone company may dboontlnuo your service temporally. lt posable. they will notify you in advance. But I advance notice ien't praialcal. you will be notified as soon as potatle. You wli be Intonned of your right to tile a complaint with For), Your telephone company may make changes in Its facilities. equipment, operaltons; or procedures that could after: the proper functionlrlg of your equipment it they do. you will be notified In advance to give you an opportunly to maintain unintermpled telephone service if you experience trouble with this telephone equipment, dIeconned from the network unit the problem has been curreded oruntlyouara surettrat the equipment la not malfunctioning. Thlaequlprnentrnaynotbnuaed oncoin aervlce provided by the telephone company Connection to party nnea is worse to state tantra WARNINGzclllngea of modifications to thin unit not expreaely approved by the party responsible for compliance could vold the user: authority to operate the equipment. NOTE: This equbment has been tested Ind found to comply with the filth tor ctaaa B digital device, pursuant to Part 15oittleFocRuicstTheeel‘unitaare designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference In a residential metallalicn. Some cordlen teleptioneo operate at irequenc‘eo that may cause interference to nearby ”Na and VCR':. To mininho or prevent ouch LlMlTEI WARRANTY This Soutlrwemm Bell Freedom Phom' is warranted to the original purchasertobetreetromdetedein material and workmanship under normal mutation. uae and service for a period onofono(1)yeartromthedateof purchase as ahoivn on the punaraeefa receipt The (1th of sown-Hm Bell Freedom Phone. Retail Sela under this warranty shall be linitad to repair or replau'nerlt (at our option) during the mrrantyperlodotanypartwhlchprwes detedlve i'r material or womamhb under normal Installation. use, and aervice. provlded the victim: is returned to Soutttwoatnm Bell FMdor-n Phona' Retail Sal. TRANSPORTATION CHARGES PRE’AID (Clfifofnll residents tall FOOD-3560937 for shipping lretructlorel it we chem to replace your Southwestern Bell Freedom Phom' produa. the replacement will be warranted tor either (a)90dayror(b)ttleremalnderctthe original one year warranty period. whichever ls longer, Battery pads are warranted for me some time period. Products retrumed to us must be a accompaniedbyacopyotthepurchasa receipt in the absence of such purchue receipt. the warranty period ahelbeone(1)yearfromtlredateol manutadure, To obtain service under this warranty. return the detedive produfi to the service center nearest you togqher with your sales ship and $950 for postage and hendllng (Caiiomla redldenta need only provide proot of porcine). This warranty ahali be lrrvalide If the product is damaged as a result of detacernent, mlauae. abuse, negloa. accident. deatrudlon. or alternation of the serial number. rnproper elearical voltage: or currents. repair altomatlon or maintenance try any person or party otherthan ourcmnsenricefadlityoran authorlzed Service Center. of any violatlon of inttmdidna furnished by Its. This warranty is also rendered irvtaid It this product is removed from the country inwttld’lltwaspurcl’tlsediflthuwdlnl ccunuywhich lbnotregeteredtoruae orltltlsusedlnacountrytorwhichl w“ not deaigned, Due to variation: In telephone systems and comrnunlutiona lawa.thleproduamayoeliegaltoruse ln aorne countries. soultrwaetem Bell Freedom Phena' Rdtall Sale assumes no responsbfily for damage: or aeooeanaleaoeo-eaooea interterence. the one 01 the written telephone should not be placed near or ontopofaTVorVCR; and." interference isomerlenced. moving me carillon Telephone tanner away from the TV or VCR will atten reduce or elirl‘lnate the interference. NOTICE TO HEARING AID WEARERS: This Gordian Telephone has been roghtored with the Fee a: hearing aid compatible However, there is no guarantee that lrneriorence wil not occur in a particular Irmllalon. It lhis equipment does muse harmful hrterterance to radio or teievuiorr reception which can be determined by turning the equ'prnant on and on. the user i encouraged to try to corred the Interference by one or more (1 the following rneaauru: - Raortont or relome the receiving antenna - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. - Connefithaeouiprnentlntoancuttet on a chart dllererrt from that to vlnioh the receiver h connemdt o eonault the dealer or an experlenced radio TV learnician tor help penllfiee incurred reeuittng from the me otttrlaproductlnamannerorloutlon mMflMmmlflllkim. This one-year inled warranty h in tau of al other emren warranties, litigation. or liabllioc. ANY WUED WARRANTIES. OBLIGATIONS. OR LIABILITIES, INQUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE lMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, SHALL BE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE ONE-YEAR DURATION OF THIS WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY l SOME STATES DO NOT ALLGN LIMI'I'A110NS ON HON LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LAS'I'S. SO THE ABOVE LIMITA'I10NS MAY NOT APPLY TO Your IN NO EVENT SHALL WE ABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF THIS OR ANY OTHER WARMNTY. EXPRESSED OR IMPLIEDJNHATSOEVER. This warranty gives you specific legal Mhtaandyoumayaleohavecther right: which vary from date to state. aa-anae-acnae-cae-aaaaaaaeaaaaaaaeaaaaa-na-aaoeoaaaa OPERATION.................... I'NUSELEDZUMN imiimlineisinllse Tllkblntfllzm wrinkle“ UplDow- Bum: m m adjust mien: of ring volume Mmory Bummmmmn phmenmnbetsinmmuyot m dllnnmbuyouhaveflmed T-poury Tom Button: has an wry m an dialing m fiom puke m m tuna... town-rum: Mitmyw “ll-“Mimbmll mm ' cdllfywhveCllIWlmn“ ' Whmzhusmndhlmm maul-minim @ —|—| ‘m Mmlnmmmpvmflnaflw finmhwm‘ gunman-mm aaoeneaaae 40-Channel Operation The GH2405 oodles: telephone aulcrnetlcally searches and “led: me clearesl d 40 channel: when It h being need. Security Code The securily code prevent your candles; leiephone conversation from being accessedbyapnoneonadmeremm. Once the handael baflery is lulIy charged, the handset will aimmallcally “led me code from i ml of over 65.000 comblmlions. The code is charged every line the handset i! placed In lne crldle. If you ewerlence oliliwny with placing or receiving calls. a lost eewvlty code may be the auee of me problem. When this scans. the handeel can no longer oorwnunlcete wlin me hue. Reset by “nu headset on baee for 5-10 aeconda If lhal does not work, unplug lheACanaplnrfmmlhewalloutlel. Dilemma the handset balmy lot 5-10 “coma. then reconnect Place haneeel beckonbmandmelephigmellc minor. Placing a Call 1. Press TALK button. 2. IN USE LED on handed will light The IN USE LED on Base will bl'lrk it the same line 3. When you heir a dlal tone. place your call. c..-.. n... Receiving a Call During Mlng, com me IN use LED on hlndsa and IN USE LED on Base will blink, The ringer wurvd 1mm hendael will he heard loo. LIF THE HANDSET IS OUT OF THE BASE UNIT. men TALK or any bullon on the keypad. 2. IF THE HANDSEI' IS IN THE BASE UNlT. llll lhe handset Do not pres: TALK. You will automatically be conneded. Ending a Call 1A Placelhe handset in me base arouse TALK Io be ifewnnecled from the line. 2.84”! INUSELEDOflhlndulIM IN USE LED ml Base will tum all Flash If you have 'caII wallinn' service and a call walling lene mum! is heard while you are on can. press FLASH to accept the walling cal. There h a theft pauae, unnyouwlllhearmenewcnler.To Mum in It! Wlnll caller, press FLASH min. Mule During a cell, press MUTE to mule microphone Press again no relurn nonnaiiunlfiionv Temporary Tone (') PULSE (rotary) aervlce users may access man-lone lulu-u needed to operate armr‘m machine- or use electronic banking. calm came. an, by pleasing me TONE?) human. Phone will automatically Hill“ to pulse dialing aner the Gil ends. Redial Last umber dialed (up in 32 digits) h aimed In redial memory uni! another numberlsdialed. - 1. Pres TALK on lilndldl. 2.wnen you hear a dial tom. pleas REDIAIJP. eataeaealeeaaaaaeaOeaeeaeaeaaealacaaaaalea Pause A Z-eeoond PAUSE may be inserted inlo the speed dlailng of lelophorve numbers. Pres REDIAIJP lumen ll required palm during storage of a number In memory. Page I Handset Locator Send a nlgnal lrbm the base lo handset. Pres: PAGE bunon on one and a series of ring: will sound from handset The sound will be moped eulornallmlly lller about 15 seconds or the PAGE button on one is preered again. Memory Feature l store up to 20 number: In memory for quick dlellng. To Progrern Frequenuy Called Numbers 1.9Mmhandmwirn‘l’ALKofl. 2. PreeeMEMORY button. The IN USE LED WI! blink as Mullen. 3. ulel phone number (up lo 15 digits). If: pause leneeoeo during dialog to eoeeee a long define. service. preee REDIALIP key. 4. Plea "EMORY button again. 5. Preu 1wo numbere key (01-20) for the memory location were me number i be be nored. 6,1’W0 quldl beeps will confirm the number has been euooenfillly elored. 7. Record number: to be epeed dleled on memory index label. which can be adheredllolneboeeorofllerdes'wed muons. Nola: if a 11m digit is eoddenlnly prenedorepauuolmorelnanso ueonde oculn during progrunmm. an enor lone(iong beep) wll sound. Try lgeill. End! TONE(') or PAUSE entered open one or the 15 mlable memory difllh. change I Stored Nmnhel‘ Replnoe a stored number by programrnlng a new number in Is place. Dilllng I Nlunbersw In Memory 1. mt handset Pm TALK 2. Wllh TALK ween IR. press “EMORY. 1me memory location (01-20) unsigned no number being oeled. Erulng e Nunber snared In Memory 1.Pld<\lplllndlfl.wmlTAl.Kofl. 2. Pres MEMORY bullen Moe 3. Enler memory location (OI-20) lo be erased. ‘ Selecting Ringer Melody During standby. pressing theFLASH key with 1-4 keyon hendselwill uieot lhe ringer melody lype 1-4. Adjusting Ringer Volume During swim. meeting me vow? or VOL-DOWN key on handset MI change the ringer mine to high level or low level. Adjusting Earpiece Volume During a cell. the eerpleoe volume on be mane by pressing VOL-UP key Or decrease by pressing VOL-DOWN key. There ere leur level: Lem. Medlun. Normal 6 High. Battery Low indication The LON BAT LED will fill during battery low. llyou are ulldng in battery low.youwllehoneer-Beopeomlrom mee-r-pleoe. Out of range lfyouareullrlnginoln-of-unge.youwll Mari-Beeplonelrornmeeer-pieaene flieLUNBAT Elelllnh. hwfllwhflblufioflu‘h‘ylmfld mice oondkion lam for 30 oeeorlds. PIee-emoveoloeemomebeoo. TROUBLESHOOTING ‘. lfyeu experienoe dlfi'lcuny npemflnfl your cordless phone. lry me nuggesliono below, W the (rm/ale persist, call the Soummslem Bell Freedom Fhom Rm" Sales Toll Fm Help une ll 1- 8003560937, Monday — Friday between the hours of 8:30 am, — 4:30 pm. (EST) The unit will not operaoe I no dial tone: ' Make SUI! IN USE IED I: lit. ' Make sure AC adaplm ls plugged mm base unit and wall outlet. - Make sure telephone line cord is plugged inlo wall jeok. - Make sure one anlenna I- In upright position, - Make sure handset biliary i fully charged. . Make sure you have selected corral: dlallng mode. lone (loudl) or pulse (MSW) - Make sure you are wuhln usable range of the hate union - Reset seourlty code by pladna nanosel In baae for 5-10 seconds. The phone does not ring when you receive a call: 0 Make sure the RINGER MM on hand!“ is filmed to ON, - Make sure AC adamor I: plugged m base unit and wall om 'Mlke sure who!“ line can! ls plugged into wall 1m - Make sure you are wllhln usable range of [he baae mllonr - You might have too many menalon phones on your line Try unplugglng a Cowl Nolse, stable, Interference of other calls heard whlle uslng handset: ~ Make sure base antenna ls ln uprlqlvl poemon. - Make sure you are within usable range mm base station. - Make sure AC adapler is no! plugged into wall oullel whh other appianees. - Try relocating base unit lo anollser loo-lion ~ Make sure hay-use! battery is fully changed aaoaaa-uaaaaaoeae-aeeeaeqaaeaea-aeeoaa Phone wlll not hold chame: - Make sure ‘oharulng oonlaaa on the handed and one are free olduel and dirt clean confide WWI a tandem. ~ MakesurecHARGELED onbareia In when heme! ls ln cradle. - lf necessary. leplace handset baneryl - (See handset Battery chamlng) Difficulty In placlnn or receiving calls: - Movemmlobaaeenduyagaln. - "moving “doesn‘twkqou may have lost aeourny coder Reset oode by any hambuokonbaaeforS—lu seconds. (See Security Code sedan) - Make sure you have sew conga dialing mode. lone or pulse. -uakenureAcaoamm-lamlplu99ed Ime wall oullel wllh other awhneee. MM for 5-10 m then reeonnad. Plaoe handed back on base and then replug Ac edaplor. am; sure handset mum la fully merged. INSTALLATION CAUTION ; f I. Never Irma“ g telephong during gymlng noun. 2. NW Insull a telephone In nv’mlputlon 3. Never touch uninsulamd mm whim of helium-ls 44 Use caution when installing nahplwne line 120 Volt Outlet I Telephone Jack 14 This phone requlras n moduli: phom ind (RJH) ind a madam 120 volt outlet 2 Plug phone dlvodly mm calm. 3. Do not plug ahar appianeu ima outlfi or new: 0M eomrollad by I VII“ winch. Wall Mount Inshllatlon Baseunnnuybemumadon Island“! wall puma. 1.|mnAB|dlptofmbad(ofblu unit. “Monument-mmmm hwkofhauunll, pmlwllneemd magi-groove. 1th omer and of inc and m modlfllrhdc 4.Moumbauon wall plate studs and 9mm umllm unlt locks in pan. 5. Plug AC Mrdlmdty Imn mm 120 mum Dock Top lnshllatlon 1.Ph|§mmdcflmooldmobsdwl mum. 2PM; dim and a! line cord into modulujldt, ammmlmrm 4.00nmmmptnrmmofunl supmmm-mmuom Antenn- Adjust hm emenne to upright peemen Set ToneIPulse switch Set when (side of has.) no coma (mung mode TONE or PULSE cotton-oooeoeeoenocioeel Please cheek with bu! phone company if uncertain of type ofserv‘me. Rlngar Onloff SetsvlilmwnhandsefiwoNoroFF. Ringer svmnh must be ON for hmdm to ring during mm alt. Handset battery Chlrglng memp-d‘hmmmnmmlbe fufly amped 10-14 hours before uulnn the telephone for me fin! fine. 1. Place hludtet In use, The CHARGE LED on base will 119m A 2. Whlflm ere lulu dim. M fordielmbypreulngTAlxen hum 3.When the her-dun buttery get low. the LON BAT LED will M at ”It Dume-kmelewflhlwbeebeep maneuvbenwetyfi eeeonds. Mmmmbhrmmfl, Yommummmmn-mm Inbueend: Lunememudpohmammudm IMCHARGELEDhIL 2.59 Cardin Nuthatbmwm 0°"qu "uterus sueh n max mmmmys. RembeflevymvyZycnmmeomy uSeumweaem Boll Freem Phoneo npptwedNiCldbaflflyhywrchbfl phone. .-..-....--.u... ..aa-.-on..-o--.-o.-..o---.cuo..ooc-o--a.o-- ~ ' To Replace Battery: Remove bmery cover. 1. 2. Install m ham. 10-14 hours befiore first use. 3. Closebmeryoom. Chm
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Modify Date : 2000:01:05 15:25:33 Creator : Acrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in Producer : Acrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in Create Date : 2000:01:05 15:24:48 Page Count : 10EXIF Metadata provided by