Continental Conair GH2415 2.4GHz Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Cordless Te User Manual
Continental Conair Limited 2.4GHz Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Cordless Te
User Manual
Soulhwsmm Bell Freedom Phone“ MGM: Cordless Telephone . , w..__e -,—.~r.L-.—. 41m -.- 1—7: , STOP...DON‘T TAKE ME BCK TO THE STORE LO0K..FOR THE TOLL-FREE 'H ELP‘. TELEPHONE NUMBER. LISTEN...AS THE ESPERTS TALK YOU THROUGH THE PROBLEM. For lmmedlale answers to ynur questions regarding operation. misshg pans or insialiallon, call the SOUTHWESTERN BELL FREEIOM PHONE® RETAl SALES HELP UNE AT: 14004664937 Monday - Friday Gilliam. - 9:00pm EST hltpdlwwwswamedmhomcom SOUTHWEST ER” BEL FREDOM PHONE® 1415 N. Glen Harbor Blvd, Glendale, AZ 85307 __GH2A15 _ _ __ Ara-3m. _ _ ErlnliedlrrChina _,, ,,,5amrdayj:3flam.;llawmfl_... . _ renaisbmaanma ToIl_Free Helpline 1-800-356-0937 _ - ..... higpfllwwwrnwbireedornplmnssgrn ‘ Quit ham-351mm” IIIPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ..... SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR BATTERIES ... NAME OF CONTROLS AID lhDICATIONS FCC WANTS YOU TO KNOW ....,......_......,..........................u....... 6 MBQPMWIQU . . FEATURES ........... BOX CONTBITS ... PREPARATION ..... OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS INSTALLATION .............. .u....... HANOSET BATTERY CHARGING . CALLER ID SETUP ................ .. . TELEPHONE OPERATION ............ ......... ............ CALLER ID OFERAflON ....... TROUBLESHOOTING .. m. PRODUCT CARE ...... SERVICE...4.._.........,...................._....~.........._.........,.... . _ U'I'I'é'? WARRANTY -:- '- dumwwmddnmflmndmpclomhrdam.‘ ---~" I mmmmummmumdammmmnmmunmmww- . , v Infiwninp Minn: - ~nn|ylhosamnlulsmalve Why MWQInsWMwhvw-fluwmdwm IMPORTANT SAFTEY INSTRUCTIONS WORE USNGYOURTELEPIKIIE EQUIPIIENTJASIG . _ EEFMDVEDTOREUCETNENSKG’FREELECTNCCHOBKANDWWIOM mchmcm: FOLLOWING: I q , twandlldmmnddhdnxfimm 5 r, '_ anlmlIwnlugndemhudlanslesdmlmmduu ‘ ' . ‘ . 3. UnfiIunm mahmlrwwdlmphnmladtmd mouMbsknnIs 4.mwmnhhmumMu.mrmwmrammeMkl ‘ WEE! ”IO-MM”. WE; . ”2 . 5. nof “Mimmmflhcimwfiufiflém Md‘ ammo, _ . v 6.51dnww Inmmmwmnmmmmnmmwmmmmmu mmmwahed.uuneummm.mmmmmma aladlalnrwlwalrsgsler. , i 'f- ~ 7.Thlspmdwlsrmldbewdedmlymflwlype afpwmmuoehdhahdnnflanmmll, g ynu ammluredlha lypedpawemwlyln wll lime. mauflyumdsfllarabmlpwummy. Ebonolalwmfikimhmnnnlhs pumarwd. Dnnolpheelhis Mudwtm mmwbq , dawwhypnmstapphgmi. ,. A ' 3; ’ I 9. Dnmlwerluadwa’llunbls mflsxlenslnn mnflmsllls nmuenlh moldedticm. f . 10."ovum-hMmmkdeandmhmHIMMIuwmmdldmm vnlsga pmmdamlwlpatsJflszdrsmm in Mummmmwlnmadmw m magma. , v .. _ ‘ , 11.Torsd|mflla Molded“ shod. do ml dimsmblelhls pmdud. lnslead. whmsewhedmpflr mom-rewind ml! newline-i mWnOpm urnmnvhg mums/Wyn b manu- wanna urohnhk. mainstream-Myanmar: momma:- when wbsequevflyused. , ~ » ‘ I2. Unpilg Ii: undue! burn Ihawnllwlbl and rub senldqluqualfidwvlge iw'mnflupwmlmlymflurpim IsdanmgadorIrayed. ILII Iqllrl his bunspllled thI! pmdwl. aIIMapmmmmmedhl-dnormn v ‘ ; ». dJIMpdemmlupemanmnm/mmmuwuflmmmmbemmm mymmlhqueMnIIInlmlequlmmenmvmmbyaqualwadwbrawn“ am In numl upaalhn, alllha pmdudhas been chopped or Ihs cahlnelhas madam (. "the pmdud MINI: a dillncl mange In performance. 134 Avoid using a Mam-a (ulhar man a mlm We) mung an MI E! mfikdelmmlmmluhm “ ‘ 1A.popflynnl{ula\ep!1m colepmuuasleakln he ficfivdme Isak. VT'd SAFETY lNSTRUCTlONS FOR BATTERIES Safety Instructions for Batteries Handset Battery Pack CAUTION: Use only a SouthwesIem Bell Freedom Phone approved battery padrtrr the handset olyour GHZMS Cordless Telephone. To rewoe the risk at fire or Iniury, always do the tullrrehg when replacing. discarding nrdrarglnn balleriea Whenhanolna the batteries. becamhl not testrert the belteryw'rttr oeuduclngmaleriala such as rings. bracelets. and keys, The battery or-ourrduct‘rng malaria may everhealand causebums, ~ - Use only th etellovring type and slte of battery pack: FOR HANDSET UNI‘lE a. GFlnAAK 34W 400mm. GPI hlemaianal Ltd or b. DVD D-ZKMMOOBC 35V 4MAH0‘. BYD Ballery Co. le. CONTAINS NICKELCADMlUM BATTERY. BA‘ITERY MUST BE RECYCLEI] OR DISPOSEDOF PROPERLY. a. Do not disposed! the battery packir a tire. The oellmayeeplode Cheekwith lemlaadee tarposslble spee'rfl disposalinslmdions. be Do not attempt re open or mutilate the battery peethre chemicals are dangerous and may cause damage to the eyes orekirr. and may be toxic I swallowed. c, Follow the drama instrufinne eulllned in Ihta manual. (See page 13) The EPA oert'fred RBRC‘ Brflery Reoydlng Seal on the nlekeleedmlum (NI-Cd) battery hdlcatee that Southwean Belt Freedom Phone Retell Sales ls vulrrnlaiy paridpafing h an lndusiypregremwoelled arrdrecydetheeehatlerles elrtreendetlrelrunfu lien-hen taken oulolserviee htha Unhed SlatesorCanalar 111e RBRC program providesecmvenlenl alum to placing used moo batteries hlo the trash or the narrrlcipd waste strewn, whlctrmay he Ilegd lnwur area: Please cell1=BW=8»BA1TERYLtor'Inlormetbnun-Nl~ed-~ - balmy recycling and disposal benelrestrlciona it your area. Soultwealem Bell Freedom Phone Retell Sales'e Invelrementtn llrlr program I: portal our oommilrlenllopresenn'ng orrr enylmnment and conserving our natural renames. ‘RBRC Is a trademark ut the Rechargeable Balm Recycling Corporation. Save These Instructions _' NAME OF CONTROLS AND |ND|CATIONS HandsetContrelandlcators I ,, ‘S Talk sullen Used tndal lhedleplayed ‘L'CD Displaylndlcator- ' ' ~~ - - ' -- NerrCaIlI edCall Cloc er Date callcaunler ndmr New Voice Clock =BBEIHIHB§€BB= mm 5335999939 " 12-Chal'adel Text le 1Z~digk Number Line NW Cull! calICounhr Sluts lhe amounl oledls I newcalls h slarulw mode. When there Is new ad Ital has ndbesn reviewed. Ihudlsplay vdll shw‘lliw cALL' and flieNadeLEDmlrehmdselwilblink. -— Rapuhd Call Indlulnr Lights an bin-finale Ire dsplayed phone number called morn man was. 11quon Mas-agelndlcalor lndicallss mal lire mailbox in perm] allies has a masaga. clock shims Ihe real lime and (AM/PM} format. of Ira lime slump nf a caller ID record. clock Tlckor Blinks when real lime Ml; being displayed. Data Show: lira dale (MMIDD) lormfl, mills dale slump cl 8 Caller ID reoprd, lfiuWu'nTb-r Lin? Display he callers number, ofdisplay your dialed digits. inhuman Tm Llne Display caller‘s rune, mil lunar and syslem prompl (such as RINGING, TALK). VIP Indium! Meals: lllal plioglly timer has been set hr the displayed number. Base Unit Contraband Indicators -_ .— “may -4 m» Wfinfig—rx‘fiz*vr—‘tw,f W, _ -—. f "' FCC WANTS You TO KNOW “isequlpmnlcomplleswlh PatflhllveFOleesDnlhe hollan ollhebaee ollblsemflpmenl is e label (Mal oonldns, among other Mormollon, lhe FCC Regishilon Number and Rhger Equivalence Nunw (RBI) lorlMs equ'pmenl. Vou musl, upon requeel; Ma lhlsinlonnellm loyolllzlephone company. The REM is useful lo delennlne lho qumllly ol denim you mayoonneol lowurlehpnone line and oil have all nl llwse devices r'ng when your lllephone mnnbsrls oiled, 111 most, bu noldl areas, Um sum 0! Ihe REN‘s ol alldevloesconnecled In one he slmuldnulexoeed five (5.0).10 beceflein oltlve nmnberol devimyeu mayoonneolloymnllleme delenllnsd hylne REN,you mm nomad your local lelephnnu umpuny lo delemine It» maximum REN lur your filing ll your telephone equlpmenl uueee ham buloleleplmnenelwork. In tehpione our-paw mw Mnhue your sewlee lmomllly. lI pomible, (boy will nollly you in swarms. Bul il xlvenoe . nolloe Isn'lwadloel. youwil benollfled u soon as poslhle. You wll behlmmed ol your rlpln I) I'll: a oomplailmh Ihe FCC. _ 0 Your lelephone wmpanymnymmdllngeshlsthequuipml, operaliummrpmoedmes - (haloonld afiedlnpropetfimollonhgolywrwlpnml. Illleydo. youwl bennufiedhadum log'veyou an opporunilylo mflnlaln unlnlanumed lelephons eewlce. ll you experience uwhle vim mlslelephme ewipnml, mmmummwom unlil lne pmhlem he: been would or (ml! you as am- IBUlle win-mile notmalimolloelng. . This ewlpmenlmaynol be used on min eewloepvwlded by me leleplmne many. Conmcfion In ponynnes ls wbied [Del-In with. ’ This “man! is honing HM comelible. Wamlng: Change: or mudifmnfionl lo Ihts unil nelemeeely approved hymn pulyresponsible lovoampllenoe could void In; new: owluly lo operas lhe owlpmsrlL NOTE: Tm; emiwmern has been lasted and found lo oonply will In llvnlb lo: a Claw I! diulnl dwloe, pursjuem lo Perl 15 ollhe FCC Rulsl. These lmlls an deelgned lo buwlde reasonable pmlecflon ogelnsl harmlul hierlemnoe in a resldenllal Insldlelm. Some omlleu (ohphones opemle at frequencies "151 my cause hletlerenoe In malty TV's and VCR'& To milinlae or ' prevenl out lnlalerenoeflhe baeeloe mrdless telephone llmulrlnol hepaoed nelroron lop“ olnTVor VCR IleMarlevenmie exparlemed, nmlnallu ounllau lelephonelarllwr mnylmm llIoTVorVCR wll ollenreduoe oreimlnalelllelnlederenoe. Hnwevemnerelsmgunnleelllal lo mo'lo orlelevlslen recepllunmfidlmbodelsrmhed byluming meeqlmnenloflmd 0n,lhe userlsemouraged lo kyluoonecllhu hlederenoe byone Bl mmolhlolwhgmawres‘. . Mullen! 01 mlumle the noelvlm antenna. .Inuuee Ihe sepwaflun between lne equipmznl “receive; . Canned Inn amipmenl lob snoullelon lolmllldlllawn flom mm b vllichlhe moeiverls oomeoled, > , .9ms_um09_al5wsn mimgogvmmwrom . A ..-!—7mflnwr~e=§kfimfinfi=P-Hl— -- " - ,_ fi—“W— ‘lnlelfimoewilmloowh apaflollhmlafinflmtmqulpxmndoumhmfilhhflemoe— L—‘——-——~——— —-—-—-—v "fifififlifilfifivfiicflfiflf . may i - ‘ - 40 channeMeulo otmmudpelecllon) -’ - LCD on llle handlelwllh lime-lemme a - lo-NumberTwo-budl Dlel Memory ; "- - mum dialing Item odlerllsl . ’. - Extended hallevyli'e ' “ - Dlgilal security oudhg The onzna feellm Include Ame Tdk'" end ’ ' ullomyuu lomaweraofll byjmluemovhglheHerul ,_ ‘ douflnevs lo wane lln'wpusnmnlimieurllpplnb 5mm: allows you In hang up by eloniygelljflit; me“ hand ‘ ‘ ' ThaUIanuPluswuuewnmmderclmultyulmmlly manhlsllmvellvu ledlmbgymddhemfllwm ONE OF OVER 6600!) menu. secunnv cones _ Ano' use nun. use; we Amosgc REE" , nemonmuu chs mun mans wwan JHE use. TO GET THE noer FROM mun 604 we OPERATING Guuemonouw INTRODUCTION (CONT) Box Contents - Base un'l ' AC adephrr wih curd ' Handset wllh rechargeable heliery ' DeskMIall mnunllng hraukel - Owner‘s manual ' Quick relerenee glide ' Memory cam ' Reglslralan card - Telephone line card NOTE: 3. Keep lhe shipping carton and peelregirg. h case you need In lrunepnrl yuurphone b. llany oi Ihese llems we mlselng ordemegerl, 00an plane of purchase. Preliminary Preparation Telephone Llne lnelallallon 1. Never install telephone lav-he during a llghmlng slorrn. 2. New irrslelllelephonejaelrs In wsl healionsunlesslheiadrls spedlkmlly deslgned forwel localione. 3. Neverhmh unlnsuiabd leiephnrre wires or lerrrinele unless lhe lelepherre line ha: hear dismnnecled el lhe nelrmk Interface. 4. Use caution when Installing ur mudiying telephone Ines. Mnduler Outlei The GH2415 cordless lelephene nperales (mm a standard 110/120 vnll euflel. The hemlsel is powered by a redrargeeble balery padl. Belieries are charged aulemaicaly when lhe hendsel is placed In lhe cradb 01 [heiress mil ' INSTALLATION ‘DeehérTahIeInstaflellen ' ' ” ' " .1.rbmmnesmvarmwmbrmmmemsmmeponm with the bradrel shrlson lhe Base unl Iiis sewnely in plane ' ZPWQIreAcedeplnrmdlnlolheBVDc hpullaeknnfire NOTE: Plane Illa AC Bdaplol com inside lhe melded slrelmelle 3 5933.19 and ‘3' me long lulepirone enrdlnlo me TEL LINE inch on m Baeeunll. ‘ fl . __ - . . 4. Ralwlhe enlerrneeniheBeseunll. ‘ 5. 1’qu lhe other end of lheleng lelephoneeonl imp lhe Hephone wk. 9. Plug lheAC ndnplnr lulu e'clandurd 120VAC walloullel.’ nore: Use our; mm the AC adapter supplled vim GH2415. l STALLATION (CONT.) T' ' Wall Mounting The 6112415 maybe mounled on ewallphone dale or onto Iwo screws (nnl Included) llrel you lasts" 10 the will For either lype olhslellalinn, oorrwlele lhe following slaps first 1. hr casaelueing 1er elmderdwd plane. lhlsshw ls nelrwcessary. ' Place the DeslealI bfeekel on the wall and mark lhe localien m‘ the screws. ‘ Inslall the sums leavingslls" 5313th our (mm the wal. Una enelm to some 2. To counsel the DeslealI bushel in lhe well mm! pnuiliorr, slmply ellgn 1he brackel vilh lhe xlnls on me hase m1! lie eeeurely h place, C1. [used the AC adeplorlnlu Ihebedmlre unll. 4. Plug one end ul 1115 slwrltelephene Iinecnrd Inle Ihe TELUNE jack on lhe Base unll. 5. Thread 1119 adaptor nerd and Hephenewrd lhrough lhe grooves!" the back 011110 mil. l‘l‘heoordvdlrerd'lmmmelmhomc- --- --- ,. f — - -~~ - - —- - - ~ DO NOT CONNECT THE AC ADAPTOR TO THE WAlL POWER OUTLET VEI'. 5. Plug lhe olhererrd ollhe llrre mm the walllaek. 7. Mounl 1119 phone on lhe mll plala elude and press unll rheunil lads h place. 11. Plug lhe AC edsplor lntn Ihe power Dullel. amalgam cnmryigf‘ ”’ 1 '(elq1|lnne."~'--~ ' ‘ MermneeingluAprer.lsavelhehemtsalmueedlnlhemrflelerlen . frarer,awakens-anewwmermmmecmesflmw llerenhehandsetieinlremdle.’ v . ' a.Menlhehuherygelslew,lheTAIJ(LElellleeh.endlheunl p , - c. The balery wll held 11: marge In! severe] day: an! of (he eraqe. depending I uses, IheTALKLEQwiI lleshdrlrlnganhwrring call " , v hours.lllliepmeesekcempleledmenlhllewillwdueelhememorybullhplhdmhmn - tiewenlparfleleherfir ~ , The battery pedr hr the handsel rmel be fully charged larabeul 10- NDI'E: - v b. lune-Wham low Malayan are one eallmm wil be dleewneehd ‘ ' rnimlae.TermI|ablhecallqulddy. wmmhundselhmebmhreghm NOTE1=-:- ,.. The hand»! will nohlng when lhe ringer Is in [he '0FF' 110sz 11111 « To Replace Bamnes. V 1. Remove bellery cover. , z Remnve old hellery. , _5 3.1’lug lhe oerdeflhebellery pack Tumaxllmlpeywrbaflery‘sI1e,wereoomrnendllre|yarperiedlcallylulydlschergeflubnflery and then recharge ll. To do “113. unplug my phone line cord 1mm llre wall phnrleladr, Press the TALK hullnn. and alhrw the handselto remaln on lot 10 lo 121mm. Recalled!“ nh wrdlolhewallplnne’leck. Relumllnhandsalromebaeaéndaluwlllohily'chnrgelorl ' CA ERID SETUP f” To SstArea Code Ton . e / Pulse Operation ifnnfrwmghgqfi? a, an LCD segmenlwlll lighlup and display wl1| The GH2415 will upside on tone or mlmy ' 7. Enler Mgil loryour local amends (pass) ”is”! ' 1. 11 your house Is wheel for «play service. he . . Ill is Is no hipul wilhln an wounds, lieproginm will go back lo lhe start 1 move lhe T onelFulss am In the Tons 3. Press lhe "FLASHIPRGM’ key afler select lha lliiid digit ln mnli'rm die WSW ~ displayed losal urea mThaumlrwm been mandgollo ldlm- - lfyauiliouaels vibedanhn91§_ fife ’ (he Tone/Pulse wltoh to die Tune pus‘ili'on. - ‘ 3. II your are unm of the typo of dialing "them odaploiludlswmedsdoinlm To Set R'nger Volume servloo you have, tel ihe swim loTona. On 01 powetcoouis Mills 1115 haidmls 1. Press and hold ' FLASHIPRGM' bullon [or Z seoomis. ho m d d' 1 Press "7" loseleu1 ilngei unlumo. [he ”WM piaul TALK n on la anydlpilonlliskoypad. lllhedlalhnepeislsls. 2 Press ‘> I#' or “<1 11“ in «mango volume. stmPquTodiséommL pressiheTALK 3. Press "FLASHrPRGM" Iiullon again when finished. billion again. orsol lhe handsekln din cradle. To Set Ringer Type 1. Prose and hold " FLASHIPRGM' buhon for 2 seconds. PIES! "V' to 381901 rlnger (we. 2. Press ‘> M" or"lzlenlr. , ‘ llnIl ls nolncllvlng call . Wellng._ 0d Walllnfl Call-rib calla. ID serviee hom -111eCoILrIDdalamay ' by temporary noise or line woollen: In . Ibex! cases, you ma we the Inlerrmllmnnlle spl .euollasN0 CkLLER ID. CID BLOCK ,'ERRDR.'I blank sum only the lelephone nu ' -or unlylhe nemr—.-' Hormel doesn’l my. Tolephonl numbers are nel dlaled annually from the cell-(Mil. _helore area ends)” AAvoidpulfirgmrdlesepimeeneerimling appliances and dovieer ihai generals electrical noise (moons. lintosoeni lernpe, eior). ll Avoid rough ireolmeni oi lire phone try placing the handeel gendy inio the bus mimgingmlivolddmppngirmhmdsei. c.Cieenyouroor-1lus ieieploneonlywlllre soli’ololh elighiiydempemiswilr-weier or»- mfld hand soap. Do noi use any iype oi soivenl or abrasive demon Beioreoieaning. dwayeun-piugmephonetomlhewailouliei. D.Youronrdlesephonolenoidefilwiedinbe weierrosisienLDomlusolhehendseilnine rein,Inihepooiorlnihesiiowerjonolinsul yoorbeee unilouldooremowashlr. beihiub orshower. Do noi expose to dreoisunlighi. Er Reiain [be original packaging should youneed Io eh'm lire phone iii a Iaier dds. Speed Dialing Numbers Index LOCATION NUMBER Additional Iniomralion A. conneoiinu ihis telephone lo a coin ’ operaiedielephoneorpariy‘ Imolsproil‘hlled bylaw. E. II It is delermlnad iiiai your iieiepimne is memnoiioning, lire FCC requires iiiel ll be dlsoonneoied {mm lire modda' ouliei until the p'oiriem as been consoled. v For inunedieie answers lo a! yourqueel‘one ' regardingmeoperallonoiyourSouliw/eelem Bell Freedom Phonw coll he Consumer ' Heine. loll tree el (BOOFGi'rDGW. LOCATlON NUMBER PRODUCT CARE "f" SERVICE .. (he uniipneieoe prepald' andlnsurod (ioryou pmleoiion) to -~ ‘NOTE: Cellornla reeidenie need only provide proolol purdieeo end shouldcaii immo- ' " "‘"““ llSlENiiiFTHEESPERTSTAtK‘YOU'THRDl‘li'e‘H'lHE PROEL AoourdinghFCCreguimiidoequipmenimfldi lies bee fled FCC. may onlybe repaired by eulnorlzed persons. Iirepeh momma unauiiiorized person, he FCC oeriilloallon may be voided. Simuld you enoounier any problems. pieoseodl lire Sonihvrooiem Bel Freedom Phone ioli-iee CutiornerHeipimlor SSISTANCE: 1-8003660937. Monday- Fridaybelwaen liiehoure oi iii-Wem-itiiiipmfisn ' end Seiurdey beiween lire hours of BflOam- 1inme (E311 Virum ei ourvrebsle el hierwaewhneedomphomoonL FQBLKMBAHHMGE‘ ‘ Padiaaoyourwnpeieunlandudnganadepbie, linedxds, _SOUTHWESIERN BELL FREEDOM FHONEO ‘ ' DEFT: Wumrniy Repllr {415 N. Glen Harbor Blvd, GI-nd-lgyA’Z mm Be wrh include yorlreium address, poofoipurohaee, e deyluiepho posiege and handling“. end a brleiexpieneiim oiyourdliiiwliee. 0931 for lhbpllig lneirueiione. FDR OUT-DF- WARRANTY BERVlcE: peckege: DEFT; Quid-Warmly. " Iiyou have cellodmd know iiie oosi of your repleeemenl, please lndu yul'unillorprorwieeruioe. ‘ ‘ ' Questions? STOR..DUN'T TAKE MEBCKTD THE STORE ' LOOK...FOR THETOLL-FREE'HELF" TELEPHONE NUMB -' For. inmodlnie armors in your qmione regarding opelailon. ml 5 cell line ‘ y ’ SOUTHWESTERN BELL FREEDOM PHOIEJNELF 1- monomer ~ inipziiurww. mrnedernphomoorn “"" '""'" LIMITED WARRANTY 1 “““ - " W " ' " “ ' TheSouihweeiem Bel Freedom leneimarmniedlolhaoriuinalpueliaserlnbeireeirmndeiecis in annals and wemmmhipmdernwmaiinsleiiefiw, use, andserviee inraperbd alum“) year hum lire am nl purd'raso as simvm on lire pureheser‘s reeeipl, Theuhilnalion oi Soulhwuierl Bell Freedom PiraneOReiaiI Sdas underliniswanmlyshailhe Ilmiledlo repainrreplaoemegdielwepflenfluringlhewmmly period olmypalvdriehpruves defective in maiedei or werluranshlp under normal inaidlaiien. use. and service, prwided lhe produd is returned In Suullweslnm Bell Freodunr Fhone® Rem Sides (achirese belnw) TRANSPORTATION CHARGES PREPAID (Cifnmia residents ea“ 1-800-366-4113? lurshlpflm . lnsrrueiiane),i’mducts reinmerihusnr IosnAumizedSemiee Genhenrrmlbe mumdhygm ... . . aoopry oi ihe purchase reeebilin lhe absence alum purchase reoeipl. ihe warmly period ehail be one (1) year imrn (he dale oi manulmer To oblain service under Brit warranly. rem lie detective pmdrnd in the service center neares1 yon lageiherviim your sales zip and $9.50 lnr postage andhending (Caiiomiaresuerrls needonlypruvide pmvlolpurehase).Youmayalsuhaue olherwarrarriyrighlx whiehvary hm aisle [0 slab, This warranty sheilbeinvnidilihe preduelis damaged eea resull of deiaoemenL rrl'xuee. alum Med, accidenL dedrucihn, nraiieraiion nl Iiw serial nunher. inpropef eiedrieel vollages or cunenl; repdrallerallun armelnlename byenypersen urpariynlherlilanwewneervieelwifiiy oranAlrihorimd Service Center, army use vieiafiveolinelrucllnn: lrn-nished by us, This warranly is we rendered Inveld I We pmducl is removed (mm Ihe mun/In which lvras purchased, ililisused hem-invinwhidr iiisnnlregisleredferun. Indlor'rillsusediramvnlry inrwhichiiwes noi designedJlls Ioveriafione in blepirane swam and mrmnflnleeiinnalm. IhlspmducI maybe illegal inrmehaunrewmiriea Se-Ihweslenr BeiiFmdem PhoneORehlI sales mnnes no responsbiiyior damages or penalise lnmrred resulna lrorn liieuseol Ihis produei in manneror locallrm oiherlinm lhd Tmm M ii Is intended Thisona-yeallnv'led warrantyIslnliendielelmemmsmrmmennfligaiblsmmiifiesjm IMPLIED WARRANTIES. OBLIGATIONS. OR LIABILITIES‘ INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE iMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE SHALL BE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE ONE-YEAR DURA'HON OF THIS WRITTEN LIMTTED WARRANTY. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW UMTATIONS ON HOW IDNG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SD THEABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOTAPPLY T0 “(OUT » ’ »~—— ———»-- —n-INNOEVEN'FSHALLWEBELIABLEFORANTSPECIAMINCIDHITALORCONSEQ‘ENTWF— —~-—— ———-— -f~—--—-«——- -—— .._,,._.7 — - ~- - - DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF THIS OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. _ WHATSOEVER. - - Same siaies do no! eilrrrr ihe Minn or Irnleiiun of special. Inddernrl. or dwnsewenlal dumaemn mahwelimileflnnnremluslm maynal applyinwahlswan-nyglmywspdfic legal fighter and yea my mnavaaher righuwhidr verytorn slain in side. ' SOUTHWESI'ERN BELL FREEDOM PHONED 7475 H. Glen liarbnr Blvd., Glendale, AZ 55101 ‘ . - .
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Modify Date : 2000:05:19 14:29:02 Creator : Acrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in Producer : Acrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in Create Date : 2000:05:19 14:28:19 Page Count : 14EXIF Metadata provided by