Controlled Entry Distributors TRACOMFIR61 Model TRACOMFIR611K User Manual CC Firefly 611B Side 1 C ai

Controlled Entry Distributors, Inc. Model TRACOMFIR611K CC Firefly 611B Side 1 C ai

Exhibit 8

Phil, I need another instruction manual modified.  Remember the one you did for the Firefly one button frequency 310? I now need one for a Firefly one button 300 frequency.  Here are the only differences. 1.  All references to 310 MHz should be changed to 300 MHz.2.  On the second page for now leave a blank space where it says FCC ID.  Remove the reference to the FCC ID also for now, we will add it back next production run.3.  All references to 8 dip switches need to be changed to 10 dip switches.4.  The drawing of the dip switches needs to be changed to have 10 dip switches. I hope this makes sense.  Send me the proof when ready. Thanks
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