Cooper Wiring Devices RF9500 RF Battery Operated Switch User Manual Layout 1

Cooper Wiring Devices Inc RF Battery Operated Switch Layout 1

User Manual

Instructions for RF9500Product ExplanationDescription:The RF9500 is a battery-operated device that allows you to install aswitch / dimmer almost anywhere you desire and control(On/Off/Dim/Brighten) loads/lights wired to ASPIRE RF™ devices usingthe Association function (i.e. creating a 3-way where a secondlocation is not currently available). The RF9500 can then used to wire-lessly control other hard-wired RF devices such as a switch, dimmer, orreceptacle. This wireless control is done by associating the RF9500with these other hard-wired devices.Battery installation and replacement:2CR2025 batteries are included with each RF9500. Lift the batterylatch with a screwdriver to open the battery cover. Remove theplastic inserts from under the battery. (need pictures to illustrate this).Observe polarity when installing the batteries. Re-latch the batterycover.After the batteries are successfully installed, the LED on the RF9500 willblink for one minute to indicate the device in not included in the RFnetwork. The device will go to sleep after one minute to conservebattery life. When not installed, pressing the ON/OFF button again willwake up the device, and the LED will resume blinking for one minuteto remind the installer that the device is still not installed in the RFnetwork.With normal usage battery life is expected to be 1-2 years.Programming the RF9500:The RF9500 must be first installed in the RF network first, and thenassociated with another hard-wired RF device that is connected toathe load. Through association the RF9500 will wirelessly control theseother hard-wired RF devices, such as a switch, receptacle or dimmer.One RF9500 can be associated with up to 5 other hard-wired RFdevices at one time.For detailed programming instructions refer to the ASPIRE RF manualincluded with the Handheld (RFHDCSG) or Table Top (RFTDCSG)controllers.The RF9500 is included in the RF network by pressing the ON/OFFswitch button during the network installation process.During the association process, the Cooper Controller will prompt theuser to wake up the RF9500, which will then allow the associationprocess to occur. To wake the RF9500 press the On/OFF switch once.Installation instructions:Can be pasted onto any flat surface using double-sided tapeprovided.Can be screwed to the wall using 2 screws and anchors provided. Toinstall the RF9500 beside an already existing installed wall mountedENGLISH
device, use one RFBS22 innerwallplate for every already existinginstalled device and the appropriatemulti-gang ASPIRE wallplate (9521,9522, 9523, 9524, 9525 or 9526).NOTE: Do not install RF9500 over anelectrical box. The device must beinstalled onto a flat surface.Operating instructions:The ON/OFF switch on the RF9500will turn the load ON/OFF whenassociated with the RF9501 or RF9518switch or other Z-Wave RF switches.The ON/OFF switch on the RF9500will turn the light ON/OFF whenassociated with a Z-Wave RF MasterDimmer such as the RF9534-N,RF9535-N, and others.The UP/DOWN dimmer buttonswill control the light level whenassociated with a Z-Wave RF MasterDimmer.The ON/OFF switch on the RF9500will turn a receptacle ON/OFF whenassociated with a Z-Wave RFreceptacle such as the RF9505-T orother Z-Wave RF receptacles.Z-Wave Device NetworkInstallation Instructions:This product may be added to anew or existing Z-Wave network. A Cooper Wiring Devices Z-Wavedevice has a blue LED that will blink when the device is not includedin a Z-Wave network. Note: The RF9500 will only blink for one minutefollowing the installation of the batteries, or pressing of the button, inorder to conserve battery life.To include this device in a Z-Wave network, select the command onyour Z-Wave controller for inclusion (Install, Add Device, Add Node,Include Device, etc.), then press the switch one time to include it inthe network. The LED will stop blinking after the device is successfullyincluded in the network.To exclude this device from a Z-Wave network, select the commandon your Z-Wave controller for exclusion (Uninstall, Remove Device,Remove Node, Exclude Device, etc.), then press the switch one timeto exclude it from the network. The LED will start blinking.This product works with other Z-Wave products from different vendorsand product categories as part of the same network.This product is not a listening node as it is a battery powered deviceand is allowed to go to sleep to conserve battery life.Therefore it will not perform the repeater function typical of other Z-Wave devices.Federal Communications Commission StatementThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation issubject to the following two conditions:1: This device may not cause harmful interference, and2: This device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with thelimits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection againstharmful interference in a residential installation. This equipmentgenerates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordance with the instructions, may causeharmful interference to radio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televi-sion reception, which can be determined by turning the equipmentoff and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interferenceby one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different fromthat to which the receiver is connected.FCC CAUTION:Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by CooperWiring Devices could void the user’s authority tooperate the equipment.IN U.S.A.:203 Cooper CirclePeachtree City, GA

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