Corecess CORECESS3113 ADSL Modem User Manual users manual

Corecess Inc. ADSL Modem users manual

users manual

Download: Corecess CORECESS3113 ADSL Modem User Manual users manual
Mirror Download []Corecess CORECESS3113 ADSL Modem User Manual users manual
Document ID243993
Application IDgBGf8mD7KKd4AK7/g3/BCg==
Document Descriptionusers manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize61.49kB (768680 bits)
Date Submitted2002-05-20 00:00:00
Date Available2002-05-16 00:00:00
Creation Date2002-05-13 16:53:02
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod2002-05-13 16:53:57
Document Titleusers manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

Far and Bload
(memes; ADSL Made-m
Corecess 31 13
lnslclllcmon Gurde
This oirvioe oompiiee wilh pan 15 oi lire FCC Rules. Operawn is subiecl In Me foaming rwo
wldilions: (1) This device my nol cause harmfid orienerenoe, and (2) (his devioe inurl accept any
inierleierioe received. lndudirip inuanerenee irrai may cause undesired oporflllon.
Cauilon : Ally changes or inprlilirzpdns ln consirueiipn a mis oevioe which are noi expressly
approved by the psny responsible lot oomplienee could void llie W5 aulhnmy In aparaie me
Note : Triis equiprrierri lies been leeled and iounil to comply wrlli me limiis 1m a Class B digilal
oevice. pursuanl lo pan is or me FCC Rules. Tneee limits are deSlgnefl la provide reasonable
proieqlori agalnsl rieriniul ii-iiervererwe In a resldauiial iiislallalion This equipmem generaies,
uses and can rmiale raolo frequency energy and, H nol 11!st and used in eocoruance willi
me lieu-unions may cause harmful inlerierenoe lo radio wmmunioaiions, However, more is no
guaraniee mei liiienererioe will noi ooeur in e panlcular ii-islallaliun. lilhis equlpmenl ooes cause
nannful lrilerferenoe lo radio or lelevisiuri receplion, which can be determined by iurnirrg lhe
oqulprrienl on and on. me user is erroourageo up w la oorrecl lhe inlerlererice by one or more or
are following measures:
maul-iiarieloaie me receiving enienne
- Increase lhe ”panda" Mme" me aqulnmnland receiver
Com-m It» muipmofll inw in milk! on I wait dlflemnl (mm Illa! w whim the receive! it
0mm me onier or an “winced radiom/ humid-n ior help.
I Copyright I
CapynghlE‘, Coreosss AII was Resp-vac
Na Pan of ms book shall he mpwduud‘ stored In a
vemevu system, or Innsmiued by any means,
elecImnIc‘ mechamcal, nmooopymg, recommg, or
olhsrwnsa wnhaul wmlen permisswn Imm me
The weclrmmm and mrormauon agar-mg me
pumas m (his manual are sumem to manged
I Trademark Creditl
00150555 3113 Is reg-snared trademm qunvocasu
Wmflows Is regsterod Itademalk d Miwosofi Cum,
m Corecess Inc.
9974, Beam-dong. Kangnamku. seam. Kama
TEL 52-ZJOIE>SSOD FAX 82v27N16~6522
CUHECESS Mm/Mwweoesswn
E Table of Contents
Unpacking Ihe Box
Installing me Careoess 3113
Configuring 019 TCPIIP
I Introductton
The Cntecess 3113 is an Asymmetric Dtgizal Subscriber Lme (ADGL) modem used for home
cottneclivitv to an ADSL sertltce prthder network over an Elhemet netwmk connection The
Corecess 3113 A051. modern renews adapt-we data rates of up to SMbps downstream and
Hansmtls 1 Mbps upstream. .
I Unpacking the Box
Check the shtpptng carton eoretully to ensure that the contents include the items you ordered.
Caracas: 31 ta
tnstauetton Gulde
ADSL Cable mm
vwv /
Ethernet came
(Strmnttmougn Catego-yat
E“ ”are: The tollowirtg hardware is not provided but netmaryto tnstatl and configure the Covaessini.
—“' tetore installlngthe comets ms, pvepare the following haudwave'
- Micro-fillet or sputtertprouaed separately by your servire emitter»
- vcwmt Ethernet pen or adapter
“— Coteoesr 31” lnstntlntron Gulde
I |nstalling the Comes: 3113
me Corecess 3113 supports both the POTS sputter and micro-filter phone configurations Before
enhhng the Coreeess 3113, vexify your configuranon with your scrvlce provider. This seetton
describes how to tnstoll the Cnrecess 3113 by using tntnro-ltltet as the lollowmg figure.
0 Unplug the telephone ltne from the wall receptacle and plug the line end or the tntcro-hlter to
the wall receptacle.
0 Connect the telephone cable that was unplugged from step 1 to the Phone port ot the. micro-
0 Connect the provided ADSL cable to Ihe Modem port of Iht micro—filter and then connect Lht>
other end of the cable to the LINE port of the Curecess 3113.
0 Connect the provided Ethernet cable to the Ethemel pen of the Curecess 3113 amd then connect
the other enol ot the cable to wt port on the NIC tnstnlleo to your PC,
6 Connect poweu to the Corecess 3113 by plugging one and ot the power- supply into an
appropnale electrical outlet and the other end tnto the Dcsv port of the Corecess 3113.
0 Turn on the Cozecess 3113 with the power swimh on the rear panel of the Comess 3113.
o Poweron your PC.
Caution : troll must power on the Colecess at B betore powering on your rc. tt you power on your PC
first PC: IP address may not be properly assigned tn (his case, arsign new IP addlexs retentng to
Wmutlshootlno' on page um or restart your Pc.
LED Operation
When you have powered up the Confess 3113, check the status of the (our LEDS on the from
panel by the following table:
zowéi; ON DC power is being supplied to the Corecess 3113 '
Blink The 5yslem is inmahllng ior cunneclion Io ADSL network
UNK Green OLN The sy dialog box, click OK. The system
prompts you la ream, Click Yes.
Windows 2000/NT
l. Cltck the Stan button and select Settings -) Network and
Dial—up Connection (Figure t)
2. Right—click the Local Area connection icon at the  dialog box, select the intemet Proloml (YCP/IP) in the
’Cnmpanems checks are used by Ihls canneclion' list and click Pruperlies, (Figure 3)
4. At the  dialog box, click the obtain an IP address 5,
aulomallcally and the ohtatn DNS server address automatically. Then click Advanced to check the
TCP/ll’ settings tor accuracy. (net-e 4)
Figure 3
5. The  dialeg box appears At the [IP settingsl tab, check that the IP 6
Address Is set to Enable DHCP. (Fwe 5)
5. Select the ions] tab and check that the Append primary and connection specific nus suflixis selected.
Click OK (some)
“- cotecets J] H lnslullullon Gulde
. The  -'
windm Flflurel
Right-click the local Area Connection icon at the  windows and seled Properties menu. (Figure 2) r:
At the  dialog hox, select
the Internet Protrxol “CF/W) in the ‘This connection uses the . ”1". e
following itet-ne' list and click Properties. (Frame 3) ”9“ 2 _
At the (lmemet Pruwcol (TCP/IP) Propenies)> dialog box, click die Obtain an IP address
automatically and the Oblain DNS Server addvess automatically. Then click Advanced to check the
TCP/II’ settings for accuracy. than“)
Mmmfilfi—fl— E
TH” “ i j
thtrre 4
Address is set to Enable DHCP, (Figure 5)
Select the [DNS] tab and check that the Append primary and connection specific DNS with is i
selected, Click OK. (Fat; 5)
n.__,..m ~ -~~- W.
l Troubleshooting
0 Click the Start buttonandseleetltun o The DO'E—pmmpt appears. lnpul ipconfig
If you cannot connect to ADSL network, please check the status of the LEDe on the front pawl. frelease and press (Merl key.
and then ensure the (allowing:
1. Check the LAN LED -
ll the LAN LED goes on, ensure that the Ethernet cable is firmly mnnected both to the Ethernet
port on the Coreeees 3113 and LAN port on yen-r Pc
0 Input ilxonfig [renew and pms [Enter] key.
2. Chalk the LINK LED
ll the LINK LED blinks (ontlnuously and never stays solid on, ensure that the ADSL cable is firmly
connected to the Llle port on the Coreceaa 3113. II' the LINK LED still blinks, contact your
ADSL service provider.
If the LINK LED goes off, turn off the power ot the Corecess 3113 by pressing the power switch
and tum on the power again. If LINK LED slill goes ott, contact your vendor.
3. Chetk your PCs 111 address y;
r , 4. Restart your PC 1
If atl LEDs operate normally and tables ave firmly mnnened to the pom, ensure that your PC 5 IP t
addm is Properly assism¢ omwise assign a new H, address according w you openlmg If new IP address is not asstgned properly or you cannot solve the problem, ensure that the Coreoess
“mm 3113 turns on and then restart your PC.
Wlndcws Esme/ME
0 Click me Star! button and seled Runr . Select Ethernet adapter connected with
til: Games 3113 and click Release All.
rxfimzfi'“ ‘, v, warm—J
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ym.‘ rear
ro-turr' Eraser ,

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : No
Modify Date                     : 2002:05:13 16:53:57+09:00
Create Date                     : 2002:05:13 16:53:02+09:00
Creator                         : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Producer                        : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Page Count                      : 6
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