Corecess CORECESS3114 ADSL Modem User Manual users manual

Corecess Inc. ADSL Modem users manual

users manual

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Document Descriptionusers manual
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Date Submitted2002-09-20 00:00:00
Date Available2002-09-19 00:00:00
Creation Date2002-09-17 18:45:25
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Document Lastmod2002-09-17 18:46:14
Document Titleusers manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

inn and Broad
Coreress ADSL Modem
Corecess 3114
Installation Guide >
T .
device complies w-m pen 15 of the FCC Rules Operanon ls suntan «7 mo lemming two
canmums (1) ms dame may nol cause harmlul inleflelenoe,and 121mm device ms! accept any
mmdeveme recswed, mdudmg lnleflerenoe may may cause umeslrsu coereucn
Cannnn . Any changes or modlllcahcm m construcflon 0! “us devvu when are no' exptcssry
approved by me parly responsiue luv comphanoe could we Ihe users wlhnfily w operate ma
Nola Thus equwpmefll has been lesled and fauna (a omnvly wuh me Ilmds m a Class 3 mm
devlne, pursue"! to Dan |5 M m FCC Rules, These urnnls are dasqned Io pmwde reasonabie
prmuclmfl zgzlnsi harmful imemyeme In a veswenual mslallallafl nus equiomem genaaxcs,
uus and can radme radio Vvequeflcy enurgy arm u not installed and used in accordance wnh
me Inflrucllon; may cause narmlul lmeflerenoe m radio communications, However, mere Is no
guavanlse man inleflerme wvll not occur m a panlcwar ms'anauon IHhis equipmem does cause
nay-mm Inleflefence m ram or (slevwsnon reoepllon, mm. can be determined by Iuming me
sampmeru on and on. Ihe uset u ancuurageu m war In correm me ‘mwisvmu bym m move an
the (allowing measures
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comm ms mm at an emu-m mm main-m lav nab
| Introduction
The Corecess 3114 is an Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) modem used for home
Connectivity (0 an ADSL service provider network. The Carecess 3114 ADSL modem receives
adaptive data rates of up to sMbps downstream and transmits 1Mbps upstream.
Key Features
The Corecess 3114 ADSL modern provides the following key features:
- Supports POTS and ADSL simultaneously.
- Sends data, voice, and video over high-speed ADSL lines to connect to the internet or carporale
intranets. (Max downstream; BMbps, Max upstream: leps)
' Provides an auto-negotiating 10BaSe-T or IOOBase-TX Ethernet interface and an USB interface.
- Supports a variety of ADSL protocols such as bridge (RFC 1483), PPPoE (RFC 2515), PPPoA
(RFC 2364), and Classical lP over ATM(RFC 1577).
- Supports DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server and client function for dynamic
IP address allocation. (only router mode)
- Suppons NAT (Network Address Translation) function for conservation of registered IP
addresses. (only router mode)
- Allows multiple users to share a single iR address simultaneously on a single vc by using NAT
and DHCP server function. (only router mode)
~ Supports web console for configuring the Corecess 3114 using web browser.
r Nau: For more information about uslng the Combs 3| “web console, ielel to the Camus am
5, Confirm Guld'r
“— coreoess sl M installation Gurde
Types of ADSL Service
The Corecess 3114 supports the following types of ADSL service.
Bridte Mode
When the Corecese; 3114 operates in bridge mode, il behaves like a wire connecting a local PC
directly lo a service provider‘s network.
Router Mode
When the Corecess 3l14 operates in router mode, you can Organize a small LAN using NAT and
DHCI’ server fu ncncil with [P muting h allows multiple PCS to Communltflle and share the
resuurce using only one ADSL line. There are three types of router mode' Pl’PoA/I’PI’OE, Static ll“,
and Dynamic 11).
The following table shows the typical configuration for uslng the Corecess 3114 in bridge mode or
rou tor mode.
Provided by lSP
Provided by 15?
WAN Gateway
Assigned by lSPl
VPINCI provided by ISP Provided by 15?
. N /A N/A
sum 'P N /A (Automatically Provided by ISP (Automatically
Adm“ Assrgned by ISP) Assigned by ISP)
N /A N/A
siibnet Mask N/A (Automatically Provided by [SP (Automatically
Assigned by ISP) Assrgned by (SP)
Default N/ A N/ A
N /A (Automatically Provided by Is? (Automatically
Asslgned by (SP)
1433 Bridged lP
1433 Bridged "7
1483 Bridged lI’
Bridge Enabled Disable Disable Disable
PPP User Name N/A Provided by ISI’ N/A N/A
PPF' Password N/A Provided by ISP N/A 1 N/A
DHCP Chem Disable Disable Disable 1 Enabled
IP Address N/A 10.0 0.21DeIzuln 10 o 0 2 (Delanlt)
LAN Subnet Mask N/A 255.00 0 (Defaull) 255.0 0.0 (Default) 155 0.0 0 lDelnult)
DHCP Sewer N/A Enabled Enabled EnableH
N /A N/A
DNS N /A (Automatically Provided by [SP (Automatically
Asslgned by (SP) Assigped by lsP
- Nate: NIA meanx it does not apply to the encapsulation. For more description of configuration
5, method, reler lo the material in configuration Guise.
“— careceis 3! u lnslullohen Gulde
' Unpacking the Box
Check the shipping carton carefully to ensure that the contents include the items you ordered
Cmsosss 31m
use cable
installahon CD
- Nale: The following hardware is not provided but nertssary to install and configure the (nieces;
E) 31 u. Before installing the Cerecess 3! 74, prepare the leHowing haredware:
- Micro-filter or splitter lprovided separately by will service provider)
- vc with Ethernet pan or adapter (optional)
Caution: Yo yedute the rlsk of fire, use on" No. ZBAWG nr larger lelecommunicallon line card.
Its the Corecess 3114
E Instal ' Cami You must power on the Corecess 31 M before powering on your PC. lf you power on your vc
” \ / first, PCS IP addvssx may not be properly asslgned. In this case. assign new IP address relerrlng to
The Corecess 3114 supports both «he POTS splitter and micro—filter phone configurations. Before Troubleshooting‘ on Page ”48 of fem" VOW PC-
cablmg the Corecess 3l14,yerit ‘vour configuration with your service provider. This section
describes how to install the Corecess 3114 by ttslng micro-filter.
, Wall
~ LED Operation
When you have powered up the Corecess 3114, check the status of the tour LEDs on the from
panel by the following table
Powsrt ON DC power IS being supplied to the Corecess 3114.
LINK ON The system is connecting to ADSL netwcrrk
LAN Gm“ ON The Coreress 3114 is connecting to your Pt:
(Uslng LAN port or USB port)
DATA Bllnk Data ls being sent to or received from ADSL network.
More: The following tigure shows a configuration using a rots tprmer instead of mine-filters.
o Unplug the telephone lme from the wall receptacle and plug the line end oi the micro—filter to
«he wall receptacle.
9 Connect the telephone cable that was unplugged from step 1 «o the Phone port of «he rmcro- W
9 Connect the proyrded ADSL cable to the Modem port of the micro-truer and then connect the "W
other end at the cable to the ”NE port of the Corecess 3114. Dan
6-1 If you use the Ethernet adapter, connect the prnvtded Ethernet cable to the LAN port of the
Corocess 3114 and «hen connect the other end of tire cable to Ethernet port on the NIC Installed
to your PC.
0-2 it you use the USB p0ll,c0t1nect «he proyuled USB cable to the usa port oi the Corecess 3114
and then connect the other end of the cable m Use pnrt tm your PC.
0 Connect the prowded power supply cable into the Dc lN part ofthe Corecess 3114.
@ Connect the provtcled power cord to the power supply and connect the other end of the com
to an appropriate electrical outlet
0 Turn on the CoreceSs 3114 with the power swltclt on the rear panel of the CoreceSs 3114
a Power on your PC.
“— Corecen 3] in installation Guide n l
! Installing the Drlver (053 Only)
if you connect the Corecess 3114 to your PC using uss port, after comecting the cables lo the
Corecess 3114, Install the software driver
Windows 2000
1 Turn on the PC Connected with the Corecess 3114
21 Once the Corecess 3114 is connected to the PC, the Windows plug—and~play routine will detect
the new devrco and show the , Click Next moire L 27
% ununm tmmw"
s... uttwfl‘wm
Figure 1
FlgUN 2 ~
at Two choices appear Choose Semi tor a suitable driver for my devite (retommended) and click next to
go to the next wizard panel (Figure at
Q tit-ma.)
,.. [F] u
Flguve 3 thurert
4. The wizard prompts you to specify a locallon to search for the driver you are instnlling After
inserting the installation driver CD into the CD-ROM dnye, click cotton/t drums and click Next
rrrgnn, 4!
m, Corecess 31m Inslullultort Guide
s. The leard shows a verification panel and displays the choice you made(USB NET CARD),
Click Men to slnrl the installation of the drivers and connection lo the ADSL modem over the
usB [thuve 5)
A} ru-
w <-
Figure 5
s. The system finds the driver and begins to automatically copy the driver files item the cm.
lFlgure el
7. When the driver installation is complete, click finish trigure 7h
Flgule 7
14 Turn on the PC connected with lhe Corecess 3114
2. Once the Corecess 3114 is connected to the PC, the Windows plug—and—play routine will detect
lhe new device and show the und New Hardware Wizard> Choose lnslall Ham a list at
maliclmtioMAdl/anudhnd click Next to 50 to the next wizard panel lthute 1,
Figure 1 FlgureZ
3. Two Ehoices appear Choose Include thls fixation in mesedrm and enter the CID-ROM drive letter.
Insert the installation driver CD into the CDROM drive and Click Next. (Figure 2)
4. If the path is correct, the system finds the driver and begins to automatically copy the driver
files from the CD. figure 3)
unmanned“... l
manurmm“ I
5. During the driver installation, the window for verifying the compatiblllty of the driver with xp
may appear, Click continue Anyway. (Flguie 4)
6, When the driver installation is complete, click Finish. (thme 5)
7. The (Found New Hardware leard> appears again to install USB Network Adapter. Choose
Install from a Ilst or spa-(Iii: location (Advanced) and click Mex! to go to the next wizard panel. (Figure 6)
Figure a figure 7
n Colecess 3! u lnstcllutlon Guide
Two choices appear. Choose Indude this Iixation In the seardt, enter the CD-ROM drive letter and
click Next. tenure 7)
The system finds the driver and begins to automatically copy the driver files from the CD.
{Figure B)
- .. WM” i
Figure 5 Figure 9
During the dnver installation, the window for verifying the compatibility at the driver with XP
may appear. Click continue Anyway. (Figure at
When the driver installation is Complete, click Finish. {figure it”
”wanes“, m-
Figure in
! Configuring the ‘I‘CP/IP
After you install the Corecess 31 H and the software driver, next is to toniigure the TCP/IP
netwnrk prottiml
Caution: when you configure the TCP/IP, leave the default value at any other configuratlon t it ii
not mentioned in the following description.
Windows 95/98/ME
1. Click the start button and select Settings -) Control Panel. E aw ,
iFIgU($ 1) m (r- “A film‘-
J i. 3 Mum.“
, new it rm”.
2 Double-L‘hcklheuetwork 93 icon. am", mwm t
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3. Select TCP/lP in the ‘The following network components 9“ e
are installed’ list and click Properties figure 2)
4. Select the HP Address] lab and click the Obtain IP adduss automatically. (Flgure 3)
5. Select the [DNS Configuration] tab and click the Disable pus, lFrgure4) -
A 7
“waoiwtnw- A
4.1 m -;~_l uJ LJ
Flgule 2 Figure 3 Flgure 4
6. Select the [Gateway] tab and check there is no gateway
installed. It lhereare lnstallcd gateways, delete them
by clicking [Remove] Click OK. iFlgufesl
I At the  dialog box, click OK. The system
prompts you to restart Click Yes
Figure 5
Cam“ 31m installation We
1. Click the Start button and seled Settings -) Network and Dial-
up Connections. (Flame 1)
2. Rightflirk the Local Area Connedlofl icon at Ihe  dialog box, select the internet Protucol (TCPIIP) in the
Components checks are used by this Connechon' list and click Properties, rights 3)
it At the 
3 Right-click the Local Area Connection icon at the  windows and select Properties menu. (Figure at
w a...»
4. Al the  dialog box, select ’”""““
the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in the This connection uses the "
tollowrng Hems' list and click‘rroperties. (Figure 3. “We 2 -_
5 Al Ihe  dialog box, click the Obtain an IP address
automatically And the Obtain DNS server addrs; automatirauy Then click Advanced to check the
TCP/IP settings {or accuracy. ingure ii
Figure a Fig.“ 4
s. The  dialog box appears, At the up Settings) tab, check that the IP
Address is set to Enable nucp rFlgme 5i
7, Select the [DNS] tab and check that the Append primary and connection specific DNs suffix I5 selected,
Clict OK (Figum 6l
Figure 5
m corecest (H u insioiiotion Guide
g Troubleshooting
If you cannot connect to ADSL network, please check the status of the LEDs on the front panel,
and then ensure the following:
1. Check the LAN LED
If the LAN LED goes 0“, ensure that the Elhemet cable is firmly connected both to the LAN
port on the Comcess 3114 and Elhemet port on the NIC installed to your PC or the USB cable is
firmly connected both to the USB port On the Corecess 3114 and the USB port on your PC,
2, Check the LINK LED
II the LINK LED blinks continuously and never stays solid on, ensure that the ADSL cable is
firmly connected to the LlNE port on the Corecess 3114, If the LlNK LED still blinks, contact
your ADSL service provider. If the LXNK LED goes ott, turn oil the power of the Corecess 3114
by pressing the power switch and turn on the power again, it LINK LED still blinks, contact
your vendor.
3. check your PC's IP address
It all LEDs operate normally and cables are firmly connected to the ports, ensure that your
pcs IP address is properly assigned, Otherwise, assign a new IP address according to your
operating system.
Windnws 95I98/ME
0 Click the start button and select Run, 0 Select Ethemel adapter connected wrth the
Corecesc 3114 and Click Releas: All,
0 Input winipcig and press the [triterl key. 0 Click Renew All.
on me.“
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“at... gin-mu
mum on."
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0 Click the Start button and select Run
a new.“
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J "dc
9 Input and and press The [Emu] key)
GEE} r-LLt
4. Remnyour PC
a The DOSprompt appears) mpm ipconflg
[release and press [Enter] key.
If new 11° address is not assignEd properly or you cannot solve the problem, ensure that the
Corecess 3114 turns on and then restart your PC.
“— corecess 31 M Msiquaflon Game
I Technical Speciflcatlons
ADSL Standard
. T1 41? ADSL Standard
' ITUVT C 992 1(G dml) ADSL Sfiandard
- rrU T G 992 2(G l‘ e) ADSL Standard
lEEE Standard
- IEEE 802 3 IDBase'T
. lEEE 802.3u IOOBase-TX
~ lfl/wfiBase-TX
~ Cannedur, 1745, USB
- Lme Code‘ DMT (Discrete Muln
- Dawnstream Max 8M'bps
- Upslmam: Max leps
~ Connector RJ-ll
ADSL Protocol
. PPP over ATM VCMUx (RFC 2364)
~ PPP over ATM LLCSNAF (RFC 2351)
~ Bridged IP over ATM LLCSNAP (RFC 1483)
' Rouled IF over ATM LLCSNAWRFC 1433)
' Bndged [P over ATM VCMUX (RFC1483)
' Ruuted lP over ATM VCMUX (RFC 1453)
‘ Classical W over ATM (RFC 1577)
' PPPover Ethernet VCMUX (RFC 2516)
' PPP over Ethemel LLCSNAP (RFC 2516)
- 1 RJ-ll connector (LINE)
- 1 R]—45conneclm (LAN)
- 1 Power socket (DC IN)
. POWER Indicales DC power slams
- LINK Indmales connect-non slams wxlh AID/5L network
- LAN Indxcates connechon status wnh PC
. DATA Tnmcms data transmut/recewe sxaxus m ADSL network
Enwonmema) Conuinons
- Temperalure mac — 50°C
- Humidity 59) wm
Physical Condm‘ons
~ Dlmen5|0n.140(W) x150(D)x 3004) mm
- Welght’ ZSflg
Power Requiremems
- Input 1m-24OVAC, 50-60Hz, DC 9V/1A
- Power wnsumplmn Max 4 Wm

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File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
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Modify Date                     : 2002:09:17 18:46:14+09:00
Create Date                     : 2002:09:17 18:45:25+09:00
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