RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsEVO RTM Applicative ReferenceGuideUsers Manual EVO RTM-UserMan 1
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsCoronis SystemsRTM Elster AMCO Products,EVO RTM-UserMan 2
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsRevision HistoryRev. Description Author Date Comments1 Original document AMR 15 Sept 2006 Draft2 Updated document  AMR 21 Sept 2006 Correspondence with CDS Sections added3 Updated document AMR 06 Oct 2006Modifications following meeting betweenElster AMCO & CORONIS in OCALA from25th to 27th of September 20064 Updated document AMR 19 Oct 2006 Coronis internal revision onlynot distributed5 Updated document AMR 13 Nov 2006 Approval form added6 Updated document AMR 15 Nov 2006 Update concerning RTM limitations in DriveBy and Walk By operating mode7 Updated document AMR 04 Dec 2006 Update based on Bruce A. Bharat commentson revision 6 of the document8 Updated document AMR 24 Jan 2007 Update based on Bruce A. Bharat commentson revision 7 of the document9 Updated document AMR 22 Feb 20071) Update based on Elster AMCO comments on revision 8 of the document2) Filtering algorithm added withactivation/deactivation capabilities10 Updated document AMR 08 Mar 2007Corrections added :      - parameters ID were false in        Appendix A (encoder unit A & B),      - Radio address description added and        sRTM reference added (§6)      - Frame length correction in §5.5.5        (TOU Buckets readings with 4 port        connected)      - Datalogging parameter description        added in section §5.5.311 Updated document SDA 22 Mar 2007Corrections added :      - Several default value ( in chapters and        appendix A ),      - Several parameters size ( in chapters        and appendix A ),      - Several access right in appendix A,      - Definition of the offset in records        datalogging table in §5.5.4,      - Wrong command examples in §5.6.3,      - Acknowledgment in § Updated document SDA 23 Mar 2007Corrections added :      - Restriction on the index sampling period        when TOU Buckets function is activated        (§5.5.5)13 Updated document SDA 26 Mar 2007Corrections added :      - Default value corrected for TOU        Buckets parameter (0x60), alarm        frame path (0x5A,0x5B,0x5C,0x5D) and        Step time of pseudo bubble up        transmission14 Updated document SDA 03 Apr 2007Corrections added :      - Default filled value corrected for leak        event table in §5.7.4      - Restriction on the 2 LSB bits of step        time bubble up (§5.6.1).EVO RTM-UserMan 3
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsRev. Description Author Date Comments15 Updated document AMR 26 Jul 2007Corrections added :    - §4.1: Data max length correction (173instead of 174),    - §4.2.2: comments added when writingonly operating mode,    - §5.4.6: error corrected in Encoder UnitLSB Byte description,    - §5.4.7: details on encoder data returned     - §5.12: added part for alarm windowconfiguration (new feature) that permits toenable alarm frames even if pseudo bubble-up is activated without generating possiblecollisions.16 Updated document SDA/AMR 15 Oct 2007Corrections added :    - Completely  remove  from document the“Sampling activation type parameter”    - Few other corrections17 Updated document AMR 18 Oct 2007Appendix C added:related to Wavenis products ServiceCommands EVO RTM-UserMan 4
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsDOCUMENT CONTROL AND APPROVALDocument Name Revision Author DateEVO RTM-UserMan 17 Adam Molnar 18 October 2007Name Title Company Date Sign off approvalBruce A. Bharat Product/ProjectManager Elster AMCOName Title Company Date Sign off approvalJohn Rouse VP Sales - NorthAmerica Coronis SystemsVictor Razanatsimba Project Manager  Coronis SystemsAdam Molnar Project TechnicalManager Coronis SystemsEVO RTM-UserMan 5This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the  following  two  conditions:  This  device  may  not  cause  harmful interference,  and  this  device  must  accept  any  interference  received   including interference that may cause undesired operation.Caution:  Any  changes  or  modification  not  expressly  approved  by CORONIS-SYSTEMS  could  void  the  user's  authority  to  operate  the equipment.
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsTABLE OF CONTENTS1.DEFINITIONS...................................................................................................................................................72.INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................103.REFERENCE DOCUMENTS.........................................................................................................................104.RTM ELSTER AMCO CONFIGURATION ACCESS......................................................................................114.1.Radio exchange principle............................................................................................................................114.2.Internal parameters access.........................................................................................................................134.2.1.Reading internal parameters..........................................................................................................134.2.2.Writing internal parameters............................................................................................................144.3.Control bytes description.............................................................................................................................154.3.1.Profile selection..............................................................................................................................154.3.2.Operating Mode..............................................................................................................................164.3.3. Alarm Configuration.......................................................................................................................174.3.4.Application Status...........................................................................................................................184.3.5.Leakage Detection Status..............................................................................................................194.4.Writing RTC parameter...............................................................................................................................204.5.Meter reading sampling period configuration..............................................................................................214.5.1.Reading sampling period parameter..............................................................................................214.5.2.Sampling activation type parameter...............................................................................................215.RTM ELSTER AMCO FUNCTIONALITIES...................................................................................................225.1.Fixed Network/Walk By/ Drive By switching method...................................................................................225.2.Datalogging management...........................................................................................................................225.2.1.Datalogging parameters access....................................................................................................235.2.2.Datalogging mode activation..........................................................................................................245.2.3.Datalogging in time steps...............................................................................................................245.2.4.Datalogging once a week...............................................................................................................245.2.5.Datalogging once a month.............................................................................................................255.3.RTM-Register interface...............................................................................................................................265.3.1.Pulse register three wire interface..................................................................................................265.3.2.Encoder three wire interface..........................................................................................................275.4.RTM-register pairing....................................................................................................................................295.4.1.Programming current register reading (pulse register only)..........................................................295.4.2.Programming pulse value (pulse register only)..............................................................................305.4.3.Definition of the pulse value parameters........................................................................................305.4.4.Programming meter model (pulse register only)............................................................................315.4.5.Encoder model detection...............................................................................................................335.4.6.Encoder Unit (Encoder register only).............................................................................................345.4.7.Reading encoder internal data (Encoder only)...............................................................................355.5.RTM reading management..........................................................................................................................365.5.1.Generic header structure...............................................................................................................365.5.2.Current register reading.................................................................................................................375.5.3.Daily consumption profile reading..................................................................................................385.5.4.Datalogging table reading..............................................................................................................40EVO RTM-UserMan 6
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.5.5.Time Of Use (TOU) buckets configuration and readings...............................................................435.6.Automatic Radio transmission              (pseudo bubble up mode - Fixed Network Only)...........................455.6.1.Pseudo bubble up parameters list..................................................................................................455.6.2.Pseudo bubble up allowed commands list.....................................................................................455.6.3.Example.........................................................................................................................................465.7.Leak detection management.......................................................................................................................475.7.1.Residual leak detection..................................................................................................................475.7.2.Extreme leak detection...................................................................................................................485.7.3.Leak detection parameters list.......................................................................................................495.7.4.“leak event table” reading management........................................................................................505.8.back flow detection management (encoder only)........................................................................................525.8.1.back flow detection parameters list................................................................................................525.8.2.Reading back flow detection..........................................................................................................535.9.Tamper detection (pulse register only)........................................................................................................545.9.1.Tamper detection parameters list...................................................................................................545.9.2.Reading Tamper detection date.....................................................................................................545.10.Communication and reading error detection (encoder only).....................................................................555.10.1.Encoder communication error......................................................................................................555.10.2.Encoder reading error detection...................................................................................................555.10.3.Communication and reading error detection parameters list.......................................................565.11.Low Battery Warning detection..................................................................................................................565.11.1.Low Battery Warning detection parameters list............................................................................565.12.Faults or Flow Problems automatic transmission......................................................................................575.12.1.Time windows dedicated to alarm sending..................................................................................575.12.2.Parameter list...............................................................................................................................575.12.3. Automatic configuration of the destination route (via SDP).........................................................585.12.4.Radio command for the configuration of the route.......................................................................585.12.5.Triggering an alarm frame............................................................................................................595.12.6.alarm frame acknowledgment......................................................................................................616.RADIO ADDRESS DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................62APPENDIX A : RTM ELSTER AMCO INTERNAL PARAMETERS LIST.........................................................63APPENDIX B : RTM ELSTER AMCO RADIO COMMANDS LIST..................................................................67APPENDIX C : SERVICE COMMANDS...........................................................................................................68Wavecard Serial Link Service Request Command description.........................................................................68Request types....................................................................................................................................................69EVO RTM-UserMan 7
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems1.DefinitionsAbsolute Encoder: A meter register, that when queried by the Radio Transmitter module, will reply back tothe Radio Transmitter module with the exact reading of the register odometer reading.Automatic Frequency Control: AFC guarantees top performance over the full lifetime of devices, keepingRx  carrier frequencies aligned to  Tx. AFC compensates  frequency shift  introduced  by  component  aging(discrete,quartz),   but   also   by   temperature   drift   and   even   by  ambient   temperature   differences   betweencommunicating devices.Automatic Sensitivity Control:  ASC operates like the squelch function in audio systems (ambient noisefiltering) to avoid “false” wake-up when RF environment is noisy. This is a serious factor for saving power.Back flow: A reverse flow condition, created by a difference in water pressures or tampering of the meter(i.e. reversing the physical meter), which causes water to flow back into the distribution pipes of a potablewater supply from any source or sources other than an intended source. Bubble-Up Technology: Radio Transmitter module communications technique in which the radio transmittermodule automatically transmits, at pre-determined intervals, without having received a command to do so,the information it has acquired from the meter register Datalogging: Storage of consumption data over time, so that usage may be tracked. This is achieved by theRadio transmitter module interrogating the water meter register at programmable time intervals and savingthe obtained reading together with time and date in memory for later retrieval.Link budget: A link budget is the accounting of all of the gains and losses from the transmitter, through themedium (free space, cable, waveguide, fiber, etc.) to the receiver in a telecommunication system. It takes intoaccount the attenuation of the transmitted signal due to propagation, as well as the loss, or gain, due to theantenna. Random attenuations such as fading are not taken into account in link budget calculations with theassumption that fading will be handled with diversity techniques. It is given by the following equation: Pout (dBm) + Gtx (dBi) - Att-Max (dB) + Grx (dBi) - Sensi (dBm) = 0Where:Pout (dBm) output power on the TX sideGtx (dBi) antenna gain on the TX sideAttMax (dB) Maximum possible attenuation. It includes LOS attenuation thatdepends on distance and carrier frequency. It also includes signalattenuation through obstacles.Grx (dBi) Antenna gain on the RX sideSensi (dBm) Receiver sensitivity on the RX sideLeak   Detection   Algorithm:  An   algorithm   in   the   radio   transmitter   module   which   uses   consumptioninformation acquired from the meter  register to determine whether or not a leak is present on a specificaccountOverhearing: Overhearing is when a given, unintended device, within radio range, receives another device’stransmission frequency, forcing the unintended device’s receiver to power up. Pit Mount Interface: An adapter which allows the Radio Transmitter module antenna to rest above the pit lidfor better reception and transmission reliability in a pit environment. Pseudo-bubble up: A feature which was developed in order to counter systems that specifies X amount ofreadings a day via a bubble up system (see “bubble-Up Technology”). The pseudo bubble up feature willautomatically send a daily profile acquired from the datalogging table to the end user in one transmissionrather than via 6 transmissions. To the end user, who is receiving the data, there is no difference, other thanthe means in which the data was received. Hence, “pseudo bubble up”.Pulse Register: Meter register that sends an electrical pulse at a pre-defined interval (i.e. 1 pulse equals 1gallon). The interval is usually a volume of consumption (gallons, cubic feet, cubic meters, etc).EVO RTM-UserMan 8
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsQuality of Service (QoS): Quality of Service (QoS) is an empirical, relative gauge of communications in anetwork derived by an algorithm which is balanced to minimize RF communications while finding the bestcommunications   path.   Quality  of   Service   is   determined   by   a   “balance”   of   4   parameters:   Device   Class(application   dependent:   sensor,   valve,   actuator,   gateway…),   Remaining   energy   (no   limit   if   powered   bymains), RSSI, Number of “attached” children.Radio  Transceiver  Module   (Radio  Transmitter  module):   Also   known   as   endpoint,  a  radio   transmitterdevice   is   attached   to   the   water   meter   register   and   transmits   vital   information   about   the   meter   andconsumption characteristics.Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI): RSSI is a measurement of the received radio signal strength(energy integral, not the quality).RSSI is generic radio receiver technology metric, which usually is invisible tothe user of device containing the receiver, but is directly known to users of wireless networking of IEEE802.11 protocol family.Time of Use (TOU) Pricing: A tariff method in which a given utility charges different rates based on usageduring different times of day.Two Way Communications: Two-way communications is radio technology terms which refers to a devicewhich can both transmit and receive (a transceiver) information on demand.Wake-up preamble: A wake-up sequence used by the radio transmitter module, which is sent prior to data,as communication is initiated. WaveBox: Elster AMCO specified collector, which has many forms of communication ability to the head endcomputer, including WiFI, GPRS, and Ethernet. Wavecell:   Current   Coronis   Wavenis/cellular   network   gateway.   Offers   full   2-way   communications   forautomated monitoring and remote network administration.Waveflow: Current Coronis Low-cost, battery powered utility meter monitor with ultra-long battery life. Wavehub: Mini Network concentrator or dedicated repeater WYSIWYG – “What You See Is What You Get”: An acronym for What You See Is What You Get, used incomputing to describe a system in which content during editing appears very similar to the final product. It iscommonly used for word processors, but has other applications, such as Web (HTML) authoring. AcronymsAFC - Automatic Frequency ControlAFH – Automatic Frequency HoppingASC - Automatic Sensitivity ControlCPU - Central Processing UnitDSSS - Direct Sequence Spread SpectrumFHSS - Frequency Hopping Spread SpectrumHCI - Host Controller InterfaceIEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersLLC - Logical Link ControlMAC - Medium Access ControlPAN - Personal Area NetworkPDK - Product Development KitPHY – Refers to the physical layer of a integrated circuitQoS – Quality of Service RSSI – Received Signal Strength IndicationEVO RTM-UserMan 9
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsRTC - Real Time ClockRTM – Radio Transceiver Module SDP - Service Discovery ProtocolTOU – Time of UseULP - Ultra-Low-PowerWBX – Wavebox (Collector)WF – Waveflow (Radio Transmitter module)WNM – Wavenet ManagerEVO RTM-UserMan 10
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems2.IntroductionThis document specifies all the features embedded in the RTM Elster AMCO radio module. A part of thesefeatures are compatible with Coronis Standard RTM. Functionalities added specifically for Elster AMCO arebased on last “Statement of Conformance” document provided to CORONIS listed below :–“Coronis Conformance Doc - Fixed - 09.28.06 AMCO v11_revised_by_AMCO.xls”,–“Coronis Conformance Doc - Walk-by 10.2.06 v4 revised by AMCO.xls”,–“Coronis Conformance Doc - Drive By - 10.1.06 v4 revised by AMCO.xls”.The aim of this document is to describe functional aspects of each feature embedded into the RTM ElsterAMCO radio module.Each feature is fully configurable using radio signal bidirectional exchange.3.Reference documentsRef Title Version Release DateDR[1] Project Thor – Product Specification.doc  3 03/05/05DR[2] cs-sup-muti-wflowapp-e02.pdf 2 03/31/05DR[3] Coronis Conformance Doc - Fixed - 09.28.06AMCO v11_revised_by_AMCO.xls 11 09/28/06DR[4] Coronis Conformance Doc - Walk-by 10.2.06 v4revised by AMCO.xls 4 02/10/06DR[5] Coronis Conformance Doc - Drive By - 10.1.06 v4revised by AMCO.xls 4 01/10/06DR[6] Encoder Back flow Detection Spec r110.24.06.pdf 1 10/24/06DR[7] Wavecard User HandbookNote :For each section of this document a correspondence is made with DR[1] to  DR[6], in order togive Elster AMCO the ability to verify conformance between their Commercial Specifications (CDS)and Coronis RTM  Elster AMCO Product Functional specifications (PFS).EVO RTM-UserMan 11
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems4.RTM Elster AMCO Configuration accessRTM Elster AMCO as several embedded features, each one detailed later in this document, that are fullyconfigurable using radio frames.  This  section  describes  radio frame generic format and  explains  how toaccess to the configuration of each embedded feature.4.1.Radio exchange principleFigure 1 below shows a point-to-point radio exchange principle between a USB Waveport (Waveport is aCoronis radio modem generally used as the initiator of the radio exchange) and a Standard Coronis RTM.Figure 1EVO RTM-UserMan 12RTM ElsterAMCO
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsNote : point-to-point exchange commands have the following format: (all exchanges modes aredescribed in document DR[7])CMD NAME DESCRIPTION0x20 REQ_SEND_FRAME Request to send a radio frame with the waiting for the radioresponse.0x30 RECEIVED_FRAME Received radio frame by the radio board.The data field of each command must be formatted according to the following table:CMDDATA6 bytes variable ( max : 174 bytes)0x20 Remote equipment “Radio Address” Data to Transmit0x30 Remote equipment “Radio Address” Received DataThe first byte of the field “Data to Transmit” contains an “applicative command” that allows the recipient ofthe radio frame to identify the corresponding action to process.The first byte of the field  “Received Data”  contains an  “applicative command acknowledgment”  indicatingthat the remote equipment has processed the requested action.1 byte 173 bytes maxData to Transmit  Applicative command Data relating to the requestReceived Data Applicative commandAcknowledgment  Data relating to the responseATTENTION : Following   sections   of   this   document   describe   only  “Data   to   Transmit”  and  “Received   Data”  fieldsformat. These fields are the only ones relevant when accessing to RTM Elster AMCO embedded features.Other fields of the radio frame depend on the exchange mode chosen, and are detailed in document DR[7].EVO RTM-UserMan 13
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems4.2.Internal parameters accessThis   chapter   details   the   applicative   data   field   used   for   reading   or   writing  RTM   Elster   AMCO  internalparameters.The complete list of accessible parameters is described in Appendix A at the end of this document.Commands to use for accessing    RTM Elster AMCO    internal parameters :   ApplicativeCommands Description0x18 Request to read parameter(s)0x98 Request to read parameter(s) acknowledgment0x19 Request to write parameter(s)0x99 Request to write parameter(s) AcknowledgmentIt is possible to access up to 10 parameters simultaneously either in writing or reading access4.2.1.Reading internal parametersReading request data formatApplicativecommandNumber ofparam to read 1st param ID 1st param size ... ...  nnd param ID nnd param size0x18 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte ... ... 1 byte 1 bytenmax = 10Reading acknowledgment data formatApplicativeacknowledgment commandOperatingMode(1)Number ofparamread1stparamID1st paramsize1st paramvalue ... nth paramIDnth paramsizenth paramvalue0x98 2 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte variable ... 1 byte 1 byte variable(1) Operating mode is systematically sent in the reading parameter request acknowledgment frame.Remark :When a parameter is not a valid parameter of RTM Elster AMCO, or the size is configured with awrong value, the corresponding field “size” is set to “0x00” in the response frame and the correspondingparameter value is not significant in this case.EVO RTM-UserMan 14
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems4.2.2.Writing internal parametersWriting request data formatApplicativecommandOperatingMode(1)Mask on Operatingmode (indicate thebits that must beupdated)(1)Number ofparam towrite(2)1stparamID1stparamsize1stparamnewvalue...nthparamIDnthparamsizenthparamnewvalue0x19 2 bytes 2 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte variable ... 1 byte 1 byte variable(1) These two fields has to be included in each writing command request. These 4 bytes are used to updatepartially or entirely the operating mode parameter fields (See section §4.3.2.).Indeed, the operating mode mask is  used in the RTM Elster AMCO  embedded software to reinitialize theinternal feature associated to these fields. With this method the application software don't need to take intoaccount the previous value of operating mode parameter.It is recommended to use the writing command to initialize all parameters relative to a functionality likedatalogging in addition with positioning at “1” the concerned mask on operating mode. In this case theinternal  function  will be  initialized with the parameters included in the frame.(2) the maximum number of parameters to write must not be higher than nmax = 10It is possible to write only the operation mode using the writing parameter command. In this case the frameformat is as follows:Writing acknowledgment data formatApplicativeacknowledgmentcommandOperatingModeNumber ofparam written1st paramID1st paramupdate status(1)... ... nndparam IDnnd paramupdate status0x99 2 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte ... ... 1 byte 1 byte(1) 'Update Status' possible value: 0x00  : param update ok0xFF : param update errorATTENTION : some of the parameters are limited, i.e. their values should not be written out of their limits.If a value is  written out  of the limits, the value will not be written and the parameter value will remainunchanged. The status of writing will be NOK.Example: An hour parameter should be set up from 0 to 23. Thus if value 40 is set, the update statusrelative to this parameter will be equal to “0xFF”.Writing request data format with only operating modeApplicative commandOperatingModeMask on Operatingmode (indicate the bitsthat must be updated)Number of param towrite1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes 1 byte0x19 0x00EVO RTM-UserMan 15
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsWriting acknowledgment data format in case of frame format errorApplicativeacknowledgmentcommandOperating Mode Status of writing1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte0x99 Operating Modecurrent value0x00 --> update Operating Mode OK0xFF --> Syntax error (not enough bytes in the request)4.3.Control bytes descriptionSome internal parameters are very useful to configure RTM Elster AMCO module and verify its state. Thesecontrol bytes are:Profile selection (1 byte),Operating Mode (2 bytes),Alarm Configuration (1 byte),Application Status (1 byte),Leakage detection Status (1 byte),Depending on  the   selected   profile   or   the   type  of   connected  meter,  the  meaning  of  each   field  could  bedifferent. All these differences are defined below.4.3.1.Profile selectionProfile selection (internal parameter ID = 0x05)Value RTM  Elster AMCO  profile0x01 1 to 4  Digital Ports0x02 1 or 2  Encoder PortsATTENTION : RTM Elster AMCO  initializes all the features on profile parameter programming. Also, programming the“Encoder” profile causes an encoder automatic detection. EVO RTM-UserMan 16
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems4.3.2.Operating ModeThe  “Operating Mode” is used to activate/deactivate each  RTM Elster AMCO feature. This parameter isaccessible through the command write parameters (described in section 4.2.2).“Operating Mode” parameter is systematically returned in generic header present in almost each responseframe of the RTM Elster AMCO.RTM Elster AMCO pulseOperating Mode (no ID for this internal parameter)bit 15 bit 14 bit 13 bit 12 bit 11 bit 10 bit 9 bit 8NotusedNotusedNetworkconfiguration00:  Fixed Network01:  Drive by/ Walk by10:  Drive By (only)11:  Walk By (only)Bubble-Upmanagement0 : deactivated1 : activatedTOU Buckets management0 : deactivated1 : activatedNot used Not usedOperating Mode (no ID for this parameter)Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0Not usedExtreme leakdetection0 : deactivated1 : activatedResidual leakdetection0 : deactivated1 : activatedTamperdetection0 : deactivated1 : activatedDatalogging00 : deactivated01 :  time steps mngt10 : once a week mngt11 : once a month mngtPorts management00 : 1 Port  (A)01 : 2 Ports (A,B)10 : 3 Ports (A, B, C)11 : 4 Ports (A, B, C, D)RTM Elster AMCO encoderOperating Mode (no ID for this internal parameter)bit 15 bit 14 bit 13 bit 12 bit 11 bit 10 bit 9 bit 8NotusedNotusedNetworkconfiguration00:  Fixed Network01:  Drive by/ Walk by10:  Drive By (only)11:  Walk By (only)Bubble-Upmanagement0 : deactivated1 : activatedTOU Buckets management0 : deactivated1 : activatedEncoder filtering algorithmmanagement0 : deactivated1 : activatedBack flowdetection0 : deactivated1 : activatedOperating Mode (no ID for this internal parameter)Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0Encodermisreaddetection0 : deactivated1 : activatedExtreme  leakdetection0 : deactivated1 : activatedResidual leakdetection0 : deactivated1 : activatedEncodercommunicationfault detection0 : deactivated1 : activatedDatalogging00 : deactivated01 :  time steps mngt10 : once a week mngt11 : once a month mngtPorts management00 : one Port (A) 01 :2 Ports (A  & B)EVO RTM-UserMan 17
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems4.3.3. Alarm Configuration“Alarm  Configuration” parameter  is  used  to  enable   automatically  alarm   transmission   on  fault   or  otheranomaly independently.Some internals features can be associated to an alarm configuration bit. To be sure that the Alarm frame willbe sent after fault or problem detection, the user must take care that the corresponding “Operating Mode”bit is correctly set.In case of manual network  installation, Some other important information have to be configured in  RTMElster AMCO such as the path to reach the root of the network.RTM Elster AMCO pulseAlarm Configuration (internal parameter ID =  0x58)Bit Number Bit 7(MSB) bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 Bit 0(LSB)Bit Definition Not used Not used Not used Not usedHighthreshold(Extremeleak)Lowthreshold(Residualleak)Low  BatteryWarning Cut cablePulse profile 0 0 0 0 X X X X0 : alarm frames disabled1 :  alarm frames enabledRTM Elster AMCO encoderAlarm Configuration (internal parameter ID = 0x58)Bit Number Bit 7(MSB) bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 Bit 0(LSB)Bit Definition Not used Not used Back flow  Encodermisread Highthreshold(Extremeleak)Lowthreshold(Residualleak)LowBatteryWarningEncodercommunicationfailureEncoder profile  0 0 X X X X X X0 : alarm frames disabled1 :  alarm frames enabledATTENTION : When RTM Elster AMCO is programmed to send information periodically using Pseudo bubbleup feature, enabling alarm frames is not recommended. Indeed, in such a case alarm framemanagement can generate collisions on the radio medium . However, information returned inpseudo bubble up mode include RTM Elster AMCO Status bytes (Application Status & LeakageDetection Status) allowing the user software to monitor default detection on the RTM without anyother necessary radio exchange.EVO RTM-UserMan 18
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems4.3.4.Application Status“ Application Status” parameter give at any time RTM Elster AMCO fault, or consumption-rate, status.Each RTM Elster AMCO internal feature that can be activated or deactivated through its corresponding bit  in“Operating Mode”  has an associated status bit in “Application status” parameter.User has to reset each bit by writing the “Application Status” parameter once the default has been handled.If a fault detection is not handled properly the corresponding bit in “Application Status” parameter will beset once again.RTM Elster AMCO pulseApplication Status (internal parameter ID = 0x01)Bit Number Bit 7(MSB) bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 Bit 0(LSB)Bit DefinitionLeak detection(extreme orresidual)Not used  Not usedTamperdetection onPort DTamperdetection onPort  CTamperdetection onPort BTamperdetection onPort ALowBatteryWarningPulse profile X 0 0 X X X X XThe coding is as follows : 0 : not detected  1 :       detectedRTM Elster AMCO encoderApplication Status (internal parameter ID =  0x01)Bit Number Bit 7(MSB) bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 Bit 0(LSB)Bit DefinitionLeak detection(extreme orresidual)Back flowdetectionon Port BBack flowdetectionon Port AEncodermisreaddetection onPort BEncodermisreaddetection onPort AEncodercommunicationfault detectionon Port BEncodercommunicationfault detectionon Port ALow BatteryWarningencoder profile X X X X X X X XThe coding is as follows : 0 : not detected  1 :       detectedEVO RTM-UserMan 19
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems4.3.5.Leakage Detection StatusThis control byte is used to detect leakage in real time. Indeed, each bit is set to one when a leakage isdetected and reset to zero automatically when it ended. This information can be read by the standard readparameter command. This parameter is in read access only.RTM Elster AMCO pulseLeakage Detection Status (internal parameter ID = 0x02)Bit Number Bit 7(MSB) bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 Bit 0(LSB)Bit DefinitionHighthreshold(extremeleak)Port DLowthreshold(residualleak)Port DHighthreshold(extremeleak)Port CLowthreshold(residualleak)Port CHighthreshold(extremeleak)Port BLowthreshold(residualleak)Port BHighthreshold(extremeleak)Port ALowthreshold(residualleak)Port APulse profile X X X X X X X XThe coding is as follows : 0 -> not detected  1 ->       detectedRTM Elster AMCO encoderLeakage Detection Status (internal parameter ID =  0x02)Bit Number Bit 7(MSB) bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 Bit 0(LSB)Bit Definition Not used Not used Not used Not usedHighthreshold(extremeleak)Port BLowthreshold(residualleak)Port BHighthreshold(extremeleak)Port ALowthreshold(residualleak)Port Aencoder profile 0 0 0 0 X X X XThe coding is as follows : 0 -> not detected1 ->       detectedEVO RTM-UserMan 20
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems4.4.Writing RTC parameterRTM Elster AMCO RTC can be updated using “Write Parameter” command.RTC Structure :RTC (internal parameter ID = 0x04)Day Month Year(1)Day of theweek(2)Hour Minute Seconds1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte(1) Year = 0x00 means that the current year is 2000(2) Day of the week : value from 0 to 6:Day of Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayValue 0123456ATTENTION : 1) When configured in Fixed Network Mode, and when synchronized on the network, RTMElster AMCO RTC is updated automatically through Radio Synchronization mechanism.In this case, it is not  allowed  to update RTC from the user  software because it candisturb the Pseudo Bubble Up emission sequence.2) When configured in Fixed Network Mode,  RTM Elster AMCO  Clock Synchronizationaccuracy is maintained below 2 seconds thanks to Coronis Synchronization scheme.When configured in Drive By (or Walk By) Mode, Clock drift is defined by the 32kHzused as   a  reference  for  RTM  Elster AMCO.  To reduce  this  clock  drift,  RTM ElsterAMCO  32kHz reference clock is calibrated in manufacturing stage and an embeddedfeature will balance the clock temperature drift.3) It is not advised to switch the network RTC from winter to summer time and converselysince   it   could   have   a   transient   impact   on   Pseudo   Bubble   Up   emission   sequence,Datalogging accuracy, TOU Buckets accuracy, and all applicative periodic events thatcould happen on RTM Elster AMCO.4) Writing RTC parameter on an  unsynchronized  RTM will  automatically  deactivate  theTOU Buckets functionnalityEVO RTM-UserMan 21
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems4.5.Meter reading sampling period configurationSeveral  RTM  Elster AMCO  embedded features (datalogging in time steps, leakage detection, back flowdetection)  are  based  on  periodic reading  management.  So, in  order  to synchronize  these features  RTMElster AMCO offers the possibility to program a kind of  “Meter Reading Sampling Period”  principle that isshared between the features listed above in parenthesis.4.5.1.Reading sampling period parameterFor both RTM Elster AMCO profile (pulse or encoder)Reading sampling period (internal parameter ID = 0x07)Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0[b7:b2] : Sampling period expressed in time unitsminimum : once a minutemaximum : 63 times 30 minutes = 31 h 30 min[B7..B2] cannot be set to zero ![b1:b0] : time unit00 : 1 minute01 : 5 minutes10 : 15 minutes11 : 30 minutesATTENTION : 1) Meter sampling reading management starts only on associated feature activation (datalogging intime steps, back flow or leakage detection). This allows to avoid power consumption (especiallywhen encoder profile is selected) while no periodic sampling is necessary. Once one of thisassociated feature is activated, the sampling will start on nex hour “on the dot”.2) Each meter reading sampling period parameter modification must be followed by a userinitialization of all the associated features (datalogging in time steps, back flow or leakagedetection).4.5.2.Sampling activation type parameterFor both RTM Elster AMCO profile (pulse or encoder)Sampling activation type (internal parameter ID = 0x08)Bit Number Bit 7(MSB) bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 Bit 0 (LSB)Bit Definition NotusedNotusedNotusedNotusedNotusedNotused00 : Immediate Start01 : Start on next hour “on the dot”10 : Not used11 : Not usedThis parameter allows to program the way the user wants the RTM Elster AMCO to start reading samplingmechanism on associated feature activation.➢Immediate Start: using this activation type, user wants the RTM Elster AMCO to start the meterreading sampling immediately after associated feature activation (datalogging in time steps, backflow, or leakage detection).➢Start on next hour on the dot: using this activation type, user wants the RTM Elster AMCO to startthe meter reading sampling on next hour on the dot after associated feature activation (datalogging intime steps, back flow, or leakage detection).ATTENTION:If the user wants the meter reading sampling to be synchronized on each RTM Elster AMCO which ispart of a Fixed Network System, it is advised to use “start on next hour on the dot” since RTC on eachRTM is updated automatically through radio synchronization mechanism.EVO RTM-UserMan 22ELIMINATED
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.RTM Elster AMCO functionalities5.1.Fixed Network/Walk By/ Drive By switching method(Refers to DR[5] Section 1.0.1)According to §4.3.2 (Operating mode parameter description), RTM Elster AMCO is able to operate in “Fixed”network, “Walk By”, and “Drive By” installations. The operation in “Walk By” and “Drive By” is exactly thesame. RTM Elster AMCO operating in “Fixed” network mode just needs a setting command coming from a hand-held computer to switch in “Drive By” mode operation. Conversely, once operating in “Drive By” (or in “WalkBy”), only a new setting command is required to make it switching in “Fixed” Network mode operation.5.2.Datalogging management(Refers to DR[3] Section 1.0.16 and 1.0.21; DR[4,5] Section 1.0.15 and 1.0.18)The datalogging mode enables periodic logging of meter readings for each Port. The frequency of thesereadings can be set in three different ways :data logging in time steps (selectable from 1 minute to 31 ½  hours),data logging once a week (day and hour of the day selectable),data logging once a month(date* and hour of the day selectable).*when datalogging once a month is selected, date can be selected from the 1st   to the 28th of each month.Datalogging feature allows to store up to :➢2100 readings when one Port is connected,➢1050 readings when two Ports are connected,➢700 readings when three Ports are connected,➢525 readings when four Ports are connected.Each Port has its own datalogging table. When the storage table is full, most recent logs overwrite oldestones.Each time the datalogging settings are modified, storage tables are reset.Datalogging table structure for one Port (A) connected:RTC value onlast loggedreadingLast logged reading on Port A Log 0Last but one loggedreading on Port A Log 1Port ALog 2Port ALog 3... Port A Logn-1First logPort A Log(n-1)7 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes2100 logged readings maximum whatever the number of Ports connectedn= 2100 readings max.EVO RTM-UserMan 23
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsDatalogging table structure for two Ports (A & B) connected:RTC value onlast loggedreadings oneach PortLast logged reading on Port ALog 0... Port ALog (m-2)Port ALog (m-1)Last logged reading on Port BLog 0... Port BLog (m-2)Port BLog (m-1)7 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes2100 logged readings maximum whatever the number of Ports connectedm= 1050 readings max.Depending on the number of Ports configured, RTM Elster AMCO knows exactly where to store each Portreadings, and so, where to recover them. This is done thanks to a pointer on the table and dynamic offsets,depending on the number of Ports configured in the RTM Elster AMCO.ATTENTION :Only the last logged reading is time stamped. It is necessary to know the datalogging configuration tocompute  others   logged   reading  time   stamps.   That's   why  RTM  Elster  AMCO  sends   back   dataloggingconfiguration every time a request to return logged reading is addressed to it.5.2.1.Datalogging parameters accessThe table below gives the list of parameters used for datalogging initialization.N° DescriptionSizein bytesAccessRight(PulseProfile)AccessRight(encoderProfile)Default value(Hexa) Restriction onparametersDatalogging feature parameters0x07 Reading Sampling Period 1 R/W R/W 0x0B -0x08 Sampling activation type 1 R/W R/W 0x01 0x01 only0x10 Measurement Period (datalogging in time steps)expressed in multiple of “Reading Sampling Period” 1 R/W R/W 0x01 -0x12 Day of the week, or of the month (datalogging) 1 R/W R/W 0x01 Conform day needed0x13 Hour of measurement(datalogging once a week, or once a month) 1 R/W R/W 0x08 Conform hour needed0x14 number of records in the datalogging table(all ports records cumulated) 2 R R 0x0000 Read onlyEVO RTM-UserMan 24
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.2.2.Datalogging mode activationDatalogging mode is activated (or deactivated) by setting bits 3 and 4 in “Operating Mode” parameter.ATTENTION :Stopping then restarting the datalogging mode implies the re-initialization of the storage table. In this case,all the logged readings will be lost.It is advised to configure and activate the datalogging at the same time (with a single radio frame).How to manage datalogging feature in RTM Elster AMCO “Operating Mode” parameter ?Writing request data format with only operating modeApplicativecommand Operating ModeMask on Operating Mode(indicate the bits that mustbe updated)Number of param to write1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes 1 byte0x19'0000000000000000' : deactivate '0000000000000100' : time steps'0000000000001000' : once a week'0000000000001100' : once a month'0000000000001100' (0x000C)Mask value to write only theDatalogging Field in OperatingMode0x005.2.3.Datalogging in time stepsThis type of datalogging is used to log the readings for each port at periods ranging from one minute to overthirty hours.Parameter :measurement period of the datalogging in time steps : expressed as a multiple of the readingsampling period (parameter 0x07). (from 1 minute to 31h30minutes)5.2.4.Datalogging once a weekThis type of datalogging is used to log the readings for each Port once a week. The time, and dayof the week, logging is carried out, may be set with a parameter.Parameters :Time of measurement (datalogging once a week) : this parameter allows to synchronize theperiodic measurement on RTM Elster AMCO RTC. It is expressed in multiple of hour, and itsvalue must be set from 0 to 23.Day of the week (datalogging once a week) : this parameter allows to select the day of weekaccording to the table below.Value Day of the week0 Sunday1 Monday2 Tuesday3 Wednesday4 Thursday5 Friday6 SaturdayEVO RTM-UserMan 25
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.2.5.Datalogging once a monthThis type of datalogging is used to log the readings for each Port once a month. The time and day(from 1 to 28) logging is carried out may be set with a parameter.Parameters :Time of measurement (datalogging once a month) : this parameter allows to synchronize theperiodic measurement. It is expressed in multiple of hour, and its value must set from 0 to 23.Day of the month (datalogging once a month) :  the format is different from the dataloggingonce a week. Indeed, the day of measurement is set from 1 to 28. And, the system does notmanage changes in the number of days depending on the month (day of the month setting cannotexceed the 28th).EVO RTM-UserMan 26
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.3.RTM-Register interface(Refers to DR[3] Section 1.0.17 to 1.0.19; DR[4,5] Section 1.0.16 and 1.0.17)RTM Elster AMCO radio module is able to manage up to four Ports connected to pulse registers or up to twoPorts connected to encoders.Register interface selection (pulse or encoder) is made by parameter configuration. So, there is only oneembedded software reference to manage. Nevertheless, the wiring connections on the PCB are differentbetween pulse and encoder interface. So, this means that Elster AMCO will have to manage two hardwarereferences. One for pulse registers interface and the second for encoder interface.5.3.1.Pulse register three wire interfaceRTM Elster AMCO pulse profile list :RTM – 1 to 4 ports :  Ports  A to D are used for measurement of pulses coming  from     pulse registers.Note:Since wiring connections on PCB are different between pulse and encoder RTM, the profile configuration hasto be made by Coronis during manufacturing stage. Depending on the product reference ordered by ElsterAMCO, Coronis needs to manage each specific wiring and profile configuration at the same time to avoidproblems in the field during installation. Two different product references will be managed depending on theexpected register to connect (Pulse register or Encoder).EVO RTM-UserMan 27RTM  Elster AMCO pulse InterfacePORT  Apulse TampergroundPORT  Bpulse groundPORT  Cpulse groundPORT  Dpulse groundTamperTamperTamper
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.3.2.Encoder three wire interfaceEncoder compatibility list :RTM Elster AMCO first release is compatible with the encoders below :Elster AMCO Scancoder–Specs : 6170 M 1009Elster AMCO Invision 11Class–Specs : 6170 m 1042Elster AMCO Invision 21Class–Specs : 6170 Q 0009SENSUS ECR II and III encoders:–Specs : ui1203r19.pdf–V frame R field supported only,A future release of RTM Elster AMCO, with no additional development fee to pay on Elster AMCO side, willhave to manage additional encoders that are listed below :NEPTUNE Pro E49N, ARB V, eCoder,BADGER RTR, ADE,HERSEY Translator.EVO RTM-UserMan 28PORT  A RTM Elster AMCO encoder InterfacePORT  BData 0v+vData +v 0v
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsRTM Elster AMCO encoder profile list :RTM – Single or Dual Port(s)  : Ports A & B are used for encoders reading.Note:Since wiring connections on PCB are different between pulse and encoder RTM, the profile configuration hasto be made by Coronis during manufacturing stage. Depending on the product reference ordered by ElsterAMCO, Coronis needs to manage each specific wiring and profile configuration at the same time to avoidproblems in the field during installation. Two different product references will be managed depending on theexpected register to connect (Pulse register or Encoder).EVO RTM-UserMan 29
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.4.RTM-register pairing5.4.1.Programming current register reading (pulse register only)This feature allows to initialize the current reading of each Port.RTM  Elster AMCO  measures, and  count pulses coming  from  the pulse register. It is thus necessary toestablish the link between the reading of the meter given in volume unit (gallon, for example), and  RTMElster AMCO current reading accessible through radio link.Example : if the water meter indicates 1000 gallons.- if the pulse register is from type k = 1   (1 pulse per gallon)  1000 pulses represent 1000 gallons, so the value to be programmed into the RTM current                reading will be 1000.- if the pulse register is from type  k = 10   (1 pulse per 10 gallons)  100 pulses represent 1000 gallons, so the value to be programmed into the RTM current                reading will be 100.- if the pulse register is from type  k = 100   (1 pulse per 100 gallons)  10 pulses represent 1000 gallons, so the value to be programmed into the RTM current                reading will be 10.Request data formatApplicativecommand Writing type Currentreading ACurrentreading BCurrentreading CCurrentreading D1 byte 1 byte 4 bytes(MSB first)4 bytes(MSB first)4 bytes(MSB first)4 bytes(MSB first)0x02 (*)(*)Writing type : indicates which current readings have to be written or not.Writing type byteb7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0Not used Not used Not used Not usedPort D0: skip1: writePort C0: skip1: writePort B0: skip1: writePort A0: skip1: writeResponse data formatApplicativeacknowledgmentcommandWriting status1 byte 1 byte0x82 0x00 : writing OK0xFF : writing errorEVO RTM-UserMan 30
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.4.2.Programming pulse value (pulse register only)In order to know through a radio command the pulse value of the meter connected to the RTM Elster AMCO,specific parameters for each Port allows to store the corresponding pulse value.The pulse value is used to convert the water consumption read in number of pulses, in volume unit ( gallonfor example).RTM Elster AMCO provides up to 4 parameters to store the pulse value of each wired water meter.ATTENTION:the pulse value will only be stored for informative purpose. RTM Elster AMCO does not use it to convertautomatically the readings. Because of the wide range of pulse value, all operations are processed innumber of pulses, it is up to the user software to convert the information in volume unit.Applicativecommand Associated internal parameters Description0x18 0x19 ; 0x1A ; 0x1B ; 0x1C Request to read the pulse value parameters0x98 0x19 ; 0x1A ; 0x1B ; 0x1C pulse value  reading response0x19 0x19 ; 0x1A ; 0x1B ; 0x1C Request to set the pulse value0x99 0x19 ; 0x1A ; 0x1B ; 0x1C pulse value configuration acknowledgmentThe pulse value parameters are reached by standard reading, and writing parameters commands (describedin §4.2.).0x19 pulse value on Port A,0x1A pulse value on Port B,0x1B pulse value on Port C,0x1C pulse value on Port D.5.4.3.Definition of the pulse value parametersMSB LSBb7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0Volume Unit pulse valuepulse value : The range is from 1 to 15. ZERO value will be rejected.Volume Unit : this unit is U (where U is the value contained in bits [b7:b4].In order to standardize the information, the minimum unit is the liter.EVO RTM-UserMan 31
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsThe table below gives the different possible unit: Unit used(hexadecimal)[b7:b4]Unit0liters1kilo-liters2US gallons3US gallons x 10004Imperial gallons5cubic feet x 1006cubic meters7cubic meters x108cubic meters x 1009 to F Reserved for future use5.4.4.Programming meter model (pulse register only)“meter model” parameters gives an indication on the digital register type connected on each Port. It can beinitialized during “RTM-Register pairing” phase but it is not mandatory. Default value is 0 and corresponds tounknown type. This field is just for informative purpose.Applicativecommand Associated internal parameters Description0x18 0x15 ; 0x16 ; 0x17 ; 0x18 Request to read the meter model parameters0x98 0x15 ; 0x16 ; 0x17 ; 0x18 Meter model reading response0x19 0x15 ; 0x16 ; 0x17 ; 0x18 Request to program the meter model0x99 0x15 ; 0x16 ; 0x17 ; 0x18 Meter model programming acknowledgment“meter model” parameters are reached by standard reading, and writing parameters commands (described in§4.2.).0x15 meter model on Port A,0x16 meter model on Port B,0x17 meter model on Port C,0x18 meter model on Port D.EVO RTM-UserMan 32
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsThe table below gives the correspondence between the meter type parameter value and the physical digitalregister connected:Meter type value Corresponding Meter model0x00 Unknown (default)0x01 TBD by Elster AMCO (ex : C700 5/8”) 0x02 TBD by Elster AMCO (ex : C700 1”)0x03 TBD by Elster AMCO (ex : C700 1.5”)0x04 TBD by Elster AMCO (ex : C700 2”)0x05 TBD by Elster AMCO0x06 TBD by Elster AMCO0x07 TBD by Elster AMCO0x08 TBD by Elster AMCO... TBD by Elster AMCOATTENTION:the meter model will only be given for informative purpose. RTM Elster AMCO does not use it. Thisparameter could be useful for user software to ensure proper register reading interpretation for billingpurposes for example. It's up to user software to define the correspondence between meter modelparameter value and digital register type connected.EVO RTM-UserMan 33
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.4.5.Encoder model detection(Refers to DR[3] Section 1.0.17; DR[4,5] Section 1.0.16)RTM Elster AMCO embeds a feature allowing to recognize the encoder model connected.This feature is performed either when profile selection parameter is programmed with encoder profile value,or using a dedicated radio command.RTM Elster AMCO run all encoders drivers and recognizes the connected encoders models.Once the initialization is completed,  RTM Elster AMCO sends back to the command initiator the encodermodel.Note :This command has to be performed once the RTM is connected to the encoder, either in the field duringinstallation phase or during manufacturing phase of the RTM.Request data formatApplicative command1 byte0x0CResponse data formatThe total length is 7 Bytes ApplicativeacknowledgmentcommandStatus Encoder AEncoder AmodelStatus Encoder BEncoder Bmodel1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 2 byte0x8C 0x00 = OK0xFF = sensor error (1) 0x00 = OK0xFF = sensor error(1) : Encoder model description:Encoder model is 2 bytes long with the MSByte indicating the encoder manufacturer (ELSTER or SENSUS)and the  LSByte  indicating the encoder model (example: Scancoder or Invision for Elster AMCO) and thisvalue takes different meaning depending on the brand.The table below describes the different encoder models written in field “Encoder model”:Manufacturer Elster AMCO SENSUSEncoderManufacturer (MSB)0x01 0x02Adapter Code (LSB) 0x00 (Scan_Coder)010 (Dual Scan)0x2x (Multi Scan)0x30 (Q100)0x40 (Scan_Counter)0x50 (Aqua Master)0x60 (Invision 11C)0x70.(Invision 21C)MANUFACTURER_ID (First byte of the serial code)EVO RTM-UserMan 34
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsEncoder model is then stored in an internal parameter which is in read access only.ApplicativecommandAssociated internalparameters Description0x18 0x1D ; 0x1E Request to read the encoder model parameters0x98 0x1D ; 0x1E Encoder model reading response“encoder model” parameters are accessible by standard reading parameters command (described in §4.2.).0x1D encoder model on Port A,0x1E encoder model on Port B,5.4.6.Encoder Unit (Encoder register only)Each encoder embeds its unit in an internal parameter and the RTM Elster AMCO reads out this informationafter encoder model detection. It stores the unit inside a read only parameter.The unit parameter contains two important information that are the position of the decimal point and the unit.ATTENTION:the unit value will only be given for informative purpose. RTM Elster AMCO does not convert the currentunit to a standard GALLON unit and all operations are processed without taking into account the unit andthe decimal point position, it is up to the user software to convert the information in desired unit.ApplicativecommandAssociated internalparameters Description0x18 0x1F ; 0x20 Request to read the unit parameters0x98 0x1F ; 0x20 Encoder Unit reading responseThe MSByte indicates the unit.The LSByte indicates the number of digits before the decimal point. Default value is assigned to 0xFFFF.The table below gives the different possible unit (MSB byte) :MSB unit value(hexadecimal) Unit definition  Elster AMCOencoderSENSUSencoder0x01 Cubic meters (m3)X X0x11 Cubic meters * 10 X0x21 Cubic meters * 100 X0x02 US Gallons * 1000 X0x03 Imperial gallons X X0x04 liters X X0x05 Cubic feet * 100 X0x06 US gallons X X0x07 -”K” Multiplier (*1000) X0x08 Kilo liters X X0x30 Cubic feet X0x31 Cubic Inches X0x32 Cubic Yards X0x33 Acre feet XTBD TBD TBD TBDEVO RTM-UserMan 35
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.4.7.Reading encoder internal data (Encoder only)This feature allows to access directly to the information returned by the encoder(s) connected to RTM ElsterAMCO.ATTENTION:Data returned could be different according to the encoder model connected.Reading encoder internal data request data formatApplicative command1 byte0x0BReading encoder internal data acknowledgment data formatThe total length depends on encoder returned data lengthApplicativeacknowledgmentcommandEncodermodel onPort AEncodermodel onPort BSize of thereturned dataon Port ASize of thereturned dataon Port BEncoder datadifferentaccording toencoderconnected on Port AEncoder datadifferentaccording toencoderconnected on Port B1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes 1 byte 1 byte N bytes N bytes0x8B0xFFFFif noencoderconnected0xFFFFif noencoderconnected 0x00if no encoderconnected0x00if no encoderconnected (*) (*)(*)  Information returned by encoders: if any problem occurred during the communication with the encoder,then the information returned in the encoder data field is set to 0xFF (N= 1 byte).“  Encoder data” returned in case of Elster AMCO encoder connected (N = 29 bytes) :   Information  Size (in bytes) DescriptionAMCO/ELSTER company identifier 1 0x4BValue of meter wheels 6 Provide the meter value in ASCII charactersUser serial number 10 10 ASCII charactersRegistration units code 2 registration unitsEncoded wheel digits 1 4,5 or 6 active digitsDigits before decimal point 1 Counted from the first “V” digit ( most significant)Example: if d=4 & VVVVVV = 654321 then the value = 6573.21Option 2 Indicates major software version Manufacture adapter code 2 Example : 0x3730 = “Invision 21C”Error code 2Checksum 2EVO RTM-UserMan 36
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.5.RTM reading management(Refers to DR[3] Section 1.0.22; DR[4,5] Section 1.0.19)RTM Elster AMCO offers the possibility to recover different types of readings listed below:➢Current reading,➢Daily consumption profile readings,➢Datalogging table,➢TOU buckets.These different way to recover reading from RTM Elster AMCO are described in details in this section.Furthermore, RTM Elster AMCO sends back on each of these requests, control information formatted as ageneric header described below. This one is useful to manage network supervision.5.5.1.Generic header structureThe total length of the generic header is 23 Bytes ProfileSelection(1)OperatingmodeApplicationStatusLeakageDetection Status current RTC QoS(2)Life counter(3)Meters/Encodersconnectedinformation(4)1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 7 bytes 1 byte 2 bytes 8 bytes(1)  “Profile selection”  parameter is useful to inform the user software on current profile selected on  RTMElster AMCO. Indeed, user software needs to use this parameter to be able to handle correctly the datareceived format.(2) The QoS value gives an image of the previous radio reception signal strength.(3) The “life counter” value gives an estimated quantity of energy that remains in RTM Elster AMCO battery.User software has to take into account the default value of this counter to compute an estimated remaininglifetime.(4) This field has different meaning and format depending on RTM Elster AMCO profile selected:Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7 Byte 8pulse profile pulse valuePort Apulse valuePort Bpulse valuePort Cpulse valuePort DMeter modelon Port AMeter modelon Port BMeter modelon Port CMeter modelon Port DEncoderprofile Encoder unit on Port A Encoder unit on Port B Encoder model on Port A Encoder model on Port BEVO RTM-UserMan 37
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.5.2.Current register readingWhen current index reading is expected, RTM Elster AMCO sends back through a radio frame the currentreadings on each Port connected. If a Port has no meter connected to it, then the corresponding currentreading is set to 0x7FFFFFFF.Request data formatApplicative command1 byte0x01Response data format (pulse registers connected)The total length is 40 Bytes ApplicativeacknowledgmentcommandGenericHeaderCurrent readingPort ACurrent readingPort BCurrent readingPort CCurrent readingPort D0x81 23 bytes 4 bytes(MSB first)4 bytes(MSB first)4 bytes(MSB first) (1)4 bytes(MSB first) (1)Response data format (encoders connected)The total length is 32 Bytes ApplicativeacknowledgmentcommandGenericHeaderCurrent Readingon Port  ACurrent Readingon Port B0x81 23 bytes 4 bytes(MSB first)4 bytes(MSB first)EVO RTM-UserMan 38
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.5.3.Daily consumption profile readingDaily consumption profile reading request allows to recover:➢generic header,➢current readings,➢logged   readings   4th,   8th,   12th,   16th,   and   20th   positions   in   the   datalogging   table   (ifdatalogging is set).ATTENTION:Daily consumption profile is accurate only when datalogging every hour is programmed.All other datalogging configuration will not provide daily information using this particularcommand.Request data formatApplicative command1 byte0x03Response data formatThe total length for 1 Port managed is 62 Bytes    The total length for 2 Ports managed is 86 Bytes  The total length for 3 Ports managed is 110 BytesThe total length for 4 Ports managed is 134 BytesApplicativeacknowledgmentcommandGenericHeaderRTC on lastlogged readingDataloggingParameters Current readings area4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th,position logged readingsarea0x83 23 bytes 7 bytes7 bytes(See section§5.2.1 for fielddescription)Variable (2) Variable (2)(1) Datalogging parameters field:Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7Parameter ID 0x07 0x08 0x10 0x12 0x13 0x14ParameterdescriptionReadingSamplingPeriodSamplingactivation typeMeasurementPeriod(datalogging intime steps)Day of theweek, or of themonth(datalogging)Hour ofmeasurement(datalogging oncea week, or once amonth)number of records in thedatalogging table(all ports records cumulated)EVO RTM-UserMan 39
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems(2) format and size of the fields “current readings area”, ”4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th, position logged readings area”depend on the number of ports managed. The tables below describes the format and the size of these fields.➢Pulse profile selectedNumber of Ports Current readings area( byte order : [Bxx..B0] )4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th, position logged readings area( byte order : [Bxx..B0] )1Size : 4 bytes[B3:B0]     : current reading on Port ASize : 20 bytes[B19:B0]   : 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th,                    logged readings on Port A2Size : 8 bytes[B7:B4]     : current reading on Port A[B3:B0]     : current reading on Port BSize : 40  bytes[B39:B20] : 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th,                    logged readings on Port A[B19:B0]   : 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th,                    logged readings on Port B3Size : 12 bytes[B11:B8]   : current reading on Port A[B7:B4]     : current reading on Port B[B3:B0]     : current reading on Port CSize : 60 bytes[B59:B40] : 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th,                    logged readings on Port A[B39:B20] : 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th,                    logged readings on Port B[B19:B0]   : 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th,                    logged readings on Port C4Size : 16 bytes[B15:B12] : current reading on Port A[B11:B8]   : current reading on Port B[B7:B4]     : current reading on Port C[B3:B0]     : current reading on Port DSize : 80 bytes[B79:B60] : 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th,                    logged readings on Port A[B59:B40] : 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th,                    logged readings on Port B[B39:B20] : 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th,                    logged readings on Port C[B19:B0]   : 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th,                    logged readings on Port D➢Encoder profile selectedNumber of Ports Current readings area( byte order : [Bxx..B0] )4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20thposition logged readings area( byte order : [Bxx..B0] )1Size : 4 bytes[B3:B0] : Current reading on Port ASize : 20 bytes[B19:B0] : 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th,                  logged readings on Port A2Size : 8 bytes[B7:B4] : Current reading on Port A[B3:B0] : Current reading on Port BSize : 40 bytes[B39:B20] : 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th,                    logged readings on Port A[B19:B0]   : 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th,                    logged readings on Port BEVO RTM-UserMan 40
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.5.4.Datalogging table readingFirst of all, it is important to note that only the last logged reading is time stamped. So, CORONIS advises toread datalogging table from the last logged reading in order to be able to compute the time stamp of each log.Request data formatApplicativecommandRequested portslogged readingsExpected Logged Readings by Port Offset in records table1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes (MSB first)  2 bytes0x07 (*)0    : request to read datalogging table        from the most recent logged readingn    : request to read datalogging table from        the most recent logged reading + n.(*)Requested index : indicates which logging table is expected,Requested ports logged readingsb7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0Not used Not used Not used Not usedPort Dreadings0: skip1: requestedPort Creadings0: skip1: requestedPort Breadings0: skip1: requestedPort Areadings0: skip1: requestedResponse data formatIf the amount of logs requested is too large to be returned with a single radio frame,  RTM Elster AMCOautomatically uses “CORONIS multiframe” process, which is useful to decrease consumption and responsetime. This process successively transmits several frames containing the recordings from the most recent tothe oldest one.➢First frame applicative data formatApplicativeacknowledgmentcommandGenericheaderDataloggingParametersRTC on lastlogged readingFramecounter Data zone1 byte 23 bytes 7 bytes  7 bytes 1 byte Variable0x87(See section§5.2.1 for fielddescription)n(*)(1) Frame counter starts with the number of frame that will be transmitted : nEVO RTM-UserMan 41
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems➢Next frame applicative data formatAcknowledgmentcommandFrame counter(decreased on eachframe)Data zone1 byte 1 byte Variable0x87  m ( < n ) (*)➢Last frame applicative data formatAcknowledgmentcommandFrame counter(decreased on eachframe)Data zone1 byte 1 byte Variable0x87 0x01 (*)(*) Data zone descriptionData zonePort Anumber ofloggedreading inframe(J logs)Port Bnumber ofloggedreading inframe(K logs)Port Cnumber ofloggedreading inframe(M logs)(1)Port Dnumber ofloggedreading inframe(N logs)(1)J logs of Port Afrom the mostrecent requestedto the oldest oneK logs of Port Bfrom the mostrecent requestedto the oldest oneM logs of Port Cfrom the mostrecent requestedto the oldest one(1)N logs of Port Dfrom the mostrecent requestedto the oldest one(1)1 bytes 1 bytes 1 bytes 1 bytes (J x 4) bytes (K x 4) bytes (M x 4) bytes (N x 4) bytes(1) Always equal to zero when encoder profile is selected.Note:When the number of requested logged reading is higher than the number of reading effectively logged, thenRTM Elster AMCO returns the whole datalogging table.This behavior is  always true excepted in case  of “Drive By/Walk  By” mode,  in this case  only 36 loggedreadings per port can be read out.When datalogging reading request is not conform the response frame has the following format:ApplicativeacknowledgmentcommandGeneric header Error  code1 byte 23 bytes 1 byte0x87 0xFFEVO RTM-UserMan 42
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsMaximum number of logged reading per Port depending on Frame position:Frame Position Number of Portsconfigured maximum  logged reading First Frame4 Ports 63 Ports 82 Ports 121 Port 24Following Frames4 Ports 93 Ports 122 Ports 181 Port 32ATTENTION:1) When RTM Elster AMCO is programmed in Fixed Network mode operation and dataloggingreading in pseudo bubble-up is parametrized, it is advised to use the table above to select theappropriate number of expected logged reading per port. Indeed, if the number of expectedlogged reading is too large and so multiframe radio process is used, the behavior of the pseudobubble-up mechanism in the whole network will be affected and will lead to a loss of informationcoming from th RTM.2) When RTM Elster AMCO is configured in Drive By / Walk By mode, Datalogging table reading islimited to the last 36 logs per port.EVO RTM-UserMan 43
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.5.5.Time Of Use (TOU) buckets configuration and readingsRTM Elster AMCO offers the possibility to manage up to 6 TOU buckets. This means that each port has 7totalizers, one for current reading and the 6 others corresponding to TOU Buckets.ATTENTION:Activating TOU Buckets on an unsynchronized RTM is not recommended. Indeed, this featurehighly depends on RTM RTC parameter which is automatically updated only when the RTM issynchronized.➔TOU Buckets configurationThe parametrization can be done by using the standard reading and writing command (See section §4.2).The parameter to read or write is the parameter 0x60.Param ID Description Size(in bytes)0x60 TOU buckets configuration parameter 7Description of the 7 bytes of the TOU buckets parameter:TOU buckets configuration parameterByte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7Number of TOUbucketsStart hour of the1st TOU bucketStart hour of the2st TOU bucketStart hour of the3st TOU bucketStart hour of the4st TOU bucketStart hour of the5st TOU bucketStart hour of the6st TOU bucketATTENTION:RTM Elster AMCO check for coherence in the TOU buckets programming when user access tothe configuration parameter:–If the number of TOU Buckets is lower than 2, then TOU buckets management willbe rejected (update status = error) even if it is activated.–If starting hour list is not coherent, i.e. there are windows overlaps, RTM ElsterAMCO sends back to the initiator of the request an error status for parameterwriting access.–When less than 6 TOU Buckets are expected, fields relative to not used TOUbuckets will not be treated by the RTM Elster AMCO for coherence. Parameterlength is always seven bytes.EVO RTM-UserMan 44
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsRequest to read TOU Buckets data formatApplicative command1 byte0x06Response data formatThe total length for 1 port managed is 66 Bytes    The total length for 2 ports managed is 94 Bytes  The total length for 3 ports managed is 122 BytesThe total length for 4 ports managed is 150 BytesApplicativeacknowledgmentcommandGenericHeaderRTC on TOUBuckets mngtinitialization TOU BucketsParametersPort Atotalizers(1)Port BtotalizersPort CtotalizersPort Dtotalizers1 byte 23 bytes 7 bytes 7 bytes (1) 28 bytes 28 bytes 28 bytes 28 bytes0x86 - - - - - - -(1) Structure of a TOU buckets totalizers:The total length is 28 bytesCurrentReadingFirst TOU bucketstotalizer 2nd TOU bucketstotalizer 3rd TOU bucketstotalizer 4rd TOU bucketstotalizer 5rd TOU bucketstotalizer 6rd TOU bucketstotalizer 4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytesATTENTION:If TOU Buckets configuration parameter is modified, it is in charge of the user to initialize thefeature. The only way to reset the TOU buckets totalizers is to modify the TOU buckets activationbit in Operating Mode parameter.Each  totalizer  return  by  the  RTM  are   complete  totalizer   means   that  the  current totalizer isn't  taken   intoaccount. In other words, at the end of each TOU bucket the current totalizer is stored into a memory and theuser can only access this memory zone through this reading command.ATTENTION:When RTM Elster AMCO is configured in Drive By/Walk By mode, TOU buckets are automatically turnedoff. So reading TOU Buckets in this case will not be relevant.EVO RTM-UserMan 45
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.6.Automatic Radio transmission      (pseudo bubble up mode - Fixed Network Only)(Refer to DR[3] Section 1.0.20)RTM Elster AMCO is able to send periodically some of its information through the network. This feature isfully configurable. Pseudo bubble up like  system configuration and activation is made with a single radioframe.5.6.1.Pseudo bubble up parameters listParamID Description Size in bytesAccessRight(PulseProfile)AccessRight(encoderProfile)Default value(Hexa) Restriction onparametersPseudo bubble up feature0x68 Starting hour, minute and second of the pseudobubble up mechanism 3 R/W R/W 0x080000 An erroneous date willbe rejected0x69 pseudo bubble up transmission period 1 R/W R/W 0x06 See Section §5.60x6AFirst byte : Data length of bubble up commandbufferOther bytes : bubble up command buffer (use towrite request command)7 R/W R/W 0x01030000000000The first byte shouldnot be higher than 6and the commandshould be correctlywritten0x6BMaximum cancellation Timeout (in seconds): thistime is needed when a process take a too long timeand shift the current RTC compare to the computedRTC of bubble up emission.1R/W R/W 0x05 From 0x01 to 0x0Apseudo bubble up transmission period    defi   nition:   step time for automatic transmission  (parameter 0x69)Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0[b7:b2] : measurement period expressed in time unitsmin : once a minutemax : every 63 days[b1:b0] : time unit00 : 1 minute01 : 1 hour1x : 1 day5.6.2.Pseudo bubble up allowed commands listApplicativeCommandCommand Function0x01 Current reading0x03 Daily consumption profile reading0x06 TOU buckets reading0x07 Datalogging table reading (rejected in case of multi frame answer)EVO RTM-UserMan 46
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.6.3.ExampleDaily consumption profile reading is expected on the first RTM installed on the network with the followingparameters:–Starting hour     : 9AM,–Step time          : 5 hours ( means number of transmission per day is not constant),–Command buffer     : Daily consumption profile (applicative command 0x03)–Cancellation Timeout : 5 seconds (default value)In this example the current hour is 8.58AM.ApplicativecommandOperatingModeMask on Operatingmode (indicate thebits that must beupdated)Number ofparam towrite1stparamID1stparamsize1stparamnew value2ndparamID2ndparamsize2ndparamnew value0x19 0x0800 0x0800 0x04 0x68 0x03 0x090000 0x69 0x01 0x153rdparamID3rd paramsize3rd param new value4thparamID4thparamsize4thparamnew value0x6A 0x07 0x01030000000000 0x6B 0x01 0x05ATTENTION:In this case, the first pseudo bubble up transmission will occur at 9AM.Daily  consumption  profile   reading   is   also   expected   on   the   second   RTM   installed   on   the   network.   TheWavebox computes a time shift between each RTM pseudo bubble up transmission. In this example the timeshift between the first RTM transmission and the second RTM transmission is 2 minutes.The second RTM will be configured with the following parameters :–Starting hour  : 9: 02AM,–Step time       : 5 hours ( means number of transmission per day is not constant),–Command buffer  : Daily consumption profile (applicative command 0x03)–Cancellation Timeout  : 5 seconds (default value)In this example the current hour is 9:04AM.ApplicativecommandOperatingModeMask on Operatingmode (indicate thebits that must beupdated)Number ofparam towrite1stparamID1stparamsize1stparamnew value2ndparamID2ndparamsize2ndparamnew value0x19 0x0800 0x0800 0x04 0x68 0x03 0x090200 0x69 0x01 0x153rdparamID3rd paramsize3rd param new value4thparamID4thparamsize4thparamnew value0x6A 0x07 0x01030000000000 0x6B 0x01 0x05ATTENTION:In this case, the first pseudo bubble up transmission will occur at 2:02PM. Indeed, the secondRTM computes next pseudo bubble up transmission time in order to respect the time shift thatwas defined by the Wavebox between the first RTM and itself. In this case, Starting hour is notrespected since it will induce a time shift of 58 minutes between the first RTM and the secondone.EVO RTM-UserMan 47
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.7.Leak detection management(Refer to DR[3] Section 1.0.23; DR[4,5] Section 1.0.20)5.7.1.Residual leak detectionResidual leak is detected when the module measures a consumption-rate (by default calculated every hour)systematically higher than that set by the user (parameter residual leak threshold) for a given detection period(parameter residual leak detection period).Residual leak threshold : Detection threshold, expressed in number of pulses per sample period(pulse register) or absolute    volume per sample period    (encoder)   . It is necessary to link this valuewith the right pulse value or encoder unit.Residual   leak   detection   period :  minimum   time   during  which   the   threshold  value   must   beexceeded before leak detection is detected (expressed in multiple of sample period).The parameters relative to this detection, has to be configured before activating the detection.Residual leak detection is activated by setting bit 5 in 'Operating Mode' parameter.➢Example  :    The   measurement  step   is   set   to  measure  the  consumption-rate  in  gallons/hour  and  theresidual leakage detection parameter is then set as follows:Residual leak threshold : 5 gallons per hourthe value of the parameter depends of the pulse value or on encoder unitResidual leak detection period  : 4 days.ATTENTION : it is advised to configure the detection period value to several days (or a week) inorder to avoid alarms when opening a tap.EVO RTM-UserMan 48Daysconsumption-rate in gallons/hour10 Leakage thresholdDetection period: 4 daysPassage above threshold valueResidual leak detection
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.7.2.Extreme leak detectionExtreme leak is detected when the module measures a consumption-rate higher than that set by the user inthe  Extreme Leak Threshold  parameter  for a  given detection period (parameter  Extreme Leak DetectionPeriod).The parameters relative to this detection, has to be configured before activating the detection functionality.Extreme leak detection is activated by setting bit 6 in the “Operating Mode” parameter.Extreme Leak  Threshold  :   Detection  threshold.  Expressed   in  number  of   pulses  per   sampleperiod (pulse register) or absolute flow per sample period (encoder).Extreme  Leak   Detection   Period  :   minimum   time   during   which   the   threshold   value  must   beexceeded before leak detection is validated. Expressed in multiple of sample period.RTM Elster AMCO stores in an internal table, the pieces of information relative to the occurrence, or thedisappearance of the leaks. The table is a circular buffer which can store up to 5 events which is accessiblethrough a radio signal.EVO RTM-UserMan 49
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.7.3.Leak detection parameters listParamID DescriptionSizeinbytesAccessRight(Pulseregister)AccessRight(encoderregister)Defaultvalue(Hexa)RestrictiononparametersLeakage detection function0x07 Reading Sampling Period 1 R/W R/W 0x0B -0x08 Sampling Activation Type 1 R/W R/W 0x01Must notexceed value 0x010x21 Residual leakage consumption-rate (low threshold) on Port A(The unit is the same as the reading unit) 1 R/W R/W 0x0F If 0x00 error0x22 Residual leakage detection period on Port A(expressed in multiple of 'Reading Sampling Period') 1 R/W R/W 0xA8 If 0x00 error0x23 Extreme leakage consumption-rate (high threshold) on Port A(The unit is the same as the reading unit) 2 R/W R/W 0x03E8 If 0x0000 error0x24 Extreme leakage detection period on Port Aexpressed in multiple of 'Reading Sampling Period') 1 R/W R/W 0x03 If 0x00 error0x28 Residual leakage consumption-rate (low threshold) on Port B(The unit is the same as the reading unit) 1 R/W R/W 0x0F If 0x00 error0x29 Residual leakage detection period on Port B(expressed in multiple of 'Reading Sampling Period') 1 R/W R/W 0xA8 If 0x00 error0x2A Extreme leakage consumption-rate (high threshold) on Port B(The unit is the same as the reading unit) 2 R/W R/W 0x03E8 If 0x0000 error0x2B Extreme leakage detection period on Port Bexpressed in multiple of 'Reading Sampling Period') 1 R/W R/W 0x03 If 0x00 error0x30 Residual leakage consumption-rate (low threshold) on Port C(The unit is the same as the reading unit) 1 R/W - 0x0F If 0x00 error0x31 Residual leakage detection period on Port C(expressed in multiple of 'Reading Sampling Period') 1 R/W - 0xA8 If 0x00 error0x32 Extreme leakage consumption-rate (high threshold) on Port C(The unit is the same as the reading unit) 2 R/W - 0x03E8 If 0x0000 error0x33 Extreme leakage detection period on Port Cexpressed in multiple of 'Reading Sampling Period') 1 R/W - 0x03 If 0x00 error0x38 Residual leakage consumption-rate (low threshold) on Port D(The unit is the same as the reading unit) 1 R/W - 0x0F If 0x00 error0x39 Residual leakage detection period on Port D(expressed in multiple of 'Reading Sampling Period') 1 R/W - 0xA8 If 0x00 error0x3A Extreme leakage consumption-rate (high threshold) on Port D(The unit is the same as the reading unit) 2 R/W - 0x03E8 If 0x0000 error0x3B Extreme leakage detection period on Port Dexpressed in multiple of 'Reading Sampling Period') 1 R/W - 0x03 If 0x00 errorEVO RTM-UserMan 50
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.7.4.“leak event table” reading managementRTM Elster AMCO stores in an internal table, the pieces of information relative to the occurrence, or thedisappearance of the leaks.Reading request data formatApplicative command1 byte0x04Reading acknowledgment data formatThe total length is 74 BytesApplicativeacknowledgmentcommandGeneric headerLeak Event0(most recent)Leak Event1Leak Event2Leak Event3Leak Event41 byte 23 bytes 10 bytes 10 bytes 10 bytes 10 bytes 10 bytes0x84 (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)(*) : when no event has been detected, the table is filled with 0x00.when only one event has been detected, only “Leak Event 0” field is filled with the corresponding leakdetected event.If a second leak is detected, then the previous one moved in “Leak Event 1” field and the second one filled “Leak Event 0” field.The table is a circular buffer which can store up to 5 events, and has the following structure:Status Consumption-rate Date1 byte  2 bytes 7 bytesLeak Event0Status_Evt 0 ConsRate_Evt 0 Date_Evt 0Leak Event1Status_Evt 1 ConsRate_Evt 1 Date_Evt 1Leak Event2Status_Evt 2 ConsRate_Evt 2 Date_Evt 2Leak Event3Status_Evt 3 ConsRate_Evt 3 Date_Evt 3Leak Event4Status_Evt 4 ConsRate_Evt 4 Date_Evt 4EVO RTM-UserMan 51
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems✔Status : indicates the event type (occurrence or disappearance) and the corresponding Port.StatusBit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0Corresponding Port00  : Port A01  : Port B10  : Port C11  : Port D- - - -Leak type0 : Extreme leak1 : Residual leakEvent Type0 : disappearance1 : occurence✔Consumption-rate : according to the event type described above in status byte, the consumption-ratehas different meaning:➔Occurrence of a residual leak : minimum consumption-rate value which is higher thanthe specified threshold, for the given Residual Leak Detection Period;➔Disappearance of a residual leak : minimum consumption-rate value higher than thethreshold, logged just before the disappearance of the leak;➔Occurrence of an extreme leak : maximal consumption-rate value logged on thespecified Extreme Leak Detection Period.➔Disappearance of an extreme leak : the value is not significant.✔Date : the format of the date is strictly identical to the format of the RTC parameter   (See section §4.4).EVO RTM-UserMan 52
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.8.back flow detection management (encoder only)5.8.1.back flow detection parameters listParamID Description Size inbytesAccessRight(Pulseprofile)AccessRight(encoderprofile)Defaultvalue (Hexa)RestrictiononparametersBack flow detection function0x07 Reading Sampling Period 1 R/W R/W 0x0BSee Section§4.5 forparameterdescription0x08 Sampling Activation Type 1 R/W R/W 0x01 0x01 only0x3E Back flow  detection date on Port A 7 - R 0x01010101010101An erroneousRTC Formatwill berejected0x3F Back flow  detection date on Port B 7 - R 0x01010101010101An erroneousRTC Formatwill berejected0x40 Back flow  detection period on Port Aexpressed in multiple of “Reading Sampling  Period” 1 - R/W 0x01 If 0x00 error0x41 back flow  detection before indication on Port A 1 R/W 0x02 If 0x00 error0x42 Back flow  threshold on Port A(same unit as encoder) 1 - R/W 0x0A If 0x0000error0x43 Back flow  detection flags on Port A (rotate every month) 2 - R/W 0x0000 No restriction0x44 Back flow  detection period on Port Bexpressed in multiple of “Reading Sampling  Period” 1 - R/W 0x01 If 0x00 error0x45 back flow  detection before indication on Port B 1 - R/W 0x02 If 0x00 error0x46 Back flow  threshold on Port B(same unit as encoder) 1 R/W 0x0A If 0x00 error0x47 Back flow  detection flags on Port B(rotate every month) 2 - R/W 0x0000 No restrictionBack   flow   detection   period:  this   period   is   a   multiple   of   the  “Reading   Sampling   Period”parameter. Indicates the water back flow measurement granularity.Back flow Threshold : water back flow rate (same unit as encoder).Number of back flow presence before detection: this parameter is used to filter the number ofback flow presence before real detection.Back flow detection flags : this word contains 12 relevant bits that express back flow detectionin the month.EVO RTM-UserMan 53
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.8.2.Reading back flow detectionReading request data formatApplicativecommandNumber ofparametersto readFirst parameter ID(back flow detectionon Port A)first parameterlengthSecond parameter ID(back flowdetection onPort B)secondparameter length1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte0x18 0x02 0x43 0x02 0x47 0x02Reading acknowledgment data formatThe total length is 10 BytesApplicativeAcknowledgmentcommandNumber ofparametersreturnedfirstparameter IDfirstparameterlength firstparametervaluesecondparameter ID secondparameterlengthsecondparametervalue1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 2  bytes 1 byte 1 byte 2  bytes0x98 0x02 0x43 0x02 (*) 0x47 0x02 (*)(*) once a back flow is detected ( according to the parameters settings), the least significant bit of the “Backflow detection flags” is set to 1.When month changes all the bits of this parameter are shifted left (from LSB to MSB).Flag indicating back flow detection in monthMost Significant Byte Least Significant Byteb7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0- - -  Month-12Month-11Month-10Month-9Month-8Month-7Month-6Month-5Month-4Month-3Month-2Month-1CurrentmonthClearing back flow detection flags can be done using Standard writing parameter command.EVO RTM-UserMan 54
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.9.Tamper detection (pulse register only)Tamper detection is possible if the cable sensor is 3-wire type. In such a case, the 3rd wire is connected to amodule input in the same way as the metering input.Tamper detection is activated by setting bit 4 in the “Operating Mode” parameter.When Tamper detection is activated, RTM Elster AMCO checks periodically (every second) the state of thisinput (0 means no tamper , 1 means tamper). Once a tamper has been detected (input level = 1), RTM ElsterAMCO sets bit 4 in the “Application Status” parameter.5.9.1.Tamper detection parameters listParamID Description Size inbytesAccessRight(Pulseprofile)AccessRight(encoderprofile)Defaultvalue (Hexa)Restriction onparametersTamper detection function0x48 tamper detection date on Port A 7 R - 0x01010101010101 -0x49 tamper detection date on Port B 7 R - 0x01010101010101 -0x4A tamper detection date on Port C 7 R - 0x01010101010101 -0x4B tamper detection date on Port D 7 R - 0x01010101010101 -5.9.2.Reading Tamper detection dateReading request data formatApplicativecommandNumber ofparameters  toreadparameter ID(Tamper detection date onPort A)parameterlength1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte0x18 0x01 0x48 0x07Reading acknowledgment data formatThe total length is 11 BytesApplicativeAcknowledgment commandNumber ofparametersreturnedParameter ID(Tamper detection date onPort A)Parameterlength Parameter value1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 7 bytes0x98 0x01 0x48 0x07EVO RTM-UserMan 55
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.10.Communication and reading error detection (encoder only)Definitions : Communication error : what CORONIS calls a communication error is when RTM Elster AMCOobserved no data on data wire after a certain period of time, when attempting to read the encoder.Reading error : what CORONIS calls a reading error is when an error is detected in one of thefields of the data frame returned by the encoder ( ? or : in the “value” field for example).5.10.1.Encoder communication errorThe encoder communication error can be detected either following a radio request or when a periodic actionis processed (datalogging for example).Once the communication error has been detected, it  is pointed outthrough bit 1 and bit 2 in “Application Status" parameter and the detection date (RTC) is recorded.5.10.2.Encoder reading error detectionOn another hand, there could be a misread due to the encoder itself (interdigit, ...).Filtering algorithm deactivatedRTM Elster AMCO handles these misreads in order to give more precision on the fault detected. Since thesereading errors could happen in a daily basis, RTM Elster AMCO will not handle each reading error separatelybut on a 24 hours period. Assuming that the encoder is read every hour, if during 24 consecutive readings,RTM Elster AMCO is unable to read an error-free frame from the encoder, a reading error is detected andpointed out through bit 3 and bit 4 in “Application Status" parameter and the reading error detection date(RTC) is recorded.Filtering algorithm activatedIf filtering algorithm is activated, then the RTM Elster AMCO reads three times the encoder every “ReadingSampling period” (internal parameter 0x07). The algorithm used is the one provided by Elster AMCO. Thisone  is   a   majority  function   computed  on   the  three  readings   performed.   Even  if  the  filtering  algorithm  isactivated, RTM Elster AMCO will not handle each reading error separately but on a 24 hours period.ATTENTION : 1) Each time a reading attempt is unsuccessful, RTM Elster AMCO logs the previous validreading if datalogging is set.2) It is important to notice that the filtering algorithm is power consuming and will lead to adecrease of the RTM Elster AMCO life duration of 3 to 4 years when it is activated.EVO RTM-UserMan 56
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.10.3.Communication and reading error detection parameters listParamID Description Size inbytesAccessRight(Pulseprofile)AccessRight(encoderprofile)Defaultvalue(Hexa)Restriction onparametersEncoder communication and reading error function0x4C Communication error detection date on Port A 7 - R/W 0x01010101010101 -0x4D Communication error detection date on Port B 7 - R/W 0x01010101010101 -0x4E Reading error detection date on Port A 7 - R/W 0x01010101010101 -0x4F Reading error detection date on Port B 7 - R/W 0x01010101010101 -5.11.Low Battery Warning detection(Refer to DR[3] Section 1.0.28)To detect a  “Low Battery Warning”,  RTM Elster AMCO  uses power metering principle rather than batteryvoltage   measurement.   Lithium   batteries   are,   in   particular   during   passivation,   unsuitable   for   the   voltagemeasurement method to determine the remaining capacity.RTM   Elster   AMCO  records   and   evaluates   all   occurrences   (measurements,   radio   emissions   andreceptions, ...) to decrement the power meter according to the battery used. When the meter passes below apredefined  threshold,  the  “Low Battery  Warning” is pointed out through  bit 0  in  “Application Status”parameter. The threshold is factory-set and indicates that remaining battery capacity is about 10% of thepractical capacity (60% of the theoretical one) depending on product usage (number of emissions per day,output power,...).The initial value of the end-of-life meter is factory-set. It depends on the type and number of batteries used.When   the end  of   battery  life   is  detected,  the  detection  date  is   recorded  and  may  be  read  with  a  radiocommand.Some occurrence counters useful for “Low Battery Warning” calculation are stored in non-volatile memory.These counters are accessible through a radio request.List of accessible counters :Number of radio transmissions,Number of radio receptions.5.11.1.Low Battery Warning detection parameters listParamID Description Size inbytesAccessRight(Pulseprofile)AccessRight(encoderprofile)Defaultvalue (Hexa)Restriction onparametersLow Battery Warning detection 0x50 Low  Battery Warning meter 3 R R TBD0x51 Low Battery Warning detection date 7 R R 0x01010101010101EVO RTM-UserMan 57
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsEVO RTM-UserMan 58
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.12.Faults or Flow Problems automatic transmission(Refer to DR[3] Section 1.0.25 to 1.0.27; DR[4,5] Section 1.0.22 to 1.0.24)RTM Elster AMCO module offers the possibility to automatically transmit radio frames when an occurrence isdetected. The following occurrences may provoke an automatic alarm :Extreme Leak detection (High threshold)Residual Leak detection (Low threshold)Encoder Communication fault detections (encoder register only)encoder reading error detection (encoder register only)Tamper detection (pulse register only)Low Battery warning detectionBack flow detection (encoder only)It is possible to select for each type of occurrence whether or not an alarm frame is to be sent.5.12.1.Time windows dedicated to alarm sendingActivating alarm in a system already configured to send information using pseudo bubble up mechanism canlead to collisions. To avoid as much as possible these collisions RTM Elster AMCO embeds a parameterthat allows to configure time windows dedicated to  alarm. These time windows will then not be used forPseudo Bubble Up time slot attribution. This mechanism allows to mix either Pseudo Bubble Up mechanismand Alarm frame management without affecting system accuracy.5.12.2.Parameter listParamID Description Size in bytesAccessRight ProfileDefault value(Hexa) Restriction onparametersTime affectation for alarm0x57 Alarm Window configuration parameter 1 R/W All 0x09 -Alarm Window configuration parameter descriptionAlarm Window configuration parameter (0x57)bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0Time Slot Granularity:“000” = every quart hour (start on hour on dot of RTC)“001” = every 30 minutes  (start on hour on dot of RTC)“010” = every hour (start on hour on dot of RTC)Time slot duration:“000” = 30 secs“001” = 45 secs“010” = 60 secs“011” = 90 secs“100” = 120 secsTime Slot mechanismactivation:“00” = Disable“01” = EnableExample of Alarm Windows activationIn this example, to activate alarm windows every hour during 60 seconds, the parameter “Alarm Windowconfiguration” (0x57) must be set to 0x69. By using this configuration the RTM Elster AMCO will allow alarm frame during 30 seconds every hour andwill start the first time on hour on dot taking into account its internal RTC.EVO RTM-UserMan 59
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsIn this example the request to configure alarm windows activation is done between  8:01AM and 8:59AM.           8AM               9AM                          10AM                           11AM RTM RTC5.12.3. Automatic configuration of the destination route (via SDP)RTM Elster AMCO integrates the CORONIS SDP feature “Self Discovery Protocol” used to identify the pathto reach the root of the network. RTM Elster AMCO uses this parameter to transmit its alarm frames.When   no   path   to   reach   the   root   is   found,  RTM   Elster AMCO  will  erase   the  route   contained  inside   itsparameters. The destination address will be equal to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF. In such a case, RTM Elster AMCOdoes not manage alarm frame since it has no idea of distant equipment radio address to send it to.5.12.4.Radio command for the configuration of the routeThe route can be configured by a standard write command of the concerned parameters, or in an automaticway.Indeed when a distant module send the Alarm Configuration command (0x0A), the Waveflow AMCO modulestores the radio address of the transmitter, and the relay route (if used) as the recipient of alarm frames.Configuration request data formatApplicative commandAlarms Configuration byteparameter 0x58(*)1 byte 1 byte0x0A(*) By configuring the route this command can also parametrize automatically the parameter 0x58 that enablethe alarm transmission frame on a given functionality.Configuration acknowledgment data formatApplicativeAcknowledgmentcommandConfiguration status1 byte 1 byte0x8A (1)(1) 'Configuration Status' possible value:  0x00  : configuration update ok0xFF : configuration update errorEVO RTM-UserMan 60Time allowed for alarm frame
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.12.5.Triggering an alarm frameAutomatic transmission alarm frame formatApplicativeCommand Generic header Alarm Status RTC on Alarm detection Alarm Data field1 byte 23 bytes 3 bytes 7 bytes 2 bytes0x40ATTENTION:an alarm frame only has one type of detection. When several alarms are detected, RTM Elster AMCOemits the frames one after the other.Next alarm frame will be transmitted after the previous frame has been acknowledged.Alarm Status for RTM Elster AMCO pulse profileAlarm Status MSB ByteBit Number Bit 23(MSB) Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit17 Bit 16(LSB)Bit Definition Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not usedAlarm Status Middle ByteBit Number Bit 15(MSB) Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8(LSB)Bit Definition Not used Not used Not usedTamperdetectionon Port DTamperdetectionon Port CTamperdetectionon Port BTamperdetectionon Port ALow BatteryWarningAlarm Status LSB ByteBit Number Bit 7(MSB) bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 Bit 0(LSB)Bit Definitionextreme leakdetectionon Port Dresidual leakdetectionon Port Dextreme leakdetectionon Port Cresidual leakdetectionon Port Cextreme leakdetectionon Port Bresidual leakdetectionon Port Bextreme leakdetectionon Port Aresidual leakdetectionon Port AThe coding is as follows :  1 : Alarm detected     EVO RTM-UserMan 61
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsAlarm Status for RTM Elster AMCO encoder profileAlarm Status MSB ByteBit Number Bit 23(MSB) Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit17 Bit 16(LSB)Bit Definition Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not usedAlarm Status Middle ByteBit Number Bit 15(MSB) bit 14 bit 13 bit 12 bit 11 bit 10 bit 9 Bit 8(LSB)Bit Definition Not usedBack flowdetectionon Port BBack flowdetectionon Port AEncoderreading errordetectionon Port BEncoderreading errordetectionon Port AEncodercommunicationerror detectionon Port BEncodercommunicationerror detectionon Port ALowBatteryWarningAlarm Status LSB ByteBit Number Bit 7(MSB) bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 Bit 0(LSB)Bit Definition Not used Not used Not used Not usedextreme leakdetectionon Port Bresidual leakdetectionon Port Bextreme leakdetectionon Port Aresidual leakdetectionon Port AThe coding is as follows :  1 : Alarm detected   Alarm Data Field: the signification of this field depends on the alarm type.When the alarm is a leakage (extreme or residual) detection, this field corresponds to the consumption-ratevalue. When the alarm is a sensor default, this field represents the type of default detected.Alarm Data FieldAlarm Type MSB byte LSB ByteHigh Threshold (Extreme leak) Leak flow value measuredLow threshold (Residual leak) Leak flow value measuredLow Battery Warning current life counter (Parameter 0x50)Back flow parameter“Back flow detection flags”Date : Standard RTC formatEVO RTM-UserMan 62
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems5.12.6.alarm frame acknowledgmentThe remote device must send an acknowledgment frame (command 0xC0) to confirm reception of the alarmframe and end dialog.Acknowledge request data formatApplicative command Alarm Status1 byte 3 bytes0xC0 Same as received in the alarm frameIf the RTM Elster AMCO does not receive this acknowledgment, it re-transmits the alarm frame several time,with a delay between each retransmission. The delay, and the number of retries depend on the equipmenttype used.Number of retries of alarm sending 7 timesDelay between each retransmission1st retry :1 minutes,          2nd retry : 15 minutes,            3rd retry : 45 minutes,4th retry : 90 minutes,       5th retry : 180 minutes,           6th retry : 360 minutes,7th retry : 720 minutesATTENTION:As mentioned above in this document, it is not recommended to enable alarm frames when RTMElster AMCO is programmed to send periodically its information. This could cause collision onthe radio medium and so lead to a loss of information coming from the RTM.EVO RTM-UserMan 63
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems6.Radio address descriptionEach Coronis product has its own radio address in order to achieve bidirectional communications. A bar code label is applied to each product, indicating the RTM Elster AMCO radio address. This addressmay be given in two forms:either with direct display of the radio address: 12 digits indicating the hexadecimal radio addressof the module;or in the form of a serial number: in this case, the radio address is coded in the first 15 digits ofthe serial number; the other digits represent the CRC (algorithm available on request).To find the radio address in a serial number, proceed as follows:Serial number indicated on the bar code (without CRC): 16662-06-06291457The chain of characters is split into 3 sections (as indicated below)16662 06 06291457ConversionDecimal to Hexadecimal(on 2 bytes)ConversionDecimal to Hexadecimal(on 1 byte)ConversionDecimal to Hexadecimal(on 3 bytes)4116 06 600001A combination of these 3 parts provides the radio address (hexadecimal) of the module:411606600001Radio Address descriptionIn hexadecimal format, radio address is composed of 6 bytes. The signification of radio address fields isdescribed below:Field Signification Test BenchIdentifier Product Identifier Year ofproductionWavenisphysical layer Product serial numberField size  1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 4 bits 20bitsRTM Elster AMCO - 50 - 6 xxxxxsRTM Elster AMCO - 51 - 6 xxxxxNote : First byte of radio address is the “Test Bench Identifier” that allows to trace the sRTM : same specifications as RTM but able to repeat 10 to 15 RTMs.EVO RTM-UserMan 64
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems7.APPENDIX A : RTM Elster AMCO internal parameterslistParamID DescriptionSizeinbytesAccessRight(Pulseregister)AccessRight(encoderregister)Default value(Hexa)RestrictiononparametersNO ID Operating Mode 2 R/W R/W TBD with ElsterAMCO -General status0x01 Application Status 1 R/W R/W 0x00if no  default at start0x02 Leakage Detection Status 1 R R 0x00if no  default at startRead only nolimitCurrent date0x04 Current RTC parameter 7 R/W R/W 0x01010101010101An erroneousRTC Formatwill berejectedProfile0x05 profile parameter 1 R/W R/W 0x02 Between 0x01and 0x02Meter Sampling Management0x07 Reading Sampling Period 1 R/W R/W 0x0B See section§4.5.10x08 Sampling activation type 1 R/W R/W 0x01 0x01 onlyRadio configuration0x0A Group number to use in polling mode 1 R/W R/W 0x00 -0x0B Group number in Multicast mode 1 R/W R/W 0x00 -Datalogging feature parameters0x10 Measurement Period (datalogging in time steps)expressed in multiple of “Reading Sampling Period” 1 R/W R/W 0x01 -0x12 Day of the week, or of the month (datalogging) 1 R/W R/W 0x01 Conform dayneeded0x13 Hour of measurement(datalogging once a week, or once a month) 1 R/W R/W 0x08 Conform hourneeded0x14 number of records in the datalogging table(all ports records cumulated) 2 R R 0x0000 Read onlyPulse Register Unit & Model parameters0x15 Meter Model on Port A (pulse only) 1 R/W - 0x000x16 Meter Model on Port B (pulse only) 1 R/W - 0x000x17 Meter Model on Port C (pulse only) 1 R/W - 0x000x18 Meter Model on Port D (pulse only) 1 R/W - 0x000x19 Pulse value on Port A (pulse only) 1 R/W - 0x210x1A Pulse value on Port B (pulse only) 1 R/W - 0x210x1B Pulse value on Port C (pulse only) 1 R/W - 0x210x1C Pulse value on Port D (pulse only) 1 R/W - 0x21EVO RTM-UserMan 65
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsParamID DescriptionSizeinbytesAccessRight(Pulseregister)AccessRight(encoderregister)Default value(Hexa)RestrictiononparametersEncoder Unit & Model parameters0x1D Encoder Model on Port A (encoder only) 2 - R 0xFFFF0x1E Encoder Model on Port B (encoder only) 2 - R 0xFFFF0x1F Encoder Unit on Port A (encoder only) 2 - R 0xFFFF0x20 Encoder Unit on Port B (encoder only) 2 - R 0xFFFFLeakage detection function0x21Residual leakage consumption-rate (low threshold)on Port A(The unit is the same as the reading unit)1 R/W R/W 0x0F If 0x00 error0x22Residual leakage detection period on Port A(expressed in multiple of 'Reading SamplingPeriod')1 R/W R/W 0xA8 If 0x00 error0x23Extreme leakage consumption-rate (high threshold)on Port A(The unit is the same as the reading unit)2 R/W R/W 0x03E8 If 0x0000error0x24 Extreme leakage detection period on Port Aexpressed in multiple of 'Reading Sampling Period') 1 R/W R/W 0x03 If 0x00 error0x28Residual leakage consumption-rate (low threshold)on Port B(The unit is the same as the reading unit)1 R/W R/W 0x0F If 0x00 error0x29Residual leakage detection period on Port B(expressed in multiple of 'Reading SamplingPeriod')1 R/W R/W 0xA8 If 0x00 error0x2AExtreme leakage consumption-rate (high threshold)on Port B(The unit is the same as the reading unit)2 R/W R/W 0x03E8 If 0x0000error0x2B Extreme leakage detection period on Port Bexpressed in multiple of 'Reading Sampling Period') 1 R/W R/W 0x03 If 0x00 error0x30Residual leakage consumption-rate (low threshold)on Port C(The unit is the same as the reading unit)1 R/W - 0x0F If 0x00 error0x31Residual leakage detection period on Port C(expressed in multiple of 'Reading SamplingPeriod')1 R/W - 0xA8 If 0x00 error0x32Extreme leakage consumption-rate (high threshold)on Port C(The unit is the same as the reading unit)2 R/W - 0x03E8 If 0x0000error0x33 Extreme leakage detection period on Port Cexpressed in multiple of 'Reading Sampling Period') 1 R/W - 0x03 If 0x00 error0x38Residual leakage consumption-rate (low threshold)on Port D(The unit is the same as the reading unit)1 R/W - 0x0F If 0x00 error0x39Residual leakage detection period on Port D(expressed in multiple of 'Reading SamplingPeriod')1 R/W - 0xA8 If 0x00 error0x3AExtreme leakage consumption-rate (high threshold)on Port D(The unit is the same as the reading unit)2 R/W - 0x03E8 If 0x0000error0x3B Extreme leakage detection period on Port Dexpressed in multiple of 'Reading Sampling Period') 1 R/W - 0x03 If 0x00 errorEVO RTM-UserMan 66
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsParamID DescriptionSizeinbytesAccessRight(Pulseregister)AccessRight(encoderregister)Default value(Hexa)RestrictiononparametersBack flow detection function (encoder only)0x3E Back flow  detection date on Port A 7 - R 0x01010101010101An erroneousRTC Formatwill berejected0x3F Back flow  detection date on Port B 7 - R 0x01010101010101An erroneousRTC Formatwill berejected0x40Back flow  detection period on Port Aexpressed in multiple of “Reading Sampling  Period”1 - R/W 0x01 If 0x00 error0x41 back flow  detection before indication on Port A 1 R/W 0x02 If 0x00 error0x42 Back flow  threshold on Port A(same unit as encoder) 1 - R/W 0x0A If 0x0000error0x43 Back flow  detection flags on Port A (rotate every month) 2 - R/W 0x0000 No restriction0x44Back flow  detection period on Port Bexpressed in multiple of “Reading Sampling  Period”1 - R/W 0x01 If 0x00 error0x45 back flow  detection before indication on Port B 1 - R/W 0x02 If 0x00 error0x46 Back flow  threshold on Port B(same unit as encoder) 1 R/W 0x0A If 0x00 error0x47 Back flow  detection flags on Port B (rotate every month) 2 - R/W 0x0000 No restrictionPulse Register error detection0x48 Tamper detection date (RTC) on Port A 7 R - 0x01010101010101An erroneousdate must berejected0x49 Tamper detection date (RTC) on Port B 7 R - 0x01010101010101An erroneousdate must berejected0x4A Tamper detection date (RTC) on Port C 7 R - 0x01010101010101An erroneousdate must berejected0x4B Tamper detection date (RTC) on Port D 7 R - 0x01010101010101An erroneousdate must berejectedEncoder error detection0x4C Communication error for encoder on Port A 7 - R 0x01010101010101An erroneousdate must berejected0x4D Communication error for encoder on Port B 7 - R 0x01010101010101An erroneousdate must berejected0x4E encoder misread on Port A 7 - R 0x01010101010101An erroneousdate must berejected0x4F encoder misread on Port B 7 - R 0x01010101010101An erroneousdate must berejectedEVO RTM-UserMan 67
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis SystemsParamID DescriptionSizeinbytesAccessRight(Pulseregister)AccessRight(encoderregister)Default value(Hexa)RestrictiononparametersBattery life0x50 Battery life duration counter 3 R R TBD by CORONIS -0x51 Date end of battery life detection 7 R R 0x01010101010101An erroneousdate must berejectedConfiguration of alarm0x57 Alarm Window configuration parameter 1R/W R/W 0x00 See Section§xxx 0x58 Alarm Configuration parameter 1R/W R/W 0x00 From 0x00 to0x3F0x59 Number of repeaters(used only with manual network construction) 1R/W R/W 0x00 From 0x00 to0x030x5A Address of the 1st repeater(used only with manual network construction) 6R/W R/W 0x0000000000000x5B Address of the 2nd repeater(used only with manual network construction) 6R/W R/W 0x0000000000000x5C Address of the 3rd repeater (used only with manual network construction) 6R/W R/W 0x0000000000000x5D Address of the recipient of the alarm frame(used only with manual network construction) 6R/W R/W 0x000000000000TOU buckets0x60 TOU buckets configuration parameter 7 R/W R/W 0x00000000000000 See Section§5.6Pseudo bubble up feature0x68 Starting hour, minute and second of the pseudobubble up mechanism 3 R/W R/W 0x080000An erroneousdate will berejected0x69 Step time of pseudo bubble up transmission 1 R/W R/W 0x06 See Section§5.60x6AFirst byte : Data length of bubble up commandbufferOther bytes : bubble up command buffer (use towrite request command)7 R/W R/W 0x01030000000000The first byteshould not behigher than 6and thecommandshould becorrectlywritten0x6BMaximum cancellation Timeout (in seconds): thistime is needed when a process take a too long timeand shift the current RTC compare to the computedRTC of bubble up emission.1R/W R/W 0x05 From 0x01 to0x0AEVO RTM-UserMan 68
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems8.APPENDIX B : RTM Elster AMCO Radio commands listApplicativecommand Direction Description Accessibility Applicative CommandParameter fieldRTM Elster AMCO Configuration Access0x0B Host → RTM Request to read encoder internaldata Encoder profile only No parameter field0x8B RTM → Host Request to read encoder internaldata acknowledgment Encoder profile only See Section §5.4.7 for detaileddescription0x0C Host → RTM Request to detect encodermodel Encoder profile only No parameter field0x8C RTM → Host Request to detect encodermodel acknowledgment Encoder profile only See Section §5.4.5 for detaileddescription0x18 Host → RTM Request to read parameter(s) Pulse and Encoder See Section §4.2 for detaileddescription0x98 RTM → Host Request to read parameter(s)acknowledgment Pulse and Encoder See Section §4.2 for detaileddescription0x19 Host → RTM Request to write parameter(s) Pulse and Encoder See Section §4.2 for detaileddescription0x99 RTM → Host Request to write parameter(s)Acknowledgment Pulse and Encoder See Section §4.2 for detaileddescriptionRTM Elster AMCO Meter Reading Access0x01 Host → RTM Request to read current reading Pulse and Encoder No parameter field0x81 RTM → Host Request to read current readingacknowledgment Pulse and Encoder See Section §5.5.2 for detaileddescription0x02 Host → RTM Request to program current registerreading Pulse profile only See Section §5.4.1 for detaileddescription0x82 RTM → Host Request to program current registerreading acknowledgment Pulse profile only See Section §5.4.1 for detaileddescription0x03 Host → RTM Request to read Daily consumptionprofile Pulse and Encoder No parameter field0x83 RTM → Host Request to read Daily consumptionprofile acknowledgment Pulse and Encoder See Section §5.5.3 for detaileddescription0x06 Host → RTM Request to read TOU buckets Pulse and Encoder No Parameter field0x86 RTM → Host Request to read TOU bucketsacknowledgment Pulse and Encoder See Section §5.5.5 for detaileddescription0x07 Host → RTM Request to read Datalogging table Pulse and Encoder See Section §5.5.4 for detaileddescription0x87 RTM → Host Request to read Datalogging tableacknowledgment Pulse and Encoder See Section §5.5.4 for detaileddescription0x0A Host → RTM Request to configure the route touse on alarm frame transmission Pulse and Encoder See Section §5.12.2 for detaileddescription0x8A RTM → Host Request to configure the routeacknowledgment Pulse and Encoder See Section §5.12.2 for detaileddescriptionRTM Elster AMCO Miscellaneous commands0x04 Host → RTM Request to read leakage event table Pulse and Encoder No parameter field0x84 RTM → Host Request to read leakage event tableacknowledgment Pulse and Encoder See Section §5.7.4 for detaileddescription0x40 RTM → Host Alarm to indicate default detected Pulse and Encoder See Section §5.12.3 for detaileddescription0xC0 Host → RTM Alarm to indicate default detectedacknowledgment Pulse and Encoder See Section §5.12.4 for detaileddescriptionEVO RTM-UserMan 69
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems9.APPENDIX C : SERVICE COMMANDSServices commands are used to configure Wavecard modules or to read radio parameters independently ofthe connected host equipment. No data sent to the connected host when a Wavecard recognizes a servicecommand.These commands are mainly used to handle:•Link budgets with remote modules (RSSI levels)•Verifying products firmware version remotely•Setting or reading parameters via RF (not described here)9.1.Wavecard   Serial   Link   Service   Request   CommanddescriptionCMD NAME DESCRIPTION0x80 REQ_SEND_SERVICE Request to send a service frame (and wait for response)0x81 RES_SEND_SERVICE REQ_SEND_SERVICE response0x82 SERVICE_RESPONSE Frame received following REQ_SEND_SERVICE transmission•Service requestREQ_SEND_SERVICEHEADER CMD DATA CRC ETX3 bytes 1 byte 6 bytes 1 byte variable 2 bytes 1 byte0xFF ; 0x02 ;0xXX 0x80 Radio address ofremote  radio moduleService requesttypeParameter(s) related torequest type 0x03•Service request acknowledgmentRES_SEND_SERVICEHEADER CMD DATA CRC ETX3 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte0xFF ; 0x02 ;0x05 0x81Status0x00: Frame transmission OK 0x01: Frame transmission error 0x03•Service request responseSERVICE_RESPONSEHEADER CMD DATA CRC ETX3 bytes 1 byte 6 bytes 1 byte variable 2 bytes 1 byte0xFF ; 0x02 ;0xXX 0x82 Radio address ofremote  radio moduleServiceresponse typeParameter(s) related toresponse type 0x039.2.EVO RTM-UserMan 70
RTM Elster AMCO applicative PFS Coronis Systems9.3.Request typesThe transmitting module sends a service command that includes a request type. Each request type has anassociated response type which is included in the SERVICE_RESPONSE command.In command byte coding, response frames reuse the request command with the LSB bit set to 1.•Request typeREQUEST TYPENAME VALUE DESCRIPTION PARAMETER(S)GET_TYPE 0x20Command used to readequipment type and RSSIlevel from remoteequipment.n/aGET_FW_VERSION 0x28Command used to readfirmware version in remotemodule.n/a•Response typeRESPONSE TYPENAME VALUE DESCRIPTION PARAMETER(S)RESP_GET_TYPE 0xA0 Response to GET_TYPEcommand.Byte 1: module typeByte 2: RSSI levelByte 3: Wake-up periodByte 4: module typeRESP_GET_FW_VERSION 0xA8 Response toGET_FW_VERSION command.Byte 1: 'V' in ASCII code (0x56)Byte 2: Default Radio Protocol (MSB byte)Byte 3: Default Radio Protocol (LSB byte)Byte 4: Firmware version (MSB byte)Byte 5: Firmware version (LSB byte)EVO RTM-UserMan 71

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