Introduction Battle Ready Body
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Battle Ready Body Legal Disclaimer Notice The information presented is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice. This publication is presented for information purposes only. Neither, nor CQC International, Inc or any of its subsidiary or affiliates assume any liability for the information contained herein. The Information contained herein reflects only the opinion of the author and is in no way to be considered required practice. Specific medical advice should be obtained from a licensed legal health practitioner. Consult your physician before you begin any diet, exercise, or training program. The contents of this publication are fully protected by international copyright law. Any other posting or distribution without written consent from the author will be a violation of copyright law and violators will be prosecuted. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 1 of 159 Battle Ready Body Table Of Contents Table of Contents Section 1 Getting the Most From This Manual 3 About The Author 6 Introduction 8 Section 2 Factor 1 – Mission Planning 29 Factor 2 – Stop Dieting 48 Factor 3 – Chemical Warfare 60 Factor 4 – Nutritional Fire Power 81 Factor 5 – Fat Blasting Hormones 86 Factor 6 – Maximum Metabolism 100 Factor 7 – Military “PT” 105 Factor 8 – Killer Instinct 137 © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 2 of 159 Battle Ready Body Getting Results Getting The Most From This Manual Let me guess… Your first thought after reading the website for the Battle Ready Body program was to quickly flip to the EXACT page number listed for that one bullet comment that you felt would be your “magical key” to burning off those stubborn layers of fat, right? Well, sorry to disappoint you! The truth is, if you were paying attention to what the website was actually trying to educate you on, no ONE FACTOR is going to make or break your success in reaching your goal of ever seeing your abs again...or even your toes! One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to lose weight is to narrow down their focus to just one or two small factors (such as “eat less calories” or “take up running/walking/etc.) As you’ll soon discover, effective fat loss is ONLY accomplished by concentrating on several small factors that when combined, magnify the effects of each other. Since my experience comes from my military training, let me put it to you in “military terms”... “Battles” take place in direct fighting between troops on the front lines. “Winning” a battle means that you’ve defeated the enemy you were fighting and you’ve taken over control of that objective. But winning a ‘battle’ does NOT mean you’ve won the WAR! Wars are won on a MUCH larger scale of operations that includes such military tactics as cutting off enemy resupply and reinforcements...destroying the will of the enemy to fight...winning the hearts and minds of the local population...and a host of several other factors that make up a highly coordinated campaign with a much larger goal. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 2 of 159 Battle Ready Body Getting Results This is very similar to your “fat loss” objective. Taking up jogging or cutting out sweets may have helped you win a “battle” or two in the past and you may have seen a few pounds drop off. But as you know, the “war” is a whole other story and all it takes is losing a few of your other ‘battles” to gain back those pounds you fought so hard to lose before. Battle Ready Body is about winning the WAR...NOT just a few battles! The key to burning off the fat once and for all lies in your systematic approach in addressing each of what I call the “8 METABOLIC FACTORS” which I will detail every element of in the pages to come. If you decide to skip any ONE of these factors thinking you’ve “heard it all before” or “know everything there is to know about (fill in the blank)”, then you’ll soon find yourself as frustrated with your lack of fat loss as a one-legged man in a buttkicking contest. Too many people have been brainwashed into thinking that all they have to do is “reduce their calories” or “do cardio training” to burn fat. But as you’ll learn, while both of these factors will burn fat, their effectiveness is limited without a few crucial adjustments that will allow you to BURN MORE FAT while maintaining or even BUILDING muscle in the process. So before I launch into the step-by-step details for finally building the body of your dreams, I’m giving you this DIRECT ORDER… DIRECT ORDER # 1: READ THIS MANUAL ALL THE WAY THROUGH BEFORE BEGINNING YOUR TRAINING! I know you’ll realize that this fat-burning manual was carefully designed with a very “no nonsense” approach in order to avoid wasting any of your time with a bunch of fancy scientific words. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 3 of 159 Battle Ready Body Getting Results I’ve broken everything down so you’ll be able to understand every element of my step-by-step process and follow it with ease. And to help you along the way, I’ve added a few extra little “tools”... A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... See? This is my happy little face! After completing this book, I read it back through from the beginning and found several points that I felt needed…well, a little “extra emphasis” (OK, I also like to hear myself talk!) So from time to time throughout this book, I’ll jump in just to add my “two cents”. Just think of me as your PERSONAL DRILL SERGEANT all up in your face to make sure the principles I’m going to share with you really sink in. The only difference is I’LL be smiling...something MY Drill Sergeant NEVER did! ;-) We had a saying in the military (one of several you’ll find me drawing from throughout this guide!)…K.I.S.S. or “Keep It Simple Stupid”. If it’s not simple to understand and simple to follow, you’re destined to fail, and I’ll be damned if YOU are going to fail while you’re a member of MY platoon! So be sure to read over everything until you have a full understand before you move on. We’ll continued to build upon each of the principles until we reach the end together. Also, hopefully you have a copy of audio version of this program as well. If you do, then I strongly recommend BOTH listening to those audios AND reading this manual. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 4 of 159 Battle Ready Body Getting Results Together they offer additional insights that are guaranteed to make you even MORE SUCCESSFUL! A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Well, there you have it! I’ve sufficiently warned you of the dangers of skipping ahead in this book, AND I’ll be checking up with you throughout this manual to point out the more important points...and well, uh...maybe some not so important points but humor me, ok? Well, Now it’s time to strap on your combat boots and get ready to fight because I’m loaded with weapons and ammunition and FAT is the enemy! But before we jump into a foxhole together, let’s get better acquainted by letting me tell you a little bit about my background and how I discovered the military’s top training strategies for blasting away body fat... © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 5 of 159 Battle Ready Body About The Author Meet Jeff Anderson: Your “Fat Burning Commander”... In the military, every unit (or group of soldiers) has an appointed “Commander”. Your Commander is the one who has the overall responsibility for the enforcement of military “standards”, training, and “combat readiness”. He or she is the one the soldiers look to for mission guidance and who they support with their hard work and dedication. And THAT is the role I’d like to fulfill for you as we begin our “mission” together! I want to be YOUR “Fat Burning Commander”! So let’s get better acquainted, shall we? You may have seen any of my hundreds of articles, videos, and books floating around the internet on how to build muscle and burn fat. But what you may NOT know about me is that I spent 10 years serving my country in the U.S. Army as a light-infantry soldier. As a leader in several infantry units, I’ve trained soldiers all around the world…in 4 feet of snow; in drenched clothes in the freezing rain; under the searing heat of the desert sun; slicing through vines and elephant grass in jungles; neck-deep in swamps…you name it! But during my years of service, besides actual combat training, I’ve also received specialized military training as a Master Fitness Trainer and always took on the additional role of “Weight Control Non-Commissioned Officer-In-Charge”. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 6 of 159 Battle Ready Body About The Author Basically that’s “military speak” for saying that it was MY job to make sure that our soldiers were ALWAYS “fit-to-fight”. You see, the truth is that even members of the military stray off course from a fit lifestyle every now and then. Too many cheeseburgers…too many beers…injuries keep you from training…hey, things happen, right? Well, MY mission was to whip these troops back into shape in the shortest time possible so they could get back into the field and start shooting at things again. And now I have YOU in my sights! I don’t care if your goal is to carve out a set of “6-pack” abs or if you need to lose 100 pounds of fat or more...I’m going to show you how to create the body you’ve always longed for! What you’re about to discover are some of the government’s top strategies for keeping their soldiers “fit to fight” as I strip away the “Classified” stamp and share with you my “Military Fat Loss Secrets”! These are the same strategies and “combat” tactics I’ve employed to take men and women of the U.S. military from “flabby” to “fit”…and now YOU can “steal” these secrets like a Cold War spy and build your own “battle-ready body”. So if you’re ready, it’s time to arm you with the most advanced weapons on the face of the planet for defeating body fat once and for all! Let’s begin! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 7 of 159 Battle Ready Body Introduction Introduction Ever see a fat soldier waddling across a combat zone with his belly hanging over his belt and his butt crack taunting the enemy? When you picture a member of the armed forces, do you envision a tall, proud, lean “warrior”, a confident look in their eyes, arms crossed, wide stance and a tight, lean physique that SCREAMS “warrior”? Would you like to get an inside glimpse at the billion dollar research projects that crafted the diet and exercise program that built these “battle ready bodies”…AND learn how you can use these very same techniques in your own fat loss program REGARDLESS of your AGE, SEX, CURRENT WEIGHT and FITNESS LEVEL to finally ambush your ever-widening waistline once and for all? You see, although I hate to put it to you so bluntly, the government knows that a “fat” soldier is a “dead” soldier. Trying to haul your weapon, 20 pounds of ammunition, communications equipment, night vision goggles, bulletproof “flack vest”, AND an extra 20-25 lbs of body fat is a difficult thing to do while dodging bullets. And when a soldier is shot, that means that there’s one less man or woman who’s able to cover the backs of the OTHER soldiers firing back at an advancing army. So over the past, oh....couple of centuries or so, the governments around the world have spent billions upon billions of dollars researching the ultimate diet and exercise strategies to maintain optimum fitness levels and body composition that could accommodate an 18-year old, testosterone driven “Private” just off the bus at boot camp as easily as it could the 47-year old female General nearing retirement. I mean let’s face it...when it comes to designing the ultimate fitness and weight control program, you simply can’t compete with the government’s multi-billion dollar research budget and a few hundred thousand willing Guinea pigs! (Ok, maybe we weren’t always “willing” ;-) © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 8 of 159 Battle Ready Body Introduction With such a huge population to “serve” with a fitness program, governments have realized the vast differences in body types, metabolism, motivational requirements, physical limitations in strength and name it. In other words, any program put in place needed to apply to not only the general military population, but also offer “specialized programs” for those soldiers who were...uh, shall we say...“chubby” What I’m about to share with you is a compilation of the very best tactics I’ve personally been trained in as an elite instructor within the military in order to quickly and efficiently lead men and women of ALL body types and ages into changing their body composition to meet or exceed the military’s tough standards. But you’re probably wondering... “How can the U.S. military’s fitness program POSSIBLY work for ME?!” Don’t worry...I expected that response. Because of the general public’s perception of the military lifestyle, it may be difficult to make that connection in your brain that YOU could (or SHOULD) train like a member of the armed forces to reach your dream body. I mean, after’s not like you go off to work to jump out of planes and bust down doors with your size 10 combat boot, right? But in reality, you’d be surprised just how closely YOUR needs and challenges are related to a SOLDIER’S. Let me explain by sharing with you some examples of how the military’s fitness program can be beneficial to the “Average Joe and Jane”...but is actually DESIGNED to help you burn through body fat better than ANY other program you’ve tried... BRB Military Myth Buster #1: You have to be young, male, and in GREAT SHAPE to begin a military style program. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 9 of 159 Battle Ready Body Introduction Busted: The military’s fitness program is designed to accommodate COMPLETE BEGINNERS, young AND older men and women who have never exercised or eaten healthy before their military “adventure”! Remember...soldiers started out as “civilians” just like YOU...and they didn’t come INTO the military in great shape. In fact, far from it! For most men and women entering the military, they’ve never done a single pushup outside of their high school gym class when Mrs. Brostmeyer, the schools resident “dominatrix”, stood over them with her bridle whip and whistle hell bent on whipping them into shape! When most soldiers get to their first day of military training, they’re largely OUT of shape, and, well...”large”. The military EXPECTS them to show up unfit and has developed a way to take their fresh recruits from flabby and lean, mean, and green! A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Likewise, in the BRB program, I don’t care if you’re an advanced “bodybuilder” type looking for “washboard abs” or you’re 100 pounds overweight, looking at exercising and “dieting” for the first time. I’ve created a way to use the principles I’m about to share with you no matter WHAT your goal...or where you’re STARTING from! I’ll make a “BRB Soldier” out of you yet! BRB Military Myth Buster #2: Soldiers eat gunpowder and gravel 3 times a day, train all day to be able to leap over tall buildings in a single bound, and sleep with their rifle! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 10 of 159 Battle Ready Body Introduction Busted: A soldier’s normal workday and lifestyle isn’t that far off from the typical cubicle jockey’s workday and lifestyle! While it’s true that when soldiers ARE training for combat, we’re doing crazy things you’ve only seen in the movies, the reality is that a LOT of our workdays are spent on much less exciting and strenuous activities. Things like working on computers, cleaning and maintaining our field equipment (vehicles, radios, weapons, etc.), and sitting on our camouflaged booties in classes all day to maintain and expand on our job skills. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Sound familiar? Yep...not that far off from the same types of things that YOU may do in your own line of work! And we’re only talking about the time that’s actually spent WORKING. Let’s take a look at what happens after the uniform comes off... BRB Military Myth Buster #3: Soldiers spend all their free time arm wrestling, brainstorming new obstacle courses and practicing hand-to-hand combat. Busted: AFTER “work” and on the weekends, life is the exact same as what yours may be... ...playing video games... ...watching movies... ...spending time with the family and kids... ...and eating pizza and drinking beer! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 11 of 159 Battle Ready Body Introduction A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Though I’d venture to guess that the typical soldier is MUCH more “qualified” than you at drinking beer. We’re hard to beat in that department....except for you Australians! I’ve partied with some Aussie soldiers and these guys are INSANE! ;-) In fact, if you were to come visit the soldier barracks (sleeping quarters) on the weekend, you’d swear you stepped into a Phi Lambda Lambda college frat party ON STEROIDS! Soldiers know how to TRAIN hard when they need to...and they know how to PARTY hard when they want to. Many drink too much...smoke too much...stay up too late...and yes...they even stuff themselves with complete crap! A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... For example, did you know that every military “chow hall” offers hamburgers, cheeseburgers, French fries, chili dogs and other fast-food items for order…along with a complete DESSERT selection? And this is just what makes up the MILITARY’S dining choices! Soldiers, like YOU, also have on and off-duty options for McDonalds, Pizza Hut, and other fast food choices to overindulge in. Not exactly what you would call “health food” to get “ripped and shredded” on, eh? © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 12 of 159 Battle Ready Body Introduction So you see, members of the military live a life outside of work just as you do with much the same activities and social lives as YOU...and they can just as easily “un-do” all of the fitness training the government puts them through. But if members of the military are faced with all the same challenges as YOU are, what allows THEM to succeed in keeping their bodies healthy, strong, and lean where perhaps YOU may have failed in the past? The answer can be found in just one word...COMMITMENT! You see, a soldier’s “new life” BEGINS with commitment...from the time we sign our name on the dotted line of our enlistment papers and turn over our futures to commanders who order us to go charge up a hill while dodging bullets all calling our name. Once you sign, there’s no turning back! Your commitment to the military is more than just your “word” that you’ll “listen to your boss”...’s a legal contract and SWORN OATH you take that you’ll do what you’re questions asked! So soldiers don’t even have a CHOICE but to stay lean. If you don’t, then you can actually be KICKED OUT of the military for failing to meet the standards set for you. “Bye bye...nice having you around...good luck with finding a job to support yourself and your family, Ex-Sergeant Tubby!” Now, obviously I can’t travel around to all of your houses and wake you up every morning with a bugle call and then follow you around all day to make sure you’re eating and exercising based according to the principles I’m about to share with you, right? So YOU need to be VERY clear about your own commitment to finally achieving a healthier lifestyle and a body that will have everyone at your workplace whispering behind your back about how incredible you look. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 13 of 159 Battle Ready Body Introduction A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... I don’t care how many times you’ve tried to lose weight in the past... I don’t care how “challenged” you may feel in your current environment or how unsupported you may feel by your family or friends.... I’ll provide you with all of the knowledge, tools, tips, and shortcuts you need to win your war on body fat no matter WHERE you’re starting from...but only YOU can put in the work that will actually get you to the top of the hill. Yes...COMMITTMENT is the one attribute I’m asking you to bring to this mission you and I are about to embark on! And when I’m talking about “commitment”, I’m talking about much more than “giving the Battle Ready Body program a “try”... I’m talking about grabbing a shovel and digging in you foxhole to be ready to take on your bathroom scale and finally show it who’s in control. To better illustrate the level of dedication I’m asking of you, let me share with you a personal story that I think you’ll find very motivating.... On the first day of the Army’s Basic Training, about 50 of us scared, snot-nosed, newbies were transported by what can only be described as a “cattle car” to the sadistic reception committee of Drill Sergeants, waiting for us to be unloaded so they could begin their assignment of transforming losers such as ourselves into “lean, mean fighting machines” worthy and capable of defending our country in the harshest of environments. As the rear doors of the transport trailer were opened up to let us “cattle” be herded off, it was evident that life as we knew it had ceased to exist. What happened next was almost too overwhelming to effectively describe. I remember a LOT of yelling…a LOT of running around (accompanied by more © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 14 of 159 Battle Ready Body Introduction yelling)…and a LOT of pushups dished out as punishment for doing something wrong that I’m still not clear on (of course accompanied by even more yelling). By the end of the day (a very LONG day of sweat, confusion, pushup after pushup, and yep, you guessed it…yelling!) it was clear to all of us that the “transformation” had begun and there was no turning back. No more laid back workdays…no more snuggly warm beds…no more hitting the “snooze” button on the alarm clock until noon…no more leisurely breakfasts while watching cartoons…no more laid back workdays Nope…life was now a mixture of sore muscles, strictly structured timelines, mental anguish, and a lot of asking that one single question that was always on our minds… “What the hell am I doing this for?!” But while our lives were now jam packed with challenges that would test the very core of our being...there were also moments of INSPIRATION and SYMBOLS of honor that helped us get through even the toughest times. Sometimes these inspirations came in the form of watching one of my friends overcome his own challenge with climbing a rope...and seeing the newly won pride spread wide across his face as he reached the top because he had always been afraid of heights. Sometimes it came in recognizing that I had just scored the highest testing standard for a particular job skill when I could barely finish high school with a C minus average. And sometimes it showed up as my fellow soldiers screaming at me to push myself harder than I ever thought imaginable to “get over the wall” on an obstacle course...and then feeling them slapping me on the back and cheering for me when I finally hauled my exhausted body over. But there was one special icon of inspiration that never failed to help me dig down deeper into my personal commitment to excel...and I want to share it with you now... You see, our Drill Sergeants knew that there would be times when the evil enemy known as “Self Doubt” would have us all questioning ourselves and our commitment to reaching the end of our training a better and stronger person than when we had arrived. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 15 of 159 Battle Ready Body Introduction To provide us with guidance and inspiration, there was a poster placed on the wall of our barracks that was meant to watch over us when they weren’t around to stick a boot up our booty and tell us to quit our whining. During my hardest times, when I didn’t know if my body or my will could take it any more, I would walk up to this the words carefully...grit my teeth and let the message churn in my stomach...clench my fists...and then do an “about face” and walk away with the resolve and determination I needed to send “Self Doubt” screaming back to momma! And now I share this poster with you on the following page in hopes that you will post it somewhere where you can see it plainly throughout the your work and at your home...and that it provides you with the same inspiration as it did for me... © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 16 of 159 introduction Dec, 23, 1944 – “Battle of the Bulge” – An entire U.S. armored division was retreating from the Germans in the Ardennes forest when a sergeant in a tank destroyer spotted an American digging a foxhole. The GI, PFC Martin, 325th Glider Infantry Regiment, looked up and asked, “Are you looking for a safe place?” “Yeah,” answered the tanker. “Well, buddy,” he drawled, “just pull your vehicle behind me... I’m the 82nd Airborne, and this is as far as the bastards are going.” Battle Ready Body Introduction A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... I hope you take these words to heart even if you can’t identify with a soldier’s ‘life or death’ commitment. The truth is that you and I ARE entering into our own battle as we wage war on the fat that’s trying so hard to take over your body and for SOME of you, depending upon how successful body fat has been, it may very well BE a ‘life or death’ commitment you’re making. Just as it was difficult at times for me and my fellow soldiers to keep on plugging away when times got tough, there WILL be times when you’ll ask yourself “WHY?!”. You’ll try to do your first pull up or push up and you’ll suck at it... You’ll see that box of cookies at the supermarket and you’ll hear that little voice inside telling you, ‘go’ve been’ll be able to stop at just 2 little cookies, right?’ Well, for US, as struggling new military recruits, the answer to the question of “Why?” was pretty much unanimous... for all the blood, sweat and tears we were put through, we were offered a NEW LIFE....a BETTER life that was filled with confidence, discipline, respect, strength, power, and pride! For YOU, I offer this answer to question of ‘why’... If you can commit to my BRB program and stick with it, I PROMISE you that in as little as 12 short weeks, you’ll have absolutely MASTERED your ability to have MORE ENERGY, add YEARS to your life, have BETTER SEX, and have the HOTTEST BODY at your office, school, at the next class or family reunion. I promise you’ll be able to smile with confidence when you put on your bathing suit this summer and you’ll cherish it even more knowing that you dug your heels in and worked HARD for the way you look and feel. You’re gonna LOVE the ‘new and improved’ you! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 18 of 159 Battle Ready Body Introduction Hard Work, Frustration…And Marginal Results! Chances are, the last time you concentrated on losing weight, you probably knocked out countless situps, went on a low calorie or low carb diet, and hit the treadmill like a monkey on waffles. You also probably failed at achieving the body you were shooting for, am I right? Oh sure, in the beginning you may have lost a few inches from around your waist and claimed short term “bragging rights” with your friends that you were able to buy a pair of jeans a size or two smaller. But in the end, most likely the weight loss came to a crashing halt and, in the worst case, you may have actually GAINED weight, scratching your head in confusion and frustration over trying to figure out what it REALLY takes to get lean. Consequently, the average “dieter” gives up after just weeks or perhaps months of hard work with nothing but limited success only to jump right back into these very same methods again and again when the motivation gets high and another “expert” throws a different “secret” at you. And here’s the frustrating part that taunts you like a carrot dangling on the end of a stick… That “next” weight loss program WILL work…but just long enough to give you hope that you’ve finally found the solution…and then dash your dreams against the rocks as you soon see the weight creep back up on the scale. Sound familiar? It’s the same story that’s been told to me countless times by my clients who have tried time and time again to finally blast off those love handles, build a set of “6pack” abs, or simply fit back into their “skinny jeans”. They come crying to me in frustration wondering “What am I doing wrong?” My answer…NOTHING! You’re doing EXACTLY what the book you bought, the article you read, the friend you listened to, Dr. Phil, your family physician, or the misinformed stairstepperpsycho down at your local gym told you to do. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 19 of 159 Battle Ready Body Introduction The problem that I see most of the time ISN’T in your lack of dedication…it’s in the INFORMATION you’re basing your hard work upon! And here’s where I tick off the fat loss “guru’s” out there as I reveal the sad truth behind their “get rich quick”…uh…I mean “burn fat fast” programs… The Fat Loss Industry’s Dirty Little Secret I know it feels great to bask in the glory of the initial pounds you see melting away as you start a new weight loss program. But the reality is that most people trying to lose weight are either just beginning, have taken time off from another program either out of frustration or lack of interest, or they’ve been following a completely LAME program that hasn’t done diddly for challenging their body to burn off unwanted inches to begin with. And the sad fact is that for any of these people, practically ANY diet or exercise regimen will bring “fast results” and start dropping the numbers on the scale…and “info-mercial guru’s” know this. They understand that when you start a new fat loss program or diet, your motivation will be high and the “change” that you put your body through will quickly shed a few pounds…but the effects will ONLY last for a short time. Why? Because your body was genetically designed with a whole series of “biological barriers” with the mission to do one thing…literally STOP you from dropping weight too quickly! Commonly referred to as “plateaus”, your body not only becomes efficient at adapting to the fat blasting tactics you’ve thrown at it...but as soon as your body senses that you’re achieving “rapid results” it brings your progress to a screeching halt as part of a “survival mechanism” put in place eons ago when we were all walking around in nothing but rabbit-skin thongs. But that’s ok…you’ve bought the program on TV…the “guru” made it on Oprah…and when you’re beating yourself over the head trying to figure out WHY you’ve stopped making progress on their now-famous solution, you’ll crawl across broken glass to buy their next book (after all, their first one worked so well for the first 6 weeks, didn’t it?) or sign up for their thousand dollar mentoring © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 20 of 159 Battle Ready Body Introduction program, monthly meal shipments, or other series of back-end products (no pun intended…though it’s a good one!). They’ve sold you on “simple solutions”, packaging up their product as a quick one-size-fits-all, magical discovery that is high on B.S. and short on long term success. But there’s a problem here...and it’s a BIG ONE! The #1 Mistake 99% Of All Fat Loss Programs Make... And How They Make You FATTER! By creating a program for the overweight public that’s focused more on trendy packaging and two-step solutions, the “experts” have literally “set you up” for a frustrating battle that provides you with short term results...and long term FAILURE. We have the “3 Hour Diet”...the “2 Hour Diet”...the “Cave Man Diet”...the “Spartan Diet”...the “Martian Diet”... ...We have “8 Minute Abs”... “7 Minute Abs”... “6 Minute Abs...and I’m sure eventually the “30 Second Abs”. Each month there’s a new and improved “Ab Gadget” marketed on television where you can see hot half-naked fitness models on the beach demonstrating how easy and fun it is to get a washboard midsection by simply spending 10 minutes on a device that looks more like something you’d see in a science fiction movie than use for burning fat. Of course there’s no mention of how to eat mention of how to effectively plan a comprehensive weight loss mention of how to make sure the gadget doesn’t transform into an extra place to hang your clothes in your bedroom 3 weeks later... ...just “push button abs” that are yours for the taking (and 4 monthly payments of just $19.95). But listen very carefully because I’m about to reveal the most important discovery you’ll EVER make about losing body fat...and losing it for GOOD! Are you ready? © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 21 of 159 Battle Ready Body Introduction Ok, here it is... Very order to achieve TRUE weight loss success, regardless of whether you’re trying to lose “the last 10 pounds” or 100+ pounds, you ABSOLUTELY MUST address the entire “chain” of metabolic factors your body has in place that are actually DESIGNED to allow you to burn body fat 24 hours a day! Yes...I’m talking about ALL DAY FAT BURNING...on AUTOPILOT! Sound too good to be true? Well, it’s not...and I’m going to show you how to do it in a way that will make it a relatively thoughtless process that you can follow with ease and not only see FAST results...but LONG TERM SUCCESS! But you MUST first understand that burning fat is about much more than just telling you to “reduce your calories” and “do cardio” as most “fat loss” programs will reduce it to. In fact, I’m going to blow the doors off of some of the myths and knucklehead advice you’ve been force-fed by misinformed “experts” and “fat burning magicians” and back it up with scientific proof in a format that’s easy for you to understand. You see, unlike soldiers who are expected to just “follow orders” without necessarily understanding the “big picture” of the mission, I know that if you understand WHY and HOW your body burns fat as fuel, you’ll be better prepared to commit to a plan that allows you to finally conquer your “enemy” fat stores and reveal the “lean, mean, fighting machine” that lies within you. That means you’ll lose more weight...enjoy the program more...and establish a healthier lifestyle that will help you live life to the fullest. And in this case, I’ve separated my entire fat loss program down into what I call the “8 Battle Ready Body Factors” that absolutely MUST be addressed if you’re ever going to maximize your ability to burn off the body fat. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 22 of 159 Battle Ready Body Introduction By addressing each of these 8 Factors, you’ll be able to create the perfect metabolic environment in you body that will skyrocket your body’s NATURAL fat melting abilities! Imagine being able to FINALLY burn off as much body fat as you want... “Mission Planning” Killer Instinct Military “PT” Stop Dieting! 8 BRB Factors “Chemical Warfare” ...with no more frustrating PLATEAUS! So to get you better acquainted with the program you’ll be heading into “combat” with, let’s begin by taking a closer look at the 8 Battle Ready Body Factors now... Maximum Metabolism Nutritional Fire Power Fat Blasting Hormones FACTOR 1 – “Mission Planning” A Customized Personal Battle Plan For Defeating Body Fat Once And For All! MISSION: Every battle begins with proper "mission planning" and in this chapter, we'll go step-by-step through your very own personal fat-burning plan to set you up for guaranteed success right from the start! You’ll learn tactics such as... How much weight can you realistically expect to lose...and how fast? Lose too much too fast and you're setting yourself up for a bit © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 23 of 159 Battle Ready Body Introduction disappointment... too little and you'll lose interest! I'll tell you exactly how much fat you should be looking at losing to get you off to a right start! The real "truth" about weight loss...and why most "experts" and "fat loss guru's" think you're too stupid to understand (or even care) about whether you're staying "healthy" during your fat loss program. The S.M.A.R.T. method of beginning your weight loss program...that practically guarantees you reach your objective in the time frame YOU set! FACTOR 2 – STOP Dieting! The "Secret" Your Body Is Praying You NEVER Find Out...And How To Trigger NON-STOP Fat Burning! MISSION: It's time to reveal your body's "dirty little secret" that is the REAL reason it's so tough to burn off stubborn, disgusting body fat...and how you can FINALLY ignite a 24/7 firestorm of fat burning that will do all the work for you! Dieting = Restriction + Deprivation + PAIN! No wonder it never works! I'll show you what DOES! Why all the "Simon Says" fat loss gurus are DEAD WRONG about how to "feed" the body to burn through fat! STOP listening to the diet dunces and know that this one single principle I'm going to reveal is the ONLY way you're ever going to fit into your "skinny jeans"! How a military "experiment" revealed the exact combination of factors you need to target in order to burn the fat covering up your abs! With this information, you'll finally know what it takes to target jiggly goo with "sniper-like" precision! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 24 of 159 Battle Ready Body Introduction FACTOR 3 – “Chemical Warfare”! The "Silent War" That's Happening RIGHT NOW In Your Body...And How To Emerge Victorious To Look Better, Feel Better, And LIVE LONGER! MISSION: Grant you access to a Top Secret briefing on the "secret war" that's being fought in your body even as you read these words...and why winning it is the ONLY way you will be able to stay lean and healthy for life...a LONG life! Your body is SCREAMING for "back up" in a silent "war" 99% of people don't even know about! I'll uncover the TRUTH and show you the path to a longer, healthier, leaner life! Could this "secret supplement" hidden in your refrigerator be the key to burning fat and adding YEARS onto your life? It was under your nose the whole time and you NEVER knew it! How to get up to 200% more nutrients from your food and gain the energy of a TEENAGER once again! "Experts" don't like to talk about this topic...but it's time someone did! And that someone is ME! FACTOR 4 – “Nutritional Fire Power” Eating To Burn Fat...Build Muscle... And Generate Endless Energy All Day Long! MISSION: To convince you that food is NOT your matter what misinformed "experts" may tell you! Food is actually your powerful ALLY in the war against the evil blubber that's taken your body hostage...IF you know these healthy guidelines that are simple, easy-to-follow...and DELICIOUS! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 25 of 159 Battle Ready Body Introduction STOP counting calories! I'll show you an simpler, more effective method that will make your nutrition program easy-to-follow, healthier, and literally FORCE your body to burn more fat! How to instantly turn on your body's "fat burning" genes as easy as flipping a light switch...and burn fat all day long! "Take in less calories than you burn off and you'll lose weight", right? WRONG! I'll set the record straight on this outdated fat loss concept...and how to eat more to burn more! "Fat Burning Supplements"! What really works...and what's a waste of time and money! (Hint: The ones that DO work are all CHEAP!) FACTOR 5 – Fat Blasting Hormones! How To NATURALLY Stimulate Your Body's Fat-Burning Hormones (And Skyrocket Your Sex Drive!) MISSION: Hmmmmm...Less fat...leaner, sexier abs...and a BETTER SEX LIFE? Hell yeah! Count me IN! Why your sex drive and your ability to burn fat go hand-in-hand...and how to increase both NATURALLY for a double-barrell shotgun blast of crazy sex hormones AND fat-melting juices! Men...can SEX make you FATTER? YES...but not if you know this one simple "precaution" you absolutely MUST take! (No, it's not a condom and it's not a complicated "sex trick"! It's easy and requires no "effort" at all...but will make a HUGE difference in your ability to burn fat AND increase your sexual libido!) to defeat those cursed "female hormones" that slap flab straight onto your abdomen, hips, butt, and thighs! It's finally time for you © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 26 of 159 Battle Ready Body Introduction to release that lean sexy figure that will make you smile in the mirror...and guys smile as you walk by! FACTOR 6 – Maximum Metabolism Your Body's Fat Burning "Engine"...And How To Rev Up Your Metabolism To Make It Perform Like A Sleek Italian Race Car! MISSION: Reveal the #1 way to literally FORCE your body to feed off of its fat stores day and night...while sending your ENERGY skyrocketing through the roof! How to burn over 300% more body fat...without ANY additional effort! It's true! This is THE #1 secret for burning fat fast and your ticket to effortless weight loss! LIES women are told about their body composition...REVEALED! Simple ways to "exercise" without create a fat burning environment that NEVER STOPS! FACTOR 7 – Military “PT” How To Master The Military's Most Advanced Exercise Program Skyrocket Your Fat Burning In As Little As 45 Minutes A Day - 3 Days A Week! MISSION: Hand you over the U.S. Government's top exercise strategies designed to build lean muscle while burning through body fat at breakneck speed! Quick! This "crash course" in how to tap into the military's most challenging, effective, AND exciting exercise strategies may alone be worth the price of this program! And best of don't even need to leave your home if you wish! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 27 of 159 Battle Ready Body Introduction Your body’s invisible "force field" that shuts down your ability to burn fat during exercise...and how to penetrate it like a Starship Enterprise photon torpedo to FORCE your body to melt away fat without a fight! Weight training? Cardio Training? Which burns fat the fastest? The answers will SHOCK YOU! No gym, no weights, no problem! How to achieve a soldier's body without even the expense of a gym membership! FACTOR 8 – “Killer Instinct”! How To Develop A "Take The Hill" Mind Set That Will Keep You Motivated And Absolutely Destroy Any Obstacles In Your Way To Your New Body! MISSION: Issue you your "war face"...and show you how to use it to intimidate the snot out of fear and self-doubt until it's crying like a baby at your feet! How to unleash your hidden "warrior spirit" deep within you...and make it your secret weapon for defeating self doubt and negativity in their tracks! How to ignite screaming motivation...even at your weakest moments when you don't feel like exercising and the chocolate cake is calling your name! How to develop “positive accountability” to make sure you NEVER let yourself down by “giving up” again! A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Well there you go... ...the ‘8 BRB Factors’ that will end up being you personal weapons in your mission to create the body of your dreams! So if you’re ready, I say we dig into our first BRB Factor now and get this battle started! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 28 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 1 FACTOR 1 – “Mission Planning” You and I are about to set out on a mission together… …and in the military, ALL missions begin with what we call an “Operations Order” (or OPORDER). OPORDERS are extraordinarily detailed plans of how to achieve an objective from start to finish. EVERY SINGLE CRUCIAL QUESTION is addressed to make sure that absolutely NOTHING is left out in how to “defeat the enemy. Mission Planning Killer Instinct Military “PT” It covers such minute details as: Stop Dieting! 8 BRB Factors Maximum Metabolism “Chemical Warfare” Nutritional Fire Power Fat Blasting Hormones Who IS the enemy? WHERE are they? What EQUIPMENT and WEAPONS do they have? WHEN will we attack? HOW will we attack? What will we do AFTER we’ve taken our objective? And trust me, that just a SMALL sampling of what’s covered in these gruelingly detailed sessions that can go on for HOURS until every single Commander and unit leader fully understands their role in the upcoming mission. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 29 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 1 Why so much detail? It’s quite simple… The military understands that without a DETAILED PLAN to take you every step of the way to winning each battle…you’re doomed to FAILURE! You WILL get lost on the way to your objective… You WILL run out of ammunition because you underestimated the number of enemy you would meet… And you WILL lose more soldiers in the battle due to your lack of effective planning! A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Imagine if a Commander simply gave his unit a generic command like, “There are some bad guys out there. Find them and defeat them.” You don’t know where they are, how to get there, or what you’re up against. At the risk of insubordination, that’s pretty useless, right? Well, I’m not going to do that to you. With my Battle Ready Body program, you’ll understand WHY you’re doing what you’re doing, and you’ll be working with a SOLID plan in place. So consider BRB Factor 1 your “Fat Burning Operations Order” as we set out to craft your own PERSONAL mission plan for FINALLY defeating disgusting belly fat once and for all! To accomplish this, I’m NOT going to make you sit through the same level of anal-retentive details I had to in the military. In fact, I’m going to break it down into one easy-to-follow worksheet that will help you DEFINE YOUR OBJECTIVE…and ACCOMPLISH YOUR MISSION! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 30 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 1 But the mission we’ll be planning together won’t be effective if it’s not focused on goals that are S.M.A.R.T. What do I mean by “SMART”? Well, SMART is an acronym I use to help you make sure that your fat loss goal meets certain criteria so that you’re set up for success from Day 1. Let me explain what SMART means and then we can start applying it to your own personal goals, ok? S – Specific Your goals should be VERY specific. Most people set the generic goal of “I want to lose weight.” This is a “moving target” that doesn’t give you a definitive objective to aim for. If you don’t have an EXACT goal in mind, how will you know when you’ve reached it…or if you’re way off base and need to adjust your fat loss program? Instead, start out with something like “I want to lose 15 pounds” or “I want to go down 3 pant sizes.” M = Measurable If you can’t MEASURE your progress toward your goals, then you can’t MANAGE your way to success. You have to identify a way, based upon your own SPECIFIC target that will let you see if you’re doing things right…or if you need to adjust. It may be as simple as weighing yourself to identify if you’re losing weight. Or it may be how well you’re fitting into that old pair of jeans you grew out of if your goal was to go down 3 pant sizes. Whatever your goal, determine how you will be measuring progress on a consistent and accurate basis. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 31 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 1 A = Attainable Setting goals that are too far out of reach leads to disappointment, frustration, and, ultimately…FAILURE! Unfortunately, it’s become all too easy for the average person to set themselves up for failure. Everyday we’re barraged with outlandish claims about miracle diet pills, or by what we see on unreality “reality” shows, where the contestants who see such incredible body transformations are supported by personal trainers and professional chefs. Focus on realistic expectations and form attainable goals so your motivation doesn’t take a nose-dive when you’re not seeing the ultra-rapid progress you want. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... This is SO important! So many of my clients say that the NUMBER ONE reason they feel they haven’t reached their fat loss goal is because they get frustrated with their lack of progress and start getting down on themselves. SELF DOUBT is body fat’s best friend! R = Realistic REALISTIC is similar to ATTAINABLE. But “realistic” doesn’t necessarily mean ”EASY”. Instead, think of it like “do-able”…with a little sweat. If you’re goal is too difficult, you set the stage for failure. If it’s too easy, you’re sending yourself the message that you’re not CAPABLE of great achievements. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 32 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 1 But you ARE capable of great transformations in your weight and your health. I just believe in setting the bar high enough to take pride in those accomplishments you’re about to achieve. T = Timely You need to have a specific start date and time-specific benchmarks along the way. Too many people procrastinate on their fat loss mission to the point where they never even get started. If you’re not willing to start RIGHT NOW…then chances are you’re not serious enough to grit your teeth and work hard when things get tough. I know you know what I’m talking about here… Think of the famous ‘New Year’s Resolution’. It’s so easy to say, ‘I’ll start my diet after the holidays.’…but eventually that becomes, ‘I’ll wait until work settles down’ or ‘I’ll wait until I have more time to join a gym.’ The surest way to NEVER reaching your goals…is to never START them! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 33 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 1 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Now let me give you some GOOD NEWS about your “mission”…it’s already STARTED! We may still be in the “educational” phase with your nose in a book instead of butt in a gym, but trust me…YOU’VE STARTED! This isn’t one of those times you told yourself, “I can’t wait to get started on this…maybe next month when I have more time.” You’re not waiting until next month…not next week…not even TOMORROW! As you read this manual, you’re already making your commitment because you TOOK ACTION! If you got this far in the manual (HELL…just by GETTING this manual!), it’s because you’re finally willing to do what it takes to make THIS time THE time you accomplish your weight loss goal regardless of whether it’s to lose 100 lbs or “the last 10 lbs” to finally see those washboard abs. In Chapter One, I asked everybody to make a commitment, to me, yourself, and your loved ones, that this is going to be the time that you’re finally going to lose the weight. Well grab a pen soldier! It’s time for your PERSONAL OPORDER: Just fill in the following chart according to the instructions that follow it and we’ll test your mission planning abilities… © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 34 of 159 Fat Burning Mission Planning A Enter Your Current Weight: _________ The important thing about weighing yourself is consistency because our weight fluctuates throughout the day. I recommend that you weigh yourself first thing in the morning – before you have a stomach full of breakfast and preferably after you use the bathroom. The more consistent you are with weighing yourself, the more accurate your measurements will be. B Enter Your Desired Weight: _________ Go ahead and dream big here! Write down what you truly, deep in your heart, wish you weighed. C Calculate The Lbs Of Fat You Want To Lose: _________ Formula: Subtract Answer B from Answer A This is the total amount of weight you’re looking to lose. For example, if you currently weigh 200 pounds and you want to weigh 175, then your answer for Section C would be “25”. D DATE You Want To Reach This Weight: ___/___/___ Yes, you’re looking for a SPECIFIC date here! Grab a calendar (go ahead…I’ll wait right here) and choose a date you want to reach that goal that you set in Section B. E # Of Weeks Between Today And That Date: _________ Still have that calendar, right? Ok…go ahead and count the number of WEEKS between NOW and that date and enter it above. Lbs Of FAT Per Week To Lose: F _________ Formula: Divide # of Fat Lbs To Lose (Answer C) by # of Weeks (Answer E) So if it turned out that I wanted to lose 25 pounds and my target date is 3 months away (or 12 weeks), then, doing the math, my goal is to lose about 2 pounds a week. Battle Ready Body Factor 1 Remember…SPECIFICITY is a big component of success and this chart will help you reduce the “war” down into your WEEKLY BATTLES. But even the greatest military commanders wouldn’t stack a 6-man squad up against a 1,000 man battalion and expect them to win. That would be UNREALISTIC, right? So now let’s see if YOUR mission plan is ATTAINABLE and REALISTIC… …and this means we have to answer the question… “Just how much weight can I realistically lose each week?” Well, what I tell my clients is that your “weight loss goal” should be to lose 1 or 2 pounds of fat per week…OR about 1% of your total body weight. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Why the ‘1%’ alternative? Well, basically, the 1-2 lbs figure works if you’re at about 200 lbs or less. But the heavier you are and the more fat you have on your body, the MORE you can realistically lose…so in comes the 1% option. So if you weigh 300 lbs, you could realistically and safely lose about 3 lbs per week. Losing 1-2 lbs per week may not seem like much to you based upon all the glitzy marketing ads you may have seen. But as you’ll learn in the upcoming chapters, trying to lose too much weight too quickly will only lead to problems, both in your level of motivation…AND your HEALTH. So now I ask you to look back at your “Mission Planning” form and see what number YOU entered in Section F. Is that number 1% of your CURRENT total body weight or less? © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 36 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 1 If it is, great! You’re all set to move on! But if it’s HIGHER than 1%, then you need to go back to your form and do a little adjusting. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Now I DON’T want you to adjust your ‘Goal Weight’. That’s ultimately where you want to be and I don’t want you to lower your expectations on the final objective. You WILL get there…but you’ll just need to extend the DATE you arrive. Don’t give up the dream…just be realistic about WHEN you’ll reach it. Measuring Your Progress Ok, so now we’ve hit all of the letters of SMART except for discussing how to MEASURE your progress. And I’m going to keep this simple because there are basically three measurement “tools” I like to incorporate in my program to keep me motivated and tell me whether I’m on track with my training. And these are… 1. The Scale 2. Body Fat Readings 3. “Personal Indicators Of Success” Let me briefly explain how to use each of these the RIGHT WAY to really analyze your progress. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 37 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 1 The SCALE As A Measurement Tool… Weighing yourself on the scale is the most obvious option most people use for their measurement of success. Anyone who’s ever been on a diet is accustomed to the daily scale ritual…and now science has some findings to back the reasons WHY… One long term study looked at the progress of 1,800 adults actively dieting. Over a two year period, they found that the people who weighed themselves DAILY lost TWICE as much weight as those that didn’t. Not a bad return on your investment for 5 seconds of your time every morning, eh? The study demonstrated what I was talking about during the section on S.M.A.R.T goals… When the number on the scale goes down, you get a mini-burst of motivation because you get instant feedback that what you’re doing is WORKING. And what if your weight goes UP? Well, it COULD be an indicator that you’ve slipped some and that’s your opportunity to be a bit more mindful that day of how you eat or maybe decide to schedule an extra training session if you have the time. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 38 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 1 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... In the military, a soldier’s first responsibility for each day is to pull your butt out of bed and show up on time for ‘first formation’ where all soldiers line up to begin the work day. Consider your daily weigh-ins on the scale to be YOUR ‘first formation’ in the morning; your first responsibility for your OWN ‘work day’ to see how you need to adjust your training or dieting for the day to stay on track. Just remember to be CONSISTENT in HOW and WHEN you weigh yourself…first thing in the morning…BEFORE you’ve eaten…and AFTER you’ve used the bathroom. But there ARE some pitfalls to consider when using the scale as a measurement tool. You see, the scale has a way of LYING to you on what is REALLY happening in your body because it doesn’t tell you WHAT weight you’ve lost. Was it body fat? Or are you losing valuable MUSCLE TISSUE? There’s a HUGE difference here. So how can you tell where YOUR losses (or even GAINS) are coming from? The only way to accurately tell is to MEASURE YOUR BODY FAT PERCENTAGE. By calculating your body’s exact breakdown of LEAN MASS versus BODY FAT, you really can get a great inside look at the changes that take place in your body as you progress through the Battle Ready Body program. Let me show you why calculating your body fat percentage is so important… Say I currently weigh 200 pounds and I have a calculated body fat percentage of 20%. That means that 20% of my body weight (or 40 pounds) is all fat. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 39 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 1 Subtract that, and I’m left with 160 pounds of LEAN MASS. Now that’s NOT 160 of MUSCLE… ...but ALSO includes your hair, skin, bones, organs and OTHER body mass exclusive of fat. So your FIRST reading will really only give you a good INITIAL reading of the ratio of lean mass to body fat. But it’s your NEXT readings that will REALLY give you some great feedback. For example, let’s say I take another reading of my weight and my body fat percentage a week later and I STILL weigh 200 lbs. YIKES! You mean I didn’t lose a SINGLE POUND?! Well, let’s look closer by taking my BODY FAT percentage and I see a change from 20% down to 19%. Running my calculations, that would mean that instead of my original 40 lbs of body fat, I now have only 38 lbs…and my LEAN MASS went up to 162 lbs! Since your organs, skin, bones and other “lean” body components don’t really change in size, it’s fair to say that any INCREASES you see in your lean mass pretty much equates to extra muscle you’ve built. So basically, without measuring my body fat percentage and ONLY looking at the scale, it would look like all of my hard work was for NOTHING because my weight didn’t change at all. But NOW, since I took our body fat readings, I REALLY have something to celebrate because in reality I LOST 2 lbs of body fat…and GAINED 2 pounds of MUSCLE! Now THOSE are some GREAT RESULTS! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 40 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 1 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Now you can see why I’ve included both a complete manual on “How To Measure Your Body Fat” as a bonus with the Battle Ready Body program as well as a software package that will not only do all of the calculations for you…but TRACK your progress as well. In my opinion, monitoring your body fat level is the absolute BEST measurement of success in any weight loss program! I also suggest that you pick up an inexpensive set of body fat calipers to get even MORE ACCURATE with your readings, beyond the tape measure method I offer you in your companion manual. You can pick up a set of Accu-Measure body fat calipers from my friend Matt Chalek at My strong recommendation is that you take your body fat measurements every single week, which is the best time frame for an accurate indication of your progress. And the FINAL measurement tool that I find effective is based more on your own PERSONAL weight loss goal. For example, if you’re looking to fit back into your “skinny jeans”, you may want to keep them handy and try them on each week to see just how much easier it is to pull them on. And let’s not forget the popular quest for “6-PACK ABS”! Having a washboard midsection is the “Holy Grail” for most men and let’s face it…what woman ISN’T seeking a flat, toned stomach? If that’s your goal, one way to measure your progress is by simply looking in the mirror. Are you starting to see those little “bumps” in your midsection that signals something may be starting to come through? © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 41 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 1 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... My wife always makes fun of me each spring as I begin to diet down for the summer to see my abs and reach that ‘fitness model’ look because I’m constantly pinching my waist with my thumb and forefinger to take my ‘mental body fat reading’. But for ME, it WORKS because just realizing that I’m pinching less and less fat each day is enough to keep me motivated to continue making the right choices and ultimately reach my goal. So think about your OWN personal “success indicator” to accompany the more “scientific” tools I’ve provided you. In fact, consider this one of your little “homework assignments” before we move into the next BRB Factor. And in addition, I have a few other ASSIGNMENTS for you… Homework Assignment #1: Make it a point (if you haven’t done so already) to take TOMORROW MORNING to record your first SCALE reading and your BODY FAT PERCENTAGE reading and record them in the AGT 5000 software that came as a bonus with this program. If you’re using the manual I provided you for your body fat percentage reading, that may mean that you have to go out and get a simple cloth tape measure you can use to take your measurements. Maybe you don’t even own a bathroom scale? Time to get one! Did you download and install the AGT 5000 software onto your computer? If not, DO IT NOW! Whatever you need to do to prepare for your measurements, let’s get it done. Homework Assignment #2 Break out your camera because it’s time to take a picture of yourself! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 42 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 1 And you know what I’m talking about here so strip on down and slap on your bathing suit so you can REALLY see your body’s “starting point”. I also want you to grab a newspaper (no, not to HIDE behind!) so you know the exact date you started tracking your program. Now remember…this picture is just your STARTING POINT. I realize that taking that picture might not be a whole lot of fun. Most of us hate getting our picture taken, and that’s when we’re FULLY CLOTHED. But believe me…it’s worth it! There will come a time VERY SOON when you will look at that picture and you won’t recognize the person you see. It will be the most powerful testament to your SUCCESS! So take that picture and post it somewhere you will see it each day. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... And it doesn’t need to be where everyone else can see it…as long as YOU can see it! A good example may be a visible place in your underwear drawer (assuming you’re changing your underwear each day ;-) Homework Assignment #3: Print out the “Battle Ready Body Goal Tracker” form you see on the next page. It should look familiar because it’s pretty much the same thing that people use for fundraisers – you know, the bursting thermometers that show how much money they’ve raised. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 43 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 1 When you look at the form, you’ll see two different thermometers. As you progress through the program, you’re going to color them in using two different colors – one for burning fat and one for gaining muscle. Again…post this form where you’ll be able to see it EVERY DAY and be reminded of your progress to stay motivated. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Please take these few short tasks VERY seriously! I know that most of you will be tempted to just keep reading and skip over these few little suggestions. But believe me…take the time to do these short exercises before you proceed and I PROMISE you, you will be MUCH closer to winning than you can imagine. I’ve found that those of my clients who DIDN’T follow through on these simple tasks were NOT fully committed to ACTION. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 44 of 159 The “Battle Ready Fitness Goal Progress Tracker Body” 20 lbs 30 % 15 lbs 25 % 10 lbs 20 % 5 lbs 15 % 10 % Muscle Gain Progress Body Fat % Progress Battle Ready Body Factor 1 Now, one last thing before we move on because I have my own “HIDDEN AGENDA” for MY goals for you as you progress through my program. You see, for ME, the mission I’m about to take you on has a much DEEPER meaning because while you’re losing body fat, you ALSO effortlessly be establishing HEALTHY HABITS at the same time!. I’ve gotta tell you…most people are COMPLETELY missing the boat on the true value of their fitness program. I mean it’s GREAT to have a trim, toned body and it’s a big EGO BOOST to see that you’re turning some heads on the beach. Ultimately, though, when you have a significant amount of weight to lose, it’s about much MORE than just “looking good”. Your HEALTH and overall well-being are at risk! Being overweight takes YEARS off of your life and takes a huge toll on you both PHYSICALLY and EMOTIONALLY. You might even find it affecting your social life, love life, and your own PERSONAL relationship with YOURSELF due to a lack of self-confidence. Losing weight is about feeling great – INSIDE and OUT! So my goal with the Battle Ready Body not just to change your BODY…my goal is to let BRB change your LIFE! The more fat you burn, the more you’ll be able to DO because you’ll have more ENERGY and MOBILITY. You’ll be able to participate in sports and other physical activities you weren’t capable of handling in the past. You’ll release “feel good endorphins” that will course through your veins and make you feel so HAPPY, your friends and co-workers will constantly be wondering what secret you’re keeping that’s responsible for that smile you wear on your face all day long. Yes, if you follow my step-by-step program as I’ve laid it out, you will LOOK GREAT…FEEL GREAT…have MORE ENERGY…BETTER SEX…AND LIVE A LONGER, MORE PRODUCTIVE LIFE! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 46 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 1 MY goal for you is to live life to the fullest…and THAT’S the REAL reason why I created the Battle Ready Body program! A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Ok soldier…the mission has begun! We’ve identified our objective, set a realistic goal, and mapped out our path to get there. And now, over the course of the remaining chapters, I’ll show you EXACTLY how to reach your objective with the most advanced fat burning strategies known to man! Ready to continue? Good! Then let’s move on… © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 47 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 2 BRB FACTOR 2: Stop Dieting! Although you may not look quite as “ogre-like” as your cavedwelling ancestors, the truth is that your body’s ability to store and burn fat was genetically coded into your DNA from the time we were all walking around with spears trying to figure out how to find food...and how to avoid BECOMING food for the predators waiting in the bushes. In fact, the genes in your body that control your fat-burning metabolism have remained virtually IDENTICAL to our early ancestors. Mission Planning Killer Instinct Military “PT” Maximum Metabolism Stop Dieting! 8 BRB Factors “Chemical Warfare” Nutritional Fire Power The only difference is that back Fat Blasting when your Great-(X1,000) Hormones Grandma Took and Grandpa Urok were cave hunting for a nice place in the suburbs (close to the hunting grounds but far away from the tar pits), they didn’t eat processed foods loaded with sugar, sodium, and hydrogenated oils and there were no drivethru Brontosaurus burger joints asking them if they wanted to “super size” anything (and you PROBABLY have a lot less hair on your back than Grandma did…though I’m just guessing). Their diets were high in complex carbohydrates from fresh fruits, vegetables, and roots, to some extent higher in protein whenever they could make a kill, higher in healthy fats from nuts and seeds, and they “exercised” all day long as they hunted and foraged for food…which could become VERY scarce at times. To make sure that our bodies were able to maintain enough energy to travel long distances as well as provide powerful strength for defending against lions, tigers, © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 48 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 2 and bears (oh my!), a series of energy producing systems were put into place, each with its own purpose, advantages, and disadvantages. This can get very detailed and confusing but to simplify things, they look something like this… ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate): ATP is your body’s most readily available fuel source stored directly in the muscle cells. It’s capable of generating a LOT of power, but the main effects only last for about 5-10 seconds. This is the main energy source you use for the first few seconds of any “power” movements such as when you lift a barbell or perform a pushup. The good thing is that ATP is also very quickly re-supplied in the muscle cells. This is why you’re able to get the barbell back off the rack to knock out some more reps even though a minute earlier it was about to come crashing down on your throat as you reached muscular exhaustion. Glycogen Glycogen is a form of sugar stored within your muscles and picks up the slack when your ATP “jumpstart” has exhausted itself. Again, like ATP, it’s VERY easily used by the body but actually lasts much longer at generating energy. Muscle glycogen is your main EXTENDED fuel source for periods of HIGHER INTENSITY activity such as weight training, competitive sports, or even highintensity cardio training. Glycogen has the ability to generate LOTS of power and for much longer than ATP, but it has its limits as well. While your body can store as much as 2-3 hours of glycogen in your muscles, it takes longer to be re-supplied and can actually lead to a loss of valuable muscle mass if not replenished quickly and correctly. Blood Glucose This simple form of sugar floats freely in your bloodstream to be burned quite quickly and be used for replenishing muscle glycogen as well as burned directly for fuel. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 49 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 2 While practically any food can be broken down into blood sugar, large amounts of glucose are generated by ingesting food that is either highly refined (processed) or high in simple sugar content as it is easily absorbed through the stomach wall and transferred directly into the bloodstream for use. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... But we’re NOT talking about a “lot” of sugar here! To give you some perspective, you may be surprised that for a healthy, normal size man, there is typically only about 5 GRAMS of sugar circulating in your blood at any one time. That’s ONLY about as much sugar as in ONE SMALL SUGAR PACKET you find at a restaurant. Too much sugar in your bloodstream is a bad thing and it’s the job or your pancreas to monitor and control blood sugar levels by secreting a hormone called “insulin”. Think of insulin as your transporter hormone responsible for shuttling excess blood sugar to wherever it can to quickly get rid of it. As insulin is secreted, it sends extra glucose to any location it can stick it, focusing mainly on storing it in your muscles (in the form of glycogen) or turning it into fat deposits. The more sugar dumped into your blood, the greater the insulin “spike” is created and the more fat you’re liable to store away. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 50 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 2 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... You may have felt this insulin spike after you’ve eaten a candy bar or drank a sugary soft drink. You suddenly have TONS of energy as the sugar hits your bloodstream and insulin is released…but your energy quickly CRASHES as your blood sugar levels plummet, leaving you feeling drained and empty…and even worse…CRAVING another sugar rush! Body Fat Ok, you already know what it looks like and where it’s located on your body, right? But in fact, there are different TYPES of fat socked away throughout your fleshy real estate and it actually plays an EXTREMELY important role in providing you with energy and in fact…ensuring your very SURVIVAL! You see, although fat takes MUCH longer to break down into a readily available fuel source for your body, it packs a LOT of energy (more than TWICE as much potential energy as ATP and glucose/glycogen!) and because it’s slowly dissolved, can provide a steady stream of low level energy for a very long period of time. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 51 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 2 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Think about it…our ancestors couldn’t just go down to the local grocery, fork over a few shells, and lumber away with a hide full of meat and potatoes. Each day was spent foraging for food, hunting and migrating the plains in search of better living conditions. Though this type of activity didn’t require a lot of fast strength and power, it COULD require a LOT of overall fuel for potentially LONG periods of time with the prospect of scarce meals in between. By slowly dissolving body fat, your body was able to avoid the breakdown of valuable muscle for energy, saving it for when you may need super-caveman strength while wrestling a fellow tribesman for mating rights with the tribal hottie! So what does this mean to you? Well here’s the kicker… You see, it may surprise you to realize that your body fat was actually DESIGNED to be your PRIMARY source of fuel for ALL of your LOW INTENSITY activities! In fact, your BODY FAT is capable of providing as much as 80% of your energy needs! In other words, your genetic makeup is geared toward BURNING FAT while you sit at your desk, watch television, sleep, and even for performing biological functions such as breathing, digesting your food, and building and maintaining muscle tissue! This is GREAT NEWS for those people looking to lose weight because armed with this knowledge and the fat loss strategies I’m about to reveal to you, you can literally BURN FAT ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT! But first, here’s a quick bird’s eye view of your body’s energy production system to keep in mind as we further discuss how to manipulate these systems to force © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 52 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 2 your body to increase its dependence upon fat for fuel while avoiding the breakdown of muscle tissue for fuel. ATP Generates LOTS of fast energy Duration: 5-10 seconds Primary initial fuel source for high intensity workload while glucose/glycogen are being extracted Blood Glucose/ Muscle Glycogen Generates LOTS of fast energy Duration: Up to 2-3 hours Primary duration fuel source for high intensity workload such as strength training Body Fat Oxidation Capable of providing LOTS of energy but is slowly metabolized over a longer period of time Primary fuel source for low intensity activity and long duration exercise A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... But now, this is where things REALLY get interesting because I’m sure you’re wondering…if my body was created to burn fat ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT, WHY the hell don’t I see it simply sliding off my body as I’m changing the channel on the remote control?! Great question! Here’s why… © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 53 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 2 The Number One Reason Why Your Body Fights You Tooth And Nail At Burning Fat... Although your body is capable of easily burning fat, it only does so under very SPECIFIC conditions. Unfortunately, while our genetic DNA has remained the same since the dawn of time, our environment, diet, and physical activity has changed so drastically that our bodies RARELY function at optimum levels to allow our NATURAL fat-burning abilities to take over. Here’s what I mean… As I stated earlier, during any LOW INTENSITY activity during the day, about 80% of the energy used comes from the breakdown of body fat for fuel (actually called “lyposis”). The remaining 20% of your energy is supplied by a combination of your other fuel sources, mostly simple free-floating blood glucose and, to a much lesser degree, muscle glycogen. But don’t forget…this rule was engineered at the dawn of early civilization and based upon the foods that were readily available at the time and different activity levels. So skip ahead a few million years and with “civilized progress” came harvested grains, Twinkies, pizza, candy bars and processed foods such as white breads, crackers, instant mashed potatoes…and the list goes on. And now, instead of passing the day hunting and foraging for food, we’ve taken desk jobs and rely on the convenience of drive thru meals and handy supermarkets for a ready supply of sustenance. In contrast to the natural foods our bodies are designed to process such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains, the processed foods that are now so readily available break down VERY quickly in the stomach and the resulting sugar is absorbed directly into the bloodstream. Since your body has to do SOMETHING with this flood of sugar, it chooses to use it as THE primary source of immediate energy (INSTEAD of body fat!) But this also sends a distress signal to your pancreas to pump out insulin at breakneck speed in order to bring the excess sugar levels down fast. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 54 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 2 And as we now know, the excess sugar that your body didn’t burn off in time gets shuttled to your muscles in the form of glycogen. BUT…if the “no vacancy” sign is up and you already have ample glycogen storage, the easiest thing to do with the extra glucose is to turn it into fat…and there is ALWAYS enough storage space for more fat on your long as you can keep buying bigger pants. So in essence, the result is a virtual flip-flop of the “80-20” rule where we’ve now attempted to force our bodies to submit to a scenario where it uses only about 20% of our energy from body fat and 80% from the non-stop glucose stampede we generate from the “modern” diets we’ve grown accustomed to. So here’s the bottom line when it comes to fat loss… You will NEVER lose that unwanted body fat until you can ALLOW your body to live off of its own fat stores for fuel…as it was DESIGNED to do in the first place! A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... So all of those programs that offer you the “eat what you want just take in less calories” or “swallow this pill and carbs and fat won’t end up around your waist” solution aren’t doing a damn thing for you but reinforcing the misguided notion that you can somehow change your biological structure that has taken MILLIONS of years to develop. To quote an old margarine commercial…”It’s not nice to fool with Mother Nature!” Why “Dieting” Isn’t The Answer To Fat Loss So now that you understand that the key to fast, permanent fat loss is to switch your body’s “fuel source” options, you’ll probably want to know HOW to do that, am I right? © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 55 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 2 Well, ask a million fat loss guru’s and you’ll get a million answers. The majority of publications that have fueled a multi-billion dollar industry attempt to introduce a “miracle diet” that will hit the New York Times Best Seller List at breakneck speed, secure a guest spot on Oprah, and become the next “Hollywood” trend responsible for transforming some starlet from flabby to “hot” just in time for her role as the sexy co-star in some spy movie. Many “experts” and doctors, knowing that a majority of the population don’t want to do any more work than they have to, will simply reduce fat loss down to “reducing calories” and then package it up with a catchy name for instant superstardom. But there are several reasons why I’m not a big fan of “dieting” through calorie restriction in order to burn off unwanted fat. To start, one of the most common reasons people give up on a fat loss program that incorporates “dieting” is the vast amount of “work” that goes into counting calories, measuring out food, and having to add up every gram of protein, carbohydrates, and fat that goes into your body. I’m not saying that there isn’t value in it or that you shouldn’t do it…just that it becomes so overwhelming to most people that they begin to associate weight loss with the “pain” and monotony of being anal-retentive with their diet program. As far as I’m concerned, if you’re not the “Type-A” personality that just loves to go psycho with weighing out all of your food and eating with a calculator in your hand, you’re better off not even trying to count calories. You’ll most likely end up quitting and gaining back any weight you’ve lost. Besides, there is research that supports it may not be as necessary as you were once told anyway! Let me explain… Remember when I told you that there are actually a few different TYPES of fat in your body? Well, here they are… 1. Visceral Fat is the fat that’s stored inside your belly behind the abdominal wall. It’s the kind of fat that compiles the hard “pot belly” that heavy beerdrinkers are known for and is a large factor in heart disease. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 56 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 2 2. Intramuscular Fat is actually stored within your muscles and provides the first source of “fat fuel” your muscles call upon when sustained energy is needed. You see this same kind of fat when you examine the fat “marbling” in the steak you purchase at your supermarket. 3. And finally, Subcutaneous Fat is what you know as the ugly glop that lies in between your muscles and skin, concealing those washboard abs you’re on a quest to reveal. THIS is the fat we’re all trying to target to look great! Well, as it turns out, not every type of fat in your body is targeted the same way in order to see a reduction. While it was always thought that “dieting” via calorie restriction was important to see a loss of subcutaneous fat, there’s more to the story than was originally thought. In one study, researchers compared the effects of a calorie restricted diet combined with 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity with a second group that made NO calorie restrictions to their diet but included the same exercise program but with MORE FREQUENT sessions. These two groups were again compared with a “control” group that made no caloric changes and had no increase in physical activity. Here’s how the groups were laid out… Group 1 Group 2 ”Control Group” TWO 30-Min exercise sessions/week @ 50-60% max heart rate FOUR 30-Min exercise sessions/week @ 50-60% max heart rate NO exercise Dietary intake reduced by 250 calories/day NO dietary calorie reduction (equal to about 500 total calorie deficit/day) (equal to about 500 total calorie deficit/day) NO daily calorie reduction (aka – the “Slackers”) Note that the total calorie deficit for Group 1 and Group 2 were the same, the only difference being that Group 1 accomplished this mainly through dieting and exercise and Group 2 achieved a deficit through exercise alone. And at the end of the 3 month study, here is where each group ended up… © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 57 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 2 Group 1 Group 2 ”Control Group” Total body fat mass decreased. Total body fat mass decreased. Significant decrease in Visceral Fat Significant decrease in Visceral Fat NO CHANGES in total body fat mass, Subcutaneous Fat, or Visceral Fat No significant decrease in Subcutaneous Fat SIGNIFICANT decrease in Subcutaneous Fat (No surprises there, right?) This study suggests that reduction of VISCERAL FAT is related solely to a calorie deficit, either through diet alone or diet combined with exercise. That’s great news for Chicago Bears fans looking to get rid of the post-season “beer belly” that’s threatening them with a heart attack. But when it comes to getting rid of the layers of fat hiding your abs and caked on your thighs, EXERCISE is what is truly needed to see a noticeable drop in SUBCUTANEOUS FAT…NOT dietary calorie reduction. And researchers also noted that the MORE frequent the exercise, the more subcutaneous fat was burned off, slaying the notion that a quick walk around the block is all you need to start melting fat off your body. So now hopefully you can see that if you’ve tried simply “dieting” in the past by reducing calories, you initially saw a reduction in your waistline and in the numbers on the scale, but once you had made a dent in your VISCERAL FAT stores, your actual waist-weight didn’t budge very much. But it can get even worse for those of you who took things to even more DRASTIC measures and cut your calories to a minimum… With a steep REDUCTION in caloric intake (and especially if you also INCREASED your physical activity through exercise), the body translates this into “starvation” and in its own defense, goes into “fat sparing” mode effectively limiting the amount of fat that can be utilized for fuel. And since muscle requires more energy for the body to maintain than fat, it will instead break down muscle cells at a faster rate in order to supply the energy you need throughout the day. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 58 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 2 In short, dieters often LOSE muscle mass and mistake this as “weight loss”. When it comes to burning body fat fast, drastically reducing your calories is NOT the answer! In fact, for a majority of my clients who undertake my natural bodybuilding program, Optimum Anabolics (, they actually end up INCREASING their calorie intake, but end up building muscle and BURNING off fat VERY quickly! The bottom line? If you want to burn away subcutaneous fat while preserving or even BUILDING muscle, you’re going to need to COMBINE a diet and exercise program that makes you SWEAT...and backs it up with sensible dieting solutions that are easy to follow and don’t leave you eating tree bark and carrots 6 times a day! Unfortunately, most fat loss programs stop right there by giving you ONLY a “diet” program or at best, a diet and EXERCISE program. As you’ve heard me say countless times now, there are FAR MORE factors at play here than just how many calories you take in and how hard you train in the gym. In order for you to see the kind of results I’m promising, you have to look at other areas and functions of the body and reassess how you support those areas so they can do their job and HELP you accomplish your weight loss goal. But unfortunately, not ALL of your body is structured to help you…and in some cases, you have “evil forces” at work AGAINST you. So grab your weapon because I’m taking you behind enemy lines to a “SILENT BATTLE” that is being waged RIGHT NOW in your body… …and show you how to gain the upper hand to be VICTORIOUS! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 59 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 3 BRB Factor 3: “Chemical Warfare” There are about 30 to 50 trillion cells in the human body and every single day, you exchange about 300 billion of them through a constant process of shedding, excreting, dissolving, and rebuilding. In fact, did you know that our skin is replaced every 2 WEEKS… Mission Planning Killer Instinct Military “PT” Stop Dieting! 8 BRB Factors “Chemical Warfare” …our blood supply is replaced every 3 MONTHS… …and we basically have an entirely NEW BODY every 6 MONTHS? Maximize Metabolism Nutritional Fire Power Fat Blasting Hormones I know it’s strange to think of your body as a giant construction project that keeps the crews busy 24 hours a day, your entire life…but that’s EXACTLY what it is. And more importantly for you, ALL of these new cells are being built with “materials” that you’ve supplied with the FOODS you eat, the LIQUIDS you drink, and are affected by the ENVIRONMENT you live in. With that in mind, if you were to take a 6 month snapshot of the quality of building materials you’ve supplied to build the body you now have, how would it look? Are YOUR cells built from quality nutrients and working like a finely tuned engine? Or are they comprised of pizza, Big Macs, potato chips, and soft drinks? © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 60 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 3 Do you smoke? Drink too much alcohol? Is your idea of exercise, doing “finger presses” on your TV’s remote control? If you’re eating poorly, not exercising effectively, and are surrounded by environmental hazards, your cells aren’t developing correctly and poorly developed cells are complete “slackers” when it comes time for them to take part in the work we have in store for them in the Battle Ready Body program. You see, poorly BUILT cells lead to poorly FUNCTIONING cells and if your cells aren’t working at optimum levels, then they tend to get sluggish, slow down the fat burning process, and even go so far as to STORE MORE FAT! In other words, if we don’t get your cells working at their peak levels, we’re going to have a VERY hard time stripping that fat off your body. Unfortunately, how well your cells are optimized for burning fat and carrying out all of your other bodily functions relies on more than just how many Twinkies you’ve had in the past six months. Everyone knows that we humans have not been so kind to Mother Earth over the past few hundred years…and in the process, not so good to OURSELVES either. Every year, BILLIONS of pounds of chemicals are released into the air, soil, and surface waters. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Ok, stick with me…I’m about to go all ‘TREE-HUGGER’ on you! In fact, I almost didn’t even WRITE this chapter for the BRB program because I felt it would simply label me as some crackpot hippie and you wouldn’t take it very seriously anyway. But the way I see it is that as a fitness consultant and nutritionist, I have a RESPONSIBILITY to at least SHARE this information with you and let you decide whether to incorporate it into your own wellness program or not. But if you’ll hear me out and make it to the end of this chapter, I PROMISE you this section really DOES play an important role in your ability to BURN FAT and I’ll do my best to avoid turning it into a Greenpeace recruitment ad. Deal? © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 61 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 3 These pollutants impair our ability to grow food and ultimately wind up on our dinner tables and in the water we drink. In addition to pollution, we’ve created a food preparation and distribution process that over-refines the basic raw ingredients the Earth supplies for us and strips away a good portion of the vital nutrients our bodies need to properly function, rebuild our cells, and keep us lean and healthy. Pesticides meant to allow us to grow MORE food, are sneaking into our cells to poison us as we munch away unaware. Yes, a “silent war” using toxic weapons is happening right under our noses and in our bodies because it’s largely been kept SECRET from us. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Hey…what you don’t know won’t hurt you, right? WRONG! The choices you make about the food you consume are entirely up to you and I believe everyone has to make that choice for themselves. But I ALSO believe you should make an EDUCATED choice based upon all the FACTS. Wouldn’t you agree? You may not SEE the effects of these toxins on your body because they may act slowly and subtly (which is why I call it a “silent war”)…but they’re there and a very REAL threat we’ll have to deal with more and more in the future. But I didn’t write this book to prophesize the end of world (honest!)…and I guess it’s time to bring this back to what it all has to do with YOU and your quest to strip off the body fat, right? Ok, remember those 30-50 trillion cells you have buzzing around in your body? © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 62 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 3 Well as your body is constantly shedding and rebuilding NEW cells at a rate of 300 billion a day, the toxins present in our food, water, and environment are creating SUB-STANDARD CELLS that aren’t structured to work as well as they could. And since FAT BURNING happens at a CELLULAR level, if you’re working with “slacker” cells, then it’s going to be MUCH harder to get them to maximize their natural fat-burning abilities! But don’t worry…all is not lost! I promised you SOLUTIONS and there IS a lot you can do and if you’ll give a few of these a try, I guarantee you’ll FEEL like a new person…because you will BE a new person…LITERALLY! A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Think about it… If you have a new body every 6 months made up entirely of the food you eat and how well you’re treating your body, all we have to do is make a few small changes and you can DRAMATICALLY change your structure and cellular function As you regenerate those 300 billion new cells each day, you’ll be trading in the old ‘slackers’ for younger, healthier ‘studs’ until you have a completely new Army of 30-50 trillion little ‘fatburning’ warriors working their little butts off at working you big butt off. Yes, you will literally REVERSE the CELLULAR DAMAGE that is keeping you from LOOKING and FEELING the best you can! So let’s get to work on your “new body” by looking at some areas where small changes can lead to BIG payoffs… Choose “Living Food” Is your food “alive”? © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 63 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 3 No, I’m not saying it should be squirming on your plate...I mean does it contain the vital “life force” it’s meant to have and contain its full nutrient-packed potential? You don’t need to have psychic powers or connect with the universe to understand what I mean here. Just think of the difference between a fresh green bean picked from a garden versus the green pile of gloppy beans you pour out of a can off the store shelves. Even if you don’t have the ability to run this “test” on your table, imagine it in your MIND. I’ll bet that you can intuitively see the difference between the two versions of the same vegetable, can’t you? As a basic rule, the more PROCESSED and REFINED a food is from its initial source, the more “life” is taken out of it and the less NATURAL nutrients it contains. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Another good example is the typical breakfast cereal. Many cereals are ARTIFICIALLY fortified with additional vitamins and minerals because they HAVE to be! They’ve been stripped of their NATURAL healthy qualities and to make up then boosted up with additives in an attempt to make them APPEAR good for you again. Does that sound just a bit strange to you? I mean, is “Fortified With 8 Essential Vitamins & Minerals” supposed to be a POSITIVE quality in my cereal? It’s sure been MARKETED that way, hasn’t it? But things didn’t always used to be this way... © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 64 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 3 It wasn’t until the late 1940’s that North American farming began using toxic chemicals to get rid of pests and weeds to yield more crops...and it WORKED! While farmers in 1926 could produce 26 bushels of corn from an acre of land, in 1996, it had gone up to 127 BUSHELS...but not without a price. Insects and weeds began to become resistant to the chemicals and even MORE POWERFUL toxins were needed to keep up the pace. Unfortunately, many of these new chemicals didn’t discriminate in what they destroyed and began killing off the nutrients in the soil as well as contaminating drinking water sources with the runoff. In the end, we’ve sacrificed QUALITY for QUANTITY and the foods that now make it to our markets are less nutritional and tainted with residual chemicals that would scare the hell out of you if knew what it was. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Are you ready to stick your head in the sand and look the other way yet? I know this is strong information to share with you (I warned you, didn’t I?) but make no mistake...your HEALTH pays the price for these choices and so does your WAISTLINE. You may see this as “scare tactics” and it may even downright piss you off that I’m standing on my soap box preaching away about such a liberal topic as food quality. But remember...this program is all about providing you with information that will help you establish HEALTHY HABITS while burning away body fat, right? I’ll keep going if you’re willing to listen... The same comparisons can be viewed in other foods we consume. When you think about a wild-caught salmon, fresh out of the Pacific waters versus a salmon that was hatched and then jam-packed into cement ponds © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 65 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 3 barely able to move among the thousands of other salmon all searching the scummy waters for their daily feed of fish pellets, which would YOU think would be better for your body? Or how about the free-range cow grazing on real grass and natural feed compared with the one stuffed into a small cage intentionally restricted and fed grains meant to get it as fat as possible to yield as much as 30% more meat? Not QUALITY meat...just MORE meat! A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Looking at just ONE example... Grass-fed, free-range beef contains natural sources of healthy Omega 3 fats and conjugated linoleic acid while mass-produced cattle is packed with UNHEALTHY saturated fat and virtually stripped of its HEALTHY 3’s and CLA! Now, I don’t bring this up to turn you into a vegetarian (though if you walked through any of these meat plants, I’m sure you’d be inches away from growing your hair long and joining campaigns to save the whales)...but rather to illustrate just how we’ve become used to accepting mass-produced foods as a “normal diet”...and how we’re all paying the price in our waistlines AND our medical bills! Yes, this is about MORE than the “ethical treatment of animals and celery”... The more “life force” we take out of our food, the less life we OURSELVES actually have...both in QUALITY and LONGEVITY. One way you can fight back for the sake of your body is to opt for ORGANIC products whenever possible and wherever available. While it’s still being argued whether organically grown foods contain more NUTRITION, I think it’s more important to realize that through the use of natural farming methods, you end up consuming FAR LESS toxic chemicals and support healthy, natural cellular function. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 66 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 3 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... If you’ve ever checked the prices of organic produce lately, you may get sticker shock. While prices are continuously coming down as more and more farmers answer the demand, there may be some great options for you... “Farmers Markets” are making a comeback and you may find one in your area where local organic farmers may bring their harvest for you to buy. Also, talk with your grocer about adding more choices to their list of foods since they may mistakenly feel that no one is interested in them unless someone speaks up. And finally, check and see if there are any local “food co-ops” where you can buy bulk organics and other natural foods while saving by ordering as part of the larger co-op group. Can’t find one? Organize one! It’s not that difficult to do and you can find several online that will help you become “point person” for your own grassroots organic movement! Eat “Functional Fats” Fat intake has received a pretty bad rap over the years but the fact is that “FAT” makes up the actual STRUCTURE of your brains, eyes, adrenal glands, and the membranes that protect every single cell in your body. They’re like your inner “knights in shining armor” protecting your cells and if you have poor quality fat intake, you have poor armor plating around your cells. As you know, poorly protected cells equals poor cellular performance...poor health...and bigger pant sizes! By consuming what I call “FUNCTIONAL FATS” (like Omega 3’s and 6’s and monounsaturated sources), the cells you regenerate are built STRONGER and better support ALL of your cellular functions...including jacking up your FAT BURNING efforts! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 67 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 3 In fact, it may surprise you to know that since your body has a USE for certain fats in rebuilding and repairing your cells (which is why I call them “functional”), it’s actually much more difficult for you to “get fat” from eating these types of fats and can actually help STIMULATE the use of body fat for fuel! We’ll discuss these “functional” cellular construction workers a bit more in the Battle Ready Body Nutrition Plan...but just know for now that when it comes to cellular health, consuming the right KINDS of fats is extremely important. Increase Your Fiber Intake (aka – the BRB “Poopy Principles”) Right this minute there are potentially several POUNDS of rotting, decaying sludge just sitting around in your body, silently leaking toxic waste into areas you would least expect. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Now how’s THAT for an opener, eh? You wanted ‘FAST WEIGHT LOSS’, right? Well, I’m about to show you the quickest, easiest way to drop 5 – 10 pounds in the next week, live longer, have more energy and do it all while scratching your head wondering what the hell has been going on inside your body all these years? Hope you haven’t just eaten...because we’re about to take a noholds-barred ride inside your internal plumbing that will open up more than your eyes... While a conversation about your colon and digestive system isn’t as “sexy” as talking about doing 1,000 crunches for 6-pack abs, I can assure you that it is VERY relevant to burning fat and let me just chime in for all you young guys out there who feel this may be a section only for Grandma and Grandpa... ...if you follow this principle it will even help you BUILD MORE MUSCLE and BURN FAT FASTER! Do I have your attention now? © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 68 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 3 Ok, then let’s get back in our time machines and travel back about 6 million years ago or so when our bodies were evolving. Because our hunting skills weren’t quite up to the level of justifying circulation of Field & Stream magazine back in our caveman days, our bodies developed a DIGESTIVE SYSTEM that was based upon our primary diet of vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts. This type of a diet is LOADED with health promoting “fiber”. Fiber is the part of plants that doesn’t dissolve or digest away and gives “bulk” to the digested matter so your intestines can move your meals from one end of your body out the other end. In very basic terms, without fiber, your intestines don’t have anything to “push” against and it has a hard time moving it through you body as it’s being broken down and digested. While fruits and vegetables contain a LOT of fiber, meat generally contains no fiber at all. Even WITH meat consumption, including fiber in a meal will help mix in with the meat and give your digestive tract something to grab onto and push along quite quickly. Now back in our caveman days, our diet consisted of a daily intake of about 100 GRAMS of fiber every single day! But let’s now look at our modern diet... Now, instead of hunting for the occasional game we could roast over the fire, we only have to hunt for the best VALUE of ground beef at the local grocery to spread over our nachos! I even know people who are so reliant on meat as their main food source that they turn their faces quickly away from even the SIGHT of vegetables as if they were Dracula facing a necklace of garlic! And since meat doesn’t contain the valuable fiber your body needs to move it quickly through all 25 feet of your intestines and colon, it just kind of mopes along slowly as it rots away in the hot, moist environment of your digestive tract. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 69 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 3 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... I know it’s not a pretty picture, but can you imagine what a slab of steak would look and smell like after a week of sitting inside a plastic bag in the sun the whole time? Can you imagine opening up that bag and seeing and smelling the putrid remains? Well THAT is what’s happening in your body when you have a diet that is HIGH in meat and LOW in fiber. But wait...I’m afraid it gets WORSE! As the food in your digestive system sits there and rots away, it releases even MORE toxins into your body. And your body MUST find a way to deal with these foreign invaders so it basically has developed a way to ENCAPSILATE these toxins in a small sac that it tries to absorb into the intestinal wall, essentially sealing them away so they can’t do any harm. Unfortunately, these small sacs can only do so much and since the toxins inside continue to fester, these little bubbles of waste continue to leak into your body and bloodstream and can develop into intestinal polyps and cancers. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 70 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 3 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... If you doubt that what I’m telling you is true, let me share this simple comparison with you... While our BODIES are generally the same SIZE as a lion’s, it’s obvious that our DIETS are drastically DIFFERENT since lions only eat MEAT. But looking at our digestive systems, WE have an intestinal tract that’s about 25 feet long which enabled us to keep food in our systems long enough to get what we need from the nutrients and then easily kick it out the backdoor. But since MEAT doesn’t contain fiber, a LION’S digestive tract is actually less than HALF of a human’s so its non-fibrous diet could be more easily removed from its system. That should give you a clear indication that our bodies are not MEANT to live on a mostly MEAT diet and MUST have fiber to keep us healthy! Ok, I know that some of you are probably dismissing all of this as nothing but uneducated “scare tactics”, right? I mean just how BAD can it be? Well, here are some estimates from the medical community... If you have ONE bowel movement a day, it’s estimated that you have about 1.5 pounds of fecal matter in your intestines and colon. Not too bad...but there are MANY people who DON’T “go number 2” every day! So it’s estimated that if you have a bowel movement EVERY 2 DAYS...then you have about 9 POUNDS of fecal matter sitting inside of you. Yikes! That’s a lot of $#&%! But get this... © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 71 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 3 If you’re one of those people who only have a bowel movement once every 5 DAYS (yes, they’re out there!) could have up to 14.5 POUNDS of rotting matter in your system! So how can you get rid of all this dangerous material in your intestines? The answer is as simple as adding more FIBER to your diet to help push your food through at a normal pace and not let it sit around causing you problems such as diarrhea, constipation, colitis, irritable bowel, or a host of other digestive problems. Fortunately for you, the BRB Diet that I’ll be going over in the next section is already designed to help you in this task WITHOUT you even having to think about it. Convenient, eh? But if you’re looking for an ADVANCED way to clean out the old pipes, then I have another suggestion for you... PSYLLIUM (in the form of husks, powder or seeds) is an inexpensive plant fiber supplement you can buy at any health food store, online, or even at a lot of local groceries (I recommend buying it in its raw form, preferably as powder or husks). It is usually the main ingredient in over-the-counter fiber supplements because in contains as much as 71 GRAMS of fiber per 1/3 cup (compared with just 5 grams of fiber for oat bran) and is a powerful ally in not only your “war on fat”...but ALSO in removing toxic waste buildup in your body. You see, once consumed, the psyllium absorbs liquid and GREATLY increases in size. Since this fiber DOESN’T digest, it marches right through your intestines like a blue-collar clean-up crew, clearing out all that rotting waste while absorbing harmful toxins. But it gets even better... Remember those small pockets of festering waste material that were absorbed into your intestinal wall as a defense mechanism to isolate harmful toxins? © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 72 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 3 Well, as the psyllium pushes its way through your intestines, it slightly STRETCHES them, opening up those small cavities of rotted waste and sucks away the buildup like a Hoover vacuum! A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... One word of caution here... Unless you like the feeling of a massive boulder making it’s way through your narrow intestinal tract, DON’T take too much psyllium at one time and make sure to EASE your way into usage if you’ve never used it before. To use psyllium correctly, start with 1 – 2 teaspoons a day (once in the morning and once in the afternoon) added to some water, juice, or your protein shake. Drink it QUICKLY because it will begin to bulk up not long after it hits liquid. Then IMMEDIATELY drink at least 8 ounces of water...and keep drinking plenty of water throughout the day. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... This is VERY important! If you don’t drink enough water, the psyllium can cause cramps, bloating, and constipation as it absorbs water from your body. But again...water consumption is something I’ve already built into the BRB program so you won’t have to worry about it. I cover this in the next section in detail. Once you’ve seen that your body can take up to 2 teaspoons a day, you can test going up to 1 Tablespoon twice a day to see if this brings you better regularity with your bowel movements. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 73 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 3 And for those of you who think you’re “too young” for psyllium and this method is JUST for crotchety old grannies to go with their prune juice, I have some news you can use... By cleaning out your intestines, you will ALSO absorb more of the NUTRIENTS from your food...have MORE ENERGY...LOWER BLOOD SUGAR which results in less fat storage...and you’ll even BOOST the power of your other SUPPLEMENTS through increased absorption and usage! A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Plus, when it comes to weight loss...well...let’s just say that you’re going to drop quite a few pounds in the first week or so...and I’m NOT talking about just FAT (if you know what I mean)! But you’ll be grateful to know that we’re about to switch topics entirely because I have an even MORE IMPORTANT topic to discuss with you... PH Balancing: Is YOUR Body A Walking Battery? I’m going to talk to you about something that even most fitness and health experts don’t know about...but it’s probably one of the most important things you can do to live a LONGER, HEALTHIER life...AND burn more body fat. I’m talking about your body’s ACIDITY LEVEL of its “pH”. I’ll try to break this down with as little scientific mumbo-jumbo as possible... Your body is made up of about 70% water that it uses for all kinds of biological processes that are essential for survival. That water inside you can either be ACIDIC or ALKALINE based upon its scientific rating on the “pH” SCALE (pH stands for “Potential Hydrogen”, but no need to memorize it...there won’t be a test.) The LOWER the pH number on the scale, the more ACIDIC something is....the HIGHER the rating, the more ALKALINE. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 74 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 3 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... To make these properties clearer, when you think of “ACIDIC”, think of battery acid which, if you dropped in onto your skin, it would burn away at the flesh. But if something is too ALKALINE, it can be just as damaging so the best pH zone is in between these two extremes, which is where WATER’S pH is located as it is NEUTRAL. Because your body is mostly water, your personal PH level has an IMMENSE effect on your total body chemistry, health, and even your ability to burn fat. Let me explain why... Every regulatory function of your body, including breathing, hormone production, and digestion works together to maintain a healthy pH balance. Even your CELLULAR FUNCTION is highly dependent upon, and instrumental in REGULATION of your body’s systemic pH. It’s natural for your body to see small fluctuations throughout the day in your pH levels based upon the food you eat, amount of fluid you get and other factors. But your body doesn’t tolerate EXTENDED periods of time in EITHER an acidic OR an alkaline state. If your body’s pH stays either too ACIDIC or too ALKALINE, then basically your cells become POISONED by their own toxic waste and DIE OFF from the inside out! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 75 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 3 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... See...I TOLD YOU this was serious! A simple example to help illustrate how this works is to look at the effects of ACID RAIN on our environment. Acid rain happens when pollutants are released into the air and become part of the atmosphere and that moisture is then transformed from being a NEUTRAL pH to being ACIDIC. When the resulting acid rain falls on forests, it seeps into the ground and the trees soak up the water through their roots. Trees have evolved, just like we have, to have a neutral pH so when they soak up acidic water, it LITERALLY starts DISSOLVING the tree... KILLING IT from the inside out. This is the same thing that happens to our bodies...if we are TOO ACIDIC for TOO LONG...our cells are literally being POISONED! Some medical scientists are even starting to think that the pH levels in your body are a major cause of all degenerative diseases...including CANCER and HEART DISEASE! So what does this have to do with BURNING FAT? Well, when your body is in an extended acidic state, it triggers the production of INSULIN which, as you now know, transforms calories into BODY FAT as a defense mechanism. The longer and more acidic you are...the more insulin is released...and the more FAT that will get slapped on your hips, butt, thighs, and abs. This is often one of the main reasons why people find it so hard to push past weight loss plateaus and scratch their heads wondering what they’re doing wrong. You can do all you can with your training and your diet, but balancing out your pH levels is a critical factor in permanent weight loss. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 76 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 3 So now the question is...”How do I know my pH levels are ACIDIC?” The short answer...YOU ARE! Nearly EVERYONE is! Most of the foods we’re eating (like pasta, meat, coffee, and rice) are very, very acidic foods, so you can see once again that the diet we’ve become accustomed to actually works AGAINST our efforts to lose weight and stay healthy. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... When I first tested my own acidity levels, I was AMAZED at just how acidic I was! I mean, I was like a walking Duracell BATTERY! So, again, how do you tell if you’re acidic or not? The easiest way is to buy a “pH Test Strip Kit just like the ones you used back in high school chemistry class. You can find these at any medical supply store and even some pharmacies. Basically, you have a long piece of paper and on the end is a little test strip, almost like a pregnancy test. Performing the test is easy... When you FIRST get up in the morning and BEFORE you eat or drink anything, urinate on this test strip (just make sure it’s your FIRST urination of the day). The kit will come with a little color scale and you then compare the color of the test strip with the colors on the scale to find out your body’s pH level. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 77 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 3 Once you’ve determined if you’re body is acidic or not (again...I practically GUARANTEE you’ll be surprised at how far your system is out of balance!), the next step is to bring your pH levels back to “normal” so you can not only beat back your waistline...but ALSO have the piece of mind that you’re taking an important step in living a LONGER, HEALTHIER life. How can you bring back some BALANCE to your body’s pH levels? Fortunately, there are a number of simple things you can do to change it. First, realize that your pH level is largely based on your DIET. Because the BRB Nutritional Plan is already geared more toward ALKALINE qualities (which is the “arch nemesis” of ACID), you won’t have to think much about how to adjust your diet. Just follow the guidelines and this will help bring your body back to a more NEUTRAL state. However, to better illustrate just how much your diet influences pH, I’ve also included a little cheat sheet with a list of pH balancing food choices. You’ll see that the foods range from high, medium, and low levels of ACIDITY as well as the same for ALKALINE properties. Your goal is to aim for a diet that’s 75% alkaline and 25% acidic. The more acidic your system CURRENTLY is...the more ALKALINE you want to make your diet until you can bring yourself back to normal levels. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 78 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 3 Acid/Alkaline Qualities Of Common Foods Category Fruits High Acid Medium Acid Meats Beef, Pork, Shellfish Eggs/Dairy Cheese, Custard, Homogenized Milk, Ice Cream Grains/Cereals Wheat, White Flour, Pastries, Pasta Potatoes (without skins), Pinto Beans, Navy Beans, Lima Beans Cooked Spinach, Kidney Beans, String Beans Turkey, Chicken, Lamb Venison, Liver, Cold Water Fish Poached Eggs, Butter, Yogurt, Buttermilk, Cottage Cheese White Rice, Mana Bread, Corn, Sprouted/Whole Buckwheat, Wheat Bread, Oats, Rye Brown Rice Raw Milk, Casein Protein Nuts/Seeds Misc. Liquor, Beer, Soft Drinks NutraSweet, Equal, Aspartame, Sweet 'N Low Peanuts, Walnuts Chocolate Oranges, Bananas, Cherries, Pineapple, Peaches, Avocados Medium High Alkaline Alkaline Dates, Figs, Lemons, Melons, Watermelon, Grapes, Limes, Papaya, Kiwi, Grapefruit, Berries, Mangoes, Apples, Pears, Papayas Raisins Carrots, Tomatoes, Okra, Squash, Asparagus, Fresh Corn, Green Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Beets, Celery, Vegetable Cabbage, Lettuce, Juices, Peas, Potato Zucchini, Parsley, Raw Skins, Olives, Sweet Potato, Spinach, Soybeans, Carob Broccoli, Garlic Tofu Soy Cheese, Soy Milk, Goat Whey Protein Milk, Goat Isolate Cheese, Whey Quinoa, Millet, Wild Rice Corn Oil, Canola Oil Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Coconut Oil Flax Seed Oil Coffee, Wine Tea, Cocoa Ginger Tea Green Tea Herb Teas, Lemon Water White Sugar, Brown Sugar Processed Honey Raw Honey, Raw Sugar (Sucanut), Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Sesame Seeds, Chestnuts Maple Syrup, Rice Syrup, Molasses Stevia Oils Sweeteners Low Alkaline Sour Blueberries, Plums, Cherries, Cranberries, Prunes, Processed Fruit Rhubarb, Sweetened Fruit Juice Juices Canned Fruit Vegetables Beans/Legumes Beverages Low Acid Pecans, Cashews, Pistachios, Almonds Jam, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Margarine, Lard Mustard, and Vinegar © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 79 of 159 Baking Soda Battle Ready Body Factor 3 Another way to balance out your body’s pH levels is through SUPPLEMENTATION, though it may not be necessary unless you find that your system is VERY acidic, like under a pH reading of your day’s first urine that is UNDER 6.0. And get this... There’s actually a powerful supplement you probably already have sitting in your refrigerator that you didn’t even know was there...and it literally costs only PENNIES! It’s just plain old BAKING SODA! The fancy name for the white powder that keeps your butter from tasting like your onions is SODIUM BICARBONATE and it’s an EXTREMELY alkaline solution. When it’s in your body, it neutralizes the acidic environment and quickly brings it back to a balanced level. If you find that your body is just under a pH reading of 6.0, then I recommend you take one gram (about ¼ teaspoon) of baking soda per day If you’re REALLY acidic (like a reading of 5.5 or less), you can take up to four grams of baking soda each day (or 1 teaspoon) but just make sure you spread it out over the course of the day. I do want to mention that there’s a debate over whether sodium bicarbonate provides too much sodium to your body if you’re one of those people who has to watch your salt intake. If you’re concerned about high blood pressure or have other health concerns related to sodium intake, then another alternative is to use POTASSIUM BICARBONATE. Potassium bicarbonate is used in the making of wine and is available from any local or online “home wine-making” store. I actually prefer to use potassium bicarbonate because I find it to be a valuable supplement for more than just pH balancing and it aids in providing you with more energy to exercise as well as offering other health benefits. Dosage is the same for potassium bicarbonate if you opt for this instead of sodium bicarbonate. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 80 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 4 Factor 4: Nutritional Fire Power Is it just a coincidence that the first three letters of the word “diet” are D-I-E? Mission Planning I don’t think so! This is how MOST people who are trying to lose weight think of it. Just saying the words, “I’m on a diet.” can bring up some VERY negative mental messages because it calls to mind words such as “STARVING”... ”DEPRIVATION”... ”HUNGER”... “MISERY”. But don’t worry... My Battle Ready Body Nutrition Program will show you just how EASY it is to EAT RIGHT, FEEL BETTER, BURN FAT...and do it all WITHOUT counting a single calorie OR starving yourself! Killer Instinct Military “PT” Stop Dieting! 8 BRB Factors Maximum Metabolism “Chemical Warfare” Nutritional Fire Power Fat Blasting Hormones But make no mistake...WHAT and HOW you eat really IS 80% of the battle when it comes to burning off body fat. While EXERCISE is a CRUCIAL component of the weight loss equation, the fact is you can train like a Navy SEAL for an hour every day... ...but if you spend the remaining 23 hours UNDOING what you've done in the gym, your physical efforts will be POINTLESS. On the other hand, even if you SKIP the gym and don't perform ANY exercise, you COULD still slim down to the point you’d look like a Yogi sitting on a mountain top. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 81 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 4 You’d most likely lose a TON of MUSCLE along the way and you certainly wouldn’t look your “best”...but it’s possible to accomplish. Unfortunately, HOW to eat in order to burn fat is a source of serious FRUSTRATION for most people...and I’m going to cut you some slack a bit here because...’s NOT all your fault! The fact is that our food decisions have largely been based on flawed recommendations by government agencies such as the USDA which, since the early 1990’s, has been promoting diets LOW in FAT and HIGH in STARCHES in the commonly recognized “Food Pyramid” that you see below: Put on a pedestal as the “ideal healthy diet”, the Food Pyramid was taught in schools, snatched up by every available magazine, ad agency, and doctor’s office, and magically showed up on cereal boxes and food labels. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 82 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 4 Unfortunately, the USDA forgot to consult with the International Association of Cave-Dwelling Ancestors because if they HAD, they would have come up with an ENTIRELY different pyramid. I mean, since our ancestors DIDN’T have access to grains in our diets, why would we now be recommended to eat 6-11 SERVINGS every single day? The answer is actually quite simple... These recommendations didn't come from sound science, but instead were largely based upon back room lobbying by the food industry – the farmers, dairy conglomerates, cattle and poultry traders, and other industry groups with a vested financial interest – who helped convince the government of a nutritional plan for citizens that magically coincided with using THEIR products as the foundation of their diet. This isn't a wild conspiracy's a proven FACT. And now that we’ve had enough time to gather some hard evidence on the “healthy diet” we’ve all been following, the numbers are finally in... ...and they DON’T look good! In the last 40 years, carbohydrate intake in the United States has increased by about 33% annually, and it SKYROCKETED in the early 1990s when the federal government came out with the food pyramid. And guess what...since that time, the OBESITY RATE HAS DOUBLED! In addition, we’ve become a “value” oriented society that thrives on all-you-caneat-buffets, giant restaurant portions, “super-sized” fast food combos, and warehouse grocery stores where we can pick up bags of potato chips the size of Australia. No longer do we have to worry about not having ENOUGH food. Instead, we have to worry about having access to TOO MUCH of the WRONG KINDS of food! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 83 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 4 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... But hey...we CAN’T say that we haven’t been TRYING to reverse the weight gain crisis. We’ve seen diet after diet emerge as “THE ANSWER” to our problems... ...low carb...low fat...grapefruit...this beach...that beach... So while we get an “A” for EFFORT...why are we still FAILING as a society to turn back the momentum of our waistlines? Make no’s a WAR out there and you’re battling against the late night food commercials, grocery store marketing tricks, and the daily onslaught of “opportunities” to eat guided by smells of cinnamon buns floating through the air. And I realize that it’s VERY confusing to try and sift through the HUNDREDS of FAD DIETS that are out there, calling your name from the shelves of the book store to the late night info-mercials. So let me help you cut through all the clutter, by mapping out my SIMPLE yet POWERFUL set of strategies! It’s all covered in your companion guide you received with this program, the Battle Ready Body Nutrition Program! When you’re ready, that manual will provide you with all you need to know about how to become MASTER of your daily eating plan in a way that will make LOSING weight as EASY as it was to GAIN it! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 84 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 4 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Ok, this is the right time to pull out the special Guide that came with this program called the Battle Ready Body Nutrition Program. Please do this BEFORE you move on! The information in that Guide is SO IMPORTANT that it deserved to be given its own printing. So please go there now and read through this comprehensive plan for how you’ll be eating during the Battle Ready Body program. Once you’ve accomplished this, the remainder of the chapters will make a LOT more sense to you. Read The Battle Ready Body Nutrition Program NOW Before Moving On To The Next Section! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 85 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 5 BRB Factor 5: Fat Blasting Hormones Let me start off by admitting to you that I’m NOT an endocrinologist nor do I play one on TV. Mission Planning And it’s NOT necessary for YOU to become one either. But let me state right now that unless you address your HORMONES as a factor in weight loss, you’re absolutely doomed to failure! Killer Instinct Military “PT” Stop Dieting! 8 BRB Factors “Chemical Warfare” It CANNOT be left out...PERIOD! Yet so many “experts” don’t even COVER the importance your body’s chemical makeup has on HOW it produces fat, WHY it produces fat, and how it influences HOW MUCH fat you have...and these “experts” are doing you a disservice. Maximum Metabolism Nutritional Fire Power Fat Blasting Hormones So my goal is to keep this section as simple as possible while providing you with some powerful tips that are based upon sound research. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 86 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 5 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... You see, whether we’re SKINNY or FAT comes down to MUCH more than just how much we exercise or what and how much we eat. Hormone balances play a very big role in our ability to stay lean and healthy. So understanding HOW these hormones work FOR us or AGAINST us, we can get better control over our waistlines. On a very basic level, the main contributors to hormone functioning (aside from medical disorders that affect the endocrine system or major changes such as pregnancy) are DIET, LEVEL OF ACTIVITY, STRESS, and AGE. And unfortunately, there isn’t much we can do about the last one. Natural decreases in hormone production occur in women usually between the ages of 35-45 and in men between 45-60 and include such symptoms as weight gain, difficulty sleeping, depression, anxiety, fatigue, hot flashes, night sweats, and memory loss. But the good news is that by addressing the OTHER three factors, you can look and feel a whole lot younger than your actual age AND use your hormones to your advantage in blasting away the body fat! And THAT’S what I want to tackle right now by taking you through my simple 3 STEP PROCESS that will package everything up quite nicely without you having to apply for med school... Step 1: Support Hormone Synchronicity You actually have a number of little “hormone factories” located all around your body and they all work together in a finely coordinated effort to keep you functioning at peak levels. When humming along, all of these chemicals function to make sure that your WEIGHT is in check, you FEEL “alive” and “alert”, you have a great SEX DRIVE, and you just generally have a “HAPPY” feeling. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 87 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 5 But when factors either INCREASE or DECREASE specific hormones, the ENTIRE SYSTEM is affected. Hormonal imbalances then lead to FATIGUE, loss of MUSCLE, lack of SLEEP, lack of ENERGY, loss of SEX DRIVE...and WEIGHT GAIN! A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Your hormones’ interdependence on one another is the reason why you can’t just slap in a “replacement” hormone and expect wonders. For example, anabolic steroids will increase estrogen or Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for women affect so many OTHER areas that if your other hormones AREN’T kept in balance, there can be devastating results! Bottom line...all the diet programs and exercise in the world won’t do you a damn bit of good if you don’t balance out your hormones...period! And here’s how to do it... Because your endocrine system is comprised of several different “factories” and all are dependent upon one another, you’ll need to address different areas in different ways. However, all of your hormonal outposts are commanded by a main “commander” known as your PINEAL GLAND, a tiny pea-sized blip of a gland in your brain. Now in the military, you always have commanders and then you have the noncommissioned officers. The commanders (like Lieutenants, Captains, and Generals) are the “college boys” who make the overall decisions and don’t get their hands too dirty. The “non-coms” are the Sergeants who make sure the mission plans get accomplished. (In other words, we’re the ones with our boots on the ground and our fingers on the trigger.) Well, think of the Pineal Gland as the “General” of your body’s endocrine system. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 88 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 5 And its “Head Sergeant” is a hormone called MELATONIN. Melatonin is the MASTER HORMONE that regulates your natural release of ALL other hormones and everything from your SLEEP CYCLES, MENSTRUAL CYCLES, SEXUAL INTEREST, and the production of ESTROGEN and TESTOSTERONE. Unfortunately, our natural melatonin levels begin to DECREASE as we get older and they really start to take a NOSEDIVE around the age of 30. So the FIRST STEP in synchronizing your hormones is to ENSURE PROPER MELATONIN LEVELS so the REST of your system can respond to the other elements you’ll be addressing. How do you do that? TWO ways... First...making sure you get a good night’s sleep is CRUCIAL to helping you maintain naturally balanced levels of melatonin. And I do mean “NIGHT’S” sleep. Since melatonin is ACTIVATED by the retina’s perception of light and your body bases its secretion level largely upon the time of day, then you want to try to sleep at NIGHT. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 89 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 5 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... This is why “graveyard shift” workers are at such RISK. Their jobs actually work AGAINST their body’s natural hormone schedule and the disruption in melatonin can have a horrible cascading effect on all the other hormones and lead to problems with sexual function and weight gain! If you DO work late night hours, be sure to keep the room you sleep in VERY DARK so no sunlight can enter your bedroom to signal your brain that it should be AWAKE. This same thing applies even to those of us who CAN sleep at want to close your blinds and keep out as much light as possible if you have streetlights or lighted signs that shine in through your windows. The other way to effectively increase natural melatonin levels is though SUPPLEMENTATION. Supplemental melatonin is very cheap and works WONDERS at helping you properly regulate your hormones. With proper hormone regulation, both MEN and WOMEN will see a resulting natural balance of both estrogen and testosterone and healthy thyroid function. This is a MUST for anyone over the age of 30 and I use a chart provided to me by my friend Dr. Michael Colgan of The Colgan Institute for the proper dosage: Melatonin Supplementation Guide Age Male Female 25-30 1.5-3.0 mg .25-1.0 mg 30-40 2.0-5.0 mg .5-3.0 mg 40-50 2.5-7.5 mg 1.0-4.0 mg 50-60 3.0-9.0 mg 2.0-5.0 mg © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 90 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 5 Simply take the recommended dosage about 30 minutes BEFORE going to sleep or as directed on the bottle’s instructions. Step 2: Avoid Adrenal Exhaustion By Limiting Stress Your adrenal glands sit right above your kidneys and are one of your “hormone factories” that produce ADRENALINE, DEHYDROEPIANDROSTERONE (DHEA), and CORTISOL and are also key in the production of TESTOSTERONE and ESTROGEN. CORTISOL is your body’s “stress hormone” and is your natural response to the “fight or flight” syndrome. But cortisol ALSO triggers fat storage! Chronic stress and high insulin levels INCREASE cortisol levels which DECREASES DHEA and sends a signal to fat cells to store MORE fat. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... And get this... Fat cells in your ABDOMEN have 4 TIMES the cortisol receptors of your other “trouble spots” so it’s natural that this is a likely area to gain weight. DHEA is the base material for the creation of TESTOSTERONE and ESTROGEN and natural levels rapidly decline from the age of 25 on. SUPPLEMENTING with DHEA is a powerful ANTI-AGING approach but it may not be available in some countries without a prescription. It doesn’t take that much...25 mg is an “average” dose. ADRENALINE output increases the amount of “catecholamine” hormones (epinephrine & norepinephrine) which help to BREAK DOWN your fat cells by doing two things: © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 91 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 5 They BIND to fat cell receptors to break down fat for fuel AND they ALSO work to PREVENT fat cell formation. Basically then, they act as the doormen who decide who COMES and who GOES PAST the “velvet rope”. Unfortunately, the more fat you HAVE on your body, the less fat is allowed to LEAVE, so the more weight you have, the harder it will be INITIALLY to lose it. EXERCISE and REDUCING STRESS are the BIGGEST FACTORS in supporting healthy adrenaline and catecholamine output for continued fat burning. High levels of stress, lack of sleep, and age all affect adrenal function and can lead to OVER-PRODUCTION of the stress hormone CORTISOL and UNDERPRODUCTION of your “VITALITY” hormones such as DHEA, TESTOSTERONE, and ESTROGEN. This is why so many men and women see a reduction in sex drive when they are under stress like from a job, money worries, marital problems, etc. Testosterone and Estrogen production will follow with the healthy function of your adrenal glands as they’re created in the testes and the ovaries. Just reducing the amount of stress in your life can have a HUGE effect on your ability to stay FIT, stay LEAN, stay HAPPY, and have MORE and BETTER SEX. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... In fact, one study showed that when test subjects used NATURAL techniques to eliminate negative thought patterns and felt “happy”...they showed a 23% REDUCTION in cortisol levels... ...and a 100% INCREASE in DHEA levels! So here’s what I want you to do... © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 92 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 5 Identify the major STRESSORS in your life and write them down vertically on a sheet of paper. Then I want you to brainstorm for EACH stressor listed just ONE THING, that IF you did it on an IMMEDIATE and CONSISTENT basis, it would have the most DRAMATIC impact on erasing that stress from your life. Have a job or boss that you HATE?! Perhaps it’s time to get out from under the horrible impact it has on your life and clean up your resume to begin searching for something that will make you happier! Like your job but feeling “OVERWORKED”? When was the last time you took a REAL that didn’t mean getting to other chores around the house or simply staying at home to watch re-runs on TV? Maybe it’s time to see a travel agent and find a nice getaway where you can escape for a while and recover your hormonal health! Even if these aren’t options for you, sometimes reducing your stress is as easy as simply committing to some “alone time” to read a book on the weekends or taking up a class you’ve always been interested in like cooking, yoga, or bullriding. Whatever you identify on the list, set your priority...and TAKE ACTION! A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... And here’s some GOOD NEWS for you... EXERCISE will NATURALLY reduce stress levels AND trigger the release of two of your “happy hormones”: SERATONIN and ENDORPHINS that can give you a general “feel good” attitude and slap a smile on your face. AND...the longer you exercise OVER TIME, the longer these chemicals stay at NATURALLY ELEVATED LEVELS! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 93 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 5 Step 3: Control Insulin INSULIN is a hormone secreted by the pancreas whose role is to regulate the amount of SUGAR floating around in your blood. After a high sugar or a large meal when you have more sugar in your blood, Insulin stimulates the cells to take in more glucose and use it to produce energy INSTEAD of being stored as fat. The larger the meal, or the more processed foods you consume, the more you tax the insulin system. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Remember, our bodies weren’t designed to handle processed foods so we’re not set up to sustain a heavy dependence on insulin. Over time, an unhealthy diet of sugar and highly processed foods can overburden your pancreas and you’ll secrete more and more insulin. This is often called “insulin resistance” because that “shut off” signal gets silenced and besides excessive fat storage, it can also lead to diabetes, one of the biggest killers known to mankind! From a “fat loss” perspective, without controlling your insulin levels, your body will simply use the ongoing flood of sugar as fuel and never have a REASON to ever tap into your fat storage as it was designed to do. So YOUR goal is to keep insulin levels STEADY and not SPIKE them by eating a lot of processed, high-glycemic foods. The only exception, as we covered in the BRB Nutrition Plan, is IMMEDIATELY after your training session when your body will use the insulin and glucose to help your muscles repair themselves. Remember...this a PRIME OPPORTUNITY when insulin can actually be very helpful as it helps you build muscle and burn fat while naturally increasing your sex hormones. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 94 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 5 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Again, fortunately, the factors already built into BRB Daily Diet Guide will take care of this problem since eating six smaller meals a day and maintaining a low-glycemic diet will stabilize your insulin levels automatically. Step 4: Naturally Elevate Your “Youth” and “Sex” Hormones What do I mean by your “YOUTH” and “SEX” hormones? Well these are the hormones that everyone is most familiar with and really trying to elevate like Growth Hormone, Testosterone, and Estrogen. GROWTH HORMONE (GH) is secreted by the anterior lobe of your pituitary gland in your brain and stimulates MUSCLE development while INCREASING the usage of BODY FAT for fuel. It’s also one of the MAIN hormones that helps us feel “youthful” and its production is DRASTICALLY reduced as we get older. TESTOSTERONE is the hormone that makes us men “MEN” but is important in both males AND females for building and maintaining muscle, increasing your metabolism, and maintaining a healthy libido. It’s made in the TESTES in men and also produced in the OVARIES in women. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 95 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 5 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Now women only have about 1/10th the amount of testosterone in their bodies which is why they don’t walk around with a full grown beard. But even at such a low level, testosterone still plays a role in your sex drive, ability to burn fat, and even the intensity of your orgasms. So DON’T think this is a topic for men only. Like Growth Hormone, TESTOSTERONE also DECLINES with age...and so do the positive effects of it. As for ESTROGEN, the most active form in women, 17 beta estradiol, actually INCREASES the breakdown of fat stores to be used for fuel, increases your METABOLISM, helps you feel “HAPPY”, and increases your SEX DRIVE. But again, like the other hormones, estrogen begins to DECLINE in women as they near menopause and while some women turn to Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), this can be VERY disrupting to the body. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Oh, and guys... the same advice goes for US when it comes to ESTROGEN as it did with testosterone for women... While you may think of ESTROGEN as simply a “woman’s” hormone, the fact is that us dudes ALSO have it coursing through our veins! But, like women and testosterone, men don’t need to worry about too much estrogen in their bodies except to understand that the more BODY FAT you have...the more ESTROGEN you WILL produce! This is why men often develop “man boobs” as they increase in weight. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 96 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 5 Fortunately there ARE more “NATURAL” ways to balance out these hormones and that’s what we’re going to learn to do right now... And fortunately (once again), ALL of the hormones we’ve just talked about are NATURALLY addressed simply by following the Battle Ready Body program so you don’t have to “think” too much about how you balance these out! Just follow along step-by-step and the 8 BRB Factors will take care of naturally increasing your GROWTH HORMONE, TESTOSTERONE, and ESTROGEN both men AND women! For example... During EXERCISE, especially the type of exercise I’ll be taking you through in the BRB Training Program, your pituitary gland responds with a BURST of GROWTH HORMONE to help your body get ready for recovery and growth mode. Growth hormone is HIGHEST during exercise when your blood sugar is LOW and amino acids are HIGH and it’s at its LOWEST when blood sugar is HIGH. So this all points back to the need to train on an “empty stomach” by exercising about 2-3 HOURS after your last meal and avoiding HIGH GLYCEMIC foods prior to training. One other factor you should be aware of is that your LARGEST burst of GH occurs about 30-60 minutes AFTER you fall asleep so you want to make sure you DO get enough sleep and you’re sleeping in an environment that allows you to sleep deeply. And here’s some good news for women... Young women actually secrete about TWICE as much GROWH HORMONE as men and when they exercise, it peaks much quicker and easier. TESTOSTERONE also increases in BOTH men and women starting about 20 minutes into your exercise session. And it CONTINUES to remain high for up to 3 hours AFTER you workout, pushing on that muscle-building/fat burning process. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 97 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 5 These increases are also naturally elevated as you CONTINUE staying true to your ongoing exercise program as your body senses the “need” for continued heightened levels. And finally...ESTROGEN levels in women also INCREASE SIGNIFICANTLY during exercise...can last for up to another 4 HOURS AFTER EXERCISE...and remain naturally elevated ongoing BECAUSE of your dedication to a continued exercise program! A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... There are a lot more factors involved but just suffice it to say that following both the NUTRITIONAL and EXERCISE guidelines in the BRB PROGRAM will work for you without you even having to “think” about it. And hopefully you can now see yet one more reason why following a diet WITHOUT an exercise component is also a sure-fire way to fail! Step 5: Conquer Cravings There’s one other hormone I want to touch on because so many of the people I talk to and the clients I’ve worked with comment on how hard a time they have with FOOD CRAVINGS. One of the reasons for this could be blamed on a hormone called LEPTIN. Leptin is a hormone produced BY our fat cells and one of its roles is to actually REGULATE bodyweight by sending a message to the brain that you’re feeling “FULL”. Another job of leptin is to INCREASE your body’s ability to BURN FAT. All sounds good, right? Well unfortunately, the LESS body fat you have, the less LEPTIN you produce which is why so many people feel much HUNGRIER as they begin to lose weight. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 98 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 5 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... It really sucks that the leaner you get, the harder it can become! This is also why those “last 10 pounds” can be so MADDENING to lose. Now there are TWO WAYS you can help defeat this imbalance... First, you’ll want to make sure that you’re following Rule #6 in the BRB Daily Diet Guide by consuming six smaller meals throughout the day. Remember, I DON’T want you to feel hungry during the BRB program and if you’re following that guideline, you won’t need to worry about gnawing cravings because you’ll be feeding your body throughout the day...only you’ll be doing it with HEALTHY food rather than binge foods. Second, another main reason why leptin can become a problem is due to a rampant ZINC DEFICIENCY in our population. In fact, ZINC SUPPLEMENTATION has been shown to INCREASE leptin levels by as much as 142%! I HIGHLY recommend supplementing with about 15-25 mg of ZINC PICOLINATE to maintain proper leptin levels. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 99 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 6 BRB Factor 6: Maximizing Your Metabolism It’s great to hit the gym like a madman and leave your fat cells littering the floor for housekeeping to take care of...but that’s only about 1 hour out of the day! Mission Planning Killer Instinct That leaves you with a whole 23 other hours to SCREW EVERYTHING UP! But...what if you could EXTEND your fat burning efforts far BEYOND the work you do in the gym...and BURN FAT ALL DAY LONG? Military “PT” Stop Dieting! 8 BRB Factors Maximum Metabolism Well you can! “Chemical Warfare” Nutritional Fire Power Fat Blasting Hormones In fact, your body is burning body fat RIGHT NOW if you remember our little history lesson dating back to tar pits, volcanoes, and pterodactyls! And the SPEED at which your body burns fat while resting is commonly referred to as your RESTING METABOLISM. Now your PERSONAL metabolism is based largely upon your GENETICS and your AGE. There’s not much you can do about these two factors obviously. But fortunately, there ARE other factors that determine how efficiently you burn fat while outside the gym and THAT’S where you’re REALLY going to see some © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 100 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 6 serious results because this will literally crank up your body’s ability to burn MASSIVE amounts of fat 24 HOURS A DAY! A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Ok, another analogy here... Think of it like your car’s engine. Your metabolism is like your car’s idle speed when you’re just sitting there parked (most cars have a gauge that tells you the idle speed or “RPM’s”). If you were to ADJUST your car’s idle speed so the RPM’s were higher, you would burn through fuel at a FASTER rate. Well that’s what YOUR goal is as adjust your BODY’S “RPM’s” so you burn more FAT for fuel all day long...even when you’re “parked” on the couch! And the secret to jacking up your body’s metabolism is to focus on your MUSCLES! You see, your body’s MUSCLE is like your “fat burning engine” because MUCLE requires more “effort” from your body to build and maintain and that “effort” equates to burned calories. So put simply...the more MUSCLE you have on your body, the more FAT you’re going to burn in order to maintain that muscle. The best way to do that is by incorporating STRENGTH TRAINING (also called “resistance training”) as one of the CORE elements of your exercise program. Now I know this flies in the face of some of the more TRADITIONAL thinking out there. It’s long been thought that if you want to BUILD “lift weights” - and if you want to BURN do “aerobics”. And there’s some TRUTH to that when it comes to the actual TIME in the gym because as you now know, LOW-INTENSITY training (like jogging in the “fat- © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 101 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 6 burning zone”) DOES use primarily BODY FAT for fuel and WEIGHT TRAINING DOES use mostly muscle GLYCOGEN for fuel to tap into the power you need to lift the weights. But to take advantage of an “ALL DAY FAT BURN”, the key is to increase the amount of LEAN MUSCLE MASS you have on your body so you can REALLY rev up your engine and incinerate some flab! A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... This is one of the reasons why WOMEN have a harder time than MEN at keeping off the weight. Men NATURALLY have MORE MUSCLE on their bodies which allows us to burn more calories throughout the day. And let me just let all you women out there know right now... You DON’T need to be concerned that the BRB Training Program is going to turn you into some muscle-bound genetic freak of nature with a caveman-like forehead and an Adam’s apple! Your female hormones won’t allow that to happen to you, ok? So the next question is... “How MUCH fat can you burn off by focusing on increasing lean muscle mass?” Well, there are different opinions on just how many calories you’ll burn as a result of adding more muscle. I’ve seen everything up to 60 calories per day for each pound of muscle, but most of the research I’ve seen has a relatively conservative estimate of about 14 calories per day for EVERY pound of muscle you have on your body. Now compare that with just 4 calories per day burned by your body fat and you can see that for every pound of muscle you build, you have over 300% MORE FAT-BURNING POTENTIAL...without even lifting a finger! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 102 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 6 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... What does that mean over time? Well, we know that if you have a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories, this is equal to one pound of fat lost, right? So let’s say through the BRB PROGRAM, you’re able to add an extra 5 lbs of muscle (to be conservative). That would equate to a total LOSS of a little over 7 POUNDS per year...without ANY additional effort! Add 10 lbs...that’s 14 EXTRA pounds of fat lost over the year. See how powerful this can be? But we’re not done yet... As you already know, eating smaller meals 6 times a day not only keeps your blood sugar levels stabilized and keeps your insulin levels low, but just DIGESTING your food requires energy so MORE MEALS equals an even HIGHER metabolism. But we’re not done yet... The TYPE of food you eat is also a major factor in how well your metabolism burns fat. Remember the ‘thermic” effect of food from your BRB Nutrition Plan? As a refresher, this refers to the amount of energy your body uses to chew, swallow, digest, and transport your food through your body. But not all foods require the same amount of energy. Processing protein requires about 30 percent of the calories you burn so if you consume 100 calories, you’ll spend about 30 of those calories in the entire digestion process. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 103 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 6 Carbs are next but are largely dependent upon their fiber content and their glycemic index levels. Averages have them at about 7-15% calorie burn. And finally, dietary fat accounts for only about 2 or 3 % of a calorie burn. Now you see ANOTHER reason why PROTEIN is so important to the BRB Nutrition Plan. Yes, protein BUILDS MUSCLE...but it ALSO jacks up your metabolism higher than ANY other food source. And here’s where things REALLY get interesting... When you exercise, especially the way I’m going to show you, you INCREASE the “thermic effect” of your meals even FURTHER because your muscles are HUNGRY! And since they’re in “building mode”, the entire metabolic process it takes to BUILD and MAINTAIN that NEW muscle burns even MORE calories! Oh, and remember from the BRB Daily Diet Plan that you’ll be taking in eight 16oz glasses of water a day, right? Well drinking water does more than just quench your thirst and help defend against ALSO speeds up your METABOLISM! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 104 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 6 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... One German study found that drinking two cups of cold water on an empty stomach increases metabolic rate by 30% for about 90 minutes. One third of that metabolic boost came from the effort needed to warm the water...and the other two thirds was due to the body’s work to ABSORB it and this process uses primarily BODY FAT as fuel. Here are the numbers... Drinking room-temperature water can burn about 32 calories per glass— but you burn 50 CALORIES per glass for ICED water. Given these guidelines, that would give you an extra 400 CALORIES burned EVERY DAY as you meet your eight 16-oz glass requirement! And finally, let’s talk about your EXERCISE PROGRAM... There’s an old U.S. Army commercial that stated “We do more before 6 am than most people do all day!” And that’s pretty much true! First “formation” in the morning was typically anywhere from 5am to 6am when we were expected to be all suited up for our daily physical exercise program. One of the reasons for this was to make sure that we actually DID exercise that day BEFORE we became too busy to fit it in. But one of the OTHER reasons is that it was a way to KICKSTART our metabolism first thing in the morning so we could get all those fat-burning hormones coursing through our veins and rev up our metabolic engine to burn off body fat the remainder of the day. So if you’re at all ABLE to train early in the morning...DO IT! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 105 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 6 It’s one of the most powerful ways to increase you body’s metabolism both IN and OUTSIDE the gym! A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Hopefully now you can now see how just a few small changes made to the other 23 hours you spend outside of your actual physical training program can play a HUGE factor in how MUCH weight you can lose and how FAST! These changes are so important that most of the ones I’ve covered were actually PART of the military’s fitness, nutrition, and training program so that soldiers didn’t even have to THINK about it. And THAT is what I’ve worked hard to accomplish with my Battle Ready Body Program as make burning off body fat as SIMPLE and NATURAL a process for you that required as little effort and thought as possible! It’s time you discover just how EASY it really can be to stay healthy, lean, and fit! But I’m sure you’ve been impatiently waiting to get a peek at EXACTLY how you’ll be training in the gym, right? Well, let’s not wait any longer because I have some VERY big surprises for you! In fact, not only am I going to beat back some of the more recent myths that have been brainwashing the public about how to REALLY blast away the blubber through exercise... ...but I’m going to introduce you to a totally NEW way of training that I KNOW you’re going to find EXCITING...AND EFFECTIVE! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 106 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 BRB Factor 7: Military PT A battle has been waged across the entire “fat loss” industry over what type of exercise works better at burning off body fat. Some “experts” say “weight training” works best…others say “walking” or “jogging”…still others claim that “highintensity interval training” is the optimum solution for burning fat all day. Mission Planning Killer Instinct Military “PT” It’s easy to see how someone can become confused as to HOW to train their body to burn the most fat and either build or maintain muscle in the process. Stop Dieting! 8 BRB Factors Maximum Metabolism “Chemical Warfare” Nutritional Fire Power Fat Blasting Hormones Well, it’s time to set the record straight with some military research…backed by scientific proof of what works best. Let’s take a look at each type of training, what it is, and its “pro’s” and “con’s”… © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 107 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 Resistance (“Weight”) Training Description: Training with load-bearing exercises such as bench press, barbell squat, cable pulldowns, etc., primarily focusing on the stimulation of growth in trained muscle fibers. Fat Burning By “lifting weights” (a high-intensity exercise), you take advantage of Theory: your body’s “after burn” recovery process in which your body tries to “repair” the “damaged” (ie. “trained”) muscle tissue and build it up even bigger to handle the increased workload. This in turn increases your resting metabolism (a low-intensity function), thereby literally “burning fat while you build muscle”. Does It Work? In a word…YES! Here’s why… Your body’s muscle is your “fat burning engine”. Throughout the day and night, your entire biological structure is balancing out just how much “energy” it needs to expend based upon your level of activity. Your “resting metabolism” is basically the amount of energy required just to keep your “life support systems” running smoothly and that includes the crucial maintenance of your muscle tissue. Remember the “car anology”. When parked with the engine on, your car idles at like 1,000 rpm’s. This is similar to your body’s “resting metabolism”. If a car’s RPM’s are set too low, your car will hiccup and sputter because your engine isn’t idling high enough. With your body, if your metabolism isn’t in high gear, likewise, it’s easier to gain fat and harder to lose it. The MORE muscle you have on your body, the higher your “engine’s idle speed” or in our case, the higher your “resting metabolism” is, and when your body evaluates that you “need” that muscle (or more) due to your use of RESISTANCE TRAINING, it will burn fat (as we’ve learned) in order to fuel your efforts to build and/or maintain that muscle. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 108 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Description: Lower intensity cardiovascular training (at 50-60% VO2 Max*) interjected with short bouts (about 1 minute) of high intensity cardio (at 80-85% VO2 Max*). (example – low intensity jogging for 5 minutes followed by 1 minute of “sprinting” then back to another 5 minutes of jogging and so on, usually for about 30 – 45 minutes) Fat Burning By inserting short periods of higher intensity cardio you work your Theory: muscles more and can take advantage of your body’s “afterburn” ability to burn calories long after your actual exercise session as your body recovers from the “harder” training. Does It Work? Not really! (Oh boy…here come the death threats!) This method of training was popularized in the days of “Body For Life” and, while it’s true that you do burn more calories during exercise sessions that are higher in intensity compared with the same time period as low intensity training, less of your calories burned will be from fat and more will be from your muscle’s glycogen stores instead. But what about the body’s “afterburn”? Proponents of HIIT have always stated that because of your body’s recovery process, you’re able to train for less time than traditional “fat burning” cardio and still burn more calories (and more fat) throughout the rest of the day. However, research specific to these claims have shown that the actual amount of additional calories burned following HIIT training is FAR below the “fat burning inferno” HIIT has been marketed to be. I’ll cover this in more detail a little later... * “VO2 Max” is defined as the greatest amount of oxygen you can take in, transport, and use for energy at the cellular level © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 109 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 Low Intensity “Cardio” Training Description: Cardiovascular exercise conducted at about 60-65% VO2 Max* (also known as the “fat burning zone”) Fat Burning Since your body burns fat as a primary fuel source at low intensity Theory: levels (60-65% VO2 Max*), extended cardio training in this “fat burning zone” burns more fat calories during training than higher intensity cardio activities. Does It Work? Yes…but it’s no longer as “sexy” as it once was since the emergence of HIIT and other high intensity cardio activities such as “cardio kick boxing” and other “boot camp cardio” type training. Although it may seem “old school”, low intensity cardio STILL burns fat as effectively as it did when Olivia Newton John was singing “Let’s Get Physical” in her headband and leg warmers! But in just a little bit, I’m not only going to prove to you (with scientific research) that low intensity training still rules, but I’ll also show you how the military has taken this powerful fat-burning approach...and found a way to compound its fat-burning power exponentially! This “battle-tested” body sculpting strategy is coming right up! * “VO2 Max” is defined as the greatest amount of oxygen you can take in, transport, and use for energy at the cellular level Ok, you’ve now seen the most popular “fat burning” exercise options and the initial verdicts on their effectiveness. But I know most of you who have tried training for fat loss in the past are probably very confused by all of the “expert” information that’s been thrown at you. The latest “discovery” of using shorter more intense cardio sessions (HIIT) have gained in popularity as an effective waist-reducer...”muscleheads” hate cardio as a rule and stick to the old school notion that if you keep building the muscle, you’ll keep burning the fat...and the “walkers” fall back on the article they read in © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 110 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 their generic health magazine or their doctor’s advice for his “generally out of shape” clients. So I want to share with you a practical comparison of these 3 methods of training so you can better understand how the military has developed such a powerful program for helping you to ambush fat and bring out the lean “warrior” inside. Let’s take a look at a very important study that took all of the claims of these 3 training approaches and put them to the test... The Truth About Fat Burning Exercise The main focus behind choosing an exercise regimen that will target fat with a laser-like accuracy always revolves around 2 primary factors: time and intensity level. “Time” is an obvious factor in that most people realize that the longer you exercise, the more calories you’ll burn and the more fat you’re likely to lose, right? But it’s the argument over INTESITY LEVELS that gets the “experts” all riled up. “Intensity” is typically measured by “percentage of VO2 max” which is a fancy way of describing the amount of oxygen your body is consuming for energy use. The higher the intensity of your exercise, the more you’re huffing and puffing, sucking in oxygen so your cells don’t give out on you. To give you some perspective, a light jog or brisk walk may be measured at “25% of VO2 max”....a casual run would equal about “65% of VO2 max”...while a short sprint or faster-paced run would be around “85% VO2 max”. These three intensity levels are often referred to when it comes to training methods as well. 25% VO2 Max is considered “Very Low Intensity” exercise 65% VO2 Max is considered “Low Intensity” exercise (again, often referred to as the “fat burning zone”); and 85% VO2 Max is what is targeted for training programs such as “High-Intensity Interval Training”. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 111 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 Now we’ve already established that your body is designed to use FAT as your primary fuel source for LOW INTENSITY activity (as much as 80% throughout the day). But we’ve ALSO established that there are in fact different TYPES of fat that your body draws from for fuel. The two types of fat that are primarily used for energy are VISCERAL FAT (that which is within the muscle) and SUBCATANEOUS FAT (the goop on your waist, hips, thighs, and butt). Besides fat, you’ve also learned that your body draws from “sugars” stored in your bloodstream (glucose) and your muscles (glycogen) which take over for higher intensity levels. Fat Use For Fuel Basically, as the intensity of your exercise session INCREASES, the LESS fat is burned as “fuel” during your training. Exercise Intensity This understanding has never really been disputed by fitness experts. But what is HIGHLY disputed is whether HIGH INTENSITY exercise is able to burn more OVERALL calories at the end of the day...and do it in LESS TIME. This debate has gone on for several years with proponents of HIIT claiming that the higher the intensity level, the higher the number of calories burned and although less of those overall calories are coming straight from body fat, your © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 112 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 body’s resting metabolic rate will increase and end up creating a powerful “afterburn” effect which will continue to burn fat long after your exercise session. I have to admit that I too was one of the biggest supporters of this type of training (and still am under the right circumstances). But recent studies have been conducted to put these theories to the test and finally end the debate about which type of training works best for burning off body fat. Let me share the SHOCKING RESULTS from a study conducted at the peak of the HIIT popularity.... Participants consisted of six trained athletes using a cycle ergometer. Exercise was performed at 25%, 65%, and 85% of VO2 max and measurements were taken of the body’s use of either whole body carbohydrates (blood glucose & muscle glycogen) or the use of either visceral or subcutaneous fat for energy. Results from the controlled study found that at VERY LOW INTENSITY exercise levels (25% of VO2 max), 85% of the fuel used by the body came from SUBCUTANEOUS FAT, 7.5% from visceral fat, and the other 7.5% coming almost entirely from blood sugar. Glucose (7.5%) Visceral Fat (7.5%) Subcutaneous Fat (85%) Energy Sources At 25% VO2 Max © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 113 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 As exercise intensity INCREASES, the body starts a rapid change in where it draws its fuel from however. At LOW INTENSITY levels (65% of VO2 max), the body starts to draw more upon GLYCOGEN stores due to the increased muscular demands. In effect, while total fat consumption still remains high at 50% of fuel use (split evenly between visceral fat and subcutaneous fat), muscle glycogen has increased dramatically to 40% of fuel use with blood glucose now making up the other 10%. Muscle Glycogen (40%) Subcutaneous Fat (25%) Visceral Fat (25%) Glucose (10%) Energy Sources At 65% VO2 Max But let’s see what happens when we up the intensity to HIIT levels of 85% VO2 max... What researchers found was that with the high level of muscle use needed to power the body through the increased physical demands of high-intensity training, the body’s use of muscle glycogen DRAMATICALLY increases. In fact, glycogen use skyrockets to about 67.5% of overall energy expenditure while the use of body fat dwindles down to only about 25% split equally between visceral and subcutaneous fat stores. (See Graph On Next Page) © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 114 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 Subcutaneous Fat (12.5%) Muscle Glycogen (67.5%) Visceral Fat (12.5%) Glucose (7.5%) Energy Sources At 85% VO2 Max So what does this all mean? Which method of training will allow you to burn MORE FAT in LESS TIME? Well, to simplify what this means to your overall fat-burning mission, let’s lay a 30-minute training session at each intensity level side-by-side to see which one works best for your goals... A 30-minute exercise session would amount to the following TOTAL calorie expenditure for each level of intensity: Exercise Intensity Total Calories Burned In 30-Minutes Very Low Intensity Exercise (25% VO2 Max) 150 Calories Low Intensity Exercise (65% VO2 Max) 375 Calories High Intensity Exercise (85% VO2 Max) 450 Calories © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 115 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 For the purposes of comparing fat versus carbohydrate use for fuel, we’ll combine visceral and subcutaneous as “calories burned from fat” as well as join glycogen and glucose as “calories burned from sugar”. Now it’s time to run each 30-minute exercise session through the math of what we now know about how the body uses both fat and sugar as fuel... Total Calories Burned In 30-Minute Exercise Session: Total Calories From Sugar: Low Intensity High Intensity 150 Calories 375 Calories 450 Calories 11 Calories (150 x 7.5% of total calories) 139 Calories (150 x 92.5% of total calories) 187.5 Calories (375 x 50% of total calories) 187.5 Calories (375 x 50% of total calories) 337.5 Calories (450 x 75% of total calories) 112.5 Calories (450 x 25% of total calories) Calories Burned Total Calories From Body Fat: Very Low Intensity © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 116 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 So now, as you can plainly see, exercising at a LOW INTENSITY LEVEL burns MORE total body fat calories than any other method of exercise during your training. Ahhh, but if it were only that easy... Supporters of HIIT training point out that while more fat may be burned at a lower intensity level during exercise, the body’s adaptive process AFTER training allows the body to burn more fat throughout the day due to the replenishment of glycogen and increase in the body’s resting metabolism because you’ve worked the muscles harder. This argument was also put to the test during these research studies, and was in fact the second goal of the see just how many more calories were burned AFTER exercise to determine if HIIT training did in fact offer an “afterburn” benefit that would catapult it past lower intensity exercise. Unfortunately, the measured caloric output resulting from exercise during the 4 hours after training at 85% VO2 max was just 75 TOTAL CALORIES...the equivalent of just 1/3 cup of orange juice...and drops off considerably from there! Of this total “extra” calorie expenditure, some is comprised of residual glycogen use as well and let’s not forget that even following LOW INTENSITY exercise, there will still be some post-exercise calorie burning, though not quite as much. However, as you can see, HIIT training is NOT the “fat burning inferno” it’s been marketed as, eh? And what about the use of HIIT on increasing overall resting metabolism by increasing muscle volume? Well, I hate to say it, but while you ARE using your muscles to a higher degree during HIIT, it’s not enough to really target muscle growth to the level that it will drastically increase your body’s resting metabolism. That’s NOT to say that it doesn’t...because it DOES! However, HIIT kind of hovers in the middle of not quite being optimized for EITHER fat burning OR muscle growth to be able to capitalize on the benefits each offers. But what if I told you that the military has developed a fat-burning battle plan that works BETTER than any of these methods alone? © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 117 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 You see, INDIVIDUALLY, each exercise strategy has its own strengths and limitations. However, when combined into a complete “Allied Force”, there’s a way to capitalize on the powerful benefits of EACH method in order to overcome obstacles never before thought possible! Want to know how? Well, it all starts with an exercise foundation that’s built on REAL results and scientific research about what we know of our body’s response to various forms of exercise. Let’ me give you a “Top Secret” peek into the military’s “battle-tested” physical training (“PT”) strategies... Military PT Strategy #1: Train For No More Than 1 HOUR PT typically lasts 1 FULL HOUR in the military and that INCLUDES warmup and stretching! Research has shown that the higher the intensity level of your training, the less time your body can withstand the “punishment”. Train much longer than this and you can actually start to see DECREASES in musclebuilding, fat-burning hormones! Get in...hit your training HARD...and get ‘er done! Military PT Strategy #2: LONG duration, LOW INTENSITY cardio works best at burning fat! Ever see a military movie where the soldiers are running together as a group? If you did, you’d notice that they were running at a steady pace and SINGING “cadence” along with the PT instructor. This is where the PT leader shouts out a short verse and the rest of the soldiers shout back the same verse immediately after him. The PURPOSE of “singing cadence” is more than just a cool way to see how many sexual references you can fit into 45 minutes of running with a bunch of guys... © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 118 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 ALSO serves to keep all of the soldiers IN STEP with each other and monitor the INTENSITY level of the exercise! You see, at a LOW INTENSITY, most of the soldiers should be able to sing cadence without huffing and puffing. If the PT Instructor notices that most of the soldiers aren’t able to keep up with the singing, that’s the sign to slow down the run some to maintain optimal intensity...and maximize fat burning for the troops! Military PT Strategy #3: Train On An Empty Stomach In the military, we exercised first thing in the morning before we did ANYTHING else...and that INCLUDES eating! You see, since you’ve fasted overnight, your body has less stored up BLOOD SUGAR and less MUSCLE GLYCOGEN so when you start to exercise, you don’t have as much of these fuel sources and can tap into your BODY FAT for fuel a bit quicker. The one drawback to this method was that while it works GREAT for LOWINTENSITY training when you already have body fat in your crosshairs... It DOESN’T work very well for when you perform HIGH-INTENSITY training like extended periods of STRENGTH TRAINING. During strength training, your body will be desperately trying to search for muscle glycogen for its primary fuel source. If it’s not there, it could lead to overburdened muscle tissue that’s forced to sacrifice amino acids as a fuel source instead...amino acids that you REALLY need for the recovery and growth of your worked muscles! For this reason, if you DO have the ability to take advantage of working out first thing in the morning, ONLY do it on an empty stomach if you’re training with the LOW-INTENSITY strategy I’ll share with you later. If you’re getting ready to perform STRENGTH TRAINING (’ll get my strategy later on in this chapter), then you do NOT want to train on an empty stomach. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 119 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 Try to eat some PROTEIN and a little bit of LOW GLYCEMIC carbs as soon as you get up to provide your muscles with some much-needed GLYCOGEN for the upcoming assault. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Now there IS a way to take advantage of the “empty stomach” strategy even if you DON’T workout first thing in the morning...and it will work even if you ARE doing strength training! Basically, if you workout later on in the day (or even at night), make sure that you train about 3 HOURS AFTER your last meal! This will make sure that your glycogen stores are topped off from your day’s meals, but your stomach will be EMPTY enough to make sure that you’re not simply using a lot of blood sugar from your last meal as fuel for your workout. That means you can quickly get at that body fat and start melting it away during your workout! Military PT Strategy #4: Bodyweight Exercise RULES! While it would be difficult to have enough equipment for 1.5 million U.S. soldiers to train with free weights every morning, that’s NOT the reason why the military has become so well known for dominating the pushup, situp, and pullup universe. Government research has shown that employing these types of exercises that use the weight of your own BODY for resistance can DRAMATICALLY increase strength AND get you leaner faster! For example, performing an exercise like a PUSHUP (as an example) may LOOK like a similar motion to a free weight exercise like the BENCH PRESS...but it actually has a DIFFERENT effect in the body. On the bench press, your body is kept stable by lying on your back on top of a bench and your body “senses” that stability which allows it to focus more on pushing the WEIGHT into the air. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 120 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 But with a PUSHUP, your only body contact is with your HANDS and your TOES and your BODY is moving through the air. The body senses this motion as a “DANGER” since it has to draw upon more input from ALL of your senses to keep your body BALANCED as it moves through space. This calls upon additional “STABILIZER” MUSCLES to help keep you balanced and in control and ALSO fires up MORE muscle fibers while increasing stimulation of your CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. And when it comes to getting more bang for your buck, how much you’re able to stimulate your CNS will determine how much of a workout you REALLY gave your body. Yes...when it comes to exercise benefits, BODYWEIGHT EXERCISES are KING! A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... If you’re having a hard time running through your possibilities for which exercises you’ll be using in the BRB Workout Program, don’t worry... I have all of the exercises structured in a way that makes it ALL “paint-by-number” simple...and I even include full PICTURES and INSTRUCTIONS for each exercise! Military PT Strategy #5: Variation Is Fundamental For Total Training! In the military, PT is about FUNCTION...NOT ABS! And you can’t function if you’re not strong, lean AND healthy. This is why EVERY DAY we used an entirely DIFFERENT training strategy. Some days it focused more on STRENGTH TRAINING...other days it was focused on ENDURANCE...and still others were a combination of the two. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 121 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 By switching up our training, it not only kept our workouts EXCITING and CHALLENGING... kept our bodies from ADAPTING to the training strategies and intensity levels which could slow down progress. If you keep throwing the same training at your body day after day, it eventually gets USED to the training and will seek to become very EFFICIENT at performing that type of exercise. And when it comes to FAT BURNING, you DON’T want your body to ADAPT! Adaptation leads to fat loss PLATEAUS where your body doesn’t feel it has to work as hard to accomplish the same old “workout mission”. So by switching up our training, we continuously kept our bodies GUESSING...and BURNING! Ok, so now that you now WHY we train the way we do in the military, let me share with you how YOU will train based upon these principles! In fact, in the Battle Ready Body Program, I’ve found a way to combine the very BEST military exercise strategies to create the most COMPREHENSIVE, FUN, and EFFECTIVE fat-blasting exercise regimen on the face of the planet! Yes, even MORE effective than the military’s methods IF the goal were MAINLY focused on FAT LOSS! A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... How do I know? Because I’ve tested the methods I’m going to share with you on HUNDREDS of soldiers over the years and in particular, those who were “issued” to me to get back in shape after they had packed on too many pounds of flab. And now its time for YOU to take on the challenge! Are you ready? Ok, then let’s begin... © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 122 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 At the CORE of the Battle Ready Body Exercise Program, I’ve incorporated 3 different ADVANCED military PT strategies. Now that doesn’t mean YOU have to be advanced...just that these PROGRAMS are advanced at burning fat, building muscle, and developing a strong core for optimum body function. ANYONE can use these exercise strategies REGARDLESS of your AGE, SEX, STRENGTH, or CURRENT WEIGHT because I’ve designed training programs for ALL LEVELS in the BRB Workout Guide. Here’s a broad overview of how you’ll be training... Day 1 Strength Training Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Cardio Strength/ Cardio (Optional) Cardio (Optional) Combo Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Strength Training Cardio (Optional) Off Day Notice that Days 1, 3, and 5 are the only REQUIRED days on this training program. My research has found that most people have the ability to train at LEAST 3 times a week for about 45 minutes so I’ve used that as my BASE from which to build this exercise program. However, I STRONGLY recommend increasing the number of days you train to 4, 5, or even 6 DAYS a week if you’re looking for MORE and FASTER fat loss. But I STILL recommend taking at least ONE DAY OFF during the week to give your body and mind a break and avoid OVERTRAINING. Now, let’s take a look at the SPECIFIC TRAINING STRATEGIES you’ll be employing as your workout weapons... Strategy #1 (Days 1 & 5): Bodyweight “Pyramid” Training This strategy uses an advanced training technique that I’ve found to be the MOST EFFECTIVE way to conduct strength training to help you gain strength © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 123 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 QUICKLY while increasing total muscle fiber stimulation and central nervous system activation!’s an absolute BLAST to train with! Let me FIRST show you how a TRADITIONAL military pyramid works and then I’ll show you how I’ve TURBO-CHARGED this method to be even MORE effective... 6 5 4 3 2 1 Traditional Military Pyramids 5 4 3 2 1 In a TRADITIONAL PYRAMID, as illustrated above, a soldier uses just ONE EXERCISE (we’ll use the PUSHUP as an example) to first perform ONE REPETITION. He or she then RESTS for one second and then performs TWO REPETITIONS (the next level up the pyramid) before resting two seconds after the last rep. Then they would perform THREE thee seconds....knock out FOUR four seconds...and so on, until the top of the pyramid has been reached (in this case, SIX REPS) and then he or she would work their way back down the other side of the pyramid in the same manner until they ended with ONE LAST REP. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 124 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Simple enough, right? If you don’t quite understand the concept yet, you can look at more SAMPLE WORKOUTS in the BRB Workout Guide that came with this program. It’s all explained in simple step-by-step instructions so there’s no guesswork. But here’s how I took this training strategy and turned it into an INCREDIBLE full body fat blaster I call the “BRB PYRAMIDS”... 6-12-18 5-10-15 BRB Pyramids 5-10-15 4-8-12 3-6-9 2-4-6 1-2-3 4-8-12 3-6-9 2-4-6 1-2-3 The basic structure is the same except that I’ve incorporated either THREE (shown) or FOUR bodyweight exercises to be used at the same time per training session, depending upon your SPECIFIC level as you begin using the BRB Workout Guide. For this example, I’m using THREE total exercises so please follow along with the diagram at the top of this page. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 125 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 What’s different about this format is that while the FIRST EXERCISE increases at a count of ONE (meaning 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.), the SECOND EXERCISE increases at a factor of TWO (meaning 2, 4, 6, 8, etc.) (Note: In Levels where FOUR exercises are used, the third one ALSO uses a factor of two...but it’s all explained in the BRB Workout Guide) And finally, the LAST EXERCISE in this example uses a factor of THREE (meaning 3, 6, 9, 12, etc.) Now all exercises are chosen from specific TABLES I’ll give you in the BRB Workout Guide and they are performed back-to-back as you make your way up the BRB Pyramid. Each Level in the BRB Workout Guide ALSO dictates REST TIMES and REPETITION COUNTS to accommodate BEGINNER levels all the way through 6-12-18 5-10-15 4-8-12 3-6-9 2-4-6 1-2-3 BRB Pyramids 5-10-15 4-8-12 3-6-9 2-4-6 1-2-3 ADVANCED. On the next page, I’ve given you a FULL BREAK DOWN of a SAMPLE BRB Pyramid workout to make things a bit clearer... © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 126 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 Set # Exercise #1 (Pullup) Reps Exercise #2 (Dips) Reps Exercise #3 (Body Squats) Reps 1 1 2 3 2 2 4 6 3 3 6 9 4 4 8 12 5 5 10 15 6 6 12 18 7 5 10 15 8 4 8 12 9 3 6 9 10 2 4 6 11 1 2 3 No rest between exercises 1 minute rest between sets 216 reps total body workout © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 127 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 Here are some KEY POINTS to consider when performing the BRB Pyramids... 1. Start out SLOW and build up your intensity level! DO NOT WORRY if you’re not able to do enough exercises to be able to reach the target repetitions! I know some of you won’t be able to perform ONE pullup, let alone SIX...and that’s OK! There ARE variations on these exercises that you can use and you’ll find yourself QUICKLY gaining in strength using these training strategies and you’ll make fast progress. Start with one of the BEGINNER LEVELS in the BRB Workout Guide and increase to the next level as you see progress. 2. Not ALL of the exercises need to be BODYWEIGHT exercises. You already know that I’m a BIG fan of bodyweight exercises, and you know why. But they’re not the ONLY types of exercises I use and I know that some of you will want to add more variety in the types of training you do and equipment you use. In the BRB Workout Guide, I offer you specific EXERCISE TABLES from which you’ll choose your exercises and there ARE some great alternatives in there. 3. If you have time, end each training day with 15 MINUTES of LOW INTENSITY CARDIO INTERVAL TRAINING. Since you’re already 30-40 minutes into your strength training workout and have used up a good amount of muscle glycogen while stimulating the transfer of fat for fuel, it’s an opportune time to kick in some SERIOUS training that’s focused SOLELY on burning off some extra calories that will nearly ALL come from your body fat stores. You do this by ending your session with THREE 5-minute sessions of LOW INTENSITY cardio performed back-to-back before you end with a cool down and stretching period. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 128 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 Here’s why this incredible technique works so well... You see, while strength training DOESN’T work the best at burning fat while you’re training, it DOES shine when it comes to INITIATING the breakdown of fats! What happens is that as you burn up muscle glycogen, your body starts sensing a “need” to PREPARE an alternative fuel source for what it perceives COULD be a longer workout. Because body fat takes some time to mobilize, your body sends it a signal to “get ready” by breaking down for possible use as a PRIMARY fuel source. But here’s where a LOT of people (ESPECIALLY us “muscle heads”!) get it all wrong... Getting all “PUMPED UP” from a strength training session FEELS great, right? Well, basically that “pumped” feeling is just your muscles filling up with blood, water, and lactic acid from your training. With your muscles in a “CONTRACTED” state and your blood rushing from the HIGH INTENSITY sets of strength training you’re doing, those fluids “dam up” and have limited flow. Unfortunately, that means that the BODY FAT that you’ve mobilized can’t reach its destination to be burned off or excreted either so it gets REASSIMILATED back into the body! What a waste of a key opportunity to blast off some blubber! But by conducting a short 15-MINUTE session of LOW INTENSITY CARDIO immediately after your BRB Pyramids, you restore free blood flow in your muscles and help to mobilize all that broken down fat AND increase direct use of body fat for FUEL as you train! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 129 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... In just a minute I’m going to explain EXACTLY how to perform this cardio technique (I have a little secret for you ;-) but I can’t stress enough that if you’re looking for FAST RESULTS, adding this short cardio session at the END of your strength training sessions will AMAZE you at how effective it is! Give it a try and you’ll notice a BIG difference! Strategy #2 (Day 3): BRB Circuit Training Interval training was always one of my FAVORITE ways to train in the military because it COMBINED the benefits of both STRENGTH training and LOW INTENSITY CARDIO in the SAME WORKOUT. In the Army, we would have different “stations” set up around the military base about a kilometer or so apart, with a leader at each station. Soldiers would team up with 1-4 others and would begin running from the start point to the first station on the route, each team beginning about one minute behind the group in front of them so no one passed anyone. When your team got to a station, you were given a bodyweight exercise to perform until you reached MUSCULAR FAILURE where you couldn’t do another repetition. Once all of your team members were done with the exercise, you all began jogging to the NEXT station on the route where you were given your NEXT exercise. Now the KEY to making this work was in using TWO important factors... ONE...when you are jogging, it’s BEST to use LOW INTENSITY because you want to SAVE your body’s MUSCLE GLYCOGEN for the next station’s exercise. TWO...jogging at this slow of a pace, allowed you to more effectively burn off body fat both DIRECTLY and by getting rid of the MOBILIZED FAT from your station training. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 130 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 And THREE...each STATION was structured to use a DIFFERENT muscle group than the PREVIOUS so you weren’t OVERTRAINING one set of muscles. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... For example, one station may be PUSHUP which is targeting your CHEST muscles so the NEXT station may be PULLUPS (with you palms facing you) which mostly works your BICEPS. Now let me show you how I’VE taken this SAME STRATEGY and adapted it to the Battle Ready Body Program... On “Day 3” of your workout program, after a short warm up, you’ll conduct ONE 5-MINUTE SESSION of LOW INTENSITY CARDIO at 65% of your VO2 Max. You can perform this cardio however you like such as a light jog on a treadmill, around a track or on a street, by jumping rope, on a stationary or regular bike, etc. HOW you perform the cardio is up to you but you MUST make sure that you’re at the optimal 65% of your VO2 Max! We’ve talked about WHAT “VO2 Max” is at the beginning of this chapter, but now let’s figure out how to determine when YOU are using each level of your PERSONAL VO2 Max zone... Basically there are TWO WAYS you can determine what VO2 Max you’re at while you’re training. Method #1 is the SCIENTIFIC approach...and my PREFERRED method. First you would determine your personal RESTING HEART RATE by taking your pulse FIRST THING in the morning as soon as you wake up. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 131 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 Just take your pulse for exactly 10 seconds and multiply it by 6 to get your resting heart rate (beats per minute). Now I’m NOT going to confuse you with the BRANIAC formula for determining your personal VO2 will make your head spin and just frustrate you. So I’ve created a spreadsheet you can use where all you need to do is enter a few numbers and’ll know EXACTLY at what heart rate you need to be at for ANY percentage of VO2 Max. You can find that formula by clicking on the link below: Note: If you get a request for a password to open the file, just ignore it and choose “Cancel” on the password popup. The program will still open up on your computer to allow you to use the form, just not allow you to change the actual formulas. Once you’ve determined what your HEART RATE should be for each level of VO2 Max (such as 65% for this training session), you would then use a HEART RATE MONITOR you can pick up at any sporting goods store to use as a guide WHILE you train to make sure you’re at your 65% VO2 target. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... HEART RATE MONITORS usually are seen as a small sensor you wear around your lower chest (near your heart) that sends readings to a wrist watch you wear that constantly tells you your current heart rate. These are a GREAT investment if you want to be dead-on accurate with your VO2 Max while you train and can be found very cheaply these days. HIGHLY recommended! Method #2 for determining the level of VO2 Max you’re training at is a bit LESS scientific, but STILL a good gauge. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 132 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 It’s called “PERCEIVED EXERTION”. This basically amounts to how you generally FEEL at different heart rate levels, both in your BREATHING and ability to TALK. Let me give you a GENERAL GUIDE that will help you better understand... % of VO2 Max 25% “Perceived Exertion” Your breathing will be slightly more labored but you would still be able to carry on a complete conversation with someone without any much effort. This VO2 level is what you would expect from a brisk walk or a very light jog. 65% This is what I term “Low Intensity Exercise” for the purposes of the BRB Program and characterized by more of a “moderate paced” jog or exertion. Your breathing will be much more labored than if you were walking but you can still carry on a conversation with someone if you had to and can exercise with your mouth CLOSED, breathing only through your NOSE. Basically, if you have to open your mouth to get enough air in to exercise at the pace you’re at, then you’re VO2 Max is HIGHER than 65% 85% This is where you’re really huffing and puffing to get enough air to maintain this HIGH INTENSITY level. The effort it takes to SPRINT for a short distance would be classified as the level of exertion for 85% of your VO2 Max. Now that we have you in the right INTENSITY ZONE for your cardio for your BRB Circuits, here’s how your workout will go... © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 133 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 After your 5 MINUTES of LOW INTENSITY CARDIO, you’re going to stop and perform ONE BODYWEIGHT EXERCISE from the specified Exercise Table located in your BRB Workout Guide. You’ll perform this exercise as rapidly as possible with CORRECT FORM until you can no longer do any more repetitions (“muscular failure”). Then you would IMMEDIATELY get up and do ANOTHER 5 MINUTE SESSION of cardio at 65% of your VO2 Max. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... It’s important to note that after a set of HIGH INTENSITY bodyweight exercise to failure, your heart is going to be thumping! You’ll probably be at around 70%-90% of your VO2 Max at the end of your set when you’ve reached exhaustion. Therefore you’re going to want to begin the next cardio session at a MUCH slower pace to get your heart rate down to the target 65% VO2 Max as soon as possible. Don’t stand around or “walk”...just slow down your jog, biking, etc. to a slow pace until your breathing and heart rate reach your target zone THEN pick up the pace to maintain that intensity level until... At the end of THIS 5 minute cardio block, you’ll then stop AGAIN to perform the NEXT exercise from the NEXT designated Exercise Table in your Workout Guide until you’ve reached muscular failure and can’t do any more reps. You know what comes next...ANOTHER 5 minute block of cardio followed by your NEXT exercise, and so on, until you’ve completed ALL of the BRB Circuit “Stations”. The end result will be an incredible HYBRID of targeted MUSCLE-BUILDING with supporting FAT REMOVAL that will knock INCHES off of your waist, butt, and thighs! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 134 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... While you may think the BRB CIRCUIT sounds a bit like the popular HIIT’s not. Remember, one of the drawbacks of HIIT is that it hovers in the MIDDLE of intensity levels when it comes to muscle stimulation...not quite a STRENGTH training workout and not quite a FAT BURNING workout. But my BRB CIRCUITS use BOTH methods in tandem to take advantage of the true benefits each of these methods has to offer...for an incredibly FUN FAT BURNING session! Strategy #3 (OPTIONAL On Days 2, 4, 6): Low Intensity Interval Training The two strategies I just covered form the CORE of the Battle Ready Body training program. Together, they work to INCREASE the efficiency of your body’s “fat burning engine” (ie. your muscle) while using cardio the RIGHT way to literally MELT AWAY the pounds. But if you’re REALLY motivated to burn off every ounce of fat you possibly can, then I suggest adding in anywhere from ONE to THREE DAYS of what I call “LOW INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING”. The structure is similar to that of HIIT, except that since you’ve ALREADY taken care of targeting your muscle in your other workout sessions, THIS attack plan is designed ONLY to function as a DIRECT FAT MELTDOWN. It goes like this... In the BRB Workout Guide, you’ll find two sets of Exercise Tables (Tables 9 & 10) from which you’ll choose your exercises. One of these tables uses cardio training focused primarily on UPPER body and the other primarily on LOWER body. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 135 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 7 Essentially you’ll be alternating back and forth between UPPER and LOWER body cardio sessions for either FIVE or TEN minute sessions back-to-back. By ALTERNATING the area of your body you’re targeting with your cardio, you keep your body from ADAPTING to your training session and FORCE it to tap into MORE body fat for fuel! You’ll literally leave your workout LEANER than when you started! Start with 5 MINUTE blocks of training, conducted one after the other, and work your way up until you can perform 10 MINUTE sessions for each exercise. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... If you’re STILL confused about any of the exercise programs I’ve just covered, don’t worry... Once you get inside of the Battle Ready Body Workout Guide, you’ll see that I break down EVERY SINGLE WORKOUT DAY into an easy-to-follow training log complete with SAMPLE WORKOUTS! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 136 of 159 Battle Ready Body BRB Factor 8: Factor 8 “Killer Instinct” My goal for BRB Factor 8 is to make it THE chapter that transforms the words on the pages you’ve already read into an incredible LIFE-CHANGING experience for you! “Mission Planning” Killer Instinct I understand that’s a pretty BOLD statement... ...but I plan on BACKING IT UP with some truly EMPOWERING strategies that will help you develop the MIND SET you need to become the MASTER of your body...that “KILLER INSTINCT” that will arm you with the drive and determination to put ALL of these factors into ACTION and STICK WITH THEM to the very end! Military “PT” Stop Dieting! 8 BRB Factors Maximum Metabolism “Chemical Warfare” Nutritional Fire Power Fat Blasting Hormones You see, in a recent survey I conducted with over a THOUSAND of my “clients” who have tried unsuccessfully to lose weight in the past, I wasn’t surprised to see that MOST of them have tried NUMEROUS times to drop the pounds and met failure after failure, over and over again. And when I asked what they saw as the MAIN REASON they were unsuccessful, nearly 70% admitted that it was difficult for them to simply STICK WITH THE PROGRAM they were on. Well, in this section my goal is to completely REMOVE ANY DOUBT in your mind that THIS is the time that you’re going to finally achieve the level of HEALTH that you want...the level of ENERGY you want...and that you’re FINALLY going to have the BODY you want! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 137 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... This section is about ACTION! Not just “starting” an action...but living a LIFE of action! A life where YOU are in full control over what you accomplish and, specifically for the purposes of our training, full control over how you LOOK and FEEL! I’ve walked many paths in my life and I can tell you in no uncertain terms that at the times when I’ve been the MOST SUCCESSFUL, in ANY goal, it was because I took ACTION! I can ALSO see that many of my FAILURES were due to my procrastination and LACK of action. Your ability to take action will determine your success with the Battle Ready Body program and finally melting away the pounds. It doesn’t matter if you’re 200 lbs overweight or you’re at just 10% body fat and trying to get shredded to 4-6% body fat to see your abs...the key for BOTH of these people is your ability to DO something about what you’ve learned from this training. Let me make this a little clearer by sharing with you one of my favorite quotes from motivational speaker Anthony Robbins who said... “It’s not the CONDITIONS of your life that determines your destiny...’s your DECISIONS!” Now, you can apply statement to your PAST as well as your FUTURE. You didn’t GAIN WEIGHT overnight, right? Your weight is a culmination of a series of POOR DECISIONS along the way. Sure it’s EASY to blame your GENETICS, your FRIENDS, the ineffective DIETS you may have tried in the past. It’s easy to say “My family doesn’t support me”...”they eat junk food right in front of me”! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 138 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 Or...“My friends just roll their eyes every time I tell them I’m on a diet and I KNOW they don’t believe I can do it, so I stop believing in myself.” But it’s funny how when you do reach an accomplishment like “Employee Of The Month” or you graduate with Honors from school or become “Salesperson Of The Year”, you want to be able take CREDIT for the hard work you put into it. Well, guess can’t have it both ways! If you’re going to EVER achieve ANY of your goals, you MUST take FULL RESPONSIBILITY! Full responsibility for your HEALTH...full responsibility for your BODY...full responsibility for your ACTIONS! NO EXCEPTIONS! You have to be able to look in the mirror and say, “I’m overweight because of the way I EAT and the way I LIVE MY LIFE”. Say that out loud NOW! “I’m overweight because of the way I EAT and the way I LIVE MY LIFE!” Let me add to Tony Robbins’ quote because he goes on to say... ”It’s not what’s happening to you NOW or what has happened in your PAST that determines who you become. Rather, it’s your DECISIONS about what to FOCUS ON, what things MEAN to you, and what you’re going to DO about them that will determine your ultimate destiny.” I’ve asked a lot of you throughout the chapters of this book. I’ve asked you to make some SERIOUS changes along the way. Changes in the way you EAT, SLEEP, DRINK, EXERCISE, even the way you LOOK at FOOD, your BODY, and your LIFE! And I’ll be honest...staying with ANY fat loss or bodybuilding program can be one of the TOUGHEST, most CHALLENGING roads you can follow when it comes to your health, outside of dealing with things like disease. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 139 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 I’ve watched my soldiers struggle with coming off of an injury where they put on a LOT of weight and then try to lose it... I’ve run beside them as they desperately GASPED for air just to be able to run at a pace slightly faster than a brisk walk for other soldiers... So what could POSSIBLY be the difference between THEM and YOU in their ability to succeed in taking off the weight? Ahhhhhhhh...herein lies the “SECRET” to REAL FAT LOSS... Are you ready for it? Ok, here goes... In the military, a soldier has NO CHOICE but to lose the weight! If a soldier doesn’t make progress with dropping off the pounds once they’ve been identified as being overweight, they can literally be KICKED OUT of the service! No excuses...and you won’t even get a tissue to dry your tears as you pack your bags. You’re not ALLOWED to FAIL! But in the “CIVILIAN” world, WE don’t have those same consequences do we? WE CAN FAIL and it’s “ok”...because we’ve MADE it “ok”! It’s become “ACCEPTABLE” to buy the next pants size UP from where we are (I mean after all, a size 38 is still CLOSE to a 36, right?) OR...we blame it on the “DIET” we “tried”...our FAMILY...our FRIENDS...our WORK...our LACK OF TIME... And sooner or later, we become CONDITIONED to failure! Look...dwelling on unsuccessful attempts at changing you body composition in the past only leads to self defeat. But you MUST get this through your brain...the past does NOT equal the future! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 140 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 I don’t care HOW MANY times you’ve tried to lose weight in the past, the fact is that the laws of the biological universe do NOT cease to exist in YOUR body so that means that you ARE capable of taking over control. BUT...if you continue doing the SAME things you’ve BEEN doing, you’ll CONTINUE to get the SAME results. So if your analysis of your past efforts isn’t in line with the principles we’ve been discussing, then it’s time to start making different DECISIONS. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... The good news is that you’ve ALREADY STARTED because you’ve been able to read this far into the program. You’d be SURPRISED how many people never even READ the manual! For some, this program will sit collecting virtual dust in their computer as they vow to “SOMEDAY” open it up and begin to train with these principles. Others would have simply printed out the BRB Workout Guide and headed off to the gym to train, completely IGNORING the 7 other BRB Factors which YOU now know as being CRITICAL. I’m happy to see that you’ve made it this far soldier! Now it’s time to JACK UP your CONFIDENCE and MOTIVATION so we can erase absolutely every last scrap of SELF-DOUBT that may be stupid enough to hang around as you really begin to sink your teeth into this program. I’ve given you the now have the KNOWLEDE... The only thing holding you back now is your DECISION to take ACTION and stick with it. And how do we accomplish this? Well, it starts with what I call your “MOTIVATIONAL WHY”... © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 141 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 Your Motivational “WHY”: The Key To Long Term Fat Loss Success! Let me ask you this ONE QUESTION... What ONE THING motivated you to “enlist” in the Battle Ready Body program? More specifically...WHY do you want to lose body fat? No...I’m NOT looking for an answer like, “My doctor told me I need to lose weight” or “My spouse won’t stop nagging me to drop some pounds”. You could have ignored your doctor and you KNOW you could have ignored your spouse. (If you ask THEM, they’d probably say you do most of the time anyway!) No...YOUR “motivational why” must be PERSONAL and it must be EMOTIONAL! In fact I’ll get even more specific with must either be PLEASURABLE...or PAINFUL! Let me explain WHY... EVERYTHING you do is motivated by ONE of TWO’re either moving TOWARD PLEASURE or AWAY from PAIN. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Here are some examples... What is the reason you go to work? Is it because you enjoy your job and find deep satisfaction in it which is pleasurable to you? Or do you work because you know if you DON’T work, you’ll be homeless and not be able to support your family? So I ask you again...WHY do you want to lose weight? Why did you sign up for this course? © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 142 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 And let me share with you an unfortunate secret that will make a world of difference for you... PAIN is a MUCH more powerful motivator than pleasure! And’s also harder to ADMIT! You may THINK you’re trying to lose weight for your HEALTH, and that may be TRUE... But it may be CLOSER to the truth that you feel your wife doesn’t find you attractive...or you don’t like the way people look at you in public...or that you’ve been dismissed by so many women you’ve wanted to date that you think it would help to have a set of WASHBOARD ABS and BIG BICEPS. Whatever the REAL reason is that YOU chose to take on this program, I’m here to tell you that it’s OK! In fact, I want you to USE that EMOTIONAL reason...that “MOTIVATIONAL WHY” your ADVANTAGE! So many people will tell you that you need to think positive in order to achieve your goals. Think of all the wonderful things you’re going to have when you lose weight, better health, better sex, turn heads at the beach, attract a romantic partner. These are all wonderful things. But unfortunately, thinking POSITIVELY about what you could have most often results in your goals getting lumped into the “some day” file. Here’s what I mean... We have a way of putting off “pleasurable” things in our life because there’s always room for pleasure in the FUTURE. So many people end up taking the attitude of, “Yeah, I want to look better and SOME DAY I’ll lose the weight.” Or, “I really should quit smoking because I know it’s bad for my health...and I’ll do it some day.” © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 143 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 Or even when you KNOW what’s best for you, but feel that you can procrastinate on it like, “I know being overweight isn’t healthy for me and SOME DAY I’m going to go on a diet.” The problem is “SOME DAY” becomes “NEVER” in no time! But I guaran-damn-tee you that when a doctor comes to you and says, “If you don’t lose weight, I’m afraid you’ll be dead in a year.”, well...”SOME DAY” just came calling! When you finally get the nerve up to ask out that cute girl at work and you realize her standards don’t include “chubby” guys...”Some Day” just came calling! When you start losing your sexual abilities in bed because your hormones are taking a nosedive from imbalances caused by being overweight... Guess what...”Some Day” just came calling! What I’m here to tell you is that “Some Day” is TODAY! NOT tomorrow! TODAY! And FAILURE is NOT an option for you anymore! Earlier I related a story about how, when I entered Basic Training in the Army, the radical shift in “lifestyle” left all of us seriously asking ourselves, “What the HELL am I doing here? This is CRAZY!” I mean, I went from a nice cushy life of partying with my friends to having people yelling and screaming at me all the time...arms that felt like they were going to fall off my body from all of the pushups I was forced into...4am wake up calls from a trash can being thrown down the row of bunks...and a Drill Sergeant who seemed Hell-bent on seeing if he could make me cry! When things got tough and I didn’t know if I was going to make it, I didn’t realize it at the time, but my “MOTIVATIONAL WHY” had already been supporting me the whole way without me even knowing it. Because whenever I even felt a TWINGE of the “just quit” feeling making its way through my mind, I began thinking of the REAL result of giving in... © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 144 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 I thought of what it would be like to get off the plane back home and see my parents and friends waiting to pick me up and the utter HUMILIATION I was going to feel. The thought of crawling back to face my friends and have to explain why I couldn’t make it...why I had FAILED...was something I’d rather DIE than have happen to mel Let me tell you...compared with the SHAME and REGRET I’d have to live with after THAT, basic training was like a TEA PARTY! There was NO WAY I was going to be labeled a QUITTER...and sucking it up and driving on was the ONLY option I truly had. And because I DID, I went on to experience such honors as having been chosen SOLDIER OF THE YEAR...graduated with HONORS from all of my military training...set the Army RECORD for “kills” at Desert Warfare Training Center...and numerous OTHER achievements that would NEVER have happened had I given up. So now I want YOU to try this daring assignment... I want you to think about the BAD things that are going to happen if you DON’T achieve your weight loss goal. Really dig DEEP and think about the most HORRIBLE thing you’ll have to face if you don’t drop off the body fat. It needs to be something VERY EMOTIONAL and VERY PERSONAL...and it’s just you and me right now so be as HONEST with yourself as possible, ok? I’ll tell you what...let me share with you what MY “motivational why” turned out to be... I have a young son (he’s just 6 years old at the time of this writing) who is the absolute light of my pride and joy...and his smile lights up my day like a ray of sunshine. Well, I guess I’d always taken my health for granted, but then at my last routine physical check up with my doctor, he told me that I had HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE from the STRESS I was undergoing at my job in addition to the weight I had started to put on. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 145 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 Suddenly I was slapped in the face with the very REAL possibility that if I didn’t make some changes, I wasn’t going to be able to coach my son’s basketball him graduate school...start a career...get married...have kids...etc. That was just too much to bear and I’m not ashamed to tell you that I cried at that devastating thought. And then I took ACTION! I ended up leaving my job with an abusive boss...I cleaned up my diet...and I sunk my teeth into my OWN Battle Ready Body Program...the very same one you’re reading right now! Now, not only do I LOOK blood pressure is in check WITHOUT medication and I’m in picture-perfect health! But just to make sure I don’t slide back...I keep my son’s picture right there on my desk so that when I don’t feel like working out, I can just look over and see the reason WHY I truly DO want to workout! But I realize that with so much information I’ve shared with you throughout this program, this may seem like an OVERWHELMING amount of changes to make in your life. So let’s talk about HOW you’re going to accomplish all of this without stripping you of your own identity, shall we? Exchanging Habits Remember what MY goal was for developing the BRB program...’s kind of cool to have a set of 6-pack abs...but MY goal was to create a program that would allow you to develop HEALTHY HABITS while stripping off body fat. And “HABITS” are simply ACTIONS that you take on AUTOPILOT. You’ve grown accustomed to them...they’re INGRAINED as part of your life. And if these are BAD habits, then that would explain why your health may be the way it is now or why your waistband is so large. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 146 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 So when I say develop “HEALTHY HABITS”, know that I’m LITERALLY talking about establishing ROUTINE ACTION that will make you healthier, happier, AND leaner! And going even further, I’m talking about REPLACING your bad habits with POWERFULLY healthy ones! So here’s what I want you to do... Knowing what you now know, what would you say is your MOST unhealthy “habit” that if you were to completely REMOVE IT, would have the most DRAMATIC IMPACT on your fat loss goal? Perhaps it’s “fast food”...your penchant for buttered popcorn at a weekly movie... smoking...late night snacking on chips while watching much alcohol... whatever. For now, just pick the ONE “HABIT” to target. Got it? Ok... Now I want you to think of just ONE “REPLACEMENT” HABIT that’s HEALTHY and can take its place. Studies have shown that when people try to quit a bad habit entirely, it can create a mental “void” that feels like there’s something “missing” in the person’s life. This helps feed the emotional dependency on a bad habit. But if you can EXCHANGE a BAD habit with a GOOD HEALTHY one, then not ONLY have you “dodged the bullet” on a potential health concern...but you’ve essentially MAGNIFIED the benefits of the HEALTHY habit by 100%! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 147 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... So let’s say your “bad habit” is late night snacking on poor food choices while watching TV... If you were to just STOP eating late at night, you’d not only feel the PHYSICAL void and become hungry...but you’d probably have an EMOTIONAL void as well, especially with all the late night food commercials on TV. BUT...if instead of your POOR food choices, you developed a habit of having your “evening protein shake” or low-fat cottage cheese with some fresh fruit...then you’ve REPLACED your poor food choices with one that will give you the protein you need to build muscle and burn fat while you sleep! My research has shown that it takes about 40 days to establish a routine action as a “HABIT” that will work for you on “autopilot”, so begin with just your ONE top priority “bad habit” and brainstorm it’s perfect HEALTHY EXCHANGE to begin right away. Once that one is taken care of...move on to the NEXT top priority BAD HABIT and prepare for your assault! Staying On Track With Your Weight Loss Program As I’ve stated, probably the BIGGEST killer of any weight loss program is the inability to stick with the program you’re on. Sometimes that’s due to an ineffective program to start with... ...but MOST of the time it’s due to lack of MOTIVATION on your part. So now it’s time for a little “POP QUIZ”... Did you post my Goal Tracker somewhere where you could SEE IT and monitor your progress visually? Did you take your “Before” picture in you bathing suit? Did you complete the “Mission Planning” form to map out your objective? © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 148 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 Or did these tasks just get stuck in the “SOMEDAY” file? If you didn’t follow my instructions then DO IT...TODAY...NOW! You MUST make your goals VISUAL for them to be your strong ALLIES and help push you to your objective. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Here’s ANOTHER option for you that I find works VERY WELL since it ties into the “PAIN” motivator we talked about earlier... Let’s say your “motivational why” is a “fat joke” your cousin made about you at the last family reunion. It hurt BAD and it hurt DEEP, right? You wanted to punch him in the face, but instead you laughed along with everyone else. Well, I want you to find a picture of your cousin and stick it on your refrigerator. No one has to know why it’s up there...but YOU’LL know why, and you can use his idiotic joke as a POWERFUL MOTIVATOR to stay on track and make him eat his words at the NEXT family event! So do you have a similar story of something someone said that hurt you emotionally? Get their picture and POST IT! Now let me share with you THE most powerful motivator I know of that will practically GUARANTEE your weight loss success this time... You see, going into combat ALONE to battle the enemy only works for Sylvester Stallone. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 149 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 If you’re trying to conduct a “secret war” on your waistline then there’s no one to fail but YOURSELF and that makes things “safe” for you, doesn’t it? Well, I realize that this next move is going to take my size 11 combat boot and kick you FAR out of your comfort zone...but I have a feeling that you have the “intestinal fortitude” to take the risk. After ARE a BRB SOLDIER now! You see, I want you to go PUBLIC with your weight loss goal! I want you to tell your FRIENDS, CO-WORKERS, and FAMILY EXACTLY what your goal is! Tell them the number of POUNDS (or KG for those of you overseas ;-) you have to lose to get to your goal. Be SPECIFIC! Now, why is this important? Well for one...while it’s EASY to let YOURSELF down should you stray off track, it’s MUCH harder to lose face in front of those who are expecting to see your results. NOW you have something to PROVE! And by being SPECIFIC in how many pounds you have to lose, people can ask SPECIFIC questions as you make progress. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... So if you wanted to lose “23 lbs”, if the topic comes up, someone just may ask you “how many of the 23 lbs have you lost?” “But what if it DOESN’T come up?”, you say? Well, I have a plan for that as well... © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 150 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 Next I want you to recruit the help of a friend...any friend will do...but it must NOT be an immediate family member! Family members can still be “acceptable” people to let down when things get rough, so for THIS one, try to choose a friend or co-worker...someone you can TRUST and whom you can talk with DAILY! Then, break down your Battle Ready Body Battle Plan into a set of measurable daily tasks that you need to do. These mini-objectives will become “interrogation questions” that your new ally will ask you to make you ACCOUNTABLE to actually DOING the work it takes to reach your goal! These questions must be something NUMERIC or YES/NO like: “How many TIMES did you exercise this week?” “How many days did you achieve the correct number of DRY CARB meals?” “What LEVEL in the BRB Workout Guide are you at?” “What’s your current WEIGHT and BODY FAT PERCENTAGE?” “Exactly how many pounds of FAT have you lost since your last reading?” “Exactly how many pounds of MUSCLE have you gained since your last reading?” These should do it, but feel free to add your own questions based upon your own personal program. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... For example, you may want to add something like, “Did you eat any hot fudge sundaes this week?” if this is one of the “bad habits” you’re trying to change out. You know your get them in your crosshairs and pull the trigger! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 151 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 Now set up a WEEKLY “accountability meeting” with your new ally. Make it SHORT so it doesn’t become a “burden” to both of more than about 5 minutes should do...and make it in person if you’re able to (by phone is acceptable, but not preferred)...but make it a REAL MEETING and make sure it is on BOTH your schedules! Have your friend ask you about each of your “accountability questions”...and ANSWER HONESTLY! It doesn’t do you ANY good to THEM or YOURSELF! Your friend should understand that you’re asking them to do this for SUPPORT so they should ask the questions without any criticism or judgement...only encouragement and understanding. You don’t need a Drill need a FRIEND to help you achieve a very PERSONAL and IMPORTANT goal. You don’t need them to offer advice or “diet tips” just need them to LISTEN supportively. YOU will know whether or not you’re on track and you’ll know WHERE you screwed up (if you did) and how to correct it. So as you leave the meeting, this is your opportunity to assess where you can make improvements or set yourself back on track if you’ve gone astray. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Really take this idea to heart. It’s going to require a leap of faith for many of you, I know. But making yourself ACCOUNTABLE to someone other than just yourself is by FAR the best advice I can give you to staying on track with the BRB Program. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 152 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 Adjusting the Battle Ready Body Program The last thing I want to go over is how you should adjust the BRB Program along the way as you make progress...or perhaps DON’T see progress! “Plateaus” are not uncommon as your body ADAPTS to your training and diet so a few targeted shifts in your program are usually enough to jumpstart your progress again. But the only REAL way to know if you’re body is plateauing, is to base it on what EXACTLY is happening inside your body and the only way to do that, in my opinion, is to make sure that you’re taking your WEIGHT and BODY FAT measurements each week and entering them into the companion AGT 5000 software to see how many pounds of FAT you’ve burned off. Remember, you’re looking for about 1% of your TOTAL BODY WEIGHT in fat loss each week as a guide. If you didn’t get that, then it’s time to begin doing some analysis... A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Now, a single week of no progress may not mean your metabolism is slowing down, but rather that you may have failed to hit all of the BRB factors in the previous week. Perhaps you took a big giant “momma step” backwards in your diet and pigged out a few times late at night? Maybe you missed a few days in the gym? Here’s how to proceed... Your first step is to analyze the week leading up to your disappointing measurement and see just how dedicated you were to all of the principles we’ve gone over. If you identify some areas where you could have done BETTER, then FIX THEM for the upcoming week and get back on track. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 153 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 But if in your NEXT set of measurements, you STILL don’t see any progress, then it’s time to change things up a bit to get you body back into “BURN MODE”. There are a few ways you can do this, and the choice is YOURS based upon your own personalized program... The first thing I would recommend is taking a look at your WORKOUTS. If you’ve only been focusing on the core 3-DAY BRB WORKOUT, see if you can add at least ONE day of the optional LOW-INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING to your week. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... You’ll be surprised at just how effective it can be to add a little bit of fat-burning cardio to your program! If you can do TWO or even THREE days of LIIT, you’ll see much FASTER and BETTER results! You can even do LIIT on the SAME days as your other training...just be sure to keep these training sessions AT LEAST FOUR HOURS separated from your other BRB workouts. But if you’re already maxed out on your availability to train, then you’ll need to take a look at your nutrition plan and make a few changes for a short period in order to get your metabolism “guessing” again. Begin by removing ONE DRY CARB MEAL from each day. So on WORKOUT DAYS, you would transition to just TWO DRY CARB MEALS and on NON-WORKOUT DAYS, you would only consume ONE DRY CARB MEAL. Everything else will stay the same except for these DRY CARB changes. Continue with this for ONE WEEK and see what changes take place in your next set of measurements. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 154 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 If you DO see acceptable progress again in your next weigh-in, then feel free to re-introduce those dry carbs again in your meal plans as that one week of reduced intake may have been enough to increase your metabolism again. But if you STILL don’t see any progress, we need to get a little more DRAMATIC in our changes...but I think you’re going to like this one... If the reduction in DRY CARBS didn’t do the trick, it most likely means that your body has gone into something of a “CALORIE CRISIS” mode. The best way I’ve found to pummel your metabolism back into submission is to actually INCREASE calories for a short duration. So here’s what you would do... Instead of one cheat MEAL per’re going to insert one cheat DAY to your week! This is a day that you can eat ANYTHING you want with no limits! You see, the reason your body has stopped losing is probably because it senses you are “starving”, and as you’ve learned, your body is programmed to “survive” by slowing down your metabolism AND fat loss. By adding in these additional calories ONE DAY PER WEEK, you temporarily convince it that you’re NOT starving and “trick” it into opening up the flood gates once again on dropping the fat. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Do I have your attention now? I thought so! But this ISN’T to be understood as a REGULAR dieting practice that you can simply make a PERMANENT part of your diet least NOT while you’re still trying to LOSE. This is just a strategic AMBUSH on your metabolism to get it to bend to your will by giving it a false sense of confidence that it doesn’t NEED to hold on to you body fat to avoid starvation! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 155 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 For the REST of your weekly meals, CONTINUE with the same reduced DRY CARB intake (2/day on workout days and 1/day on non-workout days). Follow this pattern for no more than 3 WEEKS or until you start seeing progress again in your fat loss efforts and then transition back to your STANDARD BRB Daily Diet Guide, including your REGULAR dry carb allotment of 3/day on workout days and 2/day on non-workout days. Continue taking your measurements and each time you reach a NO PROGRESS week, begin at the FIRST level of analysis again and make the appropriate adjustments in the same manner. A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... To help you with this entire process, I’ve created a comprehensive FLOW CHART on the next page that you can print out and keep handy. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 156 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 BRB Program Adjustments Adjustments made to the BRB program are based upon your REAL feedback you get from your weekly body fat measurements and the scale. 1 Week With NO PROGRESS Your goal is to lose at least 1% of your total body weight in FAT each week. Evaluate week and see what you did wrong – correct it – then measure progress in 1 week. If you have a lot of excess weight to lose and find it hard to get an accurate body fat reading, then just go by the scale and look for a loss of 1% of total body fat for now. If you see 2 consecutive weeks without progress, follow the flow chart for recommended changes. Still No Progress Reduce Workout Day Dry Carbs To 2/Day And NON-Workout Day Dry Carbs To 1/Day Progress Seen Again If not including LIIT cardio day(s), add 1 or more to burn more calories. Still No Progress Stick with the same program without change. Making Changes... Changes made to your BRB program are made in the form of your WORKOUTS and/or NUTRITION. Insert 1 FULL CHEAT DAY per week but keep dry carb portions at 2 on workout days/1 on non-workout days. Progress Seen Again Stick with same program for 2 weeks and try reintroducing original dry carb plan © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright If you’ve not seen progress for 2 consecutive weeks, you have the option to first try adding 1 or more days of LIIT cardio to your training week and maintaining the same diet plan. If you can’t add more training or if you’re already performing the max days, you’ll make changes to the amount of DRY CARBS you take each day (see flow chart). If still no progress is seen, adding one full CHEAT DAY per week may jumpstart your metabolism again until you can reduce it to just one cheat MEAL after 2 weeks of progress. Page 157 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 Putting It All Together combat terms, Battle Ready Body is about winning the WAR! Each day is its own “battle” to stay on top of all the principles you’ve just discovered. But you’re well armed with knowledge now and you’ll soon discover that just your new-found understanding of how your body works will help you GREATLY in how you look at “eating” and “exercising” that will stay with you the rest of your life. Nope...there’s no turning back now soldier! That’s one of the “DRAWBACKS” of going through this program... can no longer stick your head in the sand and pretend to be ignorant as to how the image in the mirror got to the state its in. You can no longer chalk it up to “age”, “slow metabolism”, “stress”, or any other host of excuses outside of true medical conditions. You MUST take responsibility for your body and the understanding, again, that... “I’m overweight because of the way I EAT and the way I live my LIFE!” But I have full FAITH and CONFIDENCE in you! I’ve seen the most amazing success stories from people who thought they would NEVER drop the pounds...yet they DID! All it took was a strong will...commitment to dig that fox hole...and stare into the eyes of “Self Doubt” and kick its ass! Now I highly recommend that you read this program yet one more time all the way through to make sure you’ve absorbed all of the information that’s most important. © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 158 of 159 Battle Ready Body Factor 8 A Word From Your “Fat Burning Commander”... Oh...and just one last step... Send me your “After” pictures to show me your accomplishment! And good luck with your “MISSION”, soldier! © CQC International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Page 159 of 159
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