Craftsman 53690515 User Manual 24 SNOW THROWER Manuals And Guides L0102195
CRAFTSMAN Snowthrower, Gas Manual L0102195 CRAFTSMAN Snowthrower, Gas Owner's Manual, CRAFTSMAN Snowthrower, Gas installation guides
User Manual: Craftsman 53690515 53690515 CRAFTSMAN 24 SNOW THROWER - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your CRAFTSMAN 24 SNOW THROWER #53690515. Home:Lawn & Garden Parts:Craftsman Parts:Craftsman 24 SNOW THROWER Manual
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JAN-30-2601 $2;48 lSears 706 651 7714 P.02/21 I owner's manual MODEL NO. 536.90515 CRIIFTSMIIN_ 24" SNOW: THROWER CAUTION: Re,ad SAFETY• RULESand • Assembly • Operating • Maintenance INSTRUCTIONS carefully • Repair Parts ii w Sold Pan Ne, 61172 by S],ARS, ' andSIM iii ROI!,IJ't/C]_ AND CO., Chzcs,_u, IlL 60684 PS 19NS.-Sit, '_'AR' 8LMI I T]','iD, ''o l vunto U.8.A. 4374 7AN-_0-2001 12:48 706 651 7714 i i ,,, IMPORTANT RULES FOR SAFE OPERATION It is imperative mal precautions in operating and handling the power snow thrower that certain nor- be observed to prevent 1he possiloility of injury or damage= Please read the rates for sofa operation before you assemble or LJseyour powcr snow thrower. . Read the Owner's Manual carefully. Familiarize yourself with the controls and use of the snow thrower, Be prepared to stop in a moment's notice. Don't loon your snow thrower to persons unfamiliar with its operation and use. B Do not allow minors to operate or to be near the snow thrower unless properly supervised. 3. Keep hands, feet and loose clothing clear of all moving hands in discharge 4. chutes or near an_y mov!ng Be sure of your footing at all times Io avoid handle. Be careful when turning. parts. Do not ever piece part while eflgine sllpplng. ;s running. Keep a firm hold on the ,5. Check fuel before each using. Do nat fill gasoline tank when englna is running or while engine is hot. Wipe off any spilled gasoline before starting engine. Gasoline iS highly flammable. Always handle with care. . Do not run engine indoors, exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide which ;s odorless and deadly poise.. If for some reason engine must be run indoors, open all doors and windows to provide suffident ventilation, 7. Move speed control to the neutral position before in place, starting engine. Keep gua_rds g. Do not allow anyone in the area while using the snow thrower, A fore;an object or piece of ice may be thrown through the discharge chute causing injuTy to person or damage to property. 9, Stop the engine and be sure all moving parts have stopped turning. Remove the spark p!ug,to prevent accidental slar_llngrbeforo €lea_ing the discharge chute on Toter units; also before making any acl;ustments, mspechng or repairing, or cleaning. 10. Keep all screws, nuts and bolts tight at all times. 11. DanJt change governor settings, The governor engine from damagln9 excess;re speeds, 12. Don't store snow thTower, with fuel In the tank,inside a building where fumes may reach an open flame o¢ spark. Let the engine coal before storing in any enclosure. 13. If your snow thrower should start vibrating, slop the englne and check for age or loose parts. Vibration generally is e warning of trouble. 14. For added safety, it is su9gasted that the operator 15. Never stand in front of the snow thrower or discharge chute. JI controls the speed and protects the wear safety glasses. i, -2-- dam- P,03/21 JAN-30-2001 12:48 906 CRAFTSMAN 651 9914 P.04/21 POWER SNOW REMOVAL EQUIPMENT AFTSMAN GUARANTEE CRAFTSMAN PRODUCT FAILS TO GIVE PROPER PERFORMANCE DUE _'_ WORKMANSHIP, __ _ CHARGE• THIS GUARANTEE THROUGHOUT ' SERVICE {S AVAILABLE W{_ WJLL MAKF ALL NECESSARY REPAIRS, FREE OP IHROUGH t! _ OF OUR STOR_S OR SERVIC_ C[;NTERS _ THE UNITEU STATES OR CANADA. MAINTENANCE TIIE ANY SEARS GUARAN'IE_: SEARS PRODUCTS, PLUS A MAINTENANCE CONTACT YOUI_ NEAREST AGREEMENT AGREEMENT PROVIDr, MAXIMUM VALUE FOR S_ARS STORE Pr.JR DETAILS. CUSTOMERS RESPONSIBILITIES ALWAYS USE CARE WI4EN OPERA]ING THE SNOW 1HROWER. KEEP CLEAR OF MOVING PARTS. DO NOT WORK ON SNOW THROWER WJlH ENGINE RUNNING. AVOID STRIKING OR RUNNING INTO SOLID OBJECTS OR DEBRIS IN THE AR'EA 1'O BE WORKED, READ AND OBSP_RVEIHF RULES FOR SAFE OPERAIION. KEEP THE SNOW THROWER CLEAN.' FOLLOW A REGULAR MAINlbNANCE AND CHECK SCHEDULE TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT AND SAFE OPERATION. A WELt.CARED fOR SNOW THROWER WILL LAST LONGER AND OPERATE MORE EFFICIENTLY. ALWAYS BE CAREFUL FOR YOURSELF AND FOR 01'HERS, SET UP INSTRUCTIONS II IS SUGGESTED THA! THIS MANUAL OR OPERATE THE SNOW IEHROWFR. tip READ IN ITS EN?IR[TY BEFORE ATIEMPTING TO A$SEMBL[_ IH_ SEARS SNOW THROWER HAS BEEN COMPLIZTEY ASSEMBLED AT THE FACTORY, EXCEPT FOR THE HANDLE AND OPERATING CONIROLS WHICH HAVE BI:EN LI_FT UNASSF,MBLED FOR _HIPPING PURPOSES. ALL PARTS SUCH AS NUTS, WASHERS. i_OLTS, E1C., NECESSARY 'tO COMPLETE AS,SEMDLY OF THE HANDLE AND CONTROLS HAVE BEEN PRE-INSERTED IN IHE PLACES THEY ARE TO BE USED OR PLACED JN A PLASTIC BAG. ASSEMBLE THE UNIT AS OUTLINED. REFER TO ILLUSTRATIONS FOR A,T_EMBLY ASi_IMANCE. , i JRN-30-2001 12:49 7B6 ASSEMBLY All hardware neees;ary to completn Ihe asserllbl¥ _! yOUr snow thrower wilt bc Iound in tl_a carton, II w;l! be :lece_sary to install the upl)=r/rod tower handle assern. bli0s, control pene_ and shift col)trol assembly arid nhutc control rod. Tltoro ere two beLtSof parts packed wltll yoo_ unit, One beg contain; n_cL'Escryhardware to cl_mplolc,_ assembly of Vou_ trait. The other bag contains three roplace. ment sheet bolls end I_Uts,an irtstrzz_tlcmshoot lot' shear bolt ]nstatletlon end e replacement =ha;n €onnectul link. Figures 1 end 2 sltow unit €ompletely assembled. To ©omplnto issambly, proceed as follows: I UPPER HANDLE -- I COMTROL I.EVER 7714 P,05/21 br,_r,k(_t tn ,1 petition where teeth o. lower end ul Iod firmly engage holes igl flanLw ;=lou.d |J_ltt_!l_ of the disoharp chute, ttol r,, Tu attach shill ¢ontrfll Rod Adjustment, rod, _oe para;Iriph Shift _n- ml DIECHARQE CHUTE HANDLE 1, Secure Iownr handles Uig=Jm 31 with two 5/U Inch screws, two split Ioekwesl_er;. two I {nd_ screws m_d two formed washo_. NOTE: Hen(lie with I'wle in the center must be ir_talled o. tl_e 10It side of thu 2. SeCUle upper handles a!td control panel ((igtll',_ 4) with fnur 1_ IltCh screws, fOrlll_(.! w_hnrs and I_knu|s, 651 LEFT LOWER ! i 1-1NCHECREW ! FORMED WAEHli lUll.INCH ECREW SPLIT LOCKWASHER pANEL Figure 3 '='REW FORMED WASHER LOCKNUT SHIFT CONTRI EeRll Figure I Figure 4 ,_hift Control Rod Adjustment 1. I;lemove astembly. lucknus Secure lower front screw end of located shift in ca,tirol bell rod crank tu bell crank as shown in figure 6 and replace nut. '2. Loostm shift lever saddle nut shift rod stldas freely in saddle urnova. (see f_gure 6AS until 3. Stand unit Ug on auge_ end (fib;are 7}, Remove prn. tective pecking llt_t was placed betweer_ rubber drive d_sc anr_ speed disc for shipping purposes, IMPORTANT: Failure to rnmove p_ot_.ctive cause unit to propel ;tacit in NEUTRAL gear. packing can 4, Place sltift lever let _ _orward gear position (Detail A. figu_ 71. Using a isi_.ce of wood or other suitable material, block the lover back _ inch Ilo='n bottom of slot, Push b011 crank down to engage drive dt_c a.d spccd dlsc _figure El. Tighten th_ shill rod saddle mJr. 3, ,_N:ure Chute €entral rod (figure Si to loll iowa, hw_dle with fassenara instilled in remote control strap, 4. So=are lower control red bracket to engine platform w|th two E/E inch scr_=ws and |ockng_,NOTE: Notice that lower control rod bracket is adjustable. Adjust the S, Remove bln_k from shift lever and check In sec ill,it d,ive disc firmly contacts speed d;s_ in all forward gears and REVERSE. The dFive disc should (:leer the speed dJs_ a!ip=oxlmetely 1/B in©h wi_el_ shift level ]_ tel NI;UTItAL position. 8. Install the bottom Cover wtl_ch was p_;ked with fou, taptire I;crewt {IJgufe 6}. separately JAN-30-2001 12:49 ?06 6_1 7714 P.06/21 e _'HUTE CONTROL ROP U-BOLT CONTROL ROD 8RACKET r_IHNCH 8CREW LOCKNUT Figure 5 i AUOER END Height Adjustment - Skids & Gage Wheels REARCOVER This ilnlt is equipped w_th a Daft ol ski_ mounted on th0 back side of the sugar ho_Jr_o and a pair of gega wheals I(x_ated on the outside o! th= auger housin9, Both theskl_ cad gage wheels era used so eleveto the front of the machine up to 1 inch. Figut'og shows both pattL NOTE,' Be certain that tires -,re Inflated equally before -_dJussingskids or gage wheels, Wheu rcrnovino snow from !l'_r_ surface arab such Os paved driveway or sidewalk, we suggest usa of gage wheels ontv to elevctc front of machine to desired heighl. "1"ochange height of wheals, remove nut on a_)e or rjeOe wllee| Ifigu)€ 9). Relucate axle into hole representln9 desired he_ghL and re. pJ_P.e r+uL Set wheel on other side ,lt same height, Loosen. pull up. and tighten wheels have bael_ r,ot. 0 skids to full UP pu_ition after gage Wha, romovinq snow from rock or unpaved constrUc_Lon, v,m august you ra(se the frortz el th+ machine with the skids, To raise the rnach;na wilrh the skids, loosen the muunzing .uts (figure g) and push the skids down until tire front of the math;he iS ra;sod to dosired height. Ret;ghtan moun_ing nUtS, IMPORTANT: Be corral, to mainlaie proper ground clearnnce for your particular area 1o be created, ObJecls such I_ gravel, rooks or otller debris, if slruck by the auger, may be -rAN-_O-2001 12:49 786 d_rown w]tl) sufficient _mag# to property. fume lo cause iniur ¥ to po_onnel o_ 651 7714 P,07"21 IMPORTANT: Chai1ge er=nkca_€ oil after the first 2 hours o1 opera,don and :,her each 25 hours uf ul)era_ion thereafter, or st the beginning of eadr season, whichever come_ first, 're dtoin the oil, see poragmpl_I.ubriution. 2. Fill gas t,qnk with €lean re.qular grade eutUmoliva gasoline, or low,lead D_otitte is an acceptable suhstlzute. Do not use E111yl or high o©_r_ gasoline. B_ ceq'tairl Cool,liner is clear_ and free _rofll rusl, or forcig_z particles. Never LJSeg=lsoline thai may be stale tram long p_riuds (Jrslola_ in the cotlta]ner. CAUTION: Never fill the g_ tank while engine in running or is hot° hxlmedi/toly wipe off any spilled gasoline before attempting to start engine. 3. I_eck ell level i..Llear ease lay removing ell level phJ9 (fiaule 10). 01! sl_otdd be visible I, hole, If not, remove oil fill plug 1o) and add SEARS SAE 30 engine oil until it stort_ Io rul_ out ell level hule. Replace both plu_ att_l tighten securely, 4. Check ti_ pressure, Tires Were factory inflated to 15 to 20 pounds, This is oorrecL pressure for tires w;th snow chains, If chaim ere relttuved, decrease tire pressureLo t2 to 15 pounds. Be certain=that pressure is equal in both tiros so front el trait stays level, OiLrILLPlUG F;gure 8 Figure 9 Before Starting Engine I. Remove the oil cog end dipstick (figure 2) and fill crank.s0 to the FULL line on dlpstiek (approximately t_A pintS) with SEAR e: SW-20 motor oil which w_ included with the unit, Replace the ell _op and dipstick €fld tighten securely, Always check oil level before starting ti_e engine and after each five hou_ of continuous ur,e. Add oil a; re' quoted. Do not over fl11. Figure 10 OPERATION Genorel Safety Precautions t, Keep the area to be cleated free of stones, twigs, small toys and other debris. Once the uluw beglns tu 1all, these objects will be covered end impossible to be seen. If struck by the auger, small objects can be tlirown with suffie;ent force tO cause injul'y to personnel and dam=9c to Pro_orw, 3AN-30-2001 ?06 12:50 651 7914 2, Stand clear of unit when starting engine. Nova( place hands or feel ricer any movIIIg p:rlJ, Never dlrecI rite discharge chute at byt;anders. P.08/21 CHUTE DEFLECTOR CHUTE NANDLE._ CAUTION: If the discharge chute should become blocked, stop the onglne end remove the spark plug before attempting to clear the obstruction. 3, Slap the engine and inspect uitit for damage immediately after striking any foreign object. De not use the maeh;ne until all damage has been rape[red, 4. Your snow thrower is shlpped with tlre chains in. stalled. For best traction, do riot operate the utow thrower willlouz the tile chains. 6. When using the snow thrower, dresswarmly, If pest, ible, use non*slip type footwear te inure safe footing. 6, Keep a firm hold url zha handle. turnlng to a_old slipplng, 7. Never leave the snOW throwel engine is running. De careful when unattended while the Figure 1 1 _. The operation of any powered outdoor uqulpmt_nt can result in forei0n objects being thrown into Ihe eye_, willeh can resul( in _evete eye (Jalnago. Always wear salary glassesor eye shields before commencing powor toot Opera. tion. We recommend Wide Vision Safety Mask for over spectacles or _tendard safely glasses, available at SEARS Retail or Catalog Stores. 9. Familiarize yourself wlth the cquJpme,t anti whh tile Rules for Safe Operation. Operating Controls - VER Unit Figur_ 12 Operating controls (figure 11) and their lunutions follows: are as To Star_Engi.e o Shift Control Lever - Used to select ded_ed trait speed or direction, Choice of tour forward speeds, NEUTRAL and REVERSE. CAUTION: Do not put |tends, feel Or loose oloshi.o in or nell' the deflector ©bulc or auger housing while the Dnaiile Is running. o Chutc Control Rod . Used to dlange directlnn of anow discharge. Turn handle €loukw_se1o tUrrt chute to left. Turn hondln counterclockwise to turn chule to right. All snow can be discharged Lo one sid() l_y changing direcUon of €ll=lte cad1 limo direction _f trave_is changed. Thr, snuw thrower e.gine is equipped wilh a ,ew instant stin recoil starter. The operation of this engine is controlled by the thlottie control (figure 13). Before starting the en0ine, becertain that you have read and followed ell '.he hlstruetions on the pleeeding pages. = _ute Deflector - Tile dislance that the snow will be discharged can be adjusted by moving the chute up or dowrl using the chute handle inotiflted on the deflector chute (figure 11 ). CAUTION! Do not put hands in or near the _hut_ while the engine is runntng. dofJoctOi' o Auger Clutch - Used to dise.geOO pnwer I.u auger. Pull tip 1oengage. Push down to disengage. Operating Controls -- Engine Primer Butch -.. Used Io InJent luel carburetor manifold to insure fast starts. O _oke Lever -- Set choke lever to FULL tion to start • 2. Open ftJel shut.oil valve on fuel ta_k, if =;e©quipp,_d, IMPORTANT: Before starting the et_gi=leon a unit tl_at has been used. drain a Imall nmotJnt of gasoline from the carhuletoI fuel bowl by f.ushin9 up o,: Shedump valve (figure 131. This will _emnv('. any cur:dens._tion which may have accumulated si:_cethe snow II_luwer was last used. 3. Maya throLtle layer tn RUN position. Engine operating eonlrols (figure 12} and glair functions ere as follows: o 1. FItl fuel t_nk with clean, fresh, regular gasoline, CAUTION: Be eellain tiles the ahift lever is in NEUTRAL position end tile auger control Js in DISENGAGE pot,,Jtion before starting engine_ dlreedy into CItOKE posi- engine. Throttle Level' -- Used to con[rot speed of engine. Also used as kill switch whon pushed to PULL FOR_ WARD or STOP poshiol_s, 4. Move chuke lever to FULL CHOKE position. 5. Pu,dl urimer bulb five times. warm engine. NOTEs Do not prime a 6. Pull starter handle rapidly. NOTE: 0o riot ollow the starter rope to snap beck but rewind slowly while keeping hold 01 handle. , 7. If cngine fails to star1 after three pulls, repeat :tap 5. 8. After engine stem. gradually return choke laver to JAN-_0-2001 12:50 706 7714 P,09/21 m OFF CHOKE poshion. NOTE: Allow the engi.e tu walm up for e few minutes es tire engine will not develop full power until iT reaches operating lempvreture, g. To stop engine, move throttle 651 l i°l 111 11 °t lever to STOP posll;o., To engage self-propelling all'ire nlndlenis_t and for thv most. ef/eGtlve Use of your snow _llrower. refer to paragraph Snuw Thrower Operalion. __ _ __ Figu,'a 14 P.AReUR_ FUEL 8OWL FUEL DUMP_:._.. VALVE "-:_._ F[gurn 1:3 Snow Tltrower Operation The ra!! effective use ot the snow thrower w{ll be ostebtlsh. ed by experience, taking into €or_slderatlon d_e terfairt, wiJld conditlor_s, locaL|on of buildiltgs altd the depth anil weight of the snow, It is the wind conditions and bu;Idlng Ioeallon which will determine thn direction of Ihe discharge chute ((lgur0 111. Since the wind wil! rend lo blow rite dischargud snow beck into the cleared area° it will be i_0cessary to change the chute direction to offset this con_Jition ax shown in figures 14 and 1S. De not dlscher.q0 snow toward e building, is hidden ubJects uould b_ thtuwl_ whh sutflcjont force to cause damage. To engage th© self-propelling dr;re mechanism, pro_ed es follows: 1, StIR Engine, _he engine as described in paregral)h To Start 3. Move auger control lever to ENGAG r: poe;flue, The auger will start turning (_iguro 11). CAUTION: Keep hinds, feet end clothing away from the auger while engine Is ronnhtg. 4. qnlect proper speed for s.ow below: B, Number Figure 15 you ere using. E. To stop forward mmion, move shift ,lever TRAL posltion. Engine and augur will cuntinue to sIon ouger, move aL_ger control Io DIS_NGAG I= "J*n MOp engJnL', move li)rottle conBol IO STOP t_ NEUrun. To =oslti_n. posir_un. CAUTION: tiler Oo not attempt become lodged cautlom: 1. Move in auger auger ©onttoi 1o remove any without lever 2, Move shits lever lo NEUTRAL 3. Move tllmttll laklng I0 item the following DISENGAGF may pre" position, pillion, lever VO STOP position. 4. Remove spark plug. 2, UsirKj _he chute control rod (figure 111, positlon tile discharge chute to dlscherge the snow with the wirid, u! away from bu_idlngs. A, Number sinews. ' speed posilion I p_itiun ;_ position is tel is lar conditions as outlined e_lra similar deep, conditlons, wet heavy bLl[ S, Do not place your hinds in tire auger. Use e pry bar, CAUTION: Tl_e engine compression could cause the IKloer to rotate sharply when lodged item Is removed, if above precautions are not followed. IMPORTANT: At(or 0_ch use of the snow thrower, slog _hc engine, remove the spark plug, remove ill ecoumulated snow from the unit and wipe clean. EIore the snow thrower in ;_ p=otocted area. SERVICE CAUTION: Always remove the spark plug I_fore any repell_ or adjmtmenss. nor making as llCVel _. C. Number 3 position is for light fluffy snow. Drive Belt Adjustment D, Number 4 position Is mainly for transportlng over bare or plowed areas, but may be used for very light snow. This unit is equipped with two drive bolts located Just in front O{ engine under belt cover {figure 111. Figures 16 and 17 show both bole; end Idler pulleys, Tensiun spring and idler pulley should keep dr_ve mechanism belt {neeresl Io nngine) firmly in corlrect with engine pulley at ell times. E. Run engine at or near top speed, regardless el which -8.,. 3RN-30-2001 12:5i 786 651 771a P.10/2i If adiu_tmoot Ioocomcs necessarV due (o We_r or shetch of bell, luos.i_l Iocknul idler pulley (figure 771 anti i;ush idlm pulley toward I)€lt unlil SLllfJuiellt tel_Jiion is _i}ieved. Tigllt. e!_ pulley securely, Auger drive buff (lerll_esl from e_igi.'ie) is wlth engi,_e pl.illey o[dy when au0m venires luvel Is ill ENGAGE po_illnn, Piece auuor cOmlol levee il, EN. GAGE po._fflon gild adju:;I beff tcluion In _ame mam_=_ at desnlibed lot tiriue meeha_lism bolt. Dun to stiffness nf e _lew bell, II]e _,,igel may r;u_tinLm t.i rotate attar auger cnntrol is moved to DISENGAGE posiliml. When belt has seated itself, aLIgel should slop hlrtlhlll 10 to 20 seconds an, or _in 9 diset_g_d. If aug0l conllnues t.i rotate fur mure than 20 seconds of let beillg disang;eJed, ad. just auger belt ,is follows: 1, Stop englne and wait for nil Ino_i.g pans to slop. _see Drive Belt Adiuslment _ectiml 2_ Remove _l)aJk plug, 3. I_emove belt €overt of Owner's ManualS. d. Adjust b_lt guides I0 minimum €learances 1'€o111.iug0J' drive belx with aug_r conical lever i,l ENGAfiE pnsizion. (Clearances are: Left Guide , minimum, 1/16 ioch; maximum, 118 inch; Right Guide - mlnlmtml, I/8 i.ich; nlaxlmum, '4 Inch.) S. Replace zpark plug and start caution to avoid exposed bells, 6. Move auger €entre/lever 7. Move throttle engine, usinl! eztreoze to ENGAGE p_itioo. control lever to FAST po_ilion. 8. Allow engine to attain full speed, then move auuer conlro) lever to DISENGAG_ pus)lion. O. Check auger stoppinl_ Time. lir clopping time slill exceeds 20 secondS,chock ddve belt leJtslon, _ deseHLmdin Dries Ball Adjustment section of Owner's Manua!, DRIVE CHAIN \ 10. Replace belt cover. CAUTION; turning. Never attempt to menually slop auger from SLOT IN |IDE FRAME I_[Tetll line (OPEN tNP MU_T IlhULI mASTER liNK i Figure I0 Drive Chain Adjuslmenl Ti_e drive chain {figure ZUJ must be checked p0lio,'iieally IO ins_re correct chain tellsioI1, Prol)al' tef)lloo ez_Stswheo the chain is tight enough to prevent any noticeable sag. To ad._us¢,proceed _il follows: Figure 16 1. _lartd -9- Ul'_il U_ 011 01zoer ell(I, _AN-_0-2001 12:51 9_6 2. Remove bottom end rmor coeoi; If=guru 61, NOTE: Rear cover cannot bo mmowd onrlroly because shift COnlrOl rod Is threaded through it. 3. Lo_en Idler sprocket (figure 18) alsd move if_ slut In side frame until desired tension is achieved, Tighten spJock. et Jeeumly. Shift Red Length 651 9714 P.11/21 Drive Disc Replacement 'the repl_ement of the d;'lw disc on this unit is a major se=viccoperation end should be do=)et_'. trained technician, The entire drive r_setrod carriage a_embly must be removed. The Repair Peru section Of rbls Inanual cuntaills e tist of replecomont I_=rls elld illustration= to osslst the Ira=fred technician in making rspoitr= alZ(J uldetirl u proper rerAeco=TINt1 ! p;Ir ts, For adjustment of shift rod lengdl, see paragraph Shift fled Adjustment In assembly s0etiD1_uf thrs rnanuah Shear Bolt Replacement The auger M=ombly _s made up of e right end left ruder: Each ir e_:ured with a special boll (figure 10J that acts as a shear bolt. Those bolts am designed tn break if on o_ect becomes lodged in the auger. Three sval'e shear boils silo (zut= have becl_ furnished with your unit. If.additional bolts are required, we suggest that you order genulno replacement bolts. Use of a harder bolt will destroy the protection p)'ovided by tl_is spec;=l bolt, To mpleea e broken shear bell;; prosed as follows: Snow Chai. Removal To remove the mOW chains, release Useeltaln hook (figure 2, pegs 41 and die opposite fastener. Flesron the chain o_t o_t the grou.d and push unit off the chain, h_stallatiun ;s ti_e reverseof relrlOVal, 1, Remove d'm paras.Ofthe brckelt bolt. 2. Align tile hole ill the aurar with the hole if1 the _zJger shaft, Install nawahesr bolt. /:loller Chain Replacement To remove a roller chain assembly ;t e simple pruuedgre rvquiring that the ©hoin first be made slack {fur adjustable chains) for ease of removal altd replacement, 3hen remove the matter link and ehai_. To slacken t11ochain assemblyis the reverse at the pfocedur_ described under pJ,regraphs Drive P, Jlaln Adjustment. NOTE: Remairli,0chal_tsthat._re not adjustable will have tO be replaced whllnUr being slackened. IMPORTANT: During insteltetlon of the regis=meet chain e.embly, be certain to install the chain with the open end el the minter link keeper =raiiing es shown in inset, fi_uJ'e 18, Drive Belt Replacement The drive belt_ on th_s unit are of special construction and_ should be replaced with original equipment belts available from your nearest _EARS StoI_ or Service C_.ter. Figure THROTTLE )9 L_VER To replace drive mechanism belt: ...........-............ ;:. 1, Remove belt cover {figure 21. 2. Releaseidler pulley l_nsion spring (figure 161. e.DK ,EV, •..... 3. Leben screw,; holding b_lt guldes end swing belt guides away from belt. \ 4. Roll belt off en0ine pulley, NOTE: tt will be ne_smary to roll e_ger drive belt off engine pulley to allow drive m_olmnlsm belt to be _moved from en_ne pulley, 6, Remove belt Pulleys. by threading up between largo drive CARBURETOR 6. Install 1taw belt in revere order. To replace auger drive belt: 1, Remove belt cover Ifigure 2). 2, Release tens;On on belt by placing eUger cootrol lever In DISENGAGE p=itlo.. 3, _'tand unit up on aU_lerand end remove bottom Cover (figure lgJ. 4, I.OOSO_ screws away from belt. hold;, g bait guides K. Roll bolt oft = drive pulley move up between drive pulleys, 6. Install and swing and engine pulley oqides Figure 20 and re. Carburetor now belt in reverse u_dar, Adjustment Never make _meoessory adjustment=. -10- Tl_e factory scrting_ 3RN-38-2001 12:51 906 ere correcl for most applications. The Ili.qh speed neededis not adjustable. II idte ad_ustmnnt become; nel;essaW, pro. ceed as follows: 1, Start engl.e 2. Move Ulrottle end allow to wasm up for a few laver tn SLOW minules, position, 3. Turn idle adjusting screw (ligure 20) forwald or backward 118 turn at a time ut)t_l cn_ine ruels smouthly, NOTE: AJways allow several seconds between each adjtlstment Ior the carburetu_ to react to tile new earth)g, 9714 P112/21 For lubricatlon points, freqtlenev of lubricalio+l and type of lubricant, see ligurcs 21 and 22. 1. Chock crankcase 011 level before starling engine en(l after each 5 hours of _onti.uous use. Add SEARS 5W.20 motor oil or equivalco[ as required. (;hanga ©rankcaLe ell every 25 hours of operetiral) or aT Ueglnning of each seasoel. NOTE: SEARS IO.W ut 5W-30 motor oil are aeee.ptabl0 substitutes. To drain oil, prOCeed as fullowJ: Never attempt to change mexlmum engirze speed as tl_is is Preset at the foctury, Excessive speeds, housed by bv.p,'=Ssinfl tile guy€roe!, can cause e_tonL_vc e.ltUille (Jilnlage, A. Remuv_ o_l fill cop and dip=tlck (figure 16, PelF: g). B, Remove oil drain plug (_igure 17. page 91. C. Tip unl! toward oil droin I=lUg and drafn into , suitable € NOTE: Oil will drain more freelv when warm. Spark Plug Adjustment (_leck tire sDark plug periodically end meet spark phlg gel) to 0.030 inch us{rig e wire feeler gauge, D. Replace oil drai, plug securely a.d fill crankcase to proper level shown on dipstick (apptoximalery 1_ ph_ls). The condition of Ihe spark plug may I_e detormhted by Color. A carbonized plug is black and I)ttlltt plugs, are greyish in culor, whereas a normal funeUonin 9 spark phlg._s browlt, If a ne.w spark f_l_JUis required, refer to the Repair Parts List for proper _t+plecm_ells sp<_rkplug, Before ]nstalii.g spa, k phPj. Can! thre.lcls lightly graphite grease to ;,_sureeasy removal. BSI with ALL Fi, APIG | BEARINGS 01L LEVEL PLUG AUGER GEAR CAEE GAGE WHEEL CHAIN ADD SITARS S.A,I_, lOW Oil FY[RY ANO AFT|II EACH USE. ADD SEARS S.A,_, 3OW Oil EACH U$C. (_ 2 HOURS, AS REQUIIEO. CliECK kEFOa[: REMOVE CHU/_ AND f_OAf Wlltf CLINGING SUCH AS LUBRIpLAII: ONCE $^CH SJ_ASON, TYPE GREASE Figure _P. Lubrication IMPORTANT: If oil or grcese gets on either the rubber drlve dise or metal speed disc, is will hey0 !,o b_ removed or _lippage will result. Use g_so];ne or other oil.cuttlng solvent to remove. Wipe off exces_ oil or grease, -11- 2. Cheek auger gear ease oil leuel before each use by temovlng oil level plug (figure 22). Oil should be vislble in hole. If ell la required, remove oll fill plug (figure 22) and add SEARS SAE 30 ongl.e oil until ell begins to run out ell level hole. Heplece both plugs end tighten $eeurelyr 3. Remove discharge chute assembly and grease rim Of chule opening wltlz a clJ_gin_ type grease such as Lubrlplate. JAN-30-2801 12:52 786 Storage Instructions ' 8, Store the snow thrower ;n e protected area end cover the unit tar *Kldirio_el Woteetlon. 2, Run the engine until carburetor is dry. Engine Service 3. Drain d_e carburetor fuel bowl usln9 tho dump valve shown in figure 13, page 8. Unlesstim operator is fuily qualified to make engine adjusrrnontr and repairs, It is recommended that such work be done by technieians trained to wnrk on snow thrower-type easel;noengines, IMPORTANT: If not drained completely, gamllne will leave gum deposits which will foul up the fuel system makh_gthe engine hlrd zo start. remove all debris and wipe 5, inspect, the snow thrower Tighten ell lOOSehardware. for worn or damaged parts, 6, Oil all I_In_ described in plragrapll P.13/21 IMPORTANT: A year1v checkup or tuneup by the SEARS Service Oepartmmd is e good way of insuring that your snow thrower will provide maximum performenoe for the next s_ason. The snow thrower sllould be immediately prepared for stores0 et the end of the season or if the unit is to be Inoperotlvc for mo_ than 30 days, 1, Drain the gas tank, 4, Clean the unit thuroughly; the unit dry. 651 7714 The Repair Paras s_tioo pf this manuel contains e list of engine replacement parts end illustrations to assist the Uulned technician in making tepa]rs and ordering proper replacement paris. Service Helps Lubriultion, The following chert, Service Halos is provided as a guide for correlhlg minor problcms when thc trouble Is known. 7. Remove spade plug end pour a tablespoorr of o_1_nto the opening. Cycle the engine bY pulling on the starter rope si0WIy severll flees to distribute the oil evenly on the piston andoyllnder wall. Replaceeplrk plug, SERV!,CE,HELPS CAUTION: ALWAYS REMOVE SPARK PLUO BEFORE AT'TEMPTING i L TROUBLE Difficult a_lrtlng: Engine runs erratic. Engine stills; Lossof power, J ANY REMEDY illl LOOK FOR REMEDY Defective sperk.plu_. Unlt running on Choke, Replace,defective plug. Set choke lever to RUN position. "" Obstruction in auger Remove obstruction; clean auger housing. houslng,jJ BIm:ked lull line or' Clean fuel llne; thee empty Oilstank. i , iii i fuel supply. Review go,seraph Tost, F.gln., i i Remove condensate from carburetor fuel bowl using clump rely0 (step 2 in .paragraphTo Stere ,,Engine). Stop engine immJIdilitely; tighten ell bolts end make ell neceslery repairs, If vibration continues, have the unit serviced by e com. potent repai!'men. Water ;n fueJ systole, excessive vll_rarlon, ml Loose parts, Drive chain loose or Unit fells to propel ilseif. defective, Adjust dr!,v,,chain: repla_ ,if defective. Drive I_h loose or defective. ,. i m Low transmission fluid level. Fill re proper level. Auger drive belt loose or defective. Adjust auger drive ben; replace ;f dlOfect;Ve. 'Shear bolt .1broken, Unit fails to di_herge snow. _ ;Adjust drive belt: replace if defective. flep.ia_:e_'_'hear bolt; see piregreph Shier Bolt RepJecan_ent. i. Disch._rgachute dogged_, ,, Foreiwn object lodged in auger, I ii ill| i ,, i C_eek auger gear ease for broken or bound parts and for oil Leveh See Repilr Parts section of this manual |oF correct order of parts. Auger goat CBSO trouble. • i Clean dlschsrgechute and inside of auger housing, Remove object from auger. See CiLitJ,-n following seeD7 in parsgraph Snow Tllfower adoration . ,, -12-- i ,-I CRAFTSMAN I 24" SNOW THROWER" MODE L NUMBER 536.90515 414 | Q U_ U_ U] J_ CRAFTSMAN 24" SNOW THROWER MODEL Key NO. PareNo. 1 2 3 8240 40362 36602 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 D_crlf_ien G_p, Hand Hartdle, UpPer Bolt, Carriage. Y.-2B Thd x 5/0 In. Lg 65724 Oe_sJ.Sldfl Control 22822 Knob. Handle C_caf 66739 41664 Panel. Conxrol 41666 Shih LeveeAx4eJ_bly 122040 I "Screw. Hex Hd. 5/16-18 ll'hd x 1 Y,,tn. L9 43484 Swing. Torsion 41875 Cam PZale. Front 997314 "LacJknut, 'h•2_0"ITnd Shoulder Bolt 4205O 42051 Bearing, Shift _-_nt_ot 28149 Wave W;Kher 996407 "Flatwashee, 5116 I0 I -_ "Standard Paris May Be Purchased Locally I NUMBER KeY No. 536.90515 Part No. 17 41924 18 19 9_13447 180816 20 21 22 43479 41874 t 22052 23 121926 24 25 26 27 22025 41657 41658 122017 28 29 120638 120228 I Oem:HpUan Shoulder 6o|1 "Lodknut, 5/18 x IB "rhd "Screw, Hex Hd, 1_-20 Tlkd x 5 In, L9 Shift Rod UlCer P_vot Bracket. Rear "Screw, Nex Hd. 5/16- _6 Tt_d x 1Y. In, Lg "Capscrew, He..( Hd, _-20 Thd x 1 • In. L9 Washu, Formed Han_e, Lower,LH Handle. Lower, RH "Screw, Hex Hd, 5/16-18 Thd x l lno L_ "LoqckwaSher,Split, 5116 In. "Screw. Hex Hal. 5/16" I 8 Thd x ;7 3D Z I L,J Pert No. 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 0196 23940 27325 41662 455481 27328 997319 37 38 39 4O 41 42 4,3 9417373 27326 43428 9_!5 138538 998013 61028 Oe=€_on Grip. Handle U-Bo_t Control Rod, Chu_ Bracket. Comr_ Rod, Lower "flOII Pin. 5/16X 1 In. Sprm:ket, 9 Te,e_ 'Led(nut, 10-32 Thd, Hex Type N Sp_ Washer Handle Strap. Remote Saddle Wmhez, 5/16 Ip. Lod(washel, InfernO4Toolh Bolt, Ca_ri_Je,5/16-18 x In. Lg O_mu's Manual (Not I{lustr_Zed) I rO h2 Lq PO 5/8 !n. L9 O'l o_ Ln k_ p_ I I CRAFTSMAN K_ No. Pa_ No. ! 2 3057 12o228 0 7 8 9 41689 40877 4T685 40885 10 I1 4193S 435O4 24" SNOW THROWER MODEL NUMBER Demiptian Knob "Scow, Hex Hd. 5/16-18 x 5/0 In. " 5/16-18 "rhd "Roll Pin, 1/8 x I (n. U.ecket.Sb_port 1]lroymul Handte Assembly SFrJng.Idler M_un! Plate, Idler Sceew, Talkie, Hex W_her Hd, K-2Q x 3,/8 in, Cover. Bell Belt Guide, R.H. 536,90515 Key No, Parl No. 12 120_ 13 14 15 16 17 18 120741 9G8503 41740 44917 20794 417Z6 19 41687 29 41727 21 3O466 22 9413534 Des_ptio_ "Loclo_v'_sher,Split, 5/16 1.0. "ScTew, Hex H_, 5116.24 x % In. "Set Scow, 511E-10 x Y4in, V-Beh Sheave, Engine Key. _re, 3/36 X ]_ in, Spacer, 11/32 I.D, x I O.D.x 5/32 Tick Idler A,,m, PrJma_f Shoulder 6oh Pulley Idter • LoHmut, 3/_ t6 "l_d Key No. 4:'_rl N_ 23 12O9T8 24 41726 25 23589 26 41909 27 35144 26 29 41940 t 38538 3O 31 32 4350,1 3140 40e99 Z I L_J (S) r S_-w, Hex lid, 3/8-16 x 1); In. Icier Arm, Sc,c_tdlu'y Shoulder 0off Mounting Brackel, Auxiliory Screw, S_otled Flex Hd, Taplite 10-24 x 3/'8 in, _h0n. _il Covet' L_kwashey, Inlemal Taoth 5116 i.D. Bell Guide. L.H. Wi_k_, Wave V-B_Jt ro o, L_ L,J I I -.] O_ (.q CRAFTSMAN 24" SNOW THROWER MODEL NUMBER 536,90515 CRAFTSMAN 24" SNOW THROWER MODEL NUMBER z I 536.90515 I Key Part No. 1 4O619 2 ;9413534 3 4 9413447 ;5 998503 417O4 120229 e 9 I0 II 12 I I 15 16 17 18 19 2O ZI 22 23 25 26 285_ 25177 43498 25O8O 435O1 43499 43502 Z73_ 32398 32397 41702 30467 274517 36625 999314 25072 35345 41753 36602 435Q5 "Standard Om=ipfion No, P_rt No. Oem'i_ No. aearln9, Rotor "L_knut, 3/I6-16 -I'nd $p_'er, Pulley HIub "Locknut, 5/16-16 11hal 'S_ Screw. 5/16.18 Thd x Y, In.L 9 Hu b. (_|ve "5crew, Hu Hd, 5/16.18 Thd x 7/8 In. Lg _eave B.4 ln. Die. OD Wa_ner 2_ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 25097 27189 454565 41995 41696 41743 41754 33154 55 465_9_ :56 57 68 59 43481 41865 44999 120834 _pporl _kBeateno AJsembly 8earing Bearing, Support Auembly Sp_ed Shaft Key, Hi ProNo. 606 Wmher Thn;at 9earn 9 SPeed Disc 8eit Guide. I,ow_e *Flasher, 3/8 ID Ring, TTuafc ' Locknut. Y.-20 "rhd Oi:r,c,Bearing Re_i_ne_, 9earing, SelI-,Alif_ing 5_de Fram_/_em_y. LH Boll, C.a_ge. _.-20 Thd x 5/8 In. Lg Chain Anembly 39 49 Link Connector No. 40 Sprocke% 36 Tm.d_ "go_l Re, _; x 1'/, In. L9 Shall. Interrne_a_e Sprocke% 9 Teeth Chain A._e ml_y Side Frame _emt_y, RH Q-,ai_, Snow l_n_ end Tire A._sembly V_lve Stem Screw, Special OISCoBe,z_ng Retainer Collar, Lock;_g Shaft, Ax/e Sprock_ 30 Teem Pin. OHve-Lok, _ x 1½ in. Lg "Scr_v_. Flex Hd, 5116-18Thd x 5/8 in. 1.9 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 4O632 25177 35703 35383180018 41922 36664 995338 68 69 70 71 72 73 35585 29162 4f716 41729 74 75 76 41/30 19196 180120 77 78 41871 42619 _8 24167 41849 "169 4 !707 41708 41705 4170,6 36311 '- 120229 45 49 47 48 49 . 411593 271190 43495 43166 122188 50 51 62 53 4189Q 41991 406?7 136489 54 41711 _ f_K_e, Ffal_e "Hut, KelP, 3/8-16 Thd Sprocket, Id!.er Bushing *Screw, Hex Hd, 3_5- I9 Thd x 2 I.. Lg Shoulder Bolt, Carriage Wave Wesher F1a'nveslter Lockwasher: External Toolh, 5/16 fO S_pporl A_,embiy, Ca_riege _ NO. Om©dpdon "Ball, Ca_H_ge,5/16-18 "rlkdx 5/8 In. Lg 6eli C_mk Assembly Cramp, 9e_l @rink S_rockm, 8 Teeth 'Screw, Hex Hd, 5116-t8 Thd: x Bea_ing.St4f-Aligning Flatv_er. 3/4 IO Ring, TrJaec Beadr'_ "Screw, Y,-20 Thd x 5/8 In. L9 Besrir.g Yoke and B_tl Azsemb_¥ Beating Yoke "Screw. Tapdle, Hex Hd. _-20 Tlhdx 5/8 !o. Lg Castle. Retainer Ois¢ A._e,mbly, Rubber 5p_er Drive Shafl, Hex Cower, Rear Screw. Tip, re, Slotted, Hex Hd. 10-24 Thdx 3/6 In. IJj Cover, I_om Engine, Model No, 143.92692 *Screw, Hex Hd, 3t6.16 Thd x _; In. Lg PI_0 En_ne Mo_nl "Screw, Tepdte, 3/8-16 x H ln. Lg I_, B.) ol Ld -a parts may be purchased locally. O_ O_ -3 i_LO \ r'O CRAFTSMAN 24" SNOW THROWER MODEL NUMBER ,536,90515 Z I I Q _v 68 s 69 I'0 11 22 i 1 0 -,3 I c.rl -,3 \ f,O CRAFTSMAN 24" SNOW THROWER MODEL NUMBER Z I UJ 536.g0515 I Key No. I 2 3 4 Part No. 122017 9964O7 9413447 122_19 5 6 7 8 986427 9 10 11 12 44979 25177 4|813 122052 ! 20382 36007 27324 r 13 21970 14 15 16 17 18 39119 274517 27318 271190 99801O I d I 19 20 21 25091 446363 "271184 De*cdp5o. "screw, Hex Hd, 5116.18 Tt_d x 1 In.L 8 *Flatwasker. 5/16 ID "Lockout, 5/16-1B Thd. Type N +Screw. Hex Hal, 3/8-16 Thd x ln. Lg Lockw_hex, Solit, 3/8 10 Strap, Support "Key, Hi Pro No. 606 "Washer, 13/16 ID • ! Y, OD x 16 Gause I Imp.:ll_" Assembly • Ftatwasher, _ IO Gear Case Alterably "Screw, Hex Hd, 5/16-18 "l_d x 1-_, In. Lg "Washer, 1 ID x _, OO x .125Thk Shoulder Bolt • F/etwmher. 3/8 IO Wheel, Gage Alsem_ty °Nut. Keps. 3J8-16 Thd "Bolt, CarriaBe. 5/16-16 "n-.d x _ In. Lg Skid • Fla_va_her, 5/16 IO "Nut, KeFs. 5116-18 Thd Kay ! Mo. Pall No. Oa=ultd[on 22 23 997314 180016 • Locknul, Hex '_-20 Thd, Type N "Scr_'_v, He_ Hd. Y--__O Thd x 24 25 26 27 28 25840 16B39 8240 35137 122007 29 30 3t 32 33 30480 28576 4 1870 41868 120229 35 36 31 38 39 40 41 41867 27368 41864 41852 39142 9413534 41863 110356 Washer, Belleville, 5/16 ID Oecal. Caullon Grip. Hand (_qute AJsernbly. Top "._:rew, Hox Hd, 5/16-18 x _.. tn Lg C!_u_eA_mbly, Bottom Chute Q'ip AUBeTBlade, RH Auger A-_s_mbly.RH "Screw. He.,( Hd. 5/16-19 Tlhd x 5/6 In. 14 Auger Assembly, LH AIJger Blade. LH Cover, Au_r Auger Housing End, RH Oeari_j. Auger "Locknut. 318-16 Thd y_In. Lg 42 43 44 4_.851 41750 23700 Sr.Ia per 9{ _ie "Bolt. Capriole, _-20 Thd x Y-=In. L9 Auger Hot_ir_g End, LH Cov_ _embly, Rot©_' "Pipe Rug. Y. In. Key No. 45 46 47 46 49 54} 51 52 53 54 SS 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 68 67 68 69 Pan No. 120854 120380 28568 29569 2iBBf 8421 27117 8292 8290 28526 28425 21684 21921 21686 119117 21922 21924 2E426 2503 28570 24274 3021 41725 35497 43490 Description 'Camcrew, Hex Hd. %-20 Thd_ 516 I_l, Lq * Lockwmher. V,ID Plate, Cover Gasket RinB, Re_n_ng Spring W_her Worm Gear 5paoer Bearing Ascembly Gear C=_ Shaft, Gear Box, Sho(1 • Key. Hi JPro "O*" Ring Nut. Bea_,in9 Adj;_.,stin8 "Pin. Cotter, Oil Seal 3,13_ x Y=In. Lg=,- 8earin 8 A_emb_y Go=r, Bronze "Pipe Plug, 319 In. 0earing O31 Seal "Key. Woodruff Shah, No. 9 Gear Box. Lon 8 Sctl_w. Tzplife, Rotor Shah 5/16-18 In. Lg 'Stancta,d parts may 1_ pu_cbiF.,ed locally -3 u] -a -.3 J_ -N 0 ]_ [- ]3 k-=
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