Craftsman 113 213832 Users Manual
113213832 113213832 CRAFTSMAN CRAFTSMAN 10 BENCH DRILL PRESS - Manuals and Guides L9090251 View the owners manual for your CRAFTSMAN CRAFTSMAN 10 BENCH DRILL PRESS #113213832. Home:Tool Parts:Craftsman Parts:Craftsman CRAFTSMAN 10 BENCH DRILL PRESS Manual
CRAFTSMAN Drill Misc Craftsman Manual L9090251 CRAFTSMAN Drill Misc Craftsman Owner's Manual, CRAFTSMAN Drill Misc Craftsman installation guides
113.213832 L9090251
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SAVE THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCE FULL ONE YEAR q/_RRANTY I! y*ithln O_ yele I*'t mllllfIJil SEARS from the date of i_fcr_le OF wofkmaflahlp WARRANTY SERVICE _litll UNITED owners manuat g,yea Ita|l to SEARS MODEL NO. 113.213832 YOUR GROUND of BY RETURNING {)fill Pretll yOU apectf*c t_jal t_hla THE CRAFTSMAN DRILL PRF.SS TO IS IN b_E IN THE I INITE O ST ATEF and you may also I'ave Giber atqhfl wh_h state ROEBUCK AND CO _eatl POWER Tower BSC 4t-3 Chicago IL 0(X_.4 for power tools TOOL t2 US(; SAFETY 13 SECURE GOGGLES IHend Protect*o.I AI.L TOOTS DRILL PRESS WITH t 4 NP MOTOR [_ 4 REMOVE IN PLACE ADJUSTING 'NORK _1,'_[ • I It' 1 KEEP GUARDS CRAFTSMAN. flllls due to iI d4de¢l ghqf_ CATALOG STORE OR SERVICE CENTER DErJARTMENT IN general safety instructions KNOW i|, |fN Y APPL IES ONL Y WHIL E THIS PRODUCT Th*s wsrrlnly frOm thla Ctofllmln tepllll* DRILL PRESS STATES THIS WARRANT vsry wit! IS AVAILABLE THE NEAREST SEARS RETAIl THE ON CRAFTSMAN , i',_ • I , _ I • , #e ,,u ,_,r, , q I t f 14 OONT OVERREACH 15 MAINTAIN TOOLS 16 DISCONNECT 17 AVOID WITH CARE KE ¥S AND WRENCHES ! i**,,(, i .t _, TOOLS 5 KEEP WORK AREA CLEAN MOTORIZED a _fP I_ a_P fO _ J_fU r_ _sb_ 10 INCH BENCH MODEL DRILL PRESS E AVOID DANGEROUS t_)_ t uS_ _)OWP' (*' €€_1 'PA af,_)n_ ' Wr_,k . ' 1E USE RECOMMENDED P")V'dP a_tP_uat_ %lJ_'Ou'_t'ng %L)_l( ,'O,_,_jtt th_ ,_w_e" p (o_,_o,,es 7 KEEP CHILDREN AWAY _e (irk CAUTION: Read GENER_ L and ADDITION/.' SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS carefully STARTING ffNVIRONMENT fOO_S ,n _a-,!o Ih_ _av • assembly • operating • repair parts ACCIDENTAL 8 ac raus _> 1 ho o_o Of rn'_DrOI)r" acce_£,O"_S hai'_'_lS r]fe_t MAKE WORKSHOP 19 KID-PROOF NEVER STAND ON TOOL 'nlu'y , _,jlrJ _P'_OOS _lad¢ to' ref Om_nded r _lloW the _n%t,u_t,or_ that a¢(-ompanv (P5%ortoY a( ACCESSORIES _ rnan,_a' • )< (u' 'f the tOO l ,_, t_pp'_G or ,f tho ( _jtf,n_J tr>o, ._ _i(,',d_taHy (onta_ fed kPy_ [_0 9 DON T FORCE TOOL It _,_, "JO *h_ IO{) i*'_'Hpr ar, d _.,1_ , if e_p that ,@lf_, ' • nO! ,f SIo_P _ mato',als nP_'p_ja_ RhKZ)¢_ _ t(, _la_d 0 _ _ea' tFe t_€ sLKh Or _ lhe too; tO teach them IC 29 USE RIGHT TOOL DOflf forte lOOI O r atta(.hrt_en! t(, (_) ._ .O_j I _a_ not alms*gnarl_o, !t WEAR I_IOI=_.R APPAREL imwe_y ,n_ _arts I,,ngS Nonsl_3 _,,%t _,aI. fooh_ePa h_,_ r _% tO Ljpt ( a,*gh' ,_z*( Orr, met-l(l_J rl "_')'_ _/_'ar Drote(t,v_ ha., _.over,ng to ronta,n _or,g ha,, F_u_ ,onq _leeves abol.e the, ed_ow CHECK DAMAGED PARTS Be_o,e 'u,_he, use o _ *he IO0_ a guard ot othe_ pad that ,s damaged should b_ carefully checked lo _'nSU,_= thal ,t W,lloD_rate properly and pedorm dS ,,ten, l_,d tu,_e'h( n C.ht_k for ahgnment of rnov n{j pad_ b,nd,ng 0 t _ov,rg pads breakage Of pads mount,r_ and any oth_=, COnd*tK)t_S that may affect ,1%_Pe,atK. r _ guard or othe, pad thal *S damaged should _ proF,)eflyreoa,_,ecl o, ,i_p*ac.,e_l _I OIRI_TION L_I O1: FEED _ ,_ i _ 22 i% D .I ** . • additional NtVERLEAVETOOLRUNNINGUNATTENDED • / . 4 . . . safety Instructions for drill presses ) 13 additional WARNING ONrltl_ bl_ safety instructions F(_ your ow*_ sleety your drhl pfell arid inellll_ and until yOU @O mot attempt Until it tl r Omp'etely e(_Ordlflg hive reid to Saf#iy [•r|,%_ to the inSlIuCllonl _nd und_rsiend th@ 2 _ttmg BaI*€ 4 5 AdluSfm_nt_ Mllnlenance Instructions for Power TOOI_ It r_ SNIbd;ly • Drill ,% |c_ • , _¢, i , ,, • • • , • e , i i* , • ,, 6 * p toc hi!on 7 ,_ , , ,i* OWNERS MACHINE MAN. • ,. r,,_,,,,,r_,j[.< €_, I,_ A _ _ ]1 DO NOT WEAR {,LOVF_ NI-CKTIE OR LOOSE CLOTHING TIE BACK LONG HAIR 4 SECURELY CLAMP WORK TO TABLE IF IT IS TO0 SHORT TO CONTACT THE COt UMN WHEN IN OPERATING POSITION 5 USE RECOMMENDED SPEED FOR DRILL ACCESSORY AND WORKPIECE MATERIAL PfPS_ , o! the He_ rOR YOUR OWN SAFE_'Y t READ AND UNDERSTAND UAL BEFORE OPERATING 2 WEAR Sbl=ETY GO3GLES i, 7 FollOw I11t Sleety Wirnlngi lrtd In. thM A,_nr on ttx, P_q_ll un the Left DANGER ** 1/ t_ tg tq Ot NglI end ltructtonl S*_ ,% 2 fo Know Your Drdl Press Dtth Press O_r_t o_ ,,_,p,,,aF,, WARNING Do nOl llIow f•mdl•rlty (gl_nl_ from frequent Ull O! your (kill _llII tO kOf11_ (:Ofl_. monplKI AIv, eys remembar thee I Cll_ll frKt_ of • s4_ond ISsufft¢ltn| to I_tlIcI sq vl, fe Iflluf_ i ,, Illtm Paqe _t_tsl S,_t,,tv _ _ *,),-b ,'_.,- for drill presses folIowrng 1 Think |MCy *,• 12 .I' _r1'q I . [_ at- '_'1' "' •1t-] WEAR , ' I _t _ * t _J']_ _•r '_ YOUR SECURELY LOCK HEAD ANDSUPPORT TO COLUMN ARM TO SUPPORT AND TABLE TO ARM BEFORE OPERATING DRILL PRESS USE ONLY RECOMMENDED Acur 5. SORIES The, [1, _ ",1% ;',n | l ''''_ 'r *'•, ',i K_ckbiIk ,, , 1, i I *_ I _v* , [[ "* J l_'t Protection WARNING Eyes HlndS FICI ElrslndBody To evotd being pulled role th_ spin. *,_ .l_, t ,1,.'-11 _ Ir"t _ ,in [)lJ 'Py_ .'k[._ nmg tool I DO NOT wee_ • ¢ - itOVe,i - 2 ,l ll.f ; , ll'_l _ i, _ I • { r , _l ndlckt Nf - I0_ €lothing - /ewel,y T_ back lanai he*r 4 unpacking and checking contents COthTENT$ CONTENTS PAGE RPmov,ma Add,t,ona, Sat_y In_;t'U(t,_)n_, ' _, [_)'' _,,_(,_,p Unpa_k_r,_ a_d T4ble of LOOSP Check,n(J Part_, ] Drm*nq the C h_-, Io DP_h [_pth ._a'p (,_tpr_t_ r_ Ba_( to, DTII_Press _ at,O_ t6 Instalhr _ D,.t,s Pos_l,on_ng O_p'4*n_ P"_r_' _P1,4fP r ,_Ba,,pd _ ,_' '" '_£'a' *hr _4'1,t • 4' P4'* A_$emt)W (Ot_ d (jr _4tf fP'_ _, , ar e, r _t_._ 3 ,_, UINI only prlll Io ken p•_1| 'P 4_IUSI'P_ ",[" rv.1 _e_.,,r _ o u rn,. -1 tO {P_ay of BaS_ O* lu' l_¢ellOfNll Ivold deliSl_ lerlous or work ifllul pN_Ce$ _' fi'om 'of lhll lllrown drill A_,s_ml_ly bro- ,_q4thf_ & Ha,Owar_ the He_d In_la,•,'_ Feed H,Ind_s 9 fnstalhng *h_ ,) _ hu_k TPns,on*n(_1 Belt _0 AdluSh _ fl'_ Table Squ_, o to He4d ' " Adlushn(J the Po*ntp_ ' ' GP_,_ tO Know YOu_ D,,ll PTPSS T_btp a_)d Wo_kp*,_('p T,ff_n 0 Tal_p H_,e L O( aho_ _8 F_,_,_j t8 AdluS_rnP B r :S Ou,i_ R#fun_ _,pr,nQ M l,nl_n4e,¢ _ _h,,(a!,on ",_ ommePdPd Accesso.e., "Jub'_ ShOOt'_ Rep_,_ _2 4 PAGE _r_ Parls _8 _8 '9 _9 t9 20 _t motor specifications UNPACKING AND CHECKING CONTENTS t ," I_I "' ,_6,_,I ' 4 _P _2 ¢, _tp_ _ TOOLS NEEDED MOTOR SPECIFICATIONS RP_ I rn_t ,, COMBINATION SQUARE I_ -''_- q n'ltssing, plug For your do not m |he power the rniallng racily Own attempt cord pads are safety If any to assemble or turn the obtained paf',s the drill switch end Th,S on I, _, ,_,r_,'! _, rr_,_l fl r}p_n,af,On _n 11_ 120W),1S 60Hz _] _ _jt_(_flt WARNING To avoid mlury from unexpected sled. up. do not use blower or washing machine motors or ely motor with an automatic reset overload prolec Ior are r CONNECTING TO POWER tt_, r•,_ SOU,_,_ 1 OUTLET _,JJ_Uasohne ve,_ls avo*d fire nsptha or or toxic almdsr reachon h*qhly tO_,t ._. _qu,ppPd d,a '_ Standa,d_ A_,O( a g,epn and otle plog l,,,|t _, _, 6hit,( Th,',p'jg MEDIUM SCREWDRIVER never volahle ret]u,fp,, (jtJt sol I 8 HEX L WRENCH 8 INCH 532 ADJUSTABLE WRENCH HEX Lm L WRFNPH m ,_t*'t l', If, f_,(t " _ ,I _ _t yOU two, p"-'(} I'_1 ]l_,t" p_*'t''_''t ,at,on |"he f' ,] kPr_W DO h) it' use NOT _ PR()N(J ,h()wrl .... t c o, ,I ,, t . ha'_ h'_,, n _* I t,p Q,,_, Af%l_ .'"] 11 ,1*t I ' mpr_' Q")U RE- MO IN .inr] a_w} tO0' ,n tt,_ } (ondu pb3r_r_mrJ tv'D_ ] '_ndu_t_ to the prong arnat_n(] ,]t_ a ground ,S atta(hed _|IOUN[)IN(- I p ad,l[)tp, _h,)tk w_lh wh,('h has ,i qrr,_,_d'r"; I 'I r,,_ t. al;Orato_,e_ a'._' " _ ( _, i end and to the gtoiJnd at the C't'_' _ nd 1ti[ COt. la(.wet ,'_ o{ m,, until _v[_' To powe, If th_ press *nil, tailed |'% U_] WARNP4G requirements and gr3und,ny type ph,g approved by UndPrw_,te,'_ I'_ WARNING and electrical f_pP ['OW_ €1 ()f4 MAN_K_Er y% , , in l*_zf the tl)t, At t t €_ _ [j.,, _'l.i'_'i r ,_ n _'r'Wn I'T¸' NOT ALL OUTLETS ARE PROPERLY GROUNDED IF YOU ARE NOT SURE THAT YOUR OUTLET AS PICTURED BELOW IS PROPERLY GROUNDED HAVE IT CHECKED BY A QUALIFIED ELECTRI ClAN WARNING Do not permit fmgers Io touch the let. mmals Of plugs when mstalhng O_ removing the plug to or from the outlet '_'lJ'.| ,l'tr'_ TFtR[ t ]W()iJr'lr_q'Ht*"h"_ ['q_,,, h, 2 1' "'} D,,,lh] I; ;'" , 1' ,r',_,_ ,_,_tlpt '_" "pf,l_ r* WARNING The green groundmg lug e_tendmg from the adapter must be connected to a I_,_enent ground such as to s properly grounded outlet box WARNING If nor properly grounded th_s power tool can incur the potent*el hazard of electrical shock particularly when used tn damp locatiOns m proximity to plumbing If an electrical shock oc. curs there *s the potenhal of a secondary hazard eu_.h ii your hands contachng the curing tool TABLES OF LOOSE I1€ m If power cord IS worn or cut, or damaged m any way. have d replaced immed=ately to avo*d shock or fire hazard PARTS Oly Oeecr_pt*on A \ I \h_ The _',pady Ar splat hl'_ '_ ,1 p'opPrlv q'_) JrdPd 2 p,ong ,ecepl_(IP ,_, not ,_l'OWed ,n (,,tnada b¥ ll_P C anad,an E let \ \ ' tMM The \ prong 4 "HP_ SOL _pt '_'_Wff h In h,nge 2 Re_ease each _elt side Tension Lock o! D_ , P _, H_nd_, _o_'_f:_d nn he_ I i INSTALLING I THE _.ocate chtFk _ong too_e C_'an Out CHUCK j_O _Ln_, it_ 10 32X78 hat hd _(t_,_ D,I_IS lhe IAF'E_FO HOLE ",n the chuck as dlustr_te__ (-lean the sp,ndle iIOSF W,lh _ _ lea r'(. IDfh Make Sure there 9eahngp{0pe,ly NOTE tf treme_y _dy 3 a,e r_u _ore_gn ps_1_c'es st. king t,_ Ihe surfa(es The shghteslb_eceot dirtonthesp,nd'_ nhSa or [r_the chuck WH_ prevent the chu(k Th,sw,llrau._ethed TAPERED use tror_ NOTE'F_efe_ ',Ht(_wobblF HOL_- ,n the a _.lean,ng SOlvent _'hu(.W O n fne Choose speed fo_ dhJhng ope_abon and move bell to correcI posd,on {'O{ desired speed Io (.hart On s_de o! O,,ll P_ess to, _com ended Dr,ll,ng Speeds 1"_ m_ _lean ClOth " 3 Push Wtl 4 the chuck up on the sp_nd,e noS_, as la r as ,1 4 ,j0 Lighlly tad the wood to insure AdlusI mount nose o t the Ct uCk wrt", a {J,{_ e 0 _ ptope_ seat_r'4J r _ the LhLjCk On the 5 T,ghfen belt ten'_.on t y pusl.nq ,against movfflgmoto_t(.w_rd,ear Bell Tension iseed I o('k - *-'_ _( )t().q r_.)to r U'.'rat,'_nl / OLJN ! l-landle_ BE_t NOTE spindle thumb .L/ Be,l S{'_O!JLD p_es_u_e deflect at my + oO,nf 6 Close belt 7 If heft %l,ps Wb_IP d',l*'tl(J .app,n_,,rn_tP,y _ 2 01 belt between by L_,_eVS gua,d ieadluSt _F'It tel_'_ff3n t0 9 getting to know your drill press ADJUSTING THE NOTE ,. .... T._, TABLE SOUARE _t,,,- _1,1 ..... TO HEAD ._, ,., t.,. fl_pTh,+_ F A 11 ,r _% _ . i_ _ +,1.,. T++r,_ +,. _ j _ t'_+ r_ r t ',t_ i _, /*,f' i +, I _1. _ j' el ++ j + +t _ \ \ _) .'t n+ + _" '_ ' "AR +,t[' +¸ p+l +_, , k t IU '_,,t _DJUS I IN_.; POINTER 16 *+F ,_, 11 12 \ 9 getting to know your drill press )r_ _.u 4_0 RPM 960 1;3q 3000 RPM RPM _M BPlNDLE BPEEDB IN R.P,M 480 C 13o "" " ¢'2 "" .... 3i_ - - 3ooo Pvt, I, ._rf BELTGUARD (_.'" BELT TENSION * ON-OFF SWITCH H_l_i()C_,nqtealurt THiS FEATURE IS INTFND[D TO PREVENT UNAU THOr_IZ_D AND POSSIBLE RAZAR[)_)U,_ USE _Y CHIt DREN AN[) OTHf RS t ._e! ,I l,,',' LOCK "Irll' 6 HEADLOCK ,,, HANDLES 1" I I_ ''_- L )ik_.t_,_ t,..' COLLIMN 1.', COLUMN COLLAR " RACK ( t_mb ,_ _,,th ' , ' ^ _ ',th,_ an,' t t',n SCALE "TABLE BEVEL LOCK h, hj,,, ,it, ()_,( ,_u",' d(.tt. ,a,. t , me, _ 3",_'" LOCK _4 t,. HAND!.E _,- .,o_,n'_ thp qu,_ up _' p,, T,_jhle,,.,,,: ,'.' fat, e •,4, _5 CHUCK hi ,It, emp,qr, F_r !_ d_" h,f o_ OIhP_ _p_ Ommend_.d ,It• _,',%O_y 10 _)e 't ,,m (lp%*red 'nq 8 CRANK T.,.n. _,_,_,. ; ,.',. t I_ ( r_t_k TABLE SUPPORT table 19 _p?,(h _e Arld'h_na n,._.,_ el,,, .un,n t(, supp,,'_ _rJf_ty Jn%t,,lrt[,,r_ FEED %pp, STOP ROD Ho_dS ',tOp nuls for dr,I ,nO ,,t(h w,lh COLUMN SUPPORT %,p_,'t', .... "_, W'V'.... t_,e d', I' l.t B_l_t)% '_1 At I OUI('KI ft_. p,{im Y lu lh_, (J,, Or F t,_ t,,tt,_( l the ,_f ¥_)lJ, h,_nd ,fl( _ppfh'_ STOP NUTS I,rn,t% the dnwnwat J move_P_t _;f fh_ qu," _? *I_ J.'_S,red po, _l wllh,n ,?"_ #rave l / ,lrl,! p,nvr,nl_, tf,r_ po_'_h,' fro{_3 t_Ov_ng up'_a_d _ot I _ DEPTH POINTER lnr],(ale., d,,.,nqdPpth and 2n SCAt[ _ho_ DFOTH Jopth Of hOI e hP,nr l To lotk _w,l(h ,n OF F .)O(.,l,on _}n_.hand '" n_ V f H_ h oPe/ahon_ VUU _._n ' " TABLE wt_ ' T,_ It,", d'," OF F SUPPORT SW*I, h " h,.adfat q+,4 '_ T BEVEL FEED np_ ,'_. r ,? ,,.., , '3 J, _ KF Y ,nh) (' _ _j,,,,IP _, 21 SPRING CAP P, _ tip% r_lertl_S 10 AFt,U%| qu'lI F__IMOV[ f hold sW,t(h IN w,th 'PV w,th _t_p, ha'_d WARNING For your own _lafaty, alway• lock the awitch 'OFF' when Drill Preqs lI not in use Remove key and keep It in • sa_e place also In th_ event Of • pc_ver laliura {all Of your lt_IW.l h_%,p go out) or blown full or lrlpplng CalCuli breaker. lurn lwilch off Lock t! and remove ti',e key This will prevent '.he Drill Press from starting Up again when the power comes beck on 13 14 basic drill press operation CHUCK KEY " ", a ",P,* PJ_, ,,n,] h _ .r'v _,", DRILLING SPEED ! ,,,, r,, h.|"i},KJ _ rl V[, (|i IP ] '_p ,_*i_._ IP._. I._,, [ "_ ._. _ a(f(_rl %tlf,,,_n_;*_llot P $ _lrl ,pt'_th, Iv e ] laP, _ j h W ..% _q rl ,ft,, "_f't _t, t • l_*.,_l _r_,T _ l_,'N, Ir,_ WARNING .i,% r, f . a t% % f. ,, , ,[ip%t_,rll i_ ! _r i y,, _1,n,t_ ZI. ;, thl J_ , NPvp' ,N_,, pprlr)rr_ HAI_ID j.y than Fo_ your own safely the safety pracauhons '_uppoa,rq _r u'_, v I ,, A,.,., ., , , '_ Prntechon Eyes. WARNING rang IDOl To avoid 1 THE Face. bemg Ears and pulled Body 2 ._'l' |tp#j , ,_ ! • ,] f,j: h ,_*,r,t_. * j 4 W +, l,_. , * thp *., H_.1"i Tal_ f, _h,,_ "It, , _,] ,1 t,, f ,' 3tPtv _) ,- _ i ' • I_ tv ],'_ ' It '"_ " _* , "* tt , 1 I t, _ _,_ V • ' _ , , I _t + I I '_' . r I' l I i'! ' ttl_ _' rt1,1 h " I I _ ,_rd, 1, I tt,+_ 1, ._, , .it _,, r I*TI,t h,,_1 •.1'y _t_l,|l,'_ ,Jr_ ¸ _1, q T • 1, '_ ,i,d, _ If '_ l I 't" th, ,i'_rl t _ *hr, ,; [,,,r. N_v_ ' ,;_)f,,,l _¸ _r_, ii1(J _.•,kk,, _ , _ h_'( k Ttf, lJ.irlr ,,n tl'_ TO DEPTH ,, I_#ld%t r,_] %_ ' ,14} f|.,,%,_ ,_, h _f .] e,l' ¢,,,j_ k, ar_{J_, ",p,_l,_q ,d lh_. t'., %h,ltT*,r,nq 2 A ¢,,IV_ P ID{},'t, ,' _}A('K(Jt ) MATE RIAt .j%p PI_ ('E [}{)(,%'_ t(_(intcl( ,f ,f ,% fOu %(;h,, "_q ,' t thP,_'ff %P _rT or ytothetablP Pdgf' |)(_%lt,or Thp 5'1P lab,p U%pfab afok'n'J thl_. _ the WOFIK b Of Ihp(i)=umn ,%hlted (. 1_ %lOt%O*(,amp OUt_.,rt_ _dqp _)l the A t'"'r'P_% t, thp tab VII _ m,j_l rl'_;ly%be DO can d laMer,pal p I It'_ Of _ ar_T v #rOmth'()_n pPlformdav'{_ul lab,P pr_,,. plat IPdv,n( I th*_ (l_ Wh,'P at a '.l_Pd Thp ,_, _)lat,n_ dealgnl_ for this drill injury from thrown broken hP npP,aTed or_th,s d,, g_eatP, than DO ,nsta,I o r us,_" O_ Pxlends suddenly not bPnd u_e IP_S c_'rlp dr,_ pr ec,_. b w,_e rfly) any d,_h below 400 FIPM lha_ the outward whPe% o_ Or ,',HUt: lhp nuT_ %0 thp T I(JHT P,a,rlle, [ N thp ,_ _.Pl t jPpI: l_ !',v_' .,'_' (-E ' thp I'_uT 'h_ :jFilPPlN( ,I_"5" aq,], _ _" 1 th_ _ ,)I thp aDP_o_ 1 ,n _t '_U far thal _)f th_ d ,tl [:ttU(:K JAW _) RIp I.I_'_ ,I'P h;nq Whpn Li_,,r_ga %m.I h,t',' .l(_n_)t r;sp,t lhp lrl_% tout h lhP hutPC_ ,_,1,,,,1 q' _'vP (, jAWS Mawr. _np,n('h d(-'Pp _pT lhp _j(_,rltf _ a t thp r_p n, h _1,_ hpt_,rp %urP _h_l t flip t.ght_.._.nq T._htpn thp Tr, wh,_n dry' ,n,_ _,,J the. (hl)_ -_, t [ NT| F_E () ,,' th* h,, k Vv.Th Th_ kJ. v %u#f_( pnf,,¢ _,(, *'l,|t T 't _', " _t _L *p _ Iv" k :aw 7 ,n {, T hey shaper ( ut b_eak bITS rotary FIPM excped5 r hu_ router (U_IP_S INSTALLING DRILLS W.lh Ihp %W,t(. _ (JFr t:r,rg th(- _', TIP i_'a(_'+)', the T_.IP O* thp WO_KPlE ' _,PTU[IV_{)rk Io( planpt% | SCALE The, • _r}I('or_ ,lit V (utt,nq A_a, l_',' '. W_rkr:' ,l_pm_ ,r ,(Jui_ WPS_ at a SpC'PO g_Pate_ than 1800 not _en(.Jth {) ',_ tp, DEPTH I_' Drum _andP_, mu',l NEVER he op_',ate,t or' m,,, d.u (,lamD d',, Ho,e_,awsmu_/NEVER pr_,S - 6 #t • ,r 'I r_, ,,Inr,r{_,,,r, _,I' _w,h.h whpn Use only accessories press to avoid lerlous paris or work pieces a Wh_•nc_vl'r moTO_ TI) IvOi(ilnlur ,it, ThP the. ,;r, lhp K_'¥ _I(_NOT D_" pT_-I t j,rt_',Ir_,_lJtl.,t,_if__,'w %|)_r ,#,r _*[]_r,lti, lr" r .4 (,,rob Turf • thp c.._,,hh AdjuSt , jz h | trh_ ; ) '_ar1_11jt,,*_r)_ v'. • h_) v WAY t,jr j_f,n,] rh_ • _ I_ _ _' I r,,.,_J_ a,a_ T'x_ur_ •1(T_"u I,arlt t _' r_ t _ , + #, _'f ANOTHER Th_ ,''_fhl.r • r_ ',_*"h_Inr_ If lhl_ hi' |(i #( r ,h' p,P( , V'br_i_,[)_' )_k_,_r tt'_ i,lt)P * T(j "L]bI_ ft ['* DRILLING T,lhp _ ,:,,, [l'_'_ _,T,Ir*,'_itt,p _)[jr"1*,,>'_ i 'qlh_' I_ _I _ _ _ix{.ppt J!Dl_wl rt t(> (:r). _,_r_ in(_ h T(_r'fl_)kp%Llr_r_thp {_,_,,I Jr , _|h%P # f, ,,je '4thP" T_]t)pl t ,(p ti£;_.' ) r)(;Ih,:Iv_• ¢c.)r_ p%%, - loose c!ofhmg - lewelry Tee back long hair i _ ), v _ t _t f _)f.f,)rr,_)pp,at,p _,_orp wear U $ _In_'_S t(_ %_jpix_rf l'_Jv_'r mr)vp -- gloves - neckhe CHUCK the, p mid the spa- - Do NOT % REMOVING Hands. FFI[[ Wo'wp,p_ ,t _'n t)r W H, ,ad Arm A,m rn,,,_.,,..,_ O['P'al,(m O always observe here and on pages 2 3 and 4 TaI),P BELTTENSlON any h,),t,n lhand K _fv 0'_ lhe basic drill press operation POSITIONING TABLE basic drill press operation AND WORKPIECE WARNING TO avo,d 0nlury from apmn,ng work or tool breakage, always clamp workpaece and backup mater0al securely to table before operat0ng Droll Pres_l w\th the table tdted , • ,' ,- !t *. t i,, f, tjr,'_'"O,_ t_ t_,_ .% 'k[ _ HOLE _'ll _ WARNING To prevent the workptece F_= LOCATION t" i _()(I t_AP_[)I • .- _t,, t,_ l -_ .1 t . I or the b_lckup miller,ill from being torn from your hand while _lrdl. ing position them against the tell side o r the cob umn If the wor_ _(. at,,. r_ 5p( hOn p or (.lamp Pre%50peralaon 'I SPe sechon WOr kple_ce ,3r clamp ,t See Ba=,( Dr,llpressOpe'at'on se<:Don SUpport Adl,Jst IPnSoOn See sect,on ASSEMBLY TENSIONING BELT fprl_,,_f_ B,_nt d..ll 5plrldlp Supporf Bas,( p_operl¥ Workp*e(e b_l(l_ rOr,!l Prp5_ WOr kp_P_ _1' % I_' a P tP,¢, _,rT,_ )rr_)(t' . __ bd( O' PX(. PSSIVe 1 :_t|}A'hrlr_l{ _quRI (lamped Excessive drill runout or wobble. _e')h ! n_) 1 USe' a sir a'qh! ? } I_eDla(; e J)ear,r}_s 4 Install chuck d* III InF,tall drdl Droperly _)r," Pies5 Operation Unpa(Ek,ng INSTALL ' "_'tt'hh'%<_, O r ,Ir,q_p_, - ..... under 2 "@_-4q; '}_'_ _,l_ d.' B,1%,( , underside V'S_ ' _'t_ _'t_'%hdrI,*'nrir,II [PC,,If,t,fPr_l,'lqh ()pP,,l|,O r t ¸ Wood splinters recommended } 4 !* _ i, not P'*"_'_ ,_ lut)r,_a1*, J_,ln (;ep ---- {]" ] I hpS.]nd H ' rl [1' h' ,11,* Du" :)' _' i ,_ I'll properly S_.e Bas,c _ecfqon r_,fer to and Assembly Instr ucllon5 ING THE CHUCK '¸ Adlust spr,ng lens_o n See sect,on Adluslments Ou,II Return Sprong
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