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Operator's IVlanuai CRRFr. MgN° 42"- 2 STAGE SNOW THROWER DO NOT RETURN TRACTOR ATTACHMENT TO STORE For Missing Parts or Assembly Questions Call 1-866-576-8388 IVlodei No. 486.24837 FOR TRACTORS WiTH MODEL NUMBERS CAUTION: and Co., Hoffman WiTH 917. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Before using this product, read this manual and follow all Safety Rules and Operating Instructions. Sears, Roebuck BEGiNNiNG Safety Assembly Operation Maintenance Parts Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A. PRINTED IN U.S.A. FORM NO. 41361 rev. (07/30/10) ACCESSORIES ............................................................... 2 SAFETY RULES .............................................................. 3 FULL SIZE HARDWARE CHART .................................... 4 CARTON CONTENTS ..................................................... 6 ASSEMBLY ...................................................................... 7 OPERATION .................................................................. 26 MAINTENANCE ............................................................ 27 SERVICE AND ADJUSTMENTS ................................... 28 STORAGE ..................................................................... 29 TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................... 29 REPAIR PARTS ILLUSTRATION ........................ 30,32,34 REPAIR PARTS LIST ........................................... 31,33,34 SLOPE GUIDE .............................................................. 35 PARTS ORDERING/SERVICE ................... BACK COVER ONE YEAR FULL WARRANTY When operated and maintained according to the instructions supplied with it, if this Snow Thrower fails due to a defect in material or workmanship within one year from the date of _urchase, call 1-800-4-MY-HOME@ to arrange for free repair (or replacement if repair proves impossible). If this product is used for commercial or rental purposes, this warranty applies for only 90 days from the date of purchase. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Sears, Roebuck and Co., D817WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 These and other accessories are recommended for use with your unit. Call 1-800-4-MY-HOME® to find out if they are available. If available, they may be purchased at most Craftsman outlets or by calling 1-800-4-MY-HOME®. WHEEL WEIGHT TiRE CHAINS The model number and serial numbers will be found on a decal attached to the snow thrower. You should record both the serial number and the date of purchase and keep in a safe place for future reference. MODEL NUMBER: SERIAL NUMBER: DATE OF PURCHASE: SNOW CAB 486.24837 Anypowerequipment cancauseinjuryifoperated improperly oriftheuserdoesnotunderstand howtooperatetheequipment. Exercisecautionatalltimes,whenusingpowerequipment. • Readthisowner'smanualcarefullyandknowhowto operateyoursnowthrowerandhowto stoptheunit anddisengage thecontrolsquickly. Neverallowchildrentooperatetheequipment. Neverallowadultsto operatetheequipment without properinstruction. Keeptheareaofoperation clearofallpersons, especially smallchildren,andpets. Thoroughly inspecttheareawheretheequipment is tobeusedandremovealldoormats,sleds,boards, wiresandotherforeignobjects. Disengage allclutchesandshiftintoneutralbefore startingengine. Donotoperateequipment withoutwearingadequate winteroutergarments. Wearsubstantial footwearwhichwillprotectfeetand improvefootingonslipperysurfaces. Checkfuelbeforestartingtheengine.Donotremove thefuelcapor fillthefueltankwhiletheengine is runningor hot.Donotfillthefueltankindoors. Gasolineis anextremely flammable fuel. Makesurethesnowthrowerheightis adjustedto clearthetypesurfaceitwillbeusedon. Donotusethesnowthrowerwithoutwheelweights attachedtothetractor. Nevermakeanyadjustments whiletheengineis running. Alwayswearsafetyglassesor eyeshieldduring operation or whileperforming adjustment orrepair. Donotplacehandsorfeetnearrotatingparts.Keep clearofthedischarge openingatalltimes. Useextremecautionwhenoperating onorcrossing gravelsurfaces. Donotcarrypassengers. Afterstrikinga foreignobject,stoptheengine,remove thewirefromthesparkplugandthenthoroughly inspectthesnowthrowerfordamage.Repairany damagebeforerestarting andoperating thesnow thrower. If thesnowthrowerstartstovibrateabnormally, stop theengineimmediately andcheckforthecause. Vibrationis generallya warningoftrouble. Stoptheenginewhenever youleavetheoperating position,beforeunclogging thesnowthroweror makinganyadjustments or inspections. Takeallpossibleprecautions whenleavingtheunit unattended. Disengage theattachment clutchleveror switch,lowerthesnowthrower,shiftintoneutral,set theparkingbrake,stoptheengineandremovethe key'. Whencleaning,repairingor inspecting, makecertain allmovingpartshavestopped.Disconnect thespark plugwireandkeepitawayfromtheplugtoprevent accidental starting. Donotrunengineindoorsexceptwhentransporting thesnowthrowerinor outofthebuilding.Openthe outsidedoors.Exhaustfumesaredangerous. Donotclearsnowacrossthefaceofslopes.Exercise extremecautionwhenchangingdirectiononslopes. Donotattempttoclearsteepslopes.Refertothe slopeguideonpage35ofthismanual. Neveroperatethesnowthrowerwithoutguards, platesorothersafetyprotectiondevicesin place. Neveroperatethesnowthrowernearglass enclosures, automobiles, windowwells,dropoffs etc.withoutproperadjustment ofthesnowthrower discharge angle. Neverdirectdischarge atbystanders or allowanyone infrontofthesnowthrower. Neverrunthesnowthrowerintomaterialathigh speeds. Donotoverloadthemachinecapacitybyattempting toclearsnowattoofasta rate. Neveroperatethemachineathightransportspeed onslipperysurfaces. Lookbehindandusecarewhen backingup. Watchfortrafficandstayalertwhencrossingor operatingnearroadways. Disengage powertothesnowthrowerwhen transporting orwhennotin use. Useonlyattachments andaccessories approved by themanufacturer ofthesnowthrower(suchaswheel weights,counterweights,cabsetc.) Neveroperatethesnowthrowerwithoutgoodvisibility or light. Lookforthissymboltopointoutimportant safetyprecautions. Itmeans--Attention!!Become alert!!Your safety is involved. SHOWN ACTUAL SIZE r--qq fA jB C J H zD jG /E _jF ....... m 43182 43063 43661 43840 43351 43020 43084 • JL 49933 48106 46938 _ , _ 43350 _ _ 4_ 43O80 43682 710-0890A 44215 V . W,X T R19171616 43088 47630 49948 _ ............ 47605, 43070 43081 47631 _\\\\\\ \ AA /Z jCC _Y 43086 / 24817 43003 44695 R19172410 DD EE 712-3083 43019 GG jFF / HA21362 HH ill / 43082 47810 4 47572 zJJ 46584 jKK 47598 NOT SHOWN LL ACTUAL MM 46959 731-0851A NN PP OO 711-0198 QQ SiZE 43343 47134 RR [__z 43055 SS 714-04061 43038 TT 1643-60 _ UU 23727 VV z XX j WW 726-0178 47788 46963 IMPORTANT: Not all items supplied in the hardware bag will be needed for your particular tractor. Unneeded items may be discarded after you have completed assembly and checked operation of unit. DO NOT DISCARD the two spare shear bolts (K) and 5/16" nylock nuts (HH). Refer to the Service and Adjustments section on page 28. REF. A B QTY. 2 2 C D E 1 2 2 F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 4 8 6 4 2 2 6 2 2 4 2 6 2 2 4 7 22 1 3 2 8 DESCRIPTION Hex Bolt, 1/2" x 1-1/2" Hex Bolt, 1/2" x 1-1/4" Hex Bolt, 3/8" x 3-1/4" Hex Bolt, 5/16" x 1-3/4" Hex Bolt, 5/16" x 1-1/4" Hex Bolt, 5/16"x 1" Hex Bolt, 5/16" x 3/4" Hex Bolt, 1/4" x 1" Shoulder Bolt, Hex Head Shoulder Bolt, Round Head Shear Bolt (spare parts) Carriage Bolt, 3/8" x 1" Carriage Bolt, 5/16"x 1-3/4" Carriage Bolt, 5/16" x 1-1/4" Carriage Bolt, 5/16"x 1" Carriage Bolt, 5/16" x 3/4" Hex Bolt, 3/8" x 1" (Thread Forming) Hex Bolt, 3/8" x 3/4" (Thread Forming) Hex Bolt, 5/16" x 3/4" (Thread Forming) Washer, 1/2" x 1" Washer, 1/4" Washer, 5/16" (Extra washers included) Washer, 3/8" (Thin) Washer, 3/8" Standard Lock Washer, 5/16" Washer, 1/2" x 1-1/2" REF. AA BB QTY. 2 7 CC DD EE 2 4 4 FF GG HH II JJ KK LL MM NN OO PP QQ RR SS TT UU VV WW XX 6 2 21 10 1 6 1 3 1 4 4 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 DESCRIPTION Bowed Washer Lock Washer, 3/8" Spacer, 1/2" Nylock Nut, 1/2" Jam Nut, 1/2" Nylock Nut, 3/8" Hex Lock Nut, 3/8" Nylock Nut, 5/16" (2 spare parts) Flanged Nut, 3/8" Flanged Nut, 5/16" Flanged Nut, 1/4" Spring Chute Keeper Trunnion Hairpin Cotter, 5/64" Hairpin Cotter, 1/8" Hairpin Cotter, 3/32" Lock Pin Quick Release Pin Plastic Cap Spacer, 3/8" Chain, Tensioning Tail Reflector Nylon Tie 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. HousingAssembly LiftHandleandCable ChuteCrankRodAssembly SupportTube,CrankRod Engagement Rod(Notusedonsomemodels) CableBracket EnginePulleyKeeper(Notusedonsomemodels) ChuteandControlCableAssembly ClutchIdlerAssembly RearPulleyFrameBracket(2) Anti-rotation Bracket. ONLY ITEMS NEEDED 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. FrontPulleyFrameBracket(2) V-Belt,Drive56"(#48138) V-Belt,Drive55"(#46989) V-Belt,Auger(Attached to HousingAssembly) L.H.HangerBracket(OutsideMounting) R.H.HangerBracket(OutsideMounting) L.H.HangerBracket(InsideMounting) R.H.HangerBracket(InsideMounting) LeftHandSidePlate RightHandSidePlate Pulley Spacer,3/8" FOR MODEL 917. TRACTORS _1 ARE SHOWN 3 lO /5 11 24558 47043 j9 13 24394 25728 _ _5 12 /8 270 ] 6 48138_J 16 65367 17 64451 65450 19 18 22 64452 20 21 23 8 48883 25780 25678 LOCATE TRACTOR'S MODEL LABEL CAUTION: Before starting to assemble the snow thrower, remove the spark plug wire(s), set the parking brake and remove the key from the tractor ignition. Look under your tractor seat to locate the model number label shown below. This manual if for tractors with model numbers that start with 917 as shown below. 917 MODEL TRACTORS TRACTOR CRRFTXllIRH+ CONFORMS TO ANSi B71,1=2003 SAFETY Before performing these instructions, refer to the Service and Adjustments section of your tractor owner's manual for specific safety instructions. STANDARDS III |1 111111|1| IIIIIIIl lllllllllll SERIAL FOR PARTS SEARS, • 000000A000000 AND SERVICE ROEBUCK AND CAll CO, • 1-BOO-4MY-HQME Iloffman Estates, I[ 60179 193653 j • IMPORTANT: If your model number starts with 247, use the owner's manual and the parts that are contained in the other parts bag. TOOLS (2) (2) (2) (2) (1) (1) REQUIRED FOR ASSEMBLY 7/16" Wrenches 1/2" Wrenches 9/16" Wrenches 3/4" Wrenches Screw Driver Knife ADDITIONAL ITEMS REQUIRED General Purpose Grease REMOVAL PREPARATION OF PARTS FROM CARTON Remove all loose parts, parts bags and hardware bags from the carton. Lay out and identify parts and hardware using the illustrations on pages 4, 5 and 6. The parts bag labeled for 247 model tractors will not be needed. IMPORTANT: Not all items supplied in the hardware bag will be needed for your particular tractor. Unneeded items may be discarded after you have completed assembly and checked operation of unit. DO NOT DISCARD the two spare shear bolts and 5/16" nylock nuts. Refer to the Service and Adjustments section on page 28. • Allow engine, muffler and exhaust deflector to cool before beginning. Remove any front or rear attachment which is mounted to your tractor. Remove the mower deck. Refer to your tractor owner's manual for removal instructions. Mark all loose parts and save for reassembly. Remove the tractor hood. Refer to your tractor owner's manual for removal instructions. IMPORTANT: Right hand (R.H.) and left hand (L.H.) side of the tractor are determined from the operators position while seated on the tractor. IDENTIFYYOUR TRACTOR iNSTALL STEP 1: (SEE FIGURE 1) o Look under the front of your tractor. If there is a single mower deck suspension bracket located underneath the middle of the front axle, continue on to step 2. if your tractor does not have a mower deck suspension bracket underneath the middle of the front axle, skip to step 21 on page 14 for tractors with dual suspension brackets. SIDE PLATES STEP 3: (SEE FIGURE 3) Fasten the R.H. Side Plate (bend facing out) to the front three holes in the tractor frame using three 3/8" x 1" carriage bolts, three 1/2" x 1-1/2" washers (see note) and three 3/8" flange nuts. For the rear hole, use a 5/16" x 1" carriage bolt, a 1/2" x 1-1/2" washer and a 5/16" nylock nut Place the washers between the tractor frame and the side plate. Repeat for L.H. side plate. • Reinstall the browning shield onto the tractor frame using the original screws. NOTE: If there is an engine mounting plate (shown with dotted lines) leave the washer off the bolt that goes through the plate. 5/16" x 1" CARRIAGE ENGINE MOUNTING PLATE BOLT SEE NOTE 5/16" NYLOCK NUT FIGURE 1 (3) 3/8" x 1" CARRIAGE BOLTS iNSTRUCTiONS FOR TRACTORS WITH SINGLE FRONT DECK SUSPENSION BRACKET (4) 1/2" x 1-1/2" (3) 3/8" FLANGE FIGURE STEP 2: (SEE FIGURE 2) Remove the browning shield from the front of the tractor as shown. Hold onto the shield as you remove the second screw to prevent it from falling. Be sure to reinstall the browning shield when so instructed in step 3. WASHERS NUTS RIGHT SIDE VIEW 3 STEP 4: (SEE FIGURE 4) Assemble a shoulder bolt and a 3/8" washer to the outside of R.H. side plate, securing it with a 3/8" flanged nut. Repeat for L.H. side plate. REMOVE FRONT SCREWS REMOVE BROWNING SHIELD BOLT 3/8" WASHER FIGURE 2 3/8" FLANGED NUT RIGHT SIDE VIEW FIGURE 4 RIGHT SIDE VIEW iNSTALL HANGER BRACKETS AND SHOULDER BOLTSTO OUTSIDE OF FRAME STEP 5: (SEE FIGURE 5) , * * Remove the bolt, if present, in the hole directly behind the brake rod on the left side of the tractor frame. Attach the L.H. Hanger Bracket (tube facing out) to the hole using a 5/16" × 3/4" self threading bolt. Install a round head shoulder bolt into the hole that is 9-1/2" to the rear of the bolt you just installed. Secure it with a 3/8" flange nut on the inside of the frame. BRAKE ROD 5/16" x 3/4" SELF THREADING BOLT L.H. HANGER BRACKET , \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ 3/8" FLANGED NUT \_ FIGURE 5 LEFT SIDE ViEW STEP 6: (SEE FIGURE 6) o Remove the bracket, if present, from the hole directly behind the end of the brake rod on the right side of the tractor frame. Store the bracket and bolt. Attach the R.H. Hanger Bracket to the hole using a 5/16" x 3/4" self threading bolt. Install a round head shoulder bolt into the hole that is 9-1/2" to the rear of the bolt you just installed. Secure it with a 3/8" flange nut on the inside of the frame. 5/16"x3/4"SELF THREADING BOLT RIGHTENDOF BRAKEROD R.H. HANGER BRACKET SHOULDER BOLT 3/8" FLANGED NUT FIGURE 6 RIGHT SiDE ViEW THIS SECTION IS FOR TRACTORS MAN UAL ATTACHM ENT CLUTCH WITH A STEP 9: (SEE FIGURE 9) Attach each rear pulley frame bracket to the inside of the clutch/idler assembly using two 5/16" x 3/4" hex bolts, 5/16" washers and 5/16" nylock nuts. Attach each front pulley frame bracket to the inside of the clutch/idler assembly using two 5/16" x 1" hex bolts, four 5/16" washers and two 5/16" nylock nuts. if your tractor has an electric attachment clutch go to step 14 on page 12. STEP 7: (SEE FIGURE 7) o Attach the cable bracket to the double hole in the clutch/idler assembly as shown, using a 5/16" x 3/4" carriage bolt and a 5/16" nylock nut. Place the bolt in the front hole of the bracket and in the end of the hole closest to the pulley. Do not tighten 5/16" 5/16" x 1" HEX BOLT yet. (2) 5/16" WASHERS / x 3/4" CARRIAGE BOLT CABLE BRACKET 5/16" x 3/4" HEX BOLT _ _ 5/16" WASHER 5/16" NYLOCK NUT FIGURE 9 { _ 5116" NYLOCK NUT STEP 10: (SEE FIGURE 10) • Three different length drive belts are included with your snow thrower. Tractors with manual attachment clutches and single front deck suspension brackets use the 56" drive belt with #48138 printed on the outside of the belt. DO NOT USE the other drive belts. • Slightly loosen the hex bolt next to the fiat idler pulley. install the drive belt down between the hex bolt and the fiat idler pulley with the fiat side of the belt against the pulley. Retighten the hex bolt. • Loop the belt around the large v-pulley, placing it between the v-pulley and the hex bolt next to the pulley. Place the belt to the inside of the other fiat idler pulley. FIGURE 7 STEP 8: (SEE FIGURE 8) Attach the pulley (long end of hub facing down) and the 3/8" spacer to the clutch/idler assembly. Use a 3/8" x 3-1/4" hex bolt, a 3/8" washer, a 3/8" lock washer and a 3/8" hex lock nut. insert a tensioning chain through the hole shown and attach the end link to the spring on the lower idler arm. HEX BOLTS iDLER PULLEYS (#46136) 7 DRIVE BELT FIGURE 10 TENSiONiNG Did you select the correct drive belt for your tractor? Using the wrong length belt may cause premature bearing or belt failure. CHAIN FIGURE 8 10 STEP11: (SEEFIGURE11) * * * * * * PIVOT LOCK PiN (use this hole) Find the cable clip that is attached to the left side of the tractor frame underneath the footrest. Open the clip and remove the mower clutch cable. Do not remove the clip from the tractor frame. The cable reattaches to the clip when using the mower deck. Move the attachment clutch lever on the dash panel to the disengaged position. Place the clutch/idler assembly on the floor on the left side of the tractor. Attach the tractor's mower clutch cable to the cable bracket on the clutch/idler assembly. Secure the cable housing guide (groove down) to the cable bracket using the original collar and a 5/64" hair cotter pin. Place a 1/4" spacer on the welded pin on the idler arm. Hook the end of the clutch cable spring over the pin and secure it with a 1/4" washer and a 5/64" hair cotter pin. Align cable bracket with welded pin and tighten the nut assembled in step 9. 1/8" HAiRPiN COTTER L.H. HANGER FIGURE 12 NYLON TiE SHOULDER BOLT J VIEWED FROM LEFT SiDE STEP 13: (SEE FIGURE 13) Assemble the drive belt onto the engine pulley first and then onto the large pulley on top of the clutch/ idler assembly. The belt must be placed inside the engine pulley belt keeper(s) and between the large pulley and the keeper bolt next to it. iMPORTANT: 1/4" SPACER Do Not assemble the "V" belt outside of the engine pulley keepers or outside of the keeper bolt next to the large pulley. 5/64" HAiR COTTER PiN * TRACTOR'S CLUTCH CABLE Go to step 48 on page 22. ENGINE PULLEY KEEPER CABLE BRACKET \ FIGURE 11 ATTACH CLUTCH ENGINE PULLEY KEEPER / iDLER ASSEMBLY TO TRACTOR Left Side of Tractor STEP 12: (SEE FIGURE 12) • Attach the clutch/idler assembly to the tractor frame. Hook the notched rear pulley frame brackets onto the two shoulder bolts assembled to the outside of the tractor frame. Lift the front of the assembly and attach it to the R.H. and L.H. hanger brackets using two pivot lock pins and 1/8" hairpin cotters. Loosely attach the mower clutch cable to the left side of the tractor frame with a nylon tie. Do not pull the nylon tie completely tight. The cable may need to be removed from the nylon tie when using the mower deck. PULLEY FIGURE 13 11 KE!PEI BOLT VIEWED FROM UNDERNEATH THIS SECTION IS FOR TRACTORS ELECTRIC ATTACHMENT CLUTCH WITH AN STEP 14: (SEE FIGURE 14) • Turn the clutch idler assembly upside down. • Hook the spring onto the end of the bolt that extends through the nut on the bottom of the upper idler arm. Install a 3/8" hex lock nut onto the bolt, leaving enough space for the spring to pivot. STEP 18: (SEE FIGURE 16) Attach each rear pulley frame bracket to the inside of the clutch/idler assembly using two 5/16" x 3/4" hex bolts, 5/16" washers and 5/16" nylock nuts. Attach each front pulley frame bracket to the inside of the clutch/idler assembly using two 5/16" x 1" hex bolts, four 5/16" washers and two 5/16" nylock nuts. SPRING 3/8" HEX 5116" x 1" HEX BOLT F' LOCK NUT (2) 5116" WASHERS © ATTACH SPRING HERE / 5116" NYLOCK NUT 5116" x 314" HEX BOLT "_ 5/16" WASHER / 5/16" NYLOCK NUT FIGURE 14 FIGURE 16 STEP15: (SEE FIGURE 15) Insert tensioning chains through the holes shown and attach to the springs on the upper and lower idler arms. Install a 3/32" hairpin cotter in the chain attached to the upper idler arm, placing it in the fifth link from the spring. TENSIONING SELECTTHE CORRECT (Electric clutch tractors suspension bracket) STEP 17: (SEETABLE CHAIN (upper idler arm) 3132" HAIRPIN //COTTER IN 5th LINK • DRIVE BELT with a single front deck 1) Three different length drive belts are included with your snow thrower. Select one of the two belts listed below that is correct for your tractor. The part number is printed on the outside of the belt. Set aside the belts that are not for your tractor, to avoid accidentally using them. 55" BELT (PART #46989) TRACTOR TYPE DECK SIZE CLUTCH TYPE (LT) Lawn Tractor 38", 42" Electric 56" BELT (PART #48138) TRACTOR TYPE DECK SIZE CLUTCH TYPE TENSIONING FIGURE CHAIN (lower idler arm) (LT) Lawn Tractor 48" Electric (GT) Garden Tractor 48", 54" Electric TABLE 1 15 12 STEP 18: (SEE FIGURE 17) e Turn the clutch/idler assembly right side up. e Slightly loosen the hex bolt next to the flat idler pulley. Install the drive belt down between the hex bolt and the flat idler pulley with the flat side of the belt against the pulley. Retighten the hex bolt. Loop the belt around the large v-pulley, placing it between the v-pulley and the hex bolt next to the pulley. HEX BOLTS STEP 20: (SEE FIGURE 19) • Assemble the drive belt onto the engine pulley first and then onto the large pulley on top of the clutch/ idler assembly. Place the belt to the inside of the idler pulley and the belt keeper bolt located beside the large pulley. Place tension on the belt by pulling the left side tensioning chain out as far as the 3/32" hairpin cotter in the chain will allow. Secure the chain in this position by inserting a 1/8" hairpin cotter through the chain. FLAT iDLER PULLEY IMPORTANT: Do Not assemble the drive belt around the outside of the keeper bolt beside the large pulley. Go to step 48 on page 22. CLUTCH/IDLER ASSEMBLY DRIVE BELT FIGURE 17 1/8" HAiRPiN COTTER / Did you choose the correct drive belt for your tractor? Using the wrong length belt may cause premature bearing or belt failure. iDLER STEP 19: (SEE FIGURE 18) Attach the clutch/idler assembly to the tractor frame. Hook the notched rear pulley frame brackets onto the two shoulder bolts assembled to the outside of the tractor frame. Lift the front of the assembly and attach it to the R.H. and L.H. hanger brackets using two pivot lock pins and 1/8" hairpin cotters. CHAIN (L.H. SIDE) KEEPER BOLT ) PIVOT LOCK PiN (MM) (use second hole) FIGURE 18 LH. HANGER BRACKET SHOULDER I BOLT FIGURE 19 VIEWED FROM LEFT SIDE 13 VIEWED FROM UNDERNEATH iNSTRUCTiONS FOR TRACTORS WITH DUAL FRONT DECK SUSPENSION BRACKETS FASTEN SIDE PLATES STEP 23: (SEE FIGURE 22) * Remove any bolts found in the holes shown. REMOVE BOLTS IF PRESENT TO TRACTOR if your tractor resembles figure 20, go to step 21. If your tractor resembles figure 22, go to step 23. STEP 21: (SEE FIGURE 20) * Remove bolts from front three holes shown. * If a bolt is present in the fourth hole, replace it with a 5/16" x 1" carriage bolt without a nut. The bracket fastened to inside of frame must remain in place. SUSPENSION BRACKET REPLACE BOLT (IF PRESENT) FIGURE 22 REMOVE BOLTS (IF PRESENT) RIGHT SiDE ViEW STEP 24: (SEE FIGURE 23) * Fasten the R.H. Side Plate (bend facing out) to the three holes shown in the tractor frame. Use three 3/8" x 1" thread forming bolts, 1/2" washers and 3/8" lock washers. Tighten all bolts and repeat for the L.H. side. NOTE: If the bolt inserts freely into the front hole, assemble a 3/8" flanged nut onto the bolt. (3) 1/2"WASHERS FRONT SUSPENSION BRACKET FIGURE 20 RIGHT SiDE ViEW STEP 22: (SEE FIGURE 21) * Fasten the R.H. Side Plate (bend facing out) to the front three holes shown in the tractor frame using three 3/8" x 1" thread forming bolts, three 3/8" lock washers and one 1/2" washer placed on the third bolt as a shim between the side plate and the frame. Tighten all bolts. Repeat for the L.H. side. NOTE: If you installed a bolt in the fourth hole in step 21, assemble a 5/16" flange nut onto the bolt after the side plate is installed. * Go to step 25 on this page. 5/16" x 1" CARRIAGE (3) 3/8"LOCK WASHERS (3) 3/8" x 1" THREAD FORMING BOLTS FIGURE RIGHT SiDE ViEW 23 1/2"WASHER outside of each side plate, securing them with a 3/8" flanged nut. BOLT FLANGED SHOULDER BOLT NUT (SEE NUT (SEE NOTE) STEP 25: (SEE FIGURE 24) * Assemble a shoulder bolt and a 3/8" washer to the (SEE NOTE) 5/16" 318" FLANGED NOTE) (3) 3/8" x 1" THREAD FORMING BOLTS FIGURE 21 (3) 3/8" LOCK WASHERS 3/8" WASHER RIGHT SiDE ViEW FIGURE 24 14 3/8" FLANGED NUT RIGHT SiDE ViEW INSTALLING iNSTALLiNG HANGER BRACKETS For better clearance, lower the tractor's suspension arms using the attachment lift lever. * BOLTS STEP 27: (SEE FIGURE 27) Remove the bolt, washer and nut which fasten the sway bar bracket to the L.H. side of the tractor frame. Replace with a shoulder bolt and a 3/8" flanged nut. Bolt goes on inside of frame. STEP 26: (SEE FIGURE 25 or 26) On Tractors With Foot Rest Brackets * SHOULDER Remove the bolt and nut that fasten the L.H. and R.H. foot rest brackets to the frame. Attach the L.H. Hanger Bracket (marked "L") to the inside of the tractor frame using two 3/8" x 1" carriage bolts and 3/8" flanged nuts. Bolt heads go on inside of tractor frame. Repeat for the R.H. side. @ BOLT REMC,VED FROM THIS HOLE 3/8" FLANGED NUT SHOULDER BOLT BOLT REMOVED FROMTHiS HOLE _\'\ SWAY BAR \\ \'\. BRACKET FIGURE 27 ! 3/8" x 1" CARRIAGE BOLT * Y / NUT LEFT SIDE VIEW SUSPENSION ARM \ \ L.H. HANGER BRACKET _. -- FIGURE 25 On Tractors Without 3/8" FLANGED STEP 28: (SEE FIGURE 28) Assemble a shoulder bolt and 3/8" flanged nut to the R.H. side of the tractor frame, using the first empty hole to the rear of the R.H. hanger bracket. Bolt goes on inside of frame. LEFT SIDE VIEW Foot Rest Brackets Find the empty hole beneath the foot rest. Attach the L.H. Hanger Bracket (marked "L") to the inside of the frame using a 3/8" x 1" carriage bolt and a 3/8" flanged nut. Bolt head goes on inside of tractor frame. Repeat for the R.H. side. 3/8" FLANGED SHOULDER BOLT R.H. HANGER BRACKET SUSPENSION ARM \ \ L.H. HANGER BRACKET FIGURE 26 FIGURE 28 \\\ _. LEFT SIDE VIEW 15 RIGHT SIDE VIEW iNSTALLiNG CLUTCH/IDLER ASSEMBLY This section covers the installation of the Clutch/Idler Attach the two front pulley frame brackets to the inside of the clutch/idler assembly using two 5/16" x 3/4" hex bolts, 5/16" washers and 5/16" nylock nuts for each bracket. Add extra washers if needed. Insert a tensioning chain through the hole shown and attach the end link to the spring on the lower idler arm. assembly to tractors with attachment clutches that are either rod operated (p. 16), cable operated (p. 18) or electric (p. 20). Use the appropriate instructions for your tractor. 5116"x 3/4" HEX BOLT ROD OPERATED MANUAL ATTACHMENT CLUTCH 5/16" WASHER / STEP 29: (SEE FIGURE 29) • Move the attachment clutch lever on the dash panel to the disengaged (down) position. Screw the trunnion onto the end of the snow thrower engagement rod. Locate the clutch arm (where the mower clutch rod was connected) underneath the right hand side the tractor, just to the inside of the suspension arm. If there is an extension attached to the clutch lever, the extension, bolt and nut must be removed and stored with the mower deck. IMPORTANT: Re=attach the extension to the clutch 5/16" x 1" HEX BOLT (4) 5/16" WASHERS lever before reinstalling the mower deck. Position the engagement rod to the inside of the clutch arm and insert the drilled end of the rod through the arm. Secure with a 5/64" hairpin cotter. TRACTOR'S 5/16" NYLOCK NUT FIGURE / / TENSIONING CHAIN (lower idler arm) 30 STEP 31: (SEE FIGURE 31) Three different length drive belts are included with your snow thrower. Tractors with manual attachment clutches and dual front deck suspension brackets use the 55" drive belt with #46989 printed on the outside of the belt. DO NOT USE the other belts. Slightly loosen the hex bolt next to the flat idler pulley. Install the drive belt down between the hex bolt and the flat idler pulley with the flat side of the belt against the pulley. Retighten the hex bolt. Loop the belt around the large v-pulley, placing it between the v-pulley and the hex bolt next to the pulley. CLUTCH ARM ENGAGEMENT ROD / \ SUSPENSION ARM 5/64" HAIRPIN COTTER HEX BOLTS FLAT IDLER PULLEY REMOVE EXTENSION, BOLT AND NUT (IF PRESENT) FIGURE 29 RIGHT SIDE VIEW #46989 DRIVE FIGURE STEP 30: (SEE FIGURE 30) Attach the two rear pulley frame brackets to the inside of the clutch/idler assembly using two 5/16" x 1" hex bolts, eight 5/16" washers and two 5/16" nylock nuts for each bracket. ,/_ BELT 31 Did you choose the correct drive belt for your tractor? Using the wrong length belt may cause premature bearing or belt failure. 16 STEP32: (SEEFIGURE32) • Besuretoliftupthefrontendoftheengagement rod asshownwhenperforming thenextoperation. You cantemporarily supporttherodusinga rubberband tiedtotheenginepulleykeeper. Attachtheclutch/idler assemblytothetractorframe asfollows.Hooktheassembly's notchedrearpulley framebracketsontothetwoshoulderboltsyou assembled to theinsideofthetractorframe.Liftthe frontoftheassemblyandattachittothe R.H.andL.H. hangerbracketsusingtwopivotlockpinsand1/8" hairpincotters. PIVOT __ ....... LOCK HAiRPiN TRUNNION [] J STOP BOLT iDLER ARM 3/8" THiN PIN (MM) WASHER 5/64" HAiRPiN COTTER (use second hole) ............................. 1/8" NEW ENGINE PULLEY KEEPER WiTH ORiGiNAL BOLT, NUT AND WASHER ENGAGEMENT COTTER FIGURE RIGHT SiDE VIEW 33 STEP 34: (SEE FIGURE 34) Assemble the short "V" belt onto the engine pulley and then onto the large pulley on top of the clutch/idler assembly. The belt must be placed to the inside of the engine pulley keeper, the idler pulley and the keeper bolt located beside the large pulley. f iMPORTANT: Do Not assemble the "V" belt around the outside of the engine pulley keeper or the keeper bolt. Go to step 48 on page 22. FIGURE 32 CLUTCH/IDLER RIGHT SiDE VIEW ENGINE PULLEY KEEPER STEP 33: (SEE FIGURE 33) Make sure the attachment clutch lever on the dash panel is in the disengaged (down) position. Pivot the upper idler arm so that it rests against the stop bolt and is pointing toward the front as shown. Screw the trunnion along the threads of the engagement rod until it is aligned at the front end of the idler arm slot. Attach the trunnion to the slot using the 3/8" thin washer and a 5/64" hairpin cotter. Remove the engine pulley keeper from the side of the tractor frame by removing the washer and nut that secure the keeper. Attach the new pulley keeper supplied with the snow thrower, reusing the original bolt, washer and nut. ASSEMBLY Left Side of Tractor ENGINE PULLEY NOTE: Some tractors may already be equipped with a pulley keeper that is identical to the new one supplied. BOLT FIGURE 34 17 VIEWED FROM UNDERNEATH CABLEOPERATED MANUAL ATTACHMENT CLUTCH STEP 37: (SEE FIGURE 37) Three different length drive belts are included with your snow thrower. Tractors with manual attachment clutches and dual front deck suspension brackets use the 55" drive belt with #46989 printed on the outside of the belt. DO NOT USE the other belts. Slightly loosen the hex bolt next to the fiat idler pulley. Install the drive belt down between the hex bolt and the fiat idler pulley with the fiat side of the belt against the pulley. Retighten the hex bolt. Loop the belt around the large v-pulley, placing it between the v-pulley and the hex bolt next to the pulley. STEP 35: (SEE FIGURE 35) * Assemble the cable bracket to the inner half of the double holes in the bottom of the clutch/idler assembly using two 5/16" × 3/4" carriage bolts and 5/16" nylock nuts. Use the front holes in the cable bracket if your tractor has a 42" mower deck. Use the rear holes if your tractor has a 46" mower deck. 5/16" x 3/4" CARRIAGE BOLT CABLE BRACKET 46" DECKS 42" DECKS _@ _ HEX BOLTS 5/16" NYLOCK NUT #46989 DRIVE FLAT iDLER PULLEY ,_ BELT FIGURE 37 FIGURE 35 Did you choose the correct drive belt for your tractor? Using the wrong length belt may cause premature bearing or belt failure. STEP 36: (SEE FIGURE 36) • Attach the two rear pulley frame brackets to the inside of the clutch/idler assembly using two 5/16" x 1" hex bolts, eight 5/16" washers and two 5/16" nylock nuts for each bracket. Attach the two front pulley frame brackets to the inside of the clutch/idler assembly using two 5/16" x 3/4" hex bolts, 5/16" washers and 5/16" nylock nuts for each bracket. Add extra washers if needed in step 39. Insert a tensioning chain through the hole shown and attach the end link to the spring on the lower idler arm. 5/16" x 3/4" HEX BOLT 5/16" WASHER / 5/16" x 1" HEX BOLT (4) 5/16" WASHERS 5/16" NYLOCK NUT FIGURE O / / TENSIONING CHAIN (lower idler arm) 36 18 STEP38: (SEEFIGURE38) • Movetheattachment clutchleveronthedashpanelto thedisengaged (down)position. Placetheclutch/idler assembly onthefloorontheright sideofthetractor. Attachthetractor'sclutchcabletothecablebracket. Securethecablehousingguide(groovedown)tothe cablebracketusingtheoriginalcollaranda 5/64"hair cotterpin. Placea spacerontheweldedpinontheidlerarm. Hooktheendoftheclutchspringoverthepinand secureitwitha 1/4"washeranda 5/64"haircotterpin. NEW ENGINE PULLEY KEEPER WiTH ORiGiNAL BOLT, NUT AND WASHER PIVOT LOCK PiN use second hole) 1/8" HAIRPIN COTTER 5164"HAIR COTTER PiN FIGURE SPACER STEP 40: (SEE FIGURE 40) Assemble the short "V" belt onto the engine pulley and then onto the large pulley on top of the clutch/idler assembly. The belt must be placed to the inside of the engine pulley keeper, the idler pulley and the keeper bolt located beside the large pulley. iMPORTANT: Do Not assemble the "V" belt around the / TRACTOR'S CLUTCH CABLE 5/64" HAIR COTTER PIN FIGURE 39 outside of the engine pulley keeper or the keeper bolt. Go to step 48 on page 22. 38 ENGINE PULLEY KEEPER Left Side of Tractor ENGINE PULLEY STEP 39: (SEE FIGURE 39) Remove the engine pulley keeper from the side of the tractor frame by removing the washer and nut that secure the keeper. Attach the new pulley keeper supplied with the snow thrower, reusing the original bolt, washer and nut. NOTE: Some tractors may already be equipped with a pulley keeper that is identical to the new one supplied. BOLT Attach the clutch/idler assembly to the tractor frame as follows. Hook the assembly's notched pulley frame brackets onto the two shoulder bolts you assembled to the inside of the tractor frame. Lift the front of the assembly and attach it to the R.H. and L.H. hanger brackets using two pivot lock pins and 1/8" hairpin cotters. FIGURE 40 19 VIEWED FROM UNDERNEATH ELECTRIC ATTACHMENT CLUTCHES STEP41: (SEEFIGURE41) • Turntheclutchidlerassemblyupsidedown. Hookthespring(ontotheendoftheboltthatextends throughthenutonthebottomoftheupperidler arm.Installa 3/8"hexlocknutontothebolt,leaving enoughspaceforthespringto pivot. STEP 43: (SEE FIGURE 43) Attach the two rear pulley frame brackets to the inside of the clutch/idler assembly using two 5/16" x 1" hex bolts, eight 5/16" washers and two 5/16" nylock nuts for each bracket. Attach the two front pulley frame brackets to the inside of the clutch/idler assembly using two 5/16" x 3/4" hex bolts, 5/16" washers and 5/16" nylock nuts for each bracket. SPRING 3/8" HEX F' LOCK NUT 5116" x 3/4" HEX BOLT 5116" WASHER © / ATTACH SPRING HERE 5116" x 1" HEX BOLT FIGURE 41 B OTTO M Vl EW (4) 5116" WASHERS / / 5116" NYLOCK NUT FIGURE 43 STEP 42: (SEE FIGURE 42) Insert tensioning chains through the holes shown and attach to the springs on the upper and lower idler arms. Attach a 3/32" hairpin cotter to the chain attached to the upper idler arm, placing it in the fifth link from the spring. TENSIONING STEP 44: (SEE TABLE 2) Three different length drive belts are included with your snow thrower. Select one of the two belts listed below that is correct for your tractor. The part number is printed on the outside of the belt. Set aside the belts that are not for your tractor, to avoid accidentally using them. CHAIN (upper idler arm) 111 3/32" HAIRPIN COTTER IN 5th LINK 55" BELT (PART #46989) TRACTOR TYPE DECK SiZE CLUTCH TYPE (LT) Lawn Tractor 38", 42", 46" Electric 56" BELT (PART #48138) TRACTOR TYPE DECK SiZE CLUTCH TYPE (LT) Lawn Tractor TABLE 2 TENSIONING CHAIN (lower idler arm) FIGURE 42 20 48" Electric STEP 45: (SEE FIGURE 44) e Turn the clutch/idler assembly right side up. e Slightly loosen the hex bolt next to the flat idler pulley. Install the drive belt down between the hex bolt and the flat idler pulley with the flat side of the belt against the pulley. Retighten the hex bolt. Loop the belt around the large v-pulley, placing it between the v-pulley and the hex bolt next to the pulley. HEX BOLTS STEP 47: (SEE FIGURE 46) • Assemble the drive belt onto the engine pulley and then onto the large pulley on top of the clutch/idler assembly. The belt must be placed to the inside of the idler pulley and the keeper bolt located beside the large pulley. Place tension on the belt by pulling the left side tensioning chain out as far as the 3/32" hairpin cotter will allow. Secure the chain in this position by inserting a 1/8" hairpin cotter through the chain. FLAT IDLER PULLEY iMPORTANT: Do Not assemble the "V" belt around the outside of the engine pulley keeper or the keeper bolt. CLUTCH/IDLER DRIVE BELT ASSEMBLY / 1/8" HAIRPIN COTTER / FIGURE 44 Did you choose the correct drive belt for your tractor? Using the wrong length belt may cause premature bearing or belt failure. IDLER CHAIN (L.H. SIDE) STEP 46: (SEE FIGURE 45) Attach the clutch/idler assembly to the tractor frame as follows. Hook the assembly's notched rear pulley frame brackets onto the two shoulder bolts you assembled to the inside of the tractor frame. Lift the KEEPER BOLT front of the assembly and attach it to the R.H. and L.H. hanger brackets using two pivot lock pins and 1/8" hairpin cotters. FIGURE 46 1/8" HAIRPIN COTTER _--_ PIVOT LOCK PiN (use second hole) FIGURE 45 RIGHT SIDE VIEW 21 VIEWED FROM UNDERNEATH ASSEMBLY OF THE SNOW THROWER STEP 50: (SEE FIGURE 49) Tilt the snow thrower back down to the ground. Remove the nylon tie which fastens the auger drive belt to the discharge housing, leaving the belt assembled around the pulleys. Remove the nylon tie which fastens the chute crank rod to the crank rod support tube. Assemble the crank rod support tube to the bracket on the left side of the discharge housing using two 5/16" x 1-1/4" carriage bolts, and 5/16" Nylock nuts. STEP 48: (SEE FIGURE 47) • Place the lift handle into the lift bracket on the right side of the snow thrower. Fasten the handle to the bracket using two 5/16" x 1-3/4" hex bolts and 5/16" Nylock nuts. LIFT HANDLE \ \ DISCHARGE HOUSING \ _\ \\ \\ \ HEX BOLT 5/16" x 1=3/4" 5/16" NYLOCK FIGURE 47 NUT LIFT BRACKET RIGHT SIDE VIEW NOTE: Be sure the lift release cable's plastic covering stays inserted into the trigger assembly for the next step. 5/16" NYLOCK NUT STEP 49" (SEE FIGURE 48) Push the lift handle down into the locked position. Insert the end of the cable wire into the hole in the lift rod. Place the threaded fitting into the slot in the lift bracket, with one hex nut above and one hex nut and the lock washer below the slot. Tighten the nuts, adjusting them to eliminate slack in the cable wire. Refer also to the Service and Adjustments section on page 28 in this manual. FIGURE 49 LEFT SIDE VIEW STEP 51 : (SEE FIGURE 50) Attach the chute tilt control assembly to the top side of the crank support tube using two 5/16" x 1-3/4" carriage bolts, bowed washers and 5/16" Nylock nuts. HINT: For easier assembly of the lift release cable, tilt the ,now thrower forward onto the spiral auger. CHUTE CRANK ROD LIFT RELEASE CABLE CRANK SUPPORTTUBE TiLT CONTROL HANDLE HEX NUT 5/16" x 1=3/4" CARRIAGE BOLT TRIGGER ASSEMBLY TiLT CONTROL ASSEMBLY BOWED WASHER LOCK WASHER 5/16" NYLOCK NUT HEX NUT CABLE WIRE FIGURE 50 LIFT ROD FIGURE 48 _( RIGHT SiDE ViEW 22 LEFT SiDE ViEW STEP52: (SEEFIGURE51) • Attachthechutecrankrodassemblybracketsto theplasticbracketonthe leftsideofthedischarge housing. Alignthechutecrankbracketbeneaththe rodsupportbracketandassemble bothtotheplastic bracketusingtwo5/16"x 1"carriagebolts,5/16" washersand5/16"Nylocknuts.Do nottightenyet. STEP 53: (SEE FIGURE 52) Coat the top of the ring around the discharge opening with general purpose grease. Place the discharge chute (facing forward) onto the ring. Place the anti-rotation bracket on top of the chute flange, aligning it with the holes on the right hand side of the flange. Attach the three chute keepers (right side up as shown) to the bottom of the flange using six 1/4" x 1" hex bolts, 1/4" flat washers and 1/4" flanged lock nuts. Tighten carefully so that the nuts are snug but do not dig into the plastic chute keepers. Place the plastic cap onto the short end of the antirotation bracket. Position the crank rod spiral (see figure 51) so that it does not rub against the bottoms of the notches in the chute flange. Tighten the nuts. Check if the crank rod rotates the chute freely. If not, loosen by 1/4 turn each of the six hex bolts holding the chute keepers to the chute flange. Secure the control cables to the crank rod support tube using a nylon tie. \\ CHUTE CRANK BRACKET 5/16" x 1 " BOLT '_ \ CHUTE CRANK ROD SPIRAL js 1/4" x 1" HEX BOLT / / / / / ANTI=ROTATION BRACKET FLANGE FIGURE 51 PLASTIC CAP LEFT SiDE ViEW _illiii GREASED SURFACE CHUTE KEEPER ---,._=t 1/4" FLANGED LOCK NUT FIGURE 52 RIGHT SIDE VIEW STEP 54: (SEE FIGURE 53) Skip this step if you have a lawn tractor. This step is for garden tractors only. If you have a (GT) Garden Tractor, remove the stop bolts from each side of the snow thrower frame. STOP BOLT FIGURE 53 23 RIGHT SIDE VIEW ATTACHING SNOW THROWER BEFORE TO TRACTOR STEP 55: (SEE FIGURE 54) • Place the tractor and snow thrower on a flat, level surface so that the tractor can be rolled forward to attach the snow thrower. Remove the Attachment Pin from the snow thrower. Extend the auger belt out behind the snow thrower, making sure the belt is still looped over the top of the large drive pulley and underneath the two idler pulleys. The "V" side of the belt must be seated in the grooves of all three pulleys. Roll the tractor up behind the snow thrower, centering it between the snow thrower's mounting plates. Raise the rear of the snow thrower by lifting up on the lift handle until the notches in the mounting plates align with the shoulder bolts in the tractor's side plates. Guide the bolts into the notches. To ease the assembly of the auger drive belt, delay the installation of the attachment pin until you have assembled the belt as instructed in steps 56 and 57. TWIST 1/4 TURN IDLER PULLEY IDLER PULLEY FIGURE 55 PIN iNSTALLiNG THE AUGER X ////_ SHOULDER BOLT SiDE PLATE CLUTCH/IDLER ASSEMBLY iDLER ARM MOUNTING PLATE FIGURE 54 BELT STEP 57: (SEE FIGURE 56) Push the lift handle down to increase slack in the belt (attachment pin must first be removed). Swing the idler arm over to the left side. Place the auger belt around the rear pulley and between the two pulleys on the idler arm. The "V" side of the belt must be seated in the grooves of the V-pulleys. COTTER \ BELT AUGER PULLEY TWIST 1/4 TURN (After installing auger belt) 1/8" HAIRPIN THE AUGER STEP 56: (SEE FIGURE 55) • The auger belt comes pre-assembled to the pulleys on the snow thrower housing. Make sure the belt passes over the top of the auger pulley and then twists 1/4 turn to pass underneath each side idler pulley. The "V" side of the belt must mate with the grooves of the pulleys. NOTE: An additional person's help may be required to mount the snow thrower to the front of the tractor. ATTACHMENT INSTALLING RIGHT SiDE ViEW REAR PULLEY FIGURE 56 24 LEFT SIDE OF TRACTOR VIEWED FROM UNDERNEATH INSTALLING THE ATTACHMENT PIN ATTACH THE AUGER TO REAR FENDER STEP 60: (SEE FIGURE 58) * if your tractor is not equipped with rear reflectors, assemble the supplied rear reflectors to the rear fender. Place the reflectors as close to the bottom of STEP 58: (REFER BACKTO FIGURE 54 ON PAGE 24) * Lift the front of the snow blower to align the holes in the mounting plates and the side plates. From the left side of the tractor insert the attachment pin through the holes. Secure it with by reinstalling the 1/8" hairpin cotter. SETTING REFLECTORS the fender and as far apart as the shape of the fender will allow. BELT TENSION STEP 59: (SEE FIGURE 57) • Pull the tensioning chain until the end of the spring is pulled through the hole in the side of the Clutch/Idler assembly. Install a 1/8" hairpin cotter through the end of the spring, securing it on the outside of the Clutch/ idler assembly. iMPORTANT: For correct belt tension, the 1/8" hairpin cotter must attach to the end of the spring, not to the chain. NOTE; To prevent the chain from dragging on the ground, loop the end of the chain though the pivot lock pin. Refer to figure 45 on page 21. REAR REFLECTORS CLUTCH/IDLER FIGURE 58 ASSEMBLY LEFTSIDE OF TRACTOR CHECKLIST Before you operate your snow thrower, please review the following checklist to help ensure that you wiil obtain the best performance from your snow thrower. Make sure all assembly instructions have been completed with all bolts and nuts properly tightened. Make sure the correct drive belt was installed. FLAT PULLEY 1/8" HAiRPiN COTTER Make sure the drive belt and auger belt are routed properly around pulleys and inside all belt keepers. Check discharge chute for proper rotation. Check operation of tilt control for upper chute. Verify that the lift handle will lock into and release from the raised transport position. (Refer to the Service and Adjustments section.) Check skid shoe adjustment. (Refer to the Service and Adjustments section.) END OF SPRING FIGURE 57 The following additional items are available from Sears to help enhance the performance of your snow thrower. See Accessories and Attachments on page 2. Tire chains which can be installed to improve traction. Rear wheel weights which can be installed in addition to the rear weight tray to improve traction. Snow Cab which can be installed to help protect against wind and blowing snow. VIEWED FROM UNDERNEATH 25 KNOW YOU R SNOW TH ROWER Read this owner's manual and safety rules before operating your snow thrower. Compare the illustration below with your snow thrower to familiarize yourself with the various controls and their locations. LIFT RELEASE TRIGGER CHUTETI_ LIFT HANDLE // • HANDLE J /.J CRANK ROD UPPER CHUTE LOWER CHUTE SCRAPER PLATE S SKID SHOE SPIRAL AUGERS, R.H.& L.H. CHUTE TiLT HANDLE Pivots the Upper Chute up or down to control the angle and distance of discharge. CRANK ROD Rotates the Lower and Upper Chutes to control the direction of discharge. LIFT HANDLE Used to lift or lower the snow thrower to transport or operating position. LIFT RELEASE TRIGGER Releases the lock which holds the snow thrower in the transport position UPPER AND LOWER DISCHARGE CHUTE Controls direction and height of snow discharge. SCRAPER PLATE Replaceable plate that absorbs wear and impact from contact with ground. SKID SHOE Controls amount of clearance between the scraper plate and the ground. SPIRAL AUGER, R.H. & LH. Feed snow to the impeller fan at the center of the housing. BEFORE HOW TO USE YOUR SNOW THROWER • STARTING Use the end of assembly checklist to verify that all instructions have been properly completed. Make sure the skid shoes are adjusted to maintain adequate ground clearance between the snow thrower and the type of surface to be cleared. (Refer to the Service and Adjustments section.) Make sure the tractor engine has the correct oil for winter operation (SAE 5W-30). Refer to tractor owner's manual. CAUTION: Never direct discharge towards bystanders or windows. Do not allow anyone in front of unit. CONTROLLING HOW TO STARTYOUR SNOW DISCHARGE To control the direction snow is thrown, the discharge chute has 180 degrees of rotation. Turn the crank rod to rotate the chute to the right or the left. SNOW THROWER The tractor should be sitting with the engine running at full throttle. Move the attachment clutch to the engaged position, starting the snow thrower before To control the distance snow is thrown, the upper section of the discharge chute pivots up and down. Push forward on the chute tilt handle to pivot the chute down, decreasing the distance snow is thrown. Pull back on the handle to pivot the chute up, increasing the distance snow is thrown. the tractor clutch is engaged. HOW TO STOP YOUR SNOW THROWER To stop the snow thrower, disengage the tractor's attachment clutch lever for manual clutches or the clutch switch for electric clutches. Refer to your tractor owner's manual. 26 RAISINGANDLOWERING • Toraise,pushdownonthelifthandleuntilthesnow throwerlocksintheraisedtransportposition. Tolower,pushdownslightlyonthelifthandleandpull thetrigger.Withthetriggerpulled,slowlylowerthe snowthroweruntilit reachestheground. Inextremely deepsnow,raisethesnowthrowerfrom thegroundto removethetoplayeranddriveforward onlyuntilthetractorsfronttiresreachtheuncleared bottomlayerofsnow.Depressthetractor'sclutchbrakepedalandallowthespiralaugertoclearthe snow.Reversethetractorandlowerthesnowthrower totheground.Drivethetractorforwarduntilthesnow againbecomestoodeep.Repeating thisprocessinto andoutof driftswilleventually cleareventhedeepest ofsnowpiles. Ifthesnowthrowerbecomescloggedwithsnowor jammedwitha foreignobject,disengage thesnow throwerimmediately andshutoffthetractorengine. Unclogthesnowthrowerbeforeresuming operation. CAUTION: Donotoperatethesnow throwerwithoutrearwheelweights attached tothetractortoprovideextra tractionandstability. REMOVING SNOW Snowremovalconditions varygreatlyfromlightfluffy snowfalltowetheavysnow.Operatinginstructions must beflexibletofit theconditions encountered. Theoperator mustadaptthelawntractorandsnowthrowerto depthof snow,winddirection,temperature andsurfaceconditions. Beforebeginning operation, thoroughly inspectthe areaofoperation andremovealldoormats,sleds, boards,wiresandotherforeignobjects. Thespiralaugerspeedis directlyrelatedto engine speed.Formaximumsnowremovalanddischarge, maintainhighenginer.p.m.(fullthrottle).It is advisable tooperatethelawntractorata slowgroundspeed (1stgear)forsafeandefficientsnowremoval. Indeep,driftedor bankedsnowit willbe necessary to usefullthrottleanda slowgroundspeed(1stgear). Driveforwardintothesnow,depressthetractor's clutch-brake pedalandallowthespiralaugertoclear thesnow.Repeatthismethoduntila pathis cleared. Onthesecondpass,overlapthefirstenoughtoallow thesnowthrowerto handlethesnowwithoutrepeated stoppingandstartingofforwardmotion. CUSTOMER DANGER: Shutoffengineand disengage snowthrowerbefore unclogging discharge chute.Unclogusing a woodenstick,notyourhands. OPERATING TiPS Discharge snow down wind whenever possible. To help prevent snow from sticking to the snow thrower, allow the snow thrower to reach outdoor temperature before using it. A light coat of wax may also be applied to the inside surface of the snow thrower housing and discharge chute. Use tire chains to improve traction. Use rear wheel weights to improve traction. Before the first snowfall, remove all stones, sticks and other objects which could become hidden by the snow. Permanent obstacles should be marked for visibility. Overlap each pass slightly to assure complete snow removal. RESPONSiBiLiTiES Read and follow the maintenance schedule and the maintenance procedures listed in this section. MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Fill in dates as you complete regular service. Check for loose fasteners Check scraper and shoes for wear Cleaning Lubrication Section /4 XY x x Service Dates x X X LUBRICATION Oil all pivot points on the snow thrower. • Oil the pivot points of the two idler arms on the clutch/ idler assembly. • Apply penetrating oil to the control cables of the discharge chute. • Apply a good grade of spray lubricant to the trigger assembly and the chute tilt control assembly. CHECK SCRAPER AND SHOES FOR WEAR (Refer to figures 59 and 60 on page 28.) The scraper plate and skid shoes on the bottom of the snow thrower are subject to wear. To prevent damage to the spiral auger housing, replace plate and shoes before wear is excessive. 27 CAUTION: Beforeservicing oradjusting thesnowthrower, shutofftheengine,remove thesparkplugwire(s), settheparking brake andremove thekeyfromthetractorignition. REPLACING • AUGER LiFT RELEASE CABLE ADJUSTMENT If the lift rod does not lock the snow thrower securely in the transport position, loosen the upper hex nut on the lift bracket a few turns and tighten the lower hex nut. Refer to figure 48 on page 22. If the lift rod fails to unlock completely to lower the snow thrower, loosen the lower hex nut on the lift bracket a few turns and tighten the upper hex nut. Refer to figure 48 on page 22. BELT Disengage the tractor's attachment clutch. Lower the snow thrower to the ground. Remove the attachment pin. Lock the snow thrower's lift handle in the down position to decrease belt tension. Release the spring tension from the auger belt idler arm on the bottom of the clutch/idler assembly. Remove the auger drive belt from the clutch/idler assembly and from the spiral auger housing. Install new belt over top of large auger drive pulley and under the two side idler pulleys. Twist the belt 1/4 turn to seat the "V" of the belt in the groove of each idler pulley. Refer to figure 55 on page 24. Assemble the belt onto the clutch/idler assembly. CLUTCH DISENGAGEMENT ADJUSTMENT (For tractors with engagement rod clutches only. Not for electric clutches or cable clutches) If the spiral auger on the snow thrower does not stop when the attachment clutch lever on the tractor is disengaged, then adjustment is necessary. Proceed as follows. Refer back to figure 33 on page 17. Place the attachment clutch lever in the disengaged position. Remove the hairpin cotter from the engagement rod trunnion and lift the trunnion out of the hole in the idler arm. Screw the trunnion a few turns towards the front end of the rod. SKiD SHOE ADJUSTMENT The skid shoes are mounted on each side of the spiral auger housing. They regulate the distance the scraper plate is raised above the plowing surface. When removing snow from a gravel driveway or and uneven surface, it is advisable to keep the scraper plate as high above the surface as possible to prevent possible damage to the spiral auger. On blacktop or concrete surface, keep the scraper plate as close to the surface as possible. Raise the snow thrower off the ground and place a block under each end of the scraper plate. Loosen the six hex nuts securing the skid shoes to the housing. Adjust the skid shoes up or down and retighten the nuts securely. Adjust both skid shoes to the same height to keep the housing and the scraper plate level. See figure 59. Replace the trunnion into the hole in the idler arm and secure it with the hairpin cotter. Check the operation of the snow thrower. If the spiral augers still do not stop, repeat the above steps until the augers stop when the attachment clutch lever is placed in the disengaged position. SPIRAL AUGERS The spiral augers are secured to the auger shaft with two shear bolts and nylock nuts. If you hit a foreign object or if ice jams the augers, the snow thrower is designed so that the bolts will shear. If the augers will not turn, check to see if the shear bolts have sheared. See figure 60. Two replacement shear bolts and nylock nuts have been provided with the snow thrower. For future use order part number 710-0890A shear bolt and number 47810 nylock nut. GEAR HOUSING SKiD SHOE t @ SHEAR BO_ AND HEXLOCK NUT FIGURE 59 FIGURE 60 28 SCRAPER PLATE SKiD SHOE STORAGE • REMOVING * RECOMMENDATIONS PARTS TO REMOVE Lower the snow thrower to the ground. Remove the snow thrower from the tractor. Clean the snow thrower thoroughly. Wash off any salt deposit which may have dried on the thrower and housing. Any bare metal that has become exposed should be painted or coated with a light oil to prevent rust. Store in a dry place. THE SPIRAL AUGER Remove the clutch/idler assembly. (The two hanger brackets and the two shoulder bolts may be left attached to the tractor frame.) Remove the drive belt from the engine pulley. If you replaced the engine pulley keeper on a manual attachment clutch tractor, reinstall the tractor's original engine pulley keeper. See figure 33 on page 17 or figure 39 on page 19. If you have a rod operated attachment clutch, remove the engagement rod from the tractor's clutch arm. See figure 29 on page 16. If a front mounted attachment is to be used, remove the side plates from the tractor. Be sure to assemble bolts back into the empty holes in the tractor frame. HOUSING Lower the snow thrower to the ground. Remove the attachment pin. See figure 54 on page 24. Lock the snow thrower's lift handle in the down position to decrease belt tension. Release the spring tension from the auger belt idler arm on the bottom of the clutch/idler assembly. Remove the auger drive belt from the clutch/idler assembly. See figure 56 on page 24. Pull the spiral auger housing assembly off of the tractor. PROBLEM AT END OF SEASON CAUSE CORRECTION Spiral augers don't turn 1. Upper or lower V belt too loose 2. Upper or lower V belt broken 3. Shear bolts are sheared. 1. Increase tension on V belt 2. Replace V belt 3. Replace shear bolts Clogged discharge chute 1. Tractor ground speed too fast 2. Tractor throttle set too low 1. Use lower tractor gear 2. Increase to full throttle 3. Raise the snow thrower 4. Allow snow thrower to cool to outdoor temperature before using 3. Snow too deep 4. Snow melts during contact with the snow thrower Snow thrower stalls tractor engine 1. Object jammed in spiral auger 2. Hard or heavy snow 1. Stop engine, disengage the snow thrower clutch and clear the auger 2. Increase to full throttle and decrease ground speed Front wheels slide instead of steering Not enough traction at front wheels 1. Increase scraper plate clearance by lowering skid shoes 2. Pull down on lift handle to increase weight on front wheels Snow thrower rides up over snow 1. Tractor ground speed too fast 2. Bottom snow is icy or hard packed 1. Reduce ground speed 2. Lower the skid shoes so that front of skid shoe is lower than the rear 29 REPAIR PARTS FOR MODEL 486.24837 42" SNOW THROWER (For Tractors With Model Numbers Beginning With 917) 4 tz, 3O 23 28 64 29 12 23 / 67" 537O 74 34 28 37 16 33 \ 33 38 15 22 / 8 36 30 2O 32 9 23 66 X 4.4 23 61 49 27 16 35 \ 30 23 23 58 18 41 27 6O 5O 47 65 / 21 5z 42 21 65 56 25 52 7 8 40, 59 40, 59 _¢_ 54 _ 3O REPAIR PARTS FOR MODEL 486.24837 42" SNOW THROWER (For Tractors With Model Numbers Beginning With 917) REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 PART NO 05931 65701 71464 63579 63768 24773 25982 703-2735A 24816 705-5226 705-5269 705-5270 43840 44950 44917 44326 43080 46703 710-0890A 43088 43070 47189 478! 0 715-0114 750-0437 731-1379A 43086 736-0188 711-0469 43081 47615 741-0309 741-0475 741-0493A 24279 48015 784-5618 24393 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 4 10 8 2 11 2 4 29 2 2 1 4 6 4 24 2 1 2 4 2 4 2 1 DESCRIPTION REF 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Housing, Bearing Housing Assembly Gear Assembly Chute Crank Rod Assembly Impeller Assembly Scraper Plate Shaft, Auger Gearbox Bracket, Chute Crank Cover, Belt Chute Reinforcement Spiral Assembly, L.H. (not shown) Spiral Assembly, R.H. Hex Bolt, 5/16-18 x 1-1/4" Lg. Carriage Bolt, 1/4-20 x 3/4" Palnut, 3/8" Carriage Bolt, 5/16-18 x 1" Lg. Carriage Bolt, 5/16-18 x 3/4" Lg. Bolt, Self-Tap 5/16"x 3/4" Bolt, Shear 5/16-18 x 1-1/2" Washer, 1/4" Washer, 3/8" Hex Nut, 1/4-20 Nylock Hex Nut, 5/16-18 Nylock Spiral Pin, 1/4" x 1-1/2" Lg. Bushing Chute Adapter Lock Washer, 5/16" Washer, .76"x 1.49" x .06" Spacer, .75 ID x 1.25 OD x .5 L Washer, 5/16" Std. Wrt. Bearing, Flange Bearing, Ball Bushing, Plastic 3/8" Bearing, Split, 3/4" Skid Shoe Washer, Nylon Housing, Bearing Bracket, Chute Crank 31 PART NO 24281 49933 65367 65450 41576 44377 784-5594 746-0929 711-0242 746-0928 HA21362 43038 43343 43350 24394 47572 1643-60 64452 64451 47043 48106 24466 736-0247 47598 731-0921 731-1313C 47044 47026 43085 710-0896 731-0851A 43661 731-1300C 25937 HA20185 43182 40504 41361 QTY 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 4 1 6 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 6 1 1 1 3 1 1 DESCRIPTION Bracket, Idler Shoulder Bolt, Round Head Hanger Bracket Assembly, L.H. Hanger Bracket Assembly, R.H. Hex Bolt, 3/8-16 x 1-3/4" Hex Bolt, 3/8-24 x 1" Bracket, Cable Cable, Chute Control With Clip Spacer Cable, Chute Control Hex Nut, 3/8-16 Nylock Pin, Pivot Lock Pin, Hair Cotter #4 (1/8") Carriage Bolt, 3/8-16 x 1" Bracket, Chute Anti-rotation Hex Lock Nut, 3/8-16 Flanged Plastic Cap Hanger Bracket Assembly', R.H. Hanger Bracket Assembly, L.H. Keeper, Engine Pulley Bolt, Shoulder Bracket, Down Stop Washer, Hex Lock Nut, 1/4" Flanged Chute, Upper Guide, Cable Pulley, V Type 4" Pulley, V Type Hex Bolt, 5/16-18 x 1-1/2" Screw, 1/4-14 x 5/8" Chute Keeper Hex Bolt, 1/4-20 x 1" Chute, Lower Center Brace, Gearbox #61 Woodruff Key Hex Bolt, 5/16-18 x 3/4" Elevator Bolt, 1/4-20 x 1" Owner's Manual REPAIR PARTS FOR MODEL 486.24837 42" SNOW THROWER (For Tractors With Model Numbers Beginning With 917) 41 40 45 \ 52 47 51 5O 53 52 43 42 \ C 39 / 40 59 63 25 14 13 54 56 6 \ 55 62 23 33 64 / 58 11 16 5 31 62 24 / 32 5 63 18 2O 65 65 58 57 60 !6 !6 35._. 3_ 59--_ C 35 32 A REPAIR PARTS FOR MODEL 486.24837 42" SNOW THROWER (For Tractors With Model Numbers Beginning With 917) REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O PART NO 64637 710-0865 710-0367 711-0332 712-0261 43262 142 43093 R19171616 43350 741-0192 783-0380 783-0381 24476 24311 47599 43086 24820 63773 48049 47369 732-0306 R19131316 47788 43080 43182 47368 46954 43343 25678 25679 49916 49912 43070 710-1233 46446 47027 741-0475 QTY DESCRIPTION 1 2 2 2 2 6 5 1 4 6 2 2 2 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lift Shaft Assembly Hex Bolt, 1/2-13 x 1" Hex Bolt, 5/8-11 x 1-1/2" Pin, Bracket Lift Nut, Hex Lock 5/8-11 Thread Nut, Hex Lock 1/2-13 Pin, Cotter 1/8"x 3/4" Pin, Cotter 1/8"x 1-1/2" Washer, 17/32"x 1" Carriage Bolt, 3/8-16 x 1" Bearing, Flange With Flats Link, 15.80" Long Link, 11.75" Long Link, 4.88" Long Rod, Spacer Hex Bolt, 5/16-18 x 1" (Locking) Lock Washer, 5/16" Bracket, Lift Assembly, Handle Lift Bracket Rod, Index Lift Pin, Spring 3/16" x 1-3/4" Spring, Compression Washer, 13/32" x 13/16" Reflector, Rear Carriage Bolt, 5/16-18 x 3/4" Hex Bolt, 5/16-18 x 3/4" Pin, Spring 5/16" x 1-3/4" Pin, Attachment Pin, Haircotter #4 (1/8") Plate, Side (R.H.) Plate, Side (L.H.) Tube, Lift Handle 1 2 1 1 1 Trigger and Lift Cable Assembly Washer, 3/8" Screw, Oval #10-24 x 1" Grip, Handle Tube, Crank Rod Support 2 Bushing, 3/8" Plastic 33 REF PART NO QTY 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 703-2735A 720-0201A 44917 63579 784-5604A 720-04039 603-0302 731-1313C 746-0928 746-0929 43064 43081 24285 24284 43601 46584 R19172410 726-0178 47631 43003 47572 47810 43084 44326 48106 44695 43682 44215 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 1 1 1 8 3 6 6 6 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 DESCRIPTION Bracket, Chute Crank Knob, Crank Palnut, 3/8" Assembly, Chute Crank Rod Handle, Chute Tilt Knob Assembly, Chute Tilt Bracket Guide, Cable Cable, Chute Control Cable, Chute Control with Clip Nut, Hex Lock 5/16-18 Washer, 5/16" Plate, Mounting (L.H.) Plate, Mounting (R.H.) Washer, 1.59" x 1.032" x .060" Nut, Whizlock, 5/16-18 Washer, 1/2" Tie, Nylon Hex Bolt, 3/8-16 x 1" Self Tap Lock Washer, 3/8" Nut, Flanged Lock 3/8-16 Nut, Nylock Hex 5/16-18 Hex Bolt, 5/16-18 x 1-3/4" Carriage Bolt, 5/16-18 x 1" Bolt, Shoulder Washer, Bowed Carriage Bolt, 5/16-18 x 1-1/4" Carriage Bolt, 5/16-18 x 1-3/4" REPAIR PARTS FOR MODEL 486.24837 42" SNOW THROWER (For Tractors With Model Numbers Beginning With 917) 26 23 46 45--..._ 41 39 38 .48 36 40 37 ,14 12 17 12 17 57 3_ 12 12 44 33 23 53 REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PART NO 43080 43064 43083 43086 43081 26943 63904 24286 63762 43015 46981 QTY 2 3 2 4 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRiPTiON Carriage Bolt, 5/16-18 x 3/4" Hex Lock Nut, 5/16-18 Hex Nut, 5/16-18 Lock Washer, 5/16" Washer, 5/16" Std. Wrt. Frame, Clutch and Pulley Idler Arm Assembly Spacer, Pivot Idler Bracket Assembly Hex Nut, 3/8-16 Pulley, V Type 9" 34 REF PART NO QTY DESCRiPTiON 12 43082 8 Nut, Hex Lock, 3/8-16 13 14 46982 738-0680 1 1 Pulley, VType Shaft 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 750-0456 750-0660 43003 714-0161 741-0919 08253B 15296A 14088B 44377 736-0247 43063 1 1 6 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 Spacer Spacer Lock Washer, 3/8" Key Bearing, Ball Housing, Bearing Housing, Open Bearing Spacer, Spindle Hex Bolt, 3/8-24 x 1" Washer Hex Bolt, 5/16-18 x 1" 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 46989 48138 47846 47044 47025 43432 43054 24571 24472 43070 46959 46963 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 8 1 2 Belt, V Type Drive (55") Belt, V Type Drive (56") Belt, V Type Auger Pulley, V Type 4" Hex Bolt, 5/16-18 x 3-1/2" Hex Bolt, 3/8-16 x 2-1/2" Hex Bolt, 3/8-16 x 2" Spacer Spacer, Pivot Washer, 3/8" Spring Chain 37 38 39 43055 23727 43088 1 1 1 Pin, Hair Cotter, 3/32" Spacer Washer, 1/4" 40 41 42 43343 47134 711-0198 2 2 1 Pin, Hair Cotter #4 (1/8") Pin, Hair Cotter 5/64" Trunnion 43 44 45 46 46948 47620 47607 23625 1 1 1 1 Rod, Engagement Spring Spring, Torsion Spacer 47 48 49 43509 47605 24558 1 1 1 Hex Bolt, 3/8-16 x 2-3/4" Lg. Washer, Flat 3/8" Cable Bracket 50 51 52 49870 43178 43177 1 2 1 Hex Bolt, 1/4-20 x 2-1/2" Hex Nut, 1/4-20 Lock Washer, 1/4" 53 54 55 48883 25728 46938 3 2 1 Pulley, Flat 3-5/8" Rear Pulley Frame Bracket Hex Bolt, 3/8-16 x 3-1/4" 56 57 58 59 60 25780 47810 43182 HA180132 43063 1 10 4 1 4 Spacer Hex Nut, Hex Bolt, Hex Bolt, Hex Bolt, 61 27016 2 Front Pulley Frame Bracket 5-1/2" 5/16-18 Nylock 5/16-18 x 3/4" 3/8-16 x 2-1/4" 5/16-18 x 1" SUGGESTED GUIDE FOR SIGHTING OF TRACTOR WITH ATTACHMENT SLOPES FOR SAFE OPERATION _FOLD ALONG D THISISA _10 - OTTED LINE SLo ONLY RIDE UP AND DOWN NOT ACROSS HILL HILL, LO 03 10 DEGREES & MAX. WARNING: To avoid serious injury, operate your tractor up and down the face of slopes, never across the face. Do not operate on slopes greater than 10 degrees. Make turns gradually to prevent tipping or loss of control. Exercise extreme caution when changing direction on slopes. Braking may be affected by tractor attachment. Reduce speed on slopes. 1. Fold this page along dotted line indicated above. 2. Hold page before you so that its left edge is vertically parallel to a tree trunk or other upright structure. 3. Sight across the fold in the direction of hill slope you want to measure. 4. Compare the angle of the fold with the slope of the hill. Your Home For expert troubleshooting and home solutions advice: For repair - in your home - of all major brand appliances, lawn and garden equipment, or heating and cooling systems, no matter who made it, no matter who sold it! For the replacement parts, accessories and owner's manuals that you need to do-it-yourself. For Sears professional installation of home appliances and items like garage door openers and water heaters. 1-800-4-MY-HOME Call anytime, ® (1-800-469-4663) day or night (U.S.A. and Canada) Our Home For repair of carry-in items like vacuums, lawn equipment, and electronics, call anytime for the location of your nearest Sears Parts & Repair Service 1-800-488-1222 (U.S.A.) 1-800-469-4663 To purchase a protection 1-800-827-6655 agreement on a product serviced by Sears: 1-800-361-6665 Para pedir servicio de reparaci6n a domicilio, y para ordenar piezas: ® Marca Trademark Registrada MC Marque / TMTrademark / TM Marca 1-800-LE-FOYER ® de commerce / SMService de F&brica / MD Marque / SM Marca d6posee (Canada) Au Canada pour service en fran(_ais: M° (1-800-533-6937) (1-888-784-6427) ® Registered (Canada) (U.S.A.) 1-888-SU-HOGAR Center Mark of Sears de Servicio de Sears Brands, Brands, de Sears LLC LLC Brands, LLC © Sears Brands, LLC 1
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