Craftsman Briggs And Stratton Storm Responder 5500 Watt Generator Non Ca Owners Manual 030430_0es

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BRIGGS & STRATTON POWER PRODUCTS GROUP, LLCJEFFERSON, WISCONSIN, U.S.A.Manual No. 206883GS  Revision - (04/28/2008)Portable GeneratorOperator’s ManualThis generator is rated in accordance with CSA (Canadian StandardsAssociation) standard C22.2 No. 100-04 (motors and generators).
2BRIGGSandSTRATTON.COMBriggs & Stratton Power Products Group, LLC900 North ParkwayJefferson, WI  53549Copyright © 2008 Briggs & Stratton Power Products Group,LLC.  All rights reserved.  No part of this material may bereproduced or transmitted in any form by any means withoutthe express written permission of Briggs & Stratton PowerProducts Group, LLC.Thank you for purchasing this quality-built Briggs & Stratton generator. We are pleased that you’ve placed your confidence inthe Briggs & Stratton brand. When operated and maintained according to the instructions in this manual, your Briggs &Stratton generator will provide many years of dependable service.This manual contains safety information to make you aware of the hazards and risks associated with generators and how toavoid them. This generator is designed and intended only for supplying electrical power for operating compatible electricallighting, appliances, tools and motor loads, and is not intended for any other purpose. It is important that you read andunderstand these instructions thoroughly before attempting to start or operate this equipment. Save these instructions forfuture reference.This generator requires final assembly before use. Refer to the Assembly section of this manual for instructions on finalassembly procedures. Follow the instructions completely.Where to Find UsYou never have to look far to find Briggs & Stratton support and service for your generator. Consult your Yellow Pages. Thereare over 30,000 Briggs & Stratton authorized service dealers worldwide who provide quality service. You can also contactBriggs & Stratton Customer Service by phone at (800) 743-4115, or on the Internet at BRIGGSandSTRATTON.COM.GeneratorModel NumberRevisionSerial NumberEngineModel NumberType NumberCode NumberDate Purchased

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