Craftsman Motorcycle Atv Jack Owners Manual
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Operator's Manual 1 Model No, CAUTION: R:ead, understand and follow aH Safety Ruies and O#erating #sstructions ir_this manua_ before using this #_oduct, • • • • Safety Warranty Features & Operation Maintenance Espa_o| pg, 13 Sears, Roebuck and Co,, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U,S.A, V_s_t oer Craftsman webs_te: www.craftaman,eom ONDYEAR FULL WARRANTY ON CRAFTSMAN PRODUCT [f th_s Crsflsmar_ pf_uct fails @e to a defect in mater_a_ a_ wo_kme_ship ,_ thin one yt_.a[from _he date d pUrcha_a RETURN IT TO ANY SEARS STORE OR OTHER CRA_SMAN OUTLET IN THE UN_ED STATES FOR FREE REPLACEMENT, ff _¢s @aftsman prcyjuct is used _a_comme_cia_i of re,tat purposes this war_a_ty appk_s bf On_y 90 days f_om Be date d pu[chase. This warranty _ves you s42ee}f_cle_ whirl vary from s_ate t9 s_ate £_a_ _ghte and yo_._may alse have oc_e_' r_ghts R@_b_¢k aRd CO,. Dept 8t 7 WA Hoffma_ Estates _L 60179 SAVETHESE INSTRUCTIONS! ;READALL INSTRUCTIONS! ZWARNWNG:] * Fa}/_fe te comply with ebfma_ie_ h _his man,ual or to heed product _amk_g !abe_s may result e persor_al sissy or property damage . Sfu@_ a.ede_s_and a_d fe t_,, air 1he hs_ruetioes be_O_eopefa%g , ONLY use iack De a _rd this device #ave_s_dace tP_I iS capable d sap_xsrfl_'tgthe veh c_e , Lift o_ty on area5 d vehicle as sT,ecBed by the vehicle maeufacture_ , ALWAYS u_ tieodowe straps to secure the sehicb to the jack. NEVER me_e vehid_ with jack if straps are no_ ie pb_._e ef secde. * ALWAYS use the height bck bar wher_ the vehic#e is _aised te preve_l the vehicb from dropp _g accidental y; , ALWAYS b_e[ the vehicle to the bwes_ _ss_b/e attempting to d@_ or mere it jack p_itk)_ BEFORE "DO NOT make az_yalte_atlees te this Feduct * the _a_ bebre each a_, * DO NOT u_ }f bak_g pass ale tiered * Immediately * ALWAYS _ar flukJ andor afte_t raiat#g safe_y iaek it could cause serie_s bre_n_ vehicle, beret c_a@ed of ether'¢4se dama_J ensure _@e_ _rat_ng badly ieju_y_ that Height ths predict. Lock Bat is engage& , Open the re/ease valve by pressing down on the re_ease peda_(_ (see Fig. t and 2) • Remove the oil fi_ plug__(seeFig i). • Pump the foot peda_ (_ (see Fig I and 2) 6 to 8 times to release any pressurized air that may be trapped in the oi_reservoir (hydraulic system) - Be sure oii leve_is just be_owthe threads in the ot fi_ip_ughole if oi_needs to be added fo_r_,_the instructions on page 9. • Replace and tighten oi_fi_ plug. This iack (see Figs_ 1 IA IB and 2) has specia_ builHn featu[es that make it idea_ for pedorming minor repairs oil changes cleanups and more. These features include: , 1500_pound load capacity to lift most motor_cles and ATVs. , A fasbaction hydraulic pump with toot pedal (J_see Fig2) for easy lifting from 51/s to 17 inches above front of iack base Two adapter p/ares,sg/d separate_/(see Fig. 1A) are availabieto allow lilting to 19 nches above front d jack base. - 3 position Height Lock Bar provides positive locking at three lift heights: 1t _4 in., t4 1/_in. and 16 I/2 in (see Fg.1)_ iMPORTANT: Upon raising vehic[e_ the jack must IMMEDIATELY be locked into one d the three lift heights. * Precision controlled _ootrelease_(F g.2) for Iowedng the vehicle , Can be used as a dolly to move your vehicle to a convenient location for working or storage. , T:Handie(Fig. 1) for added control when dotMng veh}cleinto work ng or storage _a_ion. , The jack a_so includes h*_ol_inch wide × 15 foot long ratchetihg tie-down straps (see Rg 1B) to help secure the vehicte. , The jack has adiustab_e locking screws and _ocking casters to increase stability (see Fig°t ). , Purchase two2richheight adiustment adapter plates (see Fig.1A), soldseparately, toadd2inches tothemaximum _ift height ofi6V2inches toaccommodate high-chassis di_bikes thatrequire an18V24nch heighL • _nc_udestwo 1*inch wide x i 5-ff. _ongratcheting tie_dowr_ straps (see Fig. 1B and F]g_4A)_ Fig,IA i_l.,< ....................................... _.i_ _ j ............ /so_di_..._p,_te_yt Lift Saddles FootPedal Release P_al Base Locking Wheels Height Lock Bar Locking Screws P ............. _........................ _,_x_2""_'_"° .............................................. ,__ ........................ !_.}::}l ......... _;................. _:}::::::X//:i: 2 :Ii:_:::ili ............... :_................. /_ M_'_ (see _tg_) ,,_ _ A 2. insert Foot Peda_ Arm @ into the sleeve of Hydraulic Ram _ and secure wth M8 x 12 Hex Bolt (4)_ 3, Attach Height Lock Re_ease @ to Height Lock Bar using 2 Spdng Washers G8 (1)AND 2 Nuts M8 (2), 4, Attach T-Handle _to ConnectiRg Rod _ with Cotter Pin (3), 5. Make sure that ali connections are tightened thoroughly. TO RAISE THE VEHICLE (see Figs 2_3) 1, P_ace_ck on a hard ievef surface 2. To a/'_id item from slipping du#ng tP_ _aisingo_ration ONLY litton points d vehicle ed by vehlcie manufacturer in the veh_sWsoperatoCsmanual F_t Pedal under the vehicle s liftpoint. f@t on tab marked LOCK_AL_YS @ec£ to _ sure #_atthe _dd_e and the vehicle are p@sit£_edco_Tect_yBEFORE raising the }8_k 5, Use Fc_t Peda_to raisevehicle, Pump Foot Peda}unti_tip o_Height L_;_ Bar m_s past desired _c_kpositbn ridge The tip of the Height Lock Bar wit!sink ilto position just behind the ddge. Depress releasepeda_s_ight_yso that #'_etip movessaugty a_inst _idge & Apply t}e-down straps (see page 7, Secudng the '_,Lehicle) once _hic_e has been raised to the desired working he_ht Thoroughly tighten the two tie-®wn straps. 7, Stabiiize _oaded on a hard surface for maximum balance by adjustin9 _ockingscrews TO LOWER THE VEHICLE, (see Fig, 2) 1, Raise the iack s_ighflyand pull back on the Height L_sk Re_easeto release 2, Fastenthe Height L_k Retease @ tothe Qip @_ 3. Pressthe Relea_ Pedal_very gently to lower the Saddle_)and vehicle 6 |I Tie-down straps wi!l becomethe I_se and vehiste wilt be releas_i upon lowering vehicle 1_ SECURING THE VEHICLE with the two 1-in, x 1_, Rateheting Tie-Down Straps (s_ Fig, 4, 4A) Fig, 4 Release La_ch C Top view "OPEN Position 3, Tighten the strap by ratcheting the handle back and [orth until the vehicle is sec_Jre tn order to keep the strap in position while t ghtening, may be necessary to take up _heexcess slack by hand unti! the strap is tighL 4, To _ockratchet, p_ace Handle @ in the ciosed position to the veh c/e, DO NOT over-tighten strap, Fig. 4A High,.chasss moto_yde secured onto iack wilh the 2cinch adapIer p_ates sold separately and the two ratche_in9 fie_.>wn straps RELEASING THE VEHICLE FROM THE TWO RATCHETING TiE-DOWN STRAPS (see Fig. 4B) Fig 4B Release Latch C "CLOSED _ Position 1. Hoid the ratchet in one hand and with the other hand puli back on Release Latch @o until the toad re_eases. [_CAUTION:j The VEHICLE witi reiease at this point. & 'Toremove strap pu_/up on _atchetand slide strap out of Spindle _. 1 DO NOT use the two tie down straps for towing vehicles or to ho_dor suspend human weight. 2. DO NOT use pliers or any other tools to operate the ratchefing handte _, (see Fig. 4B}. Use hand power only: 3 Protect strap webbing from sharp edges heat and acid. Replace strap webbing if t is cut worn or damaged, hspect strap webbing hooks and hardware before each use. (seeFig.1,2) TOADDHYDRAULIC JACK OIL the oi_fill plug DO NOT ALLOW dirt o_ debris to ente_ the system TO REPLACE HYDRAULIC JACK OiL ° Open the release valve by pressing down on the re_ease peda_ Unscrew and remove oil fil_ plug. - Turn entire jack over so that a_ d the old oi_will drain out d the oi_fiH hole. NOTE: When draining oil use a proof container and ALWAYS fo_ow ALL local and state waste disposa_ guidelines * After a_!of the oid oil has drained out d the jack, turn the _ack back e/vet to a DO NOT ALLOW dirt and debris to enter the system -Repiace and tighten oil fili piug. iMPORTANT: When adding or replacing oH, ALWAYS use a goed grade d (SAE 5 W) hydraulic jack oi_ NEVER use brake fluid, alcehoi glycerin, detergent motor oi$or dirty oH d any kind Improper oit usage will cause serious internal damage to jack. LUBRICATION , Use a good grade e_ lubricating ell on a_ moving parts when needed STORING , When iack is not in use or when storing the jack, ALWAYS have the lift saddles in the lowest (downi_ position RUST PREVENTION Check power unit (hydrau}ic ram} see pa_s _istFig 2 _etter _) page 5 every two monfhs or sooner based on use for any rust or corrosion Clean and wii_ down with oil cloth. Maximum load capacity: _ckingPositions: 1500 ibs(681kg,} 1t3t4in,t4114 in and 161/2in 351_x17xt4inches Size: Weight without thetwotie*down straps andthetwoadapter plates (sold separately): _77_bs_ PROBLEM Jack will not ftft to full height CAUSE SOLUTION 1. Airin hydraulic system 2, Release valve is stuck 2 Trander weight Ioad and clean valve system* t Oil ieve/is tow I. Ftl to recommended levei 2. Air in hydrau% system 2 Purge air from hydraulic system.* 1, Air in hydraulic system l Purge air from hyd_aulic system" 2, Dirty oit 2 Change oi_ UseSAE 5W I, Excessive weight f, Decreaseweight or change to a highercapacity iacL 2. FH_to recommended level 2 Oil level is bw For purging air, see Purging Air Instructions on page 3, 10 NOTES 11 NOTES 12 Manual del usuario iCH' MnWI 1 I Modelo No. 875,50190 PRECAUC:I6N: Lea, comprenda y siga todas tas normas de segur}dad y ias instruoeionesde funcionamiento de es_emanual antes de ut#iza_ este producto • _uridae • Garantla Caraotertst:tcas funcionamlento " Mantenimiento Scats, Roebuck and Co,, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U_S.A Vtstte nuestto sttto web Ct_-tsman: www, sears,com/cra_eman y GARANTIA COMPLETA DE UN A_/O DEL PRODUCTO CRA_SMAN Seste pr_¢_o @dtsmaa _a_adebido a an de_ecte de mal_ma_e de _abdeaci_'_ ESTADOS UNIDOS PARA OBTENER UN REEMP_O GFIATUITO, Esta ga@ntia/e o_xga de_os bgales esp\ecff_sos Usled puede _÷nereta'as de,aches qua redan de un estado a etre_ Sears, R_>sbu_ a_wJCo. Dept 817 WA h%fimaa , IL 60179 iGUARDEESTASINSTRUCCIONES! LEA TODASLAS INSTRUCC|ONES [| ADVERTENClA: • KI in€amp/miea_o de/as puede res@tar en ] eti¢_e_as de adve_tsneia de/pred_ste s _rsona_ea o daao8 a _ap_opi_a_d, • E_studie compmnda y siga todas iaS inst_uccio_'_e_ ar_tes de usa_ eeted sposRivo ,' Este gate tiers Una capac_dad maxima de 1.500 Ebras NO exae@a Ia capac_dad nominal de/p_odu:c_o . 8_LO use el gate sabre _na supedic e duma y r_veiada que pueda sop,e_tar e] vehi¢@o. . Levante s@lo e_ _as _r_as de_ vehic@e espec ficadas per el rabbi€sate dei vehtcat& • SI_MPRE _s amarres pars asegu_a_ e/v:ehk:@o a gato_ NUNCA maeva e_ vehieu o cos eSgate si las crates no estar_ aseguradas o e_ su I_gar: . SI_MPRE U_ la ba_a de btoqueo de a]tura cu_.s_do el vehicu_e e_@ e_evado papa evi_ar qua se baie aecidenta#_}ente. - SI_MPR_ bs4_ el vehic@o a h p_ici@} m&s baia posib_e ANTES de _ler_tar t_aespodado e msve_o. . NO a_tere de a_guna ma_era asks, pr(_uete. • SI_MPR_ inapecc_or_e e/gate antes de cads use . NO use e_pro4acto si escapes de f/_ido y/o pieza/s re,as dob_adas, agde_adas o da_adas • _med_atamente despu@s de lev_tat @ vehica/o_ assg@ese de qua _a barfs de bloquee de aitu@ est@ hada ,, SIEMPRE d:e/gate lesiones _se _enieS de seguddad suande use este prsducto_ pueda saerIe eeeima_ ya que pedda eaasa_ perssna_es graves. 14 Du_ante eleerie yent_e:#a_ e[aire puede q_edar at_apado ene!dstema hi@Au_ico Ioque ir_terfiefe coa elrendimienlo delew_ntamienio deigateSgaestos pa_s para _iLera[ elaire , Abra la vaSvula@ liberaci6n p_es_onandoe__dal @ ]iberaci6n_ (yea _as Rgs, 't y 2) * ReJtiree/_a_sn de I_enadode aceite (,tea la Fig t) , _m_e el _dal @ (yea ias Figs ! y 2) 6 a 8 veces para liberar cua/q[;ie_cantidad de aire presudzado que pt_da habe_qu_ado atrapado en @tanque de aceite (sir_ema hidraulico). * Asege_e_ de que el nive_de aceite est¢ juste f_ debajo de/aguje_o de la ro_a dei agujere para el _ap@n de/_enado de aceite. Si es necesario agregar aceite, siga Ias • Vueiva a col_ar e/laCe de _lenadode a@ite y apri6teio, Este gate (yea _as Figs 1, 1A t B y 2) tiene caractedsticas especiates inco@oradas que to hacen ideal para realizar reparaciones menores_ cambios de aceite limpiezas y m_s_ Entre estas se encuentran: * Capacidad de carga de 1,500 I_ papalevantar la mayoria de/as!!eras y Y_. Usa b<_mbahidr_uiica de accian r_pida con pedal _._ (yea [a Fig 2) pate faeilitar el ieva[_tamientode 5-1,8 ' a t7 _ _bre la pa_e delantera de ia base del gato_ Puede adquid_ dos piacas adaptadoras, veedidas par _parado (yea/a Fig. 1A)_ para pem_ifir e! levantamiento de/vehiculos hasl_at 9_'sabre la pade dela#tera de _aba_ del gate. . Barra de bbqueo de aitura de 3 posiciones que ptoporciena bk×_ueo de ii rapida a _resniveles: 11 3/4" 14 1/4" y 16 1/2" (yea h Fig. t). IMPORTANTE: AI tevantar el vehicu_o, et gate debe set bbqueado INMEDIATAMENTE en una de tas tres aituras de fevaetamiento . Uberaei6n cont_olada per pedat de cont_ol a precisi6n para baiar el vehicu_o . Puede set usade ®me carretitta para mover e_ veh_calo a u_a ubicaci6n cenvenieste para reparado o a]macena_lo_ . Maniia ee T (Fig_ 1) para mayor coetro_ euando use e_gate cz.)mocarre_i_la para mover el vehicub a! _ugar de trabajo o a]ma.senamiento . E_gate tambien inc_uye dos amarres de trinquete de I de a_¢ho × 15 pies de _argo (yea la Fig, 1B} para ayudar a asegurar el vehicu_o, - E_gate cuenta con tomi/los de bbqueo ajustables y ruedas cen bl_ueo gara aumentar _aestabiiidad (yea la Fig. 1) 15 *Puede adquidr dosplacas adaptadoras de2'_(yea la Fig IA) pare a_adir 2" a la altura maxima de leva_tamiento de 16 1/2'_'de_gato papa a _as mo_os de motocross de chasis alto que requie_ar_18 t/2' de altura, , _ncluye dos amarres de trinquete de 1'_de ancho x 15 pies de iargo (yea _a Fig. 1B) Ruedas de bl_ueo Barra de b_oquee de a|tura Torailtos de bto_ ueo 16 E 3 2I M (yeala Fig,2) !7 e#iabar_a de tuercas MS(2} 4_Instafe lamaniia e_ T_en 5_ A_sg_Jrese de que t_as la vara de conexiSn las conexiones (_ usar_do el pasador (3} est@_ bies ap_etadas PARALEVANTAR ELVEHICULO (yealas Figs,2 y 3) 1, Cofoque e ga_os_e d_a y n; una supe_cie 2, Papaevilar que ei vehisJb durance e/}e_antami_nto, SOLO use !os puntos de_ _®hicufo espe _ar e_fa_icant÷ en el rnarwal del usuane de/vehicu!o_ 3. Colcque e_9_to debajo dei _h[¢ulo de con e_pi6 la !engSe_amarca_ como LOOK'_( ) SIEMPRE aseg@ese @ que et asiento y @vehi'cub est¢_ ¢ s co_e,otamente ANTES de e,,antar el gato. 5, Use et pedai para ete_ eI veh_cub. Bombee e__da_ basra que e_e×l_emo de a barra de bioqueo _e s_ura 5e mu÷_a mas aIla dei dense de b_oqueode posision E! ex_remo de _aba_a de o de al_uracaeca e_"_ posic_o_ pgr detr_s de_dienle de . Pres_o_e rite e_peda_de _i n de m_era queet e×_temode la bar_ase des_ice basra queda_ bqenrecostado sobre d dien_e. 6. Usa ios ama_res (yea/a de fijaci_s de_vehicvb er_/a p_gina 7)papa as÷g_ar ei vehiculo _na vez que baya s_oleva_'_fadoa laa_e_a a Apdete bie_ bs amar_es PARA BAJA_ EL VEHICULO - Fig. 2 1. E_ve _evemen_ee/gato y ti_e de/dispositivo de _befaci6n de blo@Jeode at_utapara ibe_ar la basra de de a_tu_a 2, Fiie e! disposi_t}vode _i_eraci6nde b_oques de attu_a @ a_ comp/e_amente e_:vehicu_, 3, P_sone e_peda_de Iibe_ad@ _ _,C_y el vehicuIo. r (_ para baiar cob mucha suav dad pa_abaia_ el asiento t8 /A |_ PRECAUCthN'! Losama_r_s s÷a_lois_yeivehc{;_o seIb÷_a_a '_' *! medda que se a_astfe el _ehicule_ F|JACi_N DEL VEH{CULO con los amartes 1_ x 15 pies (yea fas Figs, 4 y 4A) Fig 4 Palanca de _tbetad6n C de trinquete de Eje B Mantja A .... Vista supedo_ e_ la pos ci6_ "ABIERTA" 3, Ap_ieteet ama_e moviendo ta ma_i}a hacia ade_anley hacia arras a modo de ld_quete basra que et vehict_beste aseg_ad¢ Pa_ ma_tener el amarfe en posici6n mier_tras b ap_Letap_@ set rio so_, _er e_a_T_srre resla_te a ma_ basraque e/ m,ism©e_e a_h_llado 4, Para bioquear ¢__raque_e,col_u÷ h ma_iia de_amarre _ e_ la _Yssic6h cer_ada_ Papaw_.a_da585a_vehic_._io NOa _ietedemas_ad8 el a_:oa_e. Fig. 4A Motode ¢_i"_s_s alt_ _ada y bs dos ama_e_@ _rinqsete_ 19 L_BERAC|_N DEL VEHICULO DE LOS DOS AMARRES DE TR_NQUETE_ (yea |a Fig, 4B) Fig, 48 Pa_n,ca de ll_raci6n C Pos cl6f'_ CERRADA mane y con la otra mane tire _a palanca __.._,;.u.m..:__,vo.,,.o,o °°,,.%°,°°0 oo o.,o _omoo,o_ 3, Papa retirar e_ amarte, tire det tdnquete hacia ardba y deslioe e_amarre basra saearlo del eje(_, AMARRES DE TRINQUETE I, NO use el amarre para _eme_ca_ veh{cu_es o para sos_ene_ o soportar peso humano, 3, Proteja el tramado de_ amar_e de bordes afi_ados_ ca_o_ y _¢ido Reemp/ace !a ehta del amar_'e si est_ co_tada _esgastada o daSada, tnspeee one e_ t_amado de_ amarre, los ganchos y los aceesodos antes de cada uso, (vea las Fig, 1 y 2) PARA AI_iADIR EL ACEITE HIDRAULICO PARA GATOS Con los as entos de levantam_ente compietamente bajos y e/gate a nivel del piso, desenrosque y retire el tapSn de Henado de_ aceite Usando aceite t_idreulico SAE 5W de alte grade pare gates !_ene e_tanque de aceite haste Ia pare inferior de _arosca en el agujero de Henado de aceite Vue_va a eolocar el tep6n de lenado de aceite y apt Ctelo, NO PERMITA que entre sueio o desperdicios a_ sistema PARA REEMPLAZAR EL ACE|TE HIORAULICO PARA C__TOS • Abra la v&lw_ia de I beraci6e p_esionando e_pedal de liberaci6n Desenrosque y retire el tap6n de !lenado de aceite, - V_)/tee e_gate complete pare que todo el aceite viejo se drene a t_av6s det aguieK) de/lenado deI aceite NOTA: Cuando drene ace_e_ use un envase adecuado y SIEMPRE sign TODAS Ins pautas locales y es_atales de e_iminac_6e de deeechos • Despu6s de que e_ aceite vieio se haya drenado deI gate, vuelva a (_lecar el gate en posiei6n rfive_ada pare Henar eI tanque con aceite nuevo_ • Bembee repidamente e_ pedai dei gate Q 6 a 8 veees papa liberar euaiquier cantidad de aire presadzado. - Usando acete h drAu_ico SAE 5W de aite grade pare 9atos_ _iene e_tanque de aceite has_a la parte nferior de la rosca en el aguiero de lienado de aeeite NO PERMITA que ent_en sucio y desperdieios ai sistema • Vue_va a eotocar el tapon de lIenado de aceite y aprietelo IMPORTANTE: Cuando a_sada o reemptace e_a/ceite SiEMPRE use un ace_te pare gat_es hid_auiicos de grade alto ISAE 5W}_ NUNCA use _iga de frenos, a/ceho_ _/icedna, aceile de motor detergente o aceite sucie de n ngGr_tip_r_ Ei us{) de acete {nadecuado cssuear_ daises ietemes graves a_ga_o LUBRICACION • Use aceite _ubdcante de alto g_ado en redan Ins piezas euando sea necesado ALMACENAMIENTO Cuande eI g_to no este en use eest@ a_mace_ado_ SIEMPRE baje coi"npietamen_e et asiento PR_V[NCt0N D_ 0XIDO Verifiquega unJdad de energia (ariete hidr&ulico) (yea ia lista de piezas_ Fig, 2 ('J._)P&9. t7} cada dos meses (o antes depeediendo de! use} en busca de se_a_es de 6×ido o eorrosien,, Limpie y pu_a con un patio de aeeite. 21 Capac dad deearga maxima: 1.500 ibs(681 kg) BIoqueo deposici6n: ........................................... II 3/4% t4I/4'_ y161/2 '_ TamaSo: 35 I/2 x 17 × 14 pt l,_das Peso sin _osdos amarres y sin _asdos p_acasadaptadoras (vendidas per sepamdo) ....... 77 _bs, PROBLEMA Et gate no baja completamente E! gate no levanta hasta la altura m_×tma CAUSA SOLUCION 2 La valvula de _iberavci6nes_ atascada 2 Traasf era e_peso y limpie la v_/vula 1 El nivei de aceite esta bale t. Ltene e_dep6sito basra el #ivel reeomendado 2 Purg_,_ee/aire de_sistema hidrau ice* Le_antamlento d_bi! 1. Purgue el aire dei sistema hid_u_ico 2 Cambie e! aceite Use acete SAE 5W 2. Aceite sucio E! gate no levanta la carga I_ Peso excesivo 2_Ei nive_de aceite esta bajo 1 Reduzca et peso o ul_i_ ce ur_ gate de mayor capacidad 2 Liene ei dep<"_sitabasra e aivei recomendado PaIsapurgar e_aire yea _aseceion de instracciones @ pt_ga det aire en Ia pagina 15, 22 NOTAS 23 iiiiiiii¢ Your Home iiiiii" iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii For repair- in your home - of al| majar brand applial_s iawn and garden equipment or heating and _ting systems_ no matter who made it, no matter who sold tt For the replacement pa_s a_cessories and owner's manuals that _u need to doAtoyourself, For Sears professional insta/atien d home applances aP_ item8 tke garage door openers arid water heaters_ 1_00_-MY'HOME ® _!,_s_3) Ca/a_t_ime day or nigh_(U,,S,,Aa_d Canada} _ iiiiiii i iiiiii Sea_S eem _a_ .......................... a _y_a_r_: 1_s iiiiii I_.FOYER R_ _ _ i ..........
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