Craftsman Pyt 9000 Operators Manual
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perator s P R 0 F E S S I 0 N A LAWN TRACTOR 24 HP, 42" Tractor Electric Start PYT9000 Model No. 247.28672 • EspaSol, p. 62 This product has a low emission engine which operates differently from previously built engines. Before you start the engine, read and understand this Operator's Manual. iMPORTANT: For answers to your questions this product, Call: Read and follow all Safety Rules and instructions before operating about 1=800=659=5917 this equipment. Craftsman Tractor Help Line 5am = 5 pro, Mort =Sat Sears Brands Management Corp., Hoffman Visit our website: Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A. FormNo.769-05910 (February 10,2010) Warranty Statement .......................................................... Safety instructions ............................................................ Safety Labels .................................................................... Assembly ......................................................................... Know your Lawn Mower .................................................. Operation ........................................................................ CRAFTSMAN 2 3 9 10 13 16 PROFESSIONAL FULL WARRANTY Whenoperatedand maintainedaccordingto all suppliedinstructions, ifany non-expendablepartof this ridingequipmentfails due to a defectin materialor workmanshipwithintwo yearsfrom thedate or purchase,call 1-800-659-5917to arrangefor free in-homerepair. Theframe and frontaxle will be repairedfreeof chargefor five yearsfrom the dateof purchaseif defectivein materialor workmanship. All of the abovewarrantycoverageappliesfor onlyone yearfrom thedateof purchaseif this ridingequipmentis everusedfor commercialor rentalpurposes. in all cases, if repairprovesimpossible,the ridingequipmentwill be replacedfree of chargewith the sameor an equivalentmodel. The batterywill be replacedfree of chargefor 90 daysfrom the dateof purchaseif defectivein materialor workmanship(our testingprovesthat it will nothold a charge). This warrantycoversONLYdefectsin materialand workmanship.Searswill NOT payfor: • Expendableitemsthat becomewornduringnormaluse, includingbutnot limitedto blades,spark plugs,air cleaners,belts,and oil filters. • • • Standardmaintenanceservicing,oil changes,or tune-ups. Tire replacementor repaircausedby puncturesfrom outsideobjects,such as nails,thorns,stumps,or glass. Tireor wheelreplacementor repairresultingfrom normalwear,accident,or improperoperationor maintenance. Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatorabuse, includingbutnot limitedto damagecausedby towingobjectsbeyondthe capabilityof the ridingequipment,impactingobjectsthat bend theframe or crankshaft,or over-speedingthe engine. Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatornegligence,includingbut not limitedto, electricaland mechanicaldamagecausedby improper storage,failureto usethe propergradeand amountof engineoil, failureto keepthe deck clearof flammabledebris, or failureto maintainthe ridingequipmentaccordingto the instructionscontainedin theoperator'smanual. Engine(fuelsystem)cleaningor repairscausedbyfuel determinedto be contaminatedor oxidized(stale).in general,fuel shouldbe used within30 daysof its purchasedate. Normaldeteriorationand wearof the exteriorfinishes,or productlabel replacement. Thiswarrantyappliesonly whilethis productis withinthe UnitedStates. This warrantygivesyou specificlegal rights,and you mayalso haveotherrightswhich vary from stateto state. Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 Gross HP: 24 EngineOil: Fuel: SAE 30 UnleadedGasoline SparkPlug: Champion®RC12YC Engine: Briggs& StrattonProfessionalSeries © SearsBrands,LLC Model Number Serial Number Dateof Purchase Recordthe modelnumber,serialnumber, and dateof purchaseabove. 2 This machinewas builtto be operatedaccordingto the safeoperation practicesin this manual.As with anytype of powerequipment, carelessnessor error on the partof the operatorcan resultin serious injury.This machineis capableof amputatingfingers,hands,toes and feet and throwingdebris.Failureto observethe followingsafety instructionscouldresultin seriousinjuryor death. This symbolpointsout importantsafetyinstructionswhich,if not followed,couldendangerthepersonalsafetyand/orpropertyof yourselfand others. Readand followall instructionsin this manual beforeattemptingto operatethis machine.Failureto complywith these instructionsmay resultin personalinjury.Whenyou seethis symbol,HEEDITS WARNING! CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 Your Responsibility--Restrict the useof this powermachineto personswho read,understandand follow thewarningsand instructions in this manualand on the machine. EngineExhaust,someof its constituents,and certainvehicle componentscontainor emit chemicalsknownto Stateof California to cause cancerand birthdefects or other reproductiveharm. Batteryposts,terminals,and relatedaccessoriescontainlead and leadcompounds,chemicalsknownto the Stateof Californiato cause cancerand reproductiveharm.Washhandsafter handling. GENERAL • • • OPERATION Neverallowadultsto operatethis machinewithoutproper instruction. • Tohelp avoidbladecontactor a thrownobjectinjury, keep bystanders,helpers,childrenand pets at least 75 feet fromthe machinewhile it is in operation.Stopmachineif anyoneenters the area. • • Read,understand,and followall instructionson the machineand in themanual(s)beforeattemptingto assembleand operate. Keepthis manualin a safe placefor futureand regularreference and for orderingreplacementparts. Be familiarwith all controlsand their properoperation.Knowhow to stop the machineand disengagethemquickly. Neverallowchildrenunder 14 yearsold to operatethis machine. Children14 yearsold and over shouldreadand understandthe operationinstructionsand safety rulesin this manualand should be trainedand supervisedbya parent. • • SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS! • • Be awareof the mowerand attachmentdischargedirectionand do not pointit at anyone.Donot operatethe mowerwithoutthe dischargecover or entiregrass catcherin its properplace. Donot put handsor feet near rotatingpartsor underthe cutting deck. Contactwith the blade(s)can amputatehandsand feet. A missingor damageddischargecovercan causeblade contact or thrownobject injuries. • Stoptheblade(s)whencrossinggraveldrives,walks,or roads and while notcuttinggrass. Watchfor trafficwhenoperatingnear or crossingroadways.This machineis not intendedfor useon any public roadway. • Thoroughlyinspectthe area wherethe equipmentis to be used. Removeall stones,sticks,wire, bones,toys,and otherforeign objectswhich couldbe pickedup and thrownby the blade(s). Thrownobjectscan causeseriouspersonalinjury. Planyour mowingpatternto avoiddischargeof materialtoward roads,sidewalks,bystandersand the like.Also, avoiddischarging materialagainsta wall or obstructionwhich maycause dischargedmaterialto ricochetback towardthe operator. • • • 3 Alwayswear safetyglassesor safetygogglesduring operation and while performingan adjustmentor repairto protectyoureyes. Thrownobjectswhich ricochetcancause seriousinjuryto the eyes. Wearsturdy,rough-soledwork shoesand close-fittingslacksand shirts.Loosefittingclothesand jewelry canbe caughtin movable parts.Neveroperatethis machinein bare feet or sandals. Donot operatethe machinewhile underthe influenceof alcohol or drugs. Mowonly in daylightor good artificiallight. Nevercarry passengers. Disengageblade(s)beforeshiftinginto reverse.Backup slowly. Alwayslookdownand behindbeforeand while backingto avoida back-overaccident. • SLOPE Slowdownbeforeturning.Operatethe machinesmoothly.Avoid erraticoperationand excessivespeed. Disengageblade(s),set parkingbrake,stopengine and wait until the blade(s)come to a completestop beforeremovinggrass catcher,emptyinggrass,uncloggingchute,removinganygrass or debris,or makinganyadjustments. OPERATION Slopesare a majorfactorrelatedto loss of controland tip-over accidentswhichcan result in severeinjuryor death.All slopes require extra caution.If youcannot back up the slopeor if youfeel uneasyon it, do not mowit. Foryoursafety,use the SlopeGuide includedas partof this manual to measureslopesbeforeoperatingthis machineon a slopedor hilly area. If the slopeis greaterthan15 degreesas shownon the Slope Guide,do notoperatethis machineon that area or seriousinjurycould result. Neverleavea runningmachineunattended.Alwaysturnoff blade(s),set parkingbrake,stopengine and removekey before dismounting. Use extracare whenloadingor unloadingthe machineintoa traileror truck. This machineshouldnot be drivenup or down ramp(s),becausethe machinecouldtip over,causingserious personalinjury.The machinemustbe pushedmanuallyon ramp(s)to loador unloadproperly. Do: o Mowup and down slopes,not across.Exerciseextremecaution whenchangingdirectionon slopes. • Watchfor holes,ruts,bumps,rocks,or other hiddenobjects. Uneventerraincouldoverturnthe machine.Tallgrass can hide obstacles. Mufflerand engine becomehotand can causea burn.Do not touch. Checkoverheadclearancescarefullybeforedrivingunderlow hangingtree branches,wires,door openingsetc., wherethe operatormay be struckor pulledfrom the machine,which could result in seriousinjury. Disengageall attachmentclutchesand depressthe brakepedal completelybeforeattemptingto start engine. • Yourmachineisdesignedto cut normalresidentialgrass of a heightno morethan 10".Do not attemptto mowthroughunusually tall, dry grass (e.g.,pasture)or piles of dry leaves.Dry grass or • leavesmaycontactthe engineexhaustand/or build up on the mowerdeck presentinga potentialfire hazard. Use onlyaccessoriesand attachmentsapprovedfor this machine by the machinemanufacturer.Read,understandand followall instructionsprovidedwith the approvedaccessoryor attachment. Fora list of approvedaccessoriesand attachments,call 1-800• 659-5917. Useslow speed.Choosea lowenoughspeedsettingso that you will nothaveto stop or shiftwhileon the slope.Tires may lose tractionon slopeseventhoughthe brakesare functioning properly.Alwayskeepmachinein gearwhen goingdownslopes to take advantageof enginebrakingaction. Followthe manufacturer'srecommendationsfor wheelweights or counterweightsto improvestability.Forrecommendations,call 1-800-659-5917. Useextra carewith grass catchersor otherattachments.These can changethe stabilityof the machine. Keepall movementon the slopes slowand gradual.Do not make suddenchangesin speedor direction.Rapidengagementor brakingcouldcausethe front of the machineto lift and rapidlyflip overbackwardswhich couldcauseseriousinjury. Avoidstartingor stoppingon a slope. If tires losetraction,disengage the blade(s)and proceedslowlystraightdownthe slope. Do Not: Data indicatesthat operators,age 60 years and above,are involvedin a largepercentageof riding mower-relatedinjuries. Theseoperatorsshouldevaluatetheirability to operatethe riding mowersafelyenoughto protectthemselvesand othersfrom seriousinjury. If situationsoccurwhich are not coveredin this manual,usecare and goodjudgment.Contact1-800-659-5917for informationand assistance. • • • • 4 Donot turnon slopesunlessnecessary;then, turnslowlyand graduallydownhill,if possible. Donot mow neardrop-offs,ditchesor embankments.The mower could suddenlyturnover if a wheelis overthe edgeof a cliff, ditch,or if an edge cavesin. Donot try to stabilizethe machineby puttingyourfoot on the ground. Donot usea grass catcheron steepslopes. • • Donot mowon wet grass.Reducedtractioncouldcausesliding. Donot attemptto coastdownhill.Over-speedingmaycausethe operatorto lose controlof the machineresultingin seriousinjury or death. • Donot tow heavypull behindattachments(e.g. loadeddumpcart, lawn roller,etc.)on slopesgreaterthan5 degrees.Whengoing down hill,the extraweighttends to pushthe tractorand may causeyou to loosecontrol (e.g.tractormay speedup, brakingand steeringability are reduced,attachmentmayjack-knifeand cause tractorto overturn). CHILDREN SERVICE Tragicaccidentscanoccur ifthe operatoris notalert to the presence of children.Childrenare often attractedto the machineand the mowing activity.They do notunderstandthe dangers.Neverassumethat childrenwill remainwhereyou last sawthem. • Keepchildrenout of the mowingareaand inwatchfulcare of a responsibleadultotherthanthe operator. • Be alert and turnmachineoff ifa childentersthe area. SafeHandlingof Gasoline Toavoidpersonalinjuryor propertydamageuse extremecarein handlinggasoline.Gasolineisextremelyflammableand the vaporsare explosive.Seriouspersonalinjurycanoccur whengasolineis spilled on yourselfor your clotheswhich can ignite.Washyourskin and changeclothesimmediately. • • • Beforeand whilebacking,lookbehindand downfor small children. Nevercarry children,evenwith the blade(s)shut off.They may fall off and be seriouslyinjuredor interferewith safe machine operation. Use extremecarewhenapproachingblind corners,doorways, shrubs,trees or otherobjectsthat may block yourvisionof a child whomay run intothe machine. Whenpractical,removegas-poweredequipmentfrom the truck or trailerand refueliton theground.If this isnot possible,then refuelsuch equipmenton a trailerwith a portablecontainer,rather than froma gasolinedispensernozzle. Keepthe nozzleincontactwith the rim of the fueltank or containeropeningat all timesuntilfuelingiscomplete.Donot use a nozzlelock-opendevice. Toavoidback-overaccidents,alwaysdisengagethe cutting blade(s)beforeshiftingintoReverse.If equipped,the "Reverse CautionMode"(bladesoperatewhilemachineridesin reverse) shouldnotbe usedwhenchildrenor othersare around. Keepchildrenaway from hotor runningengines.They cansuffer burnsfroma hotmuffler. • • Removekeywhenmachineisunattendedto preventunauthorized operation. Neverallowchildrenunder 14 yearsof age to operatethis machine. Children14 and overshouldreadand understandthe instructions and • safeoperationpracticesin this manualand on the machineand should • be trainedand supervisedbyan adult. TOWING Towonlywith a machinethat hasa hitch designedfor towing.Do not attachtowedequipmentexceptat the hitch point. Followthe manufacturersrecommendationforweight limitsfor towedequipmentand towingon slopes.For recommendations, call 1-800-659-5917. Neverallowchildrenor othersin or on towedequipment. On slopes,theweightof thetowed equipmentmaycause lossof tractionand loss of control. Alwaysuseextra cautionwhentowingwith a machinecapableof makingtight turns (e.g."zero-turn"ride-onmower). Makewide turnsto avoidjack-knifing. Travelslowlyand allowextradistanceto stop. Do notcoastdownhill. Useonly an approvedgasolinecontainer. Neverfill containersinsidea vehicleor on a truckor trailer bed with a plasticliner.Alwaysplacecontainerson the groundaway from yourvehiclebeforefilling. • • Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars,pipesand othersourcesof ignition. Neverfuel machineindoors. Neverremovegascap or add fuelwhilethe engineis hotor running.Allowengineto coolat least two minutesbeforerefueling. Neveroverfill fuel tank. Filltank to no morethan 1/2inchbelow bottomof filler neckto allowspace forfuel expansion. Replacegasolinecap and tightensecurely. If gasolineis spilled,wipeitoff the engineand equipment.Move machineto anotherarea.Wait 5 minutesbeforestartingthe engine. To reducefire hazards,keepmachinefree of grass,leaves,or otherdebrisbuild-up.Cleanup oil or fuel spillageand removeany fuel soakeddebris. Neverstorethe machineor fuelcontainerinsidewherethere isan open flame,sparkor pilotlight as on a waterheater,spaceheater, furnace,clothesdryeror othergasappliances. Allowa machineto coolat least five minutesbeforestoring. General Service • Donot changethe enginegovernorsettingsor over-speedthe engine.The governorcontrolsthe maximumsafe operatingspeed • Never runanengine indoors orina poorly ventilated area.Engine of the engine. exhaust contains carbon monoxide, anodorless, anddeadly gas. Maintainor replacesafetyand instructionlabels,as necessary. • Before cleaning, repairing, orinspecting, make certain the blade(s) andallmoving partshave stopped. Disconnect thespark • Observeproperdisposallaws and regulationsfor gas, oil, plugwireandground against theengine toprevent unintended protecttheenvironment. starting. • Accordingto the ConsumerProductsSafetyCommission(CPSC) • Periodically check tomake suretheblades come tocomplete and the U.S.EnvironmentalProtectionAgency(EPA),this product stopwithin approximately (5)fiveseconds after operating the has an AverageUsefulLifeof seven(7) years,or 270 hours blade disengagement control. Iftheblades donotstopwithin the of operation.At the end of the AverageUsefulLife,buy a new thistimeframe, yourmachine should beserviced professionally machineor havethe machineinspectedannuallybya Searsor byaSears orother qualified service dealer. otherqualifiedservicedealerto ensurethat all mechanicaland safety systemsare workingproperlyand not wornexcessively. • Check brake operation frequently asitissubjected towear during Failureto do so can resultin accidents,injuriesor death. normal operation. Adjust andservice asrequired. DO NOT MODIFY ENGINE • Check theblade(s) andengine mounting bolts atfrequent intervals forproper tightness. Also,visually inspect blade(s) Toavoid seriousinjuryor death,do notmodifyengine in anyway. fordamage (e.g., excessive wear, bent, cracked). Replace the Tamperingwith the governorsettingcanlead to a runawayengineand blade(s) withtheoriginal equipment manufacturer's (O.E.M.) cause it to operateat unsafespeeds.Nevertamper with factorysetting blade(s) only, listed inthismanual. Useofpartswhich donot of enginegovernor. meet theoriginal equipment specifications mayleadtoimproper NOTICE REGARDING EMISSIONS performance andcompromise safety! are certifiedto complywith Californiaand federal • Mower blades aresharp. Wrap theblade orwear gloves, anduse Engineswhich EPAemissionregulationsfor SORE(SmallOff RoadEquipment)are extra caution whenservicing them. certifiedto operateon regularunleadedgasoline,and may include • Keep allnuts, bolts, andscrews tighttobesuretheequipment is the followingemissioncontrol systems:EngineModification(EM)and • • • • in safeworkingcondition. Nevertamperwith the safetyinterlocksystemor othersafety devices.Checktheir properoperationregularly. ThreeWay Catalyst(TWO)if so equipped. SPARK After strikinga foreignobject,stop the engine,disconnectthe spark plugwire(s) and groundagainstthe engine.Thoroughly inspectthe machinefor anydamage.Repairthe damagebefore startingandoperating. Neverattemptto makeadjustmentsor repairsto the machine whilethe engineis running. ARRESTOR This machineis equippedwith an internalcombustionengineand shouldnotbe usedon or near anyunimprovedforest-covered, brushcoveredor grass-coveredland unlessthe engine'sexhaust systemisequippedwith a sparkarrestermeetingapplicablelocalor statelaws (if any). Grasscatchercomponentsand the dischargecoverare subject to wearand damagewhich couldexposemovingparts or allow objectsto be thrown.Forsafetyprotection,frequentlycheck componentsand replaceimmediatelywith originalequipment manufacturer's(O.E.M.)parts only,listed in this manual.Use of parts whichdo not meetthe originalequipmentspecificationsmay lead to improperperformanceandcompromisesafety! If a sparkarresteris used,it shouldbe maintainedin effectiveworking order by the operator.Inthe Stateof Californiatheaboveis required by law (Section4442of the CaliforniaPublicResourcesCode). Other states mayhavesimilarlaws.Federallaws applyon federallands. A sparkarresterfor the mufflerisavailablethroughyournearestSears Partsand RepairServiceCenter. 6 SAFETY SYMBOLS This pagedepictsand describessafety symbolsthat may appearon this product. Read,understand,and follow all instructions on the machine beforeattemptingto assembleand operate. READ THE OPERATOR'S MANUAL(S) Read, understand, and follow all instructions in the manual(s) before attempting to assemble and operate DANGER-- ROTATING BLADES Never carry passengers. Never carry children, even with the blades off. 0 DANGER-- ROTATING BLADES Always look down WARNING-- and behind before and while backing to avoid a back-over accident. ROTATING BLADES Do not put hands or feet near rotating can amputate parts or under the cutting deck. Contact with the blade(s) hands and feet. WARNING--THROWN This machine OBJECTS may pick up and throw and objects WARNING--THROWN This machine which can cause serious personal injury. which can cause serious personal injury. OBJECTS may pick up and throw and objects BYSTANDERS Keep bystanders, helpers, children and pets at least 75 feet from the machine while it is in operation. WARNING-- SLOPE OPERATION Do not operate A WARNING-- this machine HOT SURFACE Engine parts, especially muffler on a slope greater than 15 degrees. the muffler, become extremely hot during operation. Allow engine and to cool before touching. DANGER-- ROTATING BLADES To reduce the risk of injury, keep hands and feet away. Do not operate catcher is in its proper place. If damaged, 7 replace immediately. unless discharge cover or grass SLOPE GUIDE (.... "'O Or) C;) (=) (== CL) C3, %,==,= (1) c_3 (1) }==== C) _== & 1>-. 03 E c_3 %,==,== C) x o _r }=== (1) _== cL 03 (1) cL o co "_--- (D 03 O Dm m_ I }==,== C) (=3 I v_ i c_3 _2 I I }==== C) I --_ o I ! I l }=.== l m (=) l cz l _r o l }==== l G.) 1> 0_3 0 l c 03 "o l E I I _== Q o _E (3) OO 8 _== I I C:) _= 03 03 _._o I =,F=_ o_ o__ I _== 0_3 (-" CZ3 cL o I o 8 WARNING This symbol points out important safety instructions which, if not followed, could endanger the personal safety and/or property of yourself and others. Read and follow all instructions in this manual before attempting to operate this machine. Failureto comply with these instructions may result in personal injury. When you see this symbol HEED ITS WARNING! Your Responsibility Restrict the use of this power machine to persons who read, understand, and follow the warnings and instructions in this manual and on the machine. ROTATING BLADES CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH • DONOTMOWWHENCHILDREN OROTHERS ARE AROUND • NEVERCARRY CHILDREN EVENWITHBLaDE(S) OFF. • LOOKDOWNANDNEMDONEFORSANDWHILE BACKING. • MOWINGINREVERSEISNOTRECOMMENDED. NOTE: IN BOTH MODES, WHEN OPERATOR LEAVES SEAT, ENGINE WILL STOP UNLESS PARKING BRAKE IS SET AND BLAINS AR_ DISEHGAGE_ 9 TRACTOR SET-UP Moving The Tractor Shipping Removal Manually Yourtractor'stransmissionis equippedwith a hydrostaticreliefvalve for occasionswhenit is necessaryto movethe tractormanually.Opening this valve permitsthe fluidin the transmissionto bypassits normal route,allowingthe rear tiresto "freewheel."Toopen the hydrostatic reliefvalve,proceedas follows: 1. Brace Makesurethe lawntractor'sengine isoff, set the parkingbrakeand removethe ignitionkey beforeremovingthe shippingbrace. 1. Locatethe shippingbrace, if present,and warningtag foundon the rightsideof the cuttingdeck.See Figure2. Locatethe hydrostaticbypassrod in the rear of thetractor.See Figure1. Figure2 . Figure1 2. Pull the hydrostaticbypassrod outward,then down,to lock it in place. NOTE:The transmissionwill NOTengagewhenthe hydrostatic bypassrod is pulledout. Returnthe rod to its normalpositionprior to operatingthe tractor. Whileholdingthe dischargechute coverwith yourleft hand, removethe shippingbracewith yourright handby graspingit betweenyourthumband indexfingerand rotatingit clockwise. The shippingbraceis usedfor packagingpurposesonly.Remove and discardthe shippingbracebeforeoperatingyour lawntractor. The mowingdeck is capableof throwingobjects. Operatingthe riding mowerwithoutthe dischargecoverin theproperoperatingposition could resultin seriouspersonalinjuryand/orpropertydamage. Neverattemptto movethetractormanuallywithoutfirst openingthe hydrostaticreliefvalve.Doingsowill result in seriousdamageto the tractor'stransmission. 10 CONNECTING THE BATTERY CABLES Setting Whenattachingbatterycables,alwaysconnectthe POSiTiVE(Red) wire to its terminalfirst, followedbythe NEGATIVE(Black) wire. 1. Selectthe heightpositionof the cuttingdeck by placingthe deck lift leverin the normallydesiredmowingheightsetting(anyof the six differentcuttingheightnotcheson the rightfender). 2. Checkthe gaugewheelsfor contactor excessiveclearancewith the surfacebelow.The deck gaugewheelsshouldhavebetween 1A"and Y2"clearanceabovethe ground. If the gaugewheelshaveexcessiveclearanceor contactwith the surface,adjustas follows: Toconnectthe batterycables,proceedas follows: NOTE:The positivebatteryterminalis markedPos.(+). The negative batteryterminalis markedNeg.(-). a. Raisethe decklift handleto itshighestsetting. b. Removethe front and reargauge wheelsby removingthe lock nutsand shoulderscrewswhich securethemto the Removetheplasticcover,if present,fromthe positive(+)battery terminaland attachthe redcable to the positivebatteryterminal (+)with the bolt and hexnut. See Figure3. f Wheels Movethe tractoron a firm and levelsurface,prderably pavement,and proceedas follows: Batteryposts,terminals,and relatedaccessoriescontainlead and leadcompounds,chemicalsknownto the State of Californiato cause cancer and reproductiveharm.Washhandsafter handling. 1. the Deck Gauge deck. See Figure4. -, Figure3 c. 2. Removetheplasticcover,if present,fromthe negative(-) battery terminaland attachthe black cableto the negativebattery terminal(-) with the bolt and hex nut. See Figure3. 3. Positionthe red rubberbootoverthe positivebatteryterminalto help protectit fromcorrosion. NOTE: If the batteryis put intoserviceafter the dateshownon top/ sided battery,chargethe batteryas instructedin the Serviceand Maintenancesectionof this Operator'sManualprior to operatingthe tractor. Checking Tire Pressure Do notoverinflatetires.Checksidewallof tires for maximumpsi. Equaltire pressureshouldbe maintainedat all times. Thetires on your tractormaybe over inflatedfor shippingpurposes. Reducethetire pressurebeforeoperatingthe tractor.Checksidewall of tires for maximumpsi. 11 d. Placethe deck lift leverinthe desiredmowingheightsetting. Reinsertthe shoulderscrew(with eachgaugewheel)into the indexhole that leavesapproximatelyY2"betweenthe bottomof the wheeland the pavement. Referto Levelingthe Deckin the Serviceand Maintenancesection of this manualfor moredetailedinstructions regardingvariousdeck adjustments. Adjusting the Seat Toadjustthe positionof the seat,pull up and hold the seatadjustment lever.Slidethe seat forwardor rearwardto the desiredposition;then releasethe adjustmentlever.Makesureseat islockedintopositionin a seat-stopbeforeoperatingthe tractor.See Figure5. Beforeoperatingthe tractor,make surethe seatisengagedin a seat-stop.Engagethe parkingbrake.Standbehindthe machineand pull backon seat untilitclicks intoplace. f Figure5 Gas and Oil Thefuel tank islocatedunderthe hood and hasa capacityof two gallons.Removethe fuel capby turningit counterclockwise.Useonly clean,fresh (no morethan30 days old), unleadedgasoline.Stopfilling tank oncefuel is seeninsidethe fillerneck. Donot overfillthe tank. Useextremecarewhenhandlinggasoline.Gasolineis extremely flammableand the vaporsare explosive. Neverfuel the machine indoorsor whilethe engineis hot or running.Extinguishcigarettes, cigars,pipes andother sourcesof ignition. NOTE:Yourtractoris shippedwithoil in theengine.However,you MUSTcheckthe oil levelbeforeoperating.See Checkingthe Engine Oil in the Serviceand Maintenancesectionof this manual. Alwayschecktheengineoil levelbeforeeachuseas instructedin the Maintenancesection.Add oil as necessary.Failureto do so may resultin seriousdamageto yourengine. 12 f IgnitionSwitch Module FueITankCap Throttle/ChokeControl_ I PTO(Blade Knob FuelLevelIndicator DrivePedal Pedal LiffLever Cup Holder" \ Figure6 BRAKE LawnTractorcontrolsand featuresare illustratedin Figure6 and describedon thefollowingpages. The brakepedalis locatedon the left front sideof the tractoralong the runningboard. The brakepedalcan be usedfor sudden stopsor settingthe parkingbrake. Readand followall safety rulesand instructionsin this manual, includingtheentireOperationsection,beforeattemptingto operate this machine.Failureto complywith all safety rulesand instructions may resultin personalinjury. THROTTLE/CHOKE PEDAL NOTE:Thebrakepedal mustbe fully depressedto activatethe safetyinterlock switchwhenstartingthe tractor. CONTROL SEAT ADJUSTMENT Thethrottle/chokecontrolis locatedon the left sideof the tractor'sdashpanel.This levercontrolsthe speed of the engineand,whenpushedall the wayforward, closesthechokefor cold starting.Whenset in a given position,the throttlewillmaintaina uniformengine speed. LEVER The seat adjustmentleveris locatedbelowthe front!leftof the seat. The leverallowsfor adjustmentof the foreto aft positionof the operator'sseat. Referto the Assemblysectionof this manualfor more detailedinstructions. DECK LIFT LEVER NOTE:Whenoperatingthe tractorwith the cutting deck engaged,be certainthat the throttle/choke controlis alwaysin the FAST(rabbit)position. Foundon your tractor'srightfender, the deck lift leveris usedto changethe heightof the cuttingdeck.To use,move the leverto the left, thenplacein the notchbest suitedfor yourapplication. 13 A iGNiTiON SWITCH MODULE Tostart theengine,insertthe key into the ignitionswitchand turnclockwise to the STARTposition.Releasethe key intothe NORMAL MOWING MODE positiononcethe enginehas fired. SYSTEMS INDICATOR METER LCD Whenthe ignitionkey is rotatedout of the STOP 0 positionbut not intothe START position,thesystem'sindicator monitordisplaysthe battery's output,in volts,on its LCDfor approximatelyfive seconds, after which it displaysan hour glass and the hoursof tractor operation.Oncethe tractoris o started,the monitorcontinually displaysan hourglass and the hoursof tractoroperationon its LCD. 8UTTONm_ REVERS£PUSH Tostop theengine,turnthe ignitionkey counterclockwiseto the STOPposition. Neverleavea runningmachineunattended.AlwaysdisengagePTO, set parkingbrake,stopengineand removekey to preventunintended starting. Priorto operatingthe tractor,referto bothSafetyInterlockSwitchesand StartingTheEnginein the Operationsectionof this manualfor detailed instructionsregardingthe IgnitionSwitchModuleand operatingthe tractorinREVERSE CAUTONMODE. j DRIVE PEDAL Thedrivepedal is locatedon the rightsideof the tractor,along the runningboard.Pressthe drive pedalforwardto causethe tractorto travelforward. Groundspeedis alsocontrolledwith the drivepedal. Thefurther forwardthat thepedal is pivoted,the fasterthetractorwill travel.The pedalwill returnto its original positionwhen it's not pressed. REVERSE MONITOR/HOUR I (P) o NOTE: Hoursof tractoroperationare recordedanytime the ignition key is rotatedout of the STOPposition,regardlessof whetherthe engine is started. The IndicatorMonitorwillalso remindthe operatorof maintenance intervalsfor changingthe engineoil. The LCDwill alternatelyflash the recordedhours,"CHG"and "OIL."for five minutes,after every50 hoursof recordedoperationelapse.The maintenanceintervallasts for two hours(from 50-52, 100-102,150-152,etc.). The LCDwill also flash as describedabovefor five minuteseverytime the tractor's engine hasbeen startedduring this maintenanceinterval.Beforethe intervalexpires,changethe engineoil as instructedin the Serviceand Maintenancesectionof this Operator'sManual. Brake | if the Brakelightilluminateswhenattemptingto start the tractor's engine,depressthe brakepedal. PTO (Blade Engage) If the PTOlight illuminateswhenattemptingto startthe tractor's engine,movePTOknobinto thedisengaged(OFF)position. PEDAL The reversepedal is locatedon the right sideof the tractoralong the runningboard. Groundspeedis alsocontrolledwith the reversepedal.Thefurther downwardthe pedalis pivoted,the fasterthe tractorwill travel.Thepedal will returnto its original positionwhenit's not pressed. Oil It is normalfor the Oil lightto illuminatewhile theengine is cranking during start-up,but if it illuminatesduringoperation,whilethe engineis running,stopthe tractorimmediatelyand checkthe engineoil levelas instructedin this Operator'sManual. Battery It is normalfor the Batterylight to illuminatewhilethe engineis crankingduringstart-up,but if it illuminatesduringoperation,whilethe engine is running,the batteryis in need of a chargeor the engine's chargingsystemis notgeneratingsufficientamperage.Chargethe batteryas instructedin the Servicesectionof this manualor havethe chargingsystemcheckedby a Searsor otherqualifiedservicedealer. 14 FUEL LEVEL INDICATOR The FuelLevelIndicatorislocatedon the left sideof the tractor's dashand indicatesthe amountof fuelin the gastank. PTO/BLADE ENGAGE KNOB PTO Activatingthe PTOengagespowerto the cuttingdeck or other(separatelyavailable) attachments.Pull outwardon the PTO/Blade Engageknobto activateit. Pushthe PTO/ Blade Engageknobinwardto disengagethe powerto the cuttingdeck or other (separately available)attachments. NOTE:The PTO/BladeEngageknobmust be in the disengaged(OFF)positionwhen startingtheengine. PARKING BRAKE/CRUISE TROL LEVER OFF ON CON- Locatedin the centerof the tractor'sdash panelbelow the steeringwheel,the ParkingBrake/CruiseControl leveris usedto engagethe parkingbrakeand the cruise controlReferto the Operationsectionof this manualfor detailedinstructionsregardingthe parkingbrake. NOTE:The parkingbrakemustbe set if the operator leavesthe seatwith the enginerunningor theengine willautomaticallyshut off. NOTE:Cruisecontrolcan NOTbe engagedat the tractor'sfastestgroundspeed.If theoperatorshould attemptto do so, the tractorwillautomaticallydecelerate to the fastestoptimalmowinggroundspeed. (BladeEngageknob), set parkingbrake,stop engineand remove to preventunintendedstarting. 15 SAFETY iNTERLOCK SWITCH ES STOPPING This tractoris equippedwith a safetyinterlock systemfor the protection of the operator.If the interlocksystemshouldevermalfunction,do not operatethe tractor.Contacta Searsor otherqualifiedservicedealer. • • If you strikea foreignobject,stopthe engineand disconnectthe spark plugwire(s). Thoroughlyinspectthe machinefor anydamage. Repairthedamagebeforerestartingand operating. The safetyinterlocksystempreventstheenginefrom crankingor startingunlessthe parkingbrakeis engaged,and the PTO(Blade Engage)handleis in the disengaged(OFF)position. 1. Theenginewill automaticallyshut off if theoperatorleavesthe seat beforeengagingthe parkingbrake. 2. Placethe throttlecontrolnear the SLOWposition. 3. Turnthe ignitionkey counterclockwiseto the STOPposition. 4. Removethe key fromthe ignitionswitchto preventunintended starting. TheelectricPTO(Blade Engage)clutchwill automaticallyshut off if the operatorleavesthe tractor'sseatwith the PTO(Blade Engage)knobin the engaged(ON) position,regardlessof whetherthe parkingbrakeisengaged. • Lightlypressthe brakepedalto releasethe parkingbrake.Movethe throttleleverintothe FAST(rabbit)position. 1. THE ENGINE Insertthe tractorkey intothe ignitionswitch module. 2. Placethe PTO(BladeEngage)knobin the disengaged(OFF) position. 3. Engagethe tractor'sparkingbrake. 4. Activatethe chokecontrol by movingthe throttle/chokecontrolall theway forwardinto thechoke position. 5. Turnthe ignitionkey clockwiseto the STARTposition.After theengine starts,releasethe key.It will returnto the NORMAL MOWINGposition. Totravel FORWARD,slowlypressthe drivepedal forwarduntil the desiredspeed is achieved.See Figure7. , NOTE: Referto theAssembly& Set-Upsectionof this manualfor Gasolineand Oil fill-up instructions. 1. THE TRACTOR Avoidsuddenstarts,excessivespeedand suddenstops. Do notoperatethe tractorif the interlocksystemis malfunctioning. This systemwasdesignedfor your safetyand protection. STARTING If the bladesare engaged,placethe PTO/BladeEngageknobin the disengaged(OFF) position. DRIVING Withthe ignitionkey inthe NORMALMOWINGposition,the electricPTO(BladeEngage)clutchwillautomaticallyshut off if the PTO(Blade Engage)knobis movedintothe engaged(ON) positionwith thedrive pedalin positionfor reversetravel. ReversePedal Do NOThold the key in the STARTpositionfor longerthan ten secondsat a time.Doingso maycause damageto yourengine's electricstarter. 6. THE ENGINE Figure7 2. Afterthe engine starts,deactivatethe chokecontrol. NOTE: Do NOTleavethe chokecontrolon whileoperatingthetractor. Doingso will resultin a "rich" fuel mixtureand causethe engineto run poorly. Totravel in REVERSE,checkthat the area behindisclearthen slowlydepressthe reversepedal with the ballof yourfoot (NOT your heel) untilthe desiredspeedis achieved.See Figure7. DoNOTattemptto changethe directionof travel whenthetractoris in motion.Alwaysbringthe tractorto a completestop beforemoving from forwardto reverseor vice versa. Donot leavethe seat of the tractorwithoutfirst placingthe PTO/ BladeEngageknobin the disengaged(OFF) positionand engaging the parkingbrake. If leavingthe tractorunattended,alsoturn the engineoff and removethe ignitionkey. 16 REVERSE CAUTION MODE DRIVING The REVERSECAUTIONMODEpositionof thekey switch module allowsthe tractorto be operatedin reversewith the blades(PTO) engaged. Referto the SLOPEGUIDEon page8 to help determineslopeswhere you mayoperatethe tractorsafely. NOTE: Mowingin reverseis not recommended. Donot mowon inclineswith a slopein excessof 15degrees(a rise approximately2-1/2feet every 10feet).The tractorcouldoverturnanc cause seriousinjury. Use extremecautionwhile operatingthe tractorin the REVERSE CAUTIONMODE.Alwayslookdownand behindbeforeand while backing.Do notoperatethe tractorwhenchildrenor othersare around.Stopthe tractorimmediatelyif someoneentersthearea. Touse the REVERSECAUTIONMODE: • Mowup and down slopes,NEVERacross. • Exerciseextremecautionwhenchangingdirectionon slopes. • Watchfor holes,ruts,bumps,rocks,or otherhiddenobjects. Uneventerraincouldoverturnthe machine.Tallgrass can hide obstacles. • Avoidturns whendrivingon a slope.If a turnmustbe made,turn downthe slope.Turningup a slopegreatly increasesthe chance of a roll over. NOTE:The operatorMUSTbe seatedin the tractorseat. 1. Start theengine as previouslyinstructedon the previouspage. 2. Turnthe key from the NORMALMOWING(Green)positionto the REVERSECAUTIONMODE(Yellow)positionof the keyswitch module.See Figure8. Avoidstoppingwhen drivingup a slope.If it is necessaryto stop whiledrivingup a slope,start up smoothlyand carefullyto reduce the possibilityof flippingthe tractoroverbackward. , _"_ Reverse ENGAGING THE PARKING THE CRUISE CONTROL i_Push Button II1Reverse Mode Stop Position ON SLOPES BRAKE/SETTING NOTE:Theparkingbreakand cruisecontrolare controlledbythe samelever.If usingthe brakewhenengagingthe parkingbrake/ cruise controllever,theparkingbrakewillengage.If usingthe drive pedalwhenengagingthe parkingbrake/cruisecontrol lever,the cruise controlwill engage. Position Position Parking Start Brake NOTE:Theparkingbrakemustbe set if theoperatorleavesthe seat with the engine runningor theengine willautomaticallyshut off. To set the parkingbrake: \ j 1. Pressthe brakepedal completelydownwith yourleft foot and hold itinthat position. 2. Pushthe parkingbrake/cruisecontrol leverdownwardand hold it in that position. 3. Removeyourfoot from the brakepedal. 4. Releasepressurefrom the parkingbrake/cruisecontrollever. Figure8 3. Pressthe REVERSEPUSHBUTTON(Orange,TriangularButton) at the top, rightcornerof the key switchmodule.The red indicator lightat the top, left cornerof the key switchmodulewillbe ON whileactivated.See Figure8. 4. Onceactivated(indicatorlightON), the tractorcan be drivenin reversewith the cuttingblades(PTO)engaged. 5. Alwayslookdownand behindbeforeand whilebackingto make sureno childrenare around.After resumingforwardmotion, returnthe keyto the NORMALMOWINGposition. After completingstep3, the brakepedal shouldremaininthe down position.If itdoesn't,the parkingbrakeisnot engaged.Repeatsteps1 through4 toengagethe parkingbrake. Todisengagethe parkingbrake,lightly pressthe brakepedal. The REVERSECAUTIONMODEwill remainactivateduntil: a. b. Thekey is placedin eitherthe NORMALMOWINGposition or STOPpositionor Theoperatorleavesthe seat. (Blade Engageknob),set parkingbrake,stopengine and remove to preventunintendedstarting. 17 Cruise Control 2. Pullthe PTO/BladeEngageknob backinto theengaged(ON) position.See Figure9. NOTE: Alwaysoperatethe tractorwith the Throttle/Chokecontrollever in the FAST(rabbit)positionfor the mostefficientuseof the cutting deck or other(separatelyavailable)attachments. Neverengagethe cruise controlleverwhiletravelingin reverse. Toset the cruisecontrol: f 1. Slowlypressthe upper portionof thedrive pedalwith your right foot untilthe desiredspeedisachieved. 2. Lightlypressthe parkingbrake/cruisecontrolleverdownwardand hold it in that position. 3. Removeyour footfrom the drive pedal. 4. Releasepressurefromthe parkingbrake/cruisecontrollever. -, Aftercompletingstep 3, the drivepedal shouldremainin the down positionand thetractorwill maintainthe same forwardspeed.If it doesn't,the cruisecontrol is not engaged.Repeatsteps 1 through4 to engagethecruise control. Todisengagethe cruise control,lightly pressthe drivepedalor the brakepedal. ON NOTE:Cruisecontrolcannot be set at the tractor'sfastestground speed.If the operatorshouldattemptto do so, thetractorwill automatically decelerateto thefastestoptimalmowingground speed. Tochangethe directionof travelfrom forwardto reversewhencruise controlis engaged,pressthe brakepedal to disengagethe cruise controland bring the tractorto a completestop.Thenslowlypressthe reversepedalwith the ball of yourfoot to travel in reverse. Figure9 MOWING To helpavoidbladecontact or a thrownobject injury,keepbystanders, helpers,childrenand petsat least 75 feet from the machinewhile it is in operation.Stopmachineif anyoneentersthe area. USING THE DECK LIFT LEVER To raisethe cuttingdeck,movethe deck lift leverto the left,then place it in the notchbest suitedfor yourapplication. OPERATING THE HEADLIGHTS The followinginformationwill be helpfulwhenusingthe cuttingdeck with yourtractor. The lampsare ONwheneverthe ignitionkey is rotatedout of the STOP position.The lampsturnOFF whenthe ignitionkeyis movedto the STOPposition. ENGAGING Planyourmowingpatternto avoiddischargeof materialstoward roads,sidewalks,bystandersand the like. Also,avoiddischarging materialagainsta wall or obstructionwhich may causedischarged materialto ricochetbacktowardthe operator. THE PTO Engagingthe PTOtransferspowerto thecuttingdeck or other (separatelyavailable)attachments.Toengagethe PTO: 1. OFF Movethe Throttle/Chokecontrolleverto the FAST(rabbit) position. • Donot mowat highground speed,especiallyif a mulchkit or grass collectoris installed. • Donot cut the grass tooshort. Shortgrassis proneto weed growth and yellowsquicklyin dry weather. • Alwaysoperatethetractorwith the throttleleverin the FAST (rabbit)positionwhilemowing. • Forbest resultsit is recommendedthat the first two laps be cut with the dischargethrowntowardsthe center.After the firsttwo laps, reversethedirectionto throwthe dischargeto theoutside for the balanceof cutting.This will givea better appearanceto the lawn. Do NOTattemptto mowheavy brushand weedsor extremelytall grass.Yourtractoris designedto mow lawns,NOTclearbrush. • 18 Keepthe bladessharpand replacethe bladeswhenworn. Beforeperforminganytypeof maintenance/service, disengageall controlsandstoptheengine.Waituntilall movingpartshavecometo a completestop.Disconnectsparkplugwireandgroundit againstthe engineto preventunintendedstarting.Alwayswearsafetyglassesduring operationor whileperforminganyadjustments or repairs. BeforeEachUse Followthe maintenanceschedulegivenbelow.This chart describes serviceguidelinesonly. Usethe Service Logcolumnto keeptrackof completedmaintenancetasks.To locate the nearest Sears Service Centeror to scheduleservice,simplycontactSears at 1-800-4-MY-HOME®. 1. Engineoil level 1. Check 2. Mufflerarea and controls 2. Clean In the First FiveHours 1. EngineOil 1. Change Every 10 Hours 1. Hood/Dash air vents 1. Clean 2. Batteryterminals 2. Clean 3. Deckspindlesand idler bracket 3. Lubricate 1. Air filter'sprecleaner* 1. Clean 2. Air filter* 2. Clean 3. Mid steeringarms,pivot shafts,andaxles 3. Lubricate 4. Frontwheelbearings 4. Lubricate 5. Frontdeck wheels 5. Lubricate 1. Engineoil 1. Change 2. Muffler 2. Check 1. Air filter 1. Replace 2. Air filter'spre-cleaner 2. Replace 3. Sparkplug 3. Replace 4. Air coolingsystem* 4. Clean 5. Fuelfilter 5. Replace 6. SteeringGears 6. Clean 7. RearWheels 7. Removeand greaseaxles 1. Hood/Dash air vents 1. Clean 2. Batteryterminals 2. Clean 3. Mid steeringarms,pivot shafts,and axles 3. Lubricate 4. Frontwheelbearings 4. Lubricate 5. Frontdeck wheels 5. Lubricate 6. Deckspindlesand idler bracket 6. Lubricate 7. Pedalpivot points 7. Lubricate Every25 hours Every50 hours Annually BeforeStorage *Servicemorefrequentlyunderdustyconditions. If the enginehas been recentlyrun,the engine,mufflerand surroundingmetalsurfaceswill be hot and cancause burnsto the skin. Exercisecautionto avoidburns. _reventunintendedstartin( 19 CUTTING DECK REMOVAL Placethe PTO/BladeEngageknobin the disengaged(OFF) positionand engagethe parkingbrake. . . Lowerthe deck by movingthe deck lift leverintothe bottomnotch on the rightfender. NOTE: If there is too muchtensionon thebelt for it to be easily removedfromthe electricPTOclutch,carefullyinsert a 3/8" drive ratchetwrench(set to loosen)intothe squareholefound in the deck idler bracketand pivotit towardthe tractor'sleft side to relievetension on the belt. See Figure11. Locatethe PTOclutchunderthe frontof yourtractor.See Figure10. Avoidpinchinginjuries.Neverplaceyourfingerson the idler springor betweenthe beltand a pulleywhileremovingthe belt. f :td Figure10 . Removethe beltguardand beltfrom the PTOpulleyas follows. Referto Figure10: a. Removethe hexscrews. b. c. Pull the beltkeeperrod to the rightand downto remove. Removethe deck belt from aroundthe tractor'selectricPTO clutch. Figure11 5. Lookingat thecuttingdeck from the left side of thetractor,locate the deck supportpin on the rear left sideof thedeck. 6. Pullthe deck supportpin outwardto releasethe deck from the deck lift arm. See Figure12. DeckLift Arm (_ DeckPin Support Figure12 2O CHANGING . THE DECK BELT 8. TheV-belts foundon yourtractorare speciallydesignedto engage and disengagesafely.A substitute(non-OEM)V-beltcan be dangerous by notdisengagingcompletely.Fora properworkingmachine, use factoryapprovedbeltsas listedin the PartsList manualincluded with this product.. . f All belts on yourtractorare subjectto wearand shouldbe replacedif any signsof wear are present.Tochangeor replacethe deck belt on yourtractor,proceedas follows: 1. Removethe deck as instructedon page20. 2. Removethe beltcoversfrom theouter spindlesby removingthe hexscrewsthat fastenthem to the deck.See Figure14. .....Hex Screws 3indlePulle' J Figure13 10. Gentlyslidethe cuttingdeck (from the rightside)out from underneaththe tractor. Figure14 21 3. It may alsobe necessaryto loosenthe hexnut on the left idler pulleyto get the beltoff the pulleyand aroundthe belt guard. 4. Carefullyremovethe deck belt from aroundthe two spindle pulleysand the two deck idler pulleys.See Figure14. . CUTTING Toplacethe newbelt, begin by routingthe belt aroundthe two outerspindlepulleysas shownin Figure15. BLADES Shutthe engineoff and removeignitionkey beforeremovingthe cuttingblade(s)for sharpeningor replacement.Protectyourhands usingheavy gloveswhengraspingthe blade. Periodicallyinspectthe blade and/orspindlefor cracksor damage, especiallyafter you'vestrucka foreignobject.Do notoperatethe machineuntil damagedcomponentsare replaced. To removethe blades,proceedas follows: 1. Removethe deck from beneaththe tractor,(referto CuttingDeck Removalearlierin this section)then gentlyflip the deck overto exposeits underside. 2. Placea block of woodbetweenthe centerdeck housingbaffle and the cuttingbladeto act as a stabilizer.See Figure17. Figure15 6. Thenroutethe beltaroundthe two deck idler pulleysas shownin Figure15. 7. Retightenthe belt keeperrodloosenedearlier. 8. Remountthebelt guardsremovedearlier. 9. Reinstallthe deckas follows: a. b. Withthe deck beneaththe mowerframe,attachthe stabilizer rod. See Figure13. Reconnectthedeck lift arms.See Figure12. 10. Pull the rightside ofthe beltand placethe narrowV side of the belt intothe PTOpulley.See Figure16. Figure17 3. PTOBelt !ey J Figure16 11. Whileholdingthe beltand pulleytogether,rotatethepulleyto the left (See Figure16).Continueholdingand rotatingthe pulleyand belt untilthe beltis fully rolledinto the PTOpulley. 12. Replacethe PTOpulleybelt guard.See Figure10. 22 Removethe hexflangenut that securesthe bladeto the spindle assembly.See Figure17. 4. Toproperlysharpenthe cuttingblades,removeequal amounts of metalfrom both endsof the bladesalong the cuttingedges, parallelto thetrailingedge,at a 250.300angle.Alwaysgrindeach cuttingbladeedge equallyto maintainproperblade balance.See Figure18. If the cuttingedge of the bladehas previouslybeen sharpened,or if any metal separationis present,replacethe bladeswith newones. A poorlybalancedblade willcause excessivevibration,may cause damageto the tractorand/or result in personalinjury. Jump Starting Neverjump starta damagedor frozenbattery.Be certainthe vehicles do nottouch and ignitionsare off. Donot allowcableclampsto touch. 1. Connectthe positive(+) cableto positive(+) post of yourtractor's dischargedbattery. 2. Connectthe otherend of the cableto thepositive(+) post of the jumperbattery. 3. Connectthe negative(-) cable to the negative(-) postof the jumperbattery. 4. Makethefinal connectionon the engineblockof thetractor,away from the battery.Attachto an unpaintedpart to assurea good connection. If thejumperbatteryis installedon a vehicle(i.e. car, truck),do NOT start the vehicle'senginewhenjump startingyourtractor. 5. Startthe tractor(as instructedin theOperationsectionof this manual). 6. Setthe tractor'sparkingbrakebeforeremovingthejumpercables. Removecables in reverseorderof connection. Charging Batteriesgiveoff an explosivegas whilecharging.Chargethe batteryI in a wellventilatedareaand keepawayfrom an openflame or pilot I lightas on a waterheater,spaceheater,furnace,clothesdryeror I othergas appliances. ..J Figure18 . Testthe blade'sbalanceusinga bladebalancer.Grind metalfrom the heavyside untilit balancesevenly. NOTE:Whenreplacingthe blade,be sureto install the bladewith the sideof the blade marked"Bottom" (or with a partnumber stampedin it) facingthe groundwhenthe moweris in the operating position. Whenchargingyourtractor'sbattery,use onlya chargerdesignedfor 12Vlead-acidbatteries.Readyourbatterycharger'sOwner'sManual prior to chargingyourtractor'sbattery.Alwaysfollow its instructions and heed its warnings. If yourtractorhas notbeen put intouse for an extendedperiodof time, chargethe batteryas follows: Use a torquewrenchto tightenthe blade spindlehexflange nutto between70 ft-lbs and 90 ft-lbs. BATTERY Batteryposts,terminals,and relatedaccessoriescontainlead and leadcompounds,chemicalsknownto the State of Californiato cause cancer and reproductiveharm.Washhandsafter handling. If removingthe battery,disconnectthe NEGATIVE(Black)wirefrom its terminalfirst, followedby the POSITIVE(Red)wire. Whenreinstalling the battery,alwaysconnectthe POSITIVE(Red)wireits terminal first, followedby the NEGATIVE(Black)wire. 23 1. Setyourbatterychargerto delivera max of 10 amperes. 2. If your batterychargeris automatic,chargethe batteryuntilthe chargerindicatesthatchargingis complete.If thechargeris not automatic,chargefor no fewer thaneighthours. FUSE Althoughmulti-viscosityoils (5W20, 10W30,etc.) improvestarting in cold weather,theywill resultin increasedoil consumptionwhen usedabove32°RCheckyourengineoil levelmorefrequentlyto avoid possibleenginedamagefrom runninglowon oil. Beforeservicing,repairing,or inspecting, alwaysdisengagePTO (BladeEngageknob), set parkingbrake,stop engineand remove to preventunintendedstarting. Tocheckthe engineoil, proceedas follows: A fuse is installedin yourtractor'swiringharnessto protectthe tractor'selectricalsystemfrom damagecausedbyexcessiveamperage. If the electricalsystemdoesnot function,or yourtractor'senginewill notcrank,first checkto be certain that the fuse hasnot blown.It is locatedunderthe hood,mountedbehindthe top of the dashpanel on the supportbar. 1. Ensurethat thetractoris on a levelsurface. 2. Cleanthe oil fill areaof any debris. 3. Removethe dipstickand wipewith a cleancloth. 4. Insertand tightendipstick. 5. Removethe dipstickand checkthe oil level.It shouldbe at the Fullmarkon thedipstick.See Figure19. Alwaysusea replacementfuse with the sameamperagecapacity as the blownfuse. TIRES Neverexceedthe maximuminflationpressureshownon the sidewall of thetire. Referto the tire sidewallfor exacttire manufacturer'srecommendedor maximumpsi. Donot overinfiate. Uneventire pressurecouldcause thecuttingdeck to mow unevenly. CHANGING BELT THE TRANSMISSION DRIVE Severalcomponentsmustbe removedand specialtools usedin order to changethe tractor'stransmissiondrive belt. Seea Searsor other qualifiedservicedealerto havethe transmissiondrivebelt replaced. ENGINE Figure19 6. MAINTENANCE Do notoverfill.Overfillingwith oil may causethe engineto not start, hard starting,or enginesmoking.If overthe FULL markon the dipstick,drain oil to reduceoil levelto FULLmark on dipstick. Beforeperformingany maintenanceor repairs,disengagePTO (BladeEngageknob), set parkingbrake,stop engineand remove to preventunintendedstarting. Checking If low, add oil slowlyintothe engineoil fill. Donot overfill.After addingoil, wait one minuteand then recheckthe oil level. the Engine 7. Oil Onlyuse high qualitydetergentoil ratedwith APIserviceclassification SF,SG,SH, or SJ. Selectthe oil's SAEviscositygradeaccordingto theexpectedoperatingtemperature.Followthe chart below. ,E Colder _ 32°F _Warmer_ 5W20 Oil Viscosity Chart 24 Replaceand tightendipstick. Changing the Engine Oil . 2. Removethe air filter cover. To removethe air filter,lift theend of the filter.See Figure21. f If the enginehas been recentlyrun,the engine,mufflerand surroundingmetal surfaceswill be hotand can causeburnsto the skin. Exercisecautionto avoidburns. /Cover NOTE:The oil filter shouldbe changedat every oil changeinterval.To completean oil change,proceedasfollows: 1. With engineOFF butstill warm,disconnectspark plugwire and keepit awayfrom spark plug. 2. Removetheoil fill cap/dipstickfrom the oil fill tube.See Figure20. [Pre-Cleaner Engine k_ j Figure21 Figure20 3. Removethe pre-cleanerfrom the filter. 4. To loosendebris,gently tap thefilter on a hardsurface.If thefilter isexcessivelydirty, replacewith a newfilter. 5. Washthe pre-cleanerin liquiddetergentand water.Allowit to thoroughlyair dry. Do not oil the pre-cleaner. 6. Assemblethe dry pre-cleanerto the filter. 7. Installthe filter intothe enginebaseand pushdownuntilthe filter snapsin place. 8. Installthe cover. 3. Disconnectthe oil drainhosefrom the side of theengine. Spark 4. Turnand removethe oil drain cap. Carefullylowerthe quick oil drain intoan approvedcontainer. 1. 5. After theoil hasdrained,installthe oil drain cap. Attachthe oil drain hoseto the sideof the engine. Cleanarea aroundthe sparkplug base. Donot sandblastspark plug.Sparkplug shouldbe cleanedby scrapingor wirebrushing and washingwith a commercialsolvent 2. Removeand inspectthe sparkplug.Checkgap to make sureit is set at .030".See Figure22. Electrode Usedoil is a hazardouswasteproduct.Disposeof usedoil properly. Donotdiscardwith householdwaste.Checkwith yourlocalauthorities or SearsServiceCenterfor safedisposal/recyclingfacilities. 6. Plug Porcelain ! Reconnectsparkplug wire. Air Cleaner If filters, or coversare not installedcorrectlyseriousinjuryor death could resultfrom backfire.Do notattemptto startthe enginewith them removed. _'4"====.030 (.76ram)gap Figure22 3. Do notuse pressurizedair or solventsto cleanthe air cleaner cartridge. 25 Replacethe sparkplug (Champion@RC12YC)oncea season. Fuel Filter IVluffler Gasolineand itsvaporsare extremelyflammableand explosive.Fire or explosioncan causesevereburnsor death. • Keepgasolineawayfrom sparks,open flames,pilotlights,heat, and otherignitionsources. • Checkfuel lines, tank,cap, and fittingsfrequentlyforcracks or leaks.Replaceif necessary.See a Searsor otherqualified servicedealerto replacefuel line. • Beforereplacingthe fuelfilter,drain the fueltank or closethe fuel shut-offvalve. • Replacementparts mustbe the sameand installedin the same positionas theoriginal parts. • If fuel spills,wait until it evaporatesbeforestartingengine. Temperatureof mufflerand nearbyengineareasmay exceed150° F (65°0).Avoidcontactwith these areas. Inspectmufflerperiodically,and replaceif necessary.Replacement parts for the mufflermustbe the sameand installedin the same positionas the originalparts.See the Parts List manualincludedwith this tractor. Clean Donot usewaterto clean engineparts.Watercouldcontaminatefuel system.Usea brushor dry cloth. Dailyor beforeevery use,cleangrass,chaffor accumulated debrisfrom engine.Keeplinkage,spring,and controlsclean. To Drainthe Fuel: 1. Engine Keepareaaroundand behindmufflerfreeof anycombustible debris. Locatethe fuelfilter,which is routedon the left sideof the engine betweenthe fuel tank and thecarburetor,and may be attachedto theengine with a tie strap. Keepingenginecleanallowsair movementaroundengine. 2. Cut the tie strap,if present,then pinchthe in-lineclampon the fuelfilter with a pair of pliers. • 3. Slidethe clamp up the fuel line. Carburetor 4. Removethe in-linefuel line and drainthe fuel intoan approved container. The carburetoron this engine is notadjustable. Hydrostatic To Replace the Fuel Filter: 1. Beforereplacingthe fuelfilter,drain the fueltank or closethe fuel shut-offvalve.Otherwise,fuel can leakout and causea fire or explosion. 2. Engineparts shouldbe kept cleanto reducethe risk of overheating and ignitionof accumulateddebris. Adjustment Transmission The hydrostatictransmissionis sealedat thefactory and is maintenance-free.The fluidlevelcannot be checkedand the fluidcannot be changed. Battery Use pliersto squeezetabs on the clamps,then slidethe clamps awayfrom thefuel filter.Twistand pull thefuel linesoff of the fuel filter.See Figure23. Batteryposts,terminals,and relatedaccessoriescontainlead and lead compounds,chemicalsknownto the Stateof Californiato cause cancerand reproductiveharm. Washhandsafterhandling. f The batteryis sealedand is maintenance-free.Acidlevelscannotbe checkedand fluid can notbe added. FuelLine Alwayskeepthe batterycablesand terminalscleanand free of corrosivebuild-up. • 7 ,,,..,., ,,J If removingthe batteryfor cleaning,disconnectthe NEGATIVE (Black) wirefrom its terminalfirst, followedby the POSITIVE(Red) wire. Whenre-installingthe battery,alwaysconnectthe POSITIVE (Red)wire to its terminalfirst, followedbythe NEGATIVE(Black) wire. Be certainthat the wires are connectedto thecorrectterminals; reversingthem couldresult in seriousdamageto yourengine's alternatingsystem. Figure23 . 4. . After cleaningthe batteryand terminals,applya lightcoat of petroleumjelly or greaseto bothterminals. Checkthe fuel linesfor cracksor leaks.Replaceif necessary. Replacethe fuel filter withan originalequipmentreplacement filter. Securethe fuel lineswith the clamps. 26 CLEANING THE TRACTOR 11. Turnthewater off and detach thehose couplerfrom the water porton your deck'ssurface. Anyfuel or oil spilledon the machineshouldbe wipedoff promptly.Do NOTallowdebristo accumulatearoundthecoolingfins of the engine, the transmission'scoolingfanor on any otherpartof themachine, especiallythebelts and pulleys. After cleaningyourdeck, returnto the operator'spositionand engage the PTO. Keepthe cuttingdeck runningfor a minimumof two minutes, allowingthe undersideof the cuttingdeck to thoroughlydry. Deck Wash LUBRICATION System Yourtractor'sdeck is equippedwith a waterporton its surfaceas part of its deckwash system. Use thedeck wash to rinsegrassclippingsfrom the deck'sunderside and preventthe buildupof corrosivechemicals.Completethe following stepsAFTEREACHMOWING: 1. Drivethe tractorto a level,clearspot on your lawn,near enough for yourgardenhoseto reach. Beforelubricating,repairing,or inspecting,alwaysdisengagePTO, set parkingbrake,stop engineand removekeyto preventunintended starting. Front Wheels Eachof thefront wheelaxles and rims is equippedwith a grease fitting. See Figure25. Lubricatewith a No.2 multi-purposegrease appliedwith a greasegun after every25 hoursof tractoroperation. Makecertainthe tractor'sdischargechuteis directedAWAYfromyour house,garage,parkedcars,etc. 2. Disengagethe PTO(BladeEngage),set the parkingbrakeand stop theengine. 3. Threadthe hosecoupler(packagedwith yourtractor'sOperator's Manual)ontothe end of yourgarden hose. 4. Attachthe hosecouplerto the waterport on yourdecks surface. See Figure24. \ Figure25 Pivot Points & Linkage Lubricateall the pivot pointson the drivesystem,parkingbrakeand lift linkageat leastonce a seasonwith lightoil. Deck Wheels Eachof thetractordeck'sfrontgauge wheelsisequippedwith a greasefitting. Lubricatewith a No.2 multi-purposegreaseappliedwith a greasegun afterevery 25 hoursof tractoroperation. Figure24 5. Turnthe wateron. 6. Whilesittingin theoperator'spositionon the tractor,startthe engineand placethe throttleleverin the FAST(rabbit)position. 7. Movethe tractor'sPTO(BladeEngage)intothe ONposition. 8. Remainin the operator'spositionwith thecuttingdeck engaged for a minimumof two minutes,allowingthe undersideof the cuttingdeckto thoroughlyrinse. 9. Movethe tractor'sPTO(BladeEngage)intothe OFF position. 10. Turnthe ignitionkeyto the STOPpositionto turnthe tractor's engineoff. 27 Deck Determinetheapproximatedistancenecessaryfor properadjustment and proceed,if necessary. Spindle Greasefittingscan be foundon eachdeck spindle.See Figure26. Lubricatewith 251HEP greaseor an equivalentNo. 2 multi-purpose lithiumgrease.Usinga greasegun, applytwo strokes(minimum)or sufficientgreaseto the spindleshaft. 1. To raisethe front of the deck,tighten(threadinward)the lock nut againstthe front hangerbracket.See Figure27. 2. To lowerthe front of the deck,loosen(threadoutward)the lock nut, awayfrom the front hangerbracket. See Figure27. f Figure26 ADJUSTMENTS J Figure27 Shutthe engineoff, removethe ignitionkeyand engagethe parking brakebeforemakingadjustments.Protectyour handsby usingheavy gloveswhenhandlingthe blades. Leveling the Deck (Side to Side) If the cuttingdeck appearsto be mowingunevenly,a sideto side adjustmentcan be performed.Adjustif necessaryas follows: NOTE:Checkthe tractor'stire pressurebeforeperforminganydeck levelingadjustments.Referto Tires on page24 for information regardingtire pressure. 1. With the tractorparkedon a firm, levelsurface,placethe deck lift leverin the middlepositionand rotatebothbladesso that theyare perpendicularwith the tractor. Leveling 2. Measurethedistancefromthe outsideof the left bladetip to the groundand the distancefrom the outsideof the rightblade tip to the ground.Bothmeasurementstaken shouldbe equal.If they're not, proceedto the nextstep. the Deck (Front To Rear) Thefront of the cuttingdeck is supportedby a stabilizerbar that can be adjustedto levelthe deckfrom front to rear.Thefront of the deck shouldbe between1/4-inchand 3/8-inchlowerthanthe rear of the deck.Adjust if necessaryas follows: 1. Parkthe tractorparkedon a firm,level surfaceand placethe deck lift leverinthe middleposition. 2. Rotatethe blade nearestthe dischargechute coverso that it is parallelwith the tractor. 3. Measurethe distancefrom the frontof the bladetip to the ground and the rear of the bladetip to the ground.The firstmeasurement takenshouldbe between 1/4"and 3/8" lessthan the second measurement. 28 3. Loosen,butdo NOT remove,the hexbolt on the left deck hanger bracket.See Figure28. Steering Adjustment If the tractorturnstighter in one directionthanthe other,or if the ball joints are being replaceddue to damageor wear,the steeringdrag linksmay needto be adjusted. f Adjust thedrag links so that equal lengthsof each are threadedinto the ball joint on the left sideand the balljoint on the rightside: 1. Removethe hexnut belowthe balljoint. See Figure29. Hex Bolt ustment -Gear Figure28 4. Usinga wrench,raiseor lowerthe left side of thedeck byturning the adjustmentgear.See Figure28. Thedeck is properlyleveledwhenbothblade tip measurements takenearlierare equal. Retightenthe hexbolt on the left deck hanger bracketwhenproperadjustmentis achieved. Parking Brake J Figure29 Adjustment If thetractordoes notcome to a completestop whenthe brakepedal is completelydepressed,or if the tractor'srearwheelscan roll with the parkingbrakeapplied(and the transmissionreliefvalve open),the brakeis in needof adjustment.Seea Searsor other qualifiedservice dealerto havethe brakeproperlyadjusted. Adjusting 2. Threadthe balljoint inwardto shortenthe drag link. Threadthe balljoint outwardto lengthenthe draglink. 3. Replacethe hexnut after properadjustmentis achieved. NOTE:Threadingthe ball joints toofar ontothe drag links willcause the front tires to "toe-in"too far.Propertoe-inis between1/16"and 5/16". the Seat 4. Referto the Assemblysectionof this manualfor seat adjustment instructions. Beforeoperatingthe tractor,make surethe seatis engagedin the seat-stop.Engagethe parkingbrake.Standbehindthe machineand pull back on seat untilit clicksinto place. Fronttire toe-incan be measuredas follows: a. Placethe steeringwheel in positionfor straightaheadtravel. b. Infront of the axle, measurethe distancehorizontallyfrom the insideof the left rimto the insideof the right rim. Notethe distance. c. Behindthe axle, measurethe distancehorizontallyfrom the insideof the left rimto the insideof the rightrim. Notethe distance. The measurementtaken in front of the axle shouldbe between1/16"and 5/16"less than themeasurementtaken behindthe axle. d. 29 Neverstorelawntractorwith fuelin tank indoorsor in poorly ventilatedareaswherefuel fumesmay reachan openflame,spark, or pilot lightas on a furnace,water heater,clothesdryer,or gas appliance, PREPARING THE ENGINE PREPARING THE LAWN TRACTOR IMPORTANT:Fuelleft in the fueltank duringwarm weatherdeterioratesand will cause seriousstartingproblems. • Cleanand lubricatetractorthoroughlyas describedin the lubricationinstructions. Topreventgum depositsfrom forminginsidetheengine'scarburetor and causingpossiblemalfunctionof the engine,the fuel systemmust be eithercompletelyemptied,or thegasolinemustbe treatedwith a stabilizerto preventdeterioration. • Do notuse a pressurewasheror gardenhoseto cleanyour unit. • Storemowerin a dry, cleanarea.Do not storenext to corrosivematerials,suchas fertilizer. If usinga fuel stabilizer: a. Readthe productmanufacturer'sinstructionsand recommendations. b. Add to clean,fresh gasolinethe correctamountof stabilizer for thecapacityof the fuel system. c. Fill thefuel tank with treatedfueland run theenginefor 2-3 minutesto get stabilizedfuel intothe carburetor. If emptyingthefuel system: a. Do notdrain fuel whentheengine is hot. Allowtheengine adequatetime to cool. Drainfuel intoan approvedcontainer outdoors,awayfromopen flame. b. Drainany largevolumeof fuelfrom the tank by disconnecting the fuel linefrom the in-line fuelfilter near theengine. See ToDrainthe Fuelon page 26. Gasolineis extremelyflammableand can be explosiveundercertain conditions.Draingasolinebeforestoringtheequipmentfor extended periods.Drainfuelonly intoan approvedcontaineroutdoors,away from an open flame.Allowengine to cool. Extinguishcigarettes, cigars,pipes,and other sourcesof ignitionprior to drainingfuel. Storegasolinein an approvedcontainerin safe location. c. Reconnectthe fuelline and run theengine untilit startsto falter,then usethe choketo keepthe engine runninguntilall fuelin the carburetorhasbeen exhausted. d. Disconnectthe fuel line and drainany remaininggasoline from the system. Gasolineis a toxicsubstance.Disposeof gasolineproperly.Contact yourlocal authoritiesfor approveddisposal methods. Removethespark plug and pour one (1)ounceof engine oil through the sparkplug hole intothe cylinder.Crankthe engineseveraltimesto distributetheoil. Replacethe sparkplug. 30 Beforeperforminganytypeof maintenance/service, disengageall controlsandstoptheengine.Waituntilall movingpartshavecometo a completestop.Disconnectsparkplugwireandgroundit againstthe engineto preventunintendedstarting.Alwayswearsafetyglassesduring operationor whileperforminganyadjustmentsor repairs. Thissectionaddresses minorservice issues.To locate the nearestSears Service Centeror to scheduleservice,simplycontactSears at 1-800-4-MY-HOME®. Enginefails to start 1. PTO/BladeEngageknobengaged. 1. Placeknobin disengaged(OFF)position. 2. Parkingbrakenotengaged. 2. Engageparkingbrake. 3. Sparkplugwire disconnected. 3. Connectwireto spark plug. 4. Throttle/Chokecontrollevernot in correct 4. PlaceThrottle/Chokeleverto FASTposition. startingposition. 5. Fueltank empty,or stale fuel. 5. Filltank with clean, fresh(less than 30 days old) gas. 6. BIockedfuel line. 6. Replacefuel line.See a Searsor otherqualified servicedealer.Replacefuel filter.Seethe Service and Maintenancesection. 7. Faultysparkplug. 7. Clean,adjustgap or replaceplug. 8. Engineflooded. 8. Crankenginewith throttlein FASTposition. 1. Tractorrunningwith Chokeactivated. 1. MovetheThrottle/Chokecontrolleverout of the 2. Sparkplugwiresloose. 2. Connectand tightenspark plugwires. 3. Blockedfuel line or stalefuel. 3. Replacefuel line.See a Searsor otherqualified servicedealer.Filltank with clean,fresh gasoline and replacefuel filter.See the Serviceand Maintenancesection. 4. Ventin gas cap plugged. 4. Clearvent or replacecap if damaged. 5. Wateror dirt in fuel system. 5. Drainfueltank. Refillwith clean,fresh gasoline.See theServiceand Maintenancesection. 6. Dirtyair cleaner. 1. Engineoil levellow 1. Fillenginewith properamountand type of oil. 2. Air flow restricted 2. Cleangrass clippingsand debrisfrom aroundthe engine'scoolingfins and blowerhousing. Enginehesitatesat high RPMs 1. Sparkpluggap set tooclose 1. Removespark plug and adjustgap. Engineidlespoorly 1. Fouledspark plug 1. Replacespark plug and adjustgap. 2. Dirtyair cleaner 2. Replaceair cleanerelementand/orcleanprecleaner. 1. Cuttingbladeslooseor unbalanced 1. Tightenbladeand spindle.Balanceblade. 2. Damaged,dull,or bentcuttingblade 2. Replaceblade. Enginerunserratically chokeposition. Engineoverheats Excessivevibration . 31 Replaceair cleanerpaper elementor cleanfoam precleaner. Mowerwill not mulchgrass Unevencut 1. Enginespeedtoo low. 1. PlaceThrottle/Chokecontrolin FAST(rabbit) position. 2. Wetgrass. 2. Do notmulchwhengrass is wet. 3. Excessivelyhigh grass. 3. Mowonce at a highcuttingheight,then mowagain at desiredheightor makea narrowercuttingswath. 4. Dullblade. 4. Sharpenor replaceblade. 1. Decknot leveledproperly. 1. Performside-to-sidedeck adjustment. 2. Dullblade. 2. Sharpenor replaceblade. 3. Uneventire pressure. 3. Checktire pressurein all four tires. NEED HORE HELP? I Youql, [_nd the a:nswe:_and more o:r_managemy_ome,,¢om - for f_°ee! _ o Find this and a[[ your other product manuals online. _ o Get answers from our team of home experts. o Get a personalized maintenance p[an for your home. o Find information and tools to help with home projects. maHage home #_o_g_t to ye_ by Sea_s _'_!_!ii_lig!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii !!ii!!ii !!ii!!ii !!iii 32 Congratulationson makinga smartpurchase.YournewCraftsman@ productis designedand manufacturedfor yearsof dependableoperation. 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The RepairProtectionAgreementis a risk-freepurchase.If youcancel for any reasonduringthe productwarrantyperiod,wewill providea full refund.Or,a proratedrefundanytimeafter the productwarrantyperiod expires.Purchaseyour RepairProtectionAgreementtoday! Somelimitationsand exclusionsapply. For pricesand additional informationin the U.S.A. call 1-800-827-6655. *Coverage in Canadavaries on some items. Forfull details call Sears Canadaat 1-800-361-6665. Sears Installation Service ForSearsprofessionalinstallationof homeappliances,garagedoor openers,waterheaters,and othermajorhomeitems,in the U.S.A.or Canadacall 1-800-4-MY-HOME®. Steering and Axle -- IViodel No. 247.28672 2 7 19 34 Steering and Axle B IViodel No. 247.28672 710-04095 Hex HeadScrew,3/8-16:1.00 2 710-0514 Hex HeadScrew,3/8-16:1.00 22 638-04027-0637 LHAxle Assembly 710-0395 Hex HeadScrew,5/16-18:2.25 3 710-0643 Hex HeadScrew,5/16-18:1.00 23 710-0859 Hex HeadScrew,3/8-16:2.50 4 711-04998 iLH DragLink i24 710-3180 Hex HeadScrew,5/16-18:1.75 5 711-04999 iRH DragLink 25 i912-0214 HexlockNut,3/8-24 6 912-0240 iJam Nut,7/16-20 26 712-04063 FlangeiockNut,5/16-18 7 712-04065 iFlangelockNut,3/8-16 27 714-0162 CotterPin,5/32:1.25 8 712-0459 iFlangelockNut,7/16-20 28 719-04413A PivotBarAxle 9 712-3004A iFlangelockNut,5/16-18 29 934-0255 TubelessAirValve 10 717-1550F iSteeringGear 30 748-04065-0637 SteeringBlock 11 12 717-1554 923-0448A iSteeringPinionGear iBall Joint,7/16-20 31 32 748-04068 750-05280 Spacer,.71ID X .125OD X .56LG Spacer,.385X 1.00X 1.5075 13 936-3004 Flat Washer,.406X .875X .105 33 731-05674 BumperCap 14 736-3084 Flat Washer,.51X 1.12X .06:HT 34 736-04228A FlatWasher,.7811Dx 1.5900D 15 634-04405-4042 Rim Assembly 35 631-04415 SteeringWheel 16 17 738-04263 738-04363 iSteeringShaft,.625OD X 24.25LG ShoulderSpacer,.385X1.25X.3025 36 i37 731-06825 SteeringWheelCap 634-04406-0961 WheelAssembly 18 741-04237B iHex FlangeBearing5/8 PM 38 i734-1731-0901 Tire 19 783-06043-0637 ISteeringSupportBracket 39 741-0990B FlangeBearing,.7601D 20 638-04021-0637 RH Axle Assembly 40 741-0516B FlangeBearing,.760x 1.00x 1.20LG 35 Hood and Dash B IViodel No. 247.28672 3O 31 42 21 13 8 15 53 44 46 36 Hood and Dash B IViodel No. 247.28672 631-04353P Dash Lever 731-07467 LowerGrill 2 710-04484 TaptiteScrew,LockWasher,5/16-18:.750 30 731-07469 LHHoodScoop 3 710-0599 TaptiteScrew,LockWasher,1/4-20:0.500 31 731-07470 RH HoodScoop 4 710-0895 Hi-LoScrew,Lock Washer,1/4-15:0.750 32 738-04091A ShoulderScrew,.43X.29:TT:5/16-18 5 710-0896 Screw,LockWasher,1/4-14:0.625 33 710-0642 TaptiteScrew,1/4-20:0.750 6 710-1017 Screw,1/4-14:0.625 34 747-05049 RHTank SupportRod 7 710-1611B TaptiteScrew,5/16-18:0.750 35 747-05050 LHTankSupportRod 8 710-3217 MachineScrew,#8-32:0.375 36 783-06672-0637 CarbonCanisterMountingBracket 9 712-0142 Hex Nut,#8-32:GRA 37 751-10749 FuelHose 10 714-04040 Bow-tieCotterPin 38 946-04556 Throttle/ChokeControl 11 726-3046 RatchetClip:.250DIA 39 751-10750 FuelHose 12 731-07456 Dash 40 731-07495 P-StylePlen 13 731-07550 ControlKnob 41 925-0963 MiniatureLamp,12V 14 732-04580 ExtensionSpring,.500 DIAX 2.733LG 42 925-1649 LampSocket 15 735-0271A Bumper 43 725-04992 SwitchKeyModule 16 735-04076 AccessoryNet 44 689-00157 GuardAssembly 17 18 747-05280 747-1196 ControlRodLatch LeverRod 45 46 712-04065 738-0143 FlangelockNut,3/8-16 ShoulderBolt, .496x .336:3/8-16 19 783-04285F-0637RH DashSupportPlate 47 925-04036C Hour Meter 20 783-04323F-0637LH DashSupportPlate 48 725-04258 PTOSwitch 21 625-04124 49 951-10589 CarbonCanister 22 683-04618-0691 HoodAssembly 50 951-10590 CanisterVentFilter 23 710-04187 Hi-loScrew,Lock Washer,1/4-15:0.50 51 951-10610 CanisterAdaptorBracket 24 25 710-05108 931-07457 Screw,LockWasher,1/4 DIA:.750 Grill 52 53 735-04081 735-04170 RubberGromet FuelTankGasket 26 731-07458 RH Lens 54 751-10441 RolloverValve 27 731-07459 LH Lens 55 951-10947 FuelCap 28 931-07461 HoodScoop -- 651-04269 FuelTankAssembly(refs.52- 55) Keys(Setof 2) 37 Seat and Fender B Model No. 247.28672 38 24 23 33 27 32 31 30 29 612_ I0 34 38 Seat and Fender B Model No. 247.28672 732-04561 CompressionSpring, 1.71X 3.735X .238 2 683-04223-0637 Lift Shaft Assembly 712-04063 FlangelockNut,5/16-18 i22 732-04563 CompressionSpring,.68X 1.065X .055 3 712-04065 FlangelockNut,3/8-16 i23 938-0296 ShoulderScrew,.437X .268:5/16-18 4 914-0104 CotterPin,.072DIA.X 1.13LG i24 783-06049-0691 Seat MountingBracket 5 714-04040 Bow-TieCotterPin i25 783-06050 6 716-0106A E-Ring,.625DIA.SHAFT i26 783-06088-0691 Seat PivotBracket 7 720-04150 HandleGrip i27 783-06448 8 732-0874 TorsionSpring i28 710-04187 Hi-LoScrew,LockWasher,1/4-15:0.50 9 736-0105 SpringWasher,.401X .870X .063 i29 710-0451 CarriageBolt,5/16-18:.750 10 738-0138A ShoulderScrew, .437X.470:5/16-18 i30 710-0599 TaptiteScrew,LockWasher,1/4-20:0.500 11 738-04130 ShoulderBolt, .625X.175:3/8-16 i31 710-0895 Hi-LoScrew,LockWasher,1/4-15:0.750 12 941-0225 Hex FlangeBearing i32 731-05837 LH FenderCover 13 746-0968 LiftCable, 16.16LG i33 731-06754 RH FenderCover 14 747-04962A Lift Handle i34 736-3078 FlatWasher,.344X 1.00X .063HDN 15 756-04331 PulleyRollerCable i35 783-06118-0691 Fender 16 783-04494C-0637RH LiftArm i36 726-3046 RatchetClip -- 783-04711C-0637LH LiftArm i37 735-04137 LH FootPad 17 710-04482 Hex HeadFlange,3/8-16:.875 -- 735-04139 RH FootPad 18 710-04484 Seat SeatAdjustmentLever SwitchRetainerClip TaptiteScrew,LockWasher,5/16-18:.750 i38 757-04127 19 i712-3004A FlangelockNut,5/16-18 i39 783-06181-0637 Lift Bracket 20 CableTie, 3/16X .05X 7.4 i40 925-05013 725-0157 3g Seat Switch Drive and Rear Wheels B IViodel No. 247.28672 23 16 32 39/I 33 6O 10 4O 2O 22 4O Drive and Rear Wheels B Model No. 247.28672 918-0319 HydroTransmission 747-04979 HydroControlRod 2 710-0176 Hex HeadScrew,5/16-18:2.75 i38 747-04991 HydroBypassRod 3 710-0227 iScrew,indentedWasher,#8-18:0.500 i39 750-04456 Spacer,260 X .372X 1.420LG 4 710-0351 iScrew,#10-16:0.500 i40 954-04207 V-Belt,4LX 78.9POLY 5 710-04484 TaptiteScrew,indentedWasher,5/16-18:.750 i41 756-04224 Fiat IdlerPulley,2.75OD 6 710-0653 TaptiteScrew,indentedWasher,1/4-20:0.375 i42 756-04308 inputPulley,4.13DIA 7 710-1007 TaptiteSeresScrew,:3/8-16:1.500 i43 756-04325 V IdlerPulley,X 3.06 8 710-1325 TaptiteScrew,indentedWasher,1/4-20:1.625 i44 783-06027A CenterIdlerBracket 9 710-3011 Hex HeadScrew,3/8-16:2.25 i45 783-06133-0637 HydroMountingBracket 10 912-0240 iJam Nut,7/16-20 i46 783-06260-0637 BeltDisengageSupportBracket 11 912-0346 JamlockNut, 1/2-20 i47 783-1019B SwitchActuatorBracket 12 712-04063 iFlangelockNut,5/16-18 i48 647-04152A BrakeControlAssembly 13 912-0431 iFlangelockNut,3/8-16 i49 683-04488 HydroPedalBracketAssembly 14 914-0111 iCotterPin,3/32:1.0 i50 710-0604A TaptiteScrew,indentedWasher,5/16-18:0.625 15 725-0157 CableTie. 3/16X .05X 7.4 i51 711-05068 ClevisPin,5/16 X 3.985 16 725-04791A iJumperHarness i52 712-04065 FlangelockNut,3/8-16 17 725-1644 iShortSpring Switch i53 714-04040 Bow-TieCotterPin 18 926-0154 PushMountCableTie 7.5LG i54 726-0214 PushCap 19 20 926-0320 731-05299A InsulatorNut Plate iSleeve,.765IDX 1.500LG i55 56 732-04587 735-04118A ExtensionSpring,.63 DIAX 4.95 LG ForwardPedal Pad 21 731-06098 HydroFan i57 735-04135 ReversePedal Pad 22 932-0209 ExtensionSpring,.48ODX2.03 i58 735-04136 BrakePedal Pad 23 732-04606 ExtensionSpring,.500DIAX 12.6LG i59 736-0242 BellWasher,.340X .872X .060 24 732-04624 ExtensionSpring,1.00DIA X 4.75 i60 634-04369-4042 RimAssembly 25 732-0716D ExtensionSpring,.59ODX 4.00 LG i61 938-0380 26 732-0729 iWireRing i62 741-0495 FlangeBearing,.630 IDX.695OD X .60 27 732-3118 ExtensionSpring,.375ODX 1.44LG 63 748-04203 Cruise Latch 28 936-0264 Fiat Washer,.330X .630X .0635 i64 783-05914 PedalSupportBracket 29 736-04263 LockWasher i65 783-05940 PedalSupportBracket,5/8 30 936-3008 Flat Washer,.344X .750X .120 i66 783-06059-0637 DrivePedalBracket 31 736-3010 Fiat Washer,.407X .812X .135 i67 783-06103A-0637BrakePedal Bracket 32 934-0255 TubelessAir Valve 68 634-0104-0961 WheelAssembly 33 734-1730-0901 Tire i69 710-0627 HexHeadScrew,5/16-24:.750 34 738-04420 ShoulderSpacer,1.375X.380X.183 i70 750-0204 Axle Hub 35 747-04139 BrakeRod i71 731-2290A HubCap 36 747-04957A iFootpedalBypassTransmissionRod i72 736-0430 FiatWasher,.350x 1.59x .062 41 ShoulderBolt, .500X .270:3/8-16 Engine Accessories B IViodel No. 247.28672 16 3 17 42 Engine Accessories B IViodel No. 247.28672 683-04549-0637 MulfflerShieldAssembly 2 710-0227 Screw,IndentedWasher,#8-18:0.500 3 710-04683 TaptiteScrew,IndentedWasher,3/8-16:1.000 4 710-0599 TaptiteScrew,IndentedWasher,1/4-20:0.500 5 710-1314A SocketHeadScrew,5/16-18:.750 6 7 712-0271 783-06378A SeresNut, 1/4-20 HeatShield 8 721-0460 ExhaustGasket 9 725-0157 CableTie, 3/16 X .05X 7.4 10 726-0205 HoseClamp,.490DIA. 11 12 728-04000 751-3141-14 Rivet,.188DIA X .300 L Oil DrainExtensionHose 13 751-0564B MufflerDeflector 14 751-10349 FuelHose 15 16 751-10353 951-10517A LongMufflerDeflector Oil Drain 17 751-10542A MufflerDeflector 43 PTO and Battery B IViodel No. 247.28672 7 15 17 20 f3 22 12 44 PTO and Battery B IViodel No. 247.28672 683-04469A-0691Frame 2 710-04484 TaptiteScrew,indentedWasher,5/16-18:.750 3 710-0599 TaptiteScrew,indentedWasher,1/4-20:0.500 4 710-3005 Hex HeadScrew,3/8-16:1.25 5 712-04065 FlangelockNut,3/8-16 6 738-04058 ShoulderSpacer,.38X 1.0X .70 7 747-04121A BatteryHolderRod 8 9 783-0349-0637 BatteryTray 783-06089-0637 SeatFrameBracket 10 11 710-04379A 917-04163A Hex HeadScrew,7/16-20:3.50 ElectricPTOClutch 12 725-0157 CableTie, 3/16x .05 x 7.4 13 936-0171 LockWasher,7/16 14 736-0277 FiatWasher,1.031x 1.620x .095 15 712-0271 SeresNut, 1/4-20 16 756-0978B ElectricPTOEnginePulley 17 18 710-04666 747-05171 Hex HeadFlange,1/4-20:.75 BeltGuard 19 725-05088 Battery 20 725-04439 Solenoid,12V 21 22 712-04064 725-04363 FlangelockNut, 1/4-20 InterlockSwitch 23 738-04237A ShoulderScrew,#10-32:.500 45 Deck B Model No. 247.28672 8 44 31\ /2813 \34 46 Deck B IViodel No. 247.28672 2 618-04950 683-0254B-4028 DeckHangerBracketAssembly SpindleAssembly i30 936-0344 737-04003D FiatWasher,.385X 1.0X .030 Water Nozzle 3 683-04598-0428 DeckAssembly i31 938-0373 ShoulderBolt, .496X 1.525:3/8-16 4 710-04484 TaptiteScrew,indentedWasher,5/16-18:.750 i32 738-04162A ShoulderSpacer,.8840X .190 5 710-0514 Hex HeadScrew,3/8-16:1.00 i33 938-3056 ShoulderBolt, .496X 2.50:3/8-16 6 710-0528 Hex HeadScrew,5/16-18:1.25 7 710-0599 TaptiteScrew,indentedWasher,1/4-20:0.500 i34 i35 942-04308 747-04944B 2-in-1CuttingBlade DeckLift Rod 8 710-3144 Hex HeadScrew,3/8-16:2.00 i36 956-1227 DeckPulley,6.3 DIA 9 710-3178 CarriageBolt,3/8-16:0.75 i37 747-1116 DeckReleaseHandleRod 10 712-0229 PushNut,3/8 i38 954-04060B V-Belt 11 712-04065 FlangelockNut,3/8-16 i39 756-04129B IdlerPulley,4.25"DIA 12 712-0417A FlangeNut,5/8-18 i40 936-0351 FlatWasher,.760IDX1.50OD 13 712-04243 Lock Nut, 1/2-13 i41 783-04740-0637 DeckEngageCableBracket 14 912-0641 Hex Nut,M16-1.5DIN936 15 753-04070 LynchPin,.1875 i42 i43 738-1186A 783-05946 16 17 914-0470 917-04074 CotterPin, 1/8X 1.25 DeckGear i44 783-06243-0637 DeckEngageCableBracket 18 921-04041 WaterNozzleAdaptor i45 i46 783-06368-0637 4.25 PulleyBeltGuardBracket 783-06424A-4028BeltCover SpindleShaft,6.05 LG. IdlerBracket 19 732-0459C ExtensionSpring,.94DIA.X 6.74LG j47 783-06632-4028 DeckStop 20 21 732-04652 734-04155 CompressionSpring,.535ODX 1.751LG Front DeckWheel i48 783-06643-4028 DeckIdlerSupportBracket i49 711-04847A HingePin 22 734-0973 RearDeckWheel 23 936-0119 Lock Washer,5/16 i50 51 732-04372 783-06074A TorsionSpring Chute Bracket 24 936-0179 Fiat Washer,.531X 1.25X .100 i52 631-04460 Chute Deflector 25 736-0225 Lock Washer,5/8 i53 941-0919 Ball Bearing,.7871DX 1.850DX.551 26 736-0258 Flat Washer,.385X 1.0X .135 i54 750-04936 Spacer,.792X 1.060X 1.860LG 27 736-0262 Fiat Washer,.385X .870X .092 i55 750-0952 Spacer,.792X 1.060X 1.800LG 28 736-0317 Bell Washer,.63X 1.25X .18 4.7 Engine B Model No. 247.28672 I1329 REPLACMENT ENGINE] I1330 REPAIR I MANUAL1148 SHORT BLOCK ] lO58 OPERATOR'S MANUAL • 718 _ .... 278 _ 505d_ 212 \\\ \ i ' i 41 _/-:::::_ 524 \_-Si i•46 ..... 45 _\ 1013 220 LI::::¢ 1027 850 15 252 1017 186A 616 i 20 250 i 512 i1024 552A 742 _ 943 404 s-_ 552 _j 691 ,_ 750 22 i 48 j I Engine -- Model No. 247.28672 50 26 27<:9 ii J J I) i ! 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