Creative Labs AVPGH0180B Wireless Headset User Manual ACDSee Pro

Creative Labs Inc Wireless Headset ACDSee Pro

User Manual-(1018)

Download: Creative Labs AVPGH0180B Wireless Headset User Manual ACDSee Pro
Mirror Download []Creative Labs AVPGH0180B Wireless Headset User Manual ACDSee Pro
Document ID1561890
Application IDxmJExz+gZj4Wx3QoR+cv5w==
Document DescriptionUser Manual-(1018)
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize254.23kB (3177897 bits)
Date Submitted2011-10-18 00:00:00
Date Available2011-10-19 00:00:00
Creation Date2011-10-18 11:22:58
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 9.4.6 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2011-10-18 14:14:47
Document TitleACDSee Pro列印作業
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2.2
Document Author: user

You are about to experience the legendary audio duality of Sound Blaster") on your
PC or Mac The special edition Sound Blaster Tactic3D Wrath Wireless Headset
combines the legendary acoustic engineering prowess of the Sound Blaster team to
create a world-class gaming headset With nextsgeneration Wireless technology. This
lets you hear the full. uncompressed gaming audio enhanced With TH><® TruStudio
ProTM for incredible realism and ED
600 MB of free hard disk space
Available USB H or 2.0 port
Internet connection to download drivers and applications available for this
For Windows
0 Microsoft® Windows3 7 32—bit or 64—bit. Windows Vista3 32—bit or éA—bit
With Service Pack I or higher, Windows XP Professional x61» Edition or
Windows XP With Service Pack 2 or higher
0 Intel@ Pentium‘3 A or AMD3 equivalent processor, I 6 GHZ or faster
0 Intel. AMD or 100% compatible motherboard chipset
For Mac
. Mac DS®XIUSorhigher
0 Intel Core‘M Duo processor, 1 6 GHz or faster
0 Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD equivalent processor, 2 0 GHz or (aster
. 1 GB RAM
NOTE Due to programming changes, the recommended system requirements
for the soltware may change over lime
AdjusKahle headband
Vutume Cunlrol
Mute LED Power LED
bunon \,\\ J/i bullon
Mmphonem r mircggaggggm
O/ mlcrophone
USE wwretessvansmnwr M|crorUSB—tOVUSB
'Use m palrmg
Sett' 9 Up Your Headset
Vour headset can be used wtthout unstallmg any software However to
enjoy the full features of your headset such as THX TruStudlo Pro and
VoiceFX. we recommend you to |nstall the drlvers and applications for lt
by followmg the steps below.
Step 1: Charge your headset
When usmg your headset for the first time. you should charge the headset
for at least 8 hours. Connect your headset to your computer and turn off
the headset whlle chargmg, The Power LED flashes blue when charglng.
and llghts up blue when fully charged.
Step 2: Download the saltware
VlSi\ to download the latest dl‘lVel‘S and
applicatlons available for your headset.
NOTE lf prompted for the audlo drlvers. click the Cancel button
For all supported Windows OS
Navlgate to the Iolder where you have downloaded the soltware
Double'cllck the downloaded tlte
To tomplete the lnstallatlon, Iollow the lnstructlons on the screen
When prompted restart your (ompuler
You can launch the appllcatlon by cllcklng Start > Programs or All Programs >
Creative > Sound Blasler TacticlJD] > Sound Blaster TacticI3Dl Conlrol Panel.
For Mac OS
Doublercllck the downloaded ltle to uncompress ll
Dollhletllck the uncompressed DMG llle
Double'cllck the Install lcon
To complete the tnstallatlon, lollow the msttuctlons on the screen
You can launch the Sound Blaster TacticJD Control Panel from the
Applicalions\Creative\Sound Blaster TacticlBDl folder
Go to System Preferences then (1le Sound.
For both the Output and lnput tabs, then select Sound Blaster Tacticlsnl Wrath
Wearing the Headset
Turn on/n" the headset
Press the headset's Power button to turn ll on. The Power LED llghts up
blue. Press and hold the headset's Power button for three seconds to turn
|t off.
Put on the headset
Adjust the headband so that the headset rests lightly on your head. Do not
tighten excesslvely.
CAUTlUN Adjust headset volume to a comfortable level. Do not llsteh to audio on
your head and Usten to the demo vtdeo
(la Acnusnc
E0 presets
Select an equalizer preset to apply to your smile
2 ED sliders
Adjust the equalizer settings
Customizing your E0 settings
Select the E0 checkbox to enable this feature then click the E0 drop—
down arrow and select a preset trorn the iISt.
Selecting a preset Will move the EQ sliders to the appropriate values. You
can adjust the equalizer setting by dragging the sliders up or down to the
desired level.
You can save your custom settings as new presets or delete existing ones.
NOTE The list cl delaull E0 presets cannot be deleted
VoiceFX presets
Select a VOiteFX preset to apply to your vein: iripul
VoiceFX audio test
Listen to yourvuice wili’i the selected VDiteFX preset applied
VoiceFX sliders
Adiust the VoiceFX settings
Customizing your VoiceFX settings
Select the VDiceFX checkbox to enable this feature. then click the VoiceFX
drop—down arrow and select a preset tram the list.
Selecting a preset Will move the VotceFX sliders to the appropriate values.
You can adiust the VeiceFX setting by dragging the sliders up or down to
the desired level.
Click to listen to how your voice will sound With the selected
VoiceFX preset applied.
You can save your custom settings as new presets or delete existing ones.
NOTE The lisl cl defaulthceFX presets cannot be deleted
Color selector
Select a h|ghllghl (valor Ior [he sollwars user mmrm
Theme selector
Select a graphlcal style lor the sollware user mlerlace
Chooslng a color
mm on Iho color Ihat you want In use as (hr mgmmm
Choosmg a theme
Cllck on me slyle lhal you want 10 use as the theme
Your headset is equipped With cutting edge audio technologies and
software to enhance the audio in your games THX TruStudio Pro will
elevate your gaming experience to the next level, allowmg you to hear
sound details in games you have never heard before}
THX TruStudio Pro Crystalizer restores the dynamic range that is lost
when iTunes and MP3 music gets compressed. This makes the music
sound as good as the artist originally intended. and adds an enhanced
level of realism tor movies and games,
THX TruStudio Pro Surround provides immersion control of sounds not
just around you, but also above and below for a full 3D audio experience
Hear the natural sense of audio depth. spaciousness and stunning 3D
surround effects from your audio content. Enjoy an unbelievably true—toe
life audio experience. whether it's over stereo speakers or headphones.
THX TruStudio Pro Bass fills in the low frequency tones and gives the
extra impact for a better entertainment experience, it dramatically
improves the sound experience Without a subwoofer,
THX TruStudio Pro Dialog Plus enhances the voices in mowes for clearer
dialog, allowmg the listener to hear the dialog over the rest of the
soundtrack and over ambient noise in the listening enVironment.
THX TruStudio Pro Smart Volume addresses the problem of abrupt
volume level changes during playback and between songs by
automatically and continuously measuring volume, and intelligently
applying gain and attenuation to compensate for those changes.
Use the headset to enjoy outstanding acoustic performance in popular
VoIP applications like Ventrilo® and TeamSpeak®. Hear and be heard
clearly by teammates during rnultiplayer games to get the tactical edge.
When playing DirectSound®3D games on Windows 7 and Windows Vista.
the game loses its lmmersiveness and enwrohmehtal effects due to
changes in audio architecture.
To restore these effects and experience the full audio immersion, follow
the steps below:
Enable Windows XP compatibility mode
Navigate to the iolderwhere you have installed the game.
nght—cllck on the game’s launcher and select Properties
Select the Compatibility tab and select lhe Compatibility Mode checkbox
Click the Compatlblllty Mode drop—down arrow and Select Wlndows XP [Service Pack A
then cllck OK.
Enable the game in Creative ALchemy
Clrck Start P Programs or All Programs P Creative P ALchemy P Creative ALchemy.
The game should be detected automatically and appear in the left column.
Selectthe game and click » to move it lothe right column
Close theappllcatlon
When you launch the game you should hear the original effects.
NOTE if the garnets not detected, do the following
- Navigate to the folder where you have installed the game
- Right—click on the game's launcherand select Run as administrator
- Exit the applicatlon and launch Creative Alchemy again The game
should now appear ”7 the lelt column
VlSIt to download the latest drlvers and
appllcatlohs avallable for your headset.
The followmg appllcatlons are desngned for you to access the ba5|c as
well as the advanced features of your headset.
For PC:
- Sound Blaster Tact|c3D Control Panel
- Creatlve ALchemy
- Creatlve System Informatlon
For Mac:
- Sound Blaster TactncSD Control Panel
NOTE - The appllcatlons avallable lor your headset may dllfer lrom those llsted
- Some apptlcatlons are avallable tor certam operatmg systems only
One 3 5 mm ll/B"] stereojack for connechng the detachable microphone
USB wtreless transmltter for palrlng wnth headset
Mlcro-USB port on headset for chargmg the battery
Operatlng RF range- 2505 , 2477 MHZ
Operatlng RF dlstance up to 30 ii [10 ml
Number of RF channels 37
RF transmltter power output' —5 dBm [lyplcal]
NOTE You Cannot tune the RF channels
THX TruStudlo Pro Crystallzer
THX TruStudlo Pro Surround
THX TruStudlo Pro Bass
THX TruStudlo Pro Dlalog Plus
THX TruStudlo Pro Smart Volume
Disable your computer‘s onooard audio chipset. See your computer's
motherboard documentation for details
Check the followtng:
- The headset and transmitter are turned on
- The headset has sufficient battery power
0 The volume settings in Sound Blaster Tactic3D Control Panel and system
audio are properly adjusted and not muted
There is no hardware confllct between the headset and a peripheral device
Check the followtng:
- Your computer system should be runnlng |n high periorrnance mode You may
need to disable any power saving features.
When playing games that use D|rectSound3D or DpenAL sound engines‘ certain
audio fealures Will be disabled automatically This is to avoid distorting the
environmental audio cues present in the game These features Will be re-
enabled automatically when you exrt the game.
Do the followmg:
- Set yDuI’erelESS LAN router‘s channel to Auto, 1 or T 1. To do this refer to
your router‘s user documentation.
Place your transmitter away from other devices [for example. Wireless
routers] that transmit Wireless slgnals
Place your transmitter away from large metal surfaces
Refrain from doing large file transfers via the Wireless internet or Bluetooth
connection while listening to music W|relessly. Alternatively, do not use your
headset during intensive file transfers.
Check the followtng:
- Vour transmitter and your headset are turned on
0 Vour transmitter and your headset are paired with each other
Deter to the tottowtno tntormatton to use your product satety. and to reduce the chance or etectrtc shock.
shun—ctrcutung. damage_ ttre. heartnd tmpatrment or other hazards lmproper handling may void the
warranty for your praduu. For more tntorrnatton, read the warranty avallahle wtth your product.
Read these tnstructtons
Keep those tnstructtons
heed atttuarntngs
Fottow stt tnstructtons
Do not use thts apparatus near water
ctean onty wtth dry ctoth
Do not otocx any yentttatton opentnos tnstatt -.he product tn accordance wtth the tnstructtons
Do not tnstatt near heat sources such as radtaors heat reotsters. stoves. or other apparatus
ttnctudtnd ampttherst that produce heat
Do not expose your product to temperatures outstde the range ot M to WC t32=r to tow]
Do not pterce. crush or set ttre to your product
Keep your product away ttom strong magnettc opteets
Do not sutttett yout ptouutt to excesstue rotce ot ttttpatt
Do not deteat the purpose of the potartzed o» droundtnd—tyoe ptuo A potartzed ptuo has two otades
wtth one wtder than the other A groundtng type ptug has two ptades and a thtrd groundtng prong
The Wtde otade or the rntrd prong are pmvtded tor your satety tr the proytded plug does not ttt tnto
your outtet, consutt an eteetrtctan tot reptatemenr or the oosotete outtet
Protect the power cord t'rom potno watde on or ptnched porttcutorty at ptuos oonyentence
receptacle; and the potnt where they ext. tron- the apparatus
Only use attachments/accessdrtes specttted oy “he rnartutacturer
Dse onty wtth the cart, stand. trtpod. oracxet or taste specttted by the manutacturer. or sotd wtth
the apparatus When a cart ts used. use cautton when moutng the cart/apparatus oomptnatton to
avotd trttury lrprrt ttprover
Unptug thts apparatus durtng ttghtntng storms or w’ten unused tor tond pertods ot ttrne
Do not dtsmantte or attempt to repatr your product
Refer allservlclng to authorized and ouatttted servtce personnel. Serytctno ts redutred when the
apparatus has oeen damaged tn any way. such as powerrsuppty cord or ptug ts damaged. ttoutd
has oeen spttted or outects have tatten tnto the apparatus the apparatus has oeen exposed to ratn
or motsture. does not operate normatty, or has oeen drooped
WARNING: To reduce the rtsk ot rtre or etectrtc shack, do not expose your product to water or
rnotsture tr your product rs mutsturEerStstam. taxe care not to tmmerse your product tn water or
expose tt to ratn
- When a conducttye apparatus such as earphones, ts used tn ctose proxtmttywtth a CRT teleytston
ot CRT tnottttor. the totter tnoy omtt an etettrostottt tttsthotgo tho otottrostottc dtschotgo con uo
tett as o stottc shock Whtte thts sto-tc shock ts usuotty harmless. tt ts good procttco to ouotd ctose
contact wtth CRT deutces when ustno earphones
Do not ttsten to audto on your earouds or headphones at htgh yotume tor protonged pertods ot ttrne
as heartno toss may resutt For users tn —he untteo stares, go to tor more
Do not ttsten toyour audto deytce at htoh yotunte when drtytno cycttno or ctosstno the toad
cspectotty tn heoyytrotttc. or trtony other troutc cordtttonwnerc such tteewttt htndersdtetroyot on
the roads We recommend that consumers oe extremety couttous when ustno thts deytcc on the
Avnld Hearlng Damage
Permanent heartng toss may occur tt the Sound Btaster Tacttc3D Wrath headset ts used at htgh yoturne
Set the yotume to a sate teyet VDu can adapt oyer ttme to e htoher yotume ot sound that may sound
normat out can be damagmg to your heartng tf you expertence rtngtno tn your ears or muttted speech.
stop ttstentng and have your hearrng checkej The touder the yoturrte, the tess ttrne ts requtred before
your heartng coutd oe attected Hearth; experts suggest that to protect your hearrnd
- t Ltmtl the amount ot ttrne you use the Sound DtasterTacttcaD Wrath Wtretess Garmrtg Headset at
htgh yotume
- 2 Avotd turntno up the yotume to otock out notsy su'roundmgs
- 3 Turn theyoturne down ttyou can t hear peopte speskmg near you
Embedded Battery
- Do not attempt to remove the embedded battery
The product must oe dtsposed ot acoordtn; to tocat envtronmentat reoutattons Tu reptace the
battery return your product to your reotonat support orttce Far product serytce tnrormatton. go to
Do not expose to excesstue heat such as sunshtne ttre or the ttxe
CAUTION ptsu ot exptoston rt battery ts reptaced oy rncorrect types
Wireless Device
- The short wave radro trequency srdnats or a wrretess devtcc rney rrrrparr the operetron or other
etectronrc ene medreet oevrees
- styrtch an the devtce where t rs nrnhtbtted Do not use the devrce rn nredrcat tacrtttres. arrcratt.
retustrng pprnts. ctese to autprnatrc zucrsy auln'T‘ahE trre atarrns Dr ether aummaltcauy eontrotteet
Keep thrs devtce at teast 20cm tron- pacemakers and other rneetcat devtces Radtn waves rnay
tmparr the operatron or pacemakers ano other medrcat devrces
The use of the WEEE Symoua rnercates that thrs product may not be treated as househotd
waste Eycnsurtng thrs product rs drsposed ot cor ctty you wrtt hetp protect the
envrronrnent For rnere detarted rntennarron appu: the recydtng pt thrs prnducL ptease
Contact your tecat authorrty, your househota waste orspesat seryrte provrder or the shop
where you purchased the pmdufl
FDR REMOVABLE BATTERY lLi-ian/polymer. button/coin cells. cylindrial cells]
Thrs product centarns one D» rnere at the aoove rernovaote patterres The crusssd-uut
wheeted orn syrnoot rndrcates that the battery rn thrs product shoutd not be treated as
unsprted munrerpat waste upon reaehrng rts end ot (th ‘nsread rt sheutd pe takzn tp
separate cottectron and recythrTg ssnemes Batterres contarnrng heavy rnetat content wrtt
have a two—tetter sympet ter themtcaa unde— the trnssecsnul wheeted btn syrnoot Cd
stands torcodtnrurn 'Pb Tune-JG ane Hg tor mercury You (an hetp the envrronrnent en
avord puptrc heatth hazards by recyctrng the hetzery :! an authorrzod rccydtng tecrttty or
the ptace or purchase Tp trnd the nearest authorrzee reeycte centre (nnlacl yeur tecat
aumumy trrstructrorrs tor rc’vavmg Um petterycen he tound rn the ptoduu usor monuot
The rnstruetrons shoute oe tottowee caretutty perore arternptrno to remove the battery
Thrs product contarnsa trthrurn ron/potyrner hatterythat shoutd onty be removed toy arr
authorrzoo rocyctrno centre By 'c:ydmg thrs product at your totat authorrzod recyttrng
centre or maze pt purchase the patterywrtt oe removed and recycted separatety
Ecouter de manrere protondee a un tr, heut votume sonore c s rnusroue [au dessus de BU deoroetst pu
rnoyen d un (asque ou d eceuteurs, peut enrra'rner um dete’rroratron rrreversrpte et n'éhntttve de vos
tacuttes audrtrves Lusage repete et haprtpet e un caseue ou d ecputeurs a un nrveeu rte vpturne spnpre
trop éteye peut donner t rrnpressron e t utrtrseteur oue te voturne sonore emts par t apparert n est pas
suttrsant Lutrtrsateur sere tente d augmemer‘ petrt a petrt, son regtage habttuely rrsouant arnsr
d‘atterndre un nrveau eangereux puur ses ererttes Ann ee prméger yptre saméy et vos UTETHES‘ verttez a
matmemr te vpturne rte ta sprtre (Esque fie trotre apparert a un nrveau adapté eta rnterrompre sen
utrtrsatron re’gutr’erernertt et partrtutrerernent sr des symptoms oomrne des trouhtes de l outer se
N utrtrsez pesto easouo ou tes ecouteurs pendant ta coneurte d une verture. d une orcyotette ou de tout
autre véhtcule mntartséy attn r! évtter tout acctdem de l? (Truta‘tton tn outre, H est tnterdtt dens cerlatns
pays rt utrtrser Am casque ou rtes émuleurs en candutsam tt peut etre egatement dangereux d étcmer a
votume c'lcvé tout en merchant. spéctalcmenl aux passages protons Soycz toutours cxtrémem prudent et
tassel e utrtrser eet apparert eans tes srtuatrens presentant des rrsoues d accident
Evrtez d utrtrser te casoue ou tes ecouteurs a veturne eteve' Les , ecrrts spe‘cratrstes de 1 audrtron
de‘conserttent une écoute cahtrhue a vaturrre trop e’tevé Sr yous percevez uh srtrtement darts tes oretltes.
re’dursez te yotume ou cessez t émule
Mammncz un vulumc a écuum madam Vnus puurrcz ams nmnndrc Ics suns flxmrmurs m cm auanm
aux gens quw vous cNourcnt
vmre prsdmt Crcahve accompagné ues écouteu's mums. est ccnmrme a la réglememalwn irangawse
cunternam {as haladeurs muswcaux [Arrété du 21. mum WQBJ Les (arstlsnshques {sthmques de ces
écoutcurs 5c [raw/mt dams {a manual on was el/ou SW m sue mmrne! de Ereaflvc Sw vous (hmswsscz
d unuscr un autrc casquc cu a autrcs Moumurs. m 1ch vous assurcr au prealabtc Que Leurs
caractensflques lechmques smem les mémes
B coorsemmmm c SaKONOflaTeflbCTBOM Poccmficxofi (Degepaumm Komnanm Creative
ycrauasnwsam mm nauuoro maapa cpoK cnyxsu 2 rona. YKaaawuufi CpOK — 3m nepwon
spemenm. a Teqewe Kovoporo Komnanm Creative rapanmpyeT sozmoxnocm
MCHOanOSaHMH npouyxumm s COOTESTCTHMM c as HaJHaHeHMeM. Kpome TDFO‘ so spew
amro cpoKa KOMnaNMfl Cream/e rapammpyev
(i) Gesonacnocrb Toeapa. m aoamomocm Bunonnewm ero peMonTa u nonyuew
temeuecKofi nomepxm (m) nocraany sanacnux wacTefi onnam ycvauosnenme cpoKa
cnymfibl He oanawaeT aBTOMaTm-{ecxoro Gecnnamoro npenocvaanem rexnmwecmfi
nomemu M oficnyxmaauw. 3m Emu ycnyr npenocTasnmoTcfi fiecnnamo wnw a
reuewle rapawmfiuoro nepMo/Ja a cooTBeTcTBMM c rapammuw ofiasaTenbcTEaMw
FCC Part ts Thls equtpment has heen tested and tpund to cpmply WHh the ltmtts tor a Class B dtgttal
deytce, pursuant to part ts at the FCC Rules These ltmtts are destgned te prdvtde reasonahle pretecttpn
agalnst harmtul tnterterence m a restdenttal nstallattpn Thls eputpment generates, uses and can radtate
radtp treduency energy and ti not tnstatled and used tn accordance wtth tnstruettons, may cause harmtul
tnterterence to radtp cpmmuntcattons However there ts no guarantee that tnterterence wttl not occur tn a
parttcular tnstallatton lt thts eputpment does cause harmtul tnterterence to radtd pr teleytstpn receptlun‘
yyhtch can he determtned by turnqu the eoutpment at! and on the user ls encouraged to try to correct the
tnterterence hy one or more ot the tollowtno measures
- Reortcnt or relocate the recctvtno antenna
lncrease the separattdn hettveen the aurpment and retetver
Connect the eoutpment tnto an outle on a ctrcutt dttterent trom that to whtch the recetver ts
Consult the dealer or an expertenceo raulu/TV techntctan tor help
Thls devtce compltes vytth part ta at the FCC Rules aperattpn ts suhyect la the tpllpwtng two cpndtttpns
This device may not Cause harmful lnterierence, and
Thts devtce must accept any tnterterence recetved, tncludtng tnterterence that may cause
undestred operatton
CAUTION To comply Wlth the ltmtts pt the Class E dtgttal devtce, pursuant to Part t 5 at the FCC Rules, thts
devtce must he tnstalled wtth cnmpmer equlpr’tem certttted \c comply tytth Class E ltmtts
All cahles used to cpnnect to the computer and penpherals must he shtelded and grounded Operattcn
wtth nonccerllrled computers or man'shlelded cahles may results tn tnterterenee to redo or televtston
MODIFICATION Any changes or mcdtttcattons not expressly approved hy the grantee pt thts devtce could
votd the user s authortty to operate the deutce
WARNING: Handltnq thts product may expose you to chemtcals known to the State at Calttornta to cause
cancer and htrth detects or other rcproducttvc harm
wash hands after handling.
Explanatory Note: Caltrornta Sate Dt tnhntq Wale' ant; toxtc Entortement At! ot was [Ptopostllon as)
tdoutrec spectal product laheltng tor products contatntng certatn chemtcals hnovvn to the Slate pt
Calttornta to cause cancer. htrth detects or other reproductue harm Creattvo has chosen to provtde a
tvarntng based pn tts tnpwledge apput the presence cr pne pr more ltsted cherrncals wllhaut atternpttnp tp
evaluate the level at exposure wtth Creattve s products, the exposure may he helcw the erppstttdn bi
level at umcm n‘ or could even he zero Howcycr, out or an ahundante at tautton‘ Creattve has eletted to
place the Proposttton 65 warntno on tts products
Declarattpn de la Proposttlan as de la Catttornie
AVERTISSEMENT: La mantputatrdn de ce produtt peut vpus exposer a des prodprts chtmtoues qul sont
reconnus par l‘Etat de la Caltrprnte cpmme puuvam prcypduer le cancer, des anomaltes cpnge‘nttales cu
d‘autres ettets nutsthles a la reproducttpn
Veuillez yous lave! [es mains aprés I’avoir manipuler.
Male exptitanve: La Rreposttton 53 lCatttornta Sate Dnnlttng Water and Toxtt Entoreement Act ot met de
la Calttornte sur les matteres dangereuses e l eat; po-ahle extge un e’ttouetage spe‘oal pour tes produtts
contenant certatns produtts c'ntmtques out sont 'e:unrtus par l Etat de la Calttornte comme pouvant
provoquer le (emery des anomaltes congenttales au d autres ettets nutsrhles a la reproducttpn Creattve a
chotst d tnclure une mtse en oarde s appuyant sur sa connatssance de la presence d'tm ou de plusteurs de
ces produtts chlmlques sans essayer d en eveluer le mveeu d exposttton Pour les produtts de Creattver le
ntveau d‘exppstttdn peut etre tnterteur au ntveau cnttaue e'tahlt par la erppstttdn as pu meme etre nul
Neanmdtns, par spuct extreme de prudence Creattve a chctst de placer l averttssement de la erppstttdn
as sur ses produtts
Thls Class B dtgttal apparatus compltes vvlth Canad an lCEs-Duz and RSSJlU
Cet apparetl numertoue de la ctasse a est contorme avx normes canadtennes NMBcflDfX et CNRchU
Thls devtee compltes Wllh lndustrv Canada mannerexemoz R55 standard
Dperatlon ls suhlect to the tollovytno two condtztons
This device may hoT cause harmful ThTeTTerehce, and
ms devlce musT actept ahy mler’erence recewed. mdudmg mlevlerence ThaT may (ause
uhdesTred dperehon
Ce: appareTT esT cnnfnrme eves ThdusTrre Canada RSS sTarrdard exemst de “(Erma
Son foncllonncmcm est sourms aux dcux (ondmcns sum-mos
Le matérTaT he peut e’Tre sdurce D lmerlérences 9!
Don eccepTerTouTes Tes ThTerfe‘rences requesr v comprTs ceTTes peuvam provoquer uh
funcflonnemenl ThdésTreabTe
CANADIAN cuss B STATEMENT ThTs drngaT dehce ddes hoT exceed The mass 5 TrmrTs Tar radTe horse
ermssmns Tram drngaT apparaTus as seT uuT Th The T’flerfsrencsrcausmg equrpmem sTandard enflfled
DTgTTeTAppareTus ‘ TUEsenua dfThe Department dT Cummumtaflofls
Ce: apparerT humerrque respects Tes TrmrTes de bruTTs recheLetmques appTrcahTes aux apparerTs
humerrques de mass 8 prestmes dahs Ta herme sur Te maTerreT brnuTHeur ApparerTs Numenques,'
NMBrDUG edlclee par Te rmhrsTre des Cummumcaflcns
MUDIFICATIDN Any changcs dr modlhtahuns ho: expressTy approved by The grahTee dT ThTs downs coqu
von The users auThprTTy To operate The deuce
TeuTe mddrhcaheh hoh approuve expTrnTerhehT par Te Teurhrsseur de Trcehce de T apparerT peuT ehTra’rher
TahhuTaTrun du dmn de T uTTTTsaTeur ”a uuTrser T apparerT
Thrs product camarms m The TuTwarhg
Marhs aperaTed prnduds Tar The Eurupeah warkm (amply wTEh Luw vdTTage DTrectTva znuu/
L VET/EC and Comrmssmn ReguTahehfsl TrhaTerhehTrhg DTrEchvE HUGS/SHED]
Commumcahon / RF wrreTess procuds rdr The European market campTy erh Rams
DTreva Tw/a/Ec
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cpmpuTer eqmpmem whreh meeT leh mass 8 TrmrTs
ALL cames used To (unmet! ThTs dewce mus: be smelded‘ grcunded and he Tanger Them 3m m LehgTh
Dperaflon WTTh Navrcemhed compdTers Dr mcorrect cables Tray resuT: Th ThTerTerehce To dTher dswces or
TrndesTred omens To The produd
MODIFICAYIDN Any Lhanges er madmmhuws ha: prrcssly approval] by Crcanvn Tunhnulngy Lummd m
ehe uT TTs arhhamd mmperhes (cum vmd [he uscv s Tvm ramy mu gumanmc r rghTs
T): dummmmn Tm .... mmumu lcvulmnmpuvu m uunuufirmwmTuwpuTruuuu 104th Tum.“
|»urTuTT-TuhcwmpT Hm“I|THlTT , T utlhcpwc r.”.T.»TT.TuhruhTrh. rm MTTTTT-Tpur
up. I1HYK,\(K|Y\,HIN1(I]R \'r mi“r
Cprhphes erh The reuuren‘ems dT The ACMA RadrdcdmmumcaT-ohs
[Etectmmagneht cdmpa erTrTyx 5Tahdard was
LTThTum rethargeame battery Ts a resource The: can be recycled
- For recyctmg pT embedded TrThrurh rechargeaeTe eanerres Tnsrde Cream/e pruducts, pTease dd huT
attempt Ta remave The banery Trerh The dame For recydmg rhmrmandh and Tflstruchom pTease 0
Ta Creame Medra K K eusTdmersuppa»T aT hTT creative cum su art cumad [Th Japanese?
- For recycuhg dT reptemeame TremovahTe] TrThrum rechergeeme heuerres
. u re recummended (u rerneve me reehergeeme eeuenes when mey ere ltu dlscharged
- Precauucn needs m be taken on metal parts err the bauery by mvermg mern wnh wsntalmn
mammals such as scutch tape
Reler m the homepage or JBRC for mtg—mum en recyclmg and recovery a! rechargeable
beuenes and suppomrvg shops
{URL hug [lwww hr: mml]
EEE Yunetmshgme uyqundur
mrarmenenmmsdommemssumeun; hangsmmmlnch Mcuesha!representalagv>=l0be buund Mme! msavumuu when": end us: hmnseagleemem
Vererun v u
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